Hotel SA February 2022

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Beer Excise: The Time is Now Ahead of the upcoming Federal election, the AHA continues to put pressure on all sides of politics for a 50% reduction on beer excise.

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The Federal Government says it promises lower taxes and that it wants Australians to keep more of the money we earn Despite that, it quietly keeps increasing the tax on draught beer each and every six months. • Australians pay the 4th highest beer tax in the world. And by next year, we climb up to the 3rd highest in the year when we overtake Japan. • On a standard keg, we pay $70 in tax directly back to the Government. We need that reduced to $35 per keg. • That drop represents a mere 2% of the massive $7 billion a year the Government collects in alcohol taxes. • Halving this hidden tax would see a drop in a pint of beer at our pubs by as much as 30 cents. The reasons we are actively campaigning for this cut are simple. After more than two years of COVID-19 strain - unlike aviation, building and travel agents - the Federal Government still has not produced a policy aimed directly for the benefit of our members.

DAVID SPEAKS ABOUT BEER EXCISE AND GREG FAHEY. Now is the time for change. Our on-premise has been smashed. Every beer poured into a glass creates jobs. We know it is the onpremise component of our business that is the most labour intensive. It is unfair a product that generates such a high degree of employment is so heavily taxed. It is a tax that hits our operators, our staff who pour the product, and our customers who enjoy it. Beer underpins the trade of our pubs, with beer accounting for 70% of our alcohol sales. AHA family-owned businesses

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provide places for people to socialise and create hospitality employment. So the next time your local member or candidate walks into your pub, ask them: • Do they support Australia having the fourth highest beer tax in the world? • Do they support your customers paying an extra 30 cents on every pint because of their tax policies? • Is it right for the Government to put up the price of beer through its taxation measures each and every six months? Back to Contents

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Hotel SA February 2022 by Boylen - Issuu