Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry
Live Music Needs Injection Many people were stunned when acclaimed Australian performer Ricki Lee announced to the AHA|SA Awards night crowd that it was her first live gig in 12 months. I looked around the room and saw most people shaking their heads in disbelief. Ricki’s one powerful sentence has shone a light on the plight of so many of our local artists. Music SA surveys constantly confirm that over 80% live music in SA takes place in a pub. We need each other, and we are both hurting. The news that some restrictions on dancing have been lifted is welcome news. It gives live acts and DJs a fighting chance to make a living. Now there is a golden opportunity for the State Government to make a real difference by introducing an uncomplicated voucher system, not riddled with red tape, that would support live music.
This section of our industry will be playing catch up for a long time yet, so let’s reinvigorate it now.
“I looked around the room and saw most people shaking their heads in disbelief.” JOBKEEPER- WHAT IS NEXT? I don’t need to inform those reading this column about how important JobKeeper has been.
• Model it on the highly successful Great State voucher scheme.
Many of our members ceased to qualify at the end of September; with the November closure and subsequent heavy restrictions serving as a painful reminder that they no longer had Government help.
• Venues register as a voucher venue.
JobKeeper is now legislated to cease at the end of March.
• SA artists register for a voucher.
This is a real concern for our members whose businesses rely on international tourism and the convention market.
Here’s how it could work:
• Voucher subsidises cost of the SA artist. There is no doubt that this would promote an uplift of live music. Space restrictions make the return to hosting music so much harder and such a scheme would encourage venues with 50% capacity to have confidence in booking live acts Musos can’t all be as talented and in-demand as Ricki Lee. Many eke out a living on off-peak nights in suburban pubs, waiting for their big break, and the vouchers would be a substantial benefit. 4 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
Rest assured that at the national level, the AHA is continuing to represent members at the very highest level of government on the importance of a targeted continuation of support for those most in need. Our argument comprises the following: • Our labour-intensive industry can only provide employment, which is a key government ambition, if the market exists! Back to Contents