Gaming Care Staff Spotlight NATARSHA STEVENSON MANAGER – GAMING RESEARCH AND POLICY WHEN DID YOU JOIN GAMING CARE? April 2021 WHAT ARE YOUR KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AT GAMING CARE? I will be undertaking research and policy activities in support of the important work of Gaming Care, looking at code and regulatory reviews, as well as liaising with Consumer and Business Services, the Office of Problem Gambling and the Attorney General’s Department. I will also be undertaking an industry research role for the AHA|SA. WHAT IS YOUR PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE? As a qualified lawyer I have worked across a number of industries, in both the private and public sectors, cutting my teeth in the world of corporate recovery and insolvency. Whilst in government I was employed in roles that had a strong focus on strategic policy and reform, and before joining Gaming Care and the AHA|SA I undertook a policy and government engagement role with another peak South Australian industry association.
WHAT’S SOMETHING READERS PROBABLY DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU? First impressions wouldn’t give it away, but I’m actually a bit of a daredevil – I’ve jumped out of a tiny plane at 14,000 feet and would love to one day cage dive with Great Whites! WHERE IS YOUR FAVOURITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION? Growing up I was very lucky to see a lot of Australia on family holidays, and so as an adult I have enjoyed heading off overseas whenever time and finances have allowed. I wouldn’t necessarily say I have a favourite holiday destination, but instead lots of favourite travel experiences – ordering like a local at Katz’s Deli in New York, riding in a water taxi on Venice’s Grand Canal, hanging out the side of a packed cable car in San Francisco and eating delicious prawn satays from the Lau Pa Sat hawkers in Singapore certainly top that list! IF YOU COULD ASK ANY THREE PEOPLE IN WORLD AROUND FOR DINNER WHO WOULD YOU ASK AND WHY?
Stephen Fry – he’s witty, charming, intelligent and a fantastic storyteller. Tina Fey – I love everything about her, especially her eye-popping sarcasm and political satire where no one is safe. Emma Thompson – I have always been in awe of her passion, eloquence and sense of social justice.
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