3 minute read
by Boylen
Sustainability Can Cut Costs
A five-person panel on sustainability left delegates with a better understanding of how sustainability measures can cut costs, not add to them.
Chaired by KESAB CEO Wendy Bevan, the panel also explained how hotels could gain an employment advantage by showcasing their commitment to good environmental practices.
Key advice:
Sarah Bruns, KESAB.
• Having worked in hotels, she stressed the importance of educating staff in a way they can relate to.
• Bring them along on the journey. Involve the people around you. Make it personal.
• Early wins can provide the basis for more ambitious measures.
• Just get started!
Claire Kneller, Managing Director of WRAP Asia Pacific
• Reducing food waste in hotels makes financial sense. Can be low monetary cost or no cost, but it will involve a time investment.
• Cited an example of a large hotel that halved its food waste in 15 weeks.
• The average benefit to cost ratio is 7:1. $1 spent saves $7.
• Over 70% recoup their investment in one year, and 95% in 2 years.
• Average site saved 4c on every dollar of COGS
• How to:
• Measure your food waste.
• Engage your staff
• Rethink your buffet – reduce food over production. Staff can tell you what foods are not eaten.
• Engage with suppliers about bespoke ordering. It cuts your food purchasing cost.
• Repurpose your excess food.
Jessica Wundke, Manager Policy Reform at Green Industries SA.
• Food waste diversion - get your waste into a composting system, rather than landfill.
• SA system is great and leads to the regeneration of soil in SA.
• Green Industries SA can assist, including tips and signage.
• Single use plastics: discussion around compostable options where single use can’t be avoided. (More on this in future issues of Hotel SA.)
• You won’t be perfect first time. Look back and reflect – what could we have done better?
• Make it a game. Make it a competition. Keep trying, don’t give up.
• Spoke about ‘how to win’ by reducing energy, waste etc to cut costs.
• About to launch a project with the AHA|SA. They have assessed 70 pubs of all sizes.
“The boring stuff” tends be simple and provides good returns:
• Refrigeration systems are the least maintained. Clean the filters and condensing coils
• Lighting – upgrade to LED because it uses 80% less energy and produces a lot less heat, so air conditioning does not have to work as hard.
• Calculate your greenhouse gas emissions footprint –government is mandating it for large business next year.
• How do you increase revenue from being more sustainable? Corporate customers want green accommodation. It gets included in their emissions data. Gives you a point of difference if you can provide this information.