Motor Trade February 2023 SA

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February 2023 Official Magazine of the Motor Trade Association SA/NT
Proudly sponsored by: Recognising top Apprentices who are passionate about the Aftermarket industry There’s $27,000 in cash and prizes to be won!* Entries close April 30, 2023 Nominate your apprentice at *Terms and Conditions apply. Visit for more information.

Apprentice Profile

For Paige Cole, embarking on an automotive career was nothing short of a step into the unknown, but now after three years she has not looked back.

Adelaide 500 Event

The MTA hosted a corporate trackside function in December to celebrate the return of the Adelaide 500.

Five Inflation Tips

Inflation is challenging to manage as the cost of parts, labour and other business inputs continue to rise. At worst, these pressures can bankrupt a company or employer.

An MTA member is promising to make an even bigger noise in the Australian Superbike Championship in 2023. Unitech Promising Big Things
04 Chair’s Report 06 CEO’s Message 07 MTA Hosts Paint and Panel Open Night 08 MTA’s Adelaide 500 Event a Roaring Success 09 Premier Recognises Important Role of the Motor Trade Association 10 Unitech Promising Big Things in 2023 12 Apprentices to Receive Training in Latest Heavy Vehicle Technology 13 Industry Advisory Council Leverages Insights and Sets Automotive Priorities 14 Federal Industrial Relations to Lift Wages, Improve Job Security and Close the Gender Pay Gap 15 A Message from the Hon Andrea Michaels MP 16 Opening Doors to the Automotive Industry 18 Social Media Tips & Tricks 19 Paige Cole, a Passionate Apprentice with a Promising Future 20 Life in the Fast Lane for MTA Apprentice 22 New Training Model Further Cements MTA’s Position as Leading Skills Provider 24 New MTA Members 26 MTA Drives Industry-Led Recycler Guidelines 27 Q&A with Darrell Jacobs, MTA’s new Chief Executive Officer 28 Industrial Manslaughter 31 Five Tips to Fight Inflation 32 Business Partners Index 34 Back in the Day with MTA 35 Member Classifieds 36 Publishing Details
in 2023
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Chair’s Report

As we look ahead to a new year the economic outlook for 2023 remains equally uncertain. Inflationary pressures have hit businesses and customers expect the same high level of service that you provide despite these evolving impacts on your bottom line. Add skill shortages and rising energy costs to this and businesses are presented with challenges on multiple fronts. From the MTA’s perspective this means members require the latest advice and advocacy to ensure they remain robust and viable.

Retail across 2022 recorded similar new and used vehicle sales, indicating that consumer demand remains strong. This also extended to agricultural machinery. Global supply chains are hoped to ease

in the coming months as China re-opens following its pursuit of a COVID suppression strategy which choked international markets. This presents an opportunity for local sales to continue resurging, in addition to parts becoming more readily available.

At the other end of the industry, skill shortages are persisting and service and repair businesses continue to have backlogs simply due to not having enough employees to complete work. It is not uncommon for business owners to be on the tools themselves, with less time to actually manage workplaces and associated red tape. This is particularly the case for regional businesses and another ongoing focus of the MTA this year will be skilled migration where positions cannot be filled locally to assist alleviate labour shortages. Equally, we need to have the right initiatives in place to attract people to an apprenticeship.

Like all sectors of our economy, skill shortages remain a significant issue for automotive. We must demonstrate to young people, as well as their parents, schools and influencers that there is a bright future in completing an apprenticeship. Our industry is full of opportunity but unless we convince young people of it they will not be rewarded with the exciting and rewarding career which we know it to be.

The MTA is committed to addressing this. Our own words must be matched by actions and this is why the association has invested in an Automotive Careers Mentor, supported in partnership with the State Government.

This important role will assist apprentices in the crucial first and second years which we know has the highest proportion of drop outs. This also complements further initiatives such as our school pathways program where we actively engage with more than 65 South Australian campuses, in addition to many other MTA programs.

On an operational level Darrell Jacobs has succeeded Paul Unerkov in the role of MTA SA/NT CEO, following unanimous endorsement by the Board. I have every confidence that he will rise to the occasion and he has already hit the ground running. Darrell has two decades of automotive experience and will provide the MTA with a strong knowledge base and connection to industry.

As part of this renewal, we have also turned our attention to implementing our new three-year strategic plan. We want the MTA to be recognised as the automotive trainer and apprentice employer of choice by the industry, government and public alike. As part of our longterm planning, the MTA must also stay at the forefront of automotive innovation. This includes electric vehicles where we eagerly await the Federal Government developing the inaugural National Electric Vehicle Strategy.

2023 will be another big year for our industry and as the only SA employer-based organisation dedicated to automotive, the MTA will continue delivering the same level of service members have come to expect.

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Advice on Spirit Super is provided by Quadrant First Pty Ltd (ABN 78 102 167 877, AFSL 284443) and issuer is Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238718), the trustee of Spirit Super (ABN 74 559 365 913). Consider the PDS and TMD at before making a decision. A copy of the Financial services guide for Spirit Super Advice is available at WeMoney names Spirit Super best fund for value As a profit-for-member industry super fund, everything we do is for your benefit. We're proud to be named Best for Value in the WeMoney Superannuation Awards. Our members enjoy outstanding value and truly personalised service.

CEO’s Message

As a new year begins, the extraordinary privilege of being appointed to the role of CEO of the Motor Trade Association SA/ NT is not lost on me. I have a clear vision for the MTA – to be the best automotive skills, careers and service provider. Building on Paul Unerkov’s tremendous work, I am committed to delivering this to ensure members can ultimately remain doing what they do best –running their business.

Coming into the role I bring sheer enthusiasm in representing one of the most important industries to the South Australian economy and South Australians at large. Classified as an essential service throughout the COVID-induced lockdowns, automotive keeps our

state moving. This is where getting the public policy settings right for automotive businesses is critical across retail, service and repair. Equally still, the MTA must be fit for purpose to deliver the key services to our members, those that train with us and business who employ our apprentices.

To meet this goal, the MTA is revitalising our internal organisational structure. As part of our vision for the association to be the best automotive skills, career and service provider we are synergising our resources in 2023 and beyond.

On a practical level for members and MTA customers, we are integrating our field operations across training, employment and divisions. Our goal is to support your business better by having more representatives in industry, understanding the key issues and helping solve them as quickly as we can.

I’m also excited to be rolling out the MTA’s new apprentice training and skills development model. This new blended model of training, which commenced just a few weeks ago, is an exciting initiative where apprentices will be provided more practical support, greater flexibility and additional time with their host business. This new model is a direct result of industry consultation with MTA members. It will mix on-site and workshop learning and importantly will result in trainers visiting apprentices and employers to work together for the best outcomes for all. There will also be the added benefit of assisting businesses who we know are dealing with acute labour shortages by giving back more of their apprentice’s time to the workshop.

Moving forward, I look forward to leaning on the guidance of our Chair, the Board, the Industry Advisory Council and all members as we navigate ongoing policy priorities, including skills shortages. The transition to zero and low emission vehicles will also present new opportunities for the industry but we must ensure that this transition does not adversely affect local businesses. The MTA will stand shoulder to shoulder with industry in this regard, whether it’s advocating to all levels of government on your behalf or helping your business prepare to sell, service and repair new vehicles.

While I have already met a number of Government Ministers and members of parliament, their staff and key stakeholders, I look forward to continual engagement and open and honest conversations that can strengthen both the Automotive Industry and South Australia. For members, I am committed to making sure you have access to the very best workplace relations services. Most MTA members have been with us for more than ten years and may not have called upon our expertise to assist them, but they know that the MTA will always be there should an issue arise. In my view having this confidence and peace of mind remains essential.

Over the coming months I look forward to engaging with as many members as I can. As an association we are only as strong as our membership. This includes our MTA Board, Industry Advisory Council and Chairs of each Divisions and Zones. My door is always open as we strive together to develop the MTA to be the best automotive skills, careers and service provider.

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MTA Hosts Paint and Panel Open Night

The MTA recently held its inaugural Paint and Panel Open Night at the Royal Park Training Centre.

The new concept aimed to promote the opportunities available to school leavers in the crash repair sector. The event was designed to get MTA trainers, industry representatives, automotive business specialists and the recruitment team in front of students, parents and school leavers in an informal and relaxed environment.

Nearly 60 people, including parents, attended the event, with more than 20 participants confirming their interest in taking the next step towards gaining an apprenticeship.

MTA CEO Darrell Jacobs said with local businesses facing acute labour and skilled shortages, it was more important now than ever to attract the next generation of skilled tradespeople.

“It was great to have such a strong response from students and schools as we showcased the diverse and exciting careers available to them across the automotive industry,” he said.

“Personally, I think paint and panel is one of the most exciting trades in the industry – I love painting and I think panel beating has an art form to it.”

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MTA’s Adelaide 500 Event a Roaring Success

The MTA hosted a corporate trackside function in December to celebrate the return of the Adelaide 500 after the association’s members had been a driving force behind its revival.

Having the MTA front and centre of the Adelaide 500 reinforced its central role as an industry leader and the strength of the automotive body. It was equally an important opportunity to recognise the tireless efforts of members after two years of COVID-induced challenges.

With standing room only, representatives from across the automotive industry joined Premier Peter Malinauskas, Leader of the Opposition David Speirs and special guests to celebrate the return of the race to South Australia.

Throughout his address to members,

Peter Malinauskas explained his own vision for the rapidly evolving automotive industry. He took questions from the floor and directly answered concerns. Thoughtprovoking topics included fuel and retail theft, which the Premier said he would raise with the Police Commissioner, and business and workshop preparedness for electric vehicles.

The MTA is committed to providing this direct and ongoing access to decision makers to ensure members can continue doing what they do best – running their business.

The overall four-day event was deemed a success by Adelaide 500 organisers, with more than 258,0000 fans attending to ultimately see a Holden win the race at its final Supercars event. This included the

MTA guests who received Friday admission as part of their ticket to the trackside function.

“Supercars and racing enthusiasts alike had been patiently waiting for the return of the Adelaide street circuit. It was a tremendous success and reinforced the critical, wider role the automotive industry plays in keeping South Australia moving,” said MTA CEO Darrell Jacobs.

“We know South Australians love their cars and motorcycles and having this permanent fixture now locked in until 2026 will help to shine a spotlight on the vehicle retail, service and repair industry.”

Darrell also took the opportunity to introduce himself for the first time at a large member event, outlining his commitment to the industry before he commenced as CEO in January.

“I look forward to representing the industry and working with governments to continue to make the automotive industry a vibrant, visible and viable one for many years to come,” he said at the time.

“Harnessing the passion and immense amount of knowledge that lies across the MTA membership and the industry is imperative to this.”

The MTA looks forward to hosting a similar trackside breakfast this year to build on the success of 2022 and highlight the best of the automotive industry with members and wider stakeholders. | Back to Contents 8 ADELAIDE 500 EVENT

Premier Recognises Important Role of the MTA

The Premier of South Australia Peter Malinauskas thanked the MTA for its contribution to the state at the Adelaide 500 trackside function in front of MTA members and industry leaders.

The comments came as members celebrated the return of Supercars where the Premier said that motoring ran in the veins of South Australians.

“The Adelaide 500 is a symbol of the automotive industry and the MTA plays an important role in this,” the Premier said.

“It is more than just a hobby –it’s part of our cultural identity and the MTA is central to this

and the thousands of automotive businesses and jobs across SA.”

The Adelaide 500 was an election pledge by the State Government where its commitment become a reality with more than 258,000 people attending the event over the December weekend.

MTA SA/NT Chair Frank Agostino thanked Premier Malinauskas for his support of the industry.

“We look forward to ongoing engagement to discuss how we can further assist and grow opportunities within our exciting industry,” he said.

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Premier Peter Malinauskas addressing the MTA Adelaide 500 Breakfast in December 2022.

Unitech Promising Big Things in 2023

South Australian Superbikes team

Unitech Racing is promising to make an even bigger noise in the Australian Superbike Championship in 2023.

The boutique team, formed in 2016 by MTA members Peter and Donna Hoeymakers, helped steer Adelaide Yamaha rider Arthur Sissis to a sixthplaced finish in the 2022 season, 14 points clear of his nearest factory rival. Now, they’re daring to dream of the ultimate success.

“I hope Arthur’s on the podium at every race meeting. I do believe we can achieve that,” Donna said.

The season culminated with the 27-year-old achieving his first podium finish in the final meet at Tailem Bend.

“It just lifted all of us - it was just fantastic and it was fantastic for him. I think he’s had his doubts over the time.”

Big things too are tipped for junior riders Samuel Pezzetta, 17, and Cameron Rende, 16, who will feature in the Supersport 300 series.

“I think for Samuel we can achieve first or second at every race and hopefully he wins the championship.

“And for young Cameron I think we’ll see him progress, at the moment he’s probably midfield. I think he’ll be up the front end of the field by the end of the year.”

Unitech has slowly but steadily been winning admirers from its peers and rivals for its ability to punch significantly above its weight in a

sport where winners traditionally are determined by the weight of sponsorship dollars and the merits of the manufacturer’s bike.

“When we first came along to the paddock (the pit area) not many people would look at you or talk to you,” Donna said.

“But I guess now they see that we’re still there and at the last race meeting we heard the commentators say ‘Unitech racing team is bubbling away in the background. They’re on a limited budget and all their riders are in the top of their field’.

“I think we’ve earned a lot of respect because they know our resources are limited and we are beating factory teams.”

They’ve done it, starting from scratch, scrounging together every sponsorship dollar they can, with a team full largely of volunteers who help keep two dreams alivehusband Peter’s to work in the sport and Sissis’ to keep riding in it.

“He’s the most naturally talented, gifted rider many people have seen but unfortunately, little old South Australian, here in Virginia, hard to get sponsorship within our state, it was very hard to keep him there.”

Sissis’ father approached Peter when the money ran out to keep his Moto Grand Prix career afloat.

The Hoeymakers already owned Hoey Racing, a well-established motorcycle suspension business in Pooraka. But it was about to chart a whole new course.

“Peter and I had always had the dream for him that he could be involved with Superbikes.

“Once Sissis’ father realised that Pete and I were in it for the long haul and dedicated to the cause, things changed from there.

“Our philosophy is we saw a need here within this state because of Arthur’s story that young talented riders cannot make it overseas because there are too many


The first and ever constant challenge remains money, and it prompted Donna to enrol in a sponsorship course, netting the team $25,000 in its first year.

“We’ve relied on lots of people giving bits and pieces of sponsorship. We still need a few more just to relieve that load a little bit from some of the others but it is difficult,” Donna said.

The Hoeymakers’ maiden foray into the world of professional motorsport was anything but glamorous. The MTA members now compete against the best of the best.

“We did it very economically, people camping in swags, we didn’t book accomodation. Just had to trailer it across as best we could to the other states and did it on a really, really tight budget.”

Theirs is a team where virtually no-one is paid.

“Most everyone on our team are volunteers, we’ve probably got about 25 personnel in total.”

Data technician Scott Heyes from Edge Competition in Brisbane has been flown in from Queensland for the last two years.

“He just charges us half rate and that’s his sponsorship to the team. “We do, out of our sponsorship, pay for a couple of mechanics to come from Queensland which is a bit sad because we’d rather be a South Australian team as such but we had to have dedicated people that would be there and committed to every round.”

The sport’s lack of media exposure remains a constant frustration to Donna and works against her desire to secure more financial support and local people on the ground to work with the team.

“That’s my biggest grump,” she said. “If it’s not football or a couple of other sports, you don’t hear much about it whatsoever.

10 | Back to Contents UNITECH RACING

“Young Samuel Pezzetta who rides for us, some of his family came along for the first time and they were blown away. They’d never seen the sport, they’d never seen how exciting and thrilling it is.

“These people were saying ‘how come we’ve never seen this before?’

“That really resonated with me. It’s like, the general public don’t know about it, they don’t see how exciting and thrilling it is.”

While the sport works hard to promote itself, it doesn’t seem to cut outside its own supporter base, attracting new fans and sponsors. But switch up from two wheels to four and it’s a different story.

“I don’t know why Supercars should have the peak of it all because it’s the same thing to us.

“As someone said to us, ‘you guys are participating in the equivalent of the V8 Supercars with the bikes but we don’t get the publicity and we don’t get the sponsorship from the bigger companies and I don’t know why that is.”

Unitech’s biggest need right now is a truck to help ease the pressure of

travelling around the country.

“That will save Pete a lot of time and energy because every time we’ve got to go to a race meeting, we’re taking six bikes so that means three vehicles, three trailers, loading, unloading, toolboxes, tubs of equipment so that’s a lot of physical work. If we had a truck, we could leave a lot of things in the truck.

“We’ve been trying to say to Yamaha ‘you need to do a little bit more to help us’.”

Donna would also love to see more new blood keen to join pit crews.

“There’s not enough people learning how to do the data, how to be technicians how to be mechanics.

“It’s very intense on race day. We’re chasing like not even a tenth of a second, less than that which is massive in the scheme of things. Every little thing you do in the pits is about getting that little extra fraction of a second.

“To teach young people that is a good thing.

“A lot of people on our team are older people. As some of us are getting older, we see the value of having young

people on the team too, so it is very important that we train people up.”

But even if that influx of young mechanics materialises, Unitech is content with its place in the Superbikes landscape and has no plans to expand, even if it means losing riders to bigger teams.

“We don’t have the personnel to maintain another bike at race meetings, that would take a whole new level of management.”

The trick now is to somehow make it more sustainable.

“We all love doing this but it does cost our businesses when we’re away.

“I think the buzz about our team within our state is really good and there have been a lot more young riders joining the national circuit because of our team and what they learn from us.

“As a result of that, a lot of people within our state then come in and bring business to us also.

“We just have to find the magic ingredient where we can make money off the race team.”

11 Back to Contents | UNITECH RACING

Apprentices to Receive Training in Latest Heavy Vehicle Technology

The MTA has acquired a new Scania R560 truck through a partnership with Scania Australia to support the MTA's Heavy Vehicle training. The new truck will provide an invaluable benefit for the MTA and will significantly aid in providing our upcoming Heavy Commercial Vehicle Technicians with appropriate, relevant up-to-date equipment to learn on.

“We are very grateful to acquire this Scania truck, which has a variety of new systems that our older training trucks don’t have,” said Scott Hahesy, MTA Skills Manager Heavy Vehicle / Regional.

“It has the latest emission controls, engine controls, ADAS features and more. This will enable our apprentices to get hands-on, relevant experience in maintaining and repairing a working truck with the latest technology.”

With continued demand for truck technicians, the MTA continues to play a key role in upskilling and training the next generation of workers for these essential roles. Once qualified with a Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology (AUR31120) or Certificate III Automotive Electrical Technology (AUR30320), there are

multiple career paths to follow within Scania, both in Australia and within the global network.

“I’m a heavy vehicle mechanic myself and I understand the importance of training apprentices,” said Greg Quick, Scania’s State Manager for SA/NT.

“Getting skilled tradespeople is quite difficult at the moment so Scania is very much committed to this. We have taken on two apprentices this year. In fact, we have been doing this for the last 10-15 years. We home grow our own. They’ve then become team leaders and managers within our business so it’s very important to support the training organisations to assist us to train our staff for the future. We are very committed and happy to be a part of it as well.”

Lachlan Fotheringham, MTA Skills Manager of Light Vehicle, Electric Vehicle and Paint and Panel, said the MTA was eager to see apprentices undertake practical training on equipment they can expect to work on when they enter the industry.

“With the addition of this new and exciting truck, the MTA will continue to develop apprentices and increase the number of skilled and qualified technicians,” he said. | Back to Contents 12 MTA TRAINING
MTA CEO Darrell Jacobs with apprentices.

Industry Advisory Council Leverages Insights and Sets Automotive Priorities

The MTA’s peak policy-making body, the Industry Advisory Council, met for the final time in 2022 last November where it was joined by Leader of the Opposition David Speirs.

The Liberal Party Leader outlined his vision for the automotive sector and importantly also heard the priorities of our members. This included questions on energy and power prices, apprentice training funding and the ongoing role automotive retail, service and repair businesses play in the South Australian economy. Given recent public discussions on vehicle safety, the ability for members to informally discuss and meet with Vincent Tarzia, the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, was also well received.

The next Industry Advisory Council meeting will be held later this month.

Vincent Tarzia, the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, with former MTA CEO Paul Unerkov and MTA Member Mark Papillo. Leader of the State Liberal Party David Speirs.

Federal Industrial Relations to Lift Wages, Improve Job Security and Close the Gender Pay Gap

As 2023 came to an end, the Federal Government enacted extensive reforms to industrial relations by way of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill. These changes are some of the most significant amendments to the Fair Work Act (“the Act”) since its commencement in 2009. Different areas of reform will commence on different dates, with the first changes having already commenced on 7 December 2022.

The most significant changes to be aware of are listed below, together with their commencement date:

Prohibiting Pay Secrecy

Many current employment contracts contain clauses requiring employees to keep their remuneration confidential. Such clauses are now prohibited.

Employees now have a workplace right to share information about their pay and their employment terms and conditions that would be needed to work out their pay (i.e. their hours of work) if they choose to. Employees are also free to ask other employees about that information, but an employee is not forced to disclose the information if they do not want to. An employer can’t take adverse action against an employee for exercising their right to tell someone their salary.

From 7 December 2022, any terms in existing contracts concerning pay secrecy will have no effect. Further,

any new contract entered into that contains a pay secrecy clause will contravene the Act.

Job Advertisements

Penalties will be applied to employers who advertise employment opportunities listing a rate of pay that would contravene the Act or an award. From 7 January 2023, if you plan on advertising a rate of pay with a job listing, be sure to seek advice on the applicable salary rate.

‘Zombie’ Agreements

Currently, enterprise agreements made prior to the introduction of the Fair Work Act continue in operation after their nominal expiry date until they are terminated by the Fair Work Commission or replaced with a new enterprise agreement. Such agreements are commonly referred to as ‘zombie’ agreements.

If your workplace has such an agreement, employees must be advised in writing (before 7 June 2023) that the agreement will be terminating. The new laws provide for the automatic termination of these ‘zombie’ agreements on 7 December 2023.

New Protected Attributes

From 7 December 2022, an employer must not take adverse action against an employee, or prospective employee, because of the employee’s gender identity, intersex status, or because the employee is breastfeeding. Adverse action includes refusing to employ the person, dismissing the employee, altering an employee’s position, or discriminating between the employee and other employees.

This makes the Act consistent with other Commonwealth antidiscrimination laws that already outlaw such behaviour.

Sexual Harassment

To complement other legislative amendments that already ban sexual harassment, a new provision has been inserted into the Act making

it unlawful for a person to sexually harass another in the workplace. This includes circumstances where the harassment involves a PCBU, an employee, or a prospective employee.

Where a person alleges they have been sexually harassed, they may apply to the Fair Work Commission to deal with the dispute. Also, a vicarious liability provision means that a business owner may be liable for the acts of sexual harassment committed by their employees.

Businesses should ensure they have adequate policies regarding sexual harassment and that they conduct training with their employees on expected standards of behaviour before these provisions come into effect on 6 March 2023.

Flexible Working Arrangements

Currently an employee in certain circumstances can request in writing to have changes to their working arrangements. The employer then has 21 days in which to respond to the request, which may be refused on reasonable business grounds. The new laws, which commence 6 June 2023, expand the types of employees that can request flexible working arrangements to now include pregnant employees and employees experiencing domestic violence. An employer will now also be required to discuss the request with the employee. Finally, if the issue cannot be resolved in the workplace, the Fair Work Commission will have jurisdiction to hear any disputes.

Fixed Term Contracts

From 6 December 2023, employers will no longer be able to employ a person on a fixed term contract that:

• Is for 2 or more years (including extensions)

• May be extended more than once, or

• Is a new contract:

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• That is for the same or a substantially similar role as previous contracts

• With substantial continuity of the employment relationship between the end of the previous contract and the new contract, and either:

• The total period of the contracts is 2 or more years,

• The new contract can be renewed or extended, or

• A previous contract was extended.

Some exceptions apply, including where the fixed term contract is for a training arrangement (i.e. apprenticeship). Finally, from 6 December 2023, employers will have to give employees they’re engaging on new fixed term contracts a

Fixed Term Contract Information Statement.

Given the breadth of changes to the Act it is understandable if employers need clarification on their responsibilities to their employees. Any queries can be directed to the MTA Workplace Relations Team on free to contact the MTA Workplace Relations Team on 8291 2000 or

A Message from the Hon Andrea Michaels MP


It’s been great working with the Motor Trade Association since being appointed Minister and I certainly value the relationship we have established.

I’m very mindful of the challenges business owners face when trying to access support from government and looking for tools to assist them to further develop their skills and grow their businesses.

That’s why in August last year I established the Office for Small and Family Business (OSFB) within the State Government. The OSFB is a destination to access resources, programs and tailored assistance in one place, as well as provide a conduit to information and services across government.

At the OSFB launch, I also announced the development of a Small Business Strategy for South Australia. The Strategy will guide the Government’s policies and programs to support and empower small businesses over the next four years.

To develop the Small Business Strategy, we conducted one of the most extensive engagement

programs ever undertaken by the State Government. Key insights were released late last year, while the Strategy is being developed for release in the first half of this year. Further information about the Office for Small and Family Business and the Small Business Strategy can be found at

You may recall that new laws for motor vehicle insurers and repairers were passed by SA’s Parliament in December 2021. Since forming Government, regulations have been developed in consultation with the MTA and other key stakeholders, with the changes to commence in the next few months.

The new requirements aim to improve consumer protections by increasing awareness of relevant interests between insurers and repairers. In practical terms, this means that when starting or renewing an insurance policy, a policy holder must be advised whether they have a choice of repairer or not, and at the time of making a claim, they must be advised if the insurer has a financial and/or contractual

relationship with the recommended repairer/s.

The Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct will also become mandatory in SA, which is aimed at assisting not only consumers but small business repairers too.

The MTA raised concerns with me about the potential for vehicles with hidden damage, such as flood damage, to be offered to unsuspecting consumers via private sale. Accordingly, we have developed a joint education campaign to raise consumer awareness when buying a used car, highlighting important consumer protections when buying from a licensed dealer. More information about the campaign, including links to the two videos, is available at

I wish Paul Unerkov well with his retirement and I look forward to continuing our great relationship with the MTA through new CEO, Darrell Jacobs.

I also wish all of you, your families and your teams all the very best for a happy, safe and successful new year!

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Opening Doors to the Automotive Industry

The MTA is committed to highlighting the important role of our industry, and as the peak body, continues to regularly host a number of guests to demonstrate the range of career opportunities across automotive.

The MTA’s Royal Park Automotive Skills and Careers Centre hosts the latest technology in a modern workshop, with an interactive and hands-on experience no ordinary classroom could ever replicate. School visits in particular are often a huge success, where the Pit Stop

Challenge and remote-control cars are favourite activities.

The association is continually demonstrating the work of the industry whereby, the MTA is now synonymous with all things automotive. When people think of our industry – they think of the MTA.

Students and visitors alike are often impressed with the diverse opportunities within automotive. Young people can see first hand that they can get a job, they can have an apprenticeship and they can have

a future in an exciting industry. We need to entice the next generation into this rewarding career path.

The MTA has apprenticeships available in the industry for anybody with a desire and willingness to learn. Today’s apprenticeships are at the cutting edge of an innovative career, where pioneering technologies are developing new opportunities, including for electric vehicles, but also right across the spectrum of trades and qualifications like never before.

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The MTA’s Andrew Parkes with staff and teachers from St Patrick's Technical College. Enthusiastic students from Clontarf Academy recently visiting the MTA Automotive Skills and Careers Centre. Group members from the Smith Family trying their best with our hands-on presentation.

Compare your merchant service today.

With Commonwealth Bank, MTA SA/NT members can receive special discounts on EFTPOS solution.

We can also offer a customised comparison^ of your current merchant service to Commonwealth Bank’s merchant solutions, to help you discover which product is right for you. We have flexible terminal and pricing options to suit your needs today and that can change with you in the future.

To find out how much you could save with Commonwealth Bank, contact MTA SA/NT on 08 8291 2000 or email and they’ll put you in touch with a Commonwealth Bank Relationship Manager.

Things you should know:


Commonwealth Bank merchant cost comparison is available to compare all fee types & competitors. As this advice has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should, before acting on the information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Different assumptions and estimates could result in materially different results. On this basis, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy of the information or projections contained in this example.

Fees, charges, terms and conditions apply. Please view our Merchant Agreement, Financial Services Guide and Operator and User Guides at MTA SA/NT may receive a referral fee from Commonwealth Bank of Australia for each successful referral (excludes existing customers) on eligible Business Banking products and services.

The target market for this product will be found within the product’s Target Market Determination, available at

Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945.

Social Media Tips & Tricks

Social media can help your business engage with a wide range of current and potential customers without needing to spend too much money! With over half of the world’s population using social media- this is a great place to increase brand awareness, create real human connections and stay top of mind.

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Highlight business specialties

Demonstrate your businesses unique selling point.

Use video content over static images

On average, people retain 95% of what they see in a video versus an image.

Feature your staff

Creating content to showcase the expertise of your staff is a sure way of build trust with current and potential customers.

Good photos go a longer way

People are more likely to engage with good quality images. Avoid using a flash and utilise natural light where possible.

This can be done by providing answers to frequently asked questions and behind the scenes of your daily activities.

Feature your customers

Take the opportunity to get photos or capture reviews of your satisfied customers to share on your social

Post regularly and schedule your posts

It is always a good idea to create a content calendar to map out your content planning


Paige Cole, a Passionate Apprentice with a Promising Future

For Paige Cole, embarking on an automotive career was nothing short of a step into the unknown, but now after three years she has not looked back.

A fourth year Light Vehicle Mechanic Apprentice at the MTA, she is currently employed at BMW Adelaide.

Paige had no prior auto experience when she enrolled for her apprenticeship but she remembers always being fascinated by cars.

“I bought my first car at the age of 16. It was red and shiny and I didn’t want anyone else to touch it.”

Paige was hired by the MTA following her interview and was accepted into an induction course to learn the fundamentals. She received a call from her Automotive Business Specialist at the time asking if she would like to attend an interview. Paige agreed and Adelaide BMW later hired her for the next six months.

Franco Albuino, her Automotive Business Specialist at the time said, “Paige was always enthusiastic and committed to her training. There was no doubt in my mind that an employer would embrace her qualities and abilities.”

For Paige, her unfamiliarity with cars was matched by a determination to give it her best shot, regardless of what the outcome may have been. She now enjoys building her confidence day-by-day.

“No one in my family was handy with cars and were afraid to touch them,” she recalled.

“I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself and was very eager to learn. This apprenticeship gave me a new direction in life.” And her advice for other women interested in the automotive industry is clear.

“It doesn’t matter what gender you are,” she said. “Everyone at my job is very supportive. Their strengths also complement mine.”

“I can reach stuff that most guys can’t since I have little hands and the boys can help me if I need assistance lifting things.”

“If you can follow directions, you can complete an apprenticeship.

“It’s easier than you might think. Every day is unique and it can occasionally be stressful however it can also be very exciting.”

Paige’s Service Manager Adam Martin said, “In 23 years of working in dealerships, Paige is one of the best apprentices I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. She’s always eager and willing to learn, has good work ethic and is the first to arrive and last to leave. She puts most of the guys to shame.”

Paige’s goals are to complete her apprenticeship at the MTA before pursuing additional training at BMW to receive her certification by the manufacturer. She would then have the opportunity to travel to Germany for further training.

“When there’s a problem, you can spend a long time trying to figure it out but when you finally solve the issue you have that knowledge forever,” she said.

Outside of her apprenticeship, Paige enjoys reading featuring builds in magazines and watching YouTube channels such as Mighty Car Mods and JDM cars.

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“I saw it as an opportunity to challenge myself and was very eager to learn. This apprenticeship gave me a new direction in life.”
“It doesn’t matter what gender you are... everyone at my job is very supportive.”

Life in the Fast Lane for MTA Apprentice

Lachlan Munzberg never imagined his passion could take him from the paddock to a pit crew but in three short years his drive has seen him working on a professional racing team.

Lachlan, a fourth-year apprentice at the MTA who is currently undertaking an apprenticeship in Agricultural Mechanic Technology, was the winner of New Holland Australia’s Apprentice of the Year Award for 2022.

His enthusiasm and work ethic were recognised by his Manager at Vater Machinery in Nuriootpa SA who nominated him for the award. New Holland Australia then flew Lachlan to Banyo, Brisbane where he was given the exciting opportunity to meet the team at Triple Eight Race Engineering HQ.

Different to working on his usual tractors and harvesters, Lachlan joined the Red Bull Ampol pit crew to set up the car for an infamous win at the Adelaide 500 and Holden’s final race. He also helped prepare Shane van Gisbergen’s car for the Adelaide 500 and did some testing on their Gen3 Camaro.

“Learning from the team and seeing how everything operated, from their manufacturing department all the way to placing stickers to the cars was an eye-opening experience,” he said.

“A typical day would involve working in each of the different departments to see exactly what

each of the teams work on. They showed me through their advanced manufacturing where they manufacture different parts for Supercars.”

Lachlan explained how it was a once if a lifetime opportunity, all of which was only possible through his MTA apprenticeship.

“I did a lot of aerodynamic setup on Broc Feeney’s car and worked on Shane van Gisbergen’s car as well. Working with the mechanics, observing how the subassemblies were functioning, taking various tours, speaking to different people and having lunch with the other mechanics and engineers each day was a blast,” he said.

“It was great to see Broc Feeney’s car win the last Holden race and Shane’s car claimed the season victory as well!”

Lachlan has always had a strong passion for cars and how things work. Lachlan’s father also watched Motorsport on television on the weekends, which sparked Lachlan’s interest in cars even further.

His advice for anyone interested in problem-solving and helping others is to apply for an apprenticeship.

20 | Back to Contents APPRENTICE PROFILE
Lachlan with his Manager, Bruce Dutschke, from Vater Machinery.

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New Training Model Further Cements MTA's Position as Leading Skills Provider

The MTA has officially launched its new training model!

“The new training model rollout has been a huge success and wellreceived by trainers, apprentices and employers,” said Jodi Ryan, MTA General Manager Apprenticeships.

“There has been an absolute hive of activity and excitement down at the Royal Park Automotive Skills and Careers Centre. The students are really impressed with how easily accessible their course content is through the new learning system and Ready Skills App.”

It is a key priority for the MTA to equip the next generation of automotive technicians with the necessary skills to succeed in an evolving industry.

This new model was developed in consultation with MTA members and industry around skill shortages,

training downtime, and the need for the integration between training and the workplace. The updated model seeks to improve trainer-employer communications and engagement and return more of the apprentice’s time back to the workplace.

“It will improve workforce capacity and productivity by having apprentices spend more time at businesses and blends institutional learning with workplace assessments to provide them with a broader skill set,” explained MTA CEO Darrell Jacobs.

Benefits of the new blended training model includes the following:

• Individualised training support with face-to-face MTA Trainer visits to the apprentices’ workplaces on a regular basis

• Apprentices obtain more handson

experience at the workplace, supplemented with efficient and streamlined trade training

• Improved employee workforce with apprentices spending more time in the workplace being productive

• Additional student learning and workplace evidence collection opportunities to support development of skills

• Introduced our own online student learning portal, which combines both theory and practical in an easy- to-use system that is mobile and responsive

• The learning portal is accessible to both students and employers anytime, allowing easy access to all learning material to support apprentices

• Employers have the option to be in the driver’s seat along the

22 | Back to Contents MTA TRAINING
Following nine months of preparations, the MTA’s new blended model of training has commenced.

apprentice learning journey, supported by the MTA

• Exceptional mentorship and career guidance from both the MTA Trainer and Automotive Industry Career Mentor, ensuring apprentices stay on track to graduate

• Students have access to all learning material for their year level, allowing them to collect evidence in line with day-to-day workplace tasks

• Access to the MTA’s state of the art Electric Vehicle Centre

• Access to the MTA’s Air Conditioning Training Centre

• Apprentices can enrol and start training with the MTA at any time throughout the year as we have a rolling intake. No need to wait for entry into our training facility

• Comprehensive half-day inductions for all new apprentices to prepare them for training at the MTA and in the workplace

• Employers and students are fully supported through each student journey with the MTA.

Having apprentices access online learning content and undertake learning activities at their workplace means there is greater capacity at the MTA’s training centre. This ultimately allows the MTA to increase its training capacity and in turn address the current and future skill shortages facing the industry.

MTA Member John Siciliano from Axle Co Mechanical said he was excited about the new training model.

“Ultimately, the less I lose my apprentices, the better, ” said business owner John.

“Axle Co Mechanical is bigger than

just John now. Customers are calling and asking for Dominic and Liam (two MTA apprentices employed at Axle Co Mechanical). I rely on my apprentices a lot and I can’t have them tied up at the training centre constantly.

“With the dedicated MTA trainer visiting every four to six weeks, it will also keep me more informed around what my apprentices are learning on a weekly basis.”

This is a pivotal moment in the MTA’s training history. This new approach to automotive apprentice training will ensure the association keeps growing, protecting and supporting the automotive industry through the association’s efforts to adequately equip the next generation of automotive mechanics and technicians with the skillsset to thrive in a rapidly-evolving environment.

23 Back to Contents | MTA TRAINING
John Siciliano of Axle Co Mechanical in Prospect.

New MTA Members

The MTA is the only employer-based organisation dedicated to protecting and growing South Australia’s automotive retail, service and repair industry. Meet some of our newest members. | Back to Contents 24 NEW MEMBERS
Jono from Minisport  Keval from Crystal Air  Lakhwinder (Lucky) from City Motor Repairs  Kieran from Powerauto Mechanical and Auto Electrical  Ranjeet from Pilot Automotive  Nelson from Nelson Scott Correll Mark from Parkers Crash Repairs Victor Harbor  Saurab (Sam) from Plan B Automotive
MTA197.1SEP22 Our hosting fees will cover your apprentice’s superannuation, annual and sick leave, personal development, safety gear and tools, counselling services, wages and payroll tax. If you are looking for a well-supported automotive apprentice, the MTA’s GTO can assist you. call or email 8241 0522
Apprentice Recruitment Solution The MTA is making apprentice hiring easy for automotive businesses so you can get on with running your workshop. F L EXIBILITY VALUE PEACEOF MIND
is your

MTA Drives IndustryLed Recycler Guidelines

From its conception in January 2020, the MTA has led the development of the Auto Recyclers Guideline. It is a practical framework that can assist businesses to minimise the risk of environmental harm.

Now published by the Environment Protection Authority, the MTA was the driving force behind its policies. The Guideline will also serve as a useful tool to improve industry standards as a whole beyond just MTA members. The development of these guidelines is also an important step towards an end of life vehicle policy through industry-led best practice.

Taking steps to implement the principles described in the Guideline will enable businesses to demonstrate that appropriate measures have been adopted to prevent real or potential harm.

The MTA will continue advocating on behalf of business so we can help them to improve their stewardship and their profitability. You can view the Guidelines on the Environment Protection Authority’s website 


After his first month in the role, new Motor Trade Association CEO Darrell Jacobs has hit the ground running. Despite perhaps being new to some members, Darrell’s experience in the industry extends multiple decades and his interest in all things automotive began at a young age. In this question and answer, he reveals his commitment to the association and where he views his priorities for 2023 and beyond.

positions at the MTA. Paul and I worked closely together at the MTA for the past three years, so having this internal transition will provide continuity as we move forward.

After your first month in the top job, what has surprised you about the MTA?

First and foremost I will be helping oversee our new training model introduction which commenced in January. It is an exciting initiative where apprentices will be provided more practical support, greater flexibility and additional time with their host business. Apprentices will complete their trade at our training centre, online and in the real-world. This new model is directly a result of industry consultation with MTA members and feedback regarding skills shortages, course downtime and a more integrated approach between education and the workshop.

I would also be remiss if I didn’t include a change of ownership vehicle inspection scheme under my policy objectives. The reality is today more than ever, second hand vehicles are being sold privately over social media platforms often with no inspections on safety or other items. This results in unsafe vehicles being driven on our roads and significant money being spent by buyers of the vehicles to rectify other issues.


might be new to the role of CEO but you’re not unfamiliar with the industry and its members are you?

Succeeding somebody like Paul Unerkov will always be difficult due to his long-term service to our industry but I am looking forward to this invaluable opportunity. I believe we must continue supporting our members, address critical issues such as skill shortages and drive the sector as a vital part of our local economy. To do this, I will be leveraging my own experience in our industry over two decades. This includes as the Head of Marketing at Mitsubishi Motors and more recently across a number of General Manager

The thing that has probably not surprised me, but has been reinforced, is the range of expertise MTA members and our MTA staff possess. Automotive runs through the blood of our 1300 members and almost 100 employees. The old saying goes that you are only as good as the team around you and harnessing this passion and immense amount of knowledge will be imperative in our ongoing training, advocacy and workplace relations. More broadly in my day-to-day role, I have also been impressed with the willingness of government and other key stakeholders to work closely with us. I look forward to building these relationships and working together to strengthen our industry.

What are your priorities for this year and beyond?

The automotive industry has fought long and hard to improve motorist safety, consumer protections and level the playing field for automotive businesses. Without such a scheme lives are unnecessarily being placed at risk, consumers are being deceived and backyarders are undercutting those who play by the rules.

I am also excited to be leading the MTA through the innovation revolution that is sweeping our sector. From infrastructure to propulsion systems and policies there is a lot to consider as the industry transitions over the foreseeable future.

What is something MTA members might not know about you?

I am a son of a publican, a golf tragic and have a sizeable matchbox car collection!

27 Back to Contents | NEW CEO Q&A
Q&A with Darrell Jacobs, MTA’s new Chief Executive Officer

Industrial Manslaughter

It appears that there will be a new law introduced by the South Australian Government.

Criminalising industrial manslaughter has been a commitment from South Australian Labor since 2018 and in November 2022 they released the draft Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill (“the Bill”). While the safety of employees is paramount, the MTA maintains that existing work health and safety legislation, as well as criminal manslaughter laws, are sufficient. Nevertheless, given this Bill is likely to become law, it is important for MTA members to be aware of their WHS responsibilities and the potential increased penalties should a workplace incident result in an employee’s death.

Current WHS Obligations

Any breaches of WHS obligations may currently be prosecuted under three (3) categories:

Category 3 applies in circumstances where:

• a person fails to comply with their health and safety duty.

Maximum penalty:

- Corporation: $500k

- PCBU or an officer of the PCBU: $100k

- Individual (including worker): $50k

Category 2 applies in circumstances where:

• a person fails to comply with their health and safety duty; and

• the failure exposes an individual to a risk of death or serious injury or illness.

Maximum penalty:

- Corporation: $1.5m

- PCBU or an officer of the PCBU: $300k

- Individual (including a worker): $150k

Category 1 applies in circumstances where:

• a person, without reasonable excuse, engages in conduct that exposes an individual to whom a health and safety duty is owed to a risk of death or serious injury or illness; and

• the person is reckless as to the risk to an individual or death or serious injury or illness.

Maximum penalty:

- Corporation: $3m

- PCBU or an officer of the PCBU: $600k and/or 5 years


- Individual (including a worker): $300k and/or 5 years


New Offence

The Bill amends the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 by including a

28 | Back to Contents WORKPLACE RELATIONS

more severe, industrial manslaughter offence, stating:

A person (being a person conducting a business or undertaking, or an officer of a person conducting a business or undertaking) commits an industrial manslaughter offence if—

(a) the person has a health and safety duty; and

(b) the person engages in conduct that breaches that duty; and

(c) the conduct causes the death of an individual to whom that duty is owed; and

(d) the person is reckless or grossly negligent as to the risk to an individual of death.

Note: Grossly negligent involves:

• Such a great falling short of the standard of care that a reasonable

person would exercise in the circumstances; and

• Such a high risk of causing the death of an individual.

The maximum penalty for the new offence is:

- PCBU or an officer of the PCBU: 20 years imprisonment

- Corporation: $15m

This maximum penalty is similar to other industrial manslaughter offences around the country:

• VIC – Individual: 25 years

– Body corporate: $18.174m

• QLD – Individual: 20 years

– Body corporate: $13.785m

• WA – Individual: 20 years and $5m – Body corporate: $10m

• ACT – Individual: 20 years

– Body corporate: $16.5m

• NT – Individual: Life (non-parole period of 20 years) – Body corporate: $10.205m

Comments on the Bill

1) MTA has queried the need to need to introduce a new offence of industrial manslaughter. The existing crime of manslaughter is contained within section 13 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935. This section has successfully been used by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in securing a conviction in relation to the charge of manslaughter against an employer in an industrial setting. This case involved in the prosecution of the owner of a trucking company. A driver of one of his trucks crashed as a result of malfunctioning brakes, which the owner was aware of, resulting in the driver’s death. The business owner was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Given the availability of current offences, the MTA considers it unnecessary to introduce a further offence.

2) Should industrial manslaughter laws be introduced then the

MTA maintains that only the most egregious workplace incidents should be prosecuted under such laws. However, the MTA is concerned that the Bill allows an alternative conviction in circumstances where prosecutors have been unable to prove the offence of industrial manslaughter. This may encourage prosecutors to ‘overcharge’ defendants in the knowledge that if unsuccessful, they can still succeed on a lesser charge.

3) Whilst category 1-3 offences in the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 apply to any person that has a health and safety duty (including workers), the offence of industrial manslaughter is drafted such that it is only applicable to people that constitute a PCBU or an officer of a PCBU. The MTA is of the view that if industrial manslaughter offences are to be introduced that it should apply to every person (including workers) in the business.

The likely introduction of industrial manslaughter laws will now mean that employers face considerable penalties in the event that an incident results in an employee’s death. That said, MTA members are reminded that as a business owner there are already strict WHS laws which already require compliance. This is a timely reminder for business owners to review their current workplace policies, identify any hazards in their workplace, and rectify any deficiencies urgently.

If you require any assistance with identifying hazards in your workplace, or ensuring that your workplace policies are best practice, then please contact the MTA Workplace Relations Team on (08) 8291 2000 or email

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Have your say! Come and network with other like-minded members to discuss what matters to you Automotive Dealers Association 10th FEB Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Farm & Industrial Machinery Dealers Association 24th FEB Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Automotive Dismantlers 2nd MAR Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Licensed Vehicle Dealers 16th MAR Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online General 23rd MAR Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Towing Services 30th MAR Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Commercial Vehicle Industry Association 12th APR Click here to register for meeting MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online Divisional Meetings MTA209.1FEB23 MTA Apprenticeships Motor Trade Association of SA/NT Are you staying up-to-date? Make sure you’re following us on social media so you don’t miss out on social-only content! South Coast 8th FEB Click here to register for meeting Seaford or online South East 15th FEB Click here to register for meeting Naracoorte or online Upper North 22nd MAR Click here to register for meeting Jamestown or online Riverland 30th MAR Click here to register for meeting Berri or online Hills & Murraylands 13th APR Click here to register for meeting Mount Barker or online Yorke & Mid North 15th JUN Click here to register for meeting Wallaroo or online Zone Meetings Having trouble registering? Click here Join the MTA today to unlock access to services, call 8291 2000

Five Tips to Fight Inflation

Inflation is challenging to manage as the cost of parts, labour and other business inputs continue to rise. At worst, these pressures can bankrupt a company or employer, as seen recently in the building sector with its rapidly rising costs. However, looking back at past inflationary periods, some businesses have actually reported increased profits. This should be your goal. Here are five tips to help you weather the storm and keep your business healthy and profitable.

Analyse the Impact of Inflation on Your Business

Inflation can impact your business in several ways. As mentioned previously, rising costs are the most obvious risk – but not the only one.

• Rising input costs may force you to advance purchase more stock to beat future price rises, which can hurt cashflow. As we all know, good cashflow management can keep a struggling business afloat, while poor cashflow management can sink a profitable business.

• If you have outstanding debt, it may become more difficult to repay as interest rates rise with inflation.

• Inflation can also cause sales to decrease as prices rise and people have less discretionary income. If you don’t have access to historical data, speak with an MTA member who has been through the cycle previously. Adjust the numbers in your

forward forecasts and see how you might be affected under different demand scenarios.

• Price increases will be one of the tools you can use to offset costs, but how price sensitive are your customers? This also needs to be factored into forward projections.

Monitor Your Expenses and Cut Costs Where Possible

Knowing exactly what is happening with your fixed and variable outflows is critical to staying in control of inflation, rather than falling victim to it.

Rising costs can sneak up on you, as they have a cumulative effect. They erode profits, but counter measures can be taken to retain your margins. Here are a few ideas:

• Get tough on waste and drive it down

• Look for ways to improve efficiency and be open to new ideas from your staff

• Consider changing suppliers

• Renegotiate your fixed expenses

• If your cash position is strong, seek discounts for early payments

• Streamline your business processes to reduce costs.

Adjust Your Pricing

As a general rule, customers are far more accepting of price rises during inflationary periods. They don’t like it – but they understand it.

If you haven’t reviewed your pricing for some time, now is the time. You may find that your margins have already been slipping and by carefully increasing prices, you actually become more profitable. It can be a difficult balancing act; trying to remain competitive while also staying profitable.

If you have a fixed-price contract, you may want to consider renegotiating it to reflect new costs or pricing structure.

Streamline Your Business Processes

In the current post-Covid environment where there are still supply constraints throughout the economy, inflation may be coupled with longer wait times for deliveries, more expensive transportation, and other challenges. To avoid unnecessary delays and costs, it would be beneficial to streamline your business processes.

There is also merit in simplifying the business processes you can control. Done correctly, removing complexity can help improve efficiency and reduce costs without hurting quality. Optimise your supply chain and consider using more efficient transportation methods, such as consolidating shipments. You may also need to improve your inventory management system to reduce the cost of carrying inventory.

Take Advantage of Technology

As inflation increases, you should work smarter to take advantage of technology that will improve efficiency and save money. Tech projects are not without pain – but inflation provides the motivation to push them through. An example would be software to automate your billing and reconcilement process, or other areas, such as business intelligence tools to better forecast sales and manage inventory.

Finally, maximise the tech you already have. As an example, make the most of your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to improve customer engagement. CRM updates today are invariably focused on automating steps in the marketing and sales funnel, and automating communications across fragmented user groups. You might be able to use profiling tools on your CRM to identify clients that are the least likely to reduce spending when prices rise and target campaigns to this group.

FOLIO PLACEHOLDER 31 Back to Contents |


The MTA offers ultra-competitive EFTPOS transaction rates for members through our partnership with Commonwealth Bank. Please email  and we will put you in touch with a CBA business banking representative.


Services to MTA members at the sessional rate of $145 plus GST (discounted rate) plus a small retainer to cover promotional materials etc. Convenient locations include: Adelaide, Bedford Park, Christies Beach, Salisbury, Mount Barker and Murray Bridge. Phone, Zoom and face-to-face appointments available.


MTA members can benefit from environmental compliance advice, briefings, training and on-site assessments. GreenStamp is an accreditation program that recognises and promotes businesses which have implemented sound environmental practices.


The Officeworks partnership gives business pricing only available to MTA members on a wide range of office essentials. By signing up to a 30 Day Business Account you will receive free delivery across South Australia including regional areas (excluding large or bulky items).


Capricorn Society Limited is the largest independent automotive parts buying co-operative in Australia, providing the majority of parts and services to mechanical workshops, service stations and crash repairers throughout the country. Call toll free to find out how you can save your business both time and money. Pay your membership through Capricorn!


MTA Print is your one stop shop when it comes to your printing needs – we are more than just business cards! We are small run digital & offset specialists, with services including motor trades stock stationery, forms & products, printing, digital advertising and social media, special product sourcing (you ask, we find), books, pads, sequential numbering and perforation for invoice books, job cards, flyers, stickers (service & lube as well), booklets and training manuals. MTA members get a 20% discount on all products.


Spirit Super is the national industry-based super fund that has proudly served the motor trades and allied industries for over 25 years. We make administering super simple and efficient. It’s what makes us the preferred choice of over 40,000 employers. Call 1800 005 166 or visit support-for-your-business  You should consider the PDS in making a decision.


When you host an apprentice through the MTA, you don’t have to worry about advertising, interviewing, medical checks or being the legal employer for the Contract of Training. We shortlist based on the criteria you set, meaning we’ll find you an apprentice that is right for your business. Forget WorkCover, payroll tax, annual leave, sick leave, training fees, wages and super - we’ll take care of that. And there’s more - MTA Field Officers also conduct regular workplace visits and contacts to ensure you and your apprentice have the support you need.


The MTA can provide WHS & HR workplace inspections and provide recommendations and support to fill the gaps required.


MTA offers Upskilling courses to upgrade the skills of qualified automotive technicians. Courses include Air Conditioning, Forklift, Hybrid & Battery Electric Vehicles, Recognition of Prior Learning, SRS Airbags, and Wheel Alignment. Members receive a discounted price on courses.


MTA offers courses designed to help manage staff, ensure compliance, navigate the complex regulatory environment and tackle difficult workplace issues. Courses include: WHS and Safe Work Compliance | Performance Management | Misconduct Investigations and Discipline | Paying Staff Correctly | Debt Recovery | Consumer Law | Emergency Fire Warden Training | Members receive a discounted price on courses.

Commonwealth Bank 13 22 21

Access Programs Employee Assistance Program 8215 6799  GreenStamp 8291 2000 

Officeworks mtasa  Capricorn 1800 EASIER (1800 327 437)

MTA Print 8179 9907 

Spirit Super 1800 005 166 

MTA Group Training Organisation 8241 0522 au 

MTA Audits 8291 2000 

MTA Registered Training Organisation 8241 0522 

MTA Training 8291 2000 




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Back in the Day with MTA 1969

The filtration system employed by modern motor vehicles has largely countered the potential impacts of dirt on internal componentry of engines. However, it remains a risk that always needs to be managed.

Back in the day with older cars, people would gently pump the brakes to slow down or stop. Now, technology has been developed to do it better than most humans can.

In contemporary vehicles, sensors on each wheel provide feedback to a central computer in fractions of a second, enabling it to handle pulse braking far more quickly and effectively than a person can while preventing the wheels from locking. (When you skid, it’s considerably more difficult to steer effectively.)

In 1969, the two millionth Holden was manufactured and driven off the production line. Sadly, the iconic Australia brand would cease vehicle and engine production by the end of 2017 in South Australia. According to many in the car industry, this was the end of an era in car manufacturing in Australia. | Back to Contents MOTOR TRADE



JABIRU SERVICE STATION are looking for an experienced mechanic to join our fully equipped workshop. Great outdoor lifestyleCamping, Fishing, Golfing, Hiking, 4WD. Accommodation provided. Above average salary provided, tool allowance and additional AANT wages for call outs. 2.5 hours to Darwin. Salary negotiable for experienced candidates. Current HR Licence. Send resume to 

PARADISE MAZDA is on the lookout for a qualified automotive technician to join our supportive, friendly, results driven team. If you’re looking for the next challenge in your automotive career, then please get in touch today. Phone 08) 8337 3377 or email your resume to careers@

DO YOU WANT A WORK-LIFE BALANCE? Do you want to be home every night? And do you enjoy your weekends? We have a mechanical position vacant at VAC JET n TRUCK in Whyalla SA. If this sounds like you, contact us today on (08) 8645 9485, we would love to hear from you.

BAROSSA VALLEY TOYOTA – Multiple fulltime positions available within our award winning, locally owned family business. Opportunities include Apprentice Automotive Technician, Automotive Technician, Accessory Fitter. Become a valued team member in our newly renovated dealership and fully equipped workshop. To apply, email 


- Preferably with brake experience for the remanufacturing of Power Brake Units, Calipers and Air Valves. 38 hours per week Monday to Friday. Power Brakes has been in business since 1957 and is located at Gilles Plains. Please contact Ian Hall on 08 8261 0888.

EXPERIENCED SENIOR MECHANIC REQUIRED for small and busy Darwin city workshop. Lots of daily variety, all vehicle servicing, manufacturing a variety of cables onsite, clutch and brake specialists. Rate of pay negotiable with demonstration of experience. Check out our website www.pkservicecentre.  for photos and contact details.

Send resume outlining experience to

FULLY QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC. Wingfield, South Australia. Full time employment with overtime available. Above award salary $40-$50 per hour. Ph 08 8465 7380 or email resume to


Employment Opportunities - Mechanics –Parts Interpreters – Apprentices. Across all sites - Kadina, Crystal Brook, Strathalbyn. Contact Amanda on 0428 833 117 or email

SPRAY PAINTER & ASSISTANT WANTEDCasanova Crash Repairs is a privately owned collision repairer operating from Kent Town. We require the services of qualified spray painters with experience in painting late model and prestige vehicles using water borne paints. Pays attention to detail and able to work unsupervised. Contact Charbel 0411 507 558.

MOTORCYLE TECHNICIAN NEEDEDWell above award wages. Great working hours 8.30am-4.30pm, no Saturdays. Modern workshop. Great place to enjoy working. Northern suburbs. Resumes to

If you’re good at what you do, you can work anywhere. If you’re the best at what you do, come work at Auto Masters South Australia. Soon to be 23 branches. Please email your resume to Tara at recruitment@automasters. 

FULLTIME PANEL BEATER POSITION –Experience necessary. Great working conditions, modern and up to date workshop. Wage negotiable. Contact Glenn Forbes at Plympton Crash Repairs - 0418 830 705 or email 

HAMILTON AUTOMOTIVE GROUP located in Somerton Park seeks additional Mechanics through to Senior Diagnostic Technicians. Monday to Friday hours only. We offer security of tenure, interesting & varied work, career advancement opportunities and a friendly working environment. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Applications to

POSITION VACANT - QUALIFIED LIGHT VEHICLE TECHNICIAN – come to the country for a simpler life! Mazda & Nissan Dealership in Bordertown and Naracoorte. Part time hours considered if preferred. Contact Karen 0428 170 992 or email

Willing to assist with moving expenses.

REDARC is an Australian family-owned business experienced in advanced electronic design, manufacturing, and supply of highquality automotive solutions. REDARC is dedicated to building a skilled team who love what they do and will use their expertise to communicate the REDARC Difference. To learn about employment opportunities, see our website

NORTHBANK MARINE & CHRISTIES BEACH MARINE in Adelaide’s south produce some of Australia’s finest boats. We require a number of qualified trades to join our team in both locations. Applicants must have experience in the marine industry, a good work ethic and a high level of self-motivation. Call Mel on 0409 188 252 for more information.

SPARE PARTS INTERPRETER & HEAVY VEHICLE TECHNICIAN – Full time positions exist within our parts and service teams. Ongoing training and support from our dynamic team and OEM suppliers. Relocate to a company where employees are treated like family. Full details via careers  or contact Donna on 08 8752 0077 or 

KC AUTO ELECTRICS in Alice Springs is looking for a Qualified Auto Electrician, above award wages. Please contact Ken for more information on 0408 897 860 or kcracing@


BUSINESS FOR SALE - Bridgeland Motorcycles is a long established motorcycle dealership located in Murray Bridge. Hosting three premium Japanese brands - Honda, Suzuki & Yamaha - we trade from a modern, prominently positioned commercial premises. Bridgeland was established 37 years ago with the current owner trading since 2001. Enquiries to the vendor, Jacquelyn Short, at jacque@  or 08 8532 5722.

June 2023 Motor Trade magazine: Email your listing of no more than 50 words to Madelaine at  by Friday 12 May 2023.


787-WHEEL BALANCER: Suits car, 4WD and light truck wheels, wheel lifter attachment, with accessories, excellent condition, $2700. Contact John at Adelaide Brake & Mechanical (08) 8349 9934.

ALTERNATORS $47 HEADLIGHTS $44 DISC BRAKE ROTORS $28 RADIATORS $81. CHEAPEST PARTS IN SA - 7 Days a WeekLonsdale, Elizabeth and Gillman. DOORS $108 TAIL LIGHTS $43 GAS STRUTS $15. Stock List online at 

THE DIRT OFF ROAD CAMPERS has Adelaide’s best and largest range of premium off-road hybrid vans. Multi Award Winning Dealer. More details go to

 or visit our showroom at 26 Light Cres, Mt Barker SA.

FOR SALE OR LEASE - Chigros Motors Pty Ltd Renmark. Used car business in prominent location. Corner Renmark Avenue and Sturt Highway. Approx. 2600 square metres. John is retiring after 51 years of successful business. P 08 85864060.


U-PULL-IT PAYS CASH FOR CARS – We want cars in any condition: crashed, damaged, scrapped, running or not running. FREE REMOVAL - Call Justin on 0408 782 480 for an instant cash price and same day collection, visit | Back to Contents 36 A FREE ADVERTISING SECTION FOR MTA MEMBERS Association Information MOTOR TRADE ASSOCIATION CHAIR Frank Agostino CEO Darrell Jacobs GM AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS Jason Polgreen GM APPRENTICES Jodi Ryan GM MEDIA, MARKETING & POLICY Kaes Cillessen Official publication of the Motor Trade Association L1, 81 Greenhill Rd, Wayville P (08) 8291 2000 Toll Free 1800 882 046   Publishing Information BOYLEN 3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton ADVERTISING LAYOUT Madelaine Raschella Elliott P (08) 8233 9433 

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