year report 2010

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1. Executive summary: impact of BOZAR in 2010


2. The cultural project BOZAR 2010 a. Festivals b. General programming: highlights c. BOZAR INTERNATIONAL d. Mediation and public activities e. Publications f. BOZAR & partners

4 4 18 28 31 32 33

3. Rental to external organisers




5. The organisation


6. The core numbers


7. Short explanation of the juridical statute and the management agreement



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total number of visitors


1. Executive summary: impact of BOZAR in 2010 The Centre for Fine Arts is today the largest multidisciplinary cultural centre in Belgium. ‘Largest’ in terms of its wide cultural offering, its overall budget and number of visitors. The size and impact of a cultural centre can be expressed in figures. And there are lots of them in the present report. But the impact of arts and culture cannot be reduced to figures alone. The key words in our offering are quality, diversity and dialogue: the quality of the programme for each discipline and that of the experience; the diversity of artists, cultural traditions and visitors; the dialogue and interaction between disciplines and cultures. Interdisciplinarity and interculturality are almost hard-wired into a house of many rooms like the Centre for Fine Arts, a cultural city at the heart of the multicultural metropolis of Brussels. This transnational approach calls for an organization that is equal to the task. And for a sustained artistic policy. All this involves, first and foremost, exchanges between people.


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Each year over 1 million visitors arrive at the Centre for Fine Arts, not only from the larger Brussels area, but from all over Belgium and from neighbouring countries. And the exhibitions themselves come from several continents. International tourist guides are unanimous in their praise for BOZAR. Significantly, more than half of our exhibition visitors cited the exhibition as the main reason for their travelling to Brussels. In 2010, even more than in previous years, the Centre for Fine Arts placed itself firmly on the international cultural map. As an exhibition producer we were active in different parts of the world. Many of our exhibitions and festivals are put together with foreign partners, often as part of long-term collaborations. More and more BOZAR exhibitions are taken up by foreign cultural centres. In 2010 our exhibitions travelled to Paris, London, Milan, Istanbul, Mexico City, New York and Beijing, strengthening our international network, enabling the pooling of expertise and giving us additional brand awareness and a radically new outreach. In 2010 the Centre for Fine Arts brought the world to Brussels. Three continents – Latin America, Africa and Asia – stood in turn at the centre of attention. To celebrate the 200 years of Mexican independence and the 100th anniversary of the start of the Mexican Revolution, we organized the ¡Mexico! Festival in cooperation with the Mexican Embassy in Belgium and the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Eye-catcher and crowd favourite was the exhibition Frida Kahlo y su mundo, which alone brought in 118,314 visitors. By comparison, europalia.china in 2009 attracted 110,783 visitors. 2010 was also the year of Africa, in which the Congo, along with 16 other African states, celebrated 50 years of independence. With Visionary Africa, BOZAR linked the African heritage with today’s artistic dynamism. This project continues on the African continent under the title of Art at Work. To mark the 8th ASEM Summit (Asia-Europe Meeting), the Centre for Fine Arts organized A Passage to Asia, for which treasures from no less than 15 Asian countries left the continent for the first time. In September 2010, the Centre for Fine Arts became the sole non-museum partner member of the Asia-Europe Museums Network (ASEMUS). Recognition indeed for our pioneering approach. The list of our own productions is a long one. Next to the exhibitions, the concert season remains our second anchor with 250 concerts a year and a diverse repertoire from the Middle Ages to today, including world music and electronic music. Film represents an annual 40 events, 130 projections and 17,000 spectators, performing arts around 30 performances and 10,000 visitors, while our literature programming mobilizes around 5,000 people a year. The rich programme requires us to manage and operate a financial and business model with a complexity that reflects regional, federal, European and international levels. The Centre for Fine Arts is not just a centre that slurps up tax money, but an institution that contributes to the economy and employment. The estimated economic impact for Belgium of the Centre for Fine Arts amounts to almost 60 million euros a year. For every million euros that the government invests in the Centre for Fine Arts, it gets a solid return:

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• 40 cultural events, • around 80,000 visitors from home and abroad, • approximately 5 million euros of economic impact, • 17 full-time equivalent jobs at BOZAR and many more in supplier and other companies. The visionary building that architect Victor Horta conceived in the 1920 is at once a major asset and a source of concern. The restoration and renovation of a building require a patient, phased approach. Ten years after the closing of the old restaurant, the Centre for Fine Arts again features a gourmet brasserie on the Rue Baron Horta. BOZAR BRASSERIE was one of the important worksites and achievements of 2010. Today it is drawing a new public, not least from large companies in the upper town. Based on a long-term vision, the following other building works have taken place from 2002 to 2010: • renovation of the north and south roofs: EUR 25 million • renovation of the Henry Le Boeuf auditorium: EUR 12.5 million • renovation of the BOZAR BRASSERIE: EUR 5 million • the new Terarken rooms: EUR 3.7 million • renovation of the CINEMATIEK: EUR 3.6 million • restoration of the three foyers: EUR 2.1 million • a new security and heating system: EUR 1.6 million • development of the master plan, preliminary studies and other works: EUR 1.7 million The interplay between the overarching cultural project, the unique building that is recovering its former lustre and adapting to contemporary wishes, needs and international standards, and its extensive partner network at home and abroad are making the Centre for Fine Arts more and more into an inspiring cultural centre in the capital of Europe.


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2. The cultural project BOZAR in 2010 When composing the new artistic season, BOZAR takes a double approach: the autonomous projects per discipline on the one hand, and the short as well as the long-running transversal programmes, on the other hand. The interdisciplinary and intercultural work method, that is by its nature truly international, has become more important than in previous seasons. Therefore, we will first give an overview of our festivals, followed by the autonomous programming per artistic department. Exhibitions determine the rhythm of the BOZAR-season. They define the line that often runs through several years and form the backbone of our emphasis on the European artistic heritage and the dialogue with other cultures. Central to the large, transversal projects is an exhibition that demonstrates influences and exchanges, departing from a period, area, and/or artist. In a geographical focus, the Centre for Fine Arts presents the living culture of the region parallel to the main exhibition.

a. Festivals ¡México! Festival (16/01 > 25/04) In the context of the celebration of 200 years of independence and the 100th birthday of the beginning of the Mexican revolution, the Centre for Fine Arts organised the ¡México! Festival in collaboration with the Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta) and the Mexican Embassy in Belgium.

« C’est à Bruxelles, au Palais des Beaux-Arts, que le Mexique a choisi d’organiser sa plus grande manifestation européenne en l’honneur de ces deux anniversaires. Au total, six expositions incontournables et de nombreuses activités sont proposées aux visiteurs pour leur faire découvrir le visage du Mexique d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Le public belge pourra même faire connaissance avec la ‘lucha libre’, une forme assez spectaculaire de catch qui est très populaire au Mexique. » (Isabelle Wegnez dans La Gazette Diplomatique, mars 2010)


Frida Kahlo y su mundo - 16/01 > 18/04 The eye catcher was the exhibition Frida Kahlo y su Mundo, with 26 works from the private Mexican museum Museo Dolores Olmedo. The unique presentation introduced the staggering artistic and social contribution by Frida Kahlo to the Mexican people. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO and Museo Dolores Olmedo, Xochimilco. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Visitor guide: 120,000 copies. Number of visitors: 118,288. Exhibition design: architect office 51N4E. ‘De verzameling in Brussel, die later dit jaar door zal reizen naar Berlijn en Parijs, vat Kahlo’s artistieke psychische levensloop krachtig samen.’ (Serge van Duijnhoven in Vrij Nederland, 03/02/2010)

Alebrijes – 11/02 > 25/04 Mexican folklore, which is still important in contemporary Mexican society, also received a place in the festival. In collaboration with the Museo de Arte Popular (MAP), the so-called alebrijes were shown: brightly coloured dolls representing wild animals, pets, or fantasy creations. Coproduction: Museo de Arte Popular, México. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: 44,472.


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Imágenes del mexicano – 11/02 > 25/04 Imágenes del mexicano, the largest historic exhibition of the festival, presents an overview of Mexican history in 150 works by Mexican and other artists. The central theme was the search for identity from the pre-Columbian period to colonialism and independence. With works by Hermenegildo Bustos and modern masters such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Frida Kahlo, films by Sergej Eisenstein, and photos by Tina Modotti. Curators: Dafne Cruz Porchini and Luis Adrián Vargas. Coproduction with Mu-

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seo Nacional de Arte de México. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: 31,775. With catalogue. El Horizonte del Topo / The Mole’s Horizon – 11/02 > 25/04 This exhibition addresses current events in Mexico and the Mexican art scene. Ten young video artists create critical works on the Mexican festivities and the extolling of the official Mexico. Production: BOZAR EXPO. Curator: Ruth Estevez. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: 4,741. EXPO – PHOTOGRAPHY

Mundos Mexicanos – 11/02 > 11/04 Mexican photography was emancipated during the 1970s. A ‘photo community’ emerged in which photographers and artists collaborated in representations of diversity and contrasts, inherent to the cultural life of Mexico. Exhibition with 25 contemporary photographers. Coproduction with Centro de la Imagen. Curator: Frank Vanhaecke. EXPO - ARCHITECTURE

Mexican Modernisms – 11/02 > 11/04 Luis Barragán may be the most famous, but he is certainly not the only representative of modernist architecture in Mexico. A wondrous look at the pure lines and raw functionality, Made in Mexico is based on detailed plans, impressive photo enlargements, and documentaries. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian Architectural Review, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta), Society of architects. Curators: José Castillo and Wonne Ickx. Visitors guide: 10,000 copies. Number of visitors: 12,200. CINEMA

The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo - 24/01 - 25/02 - 04/03 - 04/04 Following the exhibition, this film by Amy Stechler Burns not only gave an impression of the tumultuous life and art of Frida Kahlo, but also of the time in which she lived. Panorama of the New Mexican cinema 01/04 – 30/05 In April and May, BOZAR CINEMA offered 20 films in an overview of the new Mexican cinema. THEATRE

El Automóvil Gris – 17/04 Claudio Valdés Kuri is one of the most important directors in Latin America. He is a multidisciplinary theatre director par excellence. Kuri and his Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes were invited to mount the productions El Automóvil Gris and El Gallo.


artistic manifestations and events


Contemporary Mexican dance - 19/03 Three representatives of the contemporary Mexican dance scene presented their work in a Belgian première: Montserrat Payró with Punishment to the movement; Evoé Sotelo with Danza Mínima (a2/v3) and Eleno Guzman Gutiérez with El Buit (The Hole). LITERATURE

Jorge Volpi: Roberto Bolaño and the new Latin American literature - 01/04 The young Mexican author Jorge Volpi held a discourse on the new Latin American literature boom that emerged after the posthumous success of Roberto Bolaño and his cult novel 2666. MULTIDISCIPLINARY EVENTS

Music & Poetry El paraíso de la poesía Canto del vivo / Canto del muerto – 20/02 Five Mexican poets presented a dialogue with musical improvisations by Los Camperos, a legendary trio of son music. Juan Bañuelos and Elsa Cross were accompanied by Elva Macías, Antonio Deltoro, and Víctor Manuel Mendiola.


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visitors for Frida Kahlo y su mundo


Fandango Barroco – 21/02 A concert with 17th and 18th century vocal music by the Tembembe Ensamble Continuo, the specialists of Mexican baroque music. OTHER EVENTS

Lucha Libre Mexicana – 27 and 28/02 At the Royal Circus, BOZAR THEATRE organised two lucha libre events: immensely popular Mexican wresting competitions that are part of Mexico’s cultural heritage.

Festival: Spanish Spring (04/02 > 09/05) During the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Centre for Fine Arts organised a series of cultural events, clustered under the heading ‘Spanish Spring’. EXPO

El Greco. Domenikos Theotokopoulos 1900 - 03/02 > 09/05 This exhibition, with a set of forty works by the Kretenzer Domenikos Theotokopoulos, alias El Greco, was the primary audience attraction of the Spanish Spring. It showed the artistic relationship between the personal, expressive style of El Greco, the influences of the European renaissance on his work, and the 20th century avant-garde. Production: BOZAR EXPO and Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX). Curator: Ana Lavín Berdonces and José Redondo Cuesta. Coordinator: Alberta Sessa. Number of visitors: 103,962. With catalogue. El Ángel Exterminador.A Room for Spanish Contemporary Art – 29/04 > 20/06 This multidisciplinary project refers to the film of the same name by Luis Buñuel, and plays with the tension between the need to escape and the desire to stay inside. The performances were closely connected to an exhibition of works by 28 young Spanish contemporary artists. The group exhibition included paintings, sculptures, photos, videos, and installations by artists such as Dionisio González, Bernardí Roig, Rodrigo García, Enrique Marty, and Lara Almarcegui. The curator Fernando Castro Flórez captured the whole as a tableau vivant: a living picture with a theatrical dimension. Also the complementary performing arts programme was in line with this perspective. (See also Theatre and Dance.) Coproduction with Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior (SEACEX). Curator: Fernando Castro Flórez. Coordination: Alberta Sessa. Number of visitors: 2,832. With catalogue. CINEMA

Carte-blanche à Pere Portabella - 01/05 > 30/06 DANCE

The following three dance productions took place within the framework of the project El Ángel Exterminador: This Side Up - 16 and 17/04 In This Side Up, choreographers María and Cuqui Jerez, together with 15 architecture students from La Cambre, built a replica theatre with 2,500 cardboard boxes. Suite au dernier mot: au fond tout est en surface – 03 and 04/06 Olga Mesa from Madrid brought a live performance in the form of a biographical poem in 13 scenes. Laughing Hole – 16/06 In this choreography by La Ribot, mysterious inscriptions on carton strips were spread out on the floor or attached to the wall. The 900 inscriptions were then put on display. THEATRE

BOZAR THEATRE also contributed to El Ángel Exterminador.


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Buñuel, en guerra! - 29/04 The New York artist with Spanish roots Paco Cao gave a lecture on Luis Buñuel. He used

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rarely seen biographic footage and unpublished historical documents. C’est comme ça et me faites pas chier – 18 > 20/05 Rodrigo Garcia is the central figure of Spanish experimental theatre. He wrote a sharp and offensive report about the perception of others. This performance was presented as part of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts (arts festival). MULTIDISCIPLINARY EVENTS

Music and Poetry El retablo de Maese Pedro – 05 and 06/02 El retablo de Maese Pedro introduces two masterpieces of Spanish culture. Based on an episode from Cervantes’ Don Quixote, the short opera by Manuel de Falla tells the story of Master Petrus, who invites guests at his tavern to watch a puppet show.

Festival: Balkan Trafik! (08/04 > 11/04) For the fourth time, together with the non-profit organisation 1001 Valises, BOZAR organised Balkan Trafik!, a festival that focuses on acoustic and electronic music from Southeastern Europe and Turkey. The wealth, traditions, and styles of various Jewish, Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim communities result in one big intercultural programme. Under the name ‘Roma Touch’, Balkan Trafik! zoomed in on the Roma culture for the second time. This year, the festival attracted 7,000 visitors. MUSIC

Balkan Trafik! 2010 combined diverse styles and genres, from Sufi and Jewish-Sephardic to wedding music and jazz. Accordion and bouzouki virtuosi interchanged with swinging fanfares and electronic music. The 2010 edition placed emphasis on Macedonia and Romania. Especially Oana Catalina Chitu and the Macedonian Esma Redzepova were crowdpullers. Another musical highlight was the performance by bouzouki player Stelios Vamvakaris. With three of its own productions, Balkan Trafik! has instigated cultural exchanges between the Balkan diaspora and Belgian artists: Corba Band, Balkan Trafik Sound System, and Nadejda. ROMA TOUCH

Roma people received extra attention this year. Visitors were welcomed by a Roma guide in various ‘Roma living spaces’. Tania Magy parked her ‘caravan-museum’ at the Centre for Fine Arts. The film Korkoro/Freedom was previewed, in the presence of director Tony Gatlif (08/04). CINEMA

In 2010, a considerable part of the programme was dedicated to film. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Balkan Trafik! presented two films and a set of five short documentaries. The producer Tony Gatlif attended the preview of Korkoro, and Luc Bongrand was present at a special screening of Moonless Night. Sunday, April 11th, focussed on recent documentaries during the Balkan Docs Day: Corridor; Io, la Mia Famiglia Rom e Woody Allen; Constantin & Elena; Cash & Marry. CINEMATEK organised three days of Romanian films. About Balkan Trafik!: ‘During the Balkan Trafik!-festival, Bozar was invaded by a fusion of colours, sounds and images from Zagreb to Ankara.’ ‘Unique in Europe. Balkan Trafik! is no niche festival but an encounter between Eastern and Western cultures.’ (Estelle Jacques in Shift Mag, 01/07/2010)


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Festival: Visionary Africa (30/05 > 26/09) 2010 was the year of Africa. Apart from Congo, 16 other African countries celebrated their independence. For BOZAR, this was a perfect opportunity to present a large-scale interdisciplinary summer festival and a long-term project addressing the approach to African cultural heritage and contemporary African culture, in Africa as well as in Europe. The starting point was the colloquium Culture and Creativity -Vectors for Development (02 and 03/04/2009), initiated by the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel. The colloquium resulted in the ‘Brussels Declaration by artists and cultural professionals and entrepreneurs’, which formulates political, economic, and sociocultural goals and pleas to ‘recognise artists and creators as actors in development’. Therefore, Visionary Africa not only focussed on cultural heritage and the current cultural dynamics of the various arts disciplines, but also included experts from other policy domains in the discussion. Visionary Africa forms the blueprint for the Forum project that the Centre for Fine Arts wants to develop further in the coming seasons. The Centre for Fine Arts invited eight contemporary African arts centres, together with committed African artists from various disciplines. A close partnership was set up with the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren and the European Commission, anticipating a future-oriented exchange project between Africa and Europe. With Art at Work, Visionary Africa finds a continuation on the African continent (see BOZAR INTERNATIONAL).


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BOZAR STREET: An Agora for Africa

total number of visitors for the exhibitions


African culture and the debate around the central exhibition GEO-graphics were presented to the public forum in the spirit of architect Victor Horta. BOZAR, together with the offices of Adjaye Associates and SUM Research, defined a route that directed the visitors to the two main summer exhibitions: GEO-graphics and A Passage to Asia.

Horta hall The Horta hall functioned as a lounge and a lively marketplace. SUM Research and Adjaye Associates designed two mobilestages that could be mounted in different ways. Visitors watched videos and statements made by the artists that participated in Visionary Africa. Music lovers listened to Congolese acoustic rumba. The hall also formed a connection with the African quarter in Brussels. Different African embassies organised adjoining events, such as the Ghana Cultural Day and the Congolese book week. In June, the world cup football in South Africa (11/06 > 11/07) was also shown live on large screens on the moveable stages. Reading Room The multifunctional library, where books and catalogues about African and Asian art and literature were available, was considered the intellectual junction between the exhibition Visionary Africa and A Passage to Asia. Atlas Room African cultural practice and art institutes were presented in the Atlas Room. A double timeline brought the cultural-political documents into focus on national and international levels (UNESCO, African Union) and gave a visual representation of the richness of African culture throughout the ages. The colourful and attractive arrangement confronted the visitors with their own view of African culture. The project gave Africans the incentive to re-draw their atlas more than a century after the ‘European race on Africa’. Roundabout A view of the future Africa museum was displayed in the roundabout, where architect Stéphane Beel uncovered his master plan for the new museum in Tervuren. LECTURES AND DEBATE

48 hours in Brussels During 48 hours in Brussels, artists committed to the development of the African cultural sector were invited. Aside from their performance, they were also invited to visit the exhibitions GEO-graphics, Indépendance and Congostroom | Fleuve Congo in the Museum of Tervuren and were asked to present their opinion on the future of African cultural institutes. 9

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From May to September, the Centre for Fine Arts hosted, among others, Germaine Acogny (dancer), Freddy Tsimba (visual artist), Hawa Essuman (cinematographer), Rokia Traoré (singer, guitarist), Papa Wemba (singer), Angélique Kidjo (Grammy Award winner), In Koli Jean Bofane and Denis Hirson (writers), Waberi (writer), Walter Verdin and Venancio Mbande (musicians, Timbala Tracks), Adam Hochschild (author of the ghost of king Leopold II about the genocide in Congo, in collaboration with KVS), Raoul Peck (writer-producer), Didier Awadi (musician), Pitcho Womba Konga and Lexxus Legal (musicians, Héritage). L’ambassadeur du Bénin, Charles B. Todjinov, s’est exprimé en ces termes à l’issue du concert d’Angélique Kidjo : « Je remercie les organisateurs d’avoir invité Angélique Kidjo, la chanteuse béninoise la plus connue dans le monde. Ce projet de L’Afrique visionnaire nous tient particulièrement à cœur, c’est l’occasion de penser vraiment le développement de l’Afrique à travers la culture. » Et aussi « Je vais continuer à collaborer avec BOZAR. On a entendu trop de discours afro-pessimistes qui sont faux. La création en Afrique est d’une telle ampleur qu’il faut la montrer au monde, et BOZAR s’offre comme une vitrine très importante. »

Lecture David Adjaye - 09/06 Architect David Adjaye, key figure of the Visionary Africa festival and curator of the exhibition GEO-graphics, not only elaborated on his architecture practice, but also on his current research on urban change in Africa. Lecture: ‘Space for the African citizen’ - 19/09 Organisation: Belgian High Representative for Space Policy. [un]disciplined encounters: Science as a domain for postcolonial interaction between Africa and Europe – past and future – 05 and 06/11 Organisation: UGent (Ghent University), Department of African Languages and Cultures. TEDxBrussels Event with a.o. 1 laptop per child- 06/12 Lecture W.J.T. Mitchell: ‘Migration, Law, and the Image: Beyond the Veil of Ignorance’ - 13/12 Coproduction: Royal Museum for Central Africa. EXPO

GEO-graphics, A map of art practices in Africa, past and present - 09/06 > 26/09 GEO-graphics was the main exhibition of Visionary Africa. Nearly 220 top pieces from the Museum in Tervuren and other Belgian collections were shown within the context of contemporary cultural life in Africa. Eight African centres for contemporary art displayed works. Artistic director David Adjaye, whose photos were also on display, created a unique exhibition design, with the wall colours symbolising the 8 geographic zones of the continent. With this exhibition, BOZAR EXPO wanted to explore how African art and cultural expressions could be approached in a dynamic, contemporary manner, without the colonial lenses. The testimonies written by African writers and intellectuals during 48 hours in Brussels formed important statements in the debate concerning the representation of African heritage. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO & Royal Museum for Central Africa. Curators: David Adjaye, Anne-Marie Bouttiaux (RMCA), Koyo Kouoh, Nicola Setari. Management of Atlas: Nana Oforiatta-Ayim, scientific direction, SUM Research coordination. Number of visitors: 15,580. With catalogue. « Cette nouvelle collaboration entre le Palais des Beaux-Arts et le Musée royal d’Afrique centrale a vu le jour pour pallier la fermeture du MRAC occasionnée par la campagne de rénovation de trois ans qui devrait commencer sous peu. BOZAR sera donc une sorte de laboratoire pour les arts africains traditionnels, où l’on réfléchira à des modes d’exposition contemporains et à ce que pourrait être le musée idéal d’art africain. » (Tribal Art, 01.07.2010)


Stéphane Beel - Expansion of the Royal Museum for Central Africa - 09/06 > 26/09 BOZAR ARCHITECTURE held a small exhibition on the expansion of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, which is in the hands of Stéphane Beel. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO, BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Royal Museum for Central Africa. Curator: David Adjaye. Visitors guide: 120,000 copies. EXPO – PHOTOGRAPHY

Summer of Photography For the third edition of this biennial, the Centre for Fine Arts presented three exhibitions: A Useful Dream, a retrospective of Roger Ballen, and the social-artistic project Pôze III. The eye of the African beholder was the recurring theme. 10

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A Useful Dream: African photography (1960 – 2010) - 26/06 > 26/09 This exhibition described the fundamental images, existing amongst African photographers,

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of their own continent during the last 50 years.. Curator Simon Njami, author of a.o. Anthologie de la photographie africaine, selected 214 works by 33 African photographers. Concept and selection: Simon Njami. Production: BOZAR EXPO. Coordinator: Frank Vanhaecke. Number of visitors: 12,500. With catalogue. Roger Ballen: Retrospective - 26/06 > 26/09 Roger Ballen, a South-African photographer with American roots, has worked for nearly thirty years on a masterful oeuvre. During that time, he evolved from a documentary style to arrangements that are more pictorial. The retrospective told the story in 200 photos. Production: BOZAR EXPO. Curator: Roger Ballen. PÔZE III / Africa Town - 26/06 > 26/09 Hundreds of amateur photographers and professionals joined hands in capturing ‘Africa in Brussels’. Vincen Beeckman guided them. A professional jury selected the best photos for the exhibition PÔZE III. Production: BOZAR EXPO.

To introduce its contribution to Visionary Africa, BOZAR MUSIC, together with MO* - Mondiaal Magazine, Agenda Interculturel and Imagine Magazine, organised a debate on 30/05 that gave a voice to the Congolese diaspora in Belgium. This was followed by Timbila Tracks on 14 and 15/06, a patchwork of new compositions and traditional music from Mozambique, in collaboration with Kaaitheater and Corban. The programme was accompanied by live percussion by Matchume Zango and music videos by Walter Verdin. Especially in July, BOZAR MUSIC drew on the festival to introduce all kinds of genres of world music and to place them in their original context. The singer Rokia Traoré performed on 09/07. The following day was dedicated to Gospel. On 16/07, a whole string of Congolese musicians celebrated the independence with an overview concert of 50 years of Congolese music. Additionally, a series of five rumba evenings took place in the same period. Eventually, BOZAR MUSIC only said goodbye to Visionary Africa on 5/12, with a concert by Didier Awadi: Présidents d’Afrique. CINEMA

Previews and special screenings in the presence of the director 17/06 Soul Boy by Hawa Essuman 11/09 Moloch Tropical by Raoul Peck 14/09 Un homme qui crie by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun Documentaries 24/06 Kinshasa Symphony, by Martin Baerr





Bare Soundz - 17-18/06 In the Kaaitheater, Savion Glover and his trio performed a catchy tap-dance show with a combination of Caribbean beats, hip-hop rhythms, jazz, and even Bach. Guests - 24-25-26/06 Following Timbila Tracks (BOZAR MUSIC), an interactive dance performance took place in the Kaaitheater for which the choreographer Panaibra Gabriel from Mozambique worked together with Walter Verdin, who created the sounds and images. Lore Dream Song - 21/09 BOZAR DANCE coproduced this dance performance by Latifa Laâbissa and Sophiatou Kossoko in Les Halles, during the Latitudes Lille/Bruxelles festival. Songook Yaakaar and Tchourai - 22/09 Germaine Acogny told her own story with Songook Yaakaar (Confronting hope). In the Horta hall, the dance film Tchourai was shown, a moving solo about the most important steps in her life. The choreographer was her student Sophiatou Kossoko. THEATRE

African Renaissances Africaines - Performances - 25/09 BOZAR THEATRE organised three performances based on passages from the book African Renaissances Africaines.


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Les mals aimés Brussels resident and Congolese actor and director Dieudonné Kabongo Bashila wrote

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Les mals aimés based on written works by Gustave Akakpo (Indépendance Kaki-caca) and In Koli Jean Bofane (Les héros et le sabre). En attendant l’indépendance Dancer and choreographer Serge Aimé Coulibaly from Burkina Faso made a choreography, based on Dessine-moi une indépendance by Véronique Tadjo and L’indépendance, demain il sera trop tard! by Aminata Sow Fall. He worked together with Sylvie Nawasadio from Zap Mama and guitarist Desiré Somé. African Renaissances Africaines Together with saxophonist Steve Potts and singer Sonia Emmanuel, author Denis Hirson led the audience through the texts published inAfrican Renaissances Africaines about African independence. LITERATURE

Discussion - 25/09 A panel discussion with four African authors who had contributed to the BOZAR-publication African Renaissances Africaines. The South African Denis Hirson moderated this debate with the Togolese writer Kangni Alem, the Congolese author currently staying in Belgium, In Koli Jean Bofane, and the Djiboutian Abdourahman Waberi. PUBLICATIONS

BOZAR published 4 books in the framework of Visionary Africa. The book Visionary Africa Art at Work provided the incentive for the project in Africa. GEO-graphics: A Map of Art Practices in Africa, Past and Present is the catalogue of the main exhibition. Next to contributions by curators David Adjaye, Anne-Marie Bouttiaux, Koyo Kouoh, and Nicola Setari, the book includes essays by specialists such as Babatunde Lawal, Okwui Enwezor, Viviane Baecke, Gustaaf Verswijver, and Jean-Muteba Rahier. African Renaissances Africaines compiles the work of 28 African authors, who voiced their opinion about the wave of independence that spread throughoutAfrica during the fifties. Bernard Magnier, director of the Africa collection at Actes Sud, is the editor. The work includes poems, short stories, one-act plays, and personal and polemic essays by authors such as Boubacar Boris Diop (Senegal), Aminata Sow Fall (Senegal), Ondjaki (Angola), Denis Hirson (South Africa), Sefi Atta (Nigeria), In Koli Jean Bofane (D.R. Congo), Tanella Boni (Ivory coast) and Alain Mabanckou (Congo-Brazzaville). The texts appear in their original language and in an English translation. A Useful Dream: African Photography, 1960-2010 is the catalogue of the exhibition with the same name curated by Simon Njami. It is part of the Summer of Photography series in the Centre for Fine Arts. The fascinating work by 35 photographers, including Mohamed Amin and Lolo Veloko, is introduced and concluded with essays by Jean Loup Pivin and Simon Njami. Visionary Africa Art at Work. Une platform itinérante en Afrique gives a synthesis of the project and the objective of Visionary Africa. The publication was presented at the AfricaEurope top in Tripoli.


Festival: A Passage to Asia, 25 Centuries of Exchange between Asia and Europe (25/06 > 01/11) On the occasion of the 8th ASEM-top (Asia-Europe Meeting) in Brussels, BOZAR EXPO organised an exhibition about the historic, philosophical, economic, and cultural ties between Asia and Europe, and the Asian peoples amongst themselves. The exhibition focused on trade and religion in particular. A Passage to Asia. 25 Centuries of Exchange between Asia and Europe was a world premiere. For the first time, art treasures from no less then 15 Asian countries crossed the continental

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border. Support from the Asia-Europe Museums Network (ASEMUS), a collaboration between approximately 70 Asian and European museums, was crucial to the success of the complex undertaking. The Centre for Fine Arts, as the only non-museum partner, became a member of ASEMUS in September 2010. EXPO

A Passage to Asia - 25 Centuries of Exchange between Asia and Europe - 25/06 > 10/10 A Passage to Asia not only addressed 2,500 years of cultural exchange between the East (Asia) and the West (Europe), but also focussed on inter-Asian contacts. The exhibition included an unparalleled selection of more than 300 art works that were displayed for the first time in Europe. This included a great number of national art treasures. Most objects were on loan from 39 museums and a few private collectors from Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Asia-Europe Museums Network (ASEMUS) formed the foundation for this project. Only a few contributions from private Belgian collections were necessary to fill the gaps, such as representations from Myanmar, the only country that did not participate. Production: BOZAR EXPO in collaboration with the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS). Curators: Jan Van Alphen and Kenson Kwok. Coordinator: Ann Flas, with assistance from Eva Bialek. Number of visitors: 23,266. With catalogue. MUSIC

Gamelan Sunday - 19/09 This BOZARSUNDAY for families was completely dedicated to the richness of Indonesian music. Traditional Voices - 2/10 In various spaces of the Centre for Fine Arts, visitors could follow a path through a musical landscape of traditional vocal music from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Myanmar, and the Philippines).

artists received on site



Uncle Boonmee who can recall his past lives - 31/08 A remarkable tradition: for the 4th time, BOZAR CINEMA presented the Golden Palm inavant-premiere in Brussels. DANCE

Royal Ballet/Cambodia - 14/10 The Royal Ballet of Cambodia is proclaimed intangible world heritage by UNESCO. More than four thousand movements are coded and are part of the dance idiom. Sankai Juku, Japan with Hibiki - 02/09 Japanese butoh is a sensory dance form that is highly admired in the West. Ushio Amagatsu is one of the great masters of this contemporary dance. Indian Dance: Madhavi Mudgal, India with Ananya - 11/09 Madhavi Mudgal is a brilliant interpreter of Odissi, the classical dance form from Orissa, a state in Northwestern India. MULTIDISCIPLINARY EVENTS

Music and Cinema: Champs d’Oublis /Art Performance - 2 and 3/10 Commissioned by the Centre for Fine Arts, the French-Vietnamese artist Ea Sola travelled through Thailand, Indonesia, China, and the Philippines in the spring of 2010 to record in large cities. The films were projected on large screens in the Horta hall. It was a successful mix between tradition and innovation, history and modernity.


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Festival: Norway Now (01/11 > 25/05/2011) During autumn, the Ancienne Belgique and the Centre for Fine Arts came together for Norway Now, a programme focussing on the wilful contemporary Norwegian culture. EXPO - ARCHITECTURE

Exhibition Sverre Fehn - 10/12 > 13/03/11 Sverre Fehn, the most important Norwegian architect, won the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1997. In 1958, he reached international acclaim with the Norwegian pavilion in Expo58 in Brussels. This retrospectiveexhibition highlights 26 projects. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Arkitektur og Design Oslo.Curator: Eva Madshus. MUSIC

Risør Festival - 22 > 24/11 The artistic directors, alto violinist Lars Anders Tomter and pianist Leif Ove Andsnes, lifted this chamber music festival to a higher level. The young violinist Henning Kraggerud and the Risør Festival Strings were guest performers, with a chamber orchestra especially set upfor the festival. ‘… de constant hoge kwaliteit en de aanstekelijke mix van oude en nieuwe, populaire en hooggestemde kamermuziek. Misschien wordt Risør na de passage in Brussel wel een favoriete bestemming van Belgische muziektoeristen, zoals het dat nu al voor vele Amerikanen is.’ (Stephan Moens in De Morgen, 18/11/2010)

The jazz pianist Bugge Wesseltoft was also a guest performer (29/11). CINEMA

In the series ‘Previews and Special Screenings’, BOZAR CINEMA presented A Home for Christmas by Bent Hamer, in the presence of the director. LITERATURE

Conversation with Lars Saabye Christensen - 25/11 This successful Norwegian author spoke with the Flemish-Dutch author and Gouden Uilwinner Marc Reugebrink about his latest novel the Walrus, and his passion for film and music.

Moussem Festival (24/11 > 27/11) The tenth edition of the Moussem Festival took place in both Antwerp and Brussels. For four days, Moussem and different BOZAR departments highlighted Arabic music, literature and performance art. The festival gave artists from the Maghreb and Arabic worlds a stage in Brussels, and chose projects that touch on migration and internationalisation.

‘Ik hou ook van de heel zakelijke aanpak van BOZAR: daar passen wij gewoon goed in hun businessplan om in Brussel beter in te spelen op een groot potentieel publiek. Hun samenwerking met Moussem is een win-win-situatie, heel simpel.’ Mohamed Ikoubaân, directeur Moussem in: Tien jaar Moussem in tien vragen (© Wouter Hillaert)


Sufi Night - 16/10 Rafik El Maai was raised in the Arabic-Andalusian musical tradition and the Sama from northern Morocco. With his Ensemble Rafik El Maai, set up in Brussels, he primarily mixes religious songs with texts by great Arab poets. Ensemble Ibn Arabi is named after the greatSufi mystics. The songs based on Arabic poems alternate with taqsim and mawwal. The Islamic parts of Asia and Africa were represented by Sain Zahoor from Pakistan and Baye Fall from Senegal. 16

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Panormos / Bal’harm / Palermo 1140 - 26/11

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The title of this concert refers to Palermo three times. In 1140, King Roger II built the Cappella Palatina at his palace, the acoustic counterpart of the melting pot in his city. The multicultural song traditions of this cappella were brought to life by the Belgian ensemble Graindelavoix, reinforced for the occasion by the singers Hassan Boufous, Adrian Sirbu, Cezar Vintila and Hassan Benallal, all specialists in their ethnic traditions. El Gusto: Chaabi from Algiers - 27/11 In the colonial Algeria of the 1940s and 1950s, Muslims and Jews played chaabi, an attractive mix of musical influences from North Africa, Andalusia, and the Middle East. The filmmaker Safinez Bousbia visited the musicians for the documentary El Gusto: The Good Mood. With Damon Albarn, they recorded a cd and since then they go by the name El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers. This was their first time in Belgium. LITERATURE AND THEATRE

Five Arab writers, including the Moroccan-Dutch Abdelkader Benali and Yassin Adnan, were selected for the anthology Beirut 39. In the piece Capharnaüm Auto-Sirate, the director Latefa Ahrrare plays a young woman who explores and ‘embodies’ the prohibitions of Islamic society. In 5/7 Happy Hours, Rahim El Äsri, and Rachid El-Daif explore the boundaries of diversity in the broadest sense of the word. MUSIC AND POETRY

The Palestinian composer and ud-player MoneimAdwan brought popular songs and Sufi ballads (26/11). The work A’ref is a tribute to the rich oeuvre of Darwish, who passed away in 2008. The El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers with chaabi, the folk music from Algeria, brought the audience to the Algerian slums of the 1940s.


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b. General programming: highlights BOZAR EXPO JANUARY – MARCH 2010

Frida Kahlo – 16/01 > 18/04/2010 Expo N|I|C|H|E: Bulk architects – 22/01/2010 > 17/02/2011 Imagenes del Mexicano – 11/02 > 25/04/2010 El horizonte del topo – 11/02 > 25/04/2010 Alebrijes – 11/02 > 25/04/2010 Mundos Mexicanos – 11/02 > 11/04/2010 Mexican Modernisms – 11/02 > 11/04/2010 Expo N|I|C|H|E: Bureau Kersten Geers David Van Severen – 26/03/2010 > 31/03/2011 Junctions – 22/04 > 3/07/2010 James Ensor – 27/02 > 30/05/2010, at the Museo Dolores Olmedo, Xochimilco, Mexico El Greco – 04/02 > 09/05/2010 APRIL – JUNE 2010

Laurent Ney. Shaping Forces – 21/04 > 20/06/2010 El Angel Exterminador – 29/04 > 20/06/2010 The State of Things – 01/05 > 30/05/2010 at the NAMOC, Beijing, China Expo N|I|C|H|E: Matador – 06/05/2010 > 19/05/2011 The Canvas collection/La collection RTBF – 06/05 > 06/06 JULY – SEPTEMBER 2010

GEO-graphics – 09/06 > 26/09/2010 A Passage to Asia – 25/06 > 10/10/2010 A Useful Dream – 26/06 > 26/09/2010 Roger Ballen – 26/06 > 26/09/2010 The Summer of Photography – 26/06 > 26/09/2010 Expo N|I|C|H|E: HUB – 23/09/2010 > 30/09/2011 Laurent Ney on the old Galata bridge in Istanbul – 29/09 > 03/10/2010

Building for Brussels. Architecture and urban transformation in Europe – 6/10 > 28/11/2010 Ensor unmasked – 7/10/2010 > 13/02/2011, at the ING Centre, Brussels Ensor the writer – 7/10/2010 > 23/01/2011 Michele de Lucchi, Filip Dujardin. Vero, falso, verosimile (true, false, probable) – 15/10 > 13/11/2010 at the Casabella Laboratorio Milano Wim Delvoye – 20/10/2010 > 23/01/2011 The world of Lucas Cranach – 20/10/2010>23/01/2011 Gilbert & George – 29/10/2010 > 23/01/2011 Drie Keer Belgisch | Belge Trois Fois – 15/10 > 28/11/2010 Peter Zumthor. De Meelfabriek, Leiden. Work in Progress – 16/11 > 29/11/2010 Sverre Fehn. Intuition-Reflection-Construction – 10/12/2010 > 13/03/2011 Expo N|I|C|H|E: Urban Platform Architects – 16/12/2010 > 30/09/2011

visitors for El Greco




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De Canvascollectie/La collection RTBF - 06/05 > 06/06 At the start of 2010, the Dutch- and French-speaking public broadcasting services, in collaboration with a number of Belgian museums, issued a wide appeal to both renowned and unknown contemporary artists. Approximately 24,000 works were entered by 7,900 artists from Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels. An exhibition of the 267 works took place in the Centre for Fine Arts, which was also the ideal decor for the live broadcast on Canvas and RTBF on 30/05/2010. Four artists were awarded: Patrick Mascaux-Christine Wilmès, Eric de Ville, Antone Israël, and Elly Van Eeghem. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO, Canvas, RTBF. Coordinator: Laurence Leunen. Number of visitors: 18,873. With catalogue. Ensor revealed – 07/10 > 13/02 As a result of the 150th birthday of James Ensor, ING Belgium, the Royal Museum for Fine Arts in Antwerp (RMFAA) and the Centre for Fine Arts Brussels (BOZAR) organised the exhibition Ensor revealed at the ING cultural centre in Brussels. The objective of the exhibition was to shed new light on the work of the Ostend master. James Ensor’s drawings and paintings were confronted with each other, in order to reveal the thought and creation process of his masterpieces. A selection of drawings from the renowned Ensor collection atthe RMFAA created the basis for the exhibition. About 30 paintings and drawings from public and private lenders made up the rest of the exhibition. Coproduction: ING Brussels, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, BOZAR EXPO, Flemish art collection. Curator: Herwig Todts (RMFAA). Coordinator CFA: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: 68,604. Ensor, composer and writer – 07/10 > 23/01 With approximately 50 handwritten works, publications, documents and photos from the archive of the Royal Museum for Fine Arts in Antwerp, Ensor was evoked as a writer, painter, and musician. Coproduction: ING Brussels, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, BOZAR EXPO, Vlaamse Kunstcollectie. Curator: Herwig Todts (RMFAA). Coordinator: Anne Judong. Additionally, ING Belgium commissioned the Brussels production house Gemsel Productions to create 2 documentaries: Ensortilèges de James Ensor (60 min) and From reality to fantasy, Ensor unmasked (9 min). The world of Lucas Cranach – 1472 - 1553 An artist in the time of Dürer, Titian, and Metsys – 19/10 > 23/01/11 The world of Lucas Cranach was a diptych with Van Eyck to Dürer in the Groeningemuseum in Bruges. Together, the exhibitions gave a lively image of the cultural and artistic connections between the Low Countries and Central Europe of the 15th to the first half of the 16th century. BOZAR EXPO wanted to offer another view on Europe: the art works shed light on the cultural and political ties that existed between the Burgundian Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire. The works of Lucas Cranach the Old, the indisputable master of the German renaissance and the painter of Luther’s reformation, were shown in the Low Countries for the first time. An impressive group of international museums lent their works: the Metropolitan in New York, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, the British Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris, the Kunsthaus in Zürich, the Museum of Fine Art in Budapest, the museums of Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich, among others... This was only possible thanks to the close collaboration of Belgian art museums: the Royal Museum for Fine Arts in Brussels and the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. With the catalogue, designer Gert Dooreman won the Prize for the Best Design in the category Art Books and Catalogues, awarded by the Flemish Publishers Association. Parallel to The world of Lucas Cranach, the Erasmushuis in Anderlecht placed Portraits of Erasmus on its programme. Production: BOZAR EXPO. Curator: Guido Messling. Coordinator: Sophie Lauwers. Number of visitors: 84,822. With catalogue. ‘…Dat portret is verloren gegaan, maar we hebben wel verschillende van zijn andere portretten van Karel V, Margaretha van Oostenrijk en andere hovelingen – zowel schilderijen als houtsneden. Hij schilderde ook grote jachtpartijen waarin de figuur van Karel V geïntegreerd was. In 1547 had hij de keizer trouwens al ontmoet, na diens overwinning op de protestanten en hun leider: de hertog van Saksen, die de patroon van Cranach was. Aan het feit dat Cranach zo hoog werd geacht door een ‘tegenstander’ als Karel V, zie je wat voor een belangrijke rol hij in de politieke verhoudingen speelde.’ (Interview met Guido Messling in Brussel Nieuws, 20/10/2010, Lucas Cranach in honderd werken) 19

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Wim Delvoye - Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door - 20/10 > 23/01/11 The most remarkable work in the exhibition was undoubtedly the 17 meter high Tour Bruxelles, on the roof of the Centre for Fine Arts. A link to the Gothic tradition was also found in Helix, a series of drawings and bronze sculptures of a Christ figure of which the distorted body is bended around the cross, and in a variety of other twisted sculptures in polished bronze. With his interventions in the exhibition The World of Lucas Cranach, we were presented a confrontation between the visual language of the reformation and that of the counter reformation. At the same time, the studio concept also received a lot of attention. Wim Delvoye connects the artist’s studio to the logic of a commercial company. In the 16th century, Cranach ran a successful painting and printing company. On 23/11, Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques in coproduction with BOZAR EXPO, organised a Meeting with Wim Delvoye. Production: BOZAR EXPO. Curator: Claude Lorent. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: 38,777. With catalogue. Gilbert & George: Jack Freak Pictures - 29/10 > 23/01/11 153 Jack Freak Pictures, of which 85 were shown, addressed the themes that the artists Gilbert and George have been exploring for more than 40 years: city life, race, sexuality, nationalism, religion, scatology, death, hope, life, and fear. The Pictures capture remarkable pictorial elements and of course both artists themselves, mixed with geometric and figurative patterns. The most dominant pattern is the British flag, the Union Jack. Complementary to the exhibition, the film The Secret Files of Gilbert & George was shown, an interview with the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist from 2000 that shows extracts out of the private live of Gilbert & George. On 10/11, an edition of BOZAR NIGHT took place. The exhibitions of Gilbert & George and Wim Delvoye were open until midnight while students of the RITS gave performances. At the same time, the film With Gilbert & George (2008) by Julyan Cole was shown. Production: BOZAR EXPO, in collaboration with the British Council. Coordinator: Maïté Smeyers. Number of visitors: 34,422. With catalogue. Drie keer Belgisch / Belge Trois Fois - 15/10 > 28/11 Catherine Van den Steen is a French visual artist with mixed Flemish-Walonian origins. She showed an installation with images of people that she saw in Brussels, Antwerp and Liege. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO & Catherine Van den Steen. Coordination: Axelle Ancion. With catalogue. EXPO – PHOTOGRAPHY

Junctions - 22/04 > 03/07 In this first exhibition in the series Junctions, the young Belgian photographer Arno Roncada confronted his work with the collection of the FotoMuseum. Roncada’s photography is special because of the fact that his images are not representations of reality; rather they are well thought-out ideas about that reality. In his imaginary landscapes, Roncada refers to visual clichés, film clips, and other elements from the collective memory. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO & FotoMuseum Antwerp. Curator: Frank Vanhaecke. Selection: Arno Roncada & Lander Van Neygen (PhotoMuseum Antwerp). Number of visitors: 12,000.


Exhibition BULK architects - (22/01 > 17/02) The micro exhibition of BULK architects concerned one of their recent creations, namely the new warehouse for the technical departmentof the city of Blankenberge and the design of the accompanying masterplan. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. Curator: Iwan Strauven. Visitors guide for the exhibition: 10,000 copies printed. Exhibition Laurent Ney. Shaping Forces - (21/04 > 20/06) This exhibition gave an overview of the work of the Luxembourg engineer working in Belgium, who in 12 years’ time conquered an exceptional place in international architecture production. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Society of Architects. Curators: Stefan Devoldere, Iwan Strauven. With catalogue. 20

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The N|I|C|H|E-lecture series focused on young Belgian architects: the Antwerp Bulk architects’ office gave a presentation about the new warehouse for the technical departmentof the city of Blankenberge (21/01); the office of Kersten Geers and David Van Severen discussed the project Kortrijk Xpo (25/03); and the architects’ office Matador closed the season with a presentation of the Maison Folie in Bergen (05/05). There was a small exhibition with visitors guide at each lecture of the N|I|C|H|E-series. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. BOZAR ARCHITECTURE and A+ also invited promising architecture firms to present a recent major project: on 22/09, the architecture firm HUB presented ‘Art Basics for Children’ (ABC) at the centre in Schaarbeek. Following the lecture, a microexhibit was presented (23/09 > 30/09). Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. Visitors guide for the exhibition: 10,000 copies printed. For the last N|I|C|H|E-lecture and micro exhibit in 2010, on 16/12, the Brussels architect office Urban Platform Architects had its turn, with their Retail Headquarters project in Seneffe, Henegouwen. (16/12 > 30/09/11) Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. Visitors guide for the exhibition: 10,000 copies printed. [PYBLIK]-LECTURE SERIES

For this series on public space, BOZAR ARCHITECTURE/A+ worked together with [Pyblik], the platform for the Brussels Capital Region that brings together the knowledge and expertise on public space and develops synergies between the academic world, the administrations, and the designers. On 11/02, Danish architect and Professor Jan Gehl presented his working method with the title People City. British artist Justin Bennett showed his recent work Noise Map about noise in public space. The lecture was followed by a ‘silent visit’ through the city (19/04). Dag Boutsen, director of the architecture college Saint-Lucas, moderated the debate Methods and meaning of sustainable design. The participants were Pierre Vanderstraeten and Denis Dujardin of the collective Tractor (01/04). Christian Nolf and Isabelle Putseys closed this series on 11/05 with Water research in urbanized Flemish landscapes. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, [pyblik]. INTERNATIONAL LECTURE SERIES

Kjetil Thorsen is co-founder of Snøhetta. He presented a number of interesting designs of this Norwegian architects’ firm, such as the Oslo Opera, the Alexandria Library, the multicultural complex in Dharan and the cultural centre at ‘Ground Zero’ in New York (09/03). Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Society of architects. As a result of the exhibition Shaping Forces, Laurent Ney gave a lecture on his own work on May 18th. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Society of architects. At the preview of the exhibition Methodology of feeling, together, Pierre Hebbelinck and Pierre de Wit gave a lecture on their work (21/10). Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. As a result of the exhibition Building for Brussels, on 15/11, the French landscape architect Alexandre Chemetoff came to speak about his own work, which won the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme in the year 2000. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Architecture Workroom Brussels. Initiative: Brussels Capital Region. The lecture (29/11) by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, who won the Pritzker prize in 2009, also joined Building for Brussels. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Architecture Workroom Brussels. Initiative: Brussels Capital Region. Building for Brussels Architecture and urban transformations in Europe - 06/10 > 28/11 The exhibition Building for Brussels argued that a powerful architectural and city planning management can offer an answer to the big city challenges that Brussels faces. Via projects in other big European cities, such as Madrid, Zurich, Hamburg, and Rotterdam, Building for 21

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Brussels explored how architecture and city planning can offer an answer to the social challenges of the European city. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Architecture Workroom Brussels, Brussels Capital Region. Guest curator: Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels). Number of visitors: 25,200. Visitors guide: 30,000 copies.


Pierre Hebbelinck and Pierre the Wit. Methodology of feeling - 22/10 > 02/01/11 An overview exhibition about the work of the Architecture Studio of Pierre Hebbelinck and Pierre de Wit. This Liège office with international charisma designed for important cultural temples such as the MAC’s in Hornu and the Théâtre du Manège in Mons. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+Belgian architectural review, Cellule architecture de la Communauté française, Wallonie-Bruxelles International. Curator: Cédric Libert. Visitors guide: 10,000 copies.

seats in a full house

Peter Zumthor. De Meelfabriek, Leiden. Urbanist Working Model - 16/11 > 29/11 Exhibition of the architectural model for De Meelfabriek in Leiden, commissioned to the Pritzker Architecture Prize-winner Peter Zumthor. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review. Trio Exhibition Bridges - 25/10 > 14/11 This exhibition was organised by the ‘Trio chairmanship’ of the European Union: Spain, Belgium, and Hungary. Some panels of the exhibition Laurent Ney. Shaping Forces was the Belgian contribution to this event. The exhibition was opened in the presence of José Manuel Barroso.



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Classical music In 2010, BOZAR MUSIC again organised an impressive number of concerts. Below are presented just a few that took place in the spring. The department invited many world famous artists. Extraordinary soloists and orchestras were followed by ensembles in the Henry Le Boeufzaal, the conservatory, and the churches that regularly collaborate with BOZAR MUSIC. The repertoire ranged from the Middle Ages to today. In 2010, Gustav Mahler was one of the central themes, for the occasion of his 150th birthday. The theme will continue next year, commemorating the 100th birthday of Mahler’s death. For this double birthday, his symphonies were performed in their entirety with the collaboration of our partners: the National Orchestra of Belgium, the La Monnaie Symphony, the Liège Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Royal Flemish Philharmonic. In collaboration with Europalia the closing concert of the europalia.china festival was performed by the China National Traditional Orchestra (29/01). In February, the Vienna Philharmonic was directed by guest Lorin Maazel (21/02), and in April, the Chamber Orchestra of Europe was directed by Sakari Oramo with the young Georgian violinist Lisa Batiashvili as a soloist. Among the outstanding events during the spring of 2010, we highlight the two concerts by the Mariinsky-orchestra, directed by Valery Gergiev (27 and 28/01), and the Philharmonic Orchestra with the legendary director Kurt Masur. In the series with international orchestras, there was also the German Symphonic Orchestra of Berlin with director Ingo Metzmacher and as a soloist, the Greek violinist Leonidas Kavakos (18/03). The traditional gala concert of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel was also star-studded with Augustin Dumay, José Van Dam, and students of this prestigious institute (14/01). Next to Mahler, Chopin was also honoured for his 200th birthday. A few piano recitals were dedicated to him, by Daniel Barenboim (11 and 12/02), the Polish pianist Krystian Zimerman, and his young compatriot Rafal Blechacz (16/03). Besides Chopin, other recitals were programmed, such as Lang Lang (05/01). There was also a performance by Nikolaj Znaider, the first laureate of the Queen Elisabeth violin competition in 1997. Baritone Matthias Goerne and pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard performed a dazzling version of Schöne Müllerin by Schubert (11/05). The duo Isabelle Faust – Alexander Melnikov played three Beethoven sonatas for violin and piano (23/02), and the clarinettist Sabine Meyer and her ensemble performed an evening of chamber music (03/02) in the Brussels conservatory.

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Each season, BOZAR MUSIC offers artist residencies, for famous names as well as young promising artists. The young German violinist Julia Fischer was thus able to perform all of Johann Sebastian Bach’s works for violin solo on 09 and 10/03. Jordi Savall was also in residence and performed Jerusalem, the city of two peaces (01/02) and TheSong of the Sibylle, together with the soprano Montserrat Figueras (24/02). March is traditionally the month of the Ars Musica festival. This year, the ensemble Aka Moon performed together with masters of traditional Indian music (07/03). The National Orchestra brought the Eighth Symphony by the Flemish composer Luc Brewaeys (30/03). Just like every year in the spring, Bach’s Mattheus passion was performed (29/03). Philippe Pierlot and the Ricercar Consort performed the Vespers by Monteverdi. A concert in a very different register, was the performance of Rameau’s Platée by Les Talens Lyriques, directed by Christophe Rousset. The National Orchestra of Belgium gave a concert with operaarias by the tenor Roberto Alagna. BOZAR THEATRE & CINEMA and BOZAR MUSIC organised a performance of The infernal comedy, with the actor John Malkovich. Flamenco fans,finally, were treated to a performance by Paco de Lucia. Jazz & electronic music Also in 2010 we sought to expand and diversify the musical selection. Apart from non-western music, also jazz and electronic music have become fixed values in BOZAR’s musical programme. Jazz guitarist Path Metheney performed on 09/02 with The Orchestrion Tour and Jef Neve and Pascal Schumacher were guests on 09/05. From 26/03 to 28/03, electronic genres such as electro, krautrock, minimal techno, and experimental music entered the Centre for Fine Arts during the Brussels Electronic Music Festival. Beats and complementary images were brought by, among others, DJ DARKO. FALL

Classical music Traditionally, the season opens with the Klarafestival, a coproduction with the Flanders Festival Brussels and Klara. This year, there were two concerts by Concerto Köln (7 and 15/09), Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, directed by Yannick Nézet-Seguin (09/09), and the Mahler (and Bruckner) concert by the Royal Flemish Philharmonic and Philippe Herreweghe (16/09), and many others. The European Gala Concert that was part of the festival was brought by the Concertgebouw Orchestra directed by Bernard Haitink (17/09), with the Austrian pianist Till Fellner. The ensemble Musiques Nouvelles honoured Philippe Boesmans (11/09). There was a concert version of Mozart’s Così fan tutteperformed by René Jacobs and the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra (21/09). There were concerts by the Munich Philharmonic with director Christian Thielemann (27/10) and soloist Renée Fleming, and with the London Philharmonic, directed by Vladimir Jurowski. The Russian National Orchestra also performed in the series of European Gala Concerts (21/12), directed by Mikhail Pletnev and with violinist Gidon Kremer as soloist. The Belgian orchestras continued their Mahler concerts, with the Royal Flemish Philharmonic on 18/11 and the National Orchestra of Belgium on 19/11. The Liege Philharmonic Orchestra celebrated their 50th birthday with a concert directed by three of their latest directors (Pierre Bartholomée, Louis Langrée, Pascal Rophé) on 08/12. Lorenzo Gatto, the second laureate of the Queen Elizabeth competition in 2009, performed with the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia (29/10). Denis Kozhukhin, the first laureate of the Queen Elisabeth competition in 2010, gave a recital (27/09). Additionally, there were recitals by Mitsuko Uchida (07/10), Grigory Sokolov (07/12), Hélène Grimaud (13/10), Andras Schiff (27/11), and Jean-Frédéric Neucitizen (28/11). The quartet cycles were centered around the complete Beethoven string quartets. The Artemis Quartet performed six concerts, three of which were in the autumn of 2010 (08-09-10/11 and 14-15-16/12). In baroque music, there was a performance by Cecilia Bartoli (13/12), Magdalena Kozena (11/11), and the countertenors Andreas Scholl and Philippe Jaroussky (09/12). There was also a performance by the Akademie für alte Musik Berlin (12/10) with a complete performance of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerts, and the performance of two works by Rameau, brought by Les Arts Florissants with William Christie as director. Paul Van Nevel and the Huelgas Ensemble performed music that dated back to the time of Cranach, as a prelude to the exhibition (16/10). Vivaldi’s unpublished works were performed by the soprano Vivica Genaux with Les Agrémens (22/12). 25

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Jazz On 15/11, the pianist Brad Mehldau presented his new work Highway Rider together with Joshua Redman (saxophone), Larry Grenadier (bass), Jeff Ballard (drums), Matt Chamberlain (drums), and Britten Sinfonia, directed by Scott Yoo. On 04/12, Herbie Hancock performed his creation The Imagine Project. David Murray was a guest on 19/12.


total number of public activities


BOZAR CINEMA has six strategic guidelines for its programming.


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Previews and special screenings • 04/01 Mr. Nobody by Jaco Van Dormael, in the presence of the director • 09-10/01 Iranian cinema 09/01 No one knows about persian cats by Bahmann Gobhadi, in the presence of the director 10/01 About Elly by Asghar Farhadi, in the presence of the director • 19/02 Shutter Island by Martin Scorsese • 22/02 Los Caminos de la memoria by José-Luis Peñafuerte, in the presence of the director • 08-11/04 Balkan Trafik! & Roma Touch (see also : Balkan Trafik! Festival p.7) 08/04 Korkoro by Tony Gatlif, in the presence of the director 10/04 Buick Riviera by Goran Rusinovic • 15/04 Daniel y Ana • 04/05 Short film programme about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the two Germanies • 17/06 Soul Boy by Hawa Essuman, with the director present • 22 > 24/10 CINEMA TROIKA: Within the framework of the Belgian EU-chairmanship, the French Community, the Flemish Community and BOZAR CINEMA organised a weekend dedicated to recent Belgian, Spanish and Hungarian cinema, primarily with films that have not previously been screened. Cinema Troika started with the preview of Beyond the Steppes by Belgian director Vanja d’Alcantara. Documentaries While taking the BOZAR programme into account and with close attention to recent Belgian documentaries, the following productions were screened. Among others: • 07/02 Preview RTBF/VAF-series To be or not - 6 films about Belgium. • 08-11/04 Balkan Trafik! & Roma Touch • 09/04 Moonless Night by Luc Bongrand • 10/04 The Long Road – Driving through Balkan History by Zeljko Mirkovic • 10/04 The Last Hole on the Flute by Vava Stojadinovic • 11/04 Balkan Docs Day • 12 – 16/04 One World Festival - 5 films • 13/04 Women in shroud by Mohammad Reza Kazemi + debate • 14/04 Pétition by Zhao Liang + debate • 15/04 Last Train Home by Lixin Fan + debate • 16/04 Moving to Mars by Mat Whitecross + debate Cinema & The Arts Films that border on other artistic disciplines, as part of performances or experiments (Expanding Cinema) or as a dialogue with literature, music, theatre, architecture, and contemporary art: • 14/01 Manon de Boer Sylvia Kristel-Paris, Two times 4’33”, Attica, within the seminar of the École de Recherche Graphique • 06/03 Jess Franco Vampyros Lesbos Succubus AKA Necronomicon • 18/09 Avalanche with the music of Phill Niblock, by the Nelly Boyd Ensemble • 25/09 Films by Paul Clipson with live music Part 1 Sphinx on the Seine, music by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma Chorus, music by Gregg Kowalsky Sun Place, music by Tarentel Union, music by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma. Part 2 The Elements, music by Bram Devens (Ignatz) & Paul Labrecque (Head of Wantastiquet, Sunburned hand of the man) in collaboration with Courtisane Festival (Ghent)

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• 28/10 Barbara Hammer (cancelled performance) Sanctus A horse is not a metaphor • 02/12 Alga Marghen Label Night • Performances by Ghédalia Tazartès, Anton Bruhin, Ben Patterson, and Rhodri Davies. Videos by Joe Jones and Robert Filliou (in collaboration with Argos and the Centre Pompidou). Classic Films & retrospectives Classics and retrospectives, linked to the umbrella themes of the season or as an homage to famous names in the movie industry. 03/05 Retour de Flamme Family Friendly Films Great classics for families and youngsters, including ‘Young Film Fans’ and in collaboration with CINEMATEK. • 10/01 The Pink Panther Show - BOZARSUNDAYS • 14/03 My Uncle by Jacques Tati – BOZARSUNDAYS • 21/03 Fifteen films during the event ‘Party Time at the Centre’ • 01/05 Family film in collaboration with the Brussels Short Film Festival • 16/05 Tarzan of the jungle by W.S. van Dyke - BOZARSUNDAYS • 24/10 Beauty and the Beast • 05/12 The Wizard of Oz Professional platform Professional conference about cinema and audio visual productions: • 13-14/01 Real Poetic: annual seminar of the École de Recherche Graphique


From the programme Theater op de Middag, organised during Spring, we selected the following performances: • 05/01 U bent mijn moeder by Joop Admiraal, with Sien Eggers, Direction: Stefan Perceval, Music: Yves Senden (Het Paleis) • 19/01 Scheisseimer, by and with Koenraad Tinel (Het Paleis) • 02/02 Brief aan mijn rechter, adaptation of the text by Georges Simenon, adapted by KoenTachelet and JeroenVersteele, with Frank Focketyn (NTGent) • 16/02 De duivel beduveld, by Patrick Corillon, with Karlijn Sileghem and Thomas Smetrijns (LOD) • 09/03 Geloof, liefde, hoop, by Ödön von Horváth, with Lore Dijkman, Bram de Win, Sjoerd Vrins, Isaäk Hofland, and many others. Direction: Domien van der Meiren (Toneelgroep Maastricht) • 23/03 Hondstuk, script and direction: Stefan Perceval, with Sien Eggers (Theater Malpertuis) • 13/04 On Raftery’s Hill, by Marina Carr, with Christophe Aussems, Katrien de Ruysscher, Domien van der Meiren, Joost Howard, Tom Ternest, Lien de Graeve, Helena van den Nerge (Theater production house de Queeste) • 27/04 Zoals de dingen gaan, direction and acting: Peter de Graef

Theater op de Middag was organised again at the start of the season in September. Overall, this ‘classic’ had more than 3,000 visitors in 2010. Up to a third of the theatre capacity could be reserved for groups from secondary schools. They also participated in discussions with the director or actors afterwards, a collaboration with BOZAR STUDIOS. • 28/09 De alleenspraak van Koning Leopold II, with Rik Van Uffelen, script: Mark Twain, direction: Michael de Cock (’t Arsenaal) • 19/10 Berckmans, script and acting: Jurgen Delnaet (De Tijd) • 09/11 Mooie Anna, een Zeeuwse fado, with Ilse Uitterlinden, script: Marjolein Bierens (Theater production house Zeelandia) • 23/11 De Kafka’s (of het ongedierte), script: Rob the Graaf, direction: Bart Danckaert (Theater Antigone) • 07/12 Lazarus, script and acting: Koen de Graeve (Oblomov)


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BOZAR LITERATURE Per Petterson was in Brussels on March 23 in connection with the publication of his book Ik vervloek de rivier des tijds. On 9/06, Marianne Faithfull read Shakespeare’s Love sonnets. The French musician Vincent Ségal, who recorded an album with Sting, provided cello accompaniment. The Culture of Memory – 20 - 21/05 The Centre for Fine Arts and the Frankfurter Buchmesse have worked together since 2010 to emphasise and strengthen the importance of culture and collaboration between cultural institutes in the European Union. The international symposium The Culture of Memory paid special attention to the ways in which Argentinean artists address their traumatic national history. Guest speakers from Germany, Spain, and Argentina presented their points of view on the matter. BOZAR LITERATURE, in collaboration with the Flemish-Dutch house deBuren, launched the new series Talking paintings. In line with the Cranach-exhibition, five poets were asked to choose a painting from the exhibition and give it ‘a voice’ in the form of a poem. The result could be heard through the audio guides. Lucienne Stassaert and Stefan Hertmans participated in the first edition, as well as the Dutch Astrid Lampe and Han Van der Vegt, and the French-speaking Belgian poet Gwenaëlle Stubbe. Research showed that one out of three audio guide users listened to the audio poems. On 1/12, the Dutch non-fiction writer Douwe Draaisma gave a lecture about the question of why we forget, in connection with his Vergeetboek (book of forgetting). Even sectorial magazines such as De Artsenkrant (Doctors Journal) featured the lecture. On 13/12, the American art philosopher W.J.T. Mitchell gave a critical-reflexive follow-up to the Visionary Africa lecture series in the framework of the festival of the same name, with the lecture Migration, Law and the Image: Beyond the Veil of Ignorance. MULTIDISCIPLINARY EVENTS

Letters to Chopin - 27/02 Music & Poetry This evening of Music & Poetry was dedicated to Chopin, in regards to his 200th birthday. Letters to Chopin highlighted the relationship between the composer and the written word; not only in demonstrating his ties with poets and through his correspondence, but also in his songs for the mezzo-soprano, in this case Urszula Kryger. Tom and Bess O’Bedlam - 04/06 Tom and Bess O’Bedlam are archetypical crazy characters from England. They inspired poets, musicians, painters, and playwrights. In the Kaaitheater, they took the audience on a trip through English culture. « Tom and Bess O’Bedlam – those two freaks who inspired poets, musicians, painters and playwrights – take off to discover English culture… The next Music and Poetry night invites la Danse to explore that Renaissance where « craziness » flourished. Staging by Sybille Wilson and choreography by Arco Renz. With Igor Shyshko, dancer and Xavier Saata Corominas, countertenor. » (La Libre Belgique, 02.06.2010)

Meeting with Malkovich - 12/05 Music, Theatre & Cinema During the Belgian premiere of the unpublished musical theatre piece The Infernal Comedy, the actor John Malkovich plays the role of the Austrian serial killer Jack Unterweger. In advance to his performance, Malkovich introduced the film Mary Reilly by Stephen Frears. In connection to this event, CINEMATEK compiled a retrospective on Malkovich (12/05 > 29/06). About John Malkovich. The infernal Comedy: « The famous American actor plays the role of a serial killer in a musical theatre piece (…) totally unheard of in our region, but the name Malkovich alone will undoubtedly boost its popularity… » (Trends Tendances, 06.05.2010)

c. BOZAR INTERNATIONAL BOZAR is increasingly developing into a European arts and production house in the capital of Europe. With a broad and diverse exhibition programme, the Centre for Fine Arts initi28

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ates the dialogue between the cultural heritage and contemporary art from European regions with that of other continents and cultures. In order to guarantee quality and to bring about a true exchange, it further develops the ties with international museums and art institutes. The exhibitions literally travel to different parts of the world, crossing continental borders: Asia, Latin America, and Africa. They are often large coproductions. BOZAR not only offers a platform for (inter-) national collections in Brussels, it also functions as an intermediary to allow Belgian collections and artists to travel abroad. Also its architecture exhibitions have a high international reputation. Thanks to these increasing and improving collaborations, both nationally and internationally, BOZAR achieves more influence in international loan politics. That, in turn, allows artists and collections to come to Brussels. Vice versa, the quality of the exhibitions is noted abroad, so that they are invited by prestigious art institutes.


press conferences


James Ensor Museo Dolores Olmedo, Xochimilco, Mexico - 28/02 > 30/05 An Ensor exhibition to commemorate James Ensor’s 150th birthday, and a collaboration with the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) and the Museo Dolores Olmedo in Mexico. The KMSKA loaned 23 Ensor paintings for the exhibition. The Museo Olmedo added another 40 prints from the collection of the Instituto de Artes Gráficas in Oaxaca. The fact that the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris had just organised large Ensor retrospectives, increased the interest in Mexico, where James Ensor was shown for the first time. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO and Museo Doleres Olmedo Xochimilco, Mexico in close collaboration with KMSKA. Coordinator: Anne Judong. Number of visitors: approximately 40,000. Luc Tuymans. Retrospective - 17/09/2009 > 8/05/2011 Luc Tuymans. Retrospective was on an extensive American tour before coming to Brussels; it featured in four American museums, and offered an overview of the work of the Belgian artist Luc Tuymans. This project was a collective initiative of the SFMOMA in San Francisco and the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus (Ohio). The retrospective covered 73 works (dating from 1978 to 2008) primarily originating from a few important series by the painter, such as At Random, Der Architekt, Mwana Kitoko: Beautiful White Man, Proper, and Der diagnostische Blick. With a mixture of film techniques and paintings, Luc Tuymans explores history, memory, and the mass media. The artist is inspired by the aftermath of World War II, 9/11, and the postcolonial period in the Democratic Republic of Congo. His work appears to be only a chronicle of everyday life, but he is implicitly addressing the big questions of the current age. Apart from works from prominent private collections, there were many works from important museums in the United States - the MoMA (NY), the Guggenheim Museum (NY), Carnegie Museum of Art (Pittsburg) - and in Germany - Friedrich Christian Flick Collection, as well as the Museum for Modern Art, in Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and even in Japan.


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Art at Work (29/11/2011 > 2012) Since the Cotonou- agreement of 2000, the European Commission increasingly recognises the importance of culture as an essential element in the development of African society. This is the viewpoint from which the exhibitions GEO-graphics and A Useful Dream initiated Art at work, a travelling exhibition to different African cities that will continue the debate that was started in Brussels. David Adjaye, artistic director of Visionary Africa, designed a temporary pavilion, which travelled for three weeks to different African cities. A local artistic partner curated an exhibition by a local artist, for whom was reserved a space in the pavilion. The ex-

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hibition linked up with local cultural events. At the end of the third week, all the actors involved came together to debate about art. Each time, an African artist from another region than that of the guest city was an artist in residence for three weeks. ‘Travelling across the continent, this project, through its exhibitions and debates and thanks to the collaborations that it will generate, will lead to a stronger awareness of the decisive role of the cultural sector in the development of Africa. Visionary Africa: Art at Work was designed to take on the challenges that it will encounter in the public spaces of the African capitals with a pavilion that is meant to bring the audience closer to the art.’ Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission

Art at Work was presented and opened at the EU-Africa-summit in Tripoli (Libya) on 29/11/2010. The following stopovers were Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso; February 20-March 5, 2011), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia, September 2011), Cairo (Egypt, during the local biennial), Maputo (Mozambique) and Douala (Cameroun). A documentary and a publication with the title Atlas Manifesto gave an overview of the progress of the project and the results of the debates. The project received financial support for two years from the European Commission. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO, BOZAR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Curators: Simon Njami, David Adjaye, Nicola Setari. Coordinator: Kathleen Louw and CECOFORMA. The State of Things - 01/05 > 30/05 During europalia.china, the Centre for Fine Arts launched the exhibition The State of Things. Brussels/Beijing. The preparations for the exhibition in Brussels formed the common thread for The Long March, the documentary film about Paul Dujardin in the Canvas-series Hoge Bomen. Luc Tuymans, one of Belgium’s great contemporary artists and Ai Weiwei, China’s most famous artist and dissident, placed about 50 Belgian and Chinese artists next to each other and confronted the various contexts in which art is created in both countries. The exhibition was realised in collaboration with Fan Di’an, director of the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC). For a long time it was unclear whether it would take place in China or not, but in May 2010, The State of Things opened its doors in the prestigious NAMOC. This was an important breakthrough: for some non-conformist Chinese artists it was the first time that their work could be shown in an official art institute in their own country. President Barroso and the European Commissioner for Culture, Androulla Vassiliou, attended the opening in Beijing. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO, NAMOC, europalia.china. Curators: Ai Weiwei, Fan Di’an, Luc Tuymans. Co-Curator: Philippe Pirotte. Coordinator: Maïté Smeyers. Number of visitors: 45,000. With catalogue. ARCHITECTURE

Robbrecht & Daem. Pacing through Architecture - 23/04 > 20/06 The Belgian architecture firm Robbrecht and Daem were commissioned to model the renovation of the legendary Whitechapel Art Gallery in London. After the premiere in Brussels, the direction of the Whitechapel Art Gallery decided to bring the exhibition Robbrecht& Daem. Pacing through Architecture to London. Production: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, A+ Belgian architectural review, Society of architects. Curators: Stefan Devoldere and Iwan Strauven. Number of visitors: 58,472. Michele de Lucchi, Filip Dujardin. Vero, falso, verosimile (true, false, possible) - 15/10 > 13/11 The work of Filip Dujardin was shown in 2009 at the Centre for Fine Arts with the title Image/ Construction, Photography by Filip Dujardin. This exhibition was the start of a new series about the relationship between architecture and photography. In October 2010, the photomontage was presented at the Casabella Laboratorio in Milan. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, Casabella Laboratorio. Laurent Ney. Shaping Forces - 29/09 > 03/10 As a result of the Istanbul Design Week, the exhibition Shaping Forces was shown for the first time abroad, at the old Galata Bridge in Istanbul. Shaping Forces was the first overview exhibition that highlights the infrastructure projects of Laurent Ney. Coproduction: BOZAR ARCHITECTURE, Istanbul Design Week. Number of visitors: 10,000 (est.)


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The retrospective Belgian photographers 1980-2010, with the central theme ‘30 years of creative photography in Belgium’, found its way to a number of Belgian embassies during the course of 2010 under the name One way to see it – Belgian Creative Photography. It was presented as a preview to the exhibition Beyond the Document (Summer 2011). The work of Daniel Michiels, Gilbert Fastenaken, Stephan Vanfleteren and the duo Christen Felten & Véronique Massinger was presented in Riga, Addis Abeba, Singapore and Cologne. As of June 2011, the exhibition can be seen in Washington. BOZAR EXPO made the accompanying catalogue. Coproduction: BOZAR EXPO, FotoMuseum Antwerp. Number of visitors: 1,140.

d. Mediation and public activities The Centre for Fine Arts values the importance of communicating its cultural artistic projects to a broad and diverse audience. ‘Audience mediation’, is one of BOZAR’s core activities. In order to put this into practice, the artistic departments are guided by the following principles:

• BOZAR departs from the specificity of the visitor(s) for each activity. Classics are activities adapted to children, youth and families, but depending on the type of programming, other groups are addressed as well, such as specific cultural communities or schools to name but a few . • BOZAR introduces the audience to the ‘makers’ and ‘performers’, wherever possible, in the form of meetings, debates, and interviews. • BOZAR invites external specialists (journalists, curators, pedagogues) that frame an activity and employs all possible media to promote an activity. Audience mediation is a central focus within the different departments. During the exhibitions, guided tours, explanatory texts, and guides are available to visitors. BOZAR MUSIC offers free introductions to the concerts, and sells programmes. BOZAR’s performing arts department organises meetings with the actors or conductor after the performance. BOZAR STUDIOS has a studio space where the visitors themselves can make music, create visual works and perform drama, etc.

visitors for Party at the Centre




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There were approximately 104,500 visitors and about 3,340 guided tours for groups, schools, and children throughout 2010. In 2010, BOZAR STUDIOS linked its activities to the artistic programme of the ¡Mexico! Festival, the Spanish Spring, Visionary Africa, and Asia on Stage. During the ¡Mexico! Festival (16/01>25/04) the audience could participate in: • Guided tours in the exhibitions, a fun family treasure hunt with the artist couple ‘Frida and Diego’, active discovery expeditions for primary schools, day courses... • BOZARPLUSDAYS for seniors: a combination of an exhibition and a concert or theatre performance. • Lectures accompanying the exhibition Frida Kahlo y su Mundo (in collaboration with Amarant). More than 3,200 adults signed up. • The event Museum Night Fever. This took place during the Brussels Museum Night on 06/03. • The family days BOZARSUNDAYS GOOD MORNING & GOOD AFTERNOON, were seasoned with Mexican flavours. • Party Time at the Centre on 21/03/2010, was the closing event for this series of family days. • Finissage Mexico on 24/04 and the ¡Mexico! Festival on 8/05 during the musical fairy tale Pukuy, the Mexican monster. At this event, children got acquainted with the musicians and instruments of the Belgian National Orchestra. BOZAR STUDIOS took part in the festival The Spanish Spring (04/02 > 09/05) with the following activities: • Guided tours in the El Greco-exhibition and family treasure hunts in the theatri-

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cal company of the early 20th century museum builder Marquis de la Vega-Inclán. • School performances of El retablo de Maese Pedro, for 800 children between 10 and 12 years. Workshops took place in advance in the participating schools. BOZAR STUDIOS worked together with BOZAR CINEMA on the Brussels Short Film Festival and focused on school and family performances. The summer festival Visionary Africa (30/05 > 26/09) brought out the artistic talents of children with Family Kit - GEO-graphics, in collaboration with Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques (09/06 > 26/09),Summer stages (05/07 > 20/08) for children from 6 to 12 years, the Tree of Tales (09/06 > 26/09), where visitors listened to magical African fairy tales, and Pôze III, Africa Town, a participative and social-artistic project. Additionally, there were guided tours. During autumn, BOZAR STUDIOS organised different activities and adapted programmes. During the exhibitions The World of Lucas Cranach and Gilbert & George, visitors participated in guided tours, active discovery expeditions, workshops, day courses and a medieval musical fairy tale (30/10). The special initiative Talking paintures was a collaboration with the FlemishDutch house deBuren. A new addition was ‘audiokids’, an audio guide specifically designed for children, and an adapted version of BOZARSUNDAYS. All the activities were grouped together in one morning and the participants made a selection from the BOZARmenu: expo, film, or concert. Additionally BOZAR STUDIOS developed an educational project (for secondary schools) in connection with the architecture exhibition Building for Brussels. Architecture and urban transformations in Europe: a city tour combined with a tour of the exhibition (in collaboration with Arkadia and Korei). On Sunday 14 /11 the first edition of Big Bang took place, a music festival for children and their (grand-) parents. Zonzo Compagnie, BOZAR, and Bronksfestival opened the doors of the Centre for Fine Arts. For an entire day, the children, together with their friends, parents, and grandparents, enjoyed a sea of sounds and were introduced to different musical genres, styles, and traditions. With more than 2,426 visitors, also the new version of BOZAR NIGHT (10/11) with exhibitions open until midnight, performances by the RITS, film screenings, including With Gilbert & George, and DJ-sets, was an absolute hit!

e. Publications - BOZAR BOOKS BOZAR EXPO has two fulltime employees and one parttime volunteer working on the coordination and realisation of its publications. BOZAR BOOKS publishes in several languages, with the subject determining the languages. The collaboration modalities vary from 100% own productions to publications that are entirely in the hands of the publisher. A high level of quality is sought on all levels. The State of Things was awarded with the prestigiuous Plantin-Moretus prize. Another priority is a wide and efficient distribution on national and international level and in collaboration with Exhibitions International, DAP, Idea Books... The majority of the publications are exhibition catalogues, but as a multidisciplinary arts centre, we also published a literary journal in connection with Visionary Africa, with original contributions by 28 African writers on the theme of independence. Publications: Overview 2010 More details about the publications listed below can be found on the website • El Greco. Domenikos Theotokopoulos 1900 (Dutch and French) • Laurent Ney: Shaping Forces (English) • El Ángel Exterminador (Spanish and English in one edition) • Jack Freak Pictures - Gilbert & George (Dutch and French in one edition) • A Passage to Asia (English with a summary in Dutch and in French) • A Useful Dream (English) • African Renaissance (Dutch, French, and English in one edition) • GEO-graphics (Dutch, French, and English in one edition) • Box Visionary Africa • Drie Keer Belgisch/Belge Trois Fois (Dutch, French, and English in one edition) • L’Univers de Lucas Cranach (French) • De wereld van Lucas Cranach (Dutch) 32

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• Die Welt des Lucas Cranach (German) • Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door (Dutch, French and English in one edition)

f. BOZAR & Partners BOZAR is not a synonym for the Centre for Fine Arts. Since 2002, BOZAR is the trademark under which its own artistic team creates, in line with a long-term vision, and in dialogue with numerous cultural partners. BOZAR is the cultural project of the Centre for Fine Arts. However, the cultural selection not only includes productions that BOZAR’s own artistic team creates and elaborates, but also coproductions with permanent and seasonal partners, and activities for which the staff of the Centre for Fine Arts provides the technical support and the reception of the visitors. Those activities fall under the management agreement ‘rental to external organisers with own cultural programme’ (under the name Partner Events). BOZAR’s artistic departments are in the latter case not involved. The Centre for Fine Arts does not have its own permanent museum collection, nor its own orchestra, theatre or dance company. All productions are collaborations with partners. Each artistic department has a number of partner organisations with whom they produce cultural events. In the last few years, the amount of partnerships and quality collaborations has increased. The Centre for Fine Arts has a coordinating effect across communities, municipalities, and regions. Additionally, the extra muros coproductions have become increasingly important. Due to its increased international dimension, BOZAR is gradually receiving international recognition. (see BOZAR INTERNATIONAL p. 28) Finally, BOZAR’s FUNDING and COMMUNICATION departments landed interesting partnerships in 2010.

The Centre for Fine Arts is a member of the following international networks: ASEMUS – Asia-Europe Museums Network; CAE – Culture Action Europe; ECHO – European Concert Hall Organisation; EFA – European Festival Association; ENCATC – European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres - ‘Museums in Europe’; ISPA – International Society for the Performing Arts Foundation; REMA – Réseau Européen de musique ancienne.

1. Cultural Partners BOZAR MUSIC

National Anima Eterna, Ars Musica, Brussels Philharmonic, Queen Elisabeth Music Orchestra, Cultuur en Toerisme, deFilharmonie, Flanders Festival, Flagey, Ictus, Jeugd en Muziek Brussel, Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles, Kaaitheater, Klara, de Munt, 1001 Valises, Moussem – Nomadisch Kunstencentrum, Musiques Nouvelles, Belgium National Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège. International Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht. European Concert Hall Organisation, together with: Barbican Centre London, Cité de la Musique Paris, Elbphilharmonie & Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien, Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Kölner Philharmonie, Konserthuset Stockholm, L’Auditori de Barcelona, Salle de Concerts Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte de Luxembourg, South Bank Centre London, Symphony Hall Birmingham, The Athens Concert Hall Organisation, The Sage Gateshead, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées Paris, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft. BOZAR EXPO 33

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ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation), ASEMUS (Asia-Europe Museum Network), British Council Brussels, Centre International pour la Ville, l’Architecture et le Paysage (CIVA), Europalia

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International, FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen, Galerie Baronian-Francey, Goethe-Institut Brussels, Hungarian Culture Institute, ING Brussel, Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques ( JAP), Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Africa Tervuren, Koninklijk Museum for Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi, Museum voor Schone Kunsten Elsene, Stadsarchief Brussel, SUMProject and SUMResearch, Vlaamse Kunstcollectie. British Embassy, Mexican Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Spanish Embassy, Brussels Capital Region, Communauté française de Belgique, Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Flemish Government, Wallonie-Bruxelles International. BOZAR ARCHITECTURE

[pyblik], A+, Belgian architectural review, Architecture Workroom Brussels, Bureau vers plus de bien-être (V+), CIAUD/ICASD, Communauté française – Cellule Architecture, de Meelfabriek, Design September, Dimension Data, Duravit, Federatie van de Belgische Cementnijverheid (FEBELCEM), Hoger Architectuur Instituut Sint-Lucas, ISACF-LaCambre, KULeuven, Orde van de Architecten, Protect, Regie der Gebouwen, State Secretary for Urban Development and Environmental Maintenance. BOZAR CINEMA

1001 Valises, ABC Distribution, Africa Filmfestival, AMAZONE Leuven, Amnesty International, ArgosBelga Films Benelux Film Distribution, Belgacom, Beursschouwburg, Big Bang Distribution, Brussels Short Film Festival, Cervantes, CinéartCooperative, CINEMATEK, Courtisane, ERG (École the Recherche Graphique), Festival Africa Taille XL Bruxelles, Festival des Libertés, Festival Elles Tournent/Vrouwen Draaien, Festival One World – Praag, Festival Pink Screen, Goethe Institut, Graphoui Instituto, Imagine Film Distribution, Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques, Kinepolis Film Distribution, Koninklijk Belgisch Filmarchief, La Médiathèque de la Communauté française de Belgique, Ligue des familles, Lobster Films, Lumière, Minds Meet Museum, Moussem – Nomadisch Kunstencentrum, Belgian National Orchestra, Need Production, NightFever , Nouveau Cinéma (CNC), NOVA Cinema, Off World Offscreen Film festival, RTBF, SACD / SCAM, Scope Invest Universal, Tsjechisch Centrum Brussel, UNRIC, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF).

articles in the press



National Ars Musica, Broodje Brussel/OPB, Kaaitheater, Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Moussem – Nomadisch Kunstencentrum. International Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta), SEACEX Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior. BOZAR DANCE

National Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Moussem – Nomadisch Kunstencentrum. International Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta), SEACEX Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior. BOZAR LITERATURE

National Goethe Institut, het Beschrijf, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Africa, Middagen van Poëzie en Proza, Moussem – Nomadisch Kunstencentrum, Passa Porta, Promotion des Lettres belges de langue française, Rideau de Bruxelles, Service de la Promotion des Lettres, Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren. International Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Conaculta), Frankfurter Buchmesse. BOZAR STUDIOS


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National Amarant, Arcadia, BRONKS Jeugdtheater, Brussel Behoort ons toe – Bruxelles nous Appartient, Brussel Short Film Festival, Brusselse Museumraad, de Munt, the Vaartkapoen, deFilharmonie, Federatie Organisation Kunsteducatie, Fonds Vrijetijdsparticipatie, JES, Jeugd en

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Muziek Brussel, Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques, Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Brussel, Korei, Kunstberg, LASSO, Musiq3, Belgium National Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Recyclart, ReMuA - Réseau the Musiciens intervenants en Ateliers, RTBF Musiq’3, STUDIO ORKA, The Brussels Philharmonic – het Vlaams Radio Orkest, Zonzo Compagnie.

2. Media Partners

RTBF (RTBF, Musiq’3), Roularta (Knack, Le Vif L’Express), VRT (Klara,, Canvas, Radio 1), TV Brussel, Télé Bruxelles, Brussel Deze Week, Le Soir, Ackroyd Publications (The Bulletin), Clear Channel.

3. Corporate Partners

Permanent: Belgacom, BMW, GDF Suez. Privileged: BNP Paribas Fortis, Bank Degroof, Brussels Airlines. Institutional: National Lottery, NBB. Expo JPB: ING. Expo A passage to Asia: Lufthansa, ASEF. Norway Now: DNV. Corporate Patrons: Ageas, Aspria, Bank of NY Mellon, Banque Privée de Rothschild, Bird & Bird, Hudson, Laga, Le Méridien, Linklaters, Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch, NH Hotels, Puilaetco Dewaay, Price waterhouse Coopers, Securitas. Foundations: Bernheim Foundation, Fonds InBev-Baillet Latour, Porticus Foundation.


Since December 2007, the multidisciplinary and international BOZARSHOP offers an extensive selection of art books in the most diverse genres and disciplines. They are then arranged to reflect the events that take place in the Centre for Fine Arts. There is also a focus on children’s books and high-quality cookbooks. There is even a wide selection of DVDs (in collaboration with CINEMATEK) and CDs (classical music, jazz, world music), and an assortment of merchandise, adapted and designed especially for BOZAR. The shop also offers a wide selection of international magazines. There are often special activities in the shop, such as book signing sessions by artists, presentations, releases, small expos, special offers in connection with specific BOZAR-events... Activities in 2010: • signing session with the artists Gilbert & George, • exhibition of a selection of jewels by Wouters & Hendrix in connection with their 20th birthday, • ‘Wim-shop’ with an extensive gamma of Delvoye-items • special efforts to attract visitors to the Canvas collection • in connection with the success of the Frida Kahlo-exhibition, the shop purchased the entire Kahlo-selection (books, films, gadgets...) and brought it to Brussels.


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3. Rental to external organisers External partners are important for the Centre for Fine Arts. Productions by a range of external partners that take place in the Centre for Fine Arts should be taken into consideration. The halls and building can be used for associations, organisations and institutes with their own cultural programme, as long as it does not contradict the objectives of the Centre’s artistic production. For example, the International Queen Elisabeth Competition is held here. In this case, the collaboration is not limited to a rental contract, but the Centre’s guest services, technical management, and related services are also offered. Partner events EXPO 12/01 Art contemporain chinois China@BOZAR — Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl MUSIC


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07/01 Mostly Mozart Flanders Symphony Orchestra — Production: Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen vzw 13/01 Carmina Burana, Carl Orff & 9th Symphony, Beethoven – Production: Consulting Office 16/01 KLARA in het Paleis — Production: Klara, VRT 25/01 Les Messagers de la Paix et de l’Espoir Tehran Choir and Symphony Orchestra, Manoucher Sahbai, conductor 30/01 Tunesia evening with Sofia Sadek and Nour Chiba 03/02 Sonia Theodoridou sings Jacques Brel Nicola Tsalikis, piano 08/02 Jupiter Johannes Brahms, Richard Strauss, W.A. Mozart Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen — Productie: Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen vzw 27/02 Weens Johann Strauss Galaconcert

K&K Philharmoniker and Ballet – Production: Da Capo AUSTRIA To the benefit of Royal Event Management 11/03 Elisabeth Leonskaya, piano Edvard Grieg, Pyotr Tchaikovsky Teodor Currentzis, conductor – Production: The National Orchestra of Belgium 13/03 Made in Vienna Joseph Haydn, Richard Strauss, Johannes Brahms Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 13/03 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Benjamin Britten L’Orchestre à la portée des enfants Coproduction: Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège - Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles – Production: Jeunesses Musicales de Liège 14/03 Vasarhelyi Method Student Consideration 17/03 Brussel Proms@BOZAR 22/03 Nuove Musiche and Brussels Choral Society – Production by and for the benefit of: National Belgian Multiple Sclerosis League asbl 06/04 Charlie Musselwhite Band (VS) 23/04 Kaoru Tashiro, piano

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24/04 Beethoven 9 Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 26/04 Pierre-Alain Volondat and the Belgium National Orchestra – Production: The National Orchestra of Belgium 02/05 Rufus Wainwright — Production: Live Nation 03 > 08/05 Queen Elisabeth Competition Piano, First round – Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition 10 > 15/05 Queen Elisabeth Competition Piano Semi-Final Wallonia Royal Chamber Orchestra – Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition 06/05 Swing! John Adams, Edger Varèse, Kurt Weill, George Gershwin, Charles Ives, Samuel Barber, Leonard Bernstein Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 10/05 George Dalaras - The Encore Tour 2010 – Organisation: Greece on tour 12/05 Les Frères Moriya & Keito Saito 15/05 Arman Hovhannisyan Live in concert 24 > 29/05 Koningin Elisabethwedstrijd Piano Finale Belgium National Orchestra – Marin Alsop, conductor – Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition 10/06 Fourth, fifth, and sixth laureates of the Queen Elisabeth Competition - Piano Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège Wallonie Bruxelles Jean-Pierre Haeck, conductor – Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition 14/06 Closing concert of the Queen Elisabeth Competition - Piano deFilharmonie-Royal Flemish Philharmonic Jaap van Zweden, conductor –

Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition 17/06 Jackson Browne & Band with David Lindley – Production: Greenhouse Talent BVBA 20/07 Prelude to the National Holiday – Production: Queen Elisabeth Competition In connection with the Belgian chairmanship to the European Union 10 > 12/09 Herman van Veen presents: Juliette Music theatre performance in memory of Margot Fonteyn Herman van Veen, author and conductor 29/09 Trio Boulanger (Germany) W.A. Mozart, Dmitry Shostakovich – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 04/10 Philharmonie der Nationen Choeurs de l’ U.E. Gala concert for the 20th birthday of the German reunion – Production: German Embassy 06/10 Mozart Festival 2010 Noon concerts: W.A. Mozart, César Franck – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 09/10 Herman van Veen, 2010 Tour 09/10 Black magic woman Alexia Waku and her Amazons 11/10 Chopin 200! Kernis, Chopin, Schumann Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 13/10 Piano recital Noon concerts: Maurice Ravel – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 20/10 Violin-piano duo Noon concerts: Franz Schubert, Guillaume Lekeu Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 22/10 Lavrentis Machairitsas – Production: Kosmidis Georges – Backstage Productions

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25/10 Concert for the children by Salus Sanguinis 35th birthday of the Salus Sanguinis foundation and the asbl Salus Sangiunis Production: The National Orchestra of Belgium 27/10 Trio Aristos (Denemarken) Noon concerts: Dohnanyi, Sørensen, Beethoven – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 31/10 Alkistis Protopsalti & Stefanos Korkolis – Production: Greece on tour 01/11 John Hiatt & the Combo Special Guest: Admiral Freebee – Production: Greenhouse Talent BVBA 03/11 Duo cello-piano Noon concerts: Sergei Prokofiev, Ignaz Moscheles – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 08/11 Debut Seikyo Kim W.A. Mozart, Robert Schumann Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 10/11 Danel Quartet Noon concerts: Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 22/11 Kaoru Tashiro, piano 25/11 Carmina Burana by Carl Orff First piano concerto by Cyril Orcel Brussels Choral Society and Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra – Production: M.J.M diffusion sprl 26/11 Gala concert by the Guides Royal Music Orchestra Organisation: Les Amis de la Musique Royale des Guides asbl 30/11 Belgian Jazz Night - 25th Anniversary Skoda Jazz Festival with Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine & Jacky Terrasson, Lady Linn, Belgium Jazz Big Band Production: Jazztronaut - Skoda Jazz Festival

04/12 Trio Carlo Van Neste – Organisation: Carlo Van Neste asbl 08/12 Duo alto violin-piano Noon concerts: Robert Schumann, W.A. Mozart, Johannes Brahms Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 15/12 Duo voice-piano Noon concerts: Franz Schubert – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 18/12 L’Enfant et les sortilèges by Maurice Ravel L’Orchestre à la Portée des Enfants Coproduction: Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège - Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles - Jeunesses Musicales de Liège 20/12 Philippe Lafontaine Tout, seul... – Production: OD Live Productions S.C.S 21/12 Amis de Paris Flanders Symphony Orchestra – Production: Flanders Symphony Orchestra 21/12 Christmas concert Noon concerts: J.S. Bach Choir and Orchestra by the Miniemen Orchestra – Production: Concerts de Midi – asbl | Noon concerts asbl 22/12 My life with Mozart L’Orchestre symphonique Lyonnais Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, author and storyteller – Production: Amis Productions – In liaison with Les concerts de la cité CINEMA 06 > 10/01 Odysée Amérindienne, AlaskaPatagonia by David Ducoin – Production: Exploration du monde 16 > 19/02 ¡ Libertad ! Festival de Cine Latinoamericano – Production: CERCAL - ULB 03 > 07/03 Deux Papous en France, l’exploration inversée – Production: Exploration du monde

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Philippe Blasband – Production: Théâtre Le Public 12/06 Leading Ladies in Comedy Production: Liberale Vrouwen Intercultureel – For the benefit of Nasci asbl 19/06 Mozart -Tale of an Expat by Alfredo Zucchi – Production: Hêbê Theatre Group 23/09 > 01/10 R.W. Premier dialogue by Robert Walser – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 06 > 17/10 R.W. Deuxième dialogue by Robert Walser – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 12 > 16/10 All My Sons by Arthur Miller – Production: The American Theatre Company 19 > 21/10 R.W. Premier et deuxième dialogue by Robert Walser – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 29/10, 11/11 Sarah by John Murrell director: Daniel Hanssens – Production: Argan 42 28/11 Homo Cordus. La Vie au Long du Violon Richard Navarro, director and author – Production: Babylone Carrefour Culturel asbl 01/12 > 31/12 (15 voorstellingen) Causerie sur le lemming by Elisabeth Ancion and François-Michel van der Rest – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 28, 29/12 Geert Hoste Vulkaan

21 > 25/04 Earth Challenge - Australia – Belgium and Ulm – Production: Exploration du monde 13 > 17/10 Brésil - Jardin pour la planète – Production: Exploration du monde 17 > 21/11 Groenland - dans les pas de Paul-Émile Victor – Production: Exploration du monde 04/12, 12/12, 15/12, 16/12, 17/12 Istanbul - faits et reflets – Production: Exploration du monde THEATRE


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11 > 17/01 R.W. (Premier Dialogue) Robert Walser Pascal Crochet, concept, and production – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles – Partner: Théâtre Océan Nord Participation: Centre des Arts scéniques 07/03 Radi One man show 09/03 > 1/04 White-Out by Paul Pourveur Hélène Gailly, director – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 23/02 > 18/03 Affabulazione by Pier Paolo Pasolini Frédéric Dussenne, director – Coproduction: Rideau de Bruxelles - L’acteur et l’écrit Cie Frédéric Dussenne With support from: Fonds d’Acteurs de la COCOF 25 > 29/03 Les Bacchantes d’Euripide – Production: Y-Grec Groupe Théâtral 31/03 > 2/04 Gilles et la nuit by Hugo Claus – Production: Théâtre Le Public 15/04 Kappadokia A Pan-hellenic Association of Cappadocian Unions presentation 23/04 > 22/05 (16 performances) Une Laborieuse Entreprise van Hanokh Levin Director: Christophe Sermet – Production: Rideau de Bruxelles 16 > 18/05 The History of Communism Explained to Mental Patients Matéi Visniec, author 25, 27, 28, 29/05 Les mangeuses de chocolat by

DANCE 15/01 Ein Abend in Wien - with ballet – Production: Consulting Office 08/02 Zoetrope I & II (world première) Beijing Modern Dance Company & Cie 13 / Rosa Mei Rosa Mei, concept, production, choreography – Gao Yanjinzi, choreography – Organisation: Cie13 asbl – Coproduction: europalia. china 30/04 > 02/05 Ceci n’est pas un entrechat L’école de danse Entrechats — Production: Entrechats asbl

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05/05 María Pagés Autorretrato In observance of the Spanish chairmanship of the European Union Support: Gobierno de España – Sponsor: BBVA - Telefonica de Espana 22 > 23/05 Dancing in the Park Movimento – Production: Movimento 20/06 Il était une fois ... Monsieur le Monde 12/11 Once upon a time ... Oriental dance – Production: Arabesque asbl 12/11 Kathak – a classical dance from Northern India Shila Mehta Coproduction: Embassy of India to Belgium - Maya Sapera Dance Company


LITERATURE & LECTURES 23/01 La photographie comme outil conceptuel – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 06/02 L’art comme espace critique – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 09/02 Rencontre avec Gianni Motti – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 02/03 Escapismes. Des politiques d’évasion dans l’art contemporain – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 27/03 Je(ux), l’art à la première personne et l’autoportrait aujourd’hui – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 20/04 Misère de la mariée Carte blanche for Hans de Wolf – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 24/04 Bâtir l’art, ‘plastiquer’ l’architecture by Jean-Philippe Theyskens – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 01/07 High Performance Through Perfection

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25/09 De la naissance à l’adieu – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 27/10 Rencontre avec Ruedi Baur – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 30/10 Mémoires: Les souvenirs dans l’art d’aujourd’hui – Production: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl 15/12 Jésus au pluriel – Production: Fondation Saint-Paul 03/12 Town hall Hans Magnus Enzensberger – Participation: BOZAR LITERATURE EVENEMENTEN 03/04 Eerste verjaardag van Majalla 23/04 Children’s festival and national sovereignty – Organisation: Turkish Embassy 05 > 16/05 Festival Human Cities @BOZAR. Focus on public space – Production: HUMAN CITIES 05/05 Maison folie Lecutre by Marc Mawet 06/05 Human Cities OPENING NIGHT PECHA KUCHA 07 > 8/05 Human Cities SYMPOSIUM 07/05, 08/05 Human Cities CONFERENCE 09/05 Human Cities BOZAR STUDIOS 15/05 Pride main party 11/10 Les oreilles ont des murs 05 > 06/11 Nacht Der Reclamevreters/Nuit des Publivores – Perrier’s 30th birthday!

WORKSHOPS 23 > 27/08 Summer stage JAP – Coproduction: Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl - BOZAR STUDIOS 22/09, 20/10, 17/11, 22/12 Workshops JM de Bruxelles – Production: Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles

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4. BOZAR BRASSERIE Ten years after the closure of the old restaurant, the Centre for Fine Arts has a new gastronomic brasserie in the rue Baron Horta. This fulfils the obligations in article 4 of the management contract, in which the Centre for Fine Arts commits to offer the audience a restaurant. BOZAR BRASSERIE is a restoration of the original Horta restaurant, adapted to today’s technical norms. The attention to detail is visible, for example, in the wrought ironwork of the wall lamps and the typical art deco metal framework on the ceiling. The copper window frames in the showcases were hammered onto an oak windowsill based on an almost forgotten handcrafted process.



The warm colours were subtly continued in the chairs – timeless classics by Arne Jacobsen – and the mosaic tiles of the kitchen. Two former shops were transformed into the open kitchen of master chef David Martin, a hyper-modern kitchen equipped with a cooking island, a wood-burning oven, dishwashing areas… The cellar has a second high-tech kitchen, which can be used for large banquets. In a beam of light, a misty passage was created that received the name ‘winter garden’.The winter garden leads to the new ‘White Box’, a large polyvalent hall bordering the Horta hall. There is a mezzanine on the first floor. All the leaded light windows are meticulous copies of the historic remnants.


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5. The Organisation Organisation chart and the departments P. Dujardin CEO - Artistic Director






Administration Office & Supplies


Payroll Administration

Corporate Development


Financial Control & Internal Audits

Internal Communication

Membership & Planned Giving

Box Office

HR Development

Legal Affairs Mail Subventions





Audience Development






Dance & Theatre Literature



Planning & Events

Investments, Safety & Security

Field Coordination

Cleaning Maintenance & Repairs Stock Exhibitions & Performing Arts IT

The artistic departments Business Development Number of employees: 8 (7,5 fte)

The Business Development department is in charge of the transversal artistic programming strategy, the international policy and cultural diplomacy, as well as the Belgian and European subsidy policy and processes. This year, in order to fulfil this extensive assignment, the policy department was given structural support. The expansion of BOZAR as a European cultural platform in the capital of Europe increases the importance of the international purpose that is supported by this department. In consultation with the CEO and the artistic departments, the Business Development department develops a policy in light of the economic and political reality in which the Centre for Fine Arts functions as a federal, bicultural institute. The department also coordinates the dozens of subsidy applications that BOZAR submits annually to different regional, federal and European governments. Furthermore, the staff establishes the necessary cultural, diplomatic, and political contacts in order to develop and support BOZAR-projects. For its transversal artistic projects, the department also supervises each discipline for a coherent artistic content of the long-term umbrella vision. Moreover, it coordinates the transversal artistic projects and the festivals.

BOZAR EXPO Number of employees: 8 (7,6 fte)


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BOZAR EXPO develops an intense and versatile programme of the same level as various museums. Every season, high-profile exhibitions on historic and contemporary visual art are shown, as well as several expositions a year dedicated to architecture and photography. Thematic and monographic exhibitions and artistic interventions appear on the programme. The department collaborates in many ways with different partners from around the world. The exhibitions are either coproductions or BOZAR-productions (such as the Cranach exhibition in 2010), for which external curators are consulted. As a federal institution, The Centre for Fine Arts brings together artists from different communities, and looks beyond national borders.

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BOZAR ARCHITECTURE Since 2006, the ‘architecture debate’ has found a permanent place in the Centre for Fine Arts, with exhibitions, lectures, and debates. The practical organisation as well as the programming is done together with A+ Belgian architectural review, the Society of Architects, and ICASDCIAUD asbl. Currently, one of the main themes is ‘building in and for Europe’.

BOZAR MUSIC Number of employees: 8 (7,3 fte)

The Centre for Fine Arts has a long tradition of organising concerts. There are approximately 250 concerts per season. The programme is one of the most prestigious and reputable in Europe, and the musicians are very appreciative of the BOZAR atmosphere and infrastructure. The quality standards are high, with established names as well as young talent on the programme. The concerts not only take place in the Henri Le Boeuf hall, but also in several other locations throughout Brussels, under auspices of BOZAR MUSIC. There are collaborations with a great number of partners. Next to classical music , there is also world music, jazz, and electronic music. This variety generates a new and diversified audience. BOZAR strives to stay on top of trends and consumer behaviour, such as increased last minute decision making for concert attendance. Hence the birth of a new type of subscription, providing flexibility and advantages when purchasing multiple single tickets.

BOZAR PERFORMING ARTS Number of employees: 13 (11,3 fte) BOZAR CINEMA Since its establishment in 2004, the BOZAR CINEMA department has developed a strong programme, attracting a wide audience as well as target groups and cinema enthusiasts. This gives it a unique position in Brussels, partially thanks to the interdisciplinary approach that the Centre boasts. The decreased number of cinemas in general has led to new chances for growth for this important BOZAR pillar. There are cooperations with other departments as well as with the Royal Belgian Film Archives (CINEMATEK), a house within the perimeter of the Centre for Fine Arts, but not producing under the BOZAR-label. The department applies the following spearheads: previews in presence of the directors, documentary films, films related to other disciplines, retrospectives, homages, and family film classics. BOZAR THEATRE and BOZAR DANCE Wherever possible, the activities of these two departments are linked to the themes of the exhibitions and festivals. The core concepts in the programming are interdisciplinarity (crossovers), multiculturalism (with attention to theatre and dance traditions from non-western cultures), continuity, and a sustainable collaboration with various partners. BOZAR LITERATURE BOZAR LITERATURE is a unit within the performing arts department that applies three pillars: international top authors are invited to the festivals, concerts, and exhibitions; the programming offers a confrontation between the arts, and the department develops programmes that critically deepen the BOZAR-themes, or in which writers reflect on the world and society, art, and history. National as well as international authors present their work. BOZAR STUDIOS BOZAR STUDIOS is the audience mediation department of the Centre for Fine Arts. The team develops the BOZAR activities and programmes for a wide and varied audience, with events and festivals, as determined in the management contract. Special attention is dedicated to various groups that are rarely exposed to the arts, such as children, youth, seniors, disabled people, minority groups… Therefore, collaborations exist with a large variety of partners. Currently there is a focus on children and visual arts. In line with current societal trends, the team wants to develop its portfolio into an umbrella theme, which focuses on the concept of lifelong learning.


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The supporting departments General Administration Number of employees: 9 (8,8 fte)

When directing a complex organisation with private and public aspects and a large number of partners, a large variety of missions are to be taken into account. The different management administrations and their relationships, the accompanying meetings, reports and preparations, the application and communication of the legal definitions (such as contracts, intellectual rights, insurance, and tenders), the many legal facets connected to decisions and actions,… This all demands a meticulous procedure. Increasingly more attention is devoted to intellectual property rights (including BOZAR’s own products). The department General Administration is thus evolving into a ‘legal management’, in which the legal aspect is involved in the decision-making process early on, which then simplifies the further process and final decision. Also the archive service, the purchasing department, and the internal post delivery service belong to this department.


The historical archives, which are more than 1,100 metres long, are managed by the archive service, and bear witness to more than eighty years of the Centre for Fine Arts with: * written correspondence between Henry Le Boeuf, Charles Leirens, Pierre Janlet, Paul Willems…; * archives of the large exhibitions, from 1928 to today; * documents by and about Belgian and international artists; * archives about theatre, dance and music, with for example musical scores from the legendary concerts by the Philharmonic Society from the Henry Le Bœuf Fund; * an inventory of 3,500 building plans, including Victor Horta’s first plan; * audio visual material. The archives are frequently consulted by national and international researchers. The art books and magazine collection of 12,000 titles, supports BOZAR’s artistic policy. This provides a ‘hand library’ service for employees. In 2010, 5,000 title descriptions were added to the computerized file. The Exhibitions Associations (VvT) artistic file, the institutional archive of the parastatal Centre for Fine Arts, and the earlier archives of the Art and Culture Society and the Centre were moved to the central depot on rue Ravenstein. Additionally, the contemporary, digital archive system slowly took shape within the departments in 2010.

Finance & Box Office Number of employees: 28 (26,1 fte)

This department is responsible for everything that has to do with finance and sales: accounting, control, monitoring, internal and external reporting... .The ticket sales and the box office are also developed and managed within this department.

Human Resources Number of employees: 10 (8,2 fte)

Salary administration, selection, recruiting, and career development are the most important responsibilities of the human resources department, as well as the organisation of trainings. Human Resources aims to facilitate the conditions for greater employee involvement, and wants to create an environment in which employees can look at ‘their’ BOZAR with pride and satisfaction. The emphasis is on an integrated HR policy and intense internal communication with BOZAR’s personnel. The Centre for Fine Arts aims to be a reference in the cultural sector, in the field of personnel and organisational policy. This includes its performance system and management instrument BOZARPRO. The objectives of this system are to achieve individual and collective goals (including financial) as efficiently as possible, develop competencies, and promote the communication between management and staff and vice versa.


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Funding Number of employees: 5 (5 fte)

The Funding department develops partnerships with companies, foundations, and individuals. Their support is vital for the realisation of BOZAR’s artistic programming and for the building’s renovation. The building has a unique position in Belgium thanks to the AngloSaxon financing model. Partners are offered different new and existing formulas to match BOZAR’s strategic goals to their marketing strategy, and to their own target groups and networks. In exchange for their support, they receive a variety of benefits and become part of a creative, cultural, intellectual, and financial network. Concepts such as community relations and corporate social responsibility are important for their engagement. Contemporary cultural sponsoring improves the corporate image and pride, and provides for a network. Visibility is not limited to displaying logos. It can lead to a more meaningful collaboration that is closely connected to the needs of the company. More than ever, BOZAR’s benefactors expect quality service of the same level as the artistic productions, in exchange for their support. In the past few years, BOZAR has worked hard at improving customer service. A second recent development is that BOZAR’s increasingly international identity in the capital of Europe provides a significant EU dimension to a number of activities, which appeals to numerous donors and sponsors. In 2010, this was noticeable due to the effect of the Belgian Chairmanship of the European Union. In conclusion: similar to the example of the Anglo-Saxon tradition, where individual philanthropists permanently invest in the development and growth of cultural centres, a strategy was designed to appeal to regular visitors for a small or large, regular or incidental donation. The actual elaboration of this strategy kicked off in September of 2010.

EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS AND COMPETENCY PATRONAGE BOZAR FUNDING achieves a quarter of its total revenue through exchange agreements (barters) with media companies and a number of specialised services. In exchange for their services, the Centre for Fine Arts offers them visibility or ‘corporate hospitalities’, such as the use of the halls, the opportunity to organise nocturnals in the exhibitions, or the availability of business seats for their clients. For the remaining renovation needs, a competency patronage unit was set up, which is a modern form of company sponsorship of cultural monuments. It lies somewhere between patronage and commercial sponsorship, in which the existing competencies within certain companies are used.

PARTNERSHIPS BOZAR PATRONS In exchange for their support, the BOZAR PATRONS receive the following benefits: they can attend all concerts and participate in private nocturnals, openings, and film, dance, and theatre performances. They also have free access to the exhibitions. An extra benefit is the possibility to reserve seats in La Monnaie and in the halls that are part of the ECHO-network (European Concert Hall Organisation). BOZAR PATRONS can also participate in exclusive cultural travels abroad.

BOZAR CORPORATE PATRONS This formula was launched in 2008, and is aimed at companies, to achieve a privileged connection between the financial and cultural worlds. The formula is targeted at management level. These companies receive extra benefits as BOZAR PATRONS, discover the new season in preview, and can invite clients to concerts and nocturnals. When organising corporate hospitality activities, these patrons receive discounted rates.

BOZAR CLUB & CIRCLE BOZAR CIRCLE is a new formula that was created in the second half of 2010. It is meant for culture lovers who are looking for added value. They receive 40 tickets that they can use throughout the season, unlimited access to the exhibitions, and they can choose from a number of exclusive guided tours in the presence of the artist or curator. BOZAR CLUB was also started in the second half of 2010. Club members receive 20 tickets that they can use throughout the season. There are also extra activities organised for them and they have unlimited access to the exhibitions. Additionally, they can also use the flexible reservation system and receive a personalised welcome.

Communication & Marketing Number of employees: 27 (25,3 fte)


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This department has a threefold mission: • To inform the public about the events at the Centre for Fine Arts through promotional activities (on paper, audiovisual, via the web and other digital media), • To extend and expand the BOZAR audience (audience development), • To represent BOZAR in the media. Due to the great diversity of BOZAR projects, the number of target groups and communities is extensive. BOZAR wants to attract as many people as possible, and therefore values a

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targeted communication strategy. Together with the artistic departments, a communication plan is set up for each individual project. For example, the audience at the Africa festival cannot be compared to the visitors of the Lucas Cranach exhibition; a jazz audience is different from that attending a performance by Cecilia Bartoli. BOZAR works intensively on its communication, together with other cultural centres, museums, galleries and organisers. Collaboration comes in the form of joint communication or a combination ticket. In this context, BOZAR values ‘complementary’ thinking, rather than competitive thinking. In the collaboration with its cultural partners, BOZAR also aims for a ‘multiplication effect’, in order to address and inform new networks. Main media partners for 2010 were: Roularta Media Group, RTBF, VRT, TV Brussel, Télé Bruxelles, Brussel Deze Week, Le Soir, The Bulletin and the French magazine Connaissance des Arts. NUMBER OF VISITORS TO THE EXHIBITIONS: top 10 since 2004 2010 Frida Kahlo: 118,314 2009 europalia.china. Son of Heaven: 110,783 2005 europalia.russia, Russian Avant-Garde: 108,610 2010 El Greco: 103,064 2005 europalia.russia. From Tsar to Emperor: 101,564 2006 Théo Van Rysselberge: 92,657 2010 Lucas Cranach: 85,987 2007 europalia.europe, The Grand Atelier: 78,274 2005 Visionary Belgium: 68,651 2004 Mothers, Goddesses and Sultanas: 67,018

BOZAR ON THE WEB BOZAR is intensely present on the internet. In 2010, the website was adjusted, video and news were integrated (with about fifty short films about the activities of BOZAR BROADCAST), and BOZAR began its full participation in various social media and platforms. The current web strategy wants visitors to enjoy an online event experience, to inform them by means of videos, photos, and texts, enable them to buy tickets online, and allow them to share their experiences before and after the event with their social network(s).

Planning & Production Number of employees: 25 (24 fte)

This department plans and manages all events, including artistic and non-artistic activities, as well as public and non-public activities. The Planning & Production team is made up of: • Planning Officers, who manage the available space and plan all (public and nonpublic) activities, • Corporate Event Coordinators, who plan and realise the production of commercial events, • Catering Coordinator, who coordinates BOZAR BRASSERIE, the bars linked to the performances and all other catering activities, • Field Coordinator and Supervisors, who coordinate the support and welcome personnel, the chauffeur, ... This complex coordination is required for the many types of coproductions, partnerships, and activities of third parties that take place at the Centre for Fine Arts. Additionally, the building often depends on renovations, with its accompanying complications. This department organises all operational services.

Technics, Investments, Safety/Security & IT Number of employees: 67 (65, 35 full-time)

The tasks of the technical service are as varied as the many artistic activities, IT management, and daily maintenance, the safety of the visitors and personnel, and the objects. The monitoring of renovation works by employees of the Centre for Fine Arts as well as by third parties is also the responsibility of this department. In addition to the Horta building, where the activities take place, there are also offices that are part of the Ravenstein gallery, requiring continuous maintenance and management.


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Projects executed in 2010 • Monitoring energy performance Article 25 of the management contract indicates that the Centre for Fine Arts has to employ every opportunity to adapt the building and office spaces to the valid norms for sustainability, environmental friendliness, and energy efficiency. In 2010, the Centre for Fine Arts, in close consultation with Fedesco, selected a web-based monitoring system for the building’s

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energy performance, which immediately detects abnormal use. The connected accounting model allows for a periodic analysis and an automatic report of energy use developments (planned to start in January 2011).The system has a verification function that allows to compare the energy saving for each year to the initial use. • BOZAR BRASSERIE The Centre for Fine Arts’ technical service helped coordinate the opening of the BOZAR BRASSERIE, as a contemporary successor to the original restaurant. (see also BOZAR BRASSERIE p. 43) • Reception lounge The reception lounge was dismantled and rearranged as a reception room for the stakeholders of the Centre for Fine Arts. • Bathrooms The bathrooms were completely renewed and refreshed.


* setting up and taking down technical installations that are necessary for the activities: performances, shows, exhibitions; * updating technical installations (sound, lighting, climate control, security) in the halls; * cleaning the entire building (halls, conference rooms, service rooms); * daily maintenance of public facilities in the main building and in the accompanying office spaces; * painting; * garbage disposal; * follow-up of the renovation projects in the Centre for Fine Arts and the office spaces in the Ravenstein gallery. Some activities are outsourced to external service providers.

RENOVATION OF THE BUILDING = ADDITIONAL WORKLOAD The renovations that have been undertaken since 2003 have generated a considerable amount of extra work. While work was performed in the main parts of the building, all artistic activities have continued without interruptions. This very complex exercise demands a tight coordination. Considering the complexity of the building and the large number of contractors and subcontractors involved, creative and acceptable solutions are continuously sought for unexpected turns of events. An underestimated factor is the impact of the renovations on the cleaning in the building.

6. Core numbers Financial The Centre for Fine Arts’ account has been in balance since 2004. At the same time, the Centre has seen incredible growth since the establishment of the LLC in 2002: between 2002 and 2010, revenues doubled: from 14,6 million to 33,6 million Euros. In 2010, the Centre generated 17,6 million of that 33,6 million (53%) as earned income: • 6 million Euros from the box office (= revenues from artistic activities that BOZAR organises); • 4,9 million Euros from production and project subsidies from regional and communal governments, of which 2,4 millionare incidental in connection with the Belgian Chairmanship of the European Council; • 4,2 million Euros from sponsors and patrons; • 2,5 million Euros from other sources: space rental, catering profits for corporate events,... • In 2010, 16 million Euros came from other sources: • federal subsidies : 12,05 million Euros; • the National Lottery: 2,8 million Euros; • Beliris: 0,7 million Euros; • other revenue, such as incidental subsidies, short-term interest on subsidies: 0,4 million Euros. The sustainability of the Centre for Fine Arts’ financial model depends on the ways in which artistic activities can be self-financing. The overhead costs (18,4 million), which the state subsidy covers, are defined in the management agreement. With the surplus in artistic revenue, the past four years of overhead costs were financed. In 2010, this was 2,4 million Euros. Signs are detectable that the ‘artistic surplus’ shall not suffice in the coming three years (20112013) to cover the overhead deficit: the surplus will decrease and the structural needs will increase. This forecast requires action, internally, as well as externally. 51

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4,2 million euros revenue for BOZAR FUNDING 34 % of total bozar funding revenue is sponsor revenue 30 % increase of advertising revenue from BOZARMAGAZINE 30 press conferences 42 % of the management team are women 303 BOZAR PATRONS 318 press archives 311 employment interviews 348 employees 1,356 artistic manifestations and events 2,200 followers on twitter 3,200 spontaneous job applications 3,340 guided tours 3,900 articles in the press 3,770 seats in a full house 4,283 average number of visitors per day on 4,660 total number of public activities 5,833 training hours 5,431 artists received on site 6,644 subscriptions for classical music (regular subscriptions and ‘à la carte’ formulas) 6,870 maximum number of visitors per evening 7,497 breakfasts during BOZARSUNDAYS 9,266 visitors for party at the centre 12,340 fans on the facebook-page 13,588 subscribers to the newsletter 23,219 programmes 35,690 posters 85,987 visitors for The World of Lucas Cranach 103,064 visitors for El Greco 118,314 visitors for Frida Kahlo y su mundo 395,764 total number of visitors for the exhibitions 715,092 total number of visitors at 768,338 single tickets issued 810,000 BOZARMAGAZINES 971,000 folders 1,297,052 total number of visitors

of the consolidated budget

55,2 millions Euros



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7. Short explanation of the legal statute and the management agreement An LLC under public law As Limited Liability Company, the Centre for Fine Arts possesses a social capital (the maximum amount for which the LLC can issue shares), has the decisional structure of a private company, forms the trade deeds and is subjected to the legal and regulatory conditions of commercial law. Employee contracts are subject to private law. The annual balance is controlled by two company auditors and is presented to the National Bank of Belgium. This LLC statute fits into the modernisation of public enterprises and ensures flexibility, and more autonomy in financing, the operation of management departments, property management... As an LLC incorporated under public law, the Centre for Fine Arts must fulfil a number of legal and regulatory conditions under public law, such as the law on public tenders, the legal regulations for personnel policy, external control by three government commissioners and two advisors from the Belgian court of audit. A Royal Decree appoints members of the board of directors as well the general director. ... with social purpose The Centre for Fine Arts is a public limited liability company with a social purpose. That is not a distinct legal form, but a category of companies that offer a commercial alternative to the statute of non-profit organisations and their specific role in society. In the case of the Centre for Fine Arts,the specific conditions connected to ‘the social purpose’ can be found in the management contract with the government, who is also a shareholder.

revenue for BOZAR FUNDING

4,2 millions Euros

Management administrations The three bicultural federal institutions, including the Centre for Fine Arts, are under management of the Prime Minister, and after ministerial relocation, under management of the State Secretary of Finance, added to the Prime Minister. The Board of Directors, of which twelve members have the right to vote at the Royal Decree, monitors the autonomy. The directors approve the budgets necessary for the artistic programming that the general management has put forth. They also calculate the annual statements that they present the shareholders for approval. The General Director Paul Dujardin, who was appointed by Royal Decree, is currently in his second mandate of six years. He is charged with the daily management of the company and is assisted by a management committee, of which he is the chair. The committee has four members, including the General Director himself. The Board of Directors appoints the three other members for a period of six years, commencing simultaneously to the General Director’s second mandate. The secretariat is administered by the Secretary-General. There is a weekly meeting of the eleven department heads of the Centre for Fine Arts and the General Director. This Management team coordinates all the activities and ensures that decisions and information are communicated and assimilated within the organisation. Control Two ministers control the Centre for Fine Arts: the Prime Minister (and the State Secretary of Finance, added to the Prime Minister) and the Minister of Finance. They hold administrative and financial control, respectively, by mediating three government commissioners, two of which are appointed by the Prime Minister and by the Minister of Finance. The commissioners have an advisory role to the Board of Directors, to which they are witnesses. A board of four auditors controls the financial situation, the annual statement, and financial operations. They are appointed by the General Meeting of the members of the Institute of Company Auditors.

The federal management agreement: a threefold project The management agreement between the Federal State and the S.A. Centre for Fine Arts is a reference document. It includes all the concepts and missions concerning public service, as well as other goals and targets, and the means that the government must grant in order to fulfil that project. 53

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The first management contract between the Centre for Fine Arts and the Belgian State was signed at the end of 2002. A second contract was signed at the end of 2009, and was published

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as an annex to the Royal Decree of December 22, 2009. (A management contract is signed for five years, but the first contract was extended due to governmental delays).


The art deco building by architect Victor Horta is a unique Brussels landmark and a big attraction. At the same time, using this valuable cultural monument as a contemporary arts centre remains very complex. Maintenance, conservation, and renovation require extensive organisational effort. Based on the master plan, 55,2 million Euros were invested in renovation and restoration since 2002. (see “Executive summary: the impact of BOZAR in 2010”, p. 2) The costs for further renovation in 2011-2014 are estimated at about 30 million Euros. This primarily consists of safety measures (fire safety and electricity) and further renovations (Exhibition Spaces, Henry Le Boeufzaal, the hall, Ravenstein).

Who pays? Of the 54 million that went towards renovation and restoration of the building in 2002-2010, 46 million came from Beliris1 and the Belgian Buildings Agency . The Centre for Fine Arts itself invested 7,6 million or 14% of the total, including 5 million in the renovation of the BOZAR BRASSERIE. That 7,6 million did not include the personnel costs.

The threefold project of the Centre for Fine Arts – to organise cultural activities, maximize use of the building, and building management – is a complex balancing exercise. The costs that are paired with the exploitation of the building – reception, customer service, security and technical support for the cultural activities – have increased considerably in recent years. Besides its own productions, there are coproductions and productions by third parties that take place at the Centre, and their accommodation is an obligation under the management contract. This could also be said of the building management and the whole property: a number of investments are subsidised by third parties, but the Centre essentially contributes to the execution of renovation and restoration projects (also for the preparation, the support, and the accompaniment thereof).

Centre for Fine Arts: Balance sheet (in Eur thousands) Assets Tangible and intangible assets Financial assets Claims Short-term investments Cash at bank and in hand Deferred charges and accrued income



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29.134 64 7.145 1.994 1.691 279


Equity and liabilities Capital and share premium account Revaluations Retained earnings and reserves Investment grants Provisions for liabilities and charges Liabilities Accrued charges and deferred income

22.609 385 -5.369 5.268 1.337 13.887 2.191



1. Beliris is the name of the Cooperation agreement between the Federal Government and the Brussels Capital Region. That agreement forms the basis for initiatives and financing that promote the international role and the capital function of Brussels.Colophon

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23 Rue Ravenstein -1000 Brussels

Board of Directors

President: M. Étienne Davignon Vice president: M. Michel Praet Administrators: M. Eric Antonis M. Jean Courtin M. Jan Cornillie M. Jean-Pierre de Bandt M. Jean-Pierre de Launoit M. Antoine Drzymala M. Henri Simons Ms. Geertrui Windels Ms. Marleen Van Waeyenberge Ms. Isabelle Verhaegen Administrators with consultative vote: M. Marc-Yves Blanpain en Ms. Marie-Paule Quix

Government Commissioners M. Renaud Bellen M. Marc Boeykens Ms. Rika Denduyver

Audit Committee :

M. Marc-Yves Blanpain M. Jean Courtin Ms. Geertrui Windels M. Michel Praet

Management Comittee :

M. Paul Dujardin M. Pablo Fernandez Alonso M. Christian Renard M. Didier Verboomen Management Team: CEO and Artistic Director: Paul Dujardin Director BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Pablo Fernandez Alonso Director BOZAR MUSIC: Christian Renard Deputy director BOZAR EXPO: France de Kinder Director GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: Didier Verboomen Director FINANCE & BOX OFFICE: Benoît Provost Director HUMAN RESOURCES: Mary Kempen Director COMMUNICATION & MARKETING: Sabine Jonckheere Director PLANNING & PRODUCTION: Erwin Verbist Director TECHNICS, INVESTMENTS, SAFETY/SECURITY & IT: Stéphane Vanreppelen Head of FUNDING: Elke Kristoffersen Manager PERFORMING ARTS: Gerd Van Looy

Artistic Programming

BOZAR EXPO: Paul Dujardin, France de Kinder BOZAR MUSIC: Christian Renard, Jérome Giersé, Tony Van der Eecken BOZAR THEATRE – DANCE: Ingrid De Ketelaere BOZAR LITERATURE: Tom Van de Voorde BOZAR CINEMA: Juliette Duret – Xavier Garcia BOZAR ARCHITECTURE / A+: Iwan Strauven BOZAR STUDIOS: Tine Van Goethem

Realisation Annual Report

Coordination: Leen Gysen – Hanne Lapierre – Veerle Soens – Adinda Van Geystelen Final editing: Inge Braeckman – Olivier Boruchowitch –Hélène Bussers – Kurt Deboodt – Patrick De Rynck – Dominique Favart – Xavier Flament – Sylvie Janssens Graphical designers: Koenraad Impens – Olivier Rouxhet – Sophie Van den Berghe Design: Base Design Photos : p.12: © Christian Berthelot - © DR - © Ben van Duin - p.13: © DR - © Lydie Nesvadba p.22 © DR - © Philippe De Gobert - © Gérard Bedeo - © BOZAR - p.23 : © Philippe De Gobert - p.34: © Philippe De Gobert - © BOZAR - © Cia Jansen - © Philippe De Gobert - p.35: © BOZAR - © Philippe De Gobert - p.44: © Jérôme Latteur - © Monika Rittershaus - p.45: © Mattias Lundblad - © Enrique Lanz - © DR Translation: ISO Translations – Paul De Groeve – Michael Lomax Printing: Claes Printing – Paper Munken Lynx 100 g. Responsible editor: Paul Dujardin – 23 Rue Ravenstein – 1000 Brussels.


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