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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MISSION & VISION .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


R oy a l R o o m

BOZAR CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

THEMATIC PARTNERSHIPS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

CORPORATE HOSPITALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

CORPORATE VENUE HIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Skills Sponsorship .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ADVERTISING IN BOZAR PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

FACTS & FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

BOZAR is the cultural brand name that connects all the different artistic disciplines at the Centre for Fine Arts. Since it came into being in 2002, BOZAR has developed into a leading player in the international and interdisciplinary cultural landscape. This success has been based on the exceptional commitment of people with a love of culture, both within Belgium’s borders and beyond them. With over 1 million visitors a year and more than 12 public activities a day, BOZAR provides an interdisciplinary platform that meets the high qualitative and artistic expectations of a highly diverse public. It is not by chance that the Centre for Fine Arts is developing into a European arts centre in the capital of Europe. The support of institutions, companies, and private individuals helps the Centre for Fine Arts to carry out its cultural mission and develop a vision that is broad-minded, stimulating, and inspirational. Innovative approaches are building bridges between culture and the economy.

Viscount Étienne Davignon

Paul Dujardin

Minister of State Chairman of the Board of Directors

Director General

BOZAR CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT guides partners and companies towards the appropriate space for dialogue, networking, and improved customer relations at every level. In addition, BOZAR CORPORATE

DEVELOPMENT develops special formulas that create a positive synergy between the business world and the range of cultural events on offer. Would you like to know what cooperation with BOZAR could mean for you and your company? In this brochure we present a sample of the possibilities. Whether in relation to particular projects or to long-term partnerships, our work is always tailored to meet your wishes and requirements. For specific questions or a concrete proposal, you are welcome to contact us directly. We look forward to an opportunity to get to know you better. All the information in this brochure and all the options can be checked out on our website,

That’s us ...




wide-ranging experiences and surrounding


Culture is a basic requirement for social

As the largest federal arts institution in Belgium,

events that contribute to the dissemination and

Many artists are active in a variety of artistic

cohesion. A cultural institution like the

the Centre for Fine Arts is aiming to develop

knowledge of European cultures in interaction

disciplines or engage in collaborative

Centre for Fine Arts helps to create

further into a European cultural centre that

with other regions of the world.

projects. Interdisciplinary approaches are

the context within which citizens and

now widespread. The Centre for Fine Arts has

policymakers deal with diversity. A better

brings people and operators from diverse backgrounds together in the capital of Europe.


the infrastructure required to develop as well

understanding of cultural differences and

Keywords in the implementation of our mission

BOZAR aims to be a hallmark for quality

as host projects that transcend boundaries.

similarities changes the perception of

are: quality, diversity, creativity and dialogue.

programming within different artistic

This trend does not, however, mean that

the so-called ‘other’. The Centre for Fine

disciplines. Since its reorganisation in 2002,

specialisation is disappearing. The Centre

Arts demonstrates – through exhibitions,


it has once more been in a position, for the

for Fine Arts stands for quality and continues

concerts, and performances – the power of


first time since the pioneering year of its

to believe in excellence in individual

intercultural exchange to enrich lives down

At the heart of our programme is the quality

founding in 1928, to develop and organise

disciplines too. An interdisciplinary approach

the ages. Cultural mobility in Europe is not

of the artistic events on offer, which open

an overall programme that unites the

consists first and foremost in bringing

something that began yesterday. European

doors for a diverse range of audiences.

different arts: music, visual art, photography,

specialists together and in stimulating

cultural “unity in diversity” is the result of

Alongside the excellence of BOZAR’s

film, theatre, dance, literature and architecture.

creativity through new encounters and

centuries of cultural interchange, individual

programmes in particular disciplines, over

The core programme rests on three solidly

new perspectives.

contacts, and migratory flows.

the next few seasons connections and

rooted pillars: exhibitions (of cultural

exchanges between different disciplines and

heritage, modern art, and contemporary art),


of art and our multidisciplinary festivals,

cultures will be of increasing importance.

music, and film. The other disciplines

A cultural project is a public and a social

exchanges within and beyond Europe are

Through multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral

presented complement these three central

project. Culture is not just a little treat,

a central focus. Each time, we add a piece

programmes the Centre for Fine Arts offers


something you can take away or cut out.

to the wider jigsaw puzzle, throwing light

In our exhibitions devoted to the history


on periods, regions, and artists from various

entrepreneurs, policymakers, and others. The

on view in the central hall. The Centre

socio-cultural developments.


central focus is on the encounter with artists,

for Fine Arts hopes to be a catalyst for

The Centre for Fine Arts is a sector-

as the primary source of creativity and culture-

CCIs by offering space for developments

transcending centre that links culture to

A centre that transcends sectors

based innovation in a variety of societal fields.

in architecture and urban development,

socio-cultural reflection, education, research,

Thanks in part to the use of new technologies,

As a network organisation, the Centre for

the film industry, photography, the book

development, creativity, and innovation.

the old dividing lines between artistic disciplines

Fine Arts brings this cross-sectoral know-how

industry, design, fashion, and digital

It’s primary goal is, through the organisation

and other sectors are disappearing. A more

together within concrete projects. This can be

applications. Via this platform the Centre

of workshops, conferences and debates,

powerful cross-fertilisation is emerging between

seen both in our cultural programming and in

for Fine Arts strengthens the links between

to bring together local and foreign expertise

the various arts and education, science,

the European Culture Forum.

the cultural world and the business world,

and to stimulate exchanges between

research, and the (knowledge) economy.

stimulates cooperation on new concepts,

specialised museums, cultural institutions,

As a consequence, the strict demarcations


products, and services, and makes the results

universities, researchers, policymakers and

between different kinds of institutions – such

The Centre for Fine Arts is not just about the

of such exchanges visible.

– above all – citizens.

as exhibition centres, museums, arts centres,

traditional “fine” arts and the aesthetic and

festivals, creative industries, research institutes,

socio-cultural aspects of experiencing art; the


universities, libraries and archives, etc. – are also

Centre’s programme for the coming seasons

Over the next few seasons the Centre for

becoming less relevant.

will also focus more explicitly on the broader

Fine Arts will pay increasing attention to

context of Cultural and Creative Industries. In

encounters, debates, and life-long learning

A variety of users and visitors meet up in

doing so, the Centre will reconnect with the

events from early-childhood on, including in

the Centre for Fine Arts: artists, art-lovers,

policy of its pioneering years, when decorative

areas outside BOZAR’s artistic programming.

performers, employees in the Cultural and

arts (“arts & crafts”) had their own space and

The Centre for Fine Arts aims to be a

Creative Industries (CCIs), cultural partners,

industrial implementations were regularly

stimulating forum for artistic, cultural, and


CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT Cooperation with the business world goes back to the origins of the Centre for Fine Arts, which opened in 1928. Thanks to the ambitious vision of a number of influential citizens – led by Adolphe Max (mayor of Brussels) and Henry Le Boeuf (banker and music-lover) – the Centre for Fine Arts was established without any subsidies, but with a public loan. Right up to our own time, the support of the business community has been invaluable for the implementation of our artistic programmes and for the maintenance of a key element of Belgium’s heritage: the monumental building designed by the architect Victor Horta.

On the occasion of its inauguration, Henry Le Boeuf wrote that “The Centre will offer activities that renew themselves: it must remain alive.” From the very beginning, it has offered a multidisciplinary programme, giving BOZAR its unique character, which offers a wealth of partnership possibilities to companies and brands. Life without culture is unthinkable – at least, to us. So the Centre for Fine Arts has always been committed to the long-term promotion of art and culture. The companies that support us on a sustained basis have shared this sense of social responsibility.

BOZAR is a partner that can help you to achieve your mission: every contribution you make to BOZAR, after all, finds its way back into society – with a positive effect on your company image and branding. Working with BOZAR, accordingly, is much more than a win-win situation. Not only financial, but also intellectual partnerships, are a “source and resource” for innovation and for keeping this fantastic project going. The account managers of the BOZAR Corporate Development team are at your disposal to develop tailor-made projects and plans in consultation with you and your team(s).

A win-win-win strategy: for your company, for the public, and for BOZAR Yours faithfully,

E x h i b i t i o n R oo ms

BOZAR’s mission is social, educational and cultural, both nationally and internationally. Our desire is to make culture accessible to everyone. Furthermore we see art as something that builds bridges between cultures and people. If culture is a key element in your company’s CSR policy, then

Elke Kristoffersen Head of Corporate Development & Memberships















PA R TN ER SHIP S: A N O V ER V IEW 13 Different partnership formulas are at your disposal, depending on your own strategy and target group(s): LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIPS Structural Partnerships Corporate Patrons Thematic Partnerships Sponsorship Corporate hospitality Corporate venue hire skills sponsorship Advertising in our publications BOZARMAGAZINE Programme booklets Annual brochures

Oval Room

Y OU R B E NEFITS 1. LONG-TERM PARTNERSHIPS Structural partnerships A tailor-made approach that allows you to pursue your strategy in the field of sponsorship and CSR with the help of a dedicated account manager. In addition to a personalised corporate hospitality package, you receive a visible presence in the building, in our communication ‘above and below the line’, and in BOZAR’s publications. The benefits of a corporate partnership can be seen at many levels. Your support for BOZAR is clearly signalled in our buildings, leaflets, publications, and communication, and via an interactive link on our website. You can take advantage of our networking facilities and you receive advance information about our artistic programme. In addition, a particular project may be given extra support or developed for your company within the framework of your CSR policy. In short, this is an outstanding way of raising the profile of your company, both in cultural and social terms.

Your company as a CORPORATE PATRON There is no better way to engage in “client relationship binding and building” for your company than by exclusively inviting small groups of your clients to the Centre for Fine Arts. A warm reception, the best seats, and a special level of service: you can be sure of some magical moments in good company. Your company has permanent access (for a minimum of 4 people) to all BOZAR productions, with personalised service, access to the BOZAR PATRONS Lounge, discounts on corporate hospitality, special rates for venue hire, and much more. Your benefits An array of culture • Choose the best seats for the BOZAR MUSIC range of more than 250 concerts • Visit 20 blockbuster or smaller-scale exhibitions without having to queue at the cash desk • Attend previews of films and film festivals and meet actors and directors • Explore a wide range of dance, theatre and literature events

For a BOZAR CORPORATE PATRON all doors are open • For each event you receive 4, 6, or 8 CORPORATE PATRON tickets, depending on your subscription (see price list) • You always have free admission to BOZAR EXPO exhibitions • You have access to the new BOZAR PATRONS Lounge • You receive a one-off discount of 25% if you hire a room at the Centre for Fine Arts For subsequent bookings you receive a discount of 15%. • You are invited to all formal exhibition openings • For an extra payment, you can take part in “Patrons Only” cultural trips to exclusive destinations. Visits in recent years have included New York, Rajasthan, Istanbul, Washington, Dresden and Leipzig

You experience exceptional moments in exclusive company • You are invited to all private evening visits to our exhibitions • You get to meet artists after the concerts and at the special evening visits • You are invited to our annual breakfast at which we give an advance presentation of the new artistic season

Tailor-made service • Booking is rapid and easy via our monthly programme service • Personal reception at the Patrons Welcome Desk • Private cloakroom for Patrons • Free programme booklet at every concert • All year long you receive the BOZARMAGAZINE and the e-newsletter with details of all events


BOZAR: a powerful brand • Your company receives a place of honour in our programme booklets, in the seasonal brochures, and on the website. Anonymity is always an option for anyone who prefers to remain anonymous. 2. Thematic Partnerships These partnerships relate to a specific artistic discipline and could involve sponsorship or corporate hospitality for exhibitions, concerts, film evenings, literary events, theatre and dance productions. You may also choose to support BOZAR’s educational project: the BOZAR STUDIOS. Sponsorship of exhibitions, concerts, and other performing arts With its 4,200 m² of exhibition space, the Centre for Fine Arts can organise three exhibitions at a time. The support of private sponsors is invaluable for these projects. When your company supports an exhibition, it receives visibility in the communications campaign of the project. You can, of course, also receive

clients and VIPs at receptions, special evenings, and network events in the context of these projects, so that you can maximise the return on your investment.

a reception or a walking dinner. Below, we describe the different Business Seat arrangements, tailor-made for your ideal concert evening.

Every season BOZAR MUSIC organises more than 250 concerts. These attract an ever more diverse and younger audience. You can have your company linked to a single concert or to a series of concerts. In return for your support, you receive a place of honour in all relevant communication and customised reception at the concerts.

The “Business Seats” formula offers: • A Category 1 ticket • Parking in the Albertina car park (after 6 pm, one parking ticket per couple) • Cloakroom and private reception desk • A free concert programme per couple, in which your company’s logo appears • During the interval: reception with a glass of champagne in a private reception room • Use of a reception room, if you want to organise a reception or a dinner yourself (catering not included)

Are you a film-lover? Or do you have some keen readers among your clients? There are sponsorship opportunities and other possible forms of cooperation in relation to theatre, dance, literature, and cinema too. Corporate hospitality Business Seats Roll out the red carpet for your clients, staff, colleagues, or friends. Enjoy an event from the best seats and have a chat afterwards at

The new “Business Seats Plus” formula offers: • A Category 1 ticket • Parking in the Albertina car park (after 6 pm, one parking ticket per couple) • Cloakroom and private reception desk • A free concert programme per couple, in

which your company’s logo appears • During the interval: reception with a glass of champagne in a private reception room • Use of a reception room, if you want to organise a reception or a dinner yourself (catering not included) • Dinner in the BOZARBRASSERIE, including an aperitif, main course with appropriate wine and water, coffee • This latter formula is ideal for smaller groups of at least 4 and at most 15 people. Special evenings Surprise your business contacts with a private guided visit of an exhibition in the evening. This special evening formula includes: tickets, guides, parking, security, cloakroom, reception desk, and reception room (without catering).


Corporate venue hire 3. CORPORATE VENUE HIRE Concert auditoria, theatres, exhibition spaces, private reception rooms, reception rooms, conference rooms: BOZAR has 33,000 m² available. All these spaces are for hire for prestigious events, conferences, and PR presentations. Twenty guests or 2,000? We have a room of the right size for you. You can get an idea of what our theatres have to offer on hall, where you will also find full technical details of all our rooms and auditoria. Cooperation with the SQUARE conference centre Thanks to a direct connection between BOZAR and SQUARE, it is possible to organise events and conferences in both locations and/or to end the conference day with a cultural activity in the Centre for Fine Arts.

H e n r y L e B o e uf H all


Henry Le Boeuf Hall This renovated concert hall is a genuine acoustic and architectural gem: it can seat 2,200 for high prestige events.


Horta Hall The monumental Horta Hall, 700 m², is the perfect location for a prestigious reception or a festive event. This hall, in the heart of the building, is adjacent to the concert auditoria, the principal entrance, and the restaurant.


Chamber Music Room (Room M) In the Chamber Music room there is space for 476 people; it is ideally suited for theatre, dance, films and meetings. The projection, sound, and lighting facilities are state-of-the-art.


Terarken Rooms

Welcome to the hippest spot in the Centre for Fine Arts. The Terarken Room, which is equipped with hi-tech multimedia facilities, can take 750 people. Soundproof partitions can be used to divide it into two or three separate rooms.



Looking for something a little more intimate? The Studio, which seats 212, is ideal for meetings, lectures and readings.

Bertouille Rotunda

Welcome to the Rotunda. This small, but imposing, room holds 150 guests for cocktails and 100 people for a standing buffet.



4. Skills Sponsorship The Centre for Fine Arts is constantly being renovated and is always in need of specialist help. As a company you can offer your professional skills in return for a tax deduction.


5. Advertising in BOZAR publications BOZARMAGAZINE

75,000 ex. Every month BOZARMAGAZINE contains the complete cultural calendar of the Centre for Fine Arts. This trilingual magazine for all lovers of culture has a clear layout, eye-catching pictures, excellent texts, and a print run of 75,000 copies. We send the BOZARMAGAZINE to all loyal customers and subscribers. Brussels and Brabant readers of Knack and Le Vif/L’Express also receive it. BOZARMAGAZINE is also available free, to take away, at more than 600 locations, including bookshops, record shops, quality shops, and restaurants.


Programme booklets for concerts

BOZAR MUSIC and BOZAR EXPO annual brochures

200,000 ex.

20,000 ex.

Programme booklets are on sale at every concert, containing information about the music and musicians, as well as the texts of vocal works. You can choose between advertising at a single concert or throughout the entire season in every programme booklet – a total of over 200,000 copies.

Every year BOZAR MUSIC publishes 20,000 copies of its trilingual brochure for the season. BOZAR EXPO’s annual brochure has a print run of 16,000 copies. You can place attractive ads in both brochures.




80 active corporate clients - 23,500 visitors to corporate

3,900 articles of which 800 in foreign listings – 810,000 BOZAR Magazines - 318 press files - 13,588 newsletter subscriptions - 35,690 posters - 800,000 visitors at

events - 168 corporate events - 30 press conferences

GENERAL 2010 €52.3m consolidated budget - 1,297,052 visitors - 338 staff -

5,431 artists - 3,200 job applications – 5,981 public activities -

42% women in management team - 3,340 guided tours -

9,266 visitors to ‘Fête au Palais’ - 2,500 youngsters at BOZAR NIGHT



19,514 Facebook fans – 5,217 Twitter followers

T h i n k BO ZA R ! .........................................................................................................................................................



































41 PUBLISHER Paul Dujardin, rue ravensteinstraat 23, 1000 Brussels PHOTOGRAPHY Jérôme Latteur | Julien Lanoo | Candida Höfer CONCEPT & REALISATION Elke Kristoffersen | Tino Biddeloo COORDINATION Leen Gysen | Olivier Rouxhet | Eva Vereecken | Lydia Vandam | Annik Halmes | Katrien Desrumaux PRINTING & FINISHING 3 DV


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