The infamous lives of Roee Rosen - In the context of A sunday with Roee Rosen @ BOZAR CINEMA - 22.02.2015
Roee Rosen will be with us on Sunday!
Discover a bit of the meaning of his work through this text by Jean-Pierre Rehm who will also be joing us for a conversation with Roee at 5pm.
Info & Tickets:
“Who then is « Roee Rosen ?” Both Doctor Mabuse and Rupert Pupkin, Gepetto and Pinocchio, St. Augustine and Seinfeld, a young woman singing of her joy to die and a Russian of his lost loves, a white dog and a red faced demon, a saint and a pervert, a Dadaist and a surrealist, both the state of Israel and a clandestine migrant cleaning lady. Far from being exhaustive, this list suggests a logic of superimpositions rather than an additive one, where each new character enters into a dialogue with the others to map out a complex self-portrait in motion of a filmmaker who has chosen to don the harlequin costume of infamy.” Jean-Pierre Rehm