Beatriz Pineda Revilla_Urban planning/design + architecte portfolio

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BEATRIZ PINEDA_Portfolio 2011

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” Jane Jacobs (The Death and Life of Great American Cities) 01

I would like to express in these lines what Urbanism means to me. It can be summarized in two words: enthusiasm and people. Enthusiasm because I cannot imagine thinking about cities and the territory without excitement, urbanism is my passion; and people because without them this discipline would make no sense. For as long as I can remember, I have been analyzing cities, how they evolve over time and the way that they influence people´s lives. Furthermore, my interest in Sociology has enabled me to look at Urbanism and Architecture from a different perspective attempting to apply its principles to my designs. This is one of the main reasons why I did a speciality in Urban Planning during the last two years of my Architectural studies in Spain. It also contributed towards my decision to move to the Netherlands three years ago, where I have been working in an urban design office. This work experience has allowed me to continue learning about this fascinating topic. This portfolio gives you an overview of the various disciplines that interest me through the numerous projects and competitions (academic and professional), in which I have participated in over the last six years. In the final chapter of the portfolio I have also included one of my other passions, Painting. 02


1st PRIZE_INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION Park “La Puntilla”_Dominican Republic

La Puntilla

Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam


NL ´07 ES Intern





Research Fellowship

DEGREE in Architecture University of Navarre (2001 - 2007) DIPLOMA in Urban Planning + Urban Design University of Navarre (2005 - 2007) 1st PRIZE_Academic Competition Baztán Regional Plan_University of Navarre 1st PRIZE_Academic Competition Urban Plan for Amaiur_University of Navarre






Urhahn Urban Design

BELGIUM - “Jos Van Geellan” Masterplan_Antwerp_p. 21-22

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Park “La Puntilla”_Puerto Plata_p. 05-08

THE NETHERLANDS - Arnhem Rijnboog Masterplan + Harbour district_Arnhem_p. 09-10 - “Poelenburg” Masterplan_Zaandam, Amsterdam_p. 15-16 - “Amsterdam Arena Duivendrecht” Urban Vision_Amsterdam_p. 27 - “Jan Evertsenstraat” Container Strip_Amsterdam_p. 28 - “Oude Tolweg” Masterplan_Zuidlaren, Drenthe_p. 31 - “Kastagnetuin” Masterplan_Uden, Noord-Brabant_p. 32

DENMARK - “Future of cities”_Copenhagen_p. 17-18

CURAÇAO - Regeneration of Scharloo Abou _Willemstad_p. 30

TUNISIA - “Low-energy urban infraestructures”_Nefta_p. 13-14 SPAIN - Cultural container_Pamplona_p. 19-20 - “Baztán” Regional Plan + “Amaiur” Masterplan_Navarre_p. 23-24 - Pilgrim hostel on the Camino de Santiago_Navarre_p. 25-26 - Student housing on campus_Pamplona_p. 29

CHILE - Urban Park “Isla Cautín”_Temuco_p. 11-12


Park “La Puntilla”

International Competition_1st PRIZE Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic October 2009 Professional project: as independent in collaboration with Ben & Jáquez architects and urbanists (Designer) The project aims to relaunch the city of Puerto Plata as a touristic destination via a new park in the area of La Puntilla. The improvement of this area of 5 ha, close to the inner city, acts as a catalyst that helps Puerto Plata to reinforce its identity and to create a better place for locals. In addiction, it attracts a new kind of tourist, who is more interested in the history and the traditions of the area. A new path connects the city center with the park. Along this path the new cultural program (an outdoor theater and an art school) as well as several other facilities, including sport fields and dressing rooms, meet the existing buildings which have been refurbished to receive the new functions. The shade is the main characteristic of this route. It is achieved using different techniques: vegetation, umbrellas, etc. Sun and shade interweave along this path creating a unique scenario where the new cultural and social activities take place. 05

Urban Planning + Landscape Architecture

A A_Plan drawing, sections and urban schemes






B_ Outdoor theather

C_Umbrellas in the main square of Puerto Plata

D_Shade along the path

E_ Tanks converted in the art school and the library


Park “La Puntilla”

Basic Plan + Execution Plan Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic May 2010 - June 2011 Professional project: as independent in collaboration with Ben & Jáquez architects and urbanists (Designer) Urban Design + Landscape + Architecture + Architectural renewal After the competition was won, the municipality of Puerto Plata decides to continue with the Basic and the Execution Plan for the new park. The first prize for the competition includes the oportunity to supervise constructions. The Execution Plan is now approved and the construction work will start in the coming months.


The outdoor theater occupies a central role in the design of the park. The new buildings (dressing rooms, box office, parking control building) together with the renewal of one of the existing buildings, as an administrative center for the park, perform an important component of the architectural element of this project. The landscape design is devised together with a landscape architect who knows in detail the local flora of the region. Taking into account to respect the existing paths, the design emphasizes the new route that connects all the new functions. 07

Urban Design + Landscape + Architecture

B Urban & Landscape Architecture B_Dressing rooms plan drawing A_Existing situation/Proposal





E C_Details

D_Section of the Outdoor theater

E_Details of the pavement, plan drawings-sections

F_ Plan drawing water playground



Arnhem Rijnboog Masterplan + Harbour district Arnhem, The Netherlands September 2009 - February 2010 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior designer) Urban planning + Urban Design The historic city meets the river Rhine creating the new commercial and cultural district of Arhnem. A mixed area (housing, offices, shops and hotels) accompanies the new harbour and marina. A theater by the river completes the cultural offer of the area bringing people from all over the region to the new heart of the city. A



Urban Planning & Urban Design

Urban & Landscape A_Urban schemes Architecture B_Rijnboog Masterplan + Harbour district



D C_Harbour square

F D_View from the inner city

E_Harbour square

D_Commercial street


Urban Park “Isla Cautín”

International Competition for ideas Temuco, Chile May 2011 Professional project: as independent in collaboration with Ben & Jáquez architects and urbanists and the University of Navarre, Spain (Project leader) Urban planning + Landscape Architecture The proposal incorporates into the city an abandoned urban area of 60 ha of excellent landscape potential, located on the banks of the Cautin River. The new urban park aims to become the cultural, sport and administrative center of Temuco as well as of the region of Araucania. The new park incorporates the culture of the Mapuche, the ethnic group native to this area of the country, through a social urban-landscaping vision that integrates their culture and traditions. The use of unconventional renewable energy sources creates a zero emissions project. Those energetic points are located all over the park in relation to the new administrative and cultural buildings proposed. The design pays special attention to the native flora species present on the site complementing them with other compatible species that enrich the flora diversity. 11

Urban Planning + Landscape Architecture

A Urban & Landscape Architecture A_Urban Park “Isla Cautín”






B_Path along the river´s bank

C_Sport fields

D_Administrative + spot building

E_Park plan drawing

F_Aquatic sports in the lagoon


“Low-energy urban infrastructures for the city of Nefta” Strategic Plan Nefta, Tunisia October 2006 - February 2007 Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain_In collaboration with the Tunisian embassy in Spain (Student) Strategic planning + Energy studies The objective of the project is to provide a low-energy urban infrastructures to meet the specific social and economic needs of Nefta. A plan capable of driving sustainable development in a community with a high rate of consumption of non-renewable energy sources and with limited natural resources. The proposal spreads the actuation in several strategic sectors of the city (hotels, marketplace, industry, new neighbourhoods and cultural and sport centers) and comprises different resources of energy: - Water supply management and cold water production (in a district cooling system). - Generation of electricity using only renewable sources of energy such as solar energy capture systems, photovoltaic panels, low-power urban wind turbines, and biomass energy from the palm-tree matter abundant in Nefta. - Waste treatment and recycling plant. A


Strategic Planning & Energy studies

A_Strategic Urban Plan

B B_Electricity production


“Poelenburg” Masterplan Zaandam, The Netherlands August 2008- October 2009 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban Design +Public Participation process The masterplan is done in collaboration with the inhabitants of the neighborhood, who participate in the design of the two new centers along the street Poelenburg, a shopping center and a cultural center (school). The project also involves the design of new housing developments and the renewal of the existing buildings. B



Urban Design + Participation Process

Urban & Landscape Architecture A_Abstract Plan Drawing_2 centers (cultural + commercial)

B_Conceptual schemes


D C_Section of the street Poelenburg

F D_Participation process with the inhabitants

E_Shopping center

F_Cultural center (school)


“Future of cities”

New Planning = ∑ (Micro Projects) Student competition for ideas Copenhagen, Denmark July 2007 Academic project: in collaboration with Ben & Jáquez architects and urbanists_ Organised by IFHP (International Federation for Housing and Planning) (Student) Planning + Building + Urban Quality + Housing A


A generic solution is proposed to confront the uncontrolled growth of future cities, helping them to preserve their identity and making them more compact. The idea is based on the existence of wide highways in all cities all over the world creating true barriers within the different neighborhoods. A new megastructure that combines public and private transportation, housing and public equipments for the city is proposed in those spaces occupied by cars. This new megastructure will be developed in several micro projects whose addition will generate the final structure. The proposal studies the case of Santo Domingo, as an generic location, using a comic to tell the story of a boy who arrives in the city and grows up at the same time as the megastructure is developing and becoming true. 17

Planning+Building+Urban quality+Housing

C Urban & Landscape Architecture A_Scheme New Planning = ∑ (Micro Projects)

B_Analysis location

C_Comic (analysis os the location)

D D_Comic (implementation of the megastructure and the project functioning


Cultural container Pamplona, Spain September 2006- January 2007 Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain (Student) Architecture The discovery of the old wall of the city passing through the site provides the idea of the project. The connection between the bus station and the cultural center through the old wall becomes the new entrance of the city. At the same time the old wall shapes the central space around which all of the functions (library, museum, auditorium) are organized. A




A_Section through the connection of the old wall Urban & Landscape Architecture

B_Floor plan drawing





C_Constructive section D_Model showing the connection through the old wall

E-F_Museum and Auditorium


“Jos Van Geellan” Masterplan International competition Antwerpen, Belgium July 2009 - Agust 2009 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban Planning + Architecture Resembling the concept of an oasis as a crossroad, the masterplan combines the existing buildings (a hospital and several valuable historic housing blocks) with the design of a new park for the neighborhood, the hospital extension, a cultural center and a new housing area. The project includes the refurbishing of some existing buildings. A



Urban Planning + Architecture

Urban & Landscape A_Aerial view of theArchitecture model B_Urban schemes





C_Sections through the hospital showing the connections with the park

D_Aerial view

E-F_Aerial views of the model


“Baztán” Regional Plan+ “Amaiur” Masterplan 2 Academic competitions _ 2 1st PRIZES Navarre, Spain February 2006 - June 2006 November 2006 - January 2007 Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain (Student) Regional planning + Urban Planning The regional study aims to find the most suitable locations for the future housing/ working developments in the area between the towns of Elizondo and Irurita, in the region of Baztan, in Navarre. Following the Spanish planning rules the land is divided in different categories: land qualified and not qualified for urban development, environmentally protected, etc. The study also defines the building height restrictions, the limitations in the industrial sectors, etc.


With the knowledge of this regional overview, a second study, of one of the areas qualified for urban development, is conducted . The level of detail of the proposal increases, going from the boundaries of regional planning to the scope of urban design. A third study of one of the villages of the region (Amaiur) is done following the line of this last project.



A_”Amaiur” Masterplan

Regional Planning + Urban Planning

B_”Baztan” Masterplan

C C_Regional Plan “Baztan”


Pilgrim hostel on the Camino de Santiago Final year project Amaiur, Navarre, Spain September 2006- December 2007 Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain (Student) Architecture The volumetric approach and the shape chosen for the hostel blend the building with the traditional architecture of the region. The only element that stands out is the wooden box that contains the rooms for the pilgrims, oriented torwards the views of the valley.





Urban & drawing_1st Landscape Architecture A_Plan floor B_Details_Doors



D C_Constructive section

F D_Photo of the model_Wooden box

E_Constructive section_detail framework

F_Volumen study


“Amsterdam Arena, Duivendrecht” Urban Vision Duivendrecht, The Netherlands January 2010- May 2010 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban Planning An urban vision for the future development of the area of the Amsterdam Arena Stadium, between the river Amstel and the village of Duivendrecht, is proposed through 4 different scenarios:





- The village: a new urban settlement, comparable in size to Duivendrech, is proposed in the western part of the site. - Living close to the Amstel river: this scenario strengthens the proximity of the river Amstel. The main connection with the river organizes the future settlement. - Next stop Duivendrecht: the new neighborhood grows along the railway. A new big park is designed in the rest of the area. - Amstel district: the most urban scenario of the 4. It visualizes a new neighborhood with all the facilities connected with Amsterdam by metro and tram. 27

Urban Planning

A_1:The village

B_2:Living close to the Amstel river

C_3:Next stop Duivendrecht

D_4:Amstel district

“Jan Evertsenstraat” Temporary entrepeneurs spaces Amsterdam, The Netherlands September 2009- December 2009 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban Design + Architecture


A temporary intervention using standard containers is proposed as temporary entrepeneurs spaces in Amsterdam West. The project aims to create a small mixed community (student housing + other functions) that helps to activate the main street of the neighborhood “Jan Evertsenstraat”. B

C Urban Design + Architecture

A_Floor plans

D B_Section container strip

C_Photo of the model

D_View from the train


Student housing on campus Pamplona, Spain Februay 2006- June 2006 Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain (Student) Architecture The project completes de urban grid of the city and meets the university campus through its plinth. Emerging from the plinth, which contains the main communal functions (dinning room, laundry room, etc) two blocks contain the students apartments. Different typologies serve the different needs of the users. On top of the plinth a new public square which connects the city with the university has been created.





A_Typologies of the student apartments

C B_Distribution of the plint

C_Public square

Regeneration of Scharloo Abou An integrated approach

Willemstad, Curaçao July 2009- September 2009 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Strategic Planning The regeneration of Scharloo Abou, the neighborhood located next to the historical center of Willemstad, brings new opportunities to the city. The refurbishing of the existing buildings, the implementation of a few catalyst projects, together with the recovery of the waterfront, bring an integrated approach to the future development of the area.


B Strategic Planning

A_Strategic Plan for Scharloo Abou

B_Section through the new hotel on the waterfront


“Oude Tolweg” Masterplan Zuidlaren, Denthe, The Netherlands December 2008- March 2009 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban planning + Urban Design The existing lines of trees, characteristic in the landscape of this area, give the concept to the new development. The different housing typologies are organized following those lines. The few planning rules provided give enough flexibility and freedom to the users but keep at the same time the identity and coherence of the settlement. A



Urban Planning + Urban Design

A_Plan drawing

C B_Atmosphere of the settlement

C_Flexiblity and different housing typologies

“Kastanjetuin” Masterplan Zon studie

Uden, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands May 2011 Professional project: Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Junior Designer) Urban planning + Urban Design A new housing development completes this part of the city of Uden. A sun study is required to calculate and design in a proper way the size of the gardens of the different dwellings, specially the ones with the less favorable orientation.

Urban Planning + Urban Design





A_June 9am

B_June 2pm

C_October 9am

D_October 2pm


Artistic work




B Wax

Urban & Landscape Architecture A_”Falling water house”_F.LL.Wright

B_”La cittá nuova”_Antonio Sant´Elia C_“Walking city”_Archigram


Artistic work




Urban & Landscape Architecture Spain_Patxi Mangado A_”House Sevillano”_Pamplona,

B B_”Joan Miró Foundation”_Palma de Malllorca, Spain_Rafael Moneo


Artistic work



Urban Landscape Architecture “Close& details”


FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact details of the professors/employers/friends who I work with:

- Park “La Puntilla”_Puerto Plata_Dominican Republic. Ysel Jáquez ( - Aleshiang Ben ( directors of Ben & Jáquez, architects and urbanists_Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. - Arnhem Rijnboog Masterplan + Harbour district_Arnhem, The Netherlands. Tess Broekmans ( director of Urhahn Urban Design_Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - Urban Park “Isla Cautín”_Temuco, Chile. Ysel Jáquez ( - Aleshiang Ben (, directors of Ben & Jáquez, architects and urbanists_Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. César Martín Gómez (, Ph. D. Architect at the Instalations and Energy Section, School of Architecture, University of Navarre, Spain. - “Low-energy urban infrastructures for the city of Nefta” Strategic Plan_Nefta, Tunisia. César Martín Gómez (, Ph. D. Architect at the Instalations and Energy Section, School of Architecture, University of Navarre, Spain. - Poelenburg Masterplan_Zaandam, The Netherlands. Tess Broekmans (, director of Urhahn Urban Design_Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - “Future of cities” New Planning = ∑ (Micro Projects)_Copenhagen, Denmark. Ysel Jáquez ( - Aleshiang Ben (, directors of Ben & Jáquez, architects and urbanists_Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. - Cultural container_Pamplona, Spain. Rosario Segado (, director at Segado Architects_Jaén, Spain. 39

- “Jos Van Geellan” Masterplan_Antwerpen, Belgium. Northon Flores (, designer at Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - Regional Plan “Baztán”+ Amaiur Master Plan_Navarre, Spain. José Luque (, Ph. D. Architect, Director of the Speciality of Urban Planning and Urban Design, School of Architecture, University of Navarre, Spain. - Pilgrim hostel on the Camino de Santiago_Navarre, Spain. Julio Clua, director of CLC Architects, Zaragoza, Spain. - “Amsterdam Arena, Duivendrecht” Urban Vision_Duivendrecht, The Netherlands. Tess Broekmans (, director of Urhahn Urban Design_Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - “Jan Evertsenstraat” Temporary entrepeneurs spaces_Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Northon Flores (, designer at Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - Student housing on campus_Pamplona, Spain. Rosario Segado (, director at Segado Architects_Jaén, Spain. - Regeneration of Scharloo Abou_Willemstad, Curaçao. Gert Urhahn (, former director of Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - “Oude Tolweg” Masterplan_Zuidlaren, Denthe ,The Netherlands. John Breen (, project leader at Urhahn Urhahn Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. - “Kastanjetuin” Masterplan_Uden, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands. Sjoerd Fenstra (, director of Urhahn Urban Design, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 40

CONTACT INFO Beatriz Pineda +31 06 44166359 Cornelis Krusemanstraat 1L 1075 NB Amsterdam

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