Expert advice on how retailers, distributors and manufacturers alike can counter the rising costs of energy and raw materials with simple but effective action IN THIS ISSUE… BUSINESS ADVICE P20 Fujifilm goes big on detail with its latest pixel-packing X-H2 camera, plus winning products from this year’s EISA Awards showcased to help drive sales PHOTO GEAR NEWS P4 MAC Group Europe invites the photo trade to examine and stock new Benro tripods, Tenba backpacks and Saramonic microphones GROUP ACTIVITY P12 Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years How inkjet paper specialist PermaJet’s new Heritage range is delivering high quality archival printing to demanding artists, photographers and print labs PRINT NEWS P17 What’s next for the UK photo industry? We spotlight the camera & print innovations that are seeking to drive trade – INSIDE! A snapshot of our times SEPT / OCT 2022 • £5


Louise Wilce. Head of Marketing

Hello Louise, you've joined Tetenal at an exciting time. Tell us more about what's on the horizon.
We haven't forgotten our on-going commitment to the best Large Format Printer's in the market either. So we'll also be inviting visitors to test the superb Epson P9500 printer which boasts a host of new features on our stand which they can find at G400.

I've been enthused by what I've seen so far at Tetenal and we intend to build on what I believe makes us unique in the UK Photo Printing market. Where else could you find a company to offer everything from initial consultation, installation, training, a wide range of consumables and an in-house and field based technical team which offers repair, service and support?
Tetenal • Meridian Business Park, Leicester LE19 1WX • 0116 2893644 •
When you speak with us, you're not just offered a one brand solution. In Birmingham, in addition to Noritsu's Green IV Dry Lab, we'll be showcasing our brand new adaptive and flexible print solutions from DNP as well as the much awaited new D1000 printer from Epson.

Hello! Yes it's a very exciting time for sure! The most exciting thing is our new relationship with Noritsu to become their distribution partner in the UK. We are honoured to have such a prestigious name as Noritsu in our portfolio and we believe Tetenal are the perfect partner to build on their longstanding reputation for superb build and print quality. What can potential customers hope to see from Tetenal's new partnership with Noritsu? I think it brings together two companies who share similar philosophies in how they see the important relationship between themselves and their customers. Both businesses are built on solid foundations and expertise in their respective fields. Noritsu machines have long been thought of as leading the way, whether that be in Wet Labs, where Noritsu's reputation for excellence was first established or their range of Dry Labs which offer customers a real choice between the two print technologies without ever having to compromise on quality. Tetenal have always offered their customers bespoke solutions which meet their specific needs, allied to a broad portfolio of consumable products and a commitment to excellent customer service.
That's right. As touched on previously, Tetenal is a company that is solution led, not brand led, so we speak with our customers to really understand the challenges they face in their business and then create print solutions which best suit their needs.
Well thanks for chatting with us Louise, it definitely sounds like an exciting time to be joining Tetenal!
The Leicester based distributor has announced it is the new distributor for Noritsu in the UK and will exhibit their Green IV Dry Lab amongst other new Print Solutions at this years Photography Show in Birmingham.

During the recent period of uncertainty amongst the UK Photo Industry, Tetenal remained steadfastly buoyant, helping guide their customers through the most difficult trading period the market had seen for many years. They are now taking strides to build on this period of stability with exciting growth plans, illustrated by their recent appointment as the new UK distributors for Noritsu. We spoke to Tetenal's new Head of Marketing Louise Wilce to learn more about how Tetenal are continuing to go from strength to strength.
It really is. Not only do we have the new partnership with Noritsu but we've also built upon and revitalised our existing relationships with Epson and DNP.
We understand that Noritsu are just one of the new Photo Printing Solutions you'll be exhibiting at the forthcoming Photography Show in Birmingham?

We think that's pretty unique and it's what we like to call The Tetenal Difference.


Please direct all editorial requests, news and press releases to

This summer was also personally a very odd one, as my father died. At the same time as coping with the inevitable grief, my family was plunged into dealing with the mountains of admin required when a person passes away, part of the funeral preparations including helping to choose and collate photos that best illustrated a life well lived for the order of service booklet. This being the digital age, this proved both straightforward and, at the same time, not straightforward at all. Stress levels increased as family members wrestled with various photography formats, trying to recall whether the picture they wanted included in the printed booklet resided within a WhatsApp message, on an email, on somebody’s hard drive, or would be needed to be photographed (or preferably scanned) from an original print. Once the ten or so images had been chosen, the simple part was dragging them all to a Dropbox folder and sending the printer the link – the stage of the process that did actually have us thanking God for digital. But it also gave pause to reflect that we’ve never had so many ways of communicating with photography, yet so many disparate ones.
01485 Camouflage Wildlife Cameras N.A.S £24.92 N.A.S £38.39 N.A.S £45.86 N.A.S £56.12 16MP 130GN (144318) 16MP 150GN (144319)Full HD 1080p WiFi (141682) 4K UHD WiFi (140112) Action Cameras BPI News | September / October 2022 3 Editorial | Sept / Oct 2022 NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at SHOW MUST GO ON A s this issue goes to press the annual The Photography Show is rushing up to meet us and we’ll have a full ‘TPS’ report in our November cover date edition; just one of two issues remaining to be published before Christmas. As our industry faces challenges with supply issues and rising costs and both national and global pictures continue to look uncertain ‘thanks’ to stagnating wages, high inflation and out of control energy prices, this year’s ‘gathering of the clan’ is a good opportunity to test the temperature of the trade; so visiting in September is a must. Coming just after the summer break with its intense, record-breaking heat, not to mention the majority of our industry taking time out, events like this are always a good chance to catch up, compare notes, swap ideas and hopefully add a few new business cards to the Rolodex.

by PhotographicBritishIndustrynews
Publisher’s Office: 31 New Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 7HZ. Legacy Media Ltd accept no ultimate responsibility for accurate reproduction of digital artwork created by third parties. Insurance and carriage of products submitted for inclusion in reports rests with the owner. News, data, prices, interviews and opinion are printed in good faith E&OE. Content including advertising artwork created by Legacy Media Ltd or its agents is ©2022 Legacy Media Ltd. ISSN: BPI News (Print) ISSN 2634-1344 BPI News (Online) ISSN 2634-1352 monthly
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Gavin Stoker, Editor

ART EDITOR Michael O’Connell
EDITOR Gavin Stoker Tel: 020 8274 0578 Tel: 07990 974 367
Help BPI News to update you with what your peers in the photo trade are up to & have a year’s worth of the mag delivered to your door for just £30 per annum including postage (UK mainland only). See opposite for how to pay via PayPal. Alternatively, please contact for direct payment details. BPI News is a member of Artworkmustbeprovided aminimumresolutionof300dpi CMYK,(LegacyMediacannot heldresponsiblefortheprintqualityofartworksuppliedbeneaththeserequirements). WeacceptPDF,EPS,TIFF,JPEGandInDesign but Microsoft Quarkdocuments. the of and fi pleasemakesurethatartwork suppliedwith fontsembeddedor convertedtooutlinesandwithoutspotcolours. InDesign les suppliedpleaseprovideto packagedwithany fontsusedanddocumentsuppliedasanIDMLWerecommendthatyouightcheckyourworkbeforesubmitting,wemaynotablecorrectyouratlaterstage. Pleasehelpustomeetourdeadlinesandprotecttheintegrity yourwork onlysupplyingadvertisementsandpre-preparedmaterial in correct leformatsandto sizesgiven thisdocument. Files eitherbeemaileddirectto or,forlarger les,adownload linkprovided thelikesofDropbox,WeTransferorsimilarservice. PACKINGAND INFORMATIONDELIVERYFORINSERTS:
Please direct all advertising enquiries and sponsorship opportunities to
There’s likewise a chance to collect our thoughts this issue with the last opportunity to cast your vote in the BPI News Awards for 2022. Retailer of the Year always proves a popular category and at the time of writing there is strong representation for both Mr Cad and Grays of Westminster from their customer bases. Think someone else more deserving? Then let us know, and in the meantime I look forward to seeing you at the show.
Distributor Tetenal UK has added Japanese dry lab specialist Noritsu to its portfolio of brands, and, at the same time, has announced a new Head of Marketing in Louise Wilce (right), who says that the move “brings together two companies who share similar philosophies.” Louise has a background in the public sector, including time working for Transport For London, and is keen to stress the ‘Tetenal Difference’ to the trade, in that it offers a one stop solution, whether you’re looking for digital or analogue offerings. FACE AND NEW BRAND

Tetenal UK MD Mike Fawcett adds: “It is a real honour for Tetenal to work with this high quality brand with such heritage in the imagingphotographicmarket.”Tetenalcustomers are being strongly advised to book a demo at the Noritsu showroom at Tetenal’s headquarters in Leicester, while the QSS Green IV dry lab from Noritsu was also due to be showcased at The Photography Show this month.
PhotographicBritishIndustrynews Supported by News 4 September / October 2022 | BPI News

Also doing the EISA double this year is Fujifilm, with its X-T30 II taking Best Buy Camera and best Standard Lens going
Electronics behemoth Sony has taken five photo-related ‘gongs’ at this year’s awards and eight in total, including the Alpha 7 IV being named EISA Full Frame Camera 2022-23, the ZV-E10 taking top honours as best Vlogging Camera for the same period, the FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM II being named as Lens of the Year, the FE PZ 16-35mm f/4 G receiving a nod for the year’s best Photo/ Video Wide Angle Zoom Lens, plus its FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS II being acclaimed as EISA Telephoto Zoom Lens 2022-23.

PHOTO TRADE IN THE FRAME AT EISA AWARDS to its Fujinon XF33mm f/1.4 R LM WR. The re-named Olympus – now OM Digital Solutions – meanwhile has taken a single prize for best Micro Four Thirds Camera for its OM System OM-1 mirrorless model. Making it four awards in total for the brand, the biggie of overall Camera of the Year has gone to Nikon for its Z 9, with best Macro Lens in the eyes of the EISA judges being its Nikkor Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S. Nikon’s Nikkor Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S has bagged the honour of being named best Professional Telephoto Lens, while best telephoto lens is another Nikon; its Nikkor Z 800mm f/6.3 VR S. Third party lens manufacturers haven’t been forgotten either, with the Laowa 90mm f/2.8 2x Ultra Macro APO heralded as best Manual Lens. Sigma also makes the winners’ podium, with its 150-600mm f/5.6-6.3 DG DN OS Sports category lens taking best Superzoom Lens, and its 20mm f/2 DG DN Contemporary optic named best Wideangle Lens. Panasonic also squeezes in a nod from the judges for its Leica DG Vario-Summilux 25-50mm f/1.7 ASPH, but the bigger winner in the optical department from EISA this year is Tamron, as distributed by Transcontinenta UK. The brand’s 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 takes best Standard Zoom Lens, best Travel Zoom Lens goes to Tamron’s 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD, while finally best Zoom Lens is the Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD. For the full list of photo category winners and what was said about them, visit the URL below.
Although we’re not actually yet in the year 2023 at the time of writing, forward-thinking EISA – the Expert Imaging and Sound Association, comprised of 60 special interest magazines across 29 countries – has already selected its winning products for 20222023, marking its own 40th year.
Phil Barker, Tetenal’s Sales Director,
Canon unsurprisingly also makes the grade, though for just two products. Its recent EOS R7 is best APS-C camera for the above period, while it’s also awarded best Professional Camera for its EOS R3.
concludes: “The sheer quality of Noritsu products, together with Tetenal’s mission to offer impeccable customer service and Tetenal support, makes it the obvious choice for all photography retailers looking to improve or upgrade their offering.” Those in the trade looking to do just that should get in touch on 0116 2893644.
Wex Photo Video opened what it claimed to be the ‘UK’s most remote camera store’ over the summer. Located in the mountains of Snowdonia, the literal pop-up shop opened on World Photography Day, August 19th. It told us the unusual location was inspired by research suggesting Brits will risk life and limb to capture the perfect picture, yet the majority are left feeling underwhelmed with the end results.

Recent appointees Caitlin Clark (left) and Elle Ross from Fujifilm UK’s marketing team believe the new X-H2 (in hand) will appeal to both pro photographers and pro videographers and has a price point that cannot be matched

With a base light sensitivity setting of ISO125, the X-H2 offers 7 custom modes accessible via its shooting mode dial, for a combination of photo and video settings. Offering 500K-shutter durability, the new camera is also compatible with the optional bolt-on fan first revealed alongside the X-H2S. This is because at a temperature of 25° the X-H2 can record 8K 30P video for up to 160 minutes, whereas at 40° this drops to 13 minutes. Also announced alongside the camera are two new XF / GF series lenses. The compatible XF56mm f/1.2 R WR is described as being designed for highresolution sensors and capable of delivering “smoother, more well rounded ‘bokeh’”. SRP for this one, which provides an 85mm equivalent in 35mm terms, is £999. The second new lens is the GF20-35mm f/4 R WR, which provides the equivalent to an 16-28mm, and is constructed of 14 elements in 10 groups. Weighing 725g, it’s weather resistant with 12 sealing points. For an SRP of £2,349, a high speed and silent AF performance is being offered. For more speak to your Fujifilm rep and/or visit the below URL.

LIFE BEGINS AT 40MP FOR FUJIFILM stabilisation. Users can frame their shots via a 5.76 million dot OLED EVF, or using the 3-inch 1.62-million dot variangle touch screen LCD on the backplate. Two card slots are also offered; one for CFexpress and the other regular SD. While the X-H2 is aimed at photographers wanting extra detail for landscapes and portraits, design wise the body is nigh identical to that of the faster speed but lower resolution X-H2S, save for the omission of an ‘S’ on the front.

@bpi_news News BPI News | September / October 2022 5
First trailed in our June edition, where we wrote about the launch of the same manufacturer’s built-for-speed X-H2S, full details of the 40 megapixel Fujifilm X-H2 –which back then was still ‘in development’ – are being revealed this month, including the fact that it will retail for a suggested £1899 body only, or £2299 with the inclusion of a XF16-20mm lens, with sales starting from the end of the month. “This is a hybrid camera for pro photographers and independent pro videographers at a price point unmatchable in the market,” enthuses Fujifilm UK Group Marketing Manager Andreas Georghiades to BPI News. Tell your customers the X-H2 features a 40MP X-Trans 5 HR BSI CMOS sensor combined with Fuji’s X-Processor 5. Further notable features include up to 8K-resolution 30P video, plus a 160 megapixel Pixel Shift Multi Shot mode, which creates an image from the combination of 20 separate shots. We also get 15fps shooting via mechanical shutter or 20fps via electronic shutter, as well as up to 7 stops of built-in image

“Our research and website data shows that capturing better content is more of a focus than ever before,” enthuses Wex’s Marketing Director Paul Wareham. “We wanted to match the epic efforts that are going towards capturing the perfect pictures, and with our most remote camera store on Moel Hebog, we’re able to provide quality equipment and expertise to help customers capture the pictures they want.”
Wex adds that its data reveals there has been a 143% increase in searches for ‘How to’ online in the first half of the year. As a result not only was Wex stationing its expert staff on Snowdonia with a selection of cameras, lenses and tripods available to purchase, but Wex’s ambassador Tom Mason was due to be sharing tips and tricks via social channels.
BPI News is your mouthpiece to reach peers in the photo trade, so use it. Send ad bookings & press releases to
store’sWexat all time high
With autumn on the way your customers will want to know that the lens features a moisture resistant construction for extra protection when shooting outdoors and a ‘BBAR’ (Broad-Band Anti Reflection) coating. The optical construction comprises 15 elements in 10 groups, and at its 300mm setting is said to deliver excellent resolution from edge to edge. Additionally its ‘RXD’ (Rapid eXtra-silent stepping Drive) promises that the lens can be used discretely for photographing wildlife as well as for shooting video.
Not content with announcing the Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III VC VXD telephoto zoom on its advertorial page this issue, and the brand winning three EISA Awards, distributor Transcontinenta UK has let the trade know the same manufacturer is developing another new lens for Sony E-mount full frame mirrorless cameras: the Tamron 2040mm f/2.8 Di III VXD (shown below)
The forward thinking distributor has a new product to its portfolio in TourBox NEO, described as ‘the ultimate controller for content creators’. In fact the creative tool is claimed to be ideal for editing video productions, photo editing, audio editing and graphic design and works in tandem with a keyboard, mouse or graphics tablet. The one-hand designed controller has various shaped buttons that can be assigned to various functions in the likes of Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro, Camera Raw and others. Connectivity is via USB-C or USB-A. We’re told that when it comes to photography users can literally go mouse free and swiftly work on exposure, contrast, shadow and highlights with a simple turn of the knob. Alternatively if filmmakers are working in Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve or PowerDirector,

News 6 September / October 2022 | BPI News
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Designed for everyday shooting, the forthcoming standard zoom for capturing both still images and video is described as ‘unparalleled’ in delivering beautiful images across the entire zoom range, while being the smallest and lightest in its class. The future release incorporates Tamron’s AF drive system known as VXD speedplus,ansuperiorVXDeXtreme-torque(Voice-coilDrive).isclaimedtoboastquietnessandagileperformance,ofcourse,high-andhigh-precision
they can enjoy actions including zooming in or out of a timeline, navigating at a custom speed or frame by frame, playback, or jumping to a new position. Support is given to Windows 7 or higher and MacOS 10.10 or higher, while the unit weighs a very manageable 370g. SRP for the TourBox NEO is £144.99.

autofocus. With an MOD (Minimum Object Distance) of just 6.7 inches and maximum magnification ratio 1:3.8 at the wide end, the lens provides closerange shooting capability, with the added feature of wide-angle macro photography. It’s been born from its maker’s desire to produce a compact standard zoom lens that can be carried around easily. With availability promised sometime this autumn for the 20-40mm f/2.8, we’ll bring you a precise release date and SRP as soon as we have them! Just as we were sending this issue to press, Tamron’s distributor unveiled yet another new telephoto zoom designed for full frame mirrorless cameras in the Nikon Z series compatible Tamron 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III RXD (seen above) lens. This one arrives the end of September at £699.99 SRP and is described as boasting ‘the world’s smallest size and lightest weight’ in its class, measuring 5.9-inches long and weighing just 580g.
BPI News | September / October 2022 7 BPI News Product Focus NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at
With Transcontinenta UK’s diverse range of distributed brands now well into the double figures since first setting up shop here in 2019, we’re turning the spotlight onto four of its hardest punching product lines in Peak Design, Leofoto, Tamron and Zhiyun-Tech, all of which are due to be exhibited on stand G500 at the NEC. Beyond that, the company has a solution for everyone who has a passion for imaging and is always happy to give expert advice and guidance. Something of a jewel in the distributor’s crown, Tamron continues to maintain its high public profile by being in receipt of three EISA Awards this month, with the Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Di III-A VC VXD being named EISA Travel Zoom Lens 2022-2023, its 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III VXD G2 taking the honours for EISA Standard Zoom Lens 2022-2023 and the 35-105mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD bagging EISA Zoom Lens 2022-2023. Tamron is already widely acclaimed in the market for its high power zoom lenses for DSLR and mirrorless cameras, including its growing range of fast aperture lenses specially designed for Sony E-mount full frame cameras. Whether the discipline is landscapes, sports or portraits, Tamron has a lens to suit. A case in point is the newest offering in the Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di III VC VXD (see top left) that boasts 1:2 macro at the wide end, retains sharpness throughout its broader-than-average range and is ideally suited to outdoor/wildlife photography. For more on this lens and the others, head to The trade will likewise already know Peak Design as one of the leaders in carrying products that keep the gear of photographers, travellers and adventurers accessible, organised and protected. Its products include everyday bags, backpacks, sling bags, travel bags, camera straps and clips, plus unique travel tripods and mobile accessories. While the entire range was due to be shown at ‘TPS’, Transcontinenta UK singles out the Everyday V2 (see below) line up of bags as always a popular, strong seller. With a variety of colourways on offer, top selling lines include the 20L and 30L Everyday V2 backpack, with charcoal proving the most desirable colour for most. Also popular with consumers, especially mirrorless camera owners are Peak Design’s Slings (see top middle) in 3L, 6L and 10L sizes. It’s worth noting that all its bags come with a lifetime warranty and are made from recycled materials. It goes without saying that there will be brand experts on hand at ‘TPS’ to talk through the features of the bags as well as demonstrate its tripods, mobile cases and accessories. For more, visit

The UK arm of the Netherlands based distributor is showcasing its Tamron, Peak Design, Zhiyun-Tech and Leofoto brands at The Photography Show. We explain what’s ‘super’ about the hero products of each…

Hurry to get hands on with key brands from Transcontinenta UK on stand G500 at The Photography Show this month

The hero product when it comes to Zhiyun-Tech meanwhile is the Zhiyun Weebill 3 Gimbal (see top right), as previously described in BPI News as ‘a Swiss Army Knife type affair’. This one is aimed at filmmakers seeking that professional look, with its lightweight and ergonomic build offering further improvements over its predecessor. The Weebill 3 offers a built-in microphone, plus integral 1000 lumens LED light and battery to provide power all day long. We also get a restructured L-shape handle, a new wrist rest, and a repositioned extendable sling grip, offering over 40% more wrist support. The grip includes thumb buttons, a mini control stick plus finger trigger and customisable wheel. Get the full lowdown at Last but by no means least, the Leofoto Ranger (left and below) tripod series offers a product range to suit a variety of price points and budgets. The main sales pitches here include a 10-layer carbon fibre build that manages to be at once tough yet lightweight, a 10-year warranty for additional peace of mind, plus a price tag that indicates excellent value for money. Leofoto manufactures more than just tripods and offers a whole slew of camera and photographic accessories, including leveling bases, ball heads, monopods, pocket tripods, lens supports, magic arms, adaptors, L plates, fluid and video heads, clamps and centre columns, quick release plates, leg warmers, camera cages, conversion adapters, multi function clamps, gimbal heads, mobile phone accessories and LED light panels. Go to for more and head to now to get on top of all the latest offerings.

While there may be mutterings of a recession on the way, it isn’t wall-to-wall doom and gloom, with the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that Brits spent 1.3% more at retail for the month of July this year than they did in June, and a sizeable 7.8% more than at the same point last year. The value of online sales was also up, by 5.3% from June to July, as many sites launched summer flash sales, suggesting that there is still cash to be splashed if a bargain presents itself. The encouraging figures for retailers weren’t purely down to
Sony takes the Mic
Lumesca Group takes on Light & Motion distribution

The product portfolio of Lumesca Group expands again with the announcement that it’s been appointed as exclusive distributor of Light & Motion’s StellaPro line, for the UK, Germany, Poland, Eastern Europe, Belgium, Netherlands and the Nordics. The partnership is designed to allow both companies to expand and evolve alongside the demand for hybrid photo and video solutions. California based Light & Motion is described as having a 30-year heritage in product build and innovation, with its lights starting from £505 SRP.
Another month, another Sony shotgun microphone; hot on the heels of last issue’s announcement of the ECM-B10 comes the ECM-G1. Available now, the latest microphone is £145 SRP and is described as being perfect for vlogging and capturing clear voices. A windshield is included to reduce wind noise when shooting outdoors, plus its anti-vibration dampers are said to suppress frequency vibration noise. Even when shooting indoors the device is said to be highly effective at reducing echo pickup from walls and voice reverberation, resulting in clear conversation and sound clarity. Power is supplied directly from the camera to the microphone to avoid issues with a separate battery running out or cables getting in the way, even when the camera’s vari-angle LCD monitor is open horizontally, while the compact and portable microphone weighs just 34g.

Lumesca Group MD Geoffrey Clements says: “Not only are Light & Motion’s products professional in quality and build, but the StellaPro Reflex lights are truly hybrid. They’re small, light, incredibly bright and very transportable. The need for hybrid products is ever growing in photography, so we look forward to working with Light & Motion to support our customers.”
BPI News is your mouthpiece to reach peers in the photo trade, so use it. Send ad bookings & press releases to inflation however, as retail sales volumes also climbed by 0.3% in July compared to the previous month, suggesting that consumer confidence hasn’t been completely dented by all the reports of inflation and soaring energy costs. Even so, consumer researchers at the likes of parcel delivery service Parcel Hero are, like our own business advice pages, suggesting an omnichannel approach is essential for all retailers looking to make the most of the unexpected rise in spending while it lasts.
At the time of writing The Flash Centre was due to be demonstrating StellaPro lights on its stand at The Photography Show this month.
News 8 September / October 2022 | BPI News
A VISIONARY BRAND Given its global reach, it’s easy to forget that Sigma remains very much a family business. The Global Vision range was the brainchild of current CEO Kazuto Yamaki. He introduced it following the death of his father Michihiro Yamaki in 2012, who founded Sigma 50 years prior. It represented a turning point for the company and saw it transition towards more premium optics that put image quality, build quality and user experience at the centre of the design concept. As noted, the range was (and is) split into three lines: Art, Contemporary and Sports. Art lenses are a mix of primes and zooms boasting exceptional build and image quality, thanks in part to very wide apertures. Most of the primes are f/1.4, with one at f/1.2. Sigma’s Contemporary lenses likewise offer excellent image quality, while being more portable than the Art lenses, making them ideal for travel, or for photographers requiring compactness. The trade-off is a less wide maximum aperture than their Art equivalents. A sub category of the Contemporary range is the ‘I’ series; premium compact primes with an aperture ring and all-metal build, of which there are currently seven in total, all for L-Mount and E-mount cameras.
The Sports line up is, as it sounds, aimed at sports, wildlife and other fast action applications – although sometimes these lenses are used for landscape and astrophotography. A quick mention also goes to Sigma’s cine lens offering, currently numbering 20 primes and three zooms, which also furthers its maker’s Global Vision outlook. At the time of writing there is only one current lens remaining from pre 2012, a 105mm Macro, which means the transition from old to new is all but complete. “We are delighted to be celebrating the 10-year anniversary of one of the bestloved range of lenses on the market.”
Says Sigma UK General Manager Paul Reynolds. “The exceptional quality of our Global Vision optics is a testament to the innovation and expertise of our optical design teams, as well as to our cutting edge production techniques at our sole factory in Aizu in Japan. I’m so pleased that our Art, Contemporary and Sports lenses have helped countless photographers worldwide achieve better images and fulfil their creative potential.”
Today there are 26 Art, 16 Contemporary and four Sports lenses (46 in all), with the three latest being the 16-28mm DG DN | C, 20mm DG DN | A and the 24mm DG DN | A. Additionally there are three mount converters and two USB docks. Unsurprisingly the direction of movement is towards mirrorless lenses and, while over the past few years Sigma has been adapting lenses designed for DSLRs to fit mirrorless, it’s recently been redesigning its lenses from the ground up specifically for mirrorless, which means they’re lighter while being typically 30% smaller. One of the ways this has been achieved is to correct for some aberrations optically and deal with the rest (vignetting or distortion) using in-camera digital corrections.
Notable Global Vision lenses over the past 10 years include the 105mm f/1.4 DG HSM | A (shown bottom, right), which has cult status for the most beautiful bokeh in the Sigma line up and was originally designed as an astro lens, plus the 35mm f/1.2 DG N | A (bottom, left), Sigma’s first and only Global Vision lens with an f/1.2 aperture. Please make a date with your local Sigma rep to discuss all these exciting options further.

Retailers should mention to any undecided customers that there’s the opportunity to ‘road test’ a Sigma lens before purchase. Its Sigma Select rental service is available for selected Global Vision optics and Sigma cameras at an affordable price. Three-day rental is free, including free shipping both ways. Or users can opt to pay a small fee for a longer hire period. If deciding to buy the equipment within 30 days, rental fees are refunded. All hires require a refundable deposit, with free hire being a limited offer and the usual terms and conditions applying. See
This lens rocks: sample image taken with the new Sigma 20mm F1.4 DG DN | Art

All of Sigma’s lenses come with the benefit of a three-year limited warranty. Visit

@bpi_news BPI News Product Focus
Over the past decade Sigma has undergone a deliberate transition from being the cheaper alternative to being the better alternative, with post 2012 being christened the ‘Global Vision’ era. BPI News discovers how the shift is reflected in its 2022 lens line up © Dean Sherwood T his month marks Sigma’s 10year ‘Global Vision’ anniversary; the umbrella term given to its Art, Contemporary and Sports lens line up, first introduced at Photokina 2012. Since then, the range has grown from a single lens to nearly 50 across a range of mounts. Succinctly put, the Japanese lens specialist has a great wealth of options now available to the UK photo trade.
Another highly collectable special edition Leica surfaces this month, alongside calls for entries to a new brand campaign and the showcasing of shortlisted entrants for its annual ‘LOBA’ awards hile global demand for digital cameras may have greatly contracted, Leica’s unique position and heritage allows it to continue to plough its own lucrative furrow to a niche but devoted audience, their photographic passion satiated by the manufacturer continuing to release coveted limited-edition versions of existing cameras. The latest offering is a special edition of its D-Lux 7 in collaboration with A Bathing Ape and graffiti artist ‘STASH’ (aka Josh Franklin). Street photography and reportage have always been closely associated with the Leica brand, of course, so a nod towards both streetwear and street art makes sense.
BPI News Product Focus 10 September / October 2022 | BPI News
Leica is further engaging with photographers globally with the latest round of its brand campaign ‘ The World Deserves Witnesses’, which has appeared online, in print and in promotional videos. The most recent round, which we last reported on in BPI News April/ May, utilised imagery from the likes of Joel Meyerowitz, Steve McCurry and Elliott Erwitt – but now Leica is casting its net wider than already famous names and asking photographers of all ages to become witnesses and submit work centred on the themes of ‘Joy’ and ‘Hope’. The cut-off date for submissions is September 30th, with a shortlist also due to be published in October this year and the selected photographers –whose work will form part of the latest phase of the campaign – announced in November. The next wave of the campaign will then go live in January 2023. Photographers should register here: leica-become-a-witness Finally, as we went to press, news was also breaking that Leica and Panasonic are due to launch a jointly developed mirrorless camera next year as part of their ‘L Squared Technology partnership ( L 2 for short), first announced back in our June cover issue and which we were told would see the two companies ‘jointly explore new creativity and expressive power’.

Just released: Leica D-Lux 7 ‘A Bathing Ape x Stash’ camera, plus entries by Sept 30th for Leica’s The World Deserves Witnesses campaign
SUPPORTING TALENT & BEARING WITNESS In other Leica news the premium brand has announced the shortlist for the 42nd Leica Oskar Barnack Award, with 12 finalists for the ‘LOBA’ and Newcomer Awards. The shortlist was derived from proposals submitted by entrants from 34 countries, and, for the first time, the Newcomer Award has been selected in collaboration with photography institutions and universities from 15 different countries, including Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany. With shortlisted entrants being gradually revealed on the official website ( over the coming weeks, the award ceremony itself will take place on October 20th 2022. The overall winner will receive €40,000 and Leica equipment valued at €10,000, while the Newcomer Award winner receives €10,000 and a Leica Q2 camera. Karin Rehn-Kaufmann, Art Director and Chief Representative for Leica Galleries International, says: “Once again this year, we were impressed by the diversity and high quality of the series submitted; it was particularly delightful to see the many young participants, as well as the higher proportion of women photographers. The fact that we live in challenging times, defined by climate change and global crises, has also left its mark on this LOBA year. Supporting the work and commitment of photographers around the globe is an increasingly important and meaningful task, which Leica Camera AG is happy to take on.”

The special edition version (above) comes in a camouflage print with distinctive Ape Head insignia and the ‘wildstyle’ tag of the American graffiti artist STASH. While Leica is retailing a black finish version of the compact camera, a silver version is being made available exclusively via the Tokyobased A Bathing Ape retail stores. Apart from its snazzy exterior, the D-Lux 7 ‘A Bathing Ape x Stash’ includes the same Micro Four Thirds sensor as the regular model, with its lens offering the 35mm equivalent of 24-75mm and f/1.7-2.8 aperture range. Further features of note include a 17-megapixel effective resolution and up to 4K video at 30fps. Purchasers also get an additional carrying strap and specially designed camera pouch. The black finish version retails via Leica stores at £1,750.

International bright young KilitoandHayeri(topRomeroincludinghaveBarnacktoshortlistedthings:entrantstheLeicaOskarAwardbeenunveiled,FelipeBeltránleft),Kiana(middle)M’hammed(right)Witnessprogramme:PhotographersofallagesnowhavetheopportunitytoseetheirphotosfeaturedintheLeicaTheWorldDeservesWitnessespromotion
Korean manufacturer Samyang, distributed to the UK trade by Holdan, has announced a new V-AF lens family designed for Sony E-mount full frame camera owners. We’re told this line up has been designed specifically for the ‘content creator’ market specialising in shooting video. The first lens in the new line up is the V-AF 75mm T1.9 (shown), with Samyang promising four more lenses – a 20mm, 24mm, 35mm and 45mm – before the end of 2023. “These Samyanglightweightinnovative,lensesfromwillmakeiteasier for filmmakers to work efficiently, maximising their focus on the creative process rather than worrying about their gear,” believes Holdan Divisional Director David Fidler. “We very much look forward to seeing what these lenses can do in the hands of our many talented customers.”
BPI News | September / October 2022 11 News NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at ADVERTISEMENT

Key features of the new lens series include a unified form factor across the differing focal lengths, plus the fact that they’re compact and lightweight, can support resolutions up to 8K and are colour matched. In related news, the Samyang lens family has a new addition in the XEEN CF 135mm T2.2 (shown below) lens designed for PL, Canon EF and Sony E-mount full frame cameras. The new lens means that the line up now comprises six of what we’re told are the most used focal lengths in the: 16mm T2.6, 24mm T1.5, 35mm T1.5, 50mm T1.5, 85mm T1.5, along with the new 135mm T2.2. The lens can again support an 8K video resolution and claims to offer a ‘beautiful bokeh’. For more email

BPI News Product Focus 12 September / October 2022 | BPI News
Also new and available via MAC Group Europe since the start of September is the Tenba Axis V2 collection of bags – which are likewise making their debut at ‘TPS’. For those not already in the know, Tenba’s tactical Axis bags have been inspired by the ultradurable bags made for the military throughout their 40+ year history.

Tenba has kept all the standard durable Axis features and given them a new look with several new functional additions to meet the needs of the latest generation of photographers, filmmakers, content creators and camera gear enthusiasts.

The leading distributor is due to be exhibiting its Benro, Tenba, Shimoda, Nanlite and Saramonic brands at The Photography & Video Show as we go to press – its first appearance at the exhibition since 2019. We drill into what’s new from three of those brands – Benro, Tenba and Saramonic…
BENRO LAUNCH POLARIS Brand new to the range and being showcased for the first time is the Benro Polaris (Main pic). The Polaris is notable as the world’s first electronic tripod head with an integrated camera interface controller. This provides high precision-geared movement, making the product ideal for adjusting composition and framing, programming the intelligent head to capture a series of photographs, setting it up to track the movement of stars in astrophotography, or creating a high resolution timelapse video or sequence of images. The head also supports wireless connection so users can preview, review and download files via a dedicated app quickly from just about anywhere. Likewise new is a Benro Mammoth tripod, which, as its powerful name suggests, is designed to offer the ultimate in stability even with heavy loads thanks to its robust carbon fibre construction, while the range of Gimbal heads has also expanded with new additions. The MAC Group Europe team welcome questions from the trade and says it will
It’s done this while adding two new bags to the Tenba Axis family. The first is an expandable 4L Top Loader (right) capable of holding a DSLR with 24-70mm f/2.8 lens, or with a 70-200mm f/2.8 when
Strong and stable: Benro’s new Polaris tripod (above) promises high precision bagthemovement,gearedwhileTenbaAxisV2series (below) is also ultra durable, while being packed with new functional additions be able to direct you to whichever Benro product will provide the most apt solution for photographer and videographer customers, as well as generating a decent margin for specialist retailers. For more on the latest and greatest Benro products via MAC Group Europe, direct your browser to
S eeking the best selling and most awarded products from the MAC Group Europe distributed Benro brand to add to stock, or your studio set up? If you’re headed to The Photography & Video Show you’ll be able to catch Benro there, with some firm favourites exhibited alongside exciting new developments. But even if you’re not, make a note of the following as being worthy of further investigation. Among the tried-and-tested gear there’s the TIPA Award winning Benro Hydra 2 waterproof tripod (right) and the Mach3 tripod range, along with the more recent and, says MAC Group, extremely popular Rhino and Tortoise tripod kits. Other suggested perennials include the GD3WH Geared Head, B series ball heads and Gimbal heads which are described as being great value.
New via MAC Group Europe: Benro Polaris electronic tripod head plus Mammoth tripod; Tenba Axis V2 bag collection including 4L Top
@bpi_news MAC Group Europe Advertorial BPI News | September / October 2022 13 Loader and 16L Backpack; plus Saramonic SR-MV200 and Vmic Mini S, aimed at podcasters and broadcasters respectively expanded. The second is a smaller 16L Backpack (bottom right, page 12) which is described as perfect for holding smaller mirrorless system cameras, with four to six lenses up to 300mm f/2.8 plus a tablet up to 11-inches like the iPad Pro. Both of the above can accommodate a DJI Mavic and other compact drones.
The second new offering is the rugged, metal-construction Saramonic Vmic Mini S (above & left), a compact and lightweight multi pattern mini shotgun microphone promising broadcast quality sound whether filming or recording. Output cables are included for use with cameras and mobile devices, plus again there’s a 3.5mm headphone output provided for monitoring purposes. As each shoot is never the same, the versatile microphone offers a selectable trio of polar patterns at the turn of a dial: ASMR, a cardoid pattern with a focused directional pick up; 120°, a wide cardoid pattern with a 120° pick up, plus 360°, an omnidirectional pattern for an immersive all-round pick up. Additionally, the integrated shock mount can be rotated 360° in the mount, allowing the Vmic Mini S to be positioned in any direction desired, without having to remount the microphone. Everything needed for great sound is provided out of the box for a very competitive £80 SRP, without users having to buy additional accessories.

Audio products are likewise very much MAC Group Europe’s domain, with two new devices added to the Saramonic range. First up and aimed at podcasters who specialise in the spoken word is the ‘plug and play’ SR-MV200 (see right), a large diaphragm studio microphone with magnetic tabletop stand, headphone output and multi colour LED for computers and mobile devices, including iPad Pro and iPad Air. This one promises a dynamic and professional vocal sound, reducing unwanted external noise and comes with a magnetic tabletop stand. Or, of course, the microphone can be taken off the stand and

The two new additions swell the ranks of a series that already includes 20L, 24L and 32L backpacks, with these largest three offerings boasting three-point camera access: photographers can access their camera gear through the side, top or rear of the bag. Side access allows for quick camera removal while wearing the bag, top access affords the ability to work out of the bag and maintain a small footprint, while rear access enables the user to see all their gear at once. Also new is the fact that Tenba has sourced ‘military grade’ MultiCam Black™ fabric to be able to introduce a second new colourway for its Axis bags.
Find products showcased by MAC Group Europe at The Photography & Video Show this September on stand M200 (Tenba), N200 (Benro) and M1968 [Saramonic) in Hall 3 at the NEC, or get in touch direct to find out more via 01902 255500, or visit bag where it’s now housed beneath a waterproof zip. A trolley strap has also been added to the back, allowing the bags to be ‘piggybacked’ onto rolling luggage for convenience and comfort, while finally tripods and gimbals can be attached to the front of the backpacks with added security straps and/or stored inside the reinforced side pocket. The above all signals the fact that if the Axis collection from Tenba hasn’t yet featured as part of your business, then, accented by a snazzy new colourway, it is definitely time that it does. SRP’s for the Tenba Axis v2 range stretch from £65 for the new Tenba Axis v2 4L Top Loader in regular black to £250 for the Tenba Axis v2 32L Backpack in MultiCam™ Black. For more on the above, please head to SEE

In a first for camera bags, the new features this time around include a hidden pocket compatible with an Apple AirTag or Bluetooth Tracker. Reflective ‘Molle’ webbing allows for expandability with Tenba Lens Capsules, Battery Pouches, and Card Wallets, while the exclusive Airflow harness and auto adjusting Pivot-Fit™ Straps enable the packs to fit users of all sizes. Talking of comfort, superior load balancing across the chest is delivered with the addition of Tenba’s unique dual sternum straps, while female users can position the straps above and below the bust. Extra protection in the great outdoors is ensured with a further addition in a removable and reversible rain cover, with the laptop sleeve also relocated to the front of the mounted onto a broadcast boom arm or alternative stand. Also featured is a 3.5mm headphone output with volume control, while the LED meter indicates the input level and headphone output levels. Connectivity is via USB-A and USB-C output cables. SRP is £76.

winner: Lexar 1066x SD Cards) Printer Of The Year (last year’s winner: Epson SC-F100 & SC-500) Consumer Camera Of The Year (previous winner: Panasonic Lumix G100) Campaign Of The Year (last year’s winner: Canon’s EOS R Game Changers) Distributor Of The Year (previous winner: Intro 2020) BPI News Special Award For Services To The Industry (new category – this is in recognition of an individual or a business, who over the years has contributed to the industry & made it a better place) Hurry! Make contact now and tell us who should win. We’ll then tally up all the votes after The Photography Show and announce YOUR winners in our November cover date edition Email, or tag or DM us on Twitter @bpi_news HOW TO VOTE Simply send the name of the product, business or person you’d like to win in a particular category to us, either by emailing with ‘BPI News Awards’ in the subject line, or by tagging us on social media with your vote. We can be found on Twitter @bpi_news AWARDS2022

Let us know via email or social media channels and the winner/s could be picking up an award from us for being praised by their peers…
G reat news for all readers… we’ve extended the deadline for you to vote in our awards, so we can give the trade time to settle back into their roles post-summer and bring you the results in our November issue. So that means we’re once again asking you for your votes in the following categories, so we can recognise the achievements of your colleagues and peers in the photo and video trade. And yes, of course you can nominate and vote for your own products, business and staff – and we’d encourage you to ask your customers and anyone in the trade you have dealings with to do the same. As we last published our award winners in our June 2021 edition of BPI News, you can flick back to that issue – and forward to the present day – for inspiration on the products and the people who might be deserving of accolade.
Who get your vote for the industry’s best products and service over the past 12 months?

BPI News Award Nominations 14 September / October 2022 | BPI News BPI NEWS NOMINATIONSAWARD2022
Aiming for a simple and straightforward method of casting your vote, we’re keeping our category list manageable. So please submit your winners from the following category selection. We’ve included a reminder of last year’s winners just to give you some steer on the type of products (and persons!) that have won previously: Retailer Of The Year (last year’s winner: Grays Of Westminster) Of The Year (previous winner: Fujifilm Shop Local Campaign) Product Of The Year (last year’s winner: Nikon Z 6II) Of The Year (previous winner: Saramonic Pro Audio Kit) Of The Year (last year’s winner: Sigma FP L) Media Of The Year (previous
Utilises six colour inks, including matte and photo black plus a new grey ink
When it comes to wide format printers, two 44-inch ‘big beasts’ in the Epson SureColor family –the SC-T7700D and SC-P8500D – are now ready to install into your business via the DPS Group
Features a 2.64-inch PrecisionCore MicroFTP print head Offers dual roll operation, built-in take-up reel for rollto-roll printing, easy automatic roll loading, plus optional adjustable production stackers Compact footprint for space constrained environments Epson SureColor T7700D: Aimed at retailers who need to produce point of sale posters that exactly replicate logo colours as well as companies looking to produce precise and detailed CAD plans and drawings Features a 6-colour Ultrachrome XD3 ink set utilising a new red ink, claiming to deliver vivid depth of colour and crisp, sharp lines A fully integrated printing solution with productive printing, smart features and easy operation
IT’S ‘T’ TIME FOR THE TRADE Released alongside the SC-P8500D, which is fully designed for the photo production market, the SC-T7700D is aimed at a slightly different market –namely retailers who need to produce point of sale posters that exactly replicate logo colours, as well as companies looking to produce precise and detailed CAD plans and drawings.
As ever, the message from DPS Group MD Maneesh Patel is: “Get in touch with the DPS Group if you’d like a sneak preview of the capabilities of Epson’s latest 44-inch wide format printers, which we strongly suggest will make a discernable difference to your productivity and bottom line.”
A s regular readers will be aware, Epson is never a manufacturer to stand still when it comes to innovating in print, while its official re-seller the DPS Group is always proactively on the look out for the next big thing to help its customers turn a healthy profit.
BPI News | September / October 2022 15 BPI News Product Focus NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at
The SC-T7700D’s 6-colour Ultrachrome XD3 ink set utilises a new red ink to deliver vivid depth of colour and crisp, sharp lines. In short, the SC-T7700D offers a fully integrated printing solution with smart features for productive printing, plus easy operation with it.
A ‘wide’ range of options: Take your business up a notch by installing the Epson SC-T7700D (top of page) and (immediatelySC-P8500Dabove), benefitting from a six colour Ultrachrome ink set, as shown below

Big printers for big plans: Contact the DPS Group about Epson’s SC-P8500D & SC-T7700D on 020 8466 7230 or email

Interested parties are strongly advised to get in touch NOW about Epson’s new ‘P’ and ‘T’ series printers via or by calling 020 8466 7230
A case in point is the Epson SC-P8500D 44-inch printer. First introduced last October, it features a completely new design plus six ink printing, with the ‘P’ series getting a new grey ink. Also worth noting is an embedded Adobe print engine, dual rolls as standard, pigment ink set, plus print speeds up to 131 square metres per hour. This ‘P’ family machine has been introduced, says Epson, in part due to print service providers producing more personalised photo products, including décor and graphic art. It has additionally spotted a rising need for both higher quality and higher productivity at lower costs – especially useful given the current cost of living crisis.
In a nutshell, this is a machine for those who already deal in high volume photo fulfillment, or would like to, whether a retail environment or a mini lab. Further features include a 2.64-inch PrecisionCore MicroFTP print head, compact footprint for space-constrained environments, convenient front operation, and six colour UltraChrome inks of the ‘Pro6’ variety. We also get a built-in take-up reel for roll-to-roll printing, easy automatic roll loading, plus optional adjustable production stackers. Time is money, and so users will further benefit from significant increases in print speed versus previous 8 or 10 colour devices.
44-inch at-a-glance:printers
Epson SureColor P8500D: High volume printer meeting the demand for personalised photo products, including décor and graphic art Higher quality and productivity at a lower cost Significant increase in print speed compared with previous 8 or 10 colour ink devices

Part of the glue that binds together our industry, British Photographic Industry News has been with you through the thick and thin of the past 40 years, covering seismic shifts for the trade; including the transferal from film to digital and the changing face of retail, as the high street presence has expanded to involve a more multi-platform sales push. With a lot of misinformation out there, a curated approach to the developments of the day and exclusive input from industry leaders is what continues to ensure the relevance of a trade-focused magazine. As we seek to guide you through choppy waters, you in turn can lend your support from just £30 per year.
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Get in touch with PermaJet now about its Heritage premium inkjet paper and 3D scanners, which can boost your business in 2022!

@bpi_news BPI News Product Focus | September / October 2022 17
While we’d expect PermaJet to be a major source of premium inkjet paper for photographers at all levels, an exciting recent development is that it is now provide an additional revenue stream for those in the trade. The selling point here is that revolutionary 3D scanning capabilities allow for original artworks to be replicated with every detail and texture captured. PermaJet will have the WideTEK 25 Flatbed and WideTEK 36ART scanners for demoing on its stand at ‘TPS’, with appointments available at PermaJet’s Stratford-uponAvon base after the exhibition. The WideTEK 36ART allows for contact free scanning of works of art including oil and acrylic paintings, watercolours, charcoal and pastel drawings, mixed media collages and antique artworks, at up to 1200dpi resolution in formats up to 36x60-inches. Original artwork is moved under the CCD camera elements in a contact free manner, meaning it’s possible to scan a painting that is still wet, as long as the sides are dry enough to place it on the scanning bed.
This again features a natural white base and is a subtly textured alpha cellulose and cotton mix paper. The Heritage range is available in A4 to A2 sheets and rolls from 17-inches to 60-inches.
A brand new ‘Heritage’ range of premium inkjet papers plus revolutionary 3D scanning capabilities are being made available to the photo trade this October In a changing world diversification is key. Inkjet paper specialist PermaJet is returning with a bang this month with the introduction of exciting new products aimed at elevating photographers, artists and print lab reproductions. Switched-on specialist retailers and photographers alike will be able to order stock of its brand-new Heritage range of premium papers this October, while additional revenue streams can be explored, thanks to PermaJet now stocking WideTEK 3D Art Scanners. Members of the trade who can’t wait until October will get a first look preview of the Heritage premium inkjet paper range at The Photography Show this month, where PermaJet will be exhibiting on its new stand space M504. It will also have Canon desktop and large format printers on its stand, along with examples of the quality achievable via the aforementioned scanners.

The exceptional new papers in PermaJet’s Heritage range are described as 100% cotton and ‘OBA’ (Optical Brightening Agent) free, thus helping those who print at home achieve archival prints that not only exude quality but will, just as importantly, last for years to come. There are currently five papers offered in the Heritage line up. These include: Baryta Rag 310, described as boasting an exquisite satin surface with a natural white base offering remarkable colour tones and deep, deep blacks. This is joined by Smooth Rag 310, with a ‘sensationally smooth’ matt surface, plus again a natural white base for achieving subtle detail like never before. Next up is Etching Rag 310 featuring a delicately textured surface with a neutral base. The fourth new option is Watercolour Rag 310, offering a beautiful watercolour style texture with a soft grain and natural white base, perfect for reproducing fine art. These new products join Museum Heritage 310, PermaJet’s best-selling and award-winning flagship Fine Art paper. Jet power your business: Two new revenue streams via PermaJet; its new Heritage paper line up, as above, and the stunning replication of original artworks via WideTEK 3D Art Scanners, shown below

The powerful WideTEK 25 Flatbed, meanwhile, with its A2+ bed (18.5x25 inches) offers universal appeal with its large scan area and incredible 3D reproduction. As an affordable step up from industry standard A3+ flatbeds, it really offers a new dimension in speed, with less scans and a much wider plate to stabilise any artwork on. To secure a demo appointment, or check out samples of the Heritage paper range, please call PermaJet now on 01789 739200
we are making a loving gesture toward unique moments captured by the camera lens. Fujifilm’s interest in connecting people heart to heart, increasing awareness and value of photos, and encouraging people to appreciate printed photographs, could not stop there. That is why we have decided to continue Printlife@home with its third edition.”
Fujifilm has launched its third Printlife initiative, designed to get people printing and sharing photos. The latest round is open to all Europeans, who are invited to share their favourite photos or take new ones inspired by the weekly theme at up until December 4th this year, whereupon the shots will be part, says Fuji, of a permanent online photo exhibition. Five winning photos will be selected each week, with the selected photographers in with a chance to win monetary vouchers to spend on the Fujifilm photo printing platform in their own country, Instax Link Wide Printer or Instax Mini 11 camera. Originally launched in Europe in 2020 as a replacement for the ‘100,000 photos’ traveling exhibition due to the pandemic, the first edition of the virtual event Printlife@home collected more than 10,500 photos across Europe, claims Fuji. For the second edition in 2021, more than 35,000 photos were uploaded from 21 countries, again with users winning weekly prizes. Corporate Vice President and Managing Director of Fujifilm Europe Toshi Iida adds: “Sharing photos with friends and loved ones have become a pleasant habit in our lives. When we print our photos to decorate our favorite places,

BPI News is your mouthpiece to reach peers in the photo trade, so use it. Send ad bookings & press releases to
for those who want to achieve a shallow depth of field. Construction involves 17 elements arranged in 15 groups, including two SLD elements and three aspherical elements, one of which is said to be the largest double-sided aspherical element ever produced by Sigma, in order to suppress a range of optical aberrations and ensure pin sharp results right across the frame, including wide open at f/1.4. The lens’ structure is further dust and splash resistant (but not waterproof), with an oil and water repellent coating on the front element.
The Japanese lens specialist has announced a pair of new ‘Art’ category prime lenses for both L-Mount and Sony E-mount systems in the Sigma 20mm f/1.4 DG DN Art and the Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG DN Art. As it sounds, both are designed specifically to work in tandem with mirrorless cameras and promise razor sharp optics and a superb build quality. Available now, the 20mm has a suggested £859 price tag while the 24mm is £779 SRP. Tell your photographer customers the 20mm f/1.4 DG DN Art, weighing in at 635g, is described as a wide angle, ultra wide aperture prime lens perfect for astrophotography. Alternative ideal subjects include landscapes and interiors, as well as hand held low light shooting and

News 18 September / October 2022 | BPI News
Please also see page 9 of this issue for more Sigma news, including the 10th anniversary of its ‘Global Vision’ lens line up, with the two lenses mentioned above being the newest additions to this family.
Direct your photographer customers to the fact that this year’s initiative is open for entries now at the below URL.
The 24mm f/1.4 DG DN Art is likewise described as a wide and fast optic, suitable for astrophotography, as well as a wide range of photo and/or video applications where a wide angle of view and fast aperture are beneficial. The lens weighs in at 520g, which is said to be 30% lighter than the manufacturer’s existing 24mm f/1.4 lens, while gaining a host of new features. These include a manual aperture ring with de-click and lock functionality, a front filter thread and rear filter holder, plus an all-new Manual Focus Lock (MFL) switch to fully deactivate the focus ring. In short, this one’s described as a versatile optic well suited to both professional imaging and casual everyday shooting.

Canon attempts to widen the audience for its EOS R series by introducing a pair of slightly more affordable, APS-C sensor incorporating mirrorless models. How do they shape up? C anon was somewhat late to the mirrorless camera party. But it’s been more than making up for lost time in the past couple of years with the steady expansion of its full frame sensor incorporating EOS R series, initially aimed at enthusiast, semi professionals and, eventually, professional photographers. The two newest additions to the family go the other way, courtesy of jettisoning the full frame chips for an APS-C sensor instead, of the type found in its consumer level DSLRs. Thus we have what’s being pitched as an entry-level all-rounder in the EOS R10, and the slightly better specified, step up model in the EOS R7. Unsurprisingly, in not wanting to stray from its core customer base, both resemble Canon DSLRs that have shrunk in the wash, making existing Canon owners who want to switch to something smaller and lighter as much of a potential audience as smartphone users wanting to up their game. Though it has the lower number in its model name, the EOS R7 is actually the Two of a kind: A higher pixel count and in-body image R7differentiatesstabilisationtheEOS (sample pier image, below) from its more affordable brother in the EOS R10 (sample dog image), though results are similar higher pixel count bigger brother to the EOS R10, courtesy of it fielding a more than generous 32.5 megapixel resolution, compared with the R10’s sensible yet still impressive in practice, 24.2 MP. While the R10 would be our recommendation for anyone on a budget stepping up from a smartphone into the world of interchangeable lens photography for the first time, the EOS R7 inevitably has a few more bells and whistles, as well as all those extra pixels, for any of those more dedicated photographers amongst your customer base who can stretch that bit further.
Canon has said the reason behind introducing affordable APS-C sensor models into its formerly full frame-only EOS R camera series is to make smaller yet high speed and high performance cameras perfectly positioned for enthusiasts. We went into using the EOS R7 and R10 expecting parity with DSLR-like response times, which by and large is what we got. To conclude, the Canon EOS R7 offers a slightly better build quality and additional features over its near outwardly identical looking sibling in the EOS R10, though the latter is more affordable because of that. For those who need detail, the R7 feels like the longer-term investment, while the R10 is a very capable starter camera for those who want to join the Canon mirrorless system from scratch. It will be interesting to see in time whether they do indeed tempt existing DSLR owners or bring in a whole new smartphone savvy audience instead.
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While we struggled to see much difference on screen between the 32.5MP results from the R7 and the still impressive 24.2MP shots from the R10, the R7 differs further in featuring body integral image stabilisation. Here it’s claimed to be the equivalent of 8 stops, which is admittedly a very useful feature to have to avoid camera shake, especially when shooting on physically larger and longer lenses, such as the compatible RF-S 18-150mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM we got to play with in tandem with the R7, while we opted to stick the equally new and more compact RF-S 18-45mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM lens on the slightly smaller and lighter R10 camera, where it felt like a more natural fit.
While the R7 is said to have been based on the similarly APS-C sensor incorporating EOS 7D DSLR from 2009, what’s new here apart from the additional pixels is Touch and Drag Auto Focus, while the EOS R7 is the first in in the R series to feature a combined AF multi controller and control wheel, positioned at the back of the camera where it readily falls under the thumb, to enable quicker and more accessible shooting setting and playback adjustment. Of course, photographers can alternatively choose to ignore both and simply point and shoot on full auto to their heart’s content with, as it transpires, consistently excellent results.

The past two years have had their challenges. But we’re now faced with spiraling inflation, eye-watering energy prices, and, if pundits are correct, a recession this side of Christmas. After everything else, this cost of living crisis is enough to send us all insane. But, instead of sticking pencils in our ears and strutting about like a chicken, we’ve come up with some practical solutions to counter unprecedented times…
Got your own ideas about how the photo industry can counter the challenges arising from the cost of living crisis,
AdviceBusiness 20 September / October 2022 | BPI News

In such challenging times as these, you may be tempted to cut down on traditional marketing spend – but don’t! While it may save cash in the short term, the reality is that if customers cannot find you because other retailers are shouting louder, you will, in the long run, lose far more than you’ll ever save.
Of course while we can make personal changes that save pennies or maximise spend here or there, help from the state to deal with unprecedented times that are no fault of our own will always be appreciated. With a new Prime Minister installed as we go to press, we can only hope that action to help businesses facing bankruptcy and hardship due to the rising costs of doing business is quickly addressed; whether that be a reduction in rates or tax (or both) to see us all through difficult times and make sure we still have the ability to trade at the end of it.
The obvious response to rising costs is to raise our own prices, and at times this will be unavoidable. The balance here, however, is arriving at a figure that works for you, while avoiding it unduly affecting trade, as your customers may well be feeling the pinch
PR is also, obviously, a good way to put your business on the map – literally. The local press, radio, online publications and even podcasts love to feature local businesses, as they thrive on feel-good stories (needed now, more than ever) –and the closer they are to home, the better.
@bpi_news Crisis Management Special BPI News | September / October 2022 21 or care to share what’s working for you (without giving away trade secrets)?
Consider also taking a lead from manufacturers who operate just-in-time delivery processes aimed at keeping their stock levels to the minimum. For them it’s about less cash tied up in inventory and less storage space required. Granted, retailers need to have product on tap or else customers will go elsewhere, but nevertheless, 10% less stock (to suggest one example) is less working capital needlessly tied up. We all know the traditional high street is under threat, so also see if your landlord will help with reduced rent, or at the minimum, agree to no further increases. In most towns there are enough empty retail spaces to concentrate their mind.
be tempted to cut down on traditional marketing spend – but don’t! While it may save cash in the short term, the reality is that if customers cannot find you because other retailers are shouting louder, you will, in the long run, lose far more than you’ll ever save.” their decision easier – each designed, naturally, to encourage a purchase.
One answer if you can’t countenance raising prices – feeling it would cause more pain to do so – is to seek to lower your own costs. Talk to your suppliers. If you’re cash positive, seek discounts for paying bills early; this reduces suppliers’ risk of your non-payment and speeds up their cashflow, which might get you a few extra per cent off invoice values. With bank interest negligible, this could pay more handsomely.
Of course, while making savings is all well and good, you also want to continue to promote your services in challenging times and ensure that they, and you, stand out from the competition. With the transparency of the Internet and greater confidence in e-commerce since the pandemic when we were mostly forced to go that route, your customers have myriad choices when it comes to what they buy and where they buy it from. You can start to raise the profile of your business by including demo videos on your website for example – or setting up a YouTube channel for live streams – to showcase that your business is a helpful and knowledgeable one –and that customers will gain something extra, along with excellent customer service, from shopping with you. To make sure such effort is rewarded and beneficial to your business, look at tying in these videos with promotions that reward loyalty. And try and avoid the trap of just dishing out discounts, which can erode margin and ultimately kill off the business, in order to win custom. A reward programme based on the frequency of customer purchases is easy enough to set up and can encourage repeat purchases. Likewise, special in-store events (or further live streams if your customer base is an increasingly global one) aimed at these same loyal customers – including, perhaps, first dibs on covetable new photography kit – can also help them feel extra special and cement those feelings of loyalty to your business in the long term. Customers can be fickle, but, equally, you can go some distance to preventing them from being so. For just this reason you’ll also want to keep careful track of who’s buying from you and encourage business with these customers continues. Most stores and businesses worth their salt will, with consent, gather lists of customers’ emails – which can then be used for direct marketing, perhaps letting customers know of a flash deal, a seasonal sale or new finance package to make
Not only do you save on print, you’ll be gathering a collection of contacts that can, again with consent, be marketed to. And, of course, don’t just focus on your physical presence (if you have one) but your online shop window too, in terms of making sure you can be found and customers will return time and again. If people can’t find you via various search engines and familiar keywords, then how are they going to know that you exist? Lots of people seem to bury their actual shop location, contact details and opening hours at the bottom of their home page rather than where they are easily found at the top – ideally these want to be obvious as soon as someone lands on your homepage.
We don’t need a Money Saving Expert to tell us that we’re all trying to get on top of our finances right now, as world events have us once again questioning our livelihoods and our sanity. Fortunately, here at BPI News, we’ve been looking after your best interests since day one, so have some tried and tested advice already packed up and ready to go.
If it’s getting harder to make ‘the green’, then think hard about going green. Utilities such as lights, heating in the winter and, conversely, air conditioning in the summer can be a huge expense for independent businesses. While we sometimes can’t avoid the need for either, look at investing in low energy bulbs everywhere in the shop and let movement detectors control those in backrooms. If possible, put equipment that generates heat in places where you can turn off a radiator; don’t put it where the air con box is. Also, power down any unnecessary equipment when you close up at night; many have standby timers that can be set to maximum. And avoid open doors letting out heat in winter. All of these options will help lower cost.
A clever way to build up such a database in the first place is to re-think your receipts. Especially when we’re seeking to go green. Can you send them by email?
Then do get in touch direct via
Try running a kids’ photo competition (your next generation of customers, after all), with a prize that is presented in your shop and which can be publicised to the local paper (if you’re fortunate enough to still have one published for your area), or community website?
The obvious response to rising costs is to raise our own prices, and at times this will be unavoidable. The balance here, however, is arriving at a figure that works for you, while avoiding it unduly affecting trade, as your customers may well be feeling the pinch too.
in JPEG, HEIF or Raw file format. It also allows for Full HD video clips at 240P, which slows down the action by a factor of six for smooth slow motion footage.
The UK lighting specialist is putting control of its lights in the palm of its user’s hands via the Rotolight App for iOS and Android, available via the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

The v1.60 firmware for the EOS R5 meanwhile brings what Canon claims is a popular feature of the EOS R3 to the camera; namely the Auto Power Off Temperature, which we’re told will enable longer recording times to be achieved, depending on conditions at the time. Finally, on the EOS R6, the v1.60 firmware offers a number of updates for operation with Canon’s Software Development Kit (SDK), including the ability to set mode dial functions remotely via the SDK. BPI
Trade stalwart Vanguard has introduced a duo of new 50mm objective lens incorporating binoculars, following on from its existing VEO ED 8x42 and 10x42. The very latest binos are the VEO ED 10x50 (left) at £229.99 SRP and VEO ED 12x50 (right) at £249.99 SRP. The models are so named because they’re claimed to deliver lightweight and robust binoculars with Extra Low Dispersion (ED) glass at an affordable price. For customers who want to capture and share images of their observations, Vanguard recommends a separately available VEO PA-62 Universal

News 22 September / October 2022 |
Rotolight’s got an app for that
Digiscope Adapter for use with almost any smartphone up to 90mm wide. Thinking of more additional sales, this can be paired with a tripod adapter such as Vanguard’s BA-185 and a tripod such as the VEO 2PRO series, or new VEO 3 Birdwatcher series.
In related news Rotolight has also announced an extension of its partnership with immersive photography events team The Creativity Hub, to take its shared activities through into 2023 and allow photographers to get hands on and creative with the latest generation of lights. Both can be found on stand K201 at The Photography Show.
Specifically designed to control its AEOS 2 and NEO 3 lights, the new Rotolight App is available for both smartphones and tablets and allows for the easy adjustment of Kelvin settings (3,000 to 10,000K), brightness, HSI, gels, flash settings and AFX, on up to 20 lights.
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The photo stalwart has two new RF series lenses to offer the trade in the wide angle, fast aperture RF 24mm f/1.8 Macro IS STM (shown right), plus the ultra wide angle RF 15-30mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM (shown far right). The full frame optics are described as both affordable and capable of delivering ‘extraordinary’ detail, at £719.99 SRP for the 24mm and £699.99 for the 15-30mm. The 15-30mm is suggested as being perfect for travel or landscape photography, as well as ‘vlogging’. It also has decent macro capabilities, courtesy of its 0.52x magnification. A combined focus and lens control ring allows users to alter settings without taking their eye off the scene or subject. The fixed focal length 24mm meanwhile is suggested as ideal for shooting stills and video in low light. In related news, though its APS-C sensor models in the EOS R7 and EOS R10 have been more recently in the news, Canon’s ‘old guard’ EOS R models in the EOS R3, EOS R5 and EOS R6 were all the subject of firmware upgrades over the summer, to improve speed, extend recording times and streamline workflow respectively. Tell your photographer customers that the v1.20 firmware tweak for the EOS R3 offers a new custom high speed continuous shooting setting, allowing users to shoot at frame rates from 30fps up to a whopping 195fps at full resolution
It also features a virtual replica of the touch screen found on the back of the latest generation Rotolights, thus offering familiarity and ease of use for existing customers. With real-time two-way communication between the app and the lights, all changes are updated instantly with zero latency. Rotolight says the app is further useful for controlling lights when they’re mounted inside modifiers, with real time adjustment capable from up to 200ft. It also allows adjustment of Rotolight’s world first electronic ‘SmartSoft’ box as well as providing use of R90 and R120 parabolic softboxes. Rotolight CEO Rod Aaron Gammons enthuses that the app: “enables us to deliver a world class user experience that enhances the creative possibilities and simplifies the workflows of imagemakers around the globe.”

When other voices go quiet … yours gets LOUDER!

With the costs of doing business rising, you may have been tempted to put marketing plans on hold, adopting a ‘let’s see what happens’ mindset. However, with things not changing quickly, or any time soon, that closed manner of thinking may be holding you back more than you realise. People can’t buy from you if they don’t know what you’re offering.
Fortunately, as the ONLY photo trade magazine, published both in print and digitally, BPI News is here to help AMPLIFY your message for a value-added price. Get in touch to find out how. Contact to discuss advertising and advertorial requests. Get heard by turning up the volume this autumn. Next issue is our November cover.
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