Galleria May 10, 2016
Using the concept of “three” according to Robert Genn’s twice weekly letter, to do a piece which revolves around the concept of three. Quoted below are Genn’s words on this subject. “Man is traditionally threefold (body, soul and spirit), as is our world (earth, sea and air). Historic enemies of man have been the world, the flesh and the devil. Today’s realistic enemies seem to be fear, ignorance and hatred. The Christian graces are Faith, Hope and Charity. The kingdoms of Nature are animal, vegetable and mineral. The primary colours are red, yellow and blue. Threeness rings an inner bell in the heart, mind and soul. Our inner-child loves to hear of it. There were three blind mice, three bags full, three men in a tub, three little maids from school and fiddlers three. The “three little words” are “I love you”. In the studio, three reminds us to look three times, think twice and paint once. – Robert Genn
Jeanette Rawek
Ida Marie Threadkell
Debbie Craig
David Carater
Betty Locke
Betty Locke
Ruth Rutledge
Pat Wheatley
Marilyn Boechler
Ria Lewis
Ria Lewis
Miriam Beechey
Marion Craig
Margaret Kells
Laureen Woodruff
Linda Yaychuk
Judy Lowood
Judi Hopewell
Linda Yaychuk
Carolynn Dallaire
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