Becky Quinn I believe in being a comic book nerd. Although some find it hard to believe, I am seen as the comic book nerd amongst my friends. The section in book stores that I am usually found in is the graphic novel section. I find it funny when I see a twelve year old boy looking at some graphic novels next to me do a doubletake because he can’t believe he’s seeing a girl looking at the latest batman book to come out. Being a comic book nerd, one tends to run into others who would love nothing else but to talk for hours about their favorite superhero. A couple years ago, I had a strange and “nerdy” conversation with a man in the graphic novel section in Barnes and Noble. I was minding my own business, flipping through a new Justice League of America graphic novel when a man who looked to be about thirty or so asked me if I liked comic books. I told him I did, which was why I was looking at one. He then told me, “Whoa! I would have killed to know a girl like you when I was your age!” This creeped me out a little, especially since he leaned very close to me when he said this. Then he asked me who my favorite was and I told him, “Well, if you’re talking DC, then it’s a tie between Flash and Batman, but if you’re talking Marvel, then it’s Wolverine all the way.” This caught him off guard, and he decided to tell me Spiderman is the best. This was when we got into a small debate about who was better, Wolverine, or Spiderman. After a while I decided this man was a little too strange, so I grabbed the book I was looking through and left to find my dad. Although comic book nerds may disagree on who is the best superhero, and if Marvel or DC is better, one thing they can almost all agree on is that Stan Lee is the god of comic books.
He is seen as this because he has been making comics since about 1947, and continues to do so. He is also associated with creating the inspiring character Captain America. Captain America was seen as the hero of America during World War Two. Despite admiring Stan Lee, I use to read mostly DC. As I got older though, I became more interested in Marvel, especially in Ultimate XMen. I think I became more interested in X Men as I got older because the characters are more realistic than most of the DC characters, especially compared to Justice League or Teen Titans. Although I may not read graphic novels as much as I did a few years ago, I am still seen as a comic book nerd. Some people think I should find this label offensive, but I actually enjoy being seen as one. I believe that once someone is seen as a comic book nerd, they are always a comic book nerd.