2021 Brandon Business Review

Page 18




RESILIENCE! t the time of writing, the cal­ endar has just clicked past Labour Day, school is heading back, and a proverbial switch is toggled in our mindset from

top of mind, a plethora of new practices

is being proven out in real time; whereby

and measures were created practically

COVID admissions to Manitoba intensive

overnight, whether it be plexiglass bar­

care units currently show that zero are

riers, physical distancing markers, hand

fully vaccinated patients, highlighting

sanitizers, mask requirements, and so on.

medical professionals’ pronouncement

summer mode to back to business.

Many businesses reinvented themselves

that it is now primarily a pandemic of the

As we surpass a full 18 months of endur­

adding new lines of product, creating

unvaccinated. I’m not intending to be

ing the global pandemic, the word “resil­

new online e-commerce systems, take

on a pro-vaccine soapbox here, but I am

out, delivery, and curbside pick-up op­

steadfastly advocating for sound mea­

tions, and of course the wide barrage of

sures to keep us safe and healthy while

online meeting platforms. When survival

getting our lives and businesses back to a

is at stake, humans once again proved

greater status of normalcy. So far, the vac­

they will not throw in the towel and

cines are the strongest strategy available

found new ways to persevere. For many

to combat COVID-19, and happily the vast

businesses and organizations, survival

majority of the population has come on

measures they were forced to implement

board with more citizens deciding each

have turned out to be sound improve­

day to accept this protection for them­

ments that enhance efficiency and im­

selves and their community.

prove the bottom line that most claim

The past year and a half have been a tu­

they will maintain long after COVID is put

multuous time for almost everyone and

from every corner of society. Most busi­

under control.

while the pandemic is not yet over, I be­

nesses and organizations had to pivot on

What lies ahead? As I write this, Manitoba

lieve there is light at the end of the tunnel.

a dime and invent new ways to deliver

stands at 78 per cent of people 12 and

their goods and services, navigating suc­

over having been fully vaccinated. The

cessive waves of changing orders and

vaccines are becoming a game changer in

restrictions. With health and safety at the

our ability to live with this virus. Science

ience” stands out as a hallmark for busi­ nesses, organizations, and individuals. At no time in modern memory has our en­ tire globe been forced to endure such a universal threat causing practically every human being to change the way we do things. From my chair, while the munici­ pality like everyone else has had to learn to carry on in the face of COVID-19, what I’ve witnessed the most is the incredible display of the human spirit and the re­ sulting innovation and resilience coming

I’m quite optimistic and encouraged for what lies ahead. The innovation and cando attitude demonstrated by so many will make us stronger, more efficient, and very ready to do business in the months and years ahead. I would like to congratulate and thank all of those who did so much to hold our economy and our community together through all of this. I’m saddened that we have experienced many losses; lives have been lost, businesses forced to close, and many are still unemployed. But I’m certain we will recover and gradually but surely our lives will come back to – do I dare say it – our new normal. Carry on being so resilient. Best wishes to one and all. ¢


••• Brandon Business Review ••• 2021

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