2021 Brandon Business Review

Page 30


STAY FIT AND HAVE FUN A&L Cycle takes home Business Excellence Small Award at the Brandon Chamber Business Achievement Awards


A&L Cycle, located at 201 Rosser Avenue, specializes in products for running, cycling, paddle sports, fitness equipment, and cross-country skiing. Seen here from left to right are Colleen Wirch, Cam Wirch, Tyler Wirch and James Treloar.

or those wanting to be more active and get outside, A&L Cycle in Bran­ don is the perfect place to visit.

ning, cycling, paddle sports, fitness equip­

& Larry, which is when they changed the

ment, and cross-country skiing. The store

name to A&L Cycle. In the 1980s, the busi­

originally opened in 1936 under the name

ness was sold again and then in 1982, the

A&L Cycle, located at 201 Rosser Avenue, specializes in products for run­

Lacey’s Bicycle & Repair Shop before be­

Wirch family took over the business and

ing sold to two gentleman named Alex

have been running it ever since.

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••• Brandon Business Review ••• 2021

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