2021 Brandon Business Review

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BREAKING BREAD Chez Angela Bakery & Café wins 2021 Outstanding New Business Award Chez Angela Bakery & Cafe, which specializes in French cuisine, recently took home the Outstanding New Business Award at the 2021 Brandon Chamber of Commerce Business Achievement Awards.


hat started off as a $300 in­ vestment to purchase a table at a farmers’ market quickly turned into one of Brandon’s

tion – and obtained her business degree

staff members at the front of house. It’s a

from Brandon University. With a dream

little bit bigger than what we have imag­

and a business plan in hand, they soon

ined, but we are thankful for what it has

started to make Chez Angela a reality,


most popular bakeshops and cafés.

and the café now has seating for up to 44

Chez Angela Bakery & Café, located at

people (pre-pandemic), a staff of 26 em­

29-C 10th Street in Brandon, officially

ployees, and over 2,000 unique customers

The café originally started as just a bakery, with the idea that people could pop in and grab a coffee and pastry. Almost right

opened their doors on July 27, 2018, ex­

a month.

actly one year, one month, and 26 days af­

“It was a cool experience, just really awe­

ter Angela Chambers started her booth at

some to see her grow all of those things

a farmers’ market. The husband-and-wife

and build a team. We laugh about it be­

duo of James and Angela Chambers had

cause in our business plan it says ‘James

the idea for opening their own restaurant

will be in the front of house and if cus­

The bakery and café, which specializes in

ever since they were dating as teenagers.

tomers come then he will serve them or

French cuisine, recently took home the

Angela ended up pursuing her culinary

help out’,” says James Chambers, general

Outstanding New Business Award at the

arts diploma from the Manitoba Institute

manager. “Now we actually have five full-

2021 Brandon Chamber of Commerce

of Culinary Arts – graduating with distinc­

time staff members and four part-time

Business Achievement Awards. Chambers

away, customers started asking for sand­ wiches and other meal-type items, so the menu quickly expanded to include items for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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••• Brandon Business Review ••• 2021

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