GRADES In any academic setting, performance in coursework must be evaluated before you can move on to the next level. The quality of your academic performance will be indicated by some of the following letter grades. For a complete list of all grading options, consult the Office of the Registrar. •
“A” Excellent
“B” Good
“C” Average
“D” Below average
“F” Failure
“F!” (F shriek) indicates the student failed due to a violation of academic integrity (see the Academic Integrity Policy). Students may remove the first “!” (though not the “F”) from their transcripts by completing an academic integrity educational program (see the Academic Integrity website at
“I” is given when a student satisfactorily completes the majority of the coursework with an average of “D” or better but has been unavoidably prevented from completing the remaining work in the course.
“P” is earned for passing work in OSU courses approved for pass/ no-pass and pass/fail grading systems. Both credit hours and grade points are ignored in calculating grade-point averages.
“NP” is earned for unsatisfactory work (including evaluations of “D”) in courses on the pass/no-pass and pass/fail grading systems.
“S” or “U” is given for satisfactory (equivalent to a “C” or better) or unsatisfactory work in remedial courses in English, mathematics, reading and science.
“W” indicates a course a student has withdrawn from after the drop/add deadline.
RETENTION STANDARDS Continuing at OSU requires maintaining academic performance levels. Students who don’t maintain satisfactory progress toward their academic objectives as indicated below will be placed on probation for the following semester. During academic probation, students must raise their overall GPA to the appropriate level to remove the probation status or receive at least a 2.0 semester GPA to continue the following semester.
Grad/retention hours attempted
GPA required
31 or more
Students with 30 credit hours and a GPA between 1.7 and 2.0, considered “Academic Notice,” should speak with their academic advisor for help.