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nz kauri gum auction


4 March 2015 • 5pm

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nz kauri gum & AMBER auction AUCKLAND WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH / 5pm VIEWING Fri 27 Feb 10am– 5pm Mon 2 Mar 10am – 5pm Tues 3 Mar 10am – 5pm Wed 4 Mar 10am– 4pm location

12 Akepiro St, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024 PO Box 68527, Newton, 1145 Ph (09) 630 9178 • Fax (09) 630 9173 dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz • www.dunbarsloane.com

Buyers Premium: There is a 16% buyers premium plus GST on this premium.



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This collection has been in the same family for at least four generations. It was started by James McLeod and an aunt, sometime in the late 1800s. James’ father, Isaac and Uncle John arrived in the sloop Sea Gull with their families in 1860 from Nova Scotia. They settled in Helensville. Helensville was named after John’s wife Helen. The brothers started a sawmill business and milled kauri timber from all around the Kaipara Harbour region and beyond. At one time John designed a flat-bottomed boat so that they could bring kauri over the treacherous Kaipara Bar. It was only natural that the family should take an interest in collecting a product that played such an important part in their lives and New Zealand’s history. The McLeods later turned their hands to farming and still have a strong presence in the Helensville district at this time. This sale is made up of the McLeod Collection plus other pieces, they are all to be sold at no reserve. Kauri Gum This is the fossilised resin of the Kauri Tree. The Maori found several uses for it. When burnt and powdered, tatooists dipped their chisel into the pigment creating the blue-black colouring in the lines of the Warrior’s decorated face.

In the course of time the value in the manufacture of varnish was discovered and in the 1840s it was being collected from the surface of the ground by Maori, who sold it to traders for £5–6 per ton. In 1856, 1440 tonne was exported. Unlike kauri timber a large amount of which was used in New Zealand, almost the whole output of gum sent overseas between 1850–1950, was valued at twenty five million pounds. As gum became scarcer with the passing of the years, old diggings were worked over a second time and sometimes a second layer or even a third would be found beneath the first, indicating that during unnumbered years a succession of forests had risen and fallen. The better quality of gum was generally found on the hillsides and moderately shallow ground. There it was usually harder and lighter varying in colour from white to amber and occasionally transparent. What were considered inferior sorts – brown, sugary and what was known as black jack – were generally found in swamp ground. 1

Three MEDIUM KAURI gum boulders OF NATURAL FORM Lengths 19–24cm. Combined weight 3.4kg. (3)


Four small kauri gum boulders oF NATURAL FORM Lengths 16cm. Combined weight 1.6kg. (4)


Five kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 7–10cm. Combined weight 500g. (5)


Twenty-two kauri gum nuggets, Assorted formS Combined weight 300g. (22)



One large kauri gum boulder Natural form. Length 32cm. Weight 1.7kg. Four MEDIUM kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 12–15cm. Combined weight 1.1kg. (4)

7 SEVEN kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 6–12cm. Combined weight 600g. (7) 8

Five SMALL kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 9–12cm. Combined weight 1.05kg. (5)


Two kauri gum boulders Natural forms. Lengths 21–23cm. Combined weight 1.6kg. (2)


A large kauri gum ball Dia. 10.5cm. Weight 600g.

11 Six kauri gum nuggets Assorted forms. Lengths 5–9cm. Combined weight 750g. (6) 12

Twenty-two kauri gum nuggets, Assorted forms Combined weight 600g. (22)


Three kauri boulders Natural form. Lengths 18–20cm. Combined weight 3kg. (3)

14 Six small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 10–13cm. Combined weight 1.05kg. (6) 15

FIVE medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 14–16cm. Combined weight 2.85kg. (5)


A large kauri gum boulder Natural form. Length 47cm. Weight 4kg.


One kauri gum ball Dia. 8.5cm. Weight 450g.


One kauri gum ball Dia. 9cm. Weight 500g.


Twenty-eight kauri gum nuggets, Assorted forms Combined weight 600g. (28)


Three kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 15–28cm. Combined weight 1.7kg. (3)









21 Seven small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 9–12cm. Combined weight 1.8kg. (7) Five medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 12–16cm. Combined weight 2.3kg. (5)


Twelve kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 7–10cm. Combined weight 1kg. (12)


A large kauri gum boulder Natural form. Length 32cm. Weight 4kg.


25 Eight kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 9–16cm. Combined weight 1.3kg. A/f. (8) 26

Five medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 15–19cm. Combined weight 2.5kg. (5)


Twenty-seven kauri gum nuggets, Assorted forms Combined weight 1 kg. (27)

28 Seven small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 14–20cm. Combined weight 2kg. (7) A very large kauri gum boulder Length 33cm. Weight 5.7kg.



Three kauri gum boulders Lengths 14–17cm. Combined weight 2.3kg. (3)


Two kauri gum balls Dia. 8cm. Combined weight 1.4kg. (2)



A polished kauri gum boulder Carved with flower and leaf decoration to the top. Length 20cm. Weight 1kg.


Three carved kauri gum objects Two in the form of coat-of-arms and one in the form of a lock. Lengths 5.5–10.5cm. Combined weight 350g. (3)



Four small assorted carved kauri gum objects A duck, an egg on base (A/f), three eggs enclosed in a nest and one sundial(?) (A/f). Lengths 5.5–9cm. Combined weight 350g. (4) A large kauri gum boulder with relief carving of two human faces Length 20cm. Weight 1.5kg.


Three small carved kauri gum objects Two in the form of books and one of a dinghy on base. Lengths 8–12cm. Combined weight 400g. A/f. (3)


A very large kauri gum Natural form boulder Carved at one end into an eel-like creature with eyes and mouth. Length 55cm. Weight 6.45kg.


An impressive large carved kauri gum sculpture in the shape of a lighthouse on a cliff top With additional carved pieces of stairs, etc. Height 36cm. Length 41cm. Weight 8.4kg. A/f.



A large carved kauri gum sculpture in the shape of a lighthouse and cottage on a cliff face With stairs and additional boats. Height 40cm, Length 45cm. Weight 5.1kg. A/f.

41 Six assorted small kauri gum carved objects Possibly chess pieces. Heights 6–9cm. Combined weight 300g. A/f. (6) 42

Twenty-four small assorted carved kauri gum objects Including hearts (one with ‘To Alice’ carved to front), shoes, columns and other pieces. Heights 6–9cm. Lengths 1–5cm. Combined weight 200g. A/f. (24)


A shaped kauri gum and sterling silver cigarette holder In a custom leather case Hallmarked Birmingham, 1911, Maker, J & HA. Length 4.5cm.


A kauri gum ball encased in bark Together with a cut block of kauri wood with veins of gum. Ball Dia. 7cm. Wood block length 16.5cm. Plus assorted pieces of kauri bark. (11)


A large PIECE of kauri wood With thick layer of gum to one side. Length 32cm.

46 Six assorted cut and shaped kauri gum pieces Lengths 6–14cm. Combined weight 1.2kg. (6) 47 Seven small kauri gum boulders Assorted forms. Lengths 10–13cm. Combined weight 1kg. (7)

32 a carved and painted kauri gum dual-headed bust of a Maori male and female Faces detailed with moko and wearing a flax cloak. Height 20cm. Weight 900g.







49 47 (7)

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74 (17) 75 (18) 79 (3) 76 (4) 77 (12)

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48 Sixteen assorted kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 5–14cm. Combined weight 1kg. (16) 49


A large kauri gum boulder Natural form. Length 36cm. Weight 3.15kg. Three kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 18–20cm. Combined weight 3kg. (3)


Four polished kauri gum eggs Lengths 6cm. Combined weight 500g. (4)


A kauri gum ball Dia. 8cm. Weight 200g.

53 Eight kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 9–15cm. Combined weight 1.5kg. (8) 54

Four medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 16–20cm. Combined weight 2.6kg. (4)

55 Eighteen kauri gum nuggets Natural form. Combined weight 1kg. (18) 56 Eight dark kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 8–10cm. Combined weight 1.4kg. (8) 57

Two kauri gum balls Dia. 8cm (each). Combined weight 600g. (2)

71 Eight small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 10–15cm. Combined weight 1.5kg. (8)


Fifteen kauri gum nuggets Lengths 5–8cm. Combined weight 1kg. (15)



A large kauri gum boulder Natural form. Length 40cm. Weight 5.6kg.

Ten small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 9–13cm. Combined weight 1.5kg.


Twelve kauri gum pieces Assorted forms. Lengths 8–12cm. Combined weight 1.1kg. (12)

61 Six small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 10–13cm. Combined weight 1.9kg. (6) 62 Eight kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 8–15cm. Combined weight 1.2kg. (8) 63

Ten kauri gum nuggets Natural form. Combined weight 700g. (10)


Five dark kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 7–12cm. Combined weight 1kg. (5)


Twelve medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 11–18cm. Combined weight 2kg. (12)

66 Six small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 11–16cm. Combined weight 1.1kg. (6)

Three medium kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 13–15cm. Combined weight 1.9kg. (3)




Twelve kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 7–10cm. Combined weight 1.25kg. (12)


Five small kauri gum boulders Natural form. Lengths 11–15cm. Combined weight 1.75kg. (5)


Ten kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 10–12cm. Combined weight 1.5kg. (10)


Fourteen kauri gum pieces Natural form. Lengths 5–8cm. Combined weight 1.5kg. (14)


74 Seventeen kauri gum PIECES Assorted forms. Combined weight 1.5kg. (17) 75

A set of 72 small faceted kauri gum beads From a necklace, (some on original string, some loose). Dia.s ranging from 5–7.5mm. Weight 15.5g. A/f. Together with 17 small gum chips. Weight 55g. (18)


A stunning amber necklace, bracelet and earrings set Amber necklace made of large oval beads ranging from diameters 1–2.5cm, Length 62cm. Together with a small oval beaded amber bracelet, Dia.1cm, Length 20cm. A pair of amber bead drop earrings, dia. 1cm. Combined weight 67g. (4)


Twelve UNPOLISHED kauri gum pieces of various colours Ranging from dark brown to butterscotch. Lengths 6–12cm. Combined weight 85g. (12)


Four medium unpolished pieces of kauri gum Lengths 13–18cm. Combined weight 1.7g. (4)


Three large unpolished kauri gum rocks Lengths 17–19cm. Combined weight 2.1kg. (3)

NB: Images of all lots are available for view at our website: www.dunbarsloane.co.nz


absentee bids

Type of Auction Date

Auckland Office 12 Akepiro Street, Mt Eden, PO Box 68527, Auckland 1145, New Zealand Phone: +64 9 630 9178, Fax: +64 9 630 9173 dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz www.dunbarsloane.com


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