the perfect guide to correcting ba(n)d grammar

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The Perfect Guide To Correcting Ba(n)d Grammar Ba Dum Tss

By: Diana Garcia Period 5


Table of Contents About the Author ……………………………………………………3 Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 4 I.Parts of Speech……………………………………………………………… 5 a) Nouns…………………………………………………………………5 b) Pronouns………………………………………………………………8 c) Verbs……………………………………………………………………10 d) Adjectives……………………………………………………………11 e) Adverbs………………………………………………………………… 12 f) Conjunctions…………………………………………………………… 13 g) Prepositions…………………………………………………………… 13 h) Interjections…………………………………………………………… 14 II. Phases…………………………………………………………………………19 III.Clauses…………………………………………………………………………20 IV. Sentences……………………………………………………………………… 24 a)Sentence Parts……………………………………………………… 24 b)Sentence Types…………………………………………………… 25 c)Sentence Patterns…………………………………………………..25 d)Sentence Errors…………………………………………………… 27 V. Paragraphs…………………………………………………………………….29 a) Example Paragraph……………………………………………… 30 VI.Essays………………………………………………………………………… 32 a) Types…………………………………………………………… 32 b) Strategies/ Planning Tips………………………………………… 33 c) Work Cited Page………………………………………………… 33 VII. Capitalization…………………………………………………………………. 35 VIII. Punctuation……………………………………………………………………. 35 IX. Commonly Confused/ Misused Word Choices………………………………. 39 X. Glossary………………………………………………………………………. 43 XI. Work Cited ……………………………………………………………………46 XII. Dedication ……………………………………………………………………47

About the Author 2

Diana is a young girl whose favorite thing to do is listen to music. She dreamed of becoming a singer but unfortunately she wasn’t blessed with an extraordinary singing music. She has grown up listening to music all her life, of all genres but know she seems to invest herself in Pop­Punk, and if you listened to the genre you would understand why she is obsessed. Since her dream of becoming a singer can’t be possible she hopes learning the guitar will make her look a little less untalented. Plans on sweeping Michael Clifford off his feet by playing guitar. If that doesn’t happen then she’ll become a psychologist, that pretty sad. If she does become Mrs.Clifford then anybody who actually ready this crap is invited to the wedding along with my three friends. Diana’s life is pretty boring, and those are her highlights other than going to a 5SOS concert, it was amazing, but other than that their isn’t much quality work to talk about so I’ll end it here.


Introduction I wrote this book so I could pass my class and I think I accomplished that. This books inspiration was my grade and bands, mostly just 5SOS cause I love them and all but also because their album had just been released so I had an excuse to listen to the new album everyday. This book was made so I could learn the rules to grammar and I hope it helps you out too. Heads up if you have him next year and you procrastinate then you better start praying. 4

1. Parts of Speech Nouns Types Of Nouns 1. Common Nouns:​ a noun denoting a class of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual ex​ band, award, fans, arena 2. Proper Noun:​ a name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with initial capital letters ex.Brendon Urie, Kenneth Harris, Panic!At The Disco, 3. Compound Noun :contains two or more words which join together to make a single noun. ex bathroom, driveway, hallway 4. Concrete Noun:is a noun which can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell). ex. stadium, bathroom,stage 5. Abstract Noun:a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object. ex. proud,happy, depressed,furious Noun Identifiers 1. Noun Endings Happiness Convention Vengeance Disaster Fatherhood Attitude Future Glory Realist Dance Entertainment Realism Reality 2. Following a noun marker (NM): a, all, an both, each, every, her, his, my, our, several, some, that, their, these, this, those, one, two, three, etc. Emboldened words are pronouns that function as noun markers only when they act as adjectives, i.e., Some boxes are square. (“some” acts as an adjective, so it's a noun marker). Some are square. (”Some” acts as a noun so it's not a noun marker). NM N ADJ NM N ADJ The band is calm. The teenage band is serene. 3. Plural Form: for example bathrooms, stages, stadiums 4. Possessive Form: for example “Brendon’s microphone”, “Kenneth's bass”, “band’s manager” 5. Following a preposition: these are some common prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from,after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around,as, as far as, aside from, at , away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath,beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except for, excluding, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard of, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of off, on, on account, of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, via, with, within, without. (Sometimes these word are used as adverbs). EX Subject Adv V Prep. Brendon Urie happily skipped across the stage. Functions (How nouns are used) 1. Subject (comes before the verb) 5

S. v. adv. n. Brendon Urie sang loudly to the crowd. S. v. adv. n. adj. Brendon Urie sang passionately to his fans at the sold out concert. 2. Direct Object (comes after the verb and answer what or whom) s. adv. v. DO. n. Brendon Urie angrily threw water at his band mates. s. adv. v. adj. DO Brendon Urie angrily threw the freezing cold water at his bassist for playing the wrong song. 3. Indirect Object (answers who or to whom) s adv. v. io. D.o. Kellin Quinn excitedly gave P!ATD an award. S. adv. v. io. Kellin Quinn, Lead singer of the band, Sleeping With Sirens,excitedly awarded P!ATD the DO award for Album of the Year. 4. Adverbial Object (comes after the verb and answers when) n. v. a.o. P!ATD has soundcheck an hour before the concert. n. v. ao v. adv P!ATD has soundcheck an hour before they walk onstage in front of an amazingly cheerful crowd. 5. Object of the Preposition(follows a preposition) n. adv. v. Prep. o.p n. Brendon hurriedly went to the restroom to empty out his bladder. n. adv v Prep. op n. Brendon hurriedly went to the horrendous restroom to empty out his full bladder. 6.Subject Complement (following a linking verb) n. v adv sc Kenneth was extremely happy when finding out he was the lead guitarist. n. v. adv sc Kenneth was extremely happy when receiving news about being the lead guitarist of P!ATD. 7. Object Complement (follows a direct object and renames it) 6

n v do oc adv. The band elected Kenneth as the lead guitarist because of his exceptionally great guitar playing. n v do oc adv. The band elected Kenneth as the lead guitarist because of his exceptionally great guitar playing and amazing attitude. 8. Appositives (renames nouns, separated by commas) n. A. adv Brendon Urie, lead singer of P!ATD, is happily married. n. A. adv adj. Brendon Urie, lead singer of P!ATD, is happily married to the beautiful Sarah Orzechowski. 9. Adjectival (describes noun following it) n. adj adv. v. The fans of P!ATD excitedly went to the arena. n adj ad v. v adj n v The fans of P!ATD excitedly went to the sold out arena. 10. Noun in Direct Address n. Brendon, how do you manage to look so good? n adv Brendon, how do you manage to look so beautifully young? 11.Object of the gerund (noun that follows a gerund) g og v. s adv Winning the award made the band extremely happy. g og v. s adv Winning the award made for Band Of The Year made the band extremely happy . 12. Object of the Participle (noun that follows a participle) adv v. n op. n. After finally winning the award , the band could not be prouder of their fanbase. adv v. n op. adj n. After finally winning the award , the band could not be prouder of their dedicated fanbase. B.Pronouns 7

Pronouns take the place of nouns that have been established. 1. Personal:A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated primarily with a particular person, in the grammatical sense. When discussing “person” in terms of the grammatical, the following rules apply: First person, as in “I” Second person, as in “you” Nominative (subjects) Objective (objects) I/ We me/us you/you you/you He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them Persuasive My, mine our, ours Your, yours your, yours His, her, hers, its, one’s their, theirs n. v. adv p.p. v Brendon Urie is kindly proud of his band. n. v. adv p.p. v Brendon Urie is kindly proud of his band, P!ATD. 2. Relative: A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. You see them used everyday with the most common relative pronouns being: who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, and that. Nominative Objective Possessive who whom whose that that of that those/this n. rp adv. v. Those high notes of Brendon Urie, make me wonder things. n. rp adv. v. Those high notes of Brendon Urie hits makes me wonder question the reality of my life.. 3. Interrogative: An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used to make asking questions easy. There are five interrogative pronouns. Each one is used to ask a very specific 8

question. Interrogative pronouns can also be used as relative pronouns, which may be found in questions. who, which, what, whatever, whoever ip n. adv v Who is Brendon Urie happily married to? ip. adv v. appositive n Who is happily married to the lead singer of P!ATD, Brendon Urie? 4. Reflexive: (personal pronouns plus the suffix ​ self or ​ selves) A reflexive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun. It is usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject, as you will see below. Each personal pronoun (such as I, you, and she) has its own reflexive form. A. when the action verb is directed towards the subject of the construction: B. to intensify a point n. adv. v. rp v Brendon disrespectfully questions himself when it comes to writing music. n. adv. v. rp v rp Brendon disrespectfully questions himself when figuring out if his music expresses all of his feelings. 5. Demonstrative: Demonstrative pronouns are the same pronouns used for demonstrative adjectives ​ this, that, these and those. The difference is in the sentence structure. The demonstrative pronoun takes the place of the noun phrase. The demonstrative adjective is always followed by a noun.this, these that, those, those/this. dp adv n. These are some extremely long song titles ​ Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. dp adv n. These are some extremely long song titles ​ Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off ​ that makes you question the seriousness of the band. 6. Indefinite: An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. It is vague and "not definite". Some of these are: all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, other, several, somebody, someone, such. ip v. n adv v n Anybody can argue the meanings of their extremely entertaining songs. ip v. n adv v n Anybody can argue the meanings of their extremely entertaining songs but it only truly matters if you enjoy the songs. C. Verbs 9

Verbs show the time, action and state of being of a subject. A. How Verbs are Identified: 1. Verbs Ending:​ s, ​ ed, ​ ing,​ tate, ​ ive, ​ er, Ex: Jumped, swam, ran, celebrate, singing 2. Tense: Verbs indicate time via tenses: 1. simple past 2. past 3. past perfect 4. past progressive 5. simple present 6.present 7.present perfect 8. Present progressive 9.present perfect progressive 10. future 11. future perfect 3. Forms: a. Forms of “to be”: am, are, is, was, were, be, been, being (these verbs can be used as helping verbs or main verbs. when used as main verbs, they are always linking verbs​ true linking verbs = all forms of be, become, and seem). b. Forms of “to do”: do, does, did, done, doing (these verbs can be used as helping verbs or main verbs). c. Forms of “to have”: have, had, has, having (these verbs can be used as helping verbs or main verbs). 4. Types: there are at least 11 types of verbs: A. auxiliary verbs(helping verbs) : the verbs be, do, have, will when they are followed by another verb (the full verb) in order to form a question, a negative sentence, a compound tense or the passive. B. linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence​ usually the predicate) linking verbs C. lexical verbs (main verbs) typically express action, state, or other predicate meaning. D. dynamic verbs (indicate action)usually describe actions we can take, or things that happen. 10

E. stative verbs (describe a condition)usually refer to a state or condition which is not changing or likely to change. F. finitive verbs (indicate tense)the locus of grammatical information of gender, person, number, tense, aspect, mood, and/or voice. G. non​ infinitive verbs (infinitive or participles) H. regular verbs (weak verbs)those whose past tense and past participles are formed by adding a ​ d or an ​ ed to the end of the verb. "To roll" is a good example of a regular verb: roll, rolled, rolled. I. irregular verbs (strong verbs) J. transitive verbs ( verbs followed by a direct object)takes one or more objects K. intransitive verbs( verbs that do not take direct objects) that does not need a direct object to complete its meaning. 5. Voice: voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. Active: When the verb of a sentence is in the active voice, the subject is doing the acting, as in the sentence ex.” Brendon the singer”, Brendon(subject) is in relation to being the singer. Passive: A verb is in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb. ex.“Kenneth threw his guitar pic.”Kenneth (subject) does the action of throwing in passive voice making it threw. 6. Verbals: (verb forms not used as verbs) A. Gerund: word ending in “ing” used as a noun n v vg n Brendon loves dancing when on stage. B. Participle: word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective vp n n v n Amazing attitude is what Brendon shows during an interview. C. Infinitive: verbs preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. n adv v vi n adj n Brendon enthusiastically wanted to win the award for best band.

D. Adjectives Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and pronouns. 1.Kinds ● Demonstrative: This singer, That band , These lyrics ● Common: Broad shoulders, Long legs, High Pitched voice 11

● Proper: Australian band, English band, Christian teens 2. Endings: ​ ­al, ­​ ary,​ ­ful, ­​ ic,­ ​ ical, ­​ ish, ­​ less, ­​ like,­​ ly, ­​ ous,­ ​ y, ­​ able, ­​ ible, ­​ ant, ­​ ent, ­​ ive,­​ ing, ­​ ed, ­​ en. EX: likeable 3. Conversions: usually by adding ​ ing to verbs, 4. Article: Put simply, an article is a word that combines with a noun. Articles are actually adjectives because they describe the nouns that they precede. In English, there are only three articles: the, a, and an. However, the three are not interchangeable; rather, they are used in specific instances. n art. n v n n ● I loved when ​ the ​ singer spit water on the crowd. 5. Comparative/ Superlatives: A comparative adjective is used to compare two things. A superlative adjective is used when you compare three or more things. For example, looking at apples you can compare their size, determining which is big, which is bigger, and which is biggest. The comparative ending for short, common adjectives is generally "​ er"; the superlative suffix is generally "​ est." n v adj n v ● (comparative) Michael is the noisy one in interviews when compared to v Calum. n v adj n n ● (superlative) Michael is the noisiest in the bands interviews E. Adverbs An Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group. A. Endings: ​ ly, ​ ily, ​ ally, ​ wards, ​ wise ex: quickly, wisely, B. Conversions: by adding one of the suffixes into the word. C. Types: Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time v adv. 1. manner­ sang passionately adv. v 2. frequency­ inspirationally wrote adv. adj. 3. degree­ quite talented v adv. 4. place­ toured everywhere v n 5. time­ touring year­round D. Intensifiers: Adverbs often have words called intensifiers that denote or describe the quality of the action ​ how strong or weak it is. There are several types of intensifiers: those that show emphasis, those that amplify and those that play down or downtone the actions of verbs. In addition there are premodifiers which are words that modify or change the meaning of an adverb. 12

1. obviously a good band 2. literally my favorite song 3. really want to see them live E. Comparatives/ Superlatives: add ​ er to comparatives and ​ est to superlatives. (Comparative)­ Luke takes interviews more seriously than Michael. (superlative) Luke is the most seriously acting in interviews. F.Conjunctions A. Coordinating: a conjunction placed between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences of equal rank, e.g., and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so 1. Luke is tall and seems lanky ​ but ​ is not weak. 2. Luke Hemmings structure is tall ​ but ​ muscular ​ and ​ with his broad shoulders he gives off an intimidating feeling. B. Correlative: A correlative conjunction is a coordinating conjunction that pairs up with other words to connect elements in a sentence. They help indicate the relationship between elements they connect in a sentence. Ex: either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also, both/and, whether/or. as/so 1. Not only ​ is Ashton the drummer but he is ​ also ​ a singer. 2. Not only ​ is Ashton the drummer of the band but ​ also ​ a singer and even sometimes the guitarist in music tracks. C. Subordinate: after, though as, as if, as long as, as tough, because, before, in , in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while. 1. Bands release music videos ​ so ​ they aren't forgotten by their fans, 2. Bands release music video ​ so ​ their fans don’t forget about them after a long period of them when they are inactive. D. Relative Pronouns: A relative pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. You see them used everyday with the most common relative pronouns being: who (refers to people), whom, which( refers to non living object or animals), whoever, whomever, whichever, and that (may refer to animals or non living objects). 1. Bands ​ which ​ follow and talk to their fans online have more support from their fanbase. 2. Bands ​ which ​ follow and communicate with their fans have a deeper connection ​ and ​ support with fans ​ so that ​ will lead to the fans supporting, voting, and buying merchandise from the band. G. Prepositions Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to the other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are NEVER followed by verbs. These are some of the common Prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around,as, as far as, aside from, at , away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by 13

means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except for, excluding, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard of, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of off, on, on account, of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, via, with, within, without. EX. P n v v n Despite the negative feedback The 1975 has received, they keep making music. P n v v n P Despite the negative feedback The 1975 has received, they keep making music because of the n adv n support they have from fans and amazingly sold out concerts. H. Interjections n


v I

When shown a picture of Luke Hemmings most think “​ Dang​ he’s cute”, to which I v I I n v n respond with “​ duh​ ”, ​ good grief​ that boy gives me mixed feelings, sometimes I just want to v I scream ​ ahh​ ! n v v I I n v v Michaels high notes makes me scream ​ hallelujah​ , ​ holy smokes ​ does he know how to sing, n n I v one moment he can have and angel like voice and the ​ bam ​ it hits you, the high note, I v v I congratulations ​ for making me want to kill myself, ​ oh ​ and the disrespect you brought upon me. N n I v adj n The Wombats not a very well known band but ​ holy buckets ​ can they produce good music, v n n adv I when finding out people don’t have an interest in them my response is usually ​ goodbye I v because ​ ahem ​ how could you not like them. 14




Quiz Directions: Write a sentence using two interjections. 1. 18

Find the interjections in the following sentences. 2.“Ahem,” I said “ you really think Michael isn’t gracious if so​ ​ get lost.” 3.Ssh the show is about to start. 4.Yikes that was a bad fall Alex took. 5.”Whoa take back what you said of Michael or you're dead.” 6. No thanks I would rather watch cute Michael videos then go socialize. 7. Sleep tight I tweet Michael Clifford. 8. No i would never sell my soul to meet Michael Clifford! 9. Cheers, we got tickets to the concert. 10.Hmm I could stay home and listen to 5SOS or I can do hw. Quiz Answers Directions: Write a sentence using two interjections. Ex. Hallelujah Michael has praised me with those gracious high notes. Directions :Find the interjections in the following sentences. 1.“​ Ahem​ ,” I said “ you really think Michael isn’t ​ gracious ​ if so​ get lost​ .” 2.​ Ssh​ the show is about to start. 3.​ Yikes​ that was a bad fall Alex took. 4.”​ Whoa​ take back what you said of Michael or you're dead.” 6. ​ No thanks​ I would rather watch cute Michael videos then go socialize. 7. ​ Sleep tight​ I tweet my sweet Michael Clifford. 8. ​ No​ I would never sell my soul to meet Michael Clifford! 9. ​ Cheer​ s, we got tickets to the concert. 10.​ Hmm​ I could stay home and listen to 5SOS or I can go out with friends. Grammar Book Section 2: PHRASES II. Phrases​ ­explain each kind of phrase and give two (2) labeled examples of each. A. Prepositional​ : A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, and is used as an adjective or an adverb. n v v adv prep. phrase The band was applaud loudly ​ after the performance. n v v adv prep.phrase The award winning band was applaud loudly ​ after the performance. B. Appositive:​ A group of words that include all the words or phrases that modify an appositive. n appositive v n The 1975, ​ an indie band​ , won an award for “ Best album Of The Year.” n appositive v adj n 19

The 1975, an ​ indie band​ , won the Alternative award for the “Best Album Of The Year.” C. Verbal:​ A group of words that begin with the verbal and ends with a verbal and ends with a noun. 1.Gerund: ​ Word ending in” ing” used as a noun. n v adv v gerund n The band was cautiously practicing in the ​ recording​ studio. v n v adv v gerund n The Billboard winning band was cautiously practicing at the ​ recording ​ studio. 2. Participle:​ Word ending in “ ing” or “ed” used as an adjective. participle n v n The ​ sparkling​ singer did a duet with 5SOS. participle n v n The​ sparklin​ g young singer did a duet with 5SOS. ​ 3. Infinitive:​ Verb preceded by the word “ to” ( to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. n v inf. adv Halsey likes​ to sing​ passionately. n appositive inf. adv Halsey, the 20 year old, likes​ to sing​ passionately. Grammar Book Section 3:Clauses III. Clauses​ ­ explain each kind of clause and give two (2) labeled examples of each A. Independen​ t­can stand alone as a complete sentences, known as a simple sentence pattern. ind. n v adv n Halsey danced​ sexually at her concert. ind. n v adv adj n Halsey danced​ sexually at her sold out concert. B.​ Subordinate​ (Dependent)­ cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and must egin with a subordinate conjunction. 1. Noun Clauses :​ used as noun in a sentence and may function as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, an object of a preposition , an indirect object, or an appositive. noun clauses v adj Whoever sang the​ high note is very talented. noun clauses v adv adj Whoever sang the​ high note is godly and very talented. ​ 2. Adjective clause​ :used to modify a noun in an independent clause. 20

A. Some adjective clauses begin with an introductory word: Indy v n n This is the band ​ that offers fans weed at concerts. Indy. v n n This is the famously known indie band ​ that offers fans weed at concerts. B. Some adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns: v n rp adv v There goes the band ​ that is usually labeled as disastrous. v n rp adv v There goes the band​ that the media usually labels as a disastrous and troubling. 3. Adverb Clauses:​ used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in an independent clause, introduced by a subordinating conjunction and used to indicate time, place, cause, purpose, result, condition and/ or concession. A. Modifying verbs: adverb clause n adv Indy. When the concert finally finished​ everybody left. n adv v n n When the concert finally finished​ everybody left with tears in their eyes. B. ​ Modifying Adjectives: n v adj n The new Fall Out Boy album is a thousand times​ better than their second album​ . n n v adj n adv The new Fall Out Boy album is a thousand times ​ better than their second album​ especially with Uma Thurman. C​ . Modifying adverbs: n v n adv Ashton talks more​ than Calum usually does. n v adv n adv Ashton talks more enthusiastically​ than Calum usually does. 4. Relative Clauses:​ Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun. n v v A. The band ​ who everybody like​ s is yet to be found. n v adv adj n v The band ​ who everybody likes with naturally amazing lyrics and melody​ is yet to be found. 5. Elliptical Clause:​ Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted. n v n 21

A. Jazmine ​ had ​ three FOB albums;​ I two. n v adv n Jazmine​ had​ three boastfully FOB albums​ ;I two.

6. Essential Clauses:​ Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence. n adv v A. The band​ who smokes weed onstage​ , carelessly continue with their act. n adv v The band​ who smokes weed onstage​ , carelessly continue with their act as the audience chokes on smoke. 7. Nonsense clauses:​ Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence. n adv n A. Pete Wentz, ​ FOB band member with nudes,​ is clearly lead guitar. n adv n n Pete Wentz, ​ FOB band member with nudes,​ is clearly lead guitar and backup vocals. Quizz Part 1 Directions: Underline the appositives in the following sentences. 1. Michael Clifford, the lead guitarist, dyes his hair every month. 2. The Wombats, the english band, has a very successful tour on the UK. 3. The song Catch Fire, by 5SOS, is one of my favorites off the album. 4. Sounds Good Feels Good​ , 5SOS’s second album, is freaking amazing, it’s so beautiful. Directions: Underline the gerund in the following sentences. 5. Halsey practiced amazingly in the recording studio. 6. Reading positive reviews on ​ Sounds Good Feels Good. Directions:Underline the prepositional phrase in the following sentences. 7.At the concer​ t​ the band played their most popular song. 8.With the band being stuck in traffic the interview was delayed. 9. From a small suburban in Sydney to making it big in LA, the boys truly have made the fam proud. 10. About the first time i hear a clip of the album i knew it was gonna be incredible. Quizz Part 1 Answer Key Michael Clifford, ​ the lead guitarist​ , dyes his hair every month. The Wombats, ​ the english band,​ has a very successful tour on the UK. The song Catch Fire, by 5SOS, is one of my favorites off the album. Sounds Good Feels Good​ , 5SOS’s second album, is freaking amazing, it’s so beautiful. 22

Halsey practiced amazingly in the ​ recording​ studio. Reading positive reviews on ​ Sounds Good Feels Good. ​ At the concert​ the band played their most popular song. ​ With the band​ being stuck in traffic the interview was delayed. From a small suburban in Sydney to making it big in LA, the boys truly have made the fam proud. About the first time i hear a clip of the album i knew it was gonna be incredible. Quiz Part 2 Directions:Underline the elliptical clause. 1.The band had a disagreement; management did too. 2.The concert was delayed because of some technical problems;the crowd too was having problems. 3. I have both of 5SOS albums; my friend does too. Directions:Underline the essential clause. 4.The band had some technical difficulties, so they were late to go onstage. 5.Ashton Irwin came from a broken home, that’s why he wrote the song Broken Home. 6. The album is titled Sounds Good Feels Good, because Luke said it sounded good and felt good. Directions: Underline the nonsense clause. 7.Michael Clifford, who caught on fire on stage, is an amazing guitar player. 8.Alex Gaskarth, who loves skinny jeans, ran across the stage singing. 9. Alex Gaskarth, Michael’s friend, helped produce some songs. 10. Ashton, who looks like an egg, is the band’s drummer and vocalist. Quiz Part 2 Answer Key 1.The band had a disagreement;​ management did too. 2.The concert was delayed because of some technical problems;​ the crowd too was having problems. 3. I have both of 5SOS albums;​ my friend does too. 4.​ The band had some technical difficulties​ , so they were late to go onstage. 5.​ Ashton Irwin came from a broken home,​ that’s why he wrote the song Broken Home. 6. The album is titled Sounds Good Feels Good, ​ because Luke said it sounded good and felt good. 7.Michael Clifford, ​ who caught on fire on stage​ , is an amazing guitar player. 8.Alex Gaskarth,​ who loves skinny jeans,​ ran across the stage singing. 9. Alex Gaskarth, ​ Michael’s friend​ , helped produce some songs. 10. Ashton, ​ who looks like an egg​ , is the band’s drummer and vocalist. Grammar Book Part 4 23

IV. Sentences A.​ Sentence Parts There are two different parts to a sentence, which are the subject and the predicate. Subject ­​ is what (or whom) the sentence is about a. Complete:​ A complete subject consists of all the words that tell whom or what a sentence. ex.5 Seconds of Summer got circumstantially famous after they were on tour with One Direction. ex.5 Seconds of Summer got circumstantially after participating on the sold out world tour that One Direction staring in. b. ​ Simple:​ A simple subject is just the noun or pronoun out of all the words that modifies it. ex. 5 Seconds of Summer got abundantly views on YouTube. ex. 5 Seconds of Summer began getting abundantly amounts of views on their YouTube channel once One Direction tweeted out a cover. c.​ Compound:​ A compound subject contains a simple subject consisting of more than one noun or pronoun ex.. 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction are coherently now two of the famous bands in the world. ex..5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction are coherently the two most famous bands in the world with the largest fan base and sold out albums. Predicate­​ tells something about the subject a. Complete:​ A complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that tell what happened in the sentence. ex. The young singer, Halsey, is now one of the most famously known female singer. ex. The young singer, Halsey, is most famously known for her seductive and emotional lyrics making her the most famous female singer 24

b. ​ Simple:​ A simple predicate is the verb or verbs that link up with the subject. ex. I excitedly saw 5 Seconds of Summer on November 18 2014. ex. I excitedly saw 5 Seconds of Summer on November 18 2014 at the Forum after winning a radio contest for tickets. c.​ Compound:​ A compound predicate is a predicate that includes more than one verb pertaining to the same subject. ex. 5 Seconds of Summer is satisfyingly a band and all are Australian. ex. 5 Seconds of Summer is satisfyingly a famously known band and all are Australian whose accents are to die for. B.Sentence Types a. Declarative: Used to make a sentence. Ex. 5 Seconds of Summer won Song of the summer. Ex. 5 Seconds of Summer triumphantly won “Song Of The Summer” with their song She’s Kinda Hot . b. Interrogative: Used when asking a question. ex. When do 5SOS release their new album? ex. When do 5SOS release their popularly awaited 2nd album? c. Imperative: gives a command. ex. 5SOS must do a long awaited follow spree. ex. 5SOS Must clearly do a long awaited follow spree, since the last one was a year ago. d. Exclamatory:​ expresses strong emotion, and it ends with an ​ exclamation mark ex. I can’t wait for the amazing new album to be released! ex. I can’t wait for the amazing new album to be released, especially for the acoustic version of Jet Black Heart. C.Sentence Patterns 1. Simple​ : ​ a sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate. ex. The famous singer Halsey anxiously released her first album. ex The famous singer Halsey anxiously released her first album, titled Badlands. 2. Complex​ :​ a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses. ex Because tickets were cheap, they briefly sold out fast. ex Because the 5SOS tickets were cheap they briefly sold out in an hour. 3. Compound​ :​ a sentence with more than one subject or predicate. 25

ex Halsey fans daringly wish she put more tour did in LA, for her tickets sold out in four hours. ex Halsey fans daringly wish she'd put more LA dates for the badlands tour, for her tickets sold out in four hours. 4. Complex​ /​ Compound​ :​ A sentence with two or more independent clauses plus one or more dependent clauses ex Although I dearly like Halsey, I haven’t gone to her concerts, and I haven’t downloaded her album. ex Although I dearly like Halsey, I haven’t gone to her spectacular concerts, and I haven’t downloaded her beautifully composed album. 5. Loose ​ Sentence:​ begins with a main clause that is followed by ​ phrases​ and/or clauses that modify the main clause. ex I went to the 5SOS concert, bought merch, and cried uncontrollably after it ended. ex I went to the sold out 5SOS concert, bought merch, sang song, and cried uncontrollably after it ended. 6. Periodic ​ Sentence:​ has the main clause or ​ predicate​ at the end. ex In spite of the band having a cold,the concert enthusiastically continued. ex In spite of the band having a cold, the concert enthusiastically continued in the rain. 7. Balanced ​ Sentence : a ​ sentence​ made up of two parts that are roughly equal in length, importance, and grammatical structure: paired​ construction​ . ex The band played the songs Money and Chocolate, the audience favorably wanted Me and Antichrist. ex The band played the popularly known songs Money and Chocolate, the audience favorably wanted Me and Antichrist. 8. Parallel Structure​ :​ is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. By making each compared item or idea in your sentence follow the same grammatical pattern, you create a parallel construction. ex Michael fabulously plays guitar, piano and vocals. ex Michael fabulously plays guitar, piano, vocals passionately. 9. Chiasmus​ :​ is a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect. ex The album's title is Sounds Good Feels Good, and it feels good on how good it sounds. ex The popularly awaited album is titled is Sounds Good Feels Good, and it feels good on how good it sounds. 10. Asyndeton​ :​ is a writing style where conjunctions are omitted in a series of words. phrases or clauses. It is used to shorten a sentence and focus on its meaning. ex He fabulously sings, plays, performs with such a passion. ex He astonishingly sings,plays, performs with such a delight and passion. 11. Polysyndeton​ :​ is a stylistic device in which several coordinating conjunctions are used in succession in order to achieve an artistic effect. ex He fabulously sings and plays and performs with such a passion. 26

ex He astonishingly sings and plays and performs with such a delight and passion. 12. Anaphora​ :​ the deliberate ​ repetition​ of the first part of the sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect. ex Michael the oh so talented guitar player, Michael the goofiest band member, Michael the daringly crazy and doesn’t give a damn band member, Michael my main in the band. ex Michael the oh so talented guitar player, Michael the goofiest band member, Michael the daringly crazy and doesn’t give a damn band member, Michael my main in the band. 13. Epistrophe​ :​ indicates the same word returns at the end of each sentence. Epistrophe is a stylistic device that can be defined as the ​ repetition​ of phrases or words at the end of the clauses or sentences. ex ​ Ashley Nicolette Frangipane also known as Halsey, energetic and filled with lyrical essence is Halsey, dances to her music Halsey, loves what she does and is grateful Halsey. ex ​ Ashley Nicolette Frangipane also known as Halsey, energetic and filled with lyrical essence is Halsey,blissfully dances to her music Halsey,affirmatively loves what she does and is grateful Halsey. D.Sentence Errors ( Incomplete/ Incorrect Types) 1. Run­On/ Rambling​ :​ has at least two parts, either one of which can stand by itself (in other words, two independent clauses), but the two parts have been smooshed together instead of being properly connected. ex The band had an amazing performance, the band all looks fabulously up on stage. ex The band had an amazing performance, the band all looks fabulously up on stage. 2. Fused​ :​ occurs when two independent clauses are joined without any punctuation or connecting word between them. ex. The concert was delightful the fans were getting rowdy. ex. The concert was delightful the fans were getting rowdy and anxiously annoying. 3. Fragment​ :​ You begin a group of words with a capital letter.You conclude this group of words with an end mark—either a period [ . ], question mark [ ? ], or exclamation point [ ! ].You neglect to insert a ​ main clause​ somewhere between the capital letter at the beginning and the end mark concluding the word group. ex. The amazing concert. ex. The amazingly executed concert. 4. Misplaced Modifier​ : is a word, phrase, or clause that is improperly separated from the word it modifies / describes. ex Eagerly awaiting the performance, the band rehearsed and excitedly waited for the show. ex. Eagerly awaiting the performance, the band rehearsed and excitedly waited for the show to begin. 5. Double Negative​ :​ are two negative words used in the same sentence. Using two negatives turns the thought or sentence into a positive one. ex. The band ain’t going to play no more. ex. The informally band ain’t gonna play no more. 27

6. Comma Splice​ : ​ two independent clauses are joined only by a comma. ex. Michael Clifford is a lovely human being, he sings and plays guitar. ex. Michael Clifford is a lovely human being, he sings and plays guitar delightfully. Quiz Define and give an example of the following. 1. Simple sentence 2. Complex sentence 3. Compound sentence 4. Complex/Compound sentence 5. Loose sentence 6. Periodic sentence 7. Balanced sentence 8. Parallel structure 9. Chiasmus sentence 10. Asyndeton sentence Quiz Answers Define and give an example of the following. 1. Simple sentence:​ ​ a sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate. ex. The famous singer Halsey anxiously released her first album. 2. Complex sentence:​ :​ a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses. ex Because tickets were cheap, they briefly sold out fast. 3. Compound sentence:​ Compound​ :​ a sentence with more than one subject or predicate. ex Halsey fans daringly wish she put more tour did in LA, for her tickets sold out in four hours. 4. Complex/ Compound:​ A sentence with two or more independent clauses plus one or more dependent clauses ex Although I dearly like Halsey, I haven’t gone to her concerts, and I haven’t downloaded her album. 5. Loose sentence:​ :​ begins with a main clause that is followed by ​ phrases​ and/or clauses that modify the main clause. ex I went to the 5SOS concert, bought merch, and cried uncontrollably after it ended. 6. Periodic sentence:has the main clause or ​ predicate​ at the end. ex In spite of the band having a cold,the concert enthusiastically continued. 7. Balanced sentence:​ a ​ sentence​ made up of two parts that are roughly equal in length, importance, and grammatical structure: paired​ construction​ . ex The band played the songs Money and Chocolate, the audience favorably wanted Me and Antichrist.


8. Parallel Structure sentence:​ a ​ sentence​ made up of two parts that are roughly equal in length, importance, and grammatical structure: paired​ construction​ . ex The band played the songs Money and Chocolate, the audience favorably wanted Me and Antichrist. 9. Chiasmus:​ :​ is a rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect. ex The album's title is Sounds Good Feels Good, and it feels good on how good it sounds. 10. Asyndeton :​ is a writing style where conjunctions are omitted in a series of words. phrases or clauses. It is used to shorten a sentence and focus on its meaning. ex He fabulously sings, plays, performs with such a passion. V.Paragraphs Paragraphs­ Explain what needs to be in each of the three(3) types of paragraphs, how many sentences each paragraph should have, and include one (1)example for each of of the pieces in each of the paragraph sections. 1. Introductory Paragraphs A.Hook (lead) i. Anecdotal( Brief story to set the mood and intro the topic) ex. When Luke Hemmings came home from school and turned on his radio, Good Charlotte was playing. He asked himself how amazing it would be to appreciated by people and having to play for a living. Luke Hemmings got the brilliant idea of forming a band with his best mates, Calum, Michael, and the recruited drummer Ashton. ii. Query Based( Question that brings the reader to the topic) ex. How did 5 Seconds of Summer become so popularly know? B. Thesis Statement 1.Assertion ex. 5 Seconds of Summer is one of the most popularly known bands around the world. 2. Fact ex. 5 Seconds of Summer originated in Australia by three amazingly close friends. 3. Opinion ex. 5 Seconds of Summer is the best band in the world, currently. 4. Belief ex. Luke Hemmings vocals are angelically pleasing. 5. Generalization ex. Everything the band does is amazing. 6. Document Based ex. In Hey! Let’s Make a Band,Michael states that he wanted to call the band Bromance since he thought it would be hilarious if they got famous and were introduced by that name. 7.Theory ex. 5SOS can be the most popular band in the world with their #1 selling album Sounds Good Feels Good.


2. Body paragraphs ( must have echoes of the thesis in each and present evidence to support or expand on the thesis) a. Topic Sentences ( must specifically indicate the topic of the paragraph and focus on one subject and area of evidence or support) i. ex. Multiple sources have stated that 5 Seconds of Summer are the next rock band great for everybody who likes pop, alternative, and rock. b. Evidence from Quotations i.As stated in Freakonomics,”There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.”(Freakonomics 89) ii.”There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.”,is stated on how abortion is seen. (Freakonomics 89) iii.Writers of Freakonomics stated, “There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.” (Freakonomics 89) iv. Fortunately for Pro­choicers, “There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.”(Freakonomics 89) v.Freakonomic readers may agree, “There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.” (Freakonomics 89) vi.Paraphrase 1. Original Quote­” There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.” 2. Paraphrase­ Trouble might be brought upon the child if the family sees it as a burden. vii.Summary 1. “There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.” (Freakonomics 89) 2. Summary­ Abortion should be legal. viii. Abstract examples 1. Abortion wouldn’t be seen as a bad thing if more were aware of the negative affects of having abortion be illegal. ix. Concrete examples “There is also the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family already unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it.” states the unwanted feelings a child might go through if abortion is illegal. (Freakonomics 89) c. Closing sentences 30

i. Abortion should not be made illegal since people go through different experiences that may or may not have to one day go through that procedure. 3. Closing Paragraphs a. Statement(s) of extension i. No one should use their opinions and personal feelings to deny and restrict one’s rights on their own body. b. Final Sentence i. Given all the information about abortion, it always comes back to how a person feels about it, if one dislikes the idea of abortion then don’t get one done but don’t think it’s ok to take one’s rights over their own body taken away because of the personal thoughts of the procedure. Quiz Define a thesis statement. 1. Give examples of the following: 2.Assertion 3.Fact 4.Opinion 5.Belief 6.Generalization 7. Document Based 8. Theory

Quiz Answer Key Define a thesis statement. 1. It offers a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay, research paper. Give examples of the following: 2.Assertion­5 Seconds of Summer is one of the most popularly known bands around the world. 3.Fact­5 Seconds of Summer originated in Australia by three amazingly close friends. 4.Opinion­5 Seconds of Summer is the best band in the world, currently. 5.Belief­ Luke Hemmings vocals are angelically pleasing. 6.Generalization­ Everything the band does is amazing. 7.Document Based­ In Hey! Let’s Make a Band,Michael states that he wanted to call the band Bromance since he thought it would be hilarious if they got famous and were introduced by that name. 8. Theory­5SOS can be the most popular band in the world with their #1 selling album Sounds Good Feels Good. ​ Grammar book part 6 31

VI. Essays

a. Types i. Persuasive(argumentative)­The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. ii. Expository­ (informative) 1. The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expand on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. 2.Process/How­to­ A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay also known as the introduction. Body paragraphs should have a lot of evidence to backup your argument. 3. Compare and contrast essays are multi­paragraph compositions that explain ways in which two (or, very occasionally, more) subjects are similar or different. In these papers, compare means describing similarities between the subjects. 4. Cause and effect­ A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened. An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance. iii. Analytical/ Critical­A critical analysis is subjective writing because it expresses the writer's opinion or evaluation of a text. Analysis means to break down and study the parts. Writing a critical paper requires two steps: critical reading and critical writing. 1. Evaluative­ is a type of ​ argument​ that includes ​ evidence​ to justify a writer's opinions about a subject. 2. Interpretive­The interpretive essay is another common writing assignment that asks you to closely read and write about your understanding of a text. iv. Narrative (tells a story) 1. Personal Anecdote­To write your own personal narrative, choose a story from your life to write about. It could be a special memory with someone you care about or an experience you will never forget. v. Research­ 1. MLA Format­MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages. 2. APA Format­APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. vi. Timed 1. Document based question (DBQ)­A document­based question (DBQ), also known as data­based question, is an essay or series of short­answer questions that is constructed by students using one's own knowledge combined with support from several provided sources. 2. Prompt Based­Essay prompts are statements that focus on a topic or an issue, followed by questions. The purpose of an essay prompt is to inspire a response in the form of an essay, which will test your writing, reasoning, and analytical skills. 32

b. Strategies/ Planning tips/ Steps i. Pre­writing/ Prompt/ Outlining­​ Prewriting exercises provide structure and meaning to your topic and research before you begin to write a draft. In the prompt analysis one should be able to explain, discuss, and state if they agree with what the prompt is asking. An outline is a plan for the paper that will help you organize and structure your ideas in a way that effectively communicates them to your reader and supports your thesis statement. ii. Research/ Evaluation of Sources­​ One way is to determine which set of information has been duplicated with similar results.Facts, figures, statistics and even some definitions, more recent sources tend to be better for supplying current data, while earlier sources are great for providing historical information. c. Work Cited Page i. MLA Format ­​ MLA Format­MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages. ex. ​ The Purdue OWL​ . Purdue U Writing Lab, 2010 3 Nov. 2015 ii. APA Format­APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. Levitt, S., & Dubner, S. (2005). ​ Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything​ . New York: William Morrow. Quiz 1. Define a persuasive essay. 2. Define an expository essay. 3. Define a process/how to essay. 4. Define a compare and contrast essay. 5. Define a cause and effect essay. 6. Explain what is an analytical/critical essay. 7. Explain what is an evaluative argument. 8. Explain what is an interpretive essay. 9. Explain MLA format. 10. Explain the APA format. 33

Quiz 1. Define a persuasive essay.The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. 2. ii. Expository­ (informative) 1. The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expand on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. 3. 2.Process/How­to­ A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay also known as the introduction. Body paragraphs should have a lot of evidence to backup your argument. 4. 3. Compare and contrast essays are multi­paragraph compositions that explain ways in which two (or, very occasionally, more) subjects are similar or different. In these papers, compare means describing similarities between the subjects. 5. Cause and effect­ A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened. An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance. 6. Analytical/ Critical­A critical analysis is subjective writing because it expresses the writer's opinion or evaluation of a text. Analysis means to break down and study the parts. 7.Evaluative­ is a type of ​ argument​ that includes ​ evidence​ to justify a writer's opinions about a subject. 8.Interpretive­The interpretive essay is another common writing assignment that asks you to closely read and write about your understanding of a text. 9.MLA Format­MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages 10.APA Format­APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. 34

Grammar Book section 7 VII. Punctuations: 1.​ Parentheses​ ( () ) are curved notations used to contain further thoughts or qualifying remarks. Ex. Melissa and Laura (who were half sisters) both have blonde hair. 2.The period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences, statements thought to be complete and after many abbreviations. Ex. I went to the market 3.The comma (,) is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Ex. I like vegetables, fruits, and grains. 4.An endash is a symbol (­) that is used in writing or printing to connect numbers or to connect elements of a compound adjective. Ex. Between the year 1800­1990 5.A ​ hyphen​ is used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word, especially when divided at the end of a line of text. Ex. Back­to­back 6.A colon (:) has two main uses:The first is after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series. It is also often used after the salutation of a business letter.The second is within time expressions. Ex. 12:00 7.The semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses. Ex.John was hurt ​ ; ​ he knew she only said it to upset him. 8. The exclamation point/mark (!) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis. Ex.I can’t believe what i just heard! 9. The ellipses are used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words. Ex. “ How could you do this to me? ...thought we were friends.” 10.An apostrophe (') is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, or the plurals of lowercase letters Ex. Jazmine’s dog bites. 11.Quotations marks ( “” ) are a pair of punctuation marks used primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word. Ex. “ How could you do this to me? I thought we were friends.” 12. Brackets are the squared off notations ([]) used for technical explanations. Ex. “ How could you [Abby] do this to me? I thought we were friends.” VIII. Capitalization 1.Capitalize the names of Buildings, Streets, Parks, Statues, Monuments Ex: Mount Rushmore 35

2.Capitalize the names of Continents, Countries, Counties, Districts, Cities Ex.: United Kingdom, French Republic Capitalize when used with a definite names of ​ Federal and State and Provincial 3.Courts Examples:​ the Supreme Court of Canada, the State Court of Appeal Do not capitalize ​ district ​ or ​ city​ courts. (example: the magistrate’s court) 4.Capitalize points of the compass when they designate geographical parts of a country, region or city. Examples:​ the Inland Northwest ,Southeast states b.Capitalize northern, southern, western, eastern, east, west, north, south when used as part of proper names to designate a world division​ . DO NOT capitalize when used to indicate parts of states or provinces. Examples:​ Eastern Hemisphere ∙ Southwestern Europe ∙ Southeast Asia Don’t Do: southern California ​ ​ ∙ northern Quebec 5.Capitalize academic degrees and professional designations. When writing more than one degree/designation, arrange them in accordance to their importance Examples:​ Laura Bates, PhD Examples of degrees: ∙ ​ Associate’s degrees (U.S.):​ AA, ABS, AS ∙ ​ Foundation degrees (U.K.):​ Fda, FdEd, FdEng, FdMus, FdSc, FdTech ∙ ​ Bachelor’s degrees​ :​ BA, BBA, BChir, BComm, BE, BS, BSc, BCL, BFA, LLB, MB, ∙ ​ Master’s degrees:​ BCL, LLM, MA, MApol, MBA, MChem, MDiv, MESci, MEng, MFA, MGeol, MLitt, MMath, MPA, MPAff, MPhil, MPhys, MPM, MPP, MRE, Mres, MS, MSc, Msci, MTh, MTCM, MTS ∙ ​ Specialist degrees:​ EdS, BAcc ∙ ​ Doctorate degrees:​ DA, DBA, DCL, DD, DLitt, DMA, DMus, DNSci, DOM, DPhil, DSc, EdD, EngD, JD, OMD, PharmD, PhD, PsyD, ThD, 6.Capitalize scientific names of the world’s eras and common names for historical epochs, periods and events​ . Examples:​ Colonial days, the Great Depression 7.Capitalize the names and synonyms for flags of nations. Examples:​ the Star­Spangled Banner 8.Capitalize geographical terms that follow the names... Basin Bend Branch Butte Canal Canyon Canyon Channel Cove Crater Creek Current Current Divide Flat(s) Gap Glacier Glades Gulch Harbor Hill Hollow Inlet Island Lake Mesa Mountain Narrows Ocean Park Passage Peninsula Plateau Point Pond Range (mountain) Reef Ridge River Run Shoal Sound 9.Capitalize words that stand before or after a name or as part of the name: 36

Bay Bayou Camp (military) Cape Desert Falls Fort Head Isle Lake Mount Oasis Pass Port River Sea Strait Valley 10.Capitalize the word ​ “Government”​ when referring to the country’s Government or that of any foreign nation. Example:​ Her Majesty’s Government,Government responsibility 12.Capitalize when referring to ​ departments, boards, bureaus, offices, agencies, commissions, committees and services ​ of the government when the name is given. Examples:​ the Securities and Exchange Commission ​ ,​ the Federal Bureau of Investigation Do not capitalize when used without a name or if used as an adjective. 13.Capitalize the word ​ “administration” ​ when referring to the political party in power or when used with a name to designate a Government board. Example​ ∙ the Reagan Administration b.​ Capitalize the word ​ “Cabinet” ​ when referring to the Cabinet of the President or Prime Minister of a country. Examples:​ officer of the Cabinet ​ ​ ∙ the President’s Cabinet c.​ Capitalize the word ​ “Federal”​ when referring to the country’s Government. Example.:Federal court 14. Capitalize all names for the Bible, for parts and versions of the Bible and all names of other sacred books. Examples:​ Bible, King James Version b.​ Capitalize all names of creeds and confessions of faith and general Biblical terms. Examples:​ ∙ Lord’s Supper ∙ the Apostles’ Creed c..​ Capitalize all names for Deity Examples:​ Father ∙ Almighty ​ ​ ∙ God ∙ Lord ∙ Holy Spirit ∙ Son of Man d..​ Capitalize all names for the Devil Examples:​ ∙ Devil ∙ Satan * Do not capitalize when used in a general sense or as an expletive. 15.​ Capitalize when referring to these organizations by name or with other widely accepted references to them. Examples:​ ∙ the Army ∙ U.S. Army 16.Capitalize all proper nouns that are names of individuals. Examples:​ ∙ Sally Jane Anderson b.​ Capitalize the word ​ " I "​ when referring to oneself in the first person. This word is always capitalized, even when used in mid sentence. Examples:​ I will try to make the time for doing homework. c.​ Capitalize epithets added to proper names or applied to people or places. Examples:​ ∙ the Golden Gate d.​ ​ Capitalize when used as a means of personally addressing the individual, but not when used as a possessive pronoun​ .


Examples:​ Before I forget to tell you, Father, the mailman left a package for you. e.​ Capitalize these and other family terms when used with a proper noun, but not when used as a possessive pronoun. Examples:​ I saw Aunt Luna drinking all night. f.​ Capitalize prefixes in the names of foreign people unless preceded by a given name or title​ . Examples:​ De Paul 17.Capitalize when used as a synonym for a country. Examples:​ The Nation stands by its men and women in combat. 18.Capitalize when referring to these organized groups as a whole. Examples:​ ∙ Democrats 19.Capitalize names of clubs, societies, associations, companies, foundations, institutes, etc. Examples:​ ∙ Microsoft Corporation 20.Poetry Traditionally, the first word of every line of poetry is capitalized. 21.Point For As a general guideline to using "point form," use a numbered list when order is important and use a bulleted list when the order of the points is not important. 22.Capitalize the first word of every ​ complete ​ quotation within quotation marks​ . Example:​ The waitress asked, “Do you want your coffee with cream and sugar?” DO NOT capitalize that ​ part​ of a quotation resumed within the same sentence. 23.Capitalize the first word of every sentence, whether it is a complete sentence or not. 24.Capitalize when used with a name or when used in place of the name. Lower­case applies when used as a general term​ . Examples:​ ∙ New York State ∙ 25.Titles ­ Personal a.Academic and Religious titles ​ –​ Capitalize when preceding a name or when used as a means of personally addressing the individual. Examples:​ Professor David Schwartz b.Government titles ​ – ​ Capitalize when referring to definite persons or to their positions. Examples:​ the Queen of England c.Rank, Respect, and Honor titles ​ – Capitalize all titles of rank, respect and honor when preceding a name. Examples:​ President Theodore Roosevelt d.Titles instead of Names ​ – ​ Capitalize titles when used as a means of personally addressing the individual. Examples:​ . I came across the crime scene, Officer, and immediately called the police. 38

Titles ­ Others e. ​ Book titles ​ –​ Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in book titles. Example:​ ​ Gone With the Wind​ by Margaret Mitchell. ​ Document and Report titles ​ – f.Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in these titles. Examples:​ U.S. Constitution g.Captions/Pictures ​ – ​ Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in the captions under pictures. Example:​ Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” h.​ Musical Composition titles ​ – ​ Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) when referring to musical compositions. Example:​ Beethoven’s ​ Moonlight ​ Sonata, Opus 28, No.15 i.Radio Program titles ​ – ​ Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in radio program titles. Example:All Things Considered​ with hosts Robert Siegel j.Television Show/Movie titles ​ –​ Capitalize all principal words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs) and first word in these titles. Example:​ ​ The Wizard of Oz​ , with Judy Garland 39

Grammar book part 9 IX.Commonly Confused/Misused Words Choices ​ ­­ Show the differences between each of these common errors and give example sentences of the proper usage for each variant. One (1) advanced sentence that relates to your subject per word. A.​ ​ Who/Whom “Who” (and the same for “whoever”) is always subject to a verb, and that “whom” (and the same for “whomever”) is always working as an object in a sentence. B. Their/There/ They’re

There​ is an adverb specifying place; it is also an expletive. ​ Their​ is a possessive pronoun. They're​ is a contraction of ​ they are​ . If you are using ​ there ​ to tell the reader ​ where​ , both words have h­e­r­e. ​ Here​ is also a place. If you are using ​ their ​ as a possessive pronoun, you are telling the reader what "they own. ​ Their ​ has h­e­i­r, which also means ​ heir​ , as in someone who inherits something. Both words have to do with ownership. They're ​ is a contraction of they are. Sound out they are in the sentence and see if it works. If it does not, it must be one of the previous versions C. Lie/ Lay

Lie ​ is an intransitive verb meaning to recline or rest on a surface. Its principal parts are ​ lie, lay, lain​ . ​ Lay​ is a transitive verb meaning to put or place. Its principal parts are ​ lay, laid. 1. Laid/Lain

Lay is the present tense of a verb whose basic meaning is ‘place something in a more or less horizontal position’, with the past tense and participle laid. Lay is also the past tense of the verb lie (‘assume a horizontal or resting position’); while lain is the past participle.


1. Affect/ Effect

Affect​ is usually a verb meaning to influence. ​ Effect​ is usually a noun meaning result. ​ The drug did not ​ affect​ the disease, and it had several adverse side ​ effects​ .​ ​ Effect​ can also be a verb meaning to bring about. ​ Only the president can ​ effect​ such a dramatic change. 1. Accept/Except

Accept​ is a verb meaning to receive. ​ Except​ is usually a preposition meaning excluding. ​ I will accept​ all the packages ​ except​ that one.​ ​ Except​ is also a verb meaning to exclude. ​ Please except​ that item from the list. 1. C/W/Should have vs. C/W/Should of

The phrase should have indicates a missed obligation or opportunity in the past. In informal speech, it is contracted to should’ve, not "should of." 1. Loath/Loathe

Loathe is a verb meaning to dislike greatly. For example, if you have a mean boss, you might say that you loathe him. Loath is an adjective meaning unwilling or reluctant. For example, you might say that you are loath to spend time with your mean boss outside work. 1. Infer/Imply

Imply​ is a verb that means to convey meaning subtly or indirectly. Infer​ is a verb that means to reach a conclusion as the result of an experience or circumstance. 1. Weary/Wary

To be wary is (1) to be on guard against something, or (2) to be watchful or cautious. Weary means physically or mentally fatigued. It’s a synonym of tired. 1. Proceed/Precede

The verb to precede means to come before (usually in time). The verb to proceed means to go forwards, or to continue. The noun proceeds (always in the plural) means the profit arising from an event or sale. 41

1. Discrete/ Discreet

The adjective ​ discreet​ means prudently self­restrained or tactful. (The adjective ​ discreet​ is related to the nouns ​ discretion​ and ​ discreetness​ .) The adjective ​ discrete​ means distinct or separate. (The adjective ​ discrete​ is related to the noun ​ discreteness​ .) 1. Conscience/Conscious

The​ noun​ ​ conscience​ means "the sense of what is right and wrong." The​ adjective​ ​ conscious​ means "being aware" or "deliberate." 1. Can/ May

Can​ means to be physically or mentally able to do something. May​ means to have permission to do something. 1. At least five (5) others

1.​ Allusion, Illusion: An ​ Allusion​ is an indirect reference. An ​ illusion​ is a misconception or false impression. ​ Did you catch my ​ allusion​ to the movie? Mirrors give the room an ​ illusion ​ of depth. 2.​ Than, Then​ : Than​ is a conjunction used in comparisons; ​ then​ is an adverb denoting time. ​ Than ​ is used to compare; both words have the letter a in them. ​ Then ​ tells when; both are spelled the same, except for the first letter. 3.​ To, Too, Two: To​ is a preposition; ​ too​ is an adverb; ​ two​ is a number. If you are trying to spell out the number, it is always t­w­o. ​ Two​ has a w which is the first letter in word. The opposite of word is number. ​ Too​ is usually used as also when adding or including some additional information. Whenever you want to include something else, think of it as adding; therefore you also need to add an extra o. 42

4.​ Your, You're: Your​ is a possessive pronoun; ​ you're​ is a contraction of ​ you are​ . Sound out you are in the sentence. If it works in the sentence it can be written as ​ you're​ . If it sounds awkward, it is probably supposed to be ​ Your​ . 5. ​ Adapt, Adopt The verb ​ adapt​ means to take something and make it suitable for a specific use or situation. The verb ​ adopt​ means to take something and make it one's own. Quiz Correctly capitalize the following sentences. 1. Michael Clifford was born in sydney, australia in the year 1995. 2. The first concert i ever went to was for 5SOS at the forum. 3. Michael has had some injuries at the wembley arena. 4. The european fans did some cool signs to show 5SOS how much they loved and enjoyed their music. 5. i can’t believe i actually saw 5SOS in concert. 6. Did you see michael fall. 7. The album is littterally my favorite. 8. michael is hot. 9. The wombats are an amzing band. 10. Castaway is a lit song, it’s by 5 seconds of summer. Quiz Answer Keys Correctly capitalize the following sentences. 1. .Michael Clifford was born in Sydney, Australia in the year 1995. 2. The first concert I ever went to was for 5SOS at The Forum. 3. Michael has had some injuries at the Wembley arena. 4. The European fans did some cool signs to show 5SOS how much they loved and enjoyed their music. 5. I can’t believe I actually saw 5SOS in concert. 6. Did you see Michael fall? 7. The album is literally my favorite. 8. Michael is hot. 9. The Wombats are an amazing band. 10. Castaway is a lit song, it’s by 5 Seconds Of Summer. 43

Grammar Book part 10 X. Glossary ­A­ Artist:An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art, practicing the arts, and/or demonstrating an art. Ashton Irwin: Drummer of the band 5SOS. Award:give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone). ­B­ Bands (music):a group of instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type Break:a pause in work or during an activity or event ­C­ Calum Hood:Bassist in 5SOS ­D­ Drummer:a person who plays a drum or drums. ­E­ EP:An EP is a musical recording that contains more music than a single, but is usually too short to qualify as a full studio album or LP. ­F­ Frank Anthony Iero:. is a musician who was the rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist of the alternative rock band My Chemical Romance ­G­ Gerard Arthur Way :is an American musician and comic book writer who was the lead vocalist and co­founder of the American alternative rock band My Chemical Romance. Guitar:The guitar is a popular musical instrument classified as a string instrument with anywhere from 4 to 18 strings, usually having 6. ­H­ Harry Styles: is an English singer and songwriter, known as a member of the boy band One Direction. ­I­ Instrumental:An instrumental is a musical composition or recording without lyrics, or singing, although it might include some inarticulate vocal input; the music is primarily or exclusively produced by musical instruments. ­J­ 44

Jazz:a type of music of black American origin characterized by improvisation, syncopation, and usually a regular or forceful rhythm, emerging at the beginning of the 20th century. ­K­ Kerrang!:​ Kerrang​ ! is a UK­based magazine devoted to rock music, currently published by Hamburg based Bauer Media Group. ­L­ Love:​ Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. Luke Hemmings: Lead singer and guitarist in 5SOS. ­M­ Michael Clifford: A sweetheart that is lead guitar and blesses us with angelic voice in 5SOS. Music:vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. ­N­ Notes: A sign used in musical notation to represent the relative duration and pitch of a sound (♪, ♫); A pitched sound itself. ­O­ Obsessive:thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is not normal ​ : having an obsession ­P­ Party:a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. Patrick Stump:is an American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, actor and music critic, best known as the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist of Fall Out Boy. Peace:freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility ­Q­ Question:a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information. Quiet:making little or no noise ­R­ Rap:a type of popular music of US black origin in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over a prerecorded, typically electronic instrumental backing. ­S­ Serenity: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. ­T­ Talent:natural aptitude or skill. ­U­ Ukulele­a small four­stringed guitar of Hawaiian origin. ­V­ Victory:an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. ­W­ Winner:a person or thing that wins something. ­X­ 45

Xylophone:a musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of length ­Y­ Young:having lived or existed for only a short time ­Z­ Zapp:destroy or obliterate. Work Cited XI. Work Cited "FREE Online English Usage Rules." ​ Grammar and Punctuation​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Grammarly Handbook | English Grammar Rules." ​ Grammarly Handbook | English Grammar Rules​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Clauses and Phrases." ​ Clauses and Phrases​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "The Essential Clause." ​ Grammar Bytes! ::​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Prepositions: Locators in Time and Place." ​ Prepositions: Locators in Time and Place​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Conjunctions." ​ Conjunctions​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. 46

"1. Sentence Fragments." ​ Twelve Common Errors: An Editing Checklist​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Common Sentence Errors." ​ Time4Writing​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "4 Sentence Types ­ Use Them And Help Your Writing Sing!" ​ Reading Worksheets Spelling Grammar Comprehension Lesson Plans​ . N.p., 10 Feb. 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Sentence Patterns." ​ The Writing Center Sentence Patterns Comments​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Guide to Different Kinds of Essay." ​ ­ Gallaudet University​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "CAPITALIZATION RULES." ​ CAPITALIZATION RULES​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Capitalization." ​ Grammarly Handbook​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Punctuation Rules." ​ Punctuation Rules​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "Commonly Misused Words and Phrases." ​ Commonly Misused Words and Phrases​ . N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. "39 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad." ​​ . N.p., 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.



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