The Anime Book of Writing

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The Anime Book of Writing By: Emilia Marenco


Table of Contents

About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dedication Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Punctuation and Capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Parts of Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Phrases and Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Paragraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Kageyama and Hinata have had a passion for volleyball ever since middle school. At first, they are rivals, but high school has started at Karasuno High. They are both surprised when they find out they are on the same team for the rest of high school. Will they be able to get along? Or will they be the ones to bring the team down?


About the Author Emilia Marenco is a 16 year old student that attends Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High school. Ever since quarantine begun, she started watching anime and has grown to love it. She has a weird obsession with anime boys, especially Oikawa Toru, and always falls in love with a new one every week. She loves spending her free time watching anime or Tik Toks, and playing Minecraft with her little brother. When she is busy, she is working on homework or helping her parents around the house. Emilia has a little puppy named Oreo and she also loves spending time with him. She enjoys the beach, going to Disneyland, and lots of shopping (especially for clothes).


For Oikawa Toru I wish you were real


PUNCTUATION and CAPITALIZATION Punctuation – Identify the function and create one (1) example sentence of the uses for each mark. 1. A period is to end a declarative sentence. ​I like to eat pizza. 2. A comma ​separates ideas, adds pauses, and lists things clearly. I went to the store, and I got a bag of chips. 3. An en dash is used to represent numbers, dates, or time. You an find the answers in chapters 8⁠–10 4. A hyphen is used to form a compound word. We have to sign into the daily check-in for attendance. 5. A colon is used to introduce a list. Apple sells many products: phones, computers, watches, and more. 6. A semicolon is used between two independent clauses when a conjunction is gone. I like going to the mall; I don’t like going to a crowded mall. 7. A question mark is used at the end of a direct question. Do you like dogs or cats? 8. An exclamation mark is used at the end of an exclamatory question for depth. What do you think you're doing! 9. An apostrophe is used to signify possession or omission of letters or numbers. That dog is Emilia’s dog. 10. Quotations marks are used to present material that is being used word for word. According to the author of the blog, “Orange juice is a great drink to have with your breakfast”. 11. Ellipses are used to show words have been removed from a quote or there is more to a thought that is not being represented. I think I will go to the park today... 12. Brackets are used for clarification. Walk to the door [the red one with a silver handle]. 13. Parentheses are used to provide more information. He finally replied (after taking five minutes) that he didn’t want to go. 14. Slashes are used to indicate a break in line or to show number per. He makes $15/hour. Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization. Please list the rules of capitalization here 1. Always capitalize an adjective, adverb, and nouns. My name is ​E​milia ​M​arenco. 2. Capitalize the starting of a sentence. I​t is very hot outside. 3. Capitalize a title. The title of my favorite book is “​W​ords I ​ ​n ​D​eep ​B​lue”.


PARTS OF SPEECH NOUNS Types of nouns: ​(​list three to five words of each type​) · Common Nouns: name a class of people, places, things, or ideas. Volleyball court, gym, train station, market, school. · Proper Nouns: give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized). ​Karasuno High School, The Tiny Giant, Toru Oikawa, Metropolitan Nekoma High School, Japan. · Compound Nouns: consist of words used together to form a single noun. ​Chopstick, eyeglasses, friendship, leadership, seafood. · Concrete Nouns: refer to material things, to people, or to places. Board, Uniform, bus stop, coach, shower. · Abstract Nouns: name ideas, qualities, concepts, emotions, or attitudes. ​EX: optimism, intelligence, ambition. Functions​ (How nouns are used): Write one sentence for each function. · Subject​ (comes before the verb) Kageyama ​yelled at his teammates for not playing his way. · Direct Object​ (comes after the verb and answers what or whom) Oikawa asked ​Kageyama ​to take a picture with him. · Indirect Object​ (answers to who or to whom) Tanaka gave a dirty look to another school’s ​team player​ whenever they looked at Kiyoko. PRONOUNS Pronouns take the place of nouns that have been established. Personal: Nominative (subjects) Objective (objects) I/we me/us you/you you/you He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them Possessive My, mine our, ours Your, yours your, yours His, her, hers, its, one’s their, theirs Relative: Nominative Objective Possessive who whom That that of that those/ this




who, which, what, whatever, whoever Reflexive:​ (personal pronouns plus the suffix ​–self o ​ r ​–selves)​ Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: He practices too hard than what he tells his teammates to do. to intensify a point: The coach yelled at his team. Even though he hates yelling at them, “why don’t we just quit” one of the players thought. Demonstrative: this, these that, those Indefinite: all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, several, somebody, someone, such. VERBS Verbs show the time, action, and state of being of a subject. Tense: ​verbs indicate time via tenses​: simple past past past perfect past progressive

simple present present present perfect present progressive

present perfect progressive future future perfect

Types: ​There are at least eleven (11) types of verbs: auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence – usually the predicate) lexical verbs (main verbs) dynamic verbs (indicate action) stative verbs (describe a condition) finitive verbs (indicate tense) nonfinitive verbs (infinitives or participles) regular verbs (weak verbs) irregular verbs (strong verbs) transitive verbs (verbs followed by a direct object) intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take direct objects) Voice:​ Voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. The English language has two voices: ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Active: ​The 3 year students got their diplomas as they graduated. Passive: ​The diplomas have let the 3 year students pass high school. Verbals: (VERB FORMS NOT USED AS VERBS) Gerund:​ ​ word ending in “ing” used as a noun.​


· Tsukishima enjoys ​listening​ to music. Participle:​ w ​ ord ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective · The running track is used for the p.e. classes and school activities. · The teams inserted themselves into a line before and after every game. Infinitive:​ ​verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs · Yams likes to eat food. ADJECTIVES Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and pronouns​. · Kinds​: Demonstrative, Common, Proper ​(Give one example of each using words related to your subject) ADVERBS Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings​ (​Create one example related to your subject for each​) lovely, afterwards, otherwise · Conversions ​(​Show how three words related to your subject can ​become adverbs – love, lovely​· Types​: Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time Example Types:​ (Create one example each related to your subject) Manner​ – Nishinoya ran to the ball quickly. Time​ – Hinata ran to the bathroom earlier. Place​ – Kiyoko was here today. Degree​ – Hinata and Kageyama’s quick attack was praised by the audience. Frequency​ – Coach watched the players practice all day. CONJUNCTIONS Coordinating​ (FANBOYS):​ for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative​: ​Either/or; neither/nor; not only/but also; both/and; whether/or; as/so Subordinate​: ​after, though as, as if, as long as, as thought, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while Relative pronouns​: ​who (refers to people), which (refers to nonliving object or animals), that (may refer to animals or nonliving objects) PREPOSITIONS Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are NEVER followed by verbs. There are ​one-word prepositions and ​complex prepositions. ​These are ​some​ common one-word prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, as, as far as, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except excluding for, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in


addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard to, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, with, within, without.

INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the final part of speech. ​Find and copy/paste an alphabetical list of ​interjections​ here. A aha, ahem, ahh, ahoy, alas, arg, aw B bam, bingo, blah, boo, bravo, brrr C cheers, congratulations D dang, drat, darn, duh E eek, eh, encore, eureka F fiddlesticks G gadzooks, gee, gee whiz, golly, goodbye, goodness, good grief, gosh H ha-ha, hallelujah, hello, hey, hmm, holy buckets, holy cow, holy smokes, hot dog, huh, humph, hurray O oh, oh dear, oh my, oh well, oops, ouch, ow P phew, phooey, pooh, pow R rats S shh, shoo T thanks, there, tut-tut U uh-huh, uh-oh, ugh W wahoo, well, whoa, whoops, wow Y yeah, yes, yikes, yippee, yo, yuck Transitions of Logic Chart





a further and and then then also too next another other nor

further furthermore moreover in addition additionally besides again equally important first, second finally, last


just as ... so too a similar another... like

similarly comparable in the same way likewise


but yet and yet still otherwise or though but another rather

however still nevertheless on the other hand on the contrary even so notwithstanding for all that in contrast alternatively at the same time though this may be otherwise instead nonetheless conversely



then now soon afterward later shortly earlier recently first, second, third next before after today tomorrow

meanwhile at length presently at last finally immediately thereafter at that time subsequently eventually currently in the meantime in the past in the future


to do this so that

to this end with this object for this purpose for that reason because of this in order to


there here beyond nearby next to

at that point opposite to adjacent to on the other side in the front in the back


so and so then

hence therefore accordingly consequently thus thereupon as a result in consequence



that is specifically in particular for one thing

for example for instance an instance of this this can be seen in

Summary and Emphasis

in sum generally after all by the way in general incidentally naturally I hope at least it seems in brief I suppose

in short on the whole as I said in other words to be sure in fact indeed clearly of course anyway remarkably I think assuredly definitely without doubt for all that on the whole in any event importantly certainly


PHRASES and CLAUSES Phrases​ ​– groups of words that function as a part of speech. Noun Phrase: A group of words consisting of nouns or pronouns and their modifiers that function as a noun​. All the teammates​ wanted to go to nationals. Verb Phrase: A group of words consisting of verbs working together and that ​function as a verb​. The Karasuno High volleyball team felt each other ​working hard​ during practice. Prepositional Phrase​: A group of words that begins with a preposition and ​ends with a noun​, and ​functions as an adjective or an adverb​. Tsukishima tried to ​jump back on board​. Appositive Phrase​: A group of words that include all the words that modify an appositive and ​function as an adjective ​- IT MUST BE SURROUNDED BY COMMAS. Coach Ukai, ​the new volleyball coach​, tried his hardest to get the team in shape. Verbal Phrases​: A group of words that begin with a verbal and ​ends with a noun​. ● Gerund Phrase​ verb ending in -ing that ​functions as a noun​. Playing on his video game​, Kenma finally defeated the boss level. ● Participial Phrase word ending in -ing (present participle) or -ed (past participle) that ​functions as an adjective​. The ​cracked windows​ should have been fixed. ● Infinitive Phrase verb preceded by the word “to” (to read, to study, to write) that function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs​. Tanaka locked the door ​to prevent theft​.


SENTENCES Sentence – a set of words that contains a subject and a predicate​ and conveys a statement, command, question, or an exclamation. Sentence Parts Subject – what/who the sentence is about The Karasuno volleyball team​ practices for hours to learn new skills. Predicate – what the subject does ​The Karasuno volleyball team ​practices for hours to learn new skills. Sentence Types Declarative – a sentence that makes a statement (ends with a period mark) Running will help build stamina so you don’t get tired during a game. Imperative – a sentence that makes a command (ends with a period mark) Bring me a glass of water. Interrogative – a sentence that asks a question (ends with a question mark) Why wouldn't a team want to go to nationals? Exclamatory – a sentence that expresses great emotion, passion, excitement (ends with an exclamation mark) We are getting so much better at our quick attack! Sentence Patterns Simple Sentence: A sentence that is ​just one independent clause​. Hinata waited for the ball. Compound Sentence: A sentence with ​multiple independent clauses​, but ​no​ dependent clauses - connected by FANBOYS (coordinating conjunctions) or a semicolon (;). The quick attack takes more than skill, but it can be accomplished. Complex Sentence: A sentence with ​one independent clause and at least one dependent clause​. Whenever prices go up, customers buy less products. Complex-Compound Sentence: A sentence with ​multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause​. Though Oikawa prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.


Loose Sentence: ​A sentence that contains an independent clause plus a subordinate construction (either a clause or phrase) ​with your main point at the ​beginning​. Winning Nationals is the best feeling ever, it shows all the hard work and effort you put into hours of practice. Periodic Sentence: ​A sentence in which the independent clause is given at the end of the sentence in order to create interest or generate suspense ​with the main point coming at the ​end​. In spite of heavy snow and cold temperatures, the game continued. Parallel Structure: A sentence ​using the same pattern of two or more verbs or ideas that match​ ​in tense or structure ​to show that they are of equal importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written ​- this sentence requires symmetry​. Suga loves to work hard, take care of his team, and try his best during games. Balanced Sentence: A sentence where phrases or clauses at the beginning and the end parallel each other​ by virtue of their likeness of ​structure​, ​meaning​, or ​length​ - this sentence requires symmetry. Kageyama throws away empty milk cartons to buy filled milk cartons. Chiasmus: A sentence that includes ​a repetition of ideas (words, phrases, or clauses) in inverted (reversed) order​ - this sentence requires symmetry. The Karasuno volleyball players make the team what it is and would be nothing without them. Asyndeton: A sentence ​that leaves out conjunctions​ between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. Oikawa is hardworking, caring, overachieving. Polysyndeton: A sentence ​that uses multiple conjunctions​ in close proximity to each other between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. Oikawa is hardworking and caring and, ultimately, overachieving. Anaphora: A sentence that ​features the purposeful repetition​ of a word, words, or a phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses in order to place emphasis and draw attention. For some people, volleyball is the best sport ever, while other people think basketball is the best sport, but they can all agree that they all work hard. Epistrophe: A sentence featuring ​several phrases or clauses ending with the same word or words​. Karasuno students work all day for school, study night for school, but the volleyball team still finds ways to keep their grades up for school.


Sentence Errors Run-On/Rambling/Fused Sentence – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly ​without punctuation​. The volleyball team needed to practice hard because they really wanted to go to nationals and it was a dream for them. Comma Splice – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly ​using commas The volleyball team needed to practice hard. They wanted to go to nationals; it was a dream for them. Fragment – ​incomplete sentence pieces​ that are not connected to or do not form an independent clause Because it was a dream to go to nationals, the team practiced hard. Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers – modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description; a ​misplaced modifier describes the wrong part of a sentence​ and a dangling modifier is missing the part it’s supposed to modify At the team barbeque, Kenma and Hinata got closer as friends. Double Negative – ​combining two or more negative words​ in a sentence in a way that is supposed to produce a positive force The team knew that it would not do them any good if they sat around all day.


PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs​ – ​a group of sentences that together convey a shared purpose structured around the same topic. Introductory Paragraphs (Introductions) Hook ​(Lead) – can begin with the title ​Anecdotal​ (Brief story to set the mood and lead the reader into the topic) Hinata and Kageyama both have had a strong passion for volleyball ever since they were in middle school. They were on opposing teams during middle school where Kagayama defeated Hinata’s team. Ever since, Hinata has wanted to beat Kageyama in a game of volleyball. High school starts at Karasuno High and Hinata and Kageyama try out for their volleyball team. Once they both step into the gym, they are surprised to see each other on the court. ​Query Based​ (Question that brings the reader to the topic - avoid second person POV “you”) ​Will they be able to work with each other on the same team? Or will rivalry drive them apart from winning Nationals? Thesis Statements​ (the purpose of a piece of writing – usually one sentence in length, but can be longer depending on the purpose – must be something that is arguable) Assertion​ (claim - a subject + a “so what” about the subject) Teammates who rival on the same team will bring the team down. Fact​ (empirically verifiable but often difficult to argue extensively about better used as evidence to support a claim) Nekoma High School had two teammates who rivaled one another and led the team to lose nationals. Opinion​ (personal position on a topic) Kageyama is better at volleyball than Hinata. ​Belief​ (social, religious, or political in nature – an opinion held by many to be a fact, though it is not necessarily factual – often involves a judgement) Teammates should be friends and get along. Generalization​ (uses absolute or statistical pronouns: all, always, every, never, none, most, half – ​avoid using this type of thesis statement ​unless citing the source of the data​) Teammates should always work together to win the game. No matter the sport. Document Based​ (cites a specific source, author, and position on a topic) In the Manga, ​Haikyuu​, Furudate exclaims that a team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win.


Theory​ (a statement that can be tested and potentially proven - often answers a research question) Having two same team rivals play a quick attack together will improve their relationship. Clarification/Expansion of Thesis​ (could extend the thesis, preview the evidence supporting the thesis, give the purpose of thesis, establish the importance or significance of examining the intricacies of the thesis – ​this could be several sentences long​) Coach Ukai experiments by having Kageyama and Hinata watch each other's skills and help each other perfect those skills. Sugawara, the team setter, helps the two figure out a good quick attack that they can both work on together to bond with. The team starts to see the two get closer and plans to keep this work going to make it to Nationals. Body Paragraphs​ (must have ​echoes of the thesis​ in each AND present evidence to support or expand on the thesis) Topic Sentences​ (must specifically indicate the topic of the paragraph and focus on one subject and/or area of evidence or support – could start with a “Transition of Logic” that connects to the previous paragraph to give context) Additionally, this quick attack is now surprising every team they go against, catching them off guard, and leading to a victory for Karasuno. (Now every sentence in this paragraph must be related to the connection between fast food and health) Presenting Evidence from Quotations​ (quotes should NEVER be used as individual sentences – quotes should be embedded within sentences) ORIGINAL QUOTE – “a team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win” (Furudate 34). Several teams agree, “A team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win” (Furudate 34). “A team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win” according to several teams (Furudate 34). Unfortunately for rivaling teams, “a team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win” (Furudate 34)​. Unfortunately for rivaling teams, “a team who can work together… will come out even stronger to win” (Furudate 34). Examining the Evidence Paraphrasing​ (rewording of a quote into other words of the same length without quotation marks, but still citing the source - useful for examining the quote and transitioning to your analysis of the quote) ORIGINAL QUOTE – “a team who can work together even if there are small conflicts, and will come out even stronger to win” (Furudate 34). PARAPHRASE – Teams who go through struggles always come out stronger (Furudate 34).


Summarizing​ (condensing larger quotes or sections - useful for closing the examination of the quote/evidence and transitioning to your analysis of the quote) ORIGINAL QUOTE – “Fast food can have adverse effects on people’s health” (Schlosser 73). SUMMARY – Team dilemmas make a stronger team. Abstract Examples​ (hypothetical, “what if” examples that do not refer to a source – AVOID USING THEM AS EVIDENCE ​– but useful for examining the quote) Teams might drift even more. Concrete Examples​ (actual examples that do refer to a source – useful for enhancing your analysis of the quote) A study in the ​Volleyball Team catalog​ shows that the team with the most conflicts tends to break apart and cancel their whole game season. Closing Sentences​ (must end the discussion of the topic within the paragraph with a transitional or culminating word – possibly an adverb – and should echo the thesis of the essay) Clearly, valid authorities on the subject of teams start seeing patterns that negatively affect these players. Closing Paragraphs​ (Conclusions – should not be mere summaries of the previous paragraphs of your essay) Consequences of Disregarding the Thesis​ (establishing the potential consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – CREATING A COUNTERARGUMENT – could be one or more sentences) If teams never break up after hard conflicts, every team will be hard to defeat. Statement(s) of Extension​ (extending the consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – could be one or more sentences) As such, teams who win nationals usually have team conflicts that make them stronger. Reestablishing the Significance of the Thesis​ (could be one or more sentences) Thus, as the prevalence of academic research indicates, teams who get into conflicts win Nationals. Final Sentence​ (connects to the hook and finishes the essay (finish your argument) – the “Smoky the Bear”/”Drop the mic”/dot dot dot moment…) So given all the health problems associated with teams, conflicts such as Kageyama’s and Hinata’s will make their team win Nationals.


ESSAYS Essays​ – ​A short piece of writing on a particular topic. Types ​– ​Explain each type of essay and state its purpose Persuasive​ (Argumentative) - ​The author tries to convince the reader to believe in an idea or opinion and to do the action. Expository​ (Informative) - ​This essay​ ​exposes things in detail to make readers understand easily. Definition or Description - ​An explanation of what something is and how many types of the thing there is. Process (How-to) - ​This essay will tell you about a task and how to complete it. It will address the problem, give the main steps, and will eventually lead you to the end. Compare and Contrast - ​A comparison with two similarities of two contents and contrast which works with the differences of the two contents. Cause and Effect - ​The essay asks why did something happen and what impact it might have. Analytical/Critical​ - ​An analysis of a piece of literature from different angles. Evaluative - ​Evaluates a piece of literature from different angles. Interpretive - ​Interprets a piece of writing from different angles. Narrative​ (Tells a story) - ​A narration of a story in the form of an essay. Personal Statement/Anecdote - ​This type of essay focuses on your own experiences or beliefs. Research​ - ​This essay brings up a question that is researched and answered through the essay. Timed​ - ​A timed essay requires demonstrating disciplinary knowledge by making a writing sample with limited time. Document Based Question (DBQ) - ​An essay question that is used for AP history exams. You are asked to analyze historical issues or trends in documents and use them as evidence to write the DBQ. Synthesis - ​An essay that requires a unique viewpoint of a central idea, theme, or topic.

Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps ​– ​Explain how to plan and organize essays and how to analyze and break down prompts​. Pre-writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining - ​Plan what you're going to say. Make a chart to gather your thoughts on what each paragraph will talk about. Figure out if the topic is going to engage the reader. Outline the paragraphs as you begin to write. Researching/Evaluating of Sources - ​Gather information that is valuable to your topic that you would like to include in your essay. It may help you to support your claim as evidence.


Work Cited Page​ – ​Explain and give an example of how to set up a works cited entry in both MLA and APA formats - there are subtle differences between each format, so be sure to identify them clearly. MLA FormatInclude the following information in the order of 1. Author. 2. Title of source. 3. Title of container, 4. Other contributors, 5. Version, 6. Number, 7. Publisher, 8. Publication date, 9. Location. APA Format APA​ in-text ​citation style​ uses the author's last name and the year of publication, for example​: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example​: (Field, 2005, p. 14)




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