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It’s hot! Cool ways for seniors to stay active in the summer
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Much of the U S is experiencing higher than normal temperatures. High temperatures combined with high humidity often result in a high Heat Index, which describes how the conditions feel to the human body, usually higher than the actual temperature outside While Floridians may be used to summer heat, seniors, whose bodies aren’t able to cool as easily as they once were, are more likely to overheat Skin changes, poor blood circulation and inefficient sweat glands can happen with aging, making seniors more subject to hyperthermia, including heat stroke, heat edema, heat syncope, heat cramps and heat exhaustion
Other factors can make heat worse for older adults, including heart, lung and kidney diseases, salt-restricted diets, certain prescribed medications and being over or underweight
Heat stroke happens when the body is overwhelmed and unable to control its temperatures Someone with a body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit is likely suffering from heat stroke, with symptoms of fainting, changes in behavior (confusion, combativeness, staggering and delirium), a rapid pulse, lack of sweating and dry, flushed skin
If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call 911 Urge the person to lie down in a shady, air-conditioned or other cool place Offer cool fluids such as water and fruit juice, but not alcohol or caffeine, which can make the condition worse Apply a cold, wet cloth to the wrists, necks, armpits and groin, where blood passes close to skin to help cool the blood.
While there are risks for older adults, hot weather does not necessarily mean that active seniors must remain inside in air condition-
The walls are closing
To the editor: in
Hunter Biden’s “sweetheart deal” for crimes that would have sent any of us to prison was finally scrutinized by an unbiased Judge and deemed totally inappropriate The deal was tossed
This may be the beginning of the house of cards falling around and on Joe Biden and his many accomplices over his years of selling his office to the highest bidder using his son as the auctioneer
The potential list of impeachment proceedings grew exponentially on July 26, 2023, when Hunter Biden pleaded “not guilty” to the charges he was supposed to be excused from and able to walk out of court as a free criminal
The web of lies, treason and corruption may finally be coming home to roost on the perpetrators and benefactors that have been doing the “rope-a-dope” for decades
“Influence peddling” is illegal and punishable by law, even for the president of the United States
Now, maybe, the public can finally respect and understand why Merrick Garland was not confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice He’s as corrupt as the Bidens ing There are several ways to stay active, even when temperatures are high
According to the Physical A c t i v i t y G u i d e l i n e s f o r Americans, older adults need about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, or about five days per week for about 30 minutes a day The right kind of exercise helps seniors feel stronger and more confident and offers an abundance of mental health and health benefits
The most important thing is to listen to your body If you don’t feel right as you exercise, s t o p i m m e d i a t e l y S t a y i n g active also means understanding the risks of being active in the heat In the summer, it’s often beneficial to break exercise into smaller time periods, like three 10minute walks Take extra breaks and avoid being outdoors alone, in case of overheating
Ann Walsh Guest Commentary
For any summer outdoor activity, don’t underestimate the impact of clothing Darker c o l o r s a n d h e a v i e r f a b r i c s a b s o r b h e a t
Clothing that is loose and light allows air to circulate Clothes that wick away sweat can help keep you cool, and UV protection clothing will protect you from the sun’s rays A broad-brimmed hat will provide shade on your face
For walking, golfing, cycling, gardening, fishing, boating and other outdoor activities, try to get out early in the morning or in the evening, when it’s usually cooler. The sun is especially strong between 10 a m and 4 p m , so it’s best to avoid outdoor activities during these times Some exercises can be
Letters to the Editor
It was really laughable when the Biden mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Piere, refused to answer any questions after the plea deal was tossed and said simply, “It’s a private matter” and “we don’t need to comment on it ”
Really, a private matter? Biden’s Department of “Justice” wrote the plea agreement for the defense How many citizens get to go before the judge and have the prosecutor collude with the defense attorney to let them walk out of court with a kiss on the cheek for the crime they are pleading to and all other crimes that may be brought against them for all activities?
Not a private matter at all, it’s just more of the same injustice system brought to us by the dictator and thief-in-chief, Joe Biden Your time is coming Joe, Max Christian St. James City
Slavery beneficial to slaves?
To the editor:
My congressman, Byron Donalds, and I don’t agree on much, but we do agree that this section of the new Florida education curriculum needs to change Donalds was concerned with the section of Florida’s new African done indoors, like walking at the mall, the gym or an indoor track, exploring a museum or library or using a stationary bike
Be sure to stay hydrated to a v o i d o v e r h e a t i n g a n d w e a r s u n s c r e e n T h e A m e r i c a n Academy of Dermatology recommends Water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher that protects against UVA and UVB rays
S u m m e r h e a t a l s o o f f e r s opportunities to try something new, like yoga, which is a fantastic way to build muscle, flexibility and balance, with many p r o g r a m s g e a r e d t o s e n i o r s Yoga is available in studios or at home through exercise apps or online videos Tai Chi can improve balance, muscle strength and flexibility, offering benefits for the mind and body Dancing provides activity and social interaction
Summertime means pool time and great exercise through swimming and water aerobics, particularly for people who may struggle with balance or joint pain
While the dog days of summer may inspire a slower pace, it’s important to keep moving to maintain strength and balance and keep your mind sharp However, before making significant changes to your physical activity, it’s always best to talk to your doctor, who can help advise what activity is right for you based on your health
Ann Walsh is the Regional Vice President of Operations Healthcare for Volunteers of America National Services
American history standards that said, “How slaves developed skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit ”
In a recent press conference, Florida Gov Ron DeSantis said Black people learned beneficial skills as slaves “They’re probably going to show that some of the folks that eventually parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into doing things later in life ”
Gov DeSantis doubled down on those comments, in promoting that slavery was good for the slaves He said, “You got to choose Are you going to side with Kamala Harris? In liberal media outlets? Or are you going to side with the State of Florida? Don’t side with Kamala on that Stand up for your state where there are beneficial aspects to slavery ”
Really? This is embarrassing and shameful to think that my state would teach our children that as Ron DeSantis stated, “there are beneficial aspects to slavery ” NO ONE should be in public office who thinks that I am standing up for my state of Florida when I say, DeSantis needs to resign
Janine Vitray Mohl Cape Coral