2 minute read
Team Shevlin's Player earns Realtor's license
Team Shevlin at Century 21 Sunbelt Realty has introduced its newest/old memb e r T o n y a P l a y e r h a s worked as the Team Shevlin assistant on and off for 5 years She recently earned her Realtor’s license and is now a Realtor/assistant with Team Shevlin Player is a Pine Island native and was raised with her 2 sisters by their father, A J Davis, who was a commercial fisherman
Growing up on Pine Island and then raising her family, working and eventually retiring on Pine Island has given her a special perspective and insight on the challenges of the growing community. She brings this lifetime of Pine Island experience to all the organizations she’s worked and/or volunteered with
Player has a bachelor of science in ele- m e n t a r y e d u c a t i o n a n d a masters in educational media and worked at Pine Island Elementary School for 17 years She then worked at the Pine Island Public Library a n d N o r t h w e s t R e g i o n a l Library and retired in 2018 as the children’s librarian
She has been a member of the Pine Island Kiwanis Club for almost 20 years and has served as president and board member for multiple terms
She is the vice president of the Pine Island Playhouse and has performed in multiple plays and has even directed a few
She was one of the founding sponsors of what is now known as the Pine Island Leaders of Tomorrow (PILOT), which is an organization dedicated to mentoring and supporting Pine Island youth She currently helps provide transportation for the kids to and from this great program
Elementary School and is a member of the School Advisory Council
She is a member of the Pine Island Moose and the Elks
And last, but certainly not least, she has served as a commissioner for The Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District since 2014 She says she is proud of the
Department and hopes to continue supporting the department as it grows and changes to meet the needs of the Greater Pine Island community
Player is excited to expand on her opportunities with Team Shevlin and looks forward to helping the community with their Real Estate needs Feel free to give her a call any time at 239-203-4682
Lee County to host FloridaFriendly and Native Plant Swap & Seed Exchange on Aug. 19
Event set for the Karl Drews Community Center in Fort Myers
Lee County Parks & Recreation will host a Florida-Friendly and Native Plant Swap & Seed Exchange from 9 a m to noon Saturday, Aug 19, at the Karl Drews Community Center, 18412 Lee Road, Fort Myers
Participants can expect a morning of plant-related educational opportunities with fellow plant enthusiasts The event features a Plant Swap & Seed Exchange, the UF/IFAS Master Gardener Help Desk, a Native Plant Sale hosted by the Native Plant Society, local nurseries, consultation firms and more
To participate, bring one or more clearly labeled healthy plants or seeds Plant species listed by Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, Federal Noxious
Weed or USDA Invasive Species will not be permitted
To RSVP and reserve a table, call 239-533-1470 or email TRossi@leegov com
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t L e e County Parks and Recreation locations, a m e n i t i e s , a n d s p e c i a l e v e n t s , v i s i t www leeparks org, call 239-533-7275, e m a i l l e e p a r k s @ l e e g o v c o m o r v i s i t leeparksandrecreation on Facebook and Instagram
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