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St. John’s Episcopal Church to host Rummage Sale and Bake Sale
St John’s Episcopal Church will host a rummage sale and bake sale in its air-cond i t i o n e d C o m f o r t H a l l t h i s S a t u r d a y , August 12, from 8 a m to 1 p m There will be various household items including glassware, pots and pans, picture frames and books, teens' golf clubs, embroidery thread, bathroom tiles, etc
Examples of baked goods for sale will include the bread that won first place at MangoMania – Mango Zucchini Bread, as well as banana bread, regular zucchini bread with walnuts, mini pineapple upside down vales, Kahlua chocolate cupcakes, etc
Water, coffee, iced tea, lemonade and children’s drinks will be available for sale
Holding crosses will be available for $10 each The small wooden cross is shaped to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand Many adults and children have used these for evening prayers to remind the user that God is always with them even in the darkest hours They are made of wood so they can also be taken into the operating room, as well as to hold during chemotherapy or radiation, to bring peace and comfort
All adult attendees will receive one ticket to go in a free raffle to win a large basket of food items along with a WinnDixie Gift Certificate
In addition, there will be a raffle to win various gift baskets for fishermen, games for families, for coffee lovers and for wine lovers
All proceeds will benefit St. John’s outreach programs Everyone is invited come to St John’s Comfort Hall at 7771 H Stringfellow Road in St James City to have a fun day shopping for treats and treasures
Contact the church at 239-283-5439