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Cat of the Week
2023, staff accepted 72,516 permit applications, 45,411 of which were identified by the applicant as being hurricane related Staff issued 68,362 permits, 43,006 of which were identified by the applicant as being hurricane related
I n t h e s a m e p e r i o d , 2 0 7 , 0 5 6 i n s p e c t i o n s w e r e requested and 131,323 inspections were completed, of which 108,831 were hurricane related
The estimated cost of the 23 new positions for the remainder of the current fiscal year, including benefits, indirect, computers, licenses and vehicles − for Building Inspectors only − is $806,033 For the next full fiscal year 23/24, this equates to a $2 8 million increase over the proposed budget Community Development has implemented strategies to address permit backlog and review times, including filling of all vacancies, shifting internal staff resources as available, paying overtime and using consultants
In February, the Board of County Commissioners authorized a mid-year budget adjustment to hire 11 new positions to address permitting demands amplified by recovery following Hurricane Ian Building Services operations are funded by building permit fees as permitted under Florida Statutes There are currently 113 positions in DCD funded by building permit fees.
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Ar thur
This handsome boy is hoping to be the center of your world Arthur was very scared when he first came to us, but time and kindness has turned him into a lap cat. He enjoys following the volunteers around, but the moment a lap is available, he’s in it. Arthur prefers to be petted on his head, which makes us curious a b o u t h i s h i s t o r y a n d i f s o m e o n e h u r t him He’s approximately 2 years old and is hoping to be your best friend For more information, call Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary at 239-283-9100. If you’d rather just donate, our address is 10060 Mallory Parkway, E., Unit D, St. James City, FL, 33956 or there’s always our website www.helpingpawsanimalsanctuary com