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M A G A Z I N E Holiday Humor Pg. 5

Left-Overs Pg. 6-8

Silent Night Pg. 9-10

Boosting Immunity Pg. 11-12

A Bird’s Eye View Pg. 13-15

Got the Flu?

‘ For so many reasons…. Turn the page to find out why….

Here’s What to Do Pg. 19-21

Winter Recipe Pg. 22

Food For Soul Is a menu of inspirational articles, and information to encourage a deliberate lifestyle physically, emotionally, but most important spiritually. Food For Soul serves up recipes for the kitchen, as well as for life! The contributing writers come from all different backgrounds, professions, and experiences that contribute much inspiration! The magazine is a ministry tool to connect and promote individuals, community outreach organizations, and missions to further expand Kingdom work. We sponsor advertising for these organizations to encourage giving, and inspire communities to get involved as we spread the message of Jesus Christ. We pray that you will join us on this mission to mend and help enable a community broken. Sponsor an ad for as little as business. No contract required.

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Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) ‌to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

You can sponsor by visiting our website Disclaimer of Content Food for Soul assumes no responsibility for the relevance, accuracy, completeness or quality of information provided in this magazine or on the website. Liability claims against Food for Soul which refer to damage of a material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the provided information, or the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are excluded unless Food for soul is at fault through intention or negligence. All tips, and offers through advertisement and or articles and content provided by contributing writers are subject to change and are non-binding. Food for Soul reserves the right to change, add to, delete and temporarily or permanently alter and or edit articles , commentaries, and content in part or in its entirety without prior notice. Any and all information pertaining to health, medical, or mental well-being is provided for reading entertainment purpose offering alternative tips by your choosing not to diagnose or treat any condition. We advise that you speak to your doctor before adding or changing a regimen in your diet and or medication.


A Word from the Publisher Greetings and a warm welcome to our 15th issue of Food for Soul Magazine! We couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to bring to our reading audience pages of awe-inspiring articles, information, and recipes for the soul and the kitchen. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice each page is filled with material to enhance, encourage, and provide practical ways to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. You can look at one category at a time, or examine the articles page by page to choose which to read first. Just as with any paper magazine, you can choose to sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the articles more leisurely. We established this on-line magazine to promote a strong deliberate life-style of giving and a heart to serve. What you will find in the pages of Food for Soul Magazine, is a collection of inspiring, educational articles written by actual, honest, down-toearth folks who work hard to live deliberately, but who are not afraid to admit the struggles that we often sometimes experience. We are honored to share the work of committed people who live their lives with a purpose and a plan to promote a work that will help many. Feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts or ask the authors a question. We appreciate your support and are so pleased to have you as a reader of Food for Soul Magazine.

Brenda A. Graff FOUNDER Food For Soul Magazine Being a former news reporter sparked a great desire in me to continue writing and researching, but with a purpose to help others. Being a wife, and mom of six has had its challenges, but it has taught me much along the journey and to utilize the experience to ignite a passion for positive change in our communities. I am a busy home-schooler, school bus driver, and Grandmother of two, and when I’m not wrapped up with family or community…spend many hours working on my God-given passion, which is pen to paper with a purpose!

With warmest thanks,

Brenda Graff

Seeking contributing writers Send comments, recipes, photos, articles, or poems to: INSPIREME@FOODFORSOULMAGAZINE.COM



Twelve days of Christmas

According to a Mom…a School Bus Driver, and a Wife. I have been cleaning since I dropped the kids this morning to school, de-cluttering, dejunking, and getting rid of anything and everything we absolutely do not use or the process this mom found:

According to a Bus Driver…. On the twelfth day of Christmas my students gave to me: 12 Drummers Drumming… in my head

12 Dirty dishes

11 pupils piping

11 Piles of laundry

10 dry heaving riders

10 Loads were towels

9 strains of flu

9 Legos laying

8 momma’s calling

8 Marked up walls

7 students sleeping

7 Strains of smell

6 grumpy looks

6 Times I gagged

5 sore throats

5 Grossed out closets

4 more coughing students

4 Times calling Jesus

3 running fever

3 Old French fries

2 used hands of tissue

2 Tired Feet

and a dry hacking cough with a wet



TEXT apologies, Voice-mails, Feet of flooded bathroom, Toilet plunges, Broken strands of lights, Sink’s worth of dishes, Times I counted to ten, Dollars left, Hours waiting (in line with children fighting at the store), Cats crawling up the Christmas tree, Flat tires, and b-r-o-k-e-n s-t-o-v-e. -


LEFT-OVERS – A True Thanksgiving Tale It was day five after Thanksgiving and about time to rid the fridge of any and all evidence of the dinner served that evening in celebration with family. It seemed we still had enough food left over to feed an army. Much of my family had eaten somewhere prior to arriving at our house so their appetite barely left room for dessert. Wanting to make sure I had plenty of food to feed anyone who might arrive, I over prepared. Wanting to stretch the side dishes one more day I headed to the store to find meat to cook that night. There was an abundance of cornbread stuffing and thought some fresh cooked collard greens would go well with some baked chicken. While at the store I ran into our Youth Pastor. He was on a mission to find something different for dinner as well. We both made a comment about being tired of eating leftovers, desiring to eat something different. As the very words were spewing out of my mouth of the tiresome task of eating the same thing for practically a week, the Holy Spirit jolted me. I was brought back to reality of the fact that neither my children nor my family had the misfortune of going hungry this entire year. I was thrown back by thoughts of the thousands of lives that have been devastated with famine, homelessness, and devastation. “Lord forgive me”, I had to instantly pray under my breath as I stood there in the supermarket. How could I be so ungrateful? This reminded me of the Israelites when they were fed manna (the bread sent down from Heaven) for forty years. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 –

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Exodus 16:35 The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to a land that was settled; they ate manna until they reached the border of Canaan. Can you imagine eating the same thing morning, noon, and night for FORTY YEARS? As palatable as it was being made with delectable herbs, and tasting like wafers made with honey…the Israelites were tired of the stuff! Exodus 16:11 The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. We would probably go weary of eating manna in two days much less forty years. The people of Israel were sick of eating it, but not until they had ingested it for four decades. Numbers 11:6 But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!” We Americans are so blessed when it comes to the food supply in our country. Most can jump in our vehicle drive to the store or a drive-thru and pick out basically anything we need or want. Where as in some countries there is no supply of food due to sanctions or loss from devastating wars or weather. We have children here in our homeland that may only have the opportunity to eat at school as their parent’s struggle each month to put food on the table.


There are countries where the supply of rice meal has been brought in to feed the famished families once a day. You know the commercials where they show the malnourished child standing in a long line with empty bowl waiting to be served. Then you see the child engulf his meal in one swoop in the palm of his hands so terribly ravenous. Yet, we grumble at times because we are sick of eating holiday leftovers. The pizza delivery restaurants rake up big time during the holiday season. My youngest son had said to me at the store, “Can’t we just order a pizza?” I wanted that pizza just as much as he did, but I hate waste. I wanted to make sure we ate the last bit of leftovers before tossing. I was going to make it creative, reinvent the meal with the flair of bacon, buttered, flavored greens to top the stuffing, and basil baked chicken. He pleaded all the way throughout the store. Here we are after celebrating Thanksgiving, yet it seems to never be enough for some. I finally stopped, turning to him said, “Do you not realize how good you have it?” “Your older brothers and sisters had to eat thanksgiving out of a can one year when our power was out and we had no food to cook! They didn’t know what it was to eat leftovers, or even a hot meal some of the time”. I was a single mom trying to work two-three jobs at a time, in and out of a home just barely scraping by. My youngest was shocked to find out that his mom, and siblings had really experienced that. Immediately his plea for pizza stopped. Though we did experience that dreadful part of our life prior to my two youngest being born, God never let us go hungry.

It may have not been what we wanted to eat, but it served its purpose and nourished us. God has never left my seed begging for bread not as a child, and not in adulthood. Things may have been tough for a while, but he still took care of us through some of the most difficult times in our life. The experiences of being without some basic things have taught me much appreciation for what I have. It serves as a reminder of God’s goodness in those difficult times. God wants us to remember with gratitude each and every day so it serves to be a witness to others of his provision while bringing us out of our Egypt, our wilderness. Exodus 16:32 Moses said, “This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the wilderness when I brought you out of Egypt.’” We complain about having to mow a yard, rather than being thankful for the grass to soften the soles of our feet on those hot summer days. People moan about having to wait in long lines at the grocery store, rather than being grateful they have the resources to purchase food (including me). Some become impatient at a restaurant because their food came out a little too cold, while bloated bellied children in famished countries stand in line for their only meal for the day, (a cold bowl of sopping rice meal). Some choose to go on vigorous diets obsessed with fears of fatness complaining they can’t wear a size six in jeans, while the youthful frames of ribs protrude from the naked and famished. Some complain (including me) about having to drive an old clunker, yet over the past two years 720,000 refugees had made a dangerous crossing over to Lebanon from 7 Syria on foot.

In the heat, pregnant women and children walked some 190 miles for food and water resources trying to survive. We have people stressing over having to go to work, while we have grown men sleeping under the overpasses with sign in hand “Need work” as they accept the donated food or money of the day, and yes sometimes drink themselves into oblivion, hopeless after losing all they had. Folks complain of having to get up early to go to church, while we have Christians being murdered in other countries for holding underground services to teach the gospel. We whine about having to clean our homes, while the homeless sleep in cardboard boxes, newspapers, and tattered-clothing. We grumble about the child we must raise while the barren women cry out in desperation for the experience of giving birth, or a mother is grieving the loss of one. Some complain that their cabinets aren’t bulging with a supply of food for a month, worrying about the days ahead. I used to feel the same way too. If our fridge door wasn’t hard to close from overabundance, and cabinets on verge of breaking from the weight of food purchased, I would murmur in worry. Yet God doesn’t want us to hoard up all our necessities. He wants us to trust in him for provision each day just as he instructed the Israelites. (Exodus 16: 1-4, 1720) When the Israelites hoarded the manna it spoiled. Yet. If God has allowed…. having leftovers are a good sign that not only did God meet our need. He met it in abundance! There are many of us who strive to meet the financial needs of our families each month. These days are tough no doubt. The economy, work related changes, and illness can all wreak havoc in stretching a dollar. Yet, God still wants to do amazing things in our lives.

He is looking for remains, the leftovers, and the faithful ones who are willing to serve him regardless of circumstances. Are we willing to be faithful in the small things that God entrust us with? Will I faithfully exhibit honor and gratitude for the things he has given me? Will I still praise him when the car breaks down, the roof leaks, or when there’s more month than money? It is easy to feel discouraged when it seems you don’t have much to work with when in comparison to what we view of others. You may feel like you don’t have much. You may ask yourself, “What can I give?” when your own cabinets seem bare. These can be the cupboards in your kitchen or in your soul. Give whatever you hold in your hands or heart to God, he sees the unlimited potential far beyond what we can comprehend. Give him the remnants, the remains, the broken pieces, the leftovers that everyone else wanted to toss out and watch what he can do! It’s amazing what you can do with stale bread, you can make croutons, breadcrumbs, stuffing, soufflé, bread pudding, bird food, and everyone’s favorite French toast. Just like that bread that is recycled and recreated to become something delectable, God can take you…someone’s leftovers, and make something great! You can develop into a beacon on a hill a light to all mankind showing forth God’s glory. So, savor in the leftovers, whether it seems they have soured in your soul, or near salmonella in your fridge. All of it is a sign that God has so abundantly allowed you to experience life, and provision with purpose. We have much to be grateful for as we enter another year. That in itself, LIFE is a gift we should never toss out like spoiled food. Make a resolution this year to reflect on the leftovers in your life with gratitude. Allow God to use the remnant for recreation and rejoicing. -B. GRAFF


SILENT NIGHT Meet John Tracy - a National Charting Artist John Tracy has a reputation for crafting lyrics that cut right to the heart of the matter, making his music relevant to all of us on this human journey. Inspired by his folk, blues and acoustic rock influences, his songs fortify the human connection – truly REAL MUSIC for people living REAL LIFE. Music For Peace – (Charlottesville, Virginia) performing songwriter John Tracy releases new Holiday album and music video to help promote peace, harmony and family values. ---------------------------------------------------------The Holiday season will mean more this year than it ever has before. Driven by a heartfelt desire to spread peace, performing songwriter John Tracy releases his new Holiday album and music video. The magic of the season is rekindled in this new Christmas CD and music video. John Tracy is known for expressing his raw authenticity through soulful lyrics that cut to the heart. "Magical Memories - A John Tracy Christmas," brings a fresh new twist to classic songs. Filled with love, hope, and possibility, the magic of the Season lives and breathes with John through every song on this album. The album is released worldwide for sale on his website at, as well as iTunes and Amazon. To kick off the new CD launch, John has released his newest music video "Silent Night," which is a fresh adaptation of this classic song. John partnered with Sam Kempf of Hoopla Media, to bring a fresh take to a classic holiday piece. Using the song as their script, the video tells the story of an active-duty soldier's family, and their reunion just in time for Christmas. The blended scenes of community and family compliment this song’s sense of peace. The message here is not only one of love, hope and family, but also a sincere appreciation for the deep sacrifice our service members make. The video is released across social media and the broader video programming spectrum. John has a long history of philanthropic endeavors, and in the season of giving, he is proud that his art supports Richmond-based Donate Life, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and state teams across the United States committed to increasing organ, eye, and tissue donation. A portion of his music sales are donated annually to Donate Life. Having 9 to lost his mentor to a liver disease before a suitable donor could be found, he is committed helping Donate Life increase the national registry for organ, tissue and eye donors.

John's music is all about building positive relationships. In keeping with his message, he is an active supporter of Young Life, a ministry devoted to making a positive impact on the kids in our communities. Having found acceptance, encouragement and support from his leaders through his own involvement in Young Life as a teen, he is pleased to be a part of their continuing efforts to reach out to middle school, high school and college students in friendship and hope. John Tracy's songs are filled with the message of life, love and family, resonating deeply within our souls. His mastery on acoustic guitar allows him to compose remarkable and exciting melodies that move our feet and make our spirits lighter. To learn more about his music visit ---------------------------------------------------------CONTACT: Teri Wilson John Tracy Music LLC 817-296-2759


What’s on the Menu? Boosting Your Immunity

5 REASON TO ADD RED BELL PEPPER TO YOUR DAILY CONSUMPTION: 1. Red peppers have more than 200 percent of your daily vitamin C intake. Besides being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps the proper absorption of iron. 2. Red bell peppers are a great source of vitamin B6 and folate. Both these vitamins and minerals can help prevent anemia. 3. Red bell peppers help support healthy night vision. Red bell peppers are high in vitamin A, which helps to support healthy eyesight, especially night vision. 4. Red bell peppers are packed with antioxidants. The combined effects of vitamin A and C create a great antioxidant capacity, and with lycopene in the mix, the red bell pepper becomes a top-notch superfood. Lycopene is what makes tomatoes and peppers red. Red peppers are one of the highest veggies in lycopene, which has been shown to help prevent many cancers including prostate and lung. 5. Burn more calories with red bell peppers. Recent research has shown that sweet red peppers can activate thermogenesis and increase metabolic rate. Red bell peppers do not contain capsaicin, which is what makes peppers hot and causes us to sweat, but they do have a mild thermogenic action that increases our metabolism without increasing our heart rate and blood pressure like the hot peppers do.


10 BENEFITS OF GREEN BELL PEPPERS: Eye Health: Bell peppers contain over 30 different types of carotenoids including alphacarotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. Researchers have found that they help heal eyes and ward off eye disease because they absorb damaging blue light as it enters the eye. Prevent Cancer: Carotenoids also have powerful antioxidant effects that can prevent certain types of cancers. Carotenoids deactivate free radicals, which are the cell-damaging oxygen atoms that react with other molecules in your body. They also have sulfur which helps prevent cancer. Boosts Immunity: 1 cup of sliced ripened (red) bell peppers gives you 157% of your daily vitamin C content, making them a great way to stay healthy. Balances Mood: If you are feeling blue, try to increase the amount of vitamin B6 you consume. Naturally occurring in bell peppers B6 helps your brain produce serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that affect your mood. Natural Sleep Aid: The vitamin B6 found in bell peppers also aids in melatonin production. Weight Loss: Bell peppers are very low in fat and calories- about 1 gram of fat and 29 calories per cup- which makes them an ideal snack option, or a great supplement for a main meal. This small amount of fat is enough to provide a reliable storage for bell pepper’s fat-soluble nutrients. Beautiful Skin: Bell peppers contain a solid amount of Vitamin E Lowers Cholesterol: Bell peppers contain capsaicin which is a nutrient that lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in your system. Helps With Pain: The bell pepper relieves chronic pain in a couple ways. Vitamin C and INCREDIBLE HEALTH BENFITS OF ONIONS: vitamin K, both found in bell peppers, have anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces Onions phytochemicals in and vitamin C which help improve immunity. swellingcontain and protects against osteoporosis. Capsaicin also relieves chronic pain. Onions contain The chromium, which assistsproperties in regulating blood sugar.also lowers inflammation in Heart Healthy: anti-inflammatory in bell pepper arteries. That means that bell peppers help prevent heart disease and diabetes. For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections. by Taboola Sponsored Links You May Like Raw onion lowers the production of bad cholesterol (LDL). 7 REASONS TO ADD PARSLEY TO YOUR MEALS: A powerful compound (quercetin) in onions is known to play a significant role in preventing cancer. The vitamin K in parsley aids in bone health, while vitamin C makes it a great immune booster.

Apply on the area of of beta a beecarotene, sting for immediate reliefthat fromhelps the pain. Parsleyonion is an juice excellent source an antioxidant protect the body against free-radical damage and fight the effects of aging. Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers. There is some evidence that parsley can support healthy kidney function. However, the herb Those bright green tops of green onions are rich in Vitamin A. contains oxalates, which can cause problems for those with existing kidney and gall bladder problems. (Seek medical advice if either of these conditions exist) before ingesting. Use parsley forl relief from joint pain. It has anti-inflammatory properties.


Parsley tea relaxes stiff muscles and encourages digestion. It has been used traditionally for an array of other health issues, as well.

A Bird’s – Eye View It is amazing how we can go through life so busy that we lose sight of people, places, and things. Our focus is merely on reaching a point of destination within a certain time frame, speeding right past the roses that we fail to stop and smell much less water, leaving only shards of petals on wilting stems. How did we get so crazy busy? What are we all rushing about for? I thought of this one morning as I was rushing out my own door to head to work. I open my door to see our area had been hit with heavy fog, and regretting that I had not gotten up earlier. As I drove down the road with daughter in tow, I began to pray for our safety. You couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of you. I was navigating with near zero visibility and with other vehicles having no headlights on. This made it especially worrisome travel. I must be at my job before the sun rises. I was forced to slow down and risk being late. I don’t do late. This caused me to be a little anxious racing to get into a parking spot, to time clock, grabbing my gear, and heading to my ride to hit the road again. I am a school bus driver. I must be on time to gather the students to deliver to their schools on time. Everything hinges on my action or inaction and safety skills in the morning, and afternoons. I felt my heart racing that morning, exhausting myself nearly into panting as if I had just run a marathon, just to be on time! I didn’t like that feeling. Call me a type A personality or predictable and boring if you must, but I like to be prepared for all situations. I am just that girl. I enjoy knowing I have an organized plan for my day, which by the way…. RARELY happens! I’ve spent most of my life living in the unknown. Never knowing what to expect. However, there is always a plan B, C, D, E, F… of scenarios prepared and stored in my brain always in case Plan A fails and so forth. I’m sure a psychologist would have fun breaking that one down. I know that I have lived a fight or flight mode most of life. I am having to learn to relax, be at ease, not dis-ease! As I get older, am finding that there are just some things not worth trying to conquer.

I no longer am trying to change anyone but MYSELF! Whew what a relief! I spent years exhaustingly trying to conquer that quest…fighting this cause and that cause, and suffering relationships… and who was I trying to change you may ask? Anyone and everyone who didn’t believe the way I believed. I finally realized that God was doing perfectly good on His own with His creation, and didn’t need my assistance. I realized that I am here as a tool for Him but only to be used in His will not my opinion. If we could all grab that concept we would get along so much better. I am finding that getting along is getting much harder these days in our society. There are a lot of angry folks functioning in this crazy race of life rushing to work, soccer games, grocery stores, banks, doctor offices, etc.…I see it every day from the birds-eye view of my bus as I sit in heavy traffic on the feeder roads of the freeway watching near death experiences from road-ragers, tail-gating texters, and distracted drivers. All the while I am wishing I have a bull horn to scream out, “SLOW DOWN”! I am stuck for many hours throughout my week at traffic lights where I see quite a bit going on. I see the teen disagreeing with dad in a car, the couple quarreling, the baby crying, the worker scarfing their lunch racing through the stoplight, the coffee spiller, the face painter plowing through caution lights while applying mascara. However, I also get to perceive the sadness in the eyes of a driver who is waiting on the light to turn green, or is possibly waiting for the green light in life to live. I see the worndown faces of the weary waiting patiently to get home after what may have been an excruciating day for them. Did they come from a funeral? Or perhaps caring for a longterm ill loved one. Did they just lose their job? Have they pulled double-shift? Often, I witness the distraught appearance of a driving damsel with children in tow probably wondering how she’s going to make rent this month or feed her kids this week.


One day I got to see a homeless Veteran with a shopping cart carrying all his belongings across the busy roadway nearly missing a direct hit as he limped his way to a spot to rest. My heart broke, as tears blurred my view just enough for the light to turn so I could go, I became bitterly angry as I thought how this man must have fought for our freedom at one time to end up like this. I drove past a few more on street corners begging for their bread for the day possibly the posers that never served in the military, or became mentally ill, or lost their homes due to irrevocable circumstances and become disturbed. But who’s to say? It isn’t my judgement call. I just give as the Lord directs. The bus I drive has no radio, or A/C for that matter. The only sound I hear is the roar of the century old engine, and the rattling of the doors barely hanging on their hinges “clack…clack…clack” with each bump in the road. I spend more than half my day on the bus. This gives me plenty of one on one time with God. As I viewed these images that broke my heart or cause me to feel the injustice of it all, I began to ask God why He would allow me to feel this pain as if it were me personally. I genuinely hurt for that Vet, that driver I see distraught, the impatient mother ranting at the child…. “Lord, I don’t want to feel it” “Lord I don’t want to see it”, I pleaded. “Jesus, do something”. I wanted to see something good, something I could find beauty in. I know there is pain in this world, it is shoved in our faces through social media, news, radio, on the streets EVERY DAY! I don’t want to focus on that. I’m worn out mentally from all the negativity before noon of the day. As I approached my second shift run… I prayed asking for God to show me Him. Yet at first, I met the afternoon run with obstinate drivers, impatient honkers, and front jumpers changing lanes every second wanting me to move my big yellow obstacle loaded with students out of their way immediately! I inconvenienced them racing to the same red light we were all going to sit at eventually.

It’s enough to make you hang your keys up permanently, and commence to walking everywhere, but then you would have to worry about being run over. Anyhow, that evening as I was heading home, I noticed up on a wire hundreds of birds gathered. A group would swoop to the ground and snatch a worm, and fly back up, and then the next group would commence to follow, and so forth. There was unique rhythm as they would swoop with such grace and grandeur, it was a majestic mid-air dance to watch. So much so, I suddenly felt the presence of God, it overwhelmed me as I was reminded of this verse. Matthew 6:25-26 The Message (MSG) “If you decide for God, living a life of Godworship, it follows that you don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds. These birds were not given a map or a manual on how to gather their food to feast. They were not choreographed to fly musically swaying together in a motion so majestically flawless, free, and unfettered. They weren’t running into each other hen pecking their way fighting to get the worm…and no one was flipping the bird for being cut-off in traffic. Oh, no, instead they were created to clearly see with a unique bird’s-eye view the hand that feeds them, the one who created all living things including their meal moving about under the soil in which we were created from. They follow the rhythm of the heartbeat of their maker, our God. They swarm to safety in the shelter of His majestic wings without a care, without a worry.


These birds migrate together flocking and staging themselves high on a wire safe from predators, close knit together to protect themselves as they prepare to eat, travel, swoop, and swarm in a dance that only our Dear Heavenly Father could have taught them. Did I tell you? I saw Him, I saw God…. I witnessed His beauty, His magnificence, His omnipotence, through watching those birds in action, but mostly I witnessed and experienced His LOVE as I realized how much He does love us…ALL His creation! He reminded me that despite what I may witness in this world. I must keep that bird’seye view from the bus to keep His perspective on people, places, and ALL living things. And the pain and injustice I feel for these folks when I see it, is because it is what our Heavenly Father feels, and has planted in me. To remove it would be to remove His heart, His truth, and His love from my being. The being created to comfort those who are in affliction, to bind up the broken-hearted, tenderly whisper His love and display His desire for all mankind, to reach out, touch, and bring glory to His kingdom.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Cor 1:3-4)

Pain removes the veil; it plants the flag of truth within the fortress of a rebel soul. ~ C.S. Lewis

To not see the pain would be painfully unjust. We should hurt for our fellow man or women, our children, our society. If we who are created in Christ cannot, then we are nothing more than an empty vessel wasting our days on this God given journey in life. We need a bird’s-eye view not only for the perspective of pain but to pry open the purpose God has instilled in us, to see how His heart beats for us and through us. “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” (Acts 17:24-25)

Watch Starlings in Flight mY&

Brenda A. Graff School Bus Driver / Writer and CRAZY LOVE my kids MOM!


Services at a Glance `




Father, God of our Universe who holds every one of us and our future. I prayer that peace may abound in every corner of our lives. I ask that we walk in peace, talk in peace, act in peace, give and embrace peace…over our nation, over our cities, over our homes, jobs, and schools. Lord, open our eyes to see what you want us to see, and direct our steps to the purposes you have planned for us. Help us to walk in love this year and to love despite. Heavenly Father, give us the strength and endurance to run this race regardless of the panting moments and wearisome ways of circumstances we have no control over. Jehovah, our Provider… breathe in us the grace and mercy as we breathe out your praise, your love and how you are so worthy! Father, help us in our daily decisions to do your will, but most of all help us to perceive your will. Lord give us the stamina to raise our children in this ever-changing world. Heal our lands Lord, forgive us our debts Lord, not just our monetary, but emotional and spiritual debts. God help us to remember that we are never alone, and that you are the Creator of all living things, and that there is nothing that you haven’t already seen before it happens good or bad. God bring truth, and trust back into our societies, homes, churches, and in our relationships. Lord may Your name be praised forever, and ever, Amen! In Jesus Name - Amen Referenced Bible verses in magazine used versions: KSJ, NIV, NKJV, ESV, HCSB


If You’re Sick with the Flu…Here’s What to Do! DON’T SPREAD IT! STAY HOME! A bout of the flu typically lasts 1-2 weeks, with severe symptoms subsiding in 2-5 days. Flu symptoms usually start within one to four days after infection, and they may come on suddenly. The first sign of influenza is usually fever or chills, followed by headache, sore throat, dry cough, runny nose, muscle aches, and fatigue. As the illness progresses, a person may have warm, flushed skin, watery or bloodshot eyes, a severe cough that brings up phlegm, nasal congestion, and nausea and vomiting. However, weakness, fatigue, dry cough, and a reduced ability to exercise can linger for three to seven days. Contagious Period An adult infected with influenza may be contagious from one day before symptoms start to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may continue to be contagious for longer than 7 days. Staying will also give your body time to recover and protect you against developing flu complications or picking up another virus and getting sick again. STAY AWAY FROM DAIRY (causes mucus build-up, irritates cough, and nasal passages) INGEST BROTH, LIGHT MEALS! HYDRATE (avoiding orange juice, and apple...these cause excess coughing), avoid fat or fried foods or anything that causes inflammation. DO NOT EXERT YOURSELF. The body is already working overtime to heal. STAY IN A ROOM THAT IS NIETHER HOT NOR TOO COLD. breathing passages, cold agitates lungs).

(Heat aggravates

19 your Find the following (must haves) to keep around the house for the next time faced with the flu.

Using a Neti Pot is one of the surest ways to quickly clean out your sinus passages! You can find them at most of your local pharmacies. They cost around $11 or more. It is a matter of mixing distilled water (NEVER USE TAP) and a saline solution (salt) pack. Filling pot and mixing well, positioning head (sideways) so while pouring into one nostril, it comes out the next. This thins the mucus and flushes infection out rapidly as well as preventing sinusitus if practiced on a weekly basis. Great for allergy sufferers as well. Chamamile tea is another absolute must! Chamomile has diverse health benefits that are emphasized in peer-review journals. These health benefits vary from its sedative and analgesic (anti-pain) effects to its amazing antimicrobial benefits. For example a German study has shown that small doses of chamomile destroys two important strains of bacteria: staphylococcus and streptococcus. Another study has shown that inhalation of steam from chamomile flower heads in boiling water is effective against gram positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. These antibacterial effects are mainly because of Chamazulene, an active ingredient in chamomile that is an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It has sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agents to help you get rid of your runny nose and sore throat ASAP! This will also help your body to get it’s much needed rest. I can so testify to this! After being hit with this fierce bug and given all kinds of meds to heal, and none working with horrible side effects to ward off symptoms, only felt worse. Desperate to feel better finally resorted back to what has worked in the past and within literally 12 hours felt like a new person! The tea worked immediately to bring rest, and to relax my aching muscles. A humidifier: A warm mist humidifier will also bring some relief to chest and nasal congestion by loosening up the fluid build up much like a steaming shower, and reduce coughing spells. As always try to avoid the flu by eating right, exercising, avoiding people (JUST KIDDING), and getting plenty of fluids, sleep, and WASHING HANDS. I failed in all areas with my busy schedule the past three months and it was bound to happen. I not only crashed and burned, but I smoldered on the ground for days! This is not to say that just because you do all those things you will never catch it, but it will make you more resistant and help in healing much quicker. Seriously focus on your nutritional intake throughout the year, not just when you become ill. Everything your body needs for healing usually can be produced in your very own kitchen, and don’t say “It cost too much to eat healthy…and too much time to do it”… Do you know how much it cost to see doctors and time waiting to see one, and take meds and wait for results? I can already hear the arguments screaming in my ear about taking prescriptions or chemo. I am not claiming that these procedures are void. What 20

I am saying is that healthy eating can absolutely make a difference and possibly ward off the need for some procedures, and surely can aid in the healing process while going through a medicinal therapy. One of my most favorite books on the healing benefits of food was written by Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, a renowned physician and author of one of his bestselling, THE BIBLE CURE Dr. Cherry has seen the words of the Bible cure major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and conditions such as allergies. The principles contained in this book can help you live a better life. It is more then a faith walk, it is a work walk…putting into action and using the basic steps God has already given us. When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2003, I had received the call that everyone dreads (“YOU HAVE CANCER” - the call of death). I was told by M. D. Anderson that I needed an additional life-altering surgery to remove a malignancy, plus chemo therapy. At the time I had just given birth to our last child. I was terrified of the side affects after watching my grandmother and others alike suffer with the affects of chemo, and I turned to an alternative. I did have surgery but less evasive removing one gland, and I took the steps Dr. Cherry mentioned in his book. I have been cancer free for 14 years! Do I eat healthy every day? I try to, but things come up sometimes on the go much… NO! Do I exercise everyday? CERTAINLY NOT! (That’s a luxury I have to squeeze into my weekly schedule) Do I shout words of faith every day? NO! (There are days I absolutely don’t feel like I can and can’t utter a word of faith! But, what I do is try to do to the best of my ability to be consciensous of what I am ingesting, not with just food, but in mind, body, and spirit. Do I pray…(If you mean talk with God) EVERYDAY! I do try to get rest…unfortunately, there are those seasons that attack even that precious area I need so badly. I am sure when the Apostle Paul was sitting in prison he wasn’t worried too much about sleep or gluten free breads or pasta…I don’t think he once mentioned the lack of vegan products to keep him from his mission from God…sometimes you just got to take what you can get! But for the most part try and prepare for those days when chaos abounds. Cook ahead of time, buy when items on sale, blanch and freeze produce to keep from spoilage, and folks buying organic or farm fresh really is mere pennies in difference from processed…there is plenty of resources online to teach you. I find that when I visit the Farmer’s Market I spend much less at the grocer. At a grocer I only focus on staples, and meat, avoiding most processed foods. The winter time is the best time to pre-prepare soups, stews, crockpot dishes and freeze. Fortunately, I had all of the above the week before I became ill and was set. Unfortunately, I had worn my immunity down with lack of sleep and nutrition prior for several weeks. But, I when I realized got back on track! It’s never too late to fix it! No matter your condition healthwise! Just start. It certaintly isn’t going to hurt matters. Even if it’s the middle of the day!


Butternut Squash Soup

Recipe Benefits of Butternut Squash

Ingredients: 2 Butternut Squash 4 Cups Chicken or Vegetable stock 5 Red Potatoes 5 Carrots 1 Onion ½ Cup Grated Asiago Cheese ½ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese ½ Stick of Butter 1 tsp Sea Salt 1 tsp Black Pepper


Cut squash in half long ways, scoop out seeds and place in 1” deep dish with water and roast in oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until soft. In large pot add stock (I use a pre-made version of chicken stock from my soups). Add finely chopped vegetables. Cook on medium high for 30 minutes, or until soft, reduce heat, and simmer until squash is done. Scoop out contents of squash, place in a bowl and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Toss in blender and puree. Pour into large container. Take the vegetables and drain in strainer keeping stock to side. Toss veggies in blender and puree, and add to squash. Mix well with seasoning and butter adding stock per thickness you desire. It should be creamy and smooth. Serve topped with roasted walnuts, almonds, or sour cream and chives.


1. Prevents high blood pressure - 1 cup contains nearly 500 mg of potassium, which decrease your blood pressure by offsetting the effects of sodium intake. 3. Improves eyesight - loaded with vitamin A— one cup has over 350 percent of the RDA. It’s a great source of zeaxanthin and lutein. 4. Bone strength - It contains about 17% of your RDA of manganese, helps maintain calcium absorption, and improve the mineral density of the spinal column. 5. Protects your skin - It contains nearly half of your daily dose of vitamin C, which has been linked to healthier skin. 6. Boosts immune function- It may also help protect you from other immune system deficiencies, such as cardiovascular disease. 7. Reduces inflammation- Its high antioxidant content has anti-inflammatory effects, helping reduce risk of inflammation-related disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. 8. Aids in weight loss- With less than 100 calories, 26 carbohydrates, and almost no fat in a one cup serving, it goes without saying that butternut squash fiber content alone helps increase satiety (the feeling of fullness), which can help manage your weight. 22

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Creates Disciples Who Impact their Community for Eternity. Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship who is

Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday!

also the author of two books: ME Addiction: Having it my way isn’t so great after all and X-Odus Files: Following God in an Alien World.

29510 Tomball Parkway Tomball, TX 77375

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Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship in Tomball, TX, and has served on a City Council. He spends much time writing, speaking, and coaching others. He is married and has two grown sons and one daughter-in-law.



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