The Anchor Newspaper - Tomball

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The Anchor

Tomball VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 NOV 15, 2017

“Where it is always about good news!”


Lynn Marks—Owner of Lyndleys “A Pessimist Sees the Difficulty in

Every Opportunity; an Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty.” Do you know who quoted this? Winston Churchill? Bertram Carr? F. W. Cole? John D. Rockefeller? L. P. Jacks? Helen Keller? Anonymous?

Contest: The first email I receive with correct answer wins a FREE lunch at Lyndley’s courtesy of Food For Soul Magazine.

Lyndley’s is no ordinary Food Truck. They serve up a whole lot more then their delectable dishes. They are known for their famous BBQ. I can attest! However, I was intrigued even more by the way they served. You see, on any given day you will find Owner, Lynn Marks a former Oil and Gas inspector scoping the community to help. He not only has a passion for culinary arts, but is compassionate about helping others. On the onslaught of Harvey in August 2017, which turned many a world upside down….Lyndley’s was already preparing to run to the rescue with meals for shelters. Despite his own struggles to ensure the safety of family, his business, and shelter in place, he reached out. He and his son, Justin Marks, age 27, worked non-stop to prepare 100’s of meals. Unfortunately, the organization setting up shelter had already been overloaded with supply, and Lyndley’s was left with all that food. Lynn decided to just give it all away to every person that came to purchase food. As he shared his story of how Harvey affected him, tears well-up...but, not sad tears, tears of joy that life was starting to get back in order as he found the grocery stores being fully stocked once again. You see, Lynn and Justin both know a thing or two about loss, recovery, and compassion. Justin lost his mother in a tragic car accident in 2001 and experienced a series of other life events that would have driven most into a deep pit of depression. Lynn lost his job in the Oil and Gas industry just a few years ago, a home, and suffered with health issues. But

instead of allowing this significant calamity to bury them in sorrow, they have taken tragedy, turning it to taking care of their community. This is not only with meals but currently working toy drives for Woodlands Texas Children’s Hospital along with Noah’s Kitchen (A non-profit organization that has been working hard to help Harvey victims). Lynn Marks plays many roles, including Santa. That’s right. You can order Santa for Christmas. Whether Lynn is suited up for Santa or not, he practices gift giving every day. He serves as Christ serves, sees the good in people as Christ sees, he walks the talk as Christ talked the walk. The Marks have left a permanent mark in this community and abroad, staining the hearts of many. They have proven what persistence, patience, and endurance is all about. The first time I visited Lyndley’s I was taken back by how incredible the food was, but even more so how the meals seemed to be prepared with an extra special ingredient. There was something magical with every bite I took. I love to cook myself, and usually could easily name all the ingredients used to prepare a dish. However, this one stumped me. It was unique, precisely palatable, and filled with a heavenly ingredient. One you cannot find on earth. It was truly made with love. It had God’s fingerprints all over it! I believe this is what makes Lyndley’s menu a masterpiece! They pour their heart and soul into these recipes, and relations forming a kinship to every soul they meet. Whether your hungry for food, or need 1

food for your soul, stop by Lyndley’s...

403 E Main St, Tomball, TX

“Lyndley's is a life long culmination of my love for cooking great food and entertaining people. As a young boy I watched my Grandmother and my Mother prepare delicious meals and present them in such a way that people would be in awe of not only the presentation but the delicious taste. Over the years I yearned to have the opportunity to prepare food and entertain large groups so I designed Lyndley's Mobile Food Trailer. The trailer is a professional kitchen on wheels with a SPK500 smoker and has the ability the serve from 50-750 per day.” -Lynn Marks We offer a full catering service that includes BBQ, Cajun, Italian and Mexican.

Mobile Catering Weddings Special Events Tailgating

Justin Marks “There is no other job I would want to do...the freedom of self-employment, and serving in such a way is enough”.

Lynn Marks


“I love to hear when someone recognizes the passion put into my plates, and it is music to my ears to hear these three words…. THIS IS GREAT!”


TOMBALL EVENTS The Downtown Holiday Lamp Post Stroll Friday, November 17-December 31 More than 50 ornamental lamp posts in downtown Tomball are decorated for the holidays by local merchants and organizations. From the whimsical to the traditional, Tomball is Texan for Fun at Christmastime.

Whether you’re looking for wood furniture to complete your home’s rustic yet elegant décor or just need a special gift to give to that someone special, Adams Unique Wood Designs can create the perfect item for you. No matter what type of wood product you are searching for, we will do our best to design and create it. So when you need a unique wood item built to last, then look no further than here! All of our furniture is hand crafted from solid hardwoods and is not only made in the USA but built right here in Texas.

Call 281-222-4775 for More information For More Events VISIT:

“Custom Creations with a Cowboy’s touch”


The Anchor Newspaper is distributed twice a month in high traffic areas as a free item to the public. To Advertise or submit articles, recipes, or photos call: 281-906-1597 or email: 3

WE KNOW POOLS! DK Pools opened its doors in September 2008. In the wake of Hurricane Ike, David Lear, together with his closest friends and family, took the opportunity to help a community in need. We provided free cleanup and haul away of the massive amounts of debris left by the hurricane. It was during this time that David saw a need for a "human" service company. A company that doesn't operate solely for its own profit and gain. Instead he envisioned a service company that actually cares for each individual customer and the community as a whole. DK Pools is a family owned and operated company. Together, with over 18 years of experience in the pool industry, we have proudly served Magnolia and surrounding areas for over 9 years. DK Pools does everything from maintain your swimming pool weekly to large renovation projects and most everything in between. Our professionalism and quality of work is second to none! "David and all the guys at DK Pools are the best, they do excellent work, couldn't ask for a better team! Thanks guys!" ~Willie C

We are a FULL SERVICE pool Company!!! Weekly Maintenance ~ Equipment Repair/Replacement ~ One Time Clean ~ Drain & Clean ~ Acid Wash ~ Liner Replacement ~ Replaster ~ Tile Replacement ~ Automation Systems ~ Pool Inspection ~ Pool School ~ Algae Treatment ~ Filter Clean ~ Heaters ~ Filters ~ Pumps ~ Salt System ~ Automatic Cleaner ~ Spas ~ Water Features ~ Plumbing ~ Electrical ~ Lights ~ Rock Blast & Seal

HEATER SPECIALS $89 Heater checks: Full operation check - check safety switches, examine wiring, remove debris. 4

Southern Comfort with a New England Twist Clam Chowder Recipe 4 CANS 6.5 oz. clams 1 can 12 oz. goats milk 8 oz. goats cheese 5 lbs. peeled / cubed potatoes 8 oz. frozen corn 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms 1/2 cup diced scallions 1/4 cup diced white onion Sea Salt / Pepper to taste

Place ingredients in crockpot cover with water, and slow cook 12 hours or quick cook on High 4 hours. Top with fresh scallions or grated cheese.

Across 3. cheer 4. serenity


6. pure 8. empathy 9. yielding 12. perseverance 13. pleasure

15. grace Down 1. an intense feeling of deep affection 2. goodness 5. good shepherd


7. amnesty


10. impartiality Send in your favorite recipes with photos:


“Gratitude turns what we have into Enough�

Check for answers next issue May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. - Psalm 19:14


Therapeutic Pain -Brenda Graff "Oh Lord", I I sat up in the bed. Wondering if I was going to be able to do much today. I pulled a muscle in left shoulder, you know the kind...that hurts when you breathe. I was already worn out from the week and knew I had much to do yet still. I spent much time standing in long lines...sitting at traffic lights for extended periods of time in the heat with a/c blowing just barely above the whisper of a fly. Overheated, and running out of patience...It was honestly exhausting. Physically, and mentally. I had several test I had to take. I just wanted to be done with it. Patience has not always been a virtue for me. I am a got to get ‘er done now type of girl. I can’t stand procrastination. It’s always been in my nature to progress. Stagnant just isn’t my style. This is not always a good quality...I’ve found out. I often expect others to follow suit, and this can lead to impatience. I put expectations on others that may move at a slower pace. I am much like this due to the fact that I know life is fleeting, you don’t get back the seconds you’ve spent. Time doesn’t stand still. There are no time machines to go back and fix your fumbles. You don't get a few extra make up moments at the end of the day. There is no make -up test. Time is spent. I have this chronic "tictock" echoing in my brain when in a holding pattern. I begin to feel the

wrinkles forming on my forehead as my countenance becomes tense with impatience. Then I have to remind myself to breathe, slow the pulse, and relax. Something happened when I turned fifty. Suddenly, I realized I had lived half or possibly more than half of my life. I realized how much time I had wasted on worry, really awful relationships, expending myself on futile causes, etc. I knew I didn’t want to be forced to waste any more time. However, this day I wanted to crawl back under the covers where it was safe, where I could hide from today's duties. Where I didn't have to feel my own impatience. I wanted to stay there until I got my "Yes" The yes from God on all my concerns...Yes, today is the day I will be pain free, Yes, today my son will be excited about school work, and follow through without grumbling. Yes, someone will pitch in on I can heal up quicker. Yes, all my adult children will be functioning happily and receive the desires of their heart, and ALL at the same time. Yes, we will be able to pay off all of financial worries. Yes, my house will function in total peace every hour. Yes, winter will blow in and blast this horrible heat wave out. Yes, my phone will ring with good news instead another issue. I s-oo-o-o-o wanted my yes.

What do you do when you feel like you have been waiting for 40 years to reach the promise land? Waiting is not my virtue. However, I know it is

necessary. It is in the waiting that you discover a journey into a sometimes very necessary crucifying of your soul. It is through the waiting you find that some things are not priority, and others are. It is when you wait, you start counting your very own heart beat to hear it continuously flowing blood throughout your body, giving you life, a life that even in the waiting is still in existence. Waiting brings challenges of selfcontrol, both in word and deed. Sometimes we become so impatient we snatch back the very issue we turned over to God, believing He isn't handling it quickly enough or as we thought it should be. I know this too well. I am learning to wait in long lines without too much grumbling.... keeping pulse steady. I've learned to breathe slow deep breaths while stuck in crawling traffic. If I could just master the art of one of our cats, Holly, who has to walk a full circle at least twice.... before going out the door she has been howling at to be let out for nearly ten minutes...I might be okay. To wait. What does it mean? In the Hebrew dictionary it means to: yachal yaw-chal' -to wait; to be patient, hope: -(cause to, have, make to) hope, be pained, stay, tarry, trust, wait. And there it is folks! (be pained) ...Seriously? I know it means to trust, tarry, etc... but PAINED? I’ve been pregnant 50 months of my life, labored at least 119 hours, and birthed six chil-


You would think

after 32 years of raising

children and 50 years of living I would have learned to wait by now. No one ever said, it was going to hurt to wait...our Sunday school teachers never taught that lesson. Why didn't I at least get the part about Noah and his family stuck in a boat for more then a year with smelly animals and no way to escape the daily mundane or grab a big mac? Talk about patience! The Greek definition of patience: therapeuo ther-apyoo'-o: to wait upon menially, i.e. (figuratively) to adore (God), or (specially) to relieve (of disease): -cure, heal, worship. Wow! What a difference. To wait patiently on God...therapeutically it brings healing, a cure, worship, relief from disease... Disease!

glimpse of His design for our lives, we would spend more time enjoying it, then rushing through it to get from point A to B. Be patient=Be kind Be impatient=further behind. -B.G. Choose to be patient today! Therapeutically speaking, it can’t hurt. (Isaiah 40:31)

Brenda A. Graff Editor / Publisher The Anchor FOOD FOR SOUL MAGAZINE

“Patience is a conquering virtue.” -Geoffrey Chaucer

I realize that God may never heal certain areas of my chronic pain, or I may have to patiently function in the dysfunction of this life. I know that in all of it, I must wait...I have to wait...I can wait while I worship. I can continue, you can continue even if at a crawling speed through difficult circumstances. God's timing is so far beyond what we expect or imagine at times. He is so far ahead of us...if we could just get a 6

Christa D’Anna Business Owner & National Recruiter

“I started Thirty-One Gifts to add an extra paycheck to our household income to pay our son's adoption debt faster--but what I found was a sisterhood of Christian women, a rewarding company who spoils their consultants and hostesses, and fun friendships along the way!” -Christa D’Anna Business Owner & National Recruiter Join my VIP Page today to stay informed on monthly customer specials, new products/prints, and our upcoming OUTLET SALE! 7


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