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FOOD FOR SOUL Do You See What I See? A true story of a child’s view

In Times of Uncertainty John Tracy shares his journey to the moon

What’s on the Menu? Tips to R&R The Sky Footwear Story

College students on a mission to help the homeless All Sovereign God

Musicians making a difference with children and on air Especial Enchiladas

Homemade easy budget recipe Sensational Stir Fry

Take a journey with recording artist, John Tracy as he shares “In Times of Uncertainty” and his newly released single “Midnight Moon”

Quick recipe for families on the run

Eagles Nest Ministries A heart of restoration Jesus Do What You Do A challenge for believers to dream big

Food For Soul Is a menu of inspirational articles, and information to encourage a deliberate lifestyle physically, emotionally, but most important spiritually. Food For Soul serves up recipes for the kitchen, as well as for life! The contributing writers come from all different backgrounds, professions, and experiences that contribute much inspiration! The magazine is a ministry tool to connect and promote individuals, community outreach organizations, and missions to further expand Kingdom work. We sponsor advertising for these organizations to encourage giving, and inspire communities to get involved as we spread the message of Jesus Christ. We pray that you will join us on this mission to mend and help enable a community broken. Sponsor an ad for as little as business. No contract required.

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Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) ‌to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.



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A Word from the Publisher Greetings and a warm welcome to our 16th issue of Food for Soul Magazine! We couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to bring to our reading audience pages of awe-inspiring articles, information, and recipes for the soul and the kitchen. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice each page is filled with material to enhance, encourage, and provide practical ways to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. You can look at one category at a time, or examine the articles page by page to choose which to read first. Just as with any paper magazine, you can choose to sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the articles more leisurely. We established this on-line magazine to promote a strong deliberate life-style of giving and a heart to serve. What you will find in the pages of Food for Soul Magazine, is a collection of inspiring, educational articles written by actual, honest, down-toearth folks who work hard to live deliberately, but who are not afraid to admit the struggles that we often sometimes experience. We are honored to share the work of committed people who live their lives with a purpose and a plan to promote a work that will help many. Feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts or ask the authors a question. We appreciate your support and are so pleased to have you as a reader of Food for Soul Magazine. With warmest thanks,

Brenda Graff

Brenda A. Graff Publisher / Editor / Designer / Writer

Food For Soul Magazine Being a former news reporter sparked a great desire in me to continue writing and researching, but with a purpose to help others. Being a wife, and mom of six has had its challenges, but it has taught me much along the journey and to utilize the experience to ignite a passion for positive change in our communities. I enjoy leading with our worship team as a vocalist at ChristBridge Fellowship of Tomball, and working with youth in ministry. I am currently a busy school bus driver for T.I.S.D., and a grandmother of two, and when I’m not wrapped up with family or community, or cooking up recipes… spend many hours working on my God-given passion, which is pen to paper with a purpose!

Jeremiah 29:11 Seeking contributing writers Send comments, recipes, photos, articles, or poems to: BRENDA@INSPIREMEFOODFORSOUL.COM



DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? By Brenda Graff Photos by Averie. k photography

There is an old saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. We all have our different opinions when it comes to what we think is beautiful or not. Some might be enticed by the beauty of sparkling diamonds, while others intrigued by sparkling streams. Another may find beauty in the style of someone’s clean cut attire versus, the beauty in a unique rustic style. For some I believe beauty is persuaded through the fads of our time as to what is more acceptable. Especially, in our young generation who are captivated by the latest craze on SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, or TWITTER. The news media sure keeps us up to speed on what is in and what is NOT! Unfortunately, when you begin to allow a society of persuaded thinkers to form a generation’s opinion, the beauty of what is real, and true begins to fade. No longer do we have young women and men genuinely making sound decisions. They are now just going with the flow. Not only does it cause a society of free-thinkers as they call themselves to become bound to the endless need for approval, but they begin casting their own votes and deciding who is acceptable and who is NOT. This causes a domino effect of a jury ready to pass judgement, calling out the fashion fascist and prideful predators’ ready to pounce on their next victim. Their messages scream volumes through billboards, and social media.

I cringe every time I see a glimpse of the RedCarpet do’s and don’ts for the Oscar Awards or Emmy’s. Who cares if someone spent a billion dollars on the latest Kardashian fashion? Fashion cannot fix internal ugliness. It’s only a superficial makeover. As I get older, I am finding that beauty has its own meaning separate from our society, separate from this world. It’s the kind of beauty that can only be appreciated through the perspective and eye of one greater than you or me. It is the only kind of beauty that is sustainable, and supersedes all opinions, actions, clothing trends, make-up, wigs, tailored suits, perfectly landscaped lawns, and blue suede shoes. Our Creator, God Almighty created everything in its perfect form the way He pictured beauty. The Beholder of beauty customized our world to live in, created first man and women, even down to the fig trees grown in the garden to cover Adam and Eve’s shame. He did not need Louis Vuitton to design the “shepherds bags”, or Ralph Lauren to prepare Polo Shirts for King David’s battle with Goliath. Though these two are incredibly talented designers and famous for their polished retail line, I somehow believe our God’s beauty has been warped. I mean distorted by our own minds. So incredibly impaired that it is nearly impossible to recognize the simple beauty in every day existence. We are so busy and under pressure rushing from one place to another, or multi-focusing…we cannot see anything for more than a mere second.


Have you ever taken the time to watch a raindrop just barely hanging on a leaf after a hard rain? There are photos sold over such beauty. How about the age lines on an elderly women’s face who cared for the dying, ill, abandoned, and heart-broken who carried the empathetic face of sorrow (Mother Teresa), in her the beauty of compassion exploded over our world. Have you ever experienced the beauty of the sweet aroma of baking bread? Have you ever baked bread? Has there ever been a time when you sat and watched birds harmoniously fly in sync across a sky in a rhythm only they could hear from their Creator? Incredible beauty! This year I had the privilege of working with a middle school student who most would consider by appearance not beautiful. As a matter of fact, her entrance would cause some to be taken back by her unsightly scars that were left after being burned over 90% of her body. This girl at a very young age had not only suffered severe burns, leaving her marred for life, but she was scarred internally by the abandonment of her very own father who left her to burn to death. The first time I met her, I had to force my eyes to really look at her while she was talking to me. It was difficult. I admit that even I in all my love of this human race had a tough time getting past the marks that proved her tragedy.

As I listened to her speak, I prayed she would not hear my thoughts screaming at me, “What on earth happened to her? Look at her! Don’t let her see you struggling to LOOK AT HER!” Oh, how I felt so incredibly uncomfortable! I was ashamed at my own feelings. Nonetheless, I continued to get to know her, and finally one day I had to ask. I had to know how this happened to her. She told me the tragic story and how she ended up being adopted by a family in my own town. She had gone through many grueling surgeries thousands of miles away to repair what could be, but unfortunately, there was no more that could be done. This precious soul was left with nearly half her hair gone to never grow again. She wore long braids with what was left, and often with a bow. She dressed in adorable cute dresses, and always drug around a heavy backpack full of books to read, plus her violin. The items she carried were barely held up by her tiny Asian frame. She was eccentric in the fact that she didn’t act like someone who had been left with a disfigurement. Bella, I will call her…was one of the most outgoing students I had the pleasure of getting to know. She never walked in shame, or acted like someone who would ever be embarrassed by her appearance. You see, this young lady sat behind me as I drove her to school every day. I was her school bus driver.

“Don’t let her see you struggling!”


This precious soul always entered my bus with a great big, “HELLO MS. B! HOPE YOUR DAY IS GOOD!”. Sometimes she would bring me a breakfast omlette she made herself. Other times a flower she had picked. If she caught me in a tizzy over turning the wrong direction, she would pat me on the head gently and say, “It’s okay Ms. B, you can do this!” I had my own little cheer leader in tow. This girl was boisterous and loved life! She spoke with confidence all the time! There wasn’t a single day that I saw her depressed, or in self-pity. Bella always spoke of what she was going to do for her mom or siblings that day. She was often the first one up in the morning so she prepared meals for her brothers. Often arising early to do her chores before running to the bus stop. This student was dedicated to not only to reading up to five books a week, violin practice, but her family. She cherished her adoptive family. The last day of school she handed me the most loving, hand-made inspirational card, with a beautifully handmade bouquet of flowers, a large chocolate bar, and my favorite Starbucks gift card. She grabbed my neck and said she loved me, and thanked me for being such a good friend, and had hoped I would be her driver again next year. Ugh, the tears that welled up in me. She has no idea how she changed me! Every day was a gift to be in her presence! Her laughter, her smile, her incredible way of making me feel a little more confident each day. She was the most beautiful student I had ever in my entire life met! She was beautiful inside and out to me! Bella won first place in the district with her gifted violin playing! Her pain was thrust into her passion in music. One thing I noticed about her, is she loved everyone!

Even the students that often would treat her indifferent, unaccepted, or unattractive. She treated EVERYONE as if they were beautiful despite their ugly interior. I truly discovered the meaning of “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” for the first time in my entire life! A beholder is a witness. It is someone who expands awareness of things through the senses, especially sight. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then the person who is observing gets to decide what is beautiful. It doesn’t matter if the world doesn’t agree. It isn’t about a popular vote, political stance, religious belief, or cognitive thinking. To the beholder…beauty just is! And that is the beauty of that infamous quote! As a matter of fact, as the end of the year came to a close I noticed that some of the male students that had been previously interested in the attractive, yet selfabsorbed young girls had turned their attention to Bella, by assisting her, giving up their seats, talking to her kindly, and turning their attention away from the others. It was a strange metamorphosis to watch over the last few weeks. It was as if a lightbulb finally went off. These boys were evolving into young respectful men. It was mind-blowing, and it was beautiful to watch! It made me proud as if I had anything to do with it. Here I thought I was there to teach these students something great, to leave a legacy of some sort. Yet, it was I that learned a muchneeded lesson. It is no secret that I’ve struggled with insecurity through-out my life. I may laugh at myself often in public, but inside it still hurts to be in that place ever.


It has been a journey this past year as God has been pulling me out of that sinking ship of insecurity. I’ve become less tolerable of adult bullies. I know my worth as a child of the Most High. I’ve learned that the very ones who criticize or try to trip me up or defame me are the ones truly suffering inside with insecurity. It’s teaching me mercy. Something I have to remind myself of often. When you learn to accept yourself as God the (BEHOLDER) sees you, then there is nothing that another can do or say to change that! Just as in the case with Bella, despite her physical disfigurement, there was NO WAY anyone could tell me she wasn’t beautiful. I no longer saw scars, I saw beauty that only God could have made. As we journey through this life we will gain wounds. These wounds will sometimes scar us. But we don’t have to keep pulling back the scab to feel the sting all over again, or bleeding out on everyone around us. God loves us scars and all. He doesn’t look at us in disgust as disfigured no more than I did Bella. If we could ever get that do you realize how that would change our society, schools, workplaces, and yes even our churches? There wouldn’t be people competing for entitlement. Real beauty is something rare in a superficial society. My prayer is that the beholders will begin to see what true beauty is and build on that. A revolution of real value that like a cancer metastasis deep in the heart of everyone.

“If beauty is in the eye of the beholder….” What are you holding?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder…. what are you beholding? Mackenzie River Valley Timber Wolf/ Husky hybrid... my name's Ember 8

Who is Ember? A little history behind the photos of this beautiful wolf breed. I met Ember while walking my two dogs at the dog park. My kids and I absolutely fell in love with her! Unjust fear arises in others at the site of this gentle giant, due to unverified, and most often mythical stories. One pet, one kiss, and your hooked! This is what (Owner) Dawn Oxner had to say. Ember is a high content wolf dog. She is bred for and will be used for educational purposes to inform the public about the gentleness and beauty of this misunderstood animal. Although wolfdogs do not make good pets for the average dog owner, as they require completely different trying methods and care, she is a part of our family. She comes from the breeding of a husky and an American timber wolf. Many wolves you see in movies and tv, are actually wolfdogs. Ember is 14 months old and came from a worldwide known breeder in the states. She is extremely sweet, very pack oriented, very energetic and exponentially smarter than the smartest dog breed. They can hear sounds and smell prey up to 10 miles away if in a wide-open space. Not typical to all wolfdogs, but Ember gets along with pretty much all dogs except very small ones under about 20 pounds. She loves people and wants to befriend everyone and will greet you by rolling into her back to let you know she is not a threat. Ember is like this due to HOURS of socialization that began at 5 weeks old and continues every single day.



In today’s society, more of us need to “stop and smell the roses”, and notice the magnificence that is all around us. The raw beauty of the wolf has always intrigued me. Wolves are wild animals… elusive and surprisingly shy, for an apex predator. A wolf in the wild will do almost anything to avoid human contact, and will go to great lengths to avoid it, so studying them in their native habitat is challenging. Scientist reintroduced wolves into Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park in the 1990’s, and even though they are a protected species, they are still openly hunted. Wolves have always had a negative stigma attached to them. Think back to your childhood nursery rhymes: The big bad wolf and the 3 little pigs… he huffed and puffed and blew their house down! Then there’s ‘Little Red Hood’… Grand mama, what big teeth you have! Wolves and farmers have been battling it out for years. Lone wolves and wolf packs have been known to kill large livestock, chickens and sheep to survive, as humans and wolves are pushed ever closer together. As we encroach on their natural hunting grounds with our ever-expanding farms and housing developments, we increasingly find ourselves face to face with our childhood nursery rhyme nemesis… the big bad wolf. Domestic dogs are descendants of wolves (first domesticated by humans between 6,000 & 10,000 years ago), selectively bred for desirable traits, and commonplace in 44% of the households in the United States (according to the ASPCA). Today we have wolfdogs that are purposefully bred for education & film (movies and commercials) and breeders will breed the wolf with a number of different dog breeds, such as Siberian-Husky and Alaskan Malamutes. These 2 animals are the closet to the wolf in appearance, as well as temperament. Most of the animals that look like wild wolves in television commercials, in movies and pictures on dog food packages or magazine ad’s? The majority of those animals are, in fact, wolfdogs. They are distinguished from domestic dogs by the percentage of wolf DNA present. The categories are high content (HC), Medium content (Mid) and low content (Low). Wolfdogs do NOT make good pets, for those looking for a common domestic dog. They are very energetic, extremely intelligent and require a unique type of training. They can jump high and will dig several feet down into the ground, therefore, fences must have a dig-guard to prevent “tunneling” and a jump-guard to prevent the animal going over. Wolfdogs require a great deal of socialization from the time they are born, continuing throughout their lives. When wolfdog pups are born, they are taken away from their mother at 10-days old and bottle fed until ready for solid food. If not removed at that age, the mother will imprint on them, a fear of humans. Consequently, for them to be happy animals and have successful relationships with humans, this is a necessary step for the newborn pups. Ember arrived in our house at the ripe old age of 6 weeks. She goes to the dog park daily, as well as regular trips to Home Depot, Lowes and PetSmart (basically, any store that will allow animals). We also expose her to outdoor festivals and events that put her around as many different people and animals, strange noises, sights and smells as possible. We are bonded to her, and her to us, and it is because of this intense bond, that she trusts that we will not put her in harm’s way. Without the bond, we’ve developed & nurtured with her, she’d not be the animal she is today. Trust is everything. 10

Ember is a HC wolfdog that lives indoors. Indoor living for a high-content wolfdog is not a commonplace, and comes with certain challenges that if not prepared for and understood, can be frustrating and are usually the cause of the animal a) going to live outside permanently relegated to an enclosure, b) being given up for adoption, and c) sometimes being released ‘back to the wild’. Wolfdogs can be very destructive when/if bored, and can tear a couch or mattress apart in less time than it takes you to read this sentence. The have a measured bite strength of 1,500 lbs./sq. inch, twice that of any domestic dog. They can smell and hear prey from 6-10 miles away in certain conditions, such as in a forest or on a flat plane. Wolfdogs live in a hierarchical system within their “pack” (the family with which they live). In order to have a wolfdog living in your house, a human MUST hold the Alpha role within the pack. A firm Alpha keeping the 4-legged pack in line is a must, for any household wolfdog. Ember is bonded with each family member and has different relationship with each of us. Most importantly, Ember knows her place within the pack hierarchy, which has been the key to our success with her. Ember is very predictable, and expresses herself through body language. Once we learned to “read her” (i.e.: ears forward/back/neutral combined with tail tucked/down/straight/proofed up combined with head held down/neutral/high combined with general body language), even from a distance, we can tell how Ember will react to a given situation, or what she is about to do. Wolves/wolfdogs communicate verbally, as well as with body language, in the form of howling. Just as we are able to tell what Ember will do before she even does it from reading her body language, we’ve learned her different, unique howls for different reasons & feelings. Wolfdogs do not bark. They howl or chuff depending on the situation. These animals are extremely intelligent and beautiful. Ember can run with the ease of a gazelle, and easily out run any dog that comes her way. VISIT EMBER at: Instagram (Emberthewolfdog) Email: Averie can be contacted for photos with Ember through any of the above. EMBER THE WOLFDOG


In Times of Uncertainty -John Tracy A couple of months ago I released a new single titled “Midnight Moon” and I’m excited to announce the debut of the related music video. We had an incredible time filming these scenes and feel they really express visually what I was trying to say lyrically. Sometimes our world can be overwhelming. Not only the day-today, trying to earn a living, pay the bills, keep all the balls balanced in the air, but in particular when there are times like these with the current state of politics and world affairs, it can be downright frightening. So many emotions, opinions, angst, anger and fear. I was pondering all of this anxiety one night when the moon caught my eye. As I stepped outside to see the bright full moon in the night sky, I couldn’t help but feel this deep sense of peace. The moon has risen and set for thousands of years like clockwork. No matter how bad things may appear, it is always there. Even when it is barely a sliver, it still appears every night.

The peace I felt emanated from the One who put that moon in the heavens. There are times we feel Him big and bright in our lives like the vibrant full moon. And then there are other times when we barely know or sense that He is there, much like the sliver moon. But He is faithfully always present, watching over us, guiding us if we let Him, keeping us always in His sights. In times like these, that’s the comfort we can count on. This is what we can set our hopes on and what gives us the strength and courage to start each day fresh. This music journey I am on is one test of faith after another. The constant struggle to find ways, especially in today’s music industry, to balance the desire to create great music with the realities of earning a living can be daunting. To be honest, there are many days I’m ready to give up. But I do feel that I am on the path God has chosen for me, even if it seems to me that I’m on a continual path of detours to get where I want to be. -cont’d


John Tracy has a reputation for crafting lyrics that cut right to the heart of the matter, making his music relevant to all of us on this human journey. Inspired by his folk, blues and acoustic rock influences, his songs fortify the human connection – truly REAL MUSIC for people living REAL LIFE.

That’s the thing, though – my struggle comes when I keep my eyes on where I want to be, not necessarily seeking if that is where He wants me to be. In the end, if I’m not using my gifts for His glory, it really isn’t going to produce the kind of fruit that has a lasting impact. And I won’t be all that He created me to be. So, when you are facing times of uncertainty and struggle, just take a step outside to ponder things in the light of the midnight moon!



MIDNIGHT MOON (Lyrics and Music by John Tracy Wilson, John Tracy Publishing, ASCAP)

The world is trying to spoil our happy ending It wants to hide our path to peace Filling life with troubles unrelenting To keep us down, flat on our knees But the midnight moon came out this evening Soothing all the worries of the day Asking who will start believing In more than doom and gloom Tonight I’m gonna listen to the midnight moon No longer will I let the day choose to limit How much happiness I can breathe I’ll feel the pulse of every precious minute Inside the hope that set me free ‘Cuz the midnight moon came out this evening Soothing all the worries of the day Asking who will start believing In more than doom and gloom Tonight just listen to the midnight moon When you’re out there inside the quiet There’s so much you can hear Clarity speaks in the silence Drowning the shouts of our fear Yeah, the midnight moon came out this evening Soothing all the worries of the day Asking me and you to start believing In more than doom and gloom It’s time we all listen to the midnight moon


“No longer will I let the day choose to limit how much happiness I can breathe. I’ll feel the pulse of every precious minute inside the hope that set me free”

John's music is all about building positive relationships. In keeping with his message, he is an active supporter of Young Life, a ministry devoted to making a positive impact on the kids in our communities. Having found acceptance, encouragement and support from his leaders through his own involvement in Young Life as a teen, he is pleased to be a part of their continuing efforts to reach out to middle school, high school and college students in friendship and hope. John Tracy's songs are filled with the message of life, love and family, resonating deeply within our souls. His mastery on acoustic guitar allows him to compose remarkable and exciting melodies that move our feet and make our spirits lighter. To learn more about his music visit ---------------------------------------------------------CONTACT: Teri Wilson John Tracy Music LLC 817-296-2759


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What’s on the Menu?

Recipe for R&R Photo by B. Graff

REASONS TO ADD RELAXING TO YOUR DAILY CONSUMPTION: 1. It is VITAL to your mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. 2. It is VITAL to your relationships in and outside your home. 3. It is VITAL to your success. Contrary to the work-aholics, and go-getters in society, rest is not being slothful. Nor is it wasting precious time. It is time well-spent in rejuvenating your mind, and your soul. “Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength… It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.” -Charles Spurgeon Your being can only take so much when going in a vicious cycle of doing for so long before it breaks down. Rest is a gift from God. It is also a commandment we often overlook. Mark 2:27-28 Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So, the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!” Exodus 23:12 “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed. “ Our society has taught us that doing, and being busy is the only option to success, and worse some believe as long as they stay on the treadmill of doing they are being successful, but in fact, it is nothing but a smoke screen screaming out “I need approval”.


You must take time in ministry to rest. Some overwork themselves doing God’s work as if His plans will fail if you are not constantly in the mix. Trust me…He will figure something out if you need to rest. His Kingdom work will not stop just because you need a vacation, or a nap. You need rest to do the will of God. Even Jesus had to tell His disciples to rest. Mark 6:31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” It is the will of God for you to rest. Hebrews 4:9-10 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. I know what you’re already saying, “If I don’t take care of this, no one else will”. “I don’t have time to rest”. I get it. Trust me I totally get it! I am on a time-clock from the time I open my eyes till I struggle to sleep at night. Time is very important to me not to waste. I am having to learn to rest, and take moments to breathe deeply, and slowly. Unfortunately, due to my lack of relaxation it caused a domino effect of health issues. It’s taken its toll. Some of it could have been avoided if I had paid closer attention to the pain my body was screaming at me. If you are a busy bee, here is your WARNING…. TAKE TIME TO RELAX however, whenever, where ever you can! HERE ARE A FEW TIPS: •

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Set a goal for preparing for bed, winding down, turning off cell phones, social media, lights, and taking phone calls, and any stimuli within 2 hours of bedtime. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, alcohol, or any stimulant within 3-4 hours of bedtime. There are apps you can download or set your phone to DO NOT DISTURB till a.m. if need be. Set your alarm for at least an hour to 2 before you must be anywhere, that way you are not rushed. You are prepared for mishaps, breakdowns, or change of plans. At least 3 x’s a day just sit up straight and take deep breath with arms stretched, slowly exhaling while lowering your arms. This helps with circulation and oxygen intake and helps to lower cortisol, and blood pressure. Take 10-15 minutes intervals to read a devotion, a moment to communicate with God throughout your day. Journal daily. I cannot express how much this helps to clear your head, re-think your plan, and your priorities. In the morning and the eve, light a candle with Jasmin, Lavender, or Pumpkin Spice, all have the effect of aromatherapy and bringing a calmness to your environment. Plan your chaos – YES, PLAN IT! You can choose when and who you must deal with on that day, prepare yourself mentally with God’s direction. Don’t waste time in conversations that are not conducive, such as gossip, negative talk, or arguing with fools. Proverbs 23:9-Speak not to the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

You don’t have to get caught up in these time-stealer-wasters. Choose to stay clear of the drama. 18

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Do not over extend yourself by committing to something that you might regret doing later. If you do something out of obligation, you will only resent it. Take a minute to ‘smell the roses’. If you pay attention to your surroundings whether at a grocery store, walking down a side-walk to an appointment or drive past a garden, STOP! Stop and literally take in the beauty and aroma for a moment. Listen to water sounds when you feel your hurried or anxious about your schedule. I use my all-time favorite: MYNOISE.NET Take a 15-minute power nap. It helps you to reset your system to go, like rebooting your computer. It functions better. If no way to vacation, set your mind in vacation mode at least one day a week. Surround yourself with people, places, and things that make you sense a vacation-like peace. I often take myself to a little garden center, or farmer’s market. I will sit and watch others strolling together laughing, and relaxing, while I take in the sun, or take photos of flowers, and hand-crafted items. Sometimes I will visit a candle shop which ultimately brings a sense of relaxation with a variety of aromas. Go to a park and feed some ducks, watch a squirrel climb a tree. Something that will take you away from your hurried environment. Take yourself out for a relaxing dinner ALONE occasionally. You would be shocked at how much you enjoy your food, and digest it better when it isn’t thwarted with conversations of the chaos of the day, or having to reprimand children through each choking bite. Get a foot massage! You wouldn’t believe HOW MUCH this relieves stress! You feel like a new person when you walk out! Yoga is also a GREAT benefit to relaxing, with a whole onslaught of health benefits! Remember: Rest is a gift from God.

Psalm 127:2 - It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. You can create an atmosphere of relaxation. But you must choose to. No one can do it for you. If it’s a walk on a beach, laps in a pool, listening to music, or walking your dog. Do something to make it happen. It’s your choice! The only one stopping you is YOU!

Brenda A. Graff/Food For Soul Magazine


The Sky Footwear Story The inspiration behind Sky Footwear began back in the fall of 2010. I was volunteering at a low barrier homeless shelter in Bloomington, Indiana, when my eyes were opened to the heart-breaking situation that a lot of my neighbors lived in. I found myself connecting to many of their stories and my heart began to break as I learned about the struggle, pain, and hopelessness that most of them face. I realized that many of these people who had nothing were thankful for anything. I was repeatedly amazed at the thankfulness that the individuals at the shelters showed for the simple things that I take for granted every day. "I realized that many of these people who had nothing were thankful for anything." Just five years later in the summer of 2015, I felt the growing urge to do something impactful – and as the year wore on, I could no longer ignore the tug on my heart by the homeless I was continuously interacting with in my hometown. I approached one of my closest friends, Eric Cellier, with hopes of teaming together and creating something that would turn this dream into a reality. Having the same passion for the homeless as I do, Eric instantly connected with my vision, and thus began our new journey to bring hope to a group of people who desperately need it. Through conversations with members and workers of the homeless community, we came to the conclusion that providing socks is both practical and reasonable. Thus, we dove head-first into the sock business. We hope to create a tangible way that everyone can make a positive impact in the life of a homeless man or woman. We believe that a gift as simple as a pair of socks will spark encouragement and hope into the lives of the homeless across the nation. It is our vision that those who wish to make a difference can use Sky Footwear to both make that difference and look pretty stylish in the process as well. You never know what a small act of kindness can communicate. You never know what could spark a change in someone’s life. Who knows, a pair of socks might be just what they need. - Keaton Hendricks OUR STORY VIDEO


O UR STO RY INCL UDES YO U Did you know the #1 requested item from homeless shelters is socks? Our mission at Sky Footwear has been developed around the knowledge of that – for every of socks purchased from us, we give a pair of socks to our partnered homeless shelter of the month across the U.S. Socks are small items that are taken for granted in most homes, but they are among the most cherished of possessions for someone who doesn’t have a home. Who knew purchasing a pair of socks could make such a difference in the lives of some of our neighbors?

1.0 S h o p Purchase a sock that fits your style.

2.0 P rov i de Each sock sold during the month is sent to our partnered Homeless Shelter of the Month.

3.0 I n s pi re

Your donation helps provide the proper care and love that these homeless individuals need in order to elevate their situation. All of our nonprofit partners have established programs to help get them back on their feet.

4.0 S h are

Help the cycle continue by spreading the mission of Sky Footwear and providing the opportunity to give to those who are around you. You buy one. We give one. Let's live better together. 21

F i nd yo u r pe r fe c t p ai r !


Bu y i n b ul k . G iv e i n b ul k. Looking to purchase Sky Footwear socks in large quantities for your upcoming event, office party, or athletic team? Sky Footwear offers several different unique designs to fit every individual’s style.

MORE IMPACT You buy one. We give one. We live better together. Sky Footwear's model does not change with bulk orders. The more pairs you buy, the more you save, and the larger our impact can be together. Click HERE for MORE information!


After meeting at a Christian poetry reading, the two felt called to make music together. Townshend’s background in Easy-Listening music brought him success in the secular music industry. Now, combined with vocals and songwriting from Phillips, the duo brings a Christian message and soothing sounds together to create a soft, delicate Christian sound unique to them. “All Sovereign God” is more than just an album, but also the fruit of a calling to ministry. The duo sings at churches, Christian bookstores, and charity events in their area. They often donate ukuleles to children at these events, helping to bring even more music into their lives long after the concert has ended. “We want our image and our style to reflect our mission as charitable musicians,” said Townshend. “We want to give back to these causes that tug on our hearts as much as we can.” The songs on “All Sovereign God” are inspired both by real-life experiences of the heart and by Biblical scripture. 23

Phillip’s mother is an ordained minister concert pianist and single mother that raised six kids on her own. Her brother is also an ordained minister who nearly perished in a car crash at 17. Both these strong individuals encouraged her greatly and inspired many of the songs on this record. Phillip’s provides not only her voice to these recordings, but writes the lyrics, put to music and arranged by both Townshend and Eamonn Karran.

Their ultimate hope is that their music inspires you to store up in Heaven the three things that will never pass away: Faith, hope, and love. These 3 things remain; everything else passes away.

“No matter what you’ve been through, no matter what your background is, you are God’s child, and he has a great purpose for your life – and he loves you,” says Phillips. “We want to inspire that feeling in you – that no one is exempt from the great things God has in store for those who love Him.”


These two certainly bring an enchantment to any atmosphere they share their music. The music is soothing, refreshing, and causes you to transcend into peaceful worship.

Pure & Gentle Christian Music from the Heart


Spinach Enchiladas Directions: In heated skillet add olive oil, onion, mushrooms, seeded and diced peppers, spinach, and cumin. Sauté until onion is translucent and peppers soft. (If adding meat) Remove veggies and set aside while preparing meat until thoroughly cooked. Once meat is cooked add to veggie mixture cover and set aside.

Ingredients: 20 Corn Tortillas (extra soft) 1 lb. Ground lean pork / turkey / chicken (optional)

2 cups (fresh) Spinach 1 lg. (diced) Onion 1 cup (fresh) Cilantro 2 Poblano Peppers 1 cup Mushrooms (optional) 1 cup Sour Cream 5 Tomatillos 1 lg. Avocado 2 Garlic (cloves)

In separate pot bring tomatillos (covered in water) to a quick boil 1 minute. Simmer until dark and soft. Drain and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Rinse, drain, and chop cilantro. Cut, slice, peel, and pit avocado. Peel and rinse garlic (Peel cloves by crushing them lightly with the flat of a knife and the heel of your hand) In blender, add tomatillos, cilantro, avocado, garlic, salt, sour cream, cream mixture 3 minutes.

Set aside. Pre-heat oven on Bake at 350 . In 2-3” deep baking pan spread a small portion of green salsa. Layer 6 tortillas evenly 2 in each row. Drizzle a little more salsa. Evenly cover with veggie mixture and grated cheese. Repeat another layer. Add last layer of tortillas, veggie / meat mixture, grated cheese. Pour remaining salsa, grated cheese, and bake in oven for 20 minutes. Top off with fresh cilantro, onions, black olives, green onions, etc. (optional) and serve.

2 tsp. Cumin (Comino) 1 tsp. Sea Salt 1 cup (shredded) Monterey Jack cheese 4 tbls Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This recipe will feed a family of 4 for as little as $4.00 a plate! 26

Eagles Nest Ministries of Conroe 1450 Blake Rd., Conroe, TX 77304 • 936-703-3084 •

God’s heart is restoration. At Eagles Nest, we’re committed to God and His heart for people. We realize that few people in this generation have experienced God’s love due to the breakdown of our culture, of church and family. So many are suffering the devastating effects. Loneliness and fear reside where love and faith once lived.

Sr. Pastor/Exec. Dir. Jeff Williams The perpetual deterioration of the church and home has led to the decline of our culture. Where

morals, character and values decrease; perversion, addiction and crime increase. We believe that at the heart of every problem is a problem of the heart. In order to restore what is broken, we must return to our roots. Eagles Nest brings hope through change, one life at a time. Our 16-acre campus provides a safe and non-judgmental environment, creating a Christ-centered and family oriented experience. The family based processes we utilize for restoring lives are applied in an atmosphere of love and safety. When Jesus was asked in Mark 12:28-30, Teacher what is the greatest commandment? He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. This axis of truth provides the catalyst for our 12-month discipleship program. Each participant is guided through 4 phases of study with each phase addressing one of the components of this great commandment. The Phase Classes lead the students through the God-given processes for the total restoration of human life. From Healing the Wounded Heart to Living the Spirit-Led Life, Developing the Mind of Christ and then Becoming the Living Sacrifice. Eagles Nest Ministries is led by a staff with over 50 years of combined ministry experience. Over 800 people have been served by this ministry since March of 2006. In this 11 years of service, we’ve never had to place a 911 call. Praise God for His providence, provision and protection over this ministry. We remain committed to the Great Commission. We want to share God’s heart with every man, woman and child. We will continue to go behind enemy lines in order to rescue and restore the lost, addicted, incarcerated and broken. We are committed to God and His heart for restoration.

Life in prison is tough. No hope, no peace, no joy, it’s a dark place. But God’s light shines brightest in the darkest of places. While incarcerated, I began to grow in my relationship with God. But when I was released, I was struggling with a place to fit in this world. I needed a place to grow in my faith to see more of life. A friend of mine invited me to Eagles Nest and the Candace Baker moment I entered the sanctuary, I knew this was the place that God wanted me to be. There at the cross, I laid down my burdens. My past failures, my struggles, my weaknesses and every disappointment in my life. I realized at that moment that God began to shift something in my life. 27

We pledge to provide a safe environment for everyone. Focused personalized attention and patience through the completion of processes, and quality and experienced leaders as role models to do the work. We invite you to be a part of our vision. Participate by giving time and resources. Partner with us and join our church. Pray above all and intercede on our behalf as we do God’s work. We are the REVOLUTION AT WORK, Come Join Us…

Eagles Nest Ministries • 1450 Blake Rd. Conroe, TX 77304 • 936-703-3084


Services at a Glance


` 29


Referenced Bible verses in magazine used versions: KSJ, NIV, NKJV, ESV, HCSB


RECIPE Photo by B. Graff

Ingredients: 12-24 oz. Frozen Stir-Fry Vegetables (depends on desired portions) 1 lb. Lean (sliced) Pork Chops ½ cup sliced Mushrooms (optional) Ÿ cup Sesame Oil 2 tbsp. light Soy Sauce 1 cup Rice (whole grain / white)

Directions: Using a Wok or large deep skillet, on high heat adding oil till it begins to bubble. Toss in prepared frozen veggies. Flash fry by tossing and stirring rapidly, covering all portions with oil for approximately 5-10 min (they should have a stiff consistency (with crunch) remove and set aside. Skillet still heated add chops, onion, mushroom, and, soy sauce. Mix well, and reduce heat to med-low and let simmer for 10-15 min until meat is thoroughly cooked. Prepare rice according to instructions in separate pot. Add back in the frozen veggie mix and toss well together, and serve over rice.


Is something missing on this page? Yes, you!

What’s your story? Inspire us today by sending it to: 33


Tray Michaels, who was recently interviewed on sparked a great interest in me to contact him. His recent song “Jesus Do What You Do” sprung me into action by really grasping the meaning of the lyrics the first time I heard it. How quickly we forget the miracles of Jesus day, and the things He has done in our past. Whether it is to change the circumstances or to just give peace in the midst of storms, if we would step back a moment and let Him do His will His way…we wouldn’t struggle so hard, living in survival mode all the time. On first contact with Tray, I can genuinely say that he is genuine! This truly passionate minister in so many facets…ministered to me that day! We spent nearly two hours on the phone! He is an anointed Worship Leader / Songwriter / Pastor, and passionate Preacher! -Brenda Graff / Food For Soul Magazine


Tray often leads worship with his wife, “Ashlee”, who is a gifted worshipper in her own right. Tray has a passion for the lost and missions and has traveled worldwide leading worship working with Luis Palau NGA and playing at their festivals as well working with many churches. Tray has shared the stage with many top artists such as Sanctus Real, Jaci Velasquez, Salvador, Rebecca Saint James, Kutless, Circle Slide, and Falling Up. Tray has been involved in ministry and mission for 17 years. He currently serves on staff at Revolution Foursquare Church in Portland, Oregon as an Associate and Worship Pastor. Tray’s motivation and goal is to reach the lost and encourage the saved through music and God’s word. He has a heart to challenge believers to dream big and grasp that God has a calling and plan for everyone and to start walking in it now.

To hear more about Tray’s ministry and music visit links below:


Creates Disciples Who Impact their Community for Eternity.

Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday! 29510 Tomball Parkway

Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship who is also the author of two books: ME Addiction: Having it my way isn’t so great after all and

Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship in Tomball, TX, and has served on a City Council. He spends much time writing, speaking, and coaching others. He is married and has two grown sons and one daughter-in-law.

Tomball, TX 77375 Get Directions 281.351.4445


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