Program of Studies 21-22

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in Honors English who wish to take Advanced Placement English Literature must have an average grade of 85 in AP English Language and Composition. (NCAA) 3600 Academic Writing 1 (10, 11, 12) 2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester This course intensively addresses the elements of writing across the curriculum. Students will focus on the key elements of grammar, usage and mechanics through actual writing and reading assignments rather than from a traditional grammar textbook. Assignments will focus on descriptive and narrative essays including a This I Believe essay, process writing, argumentative and analytical essays. The procedures of brainstorming, proofreading, revising, peer editing and self-assessing will be reinforced as critical components of the writing process. Students will learn the power of diction as they complete a portfolio of their best work for their final assessment. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Freshman Foundations of Writing. (NCAA, Communications Concentration, Applied Science Concentration) 3610 Film Studies (11, 12) 5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester The primary goals of the Film Studies course is to teach appreciation of filmmaking as an art form, critical thinking, formal research, and writing. This course teaches students to approach film analysis using and developing the same skills that are applied to studying literature. The class will screen and analyze full- length films and will read and study a college- level textbook, journal articles and popular reviews. Additionally, students will learn four models of writing about film. This course familiarizes students with basic film production and terminology, it may include a field trip and guest speakers from the professional film world to help elevate the learning and application of concepts. 3620 Introduction to Creative Writing (10,11, 12) 2.5 Credits 40 Minutes, 1 Semester Students who have a serious interest in writing creatively will approach writing as a process.

They will write daily, analyze the styles of accomplished writers, draw conclusions about the effects of various writing techniques, consider the importance of audience, practice the steps of the process (thinking, reflecting, organizing, writing, and rewriting), and engage in peer editing. Guided practice will focus attention on establishing purpose, controlling dominant impression, and selecting details. They will attend to word choice and sentence structure. Students will write poetry, essays, short narratives, dialogue, play scripts, advertising copy, and letters. A workshop atmosphere presupposes a serious approach to writing, critiquing, and building a portfolio of writing samples. (NCAA) 3630 Intro to Mass Communications (11,12) 5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester Intro to Mass Communications will examine the history and evolution of the major mass communication media: books, newspapers, magazines, radio, recordings, film television, and the Internet with a focus on their impact on American Society and beyond. Students will analyze the economic, political, cultural, and behavioral impacts of the mass media and new information technologies. A primary aim of this analysis is to recognize and identify the influence of the media on our perceptions, values, behaviors, and the extent of that effective collaboration, and oral discussion. (Communications Concentration) 3640 Journalism 1 (10, 11, 12) 5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester Students will have the opportunity to be a part of the news team that designs and creates our school newspaper, The Voice. Students will learn the basics of news writing, feature writing, sports writing, editorial writing, page layout and design. They will brainstorm story ideas and write and edit their own pages. They will learn interviewing techniques under strict deadline pressure. The class will be divided into the different sections of the school newspaper. A strong interest in journalism, writing, current events, and/or computer design and layout is strongly urged. (Communications Concentration) 3645 Journalism 2 (10, 11, 12) 5 Credits 80 Minutes, 1 Semester In this production, workshop-style course, students gain first-hand experience in planning, writing, organizing, and laying out materials essential to 20

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