My Testing/ Immuniza tion List:
How to contact us:
TB test #1 to be read on:
Zone 1 (Moncton area) 857-5350
TB test # 2 to be read on: __________________
Hepatitis B due on: 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________
MMR due on: 1. _________________ 2. _________________
Zone 2 (Saint John area) SJRH 648-6618 Charlotte County 465-4496
An Introduction to Employee Health Services
Zone 3 (Fredericton area) DECRH 452-5310 OPH 357-4732 URVH 375-2711 HDSJ 273-7171 Zone 7 (Miramichi area) 623-6139
Varicella vaccine due : 1. _________________ 2. _________________
Confidentiality matters! Your confidentiality is assured and your health records or information will not be released without your signed authorization.
Promoting a healthier and safer tomorrow
Initial Health Screenings: All new employees are required to have a health screening within 30 –60 days of being hired. This includes: Brief medical history Immunization history/update Blood pressure/weight Tuberculosis testing Bloodwork may be required Allergy history Please bring your immunization & tuberculosis testing records with you for your screening!
Immunizations It is strongly recommended that health care workers are immune or are immunized against the following: Hepatitis B
Needlesticks/Blood & Body Fluid Exposures What should I do immediately after an exposure?
Worksite assessments are available to ensure your workspace is ergonomically correct for you. Ask us for details!
1. Self-administer first aid
Health Promotion
Puncture wound/needlestick or splashes to skin —Wash with soap & water for 10 minutes. Do not use bleach!
Are you interested in improving your health? We are too & can help provide you with tools to make those changes reality.
Splashes to mucous membranes/eyes— flush with water/saline for 15 minutes
Joint Health & Safety Committees
During office hours (Monday to Friday) contact Employee Health Services. After hours go to Emergency Department . 2. Report the incident to your manager immediately and complete an incident report.
Always practice routine infection control precautions to prevent exposures!
Communicable Disease Follow-up
Employee Health Services takes an active role in communicable disease follow-up. We provide follow-up & will refer you for medical assessment when necessary. Health care workers maybe exposed to a wide variety of diseases such as meningitis.
Tetanus/Diphtheria Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis Varicella (Chickenpox)
Injury/illness assessment We provide nursing assessment & first aid for a wide variety of work related & non-work related injuries/illnesses.
Ergonomic Assessments
Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment!
All workplaces are required to have JHSC. Occupational Health Nurses are one of these JHSC multi-disciplinary members. You may see us doing safety walks or helping with incident investigations as part of our role. We work within a team including Work Safe NB to prevent work place injuries!
N95 Respirator Testing We will provide or give you contact information to book an appointment for N95 respirator testing.
I need help! Ho w to conta ct u s: HJ
We all need a helping hand from time to time. Stress, parenting issues, finances, adZone 1 (Moncton area) dictions just to name a few. We can tell 857-5350 you what services are available in your Zone 2 (Saint John area) refer you. Whenever community & help SJRH 648-6618 Phone: 555-555-5555 possible, we will provide you with a safe Fax: 555-555-5555 place to call for EFAP services. 1-866E-mail: 347-2067