Internship – Bi-weekly Report # 5 Name: Brenna Coles
Date Submitted: March 22, 2013
E-mail Address:
Cell/Home Phone: 506-233-7532 506-857-9986
Bi-weekly Reporting Period: From: March 11, 2013 Note:
To: March 22, 2013
Please complete the following three parts of the Bi-weekly Report and submit via Online Blackboard Learn (BbL) by midnight Sunday immediately following the two-week period. Submissions to BbL are time-stamped.
Part 1. Bi-weekly Time (%) Report Based upon your journal entries and time log, indicate below an approximate distribution of your work time over the reporting period. Try to estimate the percentage of time spent on suggested categories. Administrative/Clerical Meetings Research/Study Presentations Journals/Reports Other _____________
_20_% _20_% 10__% __3_% _3__% ____%
Observation __9_% Planning/Preparation _25_% Problem Solving ____% Attend conference/workshops 10_% Interventions ____% Evaluation of Programs ____%
Part 2. Actual Time Log Week
Week March 8am9
1115, 2013
Total Hours
8am- 8am- 40
Job Competencies Used During the Week
Competency B: Distinguishes between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being. Competency C: Infers need for Health Education/Promotion on the basis of obtained data. Competency A: Recruits community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning. Competency A: Develops a
Week March 8:30a 10
March 4:30p 8
Part 3.
plan for coordinating Health Education/Promotion services. Competency A: Utilizes computerized health information retrieval system effectively. Competency B: Distinguishes between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being. Competency C: Infers need for Health Education/Promotion on the basis of obtained data. Competency A: Recruits community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning. Competency A: Develops a plan for coordinating Health Education/Promotion services. Competency B: Facilitates cooperation between and among levels of program personnel. Competency A: Utilizes computerized health information retrieval system effectively. Competency B: Establishes effective consultative relationships with those requesting assistance in solving health-related problems.
Personal analysis of your professional development
I have had a lot of progress in the past two weeks for my special service project. I first received feedback from the Employee Health Nurses regarding the Physical Health Profile which I adapted the form. For the most part no negative feedback has been received and I would say that it is genuine criticism in order to improve the form. Then I moved forwards and created a PowerPoint presentation to present to the Employee Health
Nurses via teleconference. It was a brief overview of the purpose of the Employee Health Profile/Physical Health Profile. We also used the teleconference time to answer and questions they had and to put them at ease. The PowerPoint presentation was 20 minutes and then we had an informal focus group which I had prepared questions beforehand which lasted about 25 minutes. I was nervous at first getting prepared and reviewing my notes. At the beginning of the presentation I was nervous because of the technical issues that we experienced but I quickly fell into “presenter mode�. I feel positive that this was effective step to take and overall the feedback received will help me get to the final draft that I plan to present to Marilyn Considerable work has been made in the New Brunswick Workplace Wellness Advisory Committee. During this reporting period I was asked to create a draft overview for a PowerPoint presentation. Once the information was complied Marilyn and I created a PowerPoint presentation and sent it to Anne Cullihall and Jennifer Blackwood. There is less than a month away until the workshop and official launch. I am finding it challenging to work with groups of people who span across the province. It is not very time effective to work collaboratively with people though long distance. It would make it so much easier if they were able to get together one afternoon and get create the PowerPoint all together rather than getting each of their comments separately and then trying to please everyone. Teamwork is especially important and having the patience for teamwork to work is probably what I have come to realize the most. My personal enhancement project is coming along well. I have done a lot of work on it during the past two weeks. First, I put together an outline of my report including the literature review and in total there are seven parts. I have completed the table of contents, cover page as well as all the research need for the report and the literature review. I am focusing my attention on the writing part. It is due on March 31 which works well because this is a short week due to Good Friday and I hope to work on it during my time off. Other things that took place over the past two weeks that are worth mentioning include the Human Right Training that I attended. It was mandatory for human resource and management staff to attend a two hour session. They will be taking place over the next several weeks. I found the session to be extremely interesting and relevant to my certificate in Disability Management. The presenters were from the Human Rights Commission; they had wonderful examples which made the presentation interesting and definitely captured my interest with their storytelling. Moreover, Marilyn has asked me to help her with creating a webinar for her April 8th workshop on Workplace Wellness. She wants the webinar to be in the managers perspectives to promote and enhance wellness leadership. An important element is that it must be interactive and focus on mental health. This reporting period was extremely productive and I can easily say I am pleased with the amount of work I was able to get done. Although I am getting frustrated with the time I spend with Marilyn, I am not able to spend quality time with her and get clear guidance on my special service project. The time I have with her is focused on other issues such as the New Brunswick Workplace Advisory Committee workshop and the mental fitness- workplace wellness webinar for April 8. Another frustrating issue that has been ongoing for the past two weeks is the fact that some of my important working documents have become corrupt. I have not been able to fix them and therefore I lose the document and have to recreate it based on a printed copy. I have switched from using
documents on my USB drive to the folder on the hard drive. I am cautious not to lose any files as I know I need everything for my portfolio at the end of my internship so I have been backing up all my file on my desktop on my work computer, saving them on my USB drive and sometimes emailing them to myself. I hope that in the next four remaining weeks this does not happen again.