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Brenna Coles Portfolio



Professional persona School Resume report (Butterf Business card with valued proposition ly design) | [PickHealth Promotion Competencies the date]

Health Promotion internship

Job description and descritption of specaill services project Goals and objectives post-mid-term Personal enhancement written report: A closer look: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Specail service project outline Specail service project written report: Horizon’s Workplace wellness strategy: Wellness profile inicitative. The duty to accommodate: Human rights commission training Mental fitness in the workplace; an approach to promoting psychological wellness: pre-conference workshop The national standard for physchological health and safety in Canadian workplaces: webinar Heart and Stroke: Workplace wellness conference Networking Professional development Hockey Canada National Coach Certification Program Hockey Canada: Speak out: It’s more than just a game program


Certificate of achievement from the Department of Health: Health Protection Branch : Food handler’s Course New Brunswick Community College Certificate of Participation Word 2007 for Beginner New Brunswick Report on Student performance: English Language Proficiency Assessment Letter of acknowledgement from Joanna Murphy, Coordinator, Certificate in Disability Management Certificate of Completion: Certificate in Disability Management, Dalhousie University New Brunwsick Community College academic transcript: Introduction to basic Medical Terminologies High School diploma from Bernice McNaughton High School Health and Safety Passport: record of training Canadian Red Cross certified in Standard First Aid and CPR-C Certificate of Participation, Canadian Injury Prevention Curriculum Program, Dalhousie University

Sample Writing Rubella screening clinic report Healthy living: Reproductive health- Grade 7 resource unit Youth Workplace Injuries: Education-based prevention- Literature review Extended Op-Ed: Poverty and Inequality among young Mothers

A community health promotion strategy for screening and detecting diabetes in the homes in North End Halifax Research Proposal: Does removing the gallbladder lead to and increased risk of developing type two diabetes?: A 10 year longituadinal prspective cohort study with control group School report (Butterf Vocational Analysis Case study ly design) | [PickDan’s Case Study: Physchological impact the employment date]

of disability and loss of

The effects of work hardening and early return to work interventions- Literature review


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