Adult Education Summer 2015

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ADULT EDUCATION Summer Workshops 2015 01539 725133

Image: Painting Weeks with Frances Winder


Please be aware that some course fees and workshop times are subject to change

Please be aware some classes incur additional costs for materials.

Adult Education 2015


Painting Holidays Kate Bentley

Our painting holidays are designed to be sociable, friendly and inspiring with excellent tuition from dedicated local artists who celebrate South Lakeland’s spectacular scenery and history. Sessions run daily throughout the week from 10.30am – 4.30pm. Please contact Box Office if you wish to secure your place with a £100 deposit with the remaining balance due four weeks before. For full course itineraries and to book your place online visit Brewery Painting Weeks, in partnership with..

Outdoor sketching days for 2015 will take place at the following locations depending on which course you book: • Brantwood, Coniston • Rydal Water • Holehird Gardens, Windermere • Grasmere • Wray Castle, Ambleside • Staveley • Brigsteer, Lyth Valley

Our courses are suitable for all levels of painters with the aim of developing each individual’s style and include: • 3/4/5 days detailed tuition • Lunch & refreshments • Outdoor painting/sketching • Untutored evening session (Optional) • Transport • Group evening meal


ur popular summer programme is ever changing and is developed to ensure classes and workshops continue to be diverse and inspiring where people will experience the joy of learning and the pride that comes with achievement. This year is no exception, and with a mixture of new workshops and old favourites we are confident our brochure has something for everyone and you will be spoilt for choice! We are proud to continue to offer adult learning which brings new opportunities and enriches people’s lives whether by gaining more confidence, meeting new friends or by improving health and wellbeing.

Duncan Ibbotson

This would not be achievable without the generous subsidies from Cumbria Adult Education. For further and up-to-date information, visit our website at and click on Adult Ed.

Pastels: Summer Landscape

Code DI PPH Jun 9 – 11 | Fee £249 This three-day course is dedicated to pastels where students will learn about this versatile and exciting medium taught by Duncan who is well known for his inspiring enthusiasm. One-to-one guidance will be backed up by formal class tuition and practical demonstrations for both the beginner and the well experienced painter.

Course information sheets with further details on each course are available on request or you will be automatically sent one if you enrol onto a course. Workshops can fill up quickly so BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment. Students should be aware some classes incur additional costs for materials. These will be listed on course information sheets and on our website:

Brigsteer, Lyth Valley

“Duncan is approachable and offers practical and sound advice” Student Testimonial.

Kate Bentley

Watercolour: Landscapes Code KB WPH Jul 28 - 31 |Fee £335

This four-day course is suitable for students with some experience and wish to up their game and develop new skills, become freer in style and also want to experience the great outdoors. Kate is a very experienced tutor and wishes to pass on her knowledge to help the student progress in both indoor and outdoor painting sessions through demonstrations and individual attention. “I really enjoyed the course and appreciated the care you took to talk and respond to the specific requirements of each individual member of the course”

Frances Winder

Mixed Media & Acrylics: An Experimental Approach Code FW MMAPH Aug 10 – 14 | Fee £425

During this five-day course students will experience two days outdoors, sketching, gathering information and creating individual work. Colour, mood and created atmosphere are a significant component of the course. Using acrylics and a variety of mixed media, students will explore their creativity, expression and style whilst enjoying the surroundings of the Lake District. “Frances is an excellent teacher who is responsive and encouraging but most importantly extremely able to teach at a variety of levels.”


Unless otherwise indicated, summer workshops are one day long: 10.30am – 4.30pm

Printmaking @ the Brewery

All of our Summer Schools are three days long and include refreshments

Summer Schools


Life Drawing

With Iain Sloan & Angie Mitchell | 15 – 20 Jun | Fee includes cost of all materials All print classes will take place in the Brewery Print Room and have a limited number of six students. Students have the option to book on to individual workshops or save 10% by booking on to the full week.

Fee £50 per one day workshop | Fee £100 for two day workshop Fee £270 for the Printmaking week Mon - Sat Collagraph & Carborundum

Collagraph & Carborundum Tutor Iain Sloan

Mon 15 12 – 6pm Tue 16 11am – 5pm Code JUN CC

Explore collagraphs – a process in which materials are collaged onto a rigid substrate such as cardboard, wood, plastic or metal - and then printed. Carborundum powder and other gritty materials can be used to create areas of tone and texture, allowing you to print strong, rich colour and to explore expressive brushwork and mark-making.


Contemporary Jewellery Life Drawing with Jo Dix with Catherine MacDiarmid 18 – 20 Aug Code AUG CJ Fee A £132 B £106.80 C £69

18 – 20 Aug Code AUG LD Fee A £135 B £109.20 C £70.50

Making your own jewellery is addictive! Your tutor will guide you through the basics of design to a well-crafted finished item, using age-old jewellery-making techniques (and a few new ones). Students are encouraged to work on individual projects within a supportive and relaxed learning environment and a well-equipped workshop. The higher fee reflects detailed tuition in a class with restricted numbers.

This is an opportunity for people of all abilities to develop life drawing skills in an intensive three day workshop, and to dispel some of the fear from this valued traditional discipline. Both traditional and modern drawing techniques and interpretations will be covered, moving into tone, colour with a chance to develop longer studies. The higher fee for this workshop reflects using a life model for the whole workshop.

“Jo teaches in a relaxed and developmental environment”

“Catherine is an excellent teacher who is very gifted”

Monoprint Tutor Angie Mitchell

Screen Printing with Ben Dodge

Wed 17 Jun Code JUN M


Collage and Relief Printing

Collage and Relief Printing Tutor Angie Mitchell Thu 18 Jun Code JUN CR

This one-day workshop will explore two main types of relief printmaking using lino and wood and will give students the opportunity to experiment with collage. The course is aimed at beginners and those who already have some experience in printmaking and want to develop their work further.

Etching Tutor Iain Sloan Fri 19 Jun Code JUN E Experience a one-day workshop where you will explore the wide range of techniques available through safe-etching. These techniques are simple, very exciting and offer a range of experimentation not available through traditional methods. By the end of the day you will have made and printed your own plates onto a range of materials.

Beginners Screen Printing £50

Explore different ways of creating monoprints using a variety of readily accessible materials and without the necessity of any specialist equipment. It is aimed at both beginners and those with some experience of printmaking who wish to further develop their work and ideas.

First Wed of each month

Evening Deluxe £145

1st & 2nd Mon/Tues of each month

Weekend Deluxe £145

Last weekend of each month

Dry Point Tutor Iain Sloan

Screen Printing

Sat 20 Jun Code JUN DP

Explore the most direct and simplest of the intaglio processes (incised images). By working with a sharp point on a plastic or metal plate, drawings and textures can easily be scratched onto their surface, then inked and printed. The workshop will explore some of the printed qualities dry point has to offer and how it can be combined with other intaglio techniques.

Screen Printing Contemporary Jewellery

We are excited to announce that artist/designer and printmaker Ben Dodge has joined us to deliver screen printing workshops at The Factory, Kendal. Ben will be delivering screen printing workshops in his fully equipped state of the art studio. All materials are provided. For full details and to book your places please visit our website


Anna Lambert Exhibition | Fri 13 Mar - Wed 29 Apr | Sugar Store Gallery



NEW !!!

Platters and Place Tutor Anna Lambert Sat 2 May Code MAY PP Fee £35 No Concessions

Using a collage of techniques including coloured slips, stencils and stamps on clay slabs, students will have the opportunity to create a platter inspired by a particular place under the guidance of top ceramicist Anna Lambert.

Unless otherwise indicated, summer workshops are one day long: 10.30am – 4.30pm

Retro Rehab Chair

may / june Retro Rehab Revamp your Lamp Tutor Rachel Cabble

Retro Rehab Chair Tutor Rachel Cabble

Let there be light - make your own lampshade in a fabric of your choice to coordinate with your room. Back by popular demand Retro Rehab will guide you through the techniques to create your own bespoke shade using vintage, retro, or fabric of your choice.

This course is ideal for beginners and will take you through all of the stages so that you can up-cycle a dining chair using modern upholstery and ‘shabby chic’ techniques to give it a retro or vintage look. The higher fee reflects more detailed tuition in a class of restricted numbers.

Sat 30 May | Code MAY RRL Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

“Brilliant course and I loved completing something in just one day. I will defiantly come again!”


Wed 3 Jun | Code JUN RRC Fee A £42 B £33.60 C £21

Platters and Place

A Day of Acrylics Tutor Peter Threlfall

Sat 9 May Code MAY DA Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50 One of our most popular workshops returns this year giving students the opportunity to learn about different acrylic art materials and painting techniques including washes, glazes, palette knife, flat colour and impasto using both thin and thick acrylic paint.

Silver Clay Jewellery Tutor Jo Dix

Sat 16 May Code MAY SCJ Fee A £42 B £33.60 C £21

NEW !!!

Sing For Summer Tutor Clare Eccles

Creative Painting: Gouache & Watercolour Tutor Frances Winder

4 x Mon 7.30 – 9.30pm 1 – 22 June | Code MON SS Fee A £ 28.80 B £23.04 C £14.40

Thu 14, 21 May & 4 Jun Code MAY CP Fee £35 No Concessions 10.15am – 12.30pm

Ever wondered whether you could sing? Have you been inspired by the Military Wives and workplace choirs? If so this taster course is ideal to find your voice and a fantastic opportunity to be part of a choral singing group led by a professional soprano.

Explore a variety of techniques, the qualities of paint and the wide possibilities of its use. Students will use a modern twist to achieve exciting work, as well as expressing themselves in bold, free working methods and experimental techniques.

Summer Sewing Bee Tutor Caren Threlfall

6 x Wed 6.30 – 9pm 3 Jun – 8 Jul | Code JUN SSB Fee A £54 B £43.20 C £27

Art clay silver can be modelled like a fine-textured clay and when heated becomes 99.9% pure solid silver. It is great for making earrings, pendants, rings and beads. Ideal for both beginners and those hobbyist jewellers who are looking for something new.

Our popular Sewing Bee class continues to go from strength to strength and once again the class will take a summer twist this year giving students the opportunity to learn to sew and make garments and accessories which can be used for holidays.

“Jo’s energy combined with her skill makes all her pupils feel satisfied and confident.”

“Please keep the Sewing Bee at the Brewery, the tutor is fantastic and I have learned so much.”

Creative Painting Frances Winder

Furniture Chalk Painting and Decoupage Tutor Sarah Burnett

Sat 6 June Code JUN CPD Sat 29 Aug Code AUG CPD Fee £48 No Concessions Would you enjoy turning an old tired piece of furniture into something unique and relevant in your home? Or do you hate to see furniture go to landfill and feel passionate about giving it a new lease of life? This beginners/ improvers course will give you the skills to easily update an unloved piece of wooden furniture through painting and decoupage. “Really enjoyed a new creative learning experience, will do more”

Furniture Chalk Painting and Decoupage

[ ] No formal qualifications

[ ] Other (White) [ ] Pakistani [ ] White (Eire) [ ] White British [ ] Other - please state: [ ] UK

[ ] Black African [ ] Black Caribbean [ ] Chinese [ ] Indian [ ] Other Asian Country of residence

[ ] I have a serious health issue

[ ] I have no disability

Course Title

English [ ]

[ ] I am in receipt of:

FEE C (50% fee)

Summer Fee

Please include a photcopy of proof of concession


[ ] I am an unwaged dependant to those listed above

[ ] Income Related ESA

[ ] Pension Gurantee Credit

[ ] Housing/Council Tax Benefit - Not including single person discount

[ ] Working Tax Credit subject to threshold.

[ ] Income Support

[ ] Job Seekers Allowance

[ ] Over 60 not in F/T employment

FEE B (80% fee)

If you are claiming a concessionary fee, which of the following applies to you?


Do you have a GCSE/O Level (grade A-C) in Maths [ ]

[ ] Pension credit guarantee letter

[ ] Rail card/Bus pass

Proof of concession seen [ ]

Printed Name

[ ] Passport

[ ] Other

Valid to

Security code

Issue No.

Gift Voucher Code

Amount (£)

Donation to the Brewery (£)

I authorise you to debit my MasterCard/Visa/Switch account for the amount of £ _____________ Signed _________________________________________________

Valid from

For Credit/Debit Card payments: MasterCard/Visa/Switch no

You can pay by cheque: please make payable to Kendal Brewery arts Centre Trust Limited, or by Credit/Debit card (Cash is not accepted)

Payment Details



[ ] Driving License

[ ] I do not with to be contacted by LSC about courses

Centre staff declaration: I confirm the above details are correct and have seen the evidence of the learner’s status.

Evidence provided

Receipt No


[ ] I do not wish to be contacted by LSC for surveys/research

How we use your personal information: The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding and, where required, the Young People’s Learning Agency for England (YPLA) to enable those organisations to fulfil their statutory obligations, principally under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. Both organisations are registered as data controllers with the UK information Commissioner’s Office. The Skills Funding Agency funds adult further education and skills training, including apprenticeships, in England. The YPLA is responsible for arranging the provision of funding for the education and training of young people in England. The Skills Funding Agency processes learner data on behalf of the YPLA. The information you provide may be shared with other organisations for purposes of administration, the provision of career and other guidance and statistical and research purposes, relating to education or training. Other organisations include the Department for Children, Schools and Families, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Local Authorities, Connexions, Higher Education Statistics Agency, Higher Education Funding Council for England, educational institutions and organisations performing research and statistical work on behalf of the Skills Funding Agency, the YPLA, or partners of those organisations. The Skills Funding Agency also administers the learner registration service (LRS) which uses your learner information to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). Further information about use of and access to your information is available at: Skills Funding Agency: YPLA: At no time will your personal information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes. The YPLA, the Chief Executive of Skills Funding and their partners may wish to contact you from time to time in respect of surveys and research to monitor performance, improve quality and plan future provision and to inform you about courses, or learning opportunities relevant to you.

Learner’s declaration: I confirm that the above details are correct. Signed ___________________________________________ Date __________________

Declaration and data protection

Course Code

Course Details and Fees

Or contact Adult EducationOfficer on: 01539 722833 ext 273

I would like to be contacted by Email [ ] Phone [ ] Mail [ ]

Do you wish to discuss your needs with a member of staff? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If you have a disability you may be offered further support

[ ] I have a learning disability

[ ] I have a disability


If not permanently resident in UK or EC for last 3 years, which country have you lived in? Please state:

[ ] EC

[ ] Other Mixed Background

[ ] White/Black Caribbean

[ ] White/Black African

[ ] White/Asian

We suggest Level 2 for the School Certificate and level 3 for Matriculation

[ ] Other qualification at below level 1

[ ] Other (Black)

[ ] Bangladeshi

[ ] Mixed

Ethnic Origin Please help our equal opportunities monitoring by responding

[ ] A Level (2 or more subjects) Level 3

[ ] GCSE/O Level (5 or more grades at A-C) Level 2

[ ] GCSE/O Level (grades at D-G or fewer than 5 at A-C) Level 1

If you require more information, your Centre Manager has the full SFA list of qualifications and their levels, and they will be happy to advise you. Please tick relevant box:

[ ] Other (not in employment)

[ ] P/T employed

[ ] Unemployed

You are requested to indicate the level of your highest qualification

Highest Previous Qualification

[ ] Retired

[ ] F/T Employed

[ ] Self Employed [ ] Volunteer

[ ] Full-Time Education

[ ] Employed

[ ] A Level (1 subject) Level 2

Work No.

Date of birth:


(if known)

Please indicate your status on the day before starting (tick box)


Unique learner No.

(If you are not a British Citizen) Date of entry into UK

Gender M/F


Your Nationality (e.r. British/Polish/Chinese)



Home No.


Brewery Friend Y/N




Learner Enrolment Details


Cumbria Adult Education Enrolment Form


Unless otherwise indicated, summer workshops are one day long: 10.30am – 4.30pm


How to Enrol?

Willow Weaving: Garden Structures Tutor Hannah Ehlert

Complete the enrolment form found in the centre of this brochure and include your payment. Enrolment forms are also available at Box Office or downloadable from our website. Places are limited and secured on a first-come, first-served basis so it’s important to return your form early. We will confirm your enrolment by post. If the course is full, you will be put onto our waiting list and contacted should a place become available.

Tue 2 Jun Code MAY WW Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50


This workshop will teach you some of the traditional principles of weaving, especially willow and hedgerow weaving. Just in time for summer, we will use these to make a garden structure such as a willow tepee.

Payments can be made in two ways: a) b)

Payment by cheque - payable to KBACTL or Brewery Arts Centre. Please include a separate cheque for each course/ workshop you wish to attend. Credit or debit card. Complete the appropriate section on the enrolment form. Please check card details are correct to avoid enrolments being delayed.

Return completed forms to our Box Office by hand or post ensuring all the necessary paperwork and payments are included.



Three fees are stated for some courses. These fees (even full price fees) are subsidised by Cumbria County Council and are available for the following categories only:

Swedish Wood Carving Tutor Hannah Ehlert

Fee A) Full Fee Fee B) 20% discount for learners over 60 on the 1st September 2014 who are not in employment for more than 16 hours per week Fee C) 50% discount for learner in receipt of: Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), Pension Guarantee Credit, Income Support, Working Tax Credit (subject to a threshold of less than £15,276). Housing /Council Tax Benefit (not including single occupancy discount), Income Related Employment Support Allowance (ESA), Unwaged dependents of those listed above

Willow Weaving: Garden Structures

The Brewery has full wheelchair access, with a lift to all floors and adapted toilets. Please contact Zoe Wilkinson, the Adult Education Manager on 01539 722833 Ext 273 or e-mail if you wish to discuss specific needs. If you are unable to submit your form because of a disability we can complete your enrolment form and take payment details over the telephone or via email. Please call Box Office on 01539 725133 if you are unable to attend.

Terms and conditions 1 Enrolments cannot be made by telephone. 2 Places cannot be reserved. 3 Incomplete enrolments will be returned to you. This includes missing payments and omission of supporting documents. 4 We reserve the right to cancel classes or amend schedules as necessary. Full refunds will be given should your course be cancelled. 5 Refunds are available (minus a £6 administration fee) up until 5 days prior to the start of a course.

NEW !!!

Landscape Photography Reston Pike Tutor Colin Reynolds

Sat 13 Jun Code JUN LP Fee A £45 B £38 C £27.50 Improve your landscape photography with a morning spent in Staveley and the afternoon being spent at the Brewery. After students have reviewed their pictures, Colin will demonstrate the post processing skills. Due to the location of the shoot students must be able to walk up a moderate slope on a path for 25 minutes. Transport is provided to and from Staveley.

Photography Tutor Colin Reynolds

4 x Mon | 6.30pm – 9pm 15, 22, 29 Jun, 6 Jul Code JUN P Fee A £37 B £29.60 C £18.50 On this course you will take a journey through digital photography from conception through to print. Beginning with the basic elements of exposure, through to controlling light, how to use photo editing software to catalogue and enhance your photographs and finally completing the digital workflow with simple printing techniques.

Tue 16 & Wed 17 Jun Code JUN SWC Fee A £70 B £56.00 C £35

Please ensure all paperwork has the correct date. Please note that the ‘NHS Exemption Tax Credit’ card is not acceptable as proof of Working Tax Credit Status.



Couture Bead Weaving

This two day workshop will introduce you to Swedish carving techniques and getting an eye for “artobjects in the trees”. You will have the opportunity to produce a choice of decorative and useful household items or figures. The Swedish traditions of carving use mainly axe and knife, unlike most sculptural carving that works with lots of chisels. A clear focus will be put on teaching safe axing and knife cuts. Suitable for all abilities.

Landscape Photography

NEW !!!

NEW !!!

Sat 20 Jun Code JUN CBW Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Sat 27 Jun Code JUN PL Fee A £43 B £36 C £25.50

Couture Bead Weaving Tutor Samantha Dickinson

Spend a day learning the art of bead weaving and peyote stitch. This workshop will introduce you to the basic principles of peyote stitch as well as how to create a button hole and applique, within the weave. Once you have mastered the technique we will move onto the principles of creating a pattern within this stitch. The aim is to create a single or double colour strap bracelet.

Portrait from Life Tutor Catherine MacDiarmid

You will be guided through some quick drawing exercises to help with basic measuring and observation skills, followed by a four hour portrait from a sitter. Choice of media, techniques and process will be personal with the aim of pushing your portrait to a level that you have never achieved before, either in likeness, detail, tone, colour and texture. “Learning from Catherine is like getting degree level teaching on an Adult Ed course”


Please be aware some classes incur additional costs for materials.


Unless otherwise indicated, summer workshops are one day long: 10.30am – 4.30pm


july / August

Short Stories Tutor Janni Howker

Fused Glass Tutor Marilyn Hale

The short story is one of the most versatile of literary forms. In this workshop with award-winning author Janni Howker you will have the opportunity to learn how this delicate mechanism can be constructed and explore the tools the writer requires for the job.

Students will have the opportunity to learn how to cut glass, design and prepare patterns and inclusions to complete some decorative items for your home as well as items of jewellery. Suitable for all abilities.

Fri 3 Jul Code JUL SS Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Sat 4 Jul | Code JUL FG Sat 1 Aug | Code AUG FG A £35 B £28 C £17.50

“Friendly and encouraging atmosphere with a supportive tutor”

Silver Casting

NEW !!!

NEW !!!

Sat 11 Jul | Code JUL MMB Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Sat 25 Jul Code JUL AAP Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Make do and Mend: Boards Tutor Rachel Cabble

Come and join Rachel in creating your very own unique French memo board or stylish headboard. Find your creative flair in this introductory workshop by using basic upholstery techniques and adding simple materials and trimmings, you can even have a go at making your own buttons.

A Pastel Day Tutor Duncan Ibbotson

Architecture in Acrylic and Pastels Tutor Thuline De Cock

In this workshop we will be drawing in and outside Kendal Parish Church and surrounding buildings, (weather permitting) in the morning. Students will then have the opportunity to use their sketches to make a finished piece at the Brewery in the afternoon. We will be using acrylic and black-white pastels (or colours if you prefer).

Thu 9 Jul Code JUL PD Fee £35 No Concessions

NEW !!!

Summer Garden Couture Bead Wirework Sculpture Tutor Samantha Dickinson Tutor Chris Barnes

Beginner or experienced painter, you are invited to join Duncan for an inspirational pastel painting day. Felt & Stitch Landscapes

Silver Casting Tutor Jo Dix

Sat 25 Jul Code JUL SC Fee A £85.00 B £68.00 C £42.50 10.30am – 5.30pm Water in Landscape

Felt & Stitch Landscapes NEW !!! Tutor Caren Threlfall Water in Landscape Sat 18 Jul Tutor Frances Winder Code JUL FSL Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

You will be taught the different techniques involved, including needle felting and wet felting as well as how to use the fibres in a ‘painterly’ way in order to produce finished landscape pictures that are rich and colourful and oozing with texture.

Sat 18 Jul Code JUL WL Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Using a variety of materials we are going to get to know techniques for portraying water. Demonstrating watercolour, gouache and oil pastel and also acrylic paint methods. This course is suitable for mixed abilities.

This one day workshop will only cover “Delft Clay” casting, and is open to beginners and more advanced hobbyist makers. To allow students to have the opportunity to complete a cast there is a maximum of four students in the workshop so book early to avoid disappointment. The higher fee reflects detailed tuition and a longer class so students can complete their work.

Architecture in Acrylic and Pastels

Sat 8 Aug Code AUG CBW Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Sat 8 Aug Code AUG SGS Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

This one-day workshop will introduce you to the basic principles of creating form from wire and beads. Once you have mastered the technique we will move onto how these structures can be used to create jewellery or an abstract 3D form. The aim is to understand the basic technique and explore its possibilities.

Crank clay provides many possibilities for quickly developing a sculptural idea. This workshop will enable you to develop your ideas with reference to contemporary and historical sculpture. By the end of the day you will have made your own ceramic sculpture for the garden or other specific site with the help of a knowledgeable tutor.

More Vibrant Pastels Tutor Duncan Ibbotson Thu 6 Aug Code AUG MVP Fee £35 No concessions

This class is a follow up to the Pastel Day in July, and the Summer Landscape Course in June, where more techniques in Vibrant Pastels will be explored. However, beginners can be fully catered for with one to one tuition in this exciting medium.

More Vibrant Pastels

Summer Garden Sculpture


Please be aware some classes incur additional costs for materials.


August The Art of Paper- Cutting Tutor Amy Williams

NEW !!!

An Introduction to Polymer Clay Tutor Cate Van Alphen

Sat 22 Aug Code AUG APC Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Sat 15 Aug Code AUG IPC £35 No concession

Experiment with different materials and techniques and will have the opportunity to apply the technique of paper cutting to a small project of your choice i.e. a greetings card, paper lantern, mobile or a small artwork.

Students can explore their creativity and make a bold pendant necklace and a matching pair of earrings using the Mokume Gane technique which creates a patterned effect similar to batik fabric. The Art of Paper- Cutting

NEW !!!

Mixed Media Sculpture Tutor Priscilla Jones

Sat 15 Aug Code AUG MMS Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50 Explore the vast possibilities of working with wire! Create your very own 3D sculptures and explore how to manipulate light-weight wire using your hands and pliers. We will focus on developing your structures with other techniques and processes including fabric, paper, wax, and paint.



Sivananda Voga

5 week course Aug – 7 Sept Mon 6.45 – 8.45pm Code AUG SY Fee £45 No concessions No class will take place on Bank Holiday 31 Aug

Use a stronger yoga routine that energises and relaxes. This open class is traditional, slow-paced and meditative and helps encourage proper breathing, flexibility, strength and vitality in the body while calming the mind. “This is a really important class in many respects; it improves the quality of thought & focus”

Dynamic Vinyasa

An Introduction to Polymer Clay

Vintage Porcelain Tutor Thea Rogers

Sat 22 Aug Code AUG VP Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50

Mixed Media Sculpture


Porcelain is a beautiful translucent material which lends itself perfectly to intricate, delicate vintage patterns. This day taster course will teach students how to incorporate vintage fabrics and textures into porcelain clay and handform into individual shapes and objects.

Animals in Acrylic and Pastels

Animals in Acrylic and Pastels Tutor Thuline De Cock

Sat 29 Aug Code AUG AAP Fee A £35 B £28 C £17.50 In this workshop you will be drawing and painting animals from photographs using Acrylics and finishing off with black and white pastels or colour if you prefer. This course is open to all levels but some experience is helpful as this is not a basic course.

5 week course 4 Aug – 1 Sep Tue 6.30 – 8.30pm Code AUG DVY Fee £45 No Concessions The Dynamic ‘Vinyasa Flow’ Yoga is a heating, flowing sequence of Yoga postures that move from sequence to sequence by means of a Vinyasa. “I enjoyed various techniques which were beneficial for my whole body. I recommend this class.”

Language Days If you are planning a summer holiday and want to learn those essential holiday phrases, order that ‘Vino Rosso’ ‘Cerveza’ ‘Café au Lait’ or ‘Zwei Kuchen’ then join us for a day of conversation and sample some local delicacies for lunch.

10.30am – 4.30pm Fee A £39 B £32 C £21.50

Spanish Beginner/Intermediate with Pilar Valera Thu 9 Jun | Code JUN SB French Beginner with Dominique Pluskwa Wed 17 Jun | Code JUN FB Italian Beginner/Intermediate with Cath Bond Fri 19 Jun | Code JUN IB German Advanced with Dorothea Williamson Thur 2 Jul | Code JUL GA German Intermediate with Dorothea Williamson Thu 9 Jul | Code JUL GI

ADULT EDUCATION Summer Workshops 2015 May Platters and Place NEW!!! A Day of Acrylics Creative Painting – Gouache & Watercolour NEW!!! Silver Clay Jewellery Willow Weaving – Garden Structures Retro Rehab - Revamp your Lamp Screen Printing with Ben Dodge NEW!!!

July Painting Holidays Short Stories Fused Glass Language Days Summer Sewing Bee A Pastel Day Make do and Mend NEW!!! Photography Water in Landscape NEW!!! Felt & Stitch Landscapes Architecture in Acrylic and Pastels NEW!!! Silver Casting Screen Printing with Ben Dodge NEW!!!

Screen Printing with Ben Dodge

June Painting Holidays Creative Painting – Gouache & Watercolour NEW!!! Sing For Summer Language Days August Painting Holidays Retro Rehab – Chair Fused Glass Summer Sewing Bee Summer Schools Furniture Chalk Painting and Decoupage Dynamic Vinyasa Landscape Photography NEW!!! Sivananda Yoga Photography More Vibrant Pastels Swedish Wood Carving Couture NEW!!! Couture NEW!!! Summer Garden Sculpture Portrait from Life NEW!!! Mixed Media Sculpture NEW!!! Screen Printing with Ben Dodge NEW!!! An Introduction to Polymer Clay NEW!!! The Art of Paper- Cutting Vintage Porcelain Furniture Chalk Painting and Decoupage Animals in Acrylic and Pastels Screen Printing with Ben Dodge NEW!!! | 01539 725133

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