Stockdale Moose Lodge Monthly Newsletter. Bakersfield, Ca April 2023

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The Moose Listener

The Moose, Stockdale Lodge #2178, Bakersfield, CA. Apr. 2023 Volume 56 Issue #12 Women of the Moose, Chapter #1203 Phone # (661) 370-2178

The Moose Board of Officers


W.O.T.M. Board of Officers


President Roger Cowan Sr. Regent Robyn Tennison

Vice President Michael Rouw Jr. Past Regent

Past President Rick Clemmons Treasurer Melanie Kelley

Treasurer Terry Wolfe Secretary Claire Acosta

Chaplain Chris Myers-Mainland

First Year Trustee Susan Cowan Appointed Officers:

Second Year Trustee Robyn Tennison Guide Elliana Buckle

Third Year Trustee Michael Stamper

Sargeant at Arms Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Inner Guard

Outer Guard

Administrator: Glenn Holland

The Moose Committee Chairmen

2022-2023 W.O.T.M. Committee Chairmen

Scholarship Committee Margaret Pryde Application Review

Membership Marlene Lyday

Financial Review


Jett Chris Myers-Mainland

Moose Charities Robyn Tennison Heart of the Community


Publication Chris Myers-Mainland

Reverse Drawing Debbie Jensen

Sports – Shuffle Board Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Sports – Golf

Sports – Corn Bag Toss Special Committees:

Sports – Horseshoes

Kitchen Manager Greg Carlon Bingo Concession Susan Cowan

Historian Alan Shaw

Review C. Myers-Mainland

Lodge Moose Legion Don Perry Mellissa Sweeney

Old Timers Luncheon Tom Esser Application Review Marlene Lyday

Orientation Chris Myers-Mainland

Entertainment - Bingo

Editor: Christine Myers-Mainland


Stockdale Moose Lodge - Bakersfield, CA

Calendar Items and postings for the “Listener” newsletter may be dropped off at the lodge or sent by e-mail to:

Deadline is the 20th of each month for items to be published In the Listener.

April 2023 Page 2
Marlene Lyday
Nancy Stanley
Margaret LaRosa Membership
Activities Ashley Stanley
Higher Degree Leta Smith

April Events

Apr 1st District 12 & Moose Legion Meeting in Taft

See newsletter article for times

Mexican Dinner & LCR Tournament-5:00 PM

Apr 3rd Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM

W.O.T.M. Officers Meeting – 5:30 PM

Apr 6th Lodge elections – Noon to 6:00 PM

Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Apr 8th WOTM Breakfast with the Bunny 9:00 AM to Noon

Apr 9th Easter Breakfast – 9:00 AM to Noon

Thank You / Announcements

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: “ARTICLE” deadline for the newsletter is the 20th of the month. Thank you all for your consideration and timely submission. Greatly appreciated. Articles should be submitted to: Chris Myers-Mainland, Editor via email at

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to the wonderful March’s Volunteer helpers in preparing the Listener for mailing. You are very much appreciated. If you would like to assist with the folding and labeling, please contact the Administrator. Great time to consider receiving your Newsletter via email.

Apr 10th WOTM Chapter Meeting– 5:30 PM

Chapter Election – 3:15 to 5:15 PM

Apr 13th Bingo Committee Meeting – 11:00 AM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Apr 15th Shufflelboard Tournament – 10:30 AM

Apr 17th Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM

Calendar Planning Mtg – 4:30 PM

Apr 20th Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Any email changes or additions can be emailed to the following email: or to the Lodge at:

Apr 29th

Installation of Officers

WOTM Officers – 5:00 PM

Lodge Officers – 6:00 PM

Followed by Potluck dinner

Karaoke Tuesday & Friday Nights

Coming Events

May 6th Kentucky Derby Party – 2:00 to 5:00 PM

May 14th Mother’s Day Brunch – 9:00 AM to NOON

May 22nd Member Orientation – 6:00 PM

May 29th Memorial Day Celebration

Serving Hamburgers & Hot Dogs for Lunch

Jun 18th Father’s Day Breakfast – 9:00 AM to Noon

Jul 4th Fourth of July

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April 2023



First, I would like to remind everyone of the election of 2023-2024 Board of Officers on April 6th and encourage everyone to come out and vote for the candidates of your choice. I also want to congratulate the members that stepped up to run for the Board. You are very much appreciated and win or lose I know you will continue to support our Lodge. I am looking forward to working with the new Board of Officers to achieve the Five Star Lodge and Premier Lodge Awards.

March was a busy month and I attended the CNMA Conference in Costa Mesa on March 23 thru 26th. April has lots of activities and Installation of the new Board of Officers for the Chapter and Lodge on April 29th. Come out and show your support for the new officers.

We are looking for volunteers to continue the projects and activities currently underway as well as future projects. Remember…Volunteers are the Backbone of our Lodge!

Please join us on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm. These meetings will keep you informed of current, as well as upcoming events, activities, and projects. This is your Lodge and we need you to attend and vote on how our Lodge proceeds.


When you enter your home, it is clean, neat, and “tidy.” When you visit your second home (Lodge), wouldn’t you think it should be the same.

If you leave a restaurant, with waitresses and servers, they take care of the tables and chairs. They reorganize it the next day making it presentable to the next customers coming in.

Wouldn’t it be appropriate if we picked up after ourselves by returning glasses to the serving point, take refuse to the garbage cans and check out your area?

We rely on our volunteers. We plea for their help and acknowledge the point that they are not “servants”, they are members and should be respected as such.

Let’s pick up our area(s) that we created and used. Let’s walk up with a smile and big “THANK YOU” to our members that are VOUNTEERS to our needs.

Our Lodge is your second home. Our Lodge is here to provide you services that you request. Our Lodge is YOU!

Respectfully and fraternally, Glenn


APRIL 6, 2023 NOON TO 6:00 PM

2023-2024 Slate of Officers: President……..

Christine Myers-Mainland

Terry Wolfe Vice President……

Michael Rouw

Robyn Tennison Treasurer……

Michael Stamper Chaplain……

Susan Cowan Trustees……

1 YR.-Bobby McKay

2 YR -Frank Espisito


April 2023 Page 4

Senior Regent’s Message

Hello April Fellow Coworker Sisters!

Well, it looks like we did it WE Made It Happen! We accomplished our goal to be a pristine Chapter. GO Stockdale 1203!! This achievement is worth recognition, but it is also a part of a larger set of goals. There is much more to accomplish and the journey is continuing. Hop on and join the ride.

The last two articles focused on recognizing the WOTM Board and Chair ladies. Today I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to both our Chapter and Lodge members for supporting WOTM efforts; for all donations, and to the many volunteers stepping up and actively representing our team. THANK YOU…THANK YOU…and THANK YOU for all your generosity and interest in our Chapter.

In my Senior Regent year 2022-2023 vision, I came up with three goals. First, to improve membership and involvement; second, to increase cohesion and collaboration with the different sectors within the Lodge; and finally, to expand community visibility. There are many examples of how we gathered as a team to make these goals come to fruition. I want to express my sincerest gratitude for all who came along for the ride.

As this is my last article to you as Senior Regent, I am happy to announce that voting will take place on April 10, 2023 from 3:15 to 5:15 PM. This is a two-hour window prior to our Chapter general membership meeting. The results of the election will be announced during the meeting start time continues at 5:30 PM.

Finally, (drumroll) it is time for me to recognize the last quarter Caught You Doing Something Great nominees. There are so many volunteers cheerfully giving of their time, resources, and talents. The nominees are: Becky Grove, Susan Cowan, Melanie Kelley, and Rosa Madrid. Congratulations goes to Rosa Madrid! As you see her around the Lodge, probably organizing one of many opportunity drawings, take time to say hello and thank her for all she does.

In closing, I welcome a new Board on the 29th of April at 5:00 PM during installation of the incoming Board. I encourage all to attend in support. My journey continues with our new Board as Junior Past Regent and in the role of advisor. I look forward and am very excited to be part of something great It just feels good. So…this is not goodbye; it is “see you around” with a huge smile. Remember, an Attitude of Gratitude goes a very long way.

I am so proud to have had the opportunity to represent these values and be Stockdale 1203 WOTM!

Fraternally Yours, Robyn McClain Tennison, Senior Regent

From the Desk of the Treasurer

Hello Women of the Moose!

Please help me welcome our newest members to the Stockdale Women of the Moose Chapter #1203:

Margie Schwartz – sponsor Chris Myers-Mainland

Catherine Vigil – sponsor Robyn Tennison Kathy Jamieson- sponsor Beverly Bently Welcome and thank you for joining our Chapter!

We would also like to thank the sponsors for working toward increasing our Chapter membership! YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB! We are still leading the chapters in our area and are continuing to Make It Happen for our Chapter!

Our Chapter continues to lead all chapters for Territory 46 in membership. The women from Chapter 1203 have been working hard to earn their top honors.

If you have any questions concerning membership to the Chapter, please do not hesitate to ask any officer (Robyn Tennison, Senior Regent; Claire Acosta, Secretary; or Melanie Kelley, Treasurer) or any member of the Chapter. We would love to answer any of your questions you may have.

Fraternally Yours, Melanie Kelley, Chapter Treasurer (559) 920-6302

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– W.O.T.M.
Women of the Moose

Moose Good Samaritan

March saw quite a few members ill or hospitalized. Robert Robison had a visit to the ER and is home doing better. Robert retired in March and we wish him well. Mike Stamper is home recuperating and we were glad to see him at the Lodge Paint Party. Keep getting better, Mike. Donna DeGough had emergency surgery in March and we hope she is recuperating. Carol Jett hurt her knee and we send prayers for it to heal.

I am sad to report the passing of Lori Netherton’s partner, Dea Anne Wilson. Pete Boggus passed and Paulette had a Celebration of Life on March 4th Member Josie Smith passed in March and Annette Cornejo’s brother-in-law passed in March. Glenn Holland’s family in Washington suffered a tragic accident and his cousin & nieces passed. Condolences to all the families.

On the brighter side, Ashley Stanley’s son, Adam, placed 3rd in the State Wrestling Championships. Adam is a sophomore at Bakersfield High School. Congratulation’s Adam!

Please contact me if you know of any of our members and Moose families that need help or assistance, or Prayer Warriors. Good news is always welcome, so please let me know of any weddings, new babies, or grandbabies. You can contact me at or text/call (661)3330029. Or there are forms on the table outside the Chapter office that you can fill out and leave me information. Next month will see a new Chaplain and I know your input will be appreciated.

Anonymous Member Contribution

Our membership volunteerism is an important part of our fraternity. That being said, we need to rethink ourselves when making comments to the members that are volunteering. They do not need to hear that they have done this wrong, overcooked, or under cooked for a function. The person or persons that are putting on the function need to be thanked, not criticized. So, in the future if you have a comment rethink your comment and thank the person or persons for what they are doing. Be kind and considerate as you are not always right.

Crying Towel Corner

Debra Najera missed out in March!

Attending meetings can be rewarding and profitable!!!

Pot is at $160 at the next Lodge meeting on Thursday, Apr. 6th if not won Mar. 23rd

Will you be crying next month??

Meeting Night begins at the fall of the Gavel at 7 P.M. JOIN US!

All Lodge members in good standing has their name in a capsule which is randomly drawn at each meeting.

Drawings are held at Lodge general meetings twice monthly on Thursdays. The Pot started at $100 and grows and grows each meeting until the member whose name is drawn is present. Please check your bulletin calendar for those dates. It grows each week and becomes significantly larger.

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April 2023 Page 7 Calendar page

Who is ready for someShuffleboard??

We had another successful shuffleboard tournament on Mar. 18th. with 12 participants and played double eliminations along with the usual heartfelt spirits and humor. The lunch that is always provided was once again very delicious and with other snacks and treats that people bring makes it that much better. Thank you, Nancy Stanley, for always doing all that you do for us all. It would not be the same without you. Thank you to all our supporters and for what you add to this event

The WINNERS of our Stockdale Moose Shuffleboard Tournament are Kim Stanley and Mel Ansolebehere (Mitchell) with runners up Nancy Stanley and Rad Zard. Congratulations to a fun filled day with some delicious food and desserts.

Our next tournament will be on April 15th. The signup sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the first. Our tournaments are usually held on the third Saturday of each month unless there is another Moose activity that coincides with that day in the social quarters. If that happens, I will switch weekends. The sign-up sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the 1st of every month. Also, if you see the first 16 slots are filled, please sign up on the reserve side because we always have cancellations due to people’s schedules changing. Show up time is 10:30, team draw at 10:45 and games start at 11:00. Lunch at 1:00.


The Moose of the Month is awarded by the President to show our appreciation and thanks for helping around the Lodge. We have members of our Stockdale Moose Lodge that go the extra mile for their fellow Moose Members and volunteer in our Lodge. For this we acknowledge their efforts as Moose of the Month.

Volunteers are very important members in our Lodge and we are blessed with some very good ones. Speaking of volunteers, I wish to congratulate:

Becky Grove

as our April Moose of the Month in recognition for the hard work and volunteering. Becky has stepped up and volunteered for Valentine’s Day and several children’s parties She participates in Moose events and loves being a Moose member. When you see her, please thank her for her support of our wonderful Lodge.

Thank you for all you do!

For those new members that may have noticed, there is a designated parking spot outside of the Lodge for the Moose of the Month. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THIS SPOT. You too can be Moose of the Month someday.

District #12 and Moose Legion

Saturday, April 1, 2023

At Taft Lodge

District Board of Officers at 11:00am Moose Legion Officers at 11:30am

Delicious Lunch served by Taft Lodge Members - $10

District General Meeting at 1:00pm Moose Legion meets at 2:00pm


& Opportunity Drawings

Come meet other Lodge members!

April 2023 Page 8
of Hearts Join us on Thursday Nights
is at 6:45 NOW OVER $20,000 Followed by the Lodge General Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Kim “Katfish“ Stanley and Nancy Stanley, Chairpersons

I was so happy to see that we had so many new members enroll last month. I would like to welcome you to our great Lodge. I know you will enjoy all that we have to offer and meet new friends. Volunteer to help at one of our activities. Bingo always needs help or if you like to cook, volunteer to cook a dinner. If you are a handyman, we always need help maintaining our building. Just ask any of the officers or the administrator.


Jessica Espinoza

Jessica Genel

Jessica Duenas

Brenda Duenas

Alexander Jimenez

Kristi Beason

Steven Godwin

Arin Ponce

David Hulsey

Shawna Schilling

Judith Adams

Toni Mitchell

Serena Castello

Jeffrey Clarins

Valeria Kingston

Edwin Reyes

Erica Sandoval

Brian Liberal

Cherie Egan

Mari Conroy

Stacy Willard

Danny Willard

Phillip Lawyer

David Townsend

Frank Enriquez

Sherrie Pacheco

Lawrence Behill

Karen Wolfe


Sherville Stewart

Teri Fortuna

Louie Genel

Louie Genel

Louie Genel

Louie Genel

Connie Frank

Connie Frank

Connie Frank

Connie Frank

Donna DeGough

Susy Reisenauer

Bill Lever

Del Depoian

Monica Zuniga

Robyn Tennison

Leta Smith

Alicia Rodriques

Rubie Maldonado

Celeste Barnard

Glenn Holland

Paulette Boggus

Paulette Boggus

Paulette Boggus

Marta Reed

James Scarivano

Al Olague

Connie Frank

Rubie Maldonado

Terry Wolfe

Glenn Holland

Jeremy Ballard

Thank you to all the sponsors for inviting your friends to join us.


Administrators, volunteers and other individuals tasked with checking Moose membership cards should treat the new electronic membership card the same as the printed card. The membership expiration date is in the same location as on the printed card. The electronic card is almost identical to the printed card, however, if a member is marked as a Valued Veteran, the card will carry the VV design. Also, the electronic card does NOT have a magnetic strip, but rather a QR code instead, so members will still need to carry their printed card if their lodge has a mag strip reader on the entrance door that has not yet been upgraded with a QR code reader.

As members pay their dues to renew their membership, they will receive a new card with a QR code instead of the magnetic strip we now have. The Lodge will be updating our entry system in the near future to enable access by the QR code.

April 2023 Page 9

Stockdale Moose Lodge #2178

The Moose

905 Stine Road

Bakersfield, CA 93309

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Have you Moved or Changed Address lately? Please update the label and return this page to the Lodge, or call the Administration Office and update your membership info.

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Add your name to the web only list. Print your own newsletter!

$ave the Lodge Po$tage.

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Leave your name & e-mail address with the Lodge Administrator.

April 2023 Page 10
Permit No. 650 Bakersfield CA

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