Photo Booth Expo 2016

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2016 Show Guide

2016 Show Guide

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W E L CO M E T O S o u t h P o i n t H o t e l & Ca s i n o L a s V e g a s , Ne v a d a A p r i l 1 1 -1 3 , 2 0 1 6 www. p h o t o b o o t h e x p o . c o m I would like to personally welcome each of you to Photo Booth Expo 2016 and to thank you for attending and bringing your expertise. Please join me in thanking all of our exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors for helping create an experience which for the 2nd year in a row has gone beyond even my wildest dreams. Without the exhibitors and sponsors it would not be possible to create this unique opportunity for photo booth industry professionals to network and further develop their businesses while also sharing the knowledge and experience they have acquired over the years.

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I hope you have the chance to not only enjoy the exhibits and seminars but also to embrace the ability to ask detailed questions and get expert answers from those who have first hand knowledge in our industry. There are many great resource partners to help augment your success at this expo. You will hear many points of view from the many speakers and see a multitude of product offerings. All the opinions and products presented are those of the individuals and companies presenting them and not of Photo Booth Expo. It is your job to determine what is best for you since everyone's situation is unique.



S P E A KE R S ERIC BARRY Photographer & Founder Media Booth Pro

WALLY CARNES Operations Manager Support Guru Darkroom Software

MIKE BENDER Founder Photo Booth Owners

ERIC CATALANO General Manager Events by Cool Cat

STEVE BLIESNER Founder & Creative Director Photo Booth Guys

DR. DRAX C.E.O. The Photo Booth Association, ADJA & Global Entertainers Guild

RICK BREWER Expert Coach Wedding Business Marketing

MURRAY ENGLANDER Owner A Custom Look Photography

LESLIE BROCK Sales & Marketing Director Joy Squad

DUSTIN ESPINDULA Sales Manager Digital Centre

KYLE BROWN Executive Director Bridal Association Of America

SCOTT FAVER Game Master The Party Favers

Upgrade with the world’s most awarded Photo Booth hardware manufacturer

www. phot oboot hsol ut i ons. com

EVERYTHI NGYOUNEED Fory ourboot ht ost andoutf r om t hecr owd

Seewhyt housandsofphot oboot hpr of essi onal sandbui l der s wor l dwi der el yonPhot oBoot hSol ut i onssof t war e.






S P E A KE R S MICHAEL GARTNER Owner / Developer Photo Booth Solutions

DIANA KNIGHT Pure Payments

KIMBERLY GOTTSCHALK Co-Founder ShutterBooth & Aventus Solutions

S P E A KE R S BRIAN MILLER Owner LA Photo Party

DAVE STEPHENSON Founder Photo Booth Network Owner iSmileBooth

THOMAS KUEMMEL Director Of Operations Joy Squad

NICHOLAS PAGE Founder Page Activations

JAY L. TAN Co-Founder Red Cheese Photo Booth

RICK HARDESTY Creator Customer Manager Pro

JOHN LICAUSI Internet Marketing Helpline Inc.

PHIL PRESTON Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and cofounder of Red Robot

MARK UFLAND Owner Memories In An Instant

SHARON HOCHDORF Founder Button It Up


JEFFREY PUTHUFF President & CEO Cell Smart Tech and FOTOBOMB

BILL VAHRENKAMP Support Manager Professional Photographer Imaging Spectrum

KALVIS JAUNARAJS Co-Founder SnapDen Photo Booths

MATTHEW LONG Co-Founder Gig Centric Event Management Software

PAUL RUBINO Co-Founder 71 6 Party Rental

JOHNNY VU Founder Rocket Booths

DENNIS KINTZER PhotoFore DMKintzer Productions

JUSTIN MILLER Author Profit 911

TIM RYAN Founder Mobile App Pros

ROB WEINSTEIN Owner Event Rental Systems


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MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 1 – Andy Powell MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 2 – Sid Vanderpool 12:00 pm ­ Key Seminar Room 1 Steve Bliesner KEYNOTE

Visiting from the land down under, Steve is ready to help you re­energize your business and give you a big lift. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Steve and his business partner Sophie, launched The Photo Booth Guys in March of 2014. Within their first year of business, Steve and his team took nearly 500 bookings and expanded into the UK market. In just their second year of business, they are on target to hit $1,000,000 in revenue. 12:45 pm – Key Seminar Room 1 Phil Preston - What do your customers actually really want? After spending many years beating our heads together to try and work out how to get more sales, how to get more customers, how to make more money – we realised we were completely missing the point. One of the most important lessons we ever learned in our business was about how our customers actually think, how they make decisions and what causes them to choose you over a competitor. It actually has nothing to do with your products, your pricing, fluffy marketing or trying to “stand out from the crowd”. The truth is that the most amazing examples of success in the world have a common crucial element. Get ready for some shocking truths that we learned the hard way. We’re going to re­orient the way you think about what you do, what your customers actually want and how you can get the success you want in the future of the Photo Booth industry. 12:45 pm – Key Seminar Room 2 Jeffrey Puthuff ­ Pres CEO Cell Smart Tech and FOTOBOMB - Party Outside the BOX An alternative to traditional photo booths. FOTOBOMB allows your guests to party outside the traditional box. An amazing program that allows you to create memories while branding and promoting your business. Guaranteed to create a buzz at your next event. We will show you how to leverage your guest mobile phones into a marketing GOLDMINE with FOTOBOMB 1:30 pm – Key Seminar Room 1 Diana Knight - Merchant Processing 101: Myths, Lies and Reality ­ Card Present or Card Not Present: What is best for my business ­ EMV, PCI, NFC, Chip: What does it all mean ­ Best Practices to protect your business and clients from fraud and breach 1:30 pm – Key Seminar Room 2 Kalvis Jaunarajs - Booth Building Tips, Tricks and the Industry’s Next Big Idea Have you ever thought about building your own photo booth and are interested in the nuts and bolts of photo booth design? Do you wonder about our industry’s future and what big idea(s) will propel its growth? As the Chief Product Designer at Snapden Photo Booths, Kalvis has gone through the brainstorming and iterative design process hundreds of times. Over the past 5 years, Kalvis has compiled two living documents, which are the focus of this presentation – Best Practices for Booth Building, and The Ideas List. 2:15 pm – Key Seminar Room 1 Johnny Vu - Johnny has been there since the beginning and will be discussing the evolution of the industry and where we are headed. 2:15 pm – Key Seminar Room 2 Eric Barry – Media Booth Pro - “You Own a Business Now Treat It Like One” Eric's class will concentrate on the business side of the Photo Booth industry. Some of what Eric will discuss are pricing models, break­even, marketing, business image and presentation, insurance, advertising and company formation. 3:00 pm ­ Key Seminar Room 1 Tin Ryan - Mobile App Pros Social Local Internet Mobile marketing on a slim budget. Tim will cover modern, creative ways to market your small business on a small budget with great effectiveness.


3:00 pm – Key Seminar Room 2

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MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 1 – Andy Powell MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 2 – Sid Vanderpool

Eric Catalano - “Maximizing Booth Revenue for unsold dates" I would start out by explaining the different ways we market to these clients: Email Marketing­the more they hear from you the better ­ Bridal

8:15 am – Key Seminar Room 1

Shows­let them see you in action ­ Live Demo in Showroom­if you get that meeting, maximize by showing live Demo ­ For a lot of photo booth

Scott Faver

owners, we are DJ’s, Photographers and other types of vendors in the wedding/private event industry.

Breakfast With Scott Faver – Hints and tips galore

3:45 pm – Key Seminar Room 1

9:00 am ­ Key Seminar Room 1

Brian Miller - The Changing Photo Booth Landscape ­ How creativity is the key to success.

Dr. Drax

This workshop will examine how the photo booth industry has changed in the last 5 years and how using creativity will allow you to charge more

ADJA National President & Executive Director

than your competitors and get higher paying clients while having more fun.

The Power of Adversity Adversity, have you ever wondered why you struggle against it? Ever wished it would just go away?

3:45 pm – Key Seminar Room 2

What if you could learn to harness the power of adversity to propel your business forward? In this seminar we will discuss the power of adversity

Rob Weinstein - Websites That Make You Money – How to Speak SEO and Make Sure Your Website Expert Isn’t Costing You Customers

& how you can learn to use it to your advantage.

Rob will be covering the key elements of a website that’s designed to make money from design considerations to SEO. Great tips and tricks will be

You will learn the markers that are present in adversity so that you can properly identify the best way to move past them, moving past adversity

discussed including the coolest unknown trick with YouTube that most people don't know that can drive more traffic to your site. Rob will discuss

making it a springboard to propel you forward. Nothing grows without adversity.

the basics of SEO and how even non­web­geeks can check to make sure they aren't being taken for a ride by their SEO company. 9:00 am – Key Seminar Room 2 4:30 pm – Key Seminar Room 1

Dennis M. Kintzer

Rick Brewer - Get More Brides

Non­Traditional Revenue for Photo Booth Operators

Rick Brewer has personally coached hundreds of wedding businesses in depth and helped them get huge gains on their bottom line. Since 1992,

We all know Photo Booth is a great addition to weddings, and birthday parties. You may have even used your booth for corporate events like

Rick has worked almost every area of the wedding industry and has spoken to over 250 wedding association groups. Rick is widely lauded for his

picnics and holiday parties. In this seminar, we will discuss other ways for you to make money using your booth to generate Non­Traditional

proprietary approach to the psychology of buying in weddings.

Revenue as I like to refer to it (“NTR” from my days in radio). You will learn ways to think outside the box…in some cases…WAY outside the box! This seminar is meant to be interactive…and my goal is to provide you enough information that you can literally start planning before you

4:30 pm – Key Seminar Room 2

even get home, and maybe even book enough “NTR” to make back the cost of this conference (I suspect, significantly more)! This is not a seminar

Mike Bender

you can afford to miss. But you gotta do the work…step one, attend the expo (check) and step two, attend this seminar!

- Print And Screen Customization – Stand Out From The Pack With Personalized Design

5:15 pm – Key Seminar Room 1

9:45 am – Key Seminar Room 1

Paul Rubino

Jay L. Tan

- Booth Presentation Is Key

Paul will address the evolution of the photo booth starting with the old school wooden sit down booths, then the pipe and drape concept with travel

Jay L. Tan co­founded Red Cheese Photo Booth rentals in 1999……..before any other mobile digital Photo Booth existed on this planet and before

case style kiosk that was adopted by the photo booth rental industry. Rental companies can stand out from their competition by offering more

the photo booth craze became popular in today’s industry. Red Cheese was recognized as the most popular, most famous, and longest running photo

aesthetic booths and accessories

booth in the world. We are also the pioneer of photo booths and the reason for the popularity and growth of photo booths for events in the world today. We still currently own the domain (the most desired domain name for a photo booth rental company) and plan to hang

5:15 pm – Key Seminar Room 2

on to it for the remainder of eternity.

Dustin Espindula

Jay will be speaking on an overview of the photo booth business during the last 17 years.

- Digital Centre – Permanent Placement Photo Booths ­ How To Place Your Photo Booth In A Permanent Location

Revenue Sharing; the next Step for Rental Companies; How to place your photo booth in a permanent location. What is coin­op? How to increase passive income, social media presence, what is, how to find the right location and advertising your rental business with your

9:45 am – Key Seminar Room 2

photo booth in a permanent location.

Rick Hardesty The Front Office EXTREME Makeover

6:00 pm – Key Seminar Room 1 Sharon Hochdorf / Murray Englander / Mark Ufland

- Panel Discussion - Smoke and Mirrors

Tired of asking questions on FB groups and being ridiculed? Been trying to get your booth business to the next level but can’t quite make the leap? Three owners of successful photo booth and entertainment companies want to help you walk the walk and talk the talk! Hiring and retaining staff, pricing strategy, marketing tips, activations vs. gigs, build your own vs. buying a booth. No topic off limits, no question unanswered! This class is for the SMALL or beginning photo booth companies who wants to learn new ways to differentiate their business from the Groupon crowd and get to the higher paying events.

Powered By Customer Manager Pro Find out what it takes to turn your front office into a cash producing team! Learn five targets to focus on along with goals and incentives for performance. Your entire team will thank you for implementing these new profit systems!

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10:30 am – Key Seminar Room 1

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MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 1 – Andy Powell MASTER HOST Key Seminar Room 2 – Sid Vanderpool

Justin Miller “7 MORE Ways to Double Your Photo Booth Business…FAST” Justin Miller will share several strategies for rapid growth that you can implement

8:15 am – Key Seminar Room 1

immediately. How to create cash surges in your business, how to outsell your cheap competition, and how to book events after you are told there is

Scott Faver

no money left in the budget are just some of what will be covered. Justin has promised a free gift (while supplies last) to each attendee who is

Breakfast With Scott Faver – Even more hints and tips

present at the start of this info packed seminar so be sure to arrive early. 9:00 am ­ Key Seminar Room 1 10:30 am – Key Seminar Room 2

Nicholas Page – Social Marketing

Kyle Brown – Executive Director – Bridal Association Of America Successful Networking Techniques presented by the Bridal Association of America

9:00 am – Key Seminar Room 2

In this brand new seminar you will learn what it takes to be successful at networking. From Social events to business networking mixers and

Bob Lindquist

fundraiser. Kyle will share not only his tried and true techniques for making a lasting impression but the right one as well.

Online Marketing 2016: Take Back Your Website—But Do It Right!

11:15 am – Key Seminar Room 1

you. Here’s you opportunity to learn from the mistakes of someone who has wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on Web designers and

What’s the purpose of your Website? Why do you have a facebook page or LinkedIn account? If you really aren’t sure, then this presentation is for Wally Carnes ­ Imaging Spectrum

- Getting the most from Darkroom Booth

Whether you are a beginner or old pro this class will provide some new insight to help you get the most from Darkroom Booth2. Wally will share

developers who created beautiful sites that produced little results. He’s spent over 40 years in advertising, marketing and communications, and now focuses on helping small businesses create web­based strategies that build relationships that last for the long­term.

insider tips on how you can streamline your operation and tailor your workflow to minimize your time investment but maximize your product. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the latest features and benefits of Booth and see some shortcuts that you may not find in the manual.

9:45 am – Key Seminar Room 1 Thomas Kuemmel/Leslie Brock – Joy Squad Photo Booth

11:15 am – Key Seminar Room 2

How to successfully master Brand, Value & Pricing

Brian Miller ­ Photo Booth Upload tools and tricks.

The reasons why some photo booth companies flourish over time and others disappear over time is that some understand the important

The release of Photo Booth Upload has allowed any photo booth to compete for high end marketing and corporate clients. Learn tips and tricks for

fundamentals of running a business. This class has been designed to educate about the key elements and the secrets that differentiate the successful

slow motion video, light painting, animated GIFs, morphing, green screen video, and more. All from within the software that has been called the

companies from the competitors that will not last in the industry. Come learn about ways to stand out and separate yourselves from your market

Swiss Army Knife of photo booth software.

competitors by understanding the fundamentals of running a successful photo booth company.

EXHIBITS OPEN 12­7pm (12­19)

9:45 am – Key Seminar Room 2 Dave Stephenson

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm ­– Redwood Room

Network, Network, Network – Creator of the Photo Booth Network, Dave will be outlining the many ways photo booth operators can expand their

Rick Brewer – MASTER SEMINAR ­ $$ to participate

reach just by taking advantage of the many networking opportunities, both locally, nationally and online.


10:30 am – Key Seminar Room 1


Kim Gottschalk Happy Owner = Happy Business Learn proven principles that helped make ShutterBooth a successful photo booth company over the course of a decade. Explore what will help

8:00 pm – POKER TOURNAMENT ­ $$ to participate

your business evolve, not just grow. Learn what it takes to stand out from your competition and be remarkable. Understand the importance of defining your value, delivering wow’s and the role your passion must play in order to build a better business, make more money and come out on top time and time again. 10:30 am – Key Seminar Room 1 Michael Gartner - Photo Booth Solutions "Stand out From the Crowd with Photo Booth Solutions" Learn how thousands of photo booth owners worldwide have harnessed the power of Photo Booth Solutions software to get a leg up on the competition by offering the latest in photo booth technology. With Social Media Uploads, Animated GIFs, Hashtag Printing, Screen Graffiti, Slowmo Video, Data Collection, Digital Guest Books, Photo Booth Contests, Lip Sync video and more, Photo Booth Solutions has everything you need to take your booth to the next level and help you land bigger clients.

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11:15 am – Key Seminar Room 1


Bill Vahrenkamp ­ Imaging Spectrum Photobooth 101 Increase your understanding of cameras, lighting, exposure, computers, printers and software (including chromakey). Answers to all of the most common tech questions, including how to have much better quality photos and how to avoid refunding money because something went wrong! Photography software solutions Photo printers & supplies

Note: Bill is a Photographic Craftsman in the Professional Photographers of America!

The marketplace - templates - props supplies

11:15 am – Key Seminar Room 2 Matthew Long Using a NEW Online Event Management Tool and a Powerful Do­It­Yourself SEO Strategy to Grow Your Business and Dominate Your Competition Online event quoting and event booking is quickly becoming a standard in the industry. If you are not currently using a platform to improve your business, then here is your chance at the 2016 Photo Booth Expo for us to prove why it is critical. The second half of this event will spotlight guest speaker, John LiCausi of Internet Marketing Helpline, Inc., who will be presenting an effective SEO strategy that is simple enough to do on your Foto Master offers innovative interactive entertainment products & attractions for parties, entertainment centers, theme parks, museums & retail markets.

Photo Booth Solutions develops unique software for the Photo Booth and Event Photography industries.

Photo Booth Prop Design and Manufacture

own! EXHIBITS OPEN 12­4 pm (12­16) 3:45 PM – Key Seminar Room 1 – Official Show closing – AWARDS PRESENTATION – Photo Booth Network – Dave Stephenson

GET YOUR 2017 KEY PASSES ONLINE at with a $180 discount

($249-$1 80=$69)

using promo code PBX2017 BUT ONLY UNTIL FRIDAY !! Free exhibits only passes using promo code PBXFREE ONLY UNTIL THE END OF MAY

Socal Elite Photo Booths sole purpose is to provide a high end photo/video booth experience, at an affordable price, while delivering exceptional service.

Manufacture and sell enclosures and kiosks

Photobooth manufacturing and sales company. Photo Booth manufacturer

photobooth props, custom albums, collapsible hat racks and photo booths

CRM software designed to keep track of your front office and employees.

Photo booth vendor and services.

Photo Booth manufacturer

The fastest photo booth on planet Earth

Professional photo printers & supplies

Joy Squad Photo Booth Experience.

EXH I B I TO RS We are like the Chamber of Commerce of weddings - the Bridal Association provides members discounts on many of the products they need to grow their business as well as Insurance, Free Website, exclusive discounts on trade shows, expos & education.

Photobooth manufacturing and operations.

EXH I B I TO RS DJ Event Planner will change the way you manage and run your business, streamlining all your procedures and software into one easy to manage system. Best of all, there's no software to install and no backups to worry about!

Limelight Photo Booth offers Social Media, Photo Kiosks featuring Photo, Green Screen, GIF Animation, Video & more in one ultra-sleek portable unit and Event Hashtag Printers.

Photo Booth Manufacturer -Darkroom Booth themes (experience human voice, premium screen display & print templates

Virtuacast creates the illusion of life size holograms that event guests may interact with, then share the resulting video & photo on social media. photo booths, cases, props & backdrops

Print Instagram shots at parties, weddings and events as people share them with no extra hardware. It works with any printer, on any MAC or PC - you just create a tag, connect your printer and turn it on! Turn your computer into a photo booth for free!

Mobile apps created for small businesses for mobile marketing Light up your party!

Custom case, photobooth kiosk and accessories manufacturer for both the entertainment and photobooth industry.

Awesome software to power your photo booth.

Tolls, Tactics and Training for small business owners to improve their bottom line

Photo printers & supplies - we offer high quality photo booth party props or photography prop signs! You can use them for corporate events, weddings, birthday parties, or any fun event! Our signs will be the #1 party prop that your guests will love!

Photo Kiosks And Mini Portable Photo Booth Packages

Photo booth manufacturer

3D !

DIRECT manufacturer of portable photography backdrops, kiosk stand

We are the largest manufacturer of photography backdrops in the market. We have thousands of styles to choose from for photo booths, special events and professional photographers. Backdrop Outlet also supplies backdrop stands and special event banners. Photo printer manufacturer. Epic Party Products makes games, products, and supplies that wow your clients. Add our products to your photo booth business for big revenue.

Photo Booth Supplies

www.profit911 .biz

Traditional style photo booth sales

The premier manufacturer of portable photo booths, backdrops and photo booth accessories.

Photography backdrops & gear Games manufacturer

Interactive Selfie Vanity Mirror

Photo booth hardware and software

The nation's first call center exclusively for photo booth owners. Handcrafted photo booth sales

EXH I B I TO RS Chetu is an award winning full-service software development, integration, and implementation provider that specializes in creating custom software solutions that meet our client's needs. Chetu is a seamless back-end technology partner. Internet based reservation software system


Photo Booth Software & Photo Booth Sales

Photo booth manufacturers and software developers

Say farewell to the old classic booth and say hello to a more beautiful, modern, aluminum booth, built for efficiency, style, & quality Everyday low prices on photo printers, photo printer media, software, custom printed cds, dvds, flash drives and more! Free shipping - no minimum

Ca ptu red P H O T O

Photo Printing

We are a nationwide directory for photo booths connecting consumers with photo booth companies.

Fobo photo booths are designed to be modern, open, and produce high quality images.

Photo booth manufacturers and software developers

QLT is one of the world's premiere sources for innovative photo finishing products & supplies. We aim to always provide our clients with industry-leading and cutting-edge products at affordable rates. The yodabooth was custom designed for the smoothest user experience possible. Sleek, compact and 1 00% customizable, it blends into any display. Installed anywhere and in no time at all, one electrical outlet is all it needs to light up your event. Designer and manufacturer of Portable Photo Booths

Photo Printing

Photo Booths Vibrant non-glare custom backdrops Our photo booth kiosk goes away from that boing look and brings convenience and style. Our open concept photo booth kiosk captures a modern & elegant style and keeps it classy at the same time.

Photo Booth Manufacturing company Photo booth & event software

Mediaphotobooth is a reseller and assemblerof photobooth parts and systems. Our complete photobooth system allows the users to have a fun, memorable experience. We are currently based out of Culver City, CA and we ship globally.

K I O S K LAI Games, a subsidiary of Helix Leisure, has been a leader in the interactive and game industry for 50+ years. The company develops, manufactures, and sells coin and card operated prize merchandising games, ticket redemption games, and photo booths.

Merchant Services Digital Photo Printing Solutions Photo Booth manufacturer

Licensing of instagram printers & development of innovative products.

Shutterbooth is a national photo booth rental company founded in 2006 and has 44 offices nationwide.

We have been specialized in making inflatable photo booths. Our competitive products: Inflatable Photo Booth with LED lights, Inflatable LED wall, Inflatable dome tent with LED lights, inflatable photo booth enclosure, wedding photo booth for rental

EXH I B I TO RS\photo Our photo booth is lightweight, ultra portable and easy to set up. And our software gives you the great photo booth experience while creating a social network for your events.

We don't just stock folders....we make them! Corner Mount and Slip-In Event Folders and Frames for 2"x6". 4"x6" and 6"x8" prints. Custom print your design vision or select a design from our extensive library od themed and seasonal patterns.

Photo booth manufacturer

An association representing Photobooth operators and manufacturers GIF Making & Photo Sharing App

Photo processing and digital processing systems.


Welcome to The Slow Motion Booth – America’s #1 Slow Motion Booth! Our team has experience working on everything from small private parties, to weddings, to fortune 50 launch parties and more! We have offices all over the US and are set to travel to wherever your event may take us.

My Photo Booth Experience offers a professional front end software package to suit every photo booth business.Is your business looking to offer that little bit extra than the competition? Look no further than My Photo Booth Experience. Photo booths / photo booth websites Photo Booths and accessories Clients expect perfection. Are you prepared for a technical issue with your photo booth? See how we can help.

Photo Booth Sales

Providing photos and a truly unique method of raising money for golf outings. Thinking outside the tee box!

Handmade wooden props, signs, and custom scrapbook paper.

We have been working as independent DJs, photo booth operators and wedding and event specialists for more than 25 years. Gigcentric was built with inside knowledge on the essential needs of professionals in event management. Photo booths and social photo sharing

Prop signs, photo booths & photographers Manufacturers of portable photobooth systems & innovative green screen systems

SloMo Booths offers Slow Motion Booth Sales and Rental World Wide! We were the first Slow Motion Photo Booth software and have booths in over 80 locations.


Provides spandex backdrop - heavy duty backdrop stands and clean affordable photo booths - a division of snap print An alternative to traditional photo booths. FOTOBOMB allows your guests to party outside the traditional box. This program allows you to create memories while branding and promoting your business. Guaranteed to create a buzz at your next event. Let's Party

Photo Booth Equipment Manufacturing

www.1 The complete solution for rediculously easy business management. Capture new leads, pay invoices, handle your bookkeeping and more! Create templates and automate your process to send out with the click of a button. Find your freedom with 1 7hats.

M A S TE R C L A S S E S Returning for its second year the Master Class Series being held during the Photo Booth Expo at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. This series features hands on classes on some of the more interesting and intricate technical topics to help step up your 'boothing' game, and make more unique experiences for your clients and their guests. Expanding across two days and featuring both technical and business class options. Join industry leaders Conor Mongan, Mose James, Kelly Williams, Frances Foreman, Steve Bliesner, & Meir Israel in an intimately sized class setting where they will show you some of their hottest tips and tricks to making events great. The small sizes of these classes insure great opportunities for one on one questions, and mind-expanding ideas. Register soon, as class sizes are limited. To order master classes go to: 6-tickets-21 24280881 3


Fully interchangeable from front to back, top to bottom, all in one self contained medium size photo booth shell. For more information

check us out online

stop by our booth at the show

check out our show specials


SEE US In 7 Booth 80

Allow us to introduce our newest addtion! THE


SEE US In Booth 807

SEE U S In Boot h 80 7

SAVE $300 $300Of fAnyBoot h-10% Of fBackdr ops

Pr omoCode:PBXL V We Bui l dI ndust r y Leadi ng Pho t oBo o t hs DSL RCamer awi t hT i l t&Rot at e -St r obeF l as h Dur abl eT ouchScr een-Speaker s-Sl i des how Qual i t yCons t r uct i on-OpenorEncl os edSet ups

18882029161|www. ds l r phot oboot h. com

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