Future Sense Foundation Annual Report 2014

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The future depends on what you do today. - Mahatma Gandhi

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Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org


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Dear Supporter, I am delighted to present to you our annual report for the year 2013/2014. This is an exciting time for the Foundation as we have seen a significant increase in our fundraising receipts and I am pleased to report that this has grown from just under ÂŁ150,000 last year to almost ÂŁ400,000 during this period. This is a significant achievement and we are most grateful to all our supporters for their hard work and commitment to make this possible. It is with your help that the Foundation is able to reach greater numbers of beneficiaries and continue to help the less privileged around the world have a better future. This year we have focused our attention on improving the quality of and access to education for children from underprivileged backgrounds in some of the less developed parts of the world. Noted as the most important area of focus by the United Nations, FutureSense Foundation is proud of the impact we have made over the past year. Our focus has been on improving the level of spoken English and providing opportunities for extra-curricular activities. The volunteers we receive from GapGuru, Inspire and Challenges Abroad have worked tirelessly and contributed over 60,000 hours to run programmes that have reached over 6,000 children around the world. Furthermore, we have improved the facilities and resources at over 30 schools or learning centres, with our proudest achievement being the completion of a new school built in Tanzania. Without the support of all the volunteers, fundraisers and our dedicated in-country programme management teams our success over this period would not have been achievable. We look forward to your continued support for the charity, fundraising at your schools, universities or workplaces to enable us to continue to build brighter futures for children and adults around the world. With Best Wishes Arvind Malhotra Chief Executive

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VISION, VALUES What inspires us? Vision Our Pillars of International Development

We support disadvantaged communities around the world to help them build a brighter future.

Mission FutureSense Foundation supports sustainable development though the placement of volunteers and carefully targeted funding, focusing on education, livelihood support and child welfare.

Values We are passionate about meeting the needs of our community partners and volunteers, always acting with integrity, empathy and energy in creating innovative programmes that fulfil their visions and aspirations.

FutureSense Foundation has continued to focus its attention on three pillars of international development: education, livelihood support and child welfare. Education Our focus remains on improving the quality and access to education for children from the most disadvantaged sections of society. Through the year we have undertaken a number of initiatives towards meeting this goal: • Improved facilities at over 80% of our partner schools or educational centres • Continued to improve curricula, resources and teaching methods to engage students in continuing in their studies • Created interactive and captivating libraries at 5 of our partner primary schools to ensure children at primary level improve their reading • Delivered an ‘English Skills Development Day’ in Thailand • Run numerous summer camps, English camps and sports camps for primary level students • Provided children and orphans with snacks and meals during school hours in Romania, Cambodia and Peru

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Child Welfare

Our focus is to help those who live below the poverty line develop a means of livelihood to lead a life of dignity. Our activities over the year have included:

Providing orphans and children living in care with a childhood. Our focus is on improving the conditions these children live in while providing them with new skills and activities that help them grow and develop. Through the year we have:

• Running livelihood support programmes in Cambodia and Tanzania with the mission to empower women

• Participating in workshops that promote nutrition, HIV/AIDS preventative methods (particularly “mother to child” transmission) and water safety classes • Working closely with a neonatal and maternity health centre in Cambodia to train staff in new midwifery skills • Refurbishing and providing new equipment at maternity wards • Encouraging local communities to utilise organic farming methods • Continuing our community garden at the Buddhist monastry in Cambodia and creating new gardens at various partner projects

• Renovated girls’ dormitories in Peru • Improved living conditions of children in Romania, Cambodia and Tanzania • Run health and hygiene classes for primary school students, teaching them the importance of hand washing, mosquito protection, water sanitation methods and basic first aid • Run summer camps for children living in care homes in Romania • Built rain-storage tanks in Tanzania to provide children with drinking water

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

• Organising workshops within local communities promoting gender equality

• Provided support to children living in care homes in Romania, helping them improve their English and learn new skills

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In 2013 the FutureSense Foundation officially launched its international internship programme. This exciting new programme has brought lots of new positive energy into all of our international projects. These internship placements have been extremely beneficial to local partner projects by increasing the capacity of the in-country teams, and are an incredible way for individuals to gain experience working with an international charity. The two main positions we offer are on-site and media internships. Onsite interns focus on volunteer management and programme implementation. Media interns focus on photography, taking videos, social media and, in general, are there to capture all of the fantastic work being achieved by our volunteers and partner projects. There are 3 main ways that interns have impacted our local partner projects: fresh perspectives, creativity and increased project visibility. These young professionals bring new perspectives into our community work and enable FutureSense Foundation to continue to evolve and to ensure our community programmes are ethical and sustainable. Our media interns have been instrumental in allowing us to share and demonstrate our international development efforts. We are extremely proud of the work our international interns have been doing and we look forward to growing this programme in the next year. It has proved to be very successful in terms of benefiting our local partner projects, as well as a fantastic way for the interns to grow personally and professionally.


In May 2014, FutureSense Foundation held its first International Development Conference aimed at raising awareness of overseas development with university RAGs and student fundraisers. In recent years the popularity of student participation in overseas events and volunteering has grown rapidly and, in recognising this trend, the conference looked to present a perspective on International Development, discussing the impact that students can make and the different ways of getting more students involved in fundraising as well as overseas volunteering. The conference also provided an opportunity for RAGs and fundraisers to meet directly with the FutureSense overseas teams and hear about the development issues and challenges they face in the countries where they work. Participants were able to find out how students and RAGs can get involved in helping address some of these development issues. Delegates found meeting the country teams, attending the keynote speeches and participating in the International Development Fair to be productive and informative and the entire event was a huge success. We are looking forward to continuing to build awareness on international development issues amongst students and RAG societies, with the aim of helping develop an understanding of how to participate in sustainable overseas volunteering and fundraising.

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FUTURESENSE ACADEMY Being the EFL Academy Director is a very gratifying experience because through it we can have a global influence giving students an opportunity to learn English and use it as a wonderful tool to better their livelihood in the future. On the other hand, volunteers get to make a difference through education, and to experience the warmth, and gratitude of every community we work with enriching volunteers’ life as well. Marcia Somellera, EFL Academy Director, FutureSense Foundation

Over the coming year we will be initiating work on the first phase of the FutureSense Academy. The FutureSense Academy aims to raise the overall quality of education available to children in underprivileged communities in the countries where we work. The Academy aims to create a model for sustainable improvement within under-resourced schools and day centres in each of our partner communities.

Students stand to benefit hugely from a rounded education in which skills are developed alongside a thorough understanding of the curriculum. Whether students choose to embark on high-flying careers or remain working in more traditional vocations, an improved education will be of great benefit to them and future generations. We are looking forward to trialling this programme in South East Asia initially; however, our long-term vision is to ensure each of our worldwide partners in the education sector will benefit from the Academy. The first phase will focus on developing our EFL Academy, which will focus on providing teaching resources for our volunteers to access around the world. This will include a forum for volunteers to share their positive teaching experiences amongst themselves, learning from each other with the shared goal of providing quality education to children attending our partner schools.

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

The sustainable vision targets teachers and volunteers, providing resources that can enable them to be more effective in providing education for the children we reach through our programmes. The Academy will focus on high-quality teacher training, teaching resources and whole school management, providing the foundations for a long-lasting improvement in education for the whole community.

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2013-2014 Creating Brighter Futures

With the help of our supporters and volunteers we were able to reach over 8000 individuals worldwide to help them have a brighter future, here is a summary of our achievements in the key countries where we work.

This year we were grateful to have over 400 individuals fundraise for the charity and over 700 individuals volunteer with us overseas. We worked with over 100 partner projects and continue to partner with new organisations that require our support. We continue to build and develop the capacity and capabilities of our overseas teams with our international interns and local staff recruits to enable us to reach more communities in the coming years.



425 children attending our partner schools

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NUMBERS IN ROMANIA WE PROVIDED CARE AND EDUCATION TO: Over 200 children at our partner schools and kindergartens Over

1000 people of all ages at

our partner healthcare facility Over


300 orphans who live in care

homes and look forward to the fun and excitement our volunteers bring to their lives

IN INDIA WE HELPED: Over 1000 children and young adults through improved education Over 300 patients who required urgent healthcare Over

300 children who are living

in care




1000 children and young adults through education and healthcare 1500 low-income villagers who attend our partner health centres

50 individuals and families who now


800 children and young adults living below the poverty line by improving their education

300 families who continue to be self-sufficient as a result of our livelihood programme

IN THAILAND WE SUPPORTED: Over 750 children and adults at our partner schools and Buddhist monasteries, who received the benefit of our English Skills improvement programme

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

are living independently thanks to our livelihood programme

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Working towards better futures in the Kingdom of Wonder

This past year we have seen an exciting year of growth in our Cambodia hub. The number of volunteers has increased, our partnerships have grown and our in-country staff capacity has tripled. Cambodia remains our busiest hub where our impact can be felt throughout the local community.

Capacity Building

Partnership Strengthening

Our main area of growth has been in building the in-country capacity of the Foundation in Cambodia. In addition to our new country manager, Maria, we have had a few people join our team full time. Kallyan previously worked as a translator for our medical programmes and continues to play a key role in ensuring we are making a sustainable impact at our healthcare projects in Cambodia. Vannlyta joined the team a few months later to assist with volunteer management and also plays a vital role in developing our local English curriculum programmes. Davit continues to bring heart and soul to the volunteer house as she prepares restaurant-quality Khmer food and invites volunteers to learn about local traditions. This year we were also joined by three interns who helped to further develop our Cambodia programmes, support local partners and provide volunteers with once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

This year has also focused on developing our relationship with our in-country partners. During this first year of providing financial support to Children’s Action for Development (CAD), we have seen their programmes expand and flourish. Volunteers have worked alongside CAD staff to help bring new programmes forward and increase the impact in the community. Volunteers helped to establish a new computer centre in the community – from scrubbing the walls, to painting, setting up the computers, and even putting together the curriculum. They also helped to clear a field, level the ground, and set up a football pitch in the community, providing children with a safe place to run and play. These types of spaces are crucial in rural Cambodia where there is a lack of space for children to go when they are not in school, relegating them to playing in the narrow paths between their homes and the busy roads.

In just one year we were able to support 7 local organisations with over 8500 volunteer hours. Volunteers worked on more than 25 projects and made a huge impact in the community. Some of the highlights include: • Building an organic fruit and vegetable garden at an education centre • Leading seven English and activities camps at various schools and organisations • Conducting home repair and renovation projects

Medical volunteers worked in the community to provide free access to basic healthcare and health advice to people who have limited access to healthcare. They also worked with children to teach them about health and hygiene and provided critical first aid training to educators in the community. In the year ahead, we are looking forward to expanding our medical programmes to continue working closely with the community - working with parents about preventative care, health and nutrition, and early detection of illness.

• Livelihood support for 9 families to begin or expand their businesses • Providing free medical attention to people living in 3 rural communities

190 volunteers

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projects completed

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Exciting projects to watch‌ One of the exciting projects to keep an eye on for the year ahead is the development of an organic bio-garden at one of the CAD education centres. This project will serve as a multi-dimensional teaching tool where students will get to learn about organic agriculture, the importance of healthy diet, and will even learn about fish farming! Students will harvest the food they have grown and learn how to prepare healthy local dishes. Once the garden has become more established, students will be able to take produce to the market to sell, providing them with an opportunity to learn about pricing and challenge them to consider how to use the funds that they have raised. This is such an exciting project because it promotes hands-on learning and a variety of life skills.

Into the Future

We will also be expanding our educational programmes to begin working with students entering secondary school – allowing us to continue supporting students with whom we have already established a strong connection. I

1000 recipients reached

human and civil rights at home in Chile, to developing school programmes in Thailand. Supported by Kallyan Run and Vannlyta Yung, together they ensure our programmes are sustainable and advise our partner projects on capacity building, development and education.

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

n addition, we will be expanding our programmes to promote learning In the year ahead we will continue to outside of the classroom – whether this support our existing partners, especially is through computer literacy classes, art as the Department of Education will begin classes, football training, or environmental requiring that students in primary school education study English. programmes. We I enjoy working at FutureSense Our education will continue to programmes will because of the teamwork and work closely with help to reinforce the community to I especially like working in the material being promote parental community. For me, I want to help learned in school engagement in the people and help them develop. and will strengthen classroom and in student confidence. I also love to share information child welfare. We will We are also looking do this both through about my culture with volunteers. to expand our school activities Vannlyta Yung, Community Coordinator Cambodia support for the as well as through education system financial livelihood by providing additional capacity building support programmes that allow parents workshops for teachers who feel that they to start or expand a home-run business in are not equipped to begin implementing order to support their families. the new English curriculum. Furthermore, the implementation of The FutureSense Academy will enable staff to access an Our Team in Cambodia unlimited resource in teaching materials, methods and best practices. This will Originally from Chile, Maria Moreno, our develop alongside our reading and library Cambodia Country Manager, obtained a programme at all of our partner schools degree in Political Science while studying to develop student literacy, expand in the USA. Since then she has been vocabulary, and promote life-long learning involved in projects across the world, through books and reading. from engaging in policy changes to

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One year completed, many more futures to brighten in the Land of Smiles

Building Educational Partnerships

FutureSense Foundation is incredibly proud of the success in our first year operating in Thailand. We have partnered with 11 projects and 5 communities in Northern Thailand. Our in-country team has grown rapidly, enabling such a fast expansion into the education and animal conservation sectors within Thailand.

55 volunteers

The biggest achievement of the year in improving accessibility to free and quality education was creating and running our Over the past year, the main focus first annual ‘English Skills Development has been on improving the English Day’. In collaboration with our main ability of the students from our partner Buddhist temple partner, we invited communities, as well as increasing their over 200 students from our partner access to extra-curricular activities. Our schools to participate. The day consisted focus on English language is in response of a singing contest (all in English), an to a request from our partner schools and English skills challenge that had three temples as they feel rounds – 1) spelling that having better The Challenges Abroad volunteers bee, 2) picture English skills will identification, who came from Southampton assist and enable 3) head to head Solent University have helped my their students with English quiz – and temple a lot. They have renovated higher education a talent show. The and future goal of the day the monks’ canteen at Wat Mon employment. We was to provide and transformed it into an English strive to improve an outlet for learning and studying room for the the children’s the students to English abilities showcase and novice monks. We now have a nice through volunteer practice their and comfortable English room to teachers, afterEnglish skills study. Thank you so much to all school tutoring, as well as to and English camps. of them. compete for prizes Phramaha Pong, Abbot of Wat Mon All FutureSense and points for volunteers are their school. We required to write down their lessons in awarded first, second, and third place our custom-made recording books as well prizes for each contest and also trophies as to track the students’ comprehension to the schools that accumulated the of the lesson. This provides continuity most points. It was a fantastic day and a between volunteers and allows our EFL great way to bring all of our community (English as a Foreign Language) manager partners together while providinga fun to analyse progress and provide direct educational day for the students. We hope feedback to volunteers and our partner to make this event annual and something schools regarding topics and lessons. our partner schools can look forward to each year. Furthermore, by increasing availability to extra-curricular activities, the Foundation Improving Facilities has seen a noticeable difference in students’ attitudes at school. By providing Another main area of focus in Thailand extra-curricular activities in a formal during our first year of operation has environment, our mission is to broaden been to improve the onsite facilities at the students’ perspectives, spark interests our partner projects. Volunteers have in other subjects, and to provide a more completed construction projects at two well-rounded education. Activities range of our Buddhist temple partners. The from art classes to sports camps and first project completed by a Challenges cooking classes. Abroad group was to install a raised

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cement floor where over 100 monks eat lunch and host various Buddhist ceremonies. The group started the project from scratch and built the framework, mixed cement, and created a 9x10 metre raised platform. The novices and monks now have a proper space for meals as well as for all the Buddhist ceremonies.

been providing volunteers, who assist with local park duties and other tasks that aid in their conservation efforts. The Foundation is looking forward to expanding this partnership and assisting in any way we can.

Into the Future

Elephants are a vital part of life in rural Thailand; however, in many cases these animals are put through a life of hard and rigorous labour. We have partnered with an elephant conservation foundation and have provided volunteers to aid in their meaningful work. The elephant conservation foundation rescues abused and mistreated elephants. Elephants are brought to the sanctuary, where they receive any medical attention required and have an opportunity to live in a peaceful environment. We have

During the summer months, multiple Challenges Abroad groups will volunteer in our remote partner hilltribe communities on infrastructure improvement and sustainable projects. The groups will be making an incredible impact in our 3 hill-tribe village partners. Group projects will range from installing water sanitation units to school building improvements. This is in addition to the English and extra-curricular activities that will be run.

800 recipients reached

Lastly, the Thailand team is working with local leaders to develop programmes focused on improving access to medical care. This will include volunteer-run seminars ranging in topics from nutrition, first aid and hygiene. Utilising our university partnerships in the UK and

Australia, FutureSense also wants to bring nursing students to visit remote hill-tribe villages to perform basic health checks and provide any required seminars or trainings.

Our Team in Thailand Managing the team in Thailand is David Poppe, who has been living and working in Thailand since 2009. Born and raised in Connecticut, USA, David took part in study abroad programmes while at university, which sparked his desire to work abroad, and he has extensive volunteer and community project experience. David is supported in growing FutureSense programmes by Nid. Born in Mae Sariang, she left home aged 12 to find work to help her family. Both are passionate about sustainable international development and continually research ways to involve the local community in our mission. Overseeing our English education programmes is Marcia Somellera, born in Guadalajara, Mexico; she went to High School in the USA before training as a teacher back in Mexico. With over 20 years’ experience in education, teaching people of all ages, she has gained further qualifications in Denver, USA, and Pamplona, Spain. Marcia is currently creating and implementing a large part of the FutureSense Academy by writing our ESL Academy curriculum.

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

Supporting Animal Welfare

The Thailand team has a very ambitious and exciting upcoming 2015! We are currently finalising how we approach and track our EFL efforts in order to show tangible improvements from the students. In addition to the existing extra-curricular activities, FutureSense will initiate an exciting new media education programme that we will be running at several of our schools, as well as for the community. This exciting new partnership with a US based non-profit organisation focuses on providing media education to students and communities that would not usually have the resources or this opportunity. We plan also to utilise our global media volunteers and interns to develop this new partnership.

A Coventry University group completely renovated a building at a small forest temple we are partnered with. The building is used for English tutoring, temple meetings, and for meals. Attached to the back of this building is the temple’s outdoor kitchen, which was in dire need of cleaning and improvement. This building was transformed and given a full makeover. The novice monks who live at this temple are now even more excited about learning English and utilising their new study space. The new kitchen also provides a sanitary space for all meals to be prepared.

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Opportunities for a better life in the land of the Maasai. new vegetable garden, supplemented with green vegetables, amaranth and soy beans.

Developing Education in Tanzania In the last year, the FutureSense Engilang’et community school offers English medium education to 127 students over 7 levels of nursery and primary education. In the past year, the focus of volunteer support has been on reading, natural English, vocational skills (gardening), maths and extra-curricular activities. The Foundation also funded the building of a new school kitchen from scratch to offer students a higher level of nutrition, and therefore enabling them to learn more effectively. Meals can now be prepared, and thanks to the

65 volunteers

Olbak is a very poor, government-run Maasai school in a rural part of the Arusha region. With poor facilities and low morale, the school struggles to offer effective education, and the children’s learning has been further hampered by their need to walk long distances to fetch water for the school. GapGuru qnd Inspire volunteers, particularly those on the `Travelling to Teach` programme, have been working to improve the situation through teacher training and by developing teaching resources. In addition, volunteers from Durham University helped to build and fund 2 new rain harvesting tanks, to add to the 3 constructed by the Foundation in previous years, meaning there is now the capacity to store water for up to 10 weeks during the dry season. We have also started renovating the classrooms and a standard classroom was also fully refurbished, to create an inspiring and conducive learning environment for the children.

Building a New School In November 2013, we undertook the building of a new community nursery school for a local NGO partner Arise FAWE, in partnership with the Sombetini Children’s Fund (a Scottish charity). The Foundation has been managing and funding the project with a view to offering English medium education for children from the local community. The construction is now almost complete, and it is expected that the school will be ready to open in January 2015.

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We have really appreciated having volunteers from the FutureSense programmes at our school. We have learned a lot from them. In the last years they have helped us with water tanks and a library, for example, which the students really enjoy learning in. Christopher Denis Tesha, Olbak Primary School.

Into the Future 2015 is set to be a very exciting year for the Tanzania hub. With select projects in place and the opportunity for further expansion with an increase in volunteer activity, the Foundation’s community development initiatives are set to become bigger and stronger. A fourth school partner will be added and education initiatives such as the ‘Reading for Pleasure’ scheme will be strengthened and extended. The FutureSense Foundation’s innovative livelihood programmes will also be a focus for growth. Plans include setting up a sewing cooperative and conducting 2 further grants rounds to allow the very poorest individuals to set up small business and sustain an income for their families.

Our Team in Tanzania

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Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org


Leading the team in Tanzania is Samina Bunker. Having grown up in Dar Es Salaam, she left the country at the age of 15 to finish school and then go on to university in the UK. Returning to Tanzania to be involved in one of the many development initiatives across the country was always the long-term aim, however, and after a year in Kenya working on a rural education project, she returned to Tanzania to head up the FutureSense team there. Passionate about improving access to quality education and women’s empowerment initiatives, Samina is an invaluable member of our worldwide team. She is supported by 5 local staff members who assist her in programme delivery, volunteer management and local outreach research.

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Creando futuros brillantes un día a la vez. Creating bright futures one day at a time.

Our first full year of Brighter Futures for 500 operations in Peru has been an exciting learning curve for FutureSense Foundation. We have partnered with 3 new projects all focused on improving living conditions and education for primary level students and orphans in the Sacred Valley area. The in-country team has focused its attentions on creating a feasibility study and interviewing numerous potential partner projects, ensuring that our objectives are aligned.

45 volunteers

Children in Just One Year We have continued to address and improve the facilities at our partner projects, focusing on using sustainable and environmental methods. At Yanapaq Maki Kuna, 2 Challenges Abroad groups designed and constructed ecological playground furniture. The end result was fantastic: making hanging baskets and various seating out of tyres for the children. The groups also engaged the 65 young children in sporting activities and English classes. A Challenges Abroad group from the University of Newcastle completed the construction of steps from the road up to the school. Previously there was a muddy bank that was dangerous for the children, especially during the rainy season. The group transported materials to the site and laid concrete steps, ensuring easy and safe access to the school for the students. Another Challenges Abroad group from the University of Reading worked tirelessly at our kindergarten project, designing inspiring murals relating to the theme of “the right to…”. The Foundation’s aim with this project was to inspire children from a young age to understand their rights, allowing them to flourish in later life. The group also engaged the children with fun and sustainable activities such as mask making and other extra-curricular activities.

Improving Access to Childcare One of our partnerships in Peru is with an orphanage that cares for 15 children. A Challenges Abroad group of Royal Holloway students, who fundraised for the Foundation, worked tirelessly to improve the living conditions for the girls who live at the orphanage. They painted and decorated 6 dormitories with inspiring murals, so that the children have a sense of pride in their living space. The group created name boards, which focused on each individual child’s favourite things, and also implemented fun and interactive activities. The Foundation is excited to grow this partnership over the coming year and assist the orphanage in capacity building and improving resources.

Into the Future Over the next year, the FutureSense Foundation will continue to focus its attentions on improving educational resources at our partner schools, assisting with child welfare initiatives and extending our outreach in the Sacred Valley region. At El Girasol we will initiate an afterschool programme to assist children in completing homework, learning English, playing games and activities, and most importantly, receiving social and scholastic mentoring. Furthermore, we will introduce a technical training programme and a scholarship programme for children to be able to attend the technical

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school without the concern of financial constraints. We will also continue to develop the home, further in order to be able to accommodate more children in a safe and secure environment. FutureSense Foundation is currently researching new projects that incorporate environmental and animal conservation in the Amazon Rainforest region. We are interviewing various local NGOs who work towards preventing the destruction of this fascinating ecosystem by preventing deforestation, logging and unauthorised farming. We hope to assist organisations with their desired outcome to preserve this natural ecosystem and allow animals to continue to live in their natural habitat. We are excited to be extending our reach into this sector of development.

Our Team in Peru We are in the process of setting up a new team in Peru. Over the last 6 months we have had international interns being supported by country managers from around the world, helping put together the strategy and structure for our operations in Peru. Taking the lead on the ground have been Lucy Walters and Michael Slattery, international interns from the UK.

500 recipients reached

It’s been astonishing to see the growth of our projects here in Peru during our first full year in country, and it’s been a great privilege to see such progress in both the projects we work with, and in the volunteers who generously give their time and efforts. I really believe that the benefits of FutureSense are multifold, giving both volunteers and the children we work with a chance to grow, learn and explore different cultures and ways of seeing the world. Lucy Walters, intern, FutureSense Foundation

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Improving child welfare and health in Transylvania. Improving Child Welfare

Over the past year in Romania we have tackled the increasing struggles this fascinating country faces with child welfare and healthcare. Although Romania is part of the European Union, it continues to face major socioeconomic issues. Access to free and quality education is sporadic, healthcare services are inconsistent in their delivery, unemployment is high and urban housing conditions are poor.

150 volunteers

Child welfare is of particular concern, as increasing numbers of children are placed into institutional care, placing pressure on an already stretched social care system. FutureSense Foundation has focused its attention on improving the facilities and the resources for children in care in the Transylvania area. Our longest partnership in Romania is with the Child Protection Services (CPS), which works tirelessly to improve the living conditions and the everyday wellbeing of the children under their care. However, they receive limited government funding, and lack staff and infrastructure. The Foundation is extremely proud of this partnership and the joint achievements we are making in improving the conditions of the care homes in Transylvania. 30 GapGuru and Inspire volunteers worked with the children to provide pastoral care and ensure the children in the care homes enjoyed fun and engaging activities after school. The volunteers were there to counsel children who required extra support and to take them on fun excursions such as swimming or zip wiring. A group of GapGuru students from a school in Switzerland volunteered at a partner school in Odvahey, teaching local students English and introducing different cultures and ways of learning. Both sets of students benefited from the opportunity to share experiences, skills, culture and aspirations. Between June and August, 125 students from 4 different Challenges Abroad groups volunteered in Romania with the specific aim of improving the conditions at care homes and government schools, while simultaneously engaging children from the rural area of Transylvania in a structured environment. Over 300 children were cared for and taught over

As the leader of the Child Protection Services in Keresztur I am extremely grateful to FutureSense Foundation for your support. Without your support the children from our department would be much poorer both personally and emotionally. We take care of over 120 children of different ages and with your support they have the opportunity to learn English skills. Furthermore, the charity’s support has enabled our care homes to be renewed and of a high quality. I hope that next year we can work together with FutureSense Foundation and continue to develop this fantastic partnership. Jòzsef Bodò, Head of CPS-Keresztur

the summer months in both a formal and non-formal setting, continuing the Foundation’s mission to support sustainable development through volunteers. Challenges Abroad students from Bishop Grosseteste University renovated 2 care homes, built a boundary fence at a facility used by CPS during the summer months and renovated the roof that the children eat under. Challenges Abroad volunteers from Bristol University renovated a further 2 care homes in the district of Miercurea Ciuc. They painted bedrooms and improved the living areas of the care homes. The group also did a fantastic job of playing games, teaching English and running sports events for the children.

14000 volunteer hours

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A Staffordshire University group on a Challenges Abroad programme fundraised throughout the year to renovate 2 care homes in Kerestur. They ran a summer camp for children and students from the local care home and school. Furthermore, they sand-papered and varnished more than 260 square metres of wooden panels, painted the fence around the sports pitch, the classrooms and the gym at a local rural school. Durham University students (DUCK) volunteered in Romania for 4 weeks, where they ran a summer camp for 20 children at Rugonfalva. Simultaneously, they renovated a care home in the village and built a football pitch for the children from CPS. FutureSense Foundation is extremely thankful for the support of all these university groups for the time and effort they spent volunteering and fundraising for the Foundation. The tangible impact and improvements achieved in just a few months far exceeded our expectations and their determination to improve the conditions in Romania for children was extremely inspiring. We would also like to thank CPS and the local government schools we worked with over the summer for sharing our vision and enabling us to implement such successful programmes.

Promoting Healthcare


projects completed

Our plans in Romania for 2014-2015 are to strengthen and diversify our community outreach programmes within the Transylvania region. We will continue to work closely alongside CPS, expanding our outreach to a further 5-10 care homes and continuing to renovate and construct additional buildings, as well as running summer camps for the children. We will implement our FutureSense Academy programme at 2 of the local schools, ensuring teachers have access to quality curricula, resources and career development. Our healthcare support will expand into providing staff training, improving resources and facilities at local medical centres, and potentially providing livelihood training and support to local people directly affected by HIV/AIDS.

Our Team in Romania Leading the team in Romania is Ernő Nagy, who is based in the town of Odorheiu-Secuiesc. Born in Targu Mures, he has lived in the area all his life, apart from going to university in Budapest. Also working as a history teacher in a local school, Ernő is now in his fourth year as the FutureSense Country Manager. Passionate about helping the local community, particularly the lives of children and young people, he loves his job and the difference he can make. He has built a solid partnership with CPS, which enables the Foundation to reach over 500 children per year.

850 recipients reached

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

The Foundation also worked closely with healthcare professionals at SMURD Emergency Department in Targu Mures by providing qualified volunteers who shared skills, trained local medical staff and acted as general support for the hospital. A Challenges Abroad Australia group of paramedic students from the Student Paramedic Association volunteered at the Emergency Department. They engaged in cross-cultural skill sharing with the local paramedics, participated in a one-day local mountain rescue simulation and visited the Dispatch Centre for Ambulances, building partnerships with the local staff members by sharing their vision of universal access to quality healthcare. The Foundation is proud of this partnership and anticipates to further such programmes over the next year, which will ensure we continue to facilitate better healthcare services for the people of Transylvania.

Into the Future

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INDIA & NEPAL Better education to create brighter futures in the foothills of the Himalayas

Education for Brighter Futures This summer, 4 Challenges Abroad groups fundraised and participated in education programmes in Palampur. Their work was focused on improving the facilities at 2 schools within this rural community.

In India and Nepal we continue to focus our development work on improving education and educational resources in rural schools. Our partner schools struggle with access to good resources due to their remote locations. The teachers utilise the available resources although unstable electricity, irregular water and heating supplies in the winter continue to make teaching a struggle. The children and young adults of Northern India and Nepal are desperate to improve their English skills as a means to move to the bigger cities to find work or to remain in their local regions and work in the tourism sector. FutureSense Foundation works closely with senior and key members of the local education sectors to ensure we are making the biggest impact possible and reaching the most vulnerable students who may drop out of education.

60 volunteers

At Dhalhadur Public School, a Challenges Abroad group from Newcastle University designed and painted murals in 4 classrooms, brightening the learning environment for the students. They also taught the children English, sports and other extra-curricular activities during their school holidays. The summer camp enthused the students at the school by engaging them in a fun environment with the desired outcome for the volunteers, students and staff. Other Challenges Abroad groups, from Nottingham University and the University of the West of England, as well as a DUCK group from Durham University, all participated in improving the facilities at Dhalhadhur Convent School. 13 classrooms were painted with fantastic, colourful murals. Desks and benches were renovated and improved and a successful summer camp was run for 7 consecutive weeks. The results were astounding: the students’ level of English improved, the school now looks almost brand new, and the staff are keen to utilise some of the new teaching methods they learnt from the volunteers. Meanwhile, in Bangalore, the Skylight centre continues to be a great success with students making use of the stimulating and interactive learning environment. The local teachers continue to use the centre, engaging the children with reading, and with arts and crafts activities.

3000 volunteer hours

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teaching and assisting with classroom learning as well as English-based extracurricular activities.

Everybody who visits to our school can’t stop themselves but praise the work done by volunteers and FutureSense Foundation. They have totally transformed the school, which we have never been able to do. FutureSense Foundation helped us at a time when support is much needed. Your willingness to help us during this difficult time is something we will never forget. All the volunteer groups worked very hard to transform the school. Thank you so much. Anupam Mehra, Principal Dhauladhar, Convent School


projects completed

In summary, FutureSense Foundation is excited by the joint mission of our in-country teams to work alongside the education sector to continue improving resources, curricula and staff training in our partner schools.

Into the Future The Foundation will continue to improve access to free and quality education in all of our India hubs. Exciting new projects include ‘Water For Schools’, which will promote improved conditions for education and health through the installation of water tanks in the schools in Palampur. Through the optimisation of natural resource availability, the project will allow students to spend more time in the class instead of collecting water. The project will also have a strong educational component and aim to empower the wider community with water collection techniques. Other future programmes will include broadening our impact in the healthcare system in Palampur and providing teacher training workshops for local teachers in all our hubs. In Nepal, the Foundation is looking to develop its outreach substantially, by extending partnerships to new government schools in the Kathmandu Valley. An increasing emphasis in the education system on the importance of communication in English means that further support is required through international volunteers, tasked with

1000 recipients reached

Our Country Teams INDIA In a country the size of India, we couldn’t manage all our programmes from one location. This means we have even more expertise and knowledge spread across our main bases to ensure all of our volunteers’ needs are covered and supported. Atul Sharma heads the team in Palampur. Having travelled extensively around India, living in Mumbai, Bangalore and Rajasthan, he returned to his hometown of Palampur to complete his degree and has since then been instrumental in promoting volunteering and tourism in the area. In Delhi, Eleonora Fanari is our newest local coordinator, who has years of experience in the third sector. We are looking forward to seeing her implement new programmes and fruitful partnerships. Finally, based in Kalimpong is Santa Rai. Santa has an exceptional knowledge of the issues faced by our partner communities in Kalimpong and is enthusiastic to engage locals in the importance of sustainable development. NEPAL Our Nepal team is led by Ram Krishna. Born in Kathmandu, he studied Economic and Political Science at university, before his studies took him further afield to Denmark. Now married and with a son, he has long since returned to Nepal with the aim of making a difference to local communities in his home country. Ram focuses his attention on improving educational resources for students at local government schools.

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

Also in Bangalore, FutureSense Foundation initiated a Music Programme at Annasawmy School. The music room and programme provides the students with an opportunity to develop new skills in music, communication and creative expression. Prior to this programme, the school had only one guitar and one keyboard, which did not provide the type of hands-on interaction with music and instruments that is necessary to develop children’s musical understanding from a young age. The Foundation supported the programme by buying over 25 new musical instruments for the school, including guitars, ukuleles, drums and keyboards and creating a specific music room within the school. The children previously had received no formal music education and the vision of the programme is to teach music from its most basic level, in terms of sound and communication, and

to allow the programme to progress with the development of the children’s understanding.

It is also the Foundation’s intention to expand its previous work in the field of child welfare in Nepal. Targeting the consequences of child trafficking and dislocation, FutureSense is seeking to partner with organisations working to support exploited and orphaned children, through child re-integration and care programmes.

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CHILDREN’S ACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT Supporting a local NGO in Cambodia to provide supplementary classes Children’s Action for Development (CAD) is a nongovernmental, not-for-profit, community-based organisation that provides classes, community awareness on child rights and vocational job training support to orphans, poor children and families. CAD has 4 education centres in the rural area of Battambang province in Cambodia, reaching over 340 children who directly benefit from their various programmes. The children are mostly from lowincome families, slow learners, at risk of trafficking and those without adequate parental care. This is a remote area where many of the children are left to be raised by grandparents or other relatives while parents work in the neighbouring country of Thailand in the hope of earning a better income to support their families. CAD’s mission is to improve the standard of living and the well-being of children by providing a secure environment and educational opportunities, and by rescuing children and women from situations of abuse. CAD offers classes in English, Khmer literacy, mathematics, society and environment and also provides life skills and other hands-on learning programmes, such as computer classes, agricultural skills and football skills. This year, CAD is proud to announce that 100% of their students passed their end-of year exams and will be advancing to the next year in school. CAD’s work depends on strong community and familial support. They play an active role in educating the community regarding children’s rights and the need for better access to education. CAD’s commitment also extends to supporting students’ families by providing sewing training and facilities for women, providing a marketplace for community members and artisans to sell their products, and providing financial assistance when children require medical attention. CAD also works with the FutureSense Foundation to provide livelihood support to establish home-businesses for families to support their children. Through CAD’s multi-dimensional approach, they are supporting their community in raising strong, healthy children who have access to a quality education.

Thanks to FutureSense Foundation support, CAD is now able to provide: • Daily supplementary classes for 340 students • Financial assistance for children needing medical attention • School materials • Organic fruit and vegetable gardens • A football pitch, providing a much-needed safe space for children to play • A computer lab • A healthy daily snack for students • Much-needed basic home repairs • Livelihood support for community members to start or expand a home business

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I visited Tanzania in January 2009 as a volunteer and my remit was to evaluate FAWE Project to see if, and what, assistance was genuinely required. The main function of the Project at that time was to support and empower local women who had either been affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. Two women, Sister Felicity and Sister Theresia, supported these women in a variety of ways. Sister Felicity, supported by Sister Theresia, had opened a pre-school in April 2008, to help the children of these women gain confidence and enjoy an early-learning experience that would prepare them for starting school when they reached 7 years of age. The school was based in a rented outhouse and was neither suitable nor safe. It was frequently vandalised by locals, had a dirt floor and was little more than a shell of breeze blocks with no windows. I completed my report at the end of my placement and recommended that FAWE be supported, primarily by placing volunteers with them on an ongoing basis, as both Sisters were genuine individuals who worked selflessly for the good of their community. With very few resources, they retained their ambitions to improve the lives of others. When I left, all they asked of me was to remember them and to offer up prayers! At no time did they ask for financial support. I decided to support them anyway and, with a bit of research, reckoned that a school could be built for between £10,000 and £12,000. This was a bit naïve to say the least, as I hadn’t calculated about having to buy a plot of land. In the end, the costs were much higher, as we spent £10,000 for the plot of land and £1,600 for fencing. The construction of the school itself cost over £20,000. Overall to date I have raised £29,100, the difference being made up by FutureSense Foundation. Building this school has been a long and arduous journey and there have been so many obstacles and set-backs. To have reached this stage is a wonderful achievement and only possible with a great deal of support from FutureSense Foundation staff, as well as volunteers, Robert Edwards, and Peter and Hilary Winter, and my supportive family and friends. Meetings have been held in Newbury and in Arusha; conference calls having taken place and e-mails having been sent; many discussions have been had on the frustrations, delays, expectations, and cultural differences involved. But we have all managed to stay the course and find appropriate, and often creative solutions, without ever compromising our own integrity and values. This school has so much potential and now we are at the end of this long rocky road, the end is in sight. Providing this school will allow so many long term dividends and I am so glad that we have fulfilled our part of the agreement (despite the blood, sweat and tears). Whilst I will retain an interest in the Project, it is now nearing the time for the school to be handed over, and for FAWE to be responsible for its management and success, with the ongoing support of the FutureSense Foundation.

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BUILDING UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS FutureSense Foundation greatly appreciates the support provided by the strategic university partnerships that we have been able to gain through our volunteer programmes. We believe that our partnerships with universities and societies around the world who share our mission and vision of creating long-term and sustainable change in the communities where we work will help us reach greater numbers and support many more communities.

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY It has been a wonderful experience working collaboratively with Challenges Abroad Australia over the past 2 years. Our shared vision to build capacity in disadvantaged international communities creates hope for a better tomorrow. This has developed an organisational trust, which strengthens our long-term partnership.

Challenges Abroad Australia and the Australian Catholic University (ACU) have worked together over the year to develop a range of programmes that provide ACU students the opportunity to travel overseas to help local communities and build capacity amongst our partner projects. The partnership has developed from a shared vision of creating long-term sustainable change in local communities in developing countries. By early 2015, we will have sent over 80 ACU students to support our community partners in Cambodia and Thailand.

Mary Campbell Relations Coordinator Institute for Advancing Community Engagement Australian Catholic University

Some of the projects have included teaching English in schools, sharing classroom skills with local teachers, running free health assessment camps for students and parents alike, as well as first aid training and health promotion with our orphanage partners. We are proud to work with a university that shares our values and strives towards providing mutually beneficial programmes for communities and students.

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DURHAM UNIVERSITY CHARITIES KOMMITTEE (DUCK) In summer 2009, 12 students from the University of Durham set off to work on a FutureSense-run rural development project in Transylvania, Romania. The dedication of those volunteers and the enormous amount they achieved for the children and youths living in that community set a blue-print for an enduring relationship between Durham University Charities Kommittee (DUCK) and the FutureSense Foundation.

From 2009 until 2014, there have been a total of 24 DUCK expeditions supporting the Foundation. The impact and legacy of these expeditions has been huge: as fundraising events, the expeditions have raised almost £190,000 of funds for the charity’s overseas work. Even more importantly, over 400 DUCK volunteers have committed their summer months to working at a range of the Foundation’s partner projects abroad. Expeditions have so far visited sites across 5 different countries: Romania, Tanzania, Cambodia, India and Peru. A sixth destination (Thailand) is to be added in 2015, when a further 6 groups will be embarking on the seventh successive year of DUCK/FutureSense programmes. Included amongst the many achievements so far are the following highlights: renovation of 16 school classrooms and libraries, 11 orphanages, nurseries and care homes, and 4 community centres, and the construction of 4 water tanks at rural schools. In addition, the volunteers have run summer camps, classes and events impacting over 2000 children and adults worldwide. A huge thanks is due to DUCK from FutureSense Foundation, and our many international partners and beneficiaries, for the fantastic support and the high levels of dedication, enthusiasm and effort of Durham University students over the years. We look forward to many more fruitful years of partnership!

Over the last six years, students from DUCK have made an enormous contribution to the Foundation’s work overseas. The attitude and commitment of the 400 participants during this time has been universally of the highest standard. As ambassadors for the FutureSense Foundation, they have been outstanding. Simon Palferman Head of Charity Development FutureSense Foundation.

Our students return on a high every year, knowing that they have made a significant contribution, and as a result many return wanting to stay in touch with the charity. We hold The FutureSense Foundation in the highest regard. Harry Inman DUCK Expedition Officer 2013-2014

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

28 | Annual Report 2014

FINANCIALS Over the past 12 months the FutureSense Foundation has provided our overseas communities with just under 600 volunteers contributing over 70,000 hours of volunteer support. The charity raised over £380,000 to support our overseas development programmes.

Our main focus has been on education and improving the resources at each of our partner projects. 67% of our overseas funding went towards education, a further 12% on improving child welfare, 15% on livelihood support and 6% on other community projects (including community gardens, home repairs and health awareness workshops). We are proud as a charity of how our expenditure focuses on our overseas programmes and always ensure we keep our governance costs in the UK to the bare minimum. This allows us to utilise our financial resources overseas in communities that depend on our assistance. FutureSense Foundation expects to double our overseas expenditure over the next year by strengthening our livelihood support programmes, introducing scholarship programmes for students who need extra assistance and increasing our impact on environmental and animal conservation. The Board of Trustees would like to take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers, fundraisers and supporters who, through their hard work and dedication, made it possible for us to increase our impact and outreach in the communities where we work.

Expenditure by Programme Type





6% 12%

Livelihoods Child Welfare

28% 39%





Expenditure by Hub Thailand






Romania Peru Other

Volunteer and Financial Support

8% 3% 7%



Number of Volunteers

Number of Volunteers



Number of Volunteering Hours

Number of Volunteering Hours



Total Raised

Total Raised



Annual Report 2014 | 29

REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES For the 15 months ended 31 August 2014

Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds


Note: The Independent Review of this Report is not yet complete

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

Resurces from generated funds 2013/14 2012/13 2013/14 2012/13 2013/14 2012/13 Contributions from volunteers 309,783 57,091 45,000 57,091 354,783 114,182 Contributions from FutureSense 15,475 24,809 15,475 24,809 Gift Aid 10,913 6,688 10,913 6,688 Total resources generated 336,171 88,588 45,000 57,091 381,171 145,679 Less: cost of generating funds 181,406 3,432 3,500 30,891 184,906 34,323 Net resources available for 154,765 85,156 41,500 26,200 196,265 111,356 charitable activities Charitable Activities Education Initiatives 48,102 23,690 32,068 9,668 80,171 33,358 Livelihood Support 14,303 20,602 3,576 3,995 17,880 24,597 Child Welfare 11,401 19,884 2,850 3,856 14,252 23,740 Other 6,067 2,655 1,517 516 7,584 3,171 Total charitable activities 79,875 66,831 40,011 18,035 119,886 84,866 Governance costs 36,102 10,169 0 0 36,102 10,169 Total resouces used 115,977 77,000 40,011 18,035 155,988 95,035 Net Resouces generated 38,788 8,156 1,489 8,165 40,276 16,321 Funds brought forward 21,551 13,395 10,401 2,236 31,952 15,631 Funds carried forward 60,339 21,551 11,890 10,401 72,228 31,952

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STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES We are focused on achieving our three year plan for the period 2012-15 and have over the past year made good progress on each of our core objectives. Over the next year, we see our key priorities and development objectives being focused on the following areas:

1. DEVELOPING OUR MAJOR HUB CAPABILITY We have started to define the organisational structure for our major hubs, with a plan to implement this in the coming year We would like to have clear succession plans in place across all major hubs, ensuring stability for our programmes We have set up an Advisory Board in Tanzania, which comprises of long-term partners and other development professionals to guide our developments in Tanzania, with a view to taking the same approach elsewhere

2. STANDARDISING OPERATION PROCEDURES We have developed a SOP manual with a view to implementing uniform processes worldwide We will be ensuring implementation across all hubs through a process of workshops and visits to various locations

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3. IDENTIFY AND DEVELOP GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD We are evaluating the opportunity to expand our presence in some of our smaller programme locations, particularly India and Nepal We have continued to research our expansion into new locations and countries and are evaluating opportunities in Sri Lanka, Laos and Myanmar

5. MEASURING THE IMPACT AND EFFECTIVENESS OF OUR PROGRAMMES We are setting out clear assessment criteria across all the different areas of our work We plan to put in place basic measurements to understand the impact we are making at our partner projects We will be looking at the results to identify measures and steps to improve the effectiveness of our programmes


Over the next year we are seeking to grow the presence of our livelihood and child welfare initiatives worldwide We are seeing an increasing need for health awareness and are looking to build a greater presence supporting initiatives around health, hygiene and nutrition, particularly within the project areas that we currently support

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

We are initiating a planning process to build a wider range of programmes in each of our overseas hubs

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TOGETHER WE CAN BUILD BRIGHTER FUTURES Our Volunteers: “I was pushed out of my comfort zone, which is why I took on this adventure, and gained so much confidence and met so many amazing people. The children and local teachers are such beautiful, gentle people and I feel privileged to have the chance to interact and share my ideas with them.” Bron Castle, Cambodia Volunteer “My experience in Battambang has forever opened my heart and mind. Teaching the local children was truly an enjoyable and rewarding time. I have learnt so much and made many wonderful friends! Volunteering in Cambodia has been inspirational and life changing!” Rachel Yelland, Cambodia Volunteer “The most incredible trip that encompasses true local culture, an opportunity to give back to underprivileged communities and meet some amazing people. Creating awesome memories in every location, this experience is the best possible way to get a taste for South East Asia!” Dan Callaghan, Asia Experience Volunteer “Although I was only on my project for three weeks, I felt like I’d learnt so much. I was the one teaching the students and children yet it somehow seemed like the other way around. The way they were constantly optimistic and cheerful, no matter what the situation, impacted me in so many ways. Also getting to know the customs and cultures of other countries opened my eyes to see just how diverse and unique each place really is.” Simone Mendez, Asia Experience Volunteer “I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Tanzania – staying with a local family in their home enriched my understanding of the culture and my understanding of local life. I found the livelihood programme and women’s refuge project very interesting and feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to meet and work with local people and gain some insight and learn about the daily struggles they face.” Karen O’Brien, Tanzania Livelihood Programme Volunteer “I had an amazing time at the project, and have found the experience has enabled me to truly reflect on my own childhood compared with those children it was my privilege to be with. I have been able to use my experience to highlight the work of FutureSense in my local community and to show how their support has, and will, make a difference to the lives of those children I was working with. It would be the icing on the cake to be able to go back next year to the project to see how the effects our work has had long-term on the children, but also another opportunity to show my community what their support has been able to achieve.” Rebecca Lett, Romania Challenges Abroad Volunteer “Going to India was a life-changing experience for me. The country, culture and people exceeded all of my expectations. The chance to work in the school and connect with the children was extraordinary; the children were so intelligent and friendly and were an inspiration to me. The trip as a whole made me re-evaluate my everyday life and the importance I put on the small, materialistic things, when instead I should be focusing on my family, friends and making a difference in the world. To make an impact on people’s lives is something everybody hopes to achieve in life, and I think my trip to India has triggered the chain in which I can start to do this. To get the opportunity to go back and see how our time and how the charity has affected other people would be extraordinary”. Kate Johnson, India Volunteer

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Our Team, Partners and Recipients “Half a year ago I did not even think about the fact that it is possible that someone from the UK would come to our small village and teach English to us. I had a very good time during the summer camp. It was very helpful for us because the volunteers helped us with the pronunciation of English words by working with us daily for 9 hours. They were not as strict as our teachers and we had a lot of fun and learnt a lot. The best thing that happened is that we now have new friends like Sammy, Claudia, Abby, Page, Hayleigh, Tony, Dom, Ray, Ben, Matt and Andy. In one sentence this camp was awesome and I hope it is possible to have this kind of experience next summer too.” Saci, 13 Years Old, Romania

“The past year has been an exciting one where we’ve seen our programmes really develop and our volunteer numbers grow. Through collaboration with our partner organisations, we’ve planted the seeds for the future and are looking forward to continue expanding our reach and impact in the years to come. I believe that the FutureSense Foundation, through its network of in-country teams and partner organisations, is working to identify real community needs and grassroots community solutions. It’s exciting and invigorating to see such a strong partnership working hand-in-hand in the community.” Maria Moreno, Country Manager, Cambodia “As the deputy of the school from Szentkiraly I would like to say a big thank you from me and the children to FutureSense Foundation and the volunteers. You organised a great summer camp where the students from Challenges Abroad were working daily with 35-40 children. Even now after 3 months our kids are extremely happy to speak about the camp and about the volunteers. Your volunteers created a very interesting and colourful programme for our students. Furthermore, I am so grateful for all of the jobs that were completed by the volunteers, which included sandpapering, varnishing, painting classrooms, the gym and the fence. Without your help all this would be not possible. I hope that in the future we can work together and the English camp will be a tradition in our school.” Julia Ozsvath, Deputy Head, Szentkiraly School, Romania

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

Over the past year I have transitioned from working as Country Manager in Cambodia to returning to the UK to work for FutureSense Foundation in developing our worldwide programmes and capacity. The speed at which we have grown as a charity is a testiment to the fantastic work we do overseas. I am so excited to see how we continue to diversify our programmes, reach new communities and continue our mission of ensuring development is achieved through sustainable volunteering and targeted funding.”. Charlotte Kennard, Programme Development Manager

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A BIG thank you to all our volunteers... Nacimo Abdi Tamsyn Rose Adcock Timothy Agius Adedoyin Abigail Agunbiade Omaid Ahmadyur Yasmin Ahmed Jonathan Ainsley Abisola Akinshilo Mohammed Ali Hannah Allison Emily Anagnostopoulou Mara Andersch Rebecca Anderson Luke Anthony Yasmin Appleyard Jackson Arnold Tony Arthur Emily Ashe Hayley Ashworth Stefanie Austin Lara Badgery Emily Baer Chloe Baghurst Thomas Baldwin Sarvie Banisi Hannah Banks April Barajas Alexandra Barford Chris Barker Chris Barnes Lara Barnett Manuel Barradas Oliver Barrett Georgia Barrett-Lee Jevan Basi Helen Bateman Stephanie Bates Eleanor Bates Hollie Baxter Ryan Beasley Harriet Beaty Emma Beddison Renne Bell Chris Bennett Jack Benstead Saskia Bets Karim Bhaluani Karam Bhogal Lauren Bindon-Barnes Carla Bingham Emily Birch Michael Birtill Siobhan Blake Cat Blyth Sally Bolton Monika Boriova Dewald Boshoff Louise Bouchard Elliot Bowden Rachael Bowler

Alia Boynton Tom Bozman Giles Bradford Sarah Bradford Bridget Brady Megan Bramley Molly Brazendale Tim Breach Emily Breese Peter Brice Emma Brook Aimee Broughton Hannah Brown Maya Brown Adam Brown Jack Buczynsk Karen Bui Dominic Burchall Kasandre Burge Charlotte Caborn Daniel Callaghan David Carman Rohan Cass Bron Castle Claudia Chan Scott Chaplin Ann Chee Tan Joe Christian Natasha Christy Anne Catherine Christy Catherine Churchill Shiree Ciani Bradley Clair Michelle Clark Jessica Clarke Lucy Clarke Jacob Clarke Julie Clayton Daniel Cobden Ben Cohen Ludo Sappa Cohen Lucinda Colucci Grace Colverd Cathal Commane Lara Connolly Beth Cook Tanya Cook David Cope Ryan Cornish Elliot Cornish Rachael Coulson Cristina Courtney Amy Cowan Sophie Coyle Sophie Crabtree Rebecca Cranfield Abigail Crossan Nicola Crowe Elizabeth Crowley Emma Crumpton

Kelsey Cryan Georgina Currie Victoria Curzons Jess Darby Paulina Darowski Charlotte Davies Holly Davies Donen Davis Benjamin Davis-Gibbons Alex William Day Gabriel De Carheil Rachel Dean Alinka Deane Emily Deans Arie Debruyn Andrew Dempster Jade Denford Lauren Dentrinos Holly Dixon Benjamin Dobson Matthew Donnelly Jamie Dorward Jack Downey Caitlin Duggan Gitana Duka Jessie Dunn Stephanie Dyer Paul Eastwood Gali Elishav Rosi Elliott Louise Ellis Carolyn Emerson Helen Ewing Dominick Fanning Jodie Fearon Alexandra Feeney Kerstin Felton David Finnigan Emma Fitts Charlotte Fodder Emma Foddy Bryony Ford Joe Ford Bronwen Forster Monique Forster Kirsty Foster Freya Fownes Elizabeth Francis-Webb Rachel Franklin Samantha Franks Ebony Franzmann James Freeland Esther Freeman Amy Freeman Casrina Fullgrabe David Gardner Emma Gay David Geary Nathan Genese Emma German

Robert Gibbs Chloe Gill Hayley Gill Katie Gillman Abigail Gliksman Lauren Glossop Chelsea Glossop Hannah Glover Danny Glue Olivia Good Eve Goodwin Lisa Gore Tom Gorman Scott Gorzynski Vreni Gould Sacha Graham Chloe Grant Rebecca Gray Amy Grayson Georgia Green Siddharth Gurung Sh`anesu Gutsa Katie Haines William Hall Imogen Hallett Hena Hamid Emma Hancock Jennifer Handasyde Belinda Hands Thomas Harding Katelyn Hardy Beth Hart Lucy Hartley Nicolle Healy Bronley Hector Rowena Henley Shannon Hernon Bryn Herridge Lucy Heselton Liam Hicks Morgan Hills Abigail Hirst Becky Holloway Alice Hopkins Dionne Blue Horridge Charlotte Horrigan Rebecca Hughes Ethan Huntington Nina Huppertz Daniel Hurt Kerem Hussein Naomi Hustwit Chia Hwa Tan Valerie Janssen Henna Javed Jack Jefferis Laura Jenkins Holly Jenkins Venissa Jensen Samia Jhite

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Joel Mccoll Megan Mccormick Emily McCracken-Bell Lisa McDonald Jessica McDonald James McGraw Sarah McKaigue Sophie McKay Alice McKendry Sarah McKenna Millie Mcluskie Lachlan McMilan Armina Mehdinejad Emma Melling Simone Mendez Anthony Miller Hayleigh Mills Clementine Mitchell Haruka Mitsuhashi Hannah Moase Louise Mollenhagen Elle Monaghan John Morris Henry Morris Fraser Morrison Robert Mounter Graham Moyer-Stratton Stephen Murphy Olivia Murphy Jonathan Myles Angharad Nash Chris Nathan Stella Nelson Grace Newcomer-Jones Hannah Newman Georgina Nichols Tarsianna Nkuranga Qasia Nosheen Lorisa Nuzi Lucinda O`Connor Lauren O`Shea Ife Obakin Lawrencia Odiadi Megan Oliver Luisa Opitz Mailee Ostentan Laura Owler Lydia Page Thomas Pamon India Parish Nathan Parker Stephanie Parker Sapna Patel Sally Patterson Bridget Peachy Kisten Pearcy Daniel Pearcy Claire Pearson Danielle Pera Xuan Phan Olivia Phillips Sean Philpotts Ulla Pickett Daisy Pike Kate Poppa Emma Potter Amie Potticary Ben Price Ben Pringle Rebecca Pryce Lauren Quelhurst Faryal Rabbani Federica Raimondi

Alison Ray Kelly Rayfield Stella Read Alys Reed Robin Reesal Adele Reeves Heather Reid Paul Reilly David Renwick Samanatha Reynolds Isaac Rice Louise Richardson Jess Riches Callum Riley-Pitt Scarlett Rimmington-Back Alexandra Roberts Benjamin Robertson Chris Robertson Joshua Robertson Dale Robinson Anna Rodway Christine Rogers Maria Romero-Beltran Amy Rooke India Rooney Jessica Rose Alis Rudge Charles Rushforth Charlotte Ryder Mark Sacre Katherine Salloum Joseph Sankey Helen Sargeant Julia-Rose Satre Farih Satria Rahim Megan Saunders Emily Savage Chloe Sayer Jordan Schindler Felix Schmidt Samuel Schofield Emma Elizabeth Scott Jessica Seal Gemma Seaman Amy- Kate Searle Nicole Seddon Megan Setterfield Lucy Seymour Khan Shabir Ebony Sharman Will Sharp Abigail Shaw Jessica Silvers Rachel Simpson Rebecca Smith Lucy Smith Olivia Smith Kerrie Smith Jaclyn Smith Timothy Smyth Evangeline Snell Hannah Snowball Morne Snyman Jasmine Sommers Quaadirrah Sowell Giulia Spadaro Zena Spanou Nathan Spence Helena Spencer Steven Stallard Matthew Starr Harriet Stephens Rebecca Sternberg

Scott Stevens Matthew Stone Elise Stork John Stowe Nike Strutz Chloe Sullivan Rebecca Swain Tilly Sweeney Ella Tagliati Thea Tasker Clinton Taylor Edward Taylor Jade Taylor Simon Taylor Samantha Terrell Schiller Theo Hannah Thompson Keri Timbers Emma Tinker Marija Tkacenko Hannah Tomkinson Alice Toussaint Kate Towers Freya Toyne Harley Trickett Amy Troop Lucie Tunnicliffe Paige Turner Kimberlee Turner Lia Turrini Shauna Tyldesley Rimi Uppal Rebecca Vaa Anouk Van Der Vorst Alice Van Stratum Neelu Manpreet Vang West Julianna Vecchiotti Elena Vignotti Isabelle Von Oppen Tom Wade Jemma Walker Rachel Walker Georgia Wall Jennifer Walters Nicola Ward Hannah Waugh Patsy Webb Christina Weiss Matthew Wharton Shannon Wheeler Billie-Jade Whiles Kirsten Whitaker Julia White Jen Whittington Anna Wilde Hope Wilkins Marlene Wilkinson Stephanie Williams Megan Williams Charlie Williams Matthew Williams Renece Willis Anuththara Wimalrathna Charlotte Windsor Katie Winearls Torsten Wrigley Emily Yeates Rachel Yelland Sally-Anne Young Long Ji Zhao Louisa Zolkiewski

Charity No. 1132101 | www.futuresensefoundation.org | info@futuresensefoundation.org

Ellie John Kate Johnson Pam Johnson Hayley Jones Rhiannon Jones Saskia Joyles Abhilasha Kakkar Freddie Kanisus Pocock Yasiru Karunarante Phipps Katherine Jacob Kay James Kelly Jade Kelly Aisling Kennedy Emily Kilby Prithisha Killampilli Georgia King Tanya King Jordan Kingsley- Williams Chris Kirk Janna Kirkby Grace Kirkby Danielle Klinger Victoria Knight Benita Koh Kathreena Korotana Dallas Kunig Thessa Kwee Lotta Laakso Ben Labbett Robert Ladak Rebecca Larkin Trevor Lau Genevieve Lavelle Sara Lavelle Tinika Law Amanda Lebbett Na-Young Lee Sacarra Lee Bethanie Lee Kristen May Lee-Mottershead Jamie Lees Annie Legge Jonathan Legge Rebecca Lett Abbi-Gayle Lindop Alice Llambias-Maw James Lockwood Katherine Lonergan Jade Lovely Caitlin Low Alex Lund Sarah Luu Gemma Macauley Lillian Macey Yasmin Mackay Kate Mackie Grace Maddox Sarah Maguire Heema Maisuria Joseph Malam Danielle Manvell John Mapleston Chloe Marchmont Jemma Marl Edward Marsden Lucy Marsh David Matthews Lauren Mawhinney Katie May Samantha Maycock Rose Mayes Joanna Mayle

36 | Annual Report 2014


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The FutureSense Foundation


The Old Town Hall Market Place


Newbury RG14 5AA



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