Future Sense Foundation Annual Report 2015

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Annual Report 2015

Contents 2

Letter from the Founder


Mission, Vision and Values


2014 – 2015 numbers
















Financial Statement


Strategic goals and objectives


Thank you to our volunteers


Contact us


The new logo takes forward our message to ‘leave your handprint on the world’ and encapsulates our purpose of building better lives around the world with its use of a sun rising over a stylised globe. It captures our thinking that building brighter futures really is in our hands and each one of our volunteers plays a key role in this regard.


Letter from the Founder Dear Supporter, I am very pleased to present to you our annual report for 2014/2015. It has been both a challenging and exciting year for us that has seen us look to new horizons for the organisation. 2015 marks the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Foundation. The purpose behind setting up the Foundation was an understanding that if we were to give people brighter futures, we needed to go beyond simply providing teaching volunteers. We needed to work with local communities to provide meaningful long term changes which would change people’s lives for the better in a sustainable manner. I am incredibly proud of how far we have come in just five years, with strong community relations established in the countries we work in and an incredible growth in the volunteers and funding we have been able to direct into meaningful changes to people’s lives. Our anniversary is the perfect time to launch our new logo for the Foundation, which is used in this report for the first time. The new logo takes forward our message to ‘leave your handprint on the world’ and encapsulates our purpose of building better lives around the world with its use of a sun rising over a stylised globe. It really encapsulates our thinking that building brighter futures really is in our hands and each one of our volunteers plays a key role in this regard. One of the biggest challenges we have faced this year was of course the devastating earthquake in Nepal in April 2015. This had a huge impact on the communities we work with there, and saw our team’s ability to deal with emergency situations tested fully as we made sure our volunteer in country was safe and got home quickly. The aftermath of course disrupted our programme in Nepal, but I was proud to see how our in-country team quickly adapted their work to provide support to the local children who had been traumatised by the experience. The work of our supporters, fundraisers and volunteers has allowed our impact in our other hubs to expand and develop. As well as continuing our work on education, child welfare and livelihoods, we have expanded our health related work in recognition of the impact that health has on poverty. In particular, I want to extend a resounding thank you to all our volunteers and fundraisers on the Challenges Abroad, GapGuru and Inspire programmes who are ones who make the real difference to the children and families we work with on the ground. We look forward to continuing to work with all of you in the future to carry on building better futures for children and families around the world. With best wishes, Arvind Malhotra Chief Executive

In our first 5 years:

2,300 250,000 £1.2 volunteers

volunteer hours

million raised ANNUAL REPORT 2015 3

Mission, Vision and Values Vision We support disadvantaged communities around the world to help them build a brighter future. Mission FutureSense Foundation supports sustainable development through the placement of volunteers and carefully targeted funding, focusing on education, livelihood support, child welfare and health. Values We are passionate about meeting the needs of our community partners and volunteers, always acting with integrity, empathy and energy in creating innovative programmes that fulfil their visions and aspirations.


I would like to say big thank you in my name and the name of the children and my colleagues to FutureSense. I am grateful for all of the jobs that the students have done, sandpapering, varnishing, painting classrooms and the gym, and painting the fence. Without your help all these would be not possible. Julia Ozsvath, Deputy, Szentkiraly School, Romania


Mission, Vision and Values THE FUTURESENSE PILLARS OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The FutureSense Foundation has continued to build on it’s existing three pillars of international development education, livelihood and child welfare, while developing a fourth key area of work: health. Our work in countries around the world has shown us again and again that without addressing health problems our wider aims are harder to achieve. Poor health damages livelihoods, which affects child welfare and children’s ability to stay in education and build a brighter future for themselves and their families. By addressing health issues, both through public health education and more direct work with health care providers, we become more effective at helping those we work with to reach their aspirations and potential.

HEALTH The FutureSense Foundation has this year increased the amount of health related work that we do. Our work includes support of direct health services through internships and volunteering at medical centres and hospitals, as well as health education so that the people we work with are empowered to live healthier lives and protect themselves from illness and injury. This year we have: • expanded our health programmes in Cambodia, providing health education to pupils and their parents on clean drinking water, malaria prevention, healthy diets and hygiene • provided a community health clinic delivering free healthcare and basic medication to 300 patients in Cambodia • developed medical internships in India working at a charity hospital • provided volunteers to support the Emergency Department in the local hospital in Turgu Mures, Romania • developed a new programme for 2016 to provide volunteers to medical centres and clinics in Peru

EDUCATION The teaching of English remains at the core of the Foundation’s educational work in the communities we work with, but we have continued to expand our work in other areas such as art, sport, music, agriculture and personal development. In addition, our volunteers have made a huge impact to the children we work with through physical improvements to schools to provide a better, more inspirational learning environment. This year we have: • Provided education support to 7,500 children • Improved facilities at schools, including new kitchens and water tanks • Created and renovated libraries for use by schools and communities • Created new sports facilities and gardens • Provided teacher training and worked with local partners to improve curriculums to provide a higher standard of education • Run numerous summer camps for students • Provided extra-curricular activities such as art, music and sports that students would otherwise not have the chance to engage with, enhancing their experience of education • Provided free education materials and daily snacks to pupils




Our focus is to help those who live below the poverty line develop a means of livelihood to lead a life of dignity. Our activity on livelihoods this year has included:


• a livelihood support programme in Cambodia providing loans to ensure families have a sustainable income, with the aim of avoiding families taking their children out of school in order to work

Our volunteers are the life blood of the FutureSense Foundation’s work – they are what enables us to get things done on the ground and make a tangible difference to people’s lives. Part of our vision is for the experience of volunteering to carry on into our volunteer’s future lives, both by developing their skills and confidence as well as helping to create the international citizens of tomorrow. Alice Hopkins is an example of a volunteer who has continued to develop her involvement with the charity over a number of years.

• assisting families with basic home repairs in Cambodia to provide a safe living environment • providing community English classes to the Maasai community to help them secure employment and sustainable livelihoods • running a Women’s Group in Tanzania providing business, livelihood and personal development training • developing a new education and personal development programme for women in Peru to help them get into technical college

CHILD WELFARE We are committed to providing children living in poverty, street shelters or care homes the opportunity for a normal childhood. Our focus is on providing pastoral care and life skills, while improving where required the living conditions for them to have a safe, clean home. Our work this year has included: • Working with children in care to improve their English skills • Running summer camps for children in care in Romania • Renovating care homes • Renovating a summer camp building in Romania • Running a workshop for teachers in Nepal to help them identify and support children traumatised by the earthquake • Developing a programme in Peru to provide a domestic violence shelter for students and local women, a large proportion of which have young children • Providing wheelchairs for disabled youth in Tanzania

Her first involvement with us was taking part in a Challenges Abroad trip to Tanzania where she worked on improving the facilities at one of the local schools, while teaching English to the children. Following this she signed up again, this time as a Challenge Leader taking a group out to Peru. She says “Team Leading gave me the fantastic opportunity to recruit my team and motivate and support their fundraising throughout the coming year until we embarked on our trip to Peru where we worked in the beautiful Sacred Valley in the town of Huayabamba.” Following this she took up a role with us as an in-country intern in Cambodia, giving her insights into how the country team works with its local partners to establish meaningful and sustainable volunteer work in the local community. Alice says: “What I have always admired about the Challenges Abroad trips is seeing exactly where the funds you have raised for the trip go, as you get the opportunity to work on these projects yourself in country.” Alice says that she has been finding her experiences to be an invaluable part of her CV, and is now interested in working professionally within the charity sector, continuing to leave her handprint on the world into the future.


2014 – 2015 Numbers Leaving our handprint

The FutureSense Foundation is built on the hard work of our fundraisers and volunteers, and this year we are grateful to the 300 individuals who have fundraised for the charity and the 638 people who volunteered for us overseas. This allowed us to reach over 10,000 people worldwide, including over 7,000 children, supporting disadvantaged communities in seven countries to build a brighter future for them. We worked with over 60 partner projects to develop new and stronger partnerships so that we are ready to extend our reach next year.



700 children attending our partner schools

30 children in care through our welfare and health projects



Over 200 children Including over 120 children in care


2400 children to improve their education 50 children in care And provided support to help children recover from the April 2015 earthquake


Over 696 children and young adults through improved education Over 200 people through welfare and health support






955 children through education and healthcare 3,050 people through our welfare and health projects 30 children in care


2204 children and young adults living below the poverty line by improving their education 30 people through our welfare and health programmes


Over 400 children and adults at our partner schools and Buddhist monasteries, who received the benefit of our English Skills improvement programme

32 elephants rescued from cruelty


Cambodia Working towards better futures in the Kingdom of Wonder

EDUCATION We have run eleven different Education related projects in Cambodia this year, ranging from English teaching in schools, running English camps, renovating schools and libraries, adding new facilities, and providing new sporting facilities and school gardens.

Our operation in Cambodia has rapidly grown into one of our biggest hubs, and it has become an excellent example of the way that a strong relationship with local organisations can make a big difference to people’s lives. This now extends beyond education and into a more holistic improvement to the lives and opportunities of the disadvantaged people we work with by addressing the wider challenges they face.


Our long running partnership with Children’s Action for Development (CAD), a local NGO, has seen us continue to support over 340 students through the Supplementary Class programme, which provides extra classes supporting low-income students struggling in school. This programme, fully funded by the FutureSense Foundation, provides free supplementary education in addition to the government curriculum to help reduce school drop out rates. Pupils receive free materials, daily snacks and get the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular activities such as play and art. This year we’ve been able to expand our education work to provide more holistic community support. We were able to move beyond our in-classroom education programme to now begin supporting teacher development and English pronunciation at local schools. As a result of our programmes drop-out rates have reduced drastically and every child on our supplementary class programme leaving primary school progressed on to secondary school. We have run English camps and have improved the school environment through repainting, adding murals and gardens. We have also introduced a kindergarten programme for 25 young children who will eventually move into the Supplementary Class programme, and we have started working with a secondary school that many children from the supplementary class programme move on to, giving us the opportunity to ensure continuing impact on many children’s lives.


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LIVELIHOODS We have continued our work in the community to provide livelihood support for families through a loan scheme which helps to ensure that they have a sustainable income at home. A key aim of this programme is to make sure that families do not need to take their children out of school to work to support their family. It also improves the children’s lives by giving them a more stable home life and improving their health through better nutrition as their families can afford better meals. We have also assisted families with basic home repairs to make sure they have a safe shelter to live in, including building kitchens at two homes and a pig pen.

HEALTH This year we have greatly expanded our health programmes. As well as providing health education in classrooms, we now also provide education to parents and carers to encourage healthy practices to be incorporated in the home. We teach about clean drinking water, preventing malaria and dengue fever, a healthy diet and the importance of hygiene in the home. Our education based health programmes include first aid training for students, teachers, adults and monks, an antidrug programme, and teaching primary, secondary and high school students about health, hygiene and healthy diets. This year we also worked with the support of doctors and nurses to hold a community clinic where we provided free healthcare and basic medication to 300 patients of all ages.

OUR TEAM IN CAMBODIA Originally from Venezuela, Maria Moreno, our country manager, studied Political Science in the USA. Since then she has been involved in projects across the world, from policy and social justice in the U.S.A. to human and civil rights in Chile to developing school programmes in Thailand. She works with her team to ensure our programmes are sustainable and advises our partner projects on capacity building, development and education. She has been part of the Cambodia team since 2014 and previously worked with the Thailand team in 2013. Vannlyta Yung, our volunteer coordinator, is currently finishing her studies as a TEFL Teacher at one of Cambodia’s premier universities. Prior to joining the Cambodia team in early 2014, she worked as an English teacher and social worker for a local NGO. Her experience has made her a great resource for volunteers as she’s able to provide valuable insight about teaching, lesson planning and engaging with students. Vannlyta comes from a very modest family and was never able to afford taking private English classes while growing up, however, her resolve to study hard in university and her outgoing personality have helped her to become a fluent English speaker and brings so much positivity to our programmes and volunteers’ experiences.

SHOWCASE: PREK CHDAO COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC One of our greatest achievement for Cambodia in the past year has been running a community health clinic. Volunteers worked side by side with local doctors and nurses and were able to provide free health care and medication to nearly 300 individuals in just three days. This really allowed volunteers to dive in and share experience and expertise with local health professionals. The community health clinic was run at Prek Chdao, approximately 8 km outside of the city of Battambang and it provided healthcare to very vulnerable people. More than half of our patients were over the age of 50 and find it difficult to travel to the nearest health centre. By working directly in the community we were able to bring accessible healthcare directly to this area.


Peru Creating bright futures one day at a time.

Our programmes in Peru are still relatively new, and 2015 has been a year in which we have made sure our projects and relationships are well established whilst developing further opportunities to build on this in 2016. We are building our capacity in country by recruiting new team members and implementing a strong organisational structure that allows us the capacity to develop new partnerships and projects.

EDUCATION Our work at the Santa Rosa School has seen an increased interest and engagement from the 650 students, with a noticeable improvement in their confidence in speaking English. We have worked with the school to develop an English curriculum specific to Santa Rosa’s needs, teaching English on a weekly basis, ensuring a continuous impact even when volunteers are not teaching. We have begun to develop and extend our work through extra-curricula activities and events for the first time. We also have a new swimming programme at Hually, which is helping to develop our relationships with parents and the local community. In 2015/16 we plan to introduce an after-school programme that addresses multiple needs in a holistic way, improving skills while also improving self-confidence and emotional and social intelligence at the same time. Experts in their fields will be brought in to run workshops and special activities each week, covering sport, health, art, agriculture, English and selfactualisation. We are also developing opportunities for pupils to practice their English outside of school in real situations in a programme with interns from La Salle Superior, a technical college. We will also be expanding our English programmes to an additional primary school and college, serving a total of 1000 new students.



We are developing a programme at the Gira Sol orphanage where we will provide shelter and accommodation for college students and women who are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence has a huge negative impact on the welfare of children caught up in the situation, and a large proportion of women affected have young children. By providing them shelter we can also begin to integrate them into other programmes, providing them with workshops, English tuition, and medical checks.






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SHOWCASE: SANTA RUSA FUTURESENSE ENGLISH LAB Santa Rosa is a public School in Urubamba who constantly struggles for funding from the Peruvian Government and Dept. of Education of Sacred Valley. With limited resources and antiquated infrastructure, teachers are constantly being pushed to their limits with how they engage their students. Teachers are limited in how creative they can be and how they can capture the attention of and inspire their students. This year we have begun the creation of a FutureSense English Laboratory that will dramatically change this. The creation of the Lab has included the purchase and installation of a projector unit, projector screen, laptop computer and printer, to be used as part of the programme of English teaching in the school and also for teacher training and parents seminars. All 650 students will benefit from the equipment, which will be used by teachers and also by future FutureSense volunteers to make lessons more interactive and engaging. We expect not only to see improved English retention, competency, and conversational ability, but we also expect to see an increased vigor for wanting to learn English.

LIVELIHOODS We are developing for 2016 an education and personal development program for women in the Sacred Valley. This will initially involve helping a pilot group of 10 to 20 women develop the skills needed to get into technical college. We will provide them with resources and access to services that they need to not only become successful college students but also successful people and productive citizens. The programme will focus on single mothers and poor families, as well as those who have suffered domestic abuse and violence.

HEALTH We have been building relationships with a medical centre in Urubamba and a medical clinic in Huallayabamba, with plans to provide them with volunteers who have interests in medicine and public health. They will be able to make an impact in a number of ways including admission, mobile health checkups, social work, referral services and renovations. We hope to integrate volunteers with more advanced Spanish skills into more complex work including assisting with treatments, screenings and check-ups. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 13

Tanzania Opportunities for a better life in the land of the Maasai

Our first few years in Tanzania has seen our work have a major impact on the infrastructure and quality of teaching at the schools we work with. We are also seeing the livelihood work with adults come to fruition as they go on to employment and are becoming more empowered to change their own lives.

EDUCATION In Tanzania the eleven projects we have worked on have ranged from English teaching, teaching of personal development, renovation of classrooms, and building new school facilities including kitchens, gardens and water tanks. Naurei School is a new project in 2015. The school has over 800 primary students. The school buildings, grounds, and classrooms were in very poor condition. In addition to the education programs provided by FutureSense volunteers there have been a number of renovation projects completed at the school. Six classrooms have been renovated. These classrooms had old peeling paint. The floors were so damaged the desks and chairs could not sit level and the foundation was a combination of crumbling concrete and dirt. These classrooms were refinished with new, level floors, new glass in the windows and bright, fresh paint. Classrooms were also given colourful murals and educational diagrams. We painted the outside of the school in a vibrant blue colour. The headmaster of the school Madam Genevieve was very supportive of the partnership with the FutureSense Foundation and appreciative of the improvements that were made to the school. The school has decided to continue with the progress and created gardens in the courtyard which has added to the overall effect of a school that is stimulating for the children and cared for by the community. Our volunteers’ work with the preschool children has seen improvement to their fine motor skills and writing skills.







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LIVELIHOODS Our work with the Maasai Community English Class has continued to develop, with the participants showing an obvious improvement in their language skills. The confidence they have gained in speaking English and interacting with volunteers and staff with different cultural backgrounds has vastly improved their opportunities for employment. English skills are an important passport to employment and secure livelihoods in the area. A number of the group are now employed or getting interviews for employment.

SHOWCASE: OLBAK SCHOOL WATER TANKS When the FutureSense Foundation first started working with Olbak five years ago, all the children would line up at 11am and walk for 45 minutes to collect water and then walk back again, taking two hours out of their studies every day. The Foundation has since installed a total of seven water tanks, including two this year. The school serves 792 children aged between 7 and 15. With these last two water tanks the need for children to go and fetch their water has been almost eliminated with only a few children having to leave class now. During the rainy season none of the children have to collect water as enough is collected in the tanks for all of them. The introduction of these tanks have made a big difference to the education of these children as they are able to spend the time in class, learning, as they should be.

The Osiligi Women’s Group is providing business, livelihood and personal development education is continuing to evolve based on the personal and employment needs of the women. A strong foundation of the group is that it provides an open and safe space to discuss gender and other social issues. The group has brought the women closer together, becoming each other’s support group beyond the classroom and into their everyday lives.

OUR TEAM IN TANZANIA Rachel Rockwell is our Country Manager in Tanzania. She is a business development professional from the U.S.A. who is happy to make Arusha her new home. She has past experience in Tanzania helping a number of NGO’s and small businesses systemise and grow. In addition to managing the local staff and programmes, Rachel enjoys teaching a Business Planning Class. Mr. Wilson has worked as a Local Coordinator with the FutureSense Foundation since 2009. He has enjoyed has enjoyed being active with community development work since 2005. He says he loves all of the FutureSense programs and has worked especially hard with the Women’s Livelihood program. The team enjoys his fatherly wisdom and great sense of humour. Christopher Graham is FutureSense’s current intern from Brighton, England. Chris’s first experience with volunteering was in Kenya when he was 19. Since then he has wanted to be involved in development work in East Africa. His degree is in African Language and Culture specializing in Swahili. His future plans include working with refugees. Christopher is enjoys teaching English to our group of Maasai students.

The nursery children now have a foundation of English that will support their learning throughout their education. Our work with 10 and 11 year olds on personal development skills has allowed them to develop critical and creative skills in a way not usually facilitated in the local education system. It gives them opportunities for physical education, fitness and sport.

Harry Mlaki has worked with FutureSense since May of 2015. He has past experience working with other NGO’s in the region doing development work. His degree is in History and Archaeology. Harry is a self-published author of two books on the cultural and natural heritage of Tanzania. Harry loves working with nursery students.

At Olbak, our volunteers have built new water tanks for the school. Being a remote, dry and dusty campus, the pupils had to walk a long way to collect water every day, interrupting their time in the classroom. Having the water tanks has reduced the number of students who have to leave class to fetch water and the frequency in which water is unavailable. Having water helps with sanitation, food preparation and cleaning in a very dusty place. The local community, having seen the Foundation’s on-going work with the school to improve conditions, became engaged and helped the project with free labour and transport of materials.

Jordan Peter has worked with FutureSense since 2011. Jordan has studied business at the University level. Jordan enjoys being able to travel and experience different cultures. He loves to work with volunteers on construction and renovation projects.


India Working with vulnerable children to inspire stronger futures in incredible India

In India we have continued to focus on supporting education for the most vulnerable students to reduce school drop out rates. Improving English skills is incredibly important to the children and young adults we work with to enhance their employment opportunities. We are also providing extra-curricular activities and teaching in subjects that the students would not usually have the chance to formally learn, such as music, art and sports, which enrich their lives and also help keep them engaged with education. We have also begun to expand into health work.


EDUCATION Our English projects in Palampur and Delhi this year reached around 600 children, helping them improve their English skills and their pronunciation. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the volunteers in Palampur more than 200 children have benefited from our new music project in the rural area. The project has given the children the opportunity to learn a new skill while improving their English, empowering their identity, and developing more creativity and confidence in themselves. In these schools we mostly work with marginalized children, coming from a low income background, and our volunteers give them the opportunity to look at the world from a new perspective. This year the new film making project taught 200 children how to use a video camera and understand the stages of making a film. All these activities are bringing fresh air and new competences into the lives of the children, their parents and their village. In the beautiful district of Palampur, at the foot of the Himalayas Mountains, we continue to reach the most remote areas, providing and ensuring a good education to the most excluded children. In a small school in the remote village of Garh Jamula, our Challenges Abroad volunteers renovated the whole building, painting each room, and used visual art to improve both the knowledge of the students and the aesthetic of the school. The groups also provided extra-curricular






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activities to more than 100 pupils, teaching them English songs, painting, and dance. Pupils at the school also benefitted from a sport project, learning football and basketball and also learning about how their bodies work. Our partnership with the Dhauladhar School in Palampur has continued to benefit the children of the school. We have continued renovating the building, through painting, water supply, water tank construction and educational projects teaching English, music, sport and extra-curricular activities. At Akshay Pratishtan School in Delhi, we continue work to help the lives of children with special needs, bringing them joy. In the last year we have introduced a small nursery school project supporting teachers in their day-to-day activities. Our volunteers have developed a timetable and curriculum which will be now followed by the teachers. We have also developed an art and craft project, which has helped the children, mostly the children with special needs, with their manual skills, working in developing their creativity and emotions. A music project reached over 200 children who would not otherwise have access to music tuition.

HEALTH We have developed medical internships which gave a volunteer the opportunity to work in a charity hospital at DCWA helping doctors and giving assistance to those in need while at the same time learning more about the profession. We also placed an intern at the local hospital in Palampur where they worked with the doctors on several medical activities and helped in community healthcare.

OUR TEAM IN INDIA Eleanora Fanari is our local co-ordinator. She grew up in Italy, in the beautiful island of Sardinia. At the age of 19 she started studying Hindi and became interested in Indian society. She fell in love with the country on her first trip there, and then in 2009 decided to live there whilst studying for a Masters in Social Science in Delhi. She got involved in several grass roots development projects mostly focusing on caste rights and minority issues. After working on community education and livelihood project she also became interested in working with volunteers and joined the FutureSense Foundation. She says: “The best part of this job has been both giving me the opportunity of interacting with grassroots organizations as well as with so many young people interested in this country. Speaking with the volunteers always reminds me of my first trip to India, their emotions, feelings and enthusiasm give me every day the energy to go out there and see India with new and fresh eyes.”

SHOWCASE: MUSIC ROOM AT DHULADHAR SCHOOL Katherine was our Music teacher at the Dhuladhar School, Palampur for four months. She set up this new project and created a room for Music teaching where the pupil will now continue developing their music skills. The children have never had the chance to study music. In one month, Katherine set up her new music room, which has continued to be improved with paintings, colours and new instruments throughout the four months. Every month Katherine organised a concert to make children’s parents aware of the work and showcase the children’s achievements. All these children learnt new English words through music, as Katherine used hands gestures and body movements while teaching, a technique to easily link words with meaning and help children to remember the new vocabulary. The children are now able to follow the music and play keyboard, flute, and tambourine. With the support of the FutureSense Foundation, Katherine has been able to leave behind a room full of instruments and colour! ANNUAL REPORT 2015 17

Romania Improving child welfare and health in Transylvania.

Despite being part of the European Union, Romania continues to face major socioeconomic issues and our work here focuses on trying to tackle problems with child welfare, healthcare and education. Working with children in care gives us the chance to make a real difference for some of the most vulnerable people in this country.

CHILD WELFARE Our work with children in care is a major part of our activity in Romania and this year has continued to make a large impact. Volunteers worked with the children to improve their English skills as well as running summer camps and renovating care homes. The children and young people appreciate their time with volunteers and having the chance to talk to and learn with people closer to their own age. The children often face discrimination from other children because of their backgrounds and the volunteers treat them as friends which is hugely beneficial. Our individual volunteers worked with Hargita County Child Protection Services and with the Kindergarten and Reformat School in Udvarhely. Challenges Abroad groups renovated six care homes in Keresztur and also renovated a summer camp building where they ran a summer club for 24 children with Child Protection Services. One of our groups spent four weeks running a summer camp for twenty children at Ujszekely and renovated two care homes. Another group renovated a care home in Rugonfalva.

EDUCATION In Romania this year a Challenges Abroad group from Lancaster University ran a summer camp with the Szentkiraly School for 40 children. This camp made a lasting impression on the children involved who were still talking about it months later. The volunteers also renovated the school, including sandpapering and varnishing over 350 square meters of wooden panels and 15 doors, none of which the school would have had the capacity to do without them. 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2015






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HEALTH We sent twelve volunteers to work at the Emergency Department at Targu Mures, one of the best in Romania. Volunteers had the opportunity to get experience working in a busy department, including helping with patients after emergencies such as car accidents.

OUR TEAM IN ROMANIA Leading the Romania team is Erno Nagy, who has lived in the area all of his life, including studying for his degree in Targu Mures. Also working as a history teacher in a local school, Erno is now in his fifth year as our country manager there. Passionate about helping the local community, particularly the lives of children and young people, he loves his job and the difference he can make.

SHOWCASE: WORKING WITH CHILDREN IN CARE Our work in Romania focuses on supporting the most vulnerable children in society, children in care, through a range of activities to enrich their lives and improve their outcomes. This year this work has included; • Improving their living conditions by renovating care homes • English language teaching • Summer camps • Renovation of Summer camp buildings

“I had a very good time during the camp. It was very helpful for us because the students were helping us with the pronunciation of the words, they were working with us nine hours daily and we had also English classes. They were not as strict as our teachers we had a lot of fun and we have learned a lot. In one sentence this camp was awesome. If it’s possible we would like to have this kind of Camps next summer too.” Szilvi, 14 Years old

• Extra-curricular activities and outings that the children wouldn’t normally have the chance to take part in. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 19

Nepal Better education to create a better life in the foothills of the Himalayas

In Nepal we work with rural schools who struggle to get access to good resources due to their remote locations. We work closely with our partners here to improve education and educational resources. The country is now also facing the task of recovery from the devastating earthquake in April, and we have had to adapt our own work to be responsive to these needs.

EDUCATION Our partners in Nepal are mainly schools with very limited resources and most of the students come from marginalized communities with low socio-economic background. We serve them in the most ethical and relevant way possible through our volunteers. This year our volunteers focused on teaching children English and sport, building confidence in the young people, and doing renovation work repainting the exterior of one of the schools. Our volunteers not only bring skills for the partners but also provide a motivator for students to learn and have higher aspirations as the volunteers act as role-models for them. Each volunteer has brought in different skills and have provided something unique to the children and the teachers. It has not only helped our partners and children but also the volunteers themselves have come out of their comfort zone and be inspired to contribute more to promoting the spirit of global citizenship.

CHILD WELFARE The FutureSense programme in Nepal was of course massively disrupted by the April 2015 earthquake. Many of the children we work with were traumatised by the experience and so work shifted from our usual focus on education to work that would help them to cope with the experience. We organised a workshop to help the teachers identify children suffering from stress and how to help them manage it. We organised a magic show for the children at Chaukot to get them out of the stressful environment and have an enjoyable day full of fun, magic and laughter. We also celebrated events such as National Children’s Day with the children and continued to maintain our relationships with our partners so that we can pick up our previous work again as the country recovers from the disaster. 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2015






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people helped

OUR TEAM IN NEPAL Sachita Shrestha, Nepal Programme Manager, is a public health graduate from Kathmandu, Nepal. She is passionate about working with and for young people, especially children and women, putting them at the forefront of positive change and development. She has led youth projects like dance4life, a global initiative to equip young people with life skills to make healthy life choices in matters related to their Sexual and Reproductive health using music and dance, in Nepal. She was a part of curriculum development team for a project with UNICEF Nepal where she designed and developed a comprehensive life skill manual for holistic development of adolescents. She is also serving as the Youth Representative in the Commission for Ending Childhood Obesity for World Health Organization. She says “It’s amazing to see the transition of volunteers, individuals and communities and how they grow, learn and influence each other. I get inspired everyday by meeting these people and witnessing how small efforts, act of kindness and compassion can rekindle happiness in lives of many.”

SHOWCASE: THE SHREE SHWET GANESH SCHOOL The Shree Shwet Ganesh School is one of the oldest government schools in the Chaukot area, and it shows. As Endra, the English teacher there says “If an apple looks bad from the outside, you don’t want to eat it”. The dilapidated state of its buildings needed to be addressed to install pride in the staff, students and community members. The Challenges Abroad Federation University group were given the task of improving the learning environment of the school. Long days of sanding, priming, painting and other renovations resulted in a better looking and stronger school. Shree Shwet Ganesh School now stands proudly in its transformed state as the school buildings match the enthusiasm and energy of the teachers. This, along with teaching workshops that the volunteers carried out, gave the students of the Shree Shwet Ganesh a new sense of pride and confidence in where they go to school. It has been a hard year for Nepal and there is still work to do in Chaukot however the foundations have been laid to build a more enabling environment for quality education to the area’s underprivileged children. The outside of this apple has been polished and now our attention moves to its core! ANNUAL REPORT 2015 21

Thailand Expanding horizons and changing lives in the Land of Smiles EDUCATION Our volunteers taught English, art and sport in our partner schools and also provided a large number of renovation projects. In Doi Saket, our volunteers worked at Pangew School renovating their English classroom and providing educational activity stations. They also renovated the canteen and repainted classrooms at Talad Ki Lek School as well as teaching at Pa Mai Dang school. We also provided health promotion education in the area. At Pa Mae Dang school we provided English, art and sport teaching and also new murals about health. The school is situated in the Doi Saket District in Chang Mai, which is in the beautiful North of Thailand. It is a rural area which has many rice paddies in the valleys and farms and orchards on the hillsides. The majority of people at the school come from underprivileged families. Their disadvantaged upbringing is often a result of coming from a broken family or being part of a displaced ethnic group.

This year has been our second year operating in Thailand and our work has continued to expand rapidly, turning into one of our largest country hubs. 168 volunteers, including 14 Challenges Abroad teams, went to Thailand this year. Thailand recently ranked 54th out of 56 in an English proficiency survey so making a positive contribution to English learning is very important, and education work has remained our focus in Thailand.

At Mae La school, in addition to teaching English, art, music, sports, our volunteers painted three murals, renovated the canteen, and painted three classrooms and the nursery. Four desktop computers were also donated to the school. Mae-La school is in a very remote area serving around 57 students, most of whom come from poor families. Students are often forced to leave school at the age of 14 to stay at home and work with their parents, and the girls that quit school are likely to be forced to marry at the age of just 14 or 15. Our work to support the school helps to raise pupils aspirations for their future and so reduce the drop out rate. The people of Pa Pae village in the Hill Tribes have lived there for over 700 years and have mostly eked out a living by farming the surrounding land. Historically the hill-tribes have struggled to get a good quality of education as they live in some of the most remote parts of South-East Asia. This year our Challenges Abroad groups decorated and renovated classrooms. They helped beautify the school as a whole to create a pleasant place for the children and staff to work in. Groups helped with the construction of the school’s new library and they also taught English and art, helping provide a more rounded education to the children. English is helpful for their future lives as it is vital in the Thai tourist industry and art is an enriching extracurricular activity the pupils don’t usually have the chance to do. The library will be a good local building where the local community will be able to educate themselves and use it as a space to relax. Our English camps and English Days helped us to reach a much wider range of children. We ran our annual ‘English Skills Development Day’ for over 16 schools in the Doi Saket district, including Spelling Bee, ‘Doi Saket’s Idol’, Quiz Master, Art Challenge, and Story Telling stations. At Pa Pae we ran an



11,697 14



volunteer hours

people helped

English Camp called “Passport to English” using the idea of travel to tie everything together and make the day exciting for the children. We invited Mae La School and another local village to this event. We had seven themed stations that the students moved around based on different countries – a scavenger hunt for India, a safari tour for Kenya, luggage packing for Brazil, making postcards to send home for Egypt, a taxi ordering relay race for England, and Pizza restaurant food ordering for Italy. The children made passports and had to go through ‘immigration’ at each station!


South East Asia and has also lived and worked in Australia. In addition to his role on the Thailand team, Will also has travelled and worked with our Tanzanian and Nepal projects. He joined the Thailand team in 2014. The team is also supported by Amy (media intern), and Dean (volunteer coordinator).

Another exciting programme in Thailand this year was our GapGuru Media programme. Our volunteers spent two weeks with Filmmakers Without Borders working at Pangew, Wat Nong Bua and Mae Hoi Ngern and had two weeks of media workshop in Mae La.

ANIMAL WELFARE A number of Challenges Abroad groups worked at an Elephant reserve, providing over 80 volunteers who worked there for a week each. The reserve was set up to save elephants from cruel treatment in the tourist trade. The park provides sanctuary for disabled, blind and orphaned elephants who have often been abused as working animals and for street begging. By providing the park with volunteers, FutureSense is supporting their regional projects and provides an invaluable opportunity to help elephant conservation. The park receives no government funds, so it is the donations from volunteers and park visitors that pay for the food and medical care for the 65 elephants rescued so far. Volunteers helped to bathe and wash the elephants, helped with feeding, maintenance and sorting out their bedding, mucking out, as well as looking after other animals at the park including dogs cats and buffalos. The volunteers also helped with construction and maintenance of mud pits and helping in the local villages.

OUR TEAM IN THAILAND Our Country Director is David Poppe who was born and raised in Simsbury, Connecticut. After two study abroad experiences during college, he knew he wanted to travel and be involved with non-profits after graduating. David has been living and working in Thailand since 2009. He has extensive experience with volunteer and community based projects and prior to working with the FutureSesne Foundation, started and ran his own non-profit. Marcia Somellera, our EFL manager, was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Marcia has been passionate about teaching since early childhood. She went to High School in Baltic, Connecticut, and graduated Suma Cum Laude from Teacher’s College in Guadalajara; she has been working in Education (Elementary, Secondary, High School and Adults) for over 20 years. She has been working and living in Thailand since 2012. Nid Peng, our Partnerships Manager, was born in Mae Sariang, Thailand. She left home when she was twelve to find work to help her family. After many jobs in Chiang Mai, Nid opened her own costume shop where she rents and designs costumes, dresses, cheer-leading outfits, etc. Nid has been working with the Thailand team since 2009. Our Programme Development Manager, Will Midwinter, is from Shropshire, UK and has his BA in Human Geography from Newcastle University. He has travelled extensively within

SHOWCASE: PA PAE LIBRARY The biggest accomplishment for Thailand in 2015 was the construction of a brand new library in our partner hill-tribe village Pa Pae. The new structure cost over £8,000 as well as all the hard work from volunteers. This new building will be utilized by the school, villagers, as well as children from surrounding villages. Our volunteers have also donated several hundred books which is a great start to a hopefully a growing library. The village now has the proper facility for everyone to read, explore, dream, grow, and learn and we are ever more committed to working with Pa Pae and the surrounding villages to improve the level of education, infrastructure, and opportunities for the students and villagers. ANNUAL REPORT 2015 23

Financial Statement 2015

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES For the period ended 31 August 2015



Resources from generated funds Contributions from Volunteers



Contributions from FutureSense



Gift Aid



Total resources generated



Less: cost of generated funds



Net resources available for



charitable activities Charitable Activities Education Initiatives



Livelihood Support



Child Welfare




£7,480 £7,343

Total charitable activities



Governance costs £55,465 £44,081 Total Resources used



Net Resources generated



Funds brought forward



Funds carried forward



Notes: 1. These are draft accounts and have not yet been approved or subject to an Independent Review 2. Cost of generating funds includes cost for fundraising events which are the main source of fundraising for the charity


Strategic Goals and Objectives 2009 to 2015

2015 marks five years since the FutureSense Foundation was established. It was established by the FutureSense Group in recognition that our previous work – providing volunteers teaching English in deprived communities abroad – needed to be underpinned by aid that addressed underlying problems in communities if it was to have a long-term, sustainable and positive impact on the lives of those we work with. The Foundation was therefore set up to provide sustainable development to community organisations for long-term development. Our major achievements in these first few years include: The development of structure and organisational capacity in each country that can develop and deliver our programmes.

Strong relationships built with projects and communities that allows sustainable international development that meets local people’s needs.

The expansion and development of our volunteering and fundraising model. We have grown and evolved the fundraising model to make the charity self-sustaining and less dependent on contributions from the FutureSense Group. This has resulted in significantly more volunteer capacity and more fundraising for the work that we do in country.

2015 to 2020

The focus of the next five years will be consolidating the progress we’ve made and what we’ve learnt from the process so that we can greatly expand our impact and ensure that we are changing lives for the better. We will: Clearly define success and how we know we’re achieving it: at the core of the FutureSense Foundation is the aim to give children and communities a brighter future, making a difference to people’s lives in a way that is meaningful to them. We are very aware that in trying to measure our impact, it is easy to end up valuing what is easily measurable and lose sight of these ultimate aims. We therefore plan to develop evaluation models that go beyond simple statistics and instead reflect the core values of the charity. From this we will be able to more accurately judge our impact on people’s lives and what we need to change and improve to maximise the impact of our work.

Build organisational capacity: We recognise that we are still a young organisation and over the next five years we need to ensure our model of operations is sustainable and has the capacity to improve people’s lives in the right way.

Create Tailored Five Year Plans: Each Country hub will develop their own five year plans from the ground up based on the needs of the local communities we work with.


Thank you to our volunteers Abdul Jamal Abigail Bournot Abigail Crossan Abigail Goodwin Abigail Taft Adam Burston Adam Dugdale Adam Makda Adam Rogerson Aiden Scott Aisha Al Mahdy Alaine Honisett Alex Wood Alexander Bear Alexandra Fetter Alexandra Fildes Alexandra Sweeney Alexandra Votrubec Alexis Yuen Dieu Alice Earle Alice Templeton Alina Leshchenko Alison Killen Alison McLay Alun Rees Amanda Feige Ambika Mod Amy Hurst Amy Jones Amy Lambert Amy Lewis Amy Pettitt Amy Ring Amy Ryan Anastasia Isola Andreas Wolff Andrew Norman Angharad Phillips Anna Filonenko Anna Robson Anna Taylor Anna Vecchio Annabel Tickel Anne Mclennan Anthea Bennett Anum Ahmed Anya Walsh Aofie Dunne Aoife Ni Chaoilte Ashara Moore Ashlea Beer Ashley Stephen Ashley Tate Ashwini Jeyaseelan Aubrey Tsao Aysha Rafiq Bao Jiahao Beau Bidstrup Becca Wilson Beejal Mehta Bela Sonecha Ben Hannam Benjamin Hickling Beth Evans Bethanie Ferraro Beverley & Tilbe Fields Bijal Shah Bonnie Byrne Brandon Hayashi Breanna Levesque Bridget Ryan Brittany Twohill Brooke Norman Brynne Beck Cailin Grant 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2015

Caitlin Cooper Caitlin Gunther Callum Riley-Pitt Camil Craciunescu Carl Marriott-Kane Caroline Costanzo Carrie Robson Carys Thomas Cassandra Bartels Cassie Dowling Catarina Schamps Catrin Price Catriona Lomax Celia Konig Celia Muldoon Chanel Votrubec Chantelle Pursell Charlotta Neely Charlotte Bendell Charlotte Birch Charlotte Chafer Charlotte Creaser Charlotte Crisp Charlotte Crogan Charlotte Flanagan Charlotte Howcroft-Stemp Charlotte Lawson Charlotte Tytler Charlotte Whittle Chelsea Clune Chelsea Hobbs Chloe Dawes Chloe Heselden Chloe Mirams Chloe Ogilvie Chloe Richardson Chloe Wright Chloe Zouppas Chris West Christopher Ahearn Christopher Dibben Ciara Machon Claire Little Claire Robertson Claire Stafford Claire Todeschini Claire Vincent Clare Jones Clarissa Chan Claudia Follmer-Childs Claudia Khoury Coca-Rochelle Ludowicic Connie Turton Connor Fazakerley-Waring Courtney Christensen Cushla McDonald Daniel Cook Daniel McGowan Daniel Redhead Daniel Shayler Daniela Hinz Danielle De Rango Danielle Gleeson Danielle Jackson Dario Zaccari David Cope David Moulder Dawn Campion Dean Gray Deanna Piedimonte Deborah Greene Deelwara Ahmed Dhaliwal Singh Dharpana Premachandra Diane Leadbetter

Dilakshan Asokakumar Dimitri Kynigopoulos Domenique Dagher Donen Davis Donny Imberlong Eilidh Duff Eleanor Cook-Higgins Eleanor Daniel Elinor O’Brien Elis Tufan Elise Brown Elise Cowdery Eliza Gregerson Elizabeth Charry Elizabeth Gillard Elizabeth Grech Elizabeth Haines Elizabeth Middleton Elizabeth Perri Elizabeth Wauchope Elle McCall Ellen Youlden Ellie Dean Elliot Guthrie Ellissa Roberts Elodie Arche Eloise Durham Eloise McCarthy Elsa Man Emer Mulcahy Emily Arnold Emily Blavins Emily Bryson Emily Conway Emily Deans Emily Fowler Emily Fox Emily Kilby Emily Lawson Emily McNutt Emily O’Brien Emily Sporik Emily Walker Emma Marshall Emma Belshaw Emma Douglas Emma Goulden Emma Jardine Emma Kitt Emma Lamb Emma Lewis Emma Potter Emma Smith Emma Weller Emma Wishat Erica Cosner Erin Curran Erin Donohoo Erin Falls Ernest Lo Eteveneaux McLennan Eva Lemmola Eva Mateides Evangeline Wavell Felicity Bryce Fiona Milburn Florence Sharp Fraser Morrison Freda Andrikopoulos Freddie Kanisius Pocock Freya Mclachlan Froya Fuglestad Fung Yung-Leung Gabrielle O’Reilly Gabrielle Sylivris

Geeta Gohill Gemma Ambrose Gemma De Leo Gemma Rebbechi Gemma Waters Georgia Atherton Georgia Canning Georgia Herbert Georgia Treneman-Evans Georgina Nichols Geraldine Tabor Gillian Banks Grace Conrick Grace Procter Gracie Khalil Greg Macpherson Gurpreet Sahota Hannah Andia Hannah Bailey-Smith Hannah Beesley Hannah Bodsworth Hannah Dessoy Hannah Hubbard Hannah Markley Hannah Moase Hannah Neall Hannah Pizer Hannah Wood Hansol Min Harriet Bradshaw Harriet Hughes Harrison Knight Harry Welch Haruka Mitsuhashi Hayden Burnaby Hayley Hirsch Hayley North Hazel Bracken Heesung Lee Helen & Philip Cox Helena Rogers Hena Hamid Hollie Stebbings Holly Buckingham Holly Hunter Holly Mozley Huw Robinson Ian Dias Ian Forbes Ida Degani Imogen Head Inga Baselier Iola McCorkindale Iree Chow Irene Arozena Irina Schmidt Isabella Raco Isobel Neal Ivanna Panopouloa Iza Feige Jacinta Shand Jacinta Ten Jack Lambert Jack Saade Jacob Tonge Jacquie Rushford Jade Lane Jade Robinson Jade Ward Jadine Procope James Blumenthal James Burgess James Mardling Jamie Dorward Jamie Kelly

Jane Buckland Jane Dustan Jasmine Brown Jasmine Duerden Jasmine Sommers Jasmine Truong Jason Markey Jason Peck Jean Wong Jehan Muthu-Krishna Jenna Sendall Jennifer Howe Jennifer Routledge Jeremey Brooks Jeremy Stoll Jess Hines Jess Stuart Jessica Birch Jessica Chaplin Jessica Hadden Jessica May Graves Jessica Straw Jiayi Liu Joanna Harrington Joanna Scull Joanne Swain Jody Dontje Joel Kreymborg Johanna Van Der Linden Jolyon Wiersum Jon Larsen Jonathan Ainslie Joseph Stickland Joseph Wynne Josh Purchase Julia Monaghan Julia Weir Julie Clayton Justin Elliott Justin O’Brien Justine Roberts Kalli Zerveas Kara Myers Kara Singleton Kardia Gulifa Karina Zedzian Karli Haugen Katelyn Adamson Kathryn Bell Kathryn Holt Kathryn Lavercombe Katie Bryan Katie Davis Katie Eyre Katie Hallam Katie Mckee Katie Mosley Katie Simmons-Walls Katrina Joy-Katipunan Katrina Sodzi Katy Wright Keaton Johnson Keeley Smith Kelly Binnie Kelly Dicton Kelly Grossart Kelly Harman Kelsey Intelisano Kerry Bromfield Kiara Raddatz Kimberlee Preish Kirsten Duffy Kirsten Fleming Kristen Lane Kristie Berchtenbreiter Kristyna Dosedlova Lachlan Benjafield Laila Kahkonen Laura Grant Laura Barker Laura Bates Laura McAllister Laura Wormington Lauren Elverd Lauren Merakis Lauren Riley

Lauren Sharp Lauren Stubbe Lauren Taylor Lauren Titmus Lauren West Laurence Pithois Leah Gayle Leah McDonald Leila Smith Lewis Sawyer Libby Fox Lilly McNeill Lily Martirossian Linda Jackson Lisa Cusson Lisa Truong Louisa Zolkiewski Louise Richardson Louise Rowley Lucy May Lucy Moores Lucy Place Luke Marinelli Luke Wagner Lydia Nolan Lydia Purvis Maddelyn Holland Madeleine Kirkham Madeline Barnett Maeve O’Kane Magang Reech Maria Derakhshan Marie Digna Marie Nike Strutz Marion Nicholls Mark Gallego Mark Lawlor Marlie Phillips Martha Vickers Mary Go Mary Tison Mathilde Montagnon Mathilde Rusten Matilde Hekne Matthew Driver Matthew Moloney Maxine Shue Meg Kneafsey Megan Jackson Megan Kelly Megan Phillips Melanie Vucko Melissa Adams Melissa Doherty Mia Hooper Michael Bobko Michele Creatura Michelle Clark Milad Ghodsi Milena Thorburn Mollie Hunter Molly Teague-Neeld Monique Forster Monique Saade Montana Vaisey Myles Legudi Nancy Do Naomi Mara Naomi Von Hagt Natalie Gracey Natalie Carnovale Natalya Wah Idris Natasha Brady Natasha Moses Natasha Raveendiran Natasha Thomson Natasha Wetzel Nathan Seeto Nathanael Stubbings Nekisha Alimardani Nicholas Dunbar Nicole Blakey Nicole Rolph-Dickinson Nicole Shue Nicole Skinner Nikkilee Guiana

Nikkilee Guiana Oliver Marson Olivia Britz Olivia Bull Olivia Flanagan Olivia Henderson Olivia Sharpe Olivia Thomas Ollie Wilson Nunn Osman Aldabel Paige Hickson Paige Morrison Pam Johnson Patricia Macnair Patrick Quinton Smith Paul Nguyen Paul Redgrave Petra Croot Philippa Hipkiss Picabo Scerri Pratibha Paudyal Prithisha Killampilli Priya Sinh Quaadirrah Sowell Quang Tran Rachael Walker Rachel Jacquest Rachel Kimber Rachel Pritchard Rachel Scott Radu Mitran Rajni Sandhu Ray Trilin Rebecca Corry Rebecca Cossey Rebecca Ferraro Rebecca Graves Rebecca Hall Rebecca Hughes Rebecca Morgan Rebecca Robson Rebecca Todhunter Rebecca Zanatta Renee Steele Rennee Ridley Rhianna Edwards Rhiannon Hardwick Rhiannon Hutchings Rhiannon Jones Rhys Carter Richard Tehh Riley Fox Robert Kirchner Robyn Clegg-Gibson Rochelle Laity Roisin Dunne Ronja Schacherl Rory Acland Rose Booth Rose McMaster Roshni Kaur Rosie Palmer Ross MacFarlane Ruaraidh MacPherson Rudra Rhodes Rupa Parekh Ruth Findlay Ruth Harvey Ruth Stevenson Ryan Banks Ryan Kerr Ryan Strachan Ryan Williams Sabeela Aslam Sahil Sood Sally Patterson Salma Abdulhusein Sam Spoor Samantha Kanaan Samantha Thanaxay Samantha De Smet Samantha Dukelow Samantha King Samantha Kiteley Samantha Singh Sammy Jarvie

Samuel Arshad-Roberts Samuel Begley Samuel Shaw Sara Smith Sarah Baker Sarah Cook Sarah Dwyer Sarah Ellis Sarah Forsyth Sarah Henderson Sarah Jowitt Sarah McBean Sarah Mitchell Sarah White Sarah Whitelegg Sarah Woodward Sarina Rizk-Diab Sasha Nikolich Saskia Joyles Shaara Soneji Sh’anesu Gutsa Shannon Graham Shannon McGrath Shannon O’Brien Shazia Maqsood Sheena Rowe Sheridan Costa Shifan Yao Shiful Nehar Shona Stone Silje Hansen Sophia Malik Sophia-Alexia Efstathiou Sophie Peacock Sophie Weller Stacey Taylor Stefano Zaccari Stephanie Bennetts Stephanie Guiblin Stephanie Haig Stephanie Todd Stephanie Walker Steven Johnson Stevie Snook Surval Montreux Tanay Srivastava Tayla Kendall Tayla Brooks Tayla Smith Tenika Reed Tessa Berridge Theo Schiller Thishanthy Sagthidas Thomas Gibbons Thomas Lenehan Thomas McDonald Thomas Vickers Thomas Whitehead Tiah Mitchell Tim Sabados Timothy Clapham Tina Mahony Toby James Tom Wade Tommy Marin Toni Matthews Tony Arthur Tori Passarin Trine Berg Tuyen On Venessa Morris Veronica Andrews Veronica Chow Victoria Rodrigues O’Donnell Victoria Vassileva Vivian Dewsbury Walter Gillmore William Hall William Kelland William Runting Wing Lau Yasmin Cook Yasmin Mackay Zachariah Barker Zoe Keidge ANNUAL REPORT 2015 27

Contact us For information about getting involved, visit our website or get in touch on the details below. Website www.futuresensefoundation.org Address The FutureSense Foundation The Old Town Hall Market Place Newbury RG14 5AA Telephone Tel: +44 (0) 1635 285666 Email info@futursensefoundation.org Facebook www.facebook.com/futuresensefoundation

Get involved There are a number of ways for you to get involved with the FutureSense Foundation. Here are a few ways you can help support our work: Volunteer GapGuru, Inspire Volunteering and Challenges Abroad offer individual and unique programmes for all types of volunteers. If you are interested, visit our foundation website and see which programme suits you. Donate Your support enables us to grow and to reach more communities and individuals that need our help. To donate, please visit our website or our Virgin Money Giving Page (search ‘FutureSense’ on uk.virginmoneygiving.com). Support us Get involved, fundraise, promote our work at your schools, universities or work places and help us continue to grow.



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