Project B, Part 5 Reveal - Process Book

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EXPLORATION B ― THINKING THROUGH MEDIA AND MAKING In Exploration B, you will extend “seeing differently” beyond the investigation of ordinary objects and unrelated words. In this exploration the original cultural, social, and value initiatives behind one of the most basic and long-lived forms of public communication, the newpaper, will be assessed. The information obtained through the analysis of the newspaper will lead to the development of new artifacts that use existing ideas to create new forms of sharing events that document the human experience to transform mundane and benign information into meaningful human experiences. ― SCAD GDVX 702 Ideation Models and Process Exploration B project description


PROJECT B ― PART 1: NEWSPAPER DEMOGRAPHICS LOCAL NEWSPAPER: THE WEST VOLUSIA BEACON The West Volusia Beacon is a newspaper that focuses on community-centric news stories, focusing on topics such as community grown and development, local events and festivals, life, loss, recreation, arts and history, family activities, and much more. West Volusia, part of a very large Volusia County in Central Florida, includes the Daytona Beach area (Daytona Beach, DeLand, Deltona, DeBary, and other surrounding towns). The West Volusia Beacon is located in DeLand, Florida, an area rich in culture with its historic downtown and also being home to Stetson University since 1883. The area is rich in wildlife and also contains many different springs for visitors and locals alike. The census shows the following information about these locations, in Central Florida’s Volusia County, which represents economic growth and why community is important to continue such growth an connections to growth with large cities such as Orlando, which houses the larger tourist attractions such as Disney and Universal Studios. Volusia County has a population of 517,887 people as of 2015, a 4.7% growth since 2010, DeBary at 19,998, a 3.5% growth, DeLand at 30,195, a 12% growth due to being a college-centric town, Daytona Beach, the home of Nascar, at 64,736, a 6.1% increase, and finally Deltona at 88,474, a 3.9% increase. In Volusia County, and above provided locations, 51.1% of the population is female, which a similar statistic that Stetson University shares in its reports of having more female students to male students ratio. In Volusia County, 23.7% of the 517,887 population are over the age of 65 and 17.9% are younger. Based on these statics, it is evident that the Beacon Newspaper is marketing to individuals between the ages of

18-65 years of age, as this is the largest demographic available. Marketing to this demographic, in the young 20’s to later 50’s, allows the newspaper to focus strongly on community engagement with families, young and old, and really push different levels of news types which include events, business reports, charities, recreation, fairs, etc. The audience is more female than male too so focusing articles on concepts that are mutual between both male and female would best benefit this slightly offset population. Finally, the population in Volusia County is 84.3% white, making it important for the newspaper to also focus on a large cultural base as it is the best way to really pull in the minorities, but at the same time, when viewing the newspaper it did seem to strongly represent this demographic over the minorities, which could be due to the lack of diversity amongst the staff in the featured photo. This newspaper does also focus on business events too that would benefit more economically focused articles outside of community based.



LOCAL NEWSPAPER: THE WEST VOLUSIA BEACON (FRONT PAGE) This article is based on pushing the development and growth of DeBary, Florida, a city with an estimated population of 19,998, an estimate from the July 1, 2015 census taken by the U.S. Census Bureau. The population has grown 3.5% and the article elates how there is even more chance to further push this growth and really help put DeBary back on the map and also build a stronger connection to a larger metropolitan area, Orlando, Florida. This new project focuses on developing a 64-acre area of land, currently a cow pasture, into a space that houses single-family townhomes and apartments, office buildings, and retail spaces for shopping. DeBary houses the northernmost route for the SunRail, a commuter train currently used for travel and work commutes to and from Orlando. The SunRail is an inexpensive and faster alternative to bus routes and proves to be very effective for those needing to commute to the city without having to drive and be stuck in congested interstate traffic, and have to worry with weekly parking rates and issues. Also, development of the TOD, or Transit Overlay District, will prove as a destination for those using the train and in turn aspires to bring more people up to this destination, not to just live, but also to shop and conduct business. The

entire focus of this development is to grow the commercial aspects of DeBary, Florida. The gambling phase of this project, which was proposed and discussed from 2008-2015, was declined as the area is focused to a more family-centric commercial hub, not a place for adult-only entertainment. The demographics for this article relate mostly to families with middle-aged adults and children. The older individuals would not be as prone to constant travel and/or shopping on as frequent of a basis, and with a focus on a singlefamily housing format, this would be too young of an environment overall for those journeying to Florida for retirement and relaxation. I would put the demographics here from adults being 20-40 and children accompanying those adults being of all age ranges. This is just the beginning of growth for West Volusia and is the most featured now because it is in progress unlike some other concepts, even other SunRail projects, that are still in the concept phase.



LOCAL NEWSPAPER: THE WEST VOLUSIA BEACON (INSIDE SECTION) This article focuses on a sick girl who was just diagnosed, at 5 years old, with medulloblastoma,

or a brain tumor that is fast-growing. Thankfully, the young girl had the tumor removed and is now having to miss attending K-5 in order to go through chemotherapy. It is described that the young girl is not sure what all is going on, but the family has begun working really hard to keep her focused on just being a kid amongst all the cemo-sessions, needles, doctors, etc. In order to help her, the grandmother set up a postbox just so she could receive mail while she was missing school and experiencing all this trauma to her body. Upon being featured on various news channels and papers, she has receiving an influx of letters, toys, packages, and more that have really helped her focus on new things and help her feel like a child, as she should. The purpose of this article was to reach out into the community and find ways to help the family with the medical expenses as well as help cheer up the little girl. They have posted the address and the GoFundMe account so anyone can donate to help in any way possible. They have currently raised $12,500 towards the overall expenses which have already reached $50,000. The demographic for this article is focusing on the middle and upper-class working citizens of Volusia County who could aid in providing donations, words of encouragement, letters, or just help in some way to bring a smile to this family and this little girl. The will to survive is stronger when there is joy and that is the purpose of the exposure of this article.



LOCAL NEWSPAPER: THE WEST VOLUSIA BEACON The announcement classifieds are just a continuation of the community that is represented in this newspaper. They focus on the gathering of adults for bingo (adult entertainment), group meetings for various women’s groups (religious and non-religious), meetings to gather fundraising for local homeless high school youth in the area, as well as free health screenings for those unable to pay for medical expenses. This shows that Volusia is all about finding ways to help the community through various gatherings within the community. They look out for one another and use events as ways to connect, gather money, volunteer, and so much more. The demographics for this article relate mostly to families with middle-aged adults and children. The older individuals would not be as prone to constant travel and/or shopping on as frequent of a basis, and with a focus on a single-family housing format, this would be too young of an environment overall for those journeying to Florida for retirement and relaxation. I would put the demographics here from adults being 20-40 and children accompanying those adults being of all age ranges. This is just the beginning of growth for West Volusia and is the most featured now because it is in progress unlike some other concepts, even other SunRail projects, that are still in the concept phase.

DESIGN PROPOSAL EXPLORATION B ― PART 2: REVEAL PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION The West Volusia Beacon, a Central Florida newspaper with its main location in DeLand, Florida, focuses its stories on community because each story is based on a component of growth and development, local events and festivals, life, loss, recreation for all ages, family, arts and history, sports, education, fundraising, or business-related information. This blend of community driven news helps promote various ideas, events, and new developments so that the audience is informed regularly of what is happening in their area. The newspaper relates most to families with middle-aged adults and children due to the content within its articles. This target audience ideal to marketing any campaign towards those seeking commercial or employment activities. This point is addressed first through the article about the development of the Transit Overlay District (TOD) at the current SunRail station in DeBary, Florida, one of DeLand’s neighboring cities. This district is meant to bring in social interactions to grow the community and make DeBary a social hub for businesses alike. Knowing the importance of growth and development for a city located nearly 30 miles outside of a large metropolitan hub, such as Orlando, Florida, is important in factoring how to get business to come to where you are. The SunRail not only will bring more people to the smaller town of DeBary, but it provides a stepping stone for even further expansion and ease of travel for those going to and from the Orlando area. The SunRail, an ever growing transportation method, was originally opened on May 1, 2014 with 12 stations in its first phase. When it comes to making the commute to Orlando less stressful, and safer, the SunRail will be the best way to avoid unpredictable interstate congestion, reduce trouble

finding parking spaces in a congested city, reduce accidents, reduce vehicle wear and tear, not to mention save money that is spent on gas daily when commuting. Also, the SunRail provides a chance for travelers to relax before reaching their destination by reducing their stress and providing timely and safe convenience. Overall, the SunRail provides a safer method to reach your destination, reduces the hassle of your travel via car in unpredictable rush hour traffic, and is overall better for the environment, all while providing direct transportation with minimal interference or car issues.

PROJECT SCOPE The purpose of this project is to develop a campaign to make people aware of the SunRails benefits over interstate commutes and how the expansion of the SunRail and its stations will greatly benefit smaller areas and aid in the growth and development of various regions in Central Florida. This would benefit individuals commuting for leisure, business, work, and even those who do not or cannot own their own vehicles. The purpose of educating the public on the SunRail and its benefits over interstate commutes is to help grow the business of the SunRail so that it can expand into smaller cities, aid those cities in growing commercially, the benefits the SunRail brings to connecting these locations, and the overall safety and expense differences in taking the train instead for more direct commuting.

DESIGN PROPOSAL EXPLORATION B ― PART 2: REVEAL (CONT...) PROJECT GOALS The goals of the campaign would be as follows: • Develop a way to display how Florida’s SunRail reduces risks of interstate commutes • Promote knowledge of how the SunRail train provides a pathway to growth of communities via commercial developments. • Promote the safety of taking a train versus community as well as the comparison of cost efficiency. • Promote to employers in order to aid their understanding of how the SunRail can benefit their trips to and from work without the hassle of finding parking spaces, paying for parking, get stuck in traffic jams, etc. • Educate current and future riders of the SunRail on the pros and cons of taking the train versus driving long commutes to and from Orlando.

DELIVERABLES • Small train foldout brochure that represents destinations and the comparison of using the SunRail versus interstate for various commutes. • Posters, social, and large format signs to promote the benefits of taking the SunRail for daily commutes versus using your own car for the interstate. Also, there will be content for developing areas to represent how the SunRail will benefit the local economy. • Pamphlet for employers to educate them on the benefits of their employees using the SunRail versus taking their own car for daily commutes.

DESIGN PROPOSAL EXPLORATION B ― PART 2: REVEAL (CONT...) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The goal to implement this plan will be to acquire images from various stations to market differently to those more developed versus those that are still developing and to understand how to market to each differently as it is important to focus on the target audience based on the location. I would want to address first DeBary as it’s the growing hub in phase 1, then address a slightly larger station as that would be the space to market DeBary’s growth in order to push more people from the Metro-Orlando area into DeBary for a more leisure shopping experience, or for those seeking new jobs a way to find employment. Taking photos would go towards large scale graphics and being able to digitally place them, while also gauging the audience to gain a better understanding of the target audience that is actually using the train. Even though the newspaper provides me with a nice median age, it would be important to see first-hand the age ranges of those using the trains most and then be able to even better market the content. Also, posters could be handed out in various locations in different surrounding businesses to DeBary, and the other target city for the stop comparison. Social media would be something that could be used to market directly on SunRail’s and DeBary’s social sites. The brochure, unique in nature to resemble a foldout from a SunRail train, is going to be the hub of information about all the pros and cons with a map of the entire system which can be handed out to anyone to educate current and possible future riders of the benefits and commute routes of the train. Finally, the employee pamphlet, the final piece to the campaign, is an extension of how the SunRail currently aids company employees on their travels as well as how it could help future growth and stability for businesses throughout Central Florida.

RESONATE PROJECT B ― PART 3: RESEARCH Through further research, I investigated the London Underground poster campaign which was the original marketing for the railroad promoting the benefits of the speed of travel, places to shop, and overall how the railroad was the best way to get where you wanted quickly compared to other methods of travel (see SPEED poster with speed comparisions at the time). I began to think of dynamic ways to reach people in a similar fashion about the SunRail, a new rail transportation system for weekday travel through Volusia, Seminole, and Orange County in Central Florida.


Previously, when I went to the UCDA design conference for work, I discovered new and innovative ways to market to individuals and one of these concepts that stuck with me most was The Flapper, a direct mailer piece created by Red Paper Plane company. This piece replicates a dynmaic way to relay information to individual through a continuously folding piece that folds over on itself without delay. Instead of using this as a direct mailer, I would make it into a handout that could be give out at local businesses in and around the areas where the SunRail is currently active, as well as a piece that would be handed out with tickets and to SunCard holders via mail. This woudl help people become more accepting of this new transportation method as they would understand why it is a better method versus interstate travel, etc. The goal would not be to sell people on the idea that the train is faster, because this is not always the case, but rather to represent its consistency and safety over the other methods they choose to use on a daily basis in comparison to the cost of those methods to travel (i.e. car, bus, etc.) It holds a strong advantage to taking the train versus interstate travel and can be seen through the comparison of accident data which shows how dangerous travel by vehicle is on a daily basis in Central Florida.

RESONATE PROJECT B ― PART 3: SKETCHES #1 Here are my notes on how I initially planned on moving forward with my design, to work out what could be placed on the handout and what would not be necessary. This is a brainstorming method to map out ideas and see what could be areas to address, a very beginning stage in moving forward with design.



The highlighted content above is word analysis of content that can be taken and used in the handout for my final piece. I do not necesarrily plant on using phrases as much as I plan on using words, part of phrases, and so forth and combining them to make unique concepts that develop new ways to represent the meaning behind the message I want to portray regarding the SunRail advertisement. To the right, you will see my underlining in pink, these are words that I have taken, rearranged, and at this point, for example, created a phrase to use on the front cover that will draw readers forward into the handout.

An example of how I am working with the text to recontextulize the order of the content and its meaning is present in this statement, “Envisioning process and providing transit for fast-growing community development.” This is something I have been working on to create a entroduction statement or paragraph for the first page, a catch phrase, that will make the user interested enough to move forward and read the handout. There will also be rearranging of words to create the content in order to explain what I will represent next via sketches and research.


PROJECT B ― PART 3: RESEARCH ON TRAIN VS. CAR ACCIDENTS The first page (pictured right in blue) is an eye catching and brightly colored cover with a catch phrase to draw the reader into why the train is a beneficial method of travel over vehicle for daily commutes to and from the city of Orlando. The second blue square (below the SunRail front cover) is a way to represent why the train is so beneficial through an infographic-styled reference of the safety statistics of taking the train versus braving Interstate 4 traffic. It will contain comparisoin data, that will be explained on the next page, where there is shocking data to why the train is safe and why riders should consider using it before making their own commutes. I will represent cost benefits, comparing ticket prices to typical vehicle travel. Next, the goal will not be to represent the speed, as it has bene proven cars can make it there 10-15 minutes faster on low traffic, non-rush hour days, but the point is to promote the safety and consistency in comparison to inconsistent times via accidents on the interstate, construction congestion, etc.

The third fold will provide a informational break by showing the individual all the paths of the train, the stops, locations, and other vital information that is important for the map. The last page of the handout will alude to other factors of why the train in important for development of through various formats which include commercial and population-based growth, travel, and so forth. All of these components are important for the train and the train brings growth for the communities in which it comes to. It allows new employment opportunities, business, new housing projects, and much more. This will be summarized in a dynamic format.


What's New


You are Visitor# 126353







1.11 ­ One Year Accident/Incident Overview ­ Combined

Back to Query Page Print Version

ONE YEAR ACCIDENT/INCIDENT OVERVIEW BY REGION/STATE/COUNTY Report Type ­ ' CALENDAR YEAR ' SELECTION: Railroad ­ ALL Region: All Regions State ­ FLORIDA County ­ ORANGE January To December, 2016 Reporting Level:... ALL *** IMPORTANT: Train Miles, Employee Hours, and Accident Rates are calculated by *** Railroad on a national level and DO NOT DISPLAY for Region or State Geography



Additional Resources

Below this you will notice the car accident reports, based upon Florida’s Integrated Report Exchange System (FIRES), for all accidents reported in Orange Country, Florida only, in 2016. The crashes represent a total of 29,055 reported incidents, 20,485 total crash related injuries, and 161 total fatalities which include commericial and personal travel. Support


If you wanted to compare the statistics, just for Orange County travel in 2016, in regards to train ' CALENDAR YEAR ' versus car, you would obviously notice TOTAL ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: 18 Number of fatal accidents/incidents 1 5.56% which is the safer method of travel Overall frequency rate: 0.00 Total train miles: 0 Total fatalities: 1 Switching miles: 0 and why the SunRail is a better option Total nonfatal conditions: 9 Employee hours: 0 for safety and consistency of travel. Its Total accidents/incidents is the sum of train accidents, highway‐rail incidents, and other incidents. important to arrive alive even if its not Total accident/incident rate is the number of events times 1,000,000 divided by total train miles. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ faster, because faster travel can get you seriously injured or even killed via TOTAL TRAIN ACCIDENTS: 2 Number of fatal train accidents 0 0 % Number per million train miles: 0.00 Collisions: 0 0 % the interstate. Total fatalities: 0 Derailments: 2 100.00% FIRES.Quick Statistics Total nonfatal conditions: 0 Other accidents: 0 0 %

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Primary causes‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Human factors: 0 % 0 Track defects: 2 100.00% Equipment defects: 0 % 0 Signal defects: 0 0 % Miscellaneous causes: 0 % 0 Number of accidents on yard track: 0 Quick Stats Nbr per million yard train miles: 0 For other tracks: 0.00

Useful Tips

ALL REPORTED TRAIN INCIDENTS, ORANGE COUNTY, FL (2016) Train accidents represent 11.11% of all reported events. Statewide



Number of train accidents involving passenger trains 0 0 % Reports by Month Crash Summary


Total Crashes: 29,055 Number of train accidents that resulted in a release of hazardous material 0 0 % of total Number of persons evacuated 0 Number of rail cars releasing hazmat 0 Injury Crashes: 13,240 2500

When comparing data from train to car travel, both data include all train travel and all car travel in Orange County, there is a 1/14,527.5 chance you will be involved in a train accident versus a car, and a 1/2,276.1 chance that you will be injured on a train via accident or incident versus that of a car.

A train accident is an event involving ontrack rail equipment that results in monetary damage to the equipment Overall, there were 2 accidents via 2000 Crashes with Traffic Fatalities: 152 and track above a certain threshold. Lading, clearing costs, environmental damage is not included. train, not involving another vehicle Total Traffic Fatalities 161 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Injuries:


Number of Crashes

Based on the statistics of all the reported Railroad accidents/ incidents for Orange County, Florida only, in 2016, by the Federal Railroad Adminstration, it is referenced that there was a total of 2 accidents from train derailment based on track defects, as well as 1 fatality and 9 nonfatal incidents. These fatal and nonfatal incidents can include anything 2/14/2017 from train accidents, highwayrail incidents, and other incidents while traveling on the train, but are not always accident related.

*** ***

of any type, and 29,053 more accidents HIGHWAY‐RAIL TRESPASSING INCIDENTS(not at crossings) Commercial Vehicles: 2,968 At‐Grade, Public and Private Crossings: 0 in vehicles. Next, there were 10 total Property Damage Crashes: 15,663 Grade Crossing Incidents: 7 incidents via the train, one fatal, while GX: Number per million train miles: 0.00 Trespasser: Frequency per million train miles: 0.00 *Pedestrian Crashes: 632 GX: Total fatalities: 0 Trespasser: Total fatalities: 1 there were 20,476 more injuries in *Pedestrian Fatalities: 46 GX: Total nonfatal conditions: 0 Trespasser: Total nonfatal conditions: 2 **Bicycle Crashes: 478 vehciles and 160 more fatalities. GX:Number of fatal crossing incidents 0 0 % Commercial Vehicle Crashes:



2735 2612 2612 2625 2581 2514 2472 2478 2402



1955 1755




**Bicycle Fatalities:













Public Crossings 0 With gates 0 Other activated crossings 0 Number with passive warnings 0 Private crossings 0 ***** THE COUNT OF CROSSINGS IS THE COUNT OF AT GRADE IN THE CURRENT INVENTORY ***** As of Date: 2/13/2017


PROJECT B ― PART 3: ARTICLE BREAKDOWN Here is a more indepth breakdown of words and or phrases form the other two articles that I will incorporate into my handout as my method or recontextualizing the content from the articles to promote the SunRail to locals.


PROJECT B ― COLOR PALETTE INSPIRATION For my color palette, I am going to stick with the SunRail brand so that it flows with the overall idea of marketing the SunRail but I will focus on using bright color accents to make it pop a bit more than how they currently have the website. This way the content is a bit more vivid and stand outs against their current SunRail media, while maintaing their brand identity overall.


PROJECT B ― EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING After posting my initial resonate research, and receiving feedback, it was evident that my focal point needed to shift to include more of the experience and less of just marketing the train itself. With furhter consideration, I decided to change the route I was going to give a more experiential marketing approach. Experiential marketing is a form of marketing that is designed “to create a closer bond between the consumer and the brand by immersing them in a fun and memorable experience” (Moth, D.). It is a way to emerse the consumer with the brand, or concept, on a more emotional level so that they create a deeper meaning with the product and/or service being marketed. In changing the mindset of how I was approaching the problem, I decided to start by researching about Orlando, which is a large central hub in Central Florida. Upon visiting the website for Downtown Orlando, I began to think about ways I could use my articles to incorporate the sentences and phrases in comparison to the various items listed on the Visit Downtown website, which include family fun, shopping, lgbtq community, urban life, and other similar experiences that could be marketed to represent the convenience of the SunRail train without actually marketing the train itself.




The next step was to sketch out some ideas that I would then begin doing research on for photography. Since the locations are nearby, and after looking through and unable to find some of the dynamic shops I will need from stock photo, I have decided that I will have to go and take as many pictures as I can to provide the viewer with a type of point-of-view (pov) feel into a given experience. This is how I intend to revisualize this piece and in turn be able to incorporate the newspaper articles better. Pictured right, these are sketches where I was working out various possibilities. #1 is the concept of “Change the way Orlando looks” and I want to use this phrase as a header because if I can acquire a dynamic shot, like the rollercoaster pov shot, then I can make people see things from a different angle, view, perspective, height, etc., and this in turn will make them view things differently as they are not seeing it from the grown level as usual. #2 will focus on “advanced urban center and a prime desintation in Central Florida” where Orlando will be represented and a social hub experience. #3 is a view on shopping, a possible poster to represent a way for families, or individuals, to experience the shops and culture of Orlando, Florida.

#4 is a view on the LGBTQ community in Orlando and may feature a line as the header such as “optimistic about the future” or “a fun activity in this confusing time” where a more political stance will be taken on the support and acceptance of this community in Orlando and how they should feel safe. This piece would pull mostly from the Lots of mail makes a tought time easier as it fits a similar tone of the article. #5 is only a final thought of focusing on a family centric event.

4 3 5

RESONATE PROJECT B ― THINKING FURTHER Please keep in mind these are very rough conceptuatlizations at this time, but I have began pondering a more cut-paper look and feel. Having the words in the header typed out then crumbled, as if thrown away, but then reopened and placed over a highly dynamic image that has been abstracted or shared in a way that you could feel as if your experiencing it. The cut-paper feel of the header would help it feel like news but at the same time make it look like I am taking something old, like the newpaper that people may have lost interested in, and placing it with something new and dynamic giving it a stronger presence and a new meaning to attract attention. Also the heightened color of the image and the crumbled paper placed over top, via juxtaposition on the computer from a photograph on a simple surface, will make people want to see more to understand why the graphic is so different and in turn they gain this new experience as they are reading about the things, along the SunRail stops, that they can enjoy. These posters would also have to be placed at the SunRail train stations and bus stops associated with the SunRail, in order to attract people’s attention. This way they can see there is so much more to the train’s existance outside of just taking people to and from work as they can also use it to travel to hotels in Orlando to experience nightlife during the week, themeparks, shopping, and much more.





These poster concepts are just examples of how the content will have titles pulled from sentences within the original newspaper articles and how placement is key. The next page will brekdown how I intend to include more information so the viewer has more to read once they are drawn in by the overall poster style and header wording.


Here is a bit more indepth of how I would want to organize the poster arrangement. Before I described the arrangement of the header so this will be more detail about the secondary content that I want the viewer to experience only after they have taken in the picture and the header and want to learn more about what is beign offered. The overall goal is the make the text arrangement, cut paper layout over image, to be readable and just as dynamic as the abstracted or cropped imagery. It is meant to give the viewer a perspective and make them feel as if they are in the moment, or the experience. For example, in the poster to the right you are on the 90 degree incline of Universal Studios Rip Ride Rocket. This is a dynamic shot for this roller coaster thrill ride. The viewer will feel as if they are on the coaster and get to experience that feeling of what will happen next, which will pull them into the other areas where they will read content about the different ways you can gain new experiences taking the SunRail. Also, I will incorporate the SunRail logo on each piece, as a small way of tying the experience to a brand which will show people what they are missing by driving versus taking the train. It is selling the experiences that can be achieved painless taking the train versus having to drive, fight for parking, and so much more. It adds joy to the ride versus the dread of traffice, accidents, delays, construction, etc. You are taken directly to the fun and not having to wait for any reason. The posters also represent an elevated experience of happiness and thrill so that the viewer also associates that with the ease of train travel versus that of the interstate in Central Florida.



LOOKS It modi berepra nis ex excerov itiasperae nimusdae voluptat quam aut aspid et quiae. Itaecea vel mod mil iundis deribea inimolo reprere sit mo inihicias adis doluptatisi omnimincium aut vollamet quiscitibus venditat es et et, inihilitibus aditatu scianim invendis asi cus.Borerfe rferibus. Eque id ut qui netumque nonseque cor aligeni mintia voluptio blab id

RESONATE PROJECT B ― IMAGERY I do intend to take photographs, where possible, so that I can use my own shots, but where I am unable I will pull stock photography, like with this coaster, in order to get the ideal shots required. Being able to take my own photography of various locations will not only give me the emersive experience but also give me the ability to document the actuality of the experiences the posters are providing. Also, my own photography will allow me to aim more for the shots I want that are abstract and dynamic versus being restricted by stock imagery. Pictured right you will see image styles that I like moving forward.


PROJECT B, PART 4 - BASED ON FEEDBACK Upon the last discussion I submitted my content which is represented in the PDF that represented my poster concepts based upon original feedback from the professor and research conducted on representing the ‘locations’ to which the train traveled. projectBpart3.pdf?dl=0 Here is the professors feedback that really resonated with my initial sketches and was part of her discussion via my second submission in the last discussion board.

After pushing my concepts a bit further and adding actual photography, samples taken from online with words placed over, the professor responded that it was moving forward but that there was a disconnect and the train was not being incorporated and was lost. At this point I had focused too much on the location and left out the concept of the train and just putting the logo on the poster would not create the needed connection to bring the viewer to want to ride the train. The above samples she sent are samples that represent how to incorporate the ‘train’ into the piece and and destination. Creating the content this way is the only way to represent how the SunRail is ideal to go to these locations and how its highly beneficial to society over always having to drive. The pictures make the ride appear more serene than it would be stressful driving in traffic.


PROJECT B, PART 4 - BASED ON FEEDBACK Then I wanted to share my response to the professors post as it holds key concepts to why how I planned to move forward which is important to understand in order to understand how my current research is going to lead to a stronger example by the end of this unit, which will be finalized by due date in Unit 9.

Current research for Unit 8 - Part 4 - moving forward to develop a better understanding of how to finalize my concepts and develop stronger ideas.

When I saw the idea of “Alberta” I really got to thinking about this new and creative way to add the train and the location. I could somehow create the train as a vector and include the background as the destination I want to show so that you know the train takes you there but at the same time you get to see a very creative background. For example, if the location were downtown Orlando I could show the lynx bus station, on of its stops, or a location nearby and people having fun. Just a way to represent an aspect of location. Another way would be to represent the train, then the background would be the lynx station or a taxi and then a nice juxtaposition of the theme parks so you see its a connection to getting to fun for the entire family. To create a more abstract poster, I could show the train and represent its days of travel Monday - Friday to represent weekly travel formats, and so forth. This would be a way to create a creative poster thats visually appealing but loaded with levels of information and minimal text. The text would only include minor phrases from the newspapers like before examples “Change the way Orlando looks” or even simpler to say “Orlando”, as this would only be a part of the final product. The main final product would be something more compact that can be held, passed out to travelers, mailed to regular SunRail pass holders, etc. My initial idea was a booklet, since the brochure was too ambitious and not large enough to hold a component of all of the destinations and heavier content from the newspapers. After discusses ideas over with fellow students, creating something along the format of a passport seemed to be the most creative aspect as it would be the trains passport through Orlando and have all the various things that can be experienced in taking the train such as work, fun, leisure, etc.


PROJECT B, PART 4 - BASED ON FEEDBACK The concept would then be more of a zine than a brochure that is loaded with information to educate the rider and something they can carry with them because its compact and even something they can review while taking the train as it may provide awesome ideas for how they may want to use the train in the future. It could help those riding the train for work realize thats not its only purpose, but it can be use to take family on vacation, take a trip to downtown to stay a weekend, and so much more. Here is an example of a zine https://www. This has therefore opened up a secondary concept to the posters that will also work hand-in-hand with what the posters represent but instead of being so vague will be the detailed aside to the posters and the posters will then serve as a reminder of what the zine represents. Here are some fun ways I could represent the article information via the zines. So the rest of this week will consist of taking this research and pushing forward with a design concept. I want to begin developing the posters and the zine, a mini passport, which will represent the above discussed research. I feel adding the more passport feel to the zine will give it a more playful, yet highly creative feel that makes it feel more personal to the user as if they had a hand in creating the zine. Giving this personal touch, as if its documenting their journey, will make them maybe even use it to plan future trips or record what they have already used the train for and what could be possibilities that they have never before thought which were introduced in a new way through the zine and posters.


PROJECT B, PART 4 - TYPOGRAPHY AND COLOR PALETTE Acherus Grotesque - for story headers Helvetica Neue (Regular) - for body type Helvetica Neue (Condensed Bold) - large headers and/or name of train stops Helvetica Neue (light) - subtitles











PROJECT B, PART 4 - MOVING FORWARD After reviewing feedback from class and due to time contraints fro the proejct, I decided to focus on just the passport which would represent the experience of the destinations, via the newspaper articles and some new content written, and each stop would be represtedn with a story or something about the location itself that is unique for commuters. The commuters I want to target are those that go to work on a daily basis, Monday to Friday, and those that use the commuter train for leisure, such as shopping and eating, as it is a better means for them to travel or they don’t have a vehicle. In doing this I will target a large audience of middle aged adults but all adults that regularly commute using the SunRail. Also, adding the stamp idea, where they can receive discounts after so many trips is a great way to promote incentive for riders and encourage new riders as well. When the SunRail promoted FREE rides, people came from all over to ride the train versus commute via vehicle, but when this ended the riders reduced drastically and this halted some growth for the train. The new passport and stamp system will reach out to bring back those individuals.






Debary’s Transit Overlay District (TOD) is a special economic development zone established to complement SunRail and the depot nearby. Planners envion the TOD as a commercial hub for Southwest Volusia. The TOD is an area of approximately 220 acres around the SunRail depot intended for development that complements mass transit. The TOD encompasses a variety of intense uses, including retail shopping, restaurants and multifamily housing. The development of this property and other parcels nearby, including many not in the TOD, will create an advanced urban center and a prime destination in Central Florida.

Hospital cancer Patient LOCATION, has penpals from all over




At this time in the process, prior to final feedback, I have included some “future SunRail design elements that include the destination to change the way the Orlando trains location based on the city, region looks at us” also currently you have DeBary as -Al Everson, West volusia Beacon the Northend, while the Southend will be the last location. The articles related heavily to DeBary and the Hospital so included them mostly on these pages. Instead of sharing an “experience” of the location itself for Florida Hospital, I shared the article as an experience of a patient that has been there and her story so far. This way people see the wonderful work coming from the hospital and would want to approach and/or use it more eagerly. Also, DeBary is still a fairly new stop and there is nothing within walking distance of the station. However, there is talk in the article of the development of the Transit Overlay District right off of the station, which will bring growth and different crowds to the area. I felt that this is vital for riders so they know what is coming to them in the near future.



H e im t h g u to easier

Mail makes a

Wade Bernosky received some of the most dreaded news a father can hear: His 5-year-old daugther, Rylee Bernosky, had been diagnosed with cancer. After complaining of headaches for almost a month, Rylee was taken to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with medulloblastoma—a fast-growing highgrade cancerous tumor of the brain. Rylee was given more than a 90-percent chance of recovery, the tumor was removed with complete success. But Rylee’s journey was just beginning. She was facing six months of chemotherapy and other treatments, and will not be able to return to her kindergarten class.

nice for “I though it would be en” her to get letters to opmother - Rylee’s Grand

Since Rylee’s television appearance, the family has also raised more than $12,500 through a GoFundMe account to help with medical costs, which are upward of $50,000 including the cost of trips.


PROJECT B, PART 5 - RESPONDING TO PART 4 FEEDBACK After posting my initial draft of the commuter passport, I took the advice of both the students and the professor and began reconceptualizing my concept. Instead of using the harsh vertical text and making the concept far to busy, I began to lessen the content and rearrange various components in order to make a cleaner layout that woud still relay the same message and not overload the reader. First I began to readdress the cover, as the intial gray concept did not complement the interior of my design. As I began reworking my concept I focused more on the interior, as that was the bulk of my layout, and really simplified the cover until I could figure out what layout I was ready to conform to in order to begin incorporating that into the cover itself. The coral cover which is very simplified is just a representation of the front as it would develop from here once I had finished the interior.


PROJECT B, PART 5 - RESPONDING TO PART 4 FEEDBACK The next step was to work with variations of the inside in order to rearrange hierarchy and make the passport flow from one stop to another, in this sense one page to another as well. Here I focused on having one page contain an very light image of the stop behind a color with the stops name at the bottom, and as a classmate pointed out, it appeared the content was a train on teh tracks because of how it cut off on the bottom of the page. Next, I wanted to add contrast by flipping the color over to the other page and creating negative text but still was stuck on the idea of having the script text as a texture element, which again added too much to the concept and made it feel crowded. Upon gaining feedback, it was apparent that the harsh chang from horizontal to vertical was too intense and caused too many breaks within the book. Also, the diagonal text was said to be out of place such a layout and not necessary to add to the concept. This then led me to further rearranging the pages.


PROJECT B, PART 5 - RESPONDING TO PART 4 FEEDBACK The final concept was laid out once I figured out all the areas that were not working overall. Instead of having a drastic change from spread to spread I decided that images should be incorporated on all spreads and on the alternating concepts where the words were white over the color, I decided to let the image spread across the entire space. This provided a dynamic enough different to make the spreads seem different but at the same time cohesive. Also based on feedback from the class, I pushed away from the criss-cross text and cursive textured text in order to center the written content on the right side of the page. This was maintained through all the spreads and allowed me to maintain a cohesive design throughout. The cover was better addressed here where I included a similar layout to the inside pages in order to make it feel like it belonged while at the same time standing out with having the content at the top instead of the bottom to better grab the users attention. I chose to use yellow here because of it being one of the brand colors of the SunRail.


PROJECT B, PART 5 - COMMUTER PASSPORT PRINT Here you will find the 5” x 4” commuter passport for SunRail in which I printed out, saddle bound, and strimmed. Excuse the poor lighting as it was overcast today and there was not chance of using the studio at work as it was occupied. Here you will find how the book was printed and how it can be used by those commuting daily on the SunRail. They can read about each different stop and at the end of the book there are several pages where they collect stamps for free one-way trips. Also, you will noticed that on the back page I included an infographic about the SunRail. I decided to include this piece because it summarizes all the important reasons to take the SunRail which include the fact that its better for the environment, better on your vehicle, and other similar facts. On the back of the commuter passport, I included the SunCard as a reminder to how it is faster to preload this card instead of having to buy a new one use card for each ride. This is how I creatively incorporated the logo and stuck to the yellow color scheme on the exterior. This is a pocket friendly booklet that fits in your hand easily and can travel with you everyday. It is not meant to hold anything but rather serve as a reference point and a way to earn credits towards free SunRail commutes. Finally, content was used throught the passport from the newspaper articles, like on the DeBary and Florida Hospital pages where large portion of the article content is used. On the other pages that had no true relationship to the article content, I summarized information from SunRail’s website in order to keep a consistent flow throughout the book. It also pulls article sentences throughout the pages that summarize each of SunRail’s stations. So overall, the articles are heavily incorporated with some text used in order to make the content fluid.











To note, the original Lynx map was a hot pink mess that was highly distracting from the layout desired. The incorporation of this map was very important to this page as the purpose of this stop is to board a Lynx and be able to travel to different parts of Orlando easily, where the SunRail can’t go. I simplified this map my making the SunRail tracks orange to easily differentiate them from the bus routes. This show users all the options they have availabe to thme to go to downtown Orlando, airport, themeparks, and much more.







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