POLICE, CRIME & ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR UPDATE 30th June - 7th July POLICING OPEN SPACES Policing public open spaces during and following lockdown has been an important but complex responsibility for local officers. The expectations people have of the police to enforce the restrictions have varied greatly but the Constabulary have adopted the ‘four Es’ approach to the covid-19 restrictions; Engage, Explain and Encourage compliance, with Enforcement only used when absolutely necessary. This has been devised to ensure a proportionate and considered approach to breaches of the restrictions. The policing objectives have been
to work with communities to achieve compliance with what was being asked of us all. The use of public open spaces for exercise and other permitted activity generated some real challenges, and continues to do so, with large gatherings happening in parks and open spaces, as well as locations like the Harbourside. The police cannot enforce compliance with social distancing, but have been working with partners, including the BIDs and council, to tackle issues including anti-social behaviour. This will become increasingly important now pubs and bars are open again.
THE REOPENING The weather undoubtedly played a part in what was, on the whole, a quiet reopening weekend for the hospitality trade. The policing operation went well, with demand levels being manageable and good visibility maintained throughout the city centre. The off-sales available from many bars seem likely to bring gatherings in some open spaces when the weather is fine and this is something the police and council will be working on together so that associated issues including antisocial behaviour can be minimised.
Locations that seem likely to be busy include Welsh Back, Queen Square, Millennium Square, the Amphitheatre and the Harbourside. It will be important for businesses close to those locations to understand the wider impacts off-sales may have and engage with the police and council to minimise negative impacts created. This will help to ensure people can enjoy the easing of lockdown, but do so responsibly and safely.
CRIME OVERVIEW Over the last 2 weeks there have been 93 crimes recorded across the area. This is an increase of 25 crimes since the last period, with Public Order offences increasing from 6 to 33 offences. This is most likely because of the hospitality industry reopening and the associated alcohol related disorder.
TACKLING DAILY ASB The City Centre Policing Team have been and always will be committed to challenging AntiSocial Behaviour. As part of this, in-line with the rising footfall and reported ASB the Central Beat Team have returned to deploying officers to ASB Patrols. This is resourced from the wider North Central Neibourhood Team and deployed every day between
0800 – 1500 hours. They will target ASB caused by the street community, youths and any other causing harm to the city centre, and target those responsible. Should you be suffering ASB that is affecting your business or life then you can report this to the patrols through ringing 101 or by contacting the Bristol City Centre BID Officer, Gareth Ayers.
ON THE BUSES As the communities of Bristol gradually come out of lockdown, we are seeing a rise in footfall across many different sectors and this is the same for the city’s public transport. The police have been asked to support efforts to achieve compliance in passengers wearing face covering. Over recent weeks we have seen many examples of non-compliance, which has been raised by both First Bus and the
wider community, both wanting the Police to support compliance and challenge those who refuse to wear the face coverings. We are deploying officers daily to engage, explain and encourage compliance. Our aim is to ensure public transport remains a safe space and ensures the public can return to the city centre to support it’s covid recovery.
REFLECTIONS ON A NEW WORLD The Bristol City Centre BID’s dedicated police officer, Gareth Ayers, has now been in post for just over two weeks. The first weeks focus, in the blazing sun was ASB issues around the Habourside. The introduction of fencing and increased police patrols has put a stop to this. This dominated all subsequent meetings, zoom and webinars, that and toilets. Gareth has been meeting with bar and restaurant owners to advise them and support them throughout the period. A damp start meant a happy and safe opening for the venues that chose to open. This week, along with the Streetwise Team, Gareth has been dealing with street anti-social behaviour and begging highlighted by levy payers.