CRIME STATS Over the last two weeks, 305 crimes have been recorded. This is a slight increase from the previous period which could be linked to the lighter evenings and busy waterfront. Recorded crimes include a high number of thefts (89) and incidents of violence against the person (88).
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is now standing at 132 incidents in the last two weeks with most incidents occurring in the evening. The local neighbourhood team is working very hard to bring the crime stats down, and on weekends Operation Brio runs which helps with the night-time economy.
ASB UPDATE In April, the police were made aware of issues being caused at the Little China Town store on Nelson Street. The constant issues were caused by a group of young people including almost daily harassing of staff and standing on their freezers.
an educational workshop around crime and ASB.
Through CCTV the local neighbourhood team were able to identify the individuals involved and refer them to the ASB team. The ASB team liaised with partner agencies who organised some interventions with the group, including
These were signed by the individuals and their parents and since these interventions, the group have not returned to the store or caused any issues for Little China Town.
The ASB team also put together acceptable behaviour contracts for the group to prevent them from going to Nelson Street and the store.
OPERATION SCEPTRE AND KNIFE CRIME The photograph shows how many knives have been removed from being used on the streets as part of the operation. This is a great illustration of the importance of the work around knife crime, and how important a week of action can be. These knives have been recovered from public spaces through intelligence-led visits to individuals and locations that are linked to knife crimes. Operation Sceptre has come and gone and local police officers were very busy conducting test purchasing, knife sweeps and engagement and education to try and deter people from taking knives into public spaces.
It has been a great success and for this work to continue the police need you to report any concerns regarding knives in public to BID PCSO Nat Naylor. The police are working to install a surrender bin at a location in the city centre with updates to follow.
JOINT OPERATION WITH UK BORDER AGENCY On 31 May, a joint partnership operation took place in Broadmead, involving the central Bristol Neighbourhood Police Team and the UK Border Agency. This planned operation was in response to various reports of ASB and complaints of nuisance made by the public and local businesses. This particular operation was a high profile event with all present in uniform utilising a collaborative approach. Approximately 10 individuals were spoken with by officers and numerous
checks were completed during the process. As a result of this activity, one male was arrested for immigration offences and one female was served a 28-day notice for other illegal immigration-related issues. The UK Border Agency and police were satisfied with the effectiveness of the operation and further joint operations are planned to be conducted in the future using the same model.
STOLEN GOODS RECOVERED AND RETURNED On Saturday 14 May, 3 PCSOs from Bridewell Station had been in the city centre patrolling through Broadmead and Cabot Circus. Working with Cabot Circus and Broadmead security staff, a stop check was completed on a group of individuals that had spent a prolonged period of time in Bristol city centre visiting a number of stores. During the stop check, a large number of stolen items were located and recovered estimated at over £1700 worth of stock from 7 different stores.
Some of these items included men’s and women’s clothing, and perfumes. The offenders had no receipts or proof of purchase and the local beat team were able to gather intelligence on which stores the items were from, making all lines of enquiries to the stores and collecting CCTV of them concealing these items. Further investigations revealed more potentially stolen items from previous offences. This was a positive result for the partnership between the police and security in Bristol city centre.