Police Activity Newsletter - Issue 49

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CRIME STATS Over the last two weeks there have been 298 crimes reported. Theft has slightly increased and remains the highest reported crime at 101

incidents. As the weather is getting hotter, this is a good reminder to ensure that properties are left secure and windows are not left open.

MAKING COMMUNITIES FEARLESS From 17 – 21 May, local neighbourhood policing teams will be participating in Operation Sceptre. This involves school talks, community events and various projects together in aid of knife reduction within our local communities. Knife crime can cause complete devastation, and during the week we aim to educate everyone, not just school pupils. There will be public engagement amnesty projects for those who are carrying a knife to safely dispose of them.

If you know of someone carrying a knife then please get in contact with us on 101 or if there is a crime taking place, please call 999. Alternatively, you can fill in an online form with FEARLESS, a Crimestoppers service that allows you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously.

MONTHLY RETAIL SECURITY MEETING On the first Thursday of each month, the city centre hosts an important retail security meeting which aims to bring together retailers, security guards and store managers alike to meet with beat teams to discuss crime issues across the Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) area.

escalation process; CPWs, CPNs and CBOs.

The meetings intend to keep the business sector up to date on criminal activities and anti-social behaviour (ASB) affecting their stores and staff whilst also providing a platform to exchange ideas and information across the three BID areas; Bristol City Centre BID, Redcliffe & Temple BID, and Broadmead BID / Bristol Shopping Quarter.

Participation in the retail sector is important, so we invite you to take up the call and attend the next meeting on Thursday 7 July, 9:15-10:15am.

Previously, the meetings have been held online but we are pleased to have switched to an in person meeting as of March 2022, taking place at the Cabot Circus Management Suite.

It provides police and businesses with a chance to highlight recent crimes, share trends and also provide an updated bulletin on who is currently ‘wanted’ by police in relation to business crime, notably retail thefts. It also significantly provides an update on the ASB

OPERATION SCORPION COMING SOON It only seems like last week that I was speaking about Operation Scorpion to tackle drug supply and harmful effects, highlighting the results of our week of action, and I now find myself updating you that the next operation is fast approaching. The next Operation Scorpion will take place the week commencing 27 June, and we are now in complete focus to deliver a really great week based on our communities needs. We will have standing actions such as targeted patrols, executing warrants, education and engagement, but I also want to ensure that we are focussing on

the needs of our community by hearing just where you feel the most harm is and what is harmful. This will ensure that our plan has a real local focus. If you have any suggestions of work we could be involved in to support you, please get in touch with your BID or PCSO Nat Naylor. Many thanks and I look forward to updating you further to our plans and results. Chief Inspector Rob Cheeseman

INTRODUCING PC ANNA AMOTT Hello, I’m PC Amott, or Anna if you prefer! I wanted to introduce myself as I am a new beat manager mainly covering Redcliffe and Temple alongside Bristol city centre. I started my career working in Bridewell Enquiry Office, this was my initial introduction to policing and I loved it, particularly getting to meet so many new and interesting people in the community. This inspired me to become Police Community Support Officer, working for several years in Broadmead. My favourite part was the relationships I was able to establish within the community.

I became a Police Constable in March 2020, working at Trinity Road police station. Starting the role during the pandemic was a challenging yet rewarding experience. I’ve been lucky enough to work with amazing people and gain valuable knowledge and skills. This brings me to now! I am a few shifts into my new position and it’s already exceeding expectations. I’m getting the chance to problem solve and tackle long term issues alongside building relationships in the community. I look forward to meeting you all and I can’t wait to get stuck in!

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