CRIME STATS Over the last two weeks recorded crimes have totalled 305. Theft (99) is still very high and is the highest crime volume for the last two weeks. As a result of this, we would like to remind the public to keep personal items such as mobile phones safe when they are out and about.
If you have misplaced or lost your Bank Card, please contact your bank, and cancel the card and if you are going out for the evening, travel home in groups such as shared taxis or bus journeys. Stay safe and look out for each other.
LOCAL POLICE PARTNERSHIP SUCCESS In recent weeks the police have successfully utilised their local partnerships to arrest a persistent antisocial individual. Darren Edwards, who has a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) and is not allowed to enter Bristol city centre, was spotted by security at Cabot Circus whilst attempting to commit theft. Police officers on patrol through Cabot Circus were then flagged down by security and alerted to this, leading to Darren
Edward’s arrest for theft and a breach of his CBO. Following his arrest, Darren attended court and was convicted of two charges and sentenced to 30 weeks imprisonment. This is an extremely good result for the police and for Bristol city centre which could not have been done without collaboration with Cabot Circus and the assistance of the shop staff that provided statements and CCTV.
STOLEN LIFE-SAVING RINGS Over 15 life-saving rings have been reported stolen or damaged from the Harbourside area between 26-27 September 2022, causing serious concern for water safety. Whilst a small number of life rings were recovered when found abandoned nearby, others remain missing with their loss estimated to be worth approximately £500. A precise motive for these crimes is yet to be confirmed although such behaviour is reckless as it puts the lives of others at risk. Police officers are remaining vigilant of individuals seen carrying such items, particularly at nighttime. In addition to this, officers patrolling the Harbourside will continue to provide water safety advice to the vulnerable and regularly look out for individuals who appear intoxicated near the water edge. As reported in the last newsletter, a man in his 30s tragically lost his life in the harbour at the beginning of September which highlights the dangers of such cold deep water.
BRISTOL TAXIS The UK has the oldest regulated taxi service in the world, with the first laws governing them made in the 17th century. It is also one of the most highly regulated taxi services in the world with standards to match. For example, to be a taxi driver in Bristol must pass several tests and checks including language and maths tests, a Class 2 medical test, enhanced DBS checks and a Safeguarding Course, with a driving test being reintroduced in the future. All Bristol vehicles are checked annually to standards which exceed the MOT test,
The police are appealing for anyone with relevant information to come forward to help them with their enquiries (reference 5222238242.)
with vehicles licensed by South Gloucestershire being checked every 6 months. Most taxis are Euro 6 engines or hybrid / electric vehicles, and our Blue Cabs are all wheelchair accessible. This ensures the quality of public transport service is safe to use for all. Most drivers are self-employed, so the pandemic was a terrible time for them as
virtually all overnight.
Despite these regulations, issues do sometimes arise and it’s straightforward to raise those with the police or Bristol City Council who licences them. If you have a compliment, comment, or complaint, feel free to get in touch.
CONGRATULATIONS FROM NEIGHBOURHOOD CHIEF INSPECTOR ROBERT CHEESEMAN Congratulations to the BID! We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Bristol City Centre BID for their successful ballot to remain in place for the next 5 years and to thank them for the past 5 years of hard work. The BID is one of our most important and closest partners, working together tirelessly on so many different projects to help the city centre including supporting
the Night-time Economy, Violence Against Women and Girls, and Street Community Services which all work towards making Bristol a safer place. As always tell us what matters to you, what you think is a priority and how we can make you safer, as over the next 5 years we will again work closely together to benefit the business community.