brand guidelines
keep your brand looking its best After all the hard work put into making your brand design awesome, we want to make sure it stays that way when it heads out into the world. Following these guidelines will ensure the logo is used in a way that upholds the aesthetic standards and keeps your brand looking professional and consistent.
primary logo henry design | build | live’s primary logo is a clean wordmark and icon. The icon represents the minimalist Scandinavian aesthetic. This is the main logo that will be used across primary brand applications. This trademark helps audiences easily identify HDBL’s website, social media presence, ads, and other materials, and enhances the professionalism of the brand. It is essential to the success of the brand that the logo always be applied with care and respect in every application according to these guidelines.
brand guidelines
minimum size The smallest the logo should be represented is 0.5� or 225px high.
brand guidelines
lock-up combination of icon and wordmark A) primary logo B) secondary logo
wordmark henry design | build | live wordmark C) vertical stacked D) horizontal
icon henry design | build | live icon
logo variations henry design | build | live’s logo variations consist of 2 different wordmark & icon lock-ups, 2 wordmarks, and 2 icons. These can be used in replace of the primary logo (but should never be used directly next to the primary logo in the same design). The wordmark can be used horizontally or vertically stacked, and with or without the icon. The icon can be used on its own when the name is not necessary to include. Options E and F should only be used in select cases where the name is already displayed in plain text. For example, the icon could be used as a profile picture on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook since the username will be adjacent to it in plain text. Option F should never be used directly next to any of the other options that include the icon. For instance, don’t use F as the profile picture if A is used for the header - it looks repetitive and isn’t a good use of the brand elements.
E) hdbl monogram F) house icon
colour usage There are a few different ways to use the logo in color. The primary full color logo can be used on both white and dark backgrounds (A & B). Or a coal logo can be used on a white background (C). On a colored background, the logo can be coal or white (D).
brand guidelines
clear space To ensure legibility, always keep a minimum clear space around the logo. This space isolates the mark from any competing graphic element like other logos or body copy that might conflict with, overcrowd, and lessen the impact of the mark.
The minimum clear space is defined as the width of the space between the “y� and icon in the primary logo. This minimum space should be maintained as the logo is proportionally resized.
brand guidelines
photo background There are a couple ways the logo can be used on photographic backgrounds, but each option should be excersized with care, making sure the logo and type aren’t obstructed by the image. In most cases, you can use either a solid white or solid black logo on top of a background image. The 2 color emblem logo only works on a particular type of image so use with care. tips: 1. Photos with shallow depths-of-field work best. 2. Avoid busy images with too much detail. 3. Apply a darker transparent overlay on an image helps make text more readable.
A. Don’t rotate the logo. B. Don’t squash or stretch. C. Don’t add an outline. D. Don’t resize the tagline.
unacceptable usage A few rules are necessary for maintaining the integrity of the brand. Don’t compromise the overall look of the logo by rotating, skewing, or distorting in any way - that includes adding unnecessary and unattractive text decorations like drop shadows and outlines. Here are a few examples of some ways you should NEVER ever consider using the logo.
E. Don’t change the composition or resize any part of the logo. F. Don’t rearrange any elements of the logo to create a composition that is not already provided as an alternate lock-up. G. Don’t change the color of parts of the logo. Use the color usage guide. H. Don’t add dropshadows or other text styles (bevel, emboss, gradient, etc.) I. Don’t contain the logo in a box when used on a background.
brand guidelines
brand guidelines
coal Pantone 426 C CMYK: 94, 77, 53, 94 RGB: 37, 40, 42 HEX: #333333
slate Pantone Cool Gray 11 C CMYK: 44, 34, 22, 77 RGB: 83, 86, 90 HEX: #666666
moodboard The moodboard for HDBL is fresh and minimalist with a Scandinavian feel.
colour palette
Pantone Cool Gray 1 C CMYK: 4, 2, 4, 8 RGB: 217, 217, 214 HEX: #CCCCCC
The cool grays have a modern minimalist feel, while the teal adds an unexpected pop of vibrance and excitement to the branding.
teal Pantone 7710 C CMYK: 81, 0, 23, 0 RGB: 0, 167, 181 HEX: #00A7B5
typography Typography is a powerful brand tool when used consistently. This set of typefaces best represent the modern and airy feel of the brand and should be used across all print & web applications.
rokkitt Use for headlines lowercase Web letter-spacing: 0.1em
raleway Use for headlines and body copy Sentence case Web letter-spacing: 0.1em
brand guidelines
rokkitt a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Raleway A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
final comments If you’re ever in doubt, just refer back to this document or feel free to get ahold of me (hi@britpinesich.com). These guidelines are fairly flexible and should allow for enough creative freedom to use the logos as you see fit while still making sure the brand looks it’s best across all applications.