自2004年起,香港亞洲電影節堅持為影迷及觀眾帶 來一個可以大飽眼福的盛會。到了第16屆,我們意 識到電影節正要面對一個關鍵時刻:在這個非常時 期,我們為甚麼還堅持電影可以娛樂、提升和啟發理 想?在這烽煙四起的年代,為甚麼還要搞電影節? 在這種時候,最21世紀的反應就是請教網絡大神。 所以我們在Google搜尋「16 和電影」,而向虛擬車 公求籤的結果如下: - 16毫米菲林,粗糙的質感深受勇於冒險的電影 人歡迎,象徵實驗精神,或能拍出不加修飾的真實寫 照。 - Sixteen Films,英國社會現實主義導演堅盧治 的製作公司,出產了他過去二十年大部分作品。在電 影界中,風骨不折的表表者,作品體恤貧苦大眾、無 權無勢的社群。 - 每秒16格,人眼能感知播放個體畫面為連貫的 最低幀率。由早期默片手搖驅動的器材,到今時今日 最先進的數碼攝影機,都依賴這個原理。
雖然以上三者看似截然不同,但它們某程度上都呼應 了香港亞洲電影節一直以來的主旨。我們一直都希望 能夠成為獨立電影人的平台,同時亦想藉着這些為無 聲吶喊的電影,為觀眾帶來娛樂。 電影節的另一個目標,是將資深和新晉的電影人聚首 一堂,期待能透過映後座談和主題講座,如今年的 「香港電影論壇」,建立觀眾和電影工作者之間的 聯繫。 當然,最重要的是電影和世界的關係。正如新浪潮祖 師尚盧高達曾説:「電影是每秒24格的真相。」藉 着今年電影節的每一部電影——不論是香港年輕導演 的新片、伊朗大師拉穌羅夫的得獎經典、或是柬埔寨 60年代的滄海遺珠,我們希望就人們過去的生活以 及我們現在的日常,提供一些見證。 希望這些電影能振奮大家的士氣,雖然我們身陷困 境,但仍能抬起頭來,遙望遠方的曙光。
FOREWORD Ever since 2004, the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival has persisted in offering a fun and fulfilling feast for cinephiles and casual film-goers alike. Now into its 16th edition, however, we find ourselves at a critical juncture: in such extraordinary times, why hold forth this ideal that cinema could amuse, elevate and inspire? Why fiddle with festivals when the world out there crashes and burns? At moments like this, the inevitable 21st century reaction is to consult the stars. So off we go and google “16 and film”, and the virtual coffee grounds left us with: - 16mm, the grainy film stock much beloved by audacious filmmakers, and symbolic of the desire to experiment, or to provide a grittier portrayal of real life; - Sixteen Films, the company behind nearly all the films by British social-realist auteur Ken Loach during the past two decades, and an outfit synonymous with a “cinema of integrity” that’s unfailingly empathetic for the poor and powerless; and - 16 frames per second, the minimum rate in which the human eye would perceive a continuous projection of individual frames as the depiction of motion. It’s something that drives both early silent films (made with all those handcranked machines) with, incredibly, some state-of-the-art digital cameras today. While seemingly wildly disparate, these three things somehow echo what the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival has always been about. We’ve always wanted to serve as a platform for independent-minded filmmakers; we’ve always wanted to entertain audiences with films that amplify the voices of the voiceless. The festival also aims to bring veteran and young filmmakers together, and for audiences to connect with them through meet-the-audience sessions and thematic talks, such as the Hong Kong Film Forum we will host this year. Most importantly, however, is the connection between the moving image and the world. As that old maverick Jean-Luc Godard once said, cinema is 24 frames of truth per second. With each of the films present at our festival this year – be it a new film from a young Hong Kong filmmaker, an awardwinning classic from Iranian auteur Mohammad Rassoulof, or a lost gem from Cambodia in the 1960s – we hope to provide some kind of testimony about how people used to live, and how we actually live now. Let’s hope these films could help to reinvigorate us all: we might be lying in the gutter, but we are certainly looking at the stars.
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「當我遇到低潮或對自己有懷疑的時候,我會 回 想 當 初 為 甚 麼 要 這 樣 做,為 甚 麼 要 這 個 工
作,毌忘初心很重要。而我確實曾經有過懷疑, 但當經歷了很多事情後,我有種不知道哪裡來 的信心,可能是來自上天的,致使我知道我一
定可以做得到,而我現在就是懷著這份堅持去 走我的路。」
第16屆香港亞洲電影節大使 陳家樂
TIME/ *9/10 7:20PM BC VENUE
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 135 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 嚴柔那 Eom Yu-na 演員 Cast: 柳海 眞 Yoo Hae-jin, 尹 启 相 Yoon Kye-sang
前 哨 活 動
要消滅一個文化,必先消滅其語言。1940年代,在日本 佔領朝鮮半島期間,本土文化被日本帝國打壓,韓語正日 漸消亡。文盲金判洙失業淪落為小偷,竟遇上韓語學會代 表柳正煥,又陰差陽錯成為學會員工。首次學懂閱讀文字 的判洙,開始了解為甚麼有人會排除萬難去守護自己的母 語。在日本帝國無孔不入的陰霾下,正煥與判洙一夥人日 夜奔波,編撰出首本屬於朝鮮人的韓語辭典,對抗要把他 們文化抹除淨盡的力量。《逆權司機》編劇嚴柔那首次執 起導筒,自編自導,繼續以電影向歷史中面對強權不屈不 撓的無名英雄致敬。 In the early 1940s when the Korean language was banned from schools and at risk of disappearing, two men of very different backgrounds set out to publish a Korean dictionary. Ryu Jung-hwan, an academic from a wealthy pro-Japanese family, is secretly compiling a dictionary at the Korean Language Society. Folksy ex-convict Kim Pan-su can’t read or write, but his street smarts may be just what’s needed to get the job done – if the Japanese colonial government doesn’t get to them first. A Taxi Driver screenwriter Eom Yu-na makes her directorial debut with this uncommon story of resistance that balances history, heroics, heart and humor to illustrate the great significance of language to a people and a nation.
犯罪現場 A WITNESS OUT OF THE BLUE 當鸚鵡成為唯一的目擊證人時,兇案究竟要如何破解?一名珠寶 劫匪伏屍工廈單位內,所有贓物不翼而飛,警方斷定是群匪分贓 不均,當中嫌疑最大的莫非為匪幫首領汪新元。警官葉守正率領 一眾警員展開調查,確定此案與三個月前的「利新珠寶劫案」有 關。怎料其他劫匪相繼遇害,林法樑逐漸發現案中案......而能夠 解開「誰是兇手」這道謎題的,就只有當日在犯罪現場目擊兇案 的唯一「證人」:一隻會說話的鸚鵡。
TIME/ *18/10 7:30PM BC VENUE
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 90 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 馮志強 Fung Chih-chiang 演員 Cast: 古天樂 Louis Koo, 張繼聰 Louis Cheung, 姜皓文 Philip Keung, 宣萱 Jessica Hsuan, 顏卓靈 Cherry Ngan
Pre-festival screenings
A jewelry shop robber is found dead in a flat and all the loot has gone missing. The police suspect that Sean Wong, the leader of the armed robbery gang, murdered his partner over the loot. As more people connected to the robbery get killed, Sean embarks on a raging mission of his own to fend the police off and find the real culprit. The key to solving the mystery? A talking parrot at the crime scene. Produced by Derek Yee, writer-director Fung Chih-chiang’s engrossing and explosive whodunnit thriller is packed with high-octane action and surprising turns that keep you guessing up until the very end.
開 幕 電 影
TIME/ *29/10 7:35PM PP VENUE *29/10 9:55PM PP *4/11 7:30PM PE
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / ~100 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
真人真事改編。世界排名第八的攀石運動員黎志偉,因車禍而半身不遂,生 命迎來巨變。怎料,重傷後的志偉發現自己因意外而獲得異能—從他人身上 看到代表其真面目的「動物」!自此,他在動物世界飽覽眾生相,走進一段 奇幻復康旅程。從各動物的人生百態中,他逐漸由無法接受事實到放下過去
導演 Dir: 梁國斌 Nick Leung 演員 Cast: 林德信 Alex Lam, 朱鑑然 Kevin Chu, 袁澧林 Angela Yuen, 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai
的成就光環,為了所愛的家人和證明自已,他堅持坐著輪椅也要攀上獅子山 上,活出新的自己。《死開啲啦》導演梁國斌再次執導,拍出不屈不撓的香 港精神。 In 2011, Lai Chi-wai – one of the top rock climbers in Asia – lost everything when a motorcycle accident took away his ability to walk. Rather than succumbing to his fate, Lai found his own way of scaling those dizzying peaks again. With his second feature, Nick Leung offers a remarkable change of pace, eschewing the macabre humour of his debut Get Outta Here for an inspiring and touching tale about how a human being overcomes
Opening Films
adversity. Featuring a career-best performance from Alex Lam as the wheelchair-bound athlete, this incredible fact-based story is a rousing tribute to Hong Kong’s never-say-die spirit.
TIME/ *29/10 7:25PM PP VENUE *29/10 9:50PM PP *6/11 7:20PM PE
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / ~115 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 梁栢堅 Patrick Leung 演員 Cast: 徐天佑 Tsui Tien-you, 黃又南 Wong You-nam, 蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin, 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai
開 幕 電 影
你還記得心中的UFO嗎?三個同住在華富邨的屋邨仔,童年更在香港最積 極向上的90年代渡過,迷醉在哥哥張國榮的歌聲中,竟還在一個晚上遇見 UFO!最美好的年代,卻也隨著巨星殞落終結。長大後三人各散東西,迷 失在社會森林裡:一個努力搵食、賺錢向上流,一個胸無大志、視嫁人為人 生目標,一個百病纏身、不敢奢談夢想,只是仍念念不忘小時候一同目睹的 UFO。一個婚禮令三人重新聚首,但找回當初的夢想還有可能嗎?徐天佑、 黃又南、蔡卓妍再度合作,青澀不再演技更見成熟,加上一眾小演員純真演 繹,為香港一路走來跌宕起伏的時代作見證。 Wah Fu Estate in Aberdeen is the home of many urban legends, but few were as outlandish as the one that happened in the 1980s: One night, residents turned their heads to the sky and saw a giant UFO hovering above them for five minutes. No one else could prove or explain the odd phenomenon, but it becomes the pivotal event for three young people in this long-awaited charming sci-fi comedy also marks the reunion of Tsui Tien-you, Wong Younam and Charlene Choi, who co-starred in 2002 teen comedy hit Summer Breeze of Love.
Opening Films
return to form for director Patrick Leung (La Brassiere, Simply Actors). This
閉 幕 電 影
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 91 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
TIME/ *17/11 5:40PM MM VENUE *17/11 7:50PM MM
一反典型愛情電影套路,反思婚姻、幸福和自由的意義。三十出頭的女子 在太子金都商場的婚紗店工作,在這裡結識了婚禮攝影師男友,拍拖七年, 人人都認為他是她的白馬王子,男友的幼稚和癡纏卻令她卻步。直到男友求 婚,她才想起自己十年前為了賺快錢,和一個陌生中國男子「假結婚」,幫
導演 Dir: 黃綺琳 Norris Wong 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 朱栢康 Chu Pak-hong, 鮑起靜 Paw Hee-ching, 金楷杰 Jin Kaijie, 林二汶 Eman Lam, 許素瑩 Hui So-ying, 岑珈其 Kaki Sham
助他來港定居,十年來一直未離婚。婚禮的繁瑣令她煩擾不堪,她一邊尋找 「老公」辦理離婚,一邊嘗試隱瞞未來老公,但紙包不住火,一直逃避的 她,終於要面對自己的未來。電視劇《瑪嘉烈與大衛系列-綠豆》編劇黃綺 琳首次執導電影,細膩刻畫女性面對婚姻的種種掙扎,加上鄧麗欣反璞歸真 的演繹,定能引起無數共鳴。 My Prince Edward is set in Golden Plaza, a shopping mall in Hong Kong best known for bridal shops and cheap wedding supplies. Fong is a clerk at one such bridal shop. She has been with Edward, the owner of a wedding
Closing Films
電影發展基金 「首部劇情電影計劃」 得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, Film Development Fund
photography shop in the same mall, for seven years. Everyone sees Edward as Fong’s Prince Charming, destined to head to the altar. The problem is that Fong must first sort out the sham marriage that she was paid to take part in years ago before she can get married for real.
CLOSING FILMS TIME/ *6/11 7:20PM PP VENUE *6/11 9:50PM PP *21/11 7:30PM MM
BABY 復仇記 THE SECRET DIARY OF A MOM TO BE 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 90 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
TIME/ *17/11 5:50PM MM VENUE *17/11 7:45PM MM
閉 幕 電 影
尤家敏的人生是所有港女的最終目標:身為高薪厚職的名牌PR阿姐,又靚 又叻又識享受人生,有老公錫又有共識:二人世界,BB免談。怎料一天BB 突然降臨,家敏從前沒想過的責任如海嘯襲來,工作、家庭、愛情通通被這 個未出世的小魔怪攪得天翻地覆,一早想好的理想人生計劃一下子被打亂!
導演 Dir: 陸以心 Luk Yee-sum 演員 Cast: 陳靜 Dada Chan, 朱鑑然 Kevin Chu 余安安 Candice Yu, 張繼聰 Louis Cheung
在香港地兼顧事業與家庭殊不簡單,要為人父母更是能人所不能,曾執導 《同班同學》的陸以心,以這齣喜劇笑談女強人的笑與淚,輕鬆面對生活中 那些未能預計的二三事。 Carmen is a talented public relations manager of a major brand. Bright, beautiful and someone who knows how to have fun, she also has a loving husband who is equally resolute in their shared commitment to not have
東京國際電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival
kids. But when Carmen suddenly learns that she is pregnant, out goes her life of few responsibilities, her fast-tracked career and much more she has once taken for granted. The second feature film by writer-director contemporary Hong Kong career women and the unexpected surprises we get when life doesn’t go according to plan.
Closing Films
Luk Yee-sum (Lazy Hazy Crazy) is a delightful comedy about the lives of
隆 重 呈 獻
墮落花 THE FALLEN 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 95 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李卓斌 Lee Cheuk-pan 演員 Cast: 溫碧霞 Irene Wan, 陳漢娜 Hanna Chan, 李任燊 Kyle Li, 關智斌 Kenny Kwan, 陳煒 Alice Chan
TIME/ *30/10 7:45PM PP VENUE *30/10 9:50PM PP *6/11 9:50PM PE
李卓斌乘著《G 殺 》的凌厲,繼續血花四濺,挑戰道德底線,創作出別樹一
格的香港黑幫電影。亞洲冰毒製造業傳奇人物「先生」突然離世,一眾利害 關係者隨即傾巢而出,為爭奪這座「無主之城」各出奇謀,勢要在這昏亂的
時局分一杯羹,確立自己的利益共同體。偏偏失 踪 多年的長女傅餘雨選擇在 此刻出現,各方人馬各懷鬼胎,傅餘雨趁機不斷穿插逢迎,嘗試在權鬥與罪 孽之間尋找生存空間。一段纏繞二十年的悲痛往事,突然在此時被揭開,而 驚天動地的大秘密,亦伴隨著另一個陰謀漸漸浮出水面。不再無聲吶喊,直 接了當控訴,在最動盪的時刻,呼喊出最絕望的希望。 Years after running away from her drug kingpin father and her family, a woman returns home. However, what appears to be the return of the prodigal daughter is actually just the beginning of her plan to settle a score from two decades ago. After making an explosive debut last year with G
Gala Presentations
Affairs, director Lee Cheuk-pan quickly returns to the director’s chair with this gritty and stylish revenge thriller reminiscent of classic Hong Kong crime thrillers. In her first film role in three years, veteran actress Irene Wan is captivating as the puppet master of the sinister revenge scheme.
夕霧花園 THE GARDEN OF EVENING MISTS 馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2019 / 120min / 英語、國語、日語對 白,中英文字幕 In English, Mandarin and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 林書宇 Tom Lin 演員 Cast: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 李心潔 Angelica Lee, 阿部寬 Abe Hiroshi, David Oakes, Julian Sands, John Hannah
台灣新生代導演林書宇繼《百日告別》(第13屆)以自身經歷書寫告別摰 愛的悲慟後,再度以傷痛及回憶入題,把英文小說界最高榮譽曼布克獎決選 入圍作改編成電影,以雙時間軸攝出戰亂帶來的時代動盪、遺忘與遺憾。馬 來亞姊妹花在戰爭中飽受蹂躪,求生寄託只有彼此。妹妹於戰後獨活下來 卻未能忘懷,決意打造紀念花園,自然之靜美與日籍園藝師的陪伴讓她慢慢 療癒,更譜出一段淒美的禁戀。劇本感動了金馬影后李心潔與張艾嘉擔綱演 出,更邀來日本金像影帝阿部寬加盟,以精湛演技詮釋角色複雜的情感,在 金馬崙高原的如霧景色襯托下撼動觀眾心靈,稜角有致地拼湊出二戰後英殖 馬來亞的歷史面貌。 Taiwanese director Tom Lin (Starry Starry Night, Zinnia Flower) adapts Malaysian writer Tan Twan Eng’s Man Booker Prize-nominated novel into this elegant, star-studded drama about memory, loss and the art of gardening. After her retirement, former judge Yun Ling goes to the Cameron Highlands to write her memoirs. In the process, she remembers her time in a Japanese civilian internment camp during World War II and a promise she made to her late sister to build a Japanese garden at the family home. Despite her resentment towards the Japanese, Yun Ling becomes an apprentice under Aritomo, who was the Japanese emperor’s gardener before moving to Malaysia.
Gala Presentations
釜山電影節 亞洲電影之窗單元 A Window On Asian Cinema, Busan International Film Festival 台北金馬影展 閉幕片 Closing Film, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
TIME/ *16/11 7:10PM PE VENUE *16/11 7:30PM PE
隆 重 呈 獻
隆 重 呈 獻
TIME/ *9/11 10:00PM MM VENUE
失蹤 Missing 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 85 min / 粵語對白、中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 趙羅尼 Ronnie Chau 演員 Cast: 鍾欣潼 Gillian Chung, 凌文龍 Ling Man-lung, 余安安 Candice Yu, 顧美華 Josephine Koo, 高翰文 Ko Hon-man, 賈曉晨 JJ Jia, 梁祖堯 Joey Leung
相傳,西貢的山頭上有「結界」,即 類 似百慕達三角的神秘異空間,令不少
行山人士神秘失蹤 …… 警長獨自行山後人間蒸發,他做社工的女兒耿耿於
懷,堅持要尋找真相,但多年來苦無結果。他失蹤滿七年之際,一個瘋瘋癲 癲的行山用品店主突然宣稱,他在山上的結界撿到警長的委任證!女社工沿 著結界傳說追查,決心尋回父親,怪事卻接二連三發生。電影改編自過百萬 瀏覽的本地網絡小說,一探香港最神秘的結界傳說。熟悉的西貢山頭和舊式 公共屋 邨 場景,融入香港都市血案,令人不寒而慄。
In 2005, a high-profile case of a police officer who disappeared during a forest hike spawned urban legends about the existence of a gateway into another world. In 2016, those legends inspired popular internet novel Missing, which is now being adapted into an eerie supernatural thriller by first-time director and Fresh Wave alum Ronnie Chau. Former pop
Gala Presentations
idol Gillian Chung stars as a social worker who hires a mountain guide to search for her missing father in the mountains. She discovers the mystical gateway from the urban legends, but is her father really waiting for her on the other side?
特 別 推 介
特別推介 3CM
Special Presentations
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 88 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
特 別 推 介
TIME/ *1/11 7:50PM BC VENUE *4/11 7:50PM TO *10/11 1:45PM MM
導演 Dir: 黃肇邦 Wong Siu-pong
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a genetic
disorder that causes noncancerous tumors to
grow in different parts of the body. However, the
Hong Kong government has been slow to allow
treatment for the disease, especially in relaxing
regulations for drugs that treat the tumors. After
taking an in-depth look at ordinary citizens facing
利。但原來人 類 的價值始終有高低之分,在政策制定的
過程中,無奈地只能淪為一堆數字, 哪 個值得救,四個 字「成本效益」,早在他們出生的那天已有定案。
death in his critically-acclaimed documentary Snuggle, director Wong Siu-pong now turns his camera on Hong Kong’s medical system with this heartrending documentary about a young TSC patient who also lost her mother to the disease.
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 75 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
TIME/ *2/11 6:00PM BC VENUE *7/11 7:30PM PE
導演 Dir: 卓翔 Cheuk Cheung
戲棚,一座座以竹竿搭建而成的臨時劇場,每年都會出 現在香港不同的角落,漁村、鄉鎮、小島與市區,可謂 到處都有它們的築跡。這早於一百五十年前已出現的文 化場所,是香港獨有保存的非物質文化遺產,集結戲棚 搭建技藝、民間風俗與戲曲藝術於一身。 影片豐富紀錄這文化場所出現的不同族群:戲棚師傅如 何搭建容納千人的劇場空間;鄉民如何參與娛神娛人的 酬神活動;劇團如何搬演一段段扣人心弦的戲曲表演。 透過鏡頭,帶著觀眾遊走於他們當中,傾聽他們的對 話、了解他們的生活,感受這一座座戲棚蘊藏的魅力。
Special Presentations
While permanent theatres are commonly built in most cosmopolitan modern cities, Hong Kong preserves a unique form of architecture, a Chinese tradition that has lasted more than a century – Bamboo Theatre, a makeshift, open-air and the bamboo shed built and fixed by plastic straps and without any heavy-duty materials. During festivities in the villages, they will invite Chinese opera troupes to perform ritualistic opera in the temporary theatre constructed in front of the temple, in order to express their gratitude to the Chinese gods they worship. Spirits, ghosts and gods were the primary audiences. This film follows ritual practices in various villages and remote islands of Hong Kong for two years. It is the portrait of this traditional cultural space, how they were build and dismantled, and also the collaborative work of performers, stage managers and wardrobe masters. It allows audiences to observe multiple corners of the space, and the variety of ways in which people make use of it.
特 別 推 介
特別推介 幻愛 BEYOND THE DREAM 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 120min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Dir: 周冠威 Chow Kwun-wai 演員 Cast: 劉俊謙 Terrance Lau, 蔡思韵 Cecilia Choi
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 70 min / 粵語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 梁銘佳 Leung Ming-kai, Kate Reilly 演員 Cast: 顧定軒 Zeno Koo, 林耀聲 Lam Yiu-sing, Mia Mungil, 梁卓美 Leong Cheok-mei, Kate Reilly, 王宗堯 Gregory Wong
Special Presentations
中國 China / 2019 / 98 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 劉偉恒 Benny Lau 演員 Cast: 張宥浩 Zhang Youhao, 薛昊婧 Xue Haojing
特 別 推 介
TIME/ *14/11 9:15PM PE VENUE *15/11 7:20PM TO
周冠威繼《一個複雜故事》後執導的第二部愛情電影。善良戇直 的小學教師阿樂,是精神分裂症康復者,雖然渴望愛情但從來 不敢戀愛。偶然機遇下,他在街頭偶遇了清麗脫俗的欣欣,一見 鍾情卻掙扎應否透露病情。躊躇之際,不幸再次病發,被幻覺纏 繞。他更發現她的真正身分,竟然是個攻於心計的心理輔導員? 二人發展出一段懸疑曲折的禁戀,疑幻似真。
Lok is a recovering schizophrenic who yearns for love. One day, he encounters the young and beautiful Yan and quickly falls in love with her. Just when he struggles whether to tell her about his illness, he has a relapse and becomes delusional. Little does he know that she's a psychological counselor who has a hidden agenda. The pair develops a relationship that is beyond their wildest dreams.
TIME/ *2/11 4:20PM BC VENUE *16/11 1:30PM MM
攝影師梁銘佳曾遠赴不同國家工作,拍攝出多部風格迥異的作 品。如今回歸香港,執起導筒,拍出香港的獨特色彩。 在這一系列短片中,香港人一面糾纏於回憶,一面著眼於當下。 同鄉會、豉油、夜香、𢯎啫啫:新舊老少兩個女移民結伴同行, 企圖由元朗勇闖中環。 加租、貨Van、冼拿、卡碧煙:開朗內歛兩個兄弟一起尋寶,最 後一次反轉母親經營的玩具店。 咖啡因、思鄉、個人陳述、豬腸粉:本地經濟科及外籍英文科兩 位中學敎師食遍香港九龍新界,學期結束時為即將離港赴京的一 方餞別。最後,一位堅毅港女站起來,在深水 埗 為未來奮鬥。
In this collection of recent short films, Hongkongers bear the weight of treasured memories, raise themselves up to meet present challenges, and stand ready. Two immigrant Hong Kong women undertake a great journey from Yuen Long to Central. Brothers reunite for one last visit to their mother’s Sham Shui Po toy store. A local economics teacher and a native English teacher crisscross Hong Kong enjoying after-school snacks. As the school year ends, one teacher leaves for a new job in China, and the two say goodbye. In the end, a young Hong Kong woman steps forward and fight for the future of Sham Shui Po.
TIME/ *1/11 7:35PM PE VENUE *10/11 2:00PM TO
清純的愛戀總讓人心動不已。雪山下,小鎮長大的青年阿布在一 次邂逅中認識了城市女孩駱瑤。隨著兩人情愫漸生,他們離別前 定下「在星空下修一座木屋」的約定。為實現這個浪漫又不切實 導《王家欣》及《某日某月》的劉偉恒導演這次取景於四川,再 次講述純真浪漫的愛情故事。
Special Presentations
With his nostalgic youth romances Wong Ka Yan and When Sun Meets Moon, Benny Lau has emerged as one of Hong Kong’s most promising new filmmakers in recent years. For his third film, the director brings his flair for telling fresh-faced, pure-hearted stories of serendipitous love to the new setting of Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan. Free-spirited Bu grew up in the small town of Moxi at the foot of Mt. Gongga. He meets traveler Luo Yao by chance, and the two grow closer while taking in the region’s breathtaking scenery together. Before parting ways, they set the fanciful dream of building a cabin under the stars.
特 別 推 介
落葉殺人事件 THE MURDERS OF OISO 由金像獎最佳電影導演黃飛鵬監製,《三夜四天五點鐘》 導演三澤拓哉的第二部劇情長片。故事圍繞四個背景命運 看似雷同的青年︰擔當首領角色和經常欺凌同輩的和也、 說話不多但有義氣的知樹、個性溫文的英太、一直渴望離 開團隊的俊。他們於中學時期認識,並於畢業後一同在和 也叔叔的建築公司工作。日復一日的嬉戲及打鬧,在和也 的叔叔突然倒斃後徹底改變。眾人赫然發現叔叔秘密娶了
TIME/ *12/11 7:40PM BC VENUE *13/11 7:40PM TO
日本,香港,韓國 Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea / 2019 / 79 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 三澤拓哉 Misawa Takuya 演員 Cast: 森優作 Mori Yusaku, 中崎敏 Nakazaki Haya, 守屋光治 Moriya Koji, 永嶋柊吾 Nagashima Shugo, 堀夏子 Hori Natsuko, 小篠惠奈 Koshino Ena, 盧鎮業 Lo Chun-yip 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
一位神秘女子,而和也患有腦退化的祖母亦突然失蹤…… 為釜山電影節亞洲電影基金資助項目,並由港日韓團隊合 力製作,探索亞洲跨國合拍電影的可能性。 The Murders of Oiso is a co-production of Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, produced by Fei-Pang Wong and directed by Misawa Takuya (Chigasaki Story). The mystery-drama is set in the oldest town by the shore in Japan, Oiso. Kazuya, an abusive leader of the juvenile gang, grew up with three mates, Tomoki, Shun, and Eita. Together they work at his uncle Ito's construction company after graduating from high school. One day, Ito was found dead in his own backyard and soon it is revealed that he was remarried in disguise to an unfamiliar woman. Shortly afterwards, Kazuya’s grandmother, who suffers from dementia, is reported missing... The series of unsettled mysteries leads to the conundrum and secrecy between the quartet coming into view.
Special Presentations
無助少女獨自對抗一股強大的闇黑勢力,猶如雞蛋撞高 牆。孤立無援的她飽受衝擊與蹂躪,遍體鱗傷卻有口難 言,只能吐出鮮花作無聲吶喊。短短15分鐘的藝術短 片充滿隱喻與情感力量,花團錦簇彷彿代表眾人之力。 在#Metoo運動席捲 全 球的時代氛圍下,日本導演吉開菜 央混合弱勢的血淚與傷痛,編出韻律與美學剛柔並重、 風格獨樹一幟的觸感影像,配合香港女演員陳漢娜傾力演 出,讓觀眾身同感受被壓迫一群的切膚之痛。願你在脆弱 或自覺渺小時,可把嗚咽中的唇語與痛苦化作一朵花,落 在土壤裡,靜候明天遍地開花 …… 日本,香港 Japan, Hong Kong / 2019 / 15 min / 無對白 No dialogue 導演 Dir: 吉開菜央 Nao Yoshigai 演員 Cast: 陳漢娜 Hanna Chan
A helpless woman confronts a “black object” with a power greater than hers. The “black object” shoots her questions. The woman has answers to these questions, but can’t say them aloud. She feels up against the wall, and begins to throw up beautiful colorful flowers instead of speaking.
一直以來,香港電影製作出名快手、靈活、轉數快。得志之時, 其每年產量超過200套;但低潮時期也曾面臨過年產僅30多套的困 境。當時,不少人都曾說這是香港電影的危機,甚至說:香港電 影的歷史責任已經完成。然而近年來許多本土電影導演頻頻交出 令人眼前一亮的作品。縱使市場和資金不如從前的黃金年代,創 作者卻勇於另闢蹊徑,似乎又促成了另一個創作良機,為香港導 演和本土電影贏回掌聲。 今年香港亞洲電影節選映多齣香港電影,更難得邀請到多位不同 背景的本地電影製作人聚首一堂,分享電影製作的種種秘辛。各 製作人將從製作層面切入,探討香港電影如何突破現實制肘,繼 續創作出富有本土文化且勾起觀眾共鳴的作品。 日期 Date: 7/11 (Thu) | 時間 Time: 7:00pm 語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese 地點 Venue: 香港浸會大學 教學及行政大樓二樓 曾陳式如會堂 (AAB 201) Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium (AAB 201), 2/F Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University 嘉賓 Guests: 梁國斌、錢小蕙、陸以心、李卓斌、趙羅尼、周冠威、 劉偉恒、黃飛鵬、馮志強
As the spectre of social and economic uncertainty hovers over Hong Kong, the situation begs the question: is this the best or worst of times for the city’s young and brazen filmmakers? This year’s Hong Kong Asian Film Festival goes beyond mere screenings by gathering our new talents for a discussion about the opportunities and challenges awaiting them, as they attempt to establish a footing and make a stand in the local film industry. Featuring local directors from various backgrounds, this meeting-of-minds promises to deliver interesting and intriguing insights about the mysterious ways in which Hong Kong cinema moves – and how our young cinematic voices today could ring in a brighter and better tomorrow. 登記 RSVP: Venue support:
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*5/11 8:00PM PE *6/11 9:00PM BC
日本 Japan / 2019 / 137 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe 演員 Cast: 柄本明 Emoto Akira, 川島鈴遙 Kawashima Ririka, 村上虹郎 Murakami Nijiro 威尼斯影展 威尼斯日 Venice Days, Venice Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
小田切讓首次自編自導,加上台前幕後強勁的陣容,隨即 打入今年威尼斯影展,並大獲好評。船夫孤身晃著一葉輕 舟,載著深山村民和他們的心事,默默地划過連接鄉村與 城鎮的河流。本以為一生就是如此這般,開發的洪流卻突 然襲來,深山將會建一座大橋,村民終可經陸路出城, 意味著船夫不再是他們出門的唯一依靠。有一天,他的船 撞到了在河上飄流的少女,她竟與早前的慘殺傳言似有關 連,原本心如止水的生活,從此掀起了無盡波瀾。在杜可 風的攝影及爵士鋼琴家 Tigran Hamasyan 的配樂下,日本 恬靜的風景變成了流動的畫像,慨嘆著時代的洪流。 Not content to just be one of Japan’s most accomplished actors, Odagiri Joe makes his feature-length directorial debut with a beautifully ruminative period drama. For years, Toichi has ferried people between a mountain village and a nearby town, but times are changing. A bridge is being built and soon the aged boatman's services will not be needed. More unexpected changes occur after he rescues a mysterious girl. Odagiri, who also wrote the film’s script, gathers top names – cinematographer Christopher Doyle, costume designer Wada Emi, composer Tigran Hamasyan – to create a rich and languorous portrait of a bygone way of life that is about to be lost to the tides of time.
11/11 7:30PM MM 15/11 7:30PM PE
Cineaste Delights
日本 Japan / 2019 / 127 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 三谷幸喜 Mitani Koki 演員 Cast: 中井貴一 Nakai Kiichi, 藤岡靛 Fujioka Dean, 石田百合子 Ishida Yuriko, 小池榮子 Koike Eiko, 吉田羊 Yoshida Yo, 佐藤浩市 Sato Koichi, 草刈正雄 Kusakari Masao, 田中圭 Tanaka Kei
三谷幸喜經過四年久休復出,連同一眾當紅演員呈上拿手 喜劇,讓各大影迷一飽眼福。一天從醫院醒來,Kurada不 只發現自己失憶兼無錢找數,竟然還是當今日本首相!只 是這個首相真的不太爽,原來他民望跌破新低,還因此受 襲昏迷。三個忠心秘書論論盡盡終於把他捉回辦公室,再 絞盡腦汁隱瞞老闆失憶的事實,對象除了市民、記者,竟 還有首相夫人。三谷幸喜把荷里活經典喜劇橋段放到日本 政治鬥獸場,以幽默感笑盡社會百態,拍出這齣令人拍案 叫絕的官場現形記。 After four years away from filmmaking, popular playwright-writer-director Mitani Koki (Suite Dreams, A Ghost of a Chance) finally returns with another delightful ensemble comedy. After waking up in the hospital with no memory, Kuroda learns that not only is he the prime minister of Japan, but also that his historically low approval rating led to the attack that put him in the hospital. After dragging Kuroda back to office, his three secretaries scramble to keep Kuroda’s amnesia a secret from everyone – including Kuroda’s own wife. Influenced by classical Hollywood comedies, Mitani channels the spirit of Frank Capra with this hilarious political satire.
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2016年憑著《奏不響的風琴》(第13屆)在康城影展奪 得「一種關注」評審團大獎的深田晃司,繼續大耍看家本 領,再次與《奏》的女主角筒井真理子聯手,在作品中探 討仇恨、罪惡、懲罰和寬恕的議題。深受身邊人信賴的護 士市子,在大石家為老人大石塔子提供臨終看護服務時, 無端捲入大石家女兒沙紀的失蹤事件。在扭曲的真相與 意外的背叛下,市子的幸福世界瞬間崩塌,頓失工作與婚 姻。為了報復,市子化身Lisa,並刻意接近髮型師和道, 究竟在市子的心底隱藏了怎樣的復仇計劃?
*8/11 7:30PM PE *9/11 1:50PM BC
日本,法國 Japan, France / 2018 / 111min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 深田晃司 Fukada Koji 演員 Cast: 筒井真理子 Tsutsui Mariko, 市川實日子 Ichikawa Mikako, 池松壯亮 Ikematsu Sosuke, 吹越滿 Fukikoshi Mitsuru, 小川未祐 Ogawa Miyu 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 羅迦諾電影節 主競賽單元 In Competition, Locarno Film Festival
Director Fukada Koji reunites with Tsutsui Mariko, the star of his critically acclaimed drama Harmonium, for this slow-burn psychological thriller. Tsutsui stars as Ichiko, a private nurse whose affable personality has made her a favorite in her patient’s family, especially with his client’s granddaughters Motoko and Saki. When Saki is abducted and the perpetrator is revealed to be Ichiko’s nephew, Ichiko makes a decision that will change everything. Intricately constructed and quietly intense, this is a gripping and unpredictable Hitchcockian film about infatuation and revenge.
人間失格:太宰治和他的女人 NO LONGER HUMAN
1/11 7:20PM MM 2/11 3:35PM PE
Japanese readers have long been fascinated with the works of Dazai Osamu, the self-destructive author whose vices and infidelities are almost as well-known as his works. For her fourth feature film, iconic Japanese photographer Ninagawa Mika examines the final years in the life of the author through the eyes of three women who loved him – his long-suffering wife, the mistress who inspired his 1946 novel “Setting Sun”, and the mistress whom he would ultimately commit suicide with. Featuring top-notch performances from a star-studded cast and stunning images bursting with colors, this is an unconventional biopic of an unconventional literary figure.
Cineaste Delights
日本 Japan / 2019 / 120 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 蜷川實花 Ninagawa Mika 演員 Cast: 小栗旬 Oguri Shun, 宮澤理惠 Miyazawa Rie, 澤尻英龍華 Sawajiri Erika, 二階堂富美 Nikaido Fumi, 成田凌 Narita Ryo, 藤原龍也 Fujiwara Tatsuya, 高良健吾 Kora Kengo
太宰治與蜷川實花的組合,一字記之曰:色。蜷川並不服 膺於太宰治半自傳小說《人間失格》的隔靴搔癢,借書 之名直接拍他本人和三個女人的故事。太宰治的妻子美 知子、有志成為作家的情人靜子和他最後一位情人富榮, 分別由演技派女優宮澤理惠、澤尻英龍華和二階堂富美飾 演,襯托著蜷川分別為三女精心設計的主題色調,色彩濃 烈絢麗的畫面是一場流動的視覺盛宴。為了對抗生命的無 力感,太宰治沉溺於女人與酒精,在靡爛晦暗的生活中追 逐死亡之光。在蜷川的鏡頭下,他既是才子,亦是賤男, 他的不堪,反而折射出人間的脆弱和美好。
影 迷 別 注
男人真命苦(暫譯) MIYAMOTO
30/10 9:30PM PE 31/10 7:25PM MM
日本 Japan / 2019 / 129 min / 日語對白、中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 真利子哲也 Mariko Tetsuya 演員 Cast: 池松壯亮 Ikematsu Sosuke, 蒼井優 Aoi Yu, 井浦新 Iura Arata, 松山研一 Matsuyama Kenichi
《打到甩廢》(第13屆)導演新作。血流披面是年輕人 踏足社會的代價?故事主人翁宮本浩就是「人辦」。他原 本是一個初出茅廬、青澀又熱血的營銷員,在跌跌撞撞間 摸索出在社會的生存之道,由擅演「廢青」的池松壯亮飾 演,份外有血有肉。故事源自1990年代獲小學館漫畫獎的 同名作品,於去年先改編成電視劇集,今年導演和演員原 班人馬再登上大銀幕。電視版主要是宮本的職場血淚史, 電影版則集中描寫他的愛情成長篇,為了和他心愛的中野 靖子在一起,就算要用身體來擋住她前男友的拳頭,宮本 亦在所不惜。儘然傷痕累累,仍傾盡全力去守護的對方, 就是青春的浪漫。 After its success as a late-night television drama last year, Arai Hideki’s infamous manga series is adapted once again by writer-director Mariko Tetsuya and the same cast, this time as a feature film. Ikematsu Sosuke stars as the titular character, a barely competent salesman for a stationery manufacturer. His luck seems to be changing when he falls in love with the beautiful Yasuko, but their love – and his dignity – is seriously tested when a shocking incident occurs. Brash, energetic and rousing, this is an extreme romance drama with an unabashedly violent edge that sets it apart from its contemporaries.
灼人秘密 NINA WU
30/10 7:30PM PE 8/11 7:50PM MM
台灣,馬來西亞,緬甸 Taiwan, Malaysia, Myanmar / 2019 / 103 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 趙德胤 Midi Z 演員 Cast: 吳可熙 Wu Ke-xi, 夏于喬 Kimi Hsia, 宋芸樺 Vivian Sung
Cineaste Delights
康城影展 一種關注單元 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 台北電影節 開幕片 Opening Film, Taipei Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
緬甸出生的台灣導演趙德胤(《再見瓦城》,第13屆)再 次起用合作無間的女演員吳可熙,這次她自編自演半自白 的娛樂圈 #MeToo 故事。從鄉村到城市來追夢的吳妮娜在 娛樂圈浮沉多年,幾乎等到絕望,突然一個擔正的演出機 會,但尺度卻非常大膽。盡地一煲的她豁出裸演,卻受盡 凌辱,孤立無援的她身心陷入抑鬱錯亂。吳可熙受當年出 道被凌辱的經歷和近期娛樂圈 #MeToo 運動啟發,結合驚 慄、懸疑、迷幻等元素,令觀眾透過感觀感受妮娜面臨精 神崩潰的狀態,連自己是真還假也分不清,困局是咎由自 取還是身不由己? A kaleidoscopic psychological thriller for the #MeToo era, Nina Wu chronicles the rise of an actress from aspiring nobody to hot film star, with an unflinching focus on the sordid compromises that help get her there. Midi Z’s regular muse Wu Ke-xi co-wrote the script and gives a powerhouse performance as Nina, who finally gets her big break with a role that violates her personal principles. Just when she’s positioned for breakout success, her world begins to unravel, drawing her friends, her family, her past and her sanity into question. An artful suspense thriller, disturbing show business exposé and labyrinthine meta-movie rolled into one.
82年生的金智英 KIM JI-YOUNG, BORN 1982
影 迷 別 注
同名小說改編而成,直擊韓國家庭和社會上的性別不公議 題。金智英一直按照社會規範下的女性身份生活,成為重 男輕女的父母所期待的「好女兒」,職場上溫順隱忍的 「好女人」,和以家庭為重的「好妻子」。直到一天她好 似被附身一樣,言行如同自己的母親一般,丈夫決定帶她 接受心理諮詢,兩個人一同重新面對她的人生傷痛。小說 面世以來飽受爭議,甚至在電影改編計畫期間出現全國性 的請願反對,這段「不可言說」的故事面對社會壓力仍被 搬上銀幕,值得關注。
1/11 9:50PM PE 2/11 5:30PM TO
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 120min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金度英 Kim Do-young 演員 Cast: 鄭有美 Jung Yu-mi, 孔劉 Gong Yoo
Since 2016, Cho Nam-joo’s novel about an everywoman’s life filled with everyday discrimination has sold over a million copies, inspiring much discussion, support and controversy along the way. Actress-turned-filmmaker Kim Do-young adapts the feminist novel for her featurelength debut, which reunites Train to Busan’s Jung Yu-mi and Gong Yoo. Kim Ji-young is an ordinary woman born in 1982 with the most ordinary of names. She goes to school, gets a job, marries and becomes a stay-at-home mom. From childhood to motherhood, she endures the ingrained sexism and inequality that all Korean women face in the course of their lives. Pushed to the brink, she begins to crack during a family gathering.
31/10 7:45PM BC 12/11 7:45PM PE
柏林影展 特別放映 Special Gala, Berlin International Film Festival 辛丹斯電影節 Sundance Film Festival
Rafi works as a street photographer in the big city, but his grandmother is desperate to see him get married. To appease her, Rafi sends her a photo of Miloni, one of his customers, and passes her off as his fiancée. What begins as a fake engagement blossoms into a real connection when Rafi’s grandmother asks to meet Miloni. After directing two films in the West, Ritesh Batra (The Lunchbox, The Sense of an Ending) returns to India with this exquisitely crafted love letter to his hometown of Mumbai. Touching on urban loneliness and social inequality in modern India, this is a tender and moving love story with a twist.
Cineaste Delights
印度,德國,美國 India, Germany, USA / 2019 / 110 min / 印度語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Hindi and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 賴舒彼查 Ritesh Batra 演員 Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sanya Malhotra, Farrukh Jaffar
繼2013年叫好叫座的《美味情書》(第10屆,亞洲新導演 獎)後,新 鋭 導演賴舒彼查從美國凱旋歸來,再次在印度 拍出另一套動人小品。男主角是一名街頭攝影師,為家人 還債而要每天在觀光點替遊客拍照。因為年邁的祖母希望 能見到他成家立室,Rafi找了一位年輕客人的照片來充當 其未婚妻。但祖母突然要到孟買登門造訪,嚇得Rafi措手 不及。為求令祖母安心,他唯有找出相中人Miloni,並游 說她扮演其末婚妻。兩個來自不同階層的陌生人,因了解 而建立了微妙的關係。有別於一般印度導演,以寫實的手 法,譜出清新的人物故事。雖在英美發展不俗,對故鄉仍 念念不忘,以本地人的角度,展示孟買的美。
影 迷 別 注
福岡 FUKUOKA 大學時期的海驍和帝文原本是對好兄弟,活躍於話劇社, 但二人卻因為愛上同一個女生而反目,從此友誼不再。二 十八年後,帝文在首爾經營著一家二手書店,可是仍未忘 掉當年的遺憾。他平靜的生活,卻因鄰家少女素丹的出 現,掀起了變化。在她的鼓勵之下,大叔和少女一起遠赴 日本福岡,尋找現已成為酒吧老闆的海驍。二人的重逢, 或許是破冰的機會,但突如其來的三人行,會令大叔冰釋 前嫌,還是越走越遠?導演張律在寫實的感情故事中,引 入神出鬼沒的少女,以增添神秘的氛圍,效果令人深思。
9/11 2:00PM TO 13/11 9:50PM BC
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 86 min / 韓語、日語、普通話對白,英文字幕 In Korean, Japanese and Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 張律 Zhang Lu 演員 Cast: 權海驍 Kwon Hae-hyo, 尹帝文 Yoon Jea-moon, 朴素談 Park So-dam 柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival
From Iri and Chongqing to Gyeongju and Gunsan, Zhang Lu’s works often draw on specific places to reflect on memories and turmoil while floating between languages and cultures. The director’s latest brings his dream-like meanderings and metaphysical and literary musings to the city of Fukuoka, where the ghosts of past and present converge. College buddies Hae-hyo and Jea-moon parted ways after falling in love with the same girl. Decades later, the middle-aged Jea-moon runs a second-hand bookstore in Seoul, and thinks often about yesteryear. A quirky girl storms into his life, urging him to see his old friend again. The two travel to Japan to find Hae-hyo, and the trio sets off for Fukuoka's winding streets, seeking insights and reconciliation.
3/11 2:00PM PE 10/11 3:20PM YH
Cineaste Delights
日本,烏茲別克斯坦,卡塔爾 Japan, Uzbekistan, Qatar / 2019 / 120 min / 日語、烏茲別克語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese and Uzbek with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黑澤清 Kurosawa Kiyoshi 演員 Cast: 前田敦子 Maeda Atsuko, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota, Adiz Radjabov 羅迦諾電影節 閉幕片 Closing Film, Locarno Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
電視主持Yoko與攝製隊遠赴烏茲別克,來到趣味綜藝 旅遊節目的最後一站,尋找傳說中怪魚與美味鄉土料 理。鏡頭前可愛愉快、帶領觀眾上山下海的Yoko,鏡 頭後是個心思細密的女孩,顯得與同齡人格格不入。 在烏茲別克如詩如畫的風景裡,面對文化差異、言語 不通與異鄉人的憂鬱,Yoko在這趟旅程的完成的不只 是工作,更是一場自我發現之旅。《來自星凶的愛》 (第14屆)黑澤清一改恐怖懸疑風格,走進猶如世界盡頭 的烏茲別克,拍下輕熟女子面對自我的不安與躁動。 Yoko, the host of a Japanese television travel show, travels to the small nation of Uzbekistan with a small crew for her latest assignment. The trip was meant to be another shallow travelogue featuring the usual exotic destinations, but a series of events forces Yoko to reexamine her life and dreams along the way. Veteran director Kurosawa Kiyoshi (Cure, Pulse) takes a break from the horror genre with this gorgeous and thoughtful road film that slyly pokes fun at show business clichés and makes us think about how we look at other cultures.
10/11 4:25PM BC 12/11 9:50PM PE
中國,法國 China, France / 2019 / 100 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 馬楠 Johnny Ma 演員 Cast: 趙小利 Zhao Xiaoli, 甘貴丹 Gan Guidan, 嚴西湖 Yan Xihu 康城影展 導演雙週 Directors' Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 上海國際電影節 Shanghai International Film Festival
影 迷 別 注
疾風知勁草,民間川戲班多年來歷經漂泊,堅守在成都鄉 郊的小劇院演出。劇團儼如一個大家庭,日子艱苦但有著 彼此,直到突如其來的拆遷通知,使戲班陷入解散危機。 老闆娘獨自扛下秘密,東奔西走尋覓新的容身之所。隨著 拆遷死線逼近,眾人埋藏在川劇臉相下的內心暗湧,開 始 超 越 戲 台 範 圍 , 在 現 實 生 活 中 悄 悄 上 映 … …導 演 馬 楠 (《老石》,第13屆亞洲新導演)受記錄片《民間戲班》 劇團中人的堅持感動,把故事改編成《活著唱著》,將焦 點指向一班被時代遺落的小人物,鉅細無遺地還原川劇演 員的生活方式及困境,同時凸顯了傳統價值與現代社會之 間的矛盾。 For the highly anticipated follow-up to his gripping directorial debut Old Stone, Chinese-Canadian director Johnny Ma delivers a total change of pace with this compassionate story of a failing Sichuanese opera troupe. Based in Chengdu, the troupe lives and performs in run-down industrial spaces. Even as its members spend their days traveling the city on a motorcycle to attract audiences, the bulldozers have already started closing in. Blending reality and fiction into a beautifully crafted package, this loving tribute to a dying traditional art is another strong effort from a major talent on the rise.
9/11 6:00PM BC 11/11 9:50PM PE
柏林影展 主競賽單元 In Competition, Berlin International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
After winning the Venice Film Festival’s Special Jury Prize in 2015 with Frenzy, writer-director Emin Alper returns with a tragicomic family drama that draws on the traditional practice of "besleme" in which poor girls are taken in as foster children/housemaids by well-off families. Sisters Reyhan, Nurhan and Havva are sent to town to become besleme for different families. For various reasons, they all eventually return home to their isolated, rural village in central Anatolia. Amid stunning vistas of rolling hills and snow-capped mountains, the sisters struggle together against provincial misery while yearning for a better life elsewhere.
Cineaste Delights
土耳其,德國,荷蘭,希臘 Turkey, Germany, Netherlands, Greece / 2019 / 107 min / 土耳其語對白,英文字幕 In Turkish with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Emin Alper 演員 Cast: Cemre Ebüzziya, Helin Kandemir, Ece Yüksel
居於遠離塵囂的土耳其山區,一家三姊妹都因家境貧困而 要到城市打工。細妺因為僱主的小孩逝世而被送回老家。 大家姐意外懷孕,所以亦被逼回鄕,嫁給一個愚昧的牧羊 人,以掩飾家醜。反叛的二家姐也被僱用她的醫生帶回 家。專橫的父親因為三個「不肖女」而蒙羞,唯有另想辦 法處置她們。三姊妹雖然未必投契,但卻有共同目標—— 要脫離殘酷的現實。幽靜的山脈中,一夜之間,悲劇的降 臨,將改變眾人的命運。柏林及威尼斯影展得獎導演,在 雄偉的山谷和燈火闌珊的茅屋𥚃,刻劃出懾人的家族角 力。
影 迷 別 注
找到我 BRING ME HOME 闊別大銀幕14年,大長今李英愛強勢回歸,飾演一位瀕臨崩潰邊 緣的母親,誓要尋回被擄走的兒子。兒子失蹤6年,赫然傳來疑 是孩子下落的消息,母親決定隻身走到漁村,希望找出一個被黑 道家族控制的小孩,查看他是否失散多年的兒子。奈何冷血的惡 人想把孩子留下當生財工具,將她拒諸於門外。母親唯有在雷雨 交加的晚上,以極端手段再闖虎穴。首次執導的金勝友,營造張 力到家,描繪由心而發的暴力,教人觸目驚心。
10/11 5:45PM MM 15/11 9:50PM TO
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 108 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金勝友 Kim Seung-woo 演員 Cast: 李英愛 Lee Young-ae, 劉在明 Yoo Jae-myung, 李源根 Lee Won-geun, 朴海俊 Park Hae-joon
Lee Young-ae of Dae Jang Geum fame returns to the big screen for her first film since 2005’s Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. The Korean Wave icon takes on the role of a desperate mother who persists in searching for her missing son in new director Kim Seung-woo’s mystery thriller. Six years after her son’s disappearance, Jungyeon receives a tip and heads to a fishing village to look for her child. Hope and horror come hand in hand as she faces a broken policing system and the shocking abuse and corruption of the cruel culprits. But nothing can stop this devastated and determined mother from bringing her son home.
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival
31/10 9:50PM PE 12/11 7:35PM MM
美國 USA / 2019 / 98 min / 普通話、英文對白,英語字幕 In Putonghua and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 王子逸 Lulu Wang 演員 Cast: Awkwafina, Tzi Ma, Diana Lin, Zhao Shuzhen, Lu Hong, Jiang Yongbo 辛丹斯電影節 Sundance Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival
美籍華裔作家比莉得知祖母患上了末期癌症,但家人決定不將 病情告之祖母,認為這樣對她的身心都有好處。為了令蒙在鼓裏 的祖母安享晚年,他們更把一個婚禮提前舉行,希望在她有生之 年最後一次共敘天倫。比莉雖然對於家人的處理方式感到忐忑不 安,但還是要回長春探望感情要好的祖母。兩人快要天人永隔, 但比莉卻有口難言。不過在這一切之中,卻令「竹升妹」比莉重 新認識自己的故鄉,並重修與家人的關係。導演兼編劇王子逸, 把自己的親身經歷改編成笑中有淚的喜劇,情感真摯動人。近年 在荷里活冒起的亞裔演員Awkwafina,飾演女主角比莉,突破以 往的搞笑形象,成熟的演技令人眼前一亮。
After learning their beloved grandma has terminal lung cancer, a family opts not to tell her the truth, thinking it would be better for her. Instead, they schedule an impromptu wedding-reunion back in China, for one last time. Headstrong and emotional writer Billi rebels against her parents’ directive to stay in New York and joins the family as they awkwardly attempt to rekindle old bonds, throw together a wedding that only grandma is actually looking forward to, and surreptitiously say their goodbyes.
香港亞洲電影節首次推出神秘放映,電影節仝人誠意推介,絕對 會令你驚喜,唔睇會後悔!
Cineaste Delights
A surprise screening of an Asian film recommended by the HKAFF crew. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed!
*12/11 9:30PM MM
亞 洲 新 導 演 獎
*16/11 12:30PM BC *17/11 2:40PM MM
中國 China / 2019 / 150 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 顧曉剛 Gu Xiaogang 演員 Cast: 錢有法 Qian Youfa, 汪鳳娟 Wang Fengjuan, 孫章建 Sun Zhangjian, 章仁良 Zhang Renliang 康城影展 國際影評人週 閉幕片 Closing Film, International Critics' Week, Cannes Film Festival 西寧 FIRST 青年電影展 最佳導演及最佳劇情長片 Best Director and Best Narrative Feature, FIRST International Film Festival
元朝畫家黃公望繪出《富春山居圖》,把當時富春江兩岸 風景流傳後世。滄海桑田,今天的富陽迎來跨時代變遷, 都市規劃及基建為備戰2022年杭州亞運會而發展得如火 如荼。此時此刻,富春江畔一個家族同樣遭逢巨變,老母 親在壽宴中突然中風,要由四兄弟輪流照顧,偏偏家家有 本難唸的經,四個家庭面對親情與生活的考驗時會如何取 捨?在四季交替中,人情冷暖如山水畫卷般展開……導 演顧曉剛耕植紀錄片數載,重返故鄉富陽後受環境變化觸 動,啟發他創作首部長片,結合歷史記憶與時代更迭,呈 現當代中國的城市景觀與人文風貌。視覺概念源自中國山 水畫的散點透視,藉遠山淡景的長鏡頭拍出詩畫般的意 境,交織數個家庭的故事,突顯時間的軌跡與空間的無 限。 Sharing its title with a 14th-century landscape scroll painting, Gu Xiaogang’s ambitious fiction-feature debut gradually and artfully unfurls vignettes of ordinary life. Set in the writer-director’s hometown of Fuyang, the sweeping, slow-burning drama introduces an elderly matriarch and her four sons, and follows the changes in their families and fortunes over the four seasons of a year. The first in a planned trilogy of films about life along the Yangtze River, this meticulous portrait of a familial clan and a community in the midst of transformation has drawn comparisons to Edward Yang for its eloquent observation of the mundane yet meaningful ebb and flow of life.
*16/11 3:30PM BC *17/11 2:00PM PE
韓國 South Korea / 2018 / 138 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金寶拉 Kim Bo-ra 演員 Cast: 朴智厚 Park Ji-hoo, 金璽碧 Kim Sae-byuk, 李勝妍 Lee Seung-yeon, 鄭仁基 Jeong In-gi, 朴秀妍 Park Soo-yeon
New Talent Award
柏林影展 新世代青少年單元評審團大獎 Grand Prix of the Generation 14plus International Jury, Berlin International Film Festival 釜山電影節 新潮流競賽單元 KNN觀眾獎及NETPAC獎 NETPAC Award and KNN Award, New Currents, Busan International Film Festival 台北電影節 國際新導演競賽 評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize, International New Talent Competition, Taipei Film Festival
新晉導演金寶拉以自己的童年回憶為藍本,寫成中二女生 恩熙的成長故事。在這個1994年的韓國中產家庭,婚姻不 穩的父母忙於工作,姊姊愛闖禍,而哥哥則橫蠻霸道。寂 寞內斂的恩熙年紀小小,已經非常獨立。和大部分有志考 入著名大學的學生不同,空虛的少女,即使和友人流連卡 拉OK亦找不到快樂,恩熙渴望的只是歸屬感。這芳華正茂 的少女,也對愛情充滿憧憬。遇上願意聆聽的老師,恩熙 在孤獨的生活中找到慰藉。首次執導的金寶拉,細緻地描 繪韓國女性在社會中被壓縮的地位,在個人經歷和大時代 背景之間,展現成長的喜與悲。 Kim Bo-ra makes her feature film directorial debut with this critically acclaimed coming-of-age drama. Loosely inspired by Kim’s own adolescence, the film depicts a year in the life of Eun-hee, a 14-year-old in 1990s Seoul trying to survive high school and a dysfunctional and sometimes abusive family with the help of her best friend. Along the way, Eun-hee begins to grow close to her new cram school tutor, who may be the only person in the world who understands her. Thoughtful, intimate and confidently directed, this impressive character study tackles heavy issues such as domestic abuse and sexism with sensitivity.
大餓 HEAVY CRAVING 肥,彷彿是原罪。女主角從小活在肥胖的陰霾,即使她廚 藝非凡,待人親切,但旁人只會冷嘲熱諷,連母親也不例 外,更為她報名減肥班作生日禮物。渴望認同的她無奈踏 上減肥之路,竟因緣際會遇上陽光快遞男,使一顆寂寞的 心怦然跳動。她決心為愛瘦身,試盡各 類 減肥法門,可惜 分秒注視體重的壓力,令她日漸失去對生活的熱情,甚至 連 味 覺 都 開 始 麻 木 … …台 灣 新 生 代 女 導 演 謝 沛 如 曾 執 導 《十年台灣》(第15屆)中的《蝦餃》,是次自編自導首部 長片從個人經驗出發,以女性視角探討身體上的自我認同 並反思社會審美框架。
14/11 9:50PM BC *17/11 1:15PM TO *17/11 3:50PM BC
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 90 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 謝沛如 Hsieh Pei-ju 演員 Cast: 蔡嘉茵 Tsai Jia-yin, 張耀仁 Yao Chang, 柯淑勤 Samantha Ko 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 台北電影節 國際新導演競賽 觀眾票選獎 Audience Choice Award, International New Talent Competition, Taipei Film Festival 台北電影獎 最佳新演員獎 Best New Talent, Taipei Film Awards
亞 洲 新 導 演 獎
Ying-juan finds happiness in creating delicious dishes for the kids in her mother’s daycare center, but the only thing that everyone seems to see is her plump figure. Under the pressure of her overbearing mother, she finally joins a weight loss program. Ironically, her obsession with her body takes a toll on her soul. The feature directorial debut of Hsieh Pei-ju (Ten Years Taiwan) is a humorous but thought-provoking dramedy about self-image. Star Tsai Jia-yin won the Best New Talent award at the Taipei Film Festival for her honest, heartbreaking portrayal of a woman literally and metaphorically weighed down by beauty standards of this so-called modern world.
與猴同行 EEB ALLAY OOO! 新移民Anjani終於找到份政府工,還能與首相一起在市 政廳做同事。怎料打聽之下發現前人走得如車輪轉,皆 因這份工要與馬騮打交道!身為「猴子驅趕員」,他每 天要到市中心住宅區嚇走出沒的馬騮,免得達官貴人受 驚。Anjani的一腔熱血極速被聰明的動物們打敗,但辭工 回家又行不通,只好咬緊牙關迎接每天上演的馬騮戲。但 在兩者大鬥法的過程中,Anjani發現,原來自己也不過是 這個階級社會中除之而後快的「害蟲」,猴子驅趕員換個 角度也是被社會厭棄的一群⋯⋯笑中有淚的小人物故事與 無情的現實社會,竟然不過一線之隔。
*15/11 7:40PM BC *16/11 1:30PM TO
平遙國際電影節 Pingyao Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon International Film Festival
New Talent Award
印度 India / 2019 / 98 min / 印度語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Prateek Vats 演員 Cast: Shardul Bharadwaj, Mahinder Nath
For years, the New Delhi government employed captive langurs to keep smaller monkeys at bay. Due to outcry from animal rights activists, this practice was eventually banned. But something still has to be done about all those macaques now roaming free around government complexes and residences. Hence, the need for a new position: monkey repeller. Prateek Vats’s satirical comedy-drama follows young migrant Anjani, who lands this “government job” that essentially requires him to act as a human primate. Bolstered by Shardul Bharadwaj’s excellent performance and deft observations of life for India’s urban underclass, Eeb Allay Ooo! is as absurd and dynamic as its title.
亞 洲 新 導 演 獎
14/11 7:50PM BC 16/11 7:25PM TO
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 92 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 允佳恩 Yoon Ga-eun 演員 Cast: 金娜妍 Kim Na-yun, 金詩雅 Kim Shi-ah, 朱藝琳 Joo Ye-rim, 安智浩 Ahn Ji-ho 倫敦電影節 BFI London Film Festival
五年級的暑假,Hana計劃一次全家旅行,意圖挽回面臨 破裂的家庭關係,憧憬能返回她年幼時家庭旅行照片中 的快樂時光,可惜事與願違。一天,Hana遇上十一歲的 Yoomi和她七歲的妹妹Yoojin。她們的父母經常出外工 作,兩姊妺暑假暫託在她們狹小的閣樓中。兩姊妹面臨業 主逼遷,Hana決定出手相助。三個小姐妹無助中互相安慰 扶持,更決心要保衛她們自己的家園。但憑她們微小的力 量,能否挽救失落的家園?繼第一部長片《我們倆》(第13 屆) 大獲好評,允佳恩再次由小孩角度出發,登門入屋探索家 庭和成長的主題。 With her parents’ marriage on the brink of collapse, precarious 12-year-old Hana tries to put together a family trip she thinks will solve everyone’s problems. In turn, she finds solace by becoming the de facto big sister to two girls whose parents are away for work. In the highly anticipated follow-up to her critically acclaimed debut The World of Us, writer-director Yoon Ga-eun once again offers delicate insights of the inner lives of young girls facing adult issues spinning beyond their control. Gentle, melancholic and heartrending, this coming-of-age drama firmly places Yoon as one of the best up-and-coming filmmakers in Korea today.
ERICA,年38 ERICA 38 故事獲日本國寶級演員樹木希林青睞,首次為電影擔任監 製並參演。改編自真人真事,日泰警方聯手搗破一宗近十 億日元跨國騙案。落網騙徒是六旬婦人,卻訛稱38歲並以 美人計騙財騙色,轟動全日本。女主角與詐騙犯情人聯手 行騙,以花言巧語媚惑心靈脆弱的人入局,換來不義之財 享盡奢華。可惜當局者迷,金錢無法填補心靈虛空,枕邊 人的背叛令她出走尋找慰藉,在異鄉依然逃不出物慾與色 慾 交 織 而 成 的 漩 渦 … …導 演 日 比 遊 一 曾 為 高 倉 健 拍 攝 紀 錄片,首度執導劇情長片引領觀眾窺探傳奇騙子戲劇性一 生,直面人性的慾望。
*15/11 9:50PM BC *16/11 5:10PM PE
New Talent Award
日本 Japan / 2019 / 104 min / 日語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 日比遊一 Hibi Yuichi 演員 Cast: 淺田美代子 Asada Miyoko, 平岳大 Hira Takehiro, 窪塚俊介 Kubozuka Shunsuke, 樹木希林 Kiki Kirin 北京國際電影節 Beijing International Film Festival 富川奇幻電影節 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
Former pop idol Asada Miyoko gives a phenomenal performance as an unremorseful con artist in this gritty crime drama loosely based on a true story. Asada plays Satoko, a 50-something club hostess who is lured into the grifting life and becomes lovers with a fellow con artist. After she’s betrayed, Satoko flees to Thailand, where she takes up a new identity as a 38-year-old woman named Erica. In her final performance before her death last year, screen legend Kiki Kirin steals the film as Satoko’s steelhearted mother – and possibly the person responsible for her daughter’s criminal ways.
紀錄亞洲: 抗展實像
香 港 亞 洲 電 影 節
湧浪之間 MANY UNDULATING THINGS 全球性的文化和商業交流下,香港這個有七百萬人口的 國際都市,正經歷著土地矛盾,人口流動,階級衝突,環 境變遷等等問題。而這些問題背後,社會範式在衝撞中重 組,社會心理在焦灼中改變,這座城市在時間的浪潮中緩 緩變遷。資本主義體系下,全球化與城市化的浪潮中,我 們可曾反思,究竟何謂之「城」?電影從自然與地緣政治 入手,用電影語言,從感官入手,重新敘述香港這座城。
*3/11 2:25PM BC *15/11 7:20PM IFC
香港,韓國,美國 Hong Kong, South Korea, USA / 2019 / 125 min / 粵語、英語、普通話對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese, English and Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 王博 Bo Wang, 潘律 Pan Lu 瑞士真實國際紀錄片影展 Visions du Réel
Hong Kong and its unique urban geography – gleaming skyscrapers, expansive malls, overpopulated housing estates – is given stirring focus in this rhythmic, politicallycharged documentary. Beginning and ending elliptically in a shopping center, Many Undulating Things finds poetry in motion, from the droning whir of escalators, through water flowing from artificial fountains, and onwards to the bustle of people navigating busy streets. Filmmakers Bo Wang and Pan Lu play with form, image and sound to make connections between Hong Kong’s ever-changing topography, its colonial past and its contentious future. What emerges is a document of a place and a people swinging endlessly between East and West, pushed forward by globalization and capitalism, compelled to transform itself again and again.
迷航 LOST COURSE 聚焦2011年中國南部農村土地問題和政治腐敗現狀,面 對當局非法買賣土地,農民決定集體抗議。電影分為兩部 分,前半部分紀錄村民如何試圖通過抗爭和公平選舉重奪 自己對土地的權利,後半部分轉述事件平息後之後新的政 治黑幕,一場抗爭,能換來美好願景,還是只會陷入困獸 之鬥?導演六年間追蹤三位主角,不僅聚焦當下中國農村 土地問題和政治腐敗現狀,更審視在社會大環境下個人的 迷茫和徬徨,他們或是暗中牟利,或者明哲保身,或者機 智反抗。面對暴虐與不公,生而為人,我們到底會何去何 從?
*10/11 2:00PM IFC *16/11 6:20PM BC
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 179 min / 粵語、普通話、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese, Putonghua and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: Jill Li 溫哥華國際電影節 Vancouver International Film Festival
紀 錄 亞 洲 : 抗 展 實 像
The idealistic rise of democracy and its sad decline – both are given intimate focus in Jill Li’s stirring and clear-eyed documentary. Covering a period of six years, the film chronicles a grassroots democratic movement in the southern Chinese village of Wukan. The villagers band together to protest the corrupt local officials before ousting them and setting up elections of their own. However, after taking control of their territory and destiny, the villagers find themselves beset by the same corruption and cynicism endemic to their previous leaders. Concentrating on a diverse group of villagers key to Wukan’s political revolution, first-time director Li crafts a complex and auspicious debut work.
菲人訓練營 OVERSEAS 在菲律賓,婦女被送到外國當家庭傭工或褓母,是相當普 遍的事。為了養家,她們大多要留下自己的子女,然後投 身到一個陌生的環境。本片把鏡頭帶入一所菲傭訓練中 心,拍攝學員準備面對思鄉和被僱主虐待的可能性。在角 色扮演練習時,她們輪流扮演僱主和僱員,將劇情元素引 入紀錄片之中。電影揭示全球化下的現代奴役問題,從中 亦捕捉到這些女性的姊妹情、決心和對未來的盼望。
10/11 2:45PM BC 11/11 7:55PM IFC
羅迦諾電影節 Locarno Film Festival
Doc: Asia - Truth & Testaments
比利時,法國 Belgium, France / 2019 / 90 min / 他加祿語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Tagalog and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Sung-a Yoon
French director Sung-a Yoon returns with her second documentary seven years after the autobiographical Full of Missing Links, in which she traveled to Korea in search of her missing father. Overseas explores the other side of reunion – separation – with its sympathetic focus on Filipina workers training for overseas helper jobs that will separate them from their families for years. Besides risks like verbal and physical abuse from employers, the women's isolation and depression can sometimes lead to tragedy. Using introspective moments and roleplaying sessions, Yoon illuminates the heart and humanity of these underappreciated women while calling into question a profession that some might call a modern form of servitude.
紀 錄 亞 洲 : 抗 展 實 像
馬拉選戰 M FOR MALAYSIA 「最初知道他要再次參選首相,我是不悅的⋯⋯我以為國 家正要走向錯誤的方向。」導演之一的Ineza Roussille如 是說。而她口中的參選人,正是其外祖父兼前首相馬哈蒂 爾。雖然她和拍檔 Dian Lee 從小便與這位「馬來西亞現 代化之父」有密切的私人關係,但她們和很多渴望國家得 到改變的年輕人一樣,政見與這位昔日的獨裁統治者差天 共地。可是,為了結束國民陣線的61年執政,反對派不惜 與92歲的馬哈蒂爾結盟,誓要令馬來西亞變天。本片紀錄 了馬哈蒂爾在大選前11天的激烈拉票活動,記載的不是個 人崇拜,而是國民如何在沒有勝算的情況下,結束腐敗專 政,光復家園。
*13/11 7:45PM BC *14/11 7:40PM IFC
馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2019 / 92 min / 馬來語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Malay and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Dian Lee, Ineza Roussille 釜山電影節 Wide Angle 單元 Wide Angle, Busan International Film Festival
In 2018, the people of Malaysia rallied around 92-year-old former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who came out of retirement to lead an upstart political coalition. Their goal: to do away with the greed and corruption afflicting the government and to return power to the people. Co-directed by Dian Lee and Mahatir’s granddaughter Ineza Roussille, this inspiring documentary tracks the final days of the 2018 election, highlighted by footage of massive political rallies, interviews with civic leaders and politicians, and an intimate portrait of Mahatir’s as he leads the Malaysian people to a rare and remarkable victory over the establishment he was once part of. Oscarwinning Hong Kong filmmaker Ruby Yang is credited as the film’s creative producer.
我變懵了,還請你關照 I GO GAGA, MY DEAR 父母結婚60多年,依然非常恩愛。可是,母親近年患上認 知障礙症,漸漸失去照顧自己的能力。年過95的父親唯有 擔起打理家頭細務的責任。遠在東京的信友直子,放下電 視台的導演工作,回到老家廣島吳市,用攝錄機記錄兩老 掙扎的日常。為期三年的拍攝過程,導演除了發掘父母的 另一面,同時亦為了報答父母,多年前在自己患癌期間, 賦予的支持和鼓勵。以最直接的角度,記載人生的甜酸苦 辣,不用煽情的手法,創出溫柔的催淚良方。
3/11 12:30PM BC 8/11 7:50PM TO
Doc: Asia - Truth & Testaments
日本 Japan / 2018 / 102 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 信友直子 Nobutomo Naoko
Veteran television director Nobutomo Naoko’s first theatrical documentary opened in just one cinema, but became a surprise hit after strong word-of-mouth propelled it to a nationwide Japan release. Nobutomo drew from several years’ worth of footage to assemble this personal chronicle about her parents, whose mutual love and resolve carried them through difficult times well into their nineties. Following the elderly couple’s daily routine, Nobutomo captures not only their support while she battled breast cancer, but also her mother’s slow deterioration due to dementia, and the toll it took on her father. Warm and illuminating, Nobutomo’s remarkable documentary conveys life’s beauty and sorrow with poignant, intimate and heartrending grace.
完美現在時 PRESENT.PERFECT. 電影聚焦於當下中國極度火熱的「直播」現象。直播世界 千奇百怪,電影不是一場單純的獵奇,更有意避開那些 「月入千萬」的「網紅大V」,反而去看一些意想不到的 直播畫面。這裡有建築工人、製衣女工、火災導致面部毀 容 的 倖 存 者 … …在 虛 擬 世 界 的 話 題 與 流 量 背 後 , 這 些 普 通人所表演著的,是自己那孤獨卻喧鬧,奇異卻平凡的人 生。全片由網路直播畫面剪接而成,從800多小時的資源 中選取素材,再著意調色成黑白,力求穿過電影銀幕和手 機鏡頭的雙重過濾,在黑白之間探求人們真正的內心世 界。
10/11 12:30PM BC 11/11 7:30PM TO
香港,美國 Hong Kong, USA / 2019 / 124 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 朱聲仄 Zhu Shengze 鹿特丹電影節 金虎獎 Tiger Award, International Film Festival Rotterdam 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival
In 2017, the Chinese government placed draconian restrictions on China’s wildly popular live-streaming platforms, affecting over 400 million active Chinese streamers. Called “anchors”, these individuals produced countless hours of streams, and director Zhu Shengze took over 800 hours of their pre-censorship footage and edited it down, focusing on selected anchors on society’s margins. She weaves streams from farmers, machinery operators, gender non-conformists, street artists, the poor and the poor-of-health into a two-hour tapestry about ordinary people broadcasting their ordinary lives to the world. What emerges is an engrossing and heartbreaking document about our still-evolving digital society, and our lack of connection in a world that, thanks to the internet, is paradoxically more connected than ever.
紀 錄 亞 洲 : 抗 展 實 像
紀錄片鑒賞會暨 研討工作坊 香港亞洲電影節今年特設紀錄片鑒賞會暨研討工作坊!我 們誠意邀來香港紀錄片導演黃肇邦及卓翔擔任私人導師, 他們將分別於11月3日及11日中午12:30開班授徒!屆時, 參加者將先在戲院內共同觀看兩部風格題材各異的精選紀 錄片,繼而在導師帶領下進行小組形式的深度討論,學習 如何以創作者角度深入剖析作品。工作坊中當然少不了導 演的獨門分享,範疇涵蓋題材處理、影像敘事,以至與拍 攝對象互動關係,在開放的氣氛下,啟發參加者理解紀錄 片的力量。
日期: 11/11 (Sun) | 時間: 12:30pm 選映作品:《完美現在時》、《海外》 導師:《乾旦路》、《戲棚》紀錄片導演卓翔 語言: 粵語 價錢: 每班$280 (會員價) / $340 (正價) 報名方法: 由即日起親身於百老匯電影中心會員部報名, 每班名額15位,先到先得,額滿即止。
Doc: Asia - Truth & Testaments
日期: 3/11 (Sun) | 時間: 12:30pm 選映作品:《我變懵了,還請你關照》、《湧浪之間》 導師:《子非魚》、《伴生》紀錄片導演黃肇邦
就算伊朗與他為敵︰ 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫電影
REALITY,INTERRUPTED: THE FILMS OF MOHAMMAD RASOULOF When one lives in tyrannical times, the entertaining aspects of cinema are defined differently. Under such conditions, cinema can help the audience shut their eyes to reality so they can enjoy fantasy instead. Under such conditions, the powers-that-be strive to change cinema from a form of entertainment into a tool for belittling the general public, so that filmgoers will stop thinking about and forget their own reality completely. I believe as a filmmaker you have other options. Instead of putting yourself into the situation of creating a film solely for entertainment, you can tell stories with real images drawn from your own environment. By making this choice, however, you face off against the powers-that-be. By saying “No!” to them, like it or not, you find yourself in the middle of a struggle. Ultimately, your films become a type of protest cinema and you have no choice but to confront the existing domination of censorship. 在威權統治下的時代,電影作為娛樂媒介的角色也會有新的定義。 在這環境下,電影可以幫助觀眾閉上雙眼,逃離現實,沉溺於幻想世界;在這環境下,當權者會把電影變成貶抑人民的娛樂工具,讓觀眾 停止思考,並把一切現實拋諸腦後。但我始終相信,電影創作者還有其他選擇。你可以不去製作僅為娛樂觀眾的電影,而去把生活的處境 以真實畫面呈現出來。然而,當你選擇這樣做,你就等於站了出來反抗強權。當你拒絕服從,不管你願不願意,也會發現自己身處抗爭之 中。最終,你的電影成為逆權電影,眼前的路只有一條,就是昂然面對猛於虎的審查。 Mohammad Rasoulof, Tehran, September 25, 2019 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫,2019年9月25日寫於德黑蘭
伊朗導演穆罕默德拉穌羅夫一直透過電影反映社會現況,擅於以寫實又 引人入勝的劇本,帶領觀眾走進伊朗層層封閉的帷幕,看到背後欲蓋彌 彰的真實。跟同期的伊朗導演如巴納希同樣成為政權眼中釘,仍無畏無 懼繼續拍電影。
The films of Mohammad Rasoulof reflect reality, revealing to audiences hidden and uncomfortable truths about society. Like his contemporary, director Jafar Panahi, Rasoulof is regarded as a troublemaker by the Iranian government, and yet he never caves into authoritarian pressure or corruption.
社會學出身,出道作《奔向黎明》已透過重拍真實故事的手法, 探討伊朗傳統社會對家庭及女性的剝削。呼應後革命社會狀況的 現代寓言《浮城記》橫掃印度、西班牙及葡萄牙各大影展;探討 人民追求資訊自由的紀錄片《禁止收看》亦在紐約翠貝卡電影節 參展。2011年起更先後三次入選康城影展「一種關注」單元,三 次均獲獎歸來,包括憑《不滅的真相》獲費比西國際影評人獎及 《就算世界與我為敵》(第14屆)勇奪一種關注大獎,實力備受肯定。
Rasoulof studied sociology before becoming a filmmaker, and frequently uses his films to examine (both directly and indirectly) life in the patriarchal theocracy of Iran. He has competed three times in the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film Festival, winning a prize every time, including the FIPRESCI Prize for Manuscripts Don’t Burn and the Grand Prize for A Man of Integrity.
代表伊朗揚威國際,他的電影多年來未有一部能在國內上映,甚至被政 權打壓失去自由。他曾因拍電影被判入獄六年(雖後來獲緩刑),身上 禁拍令和禁足令長達二十年,卻從未因壓迫而停止創作。創作就是反 抗。
However, despite their international acclaim, Rasoulof’s films have not been screened in Iran. Because of the sensitive themes depicted in his films, and Rasoulof’s unyielding activism, he was sentenced to six years in prison (later reduced to one year) and prohibited from filmmaking or leaving Iran. But even in the face of overwhelming oppression, Rasoulof never ceases to create. To create, for him, is to resist.
就 算 伊 朗 與 他 為 敵 : 穆 罕 默 德 拉 穌 羅 夫 電 影
奔向黎明 THE TWILIGHT 當年仍是初生之犢的穆罕默德拉穌羅夫,把一件離奇過小 說的真實事件搬上銀幕:監獄長把兩個犯人結為夫婦,一 個是經常出入監獄的慣犯,一個是被判終身監禁的女子。 二人按監獄安排每星期過一天婚姻生活,不久還有了孩 子。監獄方相信家庭生活有助男囚犯改邪歸正,也讓女囚 犯有點用處。二人先後出獄後,這個家庭在監獄外維繫下 去卻不似預期。紀實與創作交錯,譜寫出這百份百真人真 事,甚至連演員就是事件主角本人。在這個國度,建立家 庭是為了維穩,女人存在只為成全男人。導演首部劇情長 片,早已見其對社會的關注及批判。
8/11 7:40PM BC 23/11 3:50PM BC
伊朗 Iran / 2002 / 83 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Ali-Reza Shalikaran, Fatemeh Bijan, Ali-Reza Madaviyan 羅迦諾電影節 Locarno Film Festival
Starting his career with documentaries and short films, Mohammad Rasoulof impressed with his debut feature, a naturalistic docudrama that reveals the social ills afflicting Iran’s prison system. Featuring real-life prisoners playing themselves, the film centers on habitual offender Ali, who seems destined for a life behind bars. However, a sympathetic warden devises a plan to reform Ali: he marries Ali off to female inmate Fatemeh in hopes of breaking the recidivist loop. Through once-a-week conjugal visits, the two form a bond and produce a child. But upon their release back into society, the ex-con couple discover that normalcy and absolution may be beyond their reach.
Reality,Interrupted: The Films of Mohammad Rasoulof
一群沒有家的窮人,別無選擇下住進一艘巨型廢船,漫無 目的漂流海上,等待船長帶領他們往應許之地……在這艘 船上,船長的說話就是法律與真理,居民都必須對他言聽 計從,沒有自由卻得暫時安穩。船長是先知,是領袖,也 是出賣居民的獨裁者——他把廢船鐵塊分割、逐份賣錢, 讓鐵船生活得以延續,也把他們唯一的家園蠶食淨盡。當 浮城不能繼續航行,居民們還會追隨他嗎?導演以影像撰 寫現代預言,以高超敘事手法,一針見血剖析現代伊朗之 硬傷。
9/11 4:15PM BC 18/11 8:00PM BC
伊朗 Iran / 2005 / 85 min / 波斯語對白,中英文字幕 In Farsi with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Ali Nasirian, Hossein Farzi-Zadeh, Neda Pakdaman 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 康城影展 導演雙週 Directors' Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival
Fast-paced and unmistakably allegorical, Mohammad Rasoulof’s second feature saw tremendous improvement in the director’s command of film language and technique. Standing in for the nation of Iran, the “Iron Island” is a derelict oil tanker in the Persian Gulf populated by minority Sunni Arabs isolated from the masses ashore. Charismatic Captain Nemat (veteran actor Ali Nasirian) serves as the tanker’s self-appointed autocratic leader, who rules his floating fiefdom with benevolence, cunning and unwavering authority. A quarantined community like this inevitably breeds conflict and discontent, but as reality closes in, the Captain can only double down on his absolute power, the well-being of his people be damned.
10/11 8:25PM BC 19/11 8:30PM BC
伊朗 Iran / 2008 / 65 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 紐約翠貝卡電影節 Tribeca Film Festival
國家級的網絡防火牆,伊朗也有。自1979年革命推翻親 西方的伊朗王室,宗教主義就成了另一個極權。來到21 世紀,網絡世界急速發展,資訊每秒爆炸式膨脹,全球 接軌同步——但在防火牆內,你就只能看見政權要你知道 的事。上至外來資訊,下至娛樂消閒,凡被認為違反伊斯 蘭教義都成了禁忌,但有伊朗人卻不甘於屈服這個無形囚 籠,千方百計也要知道更多。導演以紀錄片形式,走訪不 同人物,拍攝伊朗翻牆的一百種方式:在天台裝設天線接 收地下衛星頻道、記者駭進網絡防火牆以取得資訊、販賣 黑 市 D V D 的 市 場 ……為 了 自 由 睇 戲 、 上 網 而 扭 盡 六 壬 , 值得嗎?如片中受訪者所言:「徒勞無功總比漠不關心 好。」 Television in Iran offers only state-approved news and entertainment programs, which is why so much of the population turns to black market solutions to enrich their TV viewing options. This eye-opening documentary follows a diverse cross-section of the Iranian population – from Tehran urbanites to rural farmers to nomadic herders – who use pirated cable and satellite equipment to watch unapproved media like American television, Bollywood movies, European football and international news broadcasts. Mohammad Rasoulof burnished his reputation as a daring filmmaker-activist with this compact and engrossing look at how censorship breeds curiosity, and how technology enables the oppressed to satiate their unquenchable thirst for information.
就 算 伊 朗 與 他 為 敵 : 穆 罕 默 德 拉 穌 羅 夫 電 影
9/11 8:00PM BC 13/11 7:30PM PE
伊朗 Iran / 2009 / 93 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Hasan Pourshirazi, Younes Ghazali, Mohammad Rabbani, Mohammad Shirvani, Omid Zare 西班牙聖塞巴提昂國際電影節 San Sebastian International Film Festival
Cementing his status as an activist-auteur, Mohammad Rasoulof invented his own mythology to explore the social and political problems native to his homeland of Iran. Set against the austere scenery of salt-filled Lake Urmia, The White Meadows offers a series of vignettes tied together by the mysterious Rahmat (Hasan Pourshirazi), who travels by boat to various communities to hear people’s sorrows and collect their tears. As preoccupied with protest as Rasoulof’s other films, this stunning work eschews literalism yet remains razor-sharp in its critiques of society’s cruelty and slavish devotion to theology. An elegant, absurd and extraordinary fable that speaks to the politically initiated and uninitiated alike.
Reality,Interrupted: The Films of Mohammad Rasoulof
在極權統治下,藝術工作者能找到自由創作的空間嗎?導 演2009年的作品充滿寓意,故事主角走遍壯麗的爾米亞湖 岸,在鹽盤上收集居民的眼涙。與他同行的少年,則希望 可以和失散已久的父親重聚。在這奇異的旅程上,主角見 證強權如何掩蓋道理,盲目服從帶來悲劇。儘管導演只是 以隱晦的手法,暗喻伊朗的社會問題。但他和為本片剪接 的導演約化巴納希,都因此而被判監,諷刺地呼應電影中 的控訴。
就 算 伊 朗 與 他 為 敵 : 穆 罕 默 德 拉 穌 羅 夫 電 影
再見伊朗 GOODBYE 一位維權女律師公然抨擊政權盲目鎮壓伊朗民間團體,換 來律師牌照被吊銷,而她的記者丈夫也被迫逃匿。前路茫 茫,她唯有設法逃離伊朗,但要獨自應付重重困難,既有 官僚制度的欺壓,亦有針對女性的社會不公。導演借女主 角的故事來比喻自己被政府打壓的遭遇,所以本片的拍 攝過程只能低調進行。導演身兼監製及編劇,在這樣不利 的環境下仍有膽量去批判現今伊朗社會。雖然在康城影展 一種關注單元中勇奪導演大獎,但卻因其敢言作風而被禁 止離國。
10/11 6:25PM BC 20/11 7:50PM BC
伊朗 Iran / 2011 / 100 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Leyla Zareh, Fereshteh Sadreorafai, Shahab Hoseini, Roya Teymorian 康城影展 一種關注單元 最佳導演獎 Directing Prize, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 Dioraphte獎 Dioraphte Award, International Film Festival Rotterdam
For his fifth feature, Mohammad Rasoulof employs long takes and claustrophobic camerawork to channel the quietly increasing anxiety suffered by Noura, a young attorney facing an uncertain future. Barred from working and separated from her husband, Noura plots an escape from Iran. But she finds herself blocked at every turn, if not by oppressive bureaucracy or her own isolation, then by a sexist society that’s predisposed to disregard her. Himself barred from working or leaving the country, Rasoulof mines his own outrage for this forcefully relevant critique of modern-day Iran. As the persecuted yet determined central character, Leyla Zareh gives a powerfully understated performance.
Reality,Interrupted: The Films of Mohammad Rasoulof
8/11 9:25PM BC 10/11 3:00PM PE
伊朗 Iran / 2013 / 125 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 康城影展 一種關注單元 費比西國際影評人獎 FIPRESCI prize, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival
這是真實歷史事件:1995年,伊朗政府秘密策劃暗殺21 個作家與記者,但行動失敗,只留下一份披露這次計劃的 手稿。導演為這段黑歷史譜上後續:20年後,官方 僱用兩個殺手尋找這份手稿,因為它記載的真相將 威脅到獨裁政權。殺手Morteza與Khosrow如同往常 一樣以熟練的手法恐嚇迫問知情者——只是這次的受 害者,正是當年倖存、今天仍受政府壓迫的作家。導 演以虛構的現在與真實的過去交織,意欲發掘事件真 相。在極權政府眼中,真相卻是不能說的秘密,對人 權的踐踏又豈止一場夢魘?因為導演身上長達20年的 禁拍令,拍攝這部電影本身已是罪,為了保護參與的 人員,除導演外全片所有演員與工作人員的名字均沒 有列明,濔漫的白色恐怖卻正正成為戲中無言暴力的 明證。 Mohammad Rasoulof tosses aside allegory and metaphor for this based-on-reality thriller that chillingly details the evil men do in service of an authoritarian government. The multi-strand narrative follows two low-level Iran government operatives assigned to kidnap a dissident writer who’s written a manuscript that could prove disastrous to the political elite. What could be a routine thriller is, in Rasoulof’s hands, a searing document of the Iran government’s inhumane practices, with censorship, torture and murder used to enforce their whims. Rasoulof defied a 20-year filmmaking ban to create this daring and angry work, which features no credits for its cast or crew to protect them from retaliation by the state.
就算世界與我為敵 A MAN OF INTEGRITY 面對強權壓迫,人該如何抉擇?瑞扎為人正直不阿,因替 工人爭取權益而丟了工作,唯有遷到伊朗北部郊區養金魚 維生。他以為生活從此平靜,怎料大財團覬覦其家園,為 搶地威迫利誘無所不用其極。他漸漸發現,與他為敵的不 只企業,還有政府、法庭,甚至鄰居……導演自2010年起 被伊朗政府下禁拍令,今次再以戲喻己,刻劃出不惜一切 去抗爭而付出沉重的代價,成果震撼人心。
22/11 7:40PM BC
伊朗 Iran / 2017 / 117 min / 波斯語對白,中英文字幕 In Farsi with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫 Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Reza Akhlaghirad, Soudabeh Beizaee, Nasim Adabi, Misagh Zare Zeinab, Shabani Zhila Shahi 康城影展 一種關注單元大獎 Un Certain Regard Prize, Cannes Film Festival
The title of A Man of Integrity represents both the film and the filmmaker. No stranger to injustice and oppression, Mohammad Rasoulof directed this provocative, enraging film while awaiting sentencing by the Iranian government for his 2010 crime of filming without a permit. Reza (Reza Akhlaghirad) lives a simple life with his wife and son on a goldfish farm in the country, away from the city and its corruption and compromises. But society’s moral decay spreads far and wide, as the righteous and uncompromising Reza finds himself at odds with a powerful corporation that will use any means – legal or extralegal – to take his land. Winner of First Prize in the Un Certain Regard competition at the Cannes Film Festival.
就 算 伊 朗 與 他 為 敵 : 穆 罕 默 德 拉 穌 羅 夫 電 影
穆罕默德拉穌羅夫堅持以電影批判社會,作品往往劍指伊 朗獨裁統治和社會不公,充滿張力的畫面下飽含怒火。儘 管屢次揚威國際,他的電影卻從來沒有在伊朗上映。他身 上有禁拍令,被沒收護照禁止出境,最近伊朗更以「危害 國家安全」和「宣揚反伊斯蘭政府訊息」為由,判他監禁 一年。伊朗影評人Mehdi Abdollahzadeh將詳談穆罕默德 拉穌羅夫電影,以及在伊朗用電影揭露社會真相的重重困 難。謹以這一系列放映和講座,遙向獄中的導演致敬。
Mehdi Abdollahzadeh 為著名伊朗電影影評人、策展人。曾擔任 不同國際電影節評審,更多次在歐洲舉辦 伊朗大師級導演的回顧展。 A film critic, programmer and specialist
日期 Date: 9/11 (Sat) | 時間 Time: 5:45pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓 Guest : Mehdi Abdollahzadeh 語言 Language: 英語 English
of Iranian cinema. He has served on juries for different international film festival and collaborated with film festivals in Europe in showcasing retrospectives for iconic Iranian filmmakers.
Reality,Interrupted: The Films of Mohammad Rasoulof
Exposing the reality of living under a dictatorial and impervious government has been the subject of most of Mohammad Rasoulof’s films. On top of the ban on making films and leaving Iran, the filmmaker was recently sentenced to one year in prison due to accusations of “endangering national security” and “propaganda against the Islamic government”. Mehdi Abdollahzadeh, a film critic, programmer and specialist of Iranian cinema, will share his insights into Rasoulof’s films, as well as the hardships of defying state censorship.
這些年來,有關柬埔寨的討論往往離不開赤柬及其種族滅絕罪行。 當然,這個國家的故事並非僅止於此:這片土地曾經歷不同時代 的高棉帝國統治(體現於宏偉的吳哥窟),及後60年代現代化的 「黃金年代」。當赤柬於1979年被推翻以後,柬埔寨以緩慢卻穩 定的步伐復甦,跨過新紀元這關口。 這段歷史,與當地電影密不可分。柬埔寨電影發展沒有鄰近區域般 久遠。60年代,當本地電影人——由自學成才的導演到熱愛電影 的施漢諾親王——將傳統神話與現代政治化為豐富又多元的作品, 柬埔寨的電影力量終見成形。
For years, discussions about Cambodia have mostly revolved around the Khmer Rouge. But there’s much more to the country than just that: it’s a land which has, at different times, hosted the Khmer Empire and the Angkor Wat, a socio-cultural “golden age” in the 1960s, and then – after the genocidal Khmer Rouge was ousted from power in 1979 – a slow and steady resurgence across the threshold of a new millennium. This history is very much ingrained in the films coming out of the country. Cambodian cinema first became a force on its own in the 1960s, when local filmmakers – from autodidacts to its cinema-loving monarch Norodom Sihanouk – drew influences from traditional mythology and modern-day politics to produce a rich body of wildly varied work.
赤柬於1975年至1979年間殺害數百萬人民,包括電影人與影迷, 亦同時消滅了柬埔寨電影。劫後餘生,柬埔寨踏入其「傷痕文學」 年代,潘禮德等曾於赤柬屠殺風暴中生還的導演,以電影反映這片 飽遭劫難的土地,在各地影展中帶到世界眼前。
Cambodian cinema virtually vanished in the Khmer Rouge’s killing fields between 1975 and 1979. What followed was an era in which survivors like directors Yvon Hem and Rithy Panh reflected on the sorry state of their country and then had it wrought large on in film festivals worldwide.
在過去十年,另一群新一代柬埔寨導演崛起,當中有的土生土長, 有的成長於他方,以不同的角度呈現柬埔寨人的快樂與焦慮。他們 透過創作劇情片與紀錄片等作品,以電影檢現當地社會與經濟的萎 靡不振。在赤柬恐怖統治結束40年的今天,這些既尖銳又傷感的 導演就如前人一樣,成為柬埔寨電影重生的證明。
In the past decade, a new generation of directors offered another perspective of Cambodia’s social and economic malaise. At once insightful and melancholic, their films – like their predecessors’ – are proof that Cambodian cinema is now alive and kicking, as the country marks the 40th anniversary of the end of the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror.
暴君˙河妖˙復仇兒 12 SISTERS 以超低成本及簡陋的科技製作,1968年的出品到了今時今 日仍可與21世紀的恐怖片匹敵。有富想像力的視覺效果, 加上澎湃的血腥暴力場面,還有弒父、殺嬰及弒君等奇情 故事。作為柬埔寨電影黃金時代(1960-1975)的關鍵人 物,導演李本英把傳統高棉神話轉化成迷幻大龍鳳,其可 觀性絕對能媲美當年的香港大片。曾經因為赤柬年代的摧 殘而一度失傳,直至2013年在李導之子的加州寓所發現其 35毫米拷貝,電影才有機會重獲新生。在李導的監督之下 進行數碼修復,這部高棉語經典在2017年終可再現大銀 幕。
2/11 9:50PM BC
柬埔寨 Cambodia / 1968 / 100 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李本英 Ly Bun Yim 演員 Cast: Kong Sam Oeun, Virak Dara, Yeak Nhorm, Nop Nem 柏林影展 導演論壇單元 Forum, Berlin International Film Festival
焦 點 國 家 : 柬 埔 寨 電 影 選
Made with scant resources and homespun technology in 1968, 12 Sisters could still rival any 21st century horror film with its imaginative visual effects, harrowing bloodshed, and a fantastic storyline driven by infanticide, patricide and much more besides. A key figure of the bustling "golden age" of Cambodian cinema between 1960 and 1975, director Ly Bun Yim transformed a traditional Khmer fairy tale into a psychedelic cinematic spectacle. Once considered lost amidst the ravages of the Khmer Rouge, 12 Sisters' second coming only began in 2013 when a 35mm print was rediscovered at the house of Ly's son in California, with the director eventually supervising the digitisation and resynchronisation of its original Khmer-language soundtrack in 2017.
由1955年到1970年,施漢諾親王統治下實行「皇室佛教 社會主義」。這個集多方面不同政治理念的施政方針,使 柬埔寨日益繁盛,邁向現代化。作為一個導演,這位親王 亦展現了他多元化的興趣,拍過史詩式愛情電影、政治驚 慄片和紀錄片等等,其電影生涯由60年代發展到他逝世的 2012年。本片正能集他電影美學之大成,以其獨特風格 講述一位公主趁著丈夫入獄,而去盡情拈花惹草,大小通 吃。一邊批判柬埔寨上流社會的奢華,同時又歌頌60年代 的豪華生活。這部電影的重要性在於其記載了一個被消滅 了的繁華盛世。
6/11 7:30PM BC
柬埔寨 Cambodia / 1969 / 66 min / 高棉語、法語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer and French with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 施漢諾 Norodom Sihanouk 演員 Cast: Kong Sam Oeun, Saksi Sbong, Nhek Tioulong 柬埔寨國際電影節 Cambodia International Film Festival Screening print courtesy of the CNC French FIlm Archives
From 1955 to 1970, Norodom Sihanouk ruled an increasingly affluent and modernised Cambodia with a doctrine fusing wildly disparate ideas from across the political spectrum. As a filmmaker, he also liked to experiment with genres, having directed lavish historical romances, political thrillers and documentaries from the 1960s up until his death in 2012. The Joy of Living embodies Sihanouk's unique approach in covering all bases with what he did, this time within just one film. Revolving around a princess who exploited the absence of her imprisoned husband by indulging in endless affairs with lovers young and old, The Joy of Living is at once a critique of the excess of Cambodia's social elite and a celebration of their lavish lifestyles in the 1960s, especially the exuberant pop music John Pirozzi immortalised in his 2014 documentary Don’t Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll.
Mekong Blues: The Cinema of Cambodia
焦 點 國 家 : 柬 埔 寨 電 影 選
赤柬黑夜 SHADOW OF DARKNESS 柬埔寨電影先驅 Yvon Hem 年輕時已經用16毫米拍攝家庭 電影,之後更在法國導演馬塞爾卡繆的柬埔寨製作《Birds of Paradise》中擔任製作助理。他於1962年成立自己的 製作公司,出產了十多套賣座電影。可是,赤柬掌權後, 電影製作被視為「資產階級」的活動,而在1975年遭到全 面禁止。當赤柬在1979年被推翻後,Hem回到金邊,在被 戰火破壞的家園中,撿拾殘餘的攝影器材。《赤柬黑夜》 就是在這灰燼中重生的成果。以劇情片的手法,道出一個 家庭在勞改營內的遭遇。作為後赤柬年代的第一部長片, 其忠奸分明的通俗劇風格,日後在柬埔寨成為主流。
5/11 7:40PM BC
柬埔寨 Cambodia / 1987 / 111 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Yvon Hem 演員 Cast: Thoang Vutha, Pisith Pilika
A pioneer in Cambodian cinema, Yvon Hem made home movies with a 16mm camera in his youth and worked on Marcel Camus's Cambodia-set Birds of Paradise in 1962 before delivering a dozen hit features. Then came the Khmer Rouge, and out went the "bourgeois" act of filmmaking: he returned to Phnom Penh in 1979, scavenged parts on the streets to construct a camera, and finally produced Shadow Of Darkness in 1987. A fictionalised account of the brutal oppression experienced by a family living in a labour camp headed by malicious cadres, the film was the first feature to be made in post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Heavy on malevolent melodrama, the film heralds the style that would again become commonplace in mainstream Cambodian cinema in the years to come.
粒粒皆辛苦 RICE PEOPLE 雖然製作成本來自歐洲,但此片把柬埔寨電影帶到國際影 壇,成為該國第一部入選康城影展主競賽的作品。潘禮德 首部劇情長片,故事講述一個貧苦的農民家庭,在父親去 世後,掙扎求存。母親成為全家唯一的經濟支柱,壓力日 漸磨滅她的意志。徘徊在精神崩潰的邊緣,母親最後亦逃 不過家族的悲劇,痛苦的命運亦要一代傳一代。在赤柬時 期目擊家人逐一死去的潘禮德,在迷人的畫面上譜出農村 哀歌,奠定他日後作品的視覺風格,以及對柬埔寨國殤這 個命題的執着。
Mekong Blues: The Cinema of Cambodia
4/11 7:30PM BC 21/11 7:30PM BC
柬埔寨,瑞士,德國 Cambodia, Switzerland, Germany / 1994 / 125 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 潘禮德 Rithy Panh 演員 Cast: Peng Phan, Mom Soth, Chhim Naline 康城影展 競賽單元 In Competition, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival
While made entirely with European funds, Rice People is the one film which propelled Cambodian cinema to global attention. The first Cambodian film to make its bow at the Cannes Film Festival, Rithy Panh's first fictional feature is centred around a farming family whose impoverished lives were tipped further towards the precipice when the patriarch dies. Now solely responsible for the family's livelihood, the mother (played by the excellent Peng Phan) becomes increasingly agitated, her paranoia soon leading to a tragic confrontation with her seven daughters. A visually mesmerising account of the struggle for survival in Cambodia's rural hinterlands, Rice People consolidates Panh – whose family perished under the Khmer Rouge – as the chronicler of Cambodia's traumatised national psyche, a mission he continued all the way to the very present with films such as One Evening After the War and the Oscar-nominated The Missing Picture.
金影歲月 GOLDEN SLUMBERS 資深柬埔寨導演潘禮德,一生的作品都是為了令世人關注 7 0 年 代 的 赤 柬 大 屠 殺。 另 一 邊 廂 , 同 樣 是 在 法 國 接 受 教 育的年輕導演周戴維,則深入探討被遺忘的歷史,提醒世 人,一代人的未來是如何被赤柬暴政毀滅。巴黎出生的 他,發現自己的袓父曾是柬埔寨舉足輕重的電影監製。於 是他遠赴家族的祖國,試圖重整柬埔寨電影在60年代的光 輝歷史。他訪問當年活躍的導演,又見過僥倖逃出赤柬魔 掌的女星。老街坊回想昔日燈火鼎盛的大戲院,已經人面 全非。周戴維走遍金邊,嘗試重拾舊日的足跡。
*2/11 7:50PM BC
柬埔寨,法國 Cambodia, France / 2011 / 96 min / 高棉語、法語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer and French with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 周戴維 Davy Chou 柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
焦 點 國 家 : 柬 埔 寨 電 影 選
The grandson of veteran Cambodian film producer Van Chann, the Paris-born Davy Chou returns to his ancestral land to reassemble the "golden age" of Cambodian cinema in the 1960s through meetings with its main protagonists. There are priceless testimonies from directors Ly Bun Yim and Yvon Hem, for example, and also recollections from film star Dy Saveth, who escaped from the Khmer Rouge's clutches because she happened to be out of the country when the guerrillas marched into Phnom Penh. Pensionaged film buffs also recall the good old days of watching local movies in now-vanished bustling theatres, as Chou wanders around Phnom Penh trying to look for these vanished traces of a long-gone era.
走得快 好世界 GEMS ON THE RUN 三個老死童年時就立誓要做一世兄弟,但天意弄人,一 個死了,一個做了刧匪,一個夢想做歌星卻偏偏做了警 察 。 1 5 年 無 見 的 刧匪 和 警 察 , 為 了 出 席 好 友 喪 禮 又 再 聚 頭,駕車穿越柬埔寨南部郊野。而傻更更的警察懵然不 知,刧匪老友帶著珠寶劫案的贓物,只想利用他掩護自己 夾帶私逃!黑白兩道追殺下,舊知已最後能否變返老友? 集喜劇、犯罪、動作於一身的柬埔寨公路電影,全程大放 子彈和笑彈!
*3/11 4:45PM BC
柬埔寨 Cambodia / 2013 / 104 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Sok Visal, Quentin Clausin 演員 Cast: Cheky Athiporn, Vandy Piseth, Ros Mony, Som Maleak 柬埔寨國際電影節 Cambodia International Film Festival
Mekong Blues: The Cinema of Cambodia
Rith and Sovan were once childhood buddies, but they’ve drifted apart after growing up. The former has drifted into crime, while the other has unwillingly become a cop, despite his lifelong ambitions of becoming a pop star. Their best friend’s death and a botched diamond heist somehow brought them back together, as the pair embark on a high-octane journey across Cambodia’s rural roads in the company of a mobster’s moll – and with her violent boyfriend at their heels. A ceaselessly entertaining crowdpleaser, musician-filmmaker Sok Visal’s action comedy is proof of how genre cinema has taken roots in Cambodian cinema in a big way, with very gratifying results.
焦 點 國 家 : 柬 埔 寨 電 影 選
金邊白樓的前世今生 LAST NIGHT I SAW YOU SMILING 「白色大樓」曾是柬埔寨首都金邊的標誌性建築物。在60 年代,這楝大型住宅大樓是當年柬埔寨現代化的象徵。導 演就是在那裡的其中一個單位長大的。經歷過歲月的洗 禮,殘舊的大樓要面臨拆卸,於是他就把握這個機會,記 錄住客們在搬遷前最後的生活、懷緬過去的點滴。電影對 老百姓的仔細觀察,能帶出慘痛的國家歷史之餘,亦道出 大家對未來的疑惑。這部紀錄片是柬埔寨新勢力在國際影 壇冒起的有力證明。
7/11 7:40PM BC 8/11 8:10PM IFC
柬埔寨,法國 Cambodia, France / 2019 / 77 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer with English subtitles Director: Kavich Neang 鹿特丹電影節 NETPAC 大獎 NETPAC Award, International Film Festival Rotterdam 全州影展 國際競賽單元 評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize, International Competition, Jeonju International Film Festival
Last Night I Saw You Smiling chronicles the final days of Phnom Penh's White Building, a Bauhaus-style tenement block which was about to be demolished when the documentary was made – an act which would remove from the Cambodian capital a symbol of Norodom Sihanouk's internationalist aspirations for his country in the 1960s. Having grown up with his family in the White Building, Kavich Neang offers a first feature filled with delicate observations of ordinary people braving for sweeping changes in their lives, in a film which is at once about architecture, history and how human beings navigate their memories in hallways and rooms that have become all but a memory.
Mekong Blues: The Cinema of Cambodia
日期 Date: 03/11 (Sun) | 時間 Time: 6:30pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓 Guests: 周戴維 Davy Chou, Sok Visal 語言 Language: 英語 English
從60年代至今,柬埔寨走過繁華盛世又經歷過極權苦難, 在一片頹垣敗瓦中緩緩重生。今屆亞洲電影節選映多齣柬埔 寨電影,正是這段歷史之見證。60年代現代化經濟起飛, 柬國電影迎來黃金時代,豪華製作還是低成本恐怖片各有所 好,諷刺上流或血腥奇情任君選擇,享受創作自由。70年代 赤柬崛起,以恐怖政治統治國民、殘殺異己,連電影也被視 為禁忌。人民死的死、逃的逃,電影銷毀破壞不計其數,柬 埔寨文化被活生生劃上休止符。有人劫後餘生重回舊地,拍 攝被蹂躪過的大地,只怕傷痕永遠難以癒合。亦有在外國長 大的第二代電影人,只能透過鏡頭從回憶碎片中重塑失落的 痛苦歷史。柬埔寨電影與歷史發展緊緊相連,導演周戴維及 Sok Visal 將來港舉行講座,與觀眾分享柬埔寨電影的前世 今生。
When Cambodia emerged from the Khmer Rouge’s fouryear tyranny in 1979, the country no longer hosted even an operational cinema, let alone a film industry as such. Four decades onwards, however, Cambodian cinema has regained its cinematic vigour, all thanks to the work of a community of veteran and young directors, as well as archivists trying to connect Cambodian cinema’s vibrant present with the “golden age” of yore. Visiting Hong Kong for the HKAFF’s Cambodian showcase, directors Davy Chou (Golden Slumbers) and Sok Visal (Gems on the Run) as well as representatives from Rithy Panh’s Bophana Audio-visual Institute will discuss the ebbs and flows in the history of Cambodian cinema, and how a new generation of filmmakers are seeking to reshape the country’s film scene.
亞 洲 國 度
30/10 7:50PM BC 8/11 9:50PM PE 10/11 3:45PM MM
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 105 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 趙民鎬 Jo Min-ho 演員 Cast: 高我星 Go Ah-sung, 金璽碧 Kim Sae-byuk, 金藝恩 Kim Ye-eun
革命無分性別、年齡與時代!電影取材自真實韓國獨立運 動,以年輕革命女義士柳寬順為原型,見證一段鮮為人知 的歷史。日佔時期,韓國爆發三一運動,十七歲少女上街 帶領逾二百萬韓國民眾抗爭,卻被捕囚禁在女子地下監 獄,受盡百般凌辱。她非但沒有噤若寒蟬,反而挺身感召 其他囚犯打破沉默,從自我覺醒走向集體覺醒,在獄中共 同高呼「大韓獨立萬歲」的口號。黑白鏡頭下的獄中景象 格外銳利,眾人以堅毅的眼神明志:監獄的高牆囚得住肉 體,卻困不住自由的靈魂。高我星從《韓流怪嚇》嶄露頭 角,到《末世列車》已成氣候,是次飾演烈女同樣鏗鏘有 力。在最壞的時代,讓我們為這位巾幗英雄及所有因抗爭 犧牲的義士獻一闋輓歌。 One of Korea’s most iconic freedom fighters, Yu Gwan-sun was only 17 when she died in prison, mercilessly tortured for organizing a violently suppressed pro-independence demonstration in what would eventually be known as the March 1st Movement. She continued her struggle to the very end, a harrowing journey brought vividly to the screen through a steeled turn from Go Ah-sung (Snowpiercer). An homage to Yu’s unyielding courage during the final year of her life, this mostly black-and-white biopic depicts the cramped, inhumane conditions the activist and other inmates endured, and how their resistance rings loudly beyond the thickest of prison walls.
自由一戰 RACE TO FREEDOM: UM BOK DONG 日據時期的朝鮮,大日本帝國為展示國力,舉行單車比賽 炫耀日本專業單車手的厲害。可是,朝鮮單車手嚴福童卻 反客為主,擊敗所有日本車手勝出,成為激勵朝鮮國民的 民族英雄。故事改編自真人真事,並由久別幕前的Rain鄭 智薰飾演單車手嚴福童。儘管他只是一個艱苦奮鬥的運動 員,沒有其他歷史英雄的豐功偉績,但他卻是當時朝鮮人 民在絕望中的重要精神支柱。Rain為了飾演單車王而特 訓,練成運動員一樣的體格,全情投入角色的堅毅精神。
30/10 9:50PM BC 3/11 1:50PM TO 9/11 3:30PM YH
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 116 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金佑成 Kim Yoo-sung 演員 Cast: 鄭智薰 Rain, 姜素拉 Kang So-ra, 李凡秀 Lee Beom-su
Asian Wide Angle
K-pop superstar Rain returns to the silver screen to play an unlikely hero who emerged as a symbol of hope and pride for the Korean people during the Japanese colonial era. Um Bok-dong is a lowly water seller who signs up for a government-organized bicycle race with his eye on just the prize. Defeating all his Japanese rivals, his winning streak alarms the colonial authorities and galvanizes the locals, including freedom fighters who have invested in the races. Race to Freedom takes some liberties with history to deliver a rousing tale of resistance.
亞 洲 國 度
一個行李箱載得住一個人的所有嗎?從未離開過家鄉的Sue, 即將遠到芬蘭升學。獎學金已預備,決心也已下定,問題是 一直被蒙在鼓裡爸爸現在對她不瞅不睬。人生第一次執行李便 已是離鄉別井,Sue完全不知道該怎麼辦:該帶甚麼?不該帶 甚麼?會不會帶太多?還是太少?於是,她找來好友Belle, 兩個少女一起進行這小小計劃。人生即將迎來天翻地覆的轉 變,Sue除了興奮,還有茫然。而大概終身將會留在這個小村 莊的Belle,則騎著電單車在田原間盡情渾灑青春,迎接不可知 的未來。一個行李箱,能帶走甚麼?留下的又會是甚麼?導演 Kongdej Jaturanrasamee 擅長刻劃青春躁動,探索初熟少女
7/11 9:15PM BC
泰國 Thailand / 2019 / 130 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Kongdej Jaturanrasamee 演員 Cast: Jennis Oprasert, Praewa Suthamphong, Saheoiyn Aophachat 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
心事。 It is Sue’s final moments inside her small hometown in Chanthaburi province. She’s going to continue her studies in Finland through a scholarship she applied to without telling her father, sparking his anger and silence. She’s never been abroad before and thus doesn’t know how and what to pack. How many things will be enough to bring into her new life in the future? What is necessary? Sue makes a checklist of all the things she has to prepare before she leaves. Belle, her best friend, accompanies her on this project. Through this checklist, Sue - the struggling girl who wants to escape, and Belle - the girl who may stay put through the rest of her life, wander around on a motorbike through the nooks and crannies of the town, meeting different people for the very last time.
*16/11 3:10PM MM *17/11 1:30PM BC
倫敦電影節 BFI London Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
The dazzling Himalayan glaciers serve as the backdrop for this charming, suitable-for-all ages drama set in a farflung Bhutanese hamlet – a location so remote and bereft of facilities that Pawo Choyning Dorji and his crew could only use cameras equipped with solar-powered batteries. Lunana’s the name of the village, and Ugyen is the young protagonist sent to teach there. An eight-day walk from modern comforts, and devoid of textbooks, a blackboard and even electricity, Ugyen immediately wants to leave to pursue his real dream as a singer in Australia. As he warms to the endearing locals and learns of their hardships, he discovers that what he truly seeks may unexpectedly be close at hand.
Asian Wide Angle
不丹 Bhutan / 2019 / 109 min / 宗喀語對白,英文字幕 In Dzongkha with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Pawo Choyning Dorji 演員 Cast: Sherab Dorji, Ugyen Norbu Lhendup, Kelden Lhamo Gurung
遠赴世界上最遍遠的學校,甚至要用上太陽能拍攝。導演 為了真實反映當地面貌,聘用了從未見過攝影機的當地人 擔任演員。一個年輕的教師在不丹的大城市教書,卻一心 只希望能前往澳洲尋找新生活。準備離開之際最不思進取 的他卻被調派到不丹北部最偏遠的村莊教書。在當地受到 學生和家長熱情的招待,以及對這位千里而來的老師能夠 留下來教育子女的希望,淳樸真摯的民風會否改變他的心 意?不丹雖然是全球最幸福最快樂的地方,但受過良好教 育的新一代卻不願再留下來。對於他而言,青春值得不斷 探索,而在前行的路中,他的心中所向,到底會是自由開 放的西方國度,還是不丹山上悠揚而起的古老情歌?
亞 洲 國 度
脫單大作戰 MARRIAGE HUNTING BEAUTY 婚姻對於年過三十的人,是否已成為必需要完成的任 務?Takako事業與美貌兼備,但愛情生活卻因為和有婦之 夫的關係,而變得一塌糊塗。厭倦這種常態,32歲的她渴 望結婚,於是把心一橫上了交友網站尋覓真命天子。在網 絡世界,當然遇上不少珍禽異獸,但也結識了兩個「潛力 股」——一位是缺乏自信的害羞暖男,而另一位則是沒有 打算結婚的靚仔牙醫。中女面對選擇困難,到底婚姻是否 真的能解決她的人生煩惱?導演大九明子繼松岡茉優主演 的《被愛妄想症》後,再次以清新幽默的愛情喜劇,解構 當代日本女性的感情困惑。
1/11 8:10PM TO 4/11 9:50PM PE
日本 Japan / 2019 / 93 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 大九明子 Ohku Akiko 演員 Cast: 黑川芽以 Kurokawa Mei, 中村倫也 Tomoya Nakamura, 臼田麻美 Usuda Asami, 田中圭 Tanaka Kei
Takako is beautiful and has a great career, but her love life is now a total disaster following a series of relationships with married men that went nowhere. 32 years old and desperate to get married, Takako turns to a matchmaking website to find her Mr. Right, only to become caught between two men: A shy nice guy with a confidence problem and a charming dentist who is honest about having zero intention to marry. Following her hit indie comedy Tremble All You Want, director Ohku Akiko delivers another delightfully funny romcom about the confused love lives of modern urban Japanese women.
戰後復生 HOUSE OF MY FATHERS 斯里蘭卡有兩條相鄰的村,世世代代都水火不容。但有一 天,突如其來的詛咒,令兩條村的婦女失去生育的能力。 本是敵對的關係就始產生了微妙的變化。雙方的巫師都得 到啟示,他們必須派出一男一女,去到神秘的森林裡,破 解詛咒,而只有一人會平安歸來。僧伽羅人派出一位過 氣戰爭英雄,而泰米爾人則選出一位因為戰亂而失去家人 的啞婦。兩人跟隨巫醫進入怪異的森林,目睹來自潛意識 的幻象,迫使他們重新面對昔日的創傷。新晉導演Suba Sivakumaran,把熱帶雨林的燥熱和主角們的迷惘,調合 得相當獨到,創作出令人眼前一亮的處女作。
11/11 8:00PM PE 17/11 4:50PM PE
Asian Wide Angle
斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka / 2018 / 95 min / 泰米爾語、僧伽羅語對白,英文字幕 In Tamil and Sinhala with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Suba Sivakumaran 演員 Cast: Bimal Jayakodi, Pradeepa, Steve De La Zilwa 鹿特丹電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam 釜山電影節 新潮流競賽單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival
Two villages, one Tamil and the other Sinhala, have been at war for generations. Both face a new existential threat: the curse of infertility. The villages receive a message from the gods to each send a representative to the Forest of the Dead to find the key to renewing life. Only one will return. The chosen ones, a mute Tamil widow and a disgraced Sinhalese soldier, journey into the forest and confront the secrets of their villages and their own past traumas. Suba Sivakumaran makes her feature debut with a dystopian parable about the long history of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Harrowing yet lyrical, this surreal odyssey envisions the very real horrors and consequences of war and violence.
亞 洲 國 度
導演找來柏林影展最佳攝影作品《青春殘酷課》攝影師一 鏡到底,根據真人真事改編2016年一宗導致20多人死傷的 恐怖襲擊。但孟加拉導演的焦點,並非血腥屠殺,而是恐 怖主義的根源。槍手佔據餐廳,挾持的人質包括本地人和 外國人。他們企圖用子彈分化人心,扭曲宗教理念,旨在 合理化自己的冷血暴行。無辜的伊斯蘭教徒,在「割席」 與「不割席」之間抉擇,也不能逃過泯滅人性的衝擊。本 片巧妙地使用長鏡頭,營造張力,緊湊得令人喘不過氣。 在極端的氛圍之下,探討社會及政治議題,想必能激發觀 眾的深思。
2/11 2:40PM BC 7/11 8:00PM IFC
孟加拉 Bangladesh / 2019 / 86 min / 孟加拉語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Bengali and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Mostofa Sarwar Farooki 演員 Cast: Zahid Hassan, Nusrat Imrose Tisha, Eyad Hourani, Parambrata Chatterjee 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
In July 2016, a group of militants attacked the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka and took the lives of over 20 people. Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s intense drama, which has been banned in Bangladesh, brings us to that deceptively quiet Saturday afternoon and inside the restaurant after the brutal terrorist takeover. With Silver Bear-winning Kazakh cinematographer Aziz Zhambakiyev (Harmony Lessons) as DP, the film is stunningly shot in a single take that focuses on the interactions between the terrorists and their captives. The sharp dialogue reveals the fundamentalist rhetoric and twisted reasoning driving religious violence and terrorism, as well as the humanity and solidarity of the hostages in the face of death.
星光守護者 SHYRAKSHY: GUARDIAN OF THE LIGHT 為答謝其救命之恩,德國老翁把電影投影機和菲林贈送給 年輕的哈薩克軍人。漫長的戰爭結束後,軍人回到老家, 才發現妻子已經遠走他方。孤獨的一人選擇帶著投影器 材,走遍廣闊的哈薩克斯坦,在窮鄉僻壤播放經典電影。 放下士兵的身分,單純的放映員從觀眾的反應中找到樂 趣。用電影將人與人之間的距離拉近,感情細膩,猶如哈 薩克版的《星光伴我心》。集喜劇、愛情及溫情於一身, 這樣令人笑中有淚的動人作品,在這個年代真是買少見 少。
5/11 8:00PM MM *16/11 9:50PM BC
哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan / 2019 / 95 min / 哈薩克語對白,英文字幕 In Kazakh with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Yermek Tursunov 演員 Cast: Murat Mukazhanov
Asian Wide Angle
上海國際電影節 Shanghai International Film Festival
Writer-director Yermek Tursunov’s Shyrakshy: Guardian of the Light doesn’t defend the galaxy – he spreads celluloid magic. At the end of WWII, a Kazakh soldier saves a German civilian, who gives him a portable projector and some film prints as thanks. For the next 30 years, the soldier stalwartly travels the countryside, showing films in one remote village after another, even as the march of time and modern theaters begin to catch up. He becomes the legendary Tarzan, as the kids call him, who adds his own story to the films. This warm, sentimental and spirited ode to cinema makes you laugh, cry and remember what made you fall in love with the movies.
亞 洲 國 度
2/11 3:40PM TO 4/11 9:50PM BC
中國 China / 2019 / 99 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 滕叢叢 Teng Congcong 演員 Cast: 姚晨 Yao Chen, 李九霄 Li Jiuxiao, 袁弘 Yuan Hong 西寧FIRST青年電影展 FIRST International Film Festival
「好風憑借力,送我上青雲」,本是薛寶釵不信紅顏薄命 的自在灑脫之語。而對於生活在當下中國的29歲女記者盛 男,生活卻似乎真的山窮水盡。年紀輕輕,甚至久沒有性 生活,卻罹患卵巢癌,死亡近在眼前。父母離異,各自陷 入人生危機都難以自保。盛男的困境無人能解。在所剩無 多的歲月裡,她想到了找人做愛⋯⋯一邊是金錢至上弱肉 強食的社會,一邊是傳統禁忌和兩性差異的重負,從無處 發洩的性慾到無所適從的人生,當代中國女性該如何與自 己和解?電影兼具詼諧和寫實,以一股坦蕩蕩之氣描述當 代中國女性的性慾糾葛和性別危機。 Starring and produced by top Chinese actress Yao Chen, writer-director Teng Congcong’s feature debut explores a modern woman’s relationship with her own body, desires and disillusions from a female perspective. 29-year-old Sheng Nan is a strong, proud and independent journalist who longs for love but always ends up alone. One day, she’s unexpectedly diagnosed with ovarian cancer. With her parents mired in problems of their own, Sheng Nan can only rely on herself. To pay for surgery, she takes on a writing job that she hates and embarks on a bittersweet journey of self-reflection and sexual freedom.
嘰哩咕嚕喱 GULLY BOY 生於孟買貧民區的青年,除了要應付大學生涯的最後一 年,還要兼職養家和承受家庭壓力。幸好他有青梅竹馬的 女友支持,以及藉著饒舌音樂抒發冤屈,讓 Hip Hop 打開了 他的世界。主角和友人的歌曲得到靚女歌手Sky的注意, 繼而合作新曲,並迅即成為網上熱話。他的歌詞,精闢 「貼地」,道盡年輕人面對的社會問題。但初嚐成功的 他,又能否再進一步,將夢想化為現實?本片風靡印度和 全球各地觀眾,延續「打死不離」的印度熱血精神。
3/11 9:15PM BC 7/11 9:15PM PE
Asian Wide Angle
印度 India / 2019 / 153 min / 印度語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Zoya Akhtar 演員 Cast: Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Kalki Koechlin 富川奇幻電影節NETPAC獎 NETPAC Award, Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival 代表印度角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片 Indian Submission for Best Foreign Language Film, Academy Awards
Bollywood officially has a hip-hop masterpiece of its own with this gritty and rousing drama about India’s burgeoning hip-hop scene. Loosely based on the stories of two real street rappers, the latest film from hitmaker Zoya Akhtar (Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara) follows a shy college student from the slums of Mumbai who uses his lyrical talent to free himself from poverty and his abusive father. Comparisons to Eminem and 8 Mile are inevitable, but this is an electrifying crowd-pleaser that can easily stand on its own with masterful performances and an amazing soundtrack featuring music from India’s top hiphop performers and producers.
亞 洲 國 度
1962年,農夫誤闖軍事禁區,目擊外國人在捏造登月的 片段,被軍人抓住,並剪掉他的舌頭,以免他洩露機密。 同時,印尼首任總統蘇加諾則用8毫米攝錄機拍攝製作過 程。回到村莊的他,因為不能説話,只可以靠動作來道出 真相。可是,村民見他身穿自製「太空衣」,又經常奇怪 地慢動作行走,所以都把他當成瘋子。別人笑他太瘋癲, 他雖然知道驚天秘密,卻沒有人肯留意真相。導演提出如 果現實太複雜,人們會否從電影中追尋真相?
13/11 9:50PM TO 17/11 5:50PM BC
印尼,馬來西亞,法國 Indonesia, Malaysia, France / 2019 / 106 min / 印尼語、爪哇語對白,英文字幕 In Indonesian and Javanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Yosep Anggi Noen 演員 Cast: Gunawan Maryanto, Yudi Ahmad Tajudin, Ecky Lamoh
In the 1960s, Indonesian farmer Siman accidentally witnesses a foreign crew shooting a fake moon landing. He gets caught and his tongue is cut off. Though unable to speak, Siman tries to convey what he knows to others. He builds a rocket-like structure, wears his own version of a space suit, and moves very slowly like an astronaut in space. But all the villagers see him as a madman. Director Yosep Anggi Noen (Solo, Solitude) uses one of the world’s most famous conspiracy theories as a starting point to reflect on deception, exploitation and the construction of alternative stories and truths in society and in history.
羅迦諾影展 特別提及 Special Mention, Locarno Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
孤身走我路 THE ORPHANAGE 成長於80年代的阿富汗,街童本來以賣黃牛戲票為生。被 送到孤兒院後,自由自在的生活頓時變得複雜,但遇上三 位投契的室友卻令人生添上不少色彩。少年們幻想自己身 處波里活歌舞片的情節中,一邊唱歌跳舞,一邊把壞蛋打 到落花流水。孤兒們更有機會遠渡蘇聯,參加夏令營。雖 然要接受愛黨教育,但眾人亦在旅程中體驗少年的成長滋 味。可是,殘酷的現實很快便追上不幸的孩子。也許活在 蘇聯的統治下,並不是最壞的景況。但要在亂世中勇敢生 存,又談何容易?
3/11 4:00PM TO 11/11 9:50PM BC
康城影展 導演雙週 Directors' Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 倫敦電影節 BFI London Film Festival
Asian Wide Angle
阿富汗 Afghanistan / 2019 / 90 min / 俄語、達利語、印度語、烏爾都語對白,英文字幕 In Russian, Dari, Hindi and Urdu with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Shahrbanoo Sadat 演員 Cast: Qodratollah Qadiri, Sediqa Rasuli, Masihullah Feraji
Set in late Soviet-era Afghanistan, this coming-of-age tale from Shahrbanoo Sadat follows her acclaimed debut Wolf and Sheep, and is the second film in a planned pentalogy based on the diary of writer Anwar Hashimi. Protagonist Qodrat returns, now a 15-year-old boy who is sent to a state orphanage after getting caught selling black market cinema tickets. Coping with bullies, friendship and a nascent romance, Qodrat finds escape in Bollywood-esque song-and-dance fantasies that delight him – and the audience – even as his homeland starts to fall apart. Sadat captures the innocence of late 1980s Afghan youth with pleasing and nostalgia-tinted charm, while remaining keenly aware of the violence that history would soon thrust upon them.
MIDNIGHT MARATHON 2019 11月9日 喪睇戲
玩味十足 選片色喪爆俱全 有膽又成日唔願瞓嘅你
想挑戰就嚟JOIN我哋啦! 陰謬
日期及時間 Date & Time
9/11 10:00PM – 10/11 6:30AM (SAT)
18 years old or above only
地點 Venue
Available in bundle pack only.
劃一票價 Package Price: $280 (包括四套電影戲票及電影宵夜套餐乙份) Includes 4 movie tickets and 1 late night snack combo set.
午 夜 狂 熱
失蹤 MISSING 相傳,西貢的山頭上有「結界」,即類似百慕達三角的神 秘異空間,令不少行山人士神秘失蹤……警長獨自行山後 人間蒸發,他做社工的女兒耿耿於懷,堅持要尋找真相, 但多年來苦無結果。他失蹤滿七年之際,一個瘋瘋癲癲的 行山用品店主突然宣稱,他在山上的結界撿到警長的委任 證!女社工沿著結界傳說追查,決心尋回父親,怪事卻接 二連三發生。電影改編自過百萬瀏覽的本地網絡小說,一 探香港最神秘的結界傳說。熟悉的西貢山頭和舊式公共屋 邨場景,融入香港都市血案,令人不寒而慄。
*9/11 10:00PM MM
香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 85 min / 粵語對白、中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 趙羅尼 Ronnie Chau 演員 Cast: 鍾欣潼 Gillian Chung, 凌文龍 Ling Man-lung, 余安安 Candice Yu, 顧美華 Josephine Koo, 高翰文 Ko Hon-man, 賈曉晨 JJ Jia, 梁祖堯 Joey Leung
In 2005, a high-profile case of a police officer who disappeared during a forest hike spawned urban legends about the existence of a gateway into another world. In 2016, those legends inspired popular internet novel Missing, which is now being adapted into an eerie supernatural thriller by first-time director and Fresh Wave alum Ronnie Chau. Former pop idol Gillian Chung stars as a social worker who hires a mountain guide to search for her missing father in the mountains. She discovers the mystical gateway from the urban legends, but is her father really waiting for her on the other side?
飛翔吧!埼玉 FLY ME TO THE SAITAMA 集科幻、BL、動漫及鬧劇於一身。故事講述東京以北的琦 玉縣,一直被視為牛屎佬的鄉下,所以沒有通行證的埼玉 人都會被逐出東京。此時,由視覺系男神Gackt飾演美國 回流的轉校生,在東京高校和二階堂富美扮演的「偽娘」 學生會會長不打不相識。不過,神秘美男子的真正身分, 正是「埼玉解放戰線」的成員,誓要撤銷通關制度,光復 埼玉!但會長乃東京都知事之子,兩個來自敵對陣營的花 樣男子,最後會否要「格劍」收場?超campy的華麗造 型,配上天馬行空的背景,成就一齣非比尋常的「抗爭喜 劇」。
15/11 9:50PM PE
Midnight Craze
日本 Japan / 2019 / 106 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 武內英樹 Takeuchi Hideki 演員 Cast: Gackt, 二階堂富美 Nikaido Fumi, 伊勢谷友介 Iseya Yusuke 金馬奇幻影展 Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival 烏甸尼遠東電影節 最喜愛電影獎 Mymovies Award, Udine Far East Film Festival
Anyone who’s lived in Tokyo knows about the neverending battle between the Japanese capital and its neighboring prefectures for cultural relevance. Director Takeuchi Hideki (the Thermae Romae series) takes this feud to an epic scale with his uproarious adaptation of Maya Mineo’s “gag manga.” In a fantasy world in which people from Saitama Prefecture are shunned by haughty Tokyo-jin, Rei transfers into a prestigious high school, rockets to the top of the social ladder, and then reveals his secret identity: a Saitama royalty who plans to take down the system from the inside.
午 夜 狂 熱
議員之子車禍撞死人卻肇事逃逸回家,議員政治生涯陷入 危機;死者父親驟然喪子,為查明兒子死因不顧一切;而 死者的中國移民未婚妻,作為案發現場唯一目睹全部真相 的目擊者,此刻卻莫名消失,施害者、受害者、目擊者, 在真相面前展開生死殊鬥。慾望與真情,仇恨與報復,三 個人都已經回不了頭……《被轉校生》(第11屆亞洲新導 演獎)導演新作,情節反轉曲折,心理刻畫細緻入微,受 邀參加柏林影展,廣受關注。
13/11 9:20 PM PE
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 140 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李銖真 Lee Su-jin 演員 Cast: 韓石圭 Han Seok-kyu, 薛耿求 Sul Kyung-gu, 千玗嬉 Chun Woo-hee 柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival
After rocking the Korean indie film scene with his shocking debut Han Gong-ju (11th HKAFF), director Lee Su-jin returns with this ambitious and twisty political thriller about two fathers’ desperate crusades for their respective sons. One night, a politician returns home to find that his son has brought back the body of a young man whom he killed in a traffic accident. The father returns the body to the scene of the accident, but the dad of the dead is determined to uncover the truth by any means necessary. Violent and gritty, this atmospheric shocker will hold your attention from beginning to end.
豢養殺人鬼的女人 THE WOMAN WHO KEEPS A MURDERER 改編自《咒怨》作者大石圭的同名恐怖小說,電影講述因 年幼時飽受養父性虐待而患上多重人格的京子,内心住著 寵愛京子的直美、自由奔放的友香里、仍處於少女時代的 春,三個人格一直與原人格京子和平共處,直至遇上靈感 枯竭的作家田島冬樹,四個人格的關係開始出現了變化。 曾執導《午夜凶鈴》、《七夜怪談》的導演中田秀夫,擺 脫了過往由一人分飾多個人格的定律,改用由不同演員演 繹不同的人格,完美的選角為這部集愛情、懸疑、恐怖元 素於一身的電影錦上添花。
14/11 7:35PM PE
富川奇幻電影節 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
Midnight Craze
日本 Japan / 2018 / 82 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 中田秀夫 Nakata Hideo 演員 Cast: 飛鳥凛 Asuka Rin, 大島正華 Oshima Shoka, 松山愛里 Matsuyama Airi, 中谷仁美 Nakatani Hitomi, 水橋研二 Mizuhashi Kenji
Nakata Hideo is best known for the terrifying monsters in The Ring and Dark Water. The director now tackles a different type of monster with this suspenseful psychological thriller based on a novel by the writer of Ju-on the Grudge. On the outside, Kyoko seems like an ordinary woman, but in reality, she is hiding three other volatile personalities who are hell-bent on protecting their host. When Kyoko falls for her novelist neighbor, the other personalities begin to take over with deadly consequences. Part of Kadokawa and Happinet’s project of taboo-breaking horror films, this intense thrill ride is one of Nakata’s most extreme works yet.
台 灣 搜 畫
下半場 WE ARE CHAMPIONS 相依為命的兄弟,弟弟加入了精英籃球隊育英高中並受教練重 視,蛻變成球壇上的新星;哥哥的光誠中學籃球隊卻面臨解散 的困境,但在教練的鞭策下隊友都不想放棄。本來實力縣殊的 兩支球隊,竟然把兩兄弟帶到球場上大對決。台灣今年暑假的 壓軸片,預告片一句「拿回自己的主場」,觸動人心。憑著 《逆光飛翔》獲金馬最佳導演的張榮吉,挑戰運動青春片,為 求戲裡的比賽打得認真,走遍全台挑選一批真籃球員加入拍 攝,又起用有籃球底子的新演員再花半年特別訓練,認真程度 可想而知。
*2/11 1:00PM PE *3/11 6:40PM BC *3/11 3:00PM MM
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 117 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 張榮吉 Chang Jung-chi 演員 Cast: 范少勳 Fandy Fan, 朱軒洋 Berant Zhu, 吳大維 David Wu, 段鈞豪 Tuan Chun-hao
Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, Taiwan’s hugely popular High School Basketball League (HBL) receives a cinematic makeover in the latest film from Golden Horse-winning director Chang Jung-chi (Touch of the Light). Loosely based on the real-life stories of two HBL players, the film follows a pair of basketballloving brothers whose paths diverge when they end up on different teams – one an elite team aiming for their third consecutive championship, and the other a losing team facing disbandment. A word-of-mouth hit in Taiwan this past summer, We Are Champions is an authentic showcase of both the thrill of the game and the emotional plight of its players.
陽光普照 A SUN 小兒子年少輕狂,犯罪傷人被關入少年輔育院,父母還未 能接受這樣的打擊。懷孕的女友竟前來求助,收留與否陷 入難題。父親把生活的希望寄託在備考醫學院的大兒子身 上,但一切能否如願?這個原本平淡而幸福的四口之家開 始分崩離析……陽光下的溫暖和希望,黑夜中的悲傷和徬 徨,人生就在這幸福與困境中交替不息,世間唯有太陽最 公平,不論緯度高低,白天與黑暗都各佔一半。一家人要 如何攜手經歷黑夜,迎接陽光普照的那一天?鍾孟宏感動 人心之作,催淚「家庭」話題結合黑色幽默,入選多倫多 影展與釜山電影節。
3/11 4:10PM PE 9/11 7:00PM MM
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 155 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鍾孟宏 Chung Mong-hong 演員 Cast: 陳以文 Chen Yi-wen, 柯淑勤 Samantha Ko, 巫建和 Wu Chien-ho, 許光漢 Xu Kuang-han
Taiwan Select
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
In the latest film from Golden Horse-winning director Chung Mong-hong (Parking, Soul), a family of four unravels when its trouble-making teenage scion, A-Ho, is locked up for assault, leaving his parents to deal with his pregnant girlfriend and his victims' claims for compensation. In desperation, the father pins all his hopes on the older son, A-Hao, who harbors a secret of his own. Featuring his signature atmospheric cinematography, Chung delivers a moody and volatile drama in which fragile relationships and taut dynamics threaten to cast a fractured family asunder.
31/10 9:50PM BC 16/11 5:50PM YH
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 80 min / 國語、台語、日語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 莊景燊 Chuang Ching-shen 演員 Cast: 黃河 River Huang, 王真琳 True Wang
台 灣 搜 畫
本來是個體貼母親、又會照顧失智阿公的乖孩子,有甚麼叫 他手起刀落,對哀號求情充耳不聞,任鮮血濺滿 全 身?生性 內向的阿南是個動漫宅,生活唯一的寄托就是可愛又療癒 動漫人物「波比達」,最近還迷戀上一個同樣喜歡波比達的 女孩,美好的將來彷彿就在面前。只是,平靜的生活自從 流氓叔叔帶著女友搬回家後,一切都變了。家門內氣氛劍拔 弩張,家門外又充滿排擠、欺騙與失望。阿公戶口的大筆存 款,竟成為血腥事件的導火線……《引爆點》(第15屆) 導演莊景燊再次以鏡頭切開台灣社會問題的癥結:我們距離 成為殺人犯到底有多遠? Raised in a difficult family, meek and docile Nan spends most of his time caring for his ill grandfather and contending with his hoodlum uncle; his only refuge lies in the pure world of his favorite anime, Bobita. When Nan meets a girl who also loves Bobita, romance blossoms and then swirls beyond control, as his desire to gain her affections leads to trouble and even murder. High Flash director Chuang Ching-shen’s piercing sophomore feature delves into otaku culture, broken family ties and the mentality of the socially marginalized to explore what drives an awkward young man over the edge.
老大人 DAD’S SUIT 老人年屆八十獨自住在平溪,兒女皆各有家庭定居台北。 一次胃痛入院,令兒子和女兒為老人院的話題而爭執,最 後他因一場意外而入住了安老院。孫兒要結婚,女兒專程 帶他為孫兒的婚禮訂造西裝,但原來西裝對他而言,有著 特別意義。導演洪伯豪首部電影長片,通過真摯感人的親 情故事,反映人口老化、長者照顧、面對死亡的問題。演 技爐火純青的小戽斗飾演主角金茂,與飾演女兒的黃嘉千 的對手戲舉重若輕,雙雙贏得台北電影獎項。
5/11 9:50PM BC 9/11 3:50PM PE
台灣 Taiwan / 2018 / 95 min / 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin, Taiwanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 洪伯豪 Hung Po-hao 演員 Cast: 小戽斗 Hsiao Hu-dou, 黃嘉千 Phoebe Huang, 喜翔 King Jieh-wen, 曹晏豪 Yen Tsao
Taiwan Select
2018 金馬獎 入圍最佳女配角 Nominated for Best Supporting Actress, Golden Horse Awards 2018 台北電影獎 最佳劇情長片、最佳男主角、最佳女配角及最佳攝影 Best Feature Film, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Cinematography, Taipei Film Awards
Fast reaching 80, widower Chin Mao still lives alone in his peaceful countryside home. His son is too busy making ends meet to be around, but the old man refuses to be cared for by his daughter. When Mao falls ill, his children finally rings in the inevitable changes that will reveal the reasons behind their father's bullheaded nature. Hung Po-hao's feature film debut is a low-key domestic drama elevated by stellar performances by the cast. One of the most critically acclaimed Taiwanese films of 2018, it won four awards at this year’s Taipei Film Awards, including Best Feature Film.
台 灣 搜 畫
*16/11 2:50PM PE *17/11 3:15PM TO
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 107 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 徐嘉凱 Hsu Chia-kai 演員 Cast: 賴雅妍 Megan Lai, 曹晏豪 Yen Tsao, 曾之喬 Tzeng Chih-chiao, 曾志偉 Eric Tsang, 巫建和 Wu Chien-ho
「聖人不死,大盜不止。」戲內,講述著一個「不公平的社 會」,年輕人一輩子也買不起樓,「收成期」的上一輩卻能持 續巧取豪奪,而年輕主角利用區塊鏈技術,扭轉社會不公平的 結構。戲外,這個區塊鏈也真實存在,導演同時建立了區塊鏈 購票平台,讓觀眾用虛擬貨幣購票入場,打破以往戲院各自為 政的售票現狀。從戲內到戲外,觀眾好像同樣生活在電影主角 的世界裡,實現如同迪士尼一般的「沉浸式娛樂」。導演力圖 打破現有電影行業模式,從群眾集資,到贊助者優先參與演出 和排戲,再到觀眾利用區塊鏈技術真實感受電影,新產業模式 更令人期待。 In an unequal society where the rich exploit the system to get richer and everyday people don’t stand a chance to strike gold, a young entrepreneur dreams of becoming a modern-day Robin Hood, as she plans to level the playing field for all with the latest blockchain technology. The protagonist might as well be the proxy for director Hsu, whose ambitious corporate thriller is part of a larger tech startup project designed to build an immersive entertainment ecosystem in Taiwan through — what else? — blockchain, cryptocurrency and all.
野雀之詩 WILD SPARROW 野鳥一次又一次被捕鳥人抓住、販賣、放生,在有限的自 由裡掙扎求存。女人在男人主導的社會中求生,不由自主 的命運同樣可憐。自小跟著阿嬤在山林長大,常常看鳥兒 飛翔、被抓、被放生、死亡,直至一天母親接他到城市的 公寓同住。在侷促不安的城市中與母親相依為命,但母親 也不過是一隻渴求愛卻受盡傷害的野鳥。為了生活,她當 上伺候男人的「酒店妹」;為了愛情,她承受暴力遍體鱗 傷。山林的氤氳困住飛鳥,城市的哀號囚禁靈魂。自由只 是假象,世界終究是個更大的囚籠,母子也不過求片刻安 身。
*11/11 7:40PM BC *12/11 7:40PM TO
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 94 min / 台語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 施立 Shih Li 演員 Cast: 高於夏 Kao Yu-hsia, 李亦捷 Lee Yi-chieh, 陳淑芳 Chen Shu-fang
Taiwan Select
釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 台北電影節 國際新導演競賽 International New Talent Competition, Taipei Film Festival 台北電影獎 最佳女主角獎 Best Actress, Taipei Film Awards
Young boy Han lives in the mountains with his great grandmother who amuses him with legends about the sparrows in the sky. One day, his mother finally brings him back to the city, but what awaits him is different than what he expected. In his urban home, Han can only watch his mother struggle and suffer as she works as a club hostess and fights endlessly with her abusive boyfriend. Nominated for four prizes at the Golden Bell awards, Shih Li's acute and melancholic drama highlights how the world's a cage for those forced to pass on their pain and helplessness from one generation to another.
*31/10 7:45PM PE *1/11 9:50PM BC
台灣 Taiwan / 2019 / 105 min / 台語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 高炳權 Kao Pin-chuan 演員Cast: 邱澤 Roy Chiu, 黃迪揚 Huang Ti-yang
台 灣 搜 畫
《低俗喜劇》溝《屍 殺 片場》瘋狂爆笑台語電影!深深懷 抱著電影夢的製片豪洨和老友導演文西「穩死」合作10 多年,一部作品都沒中過,甚至婚喪喜慶場合都當是拍電 影般,出動空拍機認真拍攝,但還是苦熬過著四處舉債的 窮日子,甚至去當黑道的基層員工來還債。突然有一天, 文西的劇本居然被他們的債主也是黑道大哥龍哥相中,但 唯一的條件就是要由大嫂香奈鵝來演女主角!機會終於來 了,終於有人懂他們了!豪洨拉著文西立刻點頭答應,更 瘋狂開趴狂歡慶祝,一夜狂歡清醒後,竟然發現女主角飄 在開趴用的泳池中,已經死亡...兩人不敢讓大哥知道,決 定豁出去就算用屍體也要把這部電影完成... Director Wenxi and producer BS are two friends trying to make a genre/zombie movie titled “The Gangs, The Oscars, and The Walking Dead.” However, there is not enough money. Therefore, besides their regular jobs as film makers, they join the local gang in order to make some extra petty cash at night. One day, their big boss Brother Long accidently notices Wenxi's script and decides to invest in the movie project, under one condition: Shanny, his favorite-but-freaky girl needs to be in this movie as the leading heroine. This unexpected decision leads to a series of inexplicable out-of-control twist and turns. How can BS solve this dilemma and finish his masterpiece?
TIME/VENUE *16/11 7:10PM PE *16/11 7:30PM PE
請參閲 Refer to P.09
灼人秘密 NINA WU
TIME/VENUE 30/10 7:30PM PE 8/11 7:50PM MM
請參閲 Refer to P.22
TIME/VENUE 14/11 9:50PM BC *17/11 1:15PM TO *17/11 3:50PM BC
請參閲 Refer to P.29
Taiwan Select
亞 洲 電 影 大 獎 巡 迴 放 映
釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
電影取材自印度明星Sanjay Dutt大起大落的傳奇人生。Sanju出身波里活世 家,早年出演電影爆紅,然而面對自己和名人父親的矛盾,以及母親去世的 打擊,他開始沈溺於毒品。吸毒、酗酒、濫交、年紀輕輕卻做盡荒唐事。直 到因為涉及恐怖襲擊案件而入獄,但他堅稱自己並非恐怖主義者。獄中經歷 磨難,媒體和世人眼中這位昔日巨星已經隕落。窮途末路之際,是否真的就 此為人生劃上句點?誰還能對他施以援手?他內心的吶喊與掙扎還能否再次 被人聽到?《作死不離3兄弟》導演新作,劇情跌宕離奇卻又真實動人。本 片為2018年波里活最高票房電影。 Few Bollywood stars have lived a life as tumultuous as Sanjay Dutt. A scion of one of India’s most renowned cinema clans, Dutt was a rebel who got hooked on drugs and was eventually jailed for his alleged ties to the Bombay terrorist bombings in 1993. Inspired by anecdotes told by Dutt himself, 3 Idiots director Rajkumar Hirani brings the notorious actor’s life to the screen with this big-budget biopic, which was nominated for six Asian Film Awards earlier this year. Superstar Ranbir Kapoor shines in the titular role, combining gravitas and a leading-man charm that has made him one of India’s premier heartthrobs.
Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow: Asian Cinerama
印度 India / 2018 / 159 min / 印度語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi and English with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Rajkumar Hirani 演員 Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Vicky Kaushal, Manisha Koirala
TIME/ 3/11 1:30PM IFC VENUE 9/11 1:00PM PE
亞 洲 電 影 大 獎 巡 迴 放 映
*5/11 8:00PM PE *6/11 9:00PM BC
日本 Japan / 2019 / 137 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with Emglish subtitles 導演 Dir: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe 演員 Cast: 柄本明 Emoto Akira, 川島鈴遙 Kawashima Ririka, 村上虹郎 Murakami Nijiro 威尼斯影展 威尼斯日 Venice Days, Venice Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival
小田切讓首次自編自導,加上台前幕後強勁的陣容,隨即 打入今年威尼斯影展,並大獲好評。船夫孤身晃著一葉輕 舟,載著深山村民和他們的心事,默默地划過連接鄉村與 城鎮的河流。本以為一生就是如此這般,開發的洪流卻突 然襲來,深山將會建一座大橋,村民終可經陸路出城, 意味著船夫不再是他們出門的唯一依靠。有一天,他的船 撞到了在河上飄流的少女,她竟與早前的慘 殺 傳言似有關 連,原本心如止水的生活,從此掀起了無盡波瀾。在杜可 風的攝影及爵士鋼琴家Tigran Hamasyan的配樂下,日本 恬靜的風景變成了流動的畫像,慨嘆著時代的洪流。 Not content to just be one of Japan’s most accomplished actors, Odagiri Joe makes his feature-length directorial debut with a beautifully ruminative period drama. For years, Toichi has ferried people between a mountain village and a nearby town, but times are changing. A bridge is being built and soon the aged boatman's services will not be needed. More unexpected changes occur after he rescues a mysterious girl. Odagiri, who also wrote the film’s script, gathers top names – cinematographer Christopher Doyle, costume designer Wada Emi, composer Tigran Hamasyan – to create a rich and languorous portrait of a bygone way of life that is about to be lost to the tides of time.
人間失格:太宰治和他的女人 NO LONGER HUMAN
Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow: Asian Cinerama
太宰治與蜷川實花的組合,一字記之曰:色。蜷川並不服 膺於太宰治半自傳小說《人間失格》的隔靴搔癢,借書 之名直接拍他本人和三個女人的故事。太宰治的妻子美 知子、有志成為作家的情人靜子和他最後一位情人富榮, 分別由演技派女優宮澤理惠、澤尻英龍華和二階堂富美飾 演,襯托著蜷川分別為三女精心設計的主題色調,色彩濃 烈絢麗的畫面是一場流動的視覺盛宴。為了對抗生命的無 力感,太宰治沉溺於女人與酒精,在靡爛晦暗的生活中追 逐死亡之光。在蜷川的鏡頭下,他既是才子,亦是賤男, 他的不堪,反而折射出人間的脆弱和美好。
1/11 7:20PM MM 2/11 3:35PM PE
日本 Japan / 2019 / 120 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: Ninagawa Mika 蜷川實花 演員 Cast: 小栗旬 Oguri Shun, 宮澤理惠 Miyazawa Rie, 澤尻英龍華 Sawajiri Erika, 二階堂富美 Nikaido Fumi
Japanese readers have long been fascinated with the works of Dazai Osamu, the self-destructive author whose vices and infidelities are almost as well-known as his works. For her fourth feature film, iconic Japanese photographer Ninagawa Mika examines the final years in the life of the author through the eyes of three women who loved him – his long-suffering wife, the mistress who inspired his 1946 novel “Setting Sun”, and the mistress whom he would ultimately commit suicide with. Featuring top-notch performances from a star-studded cast and stunning images bursting with colors, this is an unconventional biopic of an unconventional literary figure.
*16/11 7:10PM PE *16/11 7:30PM PE
馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2019 / 120 min / 英語、國語、日語對白,中英文字幕 In English, Mandarin and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 林書宇 Tom Lin 演員 Cast: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 李心潔 Angelica Lee, 阿部 寬 Abe Hiroshi, David Oakes, Julian Sands, John Hannah 釜山電影節 亞洲電影之窗單元 A Window On Asian Cinema, Busan International Film Festival 台北金馬影展 閉幕片 Closing Film, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
台灣新生代導演林書宇繼《百日告別》(第13屆)以自身 經歷書寫告別摰愛的悲慟後,再度以傷痛及回憶入題,把 英文小說界最高榮譽曼布克獎決選入圍作改編成電影,以 雙時間軸攝出戰亂帶來的時代動盪、遺忘與遺憾。馬來亞 姊妹花在戰爭中飽受蹂躪,求生寄託只有彼此。妹妹於戰 後獨活下來卻未能忘懷,決意打造紀念花園,自然之靜美 與日籍園藝師的陪伴讓她慢慢療癒,更譜出一段淒美的禁 戀。劇本感動了金馬影后李心潔與張艾嘉擔綱演出,更邀 來日本金像影帝阿部寬加盟,以精湛演技詮釋角色複雜的 情感,在金馬崙高原的如霧景色襯托下撼動觀眾心靈,稜 角有致地拼湊出二戰後英殖馬來亞的歷史面貌。
亞 洲 電 影 大 獎 巡 迴 放 映
Taiwanese director Tom Lin (Starry Starry Night, Zinnia Flower) adapts Malaysian writer Tan Twan Eng’s Man Booker Prize-nominated novel into this elegant, starstudded drama about memory, loss and the art of gardening. Sylvia Chang plays Yun Ling, a former judge who heads to the Cameron Highlands to write her memoirs. In the process, she remembers her time in a Japanese civilian internment camp during World War II and a promise her younger self (Angelica Lee) made to her late sister to build a Japanese garden at the family home. Despite her resentment towards the Japanese, Yun Ling becomes an apprentice under Aritomo (Abe Hiroshi), who was the Japanese emperor’s gardener before moving to Malaysia.
82年生的金智英 KIM JI-YOUNG, BORN 1982
1/11 9:50PM PE 2/11 5:30PM TO
韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 120min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金度英 Kim Do-young 演員 Cast: 鄭有美 Jung Yu-mi, 孔劉 Gong Yoo
Since 2016, Cho Nam-joo’s novel about an everywoman’s lifelong struggle against everyday discrimination has sold over a million copies, generating much support and controversy along the way. Actress-turned-filmmaker Kim Do-young adapts the feminist novel for a featurelength debut starring Train to Busan’s Jung Yu-mi as Kim Ji-young, an ordinary woman with the most ordinary of names. She goes to school, gets a job, marries and becomes a stay-at-home mom – and endures the ingrained sexism and inequality that all Korean women face in the course of their lives. Pushed to the brink, she begins to crack during a family gathering – with extraordinary consequences.
Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow: Asian Cinerama
同名小說改編,直擊韓國家庭和社會上的性別不公議題。 金智英一直按照社會範式下的女性身份生活,成為重男 輕女的父母所期待的「好女兒」,職場上溫順隱忍的 「好女人」,和以家庭為重的「好妻子」。直到一天她好 似被附身一樣,言行如同自己的母親一般,丈夫決定帶她 接受心理諮詢,兩個人一同重新面對她的人生傷痛。小說 面世以來飽受爭議,甚至在電影改編計畫期間出現全國性 的請願反對,這段「不可言說」的故事面對社會壓力仍被 搬上銀幕,值得關注。
今年的Aesop戶外放映,我們將送上兩套別樹一格的亞 洲新戲,分別為韓國電影《福岡》及不丹電影《不丹是 教室》。 《福岡》由張律執導,講述一對大學時期的好兄弟,因事反 目後不相往來。鄰家少女突然闖入,令往日回憶不滅反增, 更形成了三人行的局面,令當初塵封的友誼再起波瀾。電影 寫實的感情中又帶點神秘的氛圍,令人深思。 美不勝收的壯麗景色令《不丹是教室》製作團隊甘願忍受位 置偏僻且設施匱乏的缺點,在喜馬拉雅冰川的學校完成拍 攝。全片以太陽能供電進行拍攝,加上故事中男主角對未來 路向掙扎間帶來的反思,實在極具意義。
日期 Date: 31/10 (Thu) 時間 Time: 6:30pm-8pm -《福岡》'Fukuoka' 8:30pm-10:30pm -《不丹是教室》'Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom' 地點 Venue: 中環歌賦街 X 善慶街階梯 Gough Street X Shin Hing Street Stairs, Central
We are proud to present two brand-new films at the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival’s Aesop Outdoor screening this year: Chinese-Korean filmmaker Zhang Lu’s Japan-set drama Fukuoka, and the picturesque Bhutanese film Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom. The latest of Zhang Lu’s city-hopping titles, Fukuoka revolves around a pair of best friends who drifted apart and faded from each other’s lives after college. Now jaded adults, the two men meet again at the instigation of a bubbly young woman. Boasting the sincerest of emotions and an enigmatic narrative unfolding along winding Japanese streets, Fukuoka fits perfectly with the downtown location of the outdoor screening. Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, meanwhile, offers a stark contrast with its location in the Himalayas. Made with a small crew and cameras driven by solar-powered batteries, Bhutanese director Pawo Choyning Dorji’s debut follows a wannabe pop singer’s clash of cultures with rural folk as he takes up a job as a schoolteacher in a small village. It’s a beautiful film one could readily enjoy under the stars.
報名詳情將稍後公布,敬請留意香港亞洲電影節的網頁、 Facebook及Instagram。 Please stay tuned for details of the registration on HKAFF website, Facebook and Instagram.
周邊產品 HKAFF TOTE BAG 環保袋 共2個款式 每款3種顏色 會員價
Design A款: Pink 粉紅 / Orange 橙 / Blue 藍
Design B款: Yellow 黃 / Purple 紫 / Green 綠
HKAFF TEE T恤 共2個款式 每款3種顏色 會員價
Design A款: Blue 藍 / Green 綠 / Orange 橙
Design B款: Pink 粉紅 / Purple 紫 / Yellow 黃
HKAFF MEMO PAD 便利貼 一套共6個色 會員價
HK$38 非會員價
Blue 藍 / Green 綠 / Orange 橙 Pink 粉紅 / Purple 紫 / Yellow 黃
AVAILABLE AT: 油麻地百老匯電影中心會員部 Broadway Cinematheque bcinephile counter
限量發售, 售完即止 Offer valid while stocks last
放 映 時 間 表
PP *7:25PM 再見UFO Ciao UFO
*9:50PM 再見UFO Ciao UFO
*7:35PM 獅子山上 Lion Rock
*9:55PM 獅子山上 Lion Rock
*7:45PM 墮落花 The Fallen
*9:50PM 墮落花 The Fallen
7:50PM 韓幗起義 A Resistance
7:30PM 灼人秘密 Nina Wu
9:50PM 自由一戰 Race to Freedom: Um Bok Dong
9:30PM 男人真命苦 (暫譯) Miyamoto
7:45PM 相中情書 Photograph
*7:45PM 江湖無難事 The Gangs, the Oscars, and the Walking Dead
9:50PM 最乖巧的殺人犯 The Magnificent Bobita
9:50PM 別告訴她 The Farewell
*7:50PM 3CM 3CM
*7:35PM 你的世界如果沒有我 Your World, without me
*9:50PM 江湖無難事 The Gangs, the Oscars, and the Walking Dead
9:50PM 82年生的金智英 Kim Ji-young, Born 1982
2:40PM 恐客星期六 Saturday Afternoon
*1:00PM 下半場 We Are Champions
*4:20PM 夜香˙鴛鴦˙深水埗 Memories to Choke on, Drinks to Wash Them Down
3:35PM 人間失格: 太宰治和他的女人 No Longer Human
30/10 Wed
31/10 Thu 72
1/11 Fri
2/11 Sat
Screening Schedule
*6:00PM 戲棚 Bamboo Theatre *7:50PM 金影歲月 Golden Slumbers 9:50PM 暴君˙河妖˙復仇兒 12 Sisters
7:25PM 男人真命苦 (暫譯) Miyamoto
7:20PM 人間失格: 太宰治和他的女人 No Longer Human
TO | 8:10PM 脫單大作戰 Marriage Hunting Beauty
TO | 3:40PM 送我上青雲 Send Me to the Clouds
TO | 5:30PM 82年生的金智英 Kim Ji-young, Born 1982
3/11 Sun
IFC/TO/YOHO IFC | 1:30PM 一代巨星Sanju Sanju
12:30PM 我變懵了,還請你關照 I Go Gaga, My Dear *3:00PM 下半場 We Are Champions
放 映 時 間 表
TO | 1:50PM 自由一戰 Race to Freedom: Um Bok Dong
*2:25PM 湧浪之間 Many Undulating Things
2:00PM 旅程之終、世界之始 To the Ends of the Earth
*4:45PM 走得快 好世界 Gems on the Run
4:10PM 陽光普照 A Sun
TO | 4:00PM 孤身走我路 The Orphanage
7:30PM 粒粒皆辛苦 Rice People
*7:30PM 獅子山上 Lion Rock
TO | *7:50PM 3CM 3CM
9:50PM 送我上青雲 Send Me to the Clouds
9:50PM 脫單大作戰 Marriage Hunting Beauty
7:40PM 赤柬黑夜 Shadow of Darkness
*8:00PM 從不一漾 They Say Nothing Stays the Same (設映後座談會) (Post-screening Talk)
座談會 Talk | 6:30PM 柬埔寨電影 The Cinema of Cambodia *6:40PM 下半場 We Are Champions 9:15PM 嘰哩咕嚕喱 Gully Boy
4/11 Mon
5/11 Tue
9:50PM 老大人 Dad’s Suit
6/11 Wed
8:00PM 星光守護者 Shyrakshy: Guardian of the Light
7:30PM 歡樂人生 The Joy of Living
*7:20PM 再見UFO Ciao UFO
*9:00PM 從不一漾 They Say Nothing Stays the Same
*9:50PM 墮落花 The Fallen
7:40PM 金邊白樓的前世今生 Last Night I Saw You Smiling
*7:30PM 戲棚 Bamboo Theatre
HKBU | 6:30PM 香港電影論壇 HK Cinema Forum
9:15PM 何去何從 Where We Belong
9:15PM 嘰哩咕嚕喱 Gully Boy
IFC | 8:00PM 恐客星期六 Saturday Afternoon
Screening Schedule
放 映 時 間 表
8/11 Fri
9/11 Sat
7:40PM 奔向黎明 The Twilight
*7:30PM 失蹤女孩 A Girl Missing
7:50PM 灼人秘密 Nina Wu
TO | 7:50PM 我變懵了,還請你關照 I Go Gaga, My Dear
9:25PM 不滅的真相 Manuscripts Don’t Burn
9:50PM 韓幗起義 A Resistance
IFC | 8:10PM 金邊白樓的前世今生 Last Night I Saw You Smiling
*1:50PM 失蹤女孩 A Girl Missing
1:00PM 一代巨星Sanju Sanju
TO | 2:00PM 福岡 Fukuoka
4:15PM 浮城記 Iron Island
3:50PM 老大人 Dad’s Suit
YH | 3:30PM 自由一戰 Race to Freedom: Um Bok Dong
座談會 Talk | 5:45PM 穆罕默德拉穌羅夫電影 The Films of Mohammad Rasoulof
10/11 Sun
6:00PM 三姊妹的命運 A Tale of Three Sisters
7:00PM 陽光普照 A Sun
8:00PM 收集眼淚的男友 The White Meadows
*10:00PM 午夜狂熱馬拉松 Midnight Marathon
12:30PM 完美現在時 Present. Perfect.
*1:45PM 3CM 3CM
IFC | *2:00PM 迷航 Lost Course
3:45PM 韓幗起義 A Resistance
TO | *2:00PM 你的世界如果沒有我 Your World, without Me
5:45PM 找到我 Bring Me Home
YH | 3:20PM 旅程之終、世界之始 To the Ends of the Earth
7:30PM 首相失憶了 Hit Me Anyone One More Time
TO | 7:30PM 完美現在時 Present. Perfect.
2:45PM 菲人訓練營 Overseas
3:00PM 不滅的真相 Manuscripts Don’t Burn
4:25PM 活著唱著 To Live to Sing 6:25PM 再見伊朗 Goodbye 8:25PM 禁止收看 Head Wind
11/11 Mon
Screening Schedule
12/11 Tue
*7:40PM 野雀之詩 Wild Sparrow
8:00PM 戰後復生 House of My Fathers
9:50PM 孤身走我路 The Orphanage
9:50PM 三姊妹的命運 A Tale of Three Sisters
*7:40PM 落葉殺人事件 The Murder of Oiso
7:45PM 相中情書 Photograph
7:35PM 別告訴她 The Farewell
9:50PM 活著唱著 To Live to Sing
9:30PM 神秘放映 Surprise Screening
IFC | 7:55PM 菲人訓練營 Overseas
TO | *7:40PM 野雀之詩 Wild Sparrow
13/11 Wed
14/11 Thu
15/11 Fri
*7:45PM 馬拉選戰 M for Malaysia
7:30PM 收集眼淚的男友 The White Meadows
TO | *7:40PM 落葉殺人事件 The Murder of Oiso
9:50PM 福岡 Fukuoka
9:20PM 陰謬 Idol
TO | 9:50PM 講不出星 The Science Of Fictions
7:50PM 我們仨 The House of Us
7:35PM 豢養殺人鬼的女人 The Woman Who Keeps a Murderer
IFC | *7:40PM 馬拉選戰 M for Malaysia
9:50PM 大餓 Heavy Craving
*9:15PM 幻愛 Beyond the Dream
*7:40PM 與猴同行 Eeb Allay Ooo!
7:30PM 首相失憶了 Hit Me Anyone One More Time
IFC | *7:20PM 湧浪之間 Many Undulating Things
*9:50PM Erica,年38 Erica 38
9:50PM 飛翔吧!埼玉 Fly me to the Saitama
TO | *7:20PM 幻愛 Beyond the Dream
放 映 時 間 表
TO | 9:50PM 找到我 Bring Me Home
16/11 Sat
*12:30PM 春江水暖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
*2:50PM 聖人大盜 The Last Thieves
*1:30PM 夜香˙鴛鴦˙深水埗 Memories to Choke on, Drinks to Wash Them Down
TO | *1:30PM 與猴同行 Eeb Allay Ooo!
*3:30PM 我們與愛的距離 House of Hummingbird
*5:10PM Erica,年38 Erica 38
3:10PM 不丹是教室 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
YH | 5:50PM 最乖巧的殺人犯 The Magnificent Bobita
*7:10PM 夕霧花園 The Garden of the Evening Mists
*9:50PM 星光守護者 Shyrakshy: Guardian of the Light
*7:30PM 夕霧花園 The Garden of the Evening Mists
TO | 7:25PM 我們仨 The House of Us
Screening Schedule
*6:20PM 迷航 Lost Course
放 映 時 間 表
17/11 Sun
*1:30PM 不丹是教室 Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom
*2:00PM 我們與愛的距離 House of Hummingbird
*2:40PM 春江水暖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
TO | *1:15PM 大餓 Heavy Craving
*3:50PM 大餓 Heavy Craving
4:50PM 戰後復生 House of My Fathers
*5:40PM 金都 My Prince Edward
TO | *3:15PM 聖人大盜 The Last Thieves
5:50PM 講不出星 The Science of Fictions
*5:50PM Baby 復仇記 The Secret Diary of a Mom to be *7:45PM Baby 復仇記 The Secret Diary of a Mom to be *7:45PM 金都 My Prince Edward
18/11 Mon
19/11 Tue
20/11 Wed
21/11 Thu
22/11 Fri
23/11 Sat
8:00PM 浮城記 Iron Island
8:30PM 禁止收看 Head Wind
7:50PM 再見伊朗 Goodbye
7:30PM 粒粒皆辛苦 Rice People
7:40PM 就算世界與我為敵 A Man of Integrity
3:50PM 奔向黎明 The Twilight
Screening Schedule
* 影人出席 Filmmakers in Attendance 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 www.hkaff.asia 查閱電影節最新消息與節目更新。 Please refer to the official website (www.hkaff.asia) for most updated programme information.
香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 L1
九龍油麻地眾坊街 3 號
九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100 號
香港太古城道18 號
The ONE 6-11 樓
太古城中心5 樓
Level 1, Pacific Place,
88 Queensway, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR Station - Exit F)
Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon (Yau Ma Tei MTR Station - Exit C)
6-11/F, The ONE, No.100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station Exit B1 or B2)
5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Hong Kong (Tai Koo MTR Station Exit D1 or E3)
香港百老匯電影中心會員 /
香港百老匯電影中心會員 /
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Senior Citizens / Children /
Senior Citizens / Children /
Student ticket
Student ticket
Student ticket
Applicable to box office and
Applicable to box office and
Applicable to box office and
online ticketing
online ticketing
online ticketing
Tickets available at the box
Tickets available at the box
Tickets available at the box
office and ATM in the cinemas
office and ATM in the cinemas
office and ATM in the cinemas
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
星期一至五每張$8, 星期六、
星期一至五每張$8, 星期六、
Handling fee will be charged on
Handling fee will be charged on
Handling fee will be charged on
each ticket purchased online:
each ticket purchased online: $8
each ticket purchased online: $8
$10 per ticket for all screenings
per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10
per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10
per ticket (on Sat, Sun and
per ticket (on Sat, Sun and
public holidays)
public holidays)
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
會員專線 Member Hotline:
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
2871 3600
2388 0002
2388 0002
$105 $90
* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing
購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 網上購票 Online Ticketing: www.amccinemas.com.hk * 網上購票需收取手續費: 所有場次每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online: $10 per ticket for all screenings
查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933
2388 0002
會員專線 Member Hotline: 2783 7004
新界元朗朗日路 9 號
香港中環金融街 8 號
YOHO MALL I 1 樓 1021 舖
國際金融中心商場 1 樓
2/F, ELEMENTS, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon
香港百老匯電影中心會員 /
香港百老匯電影中心會員 /
香港百老匯電影中心會員 /
bcinephile member /
bcinephile member /
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長者 / 小童 / 學生票
長者 / 小童 / 學生票
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Senior Citizens / Children /
Senior Citizens / Children /
Student ticket
Student ticket
Student ticket
Applicable to box office and
Applicable to box office and
Applicable to box office and
online ticketing
online ticketing
online ticketing
Tickets available at the box
Tickets available at the box
Tickets available at the box
office and ATM in the cinemas
office and ATM in the cinemas
office and ATM in the cinemas
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
網上購票 Online Ticketing:
星期一至五每張$8, 星期六、
星期一至五每張$8, 星期六、
Handling fee will be charged on
Handling fee will be charged on
Handling fee will be charged on
each ticket purchased online:
each ticket purchased online: $8
each ticket purchased online: $8
$10 per ticket for all screenings
per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10
per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10
per ticket (on Sat, Sun and
per ticket (on Sat, Sun and
public holidays)
public holidays)
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline:
2388 0002
2388 0002
Shop 1021, Level 1, YOHO MALL I, 9 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long (Yuen Long MTR Station - Exit K)
Podium Level 1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong (Hong Kong MTR Station - Exit F)
2388 6268
以下人士在指定票房購買「香港亞 洲電影節2019」電影節目可享9折 優惠。 「午夜狂熱馬拉松」套票除外。 Those with the following memberships can enjoy a 10% discount for Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2019 regular price tickets at designated box offices. Not applicable to Midnight Marathon bundle pack. 誠品人 | 進念之友 Eslite Members | Zuni Friends
影片等級 Film Categories 本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之電 影尚未獲電影、報刊及物品管理辦 事處評列等級,如有電影被列為三 級者,主辦單位將於戲院及售票網 站 www.cinema.com.hk上公布, 敬請留意。 The categories of films in the programme are not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinemas and www.cinema.com.hk. 所有最終之節目安排及詳情以官方 網頁www.hkaff.asia為準。 Please refer to the official website www.hkaff.asia for most updated programme information.
Clarence Tsui
Festival Director
Angel Leung
Booklet Writers
Carol Hui Crystal Li
影展節目策劃 Programme & Operation
Francisco Lo Didi Wu
Kevin Ma
Vivian Jiang
Monica Ding Priscilla Chung
Stannie Li
Ross Chen
Festival Marketer
Shelley Cheung Vanessa Kwok
影展公關及宣傳 Festival Publicists
Ray Tse Frances Lai Kingmart Advertising Co
Celia Li
Tokyo Chiu
Festival Photographer C
Jessica Wong
Renus Kong 以英文字母排序
In alphabetical order
Special Thanks
Matthew Lo
Festival Assistant
影展宣傳片 Trailer Producer & Editor
Creative Agency
Anson Ho
Mandy Lam
Berry Ng
Mell Ngai
Chan Sze Kit
Mohammad Rasoulof
Deepti DCunha
Ratana Lach
Ecthan Yiu
Rithy Panh
Esther Yeung
Tesso Sissowath
Felix Tsang
Ting Mak
Jay Lai
Tom Lin
Joe Li
Tommy Siu
Joe Wong
Tracy Cheung
Judith Kwong
Van Choi
Ken Hui
Winnie Tsang