AMC Pacific Place Broadway Cinematheque
acknowledgements Presented by 主辦
In association with 合辦
Supported by 全力支持
Co-organized with 協辦
Media partners 傳媒伙伴
foreword 序 言
Dear friends, Welcome to the 10th edition of the European Union Film Festival (EUFF). For the past decade, the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, together with the EU Member States and Switzerland, has brought to Hong Kong audiences a selection of award-winning films from Europe. The EUFF is our way of sharing with Hong Kong’s film lovers our European culture, history, and heritage. Each consulate general has chosen a film which showcases the cinematic talent of their respective country and brings the audience a little closer to Europe. To celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we are screening 15 films which have never been screened before in Hong Kong, a special free film to celebrate the International Women’s Day and two free retrospective screenings of classic European films. A very short film, made by young Hong Kong students from Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School, will be shown at the beginning of each screening. This short film was one of the winners of the Filmit competition, which was organised with the Education Bureau. Thanks to the consulates general of the EU Member States and Switzerland for creating the EUFF with us, and our longstanding partner Broadway Cinematheque for making it possible over these past 10 years. I also want to thank The University of Hong Kong for co-hosting the Women’s Day event with us. We are especially grateful to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for its partnership and generous support. The EUFF will return!
Ambassador Carmen Cano Head of Office European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao 各位影迷朋友們: 歡迎大家參與第十屆歐洲電影節。 過 去 十 年,歐 洲聯盟 駐香港及 澳門辦 事處一直 與 各歐 盟 成員國及瑞 士 合 作,為 香港 觀 眾帶 來 一系列來自歐洲的得獎佳作。 歐洲電影節是我們與香港影迷分享歐洲文化、歷史和傳統的良機。各領事館挑選一部電影來展 示國家的電影風貌,讓觀眾更接近歐洲。 為慶祝歐 洲電影節十週年,我們將籌辦一連串活動,包括放映十五部從 未在香港上映的電影、 舉 辦 一場慶祝國際婦 女 節的免費放映 及公開放映兩部歐 洲經 典電 影回顧。每場放映開始前, 我們皆 會播放一齣由一班佛 教中華康山小 學的香港學生製作的短片。這部短片是歐 盟 與 教育 局合辦的「Filmit」比賽其中一部得獎作品。 全 賴 各 歐 盟 成 員 國 和 瑞 士 的 領 事 館 與 我 們 一 起 創 立 歐 洲電 影 節,以 及 我 們 的 長 期 合 作 夥 伴 ─ ─百老匯電 影中心 在 過 去 十 年間的鼎力支 持,才成 就了每 一屆歐 洲電 影節。今 年 亦要 感 謝 香港大學和中國國際女性影展的參與。最後,更要特別感謝香港理工大學的慷慨支持。 讓我們展望下一個歐洲電影節!
卡門.卡諾 歐 洲 聯盟 駐 香 港 及 澳 門 辦 事處 主任
Co-organised with 協辦:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Orchestra
With the support of 支持單位:
我要做籃神 Campeones
Screening schedule 放映場次
一齣讓人反思歧視與偏見的暖心喜劇,榮獲西班牙本土電影年度 票房冠軍。皇馬籃球隊助理教練 Marco 表面風光,實際壓力爆 煲,工作家庭兩失意。低處未算低,不過想借酒消愁,卻因醉 駕撞到警車被判社會服務令,要負責帶領一隊有學習障礙的籃球 隊。雜牌軍個個長得牛高馬大,偏偏心智年齡仿如六歲孩童,訓 練時屢屢鬧出不少笑話。隊員竟在不經不覺間反客為主,以天真 無邪與活力打動了他,教他笑看人生。導演身兼編劇及剪接,他 一向擅於挑戰主流價值觀,這次為追求真實感,專程招募一班素 人殘障演員出演籃球隊班底,戲裡戲外同樣感人,橫掃「西班牙 金像獎」哥雅獎十一項提名。
Marco is the assistant coach for a basketball team in Spain’s First Division. He has problems at work, problems with his wife, problems with almost everything. His biggest problem is his approach to life. One day, in the middle of a game, his frustrations lead to a brawl with the head coach, he gets drunk and crashes his car, and this lands him in jail. He is sentenced to coach a very special basketball team made up of intellectually disabled people. At the same time, he loses his job and his relationship falls apart. To Marco’s surprise, he will be the one who learns the most from his adventure with the team, from their lust for life and their understanding of what is really important.
PolyU bc
| 21/2 Thu 8:15 pm | 28/2 Thu 7:30 pm
2018 / 124 mins In Spanish with English subtitles 西班牙對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Javier Fesser
Cast 主演 Javier Gutiérrez, Jesús Lago Solís, Roberto Sánchez Sergio Olmos, Julio Fernández, Jesús Vidal, José De Luna, Stefan López, Alberto Nieto, Fran Fuente, Gloria Ramos
Trailer 預告片
Free tickets by registration at Delegation-Hong-Kong-Events 登記門票
Opening ceremony on Thursday 21 February at 07:00 pm, with a reception and a music performance by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Orchestra.
With the support of 支持單位:
獄成青年 Michael Inside
猶如愛爾蘭少年版《監獄風雲》般令人痛心疾首的青春殘酷物語。 內向少年本來與爺爺相依為命,不知情下因藏毒被判入獄。本以為 在三個月的牢獄生活中安份守己就可以獨善其身,可恨獄中世界 猶如社會縮影,群黨集結、階級分明、處處權力鬥爭。在極端環境 下,以暴易暴是否唯一選擇?刑滿出冊後,監躉的烙印會否如影隨 形、毀其一生?男主角演出沉着內斂,使人感受到現實的絕望與悲 愴。導演Frank Berry 繼續關注青少年議題,更特別與愛爾蘭更生計 劃合作,採訪一班少年囚徒,呈現最真實的鐵窗邊緣面貌,並藉此 探討青少年的犯罪動機與重投社會後面對的難關。社會意義非凡, 獲頒愛爾蘭電影電視大獎最佳電影、最佳劇本。
Dafhyd Flynn plays Michael McCrea, an impressionable 18-yearold living with his grandfather Francis in a Dublin housing estate. His life is derailed when he is caught holding a bag of drugs for a friend and sentenced to three months in prison. Director Frank Berry workshopped the film with former prisoners from the Irish Prison Service’s Pathways Programme, creating a harrowing picture of young people caught up, with bleak inevitability, in a cycle of crime and incarceration. The film is distinguished by the authenticity of the characterisations and by an extraordinary, understated performance by Flynn who embodies heart-wrenching vulnerability and quiet despair.
* 導演將出席。Q&A with Director Frank Berry after the screening on 10 March
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 10/3 Sun bc | 10/3 Sun
5:30 pm* 7:40 pm*
2017 / 96 mins In English 英語對白
Director 導演 Frank Berry
Cast 主演 Dafhyd Flynn, Moe Dunford, Lalor Roddy
— Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTAs), Best Film, Best Screenplay 愛爾蘭電影電視大獎,最佳電影、最佳劇本
Trailer 預告片
世上唯毒媽媽好 Die beste aller Welten
其身不正還會是個好母親嗎?一部集溫馨和奇幻於一身的作品,啟發 自導演個人經歷,首部劇情長片即打入柏林影展。永恆的母子故事, 永恆的觸動。生活在奧地利城鎮愛幻想的小男孩,浮沉在迷失於毒海 的母愛之中。媽媽清醒的時候是「世界上最好的事情」,她的自由奔 放為孩子創造了一個魔幻而美好的世界。在母親天馬行空的教育下, 男孩的童年是美好的,但她混亂失序的人生,也為孩子帶來不少迷惘 和恐懼。電影不偏不倚地訴說了生命對生命的影響,傳承和教育根本 沒有一定標準,只須有愛,便能讓孩子快樂地成長。
Adrian lives an adventurous childhood in the extraordinary drug scene on the outskirts of an Austrian city, with his mother, Helga, moving between caring and being high. She gives most unusual explanations for everything Adrian might consider strange, and her imaginative son incorporates her explanations into his tales of adventure. The boy knows his mother loves him and she creates the best of all worlds for him, until she realises that reality can no longer be kept outside. Helga understands that she might lose her son forever unless she can defeat her own demons.
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 9/3 Sat amc pp | 10/3 Sun
6:45 pm 3:15 pm
2017 / 103 mins In German with English subtitles 德語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Adrian Goiginger
Cast 主演 Verena Altenberger, Jeremy Miliker, Lukas Miko, Michael Pink
— Berlinale, Perspektive Deutsches Kino 柏林影展 德國電影展單元 Vienna Film Awards, Young Director 維也納電影獎 最佳青年導演
Trailer 預告片
Screening schedule 放映場次
愛情,來過之後 L’Économie du Couple
amc pp | 24/2 Sun 1:20 pm bc | 25/2 Mon 8:00 pm
2016 / 100 mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Joachim Lafosse
愛情溜走,是因為愛得太久?還是愛得不夠?愛情過後,親情也 無法回頭?是何時開始相處有如在鋼線行走?兩人在一起15年, 愛到走不下去決定分開,卻因無法達成分產協議,被迫繼續同一 屋簷下。女的繼續賺錢養家,維持生活,男的依然朝不保夕,還 尊嚴當飯食,但為了一對孖女,仍努力嘗試維繫,日復日的相 處,是重燃愛?還是恨?導演善於捕捉人與人之間脆弱而微妙的 關係,把整部電影鎖在二人的愛巢,好比逃不掉的困局,娓娓道 出愛情現實的一面,社會的種種價值,令愛變得毫無價值。
After living together for fifteen years, Marie and Boris break up. She is the one who bought the house in which they have been living with their two children, but he is the one who entirely renovated it. For the time being, they are obliged to continue living in the house together, as Boris does not have the means to find a new home. Now it is the day of reckoning, neither of them wants to let go of what they esteem they have built over the years.
Cast 主演 Bérénice Bejo, Cédric Kahn, Margaux Soentjens, Jade Soentjens, Marthe Keller
— Cannes Film Festival, Directors’ Fortnight 康城影展 導演雙周 Toronto International Film Festival 多倫多電影節 BFI London Film festival 倫敦電影節
Trailer 預告片
局住一家人 Chata na prodej
家族小屋無人住,與其由得佢荒廢,不如賣屋齊齊分錢最實際!陳 年回憶無法輕易「斷捨離」,索性全家組團返鄉下度假兼同小屋講 拜拜。可惜相見難、同住更難,愛生事家庭個個都有頂心杉基因, 開口句句窒頭窒勢又夭心夭肺,屈居同一屋簷下如同火星撞地球。 「一家人哪有隔夜仇」似乎是痴人說夢,究竟這趟家族旅行最後會 點「收科」呢?捷克新進導演自編自導,把黑色幽默滲入家庭喜劇 並伴以輕鬆音樂,荒謬諧趣得來也暗暗道盡三代人矛盾。
A family has decided to sell their lovely cottage as none of them has visited it for some time. Yet it holds so many nostalgic memories that the mother suggests they all spend one last day and night there before the sale takes place. During their (more or less voluntary) time together, certain issues between individual members of the family inevitably come out into the open. This comedy set in the Czech Republic will make the audience laugh while many will see their own family drama reflected on the screen.
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 3/3 amc pp | 5/3
Sun Tue
2:00 pm 8:00 pm
2018 / 118 mins In Czech with English subtitles 捷克語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Tomáš Pavlíček
Cast 主演 Ivana Chýlková, David Vávra, Tereza Voříšková, Michael Pitthan, Judit Bárdos, Jan Strejcovský, Jana Synková
— Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 卡羅維國際電影節
Trailer 預告片
永恆之路 Ikitie
改編自 Antti Tuuri 的北歐暢銷小說,講述一段鮮為人知的歷 史,是芬蘭獨立百年紀念特別節目。冷戰時期的歐洲瀰漫著緊 張的政治氣氛,人人自危。因美國經濟大蕭條而重返家園的芬 蘭工人無故被擄,在邊境險遭射殺之際逃亡往蘇聯。他從此以 新身份在蘇聯的集體農莊工作,與一班嚮往社會主義的美國移 民共同生活,建設了一個共產理想烏托邦。好景不常,史太林 的魔爪伸延至此,天堂頃刻變成地獄,大家求生不得,求死不 能。直視史太林統治時期的歷史傷痕,呈現人民被白色恐怖剝 奪自由意志下的掙扎與反撲。
Jussi Ketola is fetched from his home at midnight and taken to the border between Finland and the Soviet Union. At the border the abductors decide to shoot him, but he slips out and runs across the border to the Soviet side. The State Police of the USSR, gives Ketola a new identity and a job at a collective farm of American immigrants, who have come to the USSR voluntarily. Together, they build a worker’s paradise. Yet, when Stalin’s purges begin, paradise turns into hell. The film is part of the official program of Finland’s centenary celebrations. It is based on a bestselling book by Antti Tuuri.
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 6/3 amc pp | 8/3
Wed 7:30 pm Fri 7:30 pm
2017 / 103 mins In Finnish, English and Russian with English subtitles 芬蘭語、英語、俄語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Antti-Jussi Annila
Cast 主演 Tommi Korpela, Sidse Babett-knudsen, H-P Björkman, Irina Björklund
Trailer 預告片
With the support of 支持單位:
霧險一博 Dans la brume
可能是最貼近現實的法式災難片兼警世預言。未來世界空氣污染 嚴重,新生代孩子只能活在密封的氧氣箱中。一天,全城瀰漫著 致命霧霾,主角僥倖躲在屋頂避過一劫,但獨留在家中的女兒卻 無法自行逃生,即將面對斷電缺氧的死亡危機。情況分秒必爭, 父母能否殺出重圍救回愛女?有別於驚慄災難片,導演從情感出 發,細膩描繪人類身處危難時為摯愛義無反顧的深情。漫天霧 霾中的末日巴黎仍然美麗,也為人類文明敲起了喪鐘,令人聯想 起史蒂芬京的《霧地異煞》,多添了幾份浪漫溫情又不失驚險刺 激。
Mathieu will stop at nothing to get his 11 year-old daughter Sarah out of the hermetic chamber she lives in since she was born, because of a grave illness. Suddenly, an earthquake hits and a deadly fog seeps over Paris. Mathieu and Sarah’s mother Anna are among the few survivors who find refuge on the upper floors of the tallest buildings, but they have to leave Sarah behind in her bubble. As hours pass, they get increasingly worried about their daughter. Mathieu and Anna count the time left in the batteries that power Sarah’s bubble. Knowing they can count only on themselves, they have to find a way to get outside through the fog.
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 23/2 Sat 3:40 pm amc pp | 6/3 Wed 7:35 pm
2018 / 89 mins In French with English subtitless 法語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Daniel Roby
Cast 主演 Romain Duris, Olga Kurylenko, Fantine Harduin Sarah
— Fantasia International Film Festival 加拿大奇幻電影節 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 富川奇幻電影節
Trailer 預告片
3 DAYS IN QUIBERON 夢影人生 3 Tage in Quiberon
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 24/2 Sun bc | 1/3 Fri
3:15 pm 7:40 pm
2018 / 115 mins In German and French with English subtitles 德語、法語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 一齣重現昔日影壇巨星真實面貌的作品,橫掃了德國電影獎七個獎 項。二戰後,年僅 16 歲的羅美‧施耐德因飾演了《茜茜公主》系列 而名聲大噪,這位女星用甜美的微笑和個人魅力征服了歐洲螢幕。 成名後的她,面對各方壓力,逐漸無法控制自己的情緒,瀕臨崩 潰。好友相約她在法國鄉間度假休養,怎料德國知名雜誌記者突然 出現,執意採訪。無路可逃的她,只好答應面對鏡頭,她的脆弱、 憂鬱和痛苦因此暴露人前。一炮而紅而戲約不斷的生活,令這位傳 奇人物已經無法分清銀幕和現實。導演如實呈現了羅美‧施耐德唯 一和最後一次掏心掏肺的媒體訪問,緬懷這位影壇傳奇的殞落。
1981, Quiberon, a small village on the coast of Brittany, France. Hilde Fritsch arrives to visit her old friend, Romy Schneider who has retreated to a hotel to escape the daily pressures of life. Although Romy is a world-famous star, they appear like two regular women. Shortly after, the young journalist Michael Jürgs and Romy’s long-time acquaintance, photographer Robert Lebeck, arrive to conduct an interview for a famous German magazine. Immediately, a cat-and-mouse game ensues between the fragile diva and the ambitious author. Hilde attempts to guard her friend, while the journalists try to capture the inner most feelings of Romy as she becomes more vulnerable than ever.
Emily Atef
Cast 主演 Marie Bäumer, Birgit Minichmayr, Charly Hübner, Robert Gwisdek
— German Film Awards, Outstanding Feature Film, Best Direction, Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Cinematography, Best Film Score 德國電影獎 最佳劇情電影、最佳導演、最佳 女主角、最佳女配角、最佳男配角、最佳攝影、 最佳電影配樂 Berlinale, Golden Bear nomination 柏林影展 金熊獎提名
Trailer 預告片
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 23/2 Sat 5:35 pm bc | 4/3 Mon 7:50 pm
浮生極光 Aurora Borealis: Északi fény
2017 / 104 mins
無法釋懷過去的傷痛時,還能好好活在當下嗎?女兒在偶然的情況 下,發現自己並非親生,她多番詢問,無奈古怪倔強的母親卻絕口 不提。但母親得知自己時日無多後終於鬆口,道出了一段二戰時凄 美的愛情故事和一個守了一輩子的承諾。戰爭結束,勝者為王,敗 者為寇——權力交替看似輕鬆,但實際卻混亂且殘暴。在歷史的巨輪 下,過往難以啟齒,三緘其口似是為了保護女兒,其實是不知該如 何與過往的自己相處。一部彰顯女性堅強的作品,由曾獲多個世界 大獎的首位匈牙利女導演 Márta Mészáros 執導。此次自編自導,由 女性在戰時的經歷出發,訴說與眾不同的愛情故事。
Director 導演
Olga is a successful lawyer in Vienna when her mother Maria suddenly falls into a coma. While Mária is between life and death, Olga comes across a deliberately withheld secret. Her increasingly passionate investigation takes her back to the war-torn Europe of the 50s; where, at the end of her journey she discovers herself: a woman she never knew before. The film discusses the dramatic situations originating from identity crises with feminist sensitivity in unusual situations, the never-healing wounds caused by the wars of a shattered Europe, and the liberating powers coming from unveiling lies and suppressions.
In Hungarian, German, English with English subtitles 匈牙利語、德語、英語對白,英文字幕 Márta Mészáros
Cast 主演
Mari Törőcsik, Franciska Törőcsik, Ildikó Tóth, József Wunderlich, Eva Prosek,Leslaw Zurek, Jákob Ladányi, Hary Prinz, Ewa Telega, Antonio de la Torre
— Chicago International Film Festival, Audience Award for Best Foreign Language Film 芝加哥電影節 觀眾票選最佳外語片獎
Trailer 預告片
人心狗吠 Dogman
意大利名導馬太格朗尼運用冷冽鏡頭,展現弱肉強食的世界如 何吞噬人心。好好先生在拿坡里開店當狗隻美容師,平時為人 忠厚老實,馴服惡犬毫無難度,即使是聲名狼藉的躁狂退役拳 手,他也樂意伸出友誼之手。偏偏拳手把他的良心當狗吠,對 他百般利用,更令他捲入犯罪漩渦。狗急跳牆,善良反噬,純 品老實人最終會否為尊嚴憤而復仇?馬些路方堤演繹人性由善 到惡的墮落,演出拳拳到肉,震撼人心,一舉摘下康城影帝。 本片更橫掃意大利銀絲帶獎最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男主角 等八項大獎,不容錯過。
Dubbed an “urban Western” Dogman takes place in an Italian suburb somewhere between metropolis and wild nature. Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an effort to reaffirm his dignity, Marcello will commit an unexpected act of vengeance.
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 22/2 Fri 7:50 pm amc pp | 27/2 Wed 7:45 pm
2018 / 103 mins In Italian with English subtitles 意大利語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Matteo Garrone
Cast 主演 Marcello Fonte, Alida Baldari Calabria, Edoardo Pesce, Nunzia Schiano, Adamo Dionisi, Francesco Acquaroli, Gianluca Gobbi
— Cannes Festival, In Competition – Feature films 康城影展 主競賽單元 Toronto International Film Festival 多倫多電影節
Trailer 預告片
小玩意 An Impossibly Small Object
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 3/3 bc | 7/3
Sun 1:20 pm Thu 8:00 pm
2018 / 100 mins In Dutch, Mandarin, English with English subtitles 荷蘭語、國語、英語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 David Verbeek
到底影像說的是故事,還是單純事實的呈現?一件微細到看不到的 事物,或許是我們命運的主宰。一部充滿哲學性,以攝影出發的電 影。鏡頭一邊跟著小女孩遊走城市的大街小巷,另一邊聚焦在一位 夜行攝影師,一晚他拍下了女孩的身影,雖然對她一無所知,影像 卻揮之不去,勾起他的童年回憶。到底這張照片承載的是她的故 事?還是他的故事?導演希望藉著此套作品,探討靜態影像和流 動影像的關聯性,以及時間對兩者的影響。模糊的時間,重疊的空 間,猶如蝴蝶效應,人與人之間有著一種無形的連繫,互相影響著 各自的生命。
A photographer takes a simple photo of a little girl on the night streets of Taipei. Yet, after the photo is taken, his own childhood memories start to come back to him and become intertwined with the identity of the girl. While looking at the picture, he begins to project his childhood onto hers. A meditative narrative in 3 parts; Taipei, on board an intercontinental flight and in Amsterdam.
Cast 主演 Lucia, Chen-Hung Chung, David Verbeek, Klara Mucci
— International Film Festival Rotterdam 鹿特丹電影節
Trailer 預告片
鐵漢傳奇 Najlepszy
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 1/3 bc | 2/3
Fri Sat
7:50 pm 2:00 pm
2017 / 104 mins In Polish with English subtitles 波蘭語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Łukasz Palkowski
Cast 主演 真人真事改編,以波蘭三項鐵人運動員 Jerzy Górski 的傳奇故事為 藍本,帶觀眾一窺七十年代社會主義統治下波蘭的面貌。男孩年 少輕狂,沉淪毒海十四載不能自拔,即使初戀愛得轟轟烈烈,甚 至與父親決裂也無法戒斷。直到不幸痛失摯愛,他才驀然驚醒, 決心戒毒並參與世界雙項鐵人賽,誓要活出第二人生。這位非一 般運動員要鍛鍊的豈止是身體與韌力,更要憑意志戰勝心魔。眼 見終點在望,他可否突破心靈極限朝勝利邁進,贏回自己?
The movie is inspired by the life of Jerzy Górski, a citizen of a small town in western Poland, growing up addicted to alcohol and drugs. In the hero’s fourteen years of struggle with his addiction, we experience his first great love, his fights with his father, and his run into the safe arms of his mother. As he overcomes his struggles, Jerzy prepares for an Ironman race which will change his life. He finally manages to be a new man, who sets a world record and wins the title of Double Ironman champion. The man who stands at the finish line has fought his demons.
Jakub Gierszał, Kamila Kamińska, Anna Próchniak
Trailer 預告片
Screening schedule 放映場次 amc pp | 2/3 bc | 8/3
Sat Fri
老媽狂想曲 A Mãe É Que Sabe
2016 / 88 mins
葡萄牙年度賣座溫馨喜劇,全年最多人觀看的歐洲電影。成功讓 「失去才會珍惜」這個老掉牙的主題,脫胎換骨注入全新元素,大 玩時空交錯,平衡時空,生鬼有趣,又感人至深。父親75歲大壽, 一家人聚首一堂,當然是懷緬回顧的大好時機。大家你一句我一 句,段段回憶彷彿活現眼前,但原來只要回憶稍有偏差,便會改變 過去,釀成災難式的連鎖反應?!一場餐桌戲竟然可以如此豐富瘋 狂,導演靈活捕捉女性經常後悔的特質,端出了一場色香味俱全、 笑中有淚的懷舊盛宴。
Director 導演
Nostalgia and time travel collide in Director Nuno Rocha’s bittersweet film, Mother Knows Best. The film revolves around Ana Luisa, a demanding housewife who is dissatisfied with her place in the world. During her father’s 75 th birthday party, all of her extended family begins to reminisce about Josefa, Ana Luisa’s late mother. Through these stories, Ana Luisa begins to ponder on her past and the repercussions of her life choices. Suddenly, a strange and supernatural event enables certain individuals, including Ana Luisa, to have access to alternate timelines. Presented with this incredible magical chance, Ana Luisa decides to boldly explore what her life might have been if she had lived it differently. With this unique premise and amusing dialogue, Mother Knows Best is an entertaining ride.
1:20 pm 8:10 pm
In Portuguese and Spanish with English subtitles 葡萄牙語、西班牙語對白,英文字幕 Nuno Rocha
Cast 主演 Maria João Abreu, Joana Pais de Brito, Filipe Vargas, Filipa Areosa
— Portuguese Film Academy Sophia Awards, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress 葡萄牙電影金像獎 最佳男配角、最佳女配角
Trailer 預告片
The screenings of this film are kindly sponsored by Dr. Ambrose So, Honorary Consul of Portugal in Hong Kong. 是次放映由葡萄牙駐香港領事館名譽領 事 Ambrose So 博士贊助。
Screening schedule 放映場次
真愛遊戲 Den allvarsamma leken
bc | 24/2 Sun amc pp | 9/3 Sat
2:30 pm 3:05 pm
2016 / 115 mins In Swedish with English subtitles 瑞典語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Pernilla August
由《少女失樂園》導演朗舒菲改編,康城最佳女主角得主、在英瑪褒 曼《芬妮與阿歷山大》嶄露頭角的奧古斯特執導。這部瑞典古典文學 經典,帶我們走進北歐二十世初的華麗舞台,探討人類愛情中無休止 的矛盾,勾劃出一段絲絲入扣的史詩式愛情故事。年輕記者對畫家少 女一見鍾情,二人隨即墮入愛河,愛情突如其來原非理所當然。少女 父親忽然離世,沒有留下一分一毫,面對生活二人被迫分離,愛情在 要開花的一刻便已枯萎。二人十年後重遇,身邊已各有家庭,但因按 不住多年的慾望,他們當年簡單純潔的愛情今天卻變成不倫之戀……
A Serious Game is the story of a young couple, journalist Arvid Stjärnblom and Lydia Stille, who fall madly in love in turn-of-thecentury Stockholm. They are both drawn to the dream of pure, great and untainted love. Yet, the dream demands greater sacrifice than they could ever imagine. The film is a passionate love story about the choices we have, the decisions we make and the consequences that follow. Based on the 1912 classic love story novel by Hjalmar Söderberg.
Cast 主演 Sverrir Gudnason, Karin Franz Korlof, Liv Mjones, Michael Nyqvist
— Berlinale Special section 柏林影展 特別展映單元 Guldbagge Awards, Best Supporting Actor and Best Costume Design 金甲蟲獎 最佳男配角、最佳服裝設計
Trailer 預告片
Screening schedule 放映場次 bc | 5/3 amc pp | 9/3
Tue Sat
難有出頭天 Eldorado
2018 / 91 mins
歐洲對於難民來說如同天堂,他們不顧生命危險逃離家園,就是為 了獲得安穩的生活。但如今的政策下,他們只能在中轉站安家。一 直擅長探討社會敏感議題的瑞士導演 Markus Imhoof 拋磚引玉, 用早年自身經歷反思當下之餘,更前往意大利南部難民營及庇護中 心,與難民直接對話。眼見中心職員說著要相信希望在明天,但同 時卻不斷有人被遣返,究竟他們該何去何從?導演引用朋友當年的 遭遇,道出即便過了半個世紀,同樣的故事仍在上演。作品入圍柏 林影展非競賽單元,引起各界再次聚焦難民危機,探討人道主義的 真正意義。
Director 導演
Throughout history, there have always been refugees. They used to come from places closer to home. During WWII, the family of Swiss director Markus Imhoof, took in Giovanna, an undernourished eight-year-old Italian girl as part of a short-term program to host children. After the end of her stay, she had to go back to Italy. The Imhoof family privately arranged for Giovanna to come back to visit for a second time. In the end, the Swiss government insisted on sending Giovanna back to Italy. She died of illness at the age of thirteen, soon after being forced to return. Imhoof takes this early experience of personal loss as a point of entry to the ongoing refugee crisis, the biggest mass displacement of people since WWII.
8:00 pm 1:20 pm
In German with English subtitles 德語對白,英文字幕 Markus Imhoof
Narrators 旁白 Caterina Genta, Robert Hunger-Bühler
— Berlinale 柏林影展
Trailer 預告片
In collaboration with 合辦:
EU THROUGH THE HONG KONG LOOKING GLASS — Filmit 2018 Primary Section winner 小學組得獎作品 EU Through the Hong Kong Looking Glass is the winning entry of the Primary Section of the Filmit 2018 competition, co-organised by the Native-speaking English Teacher Section of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR and the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao. The short film was created and performed by 9 students of the Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School. It shows the students’ vision of Europe by transporting the audience to different European countries and exploring their gastronomy, architecture, art and education system in a humorous way. 「 EU Through the Hong Kong Looking Glass 」是香港特別行政 區教育局外籍英語教師組及歐洲聯盟駐香港及澳門辦事處共同舉辦 的「Filmit 2018」小學組得獎作品。這部短片由佛教中華康山小學 的九位學生自導自演,從學生視角出發,將觀眾送往不同的歐洲國 家,幽默地展現歐洲各國的美食、建築、藝術和教育制度。
This amusing film is screened at the beginning of each film of the EUFF. 這部有趣的電影將在所有歐洲電影節放映開始前同場加映。
FREE SCREENING 免費放映 Co-organised with 協辦:
竊聽者 Das Leben der Anderen
Screening schedule 放映場次 PolyU
| 26/2 Tue
7:00 pm
2006 / 138 mins In German with English subtitles 德語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
Cast 主演 《竊聽者》描述一個東德秘密警察韋斯勒上尉與劇作家基 約戴文及其女友姬絲斯蘭故事。在一個劇作的首映夜,總 理看上了女演員姬絲,為了得到姬絲,總理下令監聽其男 友兼名劇作家基約戴文,韋斯勒奉命行事。在監聽的過程 中,一對愛侶的熱情及生命力深深打動了他,慢慢的韋斯 勒通過監聽參與了二人的生活……韋斯勒上尉的竊聽監控 到底讓劇作家及其女友陷入危險之中,還是讓他倆重獲自 由呢?電影除了緊張精彩的劇情外,更透露了當時不為世 人所知的東德情報局秘密警察 (Satsi) 的可怕勢力。
The Lives of Others offers a rare and fascinating snapshot of life behind the Berlin Wall. It is 1984 in East Germany, Gerd Wiesler, a master interrogator, is tasked to monitor every single detail in the life of playwright Dreyman and his girlfriend. Ironically, his surveillance has led him to sympathize with his targets and Wiesler risks violating the law and jeopardizing his career to protect the couple. The late Ulrich Muhe is magnificent as Wiesler, whose gradual transition from loyal drone to actual human being is when the film is most powerful.
Ulrich Mühe, Martina Gedeck, Sebastian Koch
— Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film 奧斯卡金像獎 最佳外語片獎 German Film Awards, Best Feature Film, Best Direction, Best Leading Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design 德國電影獎 最佳劇情電影、最佳導演、最佳 男主角、最佳男配角、最佳劇本、最佳攝影、 最佳美術指導
Trailer 預告片
Book your free tickets on Eventbrite 登記門票
Co-organised with 協辦:
天使愛美麗 Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain
Screening schedule 放映場次 PolyU
| 7/3
Thu 7:00 pm
2001 / 120 mins In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕
《天使愛美麗》是一部關於一位年輕女性的幻想喜劇。她的生 存目的是為了幫助身邊人解決生活中的煩惱。這使她想出各種 不同的方法去改變人們的命運,並為自己創造一個幻想世界。 有一天,愛美麗遇見一個奇怪、與眾不同的男子尼諾。遇上尼 諾改變了她的命運。雖然被尼諾深深吸引,但愛美麗仍與他玩 捉迷藏遊戲,害怕向這位魅力無窮的年輕人打開心扉。
“Amélie” is a fanciful comedy about a young woman whose purpose in life is to orchestrate the lives of people around her in order to fix their problems. This leads her to all sorts of creative ideas to intervene and create a world of her own making. Her mission is interrupted when she meets a strange, off-beat young man, Nino Quincampoix. Although fascinated by him, she plays hide-and-seek games, afraid of really opening up to this appealing young man.
Director 導演 Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Cast 主演 Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus
— Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film nomination 奧斯卡金像獎 最佳外語片獎提名 Toronto International Film Festival 多倫多電影節
Trailer 預告片
Book your free tickets on Eventbrite 登記門票
FREE SCREENING 免費放映 Co-organised with 協辦:
With the support of 支持單位:
五位勇敢自主的女性,五個打破父權社會枷鎖,挑戰宗教框架的 個案。她們積極推動性別自由與身體自主,同時也為此付出高昂的 代價:誹謗、壓迫、起訴、訴訟,甚至有來自宗教領袖的死亡威 脅…… 隨著近年女權運動興起,大眾開始意識到平權的重要性。但 在這個由男性建構成的世界,父權價值已經植根在社會上各個層面 上,女性仍然會不自覺地以此審視自己。導演過往作品曾多次入圍 不同國際電影節,這次用這五位女性的例子,探討如何讓女性可以 暢所欲言,無需再屈服在父權的審視下。
Barbara Miller’s documentary #FEMALE PLEASURE portrays five courageous, smart and self-determined women, breaking the silence imposed by their archaic-patriarchal societies and religious communities. With incredible strength and positive energy, Deborah Feldman, Leyla Hussein, Rokudenashiko, Doris Wagner and Vithika Yadav are fighting for sexual liberation and autonomy for women, beyond religious rules and cultural barriers. But their victory comes at a high price: they all have experienced public defamation, threats and prosecutions, have been excommunicated by the society they grew up in, and even received death threats by religious leaders and fanatics.
Screening schedule 放映場次 HKU
| 8/3
6:15 pm
2018 / 97 mins In German, French, English, Japanese with English subtitles 德語、法語、英語、日語對白,英文字幕
Director 導演 Barbara Miller
Cast 主演 Vithika Yadav, Doris Wagner, Rokudenashiko, Leyla Hussein, Deborah Feldman
Trailer 預告片
Free tickets by registration at Delegation-Hong-Kong-Events 登記門票
The screening will be followed by a panel of experts on women’s rights and a reception. The cinematographer Ms. Anne Misselwitz will be attending.
ticketing & screening venues 購票辦法及放映地點 Tickets available at the box office, ATM at the cinema and online 親臨票房、於自動售票機或網上購買
Ticket Price 票價 $85 (bcinephile member / MOViE MOViE member 香港百老匯電影中心會員 / MOViE MOViE 會員 $68 ) @Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 $95 (bcinephile member / MOViE MOViE member 香港百老匯電影中心會員 / MOViE MOViE 會員 $81 ) @ AMC Pacific Place
Online Ticketing 網上購票 Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心: AMC Pacific Place: Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online • $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) for screening at Broadway Cinematheque. • $10 per ticket for all screenings at AMC Pacific Place. 網上購票需收取手續費 • 百老匯電影中心: 星期一至五場次每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假期場次每張$10。 • AMC Pacific Place: 所有場次每張$10 —
Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線 Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心: 2388 0002 AMC Pacific Place: 2265 8933 —
Screening Venues 放映地點 | Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 | Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon (Yau Ma Tei MTR Station — Exit C) 油麻地眾坊街 3 號駿發花園(港鐵油麻地站 C 出口)
| AMC Pacific Place | Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong Island 香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 L1
| The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學 | (Free Screenings of Opening Film, The Lives of Others & Amélie 開幕電影、《竊聽者》及《天使愛美麗》免費 放映) Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom 香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館
| The University of Hong Kong 香港大學 | (Free Screening of #FEMALE PLEASURE 《#女敗女戰》免費放映) Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學莊月明文化中心 Studio 303
screening schedule 放 映 時 間 表 BC
07:50 PM
Dogman 人心狗吠
03:40 PM
Just a Breath Away 霧險一博
02:30 PM
A Serious Game 真愛遊戲
08:00 PM
After Love 愛情,來過之後
07:30 PM
Champions 我要做籃神
07:40 PM
3 Days in Quiberon 夢影人生
02:00 PM
Breaking the Limits 鐵漢傳奇
02:00 PM
Bear with Us 局住一家人
07:50 PM
Aurora Borealis: Northern Lights 浮生極光
08:00 PM
Eldorado 難有出頭天
07:30 PM
The Eternal Road 永恆之路
08:00 PM
An Impossibly Small Object 小玩意
08:10 PM
Mother Knows Best 老媽狂想曲
06:45 PM
The Best Of All Worlds 世上唯毒媽媽好
07:40 PM
Closing Film 閉幕電影: Michael Inside 獄成青年*
Free Screenings 免費放映 PolyU
08:15 PM
Opening Film 開幕電影: Champions 我要做籃神 ^
07:00 PM
The Lives of Others 竊聽者^
07:00 PM
Amélie 天使愛美麗^
06:15 PM
#Female Pleasure #女敗女戰^
PP 05:35 PM
Aurora Borealis: Northern Lights 浮生極光
01:20 PM
After Love 愛情,來過之後
03:15 PM
3 Days in Quiberon 夢影人生
07:45 PM
Dogman 人心狗吠
07:50 PM
Breaking the Limits 鐵漢傳奇
01:20 PM
Mother Knows Best 老媽狂想曲
01:20 PM
An Impossibly Small Object 小玩意
08:00 PM Bear with Us 局住一家人 07:35 PM
Just a Breath Away 霧險一博
07:30 PM The Eternal Road 永恆之路 01:20 PM
Eldorado 難有出頭天
03:05 PM
A Serious Game 真愛遊戲
03:15 PM
The Best Of All Worlds 世上唯毒媽媽好
05:30 PM
Michael Inside 獄成青年*
^Free screening. Please refer to the film detail page for ticket reservation. 免費放映。取票詳情請參考相關電影資訊頁面。
*Director will attend. 導演將出席。