Hkaff2015 booklet

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22.11 Broadway Cinematheque Broadway The ONE PALACE ifc AMC Pacific Place

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arte madrid ifc mall | Harvey Nichols The Landmark Harvey Nichols Pacific Place | Lee Garden Two | The Park Lane Hotel | SOGO CWB SOGO TST | Elements | Mira Mall | Harbour City | MOKO | Festival Walk New Town Plaza | tmtplaza | The Venetian Macao | Galaxy Macau


opening film



She remembers, he forgets 哪一天我們會飛

香港 Hong Kong / 2015 / 110 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃修平 Adam Wong 演員 Cast: 楊千嬅 Miriam Yeung, 林海峰 Jan Lamb, 蘇麗珊 Cecilia So, 游學修 Neo Yau, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin Time venue

*28/10 9:45pm AMC PP *30/10 7:20pm ONE

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

*30/10 9:50pm bc

一個高中三劍俠跌跌撞撞的愛情和成長故事。彭盛華古靈精怪, 蘇博文踏實寡言,余鳳芝希望將來可以乘坐博文駕駛的飛機, 住進盛華設計的大屋之中。畢業後三人行劇終,鳳芝下嫁盛華, 人到中年,同床異夢,當她發現老公私發短信給另一個女人時, 鳳芝撫心自問:當年為何放棄了博文呢?一場「尋找蘇博文」行 動,讓她找回當年不知天高地厚的自己,以及永遠無法實現的 夢想,惟有獻上遲來的滑翔翼,作為送別青春的輓歌。從《當 碧咸遇上奧雲》(第一屆)、《魔術男》(第四屆)到《狂舞 派》一路走來,導演黃修平對人文關懷的信念不變,今回夥拍好 拍檔陳心遙和監製泰迪羅賓,配上大家熟悉的面孔楊千嬅與林 海峰和三位新人,譚校長一曲「愛的根源」一同緬懷一個美好 的年代。 Ten years into her marriage with Shing-Wah (Jan Lamb), Fung-Chi (Miriam Yeung) finds herself unhappy with her humdrum life both at work and at home. One day, a song she hears on her old friend’s blog brings on a wave of nostalgia as she recalls her school days with her two best friends, back when the limits of reality lived in the distant future and their dreams soared as high as imagination could take them. Inspired by Alan Tam’s iconic pop ballad “The Root of Love”, director Adam Wong’s highly anticipated follow-up to sleeper hit The Way We Dance is a poignant, heartfelt drama about treasuring the present by keeping the lessons of the past alive.

opening film




Mountains may depart 山河故人

中國、日本 、法國 China, Japan, France / 2015 / 125 min / 英語、普通話對白,中英文字幕

In Putonghua and English with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 賈樟柯 Jia Zhangke 演員 Cast: 趙濤 Zhao Tao, 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 梁景東 Liang Jingdong, 張譯 Zhang Yi, 董子健 Dong Zijian 康城影展 競賽單元 In competition, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳電影、最佳女主角、最佳原著劇本等7項提名

Golden Horse 7 nominations including Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Screenplay Time venue

*28/10 7:00pm AMC PP *28/10 9:40pm AMC PP

山河,是不變的大自然。故人,是隨時間累積的情感。賈樟柯用 《山河故人》總結自己的人生感悟,故事將從1999年到2014年 他的故鄉汾陽市,一路延展到2025年的澳洲,三段式結構表現 過去、現在、未來。「過去」由趙濤與煤礦工人梁景東和礦場老 闆張譯陷入三角關係;「現在」中趙濤雖生活自主,卻不敵失 婚和失去兒子Dollar的挫敗;「未來」更加殘酷,董子健飾演成 年的Dollar,因自小缺乏母愛,轉而向飾演老師的張艾嘉尋求慰 藉。葉蒨文的名曲「珍重」、Pet Shop Boy的「Go west」貫 穿全片,南北半球的距離既呼應當今兩岸三地的事,又借題點出 兩代人在時間流逝中所累積的情感。繼兩年前最佳劇本獎《天注 定》後,《山河故人》打進康城再成焦點。 In this ambitious continent-straddling drama spanning three time periods, Sixth Generation auteur Jia Zhangke ventures into new territory while exploring his central themes of loss and displacement in a materialistic, fast-changing China. In 1999 Fenyang, miner Liangzi (Liang Jingdong) and mine owner Zhang (Zhang Yi) are both in love with Tao (Zhao Tao), and she chooses the wealthier suitor. In 2014, Tao is now divorced and alone while her hotshot ex-husband is planning to emigrate to Australia with their son Dollar. In 2025 Australia, Dollar (Dong Zijian), who is unable to communicate with his father and barely remembers his mother, develops a close relationship with his much older teacher (Sylvia Chang).


closing film



Keeper of Darkness 陀地驅魔人

香港 Hong Kong / 2015 / 待定 / 粵語、國語對白, 中英文字幕

In Cantonese and Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 張家輝 Nick Cheung 演員 Cast: 張家輝 Nick Cheung, 郭采潔 Amber Kuo, 蔡思貝 Sisley Choi, 張繼聰 Louis Cheung, 姜皓文 Keung Ho-Man, 釋彥能 Shi Yanneng Time venue

*22/11 時間待定 AMC PP

張家輝拍驚慄片拍上癮,繼自導自演神功戲《盂蘭神功》後,今 次以鬼世界作為包裝的懸疑偵探片,喜劇、黑道、動作、靈異、 愛情結合黑色暴力美學,多元類型的大膽鬼作絕對震撼!黃永發 (張家輝 飾)是旺角驅魔大師,專為江湖兄弟拆開超自然靈異現 像,一次他的驅鬼實況被拍下放上網,引來狗仔隊紫寧的人肉搜 查,竟發現發仔與女鬼江雪同居!冤家易解不易結,惡鬼黑哥向 所有靈媒宣戰,找發仔搵出當年的真兇,江雪則要找人投胎,人 鬼殊途同歸,生前身後的怨氣如何化解?郭采潔、張繼聰、蔡思 貝、釋彥能、姜皓文反嚇為主加盟演出,《陀地驅魔人》不僅是 年度最強卡士、更是今年最煞氣港產驚慄之作﹗ After making his directing debut last year with Hungry Ghost Ritual, Nick Cheung continues to hold down the fort for Hong Kong horror with his second directorial effort. The award-winning actordirector stars as street-smart exorcist Wong who has a unique method of dealing with vengeful spirits: He negotiates with them and persuades them to let go of their grudges. After recordings of his exorcisms go viral, Wong attracts the attentions of a murderous spirit who’s targeting mediums, as well as a troublesome reporter who takes great interest in Wong and his close relationship with a female spirit. Cheung, who cites YouTube videos as an inspiration for the film, blends horror, detective and gangster genre elements into a distinct supernatural suspense thriller.





Ten yearS 十年

香港 Hong Kong / 2015 / 103 min / 粵語、普通話對白, 中英文字幕 In Cantonese and Putonghua with Chinese

and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 郭臻 Kwok Zune, 黃飛鵬 Wong Fei-Pang, 歐文傑 Jevons Au, 周冠威 Chow Kwun-Wai, 伍嘉良 Ng Ka-Leung 演員 Cast: 廖啟智 Liu Kai-Chi, 陳彼得 Peter Chan, 利沙華 Zerisawa Courtney Wu, 黃靜 Wong Ching, 劉浩之 Lau Ho-Chi, 梁建平 Leung Kin-Ping, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-Hin, Tanzela Qoser Time venue

*15/11 3:45pm bc *16/11 7:20pm ONE

Five thought-provoking shorts imagine what Hong Kong will be like ten years from now. In Extras, two genial low-level gangsters are hired to stage an attack, but they’re mere sacrificial lambs in a political conspiracy. Rebels strive to preserve destroyed homes and objects as specimens in the mesmerizing Season of the End. In Dialect, a taxi driver struggles to adjust after Putonghua displaces Cantonese as Hong Kong’s only official language. Following the death of a leading independence activist, an act of self-immolation outside the British consulate triggers questions and protests in the searing yet moving Self-Immolator. In Local Egg, a grocery shop owner worries about his son’s youth guard activities and where to buy eggs after Hong Kong’s last chicken farm closes down.

*16/11 9:50pm ONE


十年後,香港會變成怎樣﹖五一節慶日竟然上演恐襲,保育的建 築走至盡頭,的士司機操不好普通話,分分鐘揸兜搵食。遭遇到 不公,唯有自焚才能發聲嗎﹖還有人知道香港有本地農場有本地 蛋嗎﹖《十年》短片計劃,五位香港新導演郭臻、黃飛鵬、歐文 傑、周冠威和伍嘉良忽發奇想,《浮瓜》、《冬蟬》、《方言》、 《自焚者》和《本地蛋》各自拍出他們想像中在十年後會發生 的故事。當本地的新聞自由和言論自由正在惡化,廣東話的生 存空間比農業發展更快離我們而去。當下香港的危機、分化逐步加 深,形勢已經非常緊迫,亡羊補牢到底晚不晚?還是已無可補救, 為時已晚 ? *映後談 Q&A Session

Ten Years, Ten Voices


到底電影與社會的關係是什麼? 年青導演們以自己擅長的語言, 嘗試與社會對話。 亞洲電影節找來《 十年 》的幕後班底與十 週年的鮮浪潮導演,與大家分享作為電影 人的社會責任。



Freshwave shorts - ten years selection 鮮浪潮十週年短片集

香港 Hong Kong/ 2011-2014 / 111 min / 粵語對白、中英文字幕

In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃進 Wong Chun, 李苗 Li Miao, 尹景輝 Wan KingFai, 陳梓桓 Chan Tze-Woon Time venue


15/11 1:50pm bc

Film Talk


日期 Date: 15-Nov 時間 Time : 5:30pm (《十年》放映後 ) 地點 Venue : 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque *廣東話進行,映後座談會費用全免,持《十年》或 《鮮浪潮十週年短片集》戲票的人仕可優先進場

Conducted in Cantonese. Free of Charge. Priority entry for TEN YEARS or FRESHWAVE SHORTS ticket holders.

鮮浪潮,2005年由杜琪峰發起,至今已邁入第十年,培育新導 演不遺餘力,每年不乏優秀短片作品。近年香港社會引發的危 機,公民社會發展蓬勃,亦激起了不少鮮浪潮導演對政治事務的 關注。2011年鮮浪潮最佳劇本《三月六日》中三個示威者與三 個警察在錄口供過程中的精彩對話,口沫橫飛字字珠璣,同年獲 最佳創意獎的《七一生日不快樂》,呈現七一遊行造就一段浪漫 情緣;2013年《罪名》以遊行示威者陳小丘的視角看這個不義 之城,2014年《作為雨水:表象及意志》刻意被人更改為惡劣 天氣,遊行陰謀論四起。四部短短的鮮浪潮作品發揮無限的創 意,透過青澀卻真實的影像記錄香港社運點滴。 Since 2005, the Fresh Wave Short Film Competition has enabled young filmmakers to tell their stories, including these four shorts, which acutely observe Hong Kong’s recent political and social turmoil. Depicting a verbal battle of beliefs between protesters and policemen, Wong Chun’s March 6th questions the price of freedom in today’s Hong Kong. Shot on location at the 2011 July 1st protest, Li Miao’s mockumentary July 1st, An Unhappy Birthday tracks the deterioration of a relationship over the course of the march. Wan King-Fai’s Guilty follows a young woman whose future becomes uncertain when police charge her for her role in a demonstration. Chan Tze-Woon’s Being Rain: Representation and Will introduces a secret organization that is controlling the weather to suppress participation in social movements.


GALA presentation



Zinnia Flower 百日告別

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 96 min / 國語對白、中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 林書宇 Tom Shu-Yu Lin 演員 Cast: 林嘉欣 Karena Lam, 石頭 Stone, 馬志翔 Umin Boya, 柯佳嬿 Alice Ko 台北電影節 閉幕電影 Closing Film, Taipei Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 溫哥華國際電影節 Vancouver International Film Festival 東京國際電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival 金馬獎最佳女主角等三項提名

Golden Horse 3 nominations including Best Actress Time venue

*31/10 7:00pm ONE *31/10 9:20pm ONE

*映後談 Q&A Session

*01/11 2:50pm bc

影后林嘉欣睽違五年復出擔當女主角之作,片中她的未婚夫和五 月天石頭在片中的另一半在同一場車禍中死去。佛教儀式的守喪 期為一百日,兩個主角在這百日各有不同的方式面對悲痛,喪期 過後,他們能否放下悲傷走下去?《星空》(第八屆)導演林書 宇現實中確實經歷喪妻之痛,他面對的方法是把那種失去至愛的 悲痛和哀慟拍出來,並希望借此替戲中的男女主角及現實中的自 己找出答案。但原來沒有答案就是答案,無論選擇用什麼方式面 對死亡,那種痛依然存在,前路仍然要繼續走。林嘉欣和石頭的 演出甚具感染力,加上蘇打綠龔鈺祺的配樂,隔著銀幕也能深深 觸動觀眾情緒。 After the death of his wife, director Tom Lin (Winds of September, Starry Starry Night) went in search of closure, and the result is this heartrending drama about loss, grief and the agonizing path to letting go. Karena Lam makes a long-awaited comeback to the big screen as Ming, a woman who loses her fiancée in a car accident that also killed the pregnant wife of Wei (Stone). Over the course of 100 days – the traditional Buddhist period for mourning the dead – Wei and Ming each find their own way to deal with the pain of their loss. But can they ever truly learn to say goodbye?




Miss Hokusai 百日紅

日本 Japan / 2015 / 93 min /日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 原惠一 Hara Keiichi 演員 Cast: 渡邊杏 Anne, 松重豐 Matsushige Yutaka, 濱田岳 Hamada Gaku, Shimizu Shion, 筒井道隆 Tsutsui Michitaka



clearer than you think 青蔥絮語

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 77 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Han Ji-won Time venue

14/11 3:15pm bc 17/11 8:10pm ONE

加拿大奇幻電影節 最佳動畫長片

Best Animated Feature, Fantasia Film Festival, Canada Time venue

01/11 5:50pm ONE 03/11 7:50pm IFC

《河童之夏》、《意外的幸運籤》導演原惠一放慢腳步,繼執導 真人電影《我行我導:木下惠介物語》(第十屆)相隔五年出山 製作的動畫電影。改編自歷史漫畫家杉浦日向子生涯的代表作 《百日紅》,故事以日本最有名的浮世繪師葛飾北齋與同為畫師 的女兒阿榮以及弟子池田善次郎作為中心,鎮上出現一個神秘不 明的女人頭引起阿榮熱切創作的欲望。動畫中融入戀愛、人情、 驚悚、風俗等多元要素,原惠一再以非常感性細緻的畫風,把 《富嶽三十六景》赤富士、神奈川沖浪裡等風景畫栩栩如生躍然 銀幕上,同時活靈活現地描繪出當年社會庶民的生活和姿態,剪 影出世態炎涼的百物語,用冷峻幽默、睿智諷刺江戶幕末年的權 勢和女權的地位,與葛飾北齋的浮世繪如出一轍。 Based on the manga Sarusuberi by Sugiura Hinako, Miss Hokusai is an unconventional look at the power of creativity and the clash of cultures, both generational and historical. The film spins a fantastic feminist tale based on the life of popular ukiyo-e artist Hokusai Katsushika by supposing that a number of his renowned works were completed by his uncredited daughter O-Ei, a seemingly polite maiden whose private independence and undeniable talent contrast with the strict societal mores of 19th century Japan. Award-winning director Hara Keiichi (Colorful) eschews a grand narrative and instead offers telling, wondrously animated vignettes delving into the life of a fascinating, free-spirited young woman born very much before her time.

當生活如同一杯無色無味的白開水,四段單元動畫中你我他 (她、牠)的故事,尋回小清新的韻味。即將大學畢業的花樣 男,為戀愛為工作為未來而煩腦,其實只想簡單開心地過活;公 司偷偷摸摸戀情多,準新娘婚仍未等到他說一句「我愛你」;男 子為交往加入樂團,終要考上大學放棄音樂,分開後band女友 悔不當初;九歲的獅子狗狗為了找主人誤入迷幻森林,面對真正 現實的殘酷世界!主創人Han Ji-won相信明天會更好,教你愛要 怎麼說出口,用柔美的色彩和亮麗的畫風呈繪生命蛻變的力量。 A college senior hopes for love and a future that is right for him, but his friends and family tell him to just find a job. A worried woman longs to hear “I love you” from her inscrutable fiancé. A girl wishes to continue playing music though her bandmate has quit to study for the college entrance exam. A lost poodle looking for its owner ventures into a new world for the first time. Drawing comparisons to Shinkai Makoto for her beautiful, detailed animation and gentle, contemplative stories, Han Ji-won directed, produced, animated, edited and provided voices for the four shorts that make up this wistful and good-humored omnibus.





Mr. Six




An 甜味人間

中國 China / 2015 / 135 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕

日本 Japan / 2015 / 113 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 管虎 Guan Hu 演員 Cast: 馮小剛 Feng Xiaogang, 吳亦凡 Kris Wu, 李易峰 Li Yifeng, 張涵予 Zhang Hanyu

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 河瀨直美 Kawase Naomi 演員 Cast: 樹木希林 Kiki Kirin, 永瀨正敏 Nagase Masatoshi, 內田伽羅 Uchida Kyara

威尼斯影展 閉幕電影 Closing Film, Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 金馬獎最佳男主角提名

康城影展 一種關注單元 開幕電影

Opening Film, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

Golden Horse Best Actor Nomination Time venue

31/10 2:10pm bc 13/11 9:50pm ONE

Time venue

01/11 7:40pm ONE 04/11 7:40pm IFC

康城常客、日本藝術片名導河瀨直美過往多拍原著劇本,這次罕 有改編多利安助川的同名小說。繼去年的《第二扇窗》(第11 屆),河瀨直美貫徹對社會邊緣人物的關注,還首次在東京拍 攝,有別於過往作品大都發生在奈良縣。故事講述樹木希林飾演 的老婦一天來到一家銅鑼燒店,請求永瀨正敏飾演的燒餅師父讓 她做餅,原來她是燒餅高手,她的銅鑼燒吸引熟客和慕名而來的 顧客,包括內田伽羅飾演的內歛少女。本來陌生的三個人合力賣 餅,儼如三代同堂的一家人。可惜當顧客得知老婦其實是附近痳 瘋病院的病人,紛紛避之則吉,不敢光顧。最終燒餅店還容得下 老婦嗎?

中國第六代導演鬼才管虎最新力作,找來馮小剛擔演過氣大佬六 爺「老炮兒」。故事講述多管閑事的老炮兒昔日是江湖大佬,本 來已退出江湖,卻因為兒子闖禍開罪了一名富二代而被迫重出江 湖。當他重施故技時,卻發現時不與我。另一方面本來關係惡劣 的父子會否因為這次冰釋前嫌?管虎再次通過他的作品關注人與 他身處世界的關係。戲中主角老炮兒雖然曾經是江湖中人,但他 尚會講江湖道義和規矩,眼見今日的江湖中人毫不講理,才驚覺 所謂的江湖氣早已隨他的時代一起過去。在傳統北京胡同出生的 管虎希望通過六爺這個人物與一群富二代青年的衝突,展示北京 城以至整個中國存在的世代差異。 Blockbuster director Feng Xiaogang takes a rare leading role in front of the camera as the eponymous aged Beijing gangster of Guan Hu’s highly anticipated action comedy, which also co-stars two of China’s hottest young stars of the moment. King of the streets back in his heyday, Mr. Six still commands respect in the neighborhood. Or so he thought, until his son (Li Yifeng) crosses a rich young street racer (Kris Wu) who pays no heed to the elder statesman, paving the way for an old-school rumble between the old and new generations. Well-received at the Venice Film Festival, Mr. Six sees Guan Hu at the top of his game in subverting genre expectations.

Frequent Cannes visitor Kawase Naomi opened this year’s Un Certain Regard sidebar with this gentle foodie drama, one of the arthouse filmmaker’s most accessible films yet. Sentaro (Nagase Masatoshi) lives a mundane life making mediocre dorayaki – cake with sweet red bean paste – in a small suburban street stand. One day, a kind old woman named Tokue (Kiki Kirin) applies as the store assistant, bringing with her a delicious homemade recipe for red bean paste. The two lonely souls eventually find a new purpose in life as their unlikely partnership leads to newfound success. Showing in detail the methodical process that goes into making the perfect dorayaki, AN is a sweet, humanistic drama that will surely make anyone with a sweet tooth salivate.


initiation love 愛的成人式


Time venue

29/10 7:45pm bc 3/11 7:45pm ONE

Journey To The Shore 身後戀事

日本 Japan / 2015 / 110 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 堤幸彥 Tsutsumi Yukihiko 演員 Cast : 松田翔太 Matsuda Shota, 前田敦子 Maeda Atsuko, 木村文乃 Kimura Fumino


日本 Japan / 2015 / 128 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 黑澤清 Kurosawa Kiyoshi 演員 Cast: 深津繪里 Fukatsu Eri, 淺野忠信 Asano Tadanobu 康城影展 一種關注單元 最佳導演

Directing Prize, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time venue

29/10 7:25pm IFC 30/10 9:50pm ONE

《東京奏鳴曲》(第四屆)、《贖罪》(第九屆)導演黑澤清改 編湯本香樹實的同名小說,一齣感人而另類的愛情故事。故事講 述丈夫優介(淺野忠信飾)三年前失蹤,卻突然回家與鋼琴教師 妻子瑞希(深津繪里飾)團聚,可惜回來是為了道別,並邀她共 渡一次最後旅程。年屆59的黑澤清近年已絕少電影作品。對喜歡 黑澤清心理驚慄片的影迷,此另類愛情片依然感到淡淡懸味:消 失多年的丈夫突然歸來,妻子的反應竟然是他忘記除鞋入屋。演 技派型男淺野忠信與《惡人》(第七屆)深津繪里更是首度合作 演出。 一個顛覆的愛情故事,改編自日本作家乾胡桃的同名人氣小 說,曾被喻為不可能影像化的小說故事,落在《圈套》導演堤幸 彦手上,證明改編成電影不是不可能。故事由Side A展開:日本 靜岡縣一對年輕初戀小情人由相識到相戀,温馨甜蜜,可惜後來 男的轉到東京工作,二人分隔兩地感情也起變化。輪到SideB: 男的已去到東京工作,公司來了一位新的美女同事,兩人互生好 感更開始交往。男的一腳踏兩船,穿梭於靜岡的初戀情人和東京 的新歡之間,直至一天,他竟不慎誤將新歡的名字稱乎初戀情 人……別以為故事就要講完,好戲在後頭,且有驚人結局,絕對 是非一般愛情故事。故事背景是八十年代,片中呈現的日本經濟 起飛的年代也相當逼真。 In the late 80s in Shizuoka, nerdy college student Suzuki (Matsuda Shota) meets and falls in love with perky dental hygienist Mayuko (former AKB48 member Maeda Atsuko), and their romance changes him for the better. Later, Suzuki moves to Tokyo for work, and the two begin to drift apart as he grows closer with a pretty colleague (Kimura Fumino). Blockbuster filmmaker Tsutsumi Yukihiko’s (20th Century Boys series) adaptation of Inui Kurumi’s bestselling novel may sound like your typical romantic drama about first love and loss but it is actually an intricate mystery, culminating in a final five minutes that redefines everything that came before.

Piano teacher Mizuki (Fukatsu Eri) returns home one night and receives a surprise at the door: Her husband Yusuke (Asano Tadanobu) has returned home after being missing for three years. Yusuke tells her that he has died and asks her to join him on one final journey to visit those who have helped him before his spirit moves on to the afterlife. In this temporary departure from the horror genre, Kurosawa Kiyoshi delivers a dreamy and emotionally moving spiritual exploration into the circle of life. One of Japan’s finest actresses, Fukatsu Eri is simply superb as a woman trying to come to terms with the inevitable farewell to the love of her life.



Cemetery of Splendour 衰敗的華麗

泰國 Thailand / 2015 / 122 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕

In Thai with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 阿比查邦 韋拉斯塔古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul 演員 Cast: Jenjira Pongpas Widner, Benlop Lomnoi 康城影展 一種關注單元


Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen

Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time venue

30/10 7:20pm bc 04/11 7:30pm ONE

風雲耆英會 日本 Japan / 2015 / 125 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 北野武 Kitano Takeshi 演員 Cast: 藤龍也 Fuji Tatsuya, 安田顯 Yasuda Ken, 北野武 Kitano Takeshi Time venue

29/10 7:30pm ONE 3/11 9:50pm ONE

《全員惡人》(第七屆)北野武再耍看家本領,執導黑色幽默黑 幫片。電話騙案豈止在香港,連日本黑幫大佬都唔放過。藤龍也 飾演的過氣黑幫大佬龍三親分竟然收到冒認他兒子的行騙電話, 幸好年紀一把的他腦筋依然精靈沒上當,更從北野武飾演的老差 骨得知是一黑幫所為。有仇不報非黑幫,龍三親分不惜召集七位 老手下重組一龍會,可惜今時唔同往日,這班風光一時的老黑幫 能否重振聲威?年屆68的北野武寫老黑幫充滿幽默和自嘲,活躍 六、七十年代日本黑幫片的藤龍也演活江湖大佬,雖然年過70, 飾演光輝不再的老黑幫依然壓場,霸氣十足,也使戲中連荒唐場 面也夠型! One of Japan’s most famous tough guys, filmmaker Kitano Takeshi is out to teach good-for-nothing youngsters a lesson in this hilarious gangster comedy. Best known for his gangsters and villainous thug roles in the 1960’s and 70’s, Fuji Tatsuya stars as the titular Ryuzo, a former gangster living out a humdrum retired life supported by his law-abiding son. When Ryuzo is almost scammed by younger gangsters, he decides to reunite the members of his old gang – all retired geezers desperately looking for a chance to get back in action – for some old-fashioned revenge. Now a card-carrying senior citizen himself, 68-year-old Kitano ironically casts himself in a small cameo as a veteran cop who lends Ryuzo a helping hand.

2010年憑《波米叔叔的前世今生》(第七屆)在康城影展奪金 棕櫚的泰國著名藝術導演阿比查邦最新作品。一群患有嗜睡症的 士兵被安置在一所舊校舍改建的診所,一位中年婦人義工負責照 顧一名沒有家人探望的英俊士兵,還發現他有一本寫有一些怪字 和圖的筆記。另一年輕義工是一個有超自然能力的靈媒,能助家 屬與昏迷的士兵溝通。另一方面,醫生嘗試各種方法,包括顏色 燈光治療睡夢中的士兵。一天,婦人遇上兩個年輕老撾公主告 訴她診所所在是古皇宫及古墓,古王徵用了士兵的靈魂為他們 作戰......2004年在阿比查邦康城評審團大奬之作《夏日迷情》 (Tropical Malady)男主角之一的Banlop Lomnoi,在新作飾演嗜 睡的士兵,11年後延續當年士兵之夢。 Five years after winning Cannes’ Palme d’Or Prize for Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Thai auteur Apichatpong Weerasethakul finally delivers his long-awaited follow-up, a sublime fantasy drama about an unusual friendship that blossoms between a young patient (Benlop Lomnoi) at a rural clinic for soldiers suffering from a mysterious sleeping ailment and a middle-aged volunteer (Jenjira Pongpas Widner) who works there. Transcendently beautiful and oddly humorous, Cemetery of Splendour brings politics and magical realism together to create a wondrous, surreal work of art that is one of the director’s best works.

19 15 MOVIE


Right Now, Wrong Then 愛得對 愛得錯

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 121 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 洪尚秀 Hong Sang-soo 演員 Cast : 鄭在詠 Jung Jae-young, 金敏姬 Kim Min-hee, 尹汝貞 Yun Yeo-jeong, 俞俊相 Yu Jun-sang, 高雅星 Ko Ah-sung 羅迦諾電影節 金豹獎及最佳男演員

Golden Leopard, Best Actor, Locarno International Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival Time venue

31/10 9:50pm bc 02/11 7:35pm IFC

《自由之丘》(第11屆)、《我們的善熙》(第10屆)導演洪 尚秀再次自我投射,以電影導演為主角,夫子自道。藝術電影導 演意外地比預期早一天到達水原市,於是順便遊覽著名的古皇 宮,遇上年輕女畫家,兩人交談甚歡,先到女的畫室暢談,然 後去餐廳吃飯,再去朋友的派對暢飲。最後當男導演透露自己已 婚,女畫家很失望。電影下半部,故事從頭說過,正如片名《這 時對,那時錯》,男主角在同樣地方遇上女主角,只是這次他的 態度和表現都起了變化,女主角的反應亦隨之改變。微妙的是, 導演洪尚秀呈現的結果往往不是預期的,反映導演對人與人關係 的見解。例如男主角在下半部無意間批評了女主角的作品反而比 他在上半部對她的恭維讚美似乎更能取悅女主角歡心。 Festival favorite Hong Sang-soo’s quintessential 17th feature offers two bittersweet variations on the same serendipitous encounter. Arthouse director Ham Chun-soo (Jung Jae-young, Our Sunhi) travels from Seoul to Suwon for a film festival screening. While sightseeing around town, he meets painter Yoon Hee-jung (Kim Min-hee), and the two spend the day getting to know each other. At night, they attend a party together where alcohol-fueled indiscretions turn a budding relationship sour. The same story revisited with subtle changes in words, manners and actions, however, may lead to a very different outcome.


MADONNA 我叫麥當娜,你又想點

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 120 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 申秀賢Shin Su-won 演員 Cast: 徐英姫 Seo Young-hee, 權昭賢 Kwon So-hyun, 金英民 Kim Young-min, 卞耀漢 Byun Yo-han 康城影展 一種關注單元

Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival Time venue

06/11 9:50pm bc 08/11 5:30pm ONE

醫院VIP病房有位半植物人哲武,由護士慧琳(徐英姬飾)與 主診醫生(卞耀漢飾)照顧,哲武之子(金英民飾)為了繼承 家產不惜一切,找到合適的心臟令父親續命。一天,少女美娜 (4minute權昭賢飾)因離奇意外陷入無意識狀態送院,有人向 慧琳提出危險的交易,誓要搶到美娜的心臟!當慧琳追尋美娜 的家人,過程中才發現美娜的別名MADONNA背後隱藏著驚人 秘密。柏林影展Canal+獎得主申秀賢繼《冥王星保衛戰Pluto》 又一爭議之作,電影用聖名承擔生命,一語雙關讓觀眾引發遐 想。《煉獄島》徐英姬放下屠刀,細膩的情感演出悲從中來的 被害人,昔日的選擇比逃避的傷疤更加傷痛,淌血的記憶晃如 昨天。 Struggling nurse Hye-rim (Seo Young-hee) works in the VIP ward where she cares for paralyzed tycoon Kim, who has been kept tenuously alive for years through the power and money of his greedy son Sang-woo (Kim Young-min). Kim is in need of a heart transplant, and Sang-woo has found an ideal donor in comatose pregnant patient Mi-na (Kwon So-hyun). Asked to find Mi-na’s next of kin, Hye-rim gradually unravels her past and develops a protective bond with this tragic woman, who was continually met with derision and abuse her entire life. Like in her previous Pluto, director Shin Su-won’s compelling drama exposes the dark underside of a callous, elitist world permeated with institutional corruption and ruthless disregard for life.


Love and…





The Shameless 因恥愛你

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 70 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 118 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 張律 Zhang Lu 演員 Cast: 安聖基 Ahn Sung-ki, 文素利 Moon So-ri, 朴海日 Park Hae-il, 韓藝里 Han Ye-ri

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 吳勝旭 Oh Seung-uk 演員 Cast: 全度妍 Jeon Do-yeon, 金南佶 Kim Nam-gil, 朴誠雄 Park Sung-woong, 郭度沅 Kwak Do-won

釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 溫哥華國際電影節 Vancouver International Film Festival

康城影展 一種關注單元

Time venue

14/11 8:25pm ONE 18/11 8:10pm bc

Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival Time venue

01/11 9:50pm bc 05/11 9:50pm ONE

小說作家出身的中國朝鮮族導演張律講故事真有一手。出道至 今,深受各影展歡迎。去年的《慶州蜜語》(第11屆)帶來一個 另類的浪漫故事,今年則大玩電影語言結構,繼續反主流而行衝 擊我們對電影的意識形態。故事由兩件看似無關的小事件展開: 這邊廂,一個年輕女子(韓藝里飾)到精神病醫院探望祖父(安 聖基飾)發現他對一名病房女職員有好感;那邊廂,一個在年青 電影幕後人員(朴海日飾)竟敢跟導演爭辯。影片由四個錯綜複 雜的章節組成,當中有相關的,也有不相干的。敢創本來就是張 律作品吸引之處。和以往作品一樣,他的駕馭能力往往令觀眾眼 前一亮。 Known for art films about dislocation and cultural identity, KoreanChinese filmmaker Zhang Lu follows last year’s Gyeongju with Love and..., which explores the connection between love and film through an inventive series of incidents and scenarios. A woman visits her grandfather in the mental hospital and discovers that he likes one of the hospital workers. After a disagreement with the director, a lighting crew member runs off with a film canister and wanders around thinking about the film he would make. First developed as a short, Love and... sees Zhang collaborating with legendary actor Ahn Sung-ki, Hong Sang-soo regular Moon Sori, up-and-coming actress Han Ye-ri (Haemoo) and Gyeongju’s Park Hae-il.

一個型警遇上疑犯的情人從初次邂逅到墜入愛河的過程,金南佶 飾演的探員鄭宰坤正追蹤一名殺人犯,得知他有位在三流酒吧當 侍應的紅顏知己金惠景(全度妍飾)。宰坤為了抓犯人不擇手 段,當臥底潛入酒吧工作,密切留意惠景的舉動。但越共處得 久,他越有罪疚感,甚至質疑當初的決定。他對這惠景漸漸產生 微妙的感覺。原本一直渴望情人歸來的惠景,與常常在身邊的 宰坤漸漸走近,全度妍與金南佶完美演出這對謊言的情人。編 劇起家的吳勝旭,為人熟悉始於為九十末編寫的韓流電影劇本 《生死邊緣》、《八月照相館》,2000年首次執導《雙生警 賊》(Kilimanjaro),15年後再次執導,《因恥愛你》把愛情、 浪漫、警匪元素共冶一爐,而且得心應手。 To catch a murderer, detective Jung Jae-gon (Kim Nam-gil) gets close to the murderer’s girlfriend, a bar madam Kim Hye-kyung (Jeon Do-yeon), to use her as bait. But Jae-gon’s unethical plan goes sour when he falls in love with Hye-kyung. Director Oh Seunguk’s first film in 15 years has all the makings of a hard-boiled film noir, but this stylish and offbeat romantic drama boasts an irresistibly attractive femme fatale who’s more than just another sexy seductress. Playing one of the most morally and emotionally complex characters of her career, Jeon Do-yeon is simply captivating as an icy woman who is starting to feel disillusioned about her fleeing lover.



Taklub 海燕

菲律賓 Philippines / 2015 / 89 min / 他加祿語對白,中英文字幕

In Tagalog with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 布里楊文杜莎 Brillante Mendoza 演員 Cast : Nora Aunor, Julio Diaz, Aaron Rivera 康城影展 一種關注單元

Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time


Ruined Heart: Another Love Story Between a Criminal and a Whore 疾走馬尼拉

菲律賓 Philippines / 2014 / 73 min / 他加祿語對白,英文字幕

In Tagalog with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 卡文 Khavn 演員 Cast: 淺野忠信 Asano Tadanobu, 娜塔莉亞瑟多 Nathalia Acevedo, 艾蓮娜卡贊Elena Kazan, Andre Puertoliano, Vim Nadera 東京國際電影節 主競賽單元

Main Competition, Tokyo International Film Festival Time venue

02/11 8:00pm bc 06/11 8:00pm ONE

殺手戀上煙花女這個老掉大牙的故事,落在菲律賓數碼電影創作 之父之手卡文及杜可風手上,變成一場甜蜜華麗糜爛卻頹廢絕望 的逃亡記。日本演員淺野忠信飾演為愛背叛老大的浪漫殺手,帶 著戀人娜塔莉亞瑟多天涯奔逃。全片幾乎無對白,靠攝影名師杜 可風掌鏡和獨特的配樂,小情侶在馬尼拉這座城市之中穿街走 巷,在詩意的鏡頭中縱情狂笑自溺,狂放不羈的驚人美學或多或 少有《墮落天使》般王家衛式的街頭影子。集導演、編劇、詩 人、作曲家等於一身的卡文,用音樂娓娓訴說一場殺手精彩絕倫 的悲戀,用影像寫下他過去三年的生命——死亡、希望和心碎, 結合音樂與影像而成幕幕的迷醉詩篇。 Prepare to enter the twisted mind of Khavn. The latest film from the prolific Filipino poet, musician and digital filmmaking pioneer is a dreamy, surreal and dialogue-free journey through the seedy slums of Manila. Shot in only four days in collaboration with master cinematographer Christopher Doyle, Ruined Heart is a visual poem of warped beauty set to an eclectic, enchanting soundtrack cocomposed by Khavn himself. The story – about a criminal (Asano Tadanobu) who rescues a whore (Mexico’s Nathalia Acevedo) and goes on the run – is simple, but Khavn’s bewitching depiction of love in its purest form will linger in your mind long after its moving finale, set to a rockabilly cover of Pachelbel’s Canon in D.


18/11 8:05pm ONE 22/11 4:15pm IFC

《男孩看見血地獄》康城最佳導演布里楊文杜莎最新力作。電 影背景是受颱風海燕吹襲的菲律賓塔克洛班。故事關於無情的 颱風海燕把塔克洛班變成一片頹垣敗瓦,亦把Bebeth、Larry 和 Erwin三人纏在一起 。Bebeth在大葬崗的DNA記錄尋找她失去的 三個孩子下落。痛失太太的Larry跟隨一群虔誠敎徒在市內擔起 十字架巡遊,藉此安撫自己的悲傷。Erwin和哥哥設法隱瞞妹妹 父母已死的事實。但似乎失去親人還未夠,他們遇到的考驗仍陸 續有來,傷口痊癒彷彿遙遙無期。導演在風災後的塔克洛班實地 拍攝,展示居民如何對抗這超強颱風帶來的噩夢,並借此向不屈 不堯的災民致敬。 In 2013, Typhoon Haiyan tore through the Philippines, killing at least 6300 people and impacting countless lives. Cannes awardwinning director Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay, Service) sets his bleak drama Taklub (a.k.a. Trap) one year after the storm’s devastation, following survivors of Haiyan as their lives intertwine amidst the ruins of the city of Tacloban. As the characters cope with everyday matters, their acute sorrow and tales of loss are brought to the fore, while newer events test what little faith they have remaining. Shot in austere, docu-drama style in actual disaster zones, Taklub finds power in its quiet relevance and the sobering reality that life still must go on.


*映後談 Q&A Session

new talent award 22 MOVIE


River of Exploding Durians 榴槤忘返

馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2014 / 128 min / 國語對白,英文字幕

In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 楊毅恒 Edmund Yeo 演員 Cast: 高聖 Koe Shern, 梁祖儀 Joey Leong, 朱芷瑩 Jacqueline Chu, 劉倩妏 Daphne Low 東京國際電影節 主競賽單元

Main Competition, Tokyo International Film Festival


taksu 欲動

Time venue

*19/11 9:35pm ONE *20/11 9:40pm bc

日本 Japan / 2014 / 97 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Sugino Kiki 杉野希妃 演員 Cast: 齋藤工 Saito Takumi, 三津谷葉子 Mitsuya Yoko, 杉野希妃 Sugino Kiki, Tom Mes 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time venue

19/11 7:40pm ONE 21/11 4:50pm bc

身患重病的千尋(齋藤工飾)不肯面對死亡,是因對現實的執 迷,於是與妻子尤里(三津谷葉子飾)決定去一趟印尼巴里島看 到他懷孕的妹妹久未(杉野希妃飾),二人希望此行能帶來人生 的改變。杉野希妃演而優則導,繼《你家就是我家》(第11屆) 重返熒屏自導自演,以巴里島人對「神的啟示」為靈感,拍出一 部兩性與生死互相交織的情感片。貫穿全片的性愛畫面唯美動 人,透過對性愛的深刻體驗達到與靈魂伴侶合一,火葬奇觀超脫 打破往生者死而不亡的界線,使靈魂找到歸路,在釜山電影節打 開亞洲之窗。 Dying man Chihiro (Saito Takumi) and his wife Yuri (Mitsuya Yoko) travel to Bali to visit his pregnant sister (Sugino Kiki) and her husband (film critic Tom Mes) in hopes that it may heal their relationship. However, the exotic new surroundings don’t improve Chihiro and Yuri’s relationship, and the two are gradually pushed to the edge by their different desires and their inability to communicate. Inspired by the Balianese concept of divine inspiration, the second film from actress-turned-director Sugino Kiki is a wistful, melancholic and erotically charged drama filled with gorgeous images of the Indonesian island.

楊毅恒的首部長片是史上第一部代表馬來西亞入圍東京國際電影 節正式競賽單元。根據馬來西亞真實事件改編。一群高中生不甘 淪為經濟這巨大齒輪犧牲的一角,極力抗爭外來的稀土工廠在沿 岸興建,他們的生命正在這場革命產生巨大的變化,也萌生了革 命情感以及一些單純的戀愛情懷。事隔差不多兩年,爭議仍然持 續。啟發自三島由紀夫的小說《春雪》和《奔馬》,由導演楊毅 恒對事件的記憶作主導,繼續反思抗爭,反映這一代馬來西亞人 的抗爭,展示他們如何鍥而不舍在困境中尋找僅有的希望。即使 鏡頭下的示威沒有歇斯底里,生活在香港的人,特別是新一代, 一定有所共鳴。 After a string of critically acclaimed short films, Edmund Yeo makes his feature film debut with this sprawling, intimate epic about first love, memories and historical amnesia. Inspired by the Lynas protests and Bersih movement in Malaysia, this low-key drama traces the evolution of an apathetic high school student (Koe Shern) from hopeless romantic to political radical through his relationships with a classmate (Joey Leung), their activist teacher (Jacqueline Chu) and his class monitor (Daphne Low). The first Malaysian film to enter the official competition section of the Tokyo International Film Festival, The River of Exploding Durians marks the emergence of a fresh voice in Malaysian cinema.

25 23 MOVIE

new talent award

Alice in Earnestland 愛麗絲漫遊絕境

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 90 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕





台灣 Taiwan / 2014 / 90 min / 國語對白,中英字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 安國真 Ahn Gooc-jin 演員 Cast : 李貞賢 Lee Jung-hyun, Lee Hae-young, 徐永嬅 Seo Young-hwa

導演 Dir: 廖哲毅 Liao Che-I, 陳心龍 Chen Hsin-Lung 演員 Cast: 李劭婕 Li Shao-Chieh, 呂名堯 Lu Ming-Yao, 謝盈萱 Hsieh Ying-Hsuan, 朱宏章 Chu Hung-Chang, 王自強 Wang Tzu-Chiang

全州國際電影節 最佳影片大獎

金馬影展 Golden Horse Film Festival

Grand Prize, Jeonju International Film Festival

Time Time venue

20/11 9:50 ONE 21/11 9:50pm bc


*20/11 7:40pm ONE *22/11 1:05pm bc

可憐的賢妻Soo-nam無法替躺在醫院成植物人的丈夫支付高昂的 醫院費用,雖然不停努力工作但仍付擔不來,無望之際,一個重 建項目出現為她帶來轉機。劣況扭轉的同時,Soo-nam的性格 也來個大轉變:她變成一個冷血不仁的人,並決意向令她債台高 築的每個人報復!這齣低成本黑色喜劇成功以刀仔鋸大樹,票房 勁收,新晉導演安國真小試牛刀之作在韓國內外大獲好評。由歌 手演員李貞賢飾演女主角,演出和本片一樣令人驚喜。畢業於韓 國影藝學院,安國真2008年的畢業短片已嶄露頭角,先後在富 川國際幻想電影節、首爾國立電影節放映,並於韓國大學電影節 獲獎。 Anchored by a tremendous lead performance from Lee Jung-hyun (Juvenile Offender), Ahn Gooc-jin’s film school graduation feature both charms and shocks as a darkly funny and visually arresting modern fairy tale-gone-wrong. Though Soo-nam has tried her best to work hard and live honestly all these years, life just keeps kicking her down. Soon after marrying young, her husband was debilitated by a series of misfortunes. She finally buys a home, only to be saddled by mounting debt and medical bills. She throws her lot into supporting a redevelopment project, but that too turns against her. Driven over the edge, Soo-nam takes matters into her own hands in violent fashion.

取材自美國著名戲劇作家亞瑟﹒米勒 (Arthur Miller) 不朽作品 《熔爐 The0Crucible》,台灣青春崩壞系電影《時下暴力》首 次劇場融入電影拍攝,將舞台劇搬上大銀幕,由劇場界重量級人 物謝盈萱、朱宏章,以及影視劇三棲演員王自強、陳家逵、新銳 演員李劭婕、呂名堯等跨界演出,八十後年輕團隊「壹玖八七」 廖哲毅和陳心龍初生之犢,不畏社會成見,以群眾募資方式打 造屬於台灣年輕人的電影。電影與原劇描繪中古世紀女巫審判冤 案的劇情雙線併行,以寫實迷幻的風格拍成另類現代校園陰謀, 描述一樁高中體罰事件引發而出的熱血抗爭,逐步揭露成長中的 殘酷真相和社會的冷漠現況,什麼才是擁抱他們青春靈魂的靈 丹妙藥﹖ Young independent filmmakers Liao Che-I and Chen Hsin-Lung reinvent Arthur Miller’s The Crucible into a modern high school setting in this tense and searing youth film. A group of students accuse a teacher of severe corporal punishment that sent Qin AiLin (Li Shao-Chieh) to the hospital. Unsatisfied with the school’s handling of the matter, the students, led by Ai-Lin’s friend and admirer Li Lun-Hua (Lu Ming-Yao), escalate their protests while the accused teacher denies wrongdoing. As the scandal grows, Lun-Hua notices that the events surrounding them are eerily similar to the play he is reading. Interspersing play scenarios with the film’s narrative, Conspiracy depicts with verve how lies and obsession spiral out of control into persecution and violence.

new talent award 25





印尼 Indonesia / 2014 / 88 min / 爪哇語、印尼語對白, 英文字幕 In Javanese and Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Eddie Cahyono 演員 Cast: Sekar Sari, Delia Nuswantoro, Chelsy Bettido,

Ibnu Widodo 新加坡國際電影節 Singapore International Film Festival 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival Time venue

*17/11 9:50pm bc *21/11 3:00pm ONE




鎖不住的青春 (暫譯)

土耳其、法國 Turkey, France / 2015 / 97 mins /土耳其語對白, 英文字幕

In Turkish with and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Deniz Gamze Ergüven 演員 Cast: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Tugba Sunguroglu, Elit Iscan, Ilayda Akdogan, Ayberk Pekcan 康城影展 導演雙週大獎 Golden Palm, Director’s Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 法國代表角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片

France Representative for Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film Siti,一位年輕的母親,丈夫在出海捕魚發生意外而癱瘓,照顧 兒子、丈夫和奶奶的重責全落在她的身上。早上她販賣小吃, 晚上在卡拉OK酒廊偷偷摸摸工作。自從丈夫知道之後,再沒有 跟Siti說話了。一天警察搜查酒廊,扣留了Siti。沒生產力的孤 獨人物,Siti在窒息的勞役生活中掙扎尋找一扇窗,她的孤獨苦 悶多少建基在這個國家對性別平等和社會轉化的渴求。獨立導 演EddieaCahyono用黑白的鏡頭展現女主角的情緒起伏,女星 SekaraSari自然內斂的演技令人動容,《活著多好》是當下印尼 女性的奏鳴曲。 With a paralyzed husband, a young son and a mother-in-law at home, Siti (Sekar Sari) is forced to make money by working at an illegal karaoke bar – until she caught in a raid on the bar. Eddie Cahyono’s neorealist drama follows a day in the life of Siti, who sells crackers on the beach during the day while contemplating returning to the reopened bar that night despite her husband’s jealousy-fueled silent treatment. An involving, unsentimental character drama about a woman who seems to be bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders, Siti boasts gorgeous black-and-white cinematography and a remarkable performance by Sari.

Time venue

21/11 5:05pm ONE 22/11 3:10pm bc

土耳其新晉女導演DenizAGamzeAErgüven震撼康城之作,勇奪 導演雙週大獎。五姊妹父母雙亡,從小由外婆帶大,生活本來如 脫韁野馬,奔放不受拘束,可惜放學後與少年同樂,慘被告發; 思想保守的舅舅決定對她們施以鐵腕教育,被關在家裡學習家 政,誓要在出嫁前改造她們變成賢妻良母。大姐運氣好,得以和 心上人成婚,二姐新婚之夜被懷疑不是處女,老三迫婚不成,反 抗卻變成悲劇,剩下的兩姊妹決心抗爭到底,究竟悲劇收場,還 是逃出生天?電影表面透過五姊妹先後經歷成長的反叛、洗禮和 摧殘,卻碰觸到土耳其複雜的種族歷史背景下對女性弱勢的歧視 和箝制。 After an innocent afternoon at the beach with boys from school, five orphan sisters living in a small Turkish village are punished by their grandmother and uncle. The more the sisters rebel against their conservative relatives, the tighter the screws get as virginity tests are applied, steel bars are installed and marriages are arranged. The winner of the Label Europa Cinemas at the Director’s Fortnight in Cannes, and France’s representative at the 2016 Academy Awards, Turkish-French filmmaker Deniz Gamze Ergüven’s intimate coming-of-age comedy-drama is a damning criticism of societies that repress women in the name of conservative values. The sisters’ unbreakable bond provides some of the most charming and moving moments in cinema this year.

焦點導演: 邱金海

*映後談 Q&A Session

director in focus


in the room 無限春光27

新加坡、香港 Singapore, Hong Kong / 2015 / 103 min / 英語、日語、韓語、泰語、馬來語對白,中英文字幕

In English, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Malay with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: 何超儀 Josie Ho , 西野翔 Nishino Show, 崔宇植 Choi Woo-shik, 金花雨 Kim Kkot-bi, Koh Boon Bin, Daniel Jenkins, Netnaphad Pulsavad 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time venue


*21/11 7:25pm ONE *21/11 9:50pm ONE

一張床,一杯酒,在Singapura Hotel小小的27號酒店房裡,進 進出出的是來自不同國家、操不同語言、命運迥異的住客,他們 的情慾、思緒和遭遇複雜地交織在一起,愈快樂愈墮落,經歷愛 欲、生死、激情、憐惜、殘酷、救贖,種種糾葛的情感構成了命 運無常的宿命感。《無限春光27》以愛、人生、性慾為主題, 六個以不同時代為背景、但發生在同一間酒店房的獨立故事,各 色人物因性愛而連繫起來。新加坡導演邱金海從酒店春光探討現 代人空虛落寞的心境,人性的探析中不乏細膩入肉的洞察力,讓 觀眾看到最真實的自己。導演剪輯的「愛」版本,HKAFF特別 放送。 Inspired by his stay at a seedy hotel in Korea, Singaporean director Eric Khoo spins stories of lust and desire that unfold in a single hotel room over several decades. Taking place in Room 27 at the Hotel Singapura, Khoo’s tales include a British man’s efforts to convince his male plantation owner lover to flee with him before the Japanese invasion, a Korean girl’s unorthodox way of overcoming a break-up, and the final tryst between a Singaporean man and his married Japanese lover. Shot on two identical sets over ten days, In the Room features a multi-cultural and multi-lingual ensemble including Hong Kong’s Josie Ho and Japanese adult film actress Nishino Show.


director in focus





新加坡 Singapore / 2011 / 98 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: Bessho Tatsuya, Tatsumi Yoshihiro Time venue

15/11 11:10am IFC 17/11 9:50pm ONE

邱金海第一部動畫片《辰巳》(第八屆),改編自日本漫畫大師 辰巳嘉裕的自傳《劇畫漂流》及五個短篇,向辰巳的人生與藝術 致敬。辰巳生於1935年的大阪,受前輩手塚治虫啟發,於1957 年創造了給大人看的漫畫「劇画」。動畫保留劇画的原汁原味, 彩色和單色的寫實畫風與社會低下層小人物和上班族形成強烈對 比,加上辰巳親自聲演,把人性的怪異黑暗面表露無遺。五個短 篇分別關於廣島原爆一張動人照片背後的真相《地獄》,被截肢 的工人《心愛的猴子》,情慾《男人的砲彈》,公廁的情色塗鴉 《使用中》,與戰後服務佔領美軍的妓女《再見》。 Eric Khoo’s first animated feature Tatsumi adapts Japanese manga master Tatsumi Yoshihiro’s 800-page autobiography “A Drifting Life” and five of his short stories into a cinematic homage. Born in 1935 in Osaka and inspired by “the Walt Disney of Japan” Tezuka Osamu (the creator of Astro Boy), Tatsumi invented the gekiga (dramatic pictures) form of manga for adults in 1957. The five stories featured in Tatsumi deal with the truth behind a touching photo documenting the aftermath of Hiroshima “Hell”, a mutilated factory worker “Beloved Monkey”, sexual desire “Just a Man”, pornographic graffiti in public toilets “Occupied” and a postwar prostitute serving American GIs “Good-bye”.


My magic



新加坡 Singapore / 2008 / 75 min / 淡米爾語、閩南語、 英語,英文字幕

In Tamil, Hokkien and English with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: Francis Bosco, Jathishweran 康城影展 Cannes Film Festival Time venue

16/11 9:55pm IFC 19/11 9:45pm bc

角逐2008年金棕櫚獎的《魔法阿爸》(第五屆),受到麥卡錫 的末世父子寓言小說《末路浩劫》啟發,源於導演邱金海想拍攝 魔術師好友 Bosco Francis 動人的眼睛。電影描繪在社會底層掙 扎的印裔魔術師單親爸爸,從自怨自艾的酒鬼人生覺醒,忍受肉 身苦痛,在酒吧裏搏命表演雜技賺錢,希望讓成熟懂事的兒子過 上更好的生活。少數族裔的生活裏沒有魔法,卻有說閩南語的老 闆剝削,黑道凌虐,魔幻寫實的結局。 My Magic was inspired by author Cormac McCarthy’s 2006 postapocalyptic allegorical novel “The Road” and the poignant eyes of director Eric Khoo’s friend, magician Francis Bosco. A struggling, Tamil-speaking single father (Francis Bosco) suffers from alcoholism and self-pity. He decides to pull himself together and support his son’s (Jathishweran) education by performing lifethreatening tricks in a club. There’s no magic in the father and son’s lower-class existence, but there is exploitation by the club’s Hokkien-speaking manager, sadism from a perverse gangster, and a dreamlike ending infused with magical realism. Played in competition at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival.

director in focus 30

be with me


12 storeys






新加坡 Singapore / 2005 / 93 min / 粵語、英語、閩南語、 國語,英文字幕

In Cantonese, English, Hokkien and Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: Theresa Chan Poh Lin, Ezann Lee, Samantha Tan 康城影展 導演雙週

Director’s Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival Time venue

17/11 9:50pm IFC 19/11 7:30pm bc

新加坡 Singapore / 1997 / 105 min / 英語、國語、菲律賓語、 閩南語、粵語、馬來語,英文字幕

In English, Mandarin, Tagalog, Hokkien, Cantonese and Malay with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: Lucilla Teoh, Jack Neo, Koh Boon-Pin 康城影展 Cannes Film Festival Time venue

2005年康城影展導演雙週開幕片《默默伴我行》,揉雜新加坡 盲聾教師陳寶蓮鼓舞人心的自傳與三段關於虛構的愛情故事。雖 然既盲且聾,陳寶蓮宏亮的嗓音,響徹這齣近乎無聲的電影。老 人與老妻每天共同做雜貨店生意,老妻病逝後,兩人份的飯菜何 以為繼?兩位年輕女孩Jackie與Sam相戀,從網路文字到手機簡 訊,當男孩介入感情,生命何以為繼?肥胖大樓保安愛上在同棟 大樓上班的美女,保安值班睡覺被解僱後,單戀何以為繼? The opening film for the 2005 Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes, Be with Me blends the inspirational biography of deaf and blind Singaporean educator Theresa Chan with three fictional love stories. Overcoming the silence and darkness, Theresa Chan’s voice resonates throughout this almost silent film. An old couple open and close their shop together every day. After the wife dies, who will eat the elderly shopkeeper’s homemade dishes? Young female lovers Jackie (Ezann Lee) and Sam (Samantha Tan) communicate their love online and via texting. After a boy intrudes into their relationship, can their love end peacefully? A security guard becomes besotted with an office lady who works in his building. Fired after falling asleep on the job, can he still pursue his love?

18/11 9:50pm IFC 20/11 7:20pm bc

《12樓》是第一部在康城影展放映的新加坡電影,描繪住在同一 棟組屋(新加坡建屋發展局建的公屋)三個不同家庭的故事。電 影開頭青年從十二樓跳下,魂魄返回組屋,觀察三個家庭。肥胖 女人珊珊姑媽為母所苦,想自殺卻沒勇氣;阿牛娶了北京新娘, 新娘因為他窮拒絕做愛;深信「新加坡價值」的長兄,苦口婆心 要弟弟妹妹天天向上,守身如玉。當長兄發現妹妹攜帶保險套, 又見到妹妹男友,結局處處都有黑色幽默和荒誕。 The first Singaporean film invited to play in the Cannes Film Festival, 12 Storeys is set in a 12-storey government-built housing complex. A young man commits suicide by leaping from the 12th floor, but his soul returns to the public housing complex to observe three families. Troubled by her disapproving mother, fat lady San San (Lucilla Teoh) wants to commit suicide like the young man but lacks the courage. Ah Gu (Jack Neo) marries a Beijing bride who considers him too poor to sleep with. A firm believer in “Singaporean values” an elder brother lectures his sister and brother to become model citizens and refrain from premarital sex. Black comedy lies in wait for these Singaporeans.

33 32 MOVIE

director in focus

mee pok man 薄面佬

新加坡 Singapore / 1995 / 98 min / 閩南語、英語、粵語, 英文字幕

In Hokkien, English and Cantonese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 邱金海 Eric Khoo 演員 Cast: Joe Ng, Michelle Goh Time venue

17/11 7:40pm bc 21/11 2:30pm bc

邱金海的首部劇情片《薄面佬》,遠離窗明几淨的高樓,赤裸呈 現底層喧囂的離奇,更被喻為新加坡版《的士司機》。孤單憨厚 的魚丸麵小販麵薄佬(JoeaNg飾)常被欺負,每天就是做工, 回家,做工,回家。被剝削的妓女Bunny(MichelleaGoh飾) 渴望「英國」攝影師男友帶她到倫敦,脫離皮肉生涯。麵薄佬 「煞到」Bunny,卻默默做麵不敢言。直到Bunny車禍重傷,麵 薄佬英雄救美,帶她回家療傷。被社會排斥的兩人能否相濡以 沫,找到生命出口? Earning comparisons to Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, Eric Khoo’s naked, gritty debut Mee Pok Man takes us away from the sanitized skyscrapers of the professional classes into the cacophonous condition of the lower class. Fishball noodle stall operator Mee Pok Man (Joe Ng) is an idiotic loner who leads a quiet life at home and at work. Exploited hooker Bunny (Michelle Goh) expects her English photographer boyfriend to take her to London someday. Mee Pok Man literally falls head over heels for Bunny, but dares not tell her until one day, she’s seriously injured in a car accident. He takes her home to nurse her back to health, but can they escape from their lives?

Eric Khoo 邱金海 在澳洲學攝影,八十年代末曾為雜誌報紙畫漫畫的邱金海,首部 劇情片《薄面佬》(1995)入選威尼斯和柏林影展,重振獅城 疲弱的電影工業,將新加坡電影推上國際舞台,他的第二部劇 情片《12樓》(1997)更成為首部在康城影展放映的新加坡電 影。以第三部劇情片《默默伴我行》(2005)重返康城前,擔 任《梁婆婆重出江湖》(1999)、《一腳踢》(2001)與陳子 謙首部劇情片《15》(2003)的製作人。《魔法阿爸》(2008) 入圍康城競賽。首部動畫片《辰已》(2011)向日本漫畫大師 辰已嘉裕致敬,他的作品寫盡人性的黑暗面,實質是對社會底層 人物的無限關懷。 Before making films, Eric Khoo studied cinematography at the City Art Institute in Sydney, Australia and drew comics for magazines and newspapers in the late 1980s. Khoo’s works are concerned with the lower classes and the underbelly of Singaporean society. His debut feature Mee Pok Man (1995) revived Singapore’s sluggish film industry and put Singapore cinema on the cultural map of world cinema. His second feature 12 Storeys (1997) was the first Singaporean film invited to the Cannes Film Festival. Before returning to Cannes with his third feature Be with Me (2005), he produced Liang Po Po: The Movie (1999), One Leg Kicking (2001), and Royston Tan’s first feature 15 (2003). My Magic (2008) was selected for competition at Cannes. Khoo’s first animated feature Tatsumi (2011) paid homage to Japanese manga master Yoshihiro Tatsumi.



*映後談 Q&A Session



Censored Voices 聲音經過處理

Israel, Germany / 2015 / 84 min / 希伯來語、英語對白, 英文字幕

In Hebrew and English with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Mor Loushy 柏林影展 Berlin International Film Festival 辛丹斯電影節 Sundance Film Festival Time venue


The Chinese Mayor



中國 China / 2015 / 86 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕

In Putonghua with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 周浩 Zhou Hao 演員 Cast: 耿彥波 Geng Yanbo 辛丹斯電影節 Sundance Film Festival Time venue

08/11 5:35pm bc 11/11 8:10pm ONE

耿彥波,大同前市長,大膽地試圖將昔日文化名城的光輝帶回這 殘舊不堪、經濟癱瘓的土地。可惜,上級的一紙調令,古城丟 空,六年的努力白費,更遺下百億債務及種種爛攤子。導演周浩 用一年多的時間,跟着耿彥波的日常工作,用攝影機記錄下他每 日勤精厲治,從政府內部機密會議到官僚的問題,從深入民眾到 跟進工程的進度,事事都親力親為。這套記錄片在辛丹斯電影節 激起不少熱話,一洗西方國家對中國的負面形象。年青導演周浩 和製片人趙琦希望通記錄片呈現出中國人生活最真實的一面,讓 更多外國人了解到中國普通人的生活。 Known ignominiously as “the most polluted city in China,” Datong has seen better days. The former capital of Imperial China suffers from a faltering economy and poor infrastructure – but not for long, if Mayor Geng Yanbo has his way. Geng’s plan is to restore Datong’s cultural landmarks and build tourist-friendly attractions, and he’ll accomplish his goal even if it means displacing a half-million of the city’s residents. Given seemingly limitless access, director Zhou Hao follows the tireless government official nicknamed “Demolition Geng” as he clashes daily with corrupt bureaucracy, rightfully upset constituents and even his own wife. The result is a fascinating and mesmerizing portrait of a people in change and the man who would make it happen.

08/11 3:50pm ONE 13/11 8:00pm IFC

1967年6月5日,以色列發動了「六日戰爭」​​, 漂泊幾千年的猶 太民族取得了加沙、西奈和約旦河西岸地區,戰爭宣告結束後復 國的喜悅,聯合國維和部隊被迫撤離,背後卻隱藏著士兵們的痛 苦懺悔。戰爭結束一星期後,作家AmosAOz不懼強權,用錄音 記錄了與戰場上士兵的貼身訪問,近半世紀後導演MorALoushy 以身犯險,把這些被審查的磁帶內容解封還原真相,將猶太復國 主義的驚人內幕和罪責全面曝光。當年今日以色列施以非人道的 戰爭,在大屠殺中下令異族滅聲,把苦難留給了巴勒斯坦人,如 今中東局勢再度緊張,戰火連連,聖域的眼淚永遠流不完。 In June of 1967, Israel launched attacks on Egypt, Jordan and Syria, resulting in major territorial gains for the tiny nation and relatively few human losses. Called the Six-Day War, the conflict and its overwhelming victory led to a swelling of nationalist pride amongst the Israeli people. But the soldiers were left to ponder: Were they liberators or occupiers? The powerful Censored Voices unveils 50 year-old recordings of their confessions, originally censored and now heard for the first time by those very same soldiers. Alongside archival footage, these candid recordings reveal the ironic burden of history, the dehumanization of war, and the ambivalence of men who sacrificed everything for their nation, only to find themselves wanting.



My Love, Don’t Cross that River 親愛的,不要越過那條河

南韓 South Korea / 2014 / 86 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Jin Mo-young 演員 Cast: Jo Byung-man, Gang Gye-yeol Time venue


*08/11 7:40pm ONE *09/11 7:40pm bc

Little People, Big Dream 百厘米的夢

新加坡 Singapore / 2014 / 89 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕

In Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Mak CK 哥本哈根國際紀錄片節 CPH:DOX 新加坡國際電影節 Singapore International Film Festival Time venue

10/11 8:05pm ONE 14/11 1:30pm bc

位於昆明西山區的收費遊樂園「小矮人帝國」,裡面有百位身穿 華麗的王子、公主、小天使和盔甲衛兵小矮人載歌載舞,眼前的 身高都不到130公分的表演者全都是園區請來的侏儒症患者。這 個小小世界是大愛人間還是奇觀異國﹖有遊人邊看邊落淚,有民 眾支持他們自力更新,有人卻認為是販賣同情心、假人道。儘管 批評聲浪不斷,每天不斷有侏儒千里迢迢前來應徵,甘願成為小 矮人。新加坡導演 Mak CK決定拿起攝影機走入黯黑版的童話世 界,以獨特的鏡頭觀點貼近裝侏儒化妝前後的內心掙扎,把大眾 的同情心與獵奇心態端上檯面,再探討中國身障人士缺乏工作機 會與公平差異等議題,批判力十足。 Since it opened in 2009, Dwarf Empire has known its share of controversy. The Yunnan-located theme park features attractions and performances staffed by people with dwarfism, leading to charges that the park is a human zoo or that it isolates dwarves from society. Fascinated and disturbed by the subject, director Mak CK spent a year at the theme park observing the workers’ daily lives and coming to understand their reasons for working at the park – or for leaving it. In the process, Mak created a compelling document that he calls “both heartbreaking and inspiring,” which touches upon complex social issues in China and challenges the audience to take its own moral stand.

韓國江原道橫城山村,98歲的老爺爺趙炳萬與比他少九歲 的髮妻姜桂烈,總是穿著韓國傳統服裝,終日打情罵俏, 結髮76載相扶相持,每日仍彼此深愛著對方,一天死亡 卻無聲地闖進來。他們感人的愛情記憶或許不及中國重慶 古鎮的《天梯》般可歌可泣,細水長流的愛更為珍美,韓 國獨立電影人陳模瑛見證不離不棄的守護承諾,讓觀眾重 新思考天長地久的愛情是什麼﹖人生的結局又是什麼? 電影在DMZ國際紀錄片電影節上映後,引起了巨大迴響, 不少老年夫妻相偕上影院觀看,觀影人次突破了2009年 《牛鈴之聲》達480萬,刷新韓國影史最賣座紀錄片的票房,讓 世上雋永的愛創造了人間奇跡。 Bringing in over 4.8 million admissions at the Korean box office, My Love, Don’t Cross That River broke Korea’s all-time record for independent and documentary films with the heartrending image of an elderly couple wearing matching traditional hanbok clothing and holding hands firmly in the final days of a marriage that spanned over seven decades. Inspired to shoot his own film after watching a TV documentary on the nonagenarian lovebirds, director Jin Mo-young records the couple’s tranquil lives in a mountain village, capturing both the simple joy of their playful interactions and the deep grief of loss when the husband succumbs to illness.

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The Propaganda Game 洗腦遊戲

西班牙,法國 Spain, France / 2014 / 75 min / 英語、韓語、 西班牙對白,英文字幕

In English, Korean and Spanish with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Alvaro Longoria 聖塞瓦斯蒂安國際電影節


My Next Step



香港 Hong Kong / 2015 / 70 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕

In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 卓翔 Cheuk Cheung 演員 Cast: 楊陽 Yang Yang Time venue

*13/11 7:45pm bc *14/11 2:00pm ONE

San Sebastian International Film Festival Time venue

12/11 8:10pm IFC 15/11 3:00pm ONE

北韓,當今世上最神秘的國家,「謠言」似乎已是常態。自領導 人金正恩上台後,不時傳出處決高官,連親信都驚傳被換掉或人 間蒸發,讓有關核武、垮台、勞改營、饑荒、逃亡種種臆測甚囂 塵上。《雲之子最後的殖民地》西班牙哥雅獎最佳紀錄片導演 Alvaro Longoria決定撇開主流媒體的角度,透過與朝鮮委員會友 好的西班牙代表 Alejandro Cao de Benós 的協助,親身走進共 產主義的封鎖鐵幕國度,真正體驗自稱為最幸福國家的北韓不為 人知的一面,又請來朝鮮真正的專家包括人權、外交以及宣傳專 家見證,揭開西方霸權主導下被抹黑的朝鮮,讓觀眾發現一個真 偽難辨的現實謊言︰世人只是政治宣傳的最終受害者。 Through his acquaintance with the North Korean government’s sole foreign worker, Spanish filmmaker Alvaro Longoria (Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony) gained unprecedented access into the hermit kingdom to shoot this documentary about how propaganda distorts our conception of the truth. Exploring the ongoing propaganda war between the North Korean regime and the West, Longoria analyzes how lies, false reports and half-truths are perpetuated by both sides and offers a balanced perspective through interviews with North Korean citizens, regional specialists and regime critics, letting audiences decide for themselves the results of this Propaganda Game.

不論有沒有看過崑曲,都不會影響這部紀綠片的欣賞指數。因為 「前路如何走下去」才是本片的命題。導演卓翔繼上一部 《乾旦路》(第九屆),繼續聚焦選擇走不凡路的年青人。崑曲 在2001年被聯合國教科組織(UNESCO)列為人類非物質文化遺 產,雖然再次受到重視,但崑曲以生旦主演的文戲較多,武生的 演出機會相對少,因此願意投身的年青人就少之有少。本片主角 年青崑曲武生楊陽,被師父柯軍挑選為崑曲武生傳承人,卻使他 陷於不知進退的境地。反思自己的藝術與人生路應如何走下去。 好比他演出過的《夜奔》,林沖的前程和命運已到了日落西山的 地步,是否等於絕望?但相比另一個他演出的角色崇禎皇帝面對 的絕境,楊陽發覺林沖的命運還不算最差,更何況是處於現代的 自己? Following his 2012 documentary My Way on Cantonese Opera, Cheuk Cheung continues to explore the role of traditional Chinese opera in modern society in his second feature about Kunqu Opera. While My Way highlighted the struggles of male performers who play female characters, My Next Step focuses on the increasingly marginalized wusheng, male performers who specialize in martial characters. In an uncertain environment where opportunities are few and dwindling, wusheng Yang Yang grows from an unassured youth ready to call it quits to staging his own show. Filled with performance excerpts, the documentary offers an intimate look into the world of Kunqu and the inspiring journey of a young man in a fading art.


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the Crow’s Egg 兩個小孩的 Pizza

印度 India / 2015 / 98 min / 淡米爾語對白,中英文字幕

In Tamil with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 曼里瑾丹 M. Manikandan 演員 Cast: Ramesh, Vignesh, Aishwarya Rajesh 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival Time venue

29/10 9:50pm bc 31/10 5:05pm IFC



THE fourth Direction



印度 India / 2015 / 115 min / 旁遮普語對白,英文字幕

In Punjabi with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 格溫達 辛格 Gurvinder Singh 演員 Cast: Suvinder Vikky, Ranbir Kaur, Gurpreet Kaur Bhangu, Taranhit Singh, Harleen Kaur 康城影展 一種關注單元

Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival Time venue

15/11 7:10pm ONE 16/11 9:50pm bc

來自草根的兩小兄弟,與母親祖母相依為命。一間新Pizza店在 家附近開張,為了一嚐從未試過的Pizza味道,兩兄弟絞盡腦 汁揾錢,祖母甚至嘗試改良印度Dosa扮Pizza但失敗。兩兄弟 Pizza大過天,誤打誤撞下竟捲入大漩渦,更成為全國爭相報道 的風頭躉。兄弟最終得償所願,但結果又是否盡如人意?乍看像 《一百萬零一夜》,主角同樣來自貧民窟,同樣是一夜成名,但 其實是兩弟兄的成長故事,猶如印度版的《奇蹟》。首次執導的 土生土長新晉導演曼里瑾丹,拍出印度風味的「孩子戲」,自編 自導自攝初執導筒就奪得印度國家電影獎最佳兒童電影;兩位小 演員更雙雙奪得國家電影奬最佳兒童演員。 M. Manikandan tackles social and class division in India with a surprisingly rousing and crowd-pleasing first feature. Brothers Big Crow’s Egg (Vignesh) and Little Crow’s Egg (Ramesh), so-named because they eat stolen crow’s eggs every day, live and play in the Chennai slums. Their father in jail and their mother (Aishwarya Rajesh) struggling to raise them, the boys lead a bleak life, but they approach each day positively and with pride. But when a greasy pizza restaurant opens nearby, the boys find a new goal: To sample their first pizza! One pizza costs more than their family’s monthly income, so they launch their own money-making schemes and inadvertently begin an adventure that comes to involve the entire city.

印度導演格溫達辛格的第二部長片作品,電影改編自印度旁遮普 著名作家Waryam Singh Sandhu的兩個短篇小說故事,背景設 定於1984年的旁遮普,正值鍚克分離主義運動的高峰期,恐怖 份子不斷挑起印度教徒和鍚克教徒之間的不和。兩名印度教朋 友Jugal和Raj急需前往城市阿姆利側,唯有買通守衛登上一列軍 用火車,但車廂裡頭與兩位鍚克教徒和鐵路局人員對著坐,令 Jugal憶起與家人險招致禍端的慘痛經歷;下車後,Jugal和Raj 又擔憂着餘下的路途被誤認為恐怖份子。八十年代當地平民百姓 處於極端主義和政府高壓政策之間,進退兩難,隨時身犯險境, 格溫達辛格透過一個普通的火車旅程,拍出兩個民族之間充滿張 力的碰撞。 A retaliation for Indian Prime Minister Indira Ghandi, who was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards, the anti-Sikh riots of 1984 led to the deaths of thousands of Sikhs in India. Director Gurvinder Singh (Alms of the Blind Horse, HKAFF 2011) delves into the fear and paranoia of the period in his low-key Punjabilanguage drama based on two short stories by Waryam Singh Sandhu. Two Hindu men try to get to Armitsar by sneaking into the security compartment of a late-night freight train. While trapped in the compartment with several Sikh stowaways, one of the men recalls an incident in his village involving a man who was caught in the conflict between Sikh militants and the Indian military because of his family dog.

43 41 MOVIE


The Vancouver Asahi



100 yen love 100円的愛

日本 Japan / 2014 / 132 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 石井裕也 Ishii Yuya 演員 Cast: 妻夫木聰 Tsumabuki Satoshi, 龜梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya, 池松壯亮 Ikematsu Sosuke, 宮崎葵 Miyazaki Aoi 夏威夷國際電影節 開幕電影

Opening Film, Hawaii International Film Festival 溫哥華國際電影節 觀眾票選獎

Audience Award, Vancouver International Film Festival Time venue

29/10 9:50pm ONE 04/11 9:50pm bc

07/11 2:30pm ONE

棒球落到《字裡人間》、《患難家族》(第11屆)導演石井裕 也手上又會是怎樣的故事?根據真人真事改編,關於一隊活躍於 1914至1941年間名叫温哥華朝日(Vancouver Asahi)的棒球 隊。隊員由一班第二代日本移民、加拿大出生的青年組成。他們 生活艱難、受盡歧視、屢戰屢敗,但仍繼續打棒球,可見他們熱 愛棒球的程度。不論生活上或球場上好不容易找到殘存的空間, 可惜二次大戰的陰霾籠罩下,最終在1941年解散。故事道出一 群日本移民的辛酸,他們的歷史卻鮮為人知,連導演也承認都是 因為拍這部戲才知道。此片不止日本觀眾有共鳴,在海外也大獲 好評。 Ishii Yuya (The Great Passage) tells the rousing true-life story of the Vancouver Asahi, a baseball team made up of JapaneseCanadians that captured multiple city championships and the adoration of Vancouver’s Japanese community between 1914 and 1941. Tsumabuki Satoshi (Ishii’s Our Family) stars as Reggie, a second-generation immigrant who must learn how to turn his hardworking but perpetually losing baseball team into winners when he is selected to take over as the team captain. The winner of the Audience Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival, The Vancouver Asahi is also an eye-opening portrait of the hardships and social injustices that Japanese immigrants faced in their search for a better life abroad.

日本 Japan / 2014 / 114 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 武正晴 Take Masaharu 演員 Cast: 安藤櫻 Ando Sakura, 新井浩文 Arai Hirofumi 東京國際電影節目 Tokyo International Film Festival 代表日本角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片

Japan Representative for Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film Time venue

31/10 4:40pm bc 31/10 7:15pm bc

01/11 3:10pm ONE

一個100円店女店員的《激戰》故事。女主角一子是個不修邊幅 的32歲廢柴中女,無人無物無目標的她就像她工作的100円店的 貨品一樣cheap。直至遇上經常來買香蕉並在附近打拳的超齡拳 手狩野(新井浩文飾),撩動她春心之餘,竟激起她的一團火, 雷台鐘聲更敲響了遺失的自尊。女主角是《愛之剝脱》(第六 屆)中嶄露頭角的安藤櫻。比起《激戰》中的張家輝,安藤櫻不 單在開拍前接受拳擊訓練三個月,拍攝時更要增肥後再操fit,猶 如激戰真人騷。導演武正晴從四百位應徵演員中精挑而出女主角 人選,百變女王安藤櫻演出甚俱說服力,令觀眾拍案叫絕,在日 本奪得多個最佳女主角獎項。此片將代表日本角逐2016年度奧 斯卡最佳外語片。 A young slacker takes the long road to rock bottom before boxing her way into a glorious rebirth in this critically acclaimed dark comedy, the top winner at the Japanese Splash competition of the Tokyo International Film Festival. In an astonishing performance, Ando Sakura (Penance, Love Exposure) stars as Ichiko, a hopelessly out-of-shape slacker who leaves home and begins working at a third-rate 100-yen shop. After living through an abusive relationship with a boxer (Arai Hirofumi) and a traumatic incident, Ichiko finally decides to pick herself up by training to become a boxer. A trained boxer in real life, Ando absolutely delivers the goods in the spectacularly cathartic finale.

(c) 2014 ‘THE VANCOUVER ASAHI’ Film Partners


the light shines only there 陽光在那邊燦爛

日本 Japan / 2014 / 120 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 吳美保 Oh Mipo 演員 Cast: 綾野剛 Ayano Go, 池脇千鶴Ikewaki Chizuru, 菅田將暉 Suda Masaki


Being good




日本 Japan / 2015 / 120 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 吳美保 Oh Mipo 演員 Cast: 高良健吾 Kora Kengo, 尾野真千子 Ono Machiko, 喜多道枝 Kita Michie, 池脇千鶴 Ikewaki Chizuru Time venue

08/11 9:50pm ONE 11/11 7:35pm bc

蒙特利爾世界電影節 最佳導演

Best Director, Montreal World Film Festival Time venue

01/11 9:50pm ONE 10/11 7:35pm bc

被譽為日本現今其中一位最值得期待的韓裔日籍女導吳美保,她 的第三部長片改編自佐藤泰志1989年的小說。兩個失意的邊緣 人相遇,互相找到温暖,以為得到救贖,可是命運又能否改寫? 失意男由有女星殺手之稱的綾野剛飾演,在日本屢獲多個最佳男 主角獎。女主角也是影后級的池脇千鶴,1999年初出道演出市 川準的《大阪物語》已大獲好評。吳美保擅長以日本家庭故事描 繪都市人在狹缝間的力求溫暖和希望,而她對人文關懷及家庭關 係的刻劃,往往能令人在黑暗中找到生存的光輝。電影日本角逐 2015年度奧斯卡最佳外語片提片。 Based on a novel by Sato Yasushi, Oh Mipo’s award-winning drama reaches for a light in the dark with the bleak tale of broken young people stuck in dead end lives. Since experiencing a traumatic incident at work, Tatsuo (Ayano Go) has been passing his days in aimless stupor. He befriends by chance an impulsive young exconvict (Suda Masaki) and his long-suffering older sister Chinatsu (Ikewaki Chizuru), who sells herself to support her decrepit family. In each other, Tatsuo and Chinatsu find a glimmer of hope and solace, and perhaps the courage to start anew, but it’s not so easy to break out of the impoverishing cycle of abuse and apathy.

所有的幸福家庭都是相似的,每個不幸家庭都各有各的不幸。 《挪威的森林》高良健吾飾演的新任小學老師,一人面對著四十 個有著各自問題的學生,還要處理四十個怪獸家長的「服務至 上」的要求。面對這種種他有點懦弱,完全無法解決班內的問 題,學校內的前輩亦奉勸他做好本份便行。直至班內的疑似被家 暴的男孩沒來上課,終於鼓起勇氣拯救他。繼2014年的《陽光 在那邊燦爛》,導演吳美保再次挑戰改編中脇初枝的五線主線的 《你是好孩子》。電影中五位主角看似是大家生命中的過客,但 都緊緊相扣,扮演著改變大家一生的重要角色。或許是一件微不 足道的事,甚至是一句簡單的言語,都足以挽救一顆脆弱的小小 心靈,成為別人治下去的動力。 A new school teacher (Kora Kengo) is overwhelmed by problems in the classroom, including the realization that one of his students is being abused at home. A single mother (Ono Machiko) who was abused as a child now violently lashes out on her own daughter. A lonely older woman (Kita Michie) befriends an autistic boy whose mother is constantly apologizing for his existence. Following the critical success of The Light Shines Only There, director Oh Mipo brings another emotionally incisive, Hokkaido-set ensemble drama about isolation, trauma and what it means to be good.



A Matter of Interpretation 睇你點睇

南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 99 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 李光國 Lee Kwang-kuk 演員 Cast : 申東美 Shin Dong-mi, 劉俊相 Yu Jun-sang, 金康鉉 Kim Kang-hyun 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam Time venue

10/11 9:50pm bc 14/11 6:30pm ONE


the WhistleBlower 維穩真相

擔任《他鄉的女人》導演洪尚秀副導多年的導演李光國,被譽為 最得洪尚秀真傳,這是他執導的第二部作品。首作2011年在釜 山電影節首映,隨即獲市民評論家獎。喜用長鏡頭是李光國的特 點之一,也是對演員的一大挑戰,無怪他喜用演技派和舞台劇演 員,其中包括其御用男星劉俊相。申東美飾演的話劇演員,事業 愛情兩失意的她在公園抽煙解愁,卻被一名在附近查案的警探訓 斥她在禁煙區抽煙,言談間發現這名警探竟然有解夢能力。一部 疑夢似真、玩味十足的奇幻喜劇,也成為釜山電影節其中一部觀 眾反應最熱烈的電影。

南韓 South Korea / 2014 / 114 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕

A former assistant director of Hong Sang-soo, Lee Kwang-kuk made his directorial debut in 2011 with the mind-bending Romance Joe. His ambitious sophomore feature is even more quirky and disorienting, delving into dream interpretation with a smart and surreal script that tickles the sides and challenges the mind. A frustrated actress (Shin Dong-mi) storms out of an unattended show and ends up at the park where she breaks up with her boyfriend (Kim Kang-hyun). She then strikes up a conversation with a detective (Yu Jun-sang) who is investigating a suicide case. He also has a knack for interpreting dreams. As more stories and dreams are shared, it becomes harder and harder to discern between dream and reality.

2005年韓國舉國嘩然的幹細胞造假風波。著名生物科學家黃禹 錫博士被揭發偽造研究成果—宣稱完成全球複製人類胚胎的首 例,又發表成功複製11枚與病患匹配的幹細胞,竟全是謊言, 真正的明張目膽地子虛烏有!這位被視為諾貝爾獎的大熱門,一 夕之間從國寶淪為國恥。面對強大的輿論壓力和國家利益,曾執 導《WaikikiaBrothers》、《發球線上》的女導演林順禮憑著對 社會事件超強的洞察力,透過公正的立場還社會一個真相,朴海 日、柳演錫和柳賢靜捲入科學政治的漩渦之中,惟有以傳媒監察 和科研實證的力量,聯手踢爆事件,好戲之人李璟榮出演克隆之 父,以非道德手段打造科學偽帝國,演技獲一致激賞。

In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 林順禮 Yim Soon-rye 演員 Cast: 朴海日 Park Hae-il, 柳演錫 Yoo Yeon-seok, 李璟榮 Lee Gyoung-young Time venue

09/11 9:50pm bc 15/11 9:30pm ONE

Based on the notorious 2005 scandal of scientist Hwang Woosuk who fabricated his stem cell research, Whistle Blower tensely recounts the events that brought about the former national hero’s fall from grace. While the public is in a fervor over Lee Janghwan’s (Lee Gyoung-young) successful cloning of human stem cells, intrepid news producer Yoon (Park Hae-il) is investigating him for unethical practices. He stumbles upon a shocking finding when he receives a tip from a whistleblower (Yoo Yeon-seok), but is the world ready to hear the truth? Demonstrating the importance of free press and the dangers of media manipulation and mass denial, this investigative thriller continues Yim Soon-rye’s history of socially conscious filmmaking.

47 47 MOVIE





the last reel



新加坡 Singapore / 2015 / 100 min / 國語對白,英文字幕

柬埔寨 Cambodia / 2014 / 106 min / 高棉語對白,英文字幕

In Mandarin with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳子謙 Royston Tan 演員 Cast: 蔡淳佳 Joi Chua, 劉玲玲 Liu Ling-Ling, Rahimah Rahim, 希克旋 ShiGGa Shay, Michael Tan

In Khmer with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Sotho Kulikar 演員 Cast: Ma Rynet, Dy Saveth, Rous Mony, Sok Sothun, Hun Sophy

釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival

新加坡國際電影節 Singapore International Film Festival 東京國際電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival Time venue

Time venue

08/11 9:50pm bc 09/11 9:50pm ONE

有數字導演之稱的陳子謙,繼《15》、《4:30》、《881》及 《12蓮花》(第五屆)後,闊別七年的第五部長片,依然以數字 為題。故事以一名非常崇拜已故歌手鳳飛飛又愛唱歌的女停車場 抄牌員夏飛飛為主幹。喜歡唱歌的她希望當上如偶像一樣出色的 歌手,卻當上被人稱「鳯飛飛」的抄牌員。為了照顧患上腦退化 的爸爸,本來放棄追尋夢想,難得下定決心參加比賽,但就在決 賽當天,爸爸卻失蹤了。這是一部向鳯飛飛致敬的電影,戲中穿 插多首悅耳歌曲。導演選角上大膽起用零演戲經驗的歌手蔡淳佳 飾演夏飛飛,清新討好而有說服力。除了蔡淳佳主唱的電影主題 曲「念」,把鳯飛飛的「好好愛我」填上新詞,唱出戲中的父女 情;還有Hip hop 歌手ShiGGa Shay 的Tapau(外賣)歌,rap 出獅城茶餐廳風味。 Seven years since his last feature 12 Lotus, Singapore maverick Royston Tan returns with a warm and colorful film that again draws on musical and nostalgic influences while depicting the struggles and aspirations of everyday Singapore people. Singer-songwriter Joi Chua makes her film debut as a parking attendant who has always dreamt of becoming a singer like her idol and namesake, legendary Taiwan songstress Feng Fei-Fei. Nearing 40 and the sole caretaker of a dementia-stricken father, Fei-Fei knows that she has little time for dreams, but everything changes when she joins a national talent contest and begins to sing her way to the finals.

*07/11 7:30pm ONE *08/11 3:10pm bc

柬埔寨少有的史詩式電影,首次執導便能柔韌處理,可見這位柬 埔寨女導演絕非等閒之輩。電影猶如《謎情追兇》,表面是個橫 跨近三十年的動人愛情故事,底裡卻是個探討發掘、贖罪到放下 的人生大故事,再加上赤柬黑暗統治的沉重歷史,讓電影的眼界 更廣更深更重。年輕女子剛入大學,母親長年患病,父親則是個 嚴厲的警察,生愛自由的她無意間接觸到電影這回事。一天,她 闖進了荒廢戲院的同時也走進了戲院內老放映員的世界。她發現 老放映員珍重的拷貝原來遺失了最後一本,繼而發現她父母不能 說的過去。在秘密層層揭開的同時,各人得以再面對自己的傷 痛。電影中被消失的結局要如何在現實找到真相?而現實的遺憾 又如何在電影新的結局中就到棲息的落腳點?在赤柬統治時期柬 埔寨電影被摧毀得只剩下30餘部,導演以此填補了柬埔寨人被消 失的歷史。 The debut feature of Sotho Kulikar, The Last Reel is an ambitious and moving tribute to Cambodian cinema that explores the struggle of the Cambodian people to move forward from the Khmer Rouge regime. At odds with her family, teenager Sophoun (Ma Rynet) takes refuge in an old cinema where she discovers an incomplete melodrama from the 1970s starring her ailing mother (Dy Saveth), who starred in the film while still in her full and glamorous youth. Sophoun endeavors to complete the film for her mother, but the search for the last reel reveals painful questions and truths about her family’s experiences under the Khmer Rouge. Cambodia’s official representative at the 2016 Academy Awards.




culinary cinema

The birth of sake 清酒的誕生

日本 Japan / 2015 / 92 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Erik Shirai 演員 Cast: Yamamoto Toji, Yoshida Yasuyuki 翠貝卡電影節 Tribeca Film Festival 西雅圖國際電影節 Seattle International Film Festival

Time venue

07/11 6:20pm bc 13/11 8:05pm ONE

清酒,是日本人引以為傲的酒。長期跟隨美食旅遊達人Anthony Bourdain的日籍美食節目製作人Erik Shirai,從Kickstarter集資 籌拍「手取川清酒」的誕生,走到產地石川縣了解清酒釀造的過 程和藏人(釀酒人)密集式的工作,用影像捕捉到不易為人知、 罕見的珍貴畫面。在夏天離鄉親手下田種米、收割選米、蒸米鋪 飯、搓揉米糰,到生酛酒母、確認酒糟品質、過濾降溫、酒糟保 溫等等,儘管工序繁多且非常辛苦,藏人絕不妥協。手取川清酒 滿足食客的胃和心,杯杯不止載著清酒家族代代傳承的力量,日 本人執著於傳統釀酒和清酒品味的堅持,更叫人佩服。 The art of sake is captured and preserved by director Erik Shirai in the elegiac and richly observed documentary The Birth of Sake. Funded via Kickstarter and now finding audiences worldwide, Shirai’s documentary follows the workers at the Tedorigawa Brewery as they leave their family and friends to dedicate themselves to a season of sake perfection. For six months, under the watchful eye of brewmaster Yamamoto Toji, the men toil assiduously at a painstaking handcrafted process that has slowly disappeared as breweries turn to machine-made solutions. Meanwhile, Tedorigawa’s heir Yoshida Yasuyuki meets potential buyers, touting Tedorigawa’s pursuit of quality while confronting the changing tastes of younger Japanese, for whom sake has lost favor.

culinary cinema 50 MOVIE

Little Forest Summer & Autumn


森之食光 - 夏/秋


Little Forest Winter & Spring

森之食光 - 冬/春

日本 Japan / 2014 / 111 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

日本 Japan / 2015 / 120 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 森淳一 Mori Junichi 演員 Cast: 橋本愛 Hashimoto Ai, 三浦貴大 Miura Takahiro, 松岡茉優 Matsuoka Mayu

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 森淳一 Mori Junichi 演員 Cast: 橋本愛 Hashimoto Ai, 三浦貴大 Miura Takahiro, 松岡茉優 Matsuoka Mayu

Time venue

02/11 7:35pm ONE 07/11 2:00pm bc

Time venue

02/11 9:50pm ONE 07/11 4:05pm bc

夏耘秋收、冬藏春生,市子繼續慢活人生。在忙於入冬前採收、 農務和鑽研料理之際,收到媽媽寄來一封信。市子對於母親多年 前的不辭而別一直無法釋懷,透過味增醬烤飯糰、鯡魚佃煮蘿 蔔、馬鈴薯麵包……每道食譜都暗藏一段回憶,逐漸讓她感受到 與母親之間的情感。面對即將來臨的春天,市子透過料理將悲傷 完全釋放,慢慢明白自己一直在逃避。冬春篇延續前作對自然萬 物的細膩描繪,從料理烹調和作物種植之中滲透人生的哲理,導 演森淳一進一步著墨於市子與小森居民的情感變化,岩手縣壯闊 的冬日雪景、神樂舞祭典,呈現日本東北的四季風光與傳統美。

改編自五十嵐大介的同名漫畫,市子在東京因感情受挫離開城 市,開始在東北偏遠的家鄉小森,過著自給自足的農耕生活,隨 著夏秋的變化,她把當季食材化成各式料理,夏天的米麴氣泡 酒、冰鎮蕃茄、秋天的胡桃飯、榛果巧克力醬等等,巧手烹飪廿 多道溫暖料理,在銀幕上大快朵頤。《重力小丑》導演森淳一花 了一年時間拍攝日本岩手縣的四季變化,電影分為春夏秋冬兩部 曲。日本奧斯卡最佳新人橋本愛回歸純樸自然演出,用幸福的料 理療癒人生。 Based on Igarashi Daisuke’s manga, Mori Junichi’s four-part film series gently follows a stubborn young woman’s simple, solitary life over four seasons of farming and cooking. After living briefly in the city, Ichiko (Hashimoto Ai) returns to her remote rural hometown of Komori in northeastern Japan. She grows and harvests most of her food by herself, and prepares recipes (recited in instructional voice-over) with seasonal ingredients that hold special memories. Amid the pristine beauty of nature, the endless routine of weeding and the delicious calm of cooking, Ichiko’s heart remains restless as she struggles to understand her mother’s abandonment and her place in the world.

Mori Junichi’s soothing four-part film series based on Igarashi Daisuke’s manga concludes with the winter and spring chapters which are again filled with scrumptious recipes of seasonal treats, like natto mochi and holiday cake, that reveal telling memories and stories about troubled heroine Ichiko (Hashimoto Ai) and her relationship with her mother. As the seasons progress, the residents of Aomori prepare for the frost and a new cycle of crops. The beautiful town is blanketed in snow, then blooming in renewal, and Ichiko too emerges from her shell to make a decision about her life and where she belongs.


culinary cinema 53 MOVIE

A Drop of Grapevine 萄醉北海道

日本 Japan / 2014 / 117 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 三島有紀子 Mishima Yukiko 演員 Cast: 大泉洋 Oizumi Yo, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota, 安藤裕子 Ando Yuko Time venue

07/11 9:50pm bc 12/11 9:50pm ONE

(c) 2013 Fuyi Television Newwork


The God of Ramen


日本 Japan / 2014 / 90 min / 日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 印南貴史 Innami Takashi 演員 Cast: 山岸一雄 Yamagishi Kazuo Time venue

07/11 8:05pm bc 10/11 9:50pm ONE

揭開「東池袋大勝軒」半個世紀的秘密!這所位於繁華池袋窄巷 內的簡陋小店,未開門就有許多拉麵愛好者和熟客排隊,只望嚐 嚐「沾麵之父」的絕世拉麵。導演印南貴史首度得以進入這間在 日本無人不曉的食店,以旁觀者的角色,觀察來店裡消費的客 人,以及美食背後老闆山岸一雄的一生。1961年開設大勝軒的 山岸,首創將熱湯和麵條分開吃法的沾麵,憑麵質美妙而聞名。 他勞碌一生,和他一起創業25載的愛妻撒手人寰,病魔又不斷侵 蝕他的身體,麵店曾幾度關門又復業,直至今年4月病逝,享年 80歲。山岸的一生全奉獻給拉麵,大勝軒沾麵不但帶著濃濃人情 味,還滿載他或悲或喜的故事。 Every day, as he has done for years, round and cheery chef Yamagishi Kazuo does the simple and extraordinary. He awakens early in the back room of Taishoken, a small ramen house in Tokyo, where he begins an exacting routine of making noodles and preparing broth for the dedicated customers who will wait hours for a bowl of his homey, delicious ramen. The creator of tsukemen (ramen dipped in a separate bowl of soup), Yamagishi is profiled in The God of Ramen, an affectionate documentary that chronicles Taishoken’s daily routine and its satiated, delighted customers before delving into Yamagishi’s reasons, some personal and quite painful, for choosing to dedicate his life to selflessly satisfying others.

《幸福的麵包》原班製作治癒力作,身兼導演和編劇的三島有紀 子與男主角大泉洋再次攜手打造的北海道企畫第二彈,帶領觀眾 來到美酒的故鄉空知一嚐芳醇的葡萄酒。東京音樂夢碎的青,回 到故鄉與弟弟綠一起打理父親留下的小麥田和葡萄園。青親手栽 種有著「黑色鑽石」之稱的黑皮諾葡萄Pinot Noir,可是釀製出 來的酒一直不成氣候,但原來只要把感覺再放久一點,痛苦的淚 水、喜悅的淚水終會化為幸福的珍釀。創作女歌手安藤裕子飾演 闖入葡萄園的旅人,大泉洋和染谷將太兩兄弟與形形色色的客人 互相交流,空知的葡萄酒越來越好喝,配上北海道的四季美景, 描繪出充滿溫情暖意的人生風景。 The second of Mishima Yukiko’s planned trilogy of Hokkaido-set films, A Drop of Grapevine reunites the director with Bread of Happiness lead Oizumi Yo for another quiet small-town tale about the bittersweet pursuit of life, food and peace with oneself. Forced to give up his music career, Ao (Oizumi) returns to his hometown of Sorachi to run a vineyard on his late father’s farm, the home he once abandoned to chase his dreams. While Ao devotes his energy into making the perfect Pinot Noir, his younger brother Roku (Sometani Shota) grows wheat for bread. The two live in calm if strained life together until one day, a woman (singer Ando Yuko) shows up on the farm and starts digging a hole. Her arrival ferments changes in the lives and relationships of the brothers and the townsfolk.

今年哈囉喂 我地預左你同一齊過

Midnight Marathon 2015

一晚連睇四套狂熱電影 務求刺激你眼球


午夜狂熱馬拉松 馬拉松套票內容:



Midnight Marathon 的你將有意外驚喜

Dress up and prize will be yours

1. Office 2. TAG 3. The Bride 屍憶 4.Hibi Rock: Puke Afro and the Pop Star 日日搖滾

Date & Time 日期及時間

31.10 11:40pm to 1.11 08:00am

Venue 地點

百老匯 The ONE


Package Price 劃一票價 $260 (包括四套電影戲票及電影宵夜套餐乙份)


hibi rock: puke afro and the pop star


日本 Japan / 2014 / 110 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 入江悠 Irie Yu 演員 Cast: 野村周平 Nomura Shuhei, 二階堂富美 NikaidoFumi, 岡中啓佑 Okanoto Keisuke, 前野朋哉 MaenoTomoya, 落谷扶樹 Ochioi Motoki





日本 Japan / 2015 / 86 min / 日語對白 , 中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 園子温 Sono Sion 演員 Cast: Tnendl 玲奈 Triendl Reina, 篠田麻里子 Shinoda Mariko, 真野惠里菜 Mano Erina 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival Time venue



31/10 11:40pm ONE 06/11 8:10pm bc

31/10 11:40pm ONE 01/11 7:20pm bc

根據日本漫畫家榎屋克優的同名作品改編,高中生日日沼拓 郎對Rock’naRoll的熱愛已超過課業,與死黨草壁、依田樂團 Rock’naRoll Brothers。畢業後殺上東京,唱到聲嘶力竭苦無出 頭天,直至一次的Live House演出被一位龐克爆炸頭女衝上台搶 咪搶吉他,引起大騷動,他們卻萬萬估不到這位女子就是當紅偶 像歌手宇田川咲!憑《Saitama Rappers》系列崛起的導演入江 悠,無疑是個日本風格鮮明獨具的導演,再找二階堂富美合作, 人氣女星化身搖滾女神,大唱RCaSUCCESSION經典名曲「雨 後夜空」野性十足,年僅21歲的當紅小生野村周平首次挑戰唱歌 戲兼全裸上陣,以搖滾樂解放自己和演技。 Since his school days, Hibinuma Takuro (Nomura Shuhei) knew that he was good at only one thing: rocking out on stage. Takuro’s passion for music brings him to Tokyo, where he and his bandmates struggle to make a living at an underground music club. One day, he has a life-changing encounter with Utagawa Saki (Nikaido Fumi), a widely beloved pop star with a fiery temper. Known for his “Saitama Rappers” trilogy, indie director Irie Yu offers another heartfelt love letter to musicians everywhere with this uproarious comedy based on Enokiya Katsumasa’s popular manga. Barreling forward like a freight train fueled by energy drinks and caffeine, Hibi Rock: Ouke Aero And The Pop Star is a joyous shot of adrenaline for music fans.

日本小說家山田悠介的出道恐怖小說六度電影化!HKAFF影迷 至愛園子溫導演繼續獻上血腥異色重口味,這次把原著中的追殺 目標「佐藤」無限放大,改成全國女高中生,純情女學生Triendl 玲奈、新娘裝篠田麻里子、體育服真野惠里菜無一倖免!眼看著 女同學陸續慘死在自己眼前,只能鼓起勇氣設法存活下去。然 而,每通過一道關卡,豎立在眼前的,卻是另一場更殘酷更暴力 的考驗!等死的陰影令人寢食難安,大量瞬殺場面絕無冷場,必 定令忠實影迷大叫過癮。三位美女吸睛效果十足,血腥和養眼度 同樣爆表;男神齋藤工不計形象,以白髮老爺爺神秘演出。 En route to a school field trip, two buses filled with high school girls are destroyed by an invisible force. The sole survivor of the bloody attack, Mitsuko (Triendl Reina) must now fight for her survival as the mysterious murderers constantly invent new ways to eliminate any high school girl they can find. Made in the most prolific year of director Sono Sion’s career (this is already his third theatrical release of 2015), Tag is a violent and nightmarish survival thriller with a strong pro-feminist message. Those two things may not seem like an ideal mix, but Sono Sion fans know that anything is possible from the bad boy of Japanese cinema.

57 56




the bride 屍憶



南韓 South Korea / 2015 / 115 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 89 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 洪元燦 Hong Won-chan 演員 Cast: 高雅星 Ko Ah-sung, 朴誠雄 Park Sung-woong, 金義城 Kim Eui-sung, 裴成宇 Bae Seong-woo

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 謝庭菡 Lingo Hsieh 演員 Cast: 吳慷仁 Chris Wu, 謝欣穎 Nikki Hsieh, 嚴正嵐 Vera Yen, 田中千繪 Tanaka Chie

康城影展午夜場 Midnight Screening, Cannes Film Festival

Time venue

Time venue

31/10 11:40pm ONE 01/11 5:10pm bc

31/10 11:40pm ONE 05/11 9:50pm bc 《午夜凶鈴》、《咒怨》日本恐怖大師一瀨隆重擔綱監製,《屍 憶》真人真事駭人改編,講述靈異節目製作人因意外撿到一封紅 包後開始不斷做著古宅的惡夢,與未婚妻也開始碰到無法解釋的 現象;另一方面,陰陽眼女高中生茵茵在16歲生日時,突然遇鬼 找上門,她開始尋找鬼怪出現的原因,而所有線索,都指向一棟 深山古宅,究竟在那棟古宅曾發生什麼事件,將三人的命運牽扯 在一起?吳慷仁、謝欣穎、嚴正嵐前世怨念延至今生,田中千繪 鬼演冥婚鬼新娘,與校園水鬼、冤死女鬼齊來猛鬼出籠,都讓觀 眾嚇破膽。新銳女導演謝庭菡一鳴驚人,把台灣鬼片帶進了另一 層次,足以跟泰國的《鬼影》一較高下了。

一宗離奇滅門血案,死者全遭鐵錘狠狠打死,偵探查案緝兇到 連環殺手疑犯的公司,誓要把潛藏的惡魔揪出來;表面上他與 常人沒有分別,內裡卻冷酷無情,被欺負的女實習生竟然日日 朝九晚九與魔鬼同行!辦公室內外形同密室,與今日的韓國一 樣,在經濟和工作壓力相逼之下,令打工仔求生不得,求死卻 萬萬不能!新導演洪元燦絕非影壇初哥,擅長處理高度精密 的驚悚黑暗題材,參與編劇的作品包括《追擊者》、《股神戰 場》、《我是殺人犯》等,部部皆是水準之作,今次以幽閉的辦 公室空間拍出緊張詭異的氛圍,聯同高雅星、朴誠雄、裴成佑、 金義城、裴成宇殺入康城午夜場。 One night, ordinary white-collar worker Mr. Kim (Bae Seong-woo) goes home and murders his whole family. With Mr. Kim still on the loose, his office colleagues – who have not exactly treated him kindly over the years – are now looking over their shoulders in fear. The sole exception is Mi-rae (Ko Ah-sung), the lowly bullied intern who was the only person that showed Mr. Kim a trace of kindness. The chilling directorial debut of The Chaser scriptwriter Hong Won-chan may have a serial killer as its boogeyman, but it’s the pressure cooker environment, uncaring management and subtle bullying that make the cutthroat world of the office the deadliest weapon of all.

The producer behind iconic Japanese horror films Ring and Ju-on, Ichise Takashige works his horror magic for Taiwan cinema with this terrifying story inspired by local folklore about ghost marriages. Expanding from her 2014 short of the same name, writer-director Lingo Hsieh worked closely with Ichise on her high-profile directorial debut, about a television station employee (Chris Wu) who experiences spooky visions when he picks up a red envelope in a park. He soon learns that a grudge from a previous life has come back to wreak havoc on his personal life, most especially his relationship with his loving fiancée (Nikki Hsieh).



make room A 片現場不 NG

日本 Japan / 2015 / 86 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕

In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Morikawa Kei 森川圭 演員 Cast : 森田亞紀 Morita Aki, 伊東紅 Ito Beni, 栗林里莉 Kuribayashi Riri, 川上奈奈美 Kawakami Nanami, 住吉真理子 Sumiyoshi Mariko Time venue


that’s it 大私煞

日本 Japan / 2015 / 109 min /日語對白,英文字幕

In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 石井岳龍 Ishii Gakuryu 演員 Cast: 染谷將太 Sometani Shota, 水野繪梨奈 Mizuno Erina, 澀川清彥 Shibukawa Kiyohiko, 村上淳 Murakami Jun, 綾野剛 Ayano Go Time venue

07/11 9:55pm ONE 12/11 7:40pm bc

日本第一代獨立電影旗手石井岳龍繼《八萬伏特霹靂神龍》時隔 14年再執導搖滾電影,向兩年前已故的搖滾硬漢吉村秀樹致敬! 電影圍繞著生活在地下社會的黑戶青年大黑砂真男(染谷將太 飾)與陪酒女南無阿彌(水野繪梨奈飾),二人一起渴望脫離謎 樣老大千手完(綾野剛飾)控制的底層生活,在絕望的末路狂奔 的青春故事。貴位日本視覺狂人,石井岳龍的影像依舊色彩銳氣 十足,全片結合吉村的搖滾樂隊bloodthirsty butchers迷幻渾沌 的音場,原始暴力表現出迷茫的青春,日系搖滾燃點的狂情隨弦 疾走,同時散發無政府主義的頹廢激情。 Looking to escape an aimless life on the streets, Daikoku Samao (Sometani Shota) attempts to steal gold from the coin locker of gangster Ebisu Daikichi (Shibukawa Kiyohiko), but instead discovers a hard drive with a list of society’s dregs – prostitutes, bankrupted people, vagrants and homeless – who are to be eliminated. After hiding the disk, Daikoku is captured and imprisoned, where he finds a young prostitute (Mizuno Erina), a wild gang boss (Ayano Go) and perhaps the secret to his past. Cult director Ishii Gakuryu, known previously as Ishii Sogo, takes inspiration from indie rock band Bloodthirsty Butchers (who provided the music and the title song “Soredake”) for this stylish and edgy punk rock thriller.

03/11 9:50pm bc 06/11 9:50pm ONE

九十年代憑AV片起家的森川圭重返「老本行」之作,與曾合作 的現役女優伊東紅、栗林里莉、川上奈奈美聯手打造爆笑性喜 劇!無料到導演與當紅女神、回鍋前輩、資淺小咖、處女下海的 AV女優和合作一部成人電影,從化妝間的一天直擊A片現場, 台前全片劇情亂搞,服裝不合身,台後狀況百出,女優照騙上 位、狂睡不醒、男友抓包、爭風呷醋,無法想像,壯男討債竟變 成汁男。森田亞紀化身出入片場的化妝師,化妝間的背後也有許 多不得不知的秘辛。在AV業界打滾廿多年、操刀過二百多部成 人電影的森川圭,去年轉營主流商業片再次技癢,將昔日女優 影人的奇趣見聞寫成AV人間劇場,從笑中有淚的對白帶出AV產 業百態。 Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of a Japanese porn shoot? Longtime AV director Morikawa Kei pulls away the curtains of this mysterious world with the film adaptation of his own stage play, which was based on his own experiences. Set entirely inside a make-up room, Make Room follows several AV actresses whose personal troubles are turning the day’s filming into the porn shoot from hell, especially for the hardworking make-up artist who’s caught in the crossfire. Since winning the Grand Prix at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival in February, this low-budget and sex-less ensemble comedy has been this year’s Japanese indie darling.


*映後談 Q&A Session




Maverick 菜鳥

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 114 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 鄭文堂 Cheng Wen-Tang 演員 Cast: 宥勝 Chris Wang, 簡嫚書 Jian Man-Shu, 莊凱勛 Chuang Kai-Hsun, 歐陽靖 Gin Oy 台北電影節 開幕電影 Opening film, Taipei Film Festival

Time venue

*13/11 9:35pm bc *14/11 3:50pm ONE

消磨一個人的正義和理想需要多久?尤其是警察。《夏天的尾 巴》(第四屆)導演鄭文堂闊別電影五年的力作道出警察菜鳥面 臨的抉擇。這位警察菜鳥一上班便撞正潛規則:人不能碰、案件 不能動,更因而被派去坐檔案室雪藏。堅持是非黑白的他誓不向 惡勢力低頭,不惜翻查舊案,但最終是否真能找到真相?2010 年憑《眼淚》奪台北電影獎最佳導演的鄭文堂,曾投身社會運 動,經常拍攝草根題材,這次重返電影圈再次執導長片令影迷期 待。和以往較温文的角色相比,宥勝飾演衝勁、氣盛、熱血的警 察菜鳥,形象新鮮討好,對照飾演警察師兄的莊凱勛老成世故, 火花十足。 Five years after winning Best Director at the Taipei Film Festival for dark police drama Tears, director Cheng Wen-Tang returns with Maverick, the second in a trilogy of police films intended to explore social injustices in Taiwan. Young detective Yeh (Chris Wang) joins the force and comes face-to-face with the unspoken rules of the job: some cases are not investigated and some men cannot be arrested. His veteran partner Yang (Chuang Kai-Hsun) refuses to close a case implicating the son of a corrupt local councilor who controls the gangs, the politicians and even Yang’s lover (Jian ManShu). To find justice and exorcise his personal demons, Yang must learn to trust the spirited rookie cop at his side.


The kids





Ways Into Love 來得及說再見

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 90 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 113 min / 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 于瑋珊 Sunny Yu 演員Cast: 巫建和 Wu Chien-Ho, 溫貞菱 Wen Chen-Ling, 柯宇綸 Lawrence Ko, 楊琪 Debby Yang

In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳芯宜 Singing Chen, 黃嘉俊 Huang Chia-Chun, 沈可尚 Shen Ko-Shang

台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival 東京國際電影節 亞洲未來競賽單元



*07/11 5:00pm ONE *08/11 7:15pm bc

Tokyo Internatinal Film Festival In Competition (Asian Futures) Time venue

5/11 8:05pm ONE 8/11 1:25pm bc

《共犯》台灣影壇新人溫貞菱及巫建和再結戲緣,飾演未成年的 苦命小爸媽。故事描述剛升國二的寶力和學姊佳家交往不久便同 居懷孕,小倆口為了養育女兒小鈕釦,寶力決定休學打工,但他 的母親好賭,花光了夫妻倆的積蓄,逼他得走上歹路,臨時起意 搶劫。寶力承諾這輩子給佳家一個安穩的家,當他追求純真理想 的同時,現實社會的考驗也無情地隨之而來。少年性行為浮濫、 未婚懷孕、婚外情、問題家庭等社會問題層出不窮,劇情與青春 回憶不斷交疊,卻充滿充滿灼人的現實感。由《明天記得愛上 我》陳駿霖加持監製,獨立電影人于瑋珊毫不避諱剖白青春戀曲 最深恐懼,無懼挑戰金鐘和台北電影大獎。 The love story between Pao-Li (Wu Chien-Ho) and Jia-Jia (Wen Chen-Ling) was just like any other until the two became young parents. Naïve and simple-minded, Pao-Li tries to make the best of the situation by working hard at a small restaurant and saving up for a new apartment. Like a lost child looking for any port in a storm, Jia-Jia enters into an affair with her married boss (Lawrence Ko) to escape her family life. Produced by Au Revoir Taipei director Arvin Chen, the feature film debut of writer-director Sunny Yu is a gritty, unsentimental drama about two people facing the harsh realities of poverty in the big city. These kids may not make the wisest choices, but their lives and their actions nevertheless feel painfully real.

由《昨日的記憶》(第九屆)陳芯宜、《築巢人》(第十屆)沈 可尚、《一首搖滾上月球》(第十屆)黃嘉俊三位導演合作,各 自執導三段面對老、病、死的故事,串聯成關懷社會紀錄片。 「好好吃飯」拍出偏鄉獨居老人的用餐問題,以及為送餐員與弱 勢長者的故事,「日日喃喃」是三位肝癌病人與他們家人之間的 呢喃絮語,用鏡頭緩慢地記錄他們進食、服藥、如廁、寫遺書、 痛苦等人生片段;「人之老」描述一對被戰火隔離50年的近百歲 夫妻,再續前緣並攜手走到人生的最後。在人生的每刻當下,三 位台灣人文導演教大家如何面對人生必經的階段,三個小人物生 命故事看盡生老病死的觀點。 Acclaimed Taiwan documentary filmmakers Singing Chen (The Walkers), Huang Chia-Chun (Rock Me to the Moon) and Shen KoShang (A Rolling Stone) highlight the important work of three social organizations in Taiwan in this moving documentary anthology. Chen’s A Real Meal depicts volunteers who bring a glimmer of hope into the lives of the elderly with simple meal deliveries. Huang’s When a Woman Loves a Man portrays the ordinary life of an elderly couple that finally reunited after war had torn them apart for almost 50 years. Last but not least, Shen’s Murmuring Days captures the final months of three liver cancer patients and raises awareness of liver disease prevention.






台灣 Taiwan / 2014 / 90 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 廖哲毅 Liao Che-I, 陳心龍 Chen Hsin-Lung 演員 Cast: 李劭婕 Li Shao-Chieh, 呂名堯 Lu Ming-Yao, 謝盈萱 Hsieh Ying-Hsuan, 朱宏章 Chu Hung-Chang, 王自強 Wang Tzu-Chiang 台北金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Time




*20/11 7:40pm ONE *22/11 1:05pm bc

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 143 min / 國語對白,中英字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳懷恩 En Chen 演員 Cast: 瘂弦 Ya Hsien 台北電影節 最佳紀錄片, 最佳攝影, 最佳剪接

Taipei Film Festival, Best Documentary, Best Cinematography, Best Editing Time venue

*21/11 6:40pm bc *22/11 1:10pm IFC

〔溫柔之必要,肯定之必要,一點點酒和木樨花之必要,正正經 經看一名女子走過之必要,君非海明威此一起碼認識之必要〕瘂 弦,寫詩12年,發表了90幾首,在最巔峰之時選擇停筆;他的 集大成詩集《瘂弦詩集》,證明了詩的質比量重要。《他們在島 嶼寫作》系列第二部曲導演陳懷恩,在詩的照耀下與瘂弦光陰裡 漫步,拍攝團隊遠赴他的出生地河南南陽,還有現居地溫哥華追 尋這位詩人少年離家、來台創辦詩刊《創世紀》、以及長達21 年的《聯合報》副刊主編生涯,晚年退居學府集中詩史和詩學研 究,還打開了他與蔣勳、吳晟、席慕蓉、林懷民等詩壇摰友和後 生晚輩的互動,《如歌的行板》記錄他充滿詩意的一生。 In 2011, director En Chen documented poet Yu Kuang-Chung for the first installment of “The Inspired Island” series on eminent writers. For the second installment, he directs his camera to poet and editor Ya Hsien, tracing the literary giant’s footsteps from his birthplace of Nanyang, Henan, to his home in Vancouver, from the mobile library of his childhood to his current basement holding six decades of books and memories. Part of the vanguard of Taiwan’s modern poetry movement in the sixties, Ya Hsien influenced multiple generations of writers over a 60-year career that intertwines with the social and political changes of his time.

取材自美國著名戲劇作家亞瑟﹒米勒 (Arthur Miller) 不朽作品 《嚴峻的考驗TheCrucible》,台灣青春崩壞系電影《時下暴 力》首次劇場融入電影拍攝,將舞台劇搬上大銀幕,由劇場界重 量級人物謝盈萱、朱宏章,以及影視劇三棲演員王自強、陳家 逵、新銳演員李劭婕、呂名堯等跨界演出,八十後年輕團隊「壹 玖八七」廖哲毅和陳心龍初生之犢,不畏社會成見,以群眾募資 方式打造屬於台灣年輕人的電影。電影與原劇描繪中古世紀女巫 審判冤案的劇情雙線併行,以寫實迷幻的風格拍成另類現代校園 陰謀,描述一樁高中體罰事件引發而出的熱血抗爭,逐步揭露成 長中的殘酷真相和社會的冷漠現況,什麼才是擁抱他們青春靈魂 的靈丹妙藥﹖ Young independent filmmakers Liao Che-I and Chen Hsin-Lung reinvent Arthur Miller’s The Crucible into a modern high school setting in this tense and searing youth film. A group of students accuse a teacher of severe corporal punishment that sent Qin AiLin (Li Shao-Chieh) to the hospital. Unsatisfied with the school’s handling of the matter, the students, led by Ai-Lin’s friend and admirer Li Lun-Hua (Lu Ming-Yao), escalate their protests while the accused teacher denies wrongdoing. As the scandal grows, Lun-Hua notices that the events surrounding them are eerily similar to the play he is reading. Interspersing play scenarios with the film’s narrative, Conspiracy depicts with verve how lies and obsession spiral out of control into persecution and violence.


Zinnia Flower





the bride 屍憶

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 96 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 89 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 林書宇 Tom Shu-Yu Lin 演員 Cast: 林嘉欣 Karena Lam, 石頭 Stone, 馬志翔 Umin Boya, 柯佳嬿 Alice Ko

In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 謝庭菡 Lingo Hsieh 演員 Cast: 吳慷仁 Chris Wu, 謝欣穎 Nikki Hsieh, 嚴正嵐 Vera Yen, 田中千繪 Tanaka Chie

台北電影節 閉幕電影 Closing Film, Taipei Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 溫哥華國際電影節 Vancouver International Film Festival 東京國際電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival 金馬獎最佳女主角等三項提名

Time venue

31/10 11:40pm ONE 01/11 5:10pm bc

Golden Horse 3 nominations including Best Actress Time venue

*31/10 7:00pm ONE *31/10 9:20pm ONE

*01/11 2:50pm bc

影后林嘉欣睽違五年復出擔當女主角之作,片中她的未婚夫和五 月天石頭在片中的另一半在同一場車禍中死去。佛教儀式的守喪 期為一百日,兩個主角在這百日各有不同的方式面對悲痛,喪期 過後,他們能否放下悲傷走下去?《星空》(第八屆)導演林書 宇現實中確實經歷喪妻之痛,他面對的方法是把那種失去至愛的 悲痛和哀慟拍出來,並希望借此替戲中的男女主角及現實中的自 己找出答案。但原來沒有答案就是答案,無論選擇用什麼方式面 對死亡,那種痛依然存在,前路仍然要繼續走。林嘉欣和石頭的 演出甚具感染力,加上蘇打綠龔鈺祺的配樂,隔著銀幕也能深深 觸動觀眾情緒。 After the death of his wife, director Tom Lin (Winds of September, Starry Starry Night) went in search of closure, and the result is this heartrending drama about loss, grief and the agonizing path to letting go. Karena Lam makes a long-awaited comeback to the big screen as Ming, a woman who loses her fiancée in a car accident that also killed the pregnant wife of Wei (Stone). Over the course of 100 days – the traditional Buddhist period for mourning the dead – Wei and Ming each find their own way to deal with the pain of their loss. But can they ever truly learn to say goodbye?

《午夜凶鈴》、《咒怨》日本恐怖大師一瀨隆重擔綱監製,《屍 憶》真人真事駭人改編,講述靈異節目製作人因意外撿到一封紅 包後開始不斷做著古宅的惡夢,與未婚妻也開始碰到無法解釋的 現象;另一方面,陰陽眼女高中生茵茵在16歲生日時,突然遇鬼 找上門,她開始尋找鬼怪出現的原因,而所有線索,都指向一棟 深山古宅,究竟在那棟古宅曾發生什麼事件,將三人的命運牽扯 在一起?吳慷仁、謝欣穎、嚴正嵐前世怨念延至今生,田中千繪 鬼演冥婚鬼新娘,與校園水鬼、冤死女鬼齊來猛鬼出籠,都讓觀 眾嚇破膽。新銳女導演謝庭菡一鳴驚人,把台灣鬼片帶進了另一 層次,足以跟泰國的《鬼影》一較高下了。 The producer behind iconic Japanese horror films Ring and Ju-on, Ichise Takashige works his horror magic for Taiwan cinema with this terrifying story inspired by local folklore about ghost marriages. Expanding from her 2014 short of the same name, writer-director Lingo Hsieh worked closely with Ichise on her high-profile directorial debut, about a television station employee (Chris Wu) who experiences spooky visions when he picks up a red envelope in a park. He soon learns that a grudge from a previous life has come back to wreak havoc on his personal life, most especially his relationship with his loving fiancée (Nikki Hsieh).

超乎想像- 印尼電影精選

photo low resolution

*映後談 Q&A Session


Garuda Power The Spirit Within 武力全開:印尼動作電影

印尼、法國 Indonesia, France / 2014 / 77 min / 印尼語對白, 英文字幕 In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Bastian Meiresonne 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival Time venue

14/11 4:50pm bc 15/11 7:00pm bc

當大家看過《突擊死亡塔》(第八屆)打到飛起的凌厲動作,印 尼動作片又豈止於此?30年代有華裔鄭丁春製作的荷屬東印度 片,到40年代充斥著Tan Tjoei Hock 的B級恐怖片,二戰後不 但驅逐殖民統治的意識形態,變身共和國還引入當道的偽占士拜 片和自家製的《拉瑪超人》,60至70年代大量武術功夫片見證 反帝國主義的來臨。首次執導紀錄片的BastianaMeiresonne追 訪電影前輩,動作影星GeorgeaRudy、《地獄處女》導演Ackyl Anwari、資深演員Gope T. Samtani現身說法,還有80年代的國 民偶像BarryaPrima神秘亮相。這部紀錄片可算是印尼近百年的 影業發展史。 Indonesian action has attracted renewed interest in the last few years thanks to the success of The Raid and its sequel. Shining light on a little known topic, this fascinating documentary traces 100 years of Indonesian action cinema in the context of the nation’s film development and turbulent modern history. Filled with film clips and interviews with actors, directors, critics and scholars, the vibrant doc takes audiences through the decades, from the Dutch and Chinese productions of the 30s to the Bond-style capers of the 60s, the martial arts and comic book superhero flicks of the 70s, the domestic boom of the 80s and the severe downturn since the mid-90s that has left cinemas empty and abandoned.






印尼 Indonesia / 2015 / 150 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕

In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Angga Dwimas Sasongko 演員 Cast: Chicco Jerikho, Shafira Umm, Jajang C. Noer, Aufa Assagaf, Abdurrahman Arif Time venue

*14/11 6:45pm bc *15/11 9:00pm bc

改編自印尼前足球員SaniATawainela的真實故事,拍成電影 源於導演Anggaa2007年到印尼安汶拍攝有關當地教派衝突的 紀錄片,期間他租了一輛電單車的士,司機正是本片的主角 Sani。Sani少年時曾是印尼國家隊青年軍,1996年更代表印尼 參加學生亞洲盃,2000年初他目睹一名小童在武裝衝突中鎗。 隨後他返回家鄉以電單車的士司機維生,看到馬魯古省內的宗教 衝突越來越多兒童牽涉其中。於是他與另一前足球員Hari創立一 間足球學校吸納當地兒童參加,希望轉移兒童的精力在足球上。 導演 Angga那次安汶之行改變了他對事物的看法,因此很希望將 故事拍成電影。由於牽涉敏感議題,一度找不到投資,最後找到 歌手Glenn Fredly協助才能圓夢。本片在印尼獲最佳電影,男主 角Chicco亦憑此片奪最佳男主角。 While filming a documentary in Ambon, Maluku, about the sectarian conflict between Muslims and Christians that gripped the region from 1999 to 2004, Angga Dwimas Sasongko met a Muslim driver who coached football in his village to protect the children from violence. Deeply affected by his story, the director was inspired to make this moving film about how football united a divided people. After witnessing a young boy’s death, Sani Tawainella (Chicco Jericho) decides to organize football practices to keep the children of his village from getting involved in the conflict. Sani’s team is later selected to represent Maluku in the national competition, but his inclusion of two Christian players leads to discord within the team.







印尼 Indonesia / 2015 / 94 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕

In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Ismail Basbeth 演員 Cast: Deddy Sutomo, Oka Antara, Toro Margens, Erythrina Baskoro 東京國際電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival Time venue

*14/11 9:50pm bc *16/11 7:35pm bc





印尼 Indonesia / 2014 / 88 min / 爪哇語、印尼語對白, 英文字幕 In Javanese and Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Eddie Cahyono 演員 Cast: Sekar Sari, Delia Nuswantoro, Chelsy Bettido,

Ibnu Widodo 新加坡國際電影節 Singapore International Film Festival 台北電影節 Taipei Film Festival Time venue

首次執導主流商業長片的獨立電影導演Ismail Basbeth嘗試用電 影揭開伊斯蘭教的神秘面紗,使非教徒對伊斯蘭教改觀。別以為 故事一定是沉悶說教,反而此片更似是用宗教包裝的温馨家庭小 品。主角 Mahmud是虔伊斯蘭教徒,希望向所有人宣揚伊斯蘭教 是解決生命所有問題的唯一方法。聽說政府花上過十億盧比亞尋 找新月的日子以定開齋節。為了向人示範宗教是精神性而非物質 的,不用花多錢都可以找到新月,他希望能重現母校的一個遺失 了的傳統。但女兒為他的健康著想,阻止他前往,除非有弟弟陪 伴。兒子是環保活躍分子而且不重視宗教,父子二人常不咬弦, 但兒子急需換新護照因此需要入境處工作的姐姐協助,於是勉為 其難與父同行,父與子的對話隨著這行程展開。 Following his surrealist debut feature Another Trip to the Moon, Ismail Basbeth’s second film takes inspiration from The Crescent Moon, specifically the “hilal” - the first visible crescent moon that marks the start and end of an Islamic lunar month. When Mahmud (Deddy Sutomo), a stubborn and conservative Muslim, hears about the high government cost that goes into sighting and determining the new crescent moon for Eid al-Fitr, he decides to go and find hilal himself, just like in the good old days. Mahmud’s estranged son Heli (Oka Antara), a liberal and unreligious young man, reluctantly accompanies his father on a pilgrimage that will come to change them both.

*17/11 9:50pm bc *21/11 3:00pm ONE

Siti,一位年輕的母親,丈夫在出海捕魚發生意外而癱瘓,照顧 兒子、丈夫和奶奶的重責全落在她的身上。早上她販賣小吃, 晚上在卡拉OK酒廊偷偷摸摸工作。自從丈夫知道之後,再沒有 跟Siti說話了。一天警察搜查酒廊,扣留了Siti。沒生產力的孤獨 人物,Siti在窒息的勞役生活中掙扎尋找一扇窗,她的孤獨苦悶 多少建基在這個國家對性別平等和社會轉化的渴求。獨立女導 演EddieaCahyono用黑白的鏡頭展現女主角的情緒起伏,女星 SekaraSari自然內斂的演技令人動容,《Siti》是當下印尼女性 的奏鳴曲。 With a paralyzed husband, a young son and a mother-in-law at home, Siti (Sekar Sari) is forced to make money by working at an illegal karaoke bar – until she caught in a raid on the bar. Eddie Cahyono’s neorealist drama follows a day in the life of Siti, who sells crackers on the beach during the day while contemplating returning to the reopened bar that night despite her husband’s jealousy-fueled silent treatment. An involving, unsentimental character drama about a woman who seems to be bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders, Siti boasts gorgeous black-and-white cinematography and a remarkable performance by Sari.

INDONESIA cinema 71

THE long march








印尼 Indonesia / 1950 / 127 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕

印尼 Indonesia / 1965 / 103 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕

In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Usmar Ismail 演員 Cast: Del Juzar, Ella Bergen, Aedy Muward, Awaluddin Djamin

In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Teguh Karya 演員 Cast: Tuti Indra Malaon, Niniek L. Karim, Alex Komang, Ria Irawan, Ayu Azhari


Free Screening 17/11 7:00pm bc 1/F


Time venue

12/11 9:50pm bc 18/11 9:40pm bc

已故印尼大導演Teguh Karya經典代表作,當年在印尼金像獎寫 下九項大獎的光輝新紀錄!雅加達寡婦Rakhim育有四名子女, 仔大女大卻家無寧日,嫁給暴發戶的長女不滿四妹的男友有違家 族血脈的傳統,四妹憤而離家出走,三哥為了全力發展演藝事 業,拋妻棄子,母親很難視若無睹,以最大的包容讓子女們再 回歸愛的原點,最終冰釋前嫌作大團員結局。有別於八十年代 的印尼家庭倫理片,《母親》沒有呼天搶地的煽情言情,Teguh Karya不慍不火說了一個家的故事,憑敏銳的觸角拍出一個跨種 族、政治、性別的印尼片。一代影后Tuti Indra Malaon鏡頭裡的 謙卑和等待,慈母的動容演出叫人難忘。

印尼獨立後第一部國家電影,資金和製作全部來自印尼,電影 拍攝的第一天更定為印尼電影日,代表性可想而知。電影關於 印尼軍長征,軍隊按命令返回他們的基地,Sudarto上尉帶領著 軍隊和平民離開,但路途遙遠,加上飢餓和敵方的空襲威脅, 過程歷盡艱辛,故事完於1948年的茉莉芬事件,長征亦於1950 年印尼共和國取得主權而結束。作為軍人的男主角原則上是反 戰的,因為這意味內戰展開,片中沒有刻意塑造完美的英雄形 象,Sudarto雖然知道妻子在家守候他平安歸來,但征途中依然 與兩個女子有染,他亦經常表現得懷疑。導演Usmar Ismail曾經 當兵,後轉為拍電影,他通過本片帶出這次革命蠶食了印尼的下 一 代。 Considered the first ““national” Indonesian film, The Long March has earned a lasting legacy for its historical subject matter and its support of Indonesian identity. During the throes of the Indonesian National Revolution, Captain Sudarto (Del Juzar), leader of the Silwangi Division of the Indonesian army, must lead his soldiers – along with a group of women and children – on a 200 kilometer-long march to West Java. But the march is perilous, as attacks from Dutch forces and their own internal strife threaten the journey to safety. Known as the “father of Indonesian film”, director Usmar Ismail endured numerous hardships – including technical difficulties, dwindling finances and finally censorship – to bring The Long March to the screen.

Widow Rakhim (Tuti Indra Malaon) is suddenly confronted with two crises in her family. Her son Zulfikar (Alex Komang) has left his wife and child to carry on an affair with an actress who can sponsor him. Meanwhile, her older daughter Farida’s (Niniek L. Karim) fierce disapproval of her younger daughter Fitri (Ria Irawan) dating a man who isn’t Javanese drives the latter to run away from home. Sweeping nine Citra Awards at the 1986 Indonesian Film Festival, Teguh Karya’s Jakarta-set family melodrama is notable for its acute depiction of the lives, mindsets and mannerisms of middle-class Javanese, and for bringing up the issue of racial discrimination in contemporary Indonesia.






Indonesian Cinema 香港人最熟悉的印尼電影可能是《突擊死亡塔》那些拳拳到肉的動作電影,但實際上印尼電影非常多樣化,他 們對性別、宗教、政治等敏感題材甚至比香港更大膽,近年也出現了不少較實驗性的作品,可算是比香港電影 走得更前。今年有幸邀請到多位不同類型的導演來港,在兩部印尼經典的映照下與大家一同分享當代印尼電影 的國際面貌。 Our perception on Indonesian cinema may build on recent action hit THE RAID, however Indonesian Cinema indeed can be very diversified. Their values and conceptions on controversial topics like gender, religious and political can be far more daring than most of our local production. This year, we are very happy to have several key talents of various film groups from the new generation to present and share with us the real Indonesian Cinema they live in.

免費放映 Free Screening

電影座談會 Film Talk

電影 Film : 大長征 The Long March 日期 Date: 17-Nov 時間 Time : 7:00pm 地點 Venue : 百老匯電影中心一樓

日期 Date: 17-Nov 時間Time : 9:00pm (免費放映後) 地點 Venue : 百老匯電影中心一樓 1/F Broadway Cinematheque

1/F Broadway Cinematheque Conducted in English. Free of Charge.

為慶祝亞洲電影節的印尼單元及影迷對小眾電影的支持,憑印尼電影單元的任何 電影戲票可在11月13日起到百老匯電影中心會員部bcinephile換取紀念品一份。

特別優惠 Special Gift

To celebrate the Indonesian Cinema section in HKAFF as well as your support to a rather niche market, you may now enjoy a set of free souvenir upon presenting any one of the six Indonesian films purchased ticket at our bcinephile counter at Broadway Cinematheque on and after 13 November 2015.






New Talent Award Seminar 亞洲新導演座談會 每年均有不同的新導演參加亞洲新導演獎,但每年從一眾國際新導演中贏得一席位要具備什麼條件?在越趨國 際合作的影展市場,要如何才能找到投資而又保得住自己的第一個夢?在有限的資源底下如何發揮小宇宙,拍 出屬於自己的風格?拍完後發行的路又要怎樣走?多個問題必能從成功的過來人找到答案,他們雖是新人,但 卻有大師教不到你的當代經驗。 Every year we have over six new talents attending the New Talent Award, however we are never aware of their back stories on filmmaking. What quality do they need to be in the Festival circuit? In a market that based on international cooperation, how do newbies get funded without having their first dream ruined? Working with limited budgets and resources, how can they get hold of their style and catch some eye balls at the same time? All can be answered by our new talent nominees’ past experience. They may be fresh but these are something that Master can’t tell.

日期 Date: 22-Nov 時間 Time : 5:15pm 地點 Venue : 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque *國語,粵語,英語進行,費用全免。持亞洲新導演獎的電影戲票人仕可優先進場 Conducted in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Free of Charge. Priority entry for New Talent Award ticket holders.

Female filmmakers in asia 女導演在亞洲座談會 日期 Date: 08-Nov 時間 Time : 5:30pm 地點 Venue : 百老匯電影中心一樓 1/F Broadway Cinematheque Conducted in English. Free of Charge. *國語、英語進行一費用全免 Conducted in Mandarin and English. Free of Change.

更多活動資訊詳情請留意官方網頁 More updated news on Activities will be available on our Festival website.

71 A ticket

TicketING information

AMC Pacific Place

香港金鐘道88號太古廣場L1 Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong Island 票價Ticket Price:


B ticket


Broadway Cinematheque

九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站C出口) Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon. (MTR Yau Ma Tei station - Exit C)


購票辦法 Ticketing 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2265 8933 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

票價 Ticket Price 優惠票價 Discount Price

* 網上及電話購票均需收取手續費:星期一至五每張$8, 星期六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

(長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Child ticket)

查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933

購票辦法 Ticketing 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

$64 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member)

$60 * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

* 網上及電話購票均需收取手續費:星期一至五每張$8,星期 六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002 會員專線 Member Hotline: 2783 7004

影片等級 Film Categories 本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之電影尚未獲電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處評列等級,如有電影被列為三級者,主辦單位將於戲院及售票網頁上公佈,敬請留意。 The categories of all the films in the program are not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinema and

TicketING information

C ticket


香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 (港鐵香港站F出口) Podium Level 1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong. (MTR Hong Kong Station - Exit F)


票價 Ticket Price 優惠票價 Discount Price

$80 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member)


D ticket


THE ONE Broadway The ONE


九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 6-11樓 (港鐵尖沙咀站B1或B2出口) 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station – Exit B1 or B2 )


票價 Ticket Price 優惠票價 Discount Price

$76 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member)

$75 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Child ticket)

(長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Child ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing. 購票辦法 Ticketing 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing: * 網上及電話購票均需收取手續費:星期一至五每張$8,星期 六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing. 購票辦法 Ticketing 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing: * 網上及電話購票均需收取手續費:星期一至五每張$8,星期 六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 6268


screening schedule

Screening schedule


date 28/10 WED

AMC PP 7:00pm




BC 7:45pm


ONE 7:30PM





The crow’s egg

30/10 FRI

山河故人 mountains may depart

mountains may depart

date 29/10 THU









Journey To The



球場上的朝陽 the vancouver asahi











身後戀事 Journey To The Shore


31/10 SAT


老炮兒 MR.SIX







100 Yen Love


愛得對 愛得錯

百日告別 Zinnia Flower


Right Now,

百日告別 Zinnia Flower

Wrong Then


午夜狂熱馬拉松 Midnight Marathon

*映後談Q&A Session

兩個小孩的PIZZA The crow’s egg

100 Yen Love

screening schedule

date 01/11 SUN

BC *2:50pm


ONE 3:10PM



The Bride




100円的愛 100 Yen Love

Zinnia Flower



百日紅 Miss Hokusai


Hibi Rock: Puke Afro

甜味人間 AN

and the Pop Star




The Shameless

陽光在那邊燦爛 The Light Shines Only There

02/11 MON







愛得對 愛得錯

Little Forest -

Right Now,

Summer & Autumn

Wrong Then


Ruined Heart:

Little Forest -

Another Love Story

Winter & Spring

Between a Criminal and a Whore

03/11 TUE








百日紅 Miss Hokusai


Make Room


04/11 WED


衰敗的華麗 Cemetery of Splendour



甜味人間 AN

球場上的朝陽 The Vancouver Asahi

05/11 THU


小孩 The Kids




因恥愛你 The Shameless

請瀏覽電影節官方網站www.hkaff.asia查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.


screening schedule

Screening schedule


date 06/11 FRI

BC 8:10PM


ONE 8:00PM

疾走馬尼拉 Ruined Heart: Another Love Story Between a Criminal and a Whore





07/11 SAT



A片現場不NG Make Room

2:30pm 球場上的朝陽

Little Forest -

The Vancouver Asahi

Summer & Autumn




來得及說再見 Ways into Love

Little Forest Winter & Spring




The Birth of Sake


被消失的結局 The Last Reel

拉麵之神 The God of Ramen




A Drop of

大私煞 That’s It


08/11 SUN


小孩 The Kids




The Last Reel



Censored Voices



我叫麥當娜,你又想點 Madonna

The Chinese Mayor




Ways into Love

親愛的,不要越過那條河 My Love, Don’t Cross that River


想入飛飛 3688

*映後談Q&A Session


乖乖 Being Good


screening schedule

date 09/11 MON

BC *7:40PM



親愛的,不要越過那條河 My Love, Don’t Cross that River




The WhistleBlower

10/11 TUE




想入飛飛 3688


The light shines

百厘米的夢 Little People, Big Dream

only there




A Matter of

拉麵之神 The God of Ramen


11/11 WED


12/11 THU




Being Good

中國市長 The Chinese Mayor



That’s It



洗腦遊戲 The Propaganda




萄醉北海道 A Drop of Grapevine

13/11 FRI




My next step



The Birth of Sake



14/11 SAT





聲音經過處理 Censored Voices

老炮兒 Mr. Six


Little People,

一個武生 My next step

Big Dream




Clearer Than You Think



菜鳥 Maverick



Garuda Power The

A Matter of

Spirit Within


請瀏覽電影節官方網站www.hkaff.asia查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.


screening schedule

Screening schedule


date 14/11 SAT

BC *6:45PM


ONE 8:25PM

we are mDLUCCANS



電影語言兿術 Love and…

我爸爸是伊斯蘭教徒 The Crescent Moon

15/11 SUN




Freshwave shorts





洗腦遊戲 The Propaganda game

Ten Years



十年 映後座談會 Film SEMINAR




Garuda Power The

後政權的第四度風向 The forth direction

Spirit Within




16/11 MON




The Crescent Moon





十年 Ten Years


The forth direction

17/11 TUE

維穩真相 The WhistleBlower

we are mDLUCCANS



Ten Years


魔法阿爸 My Magic

青蔥絮語 Clearer Than You Think

free screening:

大長征 The long march



Mee Pok Man


印尼電影座談會 film talk: Indonesian Cinema


活著多好 SITI

*映後談Q&A Session


辰已 Tatsumi


默默伴我行 BE WITH ME

screening schedule

date 18/11 WED

BC 8:10pm


ONE 8:05PM



Love and…










12樓 12 Storeys


19/11 THU


欲動 Taksu


My Magic

榴槤忘返 River of Exploding Durians

20/11 FRI




12 Storeys



時下暴力 Conspiracy


River of Exploding

愛麗絲漫遊絕境 Alice In Earnestland


21/11 SAT




Mee Pok Man







A Life that Sings


愛麗絲漫遊絕境 Alice In Earnestland

22/11 SUN



鎖不住的青春 Mustang




無限春光 27 in the room


無限春光 27 in the room




鎖不住的青春 Mustang


如歌的行板 A Life that Sings


海燕 Taklub


請瀏覽電影節官方網站www.hkaff.asia查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.



影展總監 Festival Director:

影展策劃 Festival Programmer:

影展經理 Festival Manager:

Gary Mak

Didi Wu

Phoebe Chiu

影展電檢統籌 Censorship Coordinator:

影展攝影師 Festival Photographer:

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks: 排名不分先後

影展主任 Festival Officer:

影展宣傳 Festival Publicist:

嘉賓接待 Hospitality Team:

美術總監及場刊設計 Art Director & Booklet Designer:

網頁設計 Website Designer:

影展宣傳片 Trailer Producer & Editor:

場刊文字 Booklet Writers:

In alphabetical order

Willa Wong Olivia Yang Sindy Lam Terry Wong

Terry Lee Cheung Ming Yee


alonglongtime Joycelyn Choi Chan Chin Ho Mandy Leung

Ross Chen Amy Yeung

Annisa Au Law Hoi Yi

Tokyo Chiu

Abby Chung Mandy Lam Chan Sze Kit Mell Ngai Esther Yeung Natalie Wong Fung Ka Ming Ronny Tung Grace Wu Shu Kei Jay Lai Steven Chan Jim Lee Venus Fong Judith Kwong Vincent Lam Virginia Leung

Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2015

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