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6 | Opening Film

Opening Film 開幕電影 MAD WORLD 一念無明




*13/10 THU 7:30pm ONE *13/10 THU 9:25pm ONE *28/10 FRI 9:40pm ONE

百分百香港電影,百分百驚喜之作,更吸引兩位男主角無償 義演。新晉導演首部長片沒有隨波逐流靠大茄堆砌雞肋情 景,卻道出香港每天正在發生的逼切問題,如情緒病、歧 視、家庭破裂、住屋問題及醫療制度等,並在刻劃同時提出 求變方案。阿東因工作壓力及需獨力照顧病重母親而患上躁 鬱症與失業,身心癲疲的母子情緒苦無出口只能互相撕磨。 某天阿東如常替失禁母親沖洗時意外誤殺了她,這時棄家不 顧的父親才驚覺自己的逃避已釀成悲劇,遂應醫院建議接兒 子到自己的劏房暫住。父子倆生命只剩下彼此,然而彼此卻 是自己最無法直視的過去。 *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 101 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 黃進 Wong Chun 演員Cast: 余文樂 Shawn Yue, 曾志偉 Eric Tsang, 金燕玲 Elaine Jin, 方皓玟 Charmaine Fong

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund

Following up his award-winning short 6th March, director Wong Chun makes his feature debut with this surprising and accomplished drama. Former financial analyst Wong Sai-tung, who suffers from bipolar disorder, is released from a mental hospital into the care of his estranged father. The two struggle to come to terms with Tung’s illness and also a horrible incident involving Tung’s mother that scared them both. With his father’s help, Tung makes a gradual return to society. But society is not so eager to take him back. With startling honesty and realism, Mad World tackles the subject of mental illness in Hong Kong and asks how people – ill or otherwise – can seek change.

Opening Film | 7

Opening Film 開幕電影 SOUL MATE 七月與安生




中國,香港 China, Hong Kong / 2016 / 110 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 曾國祥 Derek Tsang 演員 Cast: 周冬雨 Zhou Dongyu, 馬思純 Sandra Ma Sichun, 李程彬 Toby Lee

*13/10 THU 7:20pm ONE *13/10 THU 9:40pm ONE

金像導演陳可辛聯同金馬提名導演曾國祥攜手譜出女性青春 浮躁戀曲。十三歲那年,七月與安生展開了她們的青春序 幕。從踏入中學校門的一刻起,二人形影不離;儘管背景性 格各異,一個恬靜如水,一個叛逆灑脫,卻又一見如故成為 莫逆,彼此分享著最重要的青春成長印記。她們以為會永遠 陪伴在彼此的生命裡,直到十八歲,她們遇見了男生蘇家 明,三人糾纏在隱秘的三角關係中。感情的角力令二人友情 受到考驗,漸漸越行越遠,改寫各自往後十多年的命運。 她們即使彼此關愛,彼此欣賞,同時亦互相折磨,互相 傷害。然後,她們終於明白永遠不可以成為對方的影子, 只能勇敢地做自己。影片主題曲由首次為銀幕創作的竇靖童 主唱,帶來不一般的衝擊。

Producer Peter Chan and Derek Tsang (Lover’s Discourse) bring a beloved tale of friendship and the ruthless pursuit of love to the big screen. Based on the novella by the writer formerly known as Annie Baby (now named Qing Shan), Soul Mate traces the relationship between two best and the eventual collapse of their friendship when a boy comes between them. Anchored by two of the most promising young actresses of their generation, Soul Mate is an evocative drama that dissects young love with style and verve.

8 | Closing Film

Closing Film 閉幕電影 29+1





香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 101min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 彭秀慧 Kearen Pang 演員Cast: 周秀娜 Chrissie Chau, 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng, 蔡瀚億 BabyJohn Choi, 楊尚斌 Ben Yeung

*31/10 MON 9:45pm BC *31/10 MON 9:55pm BC

無論你是快迎接或已渡過3字頭的女生,都不會對《29+1》 感到陌生,甚或早已是劇場的忠實粉絲。劇場演足九年、吸 引近五萬觀眾入場,今年這部自編自導自演的一人劇場終搬 上大銀幕,並找來兩位個性鮮明的女演員擔演原本一人分飾 的兩角。劇本以女性的細膩敏感道出三十關口前的盛女,在 事業、家庭和愛情各方面出現的忐忑。快要奔三的港女林若 君糾結於介乎窒息與雞肋間的生活狀態;而十三點的黃天樂 則決定抓住2字頭的尾巴出遊圓夢。互不相識的二人碰巧同 住一屋簷下,在發現彼此同年同月同日出生的當下,亦透過 日記和生活互相閱讀成為彼此的鏡子。 *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Opening a new page in her career, Hong Kong theater actress and writer Kearen Pang turns her 2005 one-woman show 29+1 into her first feature film about two women at life’s crossroads as they approach the big 3-0. Faced with work stress, aging parents and a stagnant romance, 29-year-old Christy, like many others her age, is gripped with insecurity about her present and future. Single and unaccomplished but nonetheless optimistic, Joyce makes a different choice at age 29: She packs her bags and pursues her childhood dream. These two strangers who share the same birthdate form a deep invisible connection when Christy moves into Joyce’s apartment and begins to read her journal.

Closing Film | 9

Closing Film 閉幕電影 I AM NOT





31/10 MON 7:15pm BC 31/10 MON 7:20pm BC

電影改編自劉震雲小說,農村婦女李雪蓮為了丈夫的欺騙, 為了他罵自己是「潘金蓮」的那句話,李雪蓮打了二十年的 官司,吃盡了苦頭,也嘗盡人情冷暖。一個農村婦女用自己 封閉但執著的思想去撞擊社會,鬧出無數個「笑話」,背後 卻是中國從人情社會走向法制社會的一個過渡時代。電影採 用圓形遮罩畫面,與打官司的不圓滿相抵觸,充滿中國山水 畫之美,又與時代的演進糾纏在一起。添加方言對白,讓觀 眾冷眼看自己熟知而又陌生的社會。

中國 China / 2016 / 137 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 馮小剛 Feng Xiaogang 演員 Cast: 范冰冰 Fan Bingbing, 郭濤 Guo Tao, 大鵬 Da Peng, 張嘉譯 Zhang Jiayi

多倫多電影節 特別推薦 Special Presentations, Toronto International Film Festival

To get access to public housing for singles, Xuelian and her husband Qin agree to get a fake divorce and remarry once their new homes is secured. But when Qin ends up marrying another woman, Xuelian vows to get justice, even it takes her to the highest levels of government. Director Feng Xiaogang, – the pioneer of modern-day Chinese blockbusters, boldly goes into formalist mode by shooting most of the film in a circle frame. Collaborating with novelist Liu Zhenyun for the third time, Feng proves that commercial success is no reason to dull a sharp northern wit or a spirit for experimentation.

10 | Centerpiece

Centerpiece 中場推介 THE Road to MANDALAY 再見瓦城




*20/10 THU 7:30pm BC *20/10 THU 9:50pm BC

緬甸少女蓮青偷渡到泰國打工,希望賺錢取得護照移 民到更好地方生活。途中遇上同路人阿國,但阿國只 想賺夠錢後回家開店,終點始終有別。為躲避警察二 人逃到偏遠紗廠打工,蓮青逆來順受,傾盡所有,而 充滿無力感的阿國只能默默守在身邊。故事來自導演 在泰國打工的胞姊,沒有過多的音樂喧染,只透過長 鏡頭把非法移民的悲歌紀實道出卻賺人熱淚。瓦城 (曼德勒俗稱)既是皇朝古都,也是民工回鄉途中買 手信的中轉站,只是對男女主角來說,它已是再見、 不再見的命運區別,是繼《冰毒》、《挖玉石的人》 後導演另一探討緬甸低層悲歌的佳作。 *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

台灣,緬甸,法國,德國 Taiwan, Myanmar, France, Germany / 2016 / 108 min / 國語、英語、泰語、緬語、雲南方言對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin, English, Thai, Burmese, Yunnan dialect with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 趙德胤 Midi Z 演員Cast: 柯震東 Kai Ko, 吳可熙 Wu Ke-Xi

威尼斯影展 威尼斯日 Venice Days, Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

The tale of illegal immigrants seeking opportunity in Thailand, Midi Z’s The Road to Mandalay marks the director’s triumphant return to narrative filmmaking. Burmese migrant workers Liangqing and Guo meet when crossing into Thailand, but as their bond grows, their differences are laid bare. The simple Guo wishes to marry and return to Burma, while the determined Liangqing desires a work permit, a passport and wider horizons. What begins as a budding romance between displaced countrymen becomes a sobering look at dreams crushed by reality. Winner of the FEDEORA Award for Best Film at the 73rd Venice Film Festival.

Gala Presentation | 11

Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 Snuggle 伴生




香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 84 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃肇邦 JC Wong

*17/10 MON 7:50pm ONE *20/10 THU 7:40pm IFC *23/10 SUN 6:00pm BC

人,總有必經階段。生死只在一剎間,但老病卻很漫 長。然而,老和病都可能有人伴隨在身邊,但生和死 就只可以自己面對。《伴生》娓娓道來兩代人對「生 與死」價值觀的差異和矛盾。《子非魚》(第十屆) 得 獎年輕導演黃肇邦真實紀錄三個家庭、兩代社會的束 縛和異同、夫妻間的牽絆和信任。松哥的太太玉梅去 世後,松哥的健康亦急轉直下。家人不捨,但反而希 望松哥可從打擊中解脫;沛叔擔憂病重的太太,令家 人感到莫大的壓力,而女兒亦要為盡孝而放棄個人生 活;有智力障礙的慕嚴在兒子兆銘出生後就分離,在 確診末期乳癌後,兆銘決定陪母親踏上復康之路。人 在不同的年紀,就會有不同的想法和願景。但見證與 死亡漸行漸近,到底生命的終點有著甚麼?伴隨著生 命而來的關係,又為人帶來多少震撼?

After recording the lives of Hong Kong’s children in Fish Story (HKAFF 2013), Director JC Wong turns his camera to matters of life and death in his new documentary. For two years, Wong documented the lives of three families that are struggling to live beneath the torment of terminal illness. Over time, the subjects begin to rethink their ideas of death and filial obligations over visits to nursing homes, hospitals and even funeral homes. Commissioned by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, this gentle and devastatingly humanistic work shows the importance of love and companionship when we come face-to-face with mortality.

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Cineaste Delights 影迷別注

14 | Cineaste Delights





16/10 SUN 2:10pm IFC 19/10 WED 8:10pm BC

日本 Japan / 1945 / 74 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 瀬尾光世 Seo Mitsuyo

康城影展 經典單元 Cannes Classics, Cannes Film Festival


Beloved Japanese folklore hero Momotaro transforms into a World War II fighter in Japan’s first feature-length animated film, a propaganda film backed by the Ministry of Navy. The adventure sees a group of navy paratroopers who bravely follow Momotaro into a battle against evil pirates from the West (representing the Allied Powers) on a South Pacific island. The film was a commercial flop when it faced an indifferent audience towards the end of the war, but it did inspire a generation of aspiring artists including Astro Boy creator Tezuka Osamu. Don’t miss the rare chance to see this beautifully restored piece of film history on the big screen.

影」之名委託松竹動畫研究所製作,於1945年二戰末期公映,旨在 向日本青少年軟性宣傳軍國主義,感染更多青少年入伍。故事改編 自日本桃太郎的傳說,描繪桃太郎為保衛家鄉,號召動物兵團奮力 作戰,成功戰勝外敵的故事。透過載歌載舞的劇情,依稀可見迪士 尼動漫對早期日本動漫的影響,而本片注重細節的繪畫方式和營造 宏大場面的特技也影響了日後異軍突起的日本動漫。手塚治虫自稱 深受影響,早年觀看時甚至為其藝術張力感動落淚,隱藏於政治宣 傳的表面下,電影亦展現出一股對愛和希望不懈追求的執著力量。

Cineaste Delights | 15 APPRENTICE 身後仕





*18/10 TUE 7:30pm BC *19/10 WED 7:30pm ONE

新加坡,德國,法國,香港,卡塔爾 Singapore, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Qatar / 2016 / 96 min / 英語、馬來語對白,中英文字幕 In English and Malay with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 巫俊鋒 Boo Junfeng 演員 Cast: Firdaus Rahman, Wan Hanafi Su, Mastura Ahmad 康城影展 一種關注單元 Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 代表新加坡角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片 Singapore Representative for Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film

《沙堡》(第七屆) 新加坡導演巫俊鋒的第二部長片以死刑執行官 的獨特角度直視死刑敏感題材。前軍人Aiman現在戒備森嚴的監獄 工作,在裡頭遇見執行他父親絞刑的資深劊子手。不知情下,合法 殺人34年的死刑執行官希望Aiman擔任他的助手,進而接替他的工 作。與Aiman同住的姊姊難以接受弟弟協助「殺父仇人」,同時計 劃與男友John移民澳洲。有妻子不願見死囚先生最後一面,也有雙 胞胎兒子每天來探訪販毒判死的父親。姊弟情,罪與罰,就在監獄 裡外展開。

EXIL 被放逐的回憶

柬埔寨,法國 Cambodia, France / 2016 / 77 min / 高棉語、法語對白,英文字幕 In Khmer and French with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 潘禮德 Rithy Panh 演員 Cast: Sang Nan 康城影展 特別放映 Special Screenings, Cannes Film Festival 卡羅維瓦利電影節 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

Following his acclaimed 2010 debut feature Sandcastle, Singapore filmmaker Boo Junfeng examines the emotional costs and consequences of capital punishment in his stirring sophomore effort, the psychological prison drama Apprentice. Malay correctional officer Aiman is transferred to a maximum security prison where Rahim has served as the chief executioner for three decades. Noting Aiman’s interest in his work, Rahim earmarks the junior officer as a potential successor and asks him to become his assistant. Aiman, however, has a complicated relationship with the prison and the death penalty: father was executed there by Rahim years ago.




16/10 SUN 8:15pm BC 19/10 WED 8:15pm IFC

今日柬埔寨的局面得來不易。柬埔寨土生土長寫實導演潘禮德的最 新作品,以第一身角度,呈現過去柬埔寨在赤柬政權時代的生活。 他家人被放逐出金邊,他的父母、姊妹以至兒甥相繼在偏遠的勞改 營中死於飢餓或疲勞。透視主角成年後與少年時的思想分歧,曾經 嚮往的口號再也不能吸引他。這位2013年的AFF焦點導演,上一 回《被消失的影像》(第十屆)透過黏土模型重塑歷史令人印象深 刻,這回以劇場方式為遺失的部份填充,以帶強烈實驗性的手法讓 這段黑暗歷史重見光明,叫當代人深刻反思。 Acclaimed Cambodian filmmaker Rithy Panh has dedicated his film career, including 2013’s Oscar-nominated The Missing Picture, to remembering the devastating events and aftermath of the Khmer Rouge-engineered genocide that claimed the lives of millions from 1975 to 1979. His latest Exil reflects on his country’s and his own darkest days in a deeply personal and cerebral elegy. Combining archive footage with staged scenes and narration that represent the director, the abstract essay film confronts memories of profound terror and loss as well as the extreme ideologies that spawn revolution and destruction.

16 | Cineaste Delights NAGASAKI: MEMORIES OF MY SON 給兒子的安魂曲




14/10 FRI 9:30pm ONE 15/10 SAT 2:20pm IFC 21/10 FRI 9:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 2015 / 130 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 山田洋次 Yamada Yoji 演員 Cast: 吉永小百合 Yoshinaga Sayuri, 二宮和也 Ninomiya Kazunari, 黑木華 Kuroki Haru 日本電影金像獎 最佳男主角及最佳女配角 Best Lead Actor and Best Supporting Actress, Japan Academy Prize

1945年,美國在長崎投下原子彈,奪走醫學生浩二的年輕生命, 浩二母親助產士伸子與未婚妻町子難以釋懷。三年後,母親在兒子 墳前最後道別,返家後豈見浩二的靈魂歸來。到底生者如何放下 喪親之痛,如何代替原爆受害者找到幸福?84歲的山田洋次承繼 《東京小屋》(2014)的反戰意識,藉著二戰後70週年,再次寫下 大時代小人物的悲哀,為長崎原爆受害者療傷止痛。坂本龍一的配 樂讓導演一貫溫婉含蓄的情操增添一份揪心的傷感。


日本 Japan / 2016 / 119 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 三島有紀子 Mishima Yukiko 演員 Cast: 本田翼 Honda Tsubasa, 山本美月 Yamamoto Mizuki, 稻垣吾郎 Inagaki Goro

On August 9, 1945, midwife Nobuko lost her son Koji to the atomic bomb attack in Nagasaki. Three years later, Koji magically reappears at Nobuko’s home, giving the mother and son a chance to reminisce, catch up on lost time and discuss whether Koji’s loyal fiancée should finally move on with her life. A companion piece to playwright Hisashi Inoue’s Hiroshima-set The Face of Jizo, Japanese cinema legend Yamada Yoji’s 84th film is a moving supernatural drama that examines grief and survivor’s guilt in post-World War II Japan, anchored by the enthralling performances of its three leads and a mesmerizing score by Sakamoto Ryuichi.




15/10 SAT 5:00pm BC 16/10 SUN 2:00pm ONE

改編自湊佳苗的同名暢銷小說。由紀與敦子是中學好友,可是一次 劍道意外令由紀身心備受困擾,隨著其撰寫的首部小說被竊而開始 疏遠敦子,更對目擊他人步向死亡產生無以名狀的渴求,為此不惜 在自己當義工的兒科醫院裡跟病童交起朋友來。另一邊廂,備受欺 凌的敦子因經不起引誘而當上援交,同時暗地裡成為老人院義工, 靜待窺見別人死亡的時刻降臨。轉校生紫織炫耀曾親睹好友自殺的 事件把二人內心的陰暗面燃燒起來,最終引爆出無可挽回的結局。 導演透過外型清新討好的演員及詩般唯美的鏡頭畫面,來突顯善良 外衣包裝底下的人性陰影有多醜惡。 Two teenagers’ exploration of mortality goes dangerously awry in this haunting teen drama. Tormented by bullying, Atsuko volunteers at a home for senior citizens hoping that a glimpse into death will give her courage to face her own. Meanwhile, Atsuko’s former best friend and aspiring writer Yuki volunteers at a pediatric ward for summer vacation to satisfy her own fascination with seeing death up close. Adapting a bestseller by Confessions novelist Minato Kanae, director Mishima Yukiko weaves a stylish and intriguing coming-of-age mystery that may be one of the most unusual high school summer vacation tales ever.

Cineaste Delights | 17 RAGE 怒





*28/10 FRI 7:10pm BC *29/10 SAT 2:10pm ONE

日本 Japan / 2016 / 142 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 李相日 Lee Sang-il 演員 Cast: 妻夫木聰 Tsumabuki Satoshi, 松山研一 Matsuyama Kenichi, 綾野剛 Ayano Go, 森山未來 Moriyama Mirai, 渡邊謙 Watanabe Ken, 宮崎葵 Miyazaki Aoi, 廣瀨鈴 Hirose Suzu 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節 San Sebastiam International Film Festival

《惡人》(第七屆)之後,日籍韓裔導演李相日再次將吉田修一同 名小說《怒》搬上銀幕,集合日本影壇多位實力影星,創造本年度 最懸疑的犯罪推理電影。雙屍案犯罪現場留下一血字「怒」。重刑 犯逃亡一年,整容變臉,隱匿於人群之中。日本三地千葉、東京、 沖繩,分別出現三位來歷不明的神祕男子:千葉漁夫擔心女兒跟神 祕漁港工人的戀情,東京從事廣告業的同性戀男子愛上初來乍到的 神祕美男,女孩跟媽媽搬到沖繩離島遇上神祕男。心愛的陌生人越 見深不可測,越讓人聯想到雙屍案兇手。現代社會信任破產,互相 猜疑背後,誰去了解孤寂的困惑。


One year after the gruesome unresolved murder of a married couple in Tokyo, three groups of people in three different cities begin to suspect that the new stranger in their respective lives may be the perpetrator of the heinous crime. After the commercial and critical success of Villain, director Lee Sang-il and writer Yoshida Shuichi reunite with another riveting and morally complex dissection of crime and punishment. Featuring a talented ensemble cast that includes some of Japan’s top actors, Rage is a sprawling epic about the emotional devastation of paranoia and distrust of the unknown.



南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 139 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 金知雲 Kim Jee-woon 演員 Cast: 宋康昊 Song Kang-ho, 孔劉 Gong Yoo, 韓志旼 Han Ji-min, 李秉憲 Lee Byung-hun 威尼斯影展 非競賽單元 Out of Competition, Venice Film Festival 代表南韓角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片 South Korea Representative for Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film


14/10 FRI 9:50pm BC 15/10 SAT 2:45pm ONE

金知雲絕對是最被忽視,卻是最多樣、最具實力的60後韓國導演, 六年後再回歸韓國,執導華納兄弟首部投資的韓語片,以上世紀三 十年代日軍佔領的朝鮮作背景,講述抗日組織義烈團計劃由上海偷 運炸藥回朝鮮,欲襲擊日治政府的重要設施與截斷資源。潛藏於雙 方組織多年的無間道趕緊於限時前夕,展開連場不容有失的賭命追 逐。到底義烈團能否在內鬼破壞任務前,成功護送炸藥回國推翻霸 權?儘管電影的所有人物情節皆屬虛構,但導演不諱言靈感源自 1923年京城的黄鈺警部爆炸事件,還加入大量精彩動作場面及幕幕 緊張懸疑伏線。 After a brief foray into Hollywood, Kim Jee-woon (The Good, the Bad, the Weird, A Tale of Two Sisters) makes a roaring return to his homeland with this colonial-era spy thriller. Police officer Jung-chool is tasked by his Japanese superiors to stop a band of independence fighters from moving a shipment of explosives from Shanghai. This mission begins a tense cat-and-mouse game with movement leader Woo-jin, who hopes to turn Jung-chool to their side. A riveting cloakand-dagger thriller superbly constructed by a craftsman of the highest order, Age of Shadows marks an exhilarating return to form for one of Korea’s top genre filmmakers.

Cineaste Delights | 19 THE NET 脫不了北的人





14/10 FRI 7:40pm IFC 15/10 SAT 5:20pm ONE 22/10 SAT 1:00pm BC

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 114 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 金基德 Kim Ki-duk 演員 Cast: 柳承範 Ryoo Seung-bum, 金永敏 Kim Young-min, 李源根 Lee Won-geun 威尼斯影展 Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

《切夫之痛》(第十屆)導演金基德再次塑造哭笑不得的處境,但 這次並非離經叛道,反而貼近國情﹕一名北韓漁夫不慎誤闖南韓水 域,被南韓邊防軍拘捕送到首爾盤問,並一度懷疑他是北韓派來的 間諜。經多番盤問發覺誤闖南韓水域純屬意外,但到底應把他遣返 北韓還是留在南韓?處理事件的年青特工知道漁夫希望回北韓與家 人團聚,但上司卻認為不能送羊回虎口,讓他留在南韓才是人道。 金基德在這類引發了一個思想上的質詢:在資本主義社會奉為普世 價值的自由和民主,是否必然人人受落?強迫人人接受的話又是否 造成另一種專權?




日本 Japan / 2016 / 118 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 深田晃司 Fukada Koji 演員 Cast: 淺野忠信 Asano Tadanobu, 筒井真理子 Tsutsui Mariko, 古舘寛治 Furutachi Kanji, 真廣佳奈 Mahiro Kana 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival tival 康城影展 一種關注單元 評審團獎 Jury Prize, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival

After his net gets caught in the boat engine, North Korean fisherman Chul-woo drifts into South Korea where he gets detained as a suspected spy. Determined to return home to his family, Chul-woo fights tooth and nail against the sadistic interrogation officer’s brutal treatment and stubbornly resists efforts to turn him. But the longer he remains in the South, the harder it will be for him to return to who he used to be. Korean cinema provocateur Kim Ki-duk treads the thorny waters of North-South politics in a boldly pointed and grisly vision of how government ideologies on both sides of the peninsula entrap and dehumanize those caught in the crossfire.


20/10 THU 9:50pm IFC 22/10 SAT 4:00pm ONE

電影延續2010年的《歓待》,幽默卻變為了驚悚。平凡的夫妻, 可愛的女兒,過著單調無趣的家居生活,住家樓下經營小型工廠。 一天,白衣神祕陌生男子前來拜訪,丈夫二話不說聘請他到工廠工 作,未經妻子同意就讓他寄宿家中。這個因謀殺罪服刑11年剛出 獄的陌生男一邊教女兒彈風琴,一邊和女主人搞曖昧,接著悲劇發 生……八年後,又有一位新工人來到工廠,他跟陌生男是什麼關 係?丈夫過去究竟藏有什麼秘密?複雜的人倫關係在罪與罰之間如 臨深淵。平常生活卻滿佈暗湧,嘎嘎作響的拍子機都足以令人不寒 而慄。 Following a foray into science fiction with Sayonara, director Fukada Koji revisits the themes of his 2010 dark comedy Hospitalité with Harmonium. The film chronicles the turmoil and discord that befall a seemingly normal family when an old acquaintance enters their household after a stint in prison. However, Fukada drops the satiric humor of his earlier film, exposing the cracks in the family with a measured pace and unsettling dread. The winner of the Jury Prize in the Un Certain Regard section of this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Harmonium reinvents the family drama as a chilling slow-burn thriller that remains gripping from beginning to end.

20 | Cineaste Delights THE WAILING 哭聲




16/10 SUN 7:00pm ONE 22/10 SAT 3:10pm BC

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 156 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 羅宏鎮 Na Hong-jin 演員 Cast: 郭道沅 Kwak Do-won, 黃政民 Hwang Jung-min, 國村準 Kunimura Jun, 千玗嬉 Chun Woo-hee 康城影展 非競賽單元 Out of Competition, Cannes Film Festival 富川奇幻電影節 最佳影片及觀眾票選獎 Bucheon Choice Award and Audience Award, Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

韓式恐怖入侵康城,贏得全場掌聲,在北美上映叫好叫座。《半世 紀的諾言》影帝黃政民聯同影后《被轉校生》(第十一屆)千玗嬉 主演,導演羅宏鎮蟄伏6年時間,走出《追擊者》和《黃海殺機》 犯罪動作類型,精心佈置一個結合謀殺、鬼神、宗教等多種元素的 驚悚寓言。南韓全羅道山中小鎮「谷城」,多人無故長膿包,失去 理性弒殺全家,疑兇卻離奇暴斃。情況越發不可收拾,甚至刑警女 兒也染上怪病,重金禮聘巫師卻苦無對策。謠言四起,矛頭直指隱 居於深山的日本老人。幻覺、夢境與現實交織,到底孰真孰假?怪 力亂神,哭聲不斷。奇詭影像蘊含大量象徵符號,結局解讀眾說紛 紜,邪惡氣氛卻揮之不去。


日本 Japan / 2016 / 140 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 橋口亮輔 Hashiguchi Ryosuke 演員 Cast: 篠原篤 Shinohara Atsushi, 池田良 Ikeda Ryo, 成嶋瞳子 Narushima Toko 電影旬報 最佳日本電影獎 Best Japanese Film, Kinema Junpo Awards

A mysterious virus that sends its host into a murderous rage has plagued the town of Gokseong. The police believe that it’s result of eating bad mushrooms, but the townspeople suspect that it’s the work of a strange Japanese visitor. When the virus infects his daughter, a policeman desperately calls in a shaman for answers. The third feature film by Na Hong-jin is a riveting masterpiece that takes its viewers on a nightmarish exploration into the root of evil. A critical and commercial sensation in Korea, The Wailing is a complex and chilling thriller that secures Na’s place as one of the best filmmakers of his generation.




15/10 SAT 7:15pm BC 21/10 FRI 9:50pm ONE

距離橋口亮輔上一部電影《生有時死有時》已經過了七年,《戀人 們》是2015年公認最佳日本電影。導演主持演員工作坊計劃,為非 職業演員量身打造三段愛情故事的劇本,訴說在現代社會裡相愛與 失去的痛苦。一位莫名喪妻的男人,一位被丈夫忽視、熱愛畫漫畫 的妻子,一位得不到愛的菁英同性戀律師,三人的日常生活深刻體 現日本社會的疏離。素人主角與知名性格演員同台較勁,激盪出令 人著迷的演技。 Love hurts, and no one understands this more than the protagonists of Three Stories of Love, director Hashiguchi Ryusuke’s long-awaited follow-up to All Around Us. Created from an actors’ workshop led by Hashiguchi, the film weaves together three quietly moving stories of heartbreak: A bridge inspector who still grieves his late wife three years after her death, a housewife longs to flee her humdrum marriage, and a gay lawyer who reunites with a man from his past. Delicately crafted and achingly humanistic, Three Stories of Love was named the best Japanese film of 2015 by Kinema Junpo, Japan’s oldest film magazine.

Cineaste Delights | 21 YOURSELF AND YOURS 愛上兩個你




15/10 SAT 10:20pm ONE 16/10 SUN 9:50pm BC 22/10 SUN 6:15pm ONE

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 86 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 洪尚秀 Hong Sang-soo 演員 Cast: 金柱赫 Kim Joo-hyuk, 李俞英 Lee Yoo-young, 俞俊相 Yoo Jun-sang, 權海孝 Kwon Hae-hyo 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節 San Sebastian International Film Festival

繼《我們的善熙》(第十屆)、《自由之丘》(第十一屆)、《愛得 對 愛得錯》(第十二屆)後,導演洪尚秀最新作品透過男主角帶領觀 眾穿梭現實與虛幻之間,探索愛情關係的痴迷與不安。這次畫家男主 角因為女友和其他男士暢飲而爭執鬧分手。第二天男主角四出尋找女 友,但她或和她容貌極相似的女人卻和不同男士約會,到底是怎樣一 回事?是男主角的想像還是真實?他的女友或和她相似的人又是否要 找另一個伴侶取代男主角?這部非一般的分手愛情片,貫徹洪尚秀的 神秘作風,結局出人意表,繼續成為多個國際影展的獵物。

HER LOVE BOILS BATHWATER 幸福澡堂 日本 Japan / 2016 / 125 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 中野量太 Nakano Ryota 演員Cast: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 宮澤理惠 Miyazawa Rie, 松坂桃李 Matsuzaka Tori, 杉咲花 Sugisaki Hana 蒙特利爾電影節 Montreal World Film Festival



Hong Sang-soo’s 18th feature film adds an element of mystique into the indie auteur’s ongoing rumination on the human condition. As always, Yourself and Yours takes the familiar yet distinctive form of a wryly funny, alcohol-infused comedy-drama about a frustrated artist desperately pining and erring over a woman he doesn’t understand. Painter Young-soo confronts his girlfriend Min-jung over hearsay that she drank and fought with another man. The two argue and Min-jung proposes breaking things off. The next day, Young-soo tries to find her. Meanwhile, all around town, women who look like Min-jung meet up with different men.


27/10 THU 7:30pm ONE 29/10 SAT 7:25pm APM

丈夫某天突然不辭而別,家族經營的「幸福澡堂」被逼停業,幸福 不再。中年人妻為養女糊口惟有外出打工,沒想到天意弄人被驗出 身患絕症,遂趕緊在離場前夕把隱夫揪出,再鼓勵家人重開澡堂。 過程一派日式含蓄勵志,還看得笑中有淚。跟首部一鳴驚人長片 《爸爸的照片》類同,希望透過失蹤爸爸、身患絕症的父或母、 臨終者努力活出死亡等角色情節,來啟發大家思考如何面對生死及 家人親情等必然課題。死亡於此又何嘗不是另一種重生?《紙月人 妻》宮澤理惠今次化身成為開朗堅強的母親,母愛洋溢,演繹尤其 入木三分。 Miyazawa Rie follows Pale Moon with another luminous performance as a mother trying to righten the household before she dies in Capturing Dad director Nakano Ryota’s moving sophomore feature. Futaba has been raising her daughter Azumi on her own ever since her husband just up and left a year ago. When she learns she has only two months left to live, Futaba makes a bucket list of tasks she must complete for the sake of her gentle daughter’s future: bring back her husband, reopen the family’s bathhouse business, teach Azumi to be more independent, clear out all the secrets.

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

New Talent Award 亞洲新導演獎

24 | New Talent Award





28/10 FRI 8:00pm APM *29/10 SAT 5:15pm ONE *30/10 SUN 1:00pm BC

台灣 Taiwan / 2016 / 90 min / 國語、泰雅語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Atayal with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow 演員Cast: 黃瀞怡 Esther Huang, 陳宇 Buya Watan, 林晨皓 Watan Silan, 吳瀚業 Suyan Pito

台北電影節 百萬首獎,最佳劇情長片,最佳導演獎 Grand Prize, Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Taipei Film Festival


In her 2011 debut Finding Sayun, aboriginal Taiwanese filmmaker Laha Mehow uncovered the legend and traditional village home of her Atayal ancestors. The big winner of the 18th Taipei Film Festival, her second film continues to depict the lives of Taiwan’s indigenous people, this time through the eyes of three young boys on a remote mountain reservation. The three mischievous, mouthy kids may be constantly running around and raising havoc, but each has family troubles of his own. They’re very fond of their teacher Miss Lawa, a disabled young woman who gave up singing, so when they find her old demo tape, they decide to bring it to Taipei.

民導演陳潔瑤繼《不一樣的月光:尋找沙韻》後又一部關於原住民 生活的感人小品。三個在部落山林中長大的活潑調皮小男生,相信 著未來的他們必定可以完成一切現在無法做到的事。即使每個人心 中都有一道傷痕,但仍然懷抱夢想,樂觀地和朋友一起共渡快樂時 光。《我的寶貝四千金》黃瀞怡(小薰)、《帶一片風景走》、 《露西》高靖榕、《不一樣的月光》曹世輝等幾個新世代年青演員 主演,更有盧廣仲友情客串。星光拱照加上三名小演員真誠演出, 溶化人心!

New Talent Award | 25 A YELLOW BIRD 渺如黃雀





*29/10 SAT 7:25pm IFC *30/10 SUN 3:10pm BC

新加坡,法國 Singapore, France / 2016 / 112 min / 泰米爾語、國語及英語對白,英文字幕 In Tamil, Mandarin and English with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: K. Rajagopal 演員 Cast: Sivakumar Palakrishnan, 黃璐 Huang Lu, Seema Biswas, Indra Chandran 康城影展 國際影評人週 International Critic’s Week, Cannes Film Festival

連續三年奪得新加坡國際電影節評委會特別獎導演 K.Rajagopal,花 了20年時間才成功拍攝第一部劇情長片,隨即入圍康城影展。以不 一樣的角度,講述一群活在新加坡天空下不同族裔的故事。剛出獄 的Siva,要一邊尋回失散的妻女,一邊以送葬維生。在多元文明的 新加坡社會中,Siva遇上同是天涯淪落人的中國女子。為了供養仍 在中國大陸的女兒,她甘願出賣身體。由中國今年唯一被邀請踏上 康城紅毯、亦是唯一入選過歐洲三大電影節的八十後女演員黃璐飾 演,在沼澤中打拼,在剝削下求存,跨越種族界限,成為相互的依 靠。此小黃鳥,又能否飛出一片天空?


Siva has been released from an eight-year stint in prison, but life in the outside world has not been kind to him – his wife has run off with his daughter, and he goes home to a mother who still hasn’t forgiven his crime. He finds momentary solace as a bodyguard for an illegal Chinese migrant working as a prostitute, but his yearning for his family continues to torment him. Mostly set in the seedy underbelly of Little India, the directorial debut of K. Rajagopal is a gritty, unflinching drama that sheds light on racial discord and poverty in modern Singapore.




*29/10 SAT 9:50pm IFC *30/10 SUN 5:40pm BC

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 90 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 朴洪敏 Park Hong-min 演員Cast: Lee Ju-won, Song You-hyun


釜山電影節 最佳演員 Actor of the Year, Busan International Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam


人追殺,他躲入工作室,仍遭鐵鎚擊頭,在鐵鎚落下的剎那,秀敏 突然又在舊城區裡醒來,如同步入迷宮一般,這裡只有抱頭哭泣的 白衣女子,手握尖刀的小男孩,暴怒咆哮的男人,無論他為誰停下 酷的幻境,童年的驚恐記憶,扭曲變形的現實生活,全部被擠壓在 這一晚的徘徊尋找中,由掙扎到絕望,從鮮血四濺到無數次暗夜獨 步,這是傳說中會帶來好運的血腥惡夢?還是通往極樂的最後煉 獄?狹窄殘破的舊城區似乎沒有盡頭。導演從童年記憶和近年創作 的心路出發,由緊張刺激的鏡頭切換到陰暗荒涼的遠距長鏡頭,手 法自如地呈現出驚悚感,而故事折射出的陰暗人性更真實入骨。 While taking photographs of a shanty neighborhood, Su-min witnesses a woman getting murdered by masked men. The attackers then hunt down and clobber him with a hammer. When Su-min regains consciousness, he’s naked in an alleyway inside the shantytown he was documenting from afar. In this endless maze of streets and alleys, he keeps running into people related to his life and more violence, only to each time awaken again at the same starting point. Using long takes, handheld camera and an elliptical narrative, indie writer-director Park Hong-min’s jolting psycho thriller enters the labyrinth of the mind where reality, nightmares and memories blur and intertwine.

26 | New Talent Award BY THE TIME IT GETS DARK 入黑之時





*29/10 SAT 7:25pm ONE *30/10 SUN 7:50pm BC

泰國、荷蘭、法國、卡塔爾 Thailand, Netherland, France, Qatar / 2016 / 105 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 安諾釵舒域察歌邦 Anocha Suwichakornpong 演員Cast: Arak Amornsupasiri, Atchara Suwan, Visra Vichit-Vadakan, Rassami Paoluengtong, Apinya Sakuljaroensuk 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 羅迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival

導演前作《俗物人間》透過半身不遂少年與家庭間的矛盾,借喻泰 國社會與政局的動盪不安。事隔七年新作一貫靈動如詩。電影由數 個短篇及角色串連,包括並肩散步但人生軌跡大不同的男女演員; 不安於現狀且經常轉工的女待應;大學曾參與社運的婆婆及訪問她 的導演。透過緩慢而深邃的鏡頭畫面、音樂鋪排及充滿弦外之音的 對話,引領觀眾循序梳理出泰國不同世代,如何被看不見又磨不去 的歷史陰霾,影響各自的價值觀與思想行為。彷彿低訴著同一個不 如重新開始的集體潛意識渴求。對生活如是;對政治亦如是。


日本Japan / 2016 / 108 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanes with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 真利子哲也 Mariko Tetsuya 演員Cast: 柳樂優彌 Yagira Yuya, 菅田將暉 Suda Masaki, 小松菜奈 Komatsu Nana, 村上虹郎 Murakami Nijiro

For her second full-length feature, director Anocha Suwichakornpong (Mundane History) weaves an intricate portrait of her beloved Thailand using multiple intertwined narratives. A filmmaker interviews an aging activist, shedding light on the turmoil of her 1970s student years. A pair of actors are romantically involved yet find themselves pulled apart. A waitress switches jobs constantly, unable to make connections with the people she meets. From these separate but inextricably linked stories, a painful yet beautiful portrait of the Thai people emerges. With its delicate storytelling, mature themes and compelling imagery, By the Time It Gets Dark confirms Anocha Suwichakornpong as one of Asia’s most promising filmmakers.




*29/10 SAT 9:40pm ONE *30/10 SUN 9:50pm BC

在日本某寧靜海邊村落住了一對相依為命的兄弟,大概因自小被父 母離棄的關係,哥哥終日愛四處打架惹禍,直至被擊倒後便從村裡 銷聲匿跡。某夜的松山市街頭,游手好閒的少年看見不停找人打架 的哥哥,遂向對方提議一起對途人進行無差別擊倒,並在強搶汽車 時發現裡面的少女那奈;而此時正在尋找失蹤哥哥的弟弟剛好來到

羅迦諾電影節 最佳新導演獎 Best Emerging Director, Locarno International Film Festival

松山市……片中好勇鬥狠的哥哥柳樂優彌曾於14歲時以《誰知赤子 心》榮獲康城影帝。由於今次角色極度沉默,對白少於五句且大部 分時間都在打架,故只能靠動作、表情及態度等細節來表現角色, 絕對是演技大挑戰。 Up-and-coming indie maverick Mariko Tetsuya unleashes a shocking chain of violence in the gritty, provocative Destruction Babies, featuring Japan’s most talented young actors. Teen brothers Taira and Shota live together in a shipyard in a small port town. Taira, who often gets into street fights, suddenly leaves for the city one day. In downtown Matsuyama, he walks around and picks fight with strangers, piquing the interest of Yuya who joins in the wild indiscriminate assaults. The two steal a car and hightail it along with the girl already inside the car. Where will the madness and aggression take these rebels without a cause?

New Talent Award | 27 MAD WORLD 一念無明





*13/10 THU 7:30pm ONE *13/10 THU 9:25pm ONE *28/10 FRI 9:40pm ONE

香港 Hong Kong / 2016 / 101 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 黃進 Wong Chun 演員Cast: 余文樂 Shawn Yue, 曾志偉 Eric Tsang, 金燕玲 Elaine Jin, 方皓玟 Charmaine Fong 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund

百分百香港電影,百分百驚喜之作,更吸引兩位男主角無償義演。 新晉導演首部長片沒有隨波逐流靠大茄堆砌雞肋情景,卻道出香港 每天正在發生的逼切問題,如情緒病、歧視、家庭破裂、住屋問題 及醫療制度等,並在刻劃同時提出求變方案。阿東因工作壓力及需 獨力照顧病重母親而患上躁鬱症與失業,身心癲疲的母子情緒苦無 出口只能互相撕磨。某天阿東如常替失禁母親沖洗時意外誤殺了 她,這時棄家不顧的父親才驚覺自己的逃避已釀成悲劇,遂應醫院 建議接兒子到自己的劏房暫住。父子倆生命只剩下彼此,然而彼此 卻是自己最無法直視的過去。




中國 China / 2016 / 80 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 馬楠 Johnny Ma 演員 Cast: 陳剛 Chen Gang, 耐安 Nai An, 王宏偉 Wang Hongwe 柏林影展 導演論壇單元 Forum, Berlin International Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

Following up his award-winning short 6th March, director Wong Chun makes his feature debut with this surprising and accomplished drama. Former financial analyst Wong Sai-tung, who suffers from bipolar disorder, is released from a mental hospital into the care of his estranged father. The two struggle to come to terms with Tung’s illness and also a horrible incident involving Tung’s mother that scarred them both. With his father’s help, Tung makes a gradual return to society, but society is not so eager to take him back. With startling honestly and realism, Mad World tackles the subject of mental illness in Hong Kong and asks how people – ill or otherwise – can seek change.


28/10 FRI 8:00pm ONE 29/10 SAT 5:50pm IFC

的士司機意外撞傷人,沒有因禍不顧而去,不但送傷者到醫院診 治,更願意承擔醫藥費。誰說好人有好報?看似簡單的日常故事, 由一場交通意外作為起點,卻深刻地帶出現實中國社會的不堪與荒 謬。當死亡比治療方便,人命比金錢下賤。平實的鏡頭卻帶出老實 人的靈魂逐漸被魔鬼玷污。一念天堂、一念地獄,但天堂和地獄之 間的界線慢慢模糊。畢業於哥倫比亞大學電影系的加拿大華裔導 演馬楠曾以學生短片《大運河》參展多倫多國際電影節,說故事技 藝不凡,首次執導長片即邀得賈樟柯導演御用男主角王宏偉以及 《蘇州河》、《推拿》等多部婁燁作品製作人耐安擔任女主角。 No good deed goes unpunished in Johnny Ma’s astonishing debut feature Old Stone. When middle-aged taxi driver Lao Shi accidentally hits a man, he drives the victim to the hospital and takes responsibility for the medical bills. But Lao Shi is denied insurance and the witnesses and his wife are shockingly callous or indifferent. Despite his compassion, Lao Shi soon courts financial and personal ruin, and is finally driven towards a desperate and ironic fate. Johnny Ma’s combination of neo-realist drama and noir thriller is both a dark parable about China’s Good Samaritan controversies and a riveting character study of a stubborn yet decent man pushed too far.

焦點導演 西川美和 Miwa Nishikawa 跟她的伯樂是枝裕和同樣畢業於早稻田大學文學系,西川美和除了自編自導電影,還 是一名得獎小說家,故此她的電影亦處處顯露小說家特有的細膩觸覺。早年曾參與是 枝裕和的《下一站天國》和《這麼⋯⋯遠,那麼近》而入行,2003年獲是枝裕和監製 她的處女作《蛇野莓》,並憑片獲日本多項電影新人獎。其後作品開始受國際注意, 成為國際影展常客。由第一部作品開始,西川美和已對探索雙重人生甚感興趣。她在 角色刻劃尤其用心,不惜花上數年撰寫劇本,其人物性格往往細緻而立體,令觀眾相 信真有其人其事,深刻體會人性和人際間的荒謬。 Over the past decade, Nishikawa Miwa has emerged as not only Japan’s foremost female filmmaker, but also one of the most lauded writer-directors of contemporary Japanese cinema. The Hiroshima-born auteur began to pursue film while studying literature at Waseda University. She got her start working under Kore-eda Hirokazu who produced her 2003 debut, Wild Berries. Since then, Nishikawa has been a regular guest of film festivals and critics’ lists, garnering accolades from the Mainichi Film Awards, Blue Ribbon Awards, Kinema Junpo Awards and Japan Academy Prize. Drawing from her literary background, Nishikawa speaks in a classic cinematic language, using meticulous writing, measured pacing and atmospheric visuals to intricately examine human character and relationships. Also recognized as a novelist, she extends her narrative artistry beyond film: She turned the Yomiuri Prize-winning script of her 2006 film Sway into a novel, and her latest The Long Excuse is based on her own novel.

© 2002 “Hebi Ichigo” Production Comittee

Director in Focus

30 | Director in Focus





23/10 SUN 3:00pm ONE *24/10 MON 7:10pm BC

日本 Japan / 2016 / 124 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 西川美和 Nishikawa Miwa 演員 Cast: 本木雅弘 Motoki Masahiro, 竹原皮斯托 Takehara Pistol, 深津繪里Fukatsu Eri, 堀內敬子 Horiuchi Keiko, 池松壯亮 Ikematsu Sosuke, 黑木華 Kuroki Haru

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival


Nishikawa Miwa exposes the complex undertones of human relations in gently jocular manner in her latest film The Long Excuse, based on the writer-director’s own 2015 Naoki Prize-nominated novel. Motoki Masahiro gives a meticulous performance as popular writer Kinugawa whose wife suddenly passes away in a bus accident. There was no love between them but still, he must play the part of the mourning husband. Kinugawa meets grief-stricken truck driver Omiya whose wife died in the same accident. Impulsively, he offers to help take care of Omiya’s two kids.

事》(第12屆)深津繪里飾的妻子。隱藏悲痛和不忠愧疚之餘, 生活也得重新調整,遇上在同一意外中喪妻的單親爸爸,決定出手 協助。似是同病相連的兩個寡佬,能否互相扶持走出亡妻的陰霾? 本木雅弘以獨特的黑色幽默演繹非一般的感情關係。解鈴還需繫鈴 人,當不忠丈夫發現亡妻一個未發短訊,決定把自己對妻子的感情 「小說化」。才華早獲導演是枝裕和賞識的作家導演西川美和再次 改編自己作品,注定叫好叫座。 *影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Director in Focus | 31 WILD BERRIES 蛇野莓





*24/10 MON 9:50pm BC 27/10 THU 7:45pm BC

日本 Japan / 2002 / 108 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 西川美和 Nishikawa Miwa 演員 Cast: 宮迫博之 Miyasako Hiroyuki, 積木美穗 Tsumiki Miho, 平泉成 Hiraizumi Sei, 大谷直子 Otani Naoko 橫濱電影節 最佳新導演 Best New Director, Yokohama Film Festival 日本映畫專業大賞 最佳新導演 Best New Director prize, Japanese Professional Movie Awards

© 2002 “Hebi Ichigo” Production Comittee

是枝裕和獨具慧眼,為前助導西川美和的首部長片擔任監製,她憑 本片獲多個新人獎,一出道才華已獲注目和肯定。父親失業多年卻 一直隱瞞家人甚至負債纍纍,母親一直悉心照顧失去自理能力的祖 父卻突然決定由他死去,女兒帶未婚夫回家吃飯卻家醜盡露。在祖 父的喪禮上,父親的債主臨門,竟然由早被父親趕離家的騙徒兒子 擺平。西川灌注不少黑色幽默元素,讓猶如大灑狗血劇場的情節變 得清新可口,又驚又喜。由一個面臨崩潰的家庭故事道出日本人的 道德枷鎖,反思現代日本隱藏的家庭及社會問題,更探索人類口是 心非的能力和真相的難求。

SWAY 吊橋上的秘密



日本 Japan / 2006 / 120 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 西川美和 Nishikawa Miwa 演員 Cast: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 香川照之 Kagawa Teruyuki, 真木陽子 Maki Yoko 康城影展 導演雙週 Director’s Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 電影旬報獎 最佳劇本 Best Screenplay Kinema Junpo Awards 日本電影藍絲帶獎 最佳導演 Best Director, Blue Ribbon Award

Produced by her mentor Kore-eda Hirokazu, Nishikawa Miwa’s satirical debut feature announced the arrival of a new voice in Japanese cinema. This dark comedy revolves around the Adechis, a seemingly normal, respectable family that uptight teacher Tomoko can bring her fiancé home to meet. But the mask of normalcy is soon torn apart when Tomoko’s mother ignores the distress calls of her senile grandfather and lets him die. Her secretly unemployed father’s debtors disrupt the funeral, but prodigal son Shuji shows up and saves the day with bald-faced lies and ill-gotten funds. Once the black sheep, Shuji suddenly turns into hero while Tomoko struggles to maintain the superficial moral fabric of her crumbling family.


*25/10 TUE 7:20pm BC 26/10 WED 7:30pm BC

西川美和的第二部長片。首作描繪一個崩潰家庭,時隔三年,再由 家庭出發,以黑色懸疑探索羅生門式迷離人際關係的多面性。在東 京當攝影師的弟弟返到家鄉,哥哥仍舊在父親的油站工作,並一直 追求弟弟的前女友智惠子但不果。三人難得一起郊遊,智惠子被發 現在吊橋下身亡,哥哥被控謀殺,弟弟成唯一目擊證人。兄弟間潛 藏的嫉妒和怨恨會否主導了弟弟的記憶和口供?西川花近兩年寫 成劇本,嚴格塑造每個角色,以性格南轅北轍的兄弟關係綑綁兩主 角,無論怨恨多深都永遠擺脫不了對方,深入窺探人性弱點。她更 憑本片衝出日本,惹來康城垂青。 During a brief return to his hometown, impertinent Tokyo-based photographer Takeru reconnects with his mild-mannered older brother Minoru, who runs the family gas station, and hooks up with old flame of Takeru, Chieko. The next day, the three go hiking together and tensions flare. While crossing a bridge with Minoru, Chieko falls to her death and Takeru witnesses the incident from afar. Was it an accident or murder? Anchored by masterful performances from the leads, Nishikawa Miwa’s piercing mystery drama tensely navigates the unspoken rivalry and resentment between brothers through an ambiguous homicide case in which the truth is buried amid wavering memories and mistrust.

32 | Director in Focus DEAR DOCTOR 親愛的醫生




*25/10 TUE 9:50pm BC 27/10 THU 9:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 2009 / 127 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 西川美和 Nishikawa Miwa 演員 Cast: 笑福亭鶴瓶 Shofukutei Tsurube, 瑛太 Eita, 余貴美子 Yo Kimiko, 香川照之 Kagawa Teruyuki 日本電影學院獎 最佳劇本,最佳男配角,最佳男主角及最佳導演 Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor, Best Director Japan Academy Prize 蒙特利爾世界電影節 Montreal World Film Festival

故事由深受歡迎的鄉村醫生伊野突然失蹤說起。調查之下逐步發現 他的過去及行醫的故事。年青實習醫生相馬來到村落當上伊野的助 手,共事過後發覺這位深受愛戴的醫生儘管醫術成疑,卻深得村民 信賴,相馬也在這裡得到在城市沒有的滿足感。但畢竟伊野是個冒 牌醫生,到底他為何冒認行醫?更弔詭的是即使前病人得知他是偽 冒,仍無損對他的擁戴,彷彿他真的能治病。西川美和再次揭示人 的雙面,偽的是否一定壞一定假?真相是什麼又是否最重要?改編 自西川本人的小說作品,囊括多項電影獎項。


日本 Japan / 2012 / 137 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 西川美和 Nishikawa Miwa 演員 Cast: 松隆子 Matsu Takako, 阿部貞夫 Abe Sadao, 田中麗奈 Tanaka Rena

Medical school graduate Keisuke is less than pleased when he gets sent to a remote rural clinic for the summer. He soon has a change of mind working under Dr. Ino, the town’s affable resident doctor who demonstrates genuine care and affinity for his elderly patients. Over time, however, Keisuke becomes suspicious about Ino’s regular lapses in medical knowledge: The beloved doctor who has done so much good for the community is also a fake capable of great harm. Nishikawa Miwa’s engaging character study of a dangerous yet compassionate impostor and his relationship with the deceived explores the duality of deception and the moral ambivalence of human nature.




19/10 WED 9:40pm BC 23/10 SUN 5:25pm ONE

夫婦為了謀財可以去得幾盡?改編自西川美和小說作品,講述一場 火令《東京小屋》松隆子飾的妻子和丈夫失去合力經營的酒吧。妻 子一方面苦惱重開居酒屋的資金,另一方面發現丈夫出軌,竟然想 出將錯就錯的謀財絕橋:誘騙心靈空虛的女性感情然後呃錢。夫妻 荒謬的「眾籌」行動進展順利,距離目標金額越來越近,但丈夫奉

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

旨偷食,令他們的婚姻和靈魂也蠶蝕得越來越深。西川的角色向來 刻畫立體,這次也不例外,女主角不在話下,連每個受害女性都有 深入的性格描述,各人背後都有屬於自己的故事。西川美和第四部 長片,既中婚姻要害,也中人性弱點。 After profiling a con artist in Dear Doctor, Nishikawa Miwa delves further into the motives and consequences of deception through the tangled relationships of a married couple that turns to fraud in Dreams For Sale. When Kanya and Satoko’s restaurant goes up in flames, so do their years of hard work. Determined to open a new restaurant, they begin to prey on lonely women, using Kanya’s kindness and company to cajole large “loans” that bring them closer and closer to their dream. The process takes an increasing toll on their marriage as Kanya wanders from the arms of one woman to another and their crimes and conscience start to catch up with them.

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

New Vision


34 | New Vision DOG DAYS 三伏天





*14/10 FRI 7:30pm BC *15/10 SAT 4:50pm IFC

中國 China / 2016 / 95 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 熙氻 Jordan Schiele 演員 Cast: 黃璐 Huang Lu, 田牧宸 Tian Muchen, 羅藍山 Luo Lanshan 柏林影展 世界大觀單元 Panorama, Berlin International Film Festival

片頭一家三口在湖南長沙小鎮夜店,是家庭幸福的幻象。舞女璐璐 每晚在沒空調的三伏天裡汗流浹背地跳舞,一晚男朋友白龍跟兒子 一起失蹤,只有「夜貓」酒吧的變裝皇后Sunny知道白龍下落。璐 璐發現白龍與Sunny的基情,決定成全兩人,只要找回兒子。璐璐 與Sunny來到上海。兩人在酒店找到白龍,白龍聲稱把孩子送人, 並跟領養者說媽媽死了。當璐璐得知孩子被賣給醫生夫婦,可以在 更好的環境中成長,還會堅持找回孩子嗎?華語文藝片女神黃璐 (《盲山》的女大學生白雪梅、《推拿》的妓女小蠻)懷孕前爆發 演技,夥搭彭浩翔監製,擦出炙熱火花。


In a poor suburb of Changsha, Lulu works as a nightclub dancer while her boyfriend Bai Long takes care of their infant son. One night, she returns home to find both of them gone. Lulu’s desperate search for her baby leads her to a cabaret bar where she meets Bai Long’s gay lover Sunny. Despite their initial wariness of each other, the two strike a deal and head to Shanghai together to find Bai Long. Once there, Lulu learns that Bai Long has sold her son to a wealthy couple. Produced by Pang Ho-Cheung, Beijing-based American director Jordan Schiele’s debut social crime drama delivers a sad, searing vision of the economic and emotional struggles of China’s poor and marginalization.




*29/10 SAT 3:20pm BC *30/10 SUN 3:50pm IFC

中國 China / 2015 / 146 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 葉雲Ye Yun


釜山電影節 最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary, Busan International Film Festival 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片電影節 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam


際學校上學的女孩欣媛與她剛歸國的母親。兩個毫不相干的世界在 鏡頭下重疊,勾勒出一幅中國當代社會圖像。「窮人的孩子早當 本以為可以藉此改變命運,但現實沒有那麼簡單。物質生活富足的 欣媛卻也有難言之痛,面對分離多年的母親,她拒絕叫一聲「媽 媽」。導演記錄下的最現實最透徹的社會問題,遠非一項調查數據 所能概括和解決。而林生在片尾用蹩腳的普通話講出的一段心裡 話,展現出了他背負了這個年紀本不應當背負的沈重,更令人心痛 落淚。 Starting life as a gallery installation before becoming a feature documentary, Look Love is director Ye Yun’s heartbreaking study of two outwardly different yet surprisingly similar children. In Hunan, Linsheng attends a public school and lives a life of poverty with his alcoholic father and two younger brothers. In Beijing, Xinyuan attends an expensive boarding school while her mother jets to and from Spain for work. Two children are given the best education their parents can in hopes of a better future. Two children are alone and rebellious, longing for understanding from their distant parents. In these parallel lives, the powerlessness and disaffection of contemporary Chinese youth can be found.

New Vision | 35 SEVEN DAYS 冬





*29/10 SAT 8:00pm BC *30/10 SUN 2:00pm IFC

中國 China / 2016 / 73 min / 無對白 No Dialogue 導演 Dir: 邢健 Xing Jian 演員 Cast: 王德順 Wang Deshun 蒙特利爾世界電影節 主競賽單元 最佳藝術貢獻獎 Best Artistic Contribution, World Competition, Montreal World Film Festival 台北金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival

因早年從新聞得悉空巢老人花費數十萬為寵物舉行葬禮,令當時仍 是學生的導演印象深刻,開始關注留守老人的內心世界,並於去年 大膽地以藝術寓言形式完成這部處女作。刻意採用黑白二色營造水 墨效果,不單令畫面更見唯美,同時亦激起觀眾對老人的孤與冷產 生更大的同理心。電影以默片形式進行,單靠80歲有「活雕塑」之 稱的中國知名默劇演員兼男模王德順,以臉部神態、身體動作等來 演繹獨居長白山上的長者,在天地蒼茫間是何等的孤獨寂寞,最後 只能透過與飛鳥、游魚和小孩的互動來排遺內心的虛空,不得不叫 人對社會及人生作出叩問與反思。


中國 China / 2016 / 109 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 劉雨霖 Liu Yulin 演員 Cast: 毛孩 Mao Hai, 劉蓓 Liu Bei, 范偉 Fan Wei, 李倩 Li Qian

An old man lives a solitary existence in a mountain cabin. He spends his day ice fishing but never keeps his catch. Suddenly, an encounter with an injured bird and a young boy in the woods changes his life forever. Painter and calligrapher Xing Jian self-financed his feature film debut, filming on location in the Changbai Mountains under harsh winter conditions. His uncompromising style resulted in a work of stark beauty – a captivating, dialogue-less contemplation on loneliness that rewards its viewers’ patience with extraordinary images that must be seen on the big screen.




*29/10 SAT 9:50pm BC *30/10 SUN 5:00pm ONE

改編自曾獲第八屆茅盾文學獎的劉震雲的同名小說,電影由劉震雲 之女劉雨霖執導,導演雖為影壇新秀,但早前短片《門神》已獲學 生奧斯卡最佳敘事獎。擔任電影編劇的劉震雲戲稱電影版是「綠帽 子下的史詩」,不同於時間地域跨度大、貫穿兩代人的長篇原著, 電影不足兩小時,但透過人物的曲折心路和矛盾爭鬥,生動呈現出

釜山電影節 新浪潮單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival

現代人的百年孤獨,對當代社會的洞察力不輸原著。年輕夫婦從 結婚到離婚、從出軌到情殺,婚姻驟變,只因他們的感情被不斷忽 略、渴望被無限擠壓。漸漸,原本說得上話的愛人無話可說、活生 生的人畏懼活著、拿起屠刀的男人不想殺人…… 為了找到一個可以 說句話的人,一個個普通人都在內心向全世界宣戰。 Up-and-coming filmmaker Liu Yulin won the Narrative Silver Medal at the 2014 Student Academy Awards with her short film Door God. For her feature debut, she adapts her father Liu Zhenyun’s Mao Dun Literature Prize-winning novel, One Sentence Worth Ten Thousand, which has been compared to One Hundred Years of Solitude for its multigenerational depiction of the quintessential loneliness of the Chinese people and the yearning for a kindred spirit. The director brings these acute themes to the forefront in her telling of a pair of siblings – one in a failed marriage, one seeking marriage – and the great lengths to which these two ordinary people will go to find someone to talk to.

New Vision | 37 SOMETHING IN BLUE 呼吸正常




*29/10 SAT 1:00pm BC *30/10 SUN 7:25pm ONE

中國 China / 2016 / 107 min / 粵語、普通話對白, 中英文字幕 In Cantonese and Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 李雲波 Li Yunbo 演員Cast: 張興超 Zhang Xingchao, 葉銳洪 Ye Ruihong, 李會 Li Hui 北京電影節 Beijing International Film Festival 聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節 San Sebastian International Film Festival

電影宣傳以「四個青年,一座城市,愛與理想,輕鬆的茫然,四季 輪換」來概括故事大綱。網絡影評人李雲波(人稱雲爺)利用業餘 時間長期進行零星拍攝,再拼湊出這套半即興、半紀實的處女作 品。幾位八十後素人由網絡號召而來,拍攝期間斷續地由生活走進 鏡頭,再由鏡頭走回現實生活,閑散地展示現今廣州青年如何面對 工作、愛情、理想、生活遇到的迷茫、空虛和疑惑。片中八成是廣 東話對白,並借當事人的無定向幽默回應,來抹去世俗生活中無法 承受問題之重,從平淡小節裡看出趣味盎然。


An aspiring writer roams from one meaningless job to another while working on his play. A rich kid agonizes over whether to follow his controlling parents’ wishes and take over the family business. A bank employee, feeling suffocated by his stable job and girlfriend, begins to see another girl. A geeky researcher escapes loneliness by dabbling in underground arts and pinning his hopes on a girl. Renowned film critic Li Yunbo’s directorial debut realistically captures the city of Guangzhou and its people, places and stories through the helpless, humdrum lives of four typical twenty-something guys trying to figure out their futures.




25/10 TUE 9:45pm IFC 28/10 FRI 10:00pm BC

中國,香港 China, Hong Kong / 2016 / 130 min / 普通話、粵語、英語、他加祿語對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua, Cantonese, English, Tagalog with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 楊正帆 Yang Zhengfan


鹿特丹電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam 墨爾本電影節 Melbourne International Film Festival


居香港5年,期間經歷過不少經濟、政治、社會上的轉變與衝擊, 但他總自覺是個格格不入的局外人,更常因此感到迷茫,於是構思 拿著攝錄機搭乘的士,透過鏡頭以第一人視野斷續又重覆地,讓觀 話,側面交織出香港過去、現在與將來,混雜著希望、夢想與恐懼 不安的種種。在《遠方》,導演嘗試借13段靜默遠景定焦敍事,顯 然是位要保持距離的旁觀者;今次則嘗試以13段一路疾走的近鏡交 談側描港人港事,努力成為探身局內的思索者。 No one sees more of Hong Kong on a daily basis than a taxi driver, so perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that it would be the ideal setting for this rare Hong Kong-set road movie. Shot entirely through the windshield of a taxi, Hong Kong-based Chinese director Yang Zhengfan’s second feature-length film examines the current state of the city and its people through the conversations of 13 sets of unseen passengers - including a stressed out bank employee, tourists from Mainland China, a student activist and a British expat. This is an enlightening road trip through Hong Kong unlike any other.

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Asian Wide Angle 亞洲國度

40 | Asian Wide Angle MY UNCLE 我的毒男叔叔




24/10 MON 7:40pm APM 27/10 THU 9:50pm ONE

日本 Japan / 2016 / 110 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 山下敦弘Yamashita Nobuhiro 演員Cast: 松田龍平 Matsuda Ryuhei, 真木陽子 Maki Yoko, 大西利空 Ohnishi Riku

改編自北杜夫1972年的著名同名兒童文學。《字裡人間》的松田 龍平飾演性格古怪的叔叔,雖為兼職哲學講師,但終日無所事事待 在哥哥家看漫畫,侄兒雪男本來對這位沒出息的叔叔毫無好感,但 一次機會叔叔遇上一見鍾情的女神,女神卻要返回夏威夷接管祖母 留下的咖啡莊園,兩叔侄於是向夏威夷出發,踏上追尋女神之旅。 《La La La Rock到底》導演山下敦弘再次施展他的另類大叔幽默, 巧選性格男神松田龍平飾演古怪「宅叔」,與法國笑匠積葵大地的 《我的舅舅》和《男人之苦》中的寅次郎一樣出奇討好。一部洋溢 另類男人浪漫的温情作品。


In contrast to Yamashita Nobuhiro’s Sato Yasushi adaptation Over the Fence, his adaptation of Kita Morio’s classic 1972 children’s book My Uncle provides a lighter, slice-of-life escape into a grade schooler’s account of his quirky uncle and their humorous misadventures. When Yukio has to write about an adult around him for a school assignment, he chooses his idler Uncle, a philosophy lecturer who spends all his time lying around and mooching off the family. Uncle is motivated like never before when he falls head over heels for Japanese-American Eri, but she soon returns to Hawaii. Determined to pursue his love, he heads to Hawaii with Yukio.




16/10 SUN 7:40pm APM 17/10 MON 9:50pm ONE 18/10 TUE 9:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 2016 / 112 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 山下敦弘 Yamashita Nobuhiro 演員 Cast: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 蒼井優 Aoi Yu, 松田翔太 Matsuda Shota


釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival


充滿獨立電影精神的導演山下敦弘執導,根據芥川獎入圍小說改編 之同名小說拍成電影。《愛情,突如其來》為已故作家佐藤泰志的 「函館三部曲」系列小說最終回,講述男主角白失婚失業後回到故 的故事。電影來得淡然真實,突顯日本低下階層鮮為人知的無奈生 活。電影中每人都日復日努力地生存,不時以壘球為伴,亦不過是 在十常八九的不如意中,找到一二小確幸。 Following the footsteps of Sketches of Kaitan City and The Light Shines Only There, Yamashita Nobuhiro (La La La at Rock Bottom) takes the baton and completes a trilogy of films based on the works of the late Sato Yasushi. After a painful divorce, Yoshio returns to his hometown and attends a vocational school. One night, Yoshio meets Satoshi, a hostess at a cabaret club. As their friendship blossoms into something more, Yoshio realizes that he needs to overcome his past before he can truly love Satoshi. Like its predecessors, Over the Fence is a sensitive and unglamorous portrayal of the working class in northern Japan.

Asian Wide Angle | 41 THE WORLD OF US 我們倆




22/10 SAT 9:50pm BC 25/10 TUE 7:40pm ONE

南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 94 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 允佳恩 Yoon Ga-eun 演員 Cast: 崔秀仁 Choi Soo-in, 薛惠仁 Seol Hye-in 柏林影展 世代單元 Generation, Berlin International Film Festival 多倫多兒童電影節 Toronto Kids International Film Festival

十歲女孩Sun在學校經常被人排擠。暑假期間,她認識了新來的 轉校生Jia。兩人很快成為密友,Sun過了一個很快樂的暑假。 新學期有了Jia這個新朋友,Sun本應很高興,可惜惡夢又再開 始。Jia發現Sun在學校是個不受歡迎的人,在群眾壓力下,加上 家境懸殊,她們的友誼受盡考驗。飾演Sun和Jia的女孩演出自然 不造作,令本片看來更清新樸實。曾經憑短片《豆芽》(Sprout) 榮獲64屆柏林影展最佳短片水晶熊獎,女導演首次執導長片,透過 一群小演員說一個關於校園欺凌的故事,道出女孩複雜而無助的心 靈世界,也反映社會階層的不公現象。


After winning the Crystal Bear in 2014 for the short film Sprout, Yoon Ga-eun makes her feature debut with an observant tale of friendship and fallout between two 10-year-old girls. Sun doesn’t have it easy due to her family’s economic circumstances and her father’s drinking problem. At school, she is an outcast despite her earnest efforts to make friends. Over the summer break, she meets new girl in town Jia and they quickly develop a close bond. Once the school year starts, however, their social differences become increasingly apparent and Jia begins to distance herself from Sun. Yoon’s delicate film takes us into the world of children and its fragile balance of camaraderie and cruelty.




20/10 THU 7:20pm ONE 22/10 SAT 8:00pm BC

比利時,南韓 Belgium, South Korea / 2015 / 90 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Steven Dhoedt and Choi Woo-young


釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 比利時Docville紀錄片影展 評審團獎最佳比利時紀錄片 Jury Award for Best Belgian Documentary, Docville International Documentary Film Festival


率甚高的南韓,每年11月第二個星期四,舉國戒備:股市延遲開市, 連航班升降也要將就,只為了讓決定高中生未來的大學修學能力試順 及一名電視講師來展示一試定生死的壓力及衍生的龐大教育產業。為 了考入機會少於1%的全國三大頂尖大學(簡稱SKY),學生家長教師 投入應戰,結果平均每月有兩名學生自殺。現實雖殘酷,但影片並不 消極,成功之路豈只一條。青年的夢想如果都只是考入SKY而沒別的 話,才是最可悲。 Every November, over half a million students take the national university exam in South Korea. The exam determines what universities the students attend, which in turn is believed to determine their future places in a competitive society. To prepare for the exam, students spend months, years, studying late into the night under intense pressure and expectations from their families, schools and society at large. Only 1% will reach the SKY: Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University. This eye-opening documentary digs into the reality of the education and exam system in Korea profiles three students, their families and a tutor in the days leading up to the exam and its aftermath.

Asian Wide Angle | 43 HEART ATTACK Design 76小時




23/10 SUN 1:50pm IFC 26/10 WED 9:50pm BC

泰國 Thailand / 2015 / 132 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 納瓦波·坦榮瓜塔納利 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit 演員 Cast: Sunny Suwanmethanon, Davika Hoorne, Violette Wauiter, Torpong Chantabupha 泰國電影金像獎 最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳劇本、最佳男女主角 Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Actress, Thailand National Film Association Awards 大阪亞洲電影節 朝日放送大獎 ABC Award, Osaka Asian Film Festival

三十歲 Freelance Designer Yoon,自稱能連續五天不睡覺,面對 客人日改夜改,終於工作過度致皮膚出紅疹,健康響起警號,令他 面臨事業危機。但塞翁失馬的他遇上年輕貌美的女醫生。女醫生教 Yoon重新調整生活,漸漸連他的心也被撩動。到底應該瘋狂地幹活 一生,還是痛快地戀愛一場?編而優則導的納瓦波憑《愛情悄悄來 了》奪得第九屆亞洲電影節亞洲新導演獎,翌年《瑪莉瑪莉我好開 心》(第十屆)亦大受歡迎。獨立電影起家,成功走入主流而不落 俗套的當代觸目泰國導演,憑本片橫掃「泰國電影金像獎」多個主 要獎項。


After festival-friendly indie darlings 36 and Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy, Thailand’s Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit makes a hugely successful foray into commercial filmmaking with Heart Attack. Yoon is one of the best freelance graphic designers in town. When a fiveday sleepless work streak leads to rashes on his body, Yoon goes to the public hospital and meets a gorgeous young doctor who demands Yoon put his life back on track. Based on the experiences of the filmmaker and his fellow freelancer friends, Heart Attack is a hilarious and painfully relatable portrayal of freelance life that will win you over with irresistibly charming humor and plenty of heart.




22/10 SAT 6:00pm BC 27/10 THU 7:35pm IFC

泰國Thailand / 2016 / 75 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles 導演Dir: Nontawat Numbenchapol


釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival


為輕鬆,探討年輕人的感情世界。導演走訪了一百位泰國青少年,並 向他們發問同一條問題:「請形容人生中最快樂的時刻。」透過這一 網。為方便觀眾更易解讀,影片特別透過虛構角色JoJo作旁白交待, 重點追蹤泰國新世代的日常社交生活、由此剖釋他們心裡的疑問與想 法,經過發掘、尋找、摸索到最後的自我肯定,當中包括對自己與他 人性別及性向的認同。初生之犢多樂於分享自己的所有,毫不介意把 真實面貌呈現人前,有助大家進一步了解時下「泰」青春的敢與想。 Controversial director Nontawat Numbenchapol pushes the boundaries of documentary filmmaking with his unconventional third feature. Numbenchapol interviewed 100 young Bangkokites who are transitioning between high school and university about the happiest moments of their lives. With those stories he created an offbeat fantasy tale told by a fictional narrator named Jojo. Is it a documentary? Is it a traditional narrative film? Either way, it’s a captivating and vividly imaginative work that encapsulates the experience of growing up in modern Bangkok.

44 | Asian Wide Angle ALBUM





24/10 MON 9:50pm IFC 29/10 SAT 6:00pm BC

土耳其,法國,羅馬尼亞 Turkey, France, Romania / 2016 / 105 min / 土耳其語對白,中英文字幕 In Turkish with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Mehmet Can Mertoğlu 演員 Cast: Şebnem Bozoklu, Murat Kılıc, Riza Akin, Mihriban Er

康城影展 國際影評人週 法國電視4台Visionary獎 France 4 Visionary Awards, International Critics’ Week, Cannes Film Festival 薩拉熱窩電影節 最佳劇情片 Best Feature Film, Sarajevo Film Festival 2016

有圖真的有真相?不孕中產夫婦渴望擁有圓滿家庭,為使將來 領養得來的孩子相信他們是他的親生父母,合力炮製一本假懷 孕期的紀錄相薄。為了一幅完美的家庭照,兩夫婦義無反顧, 甚至把領養的嬰兒帶到醫院和醫生護士合照,終於如願以償, 抱得愛兒歸。滿心歡喜,一切按他們的幸福藍圖進行,直至發 現原來領養的秘密其實並非如他們所想能瞞天過海,而且真相 隨時被踢爆。導演首作以黑色幽默手法道出怪獸父母可以去到 幾盡,獲多個影展青睞,而且大有獎穫。

JUNCTION 48 唱出我自由

With Danis Tanovic and Calin Peter Netzer onboard as producers and Romanian cinematographer Marius Panduru as DP, Mehmet Can Mertoglu’s debut feature exhibits global cinema sensibilities and Romanian New Wave influences, but the context is uniquely Turkish. Presented like a photo album with set scenes and spare dialogue, the social satire chronicles a couple’s dryly realistic yet absurd preparations for adoption. Teacher Cuneyt and civil servant Bahar take meticulously staged pictures of her fake pregnancy before selecting a baby that fits their requirements, a process that reveals the stigma of adoption and the cruelly insular thinking of contemporary Turkish society.



以色列,德國,美國 Israel, German, USA / 2016 / 95 min / 阿拉伯語、希伯來語對白,中英文字幕 In Arabic, Hebrew with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Udi Aloni 演員 Cast: Tamer Nafar, Samar Qupty, Salwa Nakkara, Saeed Dassuki, Ayed Fadel 柏林影展 電影大觀 觀眾票選獎 Panorama Audience Award, Berlin International Film Festival 翠貝卡電影節 敘事長片單元最佳影片 Best International Narrative Feature, Tribeca Film Festival


23/10 SUN 1:00pm ONE 25/10 TUE 7:50pm IFC

以色列版《8里公路》,在以色列中的巴勒斯坦青年Kareem就 好像當年的Eminem,以寡敵眾、以才制勝,在以色列領土高唱 巴勒斯坦人的權利和尊嚴。巴勒斯坦首隊饒舌組合的主音Tamer Nafarn不但親自擔演,更與《亡情使者》以色列導演奧雲梅費 曼 (Oren Moverman) 合編,再由柏林影展常客激進革命分子Udi 執導,把個人經歷轉化成一幕一幕鼓勵與控訴。無所事事的 Kareem終日遊走黑白之間,日常的種族壓迫激發他投入音樂世 界,在饒舌界大放光芒,卻因歌詞內容觸及敏感的族裔平權議題 遭施壓,使他陷入困境。英文片名Junction 48源自1948年巴勒斯 坦託管區內戰,事件至今仍縈繞後代,代表著新一代對平權與和 平的渴望。 Winner of the Audience Award in the Berlin Film Festival’s Panorama sidebar and Best Narrative Feature at the Tribeca Film Festival, Israeli-American director Udi Aloni’s dynamic and provocative drama speaks out against the oppressive forces of discrimination and fundamentalism faced by young Arabs in Israel. Palestinian rapper Tamer Nafar, who co-wrote the script, channels his story and music into the character of Kareem, an aspiring rapper from a crime-infested neighborhood of Lod outside Tel Aviv. After tragedy strikes at home, he clings to music as his hope and outlet while facing prejudice from Israeli society and pressure from conservative Arab traditions.

Asian Wide Angle | 45 MOHICAN COMES HOME 回鄉BAND友




16/10 SUN 4:40pm ONE 17/10 MON 7:35pm APM

日本 Japan / 2016 / 125 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 沖田修一 Okita Shuichi 演員 Cast: 松田龍平 Matsuda Ryuhei, 前田敦子 Maeda Atsuko, 柄本明 Emoto Akira

東京死亡金屬樂隊廢青主唱永吉搞大女友肚子後,只好回到闊 別七年的瀨戶內海小島故鄉。永吉父親教訓了兒子,卻熱烈歡 迎久等的孫兒。派對上父親忽然倒地,竟然是肺癌末期。兒子 盡心讓臨死父親開心,甚至請出父親偶像70年代搖滾歌手矢 澤永吉獻唱一曲。親情大龍鳳當然不能錯過婆媳關係,還有父 親與學校樂隊的互動情誼。城鄉差異,奇異服飾,兩代親情, 又喊又笑。《那年遇上世之介》導演沖田修一遙向木下惠介的 《卡門還鄉》致敬。

SOMETHING LIKE, SOMETHING LIKE IT 如此,如此這般 日本 Japan / 2016 / 95 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 杉山泰一 Sugiyama Taiichi 演員 Cast: 松山研一 Matsuyama Kenichi, 北川景子 Kitagawa Keiko, 伊藤克信 Ito Katsunobu 東京電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival

With films like The Chef of South Polar, The Woodsman and the Rain and A Story of Yonosuke, Okita Shuichi has become one of the most unique voices in Japanese comedy. His latest film is another endearingly offbeat comedy about appreciating small pleasures in imperfect lives. After spending seven years in Tokyo as a punk singer without a big break, Eikichi returns to his island hometown with his pregnant girlfriend in tow. When Ekichi’s father is suddenly diagnosed with cancer, Eikichi does all he can to make his father happy – only to fumble in the most hilarious ways.




14/10 FRI 8:00pm APM 16/10 SUN 9:50pm ONE

影片可視為已故名導森田芳光1981年作品《如此這般》 (Something Like It) 的延續篇。《白免糖女孩》松山研一飾演 一名日本傳統技藝落語的學徒,雖技不如人但態度認真。他奉 命尋找失蹤多年的師兄重踏台板,本來早已放棄落語的師兄竟 然從這名平凡師弟身上尋回對落語表演的熱情。首次執導的 杉山泰一是森田芳光多年的得力助導,這次打正旗號向恩師 致敬,更率領原班演員夥拍新一代曾參演森田芳光作品的松 山研一及《律政英雄2015》北川景子合演續篇。其中細心影 癡一定留意到北川景子戲中一套戲服與十年前她演出森田的 《間宮兄弟》一樣,單看導演心思和班底已經感動絕倫。 After director Morita Yoshimitsu passed away in 2011, his longtime assistant director Sugiyama Taiichi and many actors whom he had worked with came together to make a sequel to Morita’s 1981 debut film Something Like It. The cast of the original film are joined by Matsuyama Kenichi, who starred in Morita’s last film Train Brain Express, and Kitagawa Keiko, who made her acting debut in Morita’s The Mamiya Brothers. In this light-hearted homage, Matsuyama is Shinden, an overly serious, ineffectual performer of the traditional comedic storytelling art of rakugo. His teacher sends him on a mission to find senior performer Shintoto who has quit rakugo in favor of a more carefree life.

48 | Midnight Craze LOWLIFE LOVE 下眾之愛




19/10 WED 8:00pm APM 21/10 FRI 7:30pm BC

日本 Japan / 2015 / 110 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 內田英治 Uchida Eiji 演員 Cast: 涉川清彥 Shibukawa Kiyohiko, 岡野真也 Okano Maya, 忍成修吾 Oshinari Shugo, 緒方義博 Denden, 內田慈 Uchida Chika 東京電影節 Tokyo International Film Festival 烏甸尼遠東電影節 Udine Far East Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam

三十有幾的獨立電影導演鐵男,經常靠著年輕時唯一得過的獎項欺 騙有電影夢的少女上床。終日無所事事,自己的人生和周遭的同行 師兄弟都與失敗脫不了鈎,以為遇到創作生涯上的繆斯,卻是一 部爛片的開始。《終極性愛死》(第十屆)


生的荒謬其實非常好笑,褪去外界對電影人華麗的暇想,把電影人 描繪成齷齪卑劣的爛泥。為了成功,人人都出賣身體以及靈魂。可 是,電影人總有能耐,為了成就一份愛與夢,不惜飛蛾撲火般在最 底層中掙扎發光。拍攝影人影事難得如此抵死絕核,務求讓觀眾見 識到獨立電影工作者委曲求全的一面,一切都絕非一眾偽文青所能 理解。


Director Uchida Eiji (Greatful Dead, 10th HKAFF 2013) exposes the bottom feeders of the independent film world in this hysterically nasty dark comedy. Practically everyone in this film is a lowlife who takes advantage of each other for their own benefit, but no one here is more despicable than Tetsuo, a has-been, sex-starved “director” who uses his subpar acting workshop to bed aspiring actresses. But when he spots real talent in Minami and screenwriter Ken, Tetsuo thinks that he can ride his way into a comeback. Bright-eyed film school students may want to avert their eyes from this brutal, but wickedly funny reality check.




18/10 TUE 9:50pm ONE 28/10 FRI 9:50pm IFC

印尼 Indonesia / 2016 / 117 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕 In Indonesian with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: Mo Brothers 演員 Cast: 伊科烏艾斯Iko Uwais, Chelsea Islan, Sunny Pang, Julie Estelle

《突擊死亡塔》(第八屆) 班底與《網絡瘋殺》(第十一屆) 印尼嗜血兄

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

憶,還給他起了個跟美國文學名著《白鯨記》主角 ISHMAEL 一樣的

弟檔 The Mo Brothers聯手打造,連綿不絕的動作場面,拳拳到肉打 出印尼動作電影新血路。頭部重創昏迷的青年在醫院甦醒後失去部分 記憶,也忘了自己的過去和身分。愛心滿溢的女醫生決定助他恢復記 名字。只是沒多久ISHMAEL的「過去」便急著要找他算帳:行蹤神秘 的黑幫頭目兼毒梟綁走了女醫生,ISHMAEL當然要誓死營救,沒想到 過程中竟發現自己擁有極強的戰鬥能力,還驚悉對手曾是自己昔日的 伙伴,關於自己過去的謎團開始被慢慢拼湊起來。 The Mo Brothers, the directing duo behind the ultra-violent thrillers Killers and Macabre, are at it again, and this time they’ve teamed up with The Raid martial arts star Iko Uwais and his action team to form the most lethal combo Indonesian cinema has to offer. Left for dead with a head injury, a man wakes up in a hospital with no memories. Student doctor Ailin gives him the name of Ishmael and helps him recover. When Ailin gets taken by criminals led by Druglord Lee, Ishmael slugs his way through the underworld to rescue her. As his memories gradually return with each bloody confrontation, so too does the truth about his dark past and his connection to Lee.

Midnight Craze | 49 PSYCHO RAMAN 黑警VS殺人狂





21/10 FRI 7:30pm IFC

印度 India / 2016 / 128 min / 印地語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 安奴厄加絲邑 Anurag Kashyap 演員 Cast: 納華薩甸薛迪奇 Nawazuddin Siddiqui, 維奇考沙爾 Vicky Kaushal, 蘇希塔杜里帕拉 Sobhita Dhulipala 康城影展 導演雙週 Director’s Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 富川奇幻電影節 歐洲奇幻影展聯盟 最佳亞洲電影獎 European Fantastic Film Festival Federation Asian Award, Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festiva

越是臭名遠播的連環殺人犯,就越容易引來模仿犯。孟買連環殺手 拉曼拉加夫(Raman Raghav) 在六十年代一共殺害41人。電影引用 當年事件,把Raman Raghav 一分為二,Raman以兇殘手段殺害無 辜;Raghav 則負責調查兇案。兵和賊,看似二元對立,但在一章章的 電影中,二元逐漸合併為一。寶萊塢電影教父又一別樹一格作品, 用後現代風格處理日常小事,把雞毛蒜皮的小事都拍得令人回味。 冷處理熱熾驚心的犯罪現場,兇手臉上傷痕、眼神、顰笑都令人觸 目驚心。《美味情書》的納華薩甸薛迪奇飾演變態殺人狂魔,不賣 印度式歌舞溫情,轉賣印度式血腥,依舊震撼眾人。


In the mid-1960s, a serial killer known as Raman Raghav terrorized the streets of Mumbai, killing 41 people. The notorious murderer is the inspiration for this deftly entertaining thriller from Gangs of Wasseypur director Anurag Kashyap. In what will be remembered as one of his most chilling performances, acclaimed Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui stars as Raman, a psychopathic murderer in contemporary Mumbai whose monstrous nature can only be outdone by Raghav, a vile coked-up detective who is hell bent on capturing Raman. Unrelentingly dark and intensely unsettling, Psycho Raman is a jolting wake-up call for anyone who assumes that Indian cinema is only about song and dance.



南韓 South Korea / 2016 / 103 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 李耀燮 Lee Yo-sup 演員 Cast: 朴智英 Park Ji-young, 趙福來 Jo Bok-rae, 許正道 Heo Jung-do


26/10 WED 9:50pm ONE 31/10 MON 7:50pm IFC

美艷的阿珠媽美京非法經營美容事業,閒來幫其他大媽打下針瘦下 面,每時每刻都想貼身保護兒子益洙。讀法律的益洙司法考試肥佬 要重考,要入住考試院,某日突然收到一張過百萬韓幣的水費單。 美京親自到兒子的住處展開調查,意圖解開水費驚人的真相。美京 不停與其他租客對話,發現幾個特別奇怪的人,在慢慢接近真相的 同時,捲入更多棘手的事件,例如染血的走廊,穿黃色膠圍裙和膠 手套的男人。難道是有命案發生?絕對的黑色幽默,耐人尋味的懸 疑劇情,《天國的眼淚》朴智英首次擔任女主角的電影,突顯了阿 珠媽的聰明才智和愛子心切。 A mother will stop at nothing to save her son from bad guys – both real and imagined – in the relentlessly entertaining dark comedy The Queen of Crime. Overly-caring mother Mi-kyung leaps into action when her son Ik-soo receives a “one thousand dollar” water bill from the management office of his dingy one-room apartment. Mi-kyung visits her son to investigate the bill but discovers strange and suspicious characters around every corner. Something dirty must be going down, right? With her abundant energy and overactive imagination to guide her, Mi-kyung is going to protect her darling boy from, uh, something – or die trying!


Midnight Marathon 2016


著埋睡衣參加 Midnight Marathon, 睇得舒服又過癮之餘, 仲分分鐘有意外驚喜!


The cosiest way to enjoy the Midnight Marathon is to bring your own pyjamas and prize may be yours!

馬拉松套票內容: 盡享一連四套午夜狂熱電影包括



Lowlife Love 下眾之愛

Psycho Raman 黑警 VS 殺人狂



white lies, black lies 失控謊言

Headshot 突擊死亡局

Date & Time 日期及時間

Venue 地點


15.10 - 11:59pm to 16.10 - 9:00am

百老匯 The ONE

Package Price劃一票價: $280 (包括四套電影戲票及電影宵夜套餐乙份)

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Road to Tibet


52 | Road to Tibet





*22/10 SAT 9:40pm IFC *23/10 SUN 1:00pm BC

中國 China / 2016 / 142 min / 藏語對白,英文字幕 In Tibetan with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張揚 Zhang Yang 演員Cast: 金巴 Kimb, 曲尼次仁 Quni Ciren, 索郎尼馬 Solange Nima, 夏諾扎西郭珠 Siano Dudiom Zahi

多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 上海電影節 金爵獎最佳攝影 Golden Goblet Award for Best Cinematography, Shanghai International Film Festival


Continuing the creative reawakening in Tibet that began with Paths of the Soul, director Zhang Yang collaborates with magical realist writer Tashi Dawa for another visually stunning spiritual journey through this sacred land. After being struck by lightning, hunter and ex-convict Tabei is tasked by a lama to carry a holy stone to Palm Print Mountain in order to find redemption for his past sins. Along the way, Tabei meets an assortment of characters, including a mute man with psychic powers and a woman who won’t let Tabei go after a one-night stand.

次殺鹿誤獲天珠,旋即遭天譴被雷擊斃,卻在活佛唸誦下復活過 來,繼而像悟空般負上護送天珠到蓮花生大師掌紋地的重任,藉此 贖清生前殺孽。期間遇上傾慕者牧羊女及背著六弦琴引路的啞童, 還有仇家、竊匪、作家和他的狗,形成多條錯綜繁雜、跳躍時空的 故事線,最後相交引爆出魔幻式寓言結局。電影橫跨兩千多公里的 西部高原拍攝,充滿西藏公路式的電影感,亦滲有武俠、牛仔等意 想不到的風格元素。

Road to Tibet | 53 HEMA HEMA: SING ME A SONG WHILE I WAIT 在我等之時唱首歌





16/10 SUN 6:20pm BC 27/10 THU 9:55pm IFC

不丹、香港 Bhutan, Hong Kong / 2016 / 96 min / 不丹語對白,英文字幕 In Dzongkha with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 宗薩蔣揚欽哲卻吉嘉措 Khyentse Norbu 演員 Cast: Tshering Dorji, Sadon Lhamo,Thinley Dorji 羅迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

導演有言:「有時候,為了給人們展現實相,我們需要先創造幻 想。」在不丹有個秘而不宣的古老習俗,每12年在森林裡都會有一 個神秘聚會,在這裡每人都會戴上傳統Hema木面具,將現實生活 裡的真正身份隱藏起來,在毫不受制於宗教、社會的道德約束下, 可以放肆忘我地飲酒、跳舞和狂歡!電影近九成時間沒有對白,演 員僅以眼神及身體語言作交流,讓觀眾跳過言語的邏輯思維,直接 以視覺感官和心靈叩問來回應故事。面具到底是要解放人類原始慾 望?還是考驗和呈現人性陰暗面?到底森林裡戴著的和日常生活掛 上的,哪個才是當事人真正的面具?


中國 China / 2016 / 117 min / 藏語對白,英文字幕 In Tibetan with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 張揚 Zhang Yang 演員Cast: 楊培 Yang Pei, 尼瑪扎堆 Nyima Zadui, 斯朗卓嘎 Tsewang Dolkar, 次仁曲珍 Tsring Chodron

In the mountains of Bhutan, a two-week ritual begins in which all participants relinquish their identities and don masks. Amid the stunning natural beauty of the jungle, a spiritual journey begins into the rites of life and death, and the power and temptation of anonymity. While a ceremony of death and rebirth takes place, participants engage in secret rituals of their own under the cover of their masks. Buddhist lama, teacher and filmmaker Khyentse Norbu’s fourth film is an intensely mystical and meditative tale that goes deep into the nature of man and reveals what one does when they are not being known.




*22/10 SAT 7:10pm IFC *23/10 SUN 9:50pm BC

「岡仁波齊」藏語解作「神靈之山」,自古被認定為世界最中心, 更同屬藏傳佛教、印度教的神山,每年吸引無數信眾前往朝聖。漢 族導演張揚於去年(釋迦牟尼誕生年)跟11位西藏業餘演員,在 四千米高原上徒步兩千多公里展開歷時一年的磕長頭紀實之旅。由 藏東芒康到拉薩再輾轉到藏西阿里,期間邊拍邊見證著隊員中途產

釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

子、母女險喪命亂石下、拖拉車意外撞毀、盤川耗盡要打工賺錢, 以至父親離逝等,沒有劇本卻幕幕充滿戲劇張力。對西藏人來說, 真正的信仰是完全融入生活,並能成為面對各種逆境的精神支柱。 朝聖只因臣服,跟城市人要征服大自然的心態截然有別。 Chinese director Zhang Yang (Shower) blends reality and fiction in one of the most extraordinary road movies in recent memory. Zhang and his crew followed a group of 11 Tibetan villagers for seven months as they take a 1,200-kilometer pilgrimage to Lhasa, during which the trekkers must bow and lay their bodies on the ground every few steps. Without a traditional script, Zhang shaped the film’s story on the road, filming both the actual pilgrimage rituals and scripted scenes with a cast of non-professionals, with the stunning Tibetan landscape as their backdrop. The result is an astonishing work about faith, survival and camaraderie.

54 | Road to Tibet THARLO 塔洛




*23/10 SUN 3:40pm BC *24/10 MON 7:10pm IFC

中國 China / 2015 / 123 min / 藏語、普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Tibetan and Putonghua with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 萬瑪才旦 Pema Tseden 演員 Cast: 西德尼瑪 Shide Nyima, 楊秀措 Yangshik Tso 威尼斯影展 地平線單元 Orizzonti, Venice Film Festival 台北金馬獎 最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay, Golden Horse Awards


Considered the first Tibetan director, Pema Tseden (Old Dog) is


committed to portraying authentic Tibetan culture and life on screen.


Based on his own novella, the beautifully austere black-and-white


Tharlo explores the conflict of traditional and modern values through


the experience of its eponymous protagonist, a simple-hearted


shepherd played by renowned comedian Shide Nyima. Tharlo, who


lives a solitary life in the mountains, makes the long trip to town in


order to get an ID card, as ordered by the police chief. Told to tidy up


for the ID photo, he goes to the barber shop and becomes smitten with the young hairdresser who introduces him to the possibility of a different life he has never known.




中國 China / 2015 / 94 min / 藏語對白,英文字幕 In Tibetan with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 松太加 Sonthar Gyal 演員 Cast: 央金拉姆 Yangchan Lhamo, 格日才旦 Guru Tsedan, 仁增卓瑪 Regzin Drolma


*22/10 SAT 5:00pm IFC *23/10 SUN 8:00pm BC

跟導演前作《太陽總在左邊》題材相近,《河》環繞主角與摯親因 隔膜而產生誤解,因而要展開一段自我心靈救贖之旅。電影刻下已 獲13項電影節獎項,今次繼續起用業餘演員,從小女孩央金角度 出發,父親因爺爺早年離家修行而拒絕到山洞探望,因而被視為壞 人,央金既不理解父親的同時亦成為欺凌對象;仍未斷奶的她在毫

柏林影展 世代單元 Generation, Berlin International Film Festival 意大利維羅納電影節 金維羅納大獎 Golden Lessinia, Lessinia Film Festival

無預兆下被懷孕母親拒絕授乳,這種愛的拒絕讓她首次感到受傷。 電影花上三年拍攝西藏四季變遷,並由旅居澳洲的西藏音樂家丹增 曲杰配樂,淡淡地呈現出三代藏牧如何被一條河川、世代環境,甚 至情感壓抑所分隔開的關係。 Cinematographer-turned-director Sonthar Gyal, who grew up amongst nomads on the Tibetan Plateau in Qinghai province, returns to the grasslands for the setting of his subtle, perceptive second feature. Shot over multiple seasons, River records the lives of a shepherd’s family from the perspective of the young daughter, Yangchan, who just longs to be loved and understood. Yangchan’s mother is pregnant with another child, but she doesn’t want a sibling. Meanwhile, her father is shunned by the other villagers because of his estranged relationship with her grandfather, a highly respected holy man. Her father’s unresolved conflict will bring important changes to the entire family.

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend

Taiwan Select


58 | Taiwan Select WHITE LIES, BLACK LIES 失控謊言





21/10 FRI 8:00pm ONE 26/10 WED 8:00pm APM

台灣 Taiwan / 2015 / 94 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 樓一安 Lou Yi-an 演員Cast: 王柏傑 Wang Bo-chieh, 許瑋甯 Tiffany Hsu, 陳庭妮 Annie Chen 台北電影節 最佳女主角 Best Actress, Taipei Film Festival 高雄電影節 開幕電影 Opening Film, Kaohsiung Film Festival

改編自震驚台灣一時的真實案件「萬華七彩藝苑命案」,由金鐘獎 最佳女主角許瑋甯,台北電影節新人獎王柏傑,人氣偶像劇女星陳 庭妮主演,《一席之地》台灣新銳導演樓一安執導。一名少婦拋夫 棄子,跟著殺妻嫌疑犯的初戀情人一起逃亡。離經叛道、撲朔迷 離、懸疑難辨,以謊言掩蓋謊言,吸引舊相識的注視,成為大眾眼 球的焦點。電影更邀得三度榮獲台北電影節最佳美術設計獎的黃美 清擔任美術指導,利用塑膠人偶、殘肢、假髮等極富象徵意味的道 具,突顯髮藝店場景的不尋常詭譎氛圍。驚現兇案現場,真假難 分,締造恐怖美學新境界。


台灣 Taiwan / 2016 / 97 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 蔡銀娟 Tsai Yin-chuan 演員 Cast: 范文芳 Fann Wong, 李李仁 Li Li-Ren, 謝飛 Sieh Fei, 莊凱勛 Kaiser Chuang

The wife of Rainbow Salon owner Su is found with her throat slit, and suspicion points to Su who goes on the run with his first love Hsiao-chen. Their former classmate Mei-yu, a journalist, offers to tell their side of the story in an exclusive, but it soon transpires that this mystery may be related to another case in their past. Inspired by a sensational real-life 1960s murder case, Lou Yi-an (A Place of One’s Own) crafts a complex psychological suspense built on white lies and dark truths that gradually uncovers human nature from different angles, keeping the audience guessing to the very end.




*17/10 MON 7:30pm IFC *17/10 MON 9:50pm BC

九歲的男孩葉藍和姊姊葉澄,與父母住在沿海的小漁港。父親是一 家船藝品店的店東,和葉藍感情深厚。一天,葉藍放學回家,赫然 發現爸爸離世,但其死因卻是所有人的禁忌。爸爸離開後,葉藍被 同學欺負;葉澄變得抑鬱憤怒,拒絕和媽媽說話;母親未能接受 丈夫離世,仍然每天為他準備碗筷。某日,葉藍收到父親生前寄來 的古董時鐘,在修理時鐘的過程中,他漸漸了解爸爸的往事和秘 密…… 此為「心靈系列」第二部曲,電影的配樂由《逆光飛翔》的 鋼琴家黃裕翔和金馬得主林尚德編寫,是療癒系導演蔡銀娟繼《候 鳥來的季節》後的新作,教你好好說再見。 Following the acclaimed relationship drama Stilt, director Tsai Yinchuan and producer Isaac Lee gently relate the journey of loss and healing in Packages from Daddy. Nine-year-old Lan lives a peaceful and happy life with his parents and sister in a seaside town. Then his father suddenly passes away, and time stops for this family engulfed in grief. One day, Lan receives a mysterious package sent by his father before his death. Inside is an antique clock whose second hand no longer moves, just like his dad. The young boy decides that he must fix this strange clock in hopes that when its hand moves again, the questions in his heart will also be answered.

Taiwan Select | 59 HANG IN THERE, KIDS! 只要我長大





28/10 FRI 8:00pm APM *29/10 SAT 5:15pm ONE *30/10 SUN 1:00pm BC

台灣 Taiwan / 2016 / 90 min / 國語、泰雅語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Atayal with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow 演員Cast: 黃瀞怡 Esther Huang, 陳宇 Buya Watan, 林晨皓 Watan Silan, 吳瀚業 Suyan Pito 台北電影節百萬首獎,最佳劇情長片,最佳導演獎 Grand Prize, Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Taipei Film Festival

橫掃台北電影獎最佳劇情長片和最佳導演獎等五項大獎,台灣原住 民導演陳潔瑤繼《不一樣的月光:尋找沙韻》後又一部關於原住民 生活的感人小品。三個在部落山林中長大的活潑調皮小男生,相信 著未來的他們必定可以完成一切現在無法做到的事。即使每個人心 中都有一道傷痕,但仍然懷抱夢想,樂觀地和朋友一起共渡快樂時 光。《我的寶貝四千金》黃瀞怡(小薰)、《帶一片風景走》、 《露西》高靖榕、《不一樣的月光》曹世輝等幾個新世代年青演員 主演,更有盧廣仲友情客串。星光拱照加上三名小演員真誠演出, 溶化人心!




台灣,緬甸,法國,德國 Taiwan, Myanmar, France, Germany / 2016 / 108 min / 國語、英語、泰語、緬甸語、雲南方言對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin, English, Thai, Burmese, Yunnan dialect with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演Dir: 趙德胤 Midi Z 演員Cast: 柯震東 Kai Ko, 吳可熙 Wu Ke-Xi 威尼斯影展 威尼斯日 Venice Days, Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival

In her 2011 debut Finding Sayun, aboriginal Taiwanese filmmaker Laha Mehow uncovered the legend and traditional village home of her Atayal ancestors. The big winner of the 18th Taipei Film Festival, her second film continues to depict the lives of Taiwan’s indigenous people, this time through the eyes of three young boys on a remote mountain reservation. The three mischievous, mouthy kids may be constantly running around and raising havoc, but each has family troubles of his own. They’re very fond of their teacher Miss Lawa, a disabled young woman who gave up singing, so when they find her old demo tape, they decide to bring it to Taipei.


*20/10 THU 7:30pm BC *20/10 THU 9:50pm BC

緬甸少女蓮青偷渡到泰國打工,希望賺錢取得護照移民到更好地方 生活。途中遇上同路人阿國,但阿國只想賺夠錢後回家開店,終點 始終有別。為躲避警察二人逃到偏遠紗廠打工,蓮青為賺快錢決心 當性工作者,而充滿無力感的阿國只能默默守在身邊。故事靈感來 自導演在泰國打工的胞姊,沒有過多的音樂鋪染,只透過長鏡頭把 非法移民的悲歌紀實道出卻賺人熱淚。瓦城(曼德勒俗稱)既是 皇朝古都,也是民工回鄉途中買手信的中轉站,只是對男女主角來 說,它已是再見、不再見的命運區別,是繼《冰毒》、《挖玉石的 人》後導演另一探討緬甸低層悲歌的佳作。 The tale of illegal immigrants seeking opportunity in Thailand, Midi Z’s The Road to Mandalay marks the director’s triumphant return to narrative filmmaking. Burmese migrant workers Liangqing and Guo meet when crossing into Thailand, but as their bond grows, their differences are laid bare. The simple Guo wishes to marry and return to Burma, while the determined Liangqing desires a work permit, a passport and wider horizons. What begins as a budding romance between displaced countrymen becomes a sobering look at dreams crushed by reality. Winner of the FEDEORA Award for Best Film at the 73rd Venice Film Festival.

Roman Porno | 63

45th Anniversary Roman Porno 日活羅曼色情電影45週年 上世紀60、70年代,日本電影陷入低靡時期,主流電影發展受阻, 電影公司為吸引觀眾,將色情融入電影,一時大賣。不少知名導演 都從拍攝軟色情電影而展開他們的導演生涯,他們用色情看人性, 講述男女各自的社會壓力和生存困境,在這個情慾不受限的藝術世 界,一切早已超越情慾,直指人心。他們反思自我,反觀社會,拋 開道德包袱,可謂是電影藝術挑戰社會禁錮的一次探索,相較於同 時期獨立製作的低成本粉紅電影,日活羅曼色情電影在手法和內涵 上更勝一籌。 為紀念日活羅曼色情電影45週年,日活電影公司邀請五位日本現今 堪稱中流砥柱的導演分別用自己的風格拍攝一部軟色情電影,遵循 70年代創作六大條件,包括片長限制於80分鐘之內,拍攝限於一週

In commemoration of the 45th anniversary of Nikkatsu Roman Porno, Nikkatsu invited five leading Japanese filmmakers to make their own Roman Porno films following the Roman Porno production rules from 1971. These modern directors’ unique interpretations of sex and love have given a rebirth to Roman Porno. Also, to reflect more progressive social values concerning sex, the project specifically sought to create entertaining Roman Porno films that can be enjoyed by both genders. The HKAFF have selected three films from the Nikkatsu Roman Porno reboot project to be screened in cinemas along with five well-known Roman Porno films from the 1970s. We invite Hong Kong audiences to join HKAFF for a film journey that celebrates art, eroticism and romance.

之間。電影計劃力求重新定義軟色情,在折射現代人對於性文化的 全新態度的同時,更強調兩性對軟色情電影平等的欣賞權利。本年 HKAFF精選其中三部,對照五部70年代極具代表性的作品,新舊搭 配,更放映菲林版本,一睹聲色世界的藝術韻味。


日本 Japan / 2016 / 80 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 園子溫 Sono Sion 演員 Cast: 富手麻妙 Tomite Ami






若論當代日本電影誰對血腥與色情最駕輕就熟,當屬園子溫,從cult 片經典《愛之剝脫》(第六屆),到入圍康城的《戀之罪》,以及最近 的《屍奔女子高校》(第十二屆),寫盡人性陰暗與扭曲,玩轉暴戾 嘩然的血腥場面,挑戰世俗。今次挑選前AKB48研究生富手麻妙拍 軟色情電影,讓人聯想80年代同以暴力色情著稱的導演田中登。不 過相較於前輩的暗喻和諷刺,園子溫更注重的是徹底的打破和絕對 的自由。一位女小說家躲在五彩繽紛、光怪陸離的藝術空間裡,而 她的幻想與現實卻依然漸行漸遠,這裡無政府無秩序、反傳統反常 規,一切都要有待推翻,重新界定。 For his entry into the Roman Porno reboot project, the twisted mastermind behind Love Exposure, Cold Fish and Why Don’t You Play in Hell is turning the Roman Porno formula on its head with a boldly expressionistic psychological drama. In her fifth collaboration with Sono, former AKB48 “research student” Tomite Ami takes on her most audacious role yet as a sheltered novelist caught between reality and her nightmares. Always the rebellious artist, Sono remains true to his sensibilities with a defiantly angry work that reconsiders feminism in cinema, the male gaze on female nudity, and the struggle for true artistic freedom.

64 | Roman Porno WET WOMAN IN THE WIND 濕濡的女人




1/11 TUE 7:50pm BC 12/11 SAT 7:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 2016 / 78 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinses and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 塩田明彥 Shiota Akihiko 演員 Cast: 間宮夕貴 Mamiya Yuki, 永岡佑 Nagaoka Tasuku

羅迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival

向《濕濡的戀人》致敬。作為當代日本電影中堅力量,導演塩田明 彥個人風格強烈,作品《月吟》、《黃泉路》等多關注年輕人內心 的壓抑沈重和對愛情的漫漫求索,刻畫出青春的殘酷和迷茫。在日 活羅曼色情電影45週年之際,導演用自己的創作風格向軟色情電 影引領人物神代辰巳致敬,電影不僅是編導和製作上的懷舊,更是 劇情和主題上的創新,導演從現代視角解構兩性關係,向觀眾詮釋 自己眼中的「性愛」。從東京來的三十多歲作家因為情場失意決定 擺脫女人,在鄉下過無欲無求的「孤島」生活,偏偏遇上一個隨 「性」自由的女人,兩人的挑逗和糾纏,既是情慾的「遊戲」,也 是兩性的「戰爭」。


Tribute to Lovers Are Wet. Better known for his hit melodrama Yomigaeri and big-budget fantasy Dororo, director Shiota Akihiko actually got his start as a student of pink film master Yamatoya Atsushi. Shiota finally employs that training to good use with this lighthearted erotic romp. Shiota’s offbeat ode to female pleasure follows a reclusive playwright and an amorous girl who has locked her sights on him. Shiota is obligated to deliver a sex scene every ten minutes under Roman Porno genre rules, and he delivers more on that promise with a series of over-the-top set pieces that at one point literally brings down the house.



日本 Japan / 1973 / 76min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 神代辰巳 Kumashiro Tatsumi 主演 Cast: 中川里江 Nakagawa Rie, 繪沢萌子 Ezawa Moeko


2/11 WED 7:50pm BC 10/11 THU 7:50pm BC

電影被日本《電影旬報》讚為二十世紀最好的日本電影之一,軟色 情電影代表人物神代辰巳用寫實而露骨的鏡頭展現70年代日本年輕 人的彷徨與消沈。克重返故鄉,在戲院打工度日,但無論面對戲院 女主人還是昔日好友,他都不願承認自己的身分,執意要隱瞞自己 五年間的流浪生活。一次暴雨之後,全身濕透的克搭上了戲院女老 闆,但壓抑無聊的生活並沒有因此改變,不久他遇上一對年輕奔放 的情侶光夫和洋子,克沈默而倔強的個性似乎吸引了喜歡追求新鮮 刺激的洋子… 在這個總是陰雨綿綿的漁港小鎮,一切都似乎蒙上一 層灰暗陰沈的色彩,三個年輕人到底能為各自的人生尋找到什麼? After spending years away, a lone drifter returns to his hometown. While everyone recognizes him, the drifter refuses to acknowledge his true identity and begins to act out anti-social behaviors. One of the most successful pink film directors of his time, Kumashiro Tatsumi epitomized the artistic freedom that Roman Porno directors enjoyed despite studio-imposed restrictions. In the case of this unabashedly unconventional film – named one of the best Japanese films of the 20th century by Kinema Junpo – Kumashiro openly mocked Japan’s censorship body by literally scratching out nude body parts on the master film print.

Roman Porno | 65 AROUSED BY GYMNOPEDIES 撩亂的裸舞曲




3/11 THU 7:50pm BC 11/11 FRI 7:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 2016 / 81min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 行定勳 Yukisada Isao 演員 Cast: 板尾創路 Itao Itsuji, Aashina Sumire, 岡村泉 Okamura Izumi

釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival

向《愛情酒店》致敬。以浪漫愛情著稱的行定勳,首次拍攝未曾涉 及的軟色情電影,細膩多情同時不失辛辣嘲諷。電影從陽光燦爛的 星期一開始,結束在同樣明媚的星期六,鋼琴聲動聽悅耳,盆栽綠 意盎然,但這一切對於生活在其中的人,到底是美夢,是傷痛,還 是諷刺?窮困潦倒的中年導演,渴望拍出高水準作品,卻苦於資金 不足,女主角又臨時退出。誰知他事業受阻,豔福卻不淺,不論是 女演員還是女學生紛紛對他投懷送抱。他們肉體雖然無限貼近,心 靈卻無限遙遠。他依舊鬱鬱寡歡,表面上極度荒唐潦倒,內心卻埋

Tribute to Love Hotel. Shinji is a has-been deadbeat filmmaker with no career, a terrible reputation and too many affairs to count. However, our sleazy hero also cares deeply for his dying wife, the only person in this world that gives his life meaning. An assistant director on Iwai Shunji’s Love Letter and the director of Crying Out for Love in the Center of the World, Yukisada Isao brings an unlikely pure love twist to his Roman Porno project, which also has the distinction of being a rare pink film to boast a female screenwriter.

藏了一份無法承受的痛。何謂愛?何謂慾?導演要給觀眾的不是答 案,而是一段觸及靈魂的故事。


日本 Japan / 1985 / 88min /日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 相米慎二 Shinji Somai 演員 Cast: 寺田農 Terada Minori, 速水典子 Hayami Noriko




4/11 FRI 7:40pm BC 13/11 SUN 7:40pm BC

Angel Guts 系列最後一部,較於之前的幾部,愛情酒店體現出更為 深層的絕望,一切似乎只能在癲狂中尋找解脫。步入中年的村木哲 郎遭遇公司倒閉,而前來收數的黑社會在他面前強姦了他的妻子。 萬念俱灰的他找來應召女郎明美,打算強迫明美一同赴死,但面對 明美的絕望掙扎,村木落荒而逃,兩年後,轉行做計程車司機的村 木意外重遇明美,跟蹤她來到海邊,見到她獨自在岸邊徘徊,哼唱 著淒美的歌,企圖在此結束生命……兩個同是天涯淪落人,在彼此 的身上重新找到慰藉和尊嚴。而這在黑夜中找到的一絲光亮,到底 會否帶來希望? Better known in pop culture as the director of landmark Kadokawa idol film Sailor Suit and Machine Gun, director Shinji Somai took a 180-degree turn after hit youth drama Typhoon Club with one of the most subversive films in the Roman Porno series. When the Yakuza exacts a brutal punishment on his wife for an outstanding debt, Tetsuro breaks down and unloads his pain by attacking a prostitute. When the two meet again two years later, they embark on a heartrending journey that forces them to face their respective traumas head-on.

66 | Roman Porno THE WORLD OF GEISHA 四疊半的藝伎世界




6/11 SUN 3:45pm BC 8/11 TUE 7:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 1973 / 72min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 神代辰巳 Kumashiro Tatsumi 演員 Cast: 宮下順子 Miyashita Junko, 江角英明 Esumi Eimei, 丘奈保美 Oka Naomi

俄國十月革命,世界戰亂兵燹,日本國內亦是動盪不安。全國各地 「米騷動」不斷,但對於藝伎和她們的客人而言那只是號外上每天 更新的消息而已。紙醉金迷的歌舞場只有最豔麗的和服和最蠢蠢欲 動的肉體,她們奉守「把男人當作金錢」的規條,卻有年輕藝伎愛 上她的第一位客人,漸漸沈醉於這聲色世界無法自拔,又有年老色 衰的藝伎眼看他人升為貴客的情人,自己的寂寞卻無法排解…… 電影畫面色彩絢麗,搭配低靡而略帶沙啞的日本傳統歌曲,70年代的 導演神代辰巳用彩色菲林展現了大正時代藝伎世界的繽紛與萎靡。

ANGEL GUTS: RED CLASSROOM 赤之教室 日本 Japan / 1979 / 79min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 曾根中生 Sone Chusei 演員 Cast: 水原由紀 Yuuki Mizuhara, 蟹江敬三 Kanie Keizo

Kumashiro Tatsumi tells a riveting tale of sex and love amidst political turmoil in this 1973 Roman Porno classic. Set during the period of unrest that followed the Russo-Japanese War, The World of Geisha examines Japan’s political climate and the rise of imperialism through the eyes of several geishas and their clients. Adapted from a novel by Nagai Kafu, this subversively political film carries Kumashiro’s signature trademarks: a nonlinear narrative, striking editing style and a fiercely ideological attitude. A truly unique product of its time, The World of Geisha was embraced by both audiences and mainstream film critics, including François Truffaut.




6/11 SUN 2:00pm BC 9/11 WED 7:50pm BC

在一間私人小型影院裡,一群男人正貪婪地觀看一部描寫學園強姦 案的小電影,在座的色情雜誌老闆村木哲郎被女主角悲傷的神情深 深打動,四處尋找她的下落卻未能如願,沒想到有一天竟在一間旅 店遇到做接待員的她,但眼前的這位美人早已因為往事陷入極度的 失望,自暴自棄。原來電影中的強姦鏡頭是真實發生的。然而,村 木真誠的愛打動了她,兩人相約第二天再見,村木卻未能赴約。三 年後兩人再次相遇,卻早已物是人非……「性」對於電影中的人物不 再只是慾望,而更像是麻醉,導演曾根中生拍翻色情產業,在難以 派遣的悲傷和宿命感之外,還夾雜著一絲對於荒誕社會的嘲諷和失望。 Based on comic books by artist-filmmaker Ishii Takashi, Angel Guts is a series of nine films under Nikkatsu’s Roman Porno brand. In one of its most provocative entries, Red Classroom follows a reporter who becomes obsessed with “saving” a porn star after discovering that the rape porn that she starred in was in fact real. Sone Chusei’s edgy and psychologically complex Vertigo-esque mystery transcends the borders of exploitation cinema by exploring the psyche of a traumatized woman and the danger of obsession.

Roman Porno | 67 WALKER IN ATTIC 江户川亂步獵奇館




5/11 SAT 7:50pm BC 7/11 MON 7:50pm BC

日本 Japan /1976 /76min/ 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles 導演 Dir: 田中登 Tanaka Noboru 演員 Cast: 宮下順子 Miyashita Junko, 石橋蓮司 Ishibashi Renji

電影系列《江戶川亂步全集》中最能體現心理陰暗的一部,取材自 江戶川早期推理小說,片中的人物因飢渴而兇殘,又因滿足而放 縱,每每於情愛的高潮,墜入罪惡的深淵,而結局出人意料。電影 插入一段紀錄片,人間一片荒涼淒慘,但時代的荒唐和人性的醜惡 永無法消散。在血與罪之間,導演田中登處處道盡情慾,卻又處處 超越情慾。20年代,在東京的一棟破舊公寓裡,男租客常常潛伏在 屋脊上透過天花板偷窺其他租客的生活。一次,他竟看到公寓女主 人謀殺一位租客的過程,興奮之餘,他竟因此迷上了女主人,更為 了討好她,策劃了一系列謀殺……

Set in the Taisho era, the critically acclaimed second film of Tanaka Noboru’s Showa trilogy depicts a boarding house populated by odd tenants. The oddest of them all is Goda, who peeps on other tenants from the attic through holes in the ceiling. When he witnesses boarding house owner Lady Minako commit murder, he falls so deeply in love with her that he decides to follow her footsteps. Tanaka embraces author Rampo Edogawa’s signature blend of eroticism and grotesque, creating an atmospheric mind-bender that set the mold for future adaptations of Rampo’s works.

日活羅曼色情電影45週年座談會 Roman Porno 45th Anniversary Seminar

色情電影是錯是對?凌駕在道德層面的審判會導致潛在的性別歧 視,而這背後隱藏的,則是傳統對女性的性壓抑和性霸凌。有趣的 是45年過後,羅曼色情電影這主題交在新一代日本電影人手上, 皆不約而同出現男女主次對換的情節,女性從被觀賞窺視,走向自 我意識獨立。電影不再單純滿足男性的需求,而能使兩性平等地欣 賞,滿足各自的需求。隨著女性整體社會地位的覺醒,女性在色情 方面從被動走向主動,越來越多的女性願意欣賞色情電影,不可否 認,色情文化和性釋放對於女性同具意義。社會肯定女性情慾文化 的合理性是大勢所趨。 Instead of discriminating against female characters, some Roman Porno explore the inner struggles and societal pressure of women in a manner more profound than contemporary mainstream films. From the male gaze to female independence, the new Roman Porno visits these themes and explores equality between males and females in sex and love. This talk invites the audience to learn more about Roman Porno and its social background, and gain a clearer perspective on how female characters are depicted in these films.

日期 Date: 6-Nov 時間 Time: 5pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心1樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

68 | Activities

Activities | 活動 西藏電影座談會暨《塔洛》新書發佈會 Tibetan Film Talk x Book Launch of Tharlo 青藏高原上幾千年的文明,一直屹立在港人遙不可及的 山嶺之上。藏語電影除了展現藏族生活及文化,更探究 深植藏人心中的宗教文化,闡述更深層次的佛學思想。 外表粗獷滄桑,內心穩重平靜,藏人的關係、情慾、矛 盾等,都極少出現在鎂光燈下。常人難以感受的藏人生 活,卻透過攝影機真切地紀錄下來。但藏族文化,在洪 洪的時代烈焰洗禮下,已逐漸褪色。在燃燒炲燼的一 天,又有多少文化能被完美留存?香港和西藏,其實也 只是咫尺之遙。

日期 Date: 23-Oct 時間 Time: 5:45pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心1樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓Guest: 萬瑪才旦 Pema Tseden, 張揚 Zhang Yang 松太加 Sonthar Gyal * 普通話進行,費用全免 Conducted in Putonghua. Free of Charge.

內地獨立電影概況座談會 Film Talk: Chinese Independent Cinema

中國電影蓄勢待發,同時也處於複雜多樣的發展環境, 面對豐富的歷史人文資源,逐漸開闊的國際視野,不 斷演變的社會結構和較為嚴苛的審查制度等現狀,新導 演如何看待中國電影未來?又如何在其中找到自己的位 置?他們最希望拍出怎樣的中國?而在現今的商業化浪 潮下,如何堅守藝術又抓住時機?中國新一代導演會給 電影藝術一個怎樣的全新答案? 日期 Date: 29-Oct 時間Time: 5:45pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心1樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓Guest: 劉雨霖 Liu Yu-lin, 李雲波 Li Yun-bo, 邢健 Xing Jian, 葉雲 Ye Yun

Modern Chinese cinema is developing in a complicated environment, encompassing rich cultural and historical resources, growing international communication, changing social structures, a rapidlygrowing domestic film market and a strict censorship system. Under these conditions, what is Chinese cinema to these new director? How would they like to depict China? What is the future of Chinese cinema from their perspective, and how will they find their place in it? And how can they express their serious artistic aspirations in a film market as exceedingly commercial as China’s? * 普通話進行,費用全免 Conducted in Putonghua. Free of Charge.

Activities | 69

朝鮮半島的怪異迷思 The Uncanny Myth of Korea

南韓人視「速度」與「發展」為爭取成功的金科玉律,可以為了研 發更高科技的通訊系統,不惜把一切耽誤前進的阻力,以推土機的 方式夷平。但是,南韓社會最矛盾糾結之處,就是在擁有最令人驚 嘆高科技的同時,社會上卻保留著極大量匪疑所思的封建偏執與人 民內部衝突。 今天南韓不少位於鄉郊偏遠地區,仍有大量老人篤信傳統巫術「薩 滿教」;南韓家長們視那一場大學修學能力試為改變生命軌跡的唯 一途徑,數十萬的子女因而人人也被改造成失去靈魂的「考試機 器」;五千萬南韓人生命上的最大禁忌,不是性,而是與他們流著 相同民族血液的北韓。 透過金基德的《脫不了北的人》、《贏在入U前》、《我們倆》, 及《哭聲》,讓我們以這四份文本,跟著箇中「矛盾」,反思南韓 人心靈中最脆弱一環。

日期Date: 22-Oct 時間Time: 5:45pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心 1樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓Guest: 鍾樂偉 Steve Chung *粵語進行,費用全免 Conducted in Cantonese. Free of Charge.

70 | Ticketing Information & Screening Venues

Ticketing Information & Screening Venues 購票須知





九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站C出口) Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon. (Yau Ma Tei MTR station - Exit C)

九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 6-11樓 (港鐵尖沙咀站B1或B2出口) 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station – Exit B1 or B2)



優惠票價 DISCOUNT PRICE $68 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $65 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Children ticket)

優惠票價 DISCOUNT PRICE $80 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $80 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Children ticket)

* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and

* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and

online ticketing.

online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing:



星期六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket

星期六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket

(on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

(on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002 會員專線 Member Hotline: 2783 7004

查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

Ticketing Information & Screening Venues | 71

影片等級 Film Categories 本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之電影尚未獲電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處評列等級, 如有電影被列為三級者,主辦單位將於戲院及售票網頁上公佈,敬請留意。 The categories of all the films in the program are not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinema and



九龍觀塘道418號創紀之城五期apm 6樓 L6-1舖 Shop No. L6-1, Level 6, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 票價 TICKET PRICE $85 優惠票價 DISCOUNT PRICE $72 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $70 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Children ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.



香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 (港鐵香港站F出口) Podium Level 1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong. (Hong Kong MTR Station - Exit F) 票價 TICKET PRICE $95 優惠票價 DISCOUNT PRICE $80 (百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member) $80 (長者/小童票 Senior Citizen/ Children ticket) * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

online ticketing.


網上購票 Online Ticketing:

星期六、日及公眾假期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188

(on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

*網上及電話購票均需收取手續費:所有場次每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone:$10 per ticket for all screenings

查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 6268

72 | Screening Schedule

Screening Schedule 放映時間表 date


13.10 THU




7:40 PM

8:00 PM

*7:20 PM

七月與安生 Soul Mate

*9:40 PM

七月與安生 Soul Mate

*7:30 PM

一念無明 Mad World

*9:25 PM

一念無明 Mad World

14.10 FRI

*7:30 PM

三伏天 Dog Days

9:50 PM

密探 The Age of Shadows

15.10 SAT

脫不了北的人 The Net

9:30 PM

給兒子的安魂曲 Nagasaki: Memories of My Son

2:45 PM

2:20 PM

5:00 PM

5:20 PM

*4:50 PM

7:15 PM

10:20 PM

密探 The Age of Shadows

少女 Night’s Tightrope 戀人們 Three Stories of Love

脫不了北的人 The Net

給兒子的安魂曲 Nagasaki: Memories of My Son

三伏天 Dog Days

愛上兩個你 Yourself and Yours

11:59 pm

午夜狂熱馬拉松 Midnight Marathon

16.10 SUN

2:00 PM

少女 Night’s Tightrope

2:10 PM

海之神兵 Momotaro, SaCred Sailors

*影人出席 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.

如此,如此這般 Something like, Something like it

Screening Schedule | 73 date



16.10 SUN

6:20 PM

4:40 PM

8:15 PM

7:00 PM

9:50 PM

9:50 PM

在我等之時唱首歌 Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait 被放逐的回憶 Exil 愛上兩個你 Yourself and Yours

17.10 MON

18.10 TUE

愛情,突如其來 Over the Fence

如此,如此這般 Something like, Something like it

*7:30 PM

心靈時鐘 Packages from Daddy

愛情,突如其來 Over the Fence

身後仕 Apprentice

9:50 PM

9:50 PM

8:10 PM

*7:30 PM

8:15 PM

7:20 PM

*7:40 PM

海之神兵 Momotaro, SaCred Sailors

突擊死亡局 Headshot

身後仕 Apprentice

被放逐的回憶 Exil

不道德的夫妻 Dreams for sale

*7:30 PM

再見瓦城 The Road to Mandalay

贏在入U前 Reach for the Sky

*9:50 PM

吹不響的小風琴 Harmonium

7:30 PM

8:00 PM

9:50 PM

9:50 PM

下眾之愛 Lowlife Love 給兒子的安魂曲 Nagasaki: Memories of My Son

伴生 Snuggle

9:50 PM

再見瓦城 The Road to Mandalay

21.10 FRI

回鄉BAND友 Mohican Comes Home

9:50 PM

9:40 PM

20.10 THU

7:35 PM

*7:30 PM

愛情,突如其來 Over the Fence

19.10 WED

7:40 PM

哭聲 The Wailing

伴生 Snuggle

心靈時鐘 Packages from daddy


回鄉BAND友 Mohican Comes Home

*7:50 PM

*9:50 PM


失控謊言 White Lies, Black Lies 戀人們 Three Stories of Love

7:30 PM

黑警VS殺人狂 Psycho Raman

8:00 PM

下眾之愛 Lowlife Love

74 | Screening Schedule



22.10 SAT

1:00 PM




脫不了北的人 The Net

3:10 PM

4:00 PM

5:45 PM

6:15 PM

哭聲 The Wailing 朝鮮半島的怪異 迷思座談會 the uncanny myth OF korea

吹不響的小風琴 Harmonium 愛上兩個你 yourself and yours

6:00 PM

*5:00 PM 河 River

*7:10 PM


岡仁波齊 Paths of the Soul

8:00 PM

*9:40 PM

贏在入U前 Reach for the Sky

皮繩上的魂 Soul On A String

9:50 PM

我們倆 The World of Us

23.10 SUN

*1:00 PM

皮繩上的魂 Soul On A String

1:00 PM

1:50 PM

唱出我自由 Junction 48

Design 76小時 Heart Attack

*3:40 PM

3:00 PM

5:45 PM

5:25 PM

塔洛 Tharlo

西藏電影座談會 TibetAN FILM TALK

不道德的丈夫 The Long Excuse 不道德的夫妻 Dreams for sale

*6:00 PM 伴生 Snuggle

*8:00 PM 河 River

*9:50 PM

岡仁波齊 Paths of the Soul

24.10 MON

*7:10 PM

不道德的丈夫 The Long Excuse

*9:50 PM 蛇野莓 Wild Berries

*7:10 PM 塔洛 Tharlo

9:50 PM 美圖BB Album

*影人出席 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.

7:40 PM 我的毒男叔叔 My Uncle

Screening Schedule | 75





25.10 TUE

*7:20 PM

7:40 PM

7:50 PM

吊橋上的祕密 Sway

我們倆 The World of Us

*9:50 PM

7:30 PM

吊橋上的祕密 Sway

唱出我自由 Junction 48

9:45 PM

親愛的醫生 Dear Doctor

26.10 WED


你往何處去 Where are you Going

9:50 PM

8:00 PM

犯罪天后 Queen of Crime

失控謊言 White Lies, Black Lies

9:50 PM

Design 76 小時 Heart Attack

27.10 THU

7:45 PM

蛇野莓 Wild Berries

8:15 PM #BKKY

9:50 PM

9:55 PM

*7:10 PM

8:00 PM

9:50 PM

10:00 PM

*9:40 PM

怒 Rage

你往何處去 Where are you Going

29.10 SAT

幸福澡堂 Her Love Boils Bathwater

9:50 PM

親愛的醫生 Dear Doctor

28.10 FRI

7:30 PM

我的毒男叔叔 My Uncle

老石 Old Stone

在我等之時唱首歌 Hema Hema: Sing Me a Song While I Wait

突擊死亡局 Headshot

8:00 PM

只要我長大 Hang in there, Kids!

一念無明 Mad World

*1:00 PM

呼吸正常 Something in Blue

*3:20 PM

對看 Look Love

*2:10 PM 怒 Rage

5:45 PM


6:00 PM

*5:15 PM

5:50 PM

*8:00 PM

*7:25 PM

*7:25 PM

*9:50 PM

*9:40 PM

*9:50 PM

美圖BB Album

冬 Seven Days

一句頂一萬句 Someone to Talk to

只要我長大 Hang in there, Kids! 入黑之時 By the Time It Gets Dark 打到甩廢 Destruction Babies

老石 Old Stone 渺如黃雀 A Yellow Bird

獨 alone

7:25 PM

幸福澡堂 Her Love Boils Bathwater

76 | Screening Schedule




30.10 SUN

*1:00 PM

*2:00 PM

*3:10 PM

*3:50 PM

只要我長大 Hang in there, Kids!

冬 Seven Days

渺如黃雀 A Yellow Bird

對看 Look Love

*5:40 PM

*5:00 PM

*7:50 PM

*7:25 PM

獨 Alone

入黑之時 By the Time It Gets Dark Blue


一句頂一萬句 Someone to Talk to 呼吸正常 Something in Blue

*9:50 PM

打到甩廢 Destruction Babies

31.10 MON

7:15 PM

我不是潘金蓮 I Am Not Madame Bovary

7:20 PM

我不是潘金蓮 I Am Not Madame Bovary

7:50 PM

犯罪天后 Queen of Crime

*9:45 PM 29+1

*9:55 PM 29+1

*影人出席 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.


Screening Schedule | 77



01.11 TUE

7:50 PM

02.11 WED

7:50 PM

03.11 THU

7:50 PM

04.11 FRI

7:40 PM

05.11 SAT

7:50 PM

06.11 SUN

2:00 PM

07.11 MON

7:50 PM

08.11 TUE

7:50 PM

09.11 WED

7:50 PM

10.11 THU

7:50 PM

11.11 FRI

7:50 PM

12.11 SAT

7:50 PM

13.11 SUN

7:40 PM


濕濡的女人 Wet Woman in the Wind

濕濡的戀人 Lovers are Wet

撩亂的裸舞曲 Aroused by Gymnopedies

愛情酒店 Love Hotel

江户川亂步獵奇館 Walker in Attic

赤之教室 Angel Guts: Red Classroom

3:45 PM

四疊半的藝伎世界 The World of Geisha

江户川亂步獵奇館 Walker in Attic

四疊半的藝伎世界 The World of Geisha

赤之教室 Angel Guts: Red Classroom

濕濡的戀人 Lovers are Wet

撩亂的裸舞曲 Aroused by Gymnopedies

濕濡的女人 Wet Woman in the Wind

愛情酒店 Love Hotel

5:00 PM

日活羅曼色情電影45週年座談會 ROMAN PORNO 45th Anniversary Seminar

78 | Credits

Credits | 鳴謝 影展總監

Gary Mak

Festival Director:


Didi Wu

Festival Programmer:


Phoebe Chiu

Festival Publicist:

Priscilla Chung

Ray Tse Olivia Yang Sindy Lam


Terry Wong




Art Director & Booklet Designer:



Website Designer:


Joycelyn Choi

Trailer Producer & Editor:

Chan Chin Ho Gin Jin Hoi Law

場刊文字 Booklet Writers:

Monica Ding


Tokyo Chiu

特別嗚謝 Special Thanks:

Festival Officer:


Harriet Chan

Censorship Coordinator:

Festival Photographer:

Festival Manager:



Carol Hui Chan Ying Ying, Harriet Cheung Ming Yee Ding Zi Xuan Kevin Ma Marinella Li Ross Chen Shelley Cheung Timmy Chih-Ting Chen Yoki Lee

Abby Chung Abbey Wong Alan Lam Amanda Tam Anne-Sophie Le-hec Anson Ho Ben Kwok Berry Ng Chan Sze Kit Chloe Luo Derek Ha Dicky Leung Esther Yeung Eunice Ching Fumiko Nagata Grace Wu Ho Ka Ming Jay Lai Jazz Lung 排名不分先後 In alphabetical order

Jenny Cheung Jessica Yeung Jim Lee Joe Wong John Badalu Judith Kwong Kearen Pang Mandy Lam Ng Ka Po Rita Chung Steve Chung Steven Chan Tammy Lau Ting Mak Tracy Cheung Venus Fong Willa Wong Yang Yang

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