HKAFF 2017 booklet

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Asian Film Festival 2017

10.31 - 11.20

Hong Kong


AMC Pacific Place / Broadway Cinematheque Broadway The ONE / MY CINEMA YOHO MALL PALACE apm / PALACE ifc

Sponsors and Acknowledgement 贊助及鳴謝


Official Water:

Accommodation Partner:

Fully Supported by:

Media Partners:

Special Thanks:

In Association with:

Exclusive Sponsor for New Talent Award:

Tote Bag Sponsor:

Festival Partners:

Paper Sponsor:

Official TV Partner:

Opening Film 開幕電影 MOVIE


In Your Dreams 以青春的名義

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 97 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 譚惠貞 Tam Wai-ching 演員 Cast: 劉嘉玲 Carina Lau, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin,

電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund


*31/10 7:30pm PP *31/10 9:40pm PP *17/11 9:50pm ONE

謝君豪 Tse Kwan-ho

曾參與過《危城》、《掃毒》編劇的譚惠貞首次執導已非 常夠膽,引來劉嘉玲垂青,更身兼監製和女主角,與飾演 其學生的新世代演員吳肇軒發展一段曖昧忘年戀,透過這 段微妙師生關係,揭示都市人的兩種寂寞。在張子行的記 憶裏,有著一個既陌生又熟悉的女子背影;在葉若美的生 命裏,有著一個既熟悉又陌生的老公,一晚在泳池的相 遇,二人踏入了對方的秘密世界,遊走在親情、愛情、友 情的邊緣,以青春的名義。


Opening Film

In the footsteps of Mad World and Weeds on Fire, young filmmaker Tam Wai-ching is ready for her time in the spotlight with this entry in the Hong Kong government’s First Feature Film Initiative project. Heng is a high school student whose mother abandoned the family eight years ago. You Mei is a teacher whose husband is having an affair. When You Mei becomes the temporary teacher at Heng's school, the two lonely souls develop an affectionate bond that may be love. This provocative story of young love is led by an alluring performance by Carina Lau, who also serves as a producer of the film.

Opening Film 開幕電影 MOVIE


Somewhere Beyond the Mist 藍天白雲

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 86 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 張經緯 Cheung King-wai 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung,

電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund 釜山電影節,新潮流競賽單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival


*31/10 7:35pm PP *31/10 9:40pm PP *17/11 7:45pm ONE

李任燊 Kyle Li

靈感源自2000年紐約駭人案件,17歲香港少女找來黑人 男友謀殺自己雙親。憑《音樂人生》奪得香港電影金像獎 新晉導演獎的張經緯首部劇情長片,把泯滅人性的事件分 拆重組,移至最被遺忘的北區角落,再加入探員的視點, 對比出中產、底層兩種永不相容的生活。無情的階級, 冷漠的命運,將一殺一救的二人無形地繫在一起。電影不 囿於懸疑類型的框架,細膩呈現血腥之下的壓抑心理; 層層剖析殺戮背後的痛苦宿命,入木三分、發人深省,拍 出獨有風格。

A pregnant policewoman is assigned to investigate the case of a teenage girl who has killed her parents. Her interactions with the girl and the search for the truth revive a long-dormant secret that has been living inside of her. Best known for acclaimed documentaries KJ and The Taste of Youth, director Cheung King-wai presents a much darker side of today’s troubled youth with his first feature-length dramatic narrative film. Loosely based on a true story, this grim and engrossing whydunit is a disturbing shocker about redemption, fate, and the lengths we go in our constant search of a better life.

Opening Film


Closing Film 閉幕電影 MOVIE


The White Girl 白色女孩

意大利都靈電影節,競賽單元 | In Competition, Torino Film Festival 倫敦影展 | BFI London Film Festival 金馬影展 | Golden Horse Film Festival

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 97 min / 粵語、日語、英語、普通話對白, 中英文字幕 In Cantonese, Japanese, English, and Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 白海 Jenny Suen, 杜可風 Christopher Doyle 演員 Cast: 袁澧林 Angela Yuen, 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe,


*20/11 8:00pm BC *20/11 10:00pm BC

姚學智 Jeff Yiu, 白只 Michael Ning

在香港最後一條漁村,珠明村聚滿各種童話故事的角 色——音樂家、街童及對太陽過敏的女孩,女孩想逃避嚴 父,出走時遇上來自異地的謎樣男,那時更多外來者想打 漁村的主意,當歷史文化開始被掠奪,村民們只看金錢和 利益,卻不知珠明村已逐漸消失。國際攝影大師杜可風繼 《香港三部曲》傾聽街頭的聲音後,與身兼藝術家、作家 及獨立電影人的白海奔往香港最後一片淨土——大澳,以 超現實的鏡頭把變異景觀一一攝下;日本小生小田切讓跨 國演出,與文青女神袁澧林還有白只和姚學智,於熱帶氣 旋籠罩的黑色童話中,一起踏上尋找心底聲音之旅。


Closing Film

After working together on Hong Kong Trilogy, renowned cinematographer Christopher Doyle and first-time director Jenny Suen team up again for the visually and emotionally beguiling drama The White Girl. Born with a sun allergy, the White Girl lives in the disappearing fishing community of Pearl Village, and all she wants to do is escape. At night, she meets a mysterious Japanese outsider by the sea, and her world begins to grow bigger. Meanwhile, her only friend, an inquisitive young boy, catches on to the connection between the village chief and a group of visiting property developers.

Closing Film 閉幕電影 MOVIE


Love Education 相愛相親

釜山電影節 閉幕電影 Closing Film, Busan International Film Festival

金馬獎 最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳男女主角等7項提名 | Nominated for 7 Golden Horse Awards including Best Feature Film and Best Director

中國、台灣 China, Taiwan / 2017 / 120 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang 演員 Cast: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 田壯壯 Tian Zhuang Zhuang,


*20/11 7:25pm BC *20/11 9:50pm BC

郎月婷 Lang Yue-Ting, 吳彥姝 Estelle Wu

在《20 30 40》中,張艾嘉以三個數字探討都市女性愛得 精彩的內心矛盾,新作則回歸家庭,藉三位女角的愛情悲 歌展現跨世代女性的美麗與哀愁。郎月婷飾演的女兒薇薇 已到適婚年齡,在感情和工作之間不能取捨;張艾嘉飾演 的母親年屆退休之齡,受著更年期荷爾蒙變化之苦;吳彥 姝飾演的九旬姥姥也不好過,孤獨活著幾十年,總是慣性 地壓下心中感受。母女情,隔代親,隨著母親/婆婆/二奶 的離世,掀起各人心中的漣漪,化解彼此心結。發生在她 們身上的故事簡單真實,除了張艾嘉自導自演,還有名導 田壯壯粉墨登場,攝影指導李屏賓、美術指導文念中、音 樂創作人黃韻玲也繼《心動》後再次合作,給觀眾帶來最 深情的溫暖和悸動。

Sylvia Chang writes, directs and stars in this drama about three generations of women and their love. Weiwei is of marital age but her relationship with a pub singer is mired by family disapproval and intrusions from the past. Facing impending retirement, Weiwei’s agitated mother constantly argues with her daughter and takes her husband for granted. Nearing 90, Laolao has been alone for years, silently upholding a marriage on her own. With the passing of Weiwei’s grandmother and the revelation of a yesteryear romance, these three women begin to change as they reassess love and come to better know each other and themselves.

Closing Film


Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 MOVIE


The Empty Hands 空手道

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 90 min / 粵語、日語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 杜汶澤 Chapman To 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 杜汶澤 Chapman To,


*1/11 9:50pm PP *4/11 2:30pm BC

倉田保昭 Kurata Yasuaki, 歐錦棠 Stephen Au

出身空手道世家的港日混血兒平川真理,因喪父、失戀而 一蹶不振,在杜汶澤飾演的師傅地獄式訓練和激勵下越戰 越強,最大敵人原來是自己。本身是空手道高手的杜汶澤 當上導演不再搞笑,化身監製、導演、編劇、主演、武術 指導, 執意拍攝武術搏擊嚴肅題材,邀請自己師傅、空手 道七段的倉田保昭和武術愛好者歐錦棠上場,拍出獨有韻 味。執導筒猶如拾起空手道袍,純粹想挑戰自己。


Gala Presentation

Actor Chapman To may be best known for being a funnyman, but he’s also an avid student of karate with a black belt. After making two comedies behind the camera, To brings his passion for the sport to the big screen for this third directorial effort. In a radical departure from her usual romantic comedies, Stephy Tang stars as a young woman who tries to sell the karate dojo owned by her late father, only to find out that half of it belongs to one of his former pupils. Battered on all fronts in life, she is encouraged to regain her fighting spirit by stepping into the ring.

Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 MOVIE


The Brink 狂獸

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 100 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李子俊 Jonathan Li 演員 Cast: 張晉 Zhang Jin, 余文樂 Shawn Yue, 吳樾 Wu Yue,

釜山電影節,午夜激情 Midnight Passion, Busan International Film Festival


*2/11 9:40pm PP *2/11 9:50pm PP

倉田保昭 Kurata Yasuaki, 文詠珊 Janice Man, 蘇麗珊 Cecilia So

《殺破狼II》黃金組合黃柏高、鄭保瑞、李忠志和張晉 再組班,《狂獸》以兄弟相殘、警匪鬥爭的元素為題, 余文樂首次演反派,扮演窮兇極惡的漁民走私集團頭子江 貴成,和文詠珊合演一對盜賊情侶,為了撈起水底秘密黑 市金庫不擇手段;張晉飾演兇猛好鬥的重案督察西狗, 對江貴成咬住唔放。張晉與臥底好兄弟吳樾反目成仇, 余文樂親身上陣演出隻揪張晉,終極海上廝殺邊個會贏? 曾為鄭保瑞的《狗咬狗》、《軍雞》擔當副導的李子俊 無懼風浪,拳腳戲由水上打到入水底,挑戰動作電影最大 極限。

Longtime assistant director Jonathan Li makes his directorial debut with this uncompromising action thriller. Tung is a reckless police inspector who is dead set on bringing down Shing, a smuggler of black market gold. When he learns that Shing is going after a kingpin’s underwater gold vault, Tung takes to the high seas to get his prey. Backed by producer Soi Cheang – who worked with Li on Dog Eat Dog and Shamo – and action choreographer Nicky Li Chung-chi, Jonathan Li has created a spectacular action showcase for Zhang Jin and Shawn Yue with this intense and action-packed tale of beast versus beast.

Gala Presentation


Special Presentation 特別推介 MOVIE


Tomorrow is Another Day 黃金花

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 91 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳大利 Chan Tai-lee 演員 Cast: 毛舜筠 Teresa Mo, 呂良偉 Ray Lui, 凌文龍 Ling Man-lung,


*13/11 9:40pm ONE *13/11 9:50pm ONE

*14/11 7:45pm BC *15/11 7:45pm IFC

冼色麗 Bonnie Xian

《狂舞派》編劇陳大利,首次自編自導,再度譜出一個香 港小社區的真誠動人小故事。中年屋邨師奶,與老公過著 日復日刻板的生活,唯一不同的是,他們有一個患有中度 自閉加輕度弱智的兒子。隨著孩子長大,身心開始敵不過 他的神經反抗,看著身上一道道被兒子劃破的疤痕,愛儘 管多深,也有想放棄的一剎。男人終究喜歡逃避,老公偷 食鄰家少女,丟下母子一走了之。面對如此衝擊,能如何 走下去?毛舜筠演技毋庸置疑,加上幾個實力派演員劉美 君、呂良偉助陣,令電影更溫馨動人。首次出演電影的香 港話劇團演員凌文龍更是技驚四座,不容忽視!


Special Presentation

Mrs. Wong knows her husband is carrying on an affair, but for the sake of their marriage and autistic son, she has chosen to silently endure. However, the mistress comes to disturb them, and in the end, Mr. Wong leaves home after a fight. Feeling at a loss and struggling to watch over her son by herself, Mrs. Wong begins to plot ways to take revenge against the mistress, but her plans get discovered by other housewives. Screenwriter Chan Tai-lee, who has worked on The Way We Dance and the Ip Man series, makes his directorial debut with an affecting look at how an ordinary middle-aged mother copes with domestic crisis and finds a new path for herself.

Special Presentation 特別推介 MOVIE


Light Up 燈亮時

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 73 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 羅展凰 Deniece Law

這個世界並不完美,生命總有瑕疵,更遑論有些人看不 見、說不到、走不動。視障人士Joanna和King面對不能 逆轉的視力衰退,內心一直耿耿於懷;自小已聽不見聲音 的包包無法用言語跟人溝通,卻希望有朝一日用說話感動 他人;因大腦麻痺症而要坐輪椅的Hazel長期忍受身體痛 楚,更一度失去人生方向。四人的生命不乏困難與障礙, 卻共同覓得一個釋放自己的出口—「演出」,讓他們有 力量繼續走下去。本片紀錄這四位來自糊塗戲班「無障 礙劇團」的成員,看看他們如何透過專業戲劇培訓及演出 綵排,踏上台板。在舞台燈亮的一剎,映照出他們心中的 夢想。


*6/11 7:40pm BC *7/11 8:00pm IFC

*12/11 5:50pm ONE

Prepare for an eye-opening look at a truly barrier-free theater troupe in Hong Kong. Carrying a message of inclusivity, the troupe welcomes aspiring performers with disabilities – including the blind and the deaf – to perform alongside able-bodied actors. Capturing a year in the life of the troupe, this documentary reveals the long and arduous process required to guide the performers from basic drama training to the stage. The actors, many of them non-professionals, are often challenged to break free of both their mental and physical barriers on the stage and in real life – a process that can be emotionally taxing.

Special Presentation




Lu Over the Wall 宣告黎明的人魚之歌

日本 Japan / 2017 / 112 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 湯淺政明 Yuasa Masaaki


3/11 7:40pm ONE 12/11 3:20pm YOHO

憑獨特的視覺效果聞名的湯淺政明,以首部原創劇場版動畫在 「動畫界奧斯卡」勇奪最佳動畫長片!故事講述住在蕭條小漁村 日無町的初中生海,靠在網路公開自己創作的音樂提高名氣,與 同學一齊組band,在人魚島上練習時竟然與人魚少女露相遇。但

法國安錫動畫影展 最佳長篇動畫 Best Feature Film, Annecy International Animation Film Festival

是,村中一直流傳人魚是詛咒,海與人魚如何拯救漁村呢?鬱悶 的海和露每天相處,漸漸地解開了自己心防,由年僅15歲的報知 電影賞新人下田翔大首次為動畫配音,兼自彈自唱錄製主題歌, 露則由《你的名字。》四葉的聲優谷花音負責,連柔道運動員篠 原信一也參與配音演出。 Taking the top prize at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Yuasa Masaaki’s first original feature film unfolds a magical, pop music-infused fantasy produced entirely in flash animation. After his parents’ divorce, Kai moves from Tokyo to the sleepy fishing town of Hinashi. The gloomy teen’s one joy is creating and uploading his own music, which attracts the attention of enthusiastic classmates Kunio and Yuho. When Kai reluctantly joins their band practice on a nearby island, he encounters a curious young mermaid named Lu whose gleeful interest in his music will turn his world upside-down.



The Night is Short, Walk on Girl 夜短夢長,少女前進吧!

日本 Japan / 2017 / 93 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 湯淺政明 Yuasa Masaaki 聲演 Voice Cast: 星野源 Hoshino Gen, 花澤香菜 Hanazawa Kana

加拿大奇幻電影節 | Fantasia International Film Festival


4/11 9:50pm ONE 10/11 9:50pm YOHO

《心靈遊戲》動畫大師湯淺政明睽違13年再執導筒,繼2010年電 視動畫《四疊半宿舍,青春迷走》後再次改編日本作家森見登美 彥的小說。故事背景設定在京都,學長對社團學妹黑髮少女一見 鍾情,為能夠受她青睞想盡辦法,但這場求愛大作戰屢被一些古 怪人物干擾,隨著春夏秋冬,學長慢慢積攢出重新出發的勇氣, 與黑髮少女上演一場戀愛奇幻旅程。男女主角遊走先斗町、舊書 市集、學園祭等京都四季的異想國度。聲優陣容相當豪華,以 《僱傭妻子》再創話題的星野源聲演學長,人氣聲優花澤香菜聲演 黑髮少女,還有實力派聲優神谷浩史、諏訪部順一及悠木碧等。 Known for acclaimed TV anime like The Tatami Galaxy and Ping Pong, Yuasa Masaaki adapts Tatami Galaxy writer Morimi Tomihiko’s bestselling novel The Night is Short, Walk on Girl into a surreal feature true to his distinctive visual style and manic imagination. Upperclassman Senpai harbors a crush on the Girl with Black Hair and tries to advance their non-relationship through "coincidental" meetings. One night, he trails her after a group get-together, but meeting her coincidentally will not be so easy this time. As she wanders restlessly from nightlife to a book fair to a school festival, he runs into a host of strange characters and absurd situations. The night isn’t so short after all in this dazzling and disorienting romantic comedy.

Asian Animation



Cineaste Delights 影迷別注



Manhunt 追捕

香港、中國、日本 / Hong Kong, China, Japan / 2017 / 106 min / 普通話、日語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua, Japanese and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 吳宇森 John Woo 演員 Cast: 張涵予 Zhang Hanyu, 福山雅治 Fukuyama Masaharu

威尼斯影展,觀摩作品 | Out of Competition, Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival


19/11 1:45pm BC 19/11 9:50pm BC

向偶像高倉健致敬,吳宇森翻拍日本影壇神話之作!《追捕》結集 了中、港、台、日、韓的台前幕後強勁班底,以全新角度詮釋硬漢 對峙、惺惺相惜的情誼。吳宇森式暴力美學又豈少得白鴿,最拿手 火爆激烈的槍戰場面不改其樂。故事描述金馬影帝張涵予飾演的律 師捲入一宗兇殺案,並被構陷成兇手,他決定拒捕查明真相,追緝 他的警探發現殺人案另有內情,在不斷追捕中,二人從兵賊對立到 建立默契攜手緝兇制敵。回歸《喋血雙雄》港式英雄電影,雙雄聯 同美女殺手河智苑、身手非凡的吳飛霞、日本演員池內博之、美少 女櫻庭奈奈美及名模TAO等殺入水都和多倫多影展。 After two sweeping big-budget epics, action master John Woo returns to his signature brand of balletic action. A remake of a 1976 Japanese thriller starring the late Takakura Ken, Manhunt follows a Chinese lawyer who goes on the run when he’s framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Hot on his trail is the relentless Detective Yamura, who begins to suspect that his target may be innocent. Throw in two deadly assassins, thousands of gunshots, and Woo's signature doves into the mix, and you get a grandiose and unabashedly nostalgic throwback to old school John Woo that fans will gleefully enjoy.


Before We Vanish

12 日本 Japan / 2017 / 129 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黑澤清 Kurosawa Kiyoshi 演員 Cast: 松田龍平 Matsuda Ryuhei, 長澤雅美 Nagasawa Masami, 長谷川博己 Hasegawa Hiroki, 高杉真宙 Takasugi Mahiro

康城影展,一種關注單元 | Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 釜山電影節 | Busan International Film Festival


3/11 9:50pm ONE 5/11 2:00pm IFC

《東京奏鳴曲》、《身後戀事》黑澤清回歸其拿手好戲,搭上 外星片熱潮拍科幻驚慄片,這次揭穿潛伏在身邊的外星人煙幕, 拍出隱藏在日常中的恐怖感。故事改編自劇作家前川知大的 舞台劇,松田龍平飾演的丈夫在某日散步時無故失蹤,一週後出 現時整個人卻變了樣,更突然同老婆長澤雅美講「我其實係外星 人」!三名外星先遣隊成員來到地球,借用真實人類身體進行第 三類接觸,其使命是要侵略地球!當老公對你情深變狠心,日常 生活比外星入侵還要恐怖。恐婚、災變、外星人等等威脅,顯而 易見,卻被視而不見,黑澤清深層次反映日本人對危機的潛意識 恐懼,再獲康城影展特別注目。 After taking a long walk, Shinji returns home to his estranged wife, Narumi, with his memories wiped out. Meanwhile, a journalist investigating a gruesome murder is approached by Amano about meeting Akira, the teenage girl connected to the murders. Shinji, Amano and Akira have actually been taken over by alien beings on a reconnaissance mission to acquire human “concepts” before an invasion. Adapting the play by Maekawa Tomohiro, horror master Kurosawa Kiyoshi makes a foray into the alien invasion genre with this philosophical sci-fi thriller. Creating a prevailing feeling of dread with a slow-burn style, Kurosawa examines the qualities that make us human and how those very qualities may be the key to our salvation.


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Walking Past the Future 路過未來

中國 China / 2017 / 129 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李睿珺 Li Ruijun 演員 Cast: 楊子姍 Yang Zishan, 尹昉 Yin Fang

康城影展,一種關注 | Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival


*17/11 7:15pm BC *18/11 2:45pm IFC

今年唯一入圍康城的華語片。擅長探討社會議題的導演李睿珺, 前作《老驢頭》、《告訴他們,我乘白鶴去了》到《家在水草豐 茂的地方》講的都是農村留守老人和兒童,今回以兩代中間的農 民工為題材,聚焦深圳描繪社會底層悲歌。楊子姍暴瘦素顏演 出深圳打工妹,甘肅姑娘楊耀婷跟隨父母到深圳生活已廿多年, 這裡搵工難、看病難、租房難、上樓更難,為了兩老回鄉後可以 安享晚年,她不得不在深圳繼續打拼。滄海桑田,回到家鄉已面 目全非,耀婷這一家有鄉回不去,有家歸不得。也是北漂的李睿 珺,與很多離鄉背井在外打拼的異鄉遊子一樣,對家鄉思念之情 感同身受,同時寫實拍下當下民工的苦逼日常,絕不拐彎抹角。 Director Li Ruijun shines on a light on the plight of China’s working class in this illuminating social drama. When both her parents are laid off, Yaoting follows them from Shenzhen back to their hometown in Gansu, only to find that the family farm is now owned by someone else. Desperate to bring her parents back to Shenzhen, Yaoting returns to the city in search of a way to earn enough money for an apartment. Li’s vision of economic inequality and the prevalence of opportunistic culture in Shenzhen – once a utopia for migrant workers hoping for better lives – is powerful and sobering. Scenes of factories and urban squalor are exquisitely captured by cinematographer Wang Weihua, infusing a dreamlike vibe into this gritty tale.



The Third Murder 第三度殺人

日本 Japan / 2017 / 124 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 是枝裕和 Kore-eda Hirokazu 演員 Cast: 福山雅治 Fukuyama Masaharu, 役所廣司 Yakusho Koji

威尼斯影展,競賽單元 | In Competition, Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 | Busan International Film Festival


1/11 9:50pm ONE 4/11 2:00pm IFC

繼《誰調換了我的父親》揚威康城影展後,是枝裕和最新法庭片 不賣溫情,轉營心理懸疑題材,從普通殺人事件勾劃出人性最絕 最深的陰暗面。福山雅治飾演信奉「勝利至上」的精英律師重 盛,神級影帝役所廣司扮演有殺人前科的嫌疑犯三隅,三隅對殺 害解僱自己的上司並毀屍滅跡直認不諱,但在見面追問的過程 中,辯護律師重盛發現案中疑點重重,三隅的口供不甚一致,犯 案動機也模棱兩可,直至《海街女孩日記》廣瀨鈴扮演的受害者 女兒出現,令重盛開始改變想法,認真追查三隅是否殺人、為何 殺人,真相卻叫人震驚,劍指人心。 Kore-eda Hirokazu breaks away from his usual family dramas with a contemplative exploration into the Japanese legal system and capital punishment. Not long after being released for committing a double murder, Misumi is arrested again for killing his former boss. The death penalty seems certain, but his defender, Shigemori, and his colleagues are sure that they can reduce their client’s sentence. However, Shigemori discovers evidence that exposes his client’s confession as a lie. Why did Misumi lie, and who is he trying to protect? A patient, engrossing mystery about the fluid and murky nature of truth, The Third Murder is refreshing change of pace that will surprise and challenge even Kore-eda’s most passionate fans.

Cineaste Delights




Radiance 光

日本 Japan / 2017 / 102 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 河瀬直美 Kawase Naomi 演員 Cast: 永瀬正敏 Nagase Masatoshi, 水崎綾女 Misaki Ayame


1/11 7:50pm BC 2/11 9:50pm ONE

康城影展常客河瀨直美繼《殯之森》、《甜味人間》(第12屆) 後再探討人生無常的命題。專門撰寫口述影像的美佐子,因參與 一部為視障人士製作的無障礙電影,認識了嚴重弱視的攝影師雅 哉,一個想不開、看不透眼前景象的虛實,另一個放不下、忘不 了逐漸流失的光影。永瀨正敏完美詮釋人生即將變得黯淡無光時

康城影展,競賽單元 | In Competition, Cannes Film Festival 台北電影節 | Taipei Film Festival

的躁動,水崎綾女嘗試向內深掘盲人的內心世界,二人為了尋找 光和聲音譜出一段美麗篇章。河瀨直美不再只浸淫在生與死之間 脆弱的美麗,這道《光》變得更真實、更親近、更溫暖。 Misako is a writer of audio descriptions for the visually impaired. Her confidence is shattered when her latest work runs into harsh feedback by Nakamori, a veteran photographer whose rapidly deteriorating vision has turned him into a curmudgeon. Through sheer patience, Misako slowly pulls Nakamori out of the darkness and shows him that he doesn’t need eyes to see the world. Returning to the competition section of the prestigious Cannes Film Festival for the fifth time, Japanese auteur Kawase Naomi delivers a gentle, life-affirming work bursting with love and empathy. A poetic tribute to the importance of communication and imagination, Radiance may be Kawase’s most tender and romantic film to date.


Birds Without Names

16 日本 Japan / 2017 / 123 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 白石和彌 Shiraishi Kazuya 演員 Cast: 蒼井優 Aoi Yu, 阿部貞夫 Abe Sadao, 竹野內豐 Takenouchi Yutaka, 松坂桃李 Matsuzaka Tori

多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival


3/11 7:30pm BC 5/11 9:50pm ONE

根據作家沼田真帆香留的懸疑小說改編,劇情圍繞蒼井優扮演自 甘墮落的女子北原十和子,與阿部貞夫飾演無錢無地位的渣男同 居之餘,搭上松坂桃李飾演的有婦之夫並發展親密關係,同時又 與竹野內豐飾演的舊愛藕斷絲連,關係七國咁亂。一天突然聽說 前男友失蹤的消息,她的生活開始發生微妙變化。儘管女主角已 經不再發夢擁有愛情,卻仍然與不同男性發生關係,陷入單戀、 同居、出軌大搞不倫戀,念念不忘只是一場究極之愛!蒼井優一 人單挑三男,愛與慾望交織,在絕望中爆發冷酷與精湛演技。以 《凶惡》贏得多個獎項的導演白石和彌,用極端撩亂的故事詮釋 愛的多種畸態。 Towako has no love for blue-collar worker Jinji, but she lives with him for his money and the care he provides. Meanwhile, she’s in an affair with Mizushima and pining for her ex-boyfriend, Kurosaki, who nearly beat her to death eight years earlier. When she learns that Kurosaki has been missing for five years, Towako suspects that Jinji may have played a role in his disappearance. Based on the mystery novel by Numata Mahokaru, Birds Without Names is a riveting tale of devotion and desire anchored by a fearless performance by Aoi. Playing a woman driven purely by selfinterest, Aoi gives one of her most captivating performances of her career in this emotional and morally ambiguous genre-bender.


Cineaste Delights



Glass Garden 溫室怪嚇

韓國 South Korea / 2017 / 117 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 申秀賢 Shin Su-won 演員 Cast: 文瑾瑩 Moon Geun-young, 金太勳 Kim Tae-hun

釜山電影節 開幕電影 | Opening Film, Busan International Film Festival


15/11 7:20pm ONE 18/11 9:50pm BC

說她為當今韓國最頂尖的女導演絕不為過,繼揚威康城的《我 叫麥當娜,你又想點》(第12屆)後,申秀賢再以心理驚慄新作 探索人性陰暗面,成為今年新鮮滾熱辣的釜山開幕電影。沉默寡 言的女孩被賤男教授欺騙感情後,孤身一人在郊外,潛心在玻璃 花園進行研究。失意作家偶然闖進女孩的孤獨世界,深深被她吸 引,甚至把她化為小說靈感泉源。但隨著兩人越走越近,他發現 溫室隱藏著一個迷離秘密……文瑾瑩銳意求變,化身孤獨神秘的 女主角,演技震懾人心。 After earning a berth in the Cannes Film Festival’s Un Certain Regard competition with Madonna (12th HKAFF), director Shin Su-won returns with her fourth feature film Glass Garden. Jaeyeon is a medical researcher who retreats deep into the forest to live a solitary life in a glass garden. Intrigued by her brilliant but odd character, embattled writer Ji-hoon begins to study Jaeyeon, eventually using her as the inspiration for his new novel. But the growing rapport between the two is derailed when Jihoon discovers the shocking secret that exists within Jae-yeon’s mysterious glass garden. Appearing in only her second film role in the last decade, Moon Geun-young brings ethereal, captivating presence to Shin’s haunting mystery-drama.



Mukoku 武曲

日本 Japan / 2017 / 125 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 熊切和嘉 Kumakiri Kazuyoshi 演員 Cast: 綾野剛 Ayano Go, 村上虹郎 Murakami Nijiro, 前田敦子 Maeda Atsuko, 小林薰 Kobayashi Kaoru


4/11 5:40pm ONE 12/11 3:30pm ONE

《養慾之恩》(第11屆)導演熊切和嘉回歸HKAFF,找來前作 《夏之殘戀》之情敵拍檔綾野剛和小林薰飾演《武曲》父 子。改編自芥川賞作家藤澤周同名小說,以古都鎌倉為舞 台,劍道五段的矢田部研吾自幼被父親鍛鍊成一等一高手, 但成也父親,敗也父親,發生在父親身上的事故令他一蹶不振, 直至另一位師傅光邑師範帶來他的年輕高徒羽田融,二人的宿命 對決讓他再生。在銀幕上靠演技和獨特魅力上位的綾野剛飾演 邋遢頹廢的研吾,還蓄鬍不修邊幅化身劍道達人。他與新世代型 男村上虹郎進行地獄式訓練,把肉體鍛鍊至極限,壓軸十分鐘雨 中泥地上之死鬥,證明劍道沒有最強只有更強! The sports genre gets a radically edgy facelift in the latest film by director Kumakiri Kazuyoshi (My Man, 11th HKAFF). Based on the novel by Fujisawa Shu, Mukoku is a gritty, testosterone-fueled drama about redemption and pride set in the world of kendo. Once a kendo instructor, Kengo is a security guard who has given up the sport due to the death of his mother and a turbulent relationship with his father, a kendo master whose disciplinarian ways left a scar on Kengo. When young rapper Toru manages to score a point against Kengo during a sparring match, Kengo is pushed to reclaim his kendo spirit. However, he must first confront his true enemy: his father.

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Anarchist from Colony 逆權車伕

韓國 South Korea / 2017 / 129 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 李濬益 Lee Joon-ik 演員 Cast: 李帝勳 Lee Je-hoon, 崔文慶 Choi Hee-seo


5/11 7:20pm BC 16/11 7:25pm ONE

17/11 7:25pm APM

韓國人文導演李濬益(《王的男人》)把日侵時代愛國人物、反 日烈士朴烈坎坷曲折的一生搬上大銀幕,將他主張的無政府社會 主義如何影響日本政壇,以及他因抗爭被捲入逆謀事件的真實故 事公諸於世。由新一代型男李帝勳扮演這位朝鮮獨立運動代表人 物,活在日佔時期的熱血青年朴烈,經過三一運動後深感日本帝 國主義剝削,於是帶著反日侵韓的情緒前往日本生活,為求徹底 推翻殖民政權,崔文慶飾演與他共同進退的日本戀人金子文子。 李濬益透過電影的力量,把被殖民洪流淹沒的傳奇人物拯救過 來,成為守護歷史公義的最後防線。 Lee Joon-ik, director of the enormously popular blockbuster The King and the Clown, helms this based-on-fact historical tale set in 1920s Japan. Lee Je-hoon stars as Park Yeol (1902-1974), a reallife revolutionary activist who lived in Tokyo during the Japanese colonial occupation of Korea. Dubbed the “No. 1 crazy Korean rebel in Japan”, Park is portrayed as a mischievous hooligan who collaborated with his Japanese lover, Kaneko Fumiko, to disrupt the activities of their oppressive Japanese overlords, eventually plotting to assassinate the Emperor Hirohito himself. More than a political drama, Anarchist from Colony offers rousing comedy, poignant romance, and terrible tragedy, making for a look at Korea's difficult history with Japan.



Bangzi Melody 村戲

中國 China / 2017 / 99 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鄭大聖 Zheng Dasheng 演員 Cast: 李志兵 Li Zhibing, 梁春柱 Liang Chunzhu, 王春明 Wang Chunming, 張慧娟 Zhang Huijuan

中國電影金雞獎 最佳攝影 | Best Cinematography, Golden Rooster Awards 金馬獎 最佳改編劇本提名 Nominated for Golden Horse Awards Best Adapted Screenplay


11/11 7:55pm BC 14/11 7:50pm ONE

改編自河北著名作家賈大山小說精品集的三部短篇,出身電影世 家的影人鄭大聖把「村戲」、「花生」和「老路」幾個故事揉在 一起,拍出80年代初北方農民在改革開放前夕發生的故事。這條 村每家每戶靠「九畝半」地種花生維生,村民王支書愛聽當地戲 曲,請來老藝人唱梆子戲,同時暗地裡整出一份新的農業改革計 劃,想把奎瘋子強佔的九畝半分出來,結果分地鬧劇牽出一段引 人深思的歷史悲歌。鄭大聖用黑白片手法投射出這數十年來中國 農村社會的體制變化,用一首首戲曲唱出一代代農民和知識分子 的遭遇。 The year is 1982, and a small Hebei Province village is about to be turned upside down. Wang, the village’s party secretary, has been tasked to revive a Bangzi opera with villagers as the performers. Lu, the coordinator of the show, casts one of the town’s eligible young bachelors in the lead, much to the dismay of Lu’s daughter, Xiaofen, who is also the female lead. That’s because Xiaofen’s heart already belongs to Shuman, the son of the mentally ill Kui. Based on three short stories from an anthology by Jia Dashan, Bangzi Melody uses the village as a darkly humorous microcosm of postCultural Revolution China. Nominated for four Golden Rooster Awards but ignored by mainstream audience, this black-and-white drama is an offbeat gem that deserves to be discovered.


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New Talent Award 亞洲新導演獎

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The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 102 min / 台語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃信堯 Huang Hsin-yao 演員 Cast: 莊益增 Cres Chuang, 陳竹昇 Bamboo Chen, 戴立忍 Leon Dai

台北電影節 百萬首獎、最佳劇情長片等五項大獎 | 5 Awards including Grand Prize, Best Narrative Feature, Taipei Film Festival 金馬獎最佳劇情片 最佳新導演、最佳攝影等10項提名 | Nominated for 10 Golden Horse Awards including Best Feature Film, Best New Director, and Best Cinematography


*18/11 5:25pm ONE *19/11 5:35pm IFC

由紀錄片起家的導演黃信堯,把他2014年入圍金馬獎最佳短片 《大佛》拍成首部長片,在台北電影獎一鳴驚人,捧走了百萬首 獎、最佳劇情長片等五項大獎!戴立忍化身渾身銅臭味的佛像工 廠老闆,被工廠夜間警衛莊益增和撿破爛的陳竹昇無意中偷看了 其行車記錄儀,一段車震片引起了一發不可收拾的連鎖反應,更 令二人意外捲入殺人滅口的漩渦之中,幾乎將政商名流、黑道社 團、妙禪善眾技術式擊倒,最後竟然要出動菩薩出來執手尾。 《一路順風》鍾孟宏首度監製,兼以中島長雄之名擔當攝影師, 用凌厲的黑白鏡頭拍出愈荒謬、愈真實的人生。 With the help of Chung Mong-hong, who co-produces and serves as DP for this dark comedy, documentarian Huang Hsin-yao expanded his Golden Horse-nominated short The Great Buddha into his first narrative feature, which won the Grand Prize at the Taipei Film Festival. Pickle, a night security guard at a statue factory, and his buddy Belly Button pass their time watching TV and flipping through porn mags. When the TV breaks, they turn to an alternative source of salacious entertainment: their boss’s dashboard camera footage. They have fun peeking into their boss’s private life until they stumble on a shocking secret that links to a series of outrageous events involving crime, corruption, a giant buddha statue and the many follies of man.



Shuttle Life 分貝人生

馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2017 / 91 min / 國語、粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳勝吉 Tan Seng-kiat 演員 Cast: 陳澤耀 Jack Tan, 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang

上海國際電影節 亞洲新人獎 Asian New Talent Award, Shanghai International Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳新導演及最佳攝影提名 | Nominated for Golden Horse Awards Best New Director and Best Cinematography


*6/11 9:30pm BC *6/11 7:40pm ONE

19/11 3:50pm BC

馬來西亞一處廉租屋長年沒水沒電,但對被社會遺忘的阿強而 言,這裏是自己唯一可以喘息的家,他與母親妹妹三人相依為 命,母親長期抑鬱,釀成心病,只有妹妹的笑容給灰暗生活帶 來一絲光亮。妹妹生日,一家人難得快樂慶祝,兄妹牽著手出 外 買 蛋 糕 , 誰 料 意 外 降 臨 , 貧 苦 一 家 再 次 跌 入 絕 望 深 淵 ⋯⋯ 電影於平凡真實中暗含深不見底的悲傷,將當下馬來西亞貧窮亂 象緩緩道來。官僚體制、階級歧視之下,窮人被壓榨被欺侮,更 被遺棄被懷疑,血緣和身分無從證明,卻更襯出親情與愛的不可 磨滅。無路可走,無從反抗,深淵裏的人要如何逃出? Malaysia’s Tan Seng-kiat takes a hard-hitting look at the lives of the have-nots in his home country with this gritty neorealist drama. Qiang lives in a low-income apartment block with his family. At just 19 years old, Qiang already has to bear the burden of caring for both his mentally ill mother and his six-year-old sister, Hui-shan, while trying to make ends meet. After a motorcycle joyride with Hui-shan ends in an accident, Qiang must take on the powers that be to retrieve his missing sister. Unflinching in its portrait of corruption and class divide in Malaysia, this heart-shattering film swept the Asian New Talent competition of this year’s Shanghai International Film Festival with three awards, including Best Picture.

New Talent Award




Malila: The Farewell Flower 沒緣茉莉

泰國 Thailand / 2017 / 94 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Anucha Boonyawatana 演員 Cast: Sukollawat Kanarot, Anuchyd Sapanphong

釜山電影節,新潮流競賽單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival


*18/11 7:40pm BC *19/11 9:40pm ONE

BaiSri,由芭蕉葉製成不同層數的水燈,泰國人用來祈福的祭 品。導演 Anucha Boonyawatana 告別前作《殺佛美少年》的詭 譎同性戀,融合快失傳的傳統藝術和絕美的自然風光,呈現一個 關於愛情和離別的泰式小品。男主角Shane擁有一片純潔的茉莉 園,園中卻隱藏著他與兩小無猜的少年愛人Pitch之間無疾而終 的情感。Pitch是製作BaiSri手藝的高手,一直有個心願未了,希 望一天能夠與Shane單純地做一個最漂亮的BaiSri。黝黑帥氣的 Sukollawat


顛沛流離,用離別之花撫平過去傷痛。 After his provocative directorial debut The Blue Hour, Thailand’s Anucha Boonyawatana takes a more spiritual approach to the supernatural with a transcendent gay romance infused with Thai traditions and Buddhist philosophies. Shane and Pitch were once lovers, but they were torn apart years ago. Reunited years later, the two men revive their love and come to terms with the pain of their current lives through Bai Sri, an elegant traditional ornament symbolizing love and virtue made from the delicate arrangement of banana leaves and flowers. When tragedy strikes, one of them turns to the spiritual world to see his lover one last time.



Matsumoto Tribe 我是小小強

日本 Japan / 2017 / 85 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 二宮健 Ninomiya Ken 演員 Cast: 松本 Fighter Matsumoto Fighter, 松本穗香 Matsumoto Honoka, 小村昌士 Komura Masashi, 松永大司 Matsunaga Daishi


*18/11 9:50pm ONE *19/11 7:50pm BC

90後鬼才導演二宮健首次執起導筒,以「波叔式」瘋狂荒誕偽 紀錄片,拍出日本藝能界殘酷實錄!空有一腔熱血與肌肉的松本 Fighter,一心要在電影圈發圍,成為男優之中的男優。Fighter 與經理人滿懷大志到東京闖蕩,卻驚覺演藝圈是個修羅場。寂 寂無名的演員們要一登大銀幕,必先過五關斬六將:要生得標 緻人脈廣,又要演技出色感情真摯。奈何Fighter無外貌、無才 華、無人氣、無後台,兩人唯有出盡騎呢手段,更硬闖《廁所裏 的聖殤》導演松永大司選角現場,搏到盡誓要上位,名符其實 I'm still 射緊鵰! Confident that he’s the next great Japanese thespian, Matsumoto Fighter and his manager roam the streets of Shibuya to promote him. When he finds out that up-andcoming indie director Matsunaga Daishi is holding auditions for his latest film, Matsumoto pulls out all the stops to get in. Director Ninomiya Ken began this project as a Borat-esque mockumentary about the desperate measures aspiring actors take to break into show business. But when Fighter and his manager push the limits of their unsuspecting prey a little too far, fiction and reality begin to overlap in disturbing and surprisingly violent ways. Will Fighter finally get his big break, or will his dreams come crumbling down?


New Talent Award



End of Summer 西小河的夏天

中國 China / 2017 / 102 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 周全 Zhou Quan 演員 Cast: 張頌文 Zhang Songwen, 顧寶明 Ku Paoming, 榮梓杉 Rong Zishan


*18/11 5:25pm IFC *19/11 5:35pm BC

1998 年夏天,一座紹興老台門裏, 10 歲的曉陽夢想著成為足球明

星,無奈父母管教嚴厲,報名校足球隊似乎是不可能。爸爸在教 務主任崗位上兢兢業業幾十年,終於有望當副校長,生活壓得他 無法喘息,直到遇見曉陽班主任溫暖美麗的沈老師,一切有如初 戀般夢幻……鄰居退休的鄭爺爺決定訓練曉陽,準備足球校隊選

釜山電影節,新潮流競賽單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival

拔。他們好像真的爺孫倆,一起玩耍一起瘋狂,三個人的快樂背 後都有不曾示人的孤獨。中國 80後一代成長在時代節點上,中國 社會急速發展、經歷劇變,而孩童眼中的成人世界,透著飄忽和 迷茫,三個世代命運交織,同樣在困頓中覺醒,尋找著出口…… The year is 1998. As China is swept up in World Cup fever and on the cusp of great change, three men from three different generations in a small southern town face decisions that will change their lives forever. Fifth-grader Xiaoyang wants to rebel against his controlling father and somehow finds an unlikely ally in his neighbor, Grandpa Zheng. In the process of training Xiaoyang for his school soccer team tryouts, the two learn that Xiaoyang’s father is having an affair with Xiaoyang’s homeroom teacher. Young Chinese director Zhou Quan looks back at his own formative years with a bittersweet coming-of-age drama about three lonely souls in search of human connections over one unforgettable summer.



Missing Johnny 強尼.凱克

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 104 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃熙 Huang Xi 演員 Cast: 瑞瑪席丹 Rima Zeidan, 柯宇綸 Laurence Ko, 黃遠 Sean Huang

台北電影節 最佳編劇、最佳男配角、最佳新演員 | Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best New Talent, Taipei Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳新導演、最佳新演員等3項提名 Nominated for 3 Golden Horse Awards including Best New Director


*18/11 3:10pm ONE *19/11 7:50pm IFC

被譽為新世代《千禧曼波》!師承侯孝賢的新銳導演黃熙,以台 北人的日常為題首次執導長片,以細膩情感描繪都市人心聲, 放慢步伐漫遊台北感受寂寞的溫度。故事從一位獨居女郎說起, 她不停接到要找「強尼」的不明電話,一天她養的黑頭鸚鵡 「凱克」飛走了,把她帶到熟悉又陌生的街頭,此時,包租婆的 過動兒和在公寓附近撿破爛的飄泊男仗義幫忙,加入尋鳥。三位 生活背景迥異的主角走在一起,是為了尋找飛走的凱克、消失的 強尼﹖還是逃避生活之中的失落與美好﹖由郭采潔出品,侯孝 賢監製以及他的御用班底包括廖慶松、姚宏易、林強等加持, 混血模特兒瑞瑪席丹演技清新自然,柯宇綸和黃遠演活了台灣人 的率性和恬然。 Having worked for years under Hou Hsiao-hsien, Huang Xi makes her directorial debut with a contemplative relationship drama that swept four prizes, including Best Screenplay, at the Taipei Film Festival. Hsu Zi-qi, who raises parrots in her apartment, keeps getting wrong phone calls for someone named Johnny. Lee, the autistic son of Zi-qi’s landlady, reads old newspapers every day and wanders around. Handyman Feng, who works odd jobs around the apartment, feels disheartened and frustrated when his beloved car breaks down. The lives of these three lonely souls cross over when one of Zi-qi’s parrots escapes one day. Johnny is missing, but he’s hardly the only one lost in the urban jungle of Taipei.

New Talent Award




Somewhere Beyond the Mist 藍天白雲

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 86 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 張經緯 Cheung King-wai 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung, 李任燊 Kyle Li

電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund 釜山電影節,新潮流競賽單元 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival


*31/10 7:35pm PP *31/10 9:40pm PP

*17/11 7:45pm ONE

靈感源自2000年紐約駭人案件,17歲香港少女找來黑人男友謀殺 自己雙親。憑《音樂人生》奪得香港電影金像獎新晉導演獎的張 經緯首部劇情長片,把泯滅人性的事件分拆重組,移至最被遺忘 的北區角落,再加入探員的視點,對比出中產、底層兩種永不相 容的生活。無情的階級,冷漠的命運,將一殺一救的二人無形地 繫在一起。電影不囿於懸疑類型的框架,細膩呈現血腥之下的壓 抑心理;層層剖析殺戮背後的痛苦宿命,入木三分、發人深省, 拍出獨有風格。 A pregnant policewoman is assigned to investigate the case of a teenage girl who has killed her parents. Her interactions with the girl and the search for the truth revive a long-dormant secret that has been living inside of her. Best known for acclaimed documentaries KJ and The Taste of Youth, director Cheung Kingwai presents a much darker side of today’s troubled youth with his first feature-length dramatic narrative film. Loosely based on a true story, this grim and engrossing whydunit is a disturbing shocker about redemption, fate, and the lengths we go in our constant search of a better life.



In Your Dreams 以青春的名義

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 97 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 譚惠貞 Tam Wai-ching 演員 Cast: 劉嘉玲 Carina Lau, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin, 謝君豪 Tse Kwan-ho

電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund


*31/10 7:30pm PP *31/10 9:40pm PP

*17/11 9:50pm ONE

曾參與過《危城》、《掃毒》編劇的譚惠貞首次執導已非常夠 膽,引來劉嘉玲垂青,更身兼監製和女主角,與飾演其學生的新 世代演員吳肇軒發展一段曖昧忘年戀,透過這段微妙師生關係, 揭示都市人的兩種寂寞。在張子行的記憶裏,有著一個既陌生又 熟悉的女子背影;在葉若美的生命裏,有著一個既熟悉又陌生的 老公,一晚在泳池的相遇,二人踏入了對方的秘密世界,遊走在 親情、愛情、友情的邊緣,以青春的名義。 In the footsteps of Mad World and Weeds on Fire, young filmmaker Tam Wai-ching is ready for her time in the spotlight with this entry in the Hong Kong government’s First Feature Film Initiative project. Heng is a high school student whose mother abandoned the family eight years ago. You Mei is a teacher whose husband is having an affair. When You Mei becomes the temporary teacher at Heng's school, the two lonely souls develop an affectionate bond that may be love. This provocative story of young love is led by an alluring performance by Carina Lau, who also serves as a producer of the film.


New Talent Award

New Talent


Meow 動物治癒系



Kedi 走過貓咪聖地


3/11 8:00pm IFC 5/11 2:00pm YOHO

8/11 8:15pm ONE

土耳其 Turkey / 2016 / 79 min / 土耳其語對白,英文字幕 In Turkish with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Ceyda Torun

加拿大奇幻電影節 | Fantasia International Film Festival


See the ancient city of Istanbul through the eyes of street cats


in the acclaimed documentary Kedi, which simply means “cats”


in Turkish. With its serene close-ups, crisp cinematography and


attentive tailing of its captivating subjects – from Sari the ginger

面反映了人類生活樣貌的明鏡。導演貼身追蹤七隻不同個性的伊 斯坦堡貓咪——騙子薩利、大眾情人班古、危機份子瘋瘋、交際 花丹尼斯、獵人阿思朗、紳士杜馬以及生活玩家甘西斯,觀眾跟 隨這些貓足穿梭大街小巷,重新認識這個遙遠又古老的城市。

hustler to Deniz the social butterfly to Psikopat the alpha psycho – the documentary is not only a visual delight for cat lovers, but also a delicate study of the special relationship between a modern metropolis and its hundreds of thousands of stray cats. Sharing stories by locals who watch over the cats, Kedi pays loving tribute to Istanbul’s long-standing affection for its feral feline residents that wander the streets and heal the community.





Neko Atsume House 貓咪來我家

日本 Japan / 2017 / 92 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 藏方政俊 Kurakata Masatoshi 演員 Cast: 伊藤淳史 Ito Atsushi, 忽那汐里 Kutsuna Shiori, 木村多江 Kimura Tae, 田口志朗 Taguchi Tomorowo


2/11 8:00pm ONE 5/11 5:35pm ONE

11/11 1:30pm BC

貓星人來襲!無論是貓奴或是電玩迷都非常著迷的互動養成手機 遊戲《貓咪收集》開拍真人版電影。故事由「電車男」伊藤淳史 扮演的新人獎小說家佐久本勝為主角,他因陷入創作樽頸變得萎 靡,為了逃避現實搬到郊區古宅中,卻在後院與萌貓相處,令他 重拾小時候的溫暖感覺,之後忽發奇想,與責任編輯美知留合力 把後院變成貓咪天堂,自此開始「貓咪收集」的生活,用玩具、 床鋪與罐罐吸引萌貓來訪。片中有大量喵星人登場,必定讓各位 貓奴大呼卡娃兒! Launched in 2014, Neko Atsume, the smartphone game about collecting kitties in your yard, turned into a global sensation. The strangely satisfying zen of attracting and accumulating adorable cats has now inspired a warm and comedic live-action drama. Struggling novelist Sakumoto Masaru moves to a countryside home in hopes of getting over his creative slump. Unexpectedly, cats show up at his home to disrupt him. Drawn to the visitors, he leaves toys and food outside, and soon more and more cats gather in his yard. From interacting with the cats, Masaru begins to learn about himself and what really matters in life.



Neko Ninja 貓忍

日本 Japan / 2017 / 95 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 渡邊武 Watanabe Takeshi 演員 Cast: 大野拓朗 Ohno Takuro, 佐藤江梨子 Sato Eriko, 藤本泉 Fujimoto Izumi


4/11 8:00pm ONE 9/11 9:50pm ONE

18/11 5:40pm YOHO

北村一輝主演《貓侍》系列因為萌貓而大受歡迎,旋即俘虜大量 貓奴歡心!幕後原班人馬決定以貓貓掛帥,製作全新忍者療癒系 列《貓忍》。由大野拓朗主演的年輕忍者久世陽炎太,自小和父 親——傳奇忍者「紅鼻劍山」離別,性格變得無膽兼自卑,一天 他在行動中遇上紅鼻肥貓,立即認定是父親變形化身!炎太決定 打破忍者避人耳目的規定,帶著貓貓一邊賣萌一邊上戰場殺敵, 父親留下的傳奇忍術秘笈卻引來各界高手追捕……美少女藤本泉 和女星佐藤江梨子相繼加盟,以爆笑情節繼續發放可愛正能量。 From the people who turned Neko Samurai’s samurai with a cat into a hit franchise comes the natural evolution of the winning formula: a ninja with a cat. A serious, bumbling ninja who just completed his training is sent to Edo and goes on his first mission to steal a goldfish from a daimyo. Instead, he gets distracted by a cat that reminds him of his father, a legendary shinobi who disappeared years ago, and brings this feline father home. Produced as both a TV series and a feature film, the period comedy amusingly packs in old-school ninja tropes of sword action, stealth tactics and exiting via smoke bomb, while keeping cat lovers happy with the unconcerned antics of a plump red-nosed tabby.





Alley Cat 野貓大暴走

日本 Japan / 2017 / 129 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 榊英雄 Sakaki Hideo 演員 Cast: 窪塚洋介 Kubozuka Yosuke, 降谷建志 Furuya Kenji, 市川由衣 Ichikawa Yui


2/11 9:50pm BC 5/11 7:25pm ONE

11/11 3:00pm YOHO

被世界忽視的流浪貓,值得擁有愛嗎﹖在《沉默》表現回勇的窪 塚洋介,與知名樂團 Dragan Ash 主音降谷建志首次在大銀幕上 合體,分別扮演前拳擊冠軍朝秀晃和修車場維修員梅津郁巳, 二人為了爭養一隻流浪貓不打不相識,遇到由市川由衣飾演的單 親媽媽土屋冴子,見她為跟蹤狂所擾,原來她背後隱藏著更大秘 密……二男為她強出頭,在東京闖下大禍也在所不惜,各人最終 尋回自己對生活早已失去的熱情。看似微不足道的流浪貓,交在 導演榊英雄手中,演變成一發不可收拾的大暴走,正正呈現這個 城市的堅韌個性。 Following his appearance in Martin Scorsese’s Silence, Kubozuka Yosuke delivers another strong performance as a struggling exboxer who finds consolation in his cat Maru. But Maru ends up in the hands of a mechanic who has named it Lily. In between calling each other names and fighting over cat ownership, the two team up to protect a woman from her stalker ex-boyfriend and get unwittingly pulled into a dangerous political conspiracy. Actordirector Hideo Sakaki’s genre-meshing Alley Cat shifts tones wildly from buddy comedy to crime thrills while keeping its focus on the burgeoning friendship of two stray men brought together by a cat.



Finding Calico 老師與流浪貓

日本 Japan / 2015 / 107 min / 日語對白,中文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese subtitles 導演 Dir: 深川榮洋 Fukagawa Yoshihiro 演員 Cast: 尾形一成 Ogata Issey, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota, 北乃紀伊 Kitano Kie


4/11 9:50pm BC 8/11 9:50pm ONE

19/11 2:00pm YOHO

真人真事改編的療癒系貓咪物語,退休校長森衣恭一自從妻子過 世後一直過著獨居生活,每天只有亡妻曾疼愛過的流浪花貓咪咪 去探望他,但他卻每每拒貓於千里之外。直到一天咪咪突然不再 出現了,細查之下,森衣發現咪咪也是其他居民口中的小空、千 尋……彷如大家心目中的親人!舞台劇殿堂級演員尾形一成睽違 九年之作,飾演人見人怕的孤僻校長,與飾演區公所職員的染谷 將太溫情演出,《神的病歷簿》導演深川榮洋夥拍演出經驗豐富 的三色貓Drop,探索巷弄間的人情溫暖。 Retired principal Morii is known around town for his picky, cranky disposition. Since his wife passed away, he has kept to himself. His only regular visitor is Mie, the stray calico that his wife used to feed. Morii, however, always shoos it away. Then one day, Mie stops coming around. Worried, Morii begins searching around town for the cat. In the process, he reconnects with the town’s residents and his memories of his wife. Adapted from a novel based on a true story, Finding Calico is a gently droll and moving examination of love and loss, and how one little cat can occupy a place in the hearts of many.



Asian Wide Angle 亞洲國度



Plastic China 塑料王國

中國 China / 2017 / 82 min / 普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 王久良 Wang Jiuliang


5/11 3:50pm BC 13/11 9:50pm IFC

繼2012年《垃圾圍城》,王久良再花五年拍攝中國環境另一「絕 望真相」:世界最大回收塑料進口國。塑料回收產業既給「世界 工廠」帶來低廉原料,同時亦帶來巨大環境災難。紀錄片聚焦在 有30多年舊塑料加工歷史的沿海小鎮,人物是「塑料王國」中成

辛丹斯電影節 | Sundance Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳紀錄片及最佳剪輯提名 | Nominated for Golden Horse Awards Best Documentary and Best Film Editing

長的依姐,她的童年充斥著世界各地的塑膠垃圾。拍攝四年間, 她不斷試圖擺脫眼前困境,渴望和一般孩子一樣上學、交朋友, 但她的命運,不像廢塑料有回收重生的機會,卻如同被邊緣化的 回收產業一樣,等待某世代的文明良心發現。影片在各大影展好 評如潮,但「塑料王國」四字卻成為大陸網絡的敏感詞。 Approximately ten million tons of plastic waste are imported into China annually to be recycled as raw materials for its factories. Plastic China portrays one of the many families that live and work in plastic recycling workshops across China. While her father spends his wages on alcohol, 11-year-old Yijie’s only form of education is learning the English letters on the waste. Meanwhile, the owner of the workshop risks his health by working day and night in order to save money for a car – considered a symbol of success in society. The film raises important and urgent questions about the price of modernization – even if the wealthy and the powerful have no interest in answering them.



Free and Easy 輕鬆 + 愉快

中國、香港 / China, Hong Kong / 2017 / 98 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 耿軍 Geng Jun 演員 Cast: 馮宇華 Feng Yuhua, 徐剛 Xu Gang, 張志勇 Zhang Zhiyong


5/11 5:30pm BC 13/11 7:50pm BC

曾說自嘲是一種生活態度的導演耿軍,自嘲二十來歲才知道「黑 色幽默」這個詞。他的新作說明他真的懂。一個近似廢墟的東北 城鎮上,出現了推銷肥皂的騙子、廣結人緣推介護身符的假和 尚、四出尋母的基督徒、忙於抓偷榆樹賊的護林員、破案率低的 警察⋯⋯故事並不著眼在角色的發展,角色間亦沒有緊密連繫,

辛丹斯電影節 評審團特別獎 Special Jury Award, Sundance Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳攝影等4項提名 | Nominated for 4 Golden Horse Awards including Best Feature Film and Best Director

只是借這些荒謬古怪人物穿插呈現一個腐化社會,每個人都只是 各自揾食,輕微罪案是家常便飯。歹徒不夠惡,受害者也不可 憐,湊成這部另類黑色悲喜劇。 A soap salesman arrives at a small, deserted northeastern Chinese town. He asks unsuspecting townspeople to smell his soap, which instantly knocks them out so he can rob them. However, it turns out that his isn’t the only con being run in the town, and the two dimwitted cops that roam its streets can’t seem to do anything about it. Director Geng Jun’s deadpan absurdist tragicomedy is a subtle critique of modern China, presenting a society in which everyone is driven by self-interest. The amoral characters who come up with harebrained scams may be very bad people, but their victims aren’t that much better.


Asian Wide Angle



Parks 半世紀的情歌

日本 Japan/ 2017 / 118 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 瀨田夏樹 Seta Natsuki 演員 Cast: 橋本愛 Hashimoto Ai, 永野芽郁 Nagano Mei, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota


7/11 9:50pm ONE 18/11 7:40pm ONE

女大學生住在公園旁邊,剛剛分手的她百無聊賴,未曾謀面的 高中女生Haru突然來拜訪,原來Haru的父親晉平剛剛過世,留下 了年輕時的戀人佐知子的照片,背景就是這個公園,她想要探究 那段父輩的愛情,寫成小說,兩人找到佐知子的孫子Tokio的家。 在一捲舊的錄音帶裡,晉平唱著為佐知子寫的情歌,可惜錄音帶

大阪亞洲電影節 閉幕電影 | Closing Film, Osaka Asian Film Festival 台北電影節 | Taipei Film Festival

已損壞,情歌只剩下開頭,三個年輕人在公園裡幻想著60年代愛 情的模樣,決定重新作曲,把浪漫唱下去。電影紀念吉祥寺井頭 公園一百週年,春夏秋冬,時光荏苒,再回到那草長鶯飛,櫻花 爛漫的時節,依舊是小小公園,依舊是匆忙而青澀的歲月,我們 依稀記得,那曾為你唱過的情歌…… Opened in 1917, Inokashira Park in western Tokyo was considered a gift from the Emperor to the people. Over the years, it’s become a bustling gathering place for families, musicians, performers and vendors. Produced to help commemorate the park’s centenary, this charming dramedy tells the story of three young people who work together to trace the origin of an incomplete folk song from the 60s. Inspired by the love story behind the song, the trio decides to finish the song by throwing in a few contemporary twists. Director Seta Natsuki’s tribute to generations of Inokashira Park’s dreamers will have you humming its catchy theme song for weeks.



The Table 咖啡男女

韓國 South Korea / 2016 / 72 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 金宗寬 Kim Jong-kwan 演員 Cast: 林秀晶 Lim Soo-jung, 韓藝里 Han Ye-ri, 鄭有美 Jung Yu-mi, 鄭恩彩 Jung Eun-chae

釜山電影節 | Busan International Film Festival


8/11 8:20pm BC 14/11 8:20pm APM

在韓國獨立電影導演金宗寬的三部長片中,大多發生在咖啡店 裡,同樣有一個女主角叫「Eun-hee」,以細膩尖銳的視覺剖析 現代男歡女愛。今趟回歸沉實內歛風格,四個單元故事環繞在咖啡 館中四位女子各自的 table talk︰女演員與前男友之間絮絮不休、 糾纏不清,心動男女喝著咖啡顧左右而言他,騙婚新娘在婚禮前 要搵人扮阿媽,最絕是竟有女人向前度提出在自己大婚之前見見 面。首作《 Come, Closer 》的「Eun-hee」鄭有美再次成為座上 客,第二部長片《 Worst Woman 》的 「 Eun-hee 」 韓藝里, 與鄭恩彩、林秀晶和金惠鈺幾位好姊妹同桌演出。 Indie writer-director Kim Jong-kwan gathers four of Korea's finest actresses for an omnibus about four conversations at the same café table. A top actress meets an old flame she hasn’t seen in a long time, but he only seems to be interested in her fame. A shy woman reunites with a man she only knew briefly before he suddenly went abroad. A bride-to-be meets the woman who will pose as her mother at her wedding. Another tries to start an affair with an ex-boyfriend before her marriage. Through its simple yet telling setup, The Table paints a rich and sensitive portrait of four unsettled women at a crossroads.

Asian Wide Angle




Ghost in the Mountains 空山異客

中國 China / 2017 / 136 min / 湖南方言對白,中英文字幕 In Hunan dialect with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 楊恆 Yang Heng 演員 Cast: 唐勝剛 Tang Shenggang, 梁宇 Liang Yu, 尚美彤 Shang Meitong

柏林影展 | Berlin International Film Festival


15/11 9:45pm BC 18/11 9:45pm IFC

憑藉處女作《檳榔》獲得釜山電影節新潮流獎,導演楊恆第四部 長片同樣發生在他出身的湘西山水之間,一個剛剛出獄的中年男 人,希望回鄉從失落的過去中尋回自己,與他兒時的玩伴、多年 不見的兄弟和前度女友見面,但傷痛無從言說,自己更無法看到 未來,原來自己是如此脆弱、如此不堪一擊。楊恆用他擅長的慢 運鏡與長鏡頭隱藏生命歷程哲思,以大自然聲音和山水畫意象呈 現出靜謐而樸素的變化,讓觀眾凝視著生命,像夢一樣虛幻、茫 然,往往不由自主。 For the past several decades, economic reforms in China have sent millions of people from rural areas to large cities in pursuit of opportunities. Many rural towns are now ghost towns occupied only by those left behind. Yang Heng shines a light on those forgotten lands in his new film. After spending years away, Liu returns to his Hunan hometown and learns that most of his friends are gone, his old flame is getting married off in Shenzhen, and his old teacher is now a monk because there are no children left to teach. Yang captures the ennui of the small town life in long, meticulously framed shots that move across the landscape like eyes on a scroll painting. The result is a dreamy and hypnotic experience best appreciated on the big screen.




新加坡、泰國 / Singapore, Thailand / 2017 / 102 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 / In Thai with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳敬音 Kirsten Tan 演員 Cast: Thaneth Warakulnukroh, Bong

辛丹斯電影節 評審團特別獎 Special Jury Award, Sundance Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 大銀幕獎 | Big Screen Award, IFFR


10/11 7:55pm ONE 14/11 9:50pm BC

新加坡導演陳敬音在旅居泰國時,目睹鄉村男孩為大象沐浴的場 景,啟發她寫成《大象夫》劇本。建築師塔納人到中年加入失業 大軍,失意之時竟在街頭再遇兒時玩伴大象Pop Aye,毅然買下一 頭象回家,然而這個城市的家根本容不下他倆,於是他決定與老 象結伴回鄉,途中處處碰釘,鬧出不少笑話。由《爸媽不在家》 導演陳哲藝監製,才女導演用象鼻化干戈,泰國前衛搖滾樂傳奇 人物 Thaneth Warakulnukroh(《出貓特攻隊》)幽默風趣對抗 中年危機,在鹿特丹、釜山、台北、辛丹斯等影展闖出一條屬於 自己的路。 People have many different ways of dealing with mid-life crisis, but it’s hard to imagine a cross-country road trip with an elephant being one of them. Unwanted both at work and at home, architect Thana is undergoing a serious existential crisis. When he runs into Pop Aye, an elephant that he remembers fondly from his childhood, Thana decides to take his old friend back to his village in the countryside. Singaporean director Kirsten Tan – who lived in Thailand for a brief time as a t-shirt vendor – used her own experiences to shape this delightfully offbeat road movie. Marked by eccentric characters and poignant messages about modernization, Pop Aye is a rare road film where both the journey and the destination prove to be equally rewarding.


Asian Wide Angle



The Cinema Travellers 電影時間之旅

印度 India / 2016 / 96 min / 印地語、馬拉地語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi and Marathi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Shirley Abraham, Amit Madheshiya

康城影展 紀錄片獎 | L'Œil d'or, Cannes Film Festival 多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival


10/11 9:50pm IFC 12/11 9:50pm BC

120年前已經有流動影院的足跡,為偏遠地方的人提供娛樂,令 電影更普及,更受歡迎。全盛時期,印度有數千個流動影院。時 移世易,流動影院在印度剩下不足40個。本片跟隨兩個流動影院 長達五年,走過印度中部大小村落,紀錄營運者五年來面臨的挑 戰。除了不可預測的壞天氣,還有放映機零件損壞,35mm菲林被 數碼化淘汰,現代人受太多新興娛樂吸引,使入場看電影的觀眾 人數下降。但只要有人仍然喜歡看電影,流動影院的經營者仍然 找到方法經營下去。導演不僅回顧流動影院的歷史,更展望它永 續的潛力。影片流動到多個影展放映。 For over 70 years, traveling projectionists have brought movie magic to the remote rural reaches of India. Lugging ancient projectors and giant tents to village fairs, they set up cinemas where none exist and show Bollywood hits and classics to enraptured audiences. Shot over 5 years, Shirley Abraham and Amit Madheshiya’s elegiac documentary follows the guardians of this twilight trade – an exhibitor, a showman, and a projector repairman – and their struggles, joys, and memories as they face the march of time and technology. Celebrating the love for cinema in its purest form, The Cinema Travellers has traveled to numerous festivals around the world.



A Man of Integrity 就算世界與我為敵

伊朗 Iran / 2017 / 118 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Mohammad Rasoulof 演員 Cast: Reza Akhlaghirad, Soudabeh Beizaee, Nasim Adabi, Misagh Zare, Zeynab Shabani, Zhila Shahi


10/11 7:40pm BC 16/11 7:35pm IFC

面對強權壓迫,人該如何抉擇?教師Reza正直不阿,因替工人爭 取權益而丟了工作,唯有舉家遷徒到伊朗北部郊區,改以養金魚 為業,以為生活從此平靜。怎料大財團覬覦其家園,為搶地威迫 利誘無所不用其極。拒絕向不公義低頭的Reza漸漸發現,與他為 敵的不只企業,還有政府、法庭,甚至鄰居……導演自2010年起

康城影展,一種關注 大獎 Un Certain Regard Prize, Cannes Film Festival

被伊朗政府下禁拍令,不惜犯禁以戲喻己,說的既是Reza也是自 己的故事,成果震撼人心,一舉勇奪康城影展「一種關注」單元 大獎。 The title of A Man of Integrity represents both the film and the filmmaker. Reza lives a simple life with his wife and son on a goldfish farm in the country, away from the city and its corruption and compromises. But society's moral decay has far reaches, as the righteous and uncompromising Reza finds himself at odds with a powerful corporation that will use any means – legal or extralegal – to take his land. No stranger to injustice and oppression, Mohammad Rasoulof directed this provocative, enraging film while awaiting sentencing by the Iranian government for his 2010 crime of filming without a permit.


Asian Wide Angle



The Carousel Never Stops Turning 迴旋木馬轉又轉

印尼 Indonesia / 2017 / 84 min / 印尼語對白,英文字幕 In Indonesian with English subtitles 導演 Dir: Ismail Basbeth 演員 Cast: Cornelio Sunny, Karina Salim, Dea Ananda, Leilani Hermiasih, Ibnu ‘Gundul’ Widodo

釜山電影節 | Busan International Film Festival 東京電影節 | Tokyo International Film Festival


12/11 8:10pm BC

印尼獨立電影導演 Ismail Basbeth 繼《我爸爸是伊斯蘭教徒》 (第13屆)後又一實驗性新作,道盡印尼社會各種光怪陸離,冷 眼旁觀世間種種貪嗔痴。會計師自困於與亡妻的回憶中,念念 不忘;男人與愛車共食同寢,甚至生出愛慾;三個愛唱歌的女孩 自駕快樂遊,尋找作曲靈感;妓女終日與富翁為伴,腦中正策劃 一場血腥逃離;女人苦苦追尋殺母兇手,卻因一隻孤魂而得到解 脫;兩個農夫抗議政權不公,懵然不知危機悄悄臨近……導演嘗 試各種實驗手法,從車的角度看世界,人世各種悲歡離合原來只 是過眼雲煙。 Following a brief detour into commercial cinema with Talak 3, Indonedia’s Ismail Basbeth (The Crescent Moon, 13th HKAFF) returns with this ensemble anthology drama. Told from the perspective of an all-seeing car, the film is a sprawling collage featuring people from all walks of life, including an accountant who can’t let his late wife go, newlyweds who visit the zoo for their honeymoon, three members of a girl pop group who go on a cross-country road trip in search of inspiration, a prostitute looking to escape her current life, a woman searching for her mother’s murderer, and two farmers protesting against their state-mandated eviction. Made as part of Basbeth’s Picnic Cinema project, the film was produced through unconventional methods that include workshops, improvised shooting locations, and crowdfunding.



Tramontane 聽風者之歌

黎巴嫩 Lebanon / 2016 / 105 min / 阿拉伯語對白,中英文字幕 In Arabic with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: Vatche Boulghourjian 演員 Cast: Barakat Jabbour, Julia Kassar, Toufic Barakat

康城影評人週 大獎 | Grand Rail d’or, Cannes Critics' Week


13/11 9:50pm BC 14/11 7:50pm IFC

黎巴嫩年青天才盲人歌手拉比,為跟隨合唱團去歐洲表演申請護 照,才驚覺自己的身份證是偽造的,自己也不是媽媽的親生兒, 而是在三個月大時由舅舅從戰火中抱回家!於是拉比踏著戰火的 餘燼追查身世,黎巴嫩內戰鬧成十五年分裂,大規模生死流離之 中豈止弄丟了拉比的官方出生檔案,毀失的還有難民群族之間 支離破碎的集體記憶。伊斯蘭世界仍然在黎巴嫩擦槍走火,就 算有了真相也看不到光明,現實中也是視障歌手的演員Barakat Jabbour撕心裂肺地唱著首首中東民謠,用歌聲寄望終有一日看見 希望之光。 While seeking a passport, blind musician Rabih discovers that his mother Samar is not his real mother. As an infant, Rabih was rescued and delivered to Samar by her brother Hisham during the Lebanese Civil War. But in searching for his true origins, Rabih encounters something more puzzling and tragic: a nation of people deluded by lies, and unable or unwilling to tell their own stories much less Rabih's. A remarkable debut from director Vatche Boulghourjian, Tramontane is both a revealing journey through rural Lebanon and a painful portrait of a people irretrievably scarred by civil war.

Asian Wide Angle




Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno 金正恩萬歲

韓國 South Korea / 2017 / 120 min / 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鄭潤錫 Jung Yoon-suk 演員 Cast: Jang Sung-geon, Kwon Yong-man

韓國全州電影節 | Jeonju International Film Festival 鹿特丹電影節 | International Film Festival Rotterdam 台北電影節 | Taipei Film Festival 倫敦影展 | BFI London Film Festival


*7/11 7:30pm BC *8/11 7:20pm IFC

當金正恩被改花名 Rocket Man,北韓批評美國總統特朗普亂吠, 首爾的街頭K房竟然咆哮喊著「金正恩萬歲」﹗龐克樂團栗島海盜 由兩位青年組成,音樂監製是2012年曾因惡搞北韓軍人持槍照並轉 發Twitter,而遭韓國政府指控違反國家安全法的攝影師朴正根。 既然時局容不了他們,就走向地下Rock 'n' Roll!紀錄片導演鄭潤 錫以玩味手法與這隊小眾搖滾樂隊一齊high翻天,機關槍式歌詞大 家未必追得切聽得明,一輪嘴非求其亂噏,歇斯底里狂哮除了揶揄 北韓領導人,骨子裡還抗議南韓的貪腐體制,衝擊傳媒主流文化, 在憤世嫉俗的嘈音中,難得地唱出見不到一點光明的世道,以及年 輕一代的心底話。 Move over, Joan Baez – it’s time to for the Bamseom Pirates! Antiestablishment, rebellious, and borderline anarchist, Bamseom Pirates is an infamous two-man noisecore band whose barelycomprehensible lyrics lambasting capitalists, right-wing politics, and North Korea have earned them gigs at protests all over South Korea. However, when their producer is accused of breaking the National Security Law on Twitter, the band members find themselves taking on the law and questioning how free they truly are in their “democratic” nation. Jung Yoon-suk’s incendiary second feature-length documentary will spark debates about the limits of free speech and serve as an important lesson in activism through music.

映後分享會 Post-screening Sharing Session 反叛是為了反抗,高唱「金正恩萬歲」、在廢棄大學校園搞band show、用10分鐘唱100首歌的「栗島海盜」,大概是最踩界的 韓國龐克樂團。桀驁不馴,全因對現實和體制有一腔不滿需要抒 發。細心聆聽他們的聲音,讓本片導演鄭潤錫和研究韓國流行文 化學者鍾樂偉帶你認識韓國政治,你會發現栗島海盜不是亂噏。 They rebel in order to resist. Singing “hail to Kim Jong-un”, organising band shows in abandoned university buildings and performing 100 songs in 10 minutes, Bamseom Pirates probably is the most controversial punk band in Korea. Listen to their tunes closely, and look into Korean politics with director Jung Yoon-suk and scholar Steve Chung who specialises in the field of Korean popular culture, you will realise that Bamseom Pirates is not just some young people who rebel without a cause.

日期 Date: 7/11 (Tue) | 時間 Time: 9:30pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 主持 Host: 鍾樂偉 Steve Chung 嘉賓 Guest: 導演 鄭潤錫 Jung Yoon-suk 語言 Language: 韓語、廣東話翻譯 In Korean, with Cantonese translation


Asian Wide Angle

Taiwan Select 台灣搜畫



Daughter of the Nile 尼羅河女兒

台灣 Taiwan / 1987 / 93 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 侯孝賢 Hou Hsiao-hsien 演員 Cast: 楊林 Yang Lin, 高捷 Jack Kao, 陽帆 Yang Fan

柏林影展 | Berlin International Film Festival


5/11 2:00pm BC 11/11 8:00pm ONE

侯孝賢電影生涯中獨特的作品,首次起用偶像歌手楊林和陽帆主 演,高捷也被相中首度在大銀幕演出。內容首度以當時在台灣相 當流行的日本漫畫《尼羅河女兒》,對照女主角林曉陽的少女 心。劇情透過林家兄妹倆展現80年代台北的日與夜,曉陽白天 在KFC打工,晚上讀夜校,哥哥曉方當小偷。曉陽在五光十色的 舞廳中邂逅英俊的阿三,然而真實世界不像漫畫那樣浪漫,她從 此墮入一去不復返的青春歲月。此片上映正值台灣政府宣布解嚴 的1987年,亦是侯導從《戀戀風塵》展開「台灣三部曲」的分水 嶺,塵封30年後歷經4K數碼修復再登大銀幕。 After Dust in the Wind, Hou Hsiao-hsien continued to explore the experiences of growing up in a rapidly modernizing Taiwan with this sublime portrait of a dysfunctional Taipei family. Hsiao-yang is the responsible middle daughter, taking care of her younger sister while working at a fast food restaurant and attending night school. Meanwhile, her older brother is a professional burglar trying to go legit with a new restaurant. The Taiwanese auteur’s overlooked 1987 gem depicts Taipei as a bourgeoning world-class metropolis whose restless youths live every moment to the fullest with little concern for the future. The city’s glowing neon signs and back alleys have never looked more beautiful in this gorgeous digitally restored version.



A Fish Out of Water 上岸的魚

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 90 min / 國語對白、中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 賴國安 Lai Kuo-An 演員 Cast: 鄭人碩 Cheng Jen-shuo, 曾珮瑜 Peggy Tseng, 白潤音 Bai Runyin

多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival 西班牙聖塞巴提昂影展 | San Sebastian Film Festival


7/11 9:50pm BC 12/11 9:50pm ONE

師出台灣國寶級燈光大師李龍禹,曾與侯孝賢、陳國富等影人合 作,賴國安人到中年對電影仍念念不忘,交出揉合神秘、憂傷、 同情與懸疑元素的首部長片。以輪迴轉生為題,解開人倫共生的 結,帶出雙薪家庭面臨的問題。鄭人碩、曾珮瑜飾演一對上班族 夫妻,不僅要照顧年老失智的父親,二人五歲的兒子竟然直吵著 要「回家」!兒子一心只想找尋前世父母,夫妻二人努力營造的 幸福家庭,變得一堪不擊。年僅八歲的台日混血童星白潤音首挑 大樑,戴上面具避世演出惹人憐愛,前世與今生並存一身,演出 收放自如備受讚賞。 Haunted by an image in his memory, five-year-old Yi-an asks his parents to take him to the fishing village where his parents from his past life lived. Already burdened with the failing health of Yi-an’s grandfather, the parents are now worried that their son is suffering from psychosis as the crises begin to take a toll on their marriage. A longtime music video and commercial director, Lai Kuo-An channels the works of New Taiwan Cinema – including former collaborator Hou Hsiao-hsien – in his ethereal feature film debut. An insightful family drama with a hint of magical realism, this film is a quirky, offbeat portrait of the complexity of family dynamics and the mysterious nature of memory.

Taiwan Select




Manfei 曼菲

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 120 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳懷恩 En Chen 演員 Cast: 羅曼菲 Lo Man-fei

台北電影節 | Taipei Film Festival


11/11 5:45pm ONE 12/11 5:55pm BC

羅曼菲(1955-2006年),雲門舞集第一代舞者,雲門2創團藝術 總監,不只是恩師林懷民口中天生的舞者,更是人生的舞者。從 出演雲門舞集的《白蛇傳》、百老匯歌舞劇《國王與我》,以及 她越界編創的《羽化》、《騷動的靈魂》、《蘆葦地帶》等等, 還有在林懷民為她編作的《輓歌》獨舞裡,曼菲以近十分鐘不斷 的旋轉,淋漓表達哀思,已成絕響。儘管11年前癌症帶走了曼菲, 卻帶不走她的翩翩身影,《如歌的行板》(第12屆)導演陳懷恩 花了兩年多時間走訪她生前關係親密的友人、夥伴、學生訪談, 用思念串起故事,追憶曼菲的舞蹈人生。 A pioneer in Taiwan’s contemporary dance scene, Lo Man-fei receives a beautiful tribute from director En Chen (A Life That Sings, 12th HKAFF) a decade after her passing. Three years in the making, Manfei traces the life and work of the dance legend, including her early days at the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, her studies at New York’s most prestigious dance schools, and the founding of her Taipei Crossover Dance Company. Featuring rare footage of Lo’s graceful performances as well as candid conversations with her closest friends and collaborators, Manfei is a stirring journey into the heart of a true artist and a moving remembrance for a dearly missed member of the Taiwan art world.

© 劉振祥攝 雲門基金會提供



Welcome Home 歡迎來我家

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 82 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃嘉俊 Huang Chia-chun


10/11 9:50pm BC 12/11 4:15pm BC

19/11 4:00pm IFC

人的價值從何判斷?社會地位?財富高低?如果有一種人,一身 殘疾不事生產,還成為親人與社會的負擔,無從為他人貢獻,價 值何在?無法為自己發聲,尊嚴何在?台南一間被遺忘的五甲教 養院,每到颱風季節必定淹水。這裡卻是一些腦部病患容身的 家,他們有老有少,身心都忍受著不同程度的疾病和傷害,歡迎 著往來不絕的慈善家志願者⋯⋯我們習慣為這些「弱勢者」貼上 標籤,為這些「慈善機構」畫上功能,我們闖入他們的生活「做 慈善」,以此作為自我身分的表彰,卻忽視了生命之於他們到底 是何模樣。諸多荒謬現狀,掩蓋在美麗的包裝之下。 Located in a desolate area in Tainan is the Wuja Nursing Home. The facility is flooded every year during typhoon season, and yet it’s the permanent residence of a number of patients, and each is “disadvantaged” or “disabled”, depending on which label is used. But too often the stories of these people are told by those who claim to help them – charitable organizations or performative persons looking to raise their own profiles. If given the opportunity, how would these disadvantaged individuals portray their own lives?


Taiwan Select



Pakeriran 巴克力藍的夏天

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 80 min / 國語與阿美族語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Amis with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 勒嘎.舒米 Lekal Sumi Changasan 演員 Cast: 林孫煜豪 Suun Lin, 鴻狄 Ipun Kanasaw, 以莉.高露 Ilid Kaolo


*9/11 7:50pm BC *9/11 9:50pm IFC

巴克力藍,是位於花蓮豐濱港口部落外海的一個小島。《太陽的 孩子》原住民導演勒嘎.舒米有話想說,透過當地的海祭,帶領 觀眾進入阿美族部落生活和海洋文化,同時探討鄉下小孩往都市 發展的去留及環境污染問題。在都市長大的高中男生Futing,原 本想趁暑假跟同學一起環島,卻被叫回來部落照顧外公兼參加海 祭。Futing對鄉下生活滿不是味兒,還要學習遵循部落下海捕魚的 傳統,直至遇上了在部落打工換宿的美少女,決定在海祭舉辦之 前游到巴克力藍島,證明自己是位真正的勇士。新晉少男少女林 孫煜豪和鴻狄在這個夏天回到部落,接受海洋的洗禮,演出自然 又討喜。 Panay director Lekal Sumi Changasan continues to highlight Taiwan aboriginal culture and the effects of modernization on traditional ways of life through this picturesque tale of a city youth’s return to nature and his roots. Student Futing, who lives in Taipei, is suddenly summoned back home by his mother for the summer. He’s told to take his injured grandfather’s place in the village sea festival. Unfamiliar with fishing and tribal customs, Futing grumbles and struggles with the task at hand, but finds renewed motivation after meeting new girl in town Lisin. The film’s title of Pakeriran refers to a small island off the coast of Hualien that Amis men must swim to in order to become true warriors.



Alifu, the Prince/ss 阿莉芙

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 91 min / 台語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 王育麟 Wang Yu-lin 演員 Cast: 舞炯恩.加以法利得 Utjung, 陳竹昇 Chen Zhu-sheng, 鄭人碩 Cheng Jen-shuo, Matt Fleming

金馬獎 最佳男配角及最佳原著劇本提名 Nominated for Golden Horse Awards Best New Director and Best Cinematography


4/11 6:00pm BC 9/11 8:10pm ONE

11/11 2:00pm IFC

Alifu,是排灣的王族名字,可以是男生名「阿利夫」或是女性化 「阿莉芙」。25歲排灣族青年阿莉芙正煩惱著要不要繼承父親的 頭目身份,還是聽從內心的聲音去變性;鄭人碩飾演的公務員本 來有個要好女友,但有了變裝經驗後,他卻怎麼也回不去了;變 裝酒吧老闆Sherry,一直暗戀著水電工老吳,但老吳只當他是哥 兒們;TB佩貞愛上想要變性的阿莉芙,這段錯置的性別讓愛情變 複雜。《父後七日》導演王育麟繼檢視台灣傳統與禮俗的滄桑流 變後,今次為同志與跨性別者挺身而出,一改過去的悲情氛圍, 以輕鬆幽默的大愛手法拍出沒有是非對錯的性別光譜。 After dealing with death as co-director of Seven Days in Heaven, director Wang Yu-lin uses his latest film to tackle an even bigger social issue: gender identity. Wang’s charming triptych tells three love stories featuring transgendered protagonists. A 25-yearold aboriginal man struggles between getting a sex change or inheriting the tribal chief position; a drag queen bar owner carries a torch for a plumber who isn’t interested in reciprocating the affection; and a government worker is rocked out of his dull everyday existence when he begins performing as a drag queen while struggling to hide it from his girlfriend. Arriving during the most important period of Taiwan’s LGBTQ movement, Alifu, The Prince/ss is a rousing celebration of love, equality, and acceptance.

Taiwan Select




A Foley Artist 擬音

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 100 mins / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 王婉柔 Wang Wan-jo


*11/11 9:50pm BC *12/11 7:35pm ONE

華語世界第一部關於電影聲效的紀錄片。走入台灣國寶級音效師胡 定一的錄音室,讓觀眾一窺電影聲音製作的真實面貌。四十年來, 胡定一以沈默卻響亮的方式參與了無數華語片製作,也見證了台灣 電影最輝煌的年代。電影側寫了台灣電影產業數十年來由盛而衰的

鹿特丹電影節 | International Film Festival Rotterdam 金馬影展 | Golden Horse Film Festival

歷史輪廓,揭示台灣電影產業面臨的困境。導演特意走訪兩岸三地 多位資深電影音效師,包括剛與世長辭的香港電影音效大師曾景 祥,留下大師最後身影。今年金馬獎更推選胡定一為「年度台灣傑 出電影工作者」。 Sound-making of a film is a complicated process. A Foley Artist is a biographic documentary of Master Hu Ding-yi, the most experienced Foley artist in Taiwan. Hu has an inventive talent in reproducing sound effects. In his mind, every material and every object can become a tool for Foley. Hu devoted 40 years of his life to the film industry, witnessing the rise of digital sound effects. Hu faced a significant career crisis and had to fight to remain in the industry. While exploring Hu’s character, the documentary extends to give a broader perspective of the development of the entire Chinese-speaking film industry in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.



The Last Painting 自畫像

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 107 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳宏一 Chen Hung-I 演員 Cast: 林哲熹 J.C. Lin, 張寗 Chang Ning, 鄭人碩 Cheng Jen-shuo, 張喬翔 Kiwebaby, 林微弋 Lin Wei-yi


4/11 7:45pm BC 10/11 9:50pm ONE

《相愛的七種設計》(第11屆)導演陳宏一完成「台北三部曲」 後,改走社會寫實驚慄風格,《自畫像》藉由政治系女生楊婕之 死,一探台灣社會近年的矛盾和對立,揭示蔡英文當選後台灣人 的迷茫,如何扼殺年輕人的熱血與夢想。《醉.生夢死》張寗扮 演不願與社會妥協的楊婕,玉體橫陳,全裸入畫;林哲熹飾演藝

鹿特丹電影節 | International Film Festival Rotterdam 金馬奇幻影展 | Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival

術家江中澤,曾是社運憤青,卻沉溺於肉慾,視楊婕為傾洩憤怒 的對象;跨性別演員張喬翔飾演楊婕的蜜友訥訥,想以變性改變 命運,嫉妒卻成為他的雙刃劍。究竟是誰殺了她?從藍綠、平權 和反同婚,陳宏一用他強烈的視覺風格結合藝術繪畫的油彩,在 畫布上展示青春靈魂犯下的七宗罪。 Hailing from a rich family, politically-engaged student Yang Chieh becomes the flatmate of moody painter Jhong-ze. The two don’t get along at first, but when Chieh learns that Jhong-ze was once a political activist, she encourages him to bring politics back onto his canvases. This stylish new film by Chen Hung-I (Design 7 Love, 11th HKAFF) is a daring, philosophical, and fiercely intelligent genrebender that’s as inspired by the works of Brian De Palma as it is by recent developments in Taiwan’s political scene. Infusing art, politics, and sexual identity with a murder mystery at its core, Chen’s multi-layered work captivates your attention from the disturbing opening sequence and never lets go.


Taiwan Select



Missing Johnny 強尼.凱克

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 104 min / 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃熙 Huang Xi 演員 Cast: 瑞瑪席丹 Rima Zeidan, 柯宇綸 Laurence Ko, 黃遠 Sean Huang

台北電影節 最佳編劇、最佳男配角、最佳新演員 | Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best New Talent, Taipei Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳新導演、最佳新演員等3項提名 Nominated for 3 Golden Horse Awards including Best New Director


*18/11 3:10pm ONE *19/11 7:50pm IFC

被譽為新世代《千禧曼波》!師承侯孝賢的新銳導演黃熙,以台 北人的日常為題首次執導長片,以細膩情感描繪都市人心聲, 放慢步伐漫遊台北感受寂寞的溫度。故事從一位獨居女郎說起, 她不停接到要找「強尼」的不明電話,一天她養的黑頭鸚鵡 「凱克」飛走了,把她帶到熟悉又陌生的街頭,此時,包租婆的 過動兒和在公寓附近撿破爛的飄泊男仗義幫忙,加入尋鳥。三位 生活背景迥異的主角走在一起,是為了尋找飛走的凱克、消失的 強尼﹖還是逃避生活之中的失落與美好﹖由郭采潔出品,侯孝 賢監製以及他的御用班底包括廖慶松、姚宏易、林強等加持, 混血模特兒瑞瑪席丹演技清新自然,柯宇綸和黃遠演活了台灣人 的率性和恬然。 Having worked for years under Hou Hsiao-hsien, Huang Xi makes her directorial debut with a contemplative relationship drama that swept four prizes, including Best Screenplay, at the Taipei Film Festival. Hsu Zi-qi, who raises parrots in her apartment, keeps getting wrong phone calls for someone named Johnny. Lee, the autistic son of Zi-qi’s landlady, reads old newspapers every day and wanders around. Handyman Feng, who works odd jobs around the apartment, feels disheartened and frustrated when his beloved car breaks down. The lives of these three lonely souls cross over when one of Zi-qi’s parrots escapes one day. Johnny is missing, but he’s hardly the only one lost in the urban jungle of Taipei.



The Great Buddha+ 大佛普拉斯

台灣 Taiwan / 2017 / 102 min / 台語、國語對白,中英文字幕 In Taiwanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黃信堯 Huang Hsin-yao 演員 Cast: 莊益增 Cres Chuang, 陳竹昇 Bamboo Chen, 戴立忍 Leon Dai

台北電影節 百萬首獎、最佳劇情長片5項大獎 | 5 Awards including Grand Prize, Best Narrative Feature, Taipei Film Festival 金馬獎 最佳劇情片、最佳新導演、最佳攝影等10項提名 Nominated for 10 Golden Horse Awards including Best Feature Film, Best New Director, and Best Cinematography


*18/11 5:25pm ONE *19/11 5:35pm IFC

由紀錄片起家的導演黃信堯,把他2014年入圍金馬獎最佳短片 《大佛》拍成首部長片,在台北電影獎一鳴驚人,捧走了百萬首 獎、最佳劇情長片等五項大獎!戴立忍化身渾身銅臭味的佛像工 廠老闆,被工廠夜間警衛莊益增和撿破爛的陳竹昇無意中偷看了 其行車記錄儀,一段車震片引起了一發不可收拾的連鎖反應,更 令二人意外捲入殺人滅口的漩渦之中,幾乎將政商名流、黑道社 團、妙禪善眾技術式擊倒,最後竟然要出動菩薩出來執手尾。 《一路順風》鍾孟宏首度監製,兼以中島長雄之名擔當攝影師, 用凌厲的黑白鏡頭拍出愈荒謬、愈真實的人生。 With the help of Chung Mong-hong, who co-produces and serves as DP for this dark comedy, documentarian Huang Hsin-yao expanded his Golden Horse-nominated short The Great Buddha into his first narrative feature, which won the Grand Prize at the Taipei Film Festival. Pickle, a night security guard at a statue factory, and his buddy Belly Button pass their time watching TV and flipping through porn mags. When the TV breaks, they turn to an alternative source of salacious entertainment: their boss’s dashboard camera footage. They have fun peeking into their boss’s private life until they stumble on a shocking secret that links to a series of outrageous events involving crime, corruption, a giant buddha statue and the many follies of men.

Taiwan Select


Director in Focus 焦點導演 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 鈴木清順今年2月13日病逝,終年93歲。1923年出生的他是戰後日 本重要的導演之一。1954年加入日活電影公司,與美術指導木村 威夫合作執導多部顛覆傳統的黑幫片,風格大膽、荒誕誇張,其 中《東京流浪者》和《殺之烙印》更被奉為Cult片經典,可惜票房 慘淡。日活認為他的電影難以理解,偏離大眾,大減製作費,更 在1967年他完成《殺之烙印》後將他解僱。鈴木沉寂至1977年才 復出,1980年至1991年以獨立電影公司拍攝「大正浪漫三部曲」﹕ 《流浪者之歌》、《陽炎座》和《夢二》,展現他電影語言藝術 的代表作。精通日本文學,鍾情大正時代傳統藝術文化,他的作 品被譽為「電影歌舞伎」。

Making films both generic and iconoclastic, Suzuki Seijun inspired later filmmakers – including Quentin Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch and Wong Kar-wai – with his narrative-defying excess and avant-garde irreverence. Born on May 24, 1923, Suzuki started as a director making low-budget genre features for the Nikkatsu Corporation. After helming countless B-movies, Suzuki began to experiment – largely to combat his boredom – and broke through with the visually inventive gangster saga Youth of the Beast (1963). However, Nikkatsu found his films “incomprehensible”, and after Branded to Kill (1967) – arguably his most enduring film – Suzuki was fired and then blacklisted for his battles with the studio. He would eventually receive recognition through festival retrospectives and later works, particularly the Taisho trilogy, a trio of films set during Japan’s Taisho Period (1912-1926). Suzuki died at the age of 93 on February 13, 2017, but he leaves a lasting legacy as an innovative and forever hip filmmaking maverick.






Heat-Haze Theatre





57 (50)


Director in Focus


12/11 1:35pm BC 1/12 9:30pm BC

6/12 9:30pm BC

日本 Japan / 1966 / 144 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 渡哲也 Watari Tetsuya, 小松田智惠子 Matsubara Chieko, 川地民夫 Kawaji Tamio, 北龍二 Kita Ryuji

日本電影金像獎 最佳電影、最佳導演 Best Picture, Best Director, Japan Academy Prize 柏林影展 評審特別獎 Special Mention, Berlin International Film Festival 日本藍絲帶獎 最佳導演 | Best Director, Blue Ribbon Award


After being blacklisted for a decade, Suzuki Seijun made a triumphant return with this dreamlike drama that refused distribution by exhibitors, played Japan in a travelling tent. Based on the novel Disk of Sarasate by Uchida Hyakken, with a title taken from Pablo de Sarasate's violin composition Zigeunerweisen, the film is an astonishingly-realised meditation on desire and obsession taking place during the Taisho Period (1912-1926), when Western culture became assimilated into Japan. Two childhood friends, the suit-wearing Aochi and the kimono-garbed Nakasago, meet as adults and simultaneously fall for geisha Koine. Both marry other women, but as their lives spiral into decadence, Koine remains an elusive, haunting figure that refuses to leave them.

「大正浪漫三部曲」,明顯跟日活時代作品截然不同﹕實地取景 而非片場製作,片長較以前長得多,知識份子作主角,不同時代 背景和主題使他的作品由以前吸引Cult片粉絲轉移吸納一些藝術片 觀眾。《流浪者之歌》是三部曲之首,以大正時代為背景,是一 部唯美、懸疑、超現實的鬼怪片。片名來自西班牙古典小提琴作 品,樂曲也是片中的重要元素。鈴木清順改編內田百間的小說, 摒棄傳統電影敍事手法,反思大正時代西方文化滲入對日本文化 和身份的影響。


2/12 9:40pm BC 8/12 9:40pm BC

13/12 9:40pm BC

日本 Japan / 1981 / 139 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 松田優作 Matsuda Yusaku, 大楠道代 Okusu Michiyo, 中村嘉葎雄 Nakamura Katsuo


Suzuki Seijun’s hallucinatory second entry in his Taisho Trilogy


plays like an Eastern cousin to the work of David Lynch, melding a


feverish exploration of the theatrical arts with Suzuki’s trademark

品子,被誘邀到金澤市,在火車上碰見他的客人玉脅,後者向他 表示正準備目擊一個已婚婦和其情夫殉情自殺。松崎懷疑品子就 是玉脅的妻子,而此行可能是一場死亡之約。然而好戲在後頭, 結局出人意表。畫面構圖精心營造,猶如一幅幅淒美的人物風景 畫。

surreal imagery and dreamlike narratives. Adapted from a work by Taisho-era writer Izumi Kyoka, the film follows Matsuzaki, a playwright whose chance encounter with a ghostly woman leads to a deepening obsession that may spell his doom. Also known by the title Kagero-za, Heat-Haze Theatre is Suzuki at his most daring and fantastic, and culminates in a surreal kabuki performance that unnervingly captures Matsuzaki’s life, and perhaps also his death.


3/12 9:50pm BC 10/12 3:20pm BC

15/12 9:50pm BC

日本 Japan / 1991 / 128 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 澤田研二 Sawada Kenji, 毬谷友子 Mariya Tomoko, 坂東玉三郎 Tamasaburo Bando


Ten years after Heat-Haze Theatre, Suzuki Seijun wrapped up his


Taisho Trilogy with this sensual tale about a real-life Taisho-era


painter and poet. Suzuki spins a fictionalised, fantastic portrait

一個充滿氣球的晚會中出現。主角被死亡的想像和藝術創作的追 求纏繞,墮入現實、夢境和幻想的漩渦中。虛幻的情節,絢麗的 畫面,淒美的角色,延續鈴木清順追求的電影美學風格。日本殿 堂級創作歌手演員澤田研二,在演藝界中作風前衛創新,與竹久 夢二隔代而合,由他飾演夢二是神來之筆。

of Yumeji Takehisa, using surreal imagery, luscious camerawork, and an ambiguous narrative to convey the anguished soul of an artist. En route to a meeting with his lover, Yumeji becomes enchanted by a beautiful woman whose husband was mysteriously murdered. Yumeji’s enchantment grows into obsession, while the complications with the women in his life multiply, bleeding into his already tortured artistic process. When the murdered husband abruptly returns to face Yumeji, dreams and death collide, pushing him further towards entropy.

Director in Focus




Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards! 探偵事務所23

日本 Japan / 1963 / 88 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 宍戶錠 Shishido Joe, 笹森禮子 Sasamori Reiko, 川地民夫 Kawachi Tamio, 金子信雄 Kaneko Nobua


3/12 8:00pm BC 9/12 3:45pm BC

跟《野獸之青春》一樣,故事改編自大藪春口的小說,同屬鈴木 清順60年代初的作品。當時日活工廠式的製作下,導演可發揮 的條件很有限,但他的反斗本色已流露,並有突破框框的本事。 故事講述黑道中人真邊因一宗軍火走私交易失敗而被捕,自信十 足的私家偵探田島英雄向警方提議,利用真邊潛入及瓦解黑幫集 團。即使故事本身並無驚喜,但落到鈴木清順手上又變成娛樂反 斗的黑幫片,帶觀眾走入戰後受西方文化殖民的東京,加上星味 頂級的宍戶錠飾演私家偵探田島英雄,明快吸引的影像配合感染 力強的音樂,把黑幫片觀賞指數節節推高。 Made deep into Suzuki Seijun’s run at Nikkatsu Studios, but before his widely-regarded breakthrough works Youth of the Beast and Gate of Flesh, Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards! nevertheless shows ample evidence of Suzuki’s irreverent brilliance. In the midst of a Yakuza gang war, private detective Tajima arrives to right all wrongs. Taking over for the cops, Tajima goes undercover in the gangs, romances a Yakuza boss’s girl, takes down multiple thugs, and still manages to look dapper and cool while doing it. Forcefully paced with plenty of stylish and increasingly bizarre action scenes, Detective Bureau 2-3 shines as a representative of the Nikkatsu commercial formula and Suzuki’s wild “anything for entertainment” ethos.



Youth of the Beast 野獸之青春

日本 Japan / 1963 / 92 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 宍戶錠 Shishido Joe, 渡邊美佐子 Watanabe Misako, 川地民夫 Kawaji Tamio


2/12 7:40pm BC 10/12 5:45pm BC

鈴木清順曾說過1963年是他開始在作品中展現自我風格的一年, 《野獸之青春》是他首部石破天驚之作。宍戶錠飾演好打得的水 野錠次,在一宗表面看似是警員和情婦自殺案發生後,刻意於黑 道圈中現身,激發兩派敵對黑幫互相仇殺。但他的真正身份是什 麼?背後有何神秘組織指示?鈴木清順打破一貫黑幫片格局,大 玩視覺語言,電影由黑白開始很快便轉為調色板般的畫面,用色 大膽鮮明,劇情荒誕誇張,舞台化的美指構圖,建立他原創的另 類黑幫片風格。之後的《東京流浪者》及《殺之烙印》,更是他 在Cult片界的金漆招牌。 After toiling for years making B-movies for the Nikkatsu Corporation, Suzuki Seijun hit his stride with the violent and inventive Yakuza thriller Youth of the Beast. Longtime Suzuki collaborator Shishido Joe stars as Joji Mizuno, a mysterious stranger who, motives unknown, moves in on a pair of rival Tokyo gangs and pits them against one another. Generally ignored upon release, Youth of the Beast would nevertheless be hailed years later as Suzuki’s breakthrough, revealing the director’s irreverent, satiric and sometimes unfathomable sensibilities to be worthy of celebration and study. Proudly (and accurately) described in its original theatrical trailer as a “hard-boiled masterpiece”.


Director in Focus



Gate of Flesh 肉體之門

日本 Japan / 1964 / 90 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 宍戶錠 Shishido Joe, 野川由美子 Nogawa Yumiko, 和田光司 Wada Koji, 石井富子 Ishii Tomoko


3/12 6:15pm BC 7/12 9:50pm BC

《肉體之門》與另一部同是改編田村泰次郎小說的《春婦傳》, 都是鈴木清順的反戰主題電影。曾入伍親歷戰爭的他,作品經常 以誇張、荒誕、無稽的手法呈現性和暴力,突顯人尤其在戰爭中的 無力和無常感。色彩經常是他電影一大武器,這部關於妓女的故 事,以紅、紫、綠、黃服飾來區分不同妓女。為了生計和生存, 她們有自己奉行的金科玉律,例如千萬不能動真情。宍戶錠飾的 退役士兵伊吹新太郎因傷與她們暫居,各人漸漸都希望佔據他, 其中瑪雅更打算跟他遠走高飛,以為命運可以改寫,最後希望卻換 來絕望。 Suzuki Seijun's pulpy adaptation of Tamura Taijuro's 1947 novel offered the director new avenues to refine his iconoclastic style. In the shelled remains of post-World War II Tokyo, a gang of prostitutes defends their territory from rival working girls, seedy Yakuza and American GIs. There's only one major rule: don't offer anyone sex for free. But the arrival of wounded ex-soldier Ibuki sows seeds of strife in the tenuous community. When Ibuki's shared affinity with the youngest prostitute Maya gets serious, the world they've created is torn asunder. Equal parts lascivious melodrama and wicked social critique, this chronicle of desperation and depravity is among Suzuki's most daring works.



Tokyo Drifter 東京流浪者

日本 Japan / 1966 / 83 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 渡哲也 Watari Tetsuya, 小松田智惠子 Matsubara Chieko, 川地民夫 Kawaji Tamio, 北龍二 Kita Ryuji


1/12 7:45pm BC 9/12 2:00pm BC

《東京流浪者》和隨後的《殺之烙印》皆為鈴木清順的黑幫Cult片 代表作。《東》是彩色代表,但以黑白作開場,跟之後鮮明的色 彩形成對比,點睛式道出主題:一個東京殺手隻身浪跡天涯的選 擇。憂怨浪漫的主題曲,充滿美感的佈局,畫一般的鏡頭,加上 俊男美女,全長83分鐘的視聽享受。又大玩形式主義,以近乎滑 稽的手法演繹西部牛仔片、黑幫片元素,惡搞味濃。渡哲也飾演 食古不化的忠誠殺手哲也,所屬黑幫解散後,敵幫大佬邀他過檔 被拒,轉移追殺他。他的舊大佬竟聯謀殺他,哲也逃避追殺,最 後找上舊大佬對質。經歷連番背叛,最後選擇獨自流浪。 Given progressively smaller budgets by the Nikkatsu Corporation, Suzuki Seijun pushed himself even further creatively, resulting in the surreal gangster thriller Tokyo Drifter. Popstar Watari Tetsuya is Tetsu, a deactivated Yakuza killer who refuses to join his former boss's rival, and instead embarks on a new life as a reformed gangster cum drifter. But a betrayal spurs Tetsu to return to the underworld, and he's bringing his gun, bullets, and immaculate powder-blue suit with him! Suzuki channels Hollywood westerns, musical comedies, pop-art commercials and countless swinging 60s signifiers for this delirious, offbeat, and decidedly absurd classic of the Japanese gangster genre.

Director in Focus




Branded to Kill 殺之烙印

日本 Japan / 1967 / 91 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 鈴木清順 Suzuki Seijun 演員 Cast: 宍戶錠 Shishido Joe, 南原宏治 Nanbara Koji, 玉川伊佐男 Tamagawa Isao, 真理安濡 Mari Annu


2/12 5:45pm BC 5/12 9:50pm BC

荒誕放蕩,黑色反斗的型格黑幫片,既是鈴木清順60年代的代 表作,也成為他電影生涯遭封殺之烙印。最諷刺的是雖然鈴木 清順因《殺之烙印》被禁,但此片的怪誕瘋狂及前衛破格,奠定 他在日本以至國際影壇地位。一代性格型男宍戶錠飾演他耍家的 殺手,白飯的味道令他鍾情,甚至能挑起他的性慾。一次任務失 手,令他搭上神秘女顧客,更落入惡名昭彰的殺手一號的追殺名 單,身陷險境。故事還是其次,旗幟鮮明的導演風格才是焦點。 受日活公司限制製作費大減,反叛的鈴木清順以黑白菲林拍攝, 證明黑白的單調在他手上也可化為奪目的力量。 The film that reportedly got Suzuki Seijun fired from the Nikkatsu Corporation, Branded to Kill is arguably the director's magnum opus – and inarguably one of the most entertaining and bizarre Yakuza films ever made! Suzuki gleefully mocks every convention of the gangster genre, creating a surreal, absurdist film noir masterpiece that must be seen to be believed. Suzuki's regular on-screen stand-in Shishido Joe is Hanada Goro, the underworld's third-ranked hitman, who has an unhealthy obsession with sniffing boiling rice. While botching hits and dealing with suicidal femme fatales, Hanada becomes a target of Number One, the underworld's top killer. But not even Hanada is prepared for Number One's brilliant, twisted, and sublimely ridiculous methods of murder.

回顧日本新浪潮傳奇大師─鈴木清順 Mapping Japanese New Wave Cinema: The Lens of Suzuki Seijun 日本電影新浪潮代表人物、奇幻大師鈴木清順於本年初逝世。 即興的手法、超現實的風格、色彩豐富的影像、怪誕的取鏡, 大膽前衛的道德觀,組成獨一無二的「清順美學」。他別樹一 幟,懶理觀眾是否明白他的電影,結果電影公司跟他解約,漫長 訴訟更令他被電影界列入黑名單,令其導演生涯更顯傳奇。他的 離世,為日本電影留下了怎樣的一塊空白﹖香港亞洲電影節聯同 影評人及日本電影專家舒明,以座談會懷緬本年度焦點影人鈴木 清順。 Suzuki Seijun, avant-garde filmmaker and one of the important figures of Japanese New Wave, passed away in February this year. His works often feature spontaneous actions, surreal styles, jarring colours, odd angles and progressive ideas, forming a unique “Seijun aesthetics”. Strong in his personal style and oblivious of audience’s reactions, he faced termination of contract which led to removal of his films from distribution. Though unfortunate, the incident certainly makes his life story even more legendary. What

日期 Date: 12/11 (Sun) | 時間 Time: 4:00pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 嘉賓 Guest: 資深影評人舒明 Shu Ming

loss did his death mean to the Japanese film industry? Let us commemorate our Director in Focus with screenings and a talk.


Director in Focus

語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese

Midnight Marathon 2017

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Date & Time





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Husband Killers 女士復仇

香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 96 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 火火 Fire Lee 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 周秀娜 Chrissie Chau, 樂基兒 Gaile Lok


*11/11 9:45pm ONE

創作人火火繼去年黑色荒誕的《老笠》後,再次自編自導《女士 復仇》。集血腥、暴力、性感、瘋狂於一身,火火今次為女士發 聲、發洩、發癲,整治出軌男士。鄧麗欣飾演結婚十年的女殺手 Chanel,一直以為丈夫從一而終;周秀娜飾演的女飛賊Dior和男 友拍拖十年,自以為温馨甜蜜,直至一天她們發現另一半偷食, 明查暗訪下,第三者竟然是對方!兩人決定會面攤牌,本打算置 對方於死地,點知碰面當天竟然撞正賤男與「第四者」幽會。兩 人決定把一對狗男女就地正法。原來賤男設局一網打盡三女,三 女逼上梁山,聯合反擊大報復,誓要殺死賤男! If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, imagine the nightmare that’s about to be visited upon the man who has scorned three women. Professional killer Chanel has been happily married for ten years, but she discovers that her husband has been carrying on an affair with Dior, a thief. Before the women can tear each other apart, they learn that he also has a third woman, Hermes. When the avenging duo arrives at a hotel to stop their next rendezvous, they find out that Hermes is ready for war. Anchored by three fierce female leads, the latest film from Robbery director Fire Lee is a tongue-in-cheek revenge thriller and a thrilling throwback to 80s exploitation cinema served up with plenty of blood and attitude.



Jailbreak 勁爆麻甩監獄

柬埔寨 Cambodia / 2017 / 92 min / 高棉語、英語、法語對白,中英文字幕 In Khmer, English, and French with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: Jimmy Henderson 演員 Cast: Jean-Paul Ly, Dara Our, Tharoth Sam, Céline Tran

烏甸尼遠東電影節,開幕電影 Opening Film, Udine Far East Film Festival 加拿大奇幻電影節 | Fantasia International Film Festival


19/11 7:40pm ONE


柬埔寨首部大型動作片。意大利導演 Jimmy Henderson,2011年 移居柬埔寨。由構思開始,他便想拍一部困在一個空間的群打片。 電影以傳統柬埔寨武術作賣點,動作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突擊 死亡塔》。故事講述警隊拘捕罪犯Playboy,點知原來Playboy另 有「大佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐。為免Playboy洩露社團 機密,大家姐懸紅追殺他,惹來監獄一片惡鬥,各人對Playboy虎 視眈眈。押送Playboy的警察加入戰團抵抗保護證人。最後蝴蝶夫 人出手來個突襲!選角有柬埔寨女子混合格鬥冠軍Tharoth Sam和 法柬混血特技人Jean-Paul Ly助陣,還有前艷星Céline Tran首次拍 動作片。電影在柬埔寨大賣,掀起動作片熱潮。 Khmer cinema roars into action with the wall-to-wall brawler Jailbreak,







filmmaker Jimmy Henderson. Four police officers are assigned the seemingly simple mission of escorting criminal Playboy to a high-security prison. However, Madame Butterfly, the leader of Playboy’s gang, has caught wind that he will squeal and wants him dead. Confronted with a mass breakout situation, the officers must fight tooth and nail through an entire jail’s worth of assailants plus Madame Butterfly’s henchwomen in order to protect their charge. French-Cambodian actor Jean-Paul Ly, whose stunt credits include Doctor Strange and Lucy, makes his leading man debut alongside local martial artists in Cambodia’s answer to The Raid.


Midnight Craze



Tokyo Vampire Hotel 東京吸血鬼酒店

日本 Japan / 2017 / 142 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 園子溫 Sono Sion 演員 Cast: 富手麻妙 Tomite Ami, 夏帆 Kaho, 滿島真之介 Mitsushima Shunnosuke


15/11 9:30pm ONE 18/11 7:30pm YOHO

《不是色情電影》的日本鬼才導演園子溫又有新意,炮製以吸血 鬼為主題的電影及一連9集原創劇。園子温自編自導,創作自由度 極大,拍出一部既血腥又迷人的現代吸血鬼傳說。一間堅不可摧 的酒店內,匿藏一群詭秘吸血鬼,俘虜人類作食物,極盡兇殘。 前AKB48研究生富手麻妙再次出演園子温作品,飾演輾轉進入了 殭屍酒店的少女,幸得夏帆飾演的神秘K小姐保護。殺氣十足的電

釜山電影節,午夜激情 Midnight Passion, Busan International Film Festival

影版,相當暴力血腥超現實。 For three centuries, the Corvin clan has ruled the vampire world while holding the Dracula clan underground. However, a prophecy states that three children born on September 9th, 1999, will have the power to set the Draculas free on their 22nd birthday. Only one of those children, Manami, has survived, and the Corvins will do anything to eliminate her before a vampire civil war breaks out. Originally produced as a nine-episode web series, the featurelength version of Sono Sion’s wildly ambitious fantasy thriller kicks off with a gruesome bloodbath and never looks back. Don’t bother looking for any handsome vampire prince here – this is a deliriously violent and surreal fever dream that also happens to be bloody good fun.



Vampire Clay 大陶殺

日本 Japan / 2017 / 81 min / 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 梅澤壯一 Umezawa Soichi 演員 Cast: 武田杏香 Takeda Kyoka, 杉本桃花 Sugimoto Momoka, 藤田惠名 Fujita Ena

多倫多電影節,午夜狂熱 Midnight Madness, Toronto International Film Festival


14/11 9:50pm ONE

日本恐怖電影總有令人入場的理由。即使這是導演梅澤壯一首部 執導長片又如何?單是採用原始味濃的黏土公仔為創作元素已令 人充滿想像,除了神秘可怕還帶點淒美,正中日本恐怖片要害。 導演本身是知名電影造型設計師,曾為《進擊的巨人》、《暗殺 教室》等電影製作特技化妝。故事發生在一所郊區藝術學校,受 詛咒的陶泥遭解除封印,引發校內一場血腥屠殺,學生一個個被 消失,校園淪為人間地獄……藝術背景豐富的梅澤壯一創作了一 個藝術世界中的恐怖故事,不無隱喻和批判。當同學、老師逐個 被泥人吞噬,你又如何能逃離陶泥? A special effects makeup artist with 25 years of experience, Umezawa Soichi dabbles in some of the sickest use of claymation that you may ever see on screen for his feature film debut. A teacher at an extremely competitive art school scrapes a batch of clay from a nearby mountain. However, when the students pour water on the clay dust, it transforms into a living blob that devours students one by one. Even if the idea of human-eating clay isn’t your cup of tea, Umezawa’s amazing creations – mostly made with practical effects – are worth the price of admission.

Midnight Craze


Chinese Animation 潮遊中國動畫



Dahufa 大護法

中國 China / 2017 / 95 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 不思凡 Bu Si Fan


*16/11 7:40pm BC *17/11 7:40pm IFC

*18/11 7:40pm IFC

中國首部成人動畫,以手繪山水背景構造奇幻血腥世界。故事以 詭異的花生鎮為背景,小鎮上空漂浮著一個巨大的黑色花生狀球 體,鎮上的人長得與花生一模一樣,當身上長出鬼蘑菇時便會被 守衛槍決。奕衛國大護法為了尋找失蹤太子來到花生鎮,引發了

金馬獎 最佳動畫長片提名 Nominated for Golden Horse Awards Best Animation Feature

連串離奇事件。花生國民畫風簡約怪誕,故事隨不速之客到來變 得越來越詭譎暗黑,畫面越見血腥,圓碌碌的大護法真實面目更 叫人意想不到。《大護法》是光線彩條屋影業繼《大聖歸來》和 《大魚海棠》後合眾籌之力製作而成的第三部動畫作品,由香港 電影金像獎最佳剪輯師林安兒監製兼親自剪片。 From crowdfunding to self-declaring a PG-13 rating, the makers of Dahufa clearly aren’t interested in playing by industry rules, and the result is one of the most unexpected films to come out of China. An eye-popping amalgam of flash animation and traditional painting-inspired backgrounds, this fantasy action-adventure shocks with colorful violence and a provocative allegorical tale ripe for political interpretation. While searching for a runaway prince, warrior Dahufa comes upon a creepy town whose brainwashed, enslaved residents live in oppression and ignorance under a brutal tyrant. Though he only wishes to find the prince, Dahufa’s arrival shakes up the town and plants the seeds of awakening and revolt.



Princess Iron Fan 鐵扇公主

中國 China / 1941 / 73 min / 普通話對白,無字幕 In Putonghua with No subtitle 導演 Dir: 萬古蟾 Wan Guchan, 萬籟鳴 Wan Laiming


*15/11 8:20pm BC

中國以至於亞洲第一部動畫長片!取材於《西遊記》中唐僧四師 徒去取西經受阻於火焰山,孫悟空三借芭蕉扇而智鬥鐵扇公主和 牛魔王的一段故事,中國動畫片鼻祖萬籟鳴和萬古蟾等人,把這 段典故以中國山水畫的繪圖風格,活靈活現呈現出來,以天馬行 空的手法令火焰山活起來,突破了早期黑白動畫的框框。動員100 多人繪製二萬張畫稿,歷時一年半製作,請來當時得令的影星獻 聲配音,在中港、日本和東南亞上映時取得空前成功,甚至感染 了年青的手塚治虫棄醫學畫。《鐵扇公主》打破了40年代被迪士 尼動畫壟斷的局面,在世界動畫史上永垂不朽。 In 1941 in the midst of WWII, the Wan Brothers, the pioneers of Chinese animation, completed Asia’s first – and the world’s third – feature-length animated film. Based on a chapter of Journey to the West, Princess Iron Fan was a big hit at the time, its popularity extending even to Japan. The film greatly influenced the development of Chinese animation, including the Wans’ later Havoc in Heaven. Drawing from Disney and Chinese opera while relying heavily on rotoscoping, the Wans applied slapstick, shape-shifting and topsy-turvy visuals to the Monkey King’s battle of wits with Princess Iron Fan and the Bull King in order to acquire her magical fan to quell the flames of a volcanic mountain range.


Chinese Animation



Cutout Animation 剪紙動畫選

中國 China / 91 min / 普通話對白,無字幕 In Putonghua with No subtitle


*18/11 5:50pm BC

50年代末,中國動畫力求創新,除了水墨畫風之外,積極拓 寬動畫片種,萬氏兄弟之萬古蟾汲取了中國皮影藝術和民間窗 花、剪紙等藝術特色,經過不斷的試驗後創造出第一批動畫片的 剪紙人物,1958年誕生的《豬八戒吃西瓜》就是剪紙片始祖, 翌年萬古蟾完成另一部民間傳說《漁童》,奠定了剪紙片中國動 畫的基石。80年代,上海美術電影製片廠再次把剪紙動畫注入生 氣,其出品《火童》和《猴子釣魚》都是剪紙動畫美術作品中的 經典。 Cutout animation, a technique that integrates the folk art of paper-cutting, was developed in 1958 by Wan Guchan, one of the pioneering Wan Brothers of Chinese animation. His first film in this style, Pigsy Eats Watermelon, uses characters from Journey to the West to impart a moral tale about greed and gluttony. The following year Wan made Fisher Boy, based on a post-Opium War tale about an oppressed fisherman who catches a magical bowl. Meanwhile, four monkeys try to catch fish to no avail in Shen Zuwei's colorful and comical 1983 short Monkey Fishing. Based on a Hani folk tale, Wang Bairong's Golden Rooster-winning Fire Boy follows the adventures of a boy who risks his life to recover a sacred tinder from a demon.



Ink-wash & Puppet Animation 水墨木偶選

中國 China / 91 min / 普通話對白,無字幕 In Putonghua with No subtitle


*18/11 4:00pm BC

一提到中國動畫片,觀眾必定想起受到國內外推崇備至的水墨畫 風,早期水墨動畫片包括1960年動畫先驅特偉執導的《小蝌蚪找 媽媽》,片中的魚蝦、小雞、青蛙等造型取自國畫大師齊白石畫 作,完美用水墨表現出動物惟妙惟肖的動作,到20多年之後特偉 再執導《山水情》,景色柔和,筆調細緻,再起水墨風雲,依然 舉世矚目。此外,1981年《九色鹿》採用敦煌壁畫的形式創作,還 有1958年改編自張樂平漫畫《三毛流浪記》的木偶定格動畫,四 部作品曾在中國動畫發展歷史中掀起令世界矚目的浪潮。 Applying the traditional aesthetics of ink-wash painting, ink-wash animation represented a great artistic breakthrough for Chinese animation, but very few such films were ever made due to the resources required. From 1961 to 1988, Shanghai Animation Film Studio produced four ink-wash films. The first, Tadpoles Looking For Their Mother, whimsically depicts tadpoles meeting different animals while searching for their mother. The last, Feeling from Mountain and Water, is a lyrical masterpiece about an elderly zither musician and his disciple. In one of its earliest adaptations, the beloved comic Wanderings of Sanmao, about a street orphan in Old Shanghai, was turned into a puppet stop-motion film in 1958. Based on a tale from a Dunhuang Caves painting, A Deer of Nine Colors is animated in the style of ancient Buddhist paintings.

Chinese Animation




Big Fish & Begonia 大魚海棠

中國 China / 2016 / 105 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 梁旋 Liang Xuan, 張春 Zhang Chun


4/11 2:00pm YOHO 9/11 9:50pm BC

19/11 3:20pm ONE

關於人類與大魚既神秘又浪漫的動畫,導演梁旋把他的南柯一 夢,用上了《莊子.逍遙遊》追求自由的境界作比喻,融合了 《山海經》、《搜神記》等上古神話人物,天馬行空構成人類與 汪洋之間的玄幻世界觀。故事追溯45億年前,這個星球上大魚與 人類世界平行共生,在海底掌管海棠花的少女椿,因好奇來到人 間巡遊,卻意外害死人類少年湫,於是決定與靈婆交易,換回湫 的靈魂,試圖讓他長成大魚回到人間。故事想像力豐富,畫面古 樸絢麗,把中國風和水彩質感完美融合,用傳統繪畫手法詮釋生 動傳神的故事,絕不拘泥。 Chinese animation takes a bold step forward with this visually arresting fantasy romance. When a magical being named Chun finds herself allured by a human boy, she follows him to the shore. However, she gets caught in a fishing net, and the boy valiantly sacrifices his life to save hers. Inspired by his courage, Chun embarks on a journey through her mystical world in search of a way to bring the boy back to life. Loosely inspired by classic Daoist text Zhuang Zi – Xiaoyaoyou and made with a mix of traditional hand-drawn and computer animation, Big Fish & Begonia merges inspirations from Japanese anime and classic Chinese folklore for something splendidly unique. The result is a visual feast that is nothing short of breathtaking.



Sun Xun’s Animation 孫遜實驗動畫集

中國 China / 2006-2017 / 92 mins / 無對白 No Dialogue 導演 Dir: 孫遜 Sun Xun


11/11 3:15pm BC 12/11 2:00pm IFC

被譽為最有才華的中國新生代藝術家之一,錄像藝術家孫遜從當 代水墨與剪紙取得靈感,轉化為前衛黑白動畫,以手繪粗獷畫風 呈現現代人內心恐懼與不安。早期作品《異邦》與《休克時光》

設兩條紅藍3D短片,眼鏡會在現場派發 With 2 Shorts in Anaglyph 3D, glasses will be distributed at doors

站在時間線上看過去與未來,只見灰暗不見希望;《21克》和 《一場革命中還未來得及定義的行為》呈現詭異的生活日常,體 現卡夫卡式荒誕;《主義之外》與《龍年往事》構造一個反烏托 邦的詭異世界,壓迫感大得叫人透不過氣。需配戴舊式藍紅3D眼 鏡觀影的《魔術師黨與死烏鴉》(3D) 和《偷時間的人》 (3D),是 孫遜對立體動畫的探索,以魔術師角色貫穿時空,提出對謊言、 政治、人類與世界的種種疑問。 One of China's most innovative contemporary artists, Sun Xun works across materials and mediums, from ink paintings and experimental installations to surreal stop-motion animation that challenge and reconcile conflicting art forms and historical narratives. Shock of Time is drawn on old Communist newspapers, Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined Yet in the Revolution on traditional wood printing blocks. 21G journeys into a crayon dystopia; What Happened in the Year of the Dragon, inspired by Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, opts for ink and brush. Mythos creates a collage of fragmented history, and Beyond-ism constructs a world of mirage with Chinese and Japanese legends and iconography. Magician Party and Dead Crow (3D) envisions the world’s last idealist political party on paper, while Time Spy (3D) uses woodcuts to reflect on the magician who steals time.


Chinese Animation



Piercing I 刺痛我

中國 China / 2010 / 75 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 劉健 Liu Jian


*16/11 9:50pm BC *17/11 9:50pm BC

《大世界》(前名:好極了)導演劉健自編自導一舉成名之作,首 部動畫長片以因金融危機而下崗的張小軍為男主角,由他被超市 保安誤認為是小偷開始,結果惹禍上身,還兼背黑鍋差點坐牢, 其實他的願望只想踏實地當農民。劉健筆下的故事荒誕,以血

亞太電影大獎 最佳長篇動畫 Best Animated Feature Film, Asia Pacific Screen Awards 法國安錫國際動畫影展 | Annecy International Animation Film Festival

腥、暴力和粗口瞄準農民工、打工仔、警察、暴發戶的痛處,其 不和諧畫風既強烈又奇特,如片名一樣衝擊整個中國動畫界。劉 健賣房賣命終於有回報,《刺痛我》先後打入「動畫界奧斯卡」 法國安錫國際動畫影展正式競賽單元,又在亞太電影獎抱走最佳 長篇動畫獎。 Winner of Best Animated Feature Film at the 4th Asia Pacific Screen Awards, Liu Jian’s dark debut feature scathingly indicts the viscerally brutal and unfair socioeconomic conditions of the poor and powerless. Listless youth Zhang Xiaojun just can’t catch a break. He gets falsely accused of shoplifting and beaten up by a corrupt manager. His employer goes bankrupt. Even when he helps out a hit-and-run victim, he ends up getting detained and abused by the police. Kicked to the ground too many times, Xiaojun and his friend decide to seek compensation by force, only to walk into even deeper trouble as multiple confrontations come to a head in a teahouse one fateful night.

潮遊中國動畫映前導賞 Chinese Animation Pre-screening Tour 從上世紀40年代中國出現第一部動畫長片直到今日,中國動畫在 手法和主題上都一直在演變。早期中國動畫多以民間傳說和經典 章回小說為主題,以剪紙片或數量龐大的畫稿製作動畫。時至今 日,中國動畫的靈感來源和表達手法百花齊放︰神話傳說、黑暗 寫實、社會階級、山水風光、古雅水墨……不同元素在新一代中 國動畫師手上幻變出千變萬化的光彩,令人耳目一新。 Chinese animation has been changing and evolving since the birth of the first Chinese animation film in the 1940s. Early works of Chinese animation often recreates folklores and classic novels with paper-cutting art or an incredible amount of drawings. Using different techniques, Chinese animators nowadays explore a wide range of themes such as mythology, realism, social criticism, and so on and their works will certainly wow you.

日期 Date: 15/11 (Wed) | 時間 Time: 7:30pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心一樓 Broadway Cinematheque 1/F 語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua

Chinese Animation


Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow 亞洲電影大獎「巡迴放映」

Asian Cinerama 亞洲電影大獎學院首次與香港亞洲電影節合作,呈獻亞洲電影大獎之入圍及得獎電影人之最新作品。 In collaboration with the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival for the first time, the Asian Film Awards Academy' s Asian Cinerama presents the latest works by Asian Film Awards nominees and winners.



Mom 復仇阿媽


*10/11 7:00pm IFC *11/11 5:00pm BC

導演將與觀眾會面。 Director will meet the audience.

印度 India / 2017 / 146 min / 印地語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 雅維尤迪華 Ravi Udyawar 演員 Cast: Sridevi Kapoor, Sajal Ali, Akshaye Khanna, Adnan Siddiqui, Nawazuddin Siddiqui

奧斯卡得獎作曲家 A. R. 拉曼及演員納華薩甸薛迪奇 曾分別獲亞洲電影大獎最佳原創音樂提名及最佳男配角獎 Oscar-winning composer A. R. Rahman was nominated for Best Original Music and actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui won Best Supporting Actor at the Asian Film Awards.


Teenager Arya anticipates a romantic rendezvous with a boy she


fancies at a party – a welcome respite from her uneasy and often


icy relationship with her stepmother Devki. But that night Arya is


gang raped by four men who are released by the police for lack of

新審視印度社會法制、家庭及男女平等議題上的態度與矛盾。廣 告人出身之導演雅維尤迪華,首次執導懸疑作品《復仇阿媽》。 由《一百萬零一夜》奧斯卡得獎 A. R. 拉曼配樂,以及多位巨星坐 鎮,高踞2017年印度當地票房。

evidence. Consumed with fury, Devki engages a private detective to avenge her stepdaughter. The suspense that leads to the story’s jaw-dropping ending triggers thoughts on India’s legal system, family relations and its men’s attitude towards women. Mom is scored by Oscar winning and Asian Film Awards nominated film composer A. R. Rahman (Slumdog Millionaire) and stars heavyweight actors of Indian cinema. With box office success and critical acclaim in India, Mom is Ravi Udyawar’s convincing debut that is glamorous, gritty and provocative all at the same time.


Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow



Israfil 伊戀那些年

伊朗 Iran / 2017 / 100 min / 波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Farsi with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 伊達潘納漢德 Ida Panahandeh 演員 Cast: Hedieh Tehrani, Pejman Bazeghi, Hoda Zeinolabedin

倫敦影展 | BFI London Film Festival 剪接師Hayedeh Safiyari曾以《伊朗式分居》 贏得亞洲電影大獎最佳剪接 Editor Hayedeh Safiyari won Best Editing for Nader and Simin, a Separation at the Asian Film Awards.


8/11 9:50pm BC 13/11 8:00pm IFC

寡婦Mahi因兒子車禍過身,萬念俱灰。然而命運卻為她開了一扇 窗,使她重遇20年前離開家園的前男友Behrooz。物換星移,昔日 的種種美好與遺憾,使他們展開了一段追憶時光的對話,但20年 後Behrooz身旁早已出現了年輕未婚妻Sara。面對未婚夫和Mahi 曖昧不清的關係,和來自躁狂抑鬱的母親與操縱狂哥哥的壓力,令 她對移居海外的婚姻生活感到猶豫和徬徨……《伊朗式再婚》導 演、康城影展「一種關注」單元新導演獎得主伊達潘納漢德載譽回 歸,與亞洲電影大獎最佳剪接得主聯手,以睿智和感性方式探討伊 朗傳統社會及家庭中的無奈,呈現潘納漢德對人性和倫理的感悟。 As widow Mahi mourns the death of her only son, her past lover Behrooz returns to Iran from Canada. Despite their families’ objections, the two are drawn to each other again to confront their memories and past scandal, but Behrooz is engaged to a young woman Sara, who lives with her manic-depressive mother and manipulative brother. Sara learns of Behrooz’s past affair and wonders if she still wants him even with the brighter prospect of moving overseas. After earning critical acclaim with her debut feature Nahid (Un Certain Regard Avenir Prize of Cannes Film Festival), Ida Panahandeh’s much anticipated Israfil portrays lucid realities with a poetic sensibility. The astute editing by Asian Film Awards Best Editing winner Hayedeh Safiyari captures the heartbeats of the story, accentuating Panahandeh’s perceptive portrayal of her characters and their world.



Manhunt 追捕

香港、中國 / Hong Kong, China / 2017 / 106 min / 普通話、日語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua, Japanese and English with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 吳宇森 John Woo 演員 Cast: 張涵予 Zhang Hanyu, 福山雅治 Fukuyama Masaharu 河智苑 Ha Ji Won, 吳飛霞 Angeles Woo


19/11 1:45pm BC 19/11 9:50pm BC

向偶像高倉健致敬,吳宇森翻拍日本影壇神話之作!《追捕》結 集了中、港、台、日、韓的台前幕後強勁班底,新版以全新角度 詮釋硬漢對峙、惺惺相惜的情誼,John Woo 暴力美學又豈少得白 鴿,最拿手火爆激烈的槍戰場面不改其樂。故事描述金馬影帝張涵 予飾演的律師捲入一宗兇殺案,並被構陷成兇手,他決定拒捕查 明真相,追緝他的警探發現殺人案另有內情,在不斷的追捕中,二

威尼斯影展 | Venice Film Festival 多倫多電影節 | Toronto International Film Festival 導演吳宇森、剪接師黃海及音效師杜篤之曾獲亞洲電影大獎 Director John Woo, editor Wong Hoi and sound effects artist Tu Duu-chih previously won the Asian Film Awards.

人從兵賊對立到攜手緝兇制敵的默契。回歸《喋血雙雄》港式英雄 電影。雙雄聯同美女殺手河智苑、身手非凡的吳飛霞、日本演員池 內博之、美少女櫻庭奈奈美及名模TAO等殺入水都和多倫多影展。 After two sweeping big-budget epics, action master John Woo returns to his signature brand of balletic action. A remake of a 1976 Japanese thriller starring the late Takakura Ken, Manhunt follows a Chinese lawyer who goes on the run when he’s framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Hot on his trail is the relentless Detective Yamura, who begins to suspect that his target may be innocent. Throw in two deadly assassins, thousands of gunshots, and Woo’s signature doves into the mix, and you get a grandiose and unabashedly nostalgic throwback to old school John Woo that fans will gleefully enjoy.

Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow





新加坡、泰國 / Singapore, Thailand / 2017 / 102 min / 泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English subtitles 導演 Dir: 陳敬音 Kirsten Tan 演員 Cast: Thaneth Warakulnukroh, Bong

辛丹斯電影節 | Sundance Film Festival 監製陳哲藝(《爸媽不在家》導演)及剪接師利查泰米提古曾獲亞洲電 影大獎 | Producer Anthony Chen (director of Ilo Ilo) and editor Lee Chatametikool previously won the Asian Film Awards.


10/11 7:55pm ONE 14/11 9:50pm BC

新加坡導演陳敬音在旅居泰國時,目睹鄉村男孩為大象沐浴的場 景,啟發她寫成《大象夫》劇本。建築師塔納人到中年加入失業 大軍,失意之時竟在街頭再遇兒時玩伴大象Pop Aye,毅然買下一 頭象回家,然而這個城市的家根本容不下他倆,於是他決定與老 象結伴回鄉,途中處處碰釘,鬧出不少笑話。由《爸媽不在家》 導演陳哲藝監製,才女導演用象鼻化干戈,泰國前衛搖滾樂傳奇 人物Thaneth


中年危機,在鹿特丹、釜山、台北、辛丹斯等影展闖出一條屬於 自己的路。 People have many different ways of dealing with mid-life crisis, but it’s hard to imagine a cross-country road trip with an elephant being one of them. Unwanted both at work and at home, architect Thana is undergoing a serious existential crisis. When he runs into Pop Aye, an elephant that he remembers fondly from his childhood, Thana decides to take his old friend back to his village in the countryside. Singaporean director Kirsten Tan – who lived in Thailand for a brief time as a t-shirt vendor – used her own experiences to shape this delightfully offbeat road movie. Marked by eccentric characters and poignant messages about modernization, Pop Aye is a rare road film where both the journey and the destination prove to be equally rewarding.


Before We Vanish



日本 Japan / 2017 / 129 min / 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles 導演 Dir: 黑澤清 Kurosawa Kiyoshi 演員 Cast: 松田龍平 Matsuda Ryuhei, 長澤雅美 Nagasawa Masami, 長谷川博己 Hasegawa Hiroki, 高杉真宙 Takasugi Mahiro, 恒松祐里 Tsunematsu Yuri

3/11 9:50pm ONE 5/11 2:00pm IFC

《東京奏鳴曲》、《身後戀事》黑澤清回歸他的殺手鐧,搭上 外星片熱潮拍科幻驚慄片,這次揭穿潛伏在身邊的外星人煙幕, 拍出隱藏在日常中的恐怖感。故事改編自劇作家前川知大的舞台 劇,松田龍平飾演的丈夫在某日散步時無故失蹤,一週後出現 時整個人卻變了樣,更突然同老婆長澤雅美講「我其實係外星 人」!三名外星先遣隊成員來到地球,借用真實人類的身體進行

康城影展,一種關注 | Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 導演黑澤清及編劇田中幸子曾獲亞洲電影大獎 Director Kurosawa Kiyoshi and screenwriter Tanaka Sachiko previously won the Asian Film Awards

第三類接觸,其使命是要侵略地球!當老公對你情深變狠心,日 常的生活比外星入侵還要恐怖。恐婚、災變、外星人等等的威 脅,顯而易見,卻被視而不見,黑澤清深層次反映日本人對危機 的潛意識,再獲康城影展特別注目。 After taking a long walk, Shinji returns home to his estranged wife, Narumi, with his memories wiped out. Meanwhile, a journalist investigating a gruesome murder is approached by Amano about meeting Akira, the teenage girl connected to the murders. Shinji, Amano and Akira have actually been taken over by alien beings on a reconnaissance mission to acquire human “concepts” before an invasion. Adapting the play by Maekawa Tomohiro, horror master Kurosawa Kiyoshi makes a foray into the alien invasion genre with this philosophical sci-fi thriller. Creating a prevailing feeling of dread with a slow-burn style, Kurosawa examines the qualities that make us human and how those very qualities may be the key to our salvation.


Asian Film Awards Film Roadshow

Activities | 延伸活動 本土新勢力論壇 Local Power Forum


The claim of Hong Kong being a cultural desert is certainly a biased


comment. Instead of underestimating ourselves, we shall support


Hong Kong’s cultural development all the way. In the field of film


production, Hong Kong is blessed with many new talents. This year,

譚惠貞、以《藍天白雲》首次挑戰劇情長片的張經緯。閉幕電影 《白色女孩》有新導演白海夥拍杜可風,隆重呈獻與特別推介 環節亦有處女執導本土劇情長片《空手道》的杜汶澤、《狂獸》 李子俊及《黃金花》導演陳大利。本地力量會如何在大銀幕上綻 放,令人拭目以待。

we have Tam Wai-ching’s In Your Dreams, and Cheung King-wai’s Somewhere Beyond the Mist representing Hong Kong in HKAFF’s New Talent Award. With Jenny Suen and Christopher Doyle’s The White Girl being the Closing films, Chapman To’s The Empty Hands, and Jonathan Li’s The Brink being the Gala Representation, as well as Chan Tai-lee's Tomorrow is Another Day as Special Presentation of HKAFF this year, audience will be introduced to the fresh local power of Hong Kong.

日期 Date: 4/11 (Sat) | 時間 Time: 4:30pm 地點 Venue: 百老匯電影中心4院 Broadway Cinematheque House 4 嘉賓 Guest: 杜汶澤、李子俊、譚惠貞、張經緯、白海、陳大利 Chapman To, Jonathan Li, Tam Wai-ching, Cheung King-wai, Jenny Suen, Chan Tai-lee 語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese



登記 Register:

潮遊當代中國動畫 New Age of Chinese Animation 本屆香港亞洲電影節向觀眾推介湯淺政明的動畫及中國動畫,那 香港的動畫文化在亞洲又佔了什麼席位﹖香港的動畫界前景又是 怎樣﹖本地資深動畫師,為你逐一娓娓道來。1977年開始獨立動 畫創作,近年擔任香港藝術中心、香港大學通識教育及香港理工 大學動畫教授的盧子英(盧sir),會跟你上一節動畫文化堂。 This year’s HKAFF highlights Masaaki Yuasa’s animations and Chinese animations. What about Hong Kong’s animations? What roles do they play in the Asian animation culture? What is the future of animations in Hong Kong? Lo Che-ying, Hong Kong veteran independent animator and professor, will share with you his insights and experiences in the field of animation.

日期 Date: 18/11 (Sat) 時間 Time: Part I: 10:00am | Part II: 2:30pm 地點 Venue: 香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓3610室 Lecture Theatre 3610, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong 主持 Host: 本地資深動畫師盧子英 Lo Che-ying 嘉賓 Guest:《刺痛我》導演劉健 Liu Jian 《大護法》導演不思凡 Bu Si Fan

語言 Language:

登記 Register:

粵語與普通話 Cantonese & Putonghua

大師班: 杜可風 X 小田切讓 Master Class: Christopher Doyle X Odagiri Joe 小田切讓向來熱衷參演風格強烈的非主流電影,更自認適合比較 另類的領域。杜可風,除了是王家衛的長期拍檔,他亦經常參與 不同國家地域的電影製作。兩人都出名性格獨特,分別是日本及 香港的獨立電影代表人物,當他們的軌跡相交,會擦出什麼火 花﹖兩人的獨立電影路上又有什麼風景﹖二人多個國際大小演 員、攝影、導演的拍攝經驗,夠我們聽幾日。 Odagiri Joe thinks he fits the “alternative” arena more, and prefers participating in non-mainstream films with strong styles. Meanwhile, Christopher Doyle often works with indie film directors apart from his long-term collaboration with Wong Kar-wai, and he even directs his own independent work. What would happen when the two important figures of international indie film come across in Hong Kong? What is ahead in their journey of independent filmmaking? 日期 Date: 21/11 (Tue) | 時間 Time: 2:30pm 地點 Venue: 香港浸會大學浸會大學道15號校園教學行政大樓 二樓曾陳式如會堂 (AAB201) | Tsang Chan Sik Yue Auditorium (AAB 201), 2/F, Academic and Administration Building, HKBU 嘉賓 Guest: 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 杜可風 Christopher Doyle 語言 Language: 英文與粵語 English & Cantonese *參加者需在活動當天到場排隊輪候入座,座位有限,先到先得。



Ticketing Information & Screening Venues 購票須知 AMC Pacific Place

百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

百老匯 THE ONE Broadway THE ONE

香港金鐘道88號太古廣場L1 (港鐵金鐘站F出口) Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong Island (Admiralty MTR Station - Exit F)

九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (港鐵油麻地站C出口) Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon. (Yau Ma Tei MTR station - Exit C)





百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member

百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member




百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member

長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket

長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket



* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing:

*網上購票需收取手續費: 所有場次每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online: $10 per ticket for all screenings 查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933

*網上及電話購票均需收取手續費: 星期一至五每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假 期每張 $10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002 會員專線 Member Hotline: 2783 7004


Ticketing Information & Screening Venues

九龍尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 6-11樓 (港鐵尖沙咀站B1或B2出口) 6-11/F, The ONE, No. 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station – Exit B1 or B2) 票價 TICKET PRICE

$80 長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket

$80 * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing: *網上及電話購票均需收取手續費: 星期一至五每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假 期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

影片等級 Film Categories 本宣傳單張出版時,是次節目之電影尚未獲電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處評列等級,如有電影被列為三級者, 主辦單位將於戲院及售票上公佈,敬請留意。 The categories of films in the programme are not yet rated by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration at the time this leaflet goes to print. If any film classified as Category III, notice will be posted in cinemas and



新界元朗朗日路9號YOHO MALL I 1樓 1021舖 (西鐵元朗站K出口) Shop 1021, Level 1, YOHO MALL I, 9 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long (Yuen Long MTR Station - Exit K)


九龍觀塘道418號創紀之城五期apm 6樓 L6-1舖 (港鐵觀塘站A2出口) Shop No. L6-1, Level 6, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Kwun Tong MTR Station Exit A2)

香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 (港鐵香港站F出口) Podium Level 1, ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong. (Hong Kong MTR Station - Exit F) 票價 TICKET PRICE


$80 百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member



百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member

長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket


百老匯電影中心會員 bc VIP member

$76 長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket


* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 網上購票 Online Ticketing: *網上購票需收取手續費: 星期一至五每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假 期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays) 查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002


* 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing: *網上及電話購票均需收取手續費: 星期一至五每張$8,星期六、日及公眾假 期每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $8 per ticket (from Mon to Fri), $10 per ticket (on Sat, Sun and public holidays)

$80 長者/小童票 Senior Citizens / Children ticket

$80 * 適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing.

購票辦法 TICKETING 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM in the cinemas 電話購票 Phone Ticketing: 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Ticketing: *網上及電話購票均需收取手續費: 所有場次每張$10。 Handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone: $10 per ticket for all screenings 查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 6268

查詢 ENQUIRY 查詢熱線 Enquiry Hotline: 2388 0002

以下會員在指定票房購買「香港亞洲電影節2017」任何電影節目可享9折優惠。 Following members can enjoy 10% off on purchase Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2017 ticket at the designated box office. 誠品書店 the eslite bookstore | 一風堂 Ippudo Bari Card *保留電影節票尾,將可享更多驚喜﹗詳情請留意電影節Facebook專頁。

Ticketing Information & Screening Venues


Screening Schedule 放映時間表 DATE


31.10 TUE

*7:30 PM 以青春的名義 In Your Dreams

1.11 WED

OPENING & GALA *7:35 PM 藍天白雲 Somewhere Beyond the Mist

*9:40 PM 藍天白雲 Somewhere Beyond the Mist



*9:50 PM 空手道 The Empty Hands

2.11 THU

*9:40 PM 狂獸 The Brink

*9:50 PM 狂獸 The Brink




1.11 WED

7:50 PM 光 Radiance

9:50 PM 第三度殺人 The Third Murder

2.11 THU

3.11 FRI

*9:40 PM 以青春的名義 In Your Dreams

8:00 PM 貓咪來我家 Neko Atsume House 9:50 PM 野貓大暴走 Alley Cat

9:50 PM 光 Radiance

7:30 PM

7:40 PM 宣告黎明的人魚之歌 Lu Over the Wall

Birds Without Names

8:00 PM 走過貓咪聖地 Kedi

9:50 PM Before We Vanish

4.11 SAT

*2:30 PM 空手道 The Empty Hands

2:00 PM 第三度殺人 The Third Murder

4:30 PM 本土新勢力論壇 Local Power Forum 6:00 PM 阿莉芙 Alifu, the Prince/ss


Screening Schedule

5:40 PM 武曲 Mukoku

YOHO | 2:00 PM 大魚海棠 Big Fish & Begonia




4.11 SAT

7:45 PM 自畫像 The Last Painting

8:00 PM 貓忍 Neko Ninja

9:50 PM 老師與流浪貓 Finding Calico

9:50 PM 夜短夢長,少女前進吧! The Night is Short, Walk on Girl

5.11 SUN

2:00 PM 尼羅河女兒 Daughter of the Nile



2:00 PM

YOHO | 2:00 PM 走過貓咪聖地 Kedi

Before We Vanish

3:50 PM 塑料王國 Plastic China 5:30 PM 輕鬆+愉快 Free and Easy

5:35 PM 貓咪來我家 Neko Atsume House

7:20 PM 逆權車伕 Anarchist from Colony

7:25 PM 野貓大暴走 Alley Cat 9:50 PM Birds Without Names

6.11 MON

*7:40 PM 燈亮時 Light Up

*7:40 PM 分貝人生 Shuttle Life

*9:30 PM 分貝人生 Shuttle Life

7.11 TUE

8.11 WED

*8:00 PM 燈亮時 Light Up

*7:30 PM 金正恩萬歲 Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno (設1/F映後分享會 Post-screening Sharing Session at 1/F) 9:50 PM 上岸的魚 A Fish Out of Water

9:50 PM 半世紀的情歌 Parks

8:20 PM 咖啡男女 The Table

8:15 PM 走過貓咪聖地 Kedi

9:50 PM 伊戀那些年 Israfil

9:50 PM 老師與流浪貓 Finding Calico

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.

*7:20 PM 金正恩萬歲 Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno

Screening Schedule





9.11 THU

*7:50 PM 巴克力藍的夏天 Pakeriran

8:10 PM 阿莉芙 Alifu, Prince/ss

9:50 PM 大魚海棠 Big Fish & Begonia

9:50 PM 貓忍 Neko Ninja

*9:50 PM 巴克力藍的夏天 Pakeriran

7:40 PM 就算世界與我為敵 A Man of Integrity

7:55 PM 大象夫 POP AYE

*7:00 PM 復仇阿媽 Mom

9:50 PM 歡迎來我家 Welcome Home

9:50 PM 自畫像 The Last Painting

9:50 PM 電影時間之旅 The Cinema Travellers

10.11 FRI

11.11 SAT

1:30 PM 貓咪來我家 Neko Atsume House



YOHO | 9:50 PM 夜短夢長,少女前進吧! The Night is Short, Walk on Girl

2:00 PM 阿莉芙 Alifu, Prince/ss

3:15 PM 孫遜實驗動畫集 Sun Xun’s Animation

YOHO | 3:00 PM 野貓大暴走 Alley Cat

*5:00 PM 復仇阿媽 Mom

5:45 PM 曼菲 Manfei

7:55 PM 村戲 Bangzi Melody

8:00 PM 尼羅河女兒 Daughter of the Nile

*9:50 PM 擬音 A Foley Artist

*9:45 PM 女士復仇 Husband Killers *10:00 PM 午夜狂熱馬拉松 Midnight Marathon

12.11 SUN

1:35 PM 流浪者之歌 Zigeunerweisen 4:00 PM 鈴木清順講座 Suzuki Seijun Talk

2:00 PM 孫遜實驗動畫集 Sun Xun’s Animation 3:30 PM 武曲 Mukoku

4:15 PM 歡迎來我家 Welcome Home 5:55 PM 曼菲 Manfei


Screening Schedule

*5:50 PM 燈亮時 Light Up

YOHO | 3:20 PM 宣告黎明的人魚之歌 Lu Over the Wall




12.11 SUN

8:10 PM 迴旋木馬轉又轉 The Carousel Never Stops Turning

*7:35 PM 擬音 A Foley Artist

9:50 PM 電影時間之旅 The Cinema Travellers

9:50 PM 上岸的魚 A Fish Out of Water

7:50 PM 輕鬆 + 愉快 Free and Easy

*9:40 PM 黃金花 Tomorrow is Another Day

8:00 PM 伊戀那些年 Israfil

9:50 PM 聽風者之歌 Tramontane

*9:50 PM 黃金花 Tomorrow is Another Day

9:50 PM 塑料王國 Plastic China

*7:45 PM 黃金花 Tomorrow is Another Day

7:50 PM 村戲 Bangzi Melody

7:50 PM 聽風者之歌 Tramontane

9:50 PM 大象夫 POP AYE

9:50 PM 大陶殺 Vampire Clay

7:30 PM 潮遊中國動畫映前導賞 Chinese Animation Pre-Screening Tour

7:20 PM 溫室怪嚇 Glass Garden

*8:20 PM 鐵扇公主 Princess Iron Fan

9:30 PM 東京吸血鬼酒店 Tokyo Vampire Hotel

13.11 MON

14.11 TUE

15.11 WED



APM | 8:20 PM 咖啡男女 The Table

*7:45 PM 黃金花 Tomorrow is Another Day

9:45 PM 空山異客 Ghost in the Mountains

16.11 THU

*7:40 PM 大護法 Dahufa

7:25 PM 逆權車伕 Anarchist from Colony

7:35 PM 就算世界與我為敵 A Man of Integrity

*7:15 PM 路過未來 Walking Past the Future

*7:45 PM 藍天白雲 Somewhere Beyond the Mist

*7:40 PM 大護法 Dahufa

*9:50 PM 刺痛我 Piercing I

*9:50 PM 以青春的名義 In Your Dreams

*9:50 PM 刺痛我 Piercing I

17.11 FRI

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.

APM | 7:25 PM 逆權車伕 Anarchist from Colony

Screening Schedule






18.11 SAT

*4:00 PM 水墨木偶選 Ink-wash & Puppet Animation

*3:10 PM 強尼.凱克 Missing Johnny

*2:45 PM 路過未來 Walking Past the Future

*5:50 PM 剪紙動畫選 Cutout Animation

*5:25 PM 大佛普拉斯 The Great Buddha+

*5:25 PM 西小河的夏天 End of Summer

YOHO | 5:40 PM 貓忍 Neko Ninja

*7:40 PM 沒緣茉莉 Malila: The Farewell Flower

7:40 PM 半世紀的情歌 Parks

*7:40 PM 大護法 Dahufa

YOHO | 7:30 PM 東京吸血鬼酒店 Tokyo Vampire Hotel

9:50 PM 溫室怪嚇 Glass Garden

*9:50 PM 我是小小強 Matsumoto Tribe

9:45 PM 空山異客 Ghost in the Mountains

3:20 PM 大魚海棠 Big Fish & Begonia

4:00 PM 歡迎來我家 Welcome Home

19.11 SUN

1:45 PM 追捕 Manhunt 3:50 PM 分貝人生 Shuttle Life *5:35 PM 西小河的夏天 End of Summer 7:40 PM 勁爆麻甩監獄 Jailbreak

9:50 PM 追捕 Manhunt

*9:40 PM 沒緣茉莉 Malila: The Farewell Flower


20.11 MON

*7:25 PM 相愛相親 Love Education

Screening Schedule

YOHO | 2:00 PM 老師與流浪貓 Finding Calico

*5:35 PM 大佛普拉斯 The Great Buddha+

*7:50 PM 我是小小強 Matsumoto Tribe




*7:50 PM 強尼.凱克 Missing Johnny


*8:00 PM 白色女孩 White Girl

*9:50 PM 相愛相親 Love Education

*10:00 PM 白色女孩 White Girl

*影人出席 Filmmakers Attend 請瀏覽電影節官方網站 查閱電影節最新消息與節目之更新。 Please refer to the official website ( for most updated programme information.




1.12 FRI

7:45 PM 東京流浪者 Tokyo Drifter

9:30 PM 流浪者之歌 Zigeunerweisen

2.12 SAT

5:45 PM 殺之烙印 Branded to Kill

7:40 PM 野獸之青春 Youth of the Beast

9:40 PM 陽炎座 Heat-Haze Theatre

3.12 SUN

6:15 PM 肉體之門 Gate of Flesh

8:00 PM 探偵事務所23 Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards!

9:50 PM 夢二 Yumeji

5.12 TUE

9:50 PM 殺之烙印 Branded to Kill

6.12 WED

9:30 PM 流浪者之歌 Zigeunerweisen

7.12 THU

9:50 PM 肉體之門 Gate of Flesh

8.12 FRI

9:40 PM 陽炎座 Heat-Haze Theatre

9.12 SAT

2:00 PM 東京流浪者 Tokyo Drifter

3:45 PM 探偵事務所23 Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell Bastards!

10.12 SUN

3:20 PM 夢二 Yumeji

5:45 PM 野獸之青春 Youth of the Beast

13.12 WED

9:40 PM 陽炎座 Heat-Haze Theatre

15.12 FRI

9:50 PM 夢二 Yumeji

Screening Schedule


Credits 鳴謝


Gary Mak

Festival Director


Angel Leung


Phoebe Chiu

Festival Manager

Ross Chen Shelley Cheung Carol Hui

Didi Wu

Programme & Operations


場刊文字 Booklet Writers

Kevin Ma Amy Yeung


Tokyo Chiu

Festival Photographer

Priscilla Chung

Festival Coordinator

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks

影展公關及宣傳 Festival PR & Marketing

Ray Tse

Abby Chung

Ken Hui

Amanda Tam

Kitty Leung

Ben Kwok

Kristie Chau

Chan Sze Kit

Lo Che Ying

Christopher Doyle

Mandy Lam

Christy Choi

Mell Ngai

Dicky Kwan

Patricia Cheng

Monica Ding

Eliza Yeung

Ricky Tse

Matthew Lo

Eric Chan

Ronny Tung

Kailani Mak

Esther Yeung

Shu Ming

Felix Tsang

Steve Chung

Frances Lai Plan B Marketing


Terry Wong


實習生 Interns



Fred Tsui

Steven Chan

Art Direction & Promotional Material Designed by

Grace Cheung

Sun Xun

Jay Lai

Tammy Lau


Jazz Lung

Ting Mak

Jenny Suen

Vincent Lam

Jim Lee

Virginia Leung

Joe Li

Winnie Tsang

Joe Wong

Yang Yang

Lee Kok-wai

Trailer Editor

影展活動拍攝 Video Crew

Chan Chin Ho Gin Jin Ken Lo

Judith Kwong 排名不分先後 In alphabetical order






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