Mästare of Awkwardness 尷尬大師
28 FEB – 18 MAR 2018
方寸見人心 THE SQUARE BC | 28/2 Wed 9:00 pm
MM | 9/3 Fri 7:05 pm
2017 / Sweden / Germany / France / Denmark / 151 mins
愛情中的不可抗力 FORCE MAJEURE BC | 2/3 Fri 9:50 pm | 12/3 Mon 7:35 pm
MM | 11/3 Sun 7:40 pm
2014 / Sweden / 119 mins
In Swedish & English with Chinese & English subtitles
博物館館長見義勇為,卻因被「打荷包」做出違背道德的幼 稚行為。另一邊廂,他希望透過藝術展覽《方格》宣揚社會 公義,卻陰差陽錯陷入輿論窘境…… 導演以黑色幽默把人 性攤開放大,借「方格」諷刺人類愛裝腔作勢、道德敗壞的 社會醜惡。
In English, Swedish, French, and Norwegian with Chinese & English subtitles
Christian, the respected curator of a contemporary art museum, hopes the installation, “The Square”, will remind people of their role as responsible fellow human beings. But sometimes, it is difficult to live up to your own ideals… A series of unexpected events sends Christian, as well as the museum, into an existential crisis.
魯賓奧士倫繼續以一貫黑色幽默,撕開現代社會的安穩假 象。中產家庭開開心心來到阿爾卑斯山滑雪,竟突然遇雪崩! 女人即時保護仔女,男人即時狂奔自保。一場虛驚卻讓融洽 一家親的平衡頓時瓦解…… A Swedish family has vacations at the French Alps, where an avalanche turns everything upside down. The mother tries to protect their children while the dad is running for his life… The anticipated disaster having failed to occur, and yet the family’s world has been shaken to its core.
康城影展 金棕櫚獎
康城影展「一種關注」評審團大 獎
Palme d’or, Cannes Film Festival
Un Certain Regard Jury Prize, Cannes Film Festival
奧斯 卡 最佳外語片題名
瑞典金甲蟲獎 包括最佳電影、導演、男配角等6項 大 獎
Nominated for Best Foreign Film, Academy Awards
6 awards including Best Film, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor, Guldbagge Awards 金球獎 最佳外語片提名
Nominated for Best Foreign Film, Golden Globe Awards
結他蒙古人 THE GUITAR MONGOLOID BC | 10/3 Sat 6:30 pm | 18/3 Sun 3:30pm
MM | 17/3 Sat 2:05 am
再做一次家人 FAMILY AGAIN 2002 / Sweden / 59 mins 瑞典語對白,英文字幕
2004 / Sweden / 85 mins 瑞典語對白,英文字幕
In Swedish with English subtitles 魯賓奧士倫首部長片,以黑暗幽默剖析寂寞人心。一群狂野 少年、一個有強迫症的女人,三個玩俄羅斯輪盤的酒友,加 上總是在街角鬼吼高唱的唐氏症少年,組成了這部奇異而帶 點哀傷的佳作。 A young boy twists TV antennas so viewers’ reception goes fuzzy. A woman shows signs of compulsive behavior. A boy plays his guitar, screaming rather than singing the lyrics. Some young men destroy all the bicycles they can find.
In Swedish with English subtitles 把電影當成社會實驗的魯賓奧士倫,這次不再當個旁觀 者,轉而把鏡頭對準離異 23 年的父母。兩老對昔日種種各 有各講,真相仍然不明。在這齣極度切身的紀錄片裡,導演 同時也是兒子,這兩個身份能找到平衡點嗎? 23 years after their divorce, the director’s parents end up single again. Östlund tries to bring them together, but the two of them fail to agree on what has happened in the past. The desperate effort of a son to find a unifying narrative is the driving force of this courageous documentary about family burdens.
— 莫 斯 科影展 影評人費比西獎
FIPRESCI Prize, Moscow International Film Festival
BC | 7/3 Wed 8:10 pm | 10/3 Sat 4:50 pm
玩轉白朋友 PLAY BC | 3/3 Sat 9:50 pm | 18/3 Sun 9:40 pm
人生中的不可抗力 INVOLUNTARY | 11/3 Sun 5:30 pm
BC | 4/3 Sun 9:45 pm | 17/3 Sat 9:50 pm
| 11/3 Sun 7:45 pm
2011 / Sweden / France / Damark / 118 mins
2008 / Sweden / 98 mins
In Swedish with English subtitles
In Swedish with English subtitles
五個黑人男孩,指控三個富小孩偷了他們的 iPhone,不停嘲 諷、玩弄、欺凌,直到最後…… 幾乎一景一鏡的長鏡頭,偷窺 般捕捉這群孩子尷尬處境。導演以荒謬設定如解剖刀般凌厲 劃出瑞典境內的種族、社會與階級困境。 Yannick and his friends target a trio of younger, presumably wealthier kids, two of them from “traditional” Swedish backgrounds and one whose family emigrated from Asia. Yannick and his pals claim that one of the boys stole a friend’s iPhone…
高貴人家的晚宴、拒絕駕駛的司機、熱衷上載性感照的少 女、舉報同事體罰的老師、開各種不堪玩笑的醉酒壯男,透 過五個光怪陸離的情境,導演以冷靜客觀的視角剖析人性。 Leffe likes to play salacious pranks after drunk. A righteous grade-school teacher reports her colleague for child-abuse. Two teenage girls like to pose for sexy photos, until one of them is found passed-out drunk in a park….
5 Nominations including Best Film and Best Director, Guldbagge Awards
— 瑞典金甲蟲獎 最佳 影片、導演等五項 入圍
東京影展 最佳導演
Best Director, Tokyo International Film Festival 瑞典金甲蟲獎 最佳導演、攝 影
Best Director and Best Cinematography, Guldbagge Awards 康城影展,導演雙 週
Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival
魯賓 奧 士 倫 短 片 集 RUBEN ÖS TLUND’S SHORTS
自傳式習作 6882
2009 / Sweden / 12 mins
2005 / Sweden / 9 mins
In Swedish with English subtitles
In Swedish with English subtitles 一班青年在海岸渡假,其中一個打算挑戰自我表演跳橋。怎料 殺出路人加把嘴,叫青年唔好跳,朋友又一人一句…… 到底跳 定唔跳?魯賓奧士倫用 9 分鐘表演其拿手好戲:群眾壓力、尷 尬情境,以及進退失據的情況。 A 30-year old man is celebrating Midsummer’s Eve together with friends in Smögen, on the west coast of Sweden. He makes his friends come and watch as he is going to jump in to the sea from a very high bridge.
一鏡到尾重塑真實劫案荒誕情境。銀行門口看似和往常一 樣,但兩個論論盡盡的騎呢劫匪,讓今天顯得與眾不同。沒 有緊湊劇情,卻引人入勝,魯賓奧士倫總能在日常中揭開人 性荒謬,令人失笑。 A detailed and humorous account of a failed bank robbery that took place in Stockholm in 2006. Shot in a single take, over 96 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film vividly simulates the actual event happening in real-time with all camera movement generated by computer in post-production. — 柏林影展 短片金熊獎
Best Short Film, Berlinale
序言 introduction
瑞典電影以其強烈的個人深度思考而聞名,但一直以來的 問題在於如何將帶領瑞典電影由製作室走向主流。當代的 瑞典電影正在從未涉足的電影風格中嶄露頭角, 這一拓展 或許將賦予當代瑞典電影以最大優勢。如果海外觀眾已經 習慣於瑞典影片一貫的健康裸露、自我反省和童年印象,如 今他們將在瑞典電影中遇到犯罪集團、殭屍橫行和百歲落 跑之類的嶄新情節。
Swedish cinema is known for its intensely personal meditations on the human condition, but the question has always been how to move from art house into the mainstream. Swedish film is 尷尬大師 treading into untried genres and this breadth is perhaps what gives contemporary Swedish film its sharpest edge. If international audiences used to anticipate healthy portions of nudity, introspection and childhood reflection, today they might just as well come across crime syndicates, zombies and runaway hundred-year-olds. Spearheaded by the visionary giant Ingmar Bergman and the internationally renowned Lasse Hallström, it is first and foremost the directors who are steering Swedish film into new genres — and in the process leaving their own personal mark. Trends point less towards social conformity and a sense of order, and more towards expressiveness and reduced respect for authority. Sweden is home not only to world known directors, but also to famous actors and actresses: from Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman of yesteryear to contemporaries such as Alicia Vikander, Alexander Skarsgård, Rebecca Ferguson and Joel Kinnaman.
Mästare of Awkwardness
由富有遠見的電影大師英瑪褒曼 (Ingmar Bergman) 和國 際上享有盛譽的賴斯荷士莊 (Lasse Hallström) 發揮帶頭作 用,正是導演這一最重要的群體首先並主要引領瑞典電影 邁入新天地 —— 並在這一過程中留下了他們鮮明的個人印 記。潮流顯示,瑞典影片中的對社會從眾性和秩序感的關 注正日漸褪去,而更多地轉向充分豐富的自我表達和對權 威敬畏的減少。
28 FEB – 18 MAR 2018
除了世界知名的導演 之 外,瑞典 更 是不少名氣演 員的出 身地:由昔日的葛麗泰嘉寶 (Greta Garbo) 和英格烈褒曼 (Ingrid Bergman) 到當代的艾莉西亞菲瑾德 (Alicia Vikander) ,亞歷山大斯卡斯格 (Alexander Skarsgård) 和祖爾堅 納文 (Joel Kinnaman) 。
令人 尷 尬不安 的大 師 “A maestro of discomfort”
極 具炮 製 惡 趣 味 的 才華 “A gifted creator of malignant ambience”
A.V. Club
National Public Radio
新 世代 最出色 的電 影人 之一 “One of the new world greats” Vulture 導演簡介 被譽為最值得 期待的瑞典 導演,生 於 1974 年的魯賓奧士倫,有 L a r s v o n Tr i e r 的荒 誕 混合 Ha n e ke 的尖 銳,再添點北歐獨 有的 冷 幽 默,可算是當今 最富時 代 感 的 導 演。他 擅 長 運 用長 鏡 頭, 冷 眼 旁觀 各 種 荒 謬處 境,剖 析人 類 種 種不 堪 入目的 醜 態。首 部 長片已一鳴驚人,隨 即打入 康城 影展,連奪多個大 獎,包括最高 榮 譽 金棕 櫚,奠 定他 作 為 瑞 典 新 生代 電 影奇才 的 地位。他 從不 諱 言靈 感 源自Yo uTu b e,把時 下社會百 態 化 為 充 滿 尷 尬 卻 發 人 深省的情 景,善於觀察並 展現 人 類作 為 群體 動 物的無 形枷鎖。
biography Born in 1974 in Styrsö, Sweden, Ruben Östlund is known as the film master-to-be in the Nordic country. Studied films at the University of Gothenburg while being an avid skier, the director has developed his taste for long sequence shorts and humorous yet accurate portrayal of human social behavior. After directed three ski films, he gained the international recognition with his directorial feature debut, The Guitar Mongoloid. Over the last decade, his award-winning features, including The Square (2017) — winner of Palme d’Or in Cannes, establish Ruben Östlund as the next Swedish film master. In his films, the director always put the characters through some awkward but provocative situations, revealing the banality in human nature.