2016 The Eagle’s View
Collection of articles by SMMHS gifted middle schoolers researching topics they feel are important.
The Life, The Right, The Fight Every time you turn on the television at home, what do you see?
“Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building, it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. It is one of the ends for which our entire legal system exists...it is fundamental that justice should be the same, in substance and availability, without regard to economic status.”
- Justice Lewis F. Powell
Most likely, you have heard through news stories, television, or radio broadcasts that a new president is inches away from being in the Oval Office. With weekday debates in town halls, these candidates are being asked questions spanning from foreign issues to economic growth and support. These hopeful candidates will discuss the most important topics of our country including terrorism, the economy, healthcare, gay rights, and one of the “hottest” topics, abortion. Abortion is a procedure where a woman’s pregnancy is aborted, or ended by operation. Since the 1970’s, millions of abortions have been carried out in the lives of women throughout the United States, and companies have risen from the dust to support abortion. Pro-life and Pro-choice are two opinions that have been argued since the very essence of the idea of it. However, who, really, gets to make the decision on whether the constitution gives women the right to abort their unborn baby? The answer is, the Supreme Court, and since the 1970’s, people have been trying to tear down the world-changing abortion case of Roe v. Wade.
Portrait of Associate justice Powell
What was Roe v. Wade?
At the time of Roe v. Wade,
How does the Supreme Court work when they are presented with cases of this importance?
most states had either abolished or seTo have a case heard in the Suverely restricted the practice of abortion. preme Court of the United States, it must Only six states allowed for abortions to grant certiorari, permission to be heard. be carried out, and Texas was not one of However, before the Court hears a case, those states. Norma McCorvey, also they must look over the case, review briefs, known throughout the case as “Jane observe lower court opinions, and must Roe” was pregnant single woman from vote on whether to hear the case or not Texas and was denied a termination of based on the information provided. With her pregnancy because of Texas abortion not only their peers, but the country pushing them, the Court further regulations, which stated moved to hear the case in Dethat an abortion shall not cember of 1971. For years and be administered to a years, the Court had been given woman unless the life of very few cases on abortion bethe mother could potencause states declared their inditially be threatened. Roe, vidual abortion laws. Some along with her lawyer, states restricted abortions, others Sarah Wedding, filed a limited it, and some allowed lawsuit against Dallas abortions. The justices, during County District Attorney, the time, really had no standing Henry Wade. Roe left a because of the extremely few Texas federal court victocases on abortion brought before rious, and an upset Wade them. However, when subjects filed the case to the Suof matter do come before the preme Court for certioraCourt, they have many difri. Certiorari, permis- Jane Roe with her lawyer in ferent sources to influence sion to hear a case, 1971 their opinions. These influwas granted, and The ences include previous Court Burger Court of 1971 and 1972 would decisions, decisions and public opinions, further rule whether or not several Texas ideology, and much more. According to abortion laws were unconstitutional. current Associate Justice, Clarence ThomWeddington, Jay Floyd, the Assistant as, “...justices, 99% of the time, have their Attorney General of Texas and first ad- minds made up before they go to the vocate for Wade, and Robert C. Flowers, bench.” If this is true, it would seem that second advocate for Wade, debated over the oral arguments presented during cases the course of two case hearings whether rarely ever make up the mind of the Justicor not the regulations were constitution- es. However, ideology does not necessarily al. The Supreme Court, with only two make or break the entire Court’s decision. justices dissenting, ruled that the Texas Associate Justice Harry Blackmun, while abortion laws were unconstitutional and nominated by conservative president, Richmade it so abortion was legalized ard Nixon, and projected to side more to the right, he was known as one of the most liberal justices to have ever served on the Court. After opinions and briefs have been read, oral arguments have been presented, and questions have been asked, the Justices retire to their conference. The Justices’ Conference is an extremely secretive and unknown process. All nine of them are in one room surrounding one table. This table is the place where the history changing decisions are made that conclude the further direction of our country. In order of seniority, each Justice delivers a short opinion on how the case should turn out. Then, starting with the Chief Justice and descendThe Supreme Court ing in seniority, each of them cast their In Session vote. A decision is made by a simple majority vote. The Chief Justice further as-
Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is a health care provider and teacher to women and men all around the world. Founded in October of 1916 , this Brooklyn organization has been loved by many and hated by others. Its goal is to provide the education that so many young men and women need. While it may seem like a place where people can go to learn more about reproductive health care, it performs abortions as well, and this act makes it a huge target for those Pro-life spokesmen and women.
signs someone in the majority to write the opinion, what the court has decided, and one person in the minority to write the dissent, the opinion of the minority vote. Both reviews are published for the public eye, but the opinion is the final word of the Court and delivers the ruling. “The power I exert on the court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender.” - Justice Sandra Day O’Conner
What did the Court rule, and what were the Justices own opinions? The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that the Texas laws were unconstitutional and further made it so abortion was legal throughout the entire country. Across the country, the news would be spread that Roe had won in a 7-2 vote, and abortion was now legalized. While the ruling may seem like a home run for most liberals and pro-choice activists, this ruling was far from expected, let alone with only two justices dissenting. With Harry Blackmun writing the opinion and William Rehnquist forming the dissent, the two made very different pieces of writing explaining why they felt obligated to choose their side on the issue. To start with the Opinion, Justice Blackmun gave an overview of the case and other cases to their entirety over the course of more than four dozen pages of literature. Knowing this would be one of the most read, reviewed, and picked apart opinions the Court may ever present to the public, Blackmun figured that every detail must be perfectly worded in a way that the Court and the public would have no confusion over the means and definition of his work. Citing other cases and the importance of stare decisis precedent in his review quite often, he made definite, the reasons, why the Court had to abandon the previous justifications of a century’s amount of judicial review. Further clarifying what, exactly, the restrictions on abortion would be, the Court decided abortion could not be regulated within the time period of the first trimester and could only be regulated “reasonably” during the second and third trimesters. The Court’s definition of “reasonably” is further defined within the many articles of the opinion. While the Supreme Court’s opinion document may have the power of the law by its side, the dissent is often referred to as being even mightier and more influential than the review. Yes, the opinion does give precedent to further cases down the road. However, the writer of the dissent is able to capture the eyes of the beholder in a way no opinion will ever be able to find. Dissents are written as pieces of art, music to the ears of those who agree, and a way to further influence the beliefs of the public, politicians, and further Justices down the road. Recently departed Justice Antonin Scalia was widely known, by far, more for
his dissents than his opinions. When writing opinions, he was said to have less fluid and dull words and definitions. Dissenting, on the contrary, was what he lived for. Speaking in “colorful language” and being able to stand out among the crowd in a way others did not throughout his dissents was what he will be remembered for centuries to come. Justice Rehnquiste, an Associate Justice at the time, used this opportunity to his advantage by not stating what he specifically believed in, but what the Constitution and other cases before them had concluded. He, in detail, was able to capture each piece of the opinion and prove, in his mind, why the other justices were wrong. With all this in the making for the past few months, on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court made public their ruling, and this would become one of the most debated and controversial topic for the decades to come..
How did this case affect the future of our country? Often, it is considered that the more conservative one is, the more likely they are to be pro-life. Furthermore, most consider those who are pro-choice, more liberal. In the United States today, these two sides rule the political class in the three branches of government. The liberals, often identifying with the Democratic Party, and the conservatives who call themselves Republicans, control the majority of the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches. During presidential and legislative campaigns, abortion is often very commonly debated.
Most Republicans promise to replace Supreme Court Justices with more right-leaning justices and promise to overturn Roe v. Wade completely. However, Democrats often do the exact opposite and promise to uphold the case and elect liberal courts. An example of this deals with one Justice, Antonin Scalia, who died in his sleep in early February of 2016. Before his funeral or ceremonies honoring his life even began, Republicans and Democrats began fighting over who will replace him. The Republican Party hopes that the new Justice will overturn cases that fought their beliefs, like Roe and other abortion cases. For the most part, they are stating that everyone should wait for a new president to be elected, hoping that a new, Republican president will nominate a Justice that is just as right -wing as Antonin Scalia was and to tip the ideology of the Supreme Court more conservatively. To combat this, Democrats are stating that the Republicans are taking away the constitutional liberties of the current sitting president, Barack Obama, and that waiting for a potential conservative Justice could make so many cases like Roe, completely mute to the eyes of the public. While Roe was monumental to the country’s position, there may always be fighting and arguments over what really should have happened. Perhaps, one day, it will be overturned, but for now, abortion is legal and will be as long as the Supreme Court upholds its ruling from 1973.
Works Cited - Cole, David. The Power of a Supreme Court Dissent. N.p., 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - Cornell University Law School. Roe v. Wade. Ed. Amelia C. Hritz. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - Lawnix. Roe v. Wade Breakdown . N.p., 2005. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - PBS. The Court and Democracy. Ed. Judy Woodruff. N.p., Dec. 2006. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - The Supreme Court of the United States. Roe v. Wade Transcripts . N.p., 11 Oct. 1972. Web. 17 Feb. - Smith, Allen. Society for Human Resource Management . Ed. Aliah D. Wright. N.p., 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
Caroline C.
Years ago, NASA stopped their manned missions to the moon. In 2006, it was announced that NASA’s Space Shuttle Program was ending. A manned mission to Mars could be happening, but it would be in the 2030’s. The only name in space exploration seemed to be disappearing. What is SpaceX? However, space missions could not come to a halt. A small, privately-owned company called Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) was able to secure a contract to design a resupply system for the International Space Station. The Falcon 1, their first liquid-fueled rocket succeeded in reaching the ISS in 2008. SpaceX has launched many a rocket since, fulfilling their simply stated description: “SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft.” The company has two goals, which are to make spaceflight routine and affordable, and to make humans a multi-planet species. SpaceX manufactures and is experimenting with both the Falcon rockets and the Dragon capsules, both of which may be used in the near future to send crewed flights to the ISS, and potentially, Mars. As of right now, they continue to supply the International Space Station and service the government by providing spacecraft for astronauts going there. As of 2015, SpaceX is headquartered in Florida, and uses the famous Cape Canaveral launch site for many of their launches. They also occupy multiple facilities around the country, including Hawthorne, California, Seattle, Washington, and Rio Grande, Texas. The company employs over 4,000 people, and has achieved a lot of media coverage over the years.
Fun Facts
Headquarters: Cape Canaveral, Florida
CEO/Founder: Elon Musk
President/COO: Gwynne Shotwell
Year Founded: 2002
Spacecraft: Falcon 9, Dragon
nutrient-gel on the Red Planet. This would be the first step toward colonizing Mars—one of the stated goals of SpaceX once it would be founded. Two pieces of equipment would be required to execute the project. The first was a lander, which Musk had already made a deal with a company to build. The second was a rocket to perform the actual launch. Unfortunately, the rocket prices of US companies to transport these supplies to Mars were astronomical. Musk then turned to another country. Russia has provided the United Launch Alliance - who has the task of supplying the United States with spacecraft for the military - with rocket boosters since 2006. Musk made plans to buy a refurbished Dnepr missile from Russia, but realized that making the deal would cause financial risks that could threaten his fortune. Both deals had multiple cons - enough that Musk reached the conclusion that building his own rocket would be more cost-effective. And so, SpaceX came to be. What sets SpaceX apart? Efficiency is at the core of SpaceX as it moves forward. Their first rocket, that was launched in 2008, was priced at about $7 million, which is incredibly cheap when talking about space travel. While giving an interview, Musk explained what made their cost of launching it so low. Musk thinks like a physicist, so he asked what rockets were made of. The answer is aerospace-grade aluminum alloys, plus some titanium, copper, and carbon fiber. These materials are purchased at 2% of the regular price. So, if materials were that cheap, why did it still cost so much to launch a single rocket? In large aerospace companies such
“If one can figure out how to effectively reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred… That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to revolutionize access to space.” - Elon Musk
as NASA, risk is huge. No company would consider launching a rocket if it was deemed too risky. So, they were still using technology dated from the 1960s because they knew that it been used for years with few failures. Orbital Sciences, a private space exploration company, uses rocket engines that were literally made in the 60’s. Better technology was of course available, but switching to newer and more efficient methods was a risk. Also, making parts becomes enormously expensive because of the outsourcing involved. Profits are added on at every level something has to go through.HERE? Finally, the parts of rockets are made by taking a large piece of aluminum material, then cutting off most of it to make a certain piece of the spacecraft. That costs time and money. SpaceX’s approach is to design it after an airplane, using ribs and hoops to get the stiffness needed for a rocket. A process called stir welding ensures that joints are strong enough to withstand pressure during a launch. Material loss is cut down to 10%. Problem solved. Reusable Rockets Space travel is very costly, since no module can be used twice. Rockets are designed to burn up as they re-enter Earth’s atmosphere. One of SpaceX’s lofty goals is to create reusable rockets. These rockets, rather than burning up, could be landed upright on Earth’s surface and be used again for another launch. To check the facts, NASA’s average cost per launch during the space shuttle program’s life was about $1.5 billion. Much of that money was used to manufacture the rockets, a cost SpaceX hopes to avoid. The Falcon 9’s first flight cost $440 million, and if the parts become reusable, the cost
Left: The ABS/ EUTELSAT—1 Launch Right: The Falcon—9 rollout
further. According to a post titled “Reusability: The Key to Making Human Life Multi-Planetary” by CEO and founder Elon Musk, “If one can figure out how to effectively reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred...That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to revolutionize access to space.” On April 18th, 2014, SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket into orbit to resupply the ISS and managed to land it softly on the ocean. 8 months later, on January 14, 2015, a Falcon rocket successfully resupplied the ISS but exploded upon landing. On June 28, 2015, a Falcon 9 rocket combusted because there was a significant amount of overpressure in an oxygen tank. After the disastrous launch, the company temporarily suspended operations. In November of 2015, competitor Blue origin launched and landed their New Shepard rocket. However, the flight never crossed into Earth orbit. Then, on December 21, 2015, a Falcon 9 rocket successfully landed intact on land, gaining SpaceX attention. The company inspected the rocket to determine ways to make it more robust in the hopes of more successful landings. The company has predicted a 70% landing success rate in 2016.
Road to the Red Planet Remember Musk’s idea to plant a greenhouse on Mars? He called it the Mars Oasis project, and it was the first step towards establishing a colony there. Back in 2002, he had discovered there were no concrete plans to go to Mars by NASA, which led to him developing that project idea and founding SpaceX. Musk announced at the end of January a plan to send a manned mission to Mars in 2025. To put that goal in perspective, NASA will be going to the Red Planet in the 2030s. No action had been taken until recently to put life on Mars because it had been estimated that a single manned mission to the surface would cost almost $500 billion - a number that dissuades politicians from approving funding. SpaceX may be able to lower that cost since their rockets have proven to be cheaper than
other American manufacturers. When asked why going to Mars is so important to SpaceX, Musk answered, “It’s the only planet we really have a shot at establishing a selfsustaining city on. It will then enable us to establish colonies elsewhere in the solar system and ultimately extend beyond our solar system.” While the Dragon could be used to go to Mars, it would take a very long time. In addition, it would have no way to land. The ship would crash into the surface and make a large crater. When he announced the plan to go to Mars in 2025, Musk also said that the company wants to reveal a new design for a ship at September's International Astronautical Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico. Until then, the world will have to wait and see if SpaceX can make a new spacecraft capable of reaching what so many have dreamed of, and truly become the future of space exploration.
Bibliography Chaikin, Andrew. "Is SpaceX Changing the Rocket Equation?" Air & Space Maga zine. N.p., Jan. 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. Grush, Loren. "SpaceX Will Modify Its Falcon 9 Rocket Based on Tests of Its Landed Vehicle." The Verge. N.p., 03 Feb. 2016. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. Kluger, Jeffrey. "10 Things To Know About SpaceX." Time. Time, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. Mundy, John. "What Is SpaceX? Everything You Need to Know."TrustedReviews. N.p., 23 Dec. 2015. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. SpaceX. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
Optimism Vs.
Pessimism Vs Malynda Wollert
Brief Overview of Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism are all ways to categorize a person’s view upon life. It is often expressed that a you can determine whether a person is an optimist, realist, or pessimist by using the glass of water test. Is the glass half full, half empty, or at 50% capacity? Although many people know which of the three they themselves possess, it is likely that they have an incorrect opinion on which is the best. Will you live longer if you are an optimist? Which person will make more money? Which person is more responsible? Who will have the best social standing? These questions have been asked many times. Scientists have performed experiments that answer these questions. Research shows there are many factors that influence a person’s view on life. You could be an idealist, nihilist, opportunist, or one of the many other categorizations. However, this article will focus solely on the relationship between optimism, pessimism, and realism. The correlation between the three may be expressed by a quote from William Arthur Ward, ”The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” It is nearly impossible to live life without being able to see which of the three outlooks you possess. This creates an increased importance in determining which you would prefer to be. A person may change their outlook on life with increased knowledge about which of the three has the greatest benefits. Choosing the best is something that only you can decide. This article hopes to enlighten you in you quest for determining which of the trio you want to be.
What is optimism? What are its benefits and faults? Optimism is taking a positive view on life, even in dire situations. The optimist views everything in an improving light. “Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.” phonated optimist Michael Morpurgo. The true optimist has the ability to see the good in everything. They always think the best of situations. It is also proven that optimists have a longer life expectancy. This is due to the fact that optimists have a lower risk of heart disease. Optimists also tend to have less anxiety and stress than pessimists, again giving them a longer life expectancy. However, optimists tend to be more careless because they tend to not understand that they are only mortal, and that life happens. According to Dr. Raj Persaud, optimists are more likely to get into car crashes. The optimist is carefree, which leads to less stress, but also it leads to carelessness. Though optimists tend to have more accidents, they do have very pleasant lives, for they are never to see the dark. They see light in every person, making them very likeable. In conclusion, the optimist is: happy, carefree, likeable, less likely to develop heart disease, less stressed, accident prone, and positive. Optimists are people who one would like to be around. Are they the best?
What is pessimism? What are its benefits and faults? Pessimism is taking a negative view on life, even in happy situations. Everything is negative, negative, negative. “To a profound pessimist about life, being in danger is not depressing.” verbalized 1920’s author F. Scott Fitzgerald. As Fitzgerald vividly says, a true pessimist does not find danger depressing, because they are never surprised with bad. This is a good thing about being a pessimist. “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.” articulated George Will. His quote understands the true beauty in being a pessimist. He explains the good in the glass half empty people. However, pessimists develop heart disease more frequently to its antagonistic relative. Pessimists are more stressed as they are always worried about something. Pessimists tend to be unhappy more frequently than optimists or realists, causing them to have poor social skills, and to be exorbitantly introverted. Pessimists are more likely to be depressed than their optimist and realist counterparts. They also tend to live shorter than optimists according to a study . Pessimists ultimately have a shorter life expectancy, and slightly less enjoyable lives. However, as George Will and F. Scott Fitzgerald state, they are never disappointed. Is it possible for them to have happiness. One can only see.
What is realism? What are its benefits and faults? Finally, the realist sees the world as it is. Realists tend to be logical, smart, and frank. They will tell the truth in any situation, causing them to be candid. They have a constant love of what’s true and their aspect on life is, well, realistic. “Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I'm a realist.” declared Margaret Atwood. They see the glass as at half capacity. The realist, most people think is boring. They are too precise, and have trouble accepting imagination. However, it is untroublesome for realists to use their imagination, because they know what is incorrect. Realists have the life expectancy of a normal person, and tend to be logical in knowing when to go to the doctor. Realists follow the world accurately because they see it accurately. Realists tend to be introverted, however they can be extroverts. They tend to be very analytical. They also have the tendency to be more intelligent. In conclusion, realists are: smart, an analytical, candid, and obsessed with truth.
In conclusion………. To conclude, optimists see the world overly positive, pessimists see it in the negative, and realists see the world as it is. Each perspective offers happiness. However, they all have different consequences. What will one decide? Studies show that it is possible to choose to be an optimist. What will you be?
Bibliography: Bushak, Lecia. "Optimism vs. Pessimism: Which Is Better For Your Health And Longevity?" Medical Daily. IBT Media Inc., 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 4 Dec. 2014.
DC15. "Brain Connection Involved with Turning On and Off Day Dreaming, Slow To Develop In Kids With ADHD." Wire My Brain RSS. D.C. McGuire, 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. De Lange, Catherine. "Can You Train Yourself to Be an Optimist?"CultureLab:. Reed Business Information Ltd., 30 May 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. Feliisha. "Par Konfektēm Un Lietussargiem..." Par Konfektm Un Lietussargiem. WordPress.com, 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2014. 4 December 2014. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/fscottfit397233.html Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/citation/quotes/quotes/f/fscottfit397233.html#yvrAXqCSwTR08jAm.99
Getty Images. "Halffilled Glass Of Water On Table Stock Photo 142730560." Getty Images. Getty Images, 2014. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. Holmes, Shelly. "Optimism vs Pessimism - How an Optimist Tends to Outperform a Pessimist." Make A Dent Leadership. MAKEADENTLEADERSHIP.COM, 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2014. Wetherd, Marcus. "Does Realism Best Explain Intelligence Cooperation Between States?" E-International Relations. E-International Relations, 8 Aug. 2014. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. "William Arthur Ward." BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2014. 4 December 2014. Dec. 2014.
"Margaret Atwood." BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2014. 9 December 2014.
The Latest Buzz Have you ever wondered what life would be like inside of a bee hive? Maybe how it worked? How bees communicate? Or even what the queen bee is? Researchers have done a lot of work compiling this information for others to read. Camilla M.
What are the different kinds of associations in a beehive? The beehive consists of three main types of bees (related to our hierarchy of society). The top bee is the queen bee; this would be equal to our first lady. Under the queen bee are the worker bees, also called a house bee. All worker bees are female bees that were not designated to be a queen bee. The worker bees have a “pollen basket” on the back of their legs that replace the longer abdomen. It is used to collect pollen and bring it back for use in the hive. A worker bee can visit 10 flowers every minute, and a total of about 600 flowers before returning to the hive. Before a bee can manage this task, though, training is required. For a worker bee, training can take 100 days. Tasks that are vital to the foundation of the beehive include: cleaning cells for new eggs, nectar production, and pollen gathering. The next type of bee, that is an equal to the worker bee, is the drone bee. Drone bees are male bees that make up a small percentage of the hive. During the summer months, the role of a drone bee is to mate with the queen bee. After mating, the drone bee dies and a new drone bee takes his place. Drone bees live in the hive during the summer months, but they are, essentially, “kicked out” when winter comes because they consume a lot of the food supply. The queen bee, the worker bees, and the drone bees all work together to create an organized hive. The operations of the bees in the beehive are vital to their living.
Why is the queen bee so important? The queen bee of the hive gives bees their only reproduction system. She is often mistaken for the “ruler” of the hive, but, truly, she has one of the smallest brains. The queen bee can be spotted by her abdomen; it is usually the largest of all the bees. Additionally, the colony knows the queen bee is still with them by an odor the queen bee emits. During the spring, the queen bee lays around two thousand eggs a day. This is more than her total weight! The colony can keep a certain queen bee for three to five years, but after that a new queen bee is chosen. Besides, the existing hive gets too crowded after three to five years. So, the bees have to scout out another hive. The new hive is chosen by scouts and the former queen bee. A new queen be is chosen by being the first virgin bee to leave her cell. Once the first female bee leaves her cell, she can either kill some of the other queen bee eggs, or lead a swarm out of the hive and travel to a new hive. This is how bees create new hives, and there are separate hives for all the new queen bees that decide to leave. The queen bee eggs that are not killed make the same decision as the first queen bee made, and, eventually, one will decide to stay. After choosing a place to stay the queen bee will mate with approximately twenty male drone bee to start reproduction. Once the queen bee gets old, the cycle starts over. The queen bee is essential to the breeding of beehives all around.
What are the different types of eggs bees produce? In the beehive there are three types of eggs that correspond with the three types of bees in the hive. The first type is the worker bee egg, which are crucial to the hive. The worker bee egg is a fertilized egg laid in a cell only five millimeters in diameter. These eggs typically take about twenty-one days to hatch. The second type of egg the queen bee lays is the male drone eggs. The eggs are placed in a seven millimeter diameter cell. The drone bee eggs usually hatch twenty-four days after being laid. The third type of egg is the queen bee egg. These eggs are acorn shaped cells that hang vertically from the top of the hive. There are usually only twenty queen bee eggs. This is a sign for the beekeeper telling him there is an impending swarm. Although it seems that all offspring require some type of mating, bees do not always need mating to produce eggs. The term for this is called parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis is the term that describes the difference between fertilized eggs and unfertilized eggs. Fertilized eggs include mating while unfertilized eggs use parthenogenesis. In summary, there are three kinds of eggs in the beehive that correlate to the three types of bee associations.
How Do Bees Communicate? Bee communication is one of the most intriguing in the of animal kingdom. Bees only use one form of communication. It is mainly used to tell others where food is located because all other actions of the bees are instinct. The action is made by a worker bee after returning from their pollen collection to tell the other bees where food is located for retrieval. The discovery of this profound information came from Karl von Frisch, a professor at the University of Munich in Germany, and his students. He went on to win the noble peace prize because of his discovery along with all the data he collected. Frisch figured out that the movement of the bees gave two different clues as to where the food was located outside the hive: distance and direction. There are three types of dances to the bees execute to communicate how far the food is. The first dance means the food is within fifty meters of the hive. This dance is performed by running around in many narrow circles with a sudden change in direction, then continuing to go the opposite direction in many narrow circles. This is called the round dance. The next dance shows an intermediate distance between the hive and the food (typically fifty to one hundred fifty meters from the hive). The sickle dance is performed by making a few narrow circles and then making a figure-eight to go the opposite direction for a few more narrow circles. The third dance is called the waggle dance; it tells bees the food is more than one hundred fifty meters away. The waggle dance is shown by making many figure-eights in one area. There is only one way to communicate direction. Direction is closely tied to the sun, in that the bees use the straight portion of their dance to indicate where the food is. Thus, bees are very intelligent creatures that use specific forms of communication.
Why do bees buzz? A bee’s buzz is like that of any other insect with a high wing flapping speed. The vibrations in the air made by the up-anddown movement of a bee’s wings cause the buzz in the air. Accordingly, bees that are larger with wings that do not flap as fast, make a lower pitch than a bee whose wings flap faster. There are two kinds of bees that use different techniques for pollination. The bumble bee makes a separate buzzing sound from the honey bee because the bumble bee can rapidly shake the middle section of their body to rattle the pollen from the flowers. Honey bees, in contrast, are not as loud because they cannot carry out this process. However, many insects make a beautiful buzz similar to bees because of rapidly flapping wings.
“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” - Maurice Maeterlinck Works Cited: -Blackiston, Howland. "Understanding the Role of the Queen Bee in a Hive." - For Dummies. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. -"Friends of the Honey Bee - Friends of the Honey Bee." Friends of the Honey Bee RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. -Hiskey, Daven. "How Do Bees Produce a Queen Bee?" Today I Found Out. N.p., 17 May 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. -Otis, Gard. "Why Do Bees Buzz?" Scientific American. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.Tarpy, David R. The Honey Bee Dance Language Honey Bee Dancing, Perhaps the Most Intri pect of (n.d.): n. pag. Web. -"What Makes a Bee Buzz?" - Science Questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.
guing As
Good Eating Habits: Keeping You Healthy
Have you ever been tempted to just eat whatever and whenever you want? This might be fine once in awhile, but doing this constantly can destroy your body. To prevent this from happening, you should make good eating habits to help your health and prevent future health problems. It also makes you feel good about yourself by eating these healthy foods. This article will help you take the first few steps to start these habits of healthy eating. What is the Food Pyramid? To help your eating habits, try to follow the food pyramid that is approved by the USDA. The food pyramid is a system that illustrates the food-guidance system made by the USDA and the HHS. It shows the five basic food groups to help people put these guidelines into action. Also, the Pyramid focuses mainly on fat since most Americans eat too much fat. It will help prevent certain diseases and will help people keep a healthy weight. In your daily diet, you need each of the five food groups, but no one group is more important than the others. At the tip of the Pyramid, there is the fats, oils and sweets group. This includes food like candies, desserts and butter, and these foods should not be eaten too much daily. Below this level, there are two groups of foods. These are the milk and the meat group, and people should eat about 2 to 3 servings of these foods per day. Next, there are two more groups of foods in a level. These foods are the vegetable and fruit groups, and people should eat about 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruits daily. Finally, at the bottom of the pyramid, there is the grain group. This includes food like bread and rice, and people should eat about 6 to 11 servings a day.
What are the Health Benefits? There are several health benefits to eating healthy. First of all, making good eating habits can help control people's’ weight. Eating healthy, while also exercising, can help avoid excess weight gain. It will also let people maintain a healthy weight. Eating healthy in the morning can help prevent becoming hungry later and stopping at a fast food restaurant. Another thing that eating healthy can help people with is improving their mood. According the Mayo Clinic, eating a healthy diet can improve someone’s physique. This means that you will feel better about your appearance, improving self-esteem. Your confidence will boost and you will be less stressed when you eat healthy and exercise. Healthy eating habits can also prevent diseases, like high blood pressure and a heart disease. Healthy habits can help keep your blood flowing smoothly and will decrease your risk of cardiovascular diseases. The Mayo Clinic says that healthy habits help prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, and depression. Also, when you eat a balanced diet, your body has the fuel it needs to get through the day. Exercising can also help give you more energy to do daily activities. It can also help you sleep better and get a good night’s rest. Lastly, good eating habits can boost a person’s chances of living a longer life. The American Council of Exercising made a study of 13,000 people. In this study, it showed that those who walked just 30 minutes a day significantly reduced their chances of dying early.
What are the Future Health Problems? On the other hand, there are many problems when it comes to not eating healthy, which are mainly future health problems. When you do not eat healthily, you are not giving your body the nutrients it needs to make it through the day. Also, when you eat unhealthy foods, you are introducing unhealthy substances like trans fat and sugar into your body. First of all, eating unhealthy can cause obesity. Fatty foods usually are energy dense, which means that they have more calories than nutrient-dense foods like fruit and vegetables. When people eat foods with more calories than they actually burn, the extra calories are stored as body fat. This causes obesity, and obesity is able to cause many chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are long lasting diseases, and they include cancer and type 2 diabetes. Trans fat is in many fried foods and baked goods, and eating it too much can increase bad cholesterol. This is mainly linked to heart disease. Every year, trans fat alone is responsible for over 10,000 heart attacks in the United States. Also, eating unhealthy can cause accelerated aging. Without the nutrients that your body needs, the risks for nutritional deficiencies increases. One last thing that unhealthy food can affect is your mental health. According to the Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, there is a relation between unhealthy eating and mental health problems. These problems can include depression in adults.
How do you Create a Healthy Diet? To create a healthy diet, first, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. In the United States, only about 27% Americans eat vegetables three to four times a day. To help this problem, there are many things that you can do. First of all, you can organize community trips to the grocery store if it is hard for you to get there. Another thing that you could do to eat more fruits and vegetables is that you can include them with some of your favorite dishes. By doing this, you and your family will be gradually eating healthier. When you shop, plan, and cook, also include your kids. Kids are more likely to eat new fruits and vegetables if they helped chose them. If they do not like them, then there are always new foods to try. To eat healthier around and out of the house you can also eat real food and not junk food. You can do this by making of a plan of what you are going to eat that day, which will help you from eating at fast food restaurant. Also, you can make rules at your home to prevent people from eating too much junk food. You and your family can also grow your own food in the backyard. This will make you feel like you have an ownership over the food that you are eating. Finally, your body needs water to make it through the day. If you drink too many sodas, your body will not get the energy it needs. To prevent this, you should drink less of sugar-sweetened drinks and more water daily. This will definitely help your healthy eating diet.
Are there Other ways to Become Healthy? Of course there are! You didn't think that all you had to do to become healthy was to eat healthy, did you? There are several ways to become healthy, and eating healthy is just the first step. First of all, you need to think positive and have a positive attitude. Studies show that people who have a positive attitude have a healthy immune system and have a boosted health. Your body believes what you think, so try to think positively. Next, you should get plenty of exercise every day. When you exercise, you burn off all of the fat that you have built up in your body. Also, you build up muscles that make you more physically healthy. Exercising can make you feel good about your body, and it can help you build up the energy your body needs for that day. Lastly, you should get plenty of sleep. A person should normally get about eight hours of sleep everyday so that they are ready for the next day. By getting a good amount of sleep, you give your body the energy it needs to start the day. Also, it is easier to have a positive attitude when you are awake rather than almost falling asleep. If you do all of these things daily in your life, you will be living a healthy lifestyle.
Bibliography 5 Benefits of Healthy Habits." Healthline. N.p., 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. "Food Guide Pyramid." Encyclopedia of Obesity (n.d.): n. pag. The Food Guide Pyramid. USDA. Web. McNight, Clay. "What Happens When You Don't Eat Healthfully?"LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 17 June 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. "Simple Steps for the Nutritional Needs of Your Family." Simple Steps for the Nutritional Needs of Your Family. Ameri can Heart Association, 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
The Roman Empire: Will America Fall Too?
Rome was one of the greatest empires, and its downfall hit the rest of the ancient world hard. Most believe that it was only overthrown, but lots led up to the opportunity for another to be able to seize the massive Empire. Economic and slavery troubles, the overuse of money, decrease in the army size, and religion all had an impact. America could have some of the same problems. Will America be “overthrown” too?
The Economy: The Roman economy was an agrarian and slave based economy. It was complex, but not as complex as today’s. Taxes were harsh, and not all could pay for it by farming. Farmers also had the choice to donate food to the government. The given food would feed the legions or other citizens, but only gave the farmer popularity. They still had to pay for taxes, and many could not gain enough profit. Citizens became dependent on the free grain, or the imports from surrounding countries. This was also more than Rome could afford.
There had been a major trade of goods from all over Africa, Asia, and Europe. Rome would spend so much gold on exotic silks or spices, and eventually, didn’t have enough gold to make Denarii. The sheer size of the Empire also became a problem. It was incredibly hard to govern, and being so large may have helped gain more crops, but didn’t help when all of the people across Rome had to be fed on nothing. When agriculture began to decrease, this became a problem for Rome. Too much money was being spent trading, and eventually they had nothing to exchange for the mass amounts of expensive goods that they were taking in. To try and fix this problem, more coins were made with a cheaper silver, leading to inflation, and an even more difficult situation.
Slave Labor and Armies: Rome is most famously known for its armies. But when Roman life became more centered around education and family, the
loyalty to the Empire also weakened. “In a Roman mindset, it was necessary to belong.” The Romans entire economy was built on the back of slaves, and most of them were from the surrounding countries or empires. Rome also imported more things than what was being exported, and soon Rome’s supply of slaves and other war treasures began to run out. They would let in foreigners, but treat them with much cruelty. The barbarians who were forced to work or had their children forced to work ended up to hurt Rome during its decline. They were also struggling in their military area. Under the rule of emperors Diocletian and Constantine, the military was losing numbers. They started to hire foreign mercenaries to fight in their legions. The ranks soon swelled with Germanic Goths or other Barbarians. While they were powerful soldiers, they had little or no loyalty to the empire. The “Power-hungry officers often turned against their Roman employers.” Most of the barbarians who had attacked the western Empire and sacked Rome had served in the Legions and had earned military stripes. Eventually, there was no way to block the other barbarians were still surging in through the borders.
“In a Roman mindset, it was necessary to belong.”
Religion and Separation: Why did It Matter? Religion: Religion had become a large problem during the decline of the empire. The ancient Romans believed that the emperor had a divine status, and when Christianity was changed to the state religion in 380, it ended persecution, but also may have “eroded roman traditional values.” It shifted Rome’s glory on the state to one sole being. Popes and church elders took a larger role in the government, changing it from what it used to be. People no longer saw their emperor as a divine being, so over time, Romans lost the passion they used to have for their Empire. Before it was changed to the state religion, the authorities had been punishing anyone who didn’t perform Caesar worship, and their focus was mainly on the Jews. When Christians separated from the Jewish practice, the Romans were thrown completely into the unknown, and Christianity grew without much knowledge of the higher authorities. During the rule of Diocletian (and 5 others), it was noticed how many Christians held important and high roles in the government. In response, Diocletian visited the Oracle of Delphi, a god the romans believed to tell prophecies, and was told to stop the rising Christians. It transformed into a Christian slaughter, pushing the empire further into civil war. The Christian side won, in the name of their god. Christianity became the new religion.
This map displays how the Empire was divided.
Separation: The Roman Empire was very large, making it extremely difficult to govern. Emperor Constantius split the empire into two parts. The eastern part, centered in Nicomedia ruled by Maximian and Constantius the Pale, and the western part, ruled by Diocletian, was centered in Rome. Later, Constantius’ son, Constantine, defeated all challengers to the throne and became caesar of the of all of the Empire. To do that, he had to overthrow the king of the western side, which was Diocletian’s son Galerius, to be Caesar. On his mission to gain popularity throughout his kingdom, Constantine attacked the Franks, an ancient tribe who wanted parts of the Roman Empire, and killed two of their kings. His people saw a man who would act without mercy, but a man with compassion when he restored a church property that had earlier been destroyed. He slowly gained the trust of the men in his Empire, giving himself an army. Around that time, Constantius, died, causing there
to be a need for a new caesar. Galerius and Constantine both named themselves caesar, causing the two parts to grow further apart. Constantine also controlled six nations, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, and parts of North Africa, all of which would come and take control of the west. Galerius soon unsuccessfully invaded the western part, which he ended up dying for, and the western part soon went to war with the Franks. Maxentius became the Emperor of the East, but had lost most of his popularity due to overtaxing his citizens and his empire began to crumble. Constantine watched as it fell then tried to take control of entire of the empire. He turned the empire Christian after battling for the east with Linicus. He soon became emperor of all of Rome and changed the capital from Rome to Constantinople, a city he named after himself.
Will the U.S. Collapse Too? Emperor Constantine had promised that Constantinople would be safe and fortified, which proved to be true, but then he left Italy, and therefore the city of Rome, vulnerable. Rome was the symbolic value for many in the East, and almost a thousand years later it was overwhelmed by the Ottoman Empire in the 1400’s. The Western Empire’s political structure had fallen in the fifth century. But is America like Rome? That answer is yes. The great Empire and the U.S have a lot in common that’s not very evident at a first glance. Both share the most global influence of their time periods. Rome was the largest empire of the ancient world, and for most of its time, was able to conquer any other empire willing to stand against it. Both saw a collapse in the middle class. While America’s on its way to seeing the middle class deteriorate with overseas labor and
other issues, Rome lost their middle class by slave labor and trading. Foreign wars were a problem for both empires. America has always been recovering from a war, in a war, or preparing for war. Things have changed over a thousand and five-hundred years, but with so much property, Rome was always being attacked. One of the largest parallels to the Empire is the passion and love for the country. Americans don’t have as much love as they did 100, 50, or even 25 years ago, and that became a large problem for Rome. So, will America collapse? The answer is maybe. You hold the future in your hands. Rome survived for half a millennium, and the U.S. is half of that. America still has awhile, at least, only if Donald Trump doesn’t become president.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Andrews, Evan. "8 Reasons Why Rome Fell." History.com. A&E Television Net works, 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. Lewis, Michael. "Is America the New Rome? – Unit ed States vs. the Roman Empire." Money Crashers. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. "Roman Republic and Roman Empire: Rul ers." Infoplease. Infoplease. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. "The Fall of the Roman Empire." Ushistory.org. In dependence Hall Association, 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. The Roman Empire C. 400 C.e. Split of Roman Em pire. Historium. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. "The Roman Empire." The Roman Empire. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. Wasson, Donald L. "Constantine I." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 19 Apr. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
This map shows how the empire was conquered and divided after the Fall.
A Look Into The Coffee Culture: America Living On Beans Maggie C.
the year 2015. The human race has gone so far,
and we move so fast. From one thing to the next, we are constantly working to create a better society, a bet-
In the U.S. alone, 400 million cups of coffee are consumed each day, and 136 billion
ter life for the individual. With so much happening, so much to remember, the hundreds of things that affect us in just one day, what keeps us going? The simple answer is ...coffee. So insignificant, so simple and everyday, yet it is the core of our world. America is the largest caffeine consumer on Earth. It’s excessively addictive; yet, it gives us the boost we need to make ends meet. Is that really healthy? And what is it doing to our economy? Perhaps it’s time to face the facts and ask ourselves: Would we be better off without coffee?
The term, “cup o’ Joe” comes from the famous American soldier’s love of coffee, nicknamed, “GI Joe’s” in World War II.
Where does America’s Coffee Come From? A short history of the modern day trade routes and production
First off: everyone knows
taking the lead with near-
what coffee is, but how
ly 6 billion pounds of cof-
was it created? How does
fee produced. This collec-
America get it? This caf-
tion is also known as,
feinated beverage has ac-
“The Coffee Belt”. Each of
tually been around since
these rely incredibly heav-
the eleventh century, dis-
ily on this business. Nei-
covered by an Ethiopian
ther imports nor exports
goat herder when he no-
to America are not taxed.
ticed that his herd became
While this seem seems
overly energetic and
fair, it ends up being tak-
couldn’t sleep after eating
en it on poor African third
the red berries that grow
-world countries who de-
on the coffee plant. From
pend on this. Nowadays,
there, the substance went
seven million people in
through countless changes
Ethiopia alone live com-
and cities across conti-
pletely off emergency food
nents, from Europe, to the
aid every year. As a first-
Middle east, Africa, Latin
world country and major
America, and finally
player in world trade,
reaching America in 1663,
America and other large
around 600 years later.
coffee consumers do not
Today, the top five export-
feel these effects any-
ers of coffee, in order of
where near as harshly
least to most, are: Ethio-
However, it is U.S.’s larg-
pia, Indonesia, Colombia,
est food import, and the
V ie tn am , an d in f ir s t
most valuable commodity
place for 150 years, Brazil,
just after oil.
Fun Facts:
In the ancient Arab and Turkish cultures, a woman could only divorce her husband if he failed to provide her with enough coffee.
A single pound of coffee requires over 2,500 pounds of water.
Part of the reason tea takes the overwhelming majority in England over coffee may be because in 1675, the King Charles II banned coffee shops, believing his subjects chose to conspire against him over the beverage.
The Liquid Power Pill Flip Side
Coffee: America’s Drug of Choice Believe or not, coffee is in fact
to break. Depending on the
a drug, the most common psy-
length and consistency of one’s
choactive o ne (it changes
drinking, 7-12 days of gradual-
mood, perception, and/or con-
ly reducing consumption
sciousness). A single table-
should do the trick, though
spoon of straight caffeine will
there are quite a few side ef-
induce seizures and instantly
fects, including nausea, head-
kill a person. The average cof-
aches, and ironically enough,
fee drinker consumes about
great fatigue. However, it’s not
2.1 cups of coffee a day, in-
just regular coffee. Decaffein-
creasing with age. To break
ated coffee is known to possess
down the science behind why
the same results, as well as
it’s so addictive: the coffee
sodas and teas. Moderation
molecule enters the brain, and
and variation are key when it
because they are so similar, it
comes to coffee consumption.
While there are many negative sides to our favorite brown beverage, there also happen to be some great ones that most people aren’t aware of. It’s simply a common beverage, and unless one would drink the maximum of 100 cups inducing death, you should be okay. coffee can actually do may good things for the body. It holds healthful antioxidants, it’s good for your heart, it allows you to exercise regularly and complete work at your best, and it can fight gout and curb depression. Some health advice: Everyone is different. ———— continued below——-
is able to hold off adenosine. This is the chemical that induces tiredness, thereby enforcing a feeling of alertness. Regular drinkers will build up a resistance, as the brain creates more of these adenosine molecules, and end up drinking unhealthy amounts. High doses are expected to bring insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and nervousness. Luckily, this is a relatively easy addiction
Some people may have to limit themselves to a couple ounces, others may be perfectly fine with 3 or 4 cups a day. Genetics play a role (surprise, surprise), and caffeine is no excuse for not getting enough sleep. Caffeine takes six hours to run out, so stick to a morning cup to keep drinking coffee but improve still one’s lifestyle, skip the sugar and milk, or try soy or almond milk. Also, reduce intake to one cup a day, and always drink AFTER a meal. Caffeine shoots sugar into the bloodstream, which could lead to a heavy drop in blood sugar on an empty stomach. Hold off those cravings and have some breakfast first :)
Fun Facts:
-The priciest coffee in the world is $600 a pound, harvested from wild cat feces. It’s called Luwak Coffee.
Coffee vs. Tea: Coming To A Boil
The timeless debate! Bean-buffs and leaf-lovers have been at each other’s throats for decades over the superior beverage. While opinions can’t be fought, health benefits and disadvantages can be proven instead. The ups and downs of coffee have already been mentioned, but a few more: The greater caffeine content calm airways, helping those with asthma, lessens migraines, and in fact, while it didn’t have any major benefits, it also doesn’t cause any major health problems. So avid coffee-drinkers don’t really have anything to worry about, but they shouldn’t expect anything more. In contrast, tea is full of antioxidants and possible cancer-decreasing qualities, however, these cancer-fighting chemicals can be lost by adding milk. Too much coffee or tea will result in the same cons as previously said. Overdoses of unfiltered coffee can lead to bad cholesterol, though excessive tea consumption may cause brittle bones and osteofluorosis
(skeletal changes) due to it’s large amounts of fluoride, and certain teas have been known to carry aluminum and unsafe levels of lead, so be careful when ordering from unknown companies. In reality, the main culprit is an overload or sugar or milk in any drink. So keep it clean, and either way should be just fine. To conclude, coffee is running through the veins of the Americans, and whether they’re drinking one cup a month or 4 everyday, this country is not about to give it up. One drink, just a small part of an everyday routine, becomes the root of a constantly changing culture and the dictator of millions of lives across the world, all just to keep someone awake for a few hours so they can get through the day. International corporations, small farms, family-owned shops, a unique stamp upon every level of the modern-day economy of such an influential world power. America: living on beans.
-There are at least nine Starbucks every square mile in New York City. Rightfully so, as New Yorkers consume seven times more coffee than any other city in the US. No wonder New York is the city that never sleeps! -It is a large possibility that coffee beans will someday be able to replace oil as fuel.
Bibliography "Coffee FAQ | Global Exchange." Coffee FAQ | Global E xchange. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. Erdos, Joseph. "America's Coffee Obsession: Fun Facts That Prove We're Hooked." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. Edwards, Sephora. “Economics of Coffee | Black Gold Movie." Economics of Coffee | Black Gold Movie. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. "How Much Coffee Should You Really Be Drinking?" Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health. N.p., 06 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. "History of Coffee and How It Spread around the World.” N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. "New York Has Nine Starbucks for Every Square Mile in Manhattan." The Numbers RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. "The Dangers and Drug Effects of Coffee and Caf feine." The Dangers and Drug Effects of Coffee and Caffeine. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. Thompson, Edward. "This Is How Your Brain Becomes Addicted to Caffeine." Smithsonian. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. Thrillist. "19 Things You Didn't Know About Coffee." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. "What's Healthier: Coffee Or Tea? [INFOGRAPHIC]." Medical Daily. N.p., 06 Nov. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. "17 Awesome Facts That You Never Knew About Coffee." Distractify. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2015. "26 Surprising Facts About Coffee." Good Housekeeping. N.p., 29 Sept. 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2015. "17 Fun Facts About Coffee: Some Weird, Interesting, Untold CoffeeFacts - Coffee Lovers United." Coffee Lovers United. N.p., 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2015. "20 Amazing Facts about Coffee." I Need Coffee. N.p., 15 June 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
Many people see what is believed to be schizophrenic behavior in movies, television shows, and books, but is that really what schizophrenia is?
What is it? Schizophrenia is a very uncommon mental disorder. Contrary to popular belief, it only affects about 1% of the world’s population. This disorder affects how people think, feel, and act. It usually causes one to not be able to separate what is reality from what is fantasy. People often consider schizophrenia to be split personality or multiple personality, but that is not the case. Many people also believe that all people with schizophrenia are violent and can be very harmful to other people, but it is extremely rare for a patient with schizophrenia to be dangerous to others because of this disease. At most the patient is only harmful to themselves, but that is also very rare for them. The one major type of schizophrenia that can cause someone to be extremely dangerous is paranoid schizophrenia, and the level of this type must be very high. Paranoid schizophrenia is only one of 5 types of schizophrenia. This shows how rare it is for one to actually be dangerous. Schizophrenia is also very difficult to diagnose. This is because schizophrenia has many symptoms that can be associated with other mental disorders. Some of the symptoms used to diagnose a patient with schizophrenia may also be found in healthy people with no disorder at all. Sometimes the disorder can not be diagnosed until the symptoms that the patient possess, escalate to the point of causing extreme harm the patient’s mind.
Exploring open source software opportunities.
Causes There is no direct cause for schizophrenia but there are many factors that can affect it. It is often believed that childhood, poor parenting, and lack of willpower are the causes for most mental disorders, but schizophrenia is one disorder that proves that there are some disorders that are not directly caused by these factors. Schizophrenia is caused by a mixture of genetics, environment, and brain chemistry. Usually when there is someone with schizophrenia, their descendants are 50% more likely to inherit the schizophrenia.
The environment can also affect the probability of someone having schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can be caused by exposure to a viral sickness, malnutrition before birth, medical issues during birth, and a lack of being social. Other things in the environment that may affect the probability of having schizophrenia is how the patient is treated as a child by other people and the living conditions in which one may grow up in. Even though these things can affect the probability of someone having schizophrenia, brain chemistry is the key point in having schizophrenia. In all schizophrenic patients there is an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. The most common of these are serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate. These chemicals affect how the brain functions, causing the brain in a schizophrenic patient to not function properly. Overall, there is not one factor that causes schizophrenia but many. Symptoms There are many symptoms of schizophrenia. These symptoms are separated into categories, positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms are symptoms that are not commonly found among healthy people. These symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, and movement disorders. Negative symptoms are symptoms that are found in healthy people, but are not as extreme as those in a schizophrenic patient. These symptoms include reduced expression of emotion, reduced pleasure in everyday life, difficulty beginning and completing activities, and reduced speaking. Cognitive symptoms are also symptoms that are found in schizophrenic patients. Cognitive symptoms can be very severe among some patients, but for others they can be very subtle. These symptoms include trouble focusing or paying attention, inability to learn something and then use that knowledge to make major decisions, and being able to use information just after learning it. If one has several of these symptoms it is
“After a century of studying schizophrenia, the cause of the disorder remains unknown.” -Thomas R. Insel important that a doctor is informed immediately because if they are not informed soon, the level of schizophrenia they have can rise if it is not taken care of properly. People with symptoms of schizophrenia may not even realize that they have them because they are so similar to everyday mood changes, but after a while the symptoms will begin to strengthen in intensity and cause more harm to the person’s mind if the symptoms are not cared for in the beginning. Types There are five types of schizophrenia. These types are paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder. beginning. Paranoid schizophrenia is one of the more common types of schizophrenia. This is the type that can be found in movies and tv shows, creating the illusion that schizophrenia is extremely dangerous for those around a patient that has the disorder. This type is when people feel extremely suspicious, persecuted, or feel like someone or something is after them. This type of schizophrenia is the most dangerous for the patient and sometimes others around them, but a lot of the time the patient is not harmless. Disorganized schizophrenia is usually when a person has difficulty speaking or writing. People with disorganized schizophrenia usually do not have hallucinations or delusions like the other types.
Catatonic schizophrenia is when a person prefers to be in solitude, is mute, negative, and may assume unusual body positions. Residual schizophrenia is where one doesn't face delusions or hallucinations but has no interest or motivation in life anymore. The final type of schizophrenia is actually a combination of both one type of schizophrenia and another major mood disorder such as depression. This type of schizophrenia is known as schizoaffective disorder. It is found most commonly as a combination of both schizophrenia and a major disorder such as depression. Treatments One of the most commonly recognized treatments for schizophrenia is therapy, but it is not the only treatment. There are also assist groups. These groups help a patient become more social, help them find a job and home, or help them learn how to live an everyday life like others in the world. There are also some medications that can be taken to limit how extreme the symptoms are. These medications are known as antipsychotic medications. These medicines can be taken as a liquid, a pill, or injections. Antipsychotics are most commonly taken in either pill or liquid form daily, but the injections can also be done once or twice a
month. Antipsychotics are separated into two groups. These groups are first generation, typical antipsychotics, and second generation, atypical antipsychotics. Even though these treatments are very effective, psychosocial treatments are the most common type of treatment that is used to treat schizophrenia. These treatments consist of ways for a schizophrenia patient to be able to learn how to love their everyday lives like they were never facing the difficulties that came with schizophrenia. Even though there are many treatments to limit the effects of schizophrenia, there are no ways to actually get rid of it. Schizophrenia can never leave a person’s mind even if they take medications, go to therapy, and join support groups.
Sources Blumburg, Joseph. "Schizophrenia Photo." Dartmouth Now. Dartmouth College, 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. MHA. "Schizoaffective Disorder." Mental Health America. Mental Health America, 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. MHA. "Schizophrenia." Mental Health America. Mental Health America, 2014. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
NAMI. "Schizophrenia." National Alliance on Mental Health. National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2016. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. NIH. "Schizophrenia." National Institute of Health. National Institute on Mental Health, 2016. Web. 12 Feb. 2016. Wikipedia. "Picture by a Schizophrenic Patient." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2016. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Wordpress. "Schizophrenia Photo." Tufts. Wordpress, 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
DOES BIRTH ORDER AFFECT PERSONALITY Jenna R. Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? what makes you the person you are? Sadly, there is no clear answer to this, but believe it or not your birth order can play a huge role. In other words, your position in your family can determined a part of your personality. Everyone has heard the term “baby of the family”, but where did this idea come from? This topic has been debated for years, but recently, new studies have come to into the light. They explore the personality ideas of the achiever, the rebellious one, and the life of the party.
The Oldest Child
The first born, sometimes known as the achiever, is often looked up to by others. This is why they take on more of a leadership role compared to their siblings. With this, comes the pressure to succeed, most parents are more strict on their eldest child because they expect them to “set an example”. some top careers for oldest children are government or roles in politics, information technology workers, engineering jobs, and the field of science. An interesting fact about firstborns, one hundred percent of all Astronauts who have gone into space who were either eldest children or eldest sons. In a 2008 study it was revealed , First-born children received 20 to 30 more minutes of daily quality time from parents than second-born kids of the same age from similar families, says the research. Over all, that is 3,000 more quality hours spent with first children between the ages of 4 and 13 than their next sibling. Winston Churchill was a first born child. Churchill’s refusal to consider defeat helped inspire the English during World War II, and he is now regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders in history. he showed his first born personality by being controlling.
First-born children tend to be…
Assertive or dominant
Respectful of authority
Fearful in new situations
Dependent on others for approval
The Middle Child “The middle child is hard to pin down”, Dr. Kevin Leman noted. Sometimes known as the rebellious child, they are almost guaranteed to be the opposite of their older sibling. They often feel like the oldest gets all the glory and the youngest gets away with everything, so they may feel as if they do not have a special place in the family that they were born into . Public service workers, caretakers law enforcement jobs, construction , and, lastly, educational supervisors are top careers choices for middle or second children. A fun fact about middle children, eighty percent of middle children will remain faithful to their partner throughout a relationship. This is compared to sixty five percent for firstborns and fifty three percent for youngest children of the household. Martin Luther King Junior was a middle child. He was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement of the nineteen-sixties. King’s message of nonviolence in the face of attempts at repression helped galvanize popular thinking in favor of his movement. He exemplified his middle child personality by being rebellious and standing up for the things he believed to be true like no other man had the courage to do. Middle children tend to be…
excellent negotiators
more rebellious
feels like they get less attention
Youngest Child Last born children, are often known as the “baby” or ”the life of the party” because they expect others to take on the responsibility while they just have a good time. Because of this, they have the potential to come off as spoiled or manipulative towards others. The top jobs for youngest children would be, art, design, editing and writing, information technology, and sales. An interesting fact about youngest children would be, eighty five percent of youngest children suffer from nightmares, compared to twenty fiveof oldest children. Mark Twain was a middle child. He was an American author and humorist who has been called the father of American literature, and he exemplified his youngest child personality by being an outgoing person that loved to create things. Youngest children tend to be…
the most financially irresponsible
potentially manipulative
fun loving
expect others to do things for them
expect others to make decisions
expect others to take responsibility
The Only Child These children tend to be more mature due to their time spent with adults. Many are achievers with not much rebelling, and they usually like to follow their own path. Top jobs for only child are information technology, engineering, nursing, and law enforcement. An interesting fact about only children is that eighteen percent of families have only a single child in them. Elvis Presley was an only child, and he was known as being one of the best-selling solo artist in the history of music. The king of all rock remains one of the most important figures in American culture. He displayed his only child personality by being a perfectionist, and because of it, he shaped music as America knew it. Only children tend to be…
comfortable with personality
hard time sharing
sometimes spoiled
Twins There is growing evidence that birth order in even twins can determine personality. Similar to oldest and second born personalities, one twin, normally the eldest, takes on the leadership personality. First born Children are normally confident and want to manage others, wherever they are. They are perfectionists, like only children, and want to please authority figures in their life. Studies show that firstborns have a slightly higher IQ than their other siblings. Second born children, on the other hand, often have the complete opposite personality from their older twin. Many times, they are flexible, easier to compromise with, and are the peacemakers of their family. They put others first, but they are able to feel left out in the family. An interesting fact about twins is that tall women are more likely to give birth to them. Also, forty percent of twins invent their own language.
Conclusion In conclusion, whether or not birth order affects personality is a heavily debated topic, but new evidence suggests that this fact is possible. Studies show that the eldest child tends to be more of an achiever, the middle child is normally more outgoing, and the youngest is often less responsible. Twins often have a “leader” and a “follower”. No matter what position you hold in the family, one thing is certain, no child will take on the same personality.
Bibliography “Cigna.” Cigna. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. “How Birth Order Affects Your Child's Personality And Behavior.” Parents Magazine. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. “Is Birth Order Destiny?” Psychology Today. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. “The Birth Order Effect.” Best Psychology Degrees. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. “The Birth Order Effect.” Psychologies. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
The Great Depression
Meredith S.
It is October 24, 1929, there is pandemonium on Wall Street, New York, New York. The stocks have taken a dramatic drop. There are very few buyers and everyone is intent on selling their stocks. Yesterday, October 23, nearly thirteen million stocks had been sold during the last hour and the stock prices plummeted. Today, the people are scared of losing money by the crash and want to sell their shares before they lose a fortune. Millions of shares have changed hands already. The economy had been going well, the drop in stocks had happened overnight. What will happen to the United States’ economy after all of the stocks are sold? What is the Great Depression? The Great Depression was the longest-lasting, most severe economic crash in history. It began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. The Great Depression did not only happen in the United States, it was worldwide. On October 24, 1929, sixteen million shares of stock were sold by panicked investors who had lost faith in the economy. It was followed by a dramatic crash and the day was renamed “Black Thursday”. The crash brought a rise in poverty and fall in prices. Millions of people were left unemployed because of the sudden catastrophe. Weakness contributed to the crash. Prior to the depression, World War 1 left countries struggling to pay war debts and repair areas of desolation. Many countries were in serious debt and most of their cities were razed to the ground. Then, the people went through a brief period of prosperity and purchasing new items. During this time, new ideas were introduced and useful inventions were created. These reasons altered the severity of the crash and made it unexpected. Unemployment and poverty reached alarming rates and the situation continued to get worse as the countries carried on. Prices fell drastically, causing many people to lose their homes and jobs. Companies closed and many people went hungry. This was considered the worst crash in history.
How was the world affected by the Great Depression? The Great Depression was a global phenomenon. Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and North and South America were all affected by the economic crash. International trade fell by 30 percent. By 1932, about thirty million people were unemployed around the world. The purchase of raw material and other commodities like cotton, tin, rubber, and coffee dropped to forty percent. The deepening depression brought many political consequences and issues. One of the responses was military dictatorship. This was found in Argentina and other countries in Central America.
Germany, Italy, and Japan responded to the Great Depression with militarism and fascism. Hitler lead a huge program of military rearmament that ended in unemployment. Italy faced fascism with there dictator, Ben Mussolini. Militarists seized control of the government in Japan. Communism broke out in the Soviet Union, resulting in famine and killings. Welfare capitalism was found in countries like Canada, Great Britain, and France. The Great Depression was the worst in the United States. The unemployment rate was higher than any other country and stayed higher longer, after most of the other countries were fully recovered from the Great Depression. By 1936, European countries significantly reduced the unemployment rate and began to recover faster than the United States. The world suffered from low wages, unemployment, issues with the economy, and violence during the Great Depression.
What was life like for people during the Great Depression in the United States? The Great Depression affected rural and urban areas. It devastated working class and middle class people alike and influenced every age. Many children were deprived of an education because many places were forced to close schools because of lack of money. Only a few children were fortunate enough to attend a school. 20.5 percent of the children suffered
Many teenagers left home because they felt inadequate or wanted a better life. At the height of the Great Depression, about 250,000 teenagers roamed America by train. Eighty-five percent of these teenagers sought employment. Before the depression, farmers were having a hard time maintaining a wage and their job. They were losing money because the United States was becoming more industrialized and replacing workers with new machines. When the Great Depression first started, the prices on the farmers’ produce dropped, so that farmers were unable to make a profit off of their land. Most farmers could barely produce enough food to feed their family, because a drought was going on in the middle of the United States. As a result, many farmers moved west. Women during the Great Depression worked to keep their family and home together. Women that had an education looked for jobs and some were able to join the workforce. Many families were forced off of their land and out of their houses, after not being able to afford a place to live anymore. These people wandered the country, in search of a job and a place to live. Many camps were set up and used by the homeless and jobless as a place to live. A Hooverville was the name for camps like these, named after President Herbert Hoover because he was President when the collapse of the stock market happened. Many
him for the incident.
“In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope-nothing of man.� - Calvin Coolidge
In 1932, it was reported that over 25,000 families roamed the United States without a home. People who had worked their way through college found their degrees useless in gaining a job. They didn't have any advantage over those who had never been to college. A conducted search found that 21,974 men and women that had college degrees were unemployed. Many middle class people were out of work because of the foreclosure of over 5,000 banks. These people suffered from low incomes if they held a position in a company, which many people did not. Despite the suffering of the lower classes, most of the upper class people were barely affected by the Great Depression. Many did not realize that the United States was in a desperate situation during the Great Depression. Some were oblivious to the suffering of the lower classes. However, some of the wealthy lost money when the stock market crash, but most were able to retain their wealth and jobs. When the New Deal was put into place, many of the upper class people were angry because they paid more taxes to fund it. Most of them felt that it was not their responsibility to provide money for other people who were poor or out of work.
Many people were unemployed or homeless. Others had jobs, but had extremely low incomes, barely enough to provide for a family. Even though the wealthy were not as affected, they had to work to get the country out of the depression and back on track. Everyone was affected by the Great Depression and their lives were filled with hardships and hard work.
Conclusion: The road to recovery was long for the United States. They were in a desperate situation. President Roosevelt helped to stabilize the country with his New Deal. It helped create new, long-term job opportunities. It decreased supply to drive the prices up and helped homeowners pay mortgage. Due to the work of the President and of the people, the country eventually recovered. Today, the government makes sure that the United States will never have an economic crash like the Great Depression.
Sources: “A Bank Holiday." Ushistory.org. U.S. History Online Textbook, 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. Adas, Michael. "The Great Depression." History-world.org. N.p., 1992. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. America's Great Depression and Roosevelt's New Deal." Dp.la. Digital Public Li brary of America, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. “Everyday Life during the Great Depression” The Great Depression in Washing ton State Project. Retrieved 23 February 2016. Great Depression. N.d. Us-history.com. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. Great Depression Food Line. N.d. Thesluethjournal.com. Web. 24 Feb. 2016. Kangas, Steve. "Timeline of the Great Depression." Hyperhistory.com. Resurgence Magazine, 1997. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. Meissner, Daniel J. "Life During the Great Depression." Academic.mu.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <http://academic.mu.edu/meissnerd/index.html>.
Sennholz, Hans F. "The Great Depression." Fee.org. Foundation for Economic Ed ucation, 1 Oct. 1969. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. Suddath, Claire. "Brief History of The Crash of 1929." Content.time.com. Time, 28 Oct. 2008. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Nadia W.
Who is Kim Jong Un? Kim Jong Un is the current supreme leader of North Korea and is called by his people, the “Great Successor”. He is the youngest son of the former leader, Ko Young-hee. His late mother was an opera singer named Ko Younghui. It is believed he was born January 8, 1983, making him thirty-three years old. He attended the Kim II-Sung Military University, which was named after his father. Kim Jong Un has been in power since the death of his father. Since December of 2011, Kim Jong Un has been head of the political party, army, and state. He pledged to center his attention around education and economic reforms. During the summer of 2012, Kim Jong Un married Ri Sol-Ju. It is speculated that they have a child together.
How Powerful is North Korea? The North Korean Special Operation Forces (NKSOF) currently has 1.2 million men and women serving in its elite military, making it the third largest army in all countries, standing behind China and the United States of America. South Korea claims North Korea is under the possession of more than 13,000 artillery guns. Their long-range batteries are capable of reaching South Korea’s capital, Seoul, located only thirty miles from their border. Former U.S. State Department official, Mark Fitzpatrick, reported: “North Korea's greatest advantage is that its artillery could initially deliver a heavy bombardment of the South Korean capital.” The NKSOF’s goal is to prevent war from happening between them and the U.S. alongside South Korea. Their strategy is to intimidate other countries with nuclear bombs, missiles, and artillery. The navy occupies seventy small submarines that
are capable of loading commando raiders along South Korea’s coastline. North Korea’s air force occupies 820 warplanes. Because they lack experienced and skilled pilots, they rely on the element of surprise. South Korea estimates that North Korea’s wartime resources would not last long, two or three months at the most. They suspect the resources to be hidden underground. North Korea is one of the nine countries that is in possession of nuclear weapons. Since 2006, North Korea has regulated three underground nuclear tests. The capital, Pyongyang, is assumed to have four to eight nuclear bombs. Siegfried Hecker, a nuclear expert, revealed, "I don't believe North Korea has the capacity to attack the United States with nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and won't for many years," Pyongyang only has short-range nuclear missile efficiency.
The Children in North K0rea Beginning at a young age, North Korean children are taught to worship Kim Jong Un. At school, they sing songs about their believed supreme leader that tell how wonderful he is. Sang Jeon, a former student, was told by her teachers, “On his desk there are piles and piles of reports that he has to read and approve. He works so hard for us, the people.” Students do not attend just any regular gym classes. They are taught how to throw a wooden grenade at wooden human figures. The figure has pale skin with light hair, resembling an average American. It has the words “cunning American wolf “ on its t-shirt. Starting in kindergarten, students are brainwashed into developing hatred toward the United States of America. By the age of seven, every child must join the Children’ s Union. At this union, they confess any wrongdoings they have done against the “Ten Principles,” which is a set of rules that explain the standards and expectations of the behavior of the people. By the age of fourteen, they attend the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, where they are taught to worship the Kim family. During lunch, the children are questioned, “Do you know where the milk came from? It came from the Dear Leader. Because of his love and consideration, we are drinking milk today.” The teachers teach revolutionary history, where everything, the textbooks, art, music, and novels relate back to Kim Jong Un. There are millions of portraits of Kim Jong Un, his father and his father’s father, among the country. Every classroom, office, living room, train, and bus has pictures of their former leaders and current leader. Under law, the children are required to clean these portraits everyday with a particular cloth. North Korean children wear pins of their leaders on the left side of their chest, to keep them close to their heart.
Escaping North Korea Because of the twenty-four hour surveillance and electric fences, escaping North Korea is nearly impossible. If someone is caught trying to cross the North Korean border, the person faces either execution or goes to prison for life. Among the few people who have successfully escaped, is a woman named Yeonmi Park. It has been nine years since she has fled the country. She describes how it was not unusual for the community to gather in public squares or sports stadiums to watch the executions of prisoners, usually several at a time. Park was just nine years old at the time when she witnessed her best friend’s mother being executed The women she had known her whole life was lined up alongside eight other prisoners. Her crime was watching South Korean films and sharing them with other friends. Park never forgot the explosion of blood and the moment the woman’s body fell to the ground.
O Le ur D do ade ea no r c r wr an on g!
Escaping North Korea (Cont.) She says, “It was a shock. It was the first time I felt terrified.” Her entire world was destroyed in 2002 when her father was arrested and given a seventeen-year sentence for illegal trading. He was taken to a prison near Pyongyang where he was brutally tortured. Park explained, “The environment was crazy. So many bugs and lice. They treated them like animals. He was a really brilliant man. He was my hero, and the country just beat him. I couldn’t believe it.” Her father was only one of the 120,000 prisoners, including men women and children, who were tortured that year. Fortunately, he was able to bribe his way out of jail after just three years. Upon his return, the Park family began their plan to escape North Korea. On March 30, 2007, Yeonmi and her mother left their home, leaving behind their father to minimize the risks of being caught. They crossed three mountains and walked over a frozen river until finding dry land. Yeonmi says,”I ran so fast. The only thing I could think was that I could get shot. I ran and ran and ran.” Once they reached the province of Jilin in China, a man threatened to turn the two women into Chinese authorities unless Yeonmi had sex with him. Yeonmi’s mother offered herself instead. “She had no choice,” Yeonmi says. “Literally, in front of me, he raped her.” Eventually, they met up with their great aunt who lived in China. She provided them shelter, however, it was filthy and had no electricity or water. A few days had passed until Yeonmi’s father met up with them. Yeonmi is now twenty-three years old and spends her time as an activist for raising awareness about the harsh and inhumane world of North Korea. She travels the world giving speeches and uses Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Instagram to talk about her experiences.Yeonmi announces, “Kim Jong-un and the regime don’t just oppress, they play with human lives. Kim Jong-un should be punished. He must be brought to justice. Kim Jong-un thinks he can keep going on being a king there. But nothing is for ever.”
“Leaving North Korea is not like leaving any other country. It is more like leaving another universe. I will never truly be free of its gravity, no matter how far I journey.”
-Hyeonseo Lee
“He would wait hours for her, maybe two or three. It didn’t matter. The cadence of life is slower in North KoreaNobody owned a watch.”
-Barbara Demick Bibliography 1) Biography.com Editors. "Kim Jong-un Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2016. 2) N.p. "Profile: Kim Jong-un, North Korea's Supreme Commander - BBC News."BBC News. BBC, 6 Jan. 2016. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. 3) Craggs, Ryan. "How Strong Is North Korea's Military? A Look At The Country's Capabilities." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 25 Apr. 2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2016. 4) Anna Fifield. "In North Korea, It's Never Too Soon to Start the Brainwashing." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 4
Asian Carp: The Invasion Imagine this, you and your family are boating down the Illinois River for a fun summer day. You speed down the river, while sipping your drink, talking to your family, when a massive fish jumps out of the water. A huge thud and a few screams are heard as a thirty pound, two foot, slimy, ugly fish hits the floor of the boat. What was that?!
What are Asian carp, and why are they here? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asian carp" actually refers to several species of carp, including the bighead, silver, grass and black carp. The bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, and the silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, are primarily filter-feeding fish, and consume animal and plant plankton. Asian carp can grow up to one hundred and ten pounds, but their average size is forty to fifty pounds. They have a huge appetite and can consume five to twenty percent of their body weight a day. The carp are able to strip the food chain of algae, plankton, and other microscopic organisms. Black carp or Mylopharyngodon piceus, have different diets. They primarily consume aquatic mollusks. These fish can grow up to seven feet and weigh up to one hundred pounds. None of these fish are native to North America. They were originally from Southeast Asia, and were introduced into the United States during the 1970's to help aquaculture, wastewater management, and keeping retention ponds clean. These fish were able to get into the Mississippi River system due to flooding, where they have spread into the Missouri River, the Illinois River, and the Tennessee River.
Why are Asian Carp a problem in the Illinois River? The biggest problem Asian Carp pose in the Illinois River is the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. This man-made canal connects the Illinois River and the Great Lakes. This gives Asian Carp a direct route into the Great Lakes. The Asian Carp also harm the Illinois River's ecosystem and its inhabitants. They have harmed the ecosystem of the river by consuming the same food as the native inhabitants, creating a very competitive environment in which native fish cannot contend. This subsequently harms the economy that revolves around the Illinois River. Fisherman can no longer bring in a steady flow of native fish to sell, and are forced to catch what they regard as trash fish. One of the Asian carp, the silver, is an immediate threat to people and their property. The motors on boats have been known to disturb these fish, causing them to "fly" out of the water. As these fling themselves through the air they can fall on boats, property, or people potentially harming them. Many people have suffered broken jaws, noses, ribs, arms and legs after being hit by flying carp, but lucky no fatalities have been reported yet.
Why would they be a problem in the Great Lakes? Asian carp are one of the most destructive invasive species and if they reach the Great Lakes, they could destroy an ecosystem that supports a sport fishing industry that provides thousands of jobs and brings in an estimated four billion dollars each year. The Asian Carp would compete for food with other native fish in the environment, such as ciscos, bloaters, and yellow perch, which are necessary prey for predators in the lakes like walleye, largemouth bass, muskellunge, northern pike, and lake trout. Once Asian carp mature, none of these predators can eat them. The Great Lakes are also home to federally listed endangered plant and animal species. Over 46 percent of the endangered species living in the have already been affected by previous invasive species and without protection, many of these species populations could be significantly damaged, or eradicated from the Great Lakes with the introduction of Asian carp. Another large risk is if a significant silver carp population is established in the Great Lakes, they could start to behave like the carp population currently terrorizing the Illinois River's waterways. Boaters, jet-skiers, and rowers would be at the same risk of getting their property or themselves hurt while on the water.
How do we keep the Asian Carp out of the Great Lakes? The United States government, more specifically the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has already taken initiative to solve this growing problem. They have installed electrical dispersal barriers throughout the CSSC (Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal) to discourage fish and other aquatic organisms from passing through the canal. These barriers have proven to be effective at keeping fish from passing through the CSSC, but the Great Lakes are still very vulnerable to Asian carp. The USACE is currently working to identify other possible pathways Asian carp could use to enter the Great Lakes. This initiative is part of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS), and is know as the "Other Pathways Study." This project has already successfully installed a 1,500 foot fish barrier fence at Eagle Marsh in Fort Wayne, Indiana once it was identified as a possible Asian carp pathway. Asian Carp getting into the Great Lakes by a waterway is not their only opportunity however. Fisherman using them as live bait, irresponsible fish processors, fish markets and food wholesalers that ship live Asian carp to vendors inside the Great Lakes basin are also possibilities for Asian carp getting into the Great Lakes. The U.S Fish and Wildlife is enforcing new laws concerning the transportation of bighead carp, and is currently working with natural resource agencies to perform inspections on bait shops, fish processing plants, and fish markets to combat this threat.
Would it be possible to eradicate Asian Carp if they were to establish a population in the Great Lakes? An effort to completely exterminate an Asian Carp population once inside the Great Lakes would be extremely expensive and difficult. It might not even be possible. The biggest factors in determining if getting rid of an Asian carp population would be possible is the location the fish have inhabited and the size of the population. If the Asian carp were in an area of one of the lakes where netting would be possible and their numbers were low, then an operation to remove them could potentially be successful, however the most likely scenario is the Asian carp reproducing at an extraordinarily fast pace and inhabiting deep water, inaccessible to any forms of netting. A population such as this would require extensive effort and resources to eradicate. This is why it is extremely important to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes, because once they are there, they are not going to leave anytime soon.
"Asian Carp Response in the Midwest." Asian Carp Response in the Midwest. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Region." Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Region. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon Piceus) - FactSheet." Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon Piceus) - FactSheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Nobilis) - FactSheet." Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Nobilis) - FactSheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Canadian Report: Great Lakes Would Provide Hospitable Environment for Invasive Asian Carp." Canadian Report: Great Lakes Would Provide Hospitable Environment for Invasive Asian Carp. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix) - FactSheet." Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix) - FactSheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
The Big Apple: A Megacity Emalee
New York City located in New York, USA, is a city with a population of about 23,632,772 and is one of the biggest cities in the world. NYC is considered a megacity. What is a megacity and how does it affect New York?
What is a Megacity? A megacity can be defined as a city or metropolitan area that has a population greater than 10 million people. It can be one or two metropolitan area. As of 2015, there are 35 megacities in the world. The largest ones include Mumbai, Tokyo, Delhi, Seoul, Mexico City, Shanghai, Beijing, São Paulo, Karachi, Jakarta, New York, Osaka and Manila. Each of these has a population in excess of 20 million people. Some megacities go beyond the 10 million people requirement and some even go beyond 20 million. The country with the most megacities is China, which has 4 megacities compared while the US only has 2. China has Shanghai which has a population of about 25,400,00 and Beijing, which has a population of about 21,650,000. As of 2015, the only two megacities in the United States are Los Angeles and New York. However, Chicago is close behind with a population of about 9,729,825. As it stands New York City is the biggest megacity in the US and being a mega city presents its own kind of challenge.
“New York was a city where you could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street and nobody would notice.” -Bob Dylan
NYC as a Megacity New York City has a population of about 23,632,772, and this includes all of the metropolitan areas. The actual city of New York has a population of about 8,491,079. New York’s metropolitan area includes 25-counties, the five boroughs of New York City, the two counties in Long Island, and five counties in the lower part of the Hudson Valley, seven counties in northeastern Pennsylvania, and 12 counties in Northern and Central New Jersey. The population of the different neighborhoods in the city of New York City include: Bronx: 1,392,002, Brooklyn: 2,532,645,Manhattan: 1,601,948, , Staten Island: 470,467, Queens: 2,247,848. The populations of all the megacity attracted about 56.5 million visitors to New York City in the year 2014. The visitors include about 12 million international visitors and about 44.5 million domestic visitors. -Because it is a megacity, New York City attracts many businesses, making it a big tourist spot. Tourist can find just about anything in NYC, including designer clothes, historical areas, Art and entertainment. New York City attracts many stores, due to how many people visit per year. Contrary to what you might think, New York City is the greenest city in America. The 843-acre Central Park, the city's most famous park, is actually only the 5th largest which makes this even more of a place people would want to live or visit.
“If you want to become a real New Yorker, there’s only one rule: You have to believe New York is, has been, and always will be the greatest city on earth. The center of the universe.” ― Ellen R. Shapiro
Is NYC Safe? Most people would think that since NYC has a population of about 8 million it would be very unsafe. However, this is untrue. Despite having a population of more than 20 million people, NYC constantly ranks in the top ten safest large cities (more than 500,000 people) in the United States. New York City for a long time has been considered a particularly crimeridden and dangerous place, recent statistics, in fact, point to the contrary. This makes it one of the most visited places in the US. It has really cleaned up its act. The city’s crime rate has dramatically decreased over the last three decades. Due to the NYPD and the FBI and other officials that keep the streets safe, which is why the population is at a record high and growing, the life-expectancy has surged, and an all-time high of more than 50 million people visited the city during 2011. After 9/11, security was heightened throughout the city. This made the city and most of the people in it feel as if they were safe. People who live in New York City love the feeling of the big city and they feel safe even with all the people around them.
Challenges NYC Faces
NYC: The Megacity Energy Gobbler
New York City is bound to have challenges with their population that exceeds 20 million people. One of these issues are shortages of houses resulting in homelessness. The vast majority of the homeless families simply can't afford current NYC rent. With only a limited amount of space, most people make rent very high. There are only so many square miles of land in the city, and especially in Manhattan, where most people want to be. When lots of people want to live in a limited space, this results in the higher rent. Another challenge NYC faces is the way that the school system is handled. The school systems also face lots of problems due to the massive amount of people that live there. Also due to the lack of space in the city, it is a scarce resource in a place like New York City, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s getting especially cramped for a growing number of students. New charter schools are clamoring for space in the unused buildings while at the same time the city is struggling to find enough space in parts of the city that young families are moving to. The overcrowding increase is still happening despite a three-year school construction boom in which the city opened more than 70 new school buildings, which helped but did not completely fix the problem.
Due to the mass migration to urban areas in recent years, there has been a corresponding boom in the number of megacities. In 1970, there were eight megacities. As of 2010, there were 27 of them, and there are expected to be 37 by 2020. NYC uses more water, energy, and solid waste than any other mega city. NYC has about 12 million people less than Tokyo, New York City uses more energy than Tokyo. New York was the lead per-capita user of water, followed by Guangzhou, Shanghai, Los Angeles and Tokyo. As New York gets bigger, the amount of energy it uses grows more and more each year. What works for Tokyo is that it leaks only 3 percent of its water, when most large cities leak about 20 percent. However, NYC and Tokyo use roughly about the same amount of energy. What makes NYC different than Tokyo is the fuel and solid waste difference. Actually, NYC uses a lot more energy than any other city in the world. Actually, megacities (35 of them) together consume 9.3 percent of the world's electricity and produce 12.6 percent of the world's waste even though they contain only 6.7 percent of the world's population. NYC is the capital of these, however, due to the fact that their population towers over most cities in the world. Bibliography "Allianz." Top 20 Megacities by Population. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. "50 Greatest Quotes About New York City." Thought Catalog. N.p., 13 May 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. "50 Greatest Quotes About New York City." Thought Catalog. N.p., 13 May 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
The Risk on the Field Benjamin B.
What is a concussion? A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that damages many of your brain cells. A concussion can occur in many different ways whether it's hitting your head on a hard surface or heading a soccer ball for the game winning goal. The four sports with the most concussions are football, boxing, hockey, and soccer. Even though there are many different ways to cause a concussion, we will focus on the game of football. In football, there are several ways that a player can be severely injured. The NFL has an advantage in diagnosing concussions over college football because they have team doctors and physicians on the sidelines. A concussion can also be called a MTBI or a mild traumatic brain injury. It comes from the latin word concutere.
The History of Concussions Concussion warning in football has been around since the 1930â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where the first recommendation from the NCAA handbook to watch these head on head collisions. In the book, League of Denial, the national football league is challenged to face questions about a connection between concussions in football. This book claims the league has been covering up knowledge of the problem for 20 years. Three players, Junior say, David over son, and Andre Andre waters in this is Daverson will have to look a has been covering up knowledge of the problem for 20 years. Three players, Junior Seau, David Overson, and Andre Waters committed suicide. This brought the issue and public light. They all had severe Brain injuries from the game. For many years signs were ignored and players were for forced to continue. Early knowledge of dangers on the field were silenced by the NFL. In early 2000, the NFL was told by top neuroscientist that the big hits like head to head we're also causing chronic traumatic endophalopathy or CTE. This leads to memory loss and brain damage. The NFL did not publish these facts, according to Dr. Anne McKee of Harvard, only two brains of 54 harvested from deceased players did not have CTE.
Perspectives on Concussions Doctors Opinions on Concussions Doctors involved with the National Football League and concussion organizations have their own opinions about the topic. Symptoms may include slow to get up, initial staggering, unsteadiness, head movement, such as shaking and grabbing head, eye blinking squinting, no focus, glazed or blank, and poor response to questions. Doctors are for sure you have a concussion if you are unresponsive, confusion, and symptoms worsen. Dr. Bennett Omalu recently made a movie about his perspective on concussions. This was a movie about Mike Webster. After discovering unusual findings in his brain, Dr. Omalu names the diseases of CTE. He started identifying the disease in many players that committed suicide. Dr. Mickey Collins states, “if you let them heal the brain will recover.” Another quote by Doctor Collins is, ”if injury is not managed, the concussion is cumulative.”
Players Opinions on Concussion
Many players have different opinions on whether or not football is deadly. Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman states players know the risk we are fully educated but we are still playing NFL is acting like they care by finding players if you don't like it stop watching. Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrel Suggs says I think the week is looking forward to covering more than player safety. For time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady claims I don't think about it I'm not overly concerned. One of my favorite quotes was by Green Bay Packer quarterback Aaron Rodgers, he addressed the media by saying, “I know the risk that I take when I step on the field I'm risking future help and future mental health.”
Preventing Concussions A Helmet to Help the Head A helmet to prevent concussions has not been invented yet, but some companies are making football helmets that are resisting the collisions. Riddell, Schutt, and Adams are among the companies trying to prevent head- on- head injuries. Although no one has reached the goal of stopping concussions, there have been many innovations that that have come close. The newest step towards this goal is the Zero1 football helmet. With the help from the National Football League, Under Armour, and other big name brands, along with researchers from the University of Washington have created a helmet that resist hits like a car bumper. This helmet will be used by many NFL and NCAA teams at the beginning of the 2016-2017 season. The materials used in a football include Polycarbonate, for the outer shell, Vinyl strapping for the chinstrap, Polyethylene to create the foam casing, and vinyl foaming for the inside of the helmet. So for now, Football will continue to be one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular sports and concussions will continue to occurâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; but with these new technological advances, hopefully less frequently.
Bibliography Ezell, Lauren. "FRONTLINE." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 10
Marchant, Robin. "'Concussion' Will Make Your Head Hurt."SBNation.com. N.p., 18 Dec. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Riddell Revolution IQ Football Helmet." Riddell Revolution IQ Football Helmet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Siefer, Kevin. ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016
"TraumaticBrainInjury.com." TraumaticBrainInjurycom. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
The Roman Empire: Will America Fall Too?
Rome was one of the greatest empires, and its downfall hit the rest of the ancient world hard. Most believe that it was only overthrown, but lots led up to the opportunity for another to be able to seize the massive Empire. Economic and slavery troubles, the overuse of money, decrease in the army size, and religion all had an impact. America could have some of the same problems. Will America be “overthrown” too?
The Economy: The Roman economy was an agrarian and slave based economy. It was complex, but not as complex as today’s. Taxes were harsh, and not all could pay for it by farming. Farmers also had the choice to donate food to the government. The given food would feed the legions or other citizens, but only gave the farmer popularity. They still had to pay for taxes, and many could not gain enough profit. Citizens became dependent on the free grain, or the imports from surrounding countries. This was also more than Rome could afford.
There had been a major trade of goods from all over Africa, Asia, and Europe. Rome would spend so much gold on exotic silks or spices, and eventually, didn’t have enough gold to make Denarii. The sheer size of the Empire also became a problem. It was incredibly hard to govern, and being so large may have helped gain more crops, but didn’t help when all of the people across Rome had to be fed on nothing. When agriculture began to decrease, this became a problem for Rome. Too much money was being spent trading, and eventually they had nothing to exchange for the mass amounts of expensive goods that they were taking in. To try and fix this problem, more coins were made with a cheaper silver, leading to inflation, and an even more difficult situation.
Slave Labor and Armies: Rome is most famously known for its armies. But when Roman life became more centered around education and family, the
loyalty to the Empire also weakened. “In a Roman mindset, it was necessary to belong.” The Romans entire economy was built on the back of slaves, and most of them were from the surrounding countries or empires. Rome also imported more things than what was being exported, and soon Rome’s supply of slaves and other war treasures began to run out. They would let in foreigners, but treat them with much cruelty. The barbarians who were forced to work or had their children forced to work ended up to hurt Rome during its decline. They were also struggling in their military area. Under the rule of emperors Diocletian and Constantine, the military was losing numbers. They started to hire foreign mercenaries to fight in their legions. The ranks soon swelled with Germanic Goths or other Barbarians. While they were powerful soldiers, they had little or no loyalty to the empire. The “Power-hungry officers often turned against their Roman employers.” Most of the barbarians who had attacked the western Empire and sacked Rome had served in the Legions and had earned military stripes. Eventually, there was no way to block the other barbarians were still surging in through the borders.
“In a Roman mindset, it was necessary to belong.”
Religion and Separation: Why did It Matter? Religion: Religion had become a large problem during the decline of the empire. The ancient Romans believed that the emperor had a divine status, and when Christianity was changed to the state religion in 380, it ended persecution, but also may have “eroded roman traditional values.” It shifted Rome’s glory on the state to one sole being. Popes and church elders took a larger role in the government, changing it from what it used to be. People no longer saw their emperor as a divine being, so over time, Romans lost the passion they used to have for their Empire. Before it was changed to the state religion, the authorities had been punishing anyone who didn’t perform Caesar worship, and their focus was mainly on the Jews. When Christians separated from the Jewish practice, the Romans were thrown completely into the unknown, and Christianity grew without much knowledge of the higher authorities. During the rule of Diocletian (and 5 others), it was noticed how many Christians held important and high roles in the government. In response, Diocletian visited the Oracle of Delphi, a god the romans believed to tell prophecies, and was told to stop the rising Christians. It transformed into a Christian slaughter, pushing the empire further into civil war. The Christian side won, in the name of their god. Christianity became the new religion.
This map displays how the Empire was divided.
Separation: The Roman Empire was very large, making it extremely difficult to govern. Emperor Constantius split the empire into two parts. The eastern part, centered in Nicomedia ruled by Maximian and Constantius the Pale, and the western part, ruled by Diocletian, was centered in Rome. Later, Constantius’ son, Constantine, defeated all challengers to the throne and became caesar of the of all of the Empire. To do that, he had to overthrow the king of the western side, which was Diocletian’s son Galerius, to be Caesar. On his mission to gain popularity throughout his kingdom, Constantine attacked the Franks, an ancient tribe who wanted parts of the Roman Empire, and killed two of their kings. His people saw a man who would act without mercy, but a man with compassion when he restored a church property that had earlier been destroyed. He slowly gained the trust of the men in his Empire, giving himself an army. Around that time, Constantius, died, causing there
to be a need for a new caesar. Galerius and Constantine both named themselves caesar, causing the two parts to grow further apart. Constantine also controlled six nations, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, and parts of North Africa, all of which would come and take control of the west. Galerius soon unsuccessfully invaded the western part, which he ended up dying for, and the western part soon went to war with the Franks. Maxentius became the Emperor of the East, but had lost most of his popularity due to overtaxing his citizens and his empire began to crumble. Constantine watched as it fell then tried to take control of entire of the empire. He turned the empire Christian after battling for the east with Linicus. He soon became emperor of all of Rome and changed the capital from Rome to Constantinople, a city he named after himself.
Will the U.S. Collapse Too? Emperor Constantine had promised that Constantinople would be safe and fortified, which proved to be true, but then he left Italy, and therefore the city of Rome, vulnerable. Rome was the symbolic value for many in the East, and almost a thousand years later it was overwhelmed by the Ottoman Empire in the 1400’s. The Western Empire’s political structure had fallen in the fifth century. But is America like Rome? That answer is yes. The great Empire and the U.S have a lot in common that’s not very evident at a first glance. Both share the most global influence of their time periods. Rome was the largest empire of the ancient world, and for most of its time, was able to conquer any other empire willing to stand against it. Both saw a collapse in the middle class. While America’s on its way to seeing the middle class deteriorate with overseas labor and
other issues, Rome lost their middle class by slave labor and trading. Foreign wars were a problem for both empires. America has always been recovering from a war, in a war, or preparing for war. Things have changed over a thousand and five-hundred years, but with so much property, Rome was always being attacked. One of the largest parallels to the Empire is the passion and love for the country. Americans don’t have as much love as they did 100, 50, or even 25 years ago, and that became a large problem for Rome. So, will America collapse? The answer is maybe. You hold the future in your hands. Rome survived for half a millennium, and the U.S. is half of that. America still has awhile, at least, only if Donald Trump doesn’t become president.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Andrews, Evan. "8 Reasons Why Rome Fell." History.com. A&E Television Net works, 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. Lewis, Michael. "Is America the New Rome? – Unit ed States vs. the Roman Empire." Money Crashers. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. "Roman Republic and Roman Empire: Rul ers." Infoplease. Infoplease. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. "The Fall of the Roman Empire." Ushistory.org. In dependence Hall Association, 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. The Roman Empire C. 400 C.e. Split of Roman Em pire. Historium. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. "The Roman Empire." The Roman Empire. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. Wasson, Donald L. "Constantine I." Ancient History Encyclopedia. 19 Apr. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
This map shows how the empire was conquered and divided after the Fall.
Maxwell S.
Now even though many years have passed I can still remember the day I learned about Roanoke in the fourth grade. It was an idea that fascinated me, a booming colony that vanished in less than a year, the loan skull left to rot in the dirt, and the carved tree only bearing the words â&#x20AC;&#x153;Croatoanâ&#x20AC;? when it had once been a tree in the center of a new town. I remember coming up with theories and ideas about how they vanished with my friends. But was this truly the biggest vanishing act ever or was it just a lost answer?
What was Roanoke? Roanoke was one of the first European settlements in North America. When it first came to be, it was a colony lead by a man named Ralph Lane and Richard Grenville. It was Chartered by Queen Elizabeth I and she gave them seven years to establish a colony or else she would take back the rights to the area. When they arrived in the area they lived in the boats and started to look for a place to build the town. During this time they were met by the local Indian tribes the Croatoan. They were not the happiest about the settlers coming to where they lived. This was caused by another settlement. The settlement had accused the Croatoans of
stealing a silver cup which caused the death of two of the Croatoans in the process. This caused the Croatoans to dislike the new settlers. The new settlers explored the land and decided to build their settlement on the northernmost area of the land, and while the people in the settlement set up the town a group of eighty to ninety-five people on the Tiger to England to get materials and tell the Queen that they had established a colony. About a year passed until they came back to the area they had founded. Eventually the people sent to get supplies came back only to find no town in sight, a tree trunk with the word Croatoan carved into it, and only one human skull half way buried in the soil.
How did they get there? Five ships lead by Lane and Grenville were sent to America. Those five boats were called the Tiger, the Elizabeth, the Dorothy, the Roebuck, and the Red Lion and were all paid for by the Queen in high hopes that the settlement would be successful. All was well until a storm separated the Tiger from the rest of the fleet, but they had come up with a place to meet if any of the ships were separated from the rest of fleet. That place was Puerto Rico. The Tiger was the first ship to arrive in Puerto Rico, so while it waited for the other ships to arrive, it built a mission where it had landed to work as a temporary mission for the people there. This was not a liked idea because a lot of the people on the boat had came to live in a new place that they were told about, and the people living there did not like the idea of people from a different part of the world living on their land. Eventually the Elizabeth landed in Puerto Rico. They waited until the Grenville decided that they should go to what would be Roanoke. When they arrived at the sight of Roanoke they found the Dorothy and the Roebuck weighting for them. The Red Lion had dropped of passengers but had left to explore new found land.
What happened? The mystery of Roanoke is that they disappeared and left nothing other than the skull and the tree with Croatoan, but many people have no idea what actually happened to the colonists. The scientists that have been searching for years have now found that the colonists may of moved to a different area of the new found Americas and became a lesser known tribe that died out before the England bound ship came back, but before the tribe could die out a few of the colonists went to live with the Croatoan Indians, they believe this is the reason the word Croatoan was carved into the tree. This was figured out when they found a map that was owned by Ralph Lane. This map had never been checked out with modern day technology, but in 2012 a nonprofit organization called the lost colony foundation noticed two white patches that were on the map. They then decided to X-ray the map and see what was under the patches. Under one of the patches was water and under the other was a red and blue cross that was believed to be the place where the colonists moved to. This area is now known as site x. The reason they believe the supply ship never remembered the area is that Ralph Lane forgot that the patch had the location under it and also forgot the colony moved.
What did they discover? When the lost colony foundation discovered this lead they rushed to the site of the blue and red cross and have been doing a three year excavation of the area. During that time they have found many artifacts in the ground from what they believe is the second place the colony was living. The first thing they found in the ground was a wooden marker to show this was where they lived. This was in the ground due to wind and water slowly bringing mud over the stake until it had vanished from plain view, but this was not the only thing the team found they also recovered shards of pottery, wood and leather work, and even a early version of a nail. They also found a tree that closely resembles an Indian tree. This tree is special because when they cut it down they found a mark in the trunk of the tree where the tree had regrown after an axe had been chopped into it. Site-x is said to be one of America's best archaeological discovery in the twenty-first century. Sadly the excavation has destroyed about one hundred acres of woods and is expected to destroy about one hundred fifty in total, but it is giving us details America never knew about Roanoke.
Dollaghan, Kelsey Campbell. "New Discoveries Could Explain What Happened to the Lost Colony of Roa noke." Gizmodo. Ria Misra, 9 Sept. 2015. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. Foundation, First Colony. "Archaeology -- First Colony Foundation."Archaeology -- First Colony Foundation. First Colony Foundation, 20 June 2009. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. <http:// .Staff, Hisory .com. "Roanoke Colony Deserted." History.com. History.com, 18 Aug. 2010. Web. 5 Nov. 2015. .Stahle, David W. "Unearthing Secret America." PBS. PBS, 17 Sept. 2002. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. .
Today, teaching children at home is popular and legal in all 50 states. What is it that causes parents and students to forgo the traditional education system and face the challenges of educating children in the comfort of their own home? What is it about this trend that is causing it to gain popularity?
What is Homeschooling? Homeschooling is a progressive movement in which parents chose to educate their children long-term at home instead of sending them to a public or private school. Basically, homeschooling is the education of children at home by their parents. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and there are many resources and many opportunities available to homeschooling families today. However, most states require guardians to let the state or local education board know of their choice to homeschool and some states have a form of required assessment as well as days of routine instruction and subject requirements. Only some states have parent qualifications and bookkeeping requirements. Today, more and more states are allowing homeschooled children to enroll in public school part time to take individual classes to help them with subjects their parents are not confident teaching, athletics, and some extracurricular activities. Most states offer charter correspondence programs that allow children to be taught at home while receiving benefits from enrollment in public schools. If parents choose to homeschool, they are becoming responsible for their child's education, social contacts, and athletic opportunities. They are also organizing subjects, teaching lessons, and arranging for tutors or personal teachers. Some parents arrange their lessons so their child is at the same pace as public and private schools in their counties. A tutor or parent could be teaching one student or multiple students. There is currently over 1 million children being homeschooled in the United States.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe it would be much better for everyone if children were given their start in education at home. No one understands a child as well as his mother, and children are so different that they need individual training and study. A teacher with a room full of pupils cannot do this. At home, too, they are in their motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s care. She can keep them from learning immoral things from other children.â&#x20AC;? ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Why do parents choose homeschool over a public or private school? Parents have many reasons to homeschool
they are not confident in their child's aca-
their children and some are more common than
demic ability. Therefore, they decide to or-
others. Lots of parents share the same reason. For
ganize their own lessons at home. In home
example, lots of parents choose to homeschool
school, there are no tardy slips or absences
their children because the child needs to be pro-
that can count against a student and there
vided with stronger academics. If a child is intellec-
are no restrictions against when to travel.
tually gifted, and a school does not have a gifted program, parents will take them out of school so they can learn at a quicker pace. Another reason is to give children a religious education. For those parents who can't afford to put their children into a religious private school, they will sometimes take them out of school to give them an efficient, as well as a religious, education. Other reasons are to have more quality family-time, to provide educational stability in the middle of frequent moves, to take a child out of a dissatisfying school district, and to provide moral instruction. One of the most common reasons is to protect children from bullying. Lots of schools have bullying problems, but when a student is being individually taught, they cannot be bullied or distracted while learning. Being homeschooled can sometimes provide a safer environment for a child. Another common reason is because a child has special needs or is mentally or physically disabled. A parent will be able to ensure excellent education, protection, and attention for a disabled child if they are taught at home Most adults who learned common math and English do not understand Common Core math and English, which teaches multiple steps to doing an equation or comprehending a text rather than teaching tricks to make it easier or learning one quick step. If a parent doesn't understand what their child is being taught,
What effects does homeschooling have on children? Homeschooled children tend to perform better on standardized tests than children who attend a regular school. This is because students have more one-on-one attention and are not as easily distracted. Kids that are homeschooled also tend to have less behavioral problems. They don't have as many opportunities to have bad behavior if they are taught individually and at home. Adults that were homeschooled are more involved in their communities and do more volunteer work than those who attended a public or private school. Some previously homeschooled children have trouble in social situations, however, that is very uncommon because homeschooled children are able to go explore their communities. Children that are homeschooled have a bigger selfesteem and more self-confidence. They are not able to compare themselves to others if they are schooled individually. Now that homeschooling has become popular and legal in all 50 states, colleges are aware of homeschooled children and are interested in their diversity.
What are the advantages of homeschooling? The advantages of homeschooling relate directly to the reasons parents choose to homeschool.
shown that children benefit from one-on-one attention and being taught individually by a parent gives a student the opportunity to learn more at their own pace. Homeschooled children may explore their communities more than public or private schooled kids because there are no scheduled field trips or payments for field trips. For example, homeschooled children may have hands-on education at museums, libraries, businesses, and other community resources more often than regular schooled students. They also might be able to participate in volunteer work. A parent can show a child that learning is fun, not boring, a parent can nurture their artistic abilities, a parent can build meaningful relationships with their children, and a parent can create a weekly schedule for their child that fits with their individual needs.
What are the disadvantages of homeschooling? There are great advantages to homeschooling, but there are also many disadvantages to being homeschooled. Parents who teach their children spend up to 24 hours a day with that child which can cause tensions within the household. There are limited team sports for children that are homeschooled. However, there are recreational teams, select clubs, and there are gyms, like the YMCA , that offer sports. Parents and tutors are constantly having to justify homeschooling to their friends, family, or colleagues that don't support it. Parents often have to spend more money on a child's homeschool education than a public school education. Parents sometimes have to arrange and pay for tutors for their child and some also have to spend money on parent qualification tests. Parents have to have lots of patience to homeschool a child. If that child is behind, or doesn't understand a certain concept, a parent has to have patience to be able to deal with the problem themselves. Parents also have to be able to give constructive criticism as well as positive encouragement to their child. Most middle-class families who homeschool have trouble with finance because one of them is at home teaching the child rather than out working. Some homeschooled children also have trouble in social situations, however, that is extremely rare.
Adams, Joe. "Why Do People Sources: Home school?" Adv antages of Homschoolng. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
Crayons, Bo. More Parents Choose Home schooling Due to Common Core - Breit bart."Breitbart News. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. LIVESTRONG.COM, 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Top 10 Reasons Parents Decide to Hochool." Crosswalk.com. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.
Ryan P.
What Is Fear? Fear is an emotion caused when one feels threatened or unsafe. Behavior and actions such as running away, hiding, crying, and even paralysis are commonly caused by fear. This emotion can be caused from something in the present future or past. When one experiences fear, it is usually because of something they learned or discovered that is new to them. This is called a rational fear. An irrational fear is called a phobia. Fear is quite similar to another emotion called anxiety, which is caused when the threat is thought to be unstoppable or unpreventable. Fear is necessary though, as it causes the one experiencing it to learn from it and act differently the next time the threat occurs, thus serving as a must-have for survival.
Why Do We Experience Fear?
The enemy is
fear. We think it is
hate; but, it is
fear. -Ghandi
The amygdala are the parts of the brain that produces fear. They take in anything perceived as a threat, and send out the appropriate response. It takes in threats through inputs such as touch, sound, taste, sight, and pain. Some people have certain things happen to them, causing them to respond a certain way to threats. This is called fear conditioning. Fear conditioning is when one creates certain fears based on something they learned. For example, a study was put together in 1920 where psychologist John B. Watson called the “Little Albert experiment”. In it a 11 -month-old child with a phobia of dogs was “conditioned” to fear a white rat that was put in the laboratory with him. Over time, his fear grew, and he began to become afraid of other white and furry objects, such as dogs, rabbits, and cotton. Fear can also occur when one experiences a traumatic event, such as almost drowning, thus developing a phobia of water (aquaphobia).A major part of fear is the “fight-or-flight response”. This happens when the brain registers a threat and releases a discharge in the sympathetic nervous system to either fight the threat, or run away from it. The response has been studied in both humans and animals, both results being surprisingly similar.
The Fear System The fear system is what takes in threats and sends out responses. Certain parts of the brain control different parts of the fear system in our bodies. These six main parts are the amygdala, the brain stem, the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the prefrontal cortex, and the thalamus. The amygdala, as previously mentioned, scans for threats and signals the body to respond. The brain stem triggers a behavior known as the “freeze response”. The “freeze response” is when the prey has almost been caught by the prey, causing the prey freezes up, pretending to be dead. The hippocampus produces the previously mentioned “fight-or-flight” response. The hypothalamus tells the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline hormones, causing the body to make almost superhuman behaviors, such as strength and speed. The pre-frontal cortex takes the event happening and compares it to a similar event that happened in the past, possibly causing the person to avoid the threat. Finally, the thalamus takes in threats from all senses and decides whether to send the info to the sensory cortex, which acts as a conscious fear, or the amygdala.
"Fear." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
"Frightened Child Picture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
"Parts of the Fear System Picture." Edutopia. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
Ramirez, Ainissa G. "The Science of Fear." Edutopia. N.p., 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
Chad W
Space is amazing. The sheer size and complexity of it has intrigued me since a young age. The thought of going to space and being able to see all these marvelous things is mind blowing, and just the idea of the universe expanding in all directions, no up or down, just a massive slate of nothingness is a constant source of fascination for me. How big is the universe? Does alien life exist? What else is out there that we just canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see yet? What lies beyond the edge of the plane of existence and time itself? What wondrous things lie waiting to be discovered? How did time itself begin? And most importantly, will we ever be able to explain these questions ?
What is space? From our perspective, space begins when you travel so far up into the atmosphere that there is no gravity to hold you back and where oxygen is non-existent. It is the massive expansion in which every single thing, living or non-living, exists. Space began to exist due to the Big Bang. Space is so big that humanity will most likely explore all of it. Space just continues to expand rapidly, and it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t slowing down. The Universe is so vast that it is, at this point in time, physically impossible to chart the entirety of it. Space and time is so incredibly complex that the human brain cannot comprehend it. The Fourth Dimension is one such idea. The Fourth Dimension is so vastly complex that our human minds cannot begin the comprehend what something from the Fourth Dimension would physically look like. The Fourth Dimension would hypothetically be seen as multiple 3D objects intertwined in seemingly impossible ways to create objects that would be very strange and complex, seemingly changing shape and form every second. The Fourth Dimension is the time in which an object appears at a certain area.
What is in space? Many people already know the basics of what is in the Universe. Planets, moons, suns, galaxies, solar systems, and possibly even alien life. However, space contains much more than just a few standard objects. Some things that have been spotted in space are unbelievably massive and interesting. Space has so many different objects in it that we might never discover all of them. Black holes are something not many people have heard of. Black holes are monsters of space, sucking in everything around it with so much force that not even light itself can escape its gravitational pull. Due to the fact that no light can escape them, they are almost impossible to detect, as they give off no light. The reason nothing can escape it is due to the intense gravitational pull. Black holes form when a star collapses in on itself, going supernova. It becomes so small that the gravitational pull becomes impossible to escape. Nebulas are another thing not many people know about.. Some are the birthplace of stars. They are massive formations of gas and dust. The nebula Pillar and Jets HH 901/902 is a massive pillar of gas and ice.
How big is space? Space is massive. In fact, nobody knows exactly how large our universe is. Is it billions of trillions of light years, or is it infinite? A good question for an answer we may never know. Currently, humanity does not have the technology to measure the universeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s size, and we most likely never will. You see, space is strange. Not because of what we know is in space, but because of what we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. Consider this: The closest measurement of how fast and far the edges of the universe are expanding is about 68 km/s per megaparsec (a megaparsec is roughly 3.3 million lightyears). Now take into consideration that the universe itself has existed for about 15 billion years. That translates to 473,354,280,000,000,000 seconds. So the universe has existed for roughly 473,354,280,000,000,000 seconds. Now look back at how many kilometers per second the universe is expanding. Now back at how many seconds it has existed. Now if somebody were to do the math to figure out what that number was, it would be a lot. Now that this has been brought to attention, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recap. The universe is expanding at roughly 68 km/s per megaparsec and has existed for about 473,354,280,000,000,000 seconds. That is a lot of kilometers. Now again, nobody can actually determine how large the universe actually is. It is expanding way too rapidly to find an answer. But now you can understand why humanity will probably never figure it out.
How did everything begin to exist?
The story of how everything began to exist is highly controversial, but very interesting.. However, this article will not be covering the many religious explanations. The current and best explainable theory is the Big Bang. About 15 billion years ago, a massive explosion occurred, creating the center of the universe and time itself. Before the Big Bang (theoretically), absolutely nothing existed. Then, in a matter of milliseconds, time and space began to exist. Billions of particles of dust were flung out in every direction, and the universe immediately began expanding in every direction. Eventually, many particles would assemble and begin to create planets, moons, asteroids, etc. Over the course of millions of years, life would eventually begin to exist on a unique planet that had just the right conditions to support life: Earth. However, what if the Earth had been a little ways away from the distance it currently rests at? Most likely, the gravitational pull would throw off the rotation of some planets, and the temperature would become much hotter or colder, rendering life hard to come by. The results of off-balance gravity would have devastating effects on the solar system.
Exploration of space.
Space exploration is something every child dreams about at some point. Climbing into a rocket ship, blasting off and departing from Earth, traveling throughout all of the universe exploring planets, battling aliens, and seeing all sorts of awe-inspiring things. However, space exploration is very complicated and bizarre. Humanity has already overcome many challenging obstacles when attempting to launch humans to the moon during the Apollo Project, and succeeded in doing so. Now, a new project has arisen in an attempt to land the first humans on Mars: Mars One. In 2026, after extensive years of training, the first Mars One crew will depart for Mars and land in 2027. Then in 2028, the second crew will depart and then arrive on Mars in 2029, and so on. However, by the time they , the technology to bring them back wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exist. Every two years, cargo missions will take place for the next crew. In 2024, the cargo for crew one will be launched and waiting for them when they arrive. Around the same time crew one departs from earth, the cargo for crew two will be launched. Two years after the landing of the first crew, the second crew will launch, and soon after, the cargo for crew three. This will continue on at two year intervals. Eventually, a massive permanent colony of humans will be thriving on mars, and more and more humans will come and go to colonize. And soon, cities will be on mars. From there, space exploration will advance, and humanity will see even more impressive things found in space. Sources cited: Dunbar, Brian. "How Big Is Our Universe?" NASA. NASA, 14 July 2004. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. Dunbar, Brian. NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "How Fast Is the Universe Expanding?" How Fast Is the Universe Expanding? N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "Interactive: What Is Space? | Quanta Magazine." Quanta Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "Mars One." Mars One. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "Starry-Eyed Hubble Celebrates 20 Years of Awe and Discovery."HubbleSite. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. " The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking." The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016. "The Inflationary Universe." The Inflationary Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
Sam S.
Teen moms have to deal with and take care of a baby, while also being a teenager- going to school, hanging out with friends, having a boyfriend, etc. I know many teen moms through the organization my mom works with, YoungLives. YoungLives is a Christian nonprofit organization that works with and helps teen moms. The teen moms have to worry about things that other teenagers don’t, such as buying diapers and finding a daycare.
What are the effects of being a teen mom? When teenagers have babies, they may put school on hold or may even drop out. Only 40% of teen moms finish high school, compared to 75% of all teens that graduate. Some who had dreams to go to college will not pursue that dream when they have their baby. Less than 2% of teen moms finish a college education by age 30. For teenagers that stay in school after they have a baby, their home situation may not be the best and their babies may not be cared for very well. Some teens give up hope for a good future once they have their baby and do not think they can get a good job. When they have their baby, they may get negative feedback from friends and family. They may be rejected by their family and could get kicked out of their house. If not already in a financial struggle, providing for the baby costs a lot of money and may bring financial difficulties. The relationship between the teen mom and dad may be affected by the baby and the father usually breaks up and/or is absent in the baby’s life. Teen fathers are rarely very involved in the child’s life and does not support the mother and the baby with finances or care. An example of this is that 8 out of 10 teen fathers do not marry the mother of the child. Teenage mothers are commonly discriminated by students and teachers at school and by employers when looking for a job. Having a baby takes up time from their life and erases some things, such as going to parties and doing certain activities with friends. Any teen mom will get emotionally affected, being confused and not knowing how to care for their babies. This can cause them to make decisions that they usually wouldn’t make and may take over their thoughts.
“I should have waited.” -Brittany Dorsey
What is the lifestyle of a teen mom like? Most teen moms live in poverty before they be-
What effects does teen parenting have on a child?
come a mother and can barely make it through buying the materials that their babies need. Even if they were not facing poverty, having a baby put them closer to the poverty line. They do not usually live in well kept houses, generally living in an apartment with friends or family. A lot of the home environments are smoky and not healthy for babies to be living in. School is harder for teen girls when they have a baby. Not only do they have to get themselves to school, they also have to take their baby to a daycare or nursery. They also have to wake up earlier because they need to dress and feed their babies. It takes longer to get to school because they have to deal with the needs of their child. It is also hard during school because sometimes they are mistreated for having a baby and are looked down on by other students and teachers. Babies take up most of their time and do not allow for much sleep. Girls who become teen moms have to learn new skills and grow up quicker than most other teenagers to care of their babies.
Lots of teen moms are the children of teenagers that got pregnant. Teenage pregnancy can affect the child because it can mean that they have issues with behavior. Teen moms have not fully matured or become ready to be a parent, so they probably do not know how to discipline their child suitably. Children of teen parents may act out and not know how to properly act because of a lack of self-control. This is due to their parents not knowing much about effective parenting or development of children, causing misjudgement of the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abilities to learn and adapt. Teen parents have less life experiences and less coping skills, resulting in harsher disciplining for the child. Teen parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; children are more likely to have fewer skills and be less prepared to learn by kindergarten. They are more likely to have difficulty developing emotional, language, and communicating skills. Their mothers are less likely to be emotionally supportive and responsive than older mothers. Teen dads are not around a lot in their childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life, with some not being there at all. This could affect them emotionally and have an effect on the rest of their life. Boys who are without their dads usually choose negative ways to live because of the lack of a role model. They may choose to be in gangs or pick up negative traits. Girls become teen moms themselves because they do not have a father figure to guide them away from those decisions.
What are the responsibilities of a teen mom? There are a lot more responsibilities
cheaper. Although, if she does not have a
when teens become mothers. They
full time job, a teen mother may not have
have problems with finances for sup-
access to health care. They could use free
porting their child and have to figure it
health care provided from the state. On
out on their own. They may take ad-
the occasion of still living at home with
vantage of family, friends, or welfare
family, she could join in on their health
insurance plan. These responsibilities are
backing for paying rent, daycare, and
for the best for the baby so that it can
food stamps, which are issued to those
have a safe and healthy childhood.
with low income and available to turn in exchange for food. Education is another burden on teen mothers, because if they get a good education, they can get a job and support their baby. Getting a job and being able to support their baby will let them be more independent, which can be used to build their confidence. Most teen moms do not have a very safe home that would support a baby. Housing is important because some teen moms are kicked out of their house by their family or need a better place to support their children. Since a lot of teen moms do not have jobs, they need convenient and low priced homes, but most choose to live in apartments or with family members. Homelessness is also common among teen moms. Most seek a place to stay in a homeless shelter so that they are not sleeping on the streets with a baby. Health care adds the responsibility of making sure that she has insurance for the delivery and care during pregnancy. If there is a medical problem during birth, having insurance for the baby will make it
Bibliography "11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy." 11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. "Birth Rates (Live Births) per 1,000 Females Aged 15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;19 Years, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Select Years." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Cont rol and Prevention, 13 Apr. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Bodeeb, Julia. "Effects of Teenage Pregnancy." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 14 Apr. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Boehlke, Julie. "Teen Mothers and Their Responsibilit ies." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 25 May 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. "How Adolescent Parenting Affects Children, Fami lies, and Communities." How Adolescent Parenting Affects Children, Families, and Communities. N.p., 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. "Single Mothers : The Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Children : Articles for Single Parents." Sin gle Mothers : The Effects of Teen Pregnan cy on Children : Articles for Single Parents. N.p., 2 May 2001. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Steen, Ruth Ann. "Blog." YoungLives Chattanooga. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. "Teen Pregnancy Facts." - Teen Pregnancy Statis tics. N.p., 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Theobald, Donna. "How Does Being Pregnant Affect a Teenage Mother." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Wender, Samantha. "Teen Pregnancy: A Day-in-the-l ife." ABC News. ABC News Network, 23 June 2009. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Wessling, Susan. "Benefits for Teen Mothers." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 16 May 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. "YoungLives PHONE 404-384-3518 PO Box 181 ~ Jasper, GA 30143." YoungLives. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
What help is available for teen moms? Teen moms need a great deal of help and support with their baby. The Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) Bureau is a federal program that teen moms are qualified for and gain assistance from through the funds of this program. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program helps families such as teen parents and their children with buying food and gaining knowledge about nutrition. There are state programs that help teen moms with providing food and provide things such as food stamps. Teen mothers also need help with daycare for their child while they are at school. At some schools, a daycare is provided. That helps the moms a lot because they do not have to take their babies somewhere else and do not need to worry about a family member taking care of their child. YoungLives is an organization that has started for teen moms and is now spreading across the country. It helps mentor the girls, helps them be in discipleship with each other, and helps them create a strong relationship with God even through the hard times. This relationship could strengthen their ideas and give them the courage to keep going.
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Chloe M. What is American Sign Language (ASL)? ASL is a form of communication used by deaf or hearing impaired American people, dating back to about two hundred years ago. It is a visual language that is practiced through hand signals, or “signing.” To have a conversation, the speaker must engage all parts of the body into action. The eyes, the hands, and even body movement are all crucial to the language of no words. As the title indicates, American Sign Language is mainly used in the United States and bits of Canada. American Sign Language is not universal, and varying degrees are spoken in some parts of the Middle and East Asian countries. Each country has its own version of sign language, and somebody from Britain would probably not understand ASL, even though both countries are English-speaking. Instead, that person would speak British Sign Language (BSL). According to LifePrint, ASL is spoken by nearly five hundred thousand associates of deaf communities in North America. American Sign Language, in comparison to spoken English, is much more complicated and has a very complex grammar system. This is because most signs have multiple meanings, and in addition, words and phrases are arranged differently. This can make the language very challenging for hearing or hearing impaired people to learn. However, there are some perks to this arduous language. Because ASL is very rich and complex in the field of linguistics, this makes sign language an excellent study resource for future linguists. ASL is very important to the deaf culture in North America and it helps those with deaf impairments to speak without speaking.
hope I inspire people who hear. Hearing people have the ability to remove barriers that prevent deaf people from achieving their dreams.”
-Marlee Matlin
Misconceptions and Myths About Sign Language Many people are interested in the culture of sign language, and ASL has become more present in recent years with help from television dramas and YouTube stars. However, the nation still seems to hold onto some myths that are not true about ASL. For instance, while there are a lot of signers in the world, not all deaf people sign. Many hearing incapacitated people do not sign. After a traumatic injury or event that impacted the deaf person's’ hearing, a person would chose not to learn sign language. This is very visual in older adults because American Sign Language is one of the most tedious languages to learn due to its complicated structure. Another very common misconception people have about ASL is that it is a visual form of English. While English and American Sign Language have some things in common, the two are completely different from each other. In fact, they are so unlike that it becomes very laborious from a speaker of either English or ASL to learn the opposing language. In spite, some words in sign language are based off of the English alphabet, and spelled with the hands, using the ASL alphabet.. This “fingerspelling” method is ideally used with words in ASL that do not exist (ex. names and places). In addition to this traditional form of sign language, “signed English” is another type of ASL that is commonly used within the deaf and hearing communities. Signed English is not customary and it is mainly used among hearing people, simply because of the complexity of the language.
What is the history behind ASL? The story behind the making of American Sign Language is quite unique, and revolves around a man named Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and his deaf friend, Alice. Thomas was very fascinated by his friend, and became increasingly excited about trying to tutor and train her. He taught her a few words and became inspired at her quick wit and favorable outcomes at what seemed like a new language. Thomas’ father became inspired too, and persuaded his son to make a school for deaf people. He also motivated the professor to make an entire language, which was very impressing considering the fact that ASL was invented in the 1800’s. Gallaudet soon embarked on his adventure: the creation of American Sign Language. He met up with interpreters and teachers of the deaf, Sicard, Laurent Clerc, and Jean Massieu, who gave him a basic idea of what he wanted the language to consist of. In LSF (langue des signes de français) the French language and reasonable gestures are used to convey ideas. When Gallaudet discovered this, he had a structure for his language, and immediately went back to Connecticut. As he traveled back to the United States, he begged Laurent Clerc to go with him, and the two created the first successful deaf education program in Hartford, Connecticut in 1817. However, this was not the first incident of sign language. At Martha’s Vineyard, many people signed (or knew how to) regardless of their hearing capabilities.
“Deafness isn’t the opposite of hearing. It’s a silence full of sound.” -Mark Medhoff
What are some jobs that include ASL?
Because ASL is an official language, there are ore than a few jobs that include sign language speakers in their careers. Some examples of these occupations are interpreters, ASL instructors, and occupational therapists. Having said that, some of these jobs are still exclusive to just auditory people. In particular, American Sign Language interpreters must be hearing in order to do their jobs. They are usually assigned clients to interpret for, be it deaf or hearing-impaired. They must be fluent in ASL because they will have to translate for both sides: English to ASL and ASL to English. Payment of this career really depends on what age the client is, or more importantly, who the client is. According to the PCC Academic Program,
WORKS CITED "American Sign Language Jobs." American Sign Language Jobs, Employ ment | Indeed.com. Indeed, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.American Sign Language." American Sign Language. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Feb. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2015. Asl Baby Sign Language Clipart - Free Clip Art Images." Asl Baby Sign Language Clipart - Free Clip Art Images. Mgid, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Common Myths About Sign Language." HubPages. HubPages, 21 May 2014. Web. 06 Nov. 2015."D"De'VIA Hands." De'VIA Hands. National Association of the Deaf, 2014. Deaf Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. PCC. "Portland Community College." Careers in Sign Language Interpretat ion. Portland Community College, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Vicars, William G., Ed.D. "History of ASL." History of ASL. LifePrint, 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Vicars, William G., Ed.D. "American Sign Language (ASL) Definition." American Sign Language (ASL) Definition. LifePrint, 2001. Web. 04 Nov. 2015 "What Is American Sign Language?" National Asociation of the Deaf. Nat ional Assocation of the Deaf, 2015. Web. 26 Oct. 2015 Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
“Those working in the Portland area through grade 12 may earn $16 to $21 per hour, . . . and freelance interpreters, $30 to $50 an hour.” While this is a large range, American Sign Language speakers or non-auditory people may have a hard time finding careers. There are many careers that include sign language, but American sign language is only spoken in the United States and Englishspeaking parts of Canada, making job opportunities a little bit more scarce. Do not be fooled, though, because there are some jobs that include sign language, but many of the jobs deal with interpreting and teaching. If someone is interested in specializing in linguistics or American Sign Language but does not want to teach, be mindful of their decisions and let them know about career choices in the U.S for sign language. Some Things to Know About the ASL Community Deaf children or young people of the deaf community often start to sign when they are very young. Even hearing children who take on a late start with communicating are taught sign language, so parents will not have to guess what the child wants when they cannot speak. Learning American Sign Language as a child can be very beneficial to the learner, but it may be confusing because of the grammar rules that exist in ASL (if the child is hearing). An additional piece of knowledge that deaf culture addresses is that the word “deaf” can have several different meanings depending on the context of the situation. For example, deaf writers can have either the upper or lower case ‘d’ depending on who they are referring to, as in what group of people. According to ASL University, “some authors, when spelling Deaf with an uppercase ‘D’, are referring to the status of being culturally deaf.” The author says that if he thinks there is no reason for ‘deaf’ to be lowercase, he will capitalize it. However, some deaf people do not believe in “Deaf culture” and argue that their culture is the same as hearing people’s. They claim that they have a disability that does not affect their lifestyle in terms of culture. American Sign Language and Deaf culture are things to be conscious of, as many members of the deaf community may get offended.
Are Children Smarter Because of the Internet?
Trey B.
In our generation children grow up spending their time on the internet, from TV to video games, and even in school. The internet is filled with information, games, videos, etc., but the question is, are children smarter because of the internet? Internet Usage by Children
spend countless hours on the internet everyday. Studies show that the average child between ages eight to eighteen years old spends approximately 44 and a half hours on the internet per week. That's almost two days every week! This is including them going to school, which takes up about seven hours five days per week. There are 168 hours in one week, with 35 of these spent at school and about 63 of these hours sleeping, leaving only about 70 hours of the week of their own time, in which they are spending 44 hours of on the internet, leaving only 36 hours of their own time not on the internet. Imagine for every hour you spend off of the internet you spend one hour and twenty minutes on the internet. While many adults think of this as a major issue that need to be looked at and/ or fixed, some look at the bright side of it and think kids are learning during this period.
What and Where are Children Learning on the Internet Children use the internet all the time for things such as games and entertainment, but they also are using it to learn whether they realize it or not. When kids are at school for instance, they use the Internet to look up facts and information that would not have been available to them without the Internet. There are also many educational applications and programs used for educational purposes, more often used among young children and toddlers. As these kids get older, it is likely that they are assigned research papers that they have to write. These force children to use the Internet and go through many sources gaining countless amounts of information on the topics from multiple different websites and sources. There are also some games that are educational that many children play such as an app called trivia crack in the App Store. Through apps and games like these children are also learning. Some children even enjoy educational articles and apps so they go in their own time and learn about different topics by reading articles and playing games. There are also many specially developed programs for young kids and toddlers to use to help them before starting in school.
Advantages of Children Growing up with the Internet There are many advantages of children growing up having access to the Internet and all of its information. First off they have access to unlimited information and can access it whenever they want. This allows them to gain more information that children who grew up without the Internet would have never had access to and would likely never have found out or known. Children also are able to contact others immediately without having to meet in person so they can discuss topics about school and get help from other students in their class. They are also able to contact their teachers who can help them regarding a specific subject. There are also websites that you can use to ask people questions regarding different subjects and issues and you can get many different people's opinions. They also have access to educational programs that help them learn especially as toddlers there are many programs to help them to get ready for school and preschool. Before the internet if you wanted to find information you would have to leave your house and go to the library where you would look for this information inside of books, but now you can just stay at home and search the internet for it without having to go anywhere.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;According to a 2005 Pew Research Center report, 82% of 12-17 year olds are now online, 24 percent more then then the previous four yearsâ&#x20AC;?
Disadvantages of Children Growing up with the Internet While there are many advantages of children growing up with the internet, there are also many disadvantages of a child growing up with the internet. Before, when kids grew up without the luxury of the internet, every thing they learned they had to memorize in order to be able to remember and access that information, they couldn't simply just look up what they needed to know about without leaving and going to the library. Now, for kids who are growing up with the internet, they are not required to memorize everything they learn, therefor causing them to not obtain these memorization skills that will help them all throughout their lives. The internet also distracts children from their learning due to its many games and apps causing them to become behind in school and lose focus. Some children become so revolved around video games and the internet that that is all that they do outside of school this can even cause childhood obesity in young kids which will affect them in a negative way for the rest of their lives.
Are Children Smarter? There are many advantages and disadvantages to children growing up with the internet available to them. Having the ability to look up unlimited amounts of information with the press of a button is very helpful to a child growing up. With this they can find loads of information that would have otherwise not have been available to them without the internet. But with this luxury there are also consequences, since all of this information is available to them they are not having to do the strict memorization that kids used to have to do, while to some this may seem like a good thing since they are having to do less work, but this is a valuable skill that they are not properly learning that could be very useful to them in the long run. There are many apps and games that could be to a child's advantage at an early age, but there are also many apps and games that distract them from their learning and/or make them lose track on their learning. This argument could go either way, but in my opinion I think that children in fact are smarter because of the internet. Bibliography: Buyessays. "Are Children Mor Socialized Because of the Internet?"Marketme. N.p., 01 Mar. 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2016. <www.marketme.co.uk>.
Computer Clipart | Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images." Computer Clipart | Panda - Free Clipart Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. <http:www.clipartpanda.com/ categories/computer-clipart>.
Packard, Erika. "It's Fun, but Does It Make You Smarter?" American Psychological Asso ciation. N.p., Nov. 2007. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. <http://www.apa.org/>.
Variaty of Authors. "The Premier Online De bate Website | Debate.org." The Premier Online Debate Website | Debate.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016. <http:// www.debate.org/>.
The Truth About Animal Testing Kate H.
How many times have you heard the term “animal testing?” Most everyone has heard it before, but few people know what it actually means and what it involves. What exactly is animal testing?
Animal testing is an extremely contro-
versial topic, and people have all kinds of different views on it. Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation or animal research, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. Sometimes the research only involves observing an animal or changing the animal’s diet, but many experiments are also performed on living animals for research to assess the effectiveness and safety of medication and products like cosmetics, household cleaners, and chemicals. According to hsi.org, “all procedures, even those classified as ‘mild,’ have the potential to cause the animals physical as well as psychological distress and suffering.” Some animals are reused, but many animals are killed at the end of an experiment. The most commonly used animals are mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, minipigs, and non-human primates such as chimpanzees, apes, gorillas, lemurs, and orangutans. Laboratory mice, rats, and birds, which make up about 95% of all animals tested, are excluded from the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). This act regulates and limits many aspects of animal research. While many companies sell products that have been tested on animals, many companies, such as Lush Cosmetics, do not test any of their products on animals.
Why does animal testing happen?
Animal research is done in order to find out the effects of procedures, products, or changes in diet or environment on a complete, intact, and living body. According to animalresearch.info, “It is difficult, and in most cases simply not yet possible, to replace the use of living animals in research with alternative methods.” Animal testing began in 1938, when Congress passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act due to public outrage after many terrible accidents caused by untested products. More than a dozen women in the 1930s went blind after using a mascara called Lash Lure which was made with a chemical that burned skin. One woman even died from infection because of her dreadful burns. Over 100 people died due to consumption of a cough syrup with the name of Elixir Sulfanilamide because the medicine was dissolved in a toxic liquid. Law in the United States has required the use of animal experimentation to test the safety of medication, toiletries, and cosmetics ever since. Animal testing is considered relevant because humans and animals have a lot in common. Surprisingly, mice and humans share more than ninety-five percent of their genes, and get many of the same diseases. Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans. Also, non-human mammals share the same basic organs that function in the same way as humans, and humans and mammals both have a heart, lungs, and a liver.
Why do people support animal testing? Proponents of animal testing would argue that it has caused scores of scientific and medical breakthroughs and contributed to life-saving cures and treatments. These people say that there is absolutely no alternative to testing on a complete and living system like an animal. They would also use religious traditions as a reason to allow humans control over animals. In Genesis 1:26, the Bible says to let humans “have dominion”over all animals. People would also argue that only a relatively small number of animals are used in research and that the benefits of animal experimentation more than make up for the use of a few animals. These people would compare the large number of the 159 million animals that are consumed by humans in the United States every year to the relatively small number of the 26 million animals that are used for research. Procon.org states that “we consume more than 340 chickens for every research animal.” People would also argue that animals have no rights and lack reason and moral judgement. These people say that all humans would have to become vegetarians and quit hunting if we gave animals rights. They would also say that animals are better to use for research than humans because animals have shorter life spans, so the scientists can study the animal or see the effects of whatever was used on the animal over the animal’s entire lifespan.
Many people argue that animal testing saves so many lives that it makes up for the use of some animals in testing.
Why are people against animal testing? Non-supporters of animal experimentation would claim that the question is not whether or not an organism can reason or talk or vote, but whether or not they can suffer. They would say that the capacity to suffer is what makes animals deserve the same consideration as humans. These people would also say that animal testing is cruel and inhumane. People who support animal testing would say that animals used for research are treated humanely, but nonsupporters would say that there is no “humane” way to experiment on a living creature. According to Humane Society International, animals frequently have to go through food and water deprivation, oral force-feeding, forced inhalation, electric shock or forced swimming, physical restraint, food and water deprivation, and killing by asphyxiation, neck-breaking, or decapitation. Opponents of animal testing say this is cruel. Non-supporters would also say that drugs that pass animal tests are not always safe. For example, a sleeping pill called thalidomide in the 1950s caused thousands of babies to be born with severe deformities, even though it was tested on animals before its release. Non-supporters would also cite religious traditions as a reason to be against animal testing. People would say that animals should be treated with mercy and not experimented on and therefore subjected to suffering because Proverbs 12:10 in the Bible says, “A righteous [man] regardeth the life of his beast…” Buddhism teaches that hurting or killing an animal is wrong because both humans and animals fear injury and death. The hindu doctrine of ahmisa says not to treat animals badly. Opponents would also say that enough alternatives to animal testing exist that it is no longer necessary.
Where does animal testing take place? Animal testing usually occurs at universities, medical schools, private companies, and government laboratories. Animal testing happens almost everywhere in the world. Animal testing is regulated in Canada, but not as strictly as it is in the United Kingdom, where animal testing for cosmetic products is banned. Testing cosmetic products on animals is also banned in all other member states of the European Union and in India, Norway, and Israel. In Asia, there is little monitoring done for animal testing, and the regulations are not very strict at all. The public opinion on animal testing in Australia is similar to the views of people in Britain, where there is almost no support for cosmetics testing on animals. However, Australia’s regulations for animal experimentation are more lax than in Britain. The United States and Gabon are the only two countries that allow experimentation on chimpanzees.
Many companies do not test any of their products on animals and protest animal testing,
Many people believe animal testing is absolutely necessary.
Bibliography 10 Facts about Animal Testing." Fact File RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2015. "Animal Testing Myths." Animal Testing Myths. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Animal Testing - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Animal Research: The Ethics of Animal Experimentation." Animal Research: The Ethics of Animal Experimentation. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Buddhism and Animals." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. "Hinduism and Animals." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. “Rats, mice and birds excluded from Animal Welfare Act.” http://www.apa.org/. N.p. July/August, 2002. Web. 02, November, 2015. "What Is Animal Testing?" What Is Animal Testing? N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Why Do Companies Continue to Test Products on Animals?" PETA Why Do Companies Continue to Test Products on Animals Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. " Why Do Companies Test Cosmetics or Other Products on Animals?" Why Do Companies Test Cosmetics or Other Products on Animals? N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Why Animals Are Used." Read the Four Main Reasons Why Animals Are Used in Medical Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Vegetarianism and Veganism: The Greens and the Beans
Emily P.
In today’s world, the idea of a healthy, organic lifestyle is becoming more and more common. Because of this, being a vegetarian or a vegan is gaining popularity.
History of Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism dates back to Ancient Greece, where the philosopher Pythagoras became the “father of vegetarianism”. He spread his idea of meatless eating to his followers, who continued the diet after he died. Skip ahead to the 1960s, where the movement grew. It spread because Francis Moore Lappe discovered in her book Diet For a Small Planet that it not only has health benefits, but it can help the environment as well. Some notable vegetarians are Mahatma Gandhi, George Bernard Shaw, and Louisa May Alcott. Today, there are about 375 million vegetarians in the world, and about 3 million people in the United States are vegan. The diets are gaining the most popularity in countries like England, India, and Ethiopia. The vegan / vegetarian lifestyle is also very popular in urban, American cities such as San Francisco, New York, and Philadelphia.
A vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, or any product that comes from a dead animal. Their main food sources are fruit, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Most eat eggs and dairy. However, vegetarians are careful to avoid chicken stock, beef stock, lard, and gelatin. A vegan is a vegetarian who doesn’t eat any animal products. For example, vegans do not eat eggs, milk, yogurt, honey, and cosmetics that include animal products. Some even decide not to wear any clothing that comes from an animal. Such as, leather, wool, and silk. Los Angeles even passed a “Meatless Monday” resolution stating that choosing meatless foods one day a week will make the population healthier. These diets are definitely gaining popularity.
Why do People Choose to be Vegetarian or Vegan? There are three main reasons why vegans and vegetarians choose their lifestyle. It is to stop animal cruelty in the meat industry, to help the environment, and for the health benefits. The most notable motivation for vegetarianism is opposing the cruelty in which meat is produced. Many cows and other animals endure castration, sub therapeutic antibiotics, and neglect. These events and many others cause animals a lot of pain and even threaten human health. Chickens face the largest amount of confinement and cruelty in their cages. It can be described as, "...the hens are crammed so closely together inside wire cages, these normally clean animals are forced to urinate and defecate on one another." and, "At the slaughterhouse, their legs are forced into shackles, their throats are cut, and their immersed in scalding hot water to remove their feathers.” The mass meat production also takes a toll on the environment. “The 2006 report Livestock’s Long Shadow, released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, states that ‘the livestock sector is a major stressor on ecosystems and on the planet as a whole. Globally it is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases and one of the leading causal factors in the loss of biodiversity, while in developed and emerging countries it is perhaps the leading source of water pollution.” The greenhouse gas from livestock is fifty percent more than transportation. These greenhouse gases affect the globe on a large scale. Ten thousand species are wiped out every year because of environmental problems. Health is also a major reason why people decide to be vegetarian / vegan. It has been proven that vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. People also choose this lifestyle because it can help the fight in ending starvation. Eliminating meat by 10% can feed 100 million people. If western countries eliminated meat intake by 30%, imagine how many starving families could be fed.
What Do They Eat? Many people assume that once vegetarians and vegans give up animal products, their diets become very restricting. Some even believe that it can lead to eating disorders. However, being a vegetarian exposes a wide variety of healthy food choices. Vegans and vegetarians have a healthy intake of vital nutrients such as magnesium, fiber, folate, vitamin c, potassium, and more. For those transitioning into the lifestyle, be sure to include a variety of fruits and vegetables to meet all nutritional requirements. All important vitamins we need can be found in plant-based foods. However, vegans must be extra careful about the vitamin B-12. This can only be found in animal products, so vegans may get a B12 deficiency. They can eat fortified cereal and soy to make sure they receive enough B12. Other than that, if vegetarians and vegans make smart food choices, then they have the potential to live a long, healthy life.
What are the Health Benefits? Veganism and vegetarianism is well known for it’s health benefits and assistance in weight loss. But are these lifestyles actually healthy for you? Let’s look at the statistics. It has been proven that vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and type two diabetes. According to Harvard Health Publications, “ - vegetarians were, on average 25% less likely to die of heart disease.” and, “...there’s evidence that vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer than non vegetarians do.” Also, “In studies of Seventh-day Adventists, vegetarians’ risk of developing diabetes was half of non vegetarians even after taking BMI into account.” Being a vegetarian also lowers blood pressure, according to the physicians committee, “Vegetarian diets have been shown to reduce one’s chances of forming kidney stones and gallstones.” Those who choose to be vegan also say that it decreases acne, fatigue, PMS symptoms, allergies, and migraines. According to Huffington post, “The health benefits associated with a healthy and well-balanced vegetarian (or vegan) lifestyle are undeniable. Countless studies have shown that a well planned, nutritious, plant-based diet is associated with a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and stroke, as well as a longer life expectancy.” As of right now, a plantbased lifestyle is a very healthy choice!
To conclude, research has proven that being a healthy vegetarian / vegan has countless benefits. The drive for these diets includes religion, helping the earth, preventing animal cruelty, and to live a healthy, long life. Going the veggie route is not easy, but it can lead to environmental improvements, more resources worldwide, and healthy, happy animals. Those who choose this lifestyle are taking steps in improving our earth and society.
Bibliography Figus, Cinzia. "375 Million Vegetarians Worldwide." EXPONet. N.p., 27 Oct. 2014. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Brown University. "Being a Vegetarian." Being a Vegetarian. Brown Health, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Walsh, Bryan. "Environmental Impact of Global Meat Production." Science Space The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of Global Meat Production Comments. TIME, 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health." The Physicians Committee. Physicians Committee, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Vegan / Vegetarian Food Pyramid. Digital image. Medicine Net. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2015. Jacobsen, Maryanne. Vegetable Still Life. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2015.
How to Stay Safe
On Social Media Lucy C.
How to Choose an Appropriate Social Media Website Social media consists of websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. These networking accounts are a popular thing to have in today’s society. Considering there are countless different websites to choose from, picking the perfect one can be rather an overwhelming decision. There many things to keep in mind when starting a social media account. The first step to selecting an appropriate website is to research the site. Read reviews on the particular website to see other peoples thoughts on it. Then ask friends who already have an account about the pros and cons of the site. The second step to choosing a suitable social network is to find all the dangers of each site. Find evidence from multiple sources, so the dangers
are actually accurate. Remember every social media network will have flaws. The third step picking the right social media account is deciding which ones are age appropriate and which ones are the most beneficial. Look for a websites that have topics you are interested with or people your age to interact with. It is always good to have friends who use the same website, that way you can connect with them. These are just a few suggestions to consider before creating an account. There are many risk online, so be aware of all of them. Since there are many choices of social media sites it can be hard to choose which one to sign up on. If one follows these steps and gets help from a peer or parent then they should be more likely to have a safe social media account.
How to Safely Set Up a Social Media Account
Setting up a social media account correctly leads to a safer experience online. There are many things one can do to have a safe account. For example, one should use advanced passwords, have a privacy setting, and not enable location settings. These things will help one have a secure account. Having a more difficult password prevents hackers from trying to login in and change things on one’s account. Do not use passwords like “password” or “word in the dictionary” because then someone could guess it and log in to ones account. Also do not tell anyone your password or else there is a risk of it being leaked to the public. Set up the privacy setting if you are just making a personal account, so everyone cannot see your post. Having a private account is safer because it disables people to see all of your personal information. However, just because one has a private account does not mean they should expose all of their private information. One should limit the amount of personal information online. There are many things that are not safe to post. For example, one's current location should not be online, so disable your location settings.
What Information is Safe to Expose on Social Media? Posting personal information on social media can be risky, especially when one has a public account. Always be aware on who is looking at one’s account. Here are some examples . of what is safe to post online and what is not safe to post. Firstly, never give your current location, home address, phone number, social security number, or birth date. This is very dangerous because identity thieves could easily post it for the world to see. Nobody can be completely trusted online. Do not leak information about family members online.Also take caution when revealing ones schedule. Make sure viewers do not know ones home is empty. Lastly, never tell
where one goes to school or works. This attracts online predators. There are some things that are safe to post on social media. For example, one’s hobbies, pictures with one’s friends, pictures of oneself, pictures of nature, and many more. These pictures do not reveal enough for online predators, yet they are still enjoyable for other people to see. Not revealing private information online is a key factor to having a secure social media account. There are many more things that are safe and not safe to post, but these are just a few suggestions.
How Does One Manage Friends on Social Media Properly managing one’s friends on social media helps keep your account intact. To manage friends know who they are, and make sure unknown people are not your friends. Do not let others who live far away or who are strangers follow you. Stay cautious because they could be predators or the account could be fake. Sometimes it can be really hard to detect fake accounts, so it is best to just to only let friends be able to see one’s account. Often times predators pose as young people and post fake pictures with fake information. It is important not to let these accounts fool one because it is a trap. Never direct message a stranger because they could be an online predator. These people are extremely dangerous and could
be looking for their next victim. If a person is following one’s account and they seem suspicious, block them as soon as possible. Online hackers and predators can be considered on of the most dangerous aspects of social media. Properly managing one’s friends on social media can prevent problems with strangers. Always remember the dangers of social media, and decide whether it is worth the risk of having an account.
When and How Should One React to Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature, and it is a major problem in social networking. Many people at all ages are victims are victims of this common form of bullying. People can be cyberbullying via phone calls, text messages, social networking, and other interactive websites. Often times parents do not know that their child is being cyberbullied so there is a certain way one should react to online harassment. One should react to cyberbullying as soon as it becomes an ongoing problem. Here is the first step a victim of cyberbullying should consider to help stop the bullying, according to www.growingwireless.com, one should open up to one’s parents about the problem and ask for help. Keep in mind one’s parents want the best for one, so they will be willing to help. Opening up and telling people about the conflict will help to solve the problem. Remember
to keep all evidence of cyberbullying, and react by appropriately approaching the bully. If the bully does not stop then the victim should talk to the bully’s parents or to the school. Do not forward or respond to the bullying messages, and block the person on social media accounts. Cyberbullying negatively effecting society, many children and adults suffer from cyberbullying. There are appropriated react to being harmed online.
Bibliography: Gardner, Traci. "How to Be Safe Online - ReadWriteThink."Readwritethink.org. National Council of Teachers of English, 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2014. <
Gordon, Sherri. "10 Ways to Respond to Cyberbullying." About. About.com, 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2014. Medugno, Richard. "Top Five Things to Not Share Online -." Top Five Things to Not Share Online. Trend Micro Incorporated, 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2014. <
"How to Recognize an Online Predator." WikiHow. CTIA The Wireless Assosiation, 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2014. < "The Importance Of Computers In Our Daily Lives." Pixufflenet. Pixuffle.net, 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2014. >.
"Interrogating the Network: The Year in Social Media Research." Nieman Lab. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2014. < "Ron Amadeo. "[APK Teardown] Google Search - Reply To SMS With Voice, Post To Facebook & Twitter, An Android@Home Card, And More."Android Police Android News
Good Eating Habits: Keeping You Healthy
Have you ever been tempted to just eat whatever and whenever you want? This might be fine once in awhile, but doing this constantly can destroy your body. To prevent this from happening, you should make good eating habits to help your health and prevent future health problems. It also makes you feel good about yourself by eating these healthy foods. This article will help you take the first few steps to start these habits of healthy eating. What is the Food Pyramid? To help your eating habits, try to follow the food pyramid that is approved by the USDA. The food pyramid is a system that illustrates the food-guidance system made by the USDA and the HHS. It shows the five basic food groups to help people put these guidelines into action. Also, the Pyramid focuses mainly on fat since most Americans eat too much fat. It will help prevent certain diseases and will help people keep a healthy weight. In your daily diet, you need each of the five food groups, but no one group is more important than the others. At the tip of the Pyramid, there is the fats, oils and sweets group. This includes food like candies, desserts and butter, and these foods should not be eaten too much daily. Below this level, there are two groups of foods. These are the milk and the meat group, and people should eat about 2 to 3 servings of these foods per day. Next, there are two more groups of foods in a level. These foods are the vegetable and fruit groups, and people should eat about 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruits daily. Finally, at the bottom of the pyramid, there is the grain group. This includes food like bread and rice, and people should eat about 6 to 11 servings a day.
What are the Health Benefits? There are several health benefits to eating healthy. First of all, making good eating habits can help control people's’ weight. Eating healthy, while also exercising, can help avoid excess weight gain. It will also let people maintain a healthy weight. Eating healthy in the morning can help prevent becoming hungry later and stopping at a fast food restaurant. Another thing that eating healthy can help people with is improving their mood. According the Mayo Clinic, eating a healthy diet can improve someone’s physique. This means that you will feel better about your appearance, improving self-esteem. Your confidence will boost and you will be less stressed when you eat healthy and exercise. Healthy eating habits can also prevent diseases, like high blood pressure and a heart disease. Healthy habits can help keep your blood flowing smoothly and will decrease your risk of cardiovascular diseases. The Mayo Clinic says that healthy habits help prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, and depression. Also, when you eat a balanced diet, your body has the fuel it needs to get through the day. Exercising can also help give you more energy to do daily activities. It can also help you sleep better and get a good night’s rest. Lastly, good eating habits can boost a person’s chances of living a longer life. The American Council of Exercising made a study of 13,000 people. In this study, it showed that those who walked just 30 minutes a day significantly reduced their chances of dying early.
What are the Future Health Problems? On the other hand, there are many problems when it comes to not eating healthy, which are mainly future health problems. When you do not eat healthily, you are not giving your body the nutrients it needs to make it through the day. Also, when you eat unhealthy foods, you are introducing unhealthy substances like trans fat and sugar into your body. First of all, eating unhealthy can cause obesity. Fatty foods usually are energy dense, which means that they have more calories than nutrient-dense foods like fruit and vegetables. When people eat foods with more calories than they actually burn, the extra calories are stored as body fat. This causes obesity, and obesity is able to cause many chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are long lasting diseases, and they include cancer and type 2 diabetes. Trans fat is in many fried foods and baked goods, and eating it too much can increase bad cholesterol. This is mainly linked to heart disease. Every year, trans fat alone is responsible for over 10,000 heart attacks in the United States. Also, eating unhealthy can cause accelerated aging. Without the nutrients that your body needs, the risks for nutritional deficiencies increases. One last thing that unhealthy food can affect is your mental health. According to the Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, there is a relation between unhealthy eating and mental health problems. These problems can include depression in adults.
How do you Create a Healthy Diet? To create a healthy diet, first, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. In the United States, only about 27% Americans eat vegetables three to four times a day. To help this problem, there are many things that you can do. First of all, you can organize community trips to the grocery store if it is hard for you to get there. Another thing that you could do to eat more fruits and vegetables is that you can include them with some of your favorite dishes. By doing this, you and your family will be gradually eating healthier. When you shop, plan, and cook, also include your kids. Kids are more likely to eat new fruits and vegetables if they helped chose them. If they do not like them, then there are always new foods to try. To eat healthier around and out of the house you can also eat real food and not junk food. You can do this by making of a plan of what you are going to eat that day, which will help you from eating at fast food restaurant. Also, you can make rules at your home to prevent people from eating too much junk food. You and your family can also grow your own food in the backyard. This will make you feel like you have an ownership over the food that you are eating. Finally, your body needs water to make it through the day. If you drink too many sodas, your body will not get the energy it needs. To prevent this, you should drink less of sugar-sweetened drinks and more water daily. This will definitely help your healthy eating diet.
Are there Other ways to Become Healthy? Of course there are! You didn't think that all you had to do to become healthy was to eat healthy, did you? There are several ways to become healthy, and eating healthy is just the first step. First of all, you need to think positive and have a positive attitude. Studies show that people who have a positive attitude have a healthy immune system and have a boosted health. Your body believes what you think, so try to think positively. Next, you should get plenty of exercise every day. When you exercise, you burn off all of the fat that you have built up in your body. Also, you build up muscles that make you more physically healthy. Exercising can make you feel good about your body, and it can help you build up the energy your body needs for that day. Lastly, you should get plenty of sleep. A person should normally get about eight hours of sleep everyday so that they are ready for the next day. By getting a good amount of sleep, you give your body the energy it needs to start the day. Also, it is easier to have a positive attitude when you are awake rather than almost falling asleep. If you do all of these things daily in your life, you will be living a healthy lifestyle.
Bibliography 5 Benefits of Healthy Habits." Healthline. N.p., 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. "Food Guide Pyramid." Encyclopedia of Obesity (n.d.): n. pag. The Food Guide Pyramid. USDA. Web. McNight, Clay. "What Happens When You Don't Eat Healthfully?"LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 17 June 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. "Simple Steps for the Nutritional Needs of Your Family." Simple Steps for the Nutritional Needs of Your Family. Ameri can Heart Association, 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
The Life, The Right, The Fight Every time you turn on the television at home, what do you see?
“Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building, it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. It is one of the ends for which our entire legal system exists...it is fundamental that justice should be the same, in substance and availability, without regard to economic status.”
- Justice Lewis F. Powell
Most likely, you have heard through news stories, television, or radio broadcasts that a new president is inches away from being in the Oval Office. With weekday debates in town halls, these candidates are being asked questions spanning from foreign issues to economic growth and support. These hopeful candidates will discuss the most important topics of our country including terrorism, the economy, healthcare, gay rights, and one of the “hottest” topics, abortion. Abortion is a procedure where a woman’s pregnancy is aborted, or ended by operation. Since the 1970’s, millions of abortions have been carried out in the lives of women throughout the United States, and companies have risen from the dust to support abortion. Pro-life and Pro-choice are two opinions that have been argued since the very essence of the idea of it. However, who, really, gets to make the decision on whether the constitution gives women the right to abort their unborn baby? The answer is, the Supreme Court, and since the 1970’s, people have been trying to tear down the world-changing abortion case of Roe v. Wade.
Portrait of Associate justice Powell
What was Roe v. Wade?
At the time of Roe v. Wade,
How does the Supreme Court work when they are presented with cases of this importance?
most states had either abolished or seTo have a case heard in the Suverely restricted the practice of abortion. preme Court of the United States, it must Only six states allowed for abortions to grant certiorari, permission to be heard. be carried out, and Texas was not one of However, before the Court hears a case, those states. Norma McCorvey, also they must look over the case, review briefs, known throughout the case as “Jane observe lower court opinions, and must Roe” was pregnant single woman from vote on whether to hear the case or not Texas and was denied a termination of based on the information provided. With her pregnancy because of Texas abortion not only their peers, but the country pushing them, the Court further regulations, which stated moved to hear the case in Dethat an abortion shall not cember of 1971. For years and be administered to a years, the Court had been given woman unless the life of very few cases on abortion bethe mother could potencause states declared their inditially be threatened. Roe, vidual abortion laws. Some along with her lawyer, states restricted abortions, others Sarah Wedding, filed a limited it, and some allowed lawsuit against Dallas abortions. The justices, during County District Attorney, the time, really had no standing Henry Wade. Roe left a because of the extremely few Texas federal court victocases on abortion brought before rious, and an upset Wade them. However, when subjects filed the case to the Suof matter do come before the preme Court for certioraCourt, they have many difri. Certiorari, permis- Jane Roe with her lawyer in ferent sources to influence sion to hear a case, 1971 their opinions. These influwas granted, and The ences include previous Court Burger Court of 1971 and 1972 would decisions, decisions and public opinions, further rule whether or not several Texas ideology, and much more. According to abortion laws were unconstitutional. current Associate Justice, Clarence ThomWeddington, Jay Floyd, the Assistant as, “...justices, 99% of the time, have their Attorney General of Texas and first ad- minds made up before they go to the vocate for Wade, and Robert C. Flowers, bench.” If this is true, it would seem that second advocate for Wade, debated over the oral arguments presented during cases the course of two case hearings whether rarely ever make up the mind of the Justicor not the regulations were constitution- es. However, ideology does not necessarily al. The Supreme Court, with only two make or break the entire Court’s decision. justices dissenting, ruled that the Texas Associate Justice Harry Blackmun, while abortion laws were unconstitutional and nominated by conservative president, Richmade it so abortion was legalized ard Nixon, and projected to side more to the right, he was known as one of the most liberal justices to have ever served on the Court. After opinions and briefs have been read, oral arguments have been presented, and questions have been asked, the Justices retire to their conference. The Justices’ Conference is an extremely secretive and unknown process. All nine of them are in one room surrounding one table. This table is the place where the history changing decisions are made that conclude the further direction of our country. In order of seniority, each Justice delivers a short opinion on how the case should turn out. Then, starting with the Chief Justice and descendThe Supreme Court ing in seniority, each of them cast their In Session vote. A decision is made by a simple majority vote. The Chief Justice further as-
Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is a health care provider and teacher to women and men all around the world. Founded in October of 1916 , this Brooklyn organization has been loved by many and hated by others. Its goal is to provide the education that so many young men and women need. While it may seem like a place where people can go to learn more about reproductive health care, it performs abortions as well, and this act makes it a huge target for those Pro-life spokesmen and women.
signs someone in the majority to write the opinion, what the court has decided, and one person in the minority to write the dissent, the opinion of the minority vote. Both reviews are published for the public eye, but the opinion is the final word of the Court and delivers the ruling. “The power I exert on the court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender.” - Justice Sandra Day O’Conner
What did the Court rule, and what were the Justices own opinions? The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that the Texas laws were unconstitutional and further made it so abortion was legal throughout the entire country. Across the country, the news would be spread that Roe had won in a 7-2 vote, and abortion was now legalized. While the ruling may seem like a home run for most liberals and pro-choice activists, this ruling was far from expected, let alone with only two justices dissenting. With Harry Blackmun writing the opinion and William Rehnquist forming the dissent, the two made very different pieces of writing explaining why they felt obligated to choose their side on the issue. To start with the Opinion, Justice Blackmun gave an overview of the case and other cases to their entirety over the course of more than four dozen pages of literature. Knowing this would be one of the most read, reviewed, and picked apart opinions the Court may ever present to the public, Blackmun figured that every detail must be perfectly worded in a way that the Court and the public would have no confusion over the means and definition of his work. Citing other cases and the importance of stare decisis precedent in his review quite often, he made definite, the reasons, why the Court had to abandon the previous justifications of a century’s amount of judicial review. Further clarifying what, exactly, the restrictions on abortion would be, the Court decided abortion could not be regulated within the time period of the first trimester and could only be regulated “reasonably” during the second and third trimesters. The Court’s definition of “reasonably” is further defined within the many articles of the opinion. While the Supreme Court’s opinion document may have the power of the law by its side, the dissent is often referred to as being even mightier and more influential than the review. Yes, the opinion does give precedent to further cases down the road. However, the writer of the dissent is able to capture the eyes of the beholder in a way no opinion will ever be able to find. Dissents are written as pieces of art, music to the ears of those who agree, and a way to further influence the beliefs of the public, politicians, and further Justices down the road. Recently departed Justice Antonin Scalia was widely known, by far, more for
his dissents than his opinions. When writing opinions, he was said to have less fluid and dull words and definitions. Dissenting, on the contrary, was what he lived for. Speaking in “colorful language” and being able to stand out among the crowd in a way others did not throughout his dissents was what he will be remembered for centuries to come. Justice Rehnquiste, an Associate Justice at the time, used this opportunity to his advantage by not stating what he specifically believed in, but what the Constitution and other cases before them had concluded. He, in detail, was able to capture each piece of the opinion and prove, in his mind, why the other justices were wrong. With all this in the making for the past few months, on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court made public their ruling, and this would become one of the most debated and controversial topic for the decades to come..
How did this case affect the future of our country? Often, it is considered that the more conservative one is, the more likely they are to be pro-life. Furthermore, most consider those who are pro-choice, more liberal. In the United States today, these two sides rule the political class in the three branches of government. The liberals, often identifying with the Democratic Party, and the conservatives who call themselves Republicans, control the majority of the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches. During presidential and legislative campaigns, abortion is often very commonly debated.
Most Republicans promise to replace Supreme Court Justices with more right-leaning justices and promise to overturn Roe v. Wade completely. However, Democrats often do the exact opposite and promise to uphold the case and elect liberal courts. An example of this deals with one Justice, Antonin Scalia, who died in his sleep in early February of 2016. Before his funeral or ceremonies honoring his life even began, Republicans and Democrats began fighting over who will replace him. The Republican Party hopes that the new Justice will overturn cases that fought their beliefs, like Roe and other abortion cases. For the most part, they are stating that everyone should wait for a new president to be elected, hoping that a new, Republican president will nominate a Justice that is just as right -wing as Antonin Scalia was and to tip the ideology of the Supreme Court more conservatively. To combat this, Democrats are stating that the Republicans are taking away the constitutional liberties of the current sitting president, Barack Obama, and that waiting for a potential conservative Justice could make so many cases like Roe, completely mute to the eyes of the public. While Roe was monumental to the country’s position, there may always be fighting and arguments over what really should have happened. Perhaps, one day, it will be overturned, but for now, abortion is legal and will be as long as the Supreme Court upholds its ruling from 1973.
Works Cited - Cole, David. The Power of a Supreme Court Dissent. N.p., 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - Cornell University Law School. Roe v. Wade. Ed. Amelia C. Hritz. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - Lawnix. Roe v. Wade Breakdown . N.p., 2005. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - PBS. The Court and Democracy. Ed. Judy Woodruff. N.p., Dec. 2006. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. - The Supreme Court of the United States. Roe v. Wade Transcripts . N.p., 11 Oct. 1972. Web. 17 Feb. - Smith, Allen. Society for Human Resource Management . Ed. Aliah D. Wright. N.p., 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
THE OTHER SIDE Imagine life for one moment. In a normal life, one would have a relatively good day
Being a Homosexual in
at school or at work and not have someone insult them for loving who they love or who they have feelings for. Believe it or not this happens to people all the time, and for a large portion of the population it is considered un-human to like someone
Today’s High School: Life is hard for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Teens. If they are not in “accepting” communities, they tend to fall apart as explained by articles
of the same sex. This view is starting to
such as the CDC Article “LGBT” and York College’s “How
disappear, but it is still a huge problem
Are LGBT Youths Affected by Discrimination and What
that needs to be brought up in schools,
Can Schools Do to Help?”. These articles have different
households, and friend groups all over the
focuses, but they unite on one point: Lesbian, Gay Bisex-
ual, and Transgender teens have many problems that do not have to be faced by “normal” heterosexual teens. Recent media attention has drawn attention to this issue on a national level and there are signs it is becoming a more acceptable lifestyle, but it is occurring slowly. With that in mind it is time to ask if the schools are doing anything to help these at-risk youths. Sadly most often the answer to this is still no, despite all the problems faced by many. There have been many instances that have occurred where the school have done nothing for them. One mother was very mad at the school system because of how little they helped her son who was being bullied all the time at school. She had stated that she had called the office, the administrator, the superintendent, and all the teachers. They apparently kept throwing up walls and dodging all of her attempts to help her child. This is not always what happens at every school, but it should be remembered that this was not the only instance when this happened.
FITTING IN Research indicates that middle school is the most important time of a teen’s life. Imagine all of the feelings of a regular heterosexual teen, but then add to that one gigantic feeling of being different because of your sexuality. As soon as a child has feelings of homosexuality, they get a feeling like the whole world is either with them or against them. Both of those feelings can affect
What Role Do Parents Play?
teens in a negative way. The feeling of wanting to be
Parents are a HUGE part of LGBT youths’ lives and in many cases de-
normal is maybe not the most
termine how the child feels about themselves. What parents can say or
common feeling ever, but it is
do really determines what that teen’s life would be like. It is stated in
definitely present in teens. Some
many other articles about LGBT youths that, the parents views are one
people who are proud of their
of the most important parts of their lives. One studt reported that 50%
homosexuality and don’t experi-
of all gay and lesbian youths report that their parents reject them due
to their sexual orientation. In a recent study of male teenagers selfdescribed as gay or bisexual, 27% moved away from home because of conflict with family members over sexual orientation.
might say it doesn't exist. What they don’t understand is that when someone is called “gay”,
This can even lead to homelessness. There have been stories such as
“Queer”, or “Fag” on a regular
the one about a boy in California. He “came out” to his school counse-
basis, they may want to be nor-
lor. The counselor called his parents. When he ate dinner that night his
mal just so they don’t have to
dad took him outside and beat him very harshly. This is a good remind-
face the fears of their everyday
er that discrimination is not always in public, and things can happen be-
life. Being ridiculed and taunted
hind closed doors.
day in and day out can take a toll
Parents can help to make the youths feel better though. All of the evidence does prove that parents have a role in the youth experience of
on one’s self esteem and self image. All teens want to feel ac-
these homosexual children. If they change their attitude to be happy,
changed , it will be difficult for a
and supportive of their homosexual teen then, the teen
would most likely feel better about themselves as a person.
homosexual to be able to fit in.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Because these teens face a high degree of discrimination, many people would think that they are more subject to drugs and alcohol. In many cases this is true. Gay teens are 2 to 6 times more likely to use drugs, alcohol, and marijuana than their heterosexual counterpart.
It has also been found that 1 in 3 gay males have had regular binge drink-
ing sessions. There has also been research that proves gay teens do have a higher drug and alcohol abuse rate than other heterosexual teens.
What Can be Done by the People in the Community to Help At Risk Homosexual Youths? Then there is the question about what can normal everyday people do to help these kids from having these sad feelings. The first and most obvious thing would be for parents of other kids in a school system or community to stop gossiping about the homosexual kids in their area. Just because they are older doesn’t mean that they don’t gossip about gay kids This can hurt more than other classmates because it can give homosexual teens the feeling that everyone is against them even if they are twice their age. Also, it is where the kids learn their ideas– from the adults in their lives. So if parents could be less judgemental it might help the kids be less judgemental. The other issue is bullying in the schools. There are several ways of addressing this issue– and education is one of the biggest. Increasing awareness and starting programs at earlier ages that teach kids to accept all walks of life. Close after this is the need for change in churches and religious groups. The views of gay people by the Christian church can cause homosexual kids to be forced away from their faith or beliefs of their religion because of the insults they get from their fellow religious members. Finally there is a problem that the actual homosexual students must help fix. Often gay teens want to flaunt their beliefs and make themselves open, but it must be remembered on their part that bullying faced by them could be caused by the openness of their beliefs. Others may not like what these homosexual youths stand for and then the gay students make themselves vulnerable to the cruel views of the outside world.
Sources Cited:
"Behavioral Health." Behavioral Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"For Gay Youths, Middle School Can Be Toughest Time | Gay-Straight Alliance Network." For Gay Youths, Middle School Can Be Toughest Time | Gay-Straight Alliance Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. "York College / CUNY.
" How Are LGBT Youths Affected by Discrimination and What Can Schools Do to Help? N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. LGBT Youth." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"LGBTQ Youth." LGBTQ Youth. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Marshal, Michael P., Mark S. Friedman, Ron Stall, Kevin M. King, Jonathan Miles, Melanie A. Gold,
Oscar G. Bukstein,
and Jennifer Q. Morse. "Sexual Orientation and Adolescent Substance Use: A Meta-analysis and Methodological Review." Addiction (Abingdon, England). U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
The Big Apple: A Megacity Emalee Nix
New York City located in New York, USA, is a city with a population of about 23,632,772 and is one of the biggest cities in the world. NYC is considered a megacity. What is a megacity and how does it affect New York?
What is a Megacity? A megacity can be defined as a city or metropolitan area that has a population greater than 10 million people. It can be one or two metropolitan area. As of 2015, there are 35 megacities in the world. The largest ones include Mumbai, Tokyo, Delhi, Seoul, Mexico City, Shanghai, Beijing, São Paulo, Karachi, Jakarta, New York, Osaka and Manila. Each of these has a population in excess of 20 million people. Some megacities go beyond the 10 million people requirement and some even go beyond 20 million. The country with the most megacities is China, which has 4 megacities compared while the US only has 2. China has Shanghai which has a population of about 25,400,00 and Beijing, which has a population of about 21,650,000. As of 2015, the only two megacities in the United States are Los Angeles and New York. However, Chicago is close behind with a population of about 9,729,825. As it stands New York City is the biggest megacity in the US and being a mega city presents its own kind of challenge.
“New York was a city where you could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street and nobody would notice.” -Bob Dylan
NYC as a Megacity New York City has a population of about 23,632,772, and this includes all of the metropolitan areas. The actual city of New York has a population of about 8,491,079. New York’s metropolitan area includes 25-counties, the five boroughs of New York City, the two counties in Long Island, and five counties in the lower part of the Hudson Valley, seven counties in northeastern Pennsylvania, and 12 counties in Northern and Central New Jersey. The population of the different neighborhoods in the city of New York City include: Bronx: 1,392,002, Brooklyn: 2,532,645,Manhattan: 1,601,948, , Staten Island: 470,467, Queens: 2,247,848. The populations of all the megacity attracted about 56.5 million visitors to New York City in the year 2014. The visitors include about 12 million international visitors and about 44.5 million domestic visitors. -Because it is a megacity, New York City attracts many businesses, making it a big tourist spot. Tourist can find just about anything in NYC, including designer clothes, historical areas, Art and entertainment. New York City attracts many stores, due to how many people visit per year. Contrary to what you might think, New York City is the greenest city in America. The 843-acre Central Park, the city's most famous park, is actually only the 5th largest which makes this even more of a place people would want to live or visit.
“If you want to become a real New Yorker, there’s only one rule: You have to believe New York is, has been, and always will be the greatest city on earth. The center of the universe.” ― Ellen R. Shapiro
Is NYC Safe? Most people would think that since NYC has a population of about 8 million it would be very unsafe. However, this is untrue. Despite having a population of more than 20 million people, NYC constantly ranks in the top ten safest large cities (more than 500,000 people) in the United States. New York City for a long time has been considered a particularly crimeridden and dangerous place, recent statistics, in fact, point to the contrary. This makes it one of the most visited places in the US. It has really cleaned up its act. The city’s crime rate has dramatically decreased over the last three decades. Due to the NYPD and the FBI and other officials that keep the streets safe, which is why the population is at a record high and growing, the life-expectancy has surged, and an all-time high of more than 50 million people visited the city during 2011. After 9/11, security was heightened throughout the city. This made the city and most of the people in it feel as if they were safe. People who live in New York City love the feeling of the big city and they feel safe even with all the people around them.
Challenges NYC Faces
NYC: The Megacity Energy Gobbler
New York City is bound to have challenges with their population that exceeds 20 million people. One of these issues are shortages of houses resulting in homelessness. The vast majority of the homeless families simply can't afford current NYC rent. With only a limited amount of space, most people make rent very high. There are only so many square miles of land in the city, and especially in Manhattan, where most people want to be. When lots of people want to live in a limited space, this results in the higher rent. Another challenge NYC faces is the way that the school system is handled. The school systems also face lots of problems due to the massive amount of people that live there. Also due to the lack of space in the city, it is a scarce resource in a place like New York City, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s getting especially cramped for a growing number of students. New charter schools are clamoring for space in the unused buildings while at the same time the city is struggling to find enough space in parts of the city that young families are moving to. The overcrowding increase is still happening despite a three-year school construction boom in which the city opened more than 70 new school buildings, which helped but did not completely fix the problem.
Due to the mass migration to urban areas in recent years, there has been a corresponding boom in the number of megacities. In 1970, there were eight megacities. As of 2010, there were 27 of them, and there are expected to be 37 by 2020. NYC uses more water, energy, and solid waste than any other mega city. NYC has about 12 million people less than Tokyo, New York City uses more energy than Tokyo. New York was the lead per-capita user of water, followed by Guangzhou, Shanghai, Los Angeles and Tokyo. As New York gets bigger, the amount of energy it uses grows more and more each year. What works for Tokyo is that it leaks only 3 percent of its water, when most large cities leak about 20 percent. However, NYC and Tokyo use roughly about the same amount of energy. What makes NYC different than Tokyo is the fuel and solid waste difference. Actually, NYC uses a lot more energy than any other city in the world. Actually, megacities (35 of them) together consume 9.3 percent of the world's electricity and produce 12.6 percent of the world's waste even though they contain only 6.7 percent of the world's population. NYC is the capital of these, however, due to the fact that their population towers over most cities in the world. Bibliography "Allianz." Top 20 Megacities by Population. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. "50 Greatest Quotes About New York City." Thought Catalog. N.p., 13 May 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2016. "50 Greatest Quotes About New York City." Thought Catalog. N.p., 13 May 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
COCA-COLA Abigail F,
Today, Coca-Cola is the top selling non-alcoholic drink. It is available in over 200 countries and 94% of the world's population recognize the red and white logo, making it the second most recognized word after “ok”. This article covers the brief history of Coca-Cola, the bottling history, the marketing of Coca-Cola, how Coca -Cola made branched out, and the characters that Coca-Cola uses or used in their advertising.
Coca-Cola History Coca-Cola started in 1886, when Dr. John Pemberton created a flavored cola syrup then he took it to his pharmacy and mixed up it with carbonated water. His librarian, Frank Mason Robinson, created the red and white logo and also named it Coca-Cola because the he thought that the two Cs looked good together. The first glass of Coca-Cola was sold for five cents per glass at the pharmacy where Dr. Pemberton first took it to, Jacob’s Pharmacy. Two years after he cre-
ated it Dr. Pemberton sold portions of it, the largest was sold to business man Asa G Candler. Under him Coca-Cola expanded to places beyond Atlanta. The Coca-Cola company kept the same formula up until April 23 1985, when Coca-Cola took possibly the biggest risk in consumer goods history, they changed their formula. But after 79 days of customer complaints and protests, they brought back the original Coca-Cola formula on July 11, 1985 and it has not changed since.
Coca-Cola Bottling
Coca-Cola Marketing
In 1894, a growing demand of CocaCola lead people to want their CocaCola in a portable bottle. The first person to put Coca-Cola in a bottle was Joseph Biedenharn when he installed a bottling machine in the back of his Mississippi soda fountain. Just five years later large scale bottling was made possible when, in 1899 three enterprising businessmen in Chattanooga, Tennessee got the exclusive right to bottle and sell Coca-Cola. These three bought the right from Asa Candler for only a dollar. The three businessmen, Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Whitehead and John Lupton, developed what became the CocaCola worldwide bottling system. Two of the biggest challenges for the early bottlers were imitations of beverages by competitors and lack of packaging among the 1,000 bottling plants. The bottlers all agreed that a unique drink needed a standard but equally unique bottle. In 1916 approved the new unique bottle. The new Coca-Cola bottle was so distinctive that it could have been recognized in pitch black dark. It effectively set the new brand apart for their competitors. The contorted bottle was trademarked in 1977. Now, the Coca-Cola bottle can be recognized almost anywhere in the world.
The earliest marketing efforts in CocaCola history where coupons promoting free beverages and a slogan that read “Drink Coca-Cola”. This was followed by newspaper ads and distribution of items that had Coca-Cola in them. It may not seem like it, but this was an innovative tactic in 1887. Fast forwarding to the 1970s when the company's advertising started to reflect a brand that is associated with fun, friends, and good times. Many people probably remember the Hilltop Singers performing “I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke” or maybe the 1979 “Have a Coke and a Smile” commercial that featured a young fan giving Pittsburgh Steeler “Mean Joe Greene” a cold bottle of Coca-Cola. The 1880s featured many slogans such as “Coke is It”, “Catch the Feeling”, “Red, White and You”, Can't Beat the Feeling”, and many more. Probably one of the most famous Coca-Cola slogans is “The Pause That Refreshes”. The slogan first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post in 1929. The theme of pausing with a cold Coca-Cola are still echoed in today's marketing. In 2009, the “Open Happiness” campaign was released globally. The central message of the “Open Happiness” campaign is to pause, refresh with a CocaCola and enjoy one of life's simple pleasures. The slogan was seen in stores, on billboards and printed was well as digital and musical components-including a single featuring Janelle Monae covering the 1980s song “Are You Getting Enough Happiness?” The theme happiness continued with the “Open the Games. Open Happiness” featured in the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. CocaCola has had many slogans over the years and many different marketing strategies. Some of Coca-Cola’s slogans include “Ice Cold Sunshine”(1932), “What You Want is Coke”(1957), “It's The Real Thing”(1967), “Coke adds Life”(1976), “Official Soft Drink of Summer”(1989) and “The Coke Side of Life”(2006).
“Pure as Sunshine”(1927),
“Have a Coke and a Smile”(1979)
“America's Real Choice”(1985)
“Red, White & You “ (1989)
“Always Coca-Cola” (1993)
“Coca-Cola... Real” (2003)
“Make It Real”(2005)
Coca-Cola Expansion For almost 70 years, the only beverage that Coca-Cola produced and sold was the original Coke. It was not until 1955 when a bottler in Italy started selling Orange Fanta that the company decided to expand their beverage variety. From then on, Coca-Cola started adding a wider variety of beverage options and sizes for Coca-Cola customers. In 1982 Coca-Cola introduced a low-calorie option called Diet Coke and by 1986 Diet Coke become the world's top selling diet cola. In 2005, Coca-Cola introduced a no-calorie drink called Coke Zero, the drink has one of the most successful launches in Coca-Cola history. Today, Coca-Cola has over 3,500 drinks that fall into numerous categories like regular, low-and-nocalorie sodas, and fruit drinks. Coca-Cola also offers bottled water, sport and energy drinks, ready to-go teas, and coffee. These beverages and many more are available in over 200 countries across the globe. Coca-Cola is the world's top provider of nonalcoholic beverages. There are more than 3,500 drink opinions in various sizes and flavors. This article talked about the brief history of Coca-Cola, their bottling history, the marketing of Coca-Cola, how they branched out from just Coke, and the different characters Coca-Cola has used or uses in their advertising.
Citations 5 Things You Never Knew about Coca-Cola and Santa Claus. Co ca-Cola. Web. 10 Feb. 2016. <http://www.coca- colacompa ny.com/stories/coke-lore-santa-claus/>.. "A History of Coca-Cola Advertising Slogans." The Coca-Cola Company. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. <http://www.coca- colacompa ny.com/stories/coke-lore-slogans/>. "Coca-Cola History │ World of Coca-Cola." World of Coca-Cola. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <https://www.worldofcoca-cola.com/aboutus/coca-cola->. "Coca-Cola Beverages & Products │ World of Coca-Cola." World of Coca-Cola. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <https://www.worldofcocacola.com/about-us/coca-cola-beverages-products/>. "Nutritional Information and Ingredients for Coca-Cola | Coca-Cola GB." Nutritional Information and Ingredients for Coca-Cola | Coca-Cola GB. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.< http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/drinks/coca-cola/coca-cola/#>. "Who Was the Coca-Cola Sprite Boy? (It’s Not Who You Think)." Coca-Cola Company. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <http://www.cocacolacompany.com/stories/coke-lore-sprite-boy/>.
Coca-Cola Icons Coca-Cola has had a very big impact on the world's culture. Coca-Cola was created three iconic character that most people recognize across the world. One icon that Coca-Cola reinvented is most recognizable during the holidays: Santa Claus. Up until 1933, Santa was everything from a tall gaunt man to a really spooky looking elf. But soon Coca-Cola started running ads during the holidays that featured a Santa that people recognize today. Another character that Coca-Cola has created is an elf like cartoon named Sprite Boy. Sprite Boy was made before the drink called Sprite. He was created because people started calling Coca-Cola Coke, the company was first discourage its use, however, in 1941, the company accepted it and began to connect the Coca-Cola name with the shortened version Coke. Sprite Boy was created to connect the two. He appeared with devilish smile often with stars around him that represented his bubbly personality and the bubbles in Coke, and often wore two hats; a bottle cap and a soda jerk’s that represented the two sides of Coke. When he appeared in advertisements he had just a head and two arms, and never a body. One of the most iconic images of Coca-Cola are probably the Polar Bears. They began first in 1922, when they started appeared in print ads and the over the next 70 years they sporadically appeared in print. It was not until 1993, when CocaCola started experimenting with computer animation and launched the “Always Coca-Cola” campaign that featured the polar bears. The idea for the polar bears started when creator Stewart was asked to develop an innovative commercial for CocaCola. While he has trying to think of an idea for the company's commercial, he saw his Labrador Retriever and thought about how much the dog looked like a polar bear. Then, he started thinking about polar bears and how they would go to the movie, this gave him the idea for the Northern Lights. In the commercial the polar bears watch the aurora borealis (“the movie”) and drink from bottles of Coke.
Type 1 Diabetes
When you are sick, there are special cells in your body called the immune system. The immune cells fight off germs and viruses. A diabeticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s immune system has one point in time fought a germ or virus but mistook islet cells, or insulin producing cells, for hostile germs or viruses, thus killing off the islet cells. Insulin is a hormone produced by islet cells that allows glucose to be transmitted to cells for energy. Diabetics often start feeling symptoms of diabetes before the disease fully kicks in gear. Some symptoms include drinking and urinating frequently. When this happens, you should see a doctor. The doctor will test your Blood Glucose (BG), or how much sugar is in your blood. An appropriate amount of sugar is around 70 to 140. If the sugar levels are far above the range, you are rushed to the
What is Type 1 Diabetes?
hospital and given a hormone called insulin, made by islet cells, which are mostly all deceased in your body if you are diabetic. You are pumped with water through IV's to get the bad blood out of your body. At the hospital they teach you about how to manage your diabetes. The doctors explain how to manage this new dilemma in your life. they will explain what you need to do as a diabetic to survive. Type 1 diabetes is genetic, but some people who have this disease have no family history of type 1
Type 1 Diabetes is an Autoimmune Disorder that is Caused by the immune system, or your germ fighting cells, attacking your islet cells, the cells that break down carbohydrates or energy in food and drink. According to JDRF, Type 1 diabetes affects over 1.25 million people in the U.S.A.
Type 1 diabetics use a lot of complicated equipment. When diabetics are first diagnosed they often use an insulin pen. An insulin pen has a vial of insulin in it. You dial how much insulin you want to dispense by turning a dial or entering a numerical value. A vital piece of technology for a diabetic is a meter. A meter is a piece of equipment that measures glucose. This device is often used often during breakfast, lunch, dinner, and during the night. This device is very important to any diabeticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s routine. Another device used by some diabetics is a pump. The pump was developed by Medtronic. A pump automatically dispenses insulin to maintain glucose levels. It has been programmed to have special carb ratios at different times. When you want to eat or drink things with carbohydrates you put your glucose, your carbohydrates, and gives you how much insulin it thinks you should receive which you can edit if needed. Pumps have a variety of features depending on what kind of pump you have. Medtronic's pump has a special feature which comes separately called a sensor. A sensor measures interstitial fluid and estimates glucose levels to eliminate some BG testing. Some diabetics need glasses more than others do. Diabetics are 50% more likely to have glaucoma according to eyeglass guide. Other eye issues and problems diabetics face include cataracts, diabetic retinotherapy, and macular degeneration.
A Diabeticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Life
When you are a diabetic, life is somewhat different. Being a Type 1 diabetic means that your pancreas, an organ behind your stomach, produces little to no insulin. diabetics often have different schedules than other people. One example would be that you wake up, test your glucose, bolus or inject insulin, eat, test at lunch, bolus or inject insulin for lunch, eat lunch, test before dinner, bolus or inject insulin, eat, go to bed, and test in the night. This is a very general schedule, and most days of a diabetic's life do not end up being this perfect. Most days diabetics have to test their glucose multiple times a day and experience daily troubles such as high or low glucose levels. Life can be harder, but diabetics cannot be limited by their diabetes for other activities to feel "normal". For example, Jay Cutler, a Professional Football Player in the National Football League has Type 1 diabetes. Most diabetics strive to make their diabetes have minimal value. According to kidshealth.org, If you ask a diabetic if they play sports, most do, and many Olympic athletes are Type 1 diabetics. Just like anybody, to most Type 1 diabetics, the sky's the limit.
Type 1 diabetes is so far not cured. Diabetes scientists at JDRF labs have many research ideas for curing diabetes. Some of their major ideas include smart insulin, Diabetes Prevention, Encapsulation, Artificial Pancreas, restoration, and fixing complications of diabetes. Smart insulin, or glucose control, is special insulin that is glucose reacting to level the sugar in the blood. Diabetes prevention is just what it sounds like: preventing Type 1 Diabetes. JDRF is working on this in a vaccine form that stops the immune cells from attacking islet cells. This would also be used to stop a diabetic's immune system from attacking the islet cells if having any left. Encapsulation is an idea where a small implant full of islet cells but shielded from immune system attacks and makes insulin. According to JDRF, diabetics would not have to take insulin for months, possibly years at a time. The Artificial Pancreas is a machine that monitors glucose and gives insulin when needed, but also dispenses glucose to fix low sugar levels, allowing diabetics to sleep through the night according to JDRF. Restoration stops diabetic immune attacks to allow islet cells to live. This would stop diabetes entirely. Stopping diabetic complications allows diabetics not to live in fear of diabetic side effects. this would not cure diabetes, but would stop dangerous hazards that some diabetics face and possibly add to diabetic lifespans. JDRF and many other organizations are working on curing this disease. BIBLIOGRAPHY: "4 Ways to Get Started." Insulin Pump. Medtronic, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. "Learning More About: Diabetic Eye Prob lems." Diabetes & Eyesight. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. JDRF. "JDRF Research." JDRF JDRF Research Comm ents. JDRF, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Mayo Clinic Staff. "Type 1 Diabetes." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.
People claim that, after a period of drumming, they feel calmed and relaxed. This in itself is great, but can drumming, or playing percussion instruments, affect physical disabilities as well as improve people’s state of mind? Many music therapists, physicians, and psychologists say “yes.” es
How Did It Begin?
expression.” He goes on to state that current research confirms that rhythmic music originating
Long before it had a name like “therapeutic music”
thousands of years ago in Asia and Africa can
or “drum therapy,” the use of simple drums and
have a huge impact on people’s health to-
other percussion type instruments were part of dai-
ly life as well as ceremonies. Drum therapy draws
physical healing, boosts the immune system,
its roots from shamanic rituals in nomadic tribes
produces feelings of well-being, and a release of
from the Tuva in Russia to the Minianka in West
Africa. Emily Saarman documented the findings of
particularly drum therapy, can help many differ-
a symposium on rhythmic music held at Stanford
ent kinds of physical and mental problems, includ-
ing Alzheimer's disease, autism, Parkinson’s dis-
She noted that “ritual drumming is
Drake writes that drumming “accelerates
Other researchers claim that music,
found in cultures throughout the world...to induce
trance states.” Ancient people may have believed
Parkinson’s disease, and trauma-related disorders.
that drumming would drive out evil spirits that
Topper Headon, drummer for the punk rock band
caused bad things such as fires, droughts, head-
aches, sores, death, sickness and other maladies
and accidents. Michael Drake, author of The Sha-
while its origins are ancient, drumming continues
manic Drum: A Guide to Sacred Drumming, writes
to serve many valuable purposes for people today
that drum therapy is “an ancient approach that us-
well beyond music.
t ra u m a - r e l a t e d
d i s o rd e r s .
distinctly, universally human activity.”
What is It? Drum therapy generally consists of instructing people to use different drums and other percussion instruments to create strong vibrations in a rhythmic pattern. Someone participating in this type of therapy does not necessarily follow written “music” in the traditional sense. No one is playing arranged songs to follow lyrics or accompany other instruments. It is just a free-flowing playing of percussion that changes to suit the mood at the time. In this way, a person has the freedom to play loudly, softly, fast or slow depending on what they are feeling. Rhythm, of course, is essential but the tempo is determined by the needs of the individual. For example, Emily Saarman also noted that “slow beats encourage slow brain waves associated with hypnotic or meditative states. Faster beats may encourage more alert and concentrated thinking.” Practicing drum therapy can be done several different ways. Drum Circles are groups of individuals who practice rhythmic beating of drums an d other p ercussi on i n str uments. Typically there is an instructor or leader but each person is free to express themselves through the use of their instrument. While drum circles are great for treating groups of people, there are opportunities for individuals to use this type of therapy either alone or under the guidance of a trained music therapist. No matter whether a person uses
percussion instruments individually or in a group, the idea is to let the vibrations and rhythms of the drums stimulate the brain so the body and mind can heal the physical and mental traumas affecting that person. What Does It Do? Drums And Disabilities, or DAD, is an organization that is devoted to helping people find their drum groove. According to their trademarked techniques, they combine “visual, rhythmic, auditory and verbal approaches to help mainstream and special needs participants meet the goals and objectives for improvement and fine motor skill and physical and cognitive functioning while playing an instrument.
Rick Bausman, the founder of the Drum Workshop based in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, believes that playing music (as opposed to simply listening) can help people because the combination of the physical use of hands and arms, combined with the impact of the rhythm regulates the brain and therefore improves movement and body function.
university. He and his team of researchers have found that music not only reduces stress but can actually affect patient’s immune systems. Stress, whether the result of physical or mental trauma, has significant impact on a person’s health. “We know that stress takes a toll
Drumming can improve people's health by lowering stress levels and blood pressure levels while increasing the amount of cancer killing blood cells that also help fight off other illnesses. In an article published by the American Psychological Association, Dr. Daniel Levitin, Ph.D., discussed the impact of music in medical treatment at McGill
Who Can it Help? It seems that drum therapy has very widereaching benefits. Neurologist Barry Bittman found that group drumming increases the body’s production of cancer killing T-cells and can change the genomic stress marker. He says drumming “tunes our biology, orchestrates our immunity, and enables healing…” Psychologist Shari Geller worked with Bittman in his cancer research then discovered drumming can aid trauma patients deal with the mental anguish and aid in communication skills. Her further study found drum therapy to be very helpful in treating depression and anxiety disorders. Robert Friedman, a psychotherapist and author of the book The Healing Power of the Drum, conducted similar studies to connect drums with mental disorders. He studied soldiers suffering
from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) who participated in drum therapy and noted an “increased sense of openness togetherness, belonging, sharing closeness, connectedness and intimacy, as well as achieving a non-intimidating access to traumatic memories, facilitating an outlet for rage and regaining a sense of selfcontrol.” While PTSD was the first study, the therapy also helped people suffering from grief and anger issues. Friedman also explored the positive impact of drum therapy on Alzheimer’s patients and children with autism. He believes the external stimuli helps maintain attention and focus. He also noted that Parkinson’s patients were able to walk better and suffer less tremors while just listening to drum beats. Drum therapy can also be used to treat people with addictions and eating disorders by replacing the destructive behavior with a positive outlet for expressing the physical or mental pain that led to the addiction.
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Aesop Rock – Coffee." Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. Clip Art Sheep. N.p., n.d. Web. "The Nueroscience of Drumming." N.p., n.d. Web. "What Is Shamanic Drumming?" Shamanic Drumming. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015.
Eat, Chill, Party
Alexia H.
Have you heard of a quinceanera? If u haven't then here's what it is. A quinceanera is a celebration of a young lady while she's on her journey from being a child to growing up to be an adult.
What is a Quinceanera? A quinceanera is a celebration of a young girl and her journey from growing up and it's resembling your childhood to your adulthood. It also resembles her giving thanks to God and to thank Him for His blessings. A quinceanera is a Latin celebration that is very important in Mexican culture because that is the only day that the girl or woman gets treated like a major person. The quince is the center of attention for that night, a quinceanera is relative to a wedding but instead of the bride and the groom it's only the quince. It's also very big like a wedding, it has around 100-500 people, but some people make theirs smaller than others, so there might be 100 people. The quince also has 14 dramas because each one symbolizes each year and she's the 15th year. The damas are like the bridesmaids ,but for a quinceanera. There can also be a court with 7 girls and 7 boys instead of them all being girls, but you can choose between .
aWhat do you do at a Quinceanera? At the beginning of a quinceanera there is a church ceremony. It's where the gifts are presented. There are 6 gifts that are granted to her during the church ceremony. The quince says a speech thanking the guests for coming to her church service and party. The preacher or the priest also says something about the quince and tells her how God appreciates her. Only 5% of the people who celebrate a quinceanera don't have the church ceremony, so it's very common for them to have the church ceremony. Then after the ceremony you would go to a dance hall or something relative to a dance hall. When you're there, you will first eat. The quince and the damas will all be sitting together. While you are eating, most people, have mariachis go around from table to table playing songs. Right after you are finished eating, they have the quince dance with all the males in her family â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like the dad, uncles, grandfathers, brothers and the male cousins. The dances are usually about 1
minute long, but some people have someone read a note or letter that the person who is dancing with the quince wrote and while they are dancing someone reads it. After all the males in her family dance with her, the DJ will play music and everyone who wants to will dance. For most quinceanera, the rest of the time everyone will dance. The changing of the shoe is when the quince already has a flat shoe on so the dad of the quince takes of her flat shoe and puts a high heel on her foot. This represents her being able to wear heels and it also shows that she is a woman now. If they do the changing of the shoe, the quince already has a flat shoe on so the dad of the quince takes of her flat shoe and puts a high heel on her foot. This represents her being able to wear heels and it also shows that she is a woman now. If they do the changing of the shoe, some people do it at the church during the ceremony and some people do it at the dance hall ceremony.
What do the gifts symbolize? At a quinceanera the young woman is presented with many gifts. One of the gifts that is presented is a scepter. Either the parents or the godparents of the quince present this gift to her. The scepter represents authority, it is almost like a regalia. This gift also resembles the transition from childhood to adulthood and it represents the young ladyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s responsibility to her locality. Another gift that is represented to her at the mass is a tiara. Sometimes the tiara is given to her by one of her aunts and uncles. The tiara meaning is that she is a princess in Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and her family's perspective and their eyes. The quince also gets a set of jewelry that contains earrings, a ring, a necklace, and a matching bracelet. The earrings are saying that she never needs to forget to listen to the words of God and the bracelet and the ring represent the circle of life and the journeys she will experience. She also is presented with a last doll symbolizing that she isn't a child anymore and that she doesn't need to play with dolls anymore. And last but not least a bible is given to her to keep the word of God and for very special resources in her life.
What is the history behind it? The history of quinceaneras is very different back then than it is nowadays. Back then the woman weren't aloud to date, they weren't aloud to dance with any boys other than their family, they weren't aloud to wear makeup, and they couldn't get married until their quinceanera. For most people right after their quinceanera they would get married so they got married really young. During the years they changed the tradition over the years so now you can wear makeup, you can date, you can wear high heels, and you can’t really get married that early in life though because its not usual. This tradition goes all the way back to the Aztecs , the Toltec, the Inca, and the Maya. In the olden days the wealthy used to make a very expensive trip to mainly Paris or somewhere in Europe but you wouldn't go there if you weren't wealthy enough to pay for it. This religion is combined with Spanish and Aztecs Catholic traditions. The tradition has spread all throughout Mexico and in south Texas. This tradition also has some other traditions from countries other than Mexico.
"How Quinceañeras Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 24 July 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Other Gift Ideas." Quinceanera Gift Ideas, Quinceanera Traditions, Sweet 16 Traditions. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Quinceanera.com | Quinceanera Dresses, Planning, Invitations, & More." Quinceanera. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Quinceanera Tradition." Quinceanera History, Traditions. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Unknown, “The Quinceañera Celebration and Its Origins." Quinceanera. N.p., 14 July 2008. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
Renewable Energy
Ruston S.
Every Day we use energy for everything from turning on the lights, to running our cars. But have you ever considered where this energy comes from. Most likely this energy comes from burning fossil fuels. This has many negative impacts in the environment. However scientist have developed new renewable energy sources that are environmentally friendly and are waiting to be used.
What is Renewable Energy and What Are the Different Forms? Renewable energy is a type of energy whose sources is consistently renewable, regardless of the amount of energy used. Renewable energy is derived from a repetitive natural occurrence. Therefore it takes a variety of different forms such as follows. Wind Energy. Wind energy is produced through turbines that are spun by high the power of wind. Wind energy currently one of the most economically efficient, and fastest growing renewable energy sources. Wind energy has almost no pollution and is not insufficient in production capability. As a matter of fact the U.S. could have the capability to produce ten times its current energy needs from wind power alone. Solar energy. Solar energy is produced through a broad range of technologies including solar thermal energy and photovoltaics. The sun will be a source of energy for billions of years.. Solar energy technologies, however, are very expensive, although they are economically efficient long term. Geothermal Energy. Geothermal energy is produced through using naturally generated heat from the earth to convert water into steam. This steam then spins turbines, producing electricity. This form of energy also has plenty of capability in certain locations. Hydroelectric Power. Hydroelectric power is formed by using flowing water to spin a turbine thus producing electricity. Hydroelectric power currently accounts for half of all renewable energy produced in the U.S.
Why is Renewable Energy Important? Our society today is becoming more and more energy dependent. However, energy production is the most polluting industry in the United States. This is mostly a result of use of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. These energy sources have very high carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions rates compared to renewable energy sources. Both of these gases have a variety of negative impacts on the environment. Although carbon dioxide is necessary for plant life, it is the most abundant greenhouse gas. Carbon Dioxide is widely considered the number one contributor to global warming. Newer research has also proven that oceans absorb 20% of carbon dioxide emissions, increasing the ocean's acidity, and destroying oceanic life Sulfur dioxide is the leading contributor to hazardous acid rain. However Renewable energy sources do not have this effect on the environment. Geothermal, hydropower, solar power, and Wind Power all have zero direct, biogenic, or albedo effect carbon dioxide emissions. This makes these energy sources extremely important to environmental conservation efforts, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions efforts. Both the United Nations Environmental Programme and the International Programme for Climate Change agree that without renewable energy sources being the sole source of energy, there will be increases of up to 14 degree Fahrenheit. This would cause significant risk to food supply, extremely poor air quality, and increasing commonness of extreme weather. Renewable energy is also important to consider because the current fossil fuels we use take millions of year to develop. Because we are using them at such an extremely high rate, the world will soon lack the quantities necessary to sustain the high energy demands.
How will Renewable Energy affect our economy? Although renewable energy may threaten the fossil fuel industry, Renewable energy is actually highly beneficial to the overall economy. Renewable energy has had an array of positive impact on a variety of sectors economy. As of 2014 Renewable energy has supported seven million seven hundred thousand jobs worldwide. Six hundred twenty five thousand of those were in the United States. Increasing the amount of renewable energy while decreasing the amount of oil, coal, and natural gas we use can also help the stock market. Increased renewable energy usage would help to stabilize energy prices. Currently oil prices fluctuate dramatically, which increases market volatility. This can had severe impacts on the stock market. Low oil prices earlier this year caused an economic crisis, which the market is still recovering from. The Dow Jones Index, a key indicator of overall market performance, lost nearly 2000 points which is almost about 12% of its overall value. Renewable energy use would create stable energy prices which would decrease market volatility, and therefore increase overall market performance. Studies also suggest that the more renewable energy can continue to grow economic opportunity. According to the union of concerned scientist, if the United States were to pass a plan previously introduced by President Obama to have twenty five percent renewable energy by 2025 the United States would see significant growth. The United States would see about 300,000 new jobs, 263 billion dollar in investments for renewable energy technologies, 13.5 billion dollars for landowners, 11.5 billion dollars in property tax, and 64.3 billion dollars in energy saving for consumers. Although this act has currently not been passed, and we are therefore not guaranteed these results, but current trends make it very possible that many corporations will provide this change on their own.
How Does Renewable Energy Affect Politics? Renewable energy, like almost all issues in politics, is a very divided issue between democrats and republicans. Democrats are supportive of the United States development of renewable and sustainable energy sources. They believe it is impossible for the united states to obtain energy independence using coal, oil, and natural gas. They also believe that developing and utilizing renewable energy sources is necessary in order to slow the effects of climate change. They believe production, installation, repair, and improvement of these technologies would help create job growth. Republicans believe that oil, natural gas, and coal are irreplaceable sectors of the economy. They believe that renewable energy would pose a significant threat to the U.S. economy and would inhibit job growth. Republicans believe that the U.S. should expand its production of coal, oil, and natural gas instead of developing renewable energy. They also doubt the reliability of studies supporting climate change. Renewable energy is also a major issue in the presidential race. On the republican side, almost all the candidates support an all of the above renewable energy plan. The two exceptions are Marco Rubio and Donald Trump. Rubio supports the republican anti-renewable energy platforms. Donald Trump merely states, “Windmills Look Nice, But They Kill A Lot Of Birds,” and ask Scotland to, “end plans for an offshore wind farm he fears will spoil the view at his exclusive new $750-millionpound ($1.2-billion) golf resort” Despite the fact that only 0.00736% of all bird fatalities are from wind turbines, this of course did not decrease his support. On the democratic side Sanders and Clinton both support their party's platform on renewable energy, and former presidential candidate Martin o'Malley
“Windmills Look Nice, But They Kill A Lot Of Birds,”- Donald Trump Fact: Only 0.00736% of all bird fatalities are from wind turbines.
Is Renewable Energy Practical Enough to Replace Fossil Fuels? Although all these energy sources appear to be beneficial energy solution, they also have some negative impacts that cause some to reconsider their feasibility. For example, many are afraid that the massive turbines used to generate wind power could result in habitat loss for some species. They are also reliant on the weather creating conditions in which the necessary winds are provided. Solar Energy is still highly expensive for the individual buyer, and is incapable of production on cloudy days or at night. Geothermal production is limited to areas where there is high geothermal activity, and water is available. Hydropower requires flowing water. It is also necessary to build a very expensive dam that has a variety of negative impacts on the habitats of fish. With all these impacts can renewable energy replace fossil fuels. Yes, they can. Although there are downsides to all of these sources using each in moderation we can still meet our energy needs. And eventually, they have to. At our current rate, we will run out of oil in fifty-three years, natural gas in fifty-four, and coal in one hundred and ten years. It may sound like a lot of time, but it is not as much as you think, and we will need to switch to renewable energy it is too late.
“It means joining with allies to deploy renewable energy technologies both at home and around the world to confront the very real and present danger of possibly irreversible of climate change” Bernie Sanders
N.p. "Buy Clean Energy 2014." Why Clean Energy. Buy Clean Energy, n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
N.p. "Electricity Generation and Pollution." Air Quality (2002): 1. Air Quality. Environmental Defense, Nov. 2002. Web. 3 Mar. 2016. N.p. "Democratic Party on Energy & Oil." Democratic and Republican Party on Energy & Oil. On The Issues, 28 Apr. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. N.p. "IN THEIR OWN WORDS 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ON RE NEWABLE ENERGY." (2015): 1-12. 3 Mar. 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. N.p. "Clean Energy, Green Jobs (2009)." Clean Energy, Green Jobs (2009). Union of Concerned Scientist, Mar. 2009. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Koch, Wendy. "Wind Turbines Kill Fewer Birds than Do Cats, Cell Tow ers."USA Today. Gannett, 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Romm, Joe. "No Wonder They’re Angry: 13.7 Million Birds Are Dying Every Day in the U.S." ThinkProgress No Wonder Theyre Angry 137 Million Birds Are Dying Every Day in the US Comments. Climate Progress, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Sanders, Bernie. "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. AZ Quotes, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
The Yeti is a strange creature that is commonly known all around the world. It has a very strong history and has caused conflict to whether or not it really exist. There are a couple of possible explanations for this bizarre animal. The Yeti is used in culture and known by a different name around the world. History of a Yeti What is a Yeti?
The Yeti is a legendary character. It is a large hairy creature resembling a human or bear that is said to live in the highest parts of the Himalayan mountains. It has enormous sharp teeth with a grayish whitish colored hair. The Abominable Snowman is supposed to be very muscular and weigh between two hundred and four hundred pounds. It averages at about six feet tall. The creature is usually alone. The Yeti eats and attacks anything. This monster can only be seen when it comes down from the mountains into lower elevation and crosses
through the forest into a nearby village. Sometimes the Yeti leaves a footprint in the mountain snow. The creature scares the people living in the village and sometimes kills a yak for food. Different paintings and sculptures of the Yeti can be found in the literature or sacred sites throughout most of the neighbors to the Himalayas. All of the images are similar in a numerous ways. However people who study the Yeti, agree that it can appear in many different forms. The Yetiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reported areas of occurrence are India, China, Mongolia, Russia, Siberia, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Over many centuries there have been plenty of Abominable Snowmen. The search for the Yeti has been going on from 326 B.C. and continues today. The first sighting was in 1832. There has been no evidence to prove that these were real sightings or if they were simply a misidentification. However, in 1986 Anthony Wooldridge was hiking through the mountains and took two pictures of what he believed to be a Yeti. The two pictures were analyzed and was proved to be genuine. This was the first proof of the Yeti. The amount of reports started to increase in the twentieth century. Nobody has been close to a Yeti. Most reports come in the form of footprints being found, pelts offered, shapes seen at a distance, or rarely a face to face encounter. The face to face encounters always occur with locals who stumble into it, never researchers looking for it. Some of the most authentic tracks ever found were photographed by two British mountaineers in 1951. Nobody thought that the footprints were real until in 1953 a hiker found similar footsteps on Mount Everest. Another strange encounter occurred in 1938. A man had encountered near-death while hiking alone in the Himalayas. A nine foot Yeti rescued the hiker named Captain dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Auvergne and nurtured him back to health. There have been several different Abominable Snowman sightings over the last couple of hundred years.
Possible Explanations There might not be any evidence that proves that Yeti exist. However, there is no evidence that can prove the Yeti does not exist. The Yeti has many possible different explanations to what it is. Recently scientists have discovered that the Yeti could be a very rare subspecies of bear using the science of DNA. A professor from Norway, named Professor Sykes, found a one hundred percent match to an ancient polar bear jawbone found in Svalbard. A mountaineer named Reinhold Messner backed up the proof of Professor Sykes. This find was very exciting and extremely unexpected. This ancient species is possibly a cross between a brown and polar bear. Another possible explanation for the massive footprints found in the snow could be the result of evaporation and melting. The melting and evaporation could cause the footprints to stretch out and seem larger than they actually were at one point.
The Yeti used in Culture The Yeti is a big part of the Sherpas. The Sherpas are a group of people that live in a national park surrounding Mount Everest. An interesting part of the Sherpas folklore is the Yeti, or as they know it as the Abominable Snowman. They have many different tales describing the Abominable Snowman and their actions. In one tale, Yetis were far more populated and they attacked and raided many of the local villages. The wisest men in these villages came up with a plan to try to eliminate all of the Abominable Snowmen. The next day they brought many weapons and beer to a pasture. The villagers pretended to get drunk and they fought each other. They left the remaining beer and weapons in the pasture. The Yetis had been hiding and watching them, and they came down to the pasture as soon as all of the people left. They drank the remaining beer and fought each other. Most of the Yetis died. However the survivors swore revenge on the humans and fled back to their caves. The few Abominable snowmen hid so that nobody could find them and they occasionally come out of their hiding spots. This is the Sherpas way of saying why the Yetis are rarely seen. The Yeti is very important to the Sherpas culture and way of life. They constantly use the Abominable Snowmen in their folklore.
The Yeti Around the World The Yeti is known all around the world except with a different name and found in a different place. There is Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Almas, Skunk Ape, Grassman, Wendigo, Orang Pendek, Mapinguari, Yeren and a couple others that are not very commonly known. They are all very similar and commonly known in their area. The Sasquatch and Bigfoot are two names that are interchangeable. It is found in North America, and many people have tried to find it. The Yowie is found in Australia and is said to be like a strange human. The Almas is found mainly in Mongolia and parts of Eastern Europe and is supposedly more human than ape-like. The Skunk Ape is practically the Bigfoot of Florida. The Grassman is similar to the Skunk Ape except in the state of Ohio. The Wendigo is found in the woods of Canada and can transform into a human, but has very harsh and evil intentions. Orang Pendek is from Sumatra and is not very tall. The Mapinguari is from the jungles of South America and relates to a giant ground sloth. The Yeren is found in China and is very similar to Bigfoot. There are many different versions of the Yeti in almost every continent.
"Abominable Snowman." National Geographic Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Dons, John. "Names for Bigfoot Around the World." HubPages. N.p., 29 July 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Krystik, Lee. "Yeti: Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas." The UnMuseum. N.p., 1996. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Radford, By Benjamin. "The Yeti: Asia's Abominable Snowman." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "Sherpas." - Introduction, Location, Language, Folklore, Religion, Major Holidays, Rites of Passage. N.p., 1998. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Williams, Rob. "Has the Yeti Mystery Been Solved?" The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
The Madness in March Remy N.
What is March Madness? March Madness is a single-elimination basketball tournament played each spring in the United States that features 68 college basketball teams. March madness decides the national champion of Division 1 basketball. The tournament is organized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and is held every March hence its name. The tournament was created during 1939 and was the idea of Ohio State coach Harold Olsen. The number of teams along with the format of the tournament has changed since its creation in 1939. There have been many undefeated teams heading into the tournament and coaches who have won multiple tournaments. The tournament is a very popular event to bet on in the United States and is a very fun sporting event to watch.
What is the format of March Madness? A total of 68 teams qualify for the annual tournament held in March. Thirty two teams earn automatic bids as conference champions. Thirty one conferences decide their champions by a conference tournament, but the regular season champion of the Ivy league receives an automatic bid to the tournament. If two Ivy league teams share a regular season championship then a one game playoff determines the automatic berth. The other thirty six spots are given to at-large bids which are determined by the selection committee, which is nationally televised on the Sunday before the first-four play in tournament. In the selection show they seed the teams and place them in four regions. This has come to be known as “Selection Sunday”. The field is separated into four regions with each region having at least sixteen teams. The names of the regions are South, East, Midwest, and West and correspond to the location of the Regional Finals. In 2015 the cities that hosted the regional finals were South (Houston, Texas), East (Syracuse, New York), Midwest (Cleveland, Ohio), and West (Los Angeles, California). The selection committee is charged with making each region as close as possible in the overall quality of the teams.
The selection committee seeds the team with the top four teams distributed among the four regions with each one receiving a number one seed. Then the next four teams are distributed among the four regions with each receiving a number two seed and the process continues like this. Carried to its logical conclusion, this would give each region teams 1-17, but this is not what happens. The selection committee has to select teams to play in the first four, which refers to the first four games not the first four teams. The winner of each of these games earns a berth in the first round of the tournament, making each region have sixteen teams. In the first round the #1 ranked team in each region plays the #16 ranked team and the #2 ranked team plays the #15 ranked team, and so on. This makes it easier for the higher ranked teams because they did better in the regular season. The first round in the tournament contains 64 teams, the second round contains 32 teams, then it’s the sweet sixteen, the elite eight, the final four, and finally the national championship.
How has the tournament changed since it was created in 1939? Prior to 1975 only one team per conference was allowed into the tournament. However, when several highly ranked teams were left out the NCAA began to place at-large teams into the tournament instead of just conference champions. Beginning in 2011, the tournament expanded to 68 teams. This also added the four play-in games known as the “first four”. The teams playing in the first four games are ranked on selection sunday, so they are not all ranked sixteen. From 1985 to 2010, the round consisting of 64 teams and 32 games was called the “first round” while the round consisting of 16 games and 32 teams was called the "second round". This changed in 2011 when the “first four” became known as the “first round, the round consisting of 64 teams and 32 games was called the “second round” and the round consisting of 32 teams and 16 games was known as the “third round”. This format will be changed once again in 2016. In 2016, the format will return to where the round after the “first four”, that contains 64 teams and 32 games will be known as the “first round”, the next round will be known as the “second round”, then the sweet sixteen, the elite eight, the final four, and finally the national championship.
What have been the results of undefeated teams in the tournament? There have been 19 teams that were undefeated heading into the NCAA tournament. In 1951, Columbia became the first undefeated team heading into the March tournament. Their record was 21-0 before the tournament. Their tournament came to an end in the sweet sixteen when they lost to Illinois. In 1956, San Francisco had a 24-0 record going into the tournament. They were the first undefeated team to win the tournament when they beat Iowa in the National Championship. North Carolina had a 27-0 record before the 1957 tournament. They also won the tournament by beating Kansas in the finals. In 1961, Ohio State was undefeated with a record of 24-0 heading into March. They became the first undefeated team to lose in the National Championship game when they lost to Cincinnati in the 1961 National Championship. UCLA won the 1964 and 1967 tournament undefeated. Houston was undefeated going into the 1968 tournament, but lost in the final four to UCLA. St Bonaventure was undefeated in the regular season in 1968, but lost in the sweet sixteen to North Carolina. The 1968 tournament was the first to have two undefeated teams. In 1971, Pennsylvania and Marquette were undefeated in the regular season, but both lost before the final four. In 1972, UCLA was undefeated and won the tournament again by beating Florida State. They also went undefeated to win the tournament in 1973 by defeating Memphis State in the national championship. Indiana was undefeated going into the March tournament in both 1975 and 1976. In 1975, they came up short when they lost in the elite eight to Kentucky. In 1976, they went all the way to the national championship game and beat Michigan to hold up the trophy. Rutgers was also undefeated in 1976, but they came up short when they lost in the Final Four to Michigan. In 1979, Indiana State was undefeated going into the tournament where they lost in the National Championship to Michigan State. UNLV was 30-0 in the regular
season in 1991, but lost in the Final Four to Duke. In 2014, Wichita State was 34-0 going into the tournament where they lost to Kentucky in the round of 32. Wichita Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tournament in 2014 was the worst ever for an undefeated team in March Madness. In 2015, Kentucky was also 34-0 going into the tournament, but came up a little short when they lost to Wisconsin in the final four.
What coaches have been the most successful in the NCAA tournament? Fourteen coaches have won the NCAA tournament more than once. Nine coaches have won the tournament two times, two coaches have won the tournament three times, one coach has won four national championships, one coach has won five national championships, and the most successful coach in the NCAA tournament has won ten national championships. The most successful coach in the tournament has been John Wooden who has won ten National titles. Mike Krzyzewski is the second most successful coach by winning five title games. His most recent national title was last year in 2015. Adolph Rupp has won four national titles, making him the third most successful coach in March. Jim Calhoun and Bob Knight have both won three national championship games. Dean Smith, Roy Williams, Denny Crum, Billy Donovan, Henry Iba, Ed Jucker, Branch McCracken, Rick Pitino, and Phil Woolpert have all won two national titles. Mike Krzyzewski, Roy Williams, and Rick Pitino are the only active coaches to have won more than one national championship.
Works Cited "DI Men's College Basketball - Home | NCAA.com." NCAA.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
Where does that sound heard in so many songs come from that creates such a beautiful sound? That sound being heard is a guitar. The guitar is used by so many artists such as Dave Grohl, Eddie Van Halen, and even singers such as Taylor Swift. The guitar is a very important instrument in many cultures. However, for most people, little is known about it. The guitar is a very complex instrument with so many different details defining it.
History of GuitarsCurrently, it is unknown exactly where and when the European guitar came from. Historians and scholars disagree on whether it came from the Middle East to Europe or if it originally was invented in Europe. Many instruments were created throughout Medieval and Renaissance times such as the citole, cittern, vihuela, mandore, gittern, and the lute. The lute, the oldest of these string instruments, dates back to the third century! The guitar is most like the vihuela. The vihuela had six pairs of two strings which created 12 strings in all. The guitar is quite similar with only a few differences. A guitar has up to 24 frets while a vihuela has only ten. A guitar also has only six strings, excluding
the 12 string guitar. And lastly, a guitar has one small tuning difference on the third string. Other than these differences, the guitar was very much like the vihuela. The guitar and vihuela both stayed around for a while. However, the guitar eventually overcame the vihuela around the 17th century. This caused the vihuela to fade away. A desire for louder guitars was present for a long time and so a solution was made. This caused George Beauchamp to produce an electromagnetic pickup for the first electric guitar in 1931.
How do guitars work? The guitar works in different ways depending on the model, shape, and most importantly, whether it is an acoustic or electric guitar. On an acoustic guitar, the process begins with the plucking of one of the six strings. This produces a vibration that goes into the hollow body of a guitar which projects the sound into the surrounding air. When one holds strings down on the fret board, the strings are made shorter which changes their frequency and pitch. The frequency can also be changed by changing the tension of the strings. This is what happens when you tune your guitar. Lastly, the frequency of a guitarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sound depends on which string is being picked. The thicker strings create a deeper sound while the thinner strings do the opposite. The electric guitar is very different from the acoustic guitar. Although it does make different frequencies in the same way, it works very differently. The electric guitar doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use a hollow body for amplification. Instead, as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name suggests, it utilizes electricity to
amplify the vibrations of the strings. It all starts with something called a pickup. A pickup is a group of magnets with several wires wrapped around them. The wires have electricity run through them. This creates an electromagnet which then creates a magnetic field. When a string is plucked on an electric guitar, it vibrates and disrupts the magnetic field. This creates a small electric current which is then amplified by a guitar amplifier.
changes their frequency and pitch. The frequency can also be changed by changing the tension of the strings. This is what happens when you tune your guitar. Lastly, the frequency of a guitarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sound depends on which string is being picked. The thicker strings create a deeper sound while the thinner strings do the opposite. The electric guitar is very different from the acoustic guitar. Although it does make different frequencies in the same way, it works very differently. The electric guitar doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use a hollow body for amplification. Instead, as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name suggests, it utilizes electricity to amplify the vibrations of the strings. It all starts with something called a pickup. A pickup is a group of magnets with several wires wrapped around them. The wires have electricity run through them. This creates an electromagnet which then creates a magnetic field. When a string is plucked on an electric guitar, it vibrates and disrupts the magnetic field. This creates a small electric current which is then amplified by a guitar amplifier.
What are the different kinds of guitars?
How do guitars work? The guitar works in different ways depending on the model, shape, and most importantly, whether it is an acoustic or electric guitar. On an acoustic guitar, the process begins with the plucking of one of the six strings. This produces a vibration that goes into the hollow body of a guitar which projects the sound into the surrounding air. When one holds strings down on the fretboard, the strings are made shorter which
There are many different kinds of existing guitars. The first kind is an acoustic guitar. As mentioned before, the acoustic guitar is one of the first guitars to be created. It is used for many different genres such as rock, country, and folk. A version of an acoustic guitar is the classical guitar. It uses nylon strings instead of metal strings and has a flatter body for easier access to certain classical technique. The main genre for the classical guitar is classical. Another version of a guitar is a bass guitar. The bass guitar consists of the lowest four strings on a normal guitar tuned one octave down. There are electric and acoustic bass guitars and they are both very unique guitar types. The bass guitar is more like the traditional bass than a guitar however
instrument like a normal guitar. a fourth kind of guitar is the electric guitar. As mentioned before, it uses electric pickups to amplify the sound it creates sound. The electric guitar is most commonly used in genres such as rock, metal, country, and even genres like rap.
What different techniques are there for guitar?
The guitar has many different techniques to enable more skilled playing. One of these techniques, which is common on the acoustic guitar, is fingerpicking. This technique is common in rock, blues, and country. Fingerpicking is when one’s fingers is used instead of a pick to more complexly pluck the strings.Another technique, which is common in country, is known as hybrid picking. This is when both a pick and fingers are used at the same time. This is enables louder notes with the pick, and quieter notes with the fingers. For the electric guitar, all of these techniques can be used. However, more specialized techniques are usually used. one of these more specialized techniques is hammering and pulling off of strings. This means that once a string is played, another finger can land onto a fret a bit higher and create a sound of increasing pitch. Or, for pulling off, once a string is played, that finger is removed and a finger behind it creates a lower pitch. In addition, it is also common to bend strings. This is when a string is played and it is pushed vertically up or down to make a string higher or lower. This is not the same as sliding, when a string is moved up and down the neck. It is when the string is pushed up or down towards the other strings.
Which methods are available to modify sound? Both the electric and acoustic guitars can be modified in many ways. One way to modify mainly the acoustic guitar’s sound is with a capo. This is a tool that you place on one of a guitar’s frets to bring the string’s to a higher pitch for a happier sound. Another way is through an acoustic amplifier. This is a lot like an electric guitar amp, but it keeps the acoustic sound and only amplifies vibrations. An electric guitar can be modified in many ways due to the different doors electricity opens up. One of the main things that modifies a guitar’s sound is called pedals. Pedals are attachments to amplifiers that can add different tones and sounds to them. Different pedals include distortion, delay, flanger, chorus, reverb, and hundreds more. It would take a long time to describe every pedal so only the main ones will be necessary. First, there is distortion (also known as overdrive) which distorts the sound of a guitar to create a heavier rock kind of sound. Another kind of pedal is called delay which creates an echoing sound. Reverb is a lot like delay because it creates an airy sound to add emotion to the guitar. Then there is flanger. Flanger creates a sort of pitch change that makes an electronic sound. Chorus is similar as it adds a layer of electronic sound to create a unique sound to the guitar.
Bibliography Anonymous. "What Are the Different Types of Gui tars?" WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Powers, Wendy. "Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History." The Guitar. The Metropolitan Mueseum of Art, 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Wolfe, Joe. "How Does a Guitar Work?" How Does a Guitar Work? UNSW, 2007. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Woodword, Chris. "Electric Guitars." How Do Electric Guitars and Pickups Work? Who Invented Them? Www.explainthatstuff.com, 18 July 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
What is Ride and Tie? By Holly M. Have you ever heard of long distance trail racing? What about horseback riding? Sure, you've probably heard of both of these activities, but what exactly is Ride and Tie? It's exactly those two things combined together in one race.
What is Ride and Tie, and how is the race set up? Two people, a horse, and one tough race is often used to describe the sport of Ride and Tie. Ride and Tie is a lesser known sport that combines both endurance riding and long distance running. There are always three partners to a team, two humans and a horse. The goal is to have all three team members cross a 10-100 mile trail safely. The trail, or cross-country course, can be anywhere from up in the mountains, across meadows and rivers, or most likely all of these areas. One team member will start out riding while the other will start out running. The rider will race ahead on the horse while the runner will take off behind them. Ride and tie takes strategy. Switching and pacing is where this strategy is set in. Once the rider believes they are far enough ahead, they will dismount their horse, tie him or her up to anything sturdy that they can find, and take off down the trail. The runner will come up to the horse, untie them, mount, and take off after their partner. The riders and runners can choose to switch whenever they meet up with each other after the beginning or continue to ride on and tie once they settle into a steady pace. Factoring in strengths and weaknesses of the whole team, how tough the terrain is, and the weather drastically changes the strategy of the game. Another important topic is the vet check. There is always at least one mandatory vet check per race, but there are typically more depending on the distance of the race. Vet checks are used to make sure the horse is healthy and can continue the race. If the horse does not meet certain requirements or is injured, it will be pulled from the race. Once the horse has passed the vet check, they will take off again. Overall, Ride and Tie is exhilarating mentally and physically, and it ends up with the riders finding a new respect for their horse once they go through trails they put their horses on all the time.
What is the history of Ride and Tie? Ride and Tie can be dated back all the way to 18th century in Europe when people used to use this method to travel quickly when they only had one horse to ride. It was also a common method used in America out West for traveling back in the 19th century. Although people might have used the Ride and Tie method to get around a long time ago, the actual race was truly founded by Bud Johns. While he founded the sport in 1971, he first learned about it in the 1960s when he was reading about a story where a father and son had all their horses stolen from them but one, so they chased after the rustlers using the method now known as Ride and Tie. Meanwhile, the Levi Strauss blue jean company, where Johns worked as a marketer, was searching for a sport to sponsor. Johns introduced the idea of Ride and Tie to them, explaining how the Western aspect of the company and sport would fit well together. The company was convinced, so the first race took place in 1971 at Sonoma County with the Levi Strauss company sponsoring it. Sixtythree teams showed up, which motivated Johns and the company to continue sponsoring the newly founded sport for twenty more years. Eventually in the 1980s, the sport continued to grow and expand, traveling across the country. Ride and Tie is still growing rapidly and new races appear across the country every year.
What are the rules of Ride and Tie? Like any other sport, Ride and Tie has a list of rules. These rules are set in place for the safety of the horses and humans, and they are also used so races are fair and organized. Any violations of the rules typically result in being disqualified from a race, but it is possible to be banned from certain races that are sanctioned by a group. All of these rules were created and are enforced by The Ride and Tie Association.
19 Rules of Ride and Tie: 1. Each team will consist of two persons who are current members of the Ride and Tie Association and one horse. 2. The horse must be at least five years old. 3. No pregnant or lactating mares will be allowed to compete. 4. No foreign substance or medication may be given or administered to any horse within 72 hours before starting the event or one hour after finishing the event. This includes ointments or solutions for topical use that contain local anesthetics. 5. All horses must be submitted for a pre-race examination. 6. There will be a predetermined number of vet checks where the horses will be observed and examined.
There will be no mandatory time holds. be presented to the veterinarians for a postrace veterinary examination within one hour of finishing. Cut-off time limits for each check point may be established. Pulse, respiration, mucous membrane color and capillary refill, surface factors, attitude and soundness will be considered as part of the criteria for passing through to the next check. 7. All horse must be presented to the veterinarians for a post-race veterinary examination within one hour of finishing. Horses must pass this examination for any member of that team to be eligible for completion awards. No abuse of a horse will be tolerated. 8. All decisions of the Veterinarian staff regarding the health and safety of the horse are final. 9. Artificial ties are illegal. Hand ties may be allowed at the Race Director's discretion. Any decision to allow hand ties will be announced at the pre-race briefing. 10. Each team must tie its horse and switch from rider to runner and runner to rider at least six (6) times during an event. Teams may tie as many times as they desire anywhere along the trail as long as the ties do not obstruct the trail or are not made in designated "No Tie Areas." A required tie will occur at each vet check. A team must exchange at least twice between vet checks.
11. It is not permissible for both members of a team to use their horse at the same time for forward movement. 12. "Tailing" (meaning the rider dismounts, grips the horse's tail and allows the horse to pull him/her) is allowed but it is not permissible for one team member to ride while another tails. 13. No pacing by an unentered horse or runner is allowed for any contestant. 14. Riders shall be responsible for their horse's behavior prior to and during the event. If, at the discretion of the race management, any horse becomes unruly or jeopardizes the safety of other competitors, the team may be disqualified from the event. 15. Teams must pass and report to any trail marshals who are positioned along the course. Competitors inadvertently off course must return to the point at which they left the marked trail and complete the course correctly. Teams must stay on the marked trail.
16. Any protest must be filed in writing with the Race Director within two hours of the completion of the race. Prior to the start of the awards ceremony, the Race Director shall decide on the protest. An appeal of his decisions must be filed in writing within seven days to the President of the Ride and Tie Association, whose final decision cannot be appealed. 17.A team has not completed the race until both human teammates and their horse have reached the finish line. 18. These rules apply to a sanctioned race. A race may be of any distance, but to be sanctioned there must be a Ride & Tie race of at least 20 miles in length included within the same event. 19. Competitors under 16 years of age must wear approved safety helmets while mounted during a race (helmet approval by AHSA, PCA, ANSIZ90.4, or Snell) An unspoken rule of the road is to always pass on the left and give a heads up to whoever you're passing. Riders will typically stick to the right side of the trail because of this.
How should a Ride and Tie be trained for?
How competitive is Ride and Tie? Although Ride and Tie can seem very high strung and all about the race, it's not always that competitive. There are plenty of people that will be racing for top ten or top five, but a lot of people also just race for the fun of it. The atmosphere is nice, even when things get a little wild at the beginning and ends of races, and people are always willing to help out if someone is having trouble. Different teams might even race together throughout the entire course. Some might even try to finish together, so they can tie for a certain place. On the other end of the spectrum, the competitive teams will race to win. These teams might be in Ride and Tie to win, but if someone is having trouble they will most likely stop for just a bit to help out. The same goes for their horses. If their horse is having trouble, even if they get through the vet check, it is likely that they will pull the horse from the race. The Ride and Tie community is full of great people, competitive or not. Overall, Ride and Tie is a friendly competition where both horse and humans work closely together to get across the finish line safety. For most people, the ride isn't won by getting first place or even top ten, but by just getting across the finish line with their team.
To compete in a race, it is important for both the horse and the human members to be in shape. This can require several weeks to two or three months depending on what condition the entire team is in. The most common way of training a horse for these races is to canter hills. Cantering hills or even just having a horse canter for half-mile or one-mile stretches will strengthen their legs. After these sprints, the horse will walk for a while then sprint again. This exercise along with going out on some training rides on trails will allow the horse to have the strength to at least trot throughout the race. Several training rides, or trail rides, should be included in the horseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and humansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; training. Whether the rides are slow or fast, it is important to do them for keeping endurance up. When the human part of the team is training, it's important to remember to train for endurance, not speed. Hiking trails with lots of different hills and terrain will help the feet withstand hours of work without getting blisters or swelling up, and it will build up different muscles in the legs. It is also important for the runners to be going on regular runs at different courses until they can run for at least five miles, unless only one member of the team will be doing most of the running. Both human team members will have their strengths and weaknesses, but they should both train to run and ride. These activities will build up stamina and endurance for the entire team.
Works Cited: Ables, Brad. Ride and Tie Association. "Welcome to Ride & Tie." Welcome to Ride & Tie. Ride and Tie Association, 2016. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. Kovatch, Kristen. "Run, Ride, Run: The Ride-and-Tie | HORSE NATION."HORSE NATION. Horse Nation, 3 Apr. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. O'Brien, Anna. "What The Heck Is Ride And Tie? - Women's Running."Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Running. Women's Running, 24 Apr. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
Ride and tie is a sport that continues to grow and gather new people to race each year. Whether you're there to win it or just finish, you are there by the efforts of your team and everything they give you.
Have you ever wondered if there was a place to either just hang out and be social or to work your brain until it hurts? Well, if your answer is yes then you would love to be a member of Mensa. However, you cannot just sign up. Membership requires you to make an exceptionally high score on an IQ test. not matter. The two tests How Do I Qualify For that determine whether or Mensa? What is Mensa? not you are intelligent Two of the tests that deterMensa is a non- profit or- enough to become a men- mine whether or not you san are called the Stanford- are intelligent enough to ganization that was founded in 1946 by Roland Berrill and Dr. Lance Ware. It was also meant to recognize and take advantage of human intelligence. It is a non-political and non religious or racial organization that is open to individuals who score in the top 2% of the country on an IQ test. It was organized so that these extremely bright individuals could enjoy each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s company and participate in social and cultural activities together. The word Mensa
is a Latin word that means table. It is called this because it is a round-table society where race, religion, and political opinions do
Binet and the Cattell. You must make a 132 on the stanford-Binet and a 148 on the Cattell. Mensans publish members-only magazines and articles which include columns written by members and information on upcoming Mensa events.
Roland Berill
become a mensan are called the Stanford-Binet and the Cattell. You must make a 132 on the stanford -Binet and a 148 on the Cattell. Mensans publish members-only magazines and articles which include columns written by members and information on upcoming Mensa events.
Dr. Lance Ware
How Was Mensa Founded-
palmistry, phrenology, astrology, and diane-
Mensa was founded by Roland Berrill
tics. Palmistry is the art or practice of sup-
and Dr.Lance WareThe other founder of
posedly interpreting a person’s character
mensa, as mentioned earlier, is named Dr.
or predicting their future by examining the
Lance Ware. He had the idea of the high IQ
lines and other features of the hand, espe-
society. His full name was Lancelot Lionel
cially the palm and fingers. Phrenology is
Ware. He was an English barrister and bio-
the deep study of the shape and size of the
chemist. Dr. Ware was born in Mitcham, Sur-
cranium as a supposed indication of charac-
rey. DR. Ware attended Steyning Grammar
ter and mental abilities. Astrology is the
School and Sutton Grammar School. He
study of the movements and relative posi-
earned a PhD in biochemistry and became a
tions of celestial bodies interpreted as hav-
biochemistry lecturer at St Thomas’ Hospi-
ing an influence on human affairs and the
tal in London. During World War II Dr. WAre
natural world. Dianetics is a system devel-
worked at the Porton Down secret research
oped by the founder of the church of scien-
establishment. He then went on to become
tology, L. Ron Hubbard, that aims to relieve
a scientist for the Boots Company in Not-
Psychosomatic disorder by cleansing the
tingham. Dr. Ware died August 15 2000.
mind of harmful mental images.
IN 1946.Dr. Lance Ware came up with the idea for a high IQ club. Though Roland Berrill actually “founded” it because he got the startup cash and became mensa’s first secretary. At the first meeting somebody stood up and said that They thought that black people should be excluded. This statement just created an awkward silence. Then Berril instead said that the motion should be amended so that the club excluded green people with yellow stripes rather than black people. The motion was passed except for one vote against it. Berill was born in Australia in 1897.Though he moved with his family to London in 1901. He believed in
L. Ron Hubbard
Organizational Structure The Mensa club has more than 121,000 members from 50 different groups world wide. The biggest groups are the American Mensa, British Mensa, and Mensa Germany. American Mensa consists of more than 57,000 members. British Mensa consists of more than 21,000 members. Mensa Germany has 11,000 plus members. If the National group has too many members they get divided into local groups. American mensa consists of 134 different local groups. the largest American Mensa local group has over 2000 members while the smallest only consists of fewer than 100. There are members everywhere including the smallest country on Earth which is Vatican city. Sometimes members will form Special Interest Groups at different levels such as International, national, as well as local levels. Special Interest Groups or, SIGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, represent many different interests. They represent both common interests as well as the weirdest interests. They can be motorcycle clubs or even entrepreneurial co-operations. Certain SIGs are related to geographic groups where different groups act on their own of official hierarchy. There are also SIGs where the members do not even meet each other it is all done electronically. The Mensa foundation creates itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own Mensa Research Journal where both Mensans as well as non-Mensans write about various interests regarding human intelligence.
Gatherings The Mensa club has many events for members to attend. Many countries hold a large event called the Annual Gathering. Every year it is held in a different city. There are speakers, dancers, leadership classes, kids games and kids events. The American and Canadian Annual Gatherings are usually on their independence days. American Mensa Annual Gathering is respectively held on July 4th. Canada has their Annual Gathering on July 1st, their independence day. There are also gatherings that are a b it smaller called Regional Gatherings. They are usually held in cities that attract members from large areas. The biggest Regional Gathering in the United States is one held in Chicago near the time of Halloween. The party is a costume party where members wear pun-based costumes. The Mensa world Gathering in 2006 was held in Orlando, Florida and more than 2,500 people attended from 30 different countries. It was almost a week long being held from the 8th to the 13th. In 2010, the American Mensa and Canadian Mensa held a joint-gathering in, Dearborn, Michigan, to mark the 50th anniversary of Mensa. This is not the only time the American Mensa and Canadian Mensa have joined together for this event.
Anonymous. "Mensa International." What Is Mensa? Mensa, 2000. Web. 4 Nov. 2015. "Mensa." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Anonymous. "Boy, 10, Gets Highest Mensa Score and Says: 'I Could Have Done Better'" The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Anonymous. "Wikimedia Upload." Wikimedia Upload. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Foster W.
Have you ever had a time when you are way behind where you're supposed to be? Not turned in homework when due because you got bored? What is Procrastination? Procrastination is the act of putting something off til later because you either do not enjoy doing it, or simply believe you can not do it. Procrastination happens most when a task or assignment is due, and is not easy to most people. People who manage their time wisely do not procrastinate and get there work done with time to spare. Procrastination has been occurring since the bible times. In the Pirkei Avot, a Jewish ethics book, it says to not put something off til later. Another source from history about procrastination is the Christian bible. It says â&#x20AC;?Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let the sun go down
while you are still hungry. This explains on how for hundreds of years people have counseled people on how to not procrastinate. Although many people do not believe they procrastinate, when they put off something important and put at the end of their to do list that is what they are doing. Procrastination, the word, has been called hateful by the Greek consul Cicero. Studies show that procrastination raises stress and that person has a lower well being. It is crucial, ordering your tasks from what is needed to be done to what can wait us important. Research shows after a study that procrastination gives college students lower grades.
What are the main causes of procrastination? When people procrastinate there are many different reasons why. A huge one of those reasons is not knowing how to do it or can not do it without help. For example if a person has trouble with math class. They will put of math til the end. Another reason so many people procrastinate is the sheer fact of being bored. By doing this they will be easily distracted, or prone to doing another activity. Some students procrastinate because they face the fear of failing that assignment. Also by doing this students could wait til the last moment and cram all the information for a test and do bad on it since the procrastinated. When a student starts procrastinating, it may be because they are forced to do it rather than wanting to it is better that the task is done when there is no force needed from parents, try new things it may lead to a new career. One crucial reason for procrastination is the lack of motivation to get it done. People like something to be at the end when some challenged is finished. If their is nothing then what is the point unless there is enjoyment in the task. The last reason people procrastinate is the energy they have left. Without this energy they need they can not be productive and will finish things later.
What is the effect of technology on procrastination? A huge percentage of procrastination has been caused by the internet or technology. Hours and hours can be use on the computer.” Adam Gazzaley, a professor of neurology at the University of California, explains that technology has grown so ‘our cognitive control system at its very core.’ “On this website www.storagecraft.com/blog/ procrastinate-or-focus/st that it challenges it explains that the growth of technology has helped the growth of procrastination in this era. He also explains that if something is needed to be done at this moment all distractions need to be reduced. At work people are starting to waste more time on the internet rather than working. Technology has really affected what people do everyday of their lives. Technology will only affect people that want it to affect them. The worst thing about technology is that if there was not technology in this era there would not be a problem about it. Mr. Joseph Ferrari from the American Physiological Association says whenever using technology, it is best to use it as a tool for solving problems and finishing tasks, rather than it being a toy for wasting time. Once that task or activity is finished, then it is alright to go on, but be responsible when scheduling what stuff is needed to be finished.
What are the effects of procrastination? There are loads of effects of being a procrastinator or procrastinating. Some important emotional side effects to procrastinating are frustration, guilt, anxiety, and sense of helplessness. This could really affect the mood of a person by not getting things done. So it is important to not procrastinate which will help stay in a positive, tip-top shape. Also procrastination can affect one's relationship with someone. It can lead to wanting to be distant from someone because the fact they feel helpless. Procrastinating during work is a huge risk. It could lead to being in trouble, or even it could lead to being fired. One last huge problem people have today is being stressed after procrastinating. Stress is when a human is asked to do a challenge and feels pressure on doing it. That connects with procrastination because once a task is put off til later, that means that stress comes from the lack of focus. Overall, there are tons of effects of not getting work done on time. Once procrastination puts a person so behind on everything they do, it is hard to stop that habit.
What are the steps to stop procrastination? The first step to stop procrastinating is obviously admitting to being a procrastinator. This will help a person understand they are one, and let them believe they can prevent this from happening again. It is important when trying to stop procrastination that it takes awhile to not allow it occur again. The second step to being stress free is changing the work environment. An example would be a library. It is a quiet place with no tv’s or electronic distractions. Most of the time procrastination is caused by things in the room that catch the eye of the worker. The next step in the process is to create a deadline for each assignment. Make sure they are in order from most crucial, important task to least important. When doing this it is important to try to stop working as few times as possible. For someone people it is hard to do hard work alone. A buddy can be a great tool for motivation to keep working on a task. If a buddy does not work, it is best to find someone who has already finished that assignment. This will tell the brain that it can be done. The second to last step is stop over complicating things. Break it down as much as possible and go from there. Trying to do a project at night will make it even more complicating for the brain, so starting earlier will allow the brain to learn at an easier pace. The last step is “get a grip and just do it”. This explains that it all comes down to how much a person wants to finish. Just get it done! BIBLIOGRAPHY: Brown, Jack. "Psychology Today." Procrastination. Sussex Publisher, Sept. 2009. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Chapman, Lisa. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Google Images, Apr. 2003. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Nov.
Chua, Celestine. "11 Practical Ways To Stop Procrastination." Life hack RSS. Life Style Productivity, July 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Linger, Sara. "Effects of Procrastination." Effects of Procrastination. I Universe, Nov. 2007. Web. 04
Chapman, Lisa. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Google Images, Apr. 2003. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Nov.
Lynch, Robert. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Best Site of Website, Oct. 2007. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
How are Video Games Helpful? Imagine being a child again and rushing back room from school to jump back into the virtual world of video games. You have waited all day just to get back the never ending story of this video game. Playing it is your favorite pasttme, and most of your daily activities are consumed by it. Then just as your turning on your computer your mom comes into your room and says, “No more video games! They are too bad for you!”. You ask your mom for just few more minutes, but she only believes that video games are harmful for your health. Well, that is changing quite a lot. Today. Modern technology has enhanced video games and new research shows they can not only not be harmful, but they might actually have some benefits. about video games is that they can also be very beneficial.
Can video games improve reflexes?
Are video games beneficial? Yes, video games are beneficial because they are an important part of our modern day culture. In this generation with all the advancements in technology video games will become more and more popular. Some children that play video games are limited by the games they play based on opinions their parents have about video games. For the last few decades video games were seen as a waster of time and an activity that would “melt your brain,” but as our society has advanced farther into the once seen future many discoveries are being made about the games that were once thought to be harmful.
One of the things we have discovered is how video games can help and harm someone’s abilities. Video games can teach many useful skills someone might need in their job or life. One of the skills video games teach is fast eye-to-hand coronation. Studies has shown that playing fast paced action video games trains your body to make some actions faster. Another skill that video games teach is the ability to make the correct decisions quicker. In a study held by the University of Rochester scientists had one group of people play the fast paced video game Call of Duty 2 and another group of people play a slow paced strategy game The Sims 2. After having both groups play their given game for 50 hours the scientists had each group go through a test which shows one decision making skill. After testing both groups it was seen that the group of people that played Call of Duty 2 were about 25 percent faster than the other group.
Can video games improve vision in people with vision impairments? Video games can improve others skills also when playing the game for a average period of time. If someone was to play an action paced game for a hour to a hour and a half once a day for a week this hand to eye coordination would show improvements from before and after the week. Video games can also improve our vision. In a study done by Rochester University a few scientists test multiple subjects with different vision impairments. The scientist had the subject first play a action packed video game for 5 hours and monitor their vision. Then the scientists tested the subject for 10 hour on how they play the game. After these two tests have been done the scientist then had a general idea of each subjectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision. The subject were then allowed to go home and for a month they had to play the same video game they were tested with for 10 hours a week, but no more than 2 hours at once. After the month was up they subjects were brought back in to be tested exactly the same as they were before the month, their first time being tested. All the subjects showed improvements in many different areas of their vision. Some were seeing better with their dominant eye or with their worse eye, and most of the subjects showed improvements in their ability to see direction of motion. They were also able to see smaller details and were able to see things in a lower contrast.
Can video games help someone learn easier? Video games have been proven to also improve learning in students. In a test done by multiply scientists they tested two groups of people. One group was put through 50 hours of playing an action game before being tested. Another group was tested right away without having any experiences with gaming. The test was a learning based problem that was only able to be solved if the subject learned the pattern. Once they found the pattern they applied it to the given puzzle and complete the test. After the test the scientists compared results and found that the group that went through the 50 hour gaming session learned the pattern significantly faster than the other group and then completed the puzzle. The scientists concluded that at a younger age playing video games does have a positive affect in learning and school. Citations: Blank, Alan. "Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions That Are No Less Accurate." : Rochester News. N.p., 13 Sept. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Bejjanki, Vikranth R. "Action video game play facilitates the development of better perceptual templates." Proceedings of the National Acade my of Sciences. N.p., 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 4 Nov. 2015. Dreifus, Claudia. "How Video Games Could Improve Our Vision." <i>The New York Times</i>. The New York Times, 27 Aug. 2012. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Game Consoles. Digital image. Examined Existence. N.p., 24 Sept. 2013. Web. 4 Nov. 2015. Patenaude, Monique. "Playing Action Video Games Can Boost Learning." NewsCenter. N.p., 10 Nov. 2014. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. Video Games. Digital image. Top Five Most Popular Video Games of All Time. N.p., 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
Mackenzie C
A new type of e-cigarette is taking the world by storm. Used by teenagers and others as a substitute to smoking, “vaping” is getting used more and more every single day. This smoking-alternative is both safer and has a variety of flavors to love and enjoy. Available with or without nicotine, this is fun for any type of person. What is vaping? The exact definition of vaping is, “Inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.” Vaping is simply an alternative to smoking without the bad breath, bad smell, cigarette burns, ashtrays, etc. There is also less of a likelihood of getting cancer or other smoke-related illnesses. Inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. The vapor juice is made of a simple 4 ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and pharmaceutical-grade nicotine (which is completely optional). Nicotine amounts can vary depending on what the user prefers. There is also more than 250 flavorings to choose from. Vaping is not a drug and is legalized almost everywhere. There are restrictions in some places, but not everywhere. At first there was no age limit, but now you must be 18. In New York vaporizers are banned anywhere that regular cigarettes are banned due to the Smoke-Free Air Act.
A man vaping with an electronic cigarette
History of Vaping The very first e-cig was patented in 1963. It was patented by a man named Herbert A. Gilbert. He noted how gross smoke was and he wanted another choice that didn’t smell but still gave him nicotine. His patent included flavored cartridges, heating elements, and flavored air without smoke. But nobody wanted to manufacture the ecigs, so his patent just sat around until 2003. In 2003, Hon Lik, a Chinese medical researcher, hated his smoking addiction. To make it worse, his dad had passed away from lung cancer. One
night, Hon Lik forgot his nicotine patch which caused a dream. History of Vaping says, “He dreamed that he was drowning in a sea. He was dying, his lungs were filling with water. Then, miraculously, the water he was drowning in transformed into harmless vapor that he could easily breathe.” From then on, Hon Lik went through many trials to be able to bring his dream into reality. In 2006, Lik released his electronic cigarette. E-cigs were gaining popularity in the early 2000s, and so was the subculture. A lot of people wanted more out of their vaping experience, so they started making their own types of e-cigs. Many people made modified and customizable vaporizers so that you could have things like flashlights or an e-cig that looks like a pen. As well marketed e-cigs are, one can only imagine that they will only get better as technology evolves. As for as short of a time that they have already been in the public, e-cigs have undergone quite the transformation. Anatomy of a vaporizer The vaporizer is compiled of various components that help make the vaping experience
what it is. The first part of the vaporizer is the battery. The battery can differ in e-cigs. It can have a battery that is manually operated with a button or one where inhaling activates the battery power. You can also have the choice between a disposable battery or one that you can plug in and charge. For some vaporizers, you can get a detachable or built-in battery. The next part is a tube. The tube is the main console of the vaporizer. It connects the wand with the mouthpiece so that you can actually vape. Another part is a cartridge. It holds the e-liquid/juice that converts into the vapor. Then there is the atomizer. The atomizer heats up the juice and actually creates the vapor. The cartomizer is the combination of the cartridge and the atomizer. It is hard to clean, holds 1-2 ML of liquid at a time, and has to be primed before use. The last part is the e-liquid. Eliquid is a water-based liquid that can be infused with nicotine. It comes plain or with a flavor that you pick out of hundreds of choices. The juice is made of vegetable glycerine/propylene glycol, nicotine, and a flavor. Vegetable glycerine is a “simple polyol compound. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations.” Propylene glycol is an “organic compound with the chemical formula C₃H₈O₂. It is a viscous colourless liquid which is nearly odourless but possesses a faintly sweet taste.” Benefits of vaping There is a big debate on whether or not vaping is completely safe. What people do know is that vaping contains no tobacco. It gives people their nic-
otine fix but does not have the harmful effects of smoking like cancer and other diseases. Considering smoking is breathing in over 4,300 harmful chemicals, vaping is extremely healthy. Flavorings for e-juice is just like the flavorings in candy and other food eaten by people everyday. It does contain nicotine, but that is a lot less harmful than just straight up tobacco. According to Flavr, “One in five deaths in the United States are smokingrelated, about 443,000 Americans a year, including babies born prematurely due to prenatal maternal smoking and those inhaling second-hand carcinogens.” This is a big problem that vaping can fix. The American Lung Association has said that thing like e-cigs and vaporizers help get rid of withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. Just after a year of no smoking, people drop the chance of sudden heart attacks sharply. People get things like strokes, lung cancer, throat cancer, pneumonia, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, heart attack, and other things from from breathing in tobacco smoke. Then of course there is the fact that vaping is safer for the environment. Vaporizers have no open flames that could cause fires or burns. There has also only ever been one case of an e-cig exploding, and it was due to a modification made by the user to give it more power. When used as they should, e-cigs do not just blow up in people’s faces. How to Vape When vaping, there is a specific list of instructions that one should follow for safety and the safety of others. First there is a pre-vape checklist. It is usually good to make sure one can actually turn the e-cig on and off. Then, make sure that one knows how make the e-cig produce vapor. Without that, people can’t do much. For the first time vap-
or watts to the lowest setting possible. Then make sure there is enough of the e-juice in the tank. After doing these thing one can finally start vaping. But wait, before one begins make sure it is allowed. Nobody wants to be in trouble with the law. Next, if the e -cig has a button, press it, put the mouthpiece up to the mouth, and inhale. If the e-cig has no button, it is either broken or is activated by inhalation. Wait a second and then exhale- it doesn’t matter if it is through the mouth or the nose. Then just repeat until satisfied. One will notice that vaping is not the same as smoking. When smoking, you can tell when you are done with a cigarette. Just keep in mind is not as easy with an e-cig because you have to keep track of how much e-juice is left in the tank. One with probably attract both positive and negative attention while in an open place where there are many people. And lastly, don’t forget an extra battery because when a battery is dead it will take a while to charge again. Bibliography "5 Leading Benefits Electronic Smoking Has Over Traditional Cigar ettes." E-Cigarettes vs. Traditional Cigarettes: Benefits of Vapor Smoking. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. "10 Facts That Everyone Gets Wrong About Vaping." Gizmodo. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015." "Ch. 1 History of Vaping - OnVaping." OnVaping Ch 1 History of Vaping Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Ch. 7 Vaping for the First Time - OnVaping." OnVaping Ch 7 Vapi ng for the First Time Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. HealthDay, WebMD News from. "Benefits of E-Cigarettes May Out weigh Harms, Study Finds – WebMD." WebMD. WebMD, 30 July 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Google Image Result for Http://www.newhere.com/wp/wp- cont ent/uploads/2015/02/vaping.png." vaping.png. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. "The Health Benefits of Vaping Over Smoking - FlavrVapor." Fla vrVapor. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. "What Is Vaping? Your Complete Guide." N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.