Foster W.
Have you ever had a time when you are way behind where you're supposed to be? Not turned in homework when due because you got bored? What is Procrastination? Procrastination is the act of putting something off til later because you either do not enjoy doing it, or simply believe you can not do it. Procrastination happens most when a task or assignment is due, and is not easy to most people. People who manage their time wisely do not procrastinate and get there work done with time to spare. Procrastination has been occurring since the bible times. In the Pirkei Avot, a Jewish ethics book, it says to not put something off til later. Another source from history about procrastination is the Christian bible. It says �Don’t let the sun go down
while you are still hungry. This explains on how for hundreds of years people have counseled people on how to not procrastinate. Although many people do not believe they procrastinate, when they put off something important and put at the end of their to do list that is what they are doing. Procrastination, the word, has been called hateful by the Greek consul Cicero. Studies show that procrastination raises stress and that person has a lower well being. It is crucial, ordering your tasks from what is needed to be done to what can wait us important. Research shows after a study that procrastination gives college students lower grades.
What are the main causes of procrastination? When people procrastinate there are many different reasons why. A huge one of those reasons is not knowing how to do it or can not do it without help. For example if a person has trouble with math class. They will put of math til the end. Another reason so many people procrastinate is the sheer fact of being bored. By doing this they will be easily distracted, or prone to doing another activity. Some students procrastinate because they face the fear of failing that assignment. Also by doing this students could wait til the last moment and cram all the information for a test and do bad on it since the procrastinated. When a student starts procrastinating, it may be because they are forced to do it rather than wanting to it is better that the task is done when there is no force needed from parents, try new things it may lead to a new career. One crucial reason for procrastination is the lack of motivation to get it done. People like something to be at the end when some challenged is finished. If their is nothing then what is the point unless there is enjoyment in the task. The last reason people procrastinate is the energy they have left. Without this energy they need they can not be productive and will finish things later.
What is the effect of technology on procrastination? A huge percentage of procrastination has been caused by the internet or technology. Hours and hours can be use on the computer.” Adam Gazzaley, a professor of neurology at the University of California, explains that technology has grown so ‘our cognitive control system at its very core.’ “On this website procrastinate-or-focus/st that it challenges it explains that the growth of technology has helped the growth of procrastination in this era. He also explains that if something is needed to be done at this moment all distractions need to be reduced. At work people are starting to waste more time on the internet rather than working. Technology has really affected what people do everyday of their lives. Technology will only affect people that want it to affect them. The worst thing about technology is that if there was not technology in this era there would not be a problem about it. Mr. Joseph Ferrari from the American Physiological Association says whenever using technology, it is best to use it as a tool for solving problems and finishing tasks, rather than it being a toy for wasting time. Once that task or activity is finished, then it is alright to go on, but be responsible when scheduling what stuff is needed to be finished.
What are the effects of procrastination? There are loads of effects of being a procrastinator or procrastinating. Some important emotional side effects to procrastinating are frustration, guilt, anxiety, and sense of helplessness. This could really affect the mood of a person by not getting things done. So it is important to not procrastinate which will help stay in a positive, tip-top shape. Also procrastination can affect one's relationship with someone. It can lead to wanting to be distant from someone because the fact they feel helpless. Procrastinating during work is a huge risk. It could lead to being in trouble, or even it could lead to being fired. One last huge problem people have today is being stressed after procrastinating. Stress is when a human is asked to do a challenge and feels pressure on doing it. That connects with procrastination because once a task is put off til later, that means that stress comes from the lack of focus. Overall, there are tons of effects of not getting work done on time. Once procrastination puts a person so behind on everything they do, it is hard to stop that habit.
What are the steps to stop procrastination? The first step to stop procrastinating is obviously admitting to being a procrastinator. This will help a person understand they are one, and let them believe they can prevent this from happening again. It is important when trying to stop procrastination that it takes awhile to not allow it occur again. The second step to being stress free is changing the work environment. An example would be a library. It is a quiet place with no tv’s or electronic distractions. Most of the time procrastination is caused by things in the room that catch the eye of the worker. The next step in the process is to create a deadline for each assignment. Make sure they are in order from most crucial, important task to least important. When doing this it is important to try to stop working as few times as possible. For someone people it is hard to do hard work alone. A buddy can be a great tool for motivation to keep working on a task. If a buddy does not work, it is best to find someone who has already finished that assignment. This will tell the brain that it can be done. The second to last step is stop over complicating things. Break it down as much as possible and go from there. Trying to do a project at night will make it even more complicating for the brain, so starting earlier will allow the brain to learn at an easier pace. The last step is “get a grip and just do it”. This explains that it all comes down to how much a person wants to finish. Just get it done! BIBLIOGRAPHY: Brown, Jack. "Psychology Today." Procrastination. Sussex Publisher, Sept. 2009. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Chapman, Lisa. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Google Images, Apr. 2003. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Nov.
Chua, Celestine. "11 Practical Ways To Stop Procrastination." Life hack RSS. Life Style Productivity, July 2014. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.
Linger, Sara. "Effects of Procrastination." Effects of Procrastination. I Universe, Nov. 2007. Web. 04
Chapman, Lisa. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Google Images, Apr. 2003. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Nov.
Lynch, Robert. "Stressed kid - Google Search." Stressed kid - Google Search. Best Site of Website, Oct. 2007. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.