Black Holes- Jordan G.

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Black Holes Jordan G.

Have you ever wanted to know what would happen if you jumped into a black hole? With today’s technology, scientists have been able to crack the truth about these amazing and mysterious events in space.

What is a Black Hole? A black hole is a region of space that has a large amount of concentrated mass. The large amount of concentrated mass produces a powerful gravitational pull that pulls anything close to the black hole. The pull is so strong that even light can’t escape it. Gravity is really the product of spacetime. Large objects such as planets and stars distort space and time, this distortion cause the laws of geometry to not apply. Black holes have such a high amount of distortion that it gives black holes strange properties. One effect of this distortion is that it gives black holes a strange spherical shape that marks the boundaries of a black hole. It is possible to pass this boundary, but it is very dangerous. Passing the boundary puts you in the gravitational pull of the black hole. This means that you will not be able to escape once you enter the boundary. An important thing to note about black holes is that black holes are actually invisible. Now you might be asking how there is evidence and pictures of black holes. It turns out that scientists with special equipment are able to observe and take pictures of black holes. mains to form a black hole, instead of a star. Now you might be wondering if a small star like our sun can become a black hole. The answer is no. Smaller stars Black holes are caused by only one known way. The such as our sun will not make a gravitational pull cause of a black hole is due to the death of a star. strong enough to create a black hole when the reWhen a large star dies it creates a supernova. The re- maining parts of the star fuse. mains of the large star after a supernova then come together to make a new star. However, if the star is large enough the remains of the star have a chance to become a black hole. The large remains will combine causing a strong gravitational pull and will absorb the remaining energy from the supernova. This combination of gravity and energy will cause the re-

How Is A Black Hole Made?

How Big Is A Black Hole And How Big Can One Get? The average black hole is about 10 times the mass of our sun.-(10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

kilograms). This may seem large but black holes can

become much larger. Scientists believe that black holes never really stop growing. The size of a black hole is re-

ally determined by how much space it takes up. The

largest record for a black hole radius is 3 million kilometers. It may seem like a lot but the sun has a radius of

about 700,000 kilometers. The largest black hole is only about 4 times as large as our sun. Keep in mind that a

small black hole has a greater gravitational pull near the opening than a large black hole. A smaller black hole is

stronger due to the large amount of matter being com-

pressed in a small area. A larger black is weaker near the center because to matter is not as compressed. This

doesn’t mean that a small black hole will start swallowing giant planets. Even though a small black hole is

stronger, it can not swallow planets due to it being so small. A large black hole suck in planets because of it’s large size.

What Would Happen If You Fell Into A Black Hole? Let’s say that you are an astronaut and your spaceship is pointing straight toward a black hole. You would first turn off your thrusters and slowly be pulled toward the giant hole of distortion and empty mass. As you drift closer to the black hole you do not feel any gravity. Afterall, you are in space. As you approach the black hole you start to feel a surge of gravity pulling them down. This surge of gravity is called “tidal” gravitational forces. The closer to black hole you get, the more gravitational force you will encounter. The force will continually apply power the closer they get. (You would already be crushed if this was a small black hole.) Once you enter the black

hole nothing is out of the ordinary. You mainly see things from far away distorted due to a black hole’s light bending properties. Due to a black hole’s strange properties no one on the outside can see you. Now let’s say that you are the person in the spaceship, watching your astronaut buddy slowly approach the massive hole of empty matter. Now you might be wondering what you would as your friend approaches the black hole. You would see your friend slowly approach the black hole. The closer your friend gets, the slower your friend seems to be approaching the black hole. Keep in mind that your friend that is approaching the black hole is not actually going that slow. Their perspective is different than yours. This means that your friend could already be inside (or dead) while you see your friend still slowly approaching the black hole. Actually, you really never see your friend enter the black hole. This is also caused by the black hole’s property to stop light from passing. Your friend’s light is taking a longer time to get to you. This makes it seem that your friend is still approaching the black hole while your friend is already dead. Actually, you would never really see your friend enter the black hole. Not because they are dead but because of the difference of time it takes for light to travel. This means that it would take your friend an infinite amount of time to enter the black hole.

Black Holes On Earth Yes, we actually have black holes on Earth. Though it is not exactly a black hole, it is still alike in many ways. These black hole-like events are called wormholes. A wormhole is created when a black hole and white hole fuse together. Now what is a wormhole and what does it do? Sadly, not much is known about wormholes. Most scientists believe that wormholes don’t really exist. Some theorists believe that wormholes are what causes planes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, but there is not a lot of evidence to support this theory. Scientists also hypothesize that entering a wormhole will lead you to an alternate universe. Sadly, like the Bermuda Triangle, theory there is not a lot of evidence to support this theory too. In some sci-fi movies, characters are able to travel great distances by using a warp drive. A warp drive actually exists in real life. A warp drive is just a cool word for a wormhole in sci-fi movies. Like the warp drive, wormholes are shortcuts to another universe.

Sites Used Dunbar, Brian. "What Is A Black Hole." NASA. NASA, 30 Sept. 2008. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. Bunn, Ted. "Black Holes FAQ." BLACK HOLES by Ted Bunn. N.p., Sept. 1995. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.

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